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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 77 KB, 800x1059, the-12-best-examples-of-overwatch-cosplay-found-online-so-far-992392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9127454 No.9127454 [Reply] [Original]

New thread since the old one's autosaging and almost off the page.

Starting with a cool Zenyatta. Proportions are a little odd but man, this effort. And it looks great otherwise.

>> No.9127456

zenny's too skinny to accurately cosplay unless you're a literal skeleton, but id say this dude did a fantastic job

>> No.9127502
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>> No.9128564
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>> No.9128970
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>tfw still waiting for someone to do an actual good cosplay of my piggy husbando

if someone posts nigri I will fucking cut a bitch

>> No.9129019

How is there still no good Hanzo cosplay?

>> No.9129036

someday anon... someday

hanzo is fucking garbage. his only fans are fujoshits. i doubt any man will cos him

>> No.9129078

>his only fans are fujoshits.
Doesn't stop Junkrat, Genji, or Mccree cosplayers

>> No.9129094

I ship Junkrat and Roadhog

>> No.9129105

Who doesn't
If other people are cosplaying them, that obviously means that they have other fans than fujoshits.
There was a guy a few threads back that was going to do hanzo, but he was asking about how to style his own hair and he was going to do the tattoo with henna and shit, so.. Yeah

>> No.9129342

Trying to decide between symmetra and phara

>> No.9129347

I would probably weep if I saw a good Symmetra.

>> No.9129673

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.9129698
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Can anyone sauce this chubby godess.

I wish she was my girlfriend.

>> No.9129702
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>> No.9129705
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>> No.9129736

My boyfriend wants to do a Roadhog cosplay for November. We'll see how that goes, hueh.

Whoa bros. Just because 90% of Hanzo's are shitters it doesn't mean he can't be good.

THIS shit is infuriating. It's so fucking lazy - No better than wearing a yellow bra and saying you're Pikachu.

>> No.9129859

>it doesn't mean he can't be good.
Please post Hanzo cosplay

>> No.9129865

this is so disgusting. do people genuinely find this attractive?

>> No.9129873
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Tracer ultraviolet skin

>> No.9129999
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>implying anyone will top the most handsome roadhog in the world kelly turnbull
anon ...

>> No.9130000
File: 102 KB, 600x720, 600px-OverwatchTracerUltravioletSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty freaking inaccurate

>> No.9130187

>My boyfriend wants to do a Roadhog cosplay for November
Please post pics when he does..
Wtf this is so bad though
Roadhog has white hair in a ponytail, this isn't similar on any level
And the lenses should be black, not clear

>> No.9130309

Working on one right now. My main concern is that I'm gonna fuck up the mask.

>> No.9130312

Hopefully I'll finish Captain Amari by the next big con.
Anyone working on her or Pharah?

>> No.9130361

Good quality mask and costume but yeah the hair and lenses stop it from being perfect.

>> No.9130628
File: 57 KB, 500x281, tumblr_oaaap5HHAF1r5kiiko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking junkrat

the fuck are you on, he's too ugly and goofy for them

speaking of, where's a good cosplay of my rowdy boy? haven't seen any actually good ones, just nice props.

>> No.9130635


Oh that's pretty cool, link to that? I'd like to see the progress pics

>> No.9130637


it's the one weve already seen who didn't get to finish a wig or anything in time, unfortunately

hope they complete the costume sometime

>> No.9130824


Thanks! Looked at the SDCC group pic and I'm a bit sad that most of it is lazy dva

>> No.9130829

Whenever you think there shouldn't be fujoshi who like a character, there are and they're worse than you would think.

>> No.9131088

>the fuck are you on, he's too ugly and goofy for them
You're joking rat? They love him and think he's trans lel

>> No.9131096 [DELETED] 


> trans

those are gross fetishists, not fujos.

>> No.9131100
File: 58 KB, 410x371, 1341693265448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference?

>> No.9131102 [DELETED] 

>gross fetishists
>not fujoshis
they are one and the same anon
being a fujoshit goes beyond just vanilla BL

>> No.9131155

Rat's a adorable dork though. He's clumsy and has that accent. Plus crazy. Lots of reasons for fangirls to love him.

there's a difference though. Not all fujoshi are into the fetishizing of trans people. I myself think it's kinda fucked up to do, but then at the same time I'm sure trans people like representation as well, so it's a huge fucking mess when it comes to trans art. Some is fetish bullshit, and some is people wanting representation.

>> No.9131220 [DELETED] 

just because 'not all' of them are into the fetish doesn't mean that the ones who are aren't fujoshi? like. you cannot just push away the people who you don't want to be associated with and be like 'they aren't one of us' when they clearly fall under the same label. just because 'some' fujoshits don't fetishize one thing doesn't mean that they don't fetishize anything else lol (fuck, dude, fujoshits are REKNOWNED for fetishizing people.)

i.e not all gay people are flamboyant/camp, but that doesn't make the ones who ARE flamboyant/camp not gay.

>> No.9131281

It's so funny to me people think Junkrat is trans when he's one of the few characters who are clearly physically male... I mean he's shirtless.

Then again the trans thing in OW is so prevalent literally every male character now has legions of idiots convinced they are trans and insist it is canon.

>> No.9131290
File: 1.12 MB, 920x1080, Ana-skin-shrike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing the shrike skin because I'm a white guy and can't show my face and be accurate. Working on the cloak and rifle now, I'm hoping a Sentai cosplayer friend of mine can help with the mask.

>> No.9131294 [DELETED] 

I don't believe any of the characters are trans and don't like the Junkrat is trans headcanon, but he could have had top surgery or been on hormone blockers early on and never grew breasts. Either is a realistic option right now, by Overwatch's time that wouldn't be hard at all.

>> No.9131296 [DELETED] 

Oh the ones who think he is over on tumblr say that his pec lines are the scars from tit removal. Not just him being a skinny rail from radiation poisoning or anything.

>> No.9131327 [DELETED] 

there's some hideously offensive image going around that "proves" it with these pics of top surgery scars and i honestly thought it was a joke pic made to offend trans people, but turns out some like 17 year old kid made it

i had to block "trans" as a tag because this fandom is so fucking socially unaware

>> No.9131337

I find the huge number Mcree/Soldier76/D.Va trans art and fic to be more mindboggling, to be honest.
I could conceivably see tracer as trans and it would bring joy to my little rotten drama loving heart at the gigantic shit the gaming community would take.
also conceivably zarya but
>muh stereotypes

>> No.9131459

He looks like a pup-play fuccboi somebody found on Grindr.

>> No.9131464 [DELETED] 


Maybe cause I avoid tumblr but is thinking a character is tran with nothing to support it the new thing now?

>> No.9131488 [DELETED] 


it's totally fetishistic/self-inserty and gross.

>> No.9131506
File: 524 KB, 1280x1920, DM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know.
Bitching about other people being transphobic if they don't support it is shitty behavior, but I don't see what's so wrong with simply wanting more characters that are like you.
Most trans characters are either genuinely offensive/badly written or revolve entirely around being trans and there aren't a lot of trans characters to begin with. It's hard to find /any/ that are characters that just happen to be trans and have other stuff going rather than just being tokens.
I don't blame people for wanting to fill in the blanks. After all, it may be a bit annoying they way some of them go about, but there's nothing wrong with being transgender.

>> No.9131588


>> No.9131614

I like you anon.

>> No.9131615


>> No.9131659

yes her puffy vulva is hot

>> No.9131726 [DELETED] 

Considering the vast majority of people who do it seem to be underage, it makes me really uncomfortable for that reason. I'm sorry but I don't want to see some teenager's struggles with identity reflected in fanart of a cartoon video game character. Especially not porn. That is some rough shit and it makes me feel like a creep.

There's also people who aren't even trans drawing it just to get kudos from their cis friends. Or again it looks like a fetishistic caricature. IDK. Not a lot of it seems focused on genuine representation.

>> No.9132019

Cuz Hanzo has distinct facial features that you can't just cover with a mask.

>> No.9132160

Has anyone done a good Raptorian Pharah? I ask because it's badass and a guy could get away with it with no one knowing.

>> No.9132461

Where the Rio skin cosplays at?

>> No.9132624

They were released only 5 days ago anon lmao

>> No.9132631

finally skins for people who are too shit to sew anything more difficult than a tshirt or make armor

I bet there's going to be a shit ton of ' i already have sportswear in vaguely similar colors so i'm just going to closet cosplay' cosplayers too

>> No.9132748
File: 116 KB, 540x537, 147013189483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I do wonder how popular those sprays are going to be. I really want to do Sprinter Tracer but I am afraid of getting lumping in with lazy cosplayers.

>> No.9132947
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 13388564_237582499959473_1656309081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the thread to post this in, but what would be an easy way to make a D.VA headset? It doesn't have to perfect, it's just that the majority of stuff I've seen online goes for about $40 and I'm pretty sure I could make my own for cheaper. I've never really done and "Arts and crafts" stuff before because I've always worn stuff that just needs sewing, so would it be too hard for a beginner to tackle?

>> No.9132953

I really think it would depend on how much detail is in the chest piece and arm thingies.

>> No.9132955

That doesn't stop people from rushing some shitty cosplay just to be the first one

>> No.9132968

If you've seen something for $40 that's probably less than or about what materials would cost you.

>> No.9133209

I've been looking into Reaper masks, but I've heard people say that the offcial one is too bulky, and unofficial ones sucks. Would making one be the best bet?

>> No.9133987
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Not too bad.

>> No.9133997

>dat pose

It's too cute

>> No.9134173

>nothing wrong with being transgender

>> No.9134228


Yes, mostly because if you make it yourself you can also control how it looks and size it correctly to your body type.

I've seen only one who made the mask and in proportion to his body where as others have that boggle head look

>> No.9134291
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>> No.9134296
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>> No.9134505

It annoys me that all these mei's are buying their coats, gloves and belts now and getting credit for it.

>> No.9134649

This chick in particular loves to commission shit and never credit her commissioners.

>> No.9134650

Best Mei out there

>> No.9134739

I'm struggling about Junkrat's pipebombs. I think I will use those 50cl soda cans as a base, but can't realy find something to make the big yellow and grey caps

Also, what's the best material to make the metalic cones on the wheel?

>> No.9136262

I never realized how much of a Tracerfag I was until I saw this and flared up in rage over my waifu. This piece of shit cosplay has made me discover something about myself. Thank you.

>> No.9136311


Please don't be cheap and lazy, anon.

>> No.9136314
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>> No.9136450
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Anyone know what sort of harness it is that Roadhog is wearing?

>> No.9136510

... it looks like a life vest to me

not any particular kind of harness. considering he is a junker he probably made it out of cobbled together garbage.

>> No.9136626

She literally only made the boots and the hairpin. And now people are calling her the best mei when she didnt even make it.

>> No.9136670


Pointing that out only invites "so? She still looks good"

>> No.9136719

No, she bought the hairpin and comissioned the boots. She even had someone style the wig for her. She didn't do anything other than click the purchase button.

>> No.9136765

You can print a pepakura and rondo it, but honestly, no good looking prop has ever been made by your top motivator being "too cheap to buy it."

>> No.9136775

who cares if she made it or not lol

>> No.9136795

Nobody really cares if she didn't make it. Not crediting commissioners is really scummy though.

>> No.9136901

Pretty much this. She's been doing it for awhile now. She paints this picture of herself of her making her cosplays, but she actually doesn't do a thing. I don't know why people let her comission from them.

>> No.9136928

That's really sad. She should at least say she commissioned it all.

>> No.9136964


And give them credit? that's just crazy talk

Jokes aside, if she commissioned something from me and tried to take the credit I'd have words with her so I'm confused no one has yet

>> No.9136992

Really wish this disgusting cow would stop posting her shitty D va in every fucking thread. Not only is it shit, but she looks like shit wearing it.

>> No.9137028



I don't understand why/how she continues to get away with it. I guess commissioners just want the $$ or whatever but it means she hasn't learned at all.

>> No.9137439

This is offensively bad and should not be allowed.

>> No.9137686

Doesn't really look like a harness to me. If anything, it almost reminds me of those big hiking backpacks. In-universe, it's probably bits of all sorts of things crudely cobbled together and covered in pouches, so there's room to get creative.

>> No.9137716

I have no idea what its called but while i was looking for one, i found one at a military surplus store? It was some sort of tactical vest with a belt attached.

>> No.9138099

Those horse teeth. Dont do this to my waifu.

>> No.9138721
File: 126 KB, 456x810, snowball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a snowball purse today (zipper in back) still got some touch ups to go but came out well for first draft.

>> No.9138727

they look like parts of cobbled together carseats to me, which gives sense given his theme

>> No.9139522

Thanks everyone for your input! I'm not 100% sure of how I'll make it, but I might just do something with backpack straps or something..
We'll see!

>> No.9139630
File: 131 KB, 628x388, 1c6eedc9-d2d0-4ad6-915e-8947d15035eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, try using PVC pipe. They have ones small enough, plus the caps you can slam on either side. Check out the plumbing section of your Home Depot.

>> No.9139665


How do you plan on making the glowy blue fabric for her cloak, anon?

>> No.9139784
File: 105 KB, 627x553, 1458310970823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until we see Reapfeild cosplay?

>> No.9139794


Probably see a plush doll of him first

>> No.9139956

Yeah, I'm looking into the best way to make a mask now. It'll be my first cosplay project I've ever done so hopefully I don't fuck it up

>> No.9141081

This. I'm cosplaying Golfer 76 to PAX but still going all out on the visor, EL tape and all.

>> No.9141084

My friend is doing a Reaper cosplay that's just the mask, the guns, and a black Snuggie if that counts.

>> No.9141090
File: 375 KB, 1920x686, Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently sculpting out the Nevermore reaper mask and honestly, that would be the best way to do the original as well. You maybe could do foam, but I don't see it looking very good because of the weird curves it has.

>> No.9141860

Im thinking of sculpting roadhogs mask as well, because that way I feel like you have the most control over it, BUT I've never done anything like it before
What kind of clay do you use? And what's the process after you've sculpted it? I'm guessing you use it to make a mold, but I'm not sure what materials would be used for the mold, or for the actuall mask

>> No.9142056
File: 358 KB, 1566x1176, IMG_0390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Chavant NSP medium for just about everything. It is reusable and is easy to work with. Whenever I finish the sculpt, I spray a crystal clear over top of it, then usually mold it in a platinum cure silicone matrix mold and make a fiberglass jacket. There are tutorials online for matrix molds that are pretty helpful. Albeit you could probably do a brush up for Roadhog. Here is what the clay looked like my last mask.

>> No.9142133

dat bloody crow of cainhurst

>> No.9142169
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I know it's off topic, but the costume itself was completed. Just trying to get motivation to move on.

>> No.9142255
File: 128 KB, 640x960, 13913661_1184667504888321_588025122218652398_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9142259

Much more accurate than the sexy cosplays and props to her for cosplaying to her body type. She needs a better mask and a wig tho.

>> No.9142327

good shit

>> No.9142337
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>> No.9142338

Any good lucio cosplay?

>> No.9142356

No. Black people can't cosplay.

>> No.9142359

The tattoo came out really well! Not as perfect as actually painting it, but it makes sense when you're out in a con all day. Looks a lot more seamless than the similar stocking-painting attempts I've seen by some Hanzos.

The gun and hook look real nice, though it's a shame about the rest of the cosplay (clothes, wig, mask).

>> No.9142362

The only thing she needs is a wig really.

>> No.9142365
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>> No.9142367



>> No.9142378

Very well done, this looks amazing

>> No.9142394

think she actually painted the tattoo on a nude cami..smart idea imo!

>> No.9142440

I only have two problems with this
First of all, why wouldn't she use a wig for this? Her hair isn't even the same color
Also, Roadhog is fat but also very strong, so if her arms were more muscle-y, it would look better
Those are kinda nitpicky though, overall I like this and it's 1000 times better than Jessicas

>> No.9142501

I wanna know what the straps hanging off his pants are. Is he wearing unfastened dungarees or something?

I'd love to cosplay Roadhog, but I don't know how to make...well, anything really. I don't know how I'd make the gun, mask, hook or any of his gear.

>> No.9142505

His entire outfit is a mechanics suit that he doesn't fit anymore, those are a belt attached to the suit.

>> No.9142559

This is my friend! She had a wig but it was 100+ degrees today so she opted not to wear it.

>> No.9142583

She's cute as fuck and the first fat Roadhog I've seen
The vest needs more effort and a wig but otherwise it's 9/10

>> No.9142585

Does she have an instagram or tumblr? I need to give her love

>> No.9142597
File: 496 KB, 1405x1765, 20160715_150537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkrat wig progress
I added a widow's peak

>> No.9142600
File: 489 KB, 918x1632, IMG_20160813_211953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic

>> No.9142620

Yup, her instagram's bellexi.cosplay

>> No.9142625

Her face isn't full enough.

>> No.9142668


>> No.9142671

Not really. She looks like she's going to fart.

>> No.9142747

Working on a Soldier 76 cosplay and I'm annoyed at how much I need to purchase instead of making myself but that jacket is far beyond my sewing skills.

Any tips on making the pulse rifle?

>> No.9142768


>> No.9142781

great bodytype and props but the mask is all kinds of wrong and the bra is kind of weird

i wouldn't call it "amazing" but it definitely has potential

>> No.9142791
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Korean cosplayers

>> No.9142822
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>> No.9142846

at least shop out those tattoos

>> No.9142863

She looks like a cartoon and not in a good way. Something is not proportionally correct

>> No.9142877

i live for this shit hot damn yes

>> No.9142878

What the fuck, she looks like a dwarf in this photo

>> No.9142884

her torso looks so oddly short

>> No.9142886
File: 111 KB, 540x672, 1458350565596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9142901

It's the wig. It's not sitting on her head properly, probably because she has long hair and/or the cap doesn't fit, and it makes her skull look deformed.

>> No.9142970

I don't think it's just that, her arms and torso look so short and stumpy. Though the wig would explain why her head looks so massive.

>> No.9142977

Thanks a bunch for the info anon! I'll do a bit more research with what you provided.

>> No.9143000


This looks awful

>> No.9143080
File: 655 KB, 1024x452, axel_cosplay___kingdom_hearts_ii_by_nipahcos-d7zh5tc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look into Axel wig tutorials. that big spike in the front looks so awkward

>> No.9143262
File: 34 KB, 396x227, Whites_Boudin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9143477

You reuse the clay after clear coating it?
Do you junk the bits that are covered in cc?
How does it affect it?
Is clear coat necessary for molding or just a surface smoothing step?

Molding a Chavant sculpt soon, very afraid of screwing it up.

>> No.9143648

Why is the Overwatch cosplay scene plagued with such cancer? Blizz made so many nice characters to cosplay but a majority are pieces of shit or mediocre crap.

>> No.9143659

because accurately cosplaying the characters requires effort and skill.
why bother when you can get more attention by throwing on a padded push up bra, a blue singlet and 3d glasses with the lenses popped out and then take a couple of heavily filtered/photoshopped selfies

>> No.9143660

Likely the complexity of the outfits, you can't closet cosplay these characters, forcing people to make or but it all, meaning spending actual money

>> No.9143663

Interested where can i cop the glasses and wig?

>> No.9143698

Whenever I finish with the mold I usualy take a scraping took or a hook tool and just gently go over most of it to get the clearcoat off. Clearcoat isn't necessary for silicone molds, but I would highly recommend it for stone. And yes, it does help smooth the surface a bit as well with a few coats.

>> No.9143705
File: 132 KB, 326x52, E0JWC3y.gif?noredirect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit-talking based kelly

>> No.9143770

She's photoshopped a bunch. You can tell on her left arm and on her left leg where her butt meets her thigh. Also, she doesn't have long hair. She has half her head shaved and doesn't know how to cut wigs. She only knows how to buy stuff and doesn't know how to alter it or sew or make anything.

>> No.9143805

I used the Axel tutorial to make it tho

>> No.9143822

As a complete normie and Overwatch fan, I'mma say it looks fine. Widow's peak should be a little longer, but only if you're going to rock a bald cap under it. Junkrat's hairline is terrible.

>> No.9144021
File: 195 KB, 850x1355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be ok for a Hispanic guy to do a lucio cosplay?

>> No.9144028

>cosplaying a Brazilian
you'll get some shit for it but desu senpai it'll go over fine.

>> No.9144057
File: 125 KB, 1280x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like the summer games skin and have been considering doing this one because it seems a little easier than his default or space frog skin

>> No.9144148
File: 348 KB, 1200x1500, tumblr_obia05UKoO1qbxn7go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of doing a genderbent Hanzo but because he has such a distinct facial shape and facial hair, I'm not sure how to really translate it. Any suggestions?

Also this Symmetra....!

>> No.9144154
File: 78 KB, 640x960, u125V42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this.

>> No.9144161

I mean...Thats not TOO bad.

>> No.9144247

That's the most disgusting, shameless, piece of shit cosplay I think I've ever seen. In no way, shape or form does she capture the essence of Mei at all. I award her no points and may god have mercy on her soul.

>> No.9144257

fat, glasses and anything blue is the definition of the essence of Mei now. And there's nothing you can do about it without body shaming people.

>> No.9144266
File: 68 KB, 640x960, 13658947_961017177341992_2890204103180896155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9144410

So much shop
That cleavage is depressing

>> No.9144435

more pics? she's pretty cute

this isn't good, but at least this one didn't go full-retard anime with it and have tits hanging out as much as possible with it

>> No.9144574
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found my old snowboarding goggles and they reminded me of tracer lol

>> No.9144668


HAHA lol xD ;p

>> No.9144671

>HAHA lol xD ;p
Get out

>> No.9144846
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 13744068_636569079851924_1475803530_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some advice on Shrike An? I assume you can use EL tape for the back to simulate the small parts of blue glowing. But the entire interior of it is glowing blue which is hard to replicate. And my other problem is making her mask, specifically replicating the pattern on it.

>> No.9144972

Start looking into smoked safety face shields/visors and base you're mask off of it. Here is an example.


You would probably need a darker tint because I feel like the lights inside would increase the transparency of the visor. Anything you buy will also most likely need to be cut or shaped in someway. I haven't ever worked with these things ever so do your own research and look around but it seems like a decent enough starting point.

>> No.9145002

This isn't half bad, do we have ANY good hanzo cosplays at all yet? This is probably the best one I've seen so far

>> No.9145049

But Mei isn't actually fat or chubby

>> No.9145084
File: 74 KB, 640x960, 13882474_916747455093223_4964387621265793788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9145301


You can go higher grade with riot gear gas mask plus auto spray tinting


plus some EL tape for the glow

>> No.9145309

That tattoo is perf

>> No.9145505

This is amazing

>> No.9145511

Loving that Mimikyu btw

>> No.9145601
File: 321 KB, 933x629, tumblr_oazytu6sL71spobjto3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saw this on tumblr earlier I love it it's so good. If I absolutely had to nitpick about it I wish the eyeholes were more like Roadhog's in the game, mainly them being blacked out, I'm not really a fan of the lips on the mask, and the flatness of the thing that holds the chain. Other than that it's perfect honestly.
Also the wig but considering >>9142559 i get it.

>> No.9145615

Ugh. Why don't asian bitches cosplay Mei instead of D Va? Mei has been taken over by lardasses and someone needs to do somethings about that.

>> No.9145621
File: 74 KB, 583x413, 1467486397229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure I'll throw on a black snuggie and fashion a Reapfield style mask and call it a day

>> No.9145706
File: 57 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1471316465868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9145778
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honest to god don't understand why everyone is praising this.

Literally nothing is correct except for the gun, the hook, and the tattoo.

Big fan of Roadhog and plus-size cosplayers btw. I am absolutely not seeing it. At all. This is not a good cosplay, it just has some decent bits. It's hardly 'amazing'. The "fuccboi" Roadhog did a better job (and even that was missing several key components.)

Just give me a really good complete Roadhog cosplay please :'(

>> No.9145800

I think it looks great, a lot of people don't go to the extent she did with making both weapons PLUS the chain for the hook.

>this is not a good cosplay
Then go out and cosplay Roadhog yourself anon, this is great and very nicely made, yes, it's not perfect, but, it looks incredible. Probably one of the best ones we'll get

>> No.9145810

fuck off

>> No.9145815
File: 176 KB, 594x334, overwatch-mei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post
I really hate these lazy as fuck Mei's. "OMG she's chubby I'll just wear a tank top lol."
If you actually look at the art she isn't really chubby at all. Seriously look at this waist.

>> No.9145817

I can understand leaving the lens being clear though, it would be hard enough to see out of the mask and walk around a con as it is.

>> No.9145818

Just looked at the pictures and I am so let down. Why put all that effort into the tire then be so fucking lazy as to not wear a wig. For fucks sake.

>> No.9145822

>Literally nothing is correct except for the gun, the hook, and the tattoo.

It looks like she has the belt buckle down, the pants aren't the same color, but, as someone who doesn't play roadhog often enough, I wouldn't even notice. She has the straps, the mask is good looking, not completely accurate, but it works well. Nails are painted black and she's wearing gloves and has buttons on her top. She also has rings on like roadhog does as well.

There are many parts of this that is accurate, the only inaccuracies are the slight mask adjustments, hair, pants color being blue instead of grey. Quit nitpicking, this is a great cosplay anon.

>> No.9145824

>what are sunglasses ?

because one piece of concept art (key word here; concept) is definitive proof. I don't like obese meis either but at the very least she is noticably thicker than the other girls barring zarya (not that that's saying much)

I don't understand why you would put effort into props (even shitty ones) and then leave out one of the most recognizable parts of the character

>> No.9145830

Dear lord. SO lazy.

>> No.9145836

This isn't tumblr. As long as your body type is right and you do the costume well no one will care.

>> No.9145839

I think anon was replying in sarcasm.

>> No.9145844
File: 222 KB, 767x467, man_the_harpoons_in_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the lack of official art out at the moment that is positive proof enough for me. Also not the same anon but whale detection.

>> No.9145850

Thank you and yes it is enough. It's official art and the only one showing her without her ARCTIC JACKET on. Which for some reason people don't understand is thick.

Also to note walking around with sunglasses would also impair vision in a already closed off mask. You'd have to have a handler at that point.

>> No.9145853

Envy is a chola, not asian

>> No.9145855

what the actusl fuck?
This is so unflattering.

>> No.9145882

>Probably one of the best ones we'll get

well that sucks

>> No.9145883

I have to agree even though this comes off as salty. It's a arctic expedition jacket, it's going to put on more than a few pounds.

>> No.9145989
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9145994

That wig is gorgeous

>> No.9146001
File: 47 KB, 583x413, CoeBMgOVUAEdUbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any beginner tips on how to do a god tier reaper cosplay? I wanna be on the level of those guys at Blizzcon

>> No.9146019

Btw I mean reaper not reapfield

>> No.9146042
File: 294 KB, 487x480, Mei_Spray_-_Table_Tennis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New summer games spray, she's average at most. Tumblerinas will stay in denial tough.

>> No.9146068
File: 50 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1471343299519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty casual tracer, this isn't even tracer, you can't even tell who this character is

>> No.9146069
File: 55 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1471343303731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a matching 'mercy'

>> No.9146077

You sure they're cosplaying those characters?

>> No.9146083

Yes, that's what the post said even

>> No.9146086
File: 90 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1471345456545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from a photoshoot
>ends of shoes cropped off

>> No.9146092

Gouge out my eyes please.

>> No.9146110
File: 76 KB, 637x1009, 137202-tilda-swinton-637x0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9146173

this mercy feels so off to me, unfortunately i think it's just the cosplayer's face. amazing costume and wig work but the face is so distracting

>> No.9146214

Her bra looks like it's receding into her body...

>> No.9146332

Probably is honestly.

>> No.9147156

>those arms
lmao, literally look at any other overwatch female character's stick limbs
mei is fat as fuck
why do people disagree with this?

>> No.9147202

It might just be the pose but nitpick, I wish she could've gotten his silhouette better? His entire outfit is comically baggy, maybe stiffer fabric choice or some interfacing for the pants? Overall, the bagginess is there but almost like she made it while eyeballing it, rather than looking for a shape.

I don't know what I could suggest for make up but wish it wasn't a bad smokey eye and bad contour. He has pretty iconic brows, but also again maybe there's better photos than this one? Her tat is on point though.

>> No.9147209

Those body proportions are already really weird though. I can't think of a cosplayer with a face that round and such a thin neck, or having big arms like that. Like the boob/waist/hip ratio makes her looks like some penny underbust shit.

>> No.9147214


You blind? Probably because her stomach is FLAT as fuck.
Fat bitches don't have smooth tummys.
Her body-shape is exactly like my best friends; thick arms and thighs with a tiny waist.

>> No.9147222

I mean those arms kind of look like slight muscle considering she builds shit and her legs have to lift all the bs she carries around so much.

>> No.9147237

Looks like colourblind quicksilver.
Also pls cut your hair.

>> No.9147242

More ignorant moons, you realize she's fighting in battles while carrying all this gear and leading arctic expeditions right? That does't really leave room for being unhealthy.
Also tumbler is that way. >>

>> No.9147471

Do you know where she got hers specifically? Looks pretty good and I'm lazy too.

>> No.9147493
File: 80 KB, 243x200, 1358896513095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. If you're a beginner, you won't make a god tier reaper cosplay. Simple as this. Make an easy costume , then a slightly harder costume, then repeat until you realize just how stupid you sound asking this question. Then you'll already know how to make one.

>> No.9147556
File: 701 KB, 1920x2716, raypier-p-genji-fin-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be better to do the full helmet for a genderbend Genji or the visor that a lot of the genderbends have?

>> No.9147557
File: 134 KB, 774x1032, Bad Finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these bad Mei cosplay reminds me all the store bought Finn cosplays.

>> No.9147562


I say full helmet but maybe make the front part easy to attach and detach with magnets or something

>> No.9147566
File: 319 KB, 1600x900, DVA-Scavenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was the DVa scavenger skin for a sec there.

>> No.9147962
File: 56 KB, 156x171, efdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know why you'd spend this much when you could just not be lazy and make it yourself but just search timecosplay mei cosplay.

It's the wrong fabric anyway.

>> No.9147963

Is that Andrew Hussie

>> No.9147987

I hope that's not the design you want to use because it's disgusting.

>> No.9147993

Thanks anon, I started looking into acryllic sheeting because it cancut into basically any pattern I needed and molded with a heat gun.
Gonna need a ton of EL tape for this cosplay.

>> No.9148188
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, genji_media_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's disgusting about it? It looks like Genji's suit to me but with a female shape. Pic related. I was just going to use his male character sheet for reference but alter just the chest area for breasts. If you mean the face, I decided to do a full helmet but have the bottom part detach with magnets like >>9147562 suggested so that I can just wear the helmet part if I want. Since I will keep the top of the helmet on, I wasn't going to wear a wig.

I would just crossplay as him, but at my height, I don't think I will look good as a man, especially I will be cosplaying alongside a Hanzo who is literally one foot taller.

>> No.9148201


Yeah, I meant the whole head area. The hair color is wrong, presumably Genji is scarred or there's a reason for his face not to be shown, and so on.

If you actually do the helmet, it should be fine.

>> No.9148339
File: 506 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, THE junkrat. omg look at his wig and he made his foot the mine! that's so clever.

>> No.9148346

https://vine.co/v/5MzVghiI1lY !

>> No.9148373

That's fucking genius..
I think I'm gonna cry, it's so perfect

>> No.9148374

People are probably gonna shit on this just because you said it's THE Junkrat, but I agree. This is incredible.

>> No.9148399


Pretty damn good junkrat for once

Good before the dark time comes...

>> No.9148485
File: 162 KB, 1255x1280, 1467110582450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9148498

I am so happy. This is beautiful.

>> No.9148600
File: 898 KB, 2690x740, Soldier76 Mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to shill. More Overwatch papercraft to come. Download link in the description.

>> No.9148804
File: 684 KB, 3024x4032, MomMei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O_o, genius use of landmine as shoe

>> No.9148815

something about the head region (maybe the proportions? ) is throwing me off but that might just be the angle. this is pretty sick

>> No.9148883
File: 164 KB, 1367x2048, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9148899


>> No.9148900

And the guy in OP's image are the same person, absolutely incredible

>> No.9148975

it's the eyeliner.

>> No.9149224

The girl who styled his wig (Bakka Cosplay I believe? Baka Cosplay?) made the wig with a custom bald cap attached which probably saved them SO much time and is great for hiding the wires of the LEDs. Really so smart! I legit came to the chan today to see if he'd been shared yet.

>> No.9149245

and it looks baaaaaad ><

>> No.9149269

Do you really need this pointed out to you? I mean I could but considering how ignorant you sound I'd waste my time doing so.

>> No.9149272

Marry me please desu

>> No.9149279

how could she skin zenyatta and wear him as a hat

>> No.9149317

Don't be silly, he's smiling. Hussie lost his joy in 2006.

>> No.9149325

OH THATS NOT PAINT THOSE ARE LEDS!? Hooooly shit! Someone tell her to enter the fucking Arda thing!!

>> No.9149338

this is so fucking stupid

what really? that's awesome

>> No.9149340

no, it's just the face. mercy has eyeliner. the cosplayer's face is just very, very young looking and a bit chubby (not calling her fat, just that it makes her face look more childish). it just doesn't fit mercy's face. but that's being nitpicky.

>> No.9149342
File: 1.53 MB, 3000x2000, mepe3sr2fccjv4ifrttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angles taken contribute, if she had pointed her face more downward to make the jawline less prominent it would have made her look more mature i think

still it's an amazing costume

>> No.9149436

My biggest problem is the wings. Mercy's wings are very smooth and sterile and rounded while hers look pretty rough and need a gloss to them.

>> No.9149591
File: 25 KB, 300x300, megamind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn the size of that wig

>> No.9149671
File: 143 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another shot!

>> No.9149707


Who is thisssss

>> No.9149753

I honestly love this so much
The only nitpick I have about this is that the hair looks a bit too neat? And the chunks of hair look really big, when Junkrat has kinda thin hair
However, it's completely understandable since the hair has LEDs in it to light up.

>> No.9149813

Shellshocked cosplay!
This kind gentleman sent me the pepakura files for his Zen build.

>> No.9149838
File: 140 KB, 960x868, Cp2d1mYWYAE9ofB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9149841

I'm an asshole judgmental perfectionist and I think she basically nailed it. I love her face for Mercy, prettier than what the actual character would look like IMO. My nitpick is the boobs should have been more exaggerated, that's easily done with an armor plate like this. We will never see a better one though IMO.

>> No.9149842

So I'm guessing you are the Mercy pictured? There are a good bit of flaws in the wings alone and the foam looks a bit sloppy.

>> No.9149912

Oh, was this at Afest? I remember that male Zarya 's particle cannon was pretty sweet

>> No.9149990

Calm down son. We're just nitpicking. We all acknowledge she's done a great job.

>> No.9150022
File: 45 KB, 700x396, mercy-gameplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We will never see a better one

that is odd to say in such a new fandom. maybe if someone comes along who actually resembles the character either in the face or with cleverer angles, sure.

and yeah the wings are wrong.

>> No.9150026


I'd say the odds you'll see a slightly better mercy before you see a non sexy overwatch by Nirigi

>> No.9150061


>> No.9150341
File: 159 KB, 350x324, 350px-Reinhardt-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking at doing a young reinhardt cosplay. I have the body for it but I am unsure about how to go about making the armour and hammer. Should I do papercraft? Or something else?

>> No.9150353

Not sure about the armor, but I think it would be better to build up/out for the hammer using pvc pipe then carving foam. His stuff has visible dents in it, so you don't need it to be perfect.

>> No.9150448

wow, the new duck dynasty mccree skin looks great

>> No.9150499

People are definitely quite talented but finding someone talented who has the resources, the time, the inspiration to make it, and isn't a fatty is kind of rare. At least I think so. I am actually pretty surprised how nitpicky cgl is about a pretty nice cosplay. In a sea of shit I think hers is great, makes me happy to see it done as well as it was.

>> No.9150513

Seagulls have literally always nitpicked amazing cosplay. Nobody here is saying its bad. We are nitpicking because it's not perfect. Not perfect =/= bad. And it was pretty stupid to say we will never see a better one, makes you look more whiteknighty.

You must be super new or the cosplayer herself

>> No.9150537

The big thing is calling something perfect is a tall order. Her cosplay is really good but the wings are meh and are a bit sloppy.

>> No.9150630
File: 337 KB, 590x680, tumblr_o7roi3VAUr1rn9nm3o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have the body for it
also, there are literally dozens of tutorials and help posts on making lightweight armor and weapons. You don't need a Reinhardt-specific one. Look at warhammer builds.

>> No.9150827

was self-posting to the 'best crafters' thread not enough attention for you?

>> No.9150901

I don't want to finish my Junkrat cosplay now....

>> No.9150904


just do it and don't worry about how other cosplayers look

>> No.9150919

It looks horrible as is and now that the standards have been raised it's even worse

>> No.9150928

doesn't matter, just do it

>> No.9150931

"oh poor baby, im sure your cosplay will be fantastic!! don't let people with standards get you down!"

grow up. 95% of the time someone will/has already cosplayed a character better than you. If you can't handle the ego blow of not being called THE BEST!!1!!1 don't cosplay.

>> No.9150963
File: 42 KB, 599x636, 98a4232be5a6e4720dc4c1ddb4f7ef76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone or group out there will always have better funding and/or skills than you and can produce better cosplay costume. For that Junkrat, someone out here with more money to spend is going to hire/partner up with a movie prop making company and produce a movie grade costume.

Finish your costume and wow the people at your con

>> No.9150974

Finish it to the best of your ability, have a fucking blast in it and if you're still not happy with it then re-evaluate it and make it better.

>> No.9150987

I was going to use LED strips (or something similar) in my Junkrat wig, so it's nice to see that it looks good in pictures!

>> No.9151057
File: 50 KB, 1080x540, FB_IMG_1471651905600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think its ok to use a morphsuit to cosplay a fully armoured character? Seriously this is cosplay the same way themed skater dresses are cosplay ugh

>> No.9151062
File: 65 KB, 1080x783, ClgQXrIXIAAKLPk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, this really looks bad to me. I've seen people do just the under suit part for genji with a printed morph suit then have armor on top (pic related), and even though I don't like that either, I see why they do it.

>> No.9151063

At least they made some actual effort to add on to the morph suit though. Just throwing on the printed suit and calling it done is the laziest shit ever

>> No.9151065


it's cheaper, easier and you get free internet points as people can recognize it

Not a bad fan of it either

>> No.9151066

He should have used a thinner foam. The skinsuit underneath gives the right visual, but the thick clunky foam on top fucks things up a bit.

>> No.9151068


Meant to say not a big fan of it

>> No.9151388

hmm, I might try something like this for a prospective Hanzo tattoo...

noice dubs

it's not even necessarily the thickness, it's more poor angling than anything, the curves of the armor pieces aren't tight enough and hang a bit loose.

>> No.9151400
File: 562 KB, 2048x2048, CngOKmMUMAAEu9-.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think that he did a good job, but it doesn't look as good as ones like this.

>> No.9151457

Out of all the suits, I have to say that this one at least is the best. Since its supposed to be hi-tech and not overly bulky in general for Genji, preferably kind of streamlined, this looks good visual wise until you notice it is fabric. But the shading and details on this is a lot better than D.Va and the Windowmaker one. Still lazy as fuck, but its a nice suit compared to the others printed.

>> No.9151551

was this ever finished?

>> No.9151693

Because when you cosplay for likes and attention, you don't care that it looks lazy.
This will probably even get more likes just because its a morphsuit and not an actual cosplay, because it shows of her body more

This is what I hate about the cosplay community.
Lazy sluts will get more attention then people who actually put a fuck ton of effort into their cosplays, simply because of nerdy betas who wants something to fap to

>> No.9151702
File: 47 KB, 960x540, 14022249_10207006363142803_1097206416193808679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I know of. It looks like they more recently did this Hanzo stuff.

>> No.9151790


This, really telling that half of her pics showing off the genji suit is just showing her ass

>> No.9151877

Just let them cosplay mei if theyre fat, they don't have to have the body of your little cartoon.

>> No.9151945
File: 3 KB, 194x171, 1448106014070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discarding that amazing armor for a great character in favor of the shittiest one


>> No.9151947

it'll only get likes from horny dudes. which there are a lot of, yes, but not anyone who actually cares about the character/construction ability.

not all that much of a compliment.

>> No.9151949

>trying to show off ass
>doesn't have one


>> No.9152155

To some people, attention is attention, regardless of where it comes from.

>> No.9152157
File: 28 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9152213

as much as i love beefy man titty, is the tattoo photoshopped?

>> No.9152280
File: 43 KB, 387x646, 6Ee0gWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got a little more work to do...

>> No.9152326

thats not mei

>> No.9152580
File: 398 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Overwatch is worse than league now.

>> No.9152581

It's like setting the torso off like a rocket ship

>> No.9152588

For the love of god Sauce please

>> No.9152615

She got a preproduction morphsuit, who cares if it's lazy... People see it and would want to buy it, the designer probably saw it as an opportunity for free publicity.

I get that most of you creative people don't like it, because it's dull and uninspiring.
Cosplay is just like the how the music industry used to be, companies will try to cash in on the next big hit. Its going to be here from now on

>> No.9152641

Drefan cosplay. I don't like his Hanzo (but I'm pretty sure it's just a photoshopped cos test), but I love a lot of his other shit and will love his Hanzo when it's actually done.

I think that the hair and tattoo are photoshopped. I don't think he's actually done Hanzo (yet?).

Personally, I hope she at least makes one of his weapons and the helmet to go with it.

>> No.9152669



Holy hell you shitnibblers are fickle.

>> No.9152899
File: 606 KB, 2050x941, Reinhardt Helm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back, here's a Reinhardt helmet. http://kaiserlee.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Reinhardt-Papercraft-Helmet-629648747?ga_submit_new=10%253A1471794594
Yes, papercraft is good.

>> No.9152932

I would love to try this but it looks really fucking complex...

>> No.9152934

Gotta start somewhere.
I simplified it a fair bit, the only awkward part to make is the 'eyebrow' part of the mask since its so thin. Just take it one bit at a time, maybe print it out with the edge ID numbers on.

>> No.9153889
File: 24 KB, 300x300, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9153892
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1470879629893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I relish in these reactions

>> No.9154125

People want to see some effort.

>> No.9154328
File: 171 KB, 956x633, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Junkrat

>> No.9154615

Everyone else can go home this is perfect

>> No.9154775

started a new thread >>9154748

>> No.9155235

amusingly enough, that cosplayer also does a few different versions of Quicksilver. (sometimes as a duo with the Mercy cosplayer going as Wanda)

>> No.9158054


Kek, i thought i was the only one. She might have meant boudoir.

Fat bitch autocorrect, amirite???

>inb4 triggered