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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 78 KB, 404x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9115825 No.9115825 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the archives so I made one.

Saw this in the bodyline sales group and just couldn't stop gagging.

>> No.9115871
File: 20 KB, 628x476, 1466926639932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

egad what is that

>> No.9115876

What in the hell is that??

>> No.9115893

...Is it inside out?

>> No.9115901
File: 105 KB, 750x1334, image:167325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is infinitely worse. Plus the shirring has been stretched the fuck out.

>> No.9115903


>> No.9115909

Fatty wearing a dark blouse on a hot day and sweating. Probably dye transfer. Still gross though. Not even worth the postage to ship it.

>> No.9115921

Just burn it and be done.

>> No.9115940
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>> No.9115961
File: 452 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-26-12-33-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some damages

>> No.9115985

How can you see this and think this is fine, let alone share it with anyone? Christ.

>> No.9116002
File: 462 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9116008

If it was shuggery carnival I'd be alright but this is flat out false advertising.

>> No.9116041

How can you not want to buy it for your grunge sweet lolita coords?

>> No.9116201

It looks like she shits out of her pits, jeezus...

>> No.9116207

I'm not in the group, aren't people calling her out on this though? Forever 'no buy from' list, I'm sure she has just ruined any hope of future sales of anything, ever.

>> No.9116235
File: 92 KB, 404x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even fathom why she thought this was okay to sell.

I have this same dress from when it was first released and have worn it many times yet it doesn't look like this. Holy crap. This dress is super forgiving so she must be a literal beached whale in a dress.

>> No.9116250
File: 278 KB, 478x269, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Us size 6-14 can wear this

>> No.9116404

I've gotten these sorts of stains on some white t-shirts after a few months of using antiperspirant with aluminum in it. I threw the shirts out because it looks horrifyingly disgusting. Who would think this is okay to sell??

>> No.9116516
File: 55 KB, 440x355, by the power of grayskull i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband used to work at Goodwill I asked him if they'd ever hang something like that in their store, and he said no fucking way. Even in all my years of yard saling I don't think I've ever seen something like that. It looks like you'd have to chase it around and beat it into submission before you could put it on.

>> No.9116541

Still, wtf. I get warm really easily and sweet like hell on hot days because Northern European but I still manage to not do this shit to my clothes.

>> No.9116546

Yet people do still try to donate or sell shit like this. Ask him how much dirty, torn or stained stuff they have to sort through and bin because it's nasty. I bet it's quite a bit.

>> No.9116549


Me too anon, only on my tshirts. It's happened to two of my favorite shirts that were light in color. It took a long while to happen, at least two years and wearing the shirts fairly regularly. But the weird thing is the stains aren't even yellow...? They are grey. Its fucking weird.

>> No.9116576

It is, he said they used to send a lot of stuff to the "as is" store where people would buy shit like that for $0.25/pound just for the cloth, I guess for crafts and shit. That dress doesn't even look craft worthy though, looks like it's been thru the wash too many times, plus I bet it has perma-BO. Might make a good shop rag.

>> No.9116667

Someone just told her it shouldn't be sold.

>> No.9116670


truly a god among men

>> No.9116694

For what it's worth, I'm a size 14/16 and I can wear most items with full back shirring with room to spare, but their minimum measurements are usually around what rounds out to be a size 4-6 depending. US determines their sizes by the position of the stars or flat out voodoo.

Donno about this bodyline dress though.

>> No.9116704

US sizing usually goes by price with more expensive even sizes being bigger. Odd sizing is a little more accurate from brand to brand but not by a whole lot. Vintage clothing shows how much sizing has changed in just a few decades. I wear size 6 in modern dresses but either 10 or 12 in most vintage dresses. Bodyline sizes are hit or miss but this dress is so stretched and wrecked it will never fit a small size even if it was still fit to wear. Look at the shoulder to armpit length.

>> No.9116841

No, you don't fit.

>> No.9116915

Did anyone else saying anything about it? And did she agree with the person that told her not to sell it?

>> No.9116917

What group was this posted in?

>> No.9117088

Soak the shirts in white vinegar. I think it's a reaction between the deodorant, your body chemistry or the shirt's fabric/dye/something. Had it happen to some shirts awhile ago, switched deo and it never happened again. Obviously idk if it will work 100%, but it might help.

>> No.9117093

Just because you can squeeze into a garment doesn't mean it fits.

>> No.9117286

Bodyline sales group on facebook

>> No.9117291

>with room to spare
I see you're both not in summer school to fix the reading comprehension problems you're having?

>> No.9117301

room to spare doesn't mean breathing room fatty

>> No.9117309

>delusional obese chan

>> No.9117311
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>> No.9117315

Once they have worn it 1-2 times, it's stretched so I'm sure they can wear it fine and it isn't maxed but at that size, we all know how this looks. After about size 12, things start to distort, this is true in any fashion. Harsher critics say this at anything over a size 8, and that double digit sizes are getting to be 'big'.

But It's a tired argument though and neither side will give. Fatties keep stretching their burando and usually only jelly poorfags keep crying about it. Otherwise why would you care? Even if you are standing right next to them, if your own coord is on point, you have good styling and you aren't a fatty, you look 10x better anyway.

>> No.9117590

>be me
>offbrand/taobao sock lot for sale
>27 shipped for 5 pairs
>ask seller to split one pair to sell separately
>offer 10 shipped
>the pair is like $1.92 on mu fish taobao without all the shipping involved
>sorry anon I need $16 because it costs $7 to ship one pair of OTKS domestically in the US

>> No.9120273
File: 55 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1012980474_677x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

popped up on my fb newsfeed. it's the most WTF thing I've ever seen on etsy.


>> No.9120283

if that sailor moon one wasn't so damn expensive i'd get it

>> No.9120290

Should have trashed it or turned it into a skirt before selling for maybe $10 plus free shipping.

>> No.9120637
File: 687 KB, 604x771, holy why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants $75 for a pair of flip flops lol

she thinks the price is justified because it's exclusive to a subscription box, but it's still like more than double the price they should be

>> No.9120835

What the fuck is she smoking?

>> No.9120849


Didn't realize how perverted I was until now.


Same. Also eyeing the swords.

>> No.9120937


>> No.9121054

Jesus Christ

>> No.9121332

I wish these were cheap because they would make the best gag gifts or 18+ panel prizes. $50 for something that does not look like it would be enjoyable is too much though.

>> No.9121351

I see you're not in fat camp to fix the fit problems you're having

>> No.9121400

I'm so confused how this happens? I will sometimes be really gross and wear the exact same t-shirt and not shower for like 4 days if I'm not going in public at all, but even the shirts I've done that most with for like 5+ years don't have anywhere near that bad of pit stains. And I'm pretty sure I'm more sweat and BO prone than the average female. What I'm the most confused by, though, is how she possibly thought this was okay to sell.

>> No.9121907

This is terrifying

>> No.9122030
File: 171 KB, 729x391, Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 4.47.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time this is relisited I die a little inside

>> No.9122035

>Relisted due to a dropped buyer
Someone actually wanted to buy this?

>> No.9122127

How is the squirtle one gonna fit in your hot pocket

>> No.9122130

i'd love to see a worn pic

>> No.9122200

I'm going to start a gofundme to buy this dress for a burning video

>> No.9122202

A waste. If you want to host a proper burning, a replica is what you need. Several have threatened, none have come through for us.

>> No.9122283

My friend and I burned her replica of milky planet when she got the real thing. We just never posted pictures of it.

>> No.9122286

Please do anon I will donate just so I don't have to see this anymore.

>> No.9122500

I cringe at the charmander. That's pointy as hell. It would hurt.

>> No.9122502

I'm laughing at their attempt to avoid a Disney takedown though.
>little green man dildo

>> No.9122528

different anon but here it is.

>> No.9122529

remove spaces between to get there. The chan though it was spam

>> No.9122531

A pity, that would be satisfying to see.

>> No.9122653
File: 33 KB, 450x600, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she died for our sins

>> No.9123745

????? what is going through someone's mind when making something like this????

>> No.9123827
File: 175 KB, 741x436, Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 2.29.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain why to me.

>> No.9123864

More than the price of the box. LOL. I got this box after being waitlisted and I sure as fuck wouldnt think to sell mine.

>> No.9123951

I see someone here is new. That's one of the most sought after prints in lolita, that's just how much it's been going for for years now. Virtually every auction you find, it will end at $1000+ and the ones where it doesn't, it's really close.

This doesn't apply to this anon as much since they weren't rude in their confusion over the price, but it would be nice if people in general would research the prices of things before posting crazy expensive listings here. Part of why I don't generally come into these threads is because it's extremely annoying how a lot of people don't get/accept that lolita is a very collectible fashion and there's almost always butthurt newfags going "FILTHY SCALPER" over people posting dresses for their normal going rate, as opposed to actual scalping (there is a massive difference, despite what bitter entitled people like to think). Again, way less directed at this specific anon as much as these threads in general.

>> No.9123955

Actually thank you for explaining politely. I really didn't know. I'm not very familiar with alice and the pirates i'm a sweet fags who's only been in lolita for a few years.

>> No.9124067

A little help, please?

>> No.9124071

A calm, rational post. Wow. Am I in bizarro/cgl/¿
Thank you. That made my week

>> No.9124074

I would probably wear this ngl. I like weird, dumb shit like this

>> No.9124092

Please God yes. I've almost messaged her to give up, but that seemed mean.

>> No.9124341
File: 133 KB, 426x640, 16_7_31_505_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't see any wtf brand threads but this HCP serial killer hoodie just popped up on closetchild.

>> No.9124565
File: 679 KB, 481x613, unicornhat01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this gem of a selfmade unicorn hat a few days ago.

>> No.9125049
File: 5 KB, 204x247, 1466040127061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it an edgy tumblrinas dress who dyed her armpit hair?

>> No.9125054
File: 95 KB, 595x394, keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh...... where to cop? I need to know so I can laugh at it more... Yeah that's it

>> No.9125058
File: 227 KB, 1353x776, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trying to sell this for ten times its worth on the market. I'm still convinced this is a bragpost disguised as a dress up for sale.

>> No.9125078

I bought mine for 400 from someone local.
Lucked out hard. It's gorgeous but honestly, I would never spend more than 800.

>> No.9125118

I need a shirt that only says "Worthless little queers and punks" please... But pastel

>> No.9125185

You know you could just search the dress name on LM and see that they've all sold for 800-1000.

>> No.9125919
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 12472507_1350310911664677_526507283564455983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants $325 for this and she pinned it in the goddamn door. does this bother anyone else? i'm pretty sure this is chiffon aka you cant sew that shit if you rip it

>> No.9125949

Some effort, please

>> No.9126022

US Vintage sizing is much closer to current UK sizing, I'm usually a UK 16, or a US 12.

>> No.9126035

She's done this before. A lot. I don't know why someone doesn't tell her to stop.

>> No.9126167
File: 2 KB, 227x46, sdefdsfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is never getting cheaper, is it?

>> No.9126174

Some people are completely retarded when it comes to product photos.

>> No.9126176

Nope. Only a rerelease can save you and I don't think they will do one of something that old.

>> No.9126177

Damn son, not even PC or IG cost that much.

I want CTP, but I'm scared to death it will be rereleased and I will have spent ten times what I could have if I waited.

>> No.9126180

They've done rereleases of things that were 3+ years old before. Plus, AP does pay attention to secondhand sales, if they know bitvhes are dropping 3k on that shit, it will pique their interest.

>> No.9126182

Yeah, someone really needs to politely suggest this girl take better pics that don't involve pinning the dress like that. I definitely would not buy this.

>> No.9126185

... How does she possibly think someone is going to pay $6000 for Cinema Doll? Like, on what planet is this bitch living on?

>> No.9126192

That's why op suggested that it's probably a brag post. Is Cinema Doll popular enough to warrant a brag listing though? I don't feel anything special about the series, but I'm not up to date on what Sweet things are popular.

>> No.9126199

Depends on cut/colorway, but Cinema Doll can go up to $700~. It's still not that crazy of a dress to own, though. I wonder if maybe the girl meant to list it at $600, but accidentally added another 0 and didn't bother to double check the listing at all?

>> No.9126946

it looks like a noose being used to hang the hat

>> No.9126949

What's the ranking on the colorways? I really want the pink one but I rarely ever see it up for sale..

>> No.9126952

Lavender> Black/Grey> Ivory> Pink.

I've seen plenty of pink OPs for sale before but not JSKs. You'll probably just have to wait, any colourway that isn't the ivory is kind of hard to find.

>> No.9126953

The Chinese apparently love Cinema Doll. Still, if a rich Chinese girl hasn't bought it yet it's not going to happen. It's been up for nearly a year now.

>> No.9126985

I've done this before, you just close the door on the side of the dress. It does absolutely zero damage so chill

>> No.9127004

Yeah the pink OP is highly sought after.

>> No.9127016

nigga people shove whole fists into various orifices i promise the squirtle wouldn't be a problem

>> No.9127464

Put it on top of you bed like a normal human being.

>> No.9127584
File: 746 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few recent favorites

>> No.9127586
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>> No.9127592

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that abomination on the site.

>> No.9127594
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>> No.9127597
File: 490 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the handmade section so miserable?

what's with the top lip in this one lmfao

>> No.9127598

I read that as cupcake toilet hat

>> No.9127603
File: 889 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fuzzies tho....

>> No.9127605

block the names, ya doink

>> No.9127606
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>> No.9127609

oh I thought people only do that for FB sellers, since they're real names?

Other posts in this thread have LM usernames showing, not that I'd jump off a cliff if others did, but I figured it's not an actual identity

>> No.9127613
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>> No.9127616
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>> No.9127617

What is wrong with these people

>> No.9127619
File: 113 KB, 750x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling normie non-loliable clothes on LM triggers me

>> No.9127623

You don't need to block LM names, other anon doesn't know what they're talking about

>> No.9127624
File: 105 KB, 1280x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the energy to look through any more of this nonsense

>> No.9127658

Yeah but the shape is so awkward and there's motherfucking CREVICES in there. There should never be a crevice of any kinda of sex toy for literal shit to get stuck

>> No.9127686

for the love of god stop saying "reeee" in every thread. please.

>> No.9127689

>Search for blouses under 30 dollars in the US
>Have to wade through pages of non loli bullshit like this to get to damaged or old brand blouses
>Just because it has lace or a Peter pan collar doesn't mean it's lolita holy shit

>> No.9127694

What makes it worse is Chanel is selling it.

>> No.9127696

Not really, it only goes for 250-300 whereas the lavender JSK can go for 600-700.

>> No.9127838
File: 658 KB, 550x745, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to think of this one. Shipping anything light and flat in the US costs about $2.50 and Joanns sells these for $1 about once a month for a couple days. Most of these are pretty new too

>> No.9127844

Exactly. Half of the patterns in my store are always 40-50% off or $1-1.50 each.

>> No.9127884
File: 377 KB, 1156x512, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9127899
File: 234 KB, 1165x519, Screenshot (154).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the blur to distract from the fact that this isn't lolita?

>> No.9127901
File: 251 KB, 1149x560, Screenshot (155).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she just wants to unload these things, but come on this isn't the place

>> No.9127904
File: 243 KB, 1053x733, daddy;'s girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9127908

this is fucking hilarious

>> No.9127915

What kind of shipping , does this qualify for media mail? I'm always shipping small packets with bows and it makes me so mad that I have to use flat rate because first class isn't available ever

>> No.9127988

>first class isn't available ever
Huh? What do you mean by that? I ship packages out First Class all the time.

To answer your question though, Media Mail is reserved for "media" like CDs and video games. It's pretty close to the price of First Class.

>> No.9127993
File: 300 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160803-184910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for laughing but this really made me say, "WTF?".

It sounds like the seller is an amputee and only has the right shoe, but all the pictures are cropped images of both the right and left shoe. Also, as an amputee I think it'd make sense to keep the other shoe incase you plan on selling the pair later on.

>> No.9128096

I think she only has a left foot and is selling the right shoe because she doesn't need it. The thing is, aren't there prosthetics you can put shoes on? I know I've seen that

>> No.9128097
File: 501 KB, 1156x518, what happened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this doesn't seem to be the seller's fault as I think they got it this way, but what the hell happened?

>> No.9128098

Or maybe she only has a left foot and is selling the right shoe for a matching amputee.

>> No.9128103
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, FB_IMG_1470276416716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's charging $6 for a foot of shitty ribbon.

>> No.9128104

that she got at Joann's for $1

>> No.9128108

I forgot, they are also preorders. Because it's totally worth waiting three weeks for.

>> No.9128113

Please tell me someone shut her down

>> No.9128124


This is hers too

>> No.9128195
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160803-214348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>condition new without box
Well damn. I never even considered that. I figured she was done wearing the shoe but only kept one for the leg she has.

She has a few of the same style of shoe, so maybe it's being sold for a friend? The listing should probably be a little more clear in the future.

>> No.9131120


>> No.9134328
File: 173 KB, 1422x1085, such a shame sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame because the construction actually seems pretty decent, it's the materials and design that are sad.

>> No.9134330

This is sad

>> No.9134339
File: 89 KB, 1269x867, wtfsalemylolitadress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9134458

At least she's not charging too much for it, too bad it's awful

>> No.9134543

I own all 4

>> No.9134766

Did they seriously say that the glue drips were 'minor stains' and not mention the missing rhinestone on the bow?
These look like something the 50-year-old receptionist where I work would wear. This shit is about as loliable as a brick.

>> No.9134834
File: 41 KB, 500x318, tumblr_n7fjbxuGNd1qhh4udo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it did happen though....

>> No.9135033
File: 2.06 MB, 1509x869, aoeknj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one was a legit honest mistake typo. If not?

121gbp on an Anna House bow

>> No.9135034

I trusted you buttcape

Eh we all knew it was Chanel anyway

>> No.9135087

Isn't there an ebay-like site where amputees can sale their other shoes?
I remember seeing an item on it on television a few years back.

>> No.9135195
File: 336 KB, 1440x1441, _20160808_203319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this bag supposed to be

>> No.9135346

>The fucking half dunk wine

>> No.9135483
File: 212 KB, 640x879, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$42 on depop

>> No.9135541

My bad. I received it as a "new" prize, so I never really inspected it. Price and description have been adjusted.

>> No.9135553

Bag Lolita Red. Obviously.

>> No.9137357
File: 973 KB, 2160x3840, CJwimJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this new girl on reddit that's been posting ''lolita'' i honestly don't know what's up with her. Is she mentally challenged?

She also says she does not want concrit at all , im cringing.

>> No.9137377

she has to be in it for a fetish thing

>> No.9137454

wrong thread anon

>> No.9137567

I'm an edgy fuck and I would 100% buy this.

>> No.9137593

>selling pretty well at last swap meet
>girl with half her head completely shaved approaches me
>asks if I'm open to trades
>"Yeah sure why not?"
>she wants to trade a tatty old peignoir for a recent AP release
>she puts a weird amount of emphasis on how she'll NEVER be able to afford brand and how this would be her FIRST BRAND DRESS
>Feel super awkward having to tell her "I doubt it'll sell today so if you want to save up and buy it off me at a later date you're welcome to"

Why do people do this. It should not make me feel that weird to have to tell someone something so reasonable. Also, fuck peignoirs. Goddamn grandma lingerie doesn't even look good in this fashion.

>> No.9137948

Don't feel too bad, the poor girl just had a lobotomy from the sounds of her hairstyle.

>> No.9138296

honestly shut the fuck up you crazy psycho cunt all anon did was ask a question and you throw a hissy fit no one else minded only you. grow the fuck up. these boards exist for not just people already into lolita but also newbies who are curious and don't know any better.

pull that giant pole outta your ass and chill.

>> No.9138318
File: 341 KB, 382x243, 1d337939195051df69422941fc941055ad749d98239b5a02f54149a13860603a_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these boards exist for not just people already into lolita but also newbies
>also newbies

>> No.9138362

I've noticed that people have been pulling that shit in the BST threads too and it's so goddamn annoying.

>sees expensive dress posted
>people bitch about price
>price is actually going rate
>sells right away

It's almost funny, to be honest.

>> No.9139093

I really hope they meant £1.21, but given the idiots that try to sell shit around here, I'm not too sure.

>> No.9141769
File: 560 KB, 1171x776, bitch fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who gets fucking pissed when people list their fugly ass replicas as AP in the title? Like bitch, fuck you. It's not AP it's a replica.

>> No.9142487
File: 65 KB, 600x516, 7e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the only one, I hate when they clog my specific searches

>> No.9142914

Reported it.

>> No.9148195

Not sure if this is 100% the best thread to be posting in but it will do for now.

So I'm in need of some advice. I can maybe give full play by play later on with screenshots and such but for the now this is what has happened:

>Trade a Pinkly Ever After OP with a girl on Depop who had good feedback for an AP Apron
>Messaging back and forth, I ship the OP fairly quickly, she assures me she will be shipping the apron soon
>Weeks and then months go by, I get no proof of shipping, no tracking, apron
>Still assuring me she's just having trouble getting to the post office to ship (something about her single mom being the only person that can get her their and her car recently broke down)
>"Anon, I finally shipped the apron! I'll give you your tracking shortly :)"
>Wait a week, message her, no response
>Wait a month, message her, still no response
>Her shop now says "Closed until further notice" and she recently had feedback left by other buyers/sellers saying that she never shipped/paid

Because this was a swap and not actually buying a listing, I don't have protection from depop or paypal (I don't know desu how you can swap and get this kind of protection, any insight on what I could have done would be helpful as well.)

At this point, I am at a loss of what to do. Somebody mentioned to me once I could file for mail fraud but I have no idea how to go about that. I do have this girl's full name and address since I shipped the OP to her and I am actually visiting family in 2 weeks in the area where she lives. Can I go to her house, knock on the door, and demand my OP back?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just "no, you can't do jack shit."

>> No.9148208

For future reference, this isn't how you do trades. You and the other person both agree on a price to pay each other (say $100). You each send each other $100 as if you are purchasing the items from each other. Ofc you're not actually losing money bc it's going right back into your account and you get protection this way.

>> No.9148212

Wow. I actually feel stupid that I hadn't thought of this before. Thank you for the advice!

>> No.9148734

I thought print replicas weren't allowed on LM?

>> No.9148760

I had someone try to commission me for a plushie through Deviant art "I can only afford about $10, but it would have to be in DA points for you to make my original character" It was so hard not to be rude when telling them how horrible that offer was.

>> No.9148772

That pikachu one is cute, but then I looked up the size. 2.5 cm around. That's not even 2 of my fingers and I have tiny fingers!

>> No.9148777

she keeps re listing it its so bad

>> No.9148920

They aren't, but people still put them up hoping that they won't get reported.

>> No.9148989
File: 52 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1471506844199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is trying to sell this for $100 at my com.

>> No.9149275

If i were you i wouldnt go to the girls house she may freak out and cause an actual problem. Go to the local post office at least and tell someone you have no idea where to start and ask if they can help you or give you any info on where to start. Mail fraud is serious and if she has legal action against her she may freak out and comply without things getting too serious but if you do this in person she may try and bully you out of doing anything. She seems like the type to scam people and hide so nobody does anything then pops out of her hole and starts scamming again.

>> No.9152242

I followed your advice and eventually was directed to my country's fraud agency and I've filed a complaint. Hopefully something will be able to come of it. Thanks for the suggestion anon!

>> No.9152438
File: 242 KB, 1019x1019, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat shameless scalper

>> No.9152449

She mus really need money for that baby she's about to have.

>> No.9152465

kill it

>> No.9152481

Why are these disgusting people always the ones breeding. Ugly cow

>> No.9152516

I get that it's a limited collab item and if nwt it could be sold for more than retail though double price is a stretch, but why include a photo with the original price on it? Also why include your unfashionable maternity wear self in the set?

>> No.9152522

that's just her profile

>> No.9152574

What is an iron

>> No.9152655

God damn, this thing is still there? Burn it!

>> No.9152782

They're not. Come on, guys. Report that shit when you see it. Same goes for people with more than three listings of offbrand crap that isn't even loliable or their handmade garbage. The more you report it, the more people like this will stop cropping up and clogging sales in the first place.

>> No.9152922

That's got Milanoo's name all over it

>> No.9152950

Little girls princess Halloween costume kei

>> No.9153012

I reported those ugly Kate Spade normalfag sandals and they weren't taken down... Still love LM but looks like they still don't have enough mods

>> No.9153199

Oh, come on anon, don't you know that if a shoe has a heel and a bow it's lolita? :>)

>> No.9153203

Is anyone else triggered when people don't list sizing at all? Or even a lolibrary link with measurements listed? Come on, this shit is the basics people

>> No.9153252

Am I the only one who gets really annoyed when people ask to be second in line if a sale falls through on the original buyers 'hey, I want this' post?

I recently responded to a sales post stating that I wanted to buy something and I also messaged the seller with my PayPal and some girl replied to my "hey, I'll take this" post with "OMG, if this falls through can I be next?!"

It just seems rude as fuck to post that as a reply to the first buyer instead of messaging the seller privately.

>> No.9153299

Same, like it takes 2 mins to link people.

Two fucking minutes

>> No.9153337

That'd just give me more incentive to buy it.

>> No.9153373

weird that she replied to your post specifically, but it's not a big deal to comment on the post in general and request to be next in line. That's been happening since the LJ days.

>> No.9153386

Yeah I've never thought this was rude behavior, especially with how many flakey buyers there are.

>> No.9153412

Low standards. How else would it be.
Fetish or she is a furfag.

>> No.9153462
File: 82 KB, 600x600, 14051785_1063464250389413_3310651625464216307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook sales never fail to entertain

>"Made from high-quality fabric, all seams are processed"

>> No.9153634

Because if it does fall through, you might not catch the second listing of it. When it's something you really want, you gotta go with it.

>> No.9153636

Their point was how people reply to the first buyer, not just simply asking to be next in line in general.

>> No.9153681

It made me want to reply with "Don't worry, it won't fall through." haha!
I don't mind someone making another post asking or messaging the seller privately but I think replying to my post directly and asking is a little rude.

>> No.9153802
File: 77 KB, 655x582, ss__2016_05_13_at_02.15.52_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else bothered by those couple of shops on lacemarket that sell made to order things instead of used items. This isn't fucking etsy, people, but I think it slides the rules.

>> No.9153883

Did she maybe mean if you didn't like it once you received it, she'd want to buy it from you?

>> No.9154126
File: 55 KB, 300x300, OK_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you've already explained what you're really peeved about but the language some people use when asking to be next really irks me at times.

I sell beauty products and personal care (all new) in lots on local Facebook groups and it's so infuriating when people say, "I'll take this" when I already commented that a sale is pending. I know it's another way to say, "I'm interested in this product" but it comes off as forceful and disrespectful to the person whose sale is pending. "Next" is straight to the point and doesn't come off as taking things from others.

Story time because this really bugged me
>selling large lot of personal care
>someone takes a screenshot of the lot and circles what all she wants in a comment
>tell her I can meet her and note in the post that the sale is pending
>next person tells me what all they want, which ended up being a lot of things that the first person already circled
>direct him to the picture of the circled items and tell him anything not circled is still available
>completely ignores my comment and tells me what he wants again
>tell him to look at the picture again
>meet both people and both sales go through smoothly

>third person messages me and asks to meet since there's a lot a stuff
>gets disappointed when I show her what's left after meeting the first two people
>tell her I updated the post as soon as items were pending/sold
>"Oh I haven't looked at it since the other day"

Buyers bug me sometimes but I'm glad they're interested in what I'm selling.

>> No.9154150

>buying dress from BTSSB booth
>designer and store rep are nearby
>girl walks up
>"ohhh I really wanted a certain dress from this booth but it's already been bought"
>staff member asks which one
>she points at the dress in my hand mid-buy and the staff and I just kind of eyeball eachother awkwardly
>5 mins later as I'm buying it with my PayPal she's still whining about it
>girl says "well if you decide to sell it later today let me know tee hee."
>5 minutes later she "can't afford it anyway".

The dress was for sale for the same price in the website. What the bell was that rudeness?

>> No.9154151

Please forgive any typos or sloppy speech, I'm on mobile.

>> No.9154157

>"ohhh I really wanted a certain dress from this booth but it's already been bought"
Then why... even bother telling them..

>> No.9154162

I prefer good made to order things over those shitty milanoo tier crap that sometimes flotes around there

>> No.9154264

Nope. She meant it in the sense of if I flaked out. If she had directly replied to me with something like "If you change your mind could you let me know?" I wouldn't have been so irked.
If she had worded it differently or just messaged the seller privately it wouldn't have been so bad. It just came across as disrespectful to me.

>> No.9154267

I could see why they'd mention it in case there might have been another one in stock at the physical store. If that had been the case she could have arranged to buy it online or something.

>> No.9154659
File: 141 KB, 570x570, wtfsales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a nuisance to me because i'm impatient, haha. i don't want something made to order; if i wanted to wait an eternity for making + shipping i'd buy from taobao or an AP custom make round. LM is for when you don't mind typical western market upselling and you want a thing within a couple weeks.

at least they specify it's made to order, so it's not something that's unexpected.

pic unrelated, just contributing to the topic. can't have wtf sales without bad decoden

>> No.9154926
File: 546 KB, 644x438, hfhtdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Bodyline cardigan is sold in my country's comm which isn't that weird but the description of the seller is: "A lolita summer blazer from luxurious foreign brand"

>> No.9154979

I bought one once because it looked nicer in the pics and was cheap as fuck. When I received it it absolutely reeked and had horrible lace. I also suspect heavily that thing looks good on anyone. Washed it and cut of the ugly lace and have it still laying around useless.

>> No.9155606

Jesus, that is nasty, it looks like someone shit on mayonnaise and tossed it into a five year old's dress up box. This is why you should never freehand things like stars or hearts until you're competent with clay.

>> No.9155633
File: 139 KB, 1000x520, 0edwardianhunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pondering putting some of my crafty things stuff up on lacemarket. Is the general consensus that handmade is unwelcome?

>> No.9155648

Why's there toilet paper?

>> No.9155676

If you're looking to unload a few handmade things it's fine, the problem people have is when people use LM as an etsy type store front where they sell made to order crafts and stuff.

>> No.9155683

As long as it's not the only thing you sell and they're high quality(if your pic is yours they're cute and good to sell) it's fine, just like that other poster said, don't make it your storefront.

>> No.9155815

Instert joke "something something is shit"

>> No.9155978

>tfw looking for realistic rabbit tails for my halloween coord on etsy
>fucking buttplugs keep coming up

>> No.9155981

Ah I feel you
I need a generic pastel tail, most likely a horse/pony one, and of course searching for that hasn't gone well.

>> No.9156000

it looks like a gift for a baby shower or something like was this all made from things bought at michaels

>> No.9156434
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 1234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's trying to sell this as a "classic lolita dress"...

>> No.9156455
File: 561 KB, 389x1000, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9156456

Hasn't this been up for a while now? Why always when we get something bad it is truly horrific? My soul has been so much more peaceful when I left that group.

>> No.9156464

How is cotton rose lace ugly?

>> No.9156484

I don't know, I've been pondering on leaving it too but I still check it maybe once a month because sometimes there are some good deals.

>> No.9156494

No, not that. If you look closely you can see a bit of the plastic scratchy lace which is a lot wider. Looks like parts of that was cut off from this one also but if I remember right it didn't show or look that bad in pics. The sleeves had it atleast.

>> No.9156595

Anon, she's pregnant, not fat. Also, that bag goes for a lot above retail second hand, you guys really need to stop calling scalper because people are selling their items for what they go for, it just makes you a bitter entitled poorfag. Especially when you attach a pic of the OP for no reason other than to make fun of her.
That's just a pic anon included in the collage to unnecessarily ridicule her. Also, I've seen that bag sell for that much several times, so I'm pretty sure that's just what it goes for.

>> No.9156601

Winner of the thread

>> No.9156842

underrated post

>> No.9157085

Is this the common way to do trades? I've been in lolita for years and never heard of this. I feel really stupid now.

>> No.9157135

those ugly materials ugh
could this be made by setsunakou?

>> No.9157865
File: 50 KB, 540x960, 12208284_10153656317563376_5260719943844193879_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9157888

Ugly pregnant scalper detected

>> No.9157892 [DELETED] 

What an original totally not retarded comeback

>> No.9157896

Butthurt bitter poorfag detected

>> No.9158321

The toilet paper in the background really adds to this.

>> No.9158373

That is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen desu.

>> No.9158389

I hope she hand stitched it during bouts of diarrhea.

>> No.9158539

It's sad when I recognize this damn bathroom because of how much shit that girl posts for sale on a regular basis. It's like she thinks the bathroom is the only place to photograph in.

>> No.9159162

I don't know why but something about this reminds me of underwear. Maybe it's the terrible corset lacing.

>> No.9159369

This is a repunzel themed weab beanie. Why the fuck does this exist?

>> No.9160082

I wouldn't even clean my house with it as rags. Disgusting.

>> No.9160797
File: 325 KB, 1149x354, Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 1.24.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sells for 40$ on the bodyline site. why are french people such scalpers with shit taste?

>> No.9161140
File: 43 KB, 420x480, trashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is selling a corset and lolita dresses. Why.

>> No.9161146
File: 49 KB, 640x563, whitelolitadress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9161153

usually because of euro/dollar rates, although most things are still ridiculously expensive. Someone once sold a really unpopular meta skirt that could match pretty much nothing in existence for over 100 € (which I think is around $120) plus shipping

desu I spend less money buying in murrica + shipping than I do buying in my own country

>> No.9161678
File: 425 KB, 1053x516, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think it's ok to sell socks this stained and disgusting?

>> No.9161681

Do these people have dirty floors or have they never washed a sock in their life

>> No.9162076

Seller name: darksocky.

>> No.9162089

.. maybe it's a fetish thing?

>> No.9162090

Nah, I can afford things unlike yet another soon to be single mother.

>> No.9162125

Some of my shoes stains my socks badly. Especially leather shoes. Not trying to sell them however.

>> No.9164740
File: 584 KB, 720x1040, 20160830_045803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Amazing! please take my money! Kek

>> No.9164749

Why he thinks his skills are good enough to take comissions? Also if you don't have machine and have to sew everything on hand why even bother?

>> No.9164750

Oxyclean and or a baking soda paste gets most stains out. But I also never buy used socks or sell my socks.

>> No.9164765

Shitty Metagross loli dress

>> No.9164783

Well-spotted! I didn't see that and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.


>> No.9164785
File: 5 KB, 250x154, 1472436126854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus why...

>> No.9164800

Report that shit. It has to be already made to be put on lacemarket. No MTOs allowed.

>> No.9164818

I can still see the name

>> No.9164899

I did then, but LM seems to only have one very slow mod.

>> No.9164901

Then why are you bitching about a bag being sold for its going rate?

>> No.9164904
File: 411 KB, 586x472, H3CeW1y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seller: if you have any questions just comment!
>Asks question
>Seller never answers
>Item reposted after auction times out
I don't get this, there's been some things I would actually buy if the seller got back to me. Do they want to sell anything?

>> No.9164907

There are these things called exchange rates and customs fees, smart one.

>> No.9164969

Seriously. My Lolita wardrobe is kept separate from the rest of my house and I'd never dream of wearing nice printed socks or nylons on any floor. Wtf. If you're too nasty to keep your shit clean, you shouldn't be in a fashion that's super lady like. Sorry, I had too much salt this morning.

>> No.9165134
File: 15 KB, 192x275, 1450325531503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn this shit asap

>> No.9165448

https://www.. facebook
i knew ive seen this persons name before

>> No.9165469

>Post $50 blouse and skirt set.
>Girl comments that she gets paid on Friday, would I be willing to hold?
>"I only do holds with a deposit, I'll hold it for a $5 depost"
>PMs me a sob story about how she's struggling with money and just starting out in lolita.

I'm so tired of poorfags thinking I'm a charity.

>> No.9165503

It kind of bothers me that Souffle Song is selling their stuff that way on LM now. Like. You guys have an actual, easy to use shop. Why this? It just clogs up sales with stuff I can find on your own site.

>> No.9165581

Jesus that is cringey as fuck. Whoever made that remix is shit too.

>> No.9165684

She seriously didn't have $5? I don't get people. You shouldn't be involved in an expensive hobby if you don't have money/can't budget accordingly

>> No.9165688

The better question is who is buying used socks? That's disgusting

>> No.9165690

Newbies to lolita, I guess.

>> No.9165692

I buy NWT second hand socks. I wash them when I get em if it makes you feel better anon.

>> No.9165694

My shoes do that too. I wear liners to protect my socks.
Socks for my socks.

>> No.9165696

>See a good thing on LM that I want to buy
>Oh, that's kinda high priced I wonder if the seller will---
Shipping fees from France are borderline retarded too. It's such a shame.

>> No.9165697

I don't know who would buy used cosplay honestly. I know being on a budget is one thing but come on people plan ahead.

>> No.9165843

Wonderwelt is the same way to me. When they post it's like why bother trying to go through the sales on LM if it's just going to be the flood of wonderwelt sales? I mean they have great stuff and all, but it really clogs the sales up.

>> No.9165879

Is it weird to do that? I just throughly wash them and they're fine

>> No.9165911

Some people are grossed out by wearing something someone else wore on their feet. But shoes I guess are okay. To me it's the same thing as far as grossness. The items are usually cheap enough though that I would rather get new and unworn then buying it used.

>> No.9167121

If they're brand socks or tights, and they're in decent condition, I get it.
I dont like spending more than $30 on socks

>> No.9167635
File: 615 KB, 1026x580, christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Searching for ruff
This is literally a 5 fucking dollar babby petticoat from ebay that they put over their head

>> No.9167652

holy shit the audacity of claiming it's a handmade item

>> No.9167656

Anon, of course it's handmade- by a Chinese factory worker

>> No.9167701

Dear God it's like Asherbee..

>> No.9167713

I thought it was all one piece and kinda liked it...

>> No.9167839

People who want socks from an old series that will never be released again.

>> No.9167910


>> No.9167914

Where is God in our greatest times of need?

>> No.9169021
File: 372 KB, 1072x547, Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 10.08.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9169322
File: 670 KB, 1153x458, howaboutno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this girl high? She seriously thinks people are going to pay these prices? $480 for just the Dolly Cat JSK? You're lucky if you get that much for the set.

>> No.9169819

This legit looks like someone hot glues fucking foam to the shoes.

>> No.9169876

lewl nice try job those sleeves

>> No.9169930
File: 130 KB, 629x1063, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no honey.

>> No.9169953

I remember seeing this before. I mean, it's not terrible and it's priced pretty well for crochet.

>> No.9169954

This shows up almost every time this thread is around.

>> No.9170013

Tfw I often ask for holds and sellers don't understand gotta I literally need several hours to to get on my computer and send payment jfc

>> No.9170016

What's not mentioned as that these were premade from a craft store.

>> No.9170019

this is different. They're asking to hold payment for days/weeks/months. Not saying "I need a few hours to get to a computer to transfer payment"
You're fine anon

>> No.9170293

I take back what I said then about them being well priced.

>> No.9170319

I wouldn't consider "Hey I'll be home at 6, can you invoice me?" to be a hold, that'd be a pending sale.

>> No.9170548
File: 326 KB, 1134x357, screenshot-egl.lacemarket.us 2016-09-04 00-42-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$25 for this shit.

>> No.9171302
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160904-084442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted on several Facebook groups. $35 for a bodyline blouse that looks like it was dragged through the ground

>> No.9171305
File: 40 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1473003890926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9171597

>Some staining
Well I guess it counts as only one strain if it's all over the thing

>> No.9171727

>Please let that be bad lighting
Oh. Is that shit moldy or what?

>> No.9173054

That's the fate of the plush maker, only time it gets better is when they get MAD

>> No.9176083
File: 68 KB, 630x370, 1391143493088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaah holy shit the googly eyes