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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 233 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9120376 No.9120376 [Reply] [Original]

Closet of Frills: No Legwear Edition

>> No.9120379

dank memes bro

>> No.9120381

More like meme edition amirite

>> No.9120391

going for this bait because is wearing stockings.
fucking white stockings.

>pale people problems

>> No.9120416

No? It's pretty clear that she isn't.

>> No.9120417

Sure, she has white tattoos on her legs, riiiiight.
Baaait. come on people, go play Pokemon Go or something.

>> No.9120418
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Why though?

>> No.9120420

I think it's pretty obvious that we can't have real CoF threads for awhile..

>> No.9120431

moi meme moitie

>> No.9120435
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>> No.9120436
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also no reeeing about reposts, other thread was all memed up like this one anyway.

>> No.9120437
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 13873061_1061054643930560_1951321258954552230_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking bear

>> No.9120438
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>> No.9120439
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god OP didn't even link to the old thread so I could easily check for reposts OP just wanted to troll so hard ugh

>> No.9120440
File: 87 KB, 765x960, 13876289_282155828813313_843365232622461507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to other thread
the other thread before that one is just now dying btw. We've gone through three CoF threads now all before they completely saged.
Really fucking unnecessary.

>> No.9120442

It's summer, but that doesn't mean it's okay not to wear legwear. This would have looked so cute with socks!

>> No.9120444

It's summer alright.

>> No.9120453

you are such a summer fag.

>> No.9120454

I want that fucking bear

>> No.9120456


>> No.9120457

ugly brolita. that face is so off. no wonder they always hide it

>> No.9120458

just noticed the guy in the background lol
hope I didn't accidentally post a minor or something I don't really read stuff on CoF posts because well... they're boring.

>> No.9120460

I would have liked this better if she had worn some real legwear instead of wearing shoes with a frill detail like they are some substitute

>> No.9120463

ITA. again

>> No.9120467

I like this one because the legwear is obvious

>> No.9120477

Most disliked coord of the thread so far, and yes I'd rather take the itas in the black and anitque clock coords than this eyesore.

>> No.9120479

Those arm veins

>> No.9120480
File: 102 KB, 528x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do her toes look so weird?

>> No.9120481

that poor dad

>> No.9120485

What petti is she wearing? Or is it a cage skirt?

>> No.9120493

It's photoshopped, look at the lines, they're wobbly

>> No.9120495
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>> No.9120497

>Why do her toes look so weird?
she trimmed them to fit loliable shoes better

>> No.9120505
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>> No.9120507

Damn it. I love this shape.

>> No.9120508

oh god

>> No.9120509

fucking normies

>> No.9120512

it is possible natty, you typically just need to layer

>> No.9120514


>> No.9120515

I don't see what you're talking about? I just see some jpeg artifact shit going near her dress but the stuff around her isn't wobbly so it could be the weird petti she's wearing. Or maybe she stacked them and they're sitting weird underneath.

>> No.9120516

Not sure why you guys have a vendetta against this girl, she looks fine.

>> No.9120522

Don't make me post caps, anon. Look on each side, the dress dips in weirdly. It's shooped.

>> No.9120524

This post right?? >>9120522
I'm looking at both sides and I do see it dipping in all weird but like, there's no evidence of photoshop, just lots of optimization.
Again, none of the stuff around her like the bed and chair are wobbly. I assume people use the smudge tool lightly to move stuff around in a picture to get it to be a certain shape unless you're referring to a different tool?
Not seeing anything smudged here, though.

>> No.9120525

It looks like a fucking gremlin

>> No.9120538

It's pretty easy to fix the background after shooping something

>> No.9120541

Eh, I've had clothes that do exactly this over a petti though.
But okay, she shooped even though I can't see it.

>> No.9120543

Maybe a shorty chiffon over a cage? Long live the poof. I'm guessing she did not list the petti(s) she used.

>> No.9120546

>this vendetta

>> No.9120555

Not kissing her ass =/= vendetta

>> No.9120559

How are you this stupid

>> No.9120577

I think they're implying that we don't need to be going into this much of a discussion and pushing for "she shooped" so hard.
Shit. Isn't shooping considered okay in Japan?

>> No.9120580

this isn't Japan

>> No.9120599

bitch post fucking caps because literally no one fucking sees what you're talking about

>> No.9120616

What is the general consensus on wearing a bow from a different print series, provided the color actually matches (unlike here, though i see what they were going for)

>> No.9120617

She could afford the bear but not a better coord?

>> No.9120621

I think the biggest question is why didn't she pick up the clothes before taking the picture. Its not like it would have taken longer than the time she took to get ready.

>> No.9120625

messy room selfies are my biggest pet peeve

>> No.9120652

People from Japan post here sometimes and the new owner of the site is Japanese - I call troll for acting like you never heard of the term "world wide web"

>> No.9120654

Seems to be fine as long as the print on the bow isn't really distinct.

>> No.9120658

>/cgl/s most famous shitposter isn't from Japan

So you're new?

>> No.9120670
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>> No.9120687

Please enhance.

>> No.9120695

Collars are ita.

>> No.9120707
File: 46 KB, 600x848, 13882076_320714111595398_4148758602126933684_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a nonthreatening expression

>> No.9120710
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>> No.9120713
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>> No.9120714

She looks so much nicer like this.

Thanks for the dump anon.

>> No.9120720

This girl has some issues with her mouth. Makes me want to see it. I bet it's not that bad.

>> No.9120723

>summoning legwear anon

>> No.9120734

You have got to be kidding or blind anon.

>> No.9120745

I laughed, because I have the OP that comes with the bow on her waist. How can you think it looks good with that?

>> No.9120751

Her presence would actually be warranted here, for once.

>> No.9120752

All this bait. Summer must be bored. Get outside and catch some damn pokemon or something.

>> No.9120784

I hope this is bait. Since when has no blouse, cheap collars, that gross hair color, and those shoes that look like they've been made for a man in a mid-life crisis...lolita?

>> No.9120802

She looks so much better without the angle glance and crazy eye expression. Considering she changed her pose, expression and look tells you she is here and listing. And she's taking the crit well without being a major stuck up bitch like most. I like this. I like this a lot.

>> No.9120811

She has such a cute face when she smiles, loads better than the default startled expression, it's good to see some variance.

>> No.9120816

Why THE FUCK are all these girls skipping the legwear lately?

>> No.9120836

Well it is summer after all....

>> No.9120838

Did she mention it at all in her Last week lolita news??
I don't watch it cause I don't care enough about youtube videos.

>> No.9120860

For purpose of discussion and because I'm a n00b who's still learning, it looks like these sandals are open toe. Would it have been better had she worn socks? Or scrapped that shoe all together? I noticed someone commented on her post saying she should've worn tea parties but I mean... It's summer it's hot, even for ankle socks depending on where you live. I feel like there was a thread debating this a while back but looking in the archives didn't bring anything up.

>> No.9120861

She didn't mention it but she has referenced CGL in the past and is very much aware of drama, she's definitely lurking here. I do agree with the other anons, though, the change does her good and it's great that she can take criticism well and learn from it.

>> No.9120864

You can't win with open toe shoes. With socks = ita. Without socks = not lolita.

>> No.9120868

Depends on whom you ask, I personally hate the open toe shoe/sandal+sock combo, it looks tacky imo. I'm more bothered by the fit of that JSK than the shoe choice, to be honest.

>> No.9120871

I know this is HWC's new bait lately, but she's like the only one that hasn't had legwear? Everyone else has been wearing tights.

>> No.9120875

>the joke
>your head

>> No.9120884

The expression is nicer but she's still using the same shoes and legwear. Even with the non-pink dress it looks the same as her other coords.

This is pretty nice for a first coord but man that wig is shiny.

>> No.9120893

I like her videos but the set creeps me out.

>> No.9120899

goths have this tendency to maintain a certain amount of creep factor even when attempting very non-creepy aesthetics ime.

>> No.9120908

Open toed shoes can look good with some glass stockings, but there's no guaranteed way to win which is why most people say not to bother, especially if you're new.
If you have ugly feet or your toes are disgusting / not manicured, no one wants to see you in open toed shoes no matter the weather.

>> No.9120952

I love that blouse, any idea what it is?

>> No.9120970

I like it too anon, it's Souffle Song's Summer Heart Dot Blouse.

>> No.9120981

Holy crap she's actually adorable/really pretty when she doesn't look like she's about to murder you through the computer screen. Props for listening!

>> No.9120988
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Why buy a dress if you think the print is awful?

>> No.9120990
File: 59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1469846550649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those gold shoes
>that complete lack of accessories
>mfw I see my dream dress being baatardized by this terrible coord

>> No.9120992

Did she post something about hating the print?

>> No.9120998

I'm sorry but I think you're just bitter someone else has your dream dress. It's certainly nothing to write home about, but it's not a bad coord.

>> No.9121003

I love this mentality. " how dare you ruin MY dream dress" like because it's YOUR dream dress it's your property to tell people how they can and can't wear something they bought with their own money.

Same goes with people who get butthurt when someone modifies brand for them selves.

>> No.9121027

she said the bears were creepy. it might have been a selfconscious apology since she may know others find the bears creepy, no big deal, anon wants there to be drama is all

>> No.9121165

That huge hand, no visible bust... is this a man?

>> No.9121542

I figured out why I dislike all her coords. The way her bangs and hime cut are positioned make her chubby cheeks look even fatter. Lose the blunt bangs or lose some weight off your face.

>> No.9121543

And she generally lacks acessories*

>> No.9121551

WTF anon....you just can't "loose weight off your face" that comes with aging. She looks a healthy weight right now. Slim + chubby cheeks = youthful.

>> No.9121571


>> No.9121675
File: 160 KB, 1140x1140, 13908929_10157146061835363_2058558711978240556_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of Monstrous Mimi

also dat poof, god. pls list your petti brand in your coord rundown if you're gonna flount volume like this.

>> No.9121681
File: 71 KB, 960x960, 13686681_10207477496401965_6317844736056353707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting other decent new coords

>> No.9121683
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>> No.9121685
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>> No.9121687
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>> No.9121700


>> No.9121714

Love this!

>> No.9121725

Total nitpick on my part but not digging the veil. I feel it's too classic and doesn't match the themeof the coord.

>> No.9121727


>man hands

Trap? Trap.

>> No.9121797
File: 80 KB, 960x834, 13901365_10206278455153395_2982237716045809011_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never leave us

>> No.9121809

am I the only one who thinks baked sweets parade looks like absolute shit in sax?

>> No.9121813

What is it with fat women and ugly unnaturally coloured hair?

>> No.9121814

She could use a more flattering haircut I agree but you can't just lose weight off of your face....

>> No.9121830

It's a man, and he's hiding part of his face because he has a man face.

>> No.9121843

Vendetta because she can't frame her hair to her face properly? I don't think you know what that word really means.

>> No.9121846

>50 shades of pink
triggered as fuck

>> No.9121848

>only fat women do that
get out of your small town.

>> No.9121852

No, I'm not a fan of that colorway and it's always the one I see go on sale. (yes I know about the one CC)

>> No.9121859

Ugly fat women do it most often, even though they look worst with it.

>> No.9121868
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>> No.9121876

Big Daddy refers to the cosplay she is posing with, it's not an ageplay thing in this.

>> No.9121878

to be fair BSP also contains 50 shades of pink in it.

>> No.9121884

I felt grossed out reading that at first until I looked at the cosplay. She should clarify that it's a video game character.

I think it would tie together nicer if the cutsew and beret matched.

>> No.9121885

If it is so hot that you can't wear shoes with socks, then just don't wear lolita and wear something else that day.

>> No.9121929

Anyone know what dress this is? It's super cute.
Dunno what's happening with the spiky beret though.

>> No.9121934

Chill anon. At least the pinks are the same kind of pink in lighter or darker shades. Salmon pink, cool pink, warm pink; that's what really horrible.

>> No.9121935

Omg! I didn't even think of this! I'm so familiar with with Bioshock it didn't even cross my mind it would be construed this way, fuck...

>> No.9121940

Big Daddy is the character is from the game Bioshock.

>> No.9121946

>can't see that the blouse has salmon tones, the beret is hot pink, and the shoes are a light pink
Come on, anon.

>> No.9121953

"Ew" still works, that outfit is gross.

>> No.9121960

this girl needs make-up help STAT

>> No.9121971

>that beret
>hot pink

what are you smoking?

>> No.9121974

um I'm an ugly skinny woman with unnatural hair

>> No.9121975

or you could just look at the picture and figure it out for yourself

>> No.9121977
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Phrasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sure Big Daddy was the creepy guy next to her

>> No.9121978

Are you blind or fucking retarded?

>> No.9121981

I don't think they are close enough in tone either and also
Cream colored dress lace, white socks with white lace. Too much color difference everywhere. Not 'omg itaaaaa' but it is pretty noticible overall.

>> No.9121982

Aren't they pink socks?

>> No.9121984
File: 4 KB, 400x297, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saying that beret is this? Because this is hot pink.

>> No.9121985


>> No.9121993

I think it's fine to mix print series if they match.

This coord is just ok but I really like that blouse.

Agreed, anon

>> No.9121998

>posted from an iphone
>true to color

>> No.9122001

That's magenta you fucking idiot

>> No.9122002

I own BSP so I have a good reference point for the other pinks. Also, hot pink is really distinctive so I'm not sure how in the holy hell anon thought that beret was hot pink unless she's on drugs.

>> No.9122004

That is literally the first image that shows up when you google hot pink.

>> No.9122005

I think WYSIWYG applies to clothing like it does to printers, dude. Photographs are always a lie.

>> No.9122010

Even so, factoring in that I own the goddamn print and it's really easy to pick out the specific undertones for hot pink I'm fairly confident that's not hot pink. I am not defending her poor coord, just saying there is no way that beret is hot pink.

>> No.9122019

I have bigger hands (can pick up a volleyball with one hand, and also a basketball) but am not a man. why are you so obsessed with knowing gender?

the reds don't exactly match, but this is cute

her coord isn't poor though. I understand you don't want to look like a wk but throw insults where they're warranted.

>> No.9122024

Her pinks are all over the place and she has white socks with ivory lace. You telling me that's not poor coording?

>> No.9122038

Then she should just take Willam Belli's drag advice for lipstick colors and color-match her butthole. Better safe than sorry! #toomanypinks </discussion>

>> No.9122053

This this this

>> No.9122172

Your autism is showing

>> No.9122204

Sauce on bear?

>> No.9122207

go back to tumblr summerfag

>> No.9122215


>> No.9122222

Do you just not know what Lolita is or?

>> No.9122223

there are bows on the beret and you're just seeing the ends of them

>> No.9122224

Honestly I would prefer the pinks to match but I don't understand why lolitas get so anal about this. It's still cute even if it doesn't match exactly. It doesn't clash or anything.

Off white and white bother me but that's because I think the two look horrible together and clash.

>> No.9122230
File: 6 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fyi that's how magenta looks like.

tbqh I kinda like when pinks vary throughout a coord if they're matched well, because a coord often looks flat and muted (and boring) if all shades are the same. I find this one really nice, because pink shades of the print itself also vary.

>> No.9122232

The ridiculous comments on this coord is why I stopped listening to cgl's advice. The coord and colors are great. I prefer a little variation in the pinks, it ties in the pink tones in the print. It looks just like what I see Japanese lolitas wear to Disneyland (and probably better matched).

>> No.9122235
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>> No.9122237

She should have left out those detail shots. They just make it painfully obvious how desperately this coord needs cohesion.

>> No.9122260

Could not agree more

>> No.9122264

I hate so much of this. The shoes especially. Those are god awful.

>> No.9122266

I wouldn't call this lolita, but it's hella cute as punk jfash

>> No.9122267

Most lolitas don't listen to /cgl/'s advice for a reason, anon. Hell, most lolitas don't go on this site for a reason. They talk shit about coords not being perfect yet most of them can't coord themselves. Can't wait for some butthurt gull to respond to this calling me autistic. That's how you know you're really on /cgl/.

>> No.9122276

>cute as hell

This is none of those things.

>> No.9122278

her tattoos are godawful

>> No.9122279

It's hilarious because they're the ones who are autistic. I can't wrap my head around half the things people shit their pants over in threads like these. If you're a n00b and need to get down the basics /cgl/ isn't horrible but anything beyond "white blouse, jsk, white legwear, matching shoes in the same color as the jsk" I just take into consideration but don't make it my will. I think what happens is, aside from people wanting to just bitch about their vendettas anonymously, is people just like to project.

>> No.9122307

Nothing about this is good.

>> No.9122311


>> No.9122355

I dunno about this as lolita but she's my idol. she probably shouldn't have posted this lol
this would have been amazing casual if the shoes an accessories were switched out.

can't tell if misshapen tricorn, or beret with gigantic bow. no matter what I can't help but love her.

>> No.9122359

I will keep this in mind next time I post to COF and no one had better get their bloomers in a bunch over various hues of pinks. I'm tying them in with my BSP print after all.

>> No.9122363
File: 497 KB, 768x1024, 3295046888_858bdf4ca9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. hoping she doesn't have the kind of phase my idol Lauran had for a while there.

>mfw i look for photos of one of Lauran's weirder lolita experiments and find pic related instead
>mfw they are IRL twins

>> No.9122367

She posts so often and her outfits are so shitty. Does she honestly think this looks good?

>> No.9122370

This would be a cute photo if they weren't.... standing on a couch

>> No.9122371

Tbh this reminds me of shoop chan

>> No.9122374
File: 368 KB, 832x1080, 20140419-Mini-Crini-RGB-2-SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway i mean stuff like pic related from 2014, when Lauran was transitioning from VW back to lolita and had some kinks to work out. i figure every veteran lolita needs to break their constraints and stretch their boundaries sometimes, and Lauran is back to good form (imo), but it can be disheartening to see a role model flail a bit.

it is kinda dumb but anyway

>> No.9122375

This is not a vendetta. This outfit is barely lolita.

>> No.9122390

This brolita has such an ugly face and creepy eyes

>> No.9122393

this girl fucking refuses to develop style. she has not shown attention to fabric quality, won't wear a wig/clip-ins or style her hair. I am beyond done seeing her ita shit all the time. she has had plenty of time to try and save for better legwear, footwear, and blouses. don't get me started on her terrible pettis.
she could make that jsk, and that awful handmade skirt, work if she was fashion savvy.

she needs to rewind out of the try phase and back to the research. I want one complete coord from her, it's been too damn long for this bullshit

>> No.9122397

white legwear, a little pop of red somewhere (to justify the headbow) and a more voluminous wig because he has wide set eyes. this is pretty adorable and I hope he keeps wearing lolita

>> No.9122467

I don't like the look of the bloomers sticking out but this is ok otherwise.

>> No.9122470

Unrelated to the coord itself, but those crosses look so weird and out of place on the print lol

>> No.9122473

shh bby is ok

the dress itself has different shades of pink and the pinks in the coord are all close to each other on the color spectrum so it works

>> No.9122477

Lmfao why are they on a couch tho

>> No.9122479

Does she get likes and asspats or the concrit she obviously very much needs? This looks really sloppy and awful. She needs help.

>> No.9122484

This is a clusterfuck.

>> No.9122492

That's AP for you

>what is this flower and berry themed print missing lads
>fantastic put them in everywhere

>> No.9122494

Yes, it is. Still 200% better than >>9120435 though.

>> No.9122497

Is it a contest?
Idk though, one is an ita doing ita shit and another is a veteran lolita who really should know better, also doing ita shit. They're both cringe.

>> No.9122498

the crosses being made of daisies reminds me of grave memorial wreaths

>> No.9122507

I just laughed at >>9122235.
Would not invite >>9120435 to tea at all.

>> No.9122514

Considering there are crosses all over the dress, I feel the veil is justified. Fuck AP for their inability to pick a single theme though.

>> No.9122522

The veil, plastic head dangle stuff and straw purse don't look so good all used together on >>9121687. If adding a veil, keep the other accessories more elegant. Otherwise leave off the veil and just use flower crown. I think that parasol motif clashes too much also.

>> No.9122554

She's asked for concrit and really not gotten anything from what I've seen. COF likes their asspats. I'm shit at giving it or else I would've.

>> No.9122566

That's pretty funny that she keeps posting bad coords but I'll admit I'm a bit of a shit because I don't care if itas stay ita. There are so many good resources on the web and thousands of reference photos, past and current magazines etc.
If grown women can't be arsed to at least get the basics of the style down, then they can just stay ita.

>> No.9122588

Maybe we can give you a second opinion on whether it's shit or not - how would you word your concrit?

>> No.9122597

How would you even make a compliment sandwich here? I'd have a hard time giving this a nice but still helpful concrit.

>> No.9122604

Honestly, it's that I can tell it's bad but for some reason, my brain won't let me figure out HOW other than "no blouse" and "unstyled hair" (I don't have much of an issue with unnatural hair in Lolita as long as you don't say, wear a wine red dress with green hair since they may be "complimentary" colors but you'll look like a fucking Christmas ornament). I don't even know how to fucking word it or say how to improve because my eyes are just "it's off, but I cannot put my finger on why!".

>> No.9122612

Yea that would be my issue with giving her concrit. Literally nothing about it works. The dress is fine, but other than that she needs to start over from scratch

>> No.9122616

I don't see a problem with the tights, personally but I also have a fondness for striped anything. At least it's legwear, lol.

>> No.9122619

I've been puzzling over that one too - maybe starting by saying that the dress is very nice? But yeah, it's a tough example.

Maybe in some cases it's better to not comment at all. Saying to some one in front of a huge audience: "it'd be better to start over" simply cannot go down well, except the person in question is extraordinarily chill.

>> No.9122620

Even the dress is full of lint, wrinkled and pulling weirdly at the bodice cross-lacing enough to make the vertical trim all wonky. Not sure how she can fix the latter at all? Longer lacing possibly or is the dress itself actually too tight?

>> No.9122622

This. I can't believe she's 36 though, looks amazing. This outfit is a bit all over the place but it's good to see people trying new combinations, however it probably should have stayed on her insta.

>> No.9122624
File: 22 KB, 153x77, lacingforants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lacing needs to be longer -- look how short (non existent) the little "bow" is from where it's tied. It's pulled too tightly and it's making it pucker oddly

>> No.9122628

Ok, that's not helpful then.
I can relate to your problem though, giving good concrit has to be practised.

>> No.9122634


To be really honest I'm not really sure if there's a lot of concrit to give other than "start over completely from scratch", which might explain why no one's tried to give her any. That, and plus size people tend to melt down on you once you try to suggest they dress for their weight. The "no blouse" doesn't automatically make her ita in my book, but showing off those hammy upper arms is not really the best move.

I've got nothing against her natural air colour either, but the combination of harsh gothic makeup, bright red lipstick and that green hair brings out all of her eyebagss and hag lines. Girl really needs to learn what colours suit her skintone and work with that instead of slapping on a "gothic" palette and calling it a day.

As for her outfit, it's a case of mismatched styles. The dress alone is the only thing that's lolita, every other element of her outfit is either 2edgy4u gothic or just way too casual -- fetish choker, fishnet tights, spike bracelet and bag, those fugly open sandals. It's like she's working off an ita checklist. Then she does a complete 180 and slaps on this frilly old school sweet lolita dress on top, not even going for a gothic lolita dress. The styles just don't match. If she weren't wearing the sweet lolita dress she might as well have not posted, not much else about her outfit is actually lolita.

So yeah, pretty much she needs to ditch everything and start over from scratch. idk, if you can word that a little nicer or maybe give it to her piecemeal as something to work on. Maybe mention that she should try and stick to one style, or she needs to learn the difference between gothic and gothic lolita.

>> No.9122635

Calm down boo boo. I know it's hard to comprehend but they are the actual owner of this lovely dress. I'm sure IF you ever own it you'll school us all like a supreme queen with such a deluxe coord though, right? In fact I'm honestly wondering why don't you have it already if you love it so much and are throwing a little bitch fit? Just go and buy it this minute, what are you waiting for?
Can't? Oh RIGHT, then it's not yours yet. Oops!
Meanwhile, how about you just have a seat and let them have their own style?
Sage for snark over a dumb vendetta

>> No.9122636

Wicked witch kek

>> No.9122638

I looked closer too but there doesn't seem to be extra fabric or any shirring under the lacing to ease back out unless the dress has back shirring? I don't go on this FB group so I wondered if her other outfits are this bad and also if she has a local comm?

The tights look pretty bad with the pattern stretched to be so uneven. Not very flattering to the wider part of her legs at all.

>> No.9122643

They look like they're kind of twisted, to me moreso than just stretched? Getting stripes on tights to actually sit straight is a huge fucking battle so imo the tights bit is a nitpick.

>> No.9122645

ugh *IS a bit of a nitpick. Lost/mixed up some words there somehow.

>> No.9122787

Sorry you got posted but it's a mediocre coord. Chill out.

>> No.9122796

Am I the only one who thinks the socks don't go with the rest of the coord?

>> No.9122808
File: 127 KB, 960x960, 13887093_10153745125538202_5317151480710849414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, but not really lolita. Just bc it's Putomayo, doesn't mean it's auto lolita.

>> No.9122809
File: 89 KB, 250x333, ap_kneesocks_whippedcherry_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fit the theme/colors, I don't see why not?

>> No.9122811

They just seem a bit..busy? The dress has a lot going on already, printed socks just look a bit overkill.

>> No.9122813
File: 189 KB, 375x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fruit parlour otks are more pastel and subtle.

>> No.9122814

I don't like this coord, but I don't see how it's not lolita.

>good poof
>right silhouette
>proper arm/shoulder covering
>ugly legwear, but still legwear
>appropriate shoes for lolita
>has headwear

This is a fine example of a casual punk coord.

>> No.9122820


Those are not appropriate lolita shoes. Just because it has a strap doesn't make it lolita. Also, just because she wore studded jewelry and fishnets doesn't mean this is punk lolita. Would have looked better with black shoes, black x purple socks, and less tryhard jewelry.

>> No.9122821

>Sorry you got posted
Not who you were replying to, but this isn't the ita thread.

>> No.9122825

I think you're too caught up in the 'rules': Lolita is an aesthetic, not a checklist. You can have all pieces theoretically needed for a lolita coord and still not be wearing lolita based on what your outfit actually looks like.

>> No.9122828

Shoes do not make or break if something is lolita especially if they are basic mary janes jfc. It's not good, no, but it doesn't make it not lolita. Cgl gets more and more arbitrarily anal each day just because someone isn't wearing a "safe" coord.

>> No.9122862

I totally agree that there's plenty of ways to make the coord look better, but it's stil lolita as is, even if not that great. The shoes are totally appropriate for lolita; you wouldn't be arguing against them if the JSK had been red, or if worn in a better coord that had a lot of red.

>> No.9122891

No, I feel the same way

>> No.9122924

It looks so cheap and tacky

>> No.9122929
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>> No.9122930
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>> No.9122931
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>> No.9122934
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>> No.9122935
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>> No.9122936

This is simple and cute.

>> No.9122937
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>> No.9122939
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>> No.9122941
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>> No.9122942
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>> No.9122943
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>> No.9122944

I wish she would stop buying dresses and get a better camera and some less ugly purses.

Is the pink bow belt part of the dress? It's really cute and I normally hate belts like that.

>> No.9122946
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>> No.9122947
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>> No.9122969

Is this in Versailles? Marie Antoinette would have cringed.

>> No.9123057

Is this a man?

>> No.9123064

The poor seams on the dress look like they're going to burst.

>> No.9123068

>Cgl gets more and more arbitrarily anal each day just because someone isn't wearing a "safe" coord.
yep. and reminder that most posters don't even wear lolita.

>> No.9123071

i dislike such short shorts in ouji but she balances it out pretty well.

>> No.9123089

the only thing that bothers me about this is the lack of legwear

>> No.9123094
File: 92 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1470000639499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a punchable face. It also looks like age play

>> No.9123095

Exactly. You can always tell when it's an actual seasoned lolita giving advice compared to a butthurt gull.

>> No.9123096

I agree anon, it's a casual punk coord but not a great one. Worst part being the shoes and those pantyhose add nothing to the look.

>> No.9123104
File: 1.93 MB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Planning this coordinate for a year"
Doesn't bother to take a full body shot.
Decides to post this washed out nonsense.

Everything about the styling of this reeks of age-play.

>> No.9123105

Welcome to punk lolita

>> No.9123122

This girl has nice, simple coords but the navy hairbow here feels out of place.

I saw this posted on tumblr and the photoset literally had 3 or 4 pics or her making that face on that left. A horrorshow.

>> No.9123128

Oh gross it's pastelcutie. She spammed sponsorship posts on tumblr while saying that her making that face is ~the true her~ and that she'll never change. She also told another blogger to kill herself and changed her tumblr name to get away from it.

>> No.9123152

Literally in all her pictures she makes this face and I dont fucking understand why. Making yourself look like a blowfish doesn't look good?

>> No.9123160

I hate this and think it's fugly but I think she might be improving in terms of balancing colors out. You can see she tried to balance the yellow with yellow shoes, and she ties the white in with the collar and leg wear. Again, fugly, but in this coord she at least looks like she's starting to get a better understanding of color coordination and balance.

>> No.9123178

Just needs some kind of leg wear, even a ruffle over the top of the boots would work, and change the necklace. I like the rest of it.

>> No.9123186

Love this. all her Ouji is spot-on.

>> No.9123203
File: 849 KB, 735x646, benedict kei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like benedict cumberbatch

>> No.9123218

I cant stand this girl. She thinks her coords are so good.

>> No.9123231

Full ouji and a cloak too. 3 people behind her in shorts. Hell yes! I just want to show this to everyone who cries about wearing a blouse in summer.

>> No.9123250

Beautiful coord, why her hair always has to look like shit. It looks dirty, uneven and awfully dyed. It ruins everything.

>> No.9123253
File: 621 KB, 640x900, britney_spears_justin_timberlake_2001_american_music_awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the different shades of blue surprisingly look nice together. I can't help but be reminded of this though.

>> No.9123289

I can't stop looking at this picture...why am I crying

>> No.9123307

I love this. It's so simple yet so well balanced

>> No.9123311

That bonnet is almost cone of shame huge. Is she a tiny person, or is that just a huge bonnet?

>> No.9123316

nah mate, it's definitely lolita, it's just bad

>> No.9123325

>current year
>shitty duck face

>> No.9123331

Same, I like the coord but all I could think of in my head was "jouji"

>> No.9123334

Hard bonnets are usually this large, anon.

>> No.9123345


>> No.9123358

She's crazy into Melanie marteniez and loves the baby bottle thing.
Also she's always laying down in her photos? I think it's impossible for her to do real full body shots even though she claims to model all the time.

>> No.9123497
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 13895370_1137618352927614_7565437553697878580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't understand why people buy replicas. They just look gross

>> No.9123499

I have a couple hard bonnets, even my chantilly bonnet isn't that big.

>> No.9123551

Because "lol its just cheep burando that fits muh curves"

>> No.9123576

It looks REALLY short.

>> No.9123582
File: 300 KB, 954x1273, tumblr_ob5agoGmPr1qkukogo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how can someone have such a punchable face.... she looks so snide

>> No.9123599

It barely even fits her. What's the sense in buying replicas if you can't even fit into those?

>> No.9123682

Cause she is. It's a joke that lolcow won't accept her as one of the many because "not enough milk" - I thought you could just look at her fucking blog and see it.

>> No.9123792


>> No.9123803

I am so absolutely and utterly irked by those goddamn dookie streak eyebrows. It deadass looks like she let somebody drop a double Dirty Sanchez across the top of her face.

>> No.9123804


lolcow is rip anyways. Hoping a new website pops up

>> No.9123835

Kek that bow sticking out at the side of her head looks hella awkward.

>> No.9123842

>a year to get a bodyline coord together
Lmfao what a sad try hard

>> No.9123942

Kmart kei
This print deserves better

>> No.9123945

I normally love this girl's coords but
>navy headbow out of nowhere
>offwhite accessories and dress accents, yet stark white socks
This is a nope for me.

>> No.9124068

i hate this girl with the fire of a thousand suns gtfo

>> No.9124156
File: 490 KB, 1847x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make this OTT, oh I know let me put an actual fucking toy carosel on my head

>> No.9124165

You act like this is something no one else has done before.

>> No.9124166

Hey, Cadence. Sorry I don't like your OTT bullshit.

>> No.9124171

What's her tumblr?

>> No.9124174

This takes me back to 2009 when everyone had badly decoden covered cheap carousel cake decorations on their head or on necklaces. At least this carousel looks nicer. I kind of miss seeing OTT sweet shit like this.

>> No.9124177

Not her. I don't even wear sweet.

>> No.9124178

Your obsessive hatred is fucking scary. Like get some help dude. It's not healthy.

>> No.9124179

I'm #triggered that her headbow is a different colourway

>> No.9124191

>post coord on CoF thread
>call out ridiculous headpiece
>call out cadence defending herself

>obsessive hatred
>get some help

Yeah, okay anon. I'll admit myself to the looney bin right this second.

>> No.9124194

They clearly aren't familiar with the "hi X" meme

>> No.9124198

I blame summer.

>> No.9124202

That just makes it worse. It's ugly shit, and doesn't even have the decency of being original ugly shit.

>> No.9124203

No one is obsessed with you, Cadence. Stop trying to flatter yourself.

>> No.9124211

is that the girl who ran that blog on tumblr that had all the different 'substyles' but most of them were from the deerstalker video? Like stuff like 'gloomy bear lolita', 'snow white lolita' and was acting if they were actual substyles like sweet/classic/gothic etc? And when people were like 'look this isn't actually correct', she'd argue that IT'S jSUT A JOKE GUYz ur triggering ME

if so, I think I sent her hate about that on tumblr. I recognize that trout pout and eyebrows.

>> No.9124216

Oh I completely agree w/ you. I think it looks stupid as hell too. Just felt like op of that pic had a vendetta for this girl.

>> No.9124217

>"planned for a year"
>didn't match all the pinks toghether
plus she looks like she's about to say "daddy". fucking disgusting and shameful.
also, those fucking eyebrows.

>> No.9124221

love that rick though

>> No.9124269

Nope, Ottawa

>> No.9124338

the dress is actually really poorly made when it comes to looking like it bursts. I saw this on many lolitas, even skinny ones. it's a weird dress.

>> No.9124384

I can't stand that argumentative Cadence girl and her shitty coords

>> No.9124483

I think I'm in love.

Stupid question but what is this dress? I've been seeing it everywhere and it's super cute, I require sauce.

It's probably bad of me that I really like this... I feel like this is the ONLY dress that that wig would ever go with. I've seen it in other coords and it makes me want to cry, but I mean this one is acceptable to me for some reason.

>> No.9124546
File: 60 KB, 720x549, FB_IMG_1470075630259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this in general, it's gorgeously constructed! But the tea length is so weird--it's too long to really be Lolita, but too short to be historically accurate. I'm very torn about this.

>> No.9124548

I feel kind of bad bc I really don't like it. It's pretty as a costume but isn't lolita to me at all.

>> No.9124597


Glad to see she's improving but that bow does look weird.

>> No.9124610

>double Dirty Sanchez across the top of her face.

Top fucking kek, Anon

>> No.9124629

I believe it is Alice and the Pirates' Starry Moonlight Night Sirene.

>> No.9125605


>> No.9125624

> Blush placed right under her eyes which doesn't help with her chubby-ish face.
> Red eye shadow which doesn't match anything
> Needs some colour on the lips

It would work better with natural brown tones for eye shadow and a reddish-pink lip stain. Instead the blush should go from under the cheek bones going to the ears. Maybe light contouring as well? Overall the coord needs accessories though.

Looks like the shoes are cutting into the legs yikes


>> No.9125650

I think you're alone in that thought because her hair looks fine. It's thick and likely naturally curly but sge straightens it nicely. No frizz, not greasy. Her hair looks great with ouji

>> No.9125657

Damn disappointing because she's quite pretty. Everything but that horrible replica and headbow looks nice.

>> No.9125674

Dress length is fine, as lolita skirts can fall anywhere between knee and mid-shin. The issue is the skirt shape. Improvements: a sturdier petti situation/hoop skirt, tights instead of anklets, smaller hat or bigger hair, and a fancy collared dickie or half blouse for modesty...the choker can go as it only shortens her neck. Actually, upon further observation, I don't believe the skirt has much room to afford the proper petticoats. If it can't get more poof, than this dress isn't loliable

>> No.9125911

That hat is super fucking ugly, can't wait for OTT classic to die

>> No.9126310

this is the worst shoop ive ever seen BUT her ferret is adorable

>> No.9127812

Nothing wrong with her coord