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File: 122 KB, 640x592, b50fb60djw1ekaqoy08n9j20hs0gg0vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9044889 No.9044889 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>9008356

Post questions, advice, inspiration, completed works, and WIPs!

Resource Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15mrdnoKqy7csGQ7XhyFy_wXVnLUzKX0sd2agIvHDXVw/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.9044893


reposting answers is fine too

>How long have you been resin crafting?
>What do you use it for?
>What is your preferred type of resin (epoxy, UV, polyester)?
>What is your favorite brand?
>Least favorite?
>In what environment do you use resin, and how does it affect your process?
>Have you ever made your own molds, and if so out of what?
>Do you have a resin allergy?
>What technique or method are you proud of for mastering?
>What technique or method would you like to learn?
And finally
>What do you want to see more of when it comes to resin crafting?

>> No.9044923
File: 318 KB, 648x729, 20160607_005124-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this as a prototype so excuse the poor placement of stickers and rough edges.
Beyond fixing the structural mistakes, do you guys have any suggestions on how to make the design a little more mature/elegant? I'm not looking for classic lolita level elegance, just something that looks more like trendy teen jewelry rather than claires jewelry.
So far I'm thinking of using a less saturated color for the frame, cutting the whiskers/eyes thinner and more neatly....not sure what else. Maybe less glitter?

>> No.9044929
File: 173 KB, 799x614, MUA-Undress-Your-Skin-Highlighting-Powder-Review-Swatches-Photos-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is your design, anon? Pink glitter angry cat eyebrows Tokyo Mew Mew brooch?

Get a much finer glitter. Look to highlighters like pic related for guidance. The gem and the whisker bits just do not complement one another as is. Maybe a color change of the frame and gem would fix this, but I don't know. Do you sketch out your designs before you get started? Or do you just glue crap on?

>> No.9044939

I don't have a sketch handy, but yes i did sketch it. it was just harder to actualize my idea than i expected.
my idea was to have a simple cat face in a frame. I actually originally didnt even want to include eyes, just wanted a nose, whiskers, and mouth, but I couldnt for the life of me cut out a mouth that was small enough but still intricate enough.

Like I said this was just a test run of the idea so I'm not happy with it or anything.
A finer glitter sounds like a good idea definitely.
I would like to find a different material to use for the whiskers, like a thin piece of black wire or something, to add dimension and so I don't have to cut teeny tiny whiskers.

>> No.9044947

this looks terrible.

At least add some backing to it, it looks like you had your nails painted black and dropped clippings of it into your resin.

Also the eyes look more like eyebrows for some reason

>> No.9044985
File: 890 KB, 2560x1440, cat_face_happy_56740_2560x1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought the eyes were eyebrows too.

I think you need to think about how you're going to make it successful and readable to other people. If you were trying to be abstract, it hasn't worked. We don't really know what it is.

-The colour of the frame is too dark/murky

-The nose is the same colour of the background, don't do that. It's hard to see. Make it a colour that stands out, along with the things you want people to see.

-Look at a cats face for stracture, even if it's not going to be 3d, there's still basic proportions. The eyes wouldn't be that far sway from the nose and neither would the whiskers. They don't look like eyes, even closed. They're too far up and look like eyebrows.

As it is now, it just looks like a random back with broken off pieces stuck to it. You need to make the bits neater and vary in thickness. (cats whiskers are much thinner than its eyes)

Work on:

1: Making it look like a cat face

2: Successful colour scheme

3: Cleaner

>> No.9044988

Instead of doing clippings, you could maybe do a white pen instead, like the wings in it's image. Cats whiskers tend to be white, rather then black. Also if you use a pen, you could probably draw in a mouth.

>> No.9045013

This was really helpful, thanks! I somehow didn't even think to look at a cats face while making it. And I'm definitely going to do another color scheme. I just had that as a scrap frame lying around, and it unfortunately ended up being the exact same color as the gem I wanted to use

I thought about doing pen, but I really wanted some dimension. But maybe using pen for just the mouth could be okay!

I went back and forth about using a backing. I'll try one out . I'm definitely considering other options rather than the black finger nail clippings haha I'm not particularly happy with them either

Thanks for the advice everyone.

>> No.9045017

How do you guys safely drill holes into your resin pieces? I've been using a pin vice and eye screws but I'm worried about resin dust. I try to do it in a baking tray filled with water but it's pretty hard to drill into the pieces that way so I usually keep the pieces damp so the dust doesn't fly everywhere, but I take it out of the water to drill. Is that safe? What does everyone else do?

>> No.9045159

I just kinda poke 'em in while the resin is still malleable, and later add a drop around where the pin and piece meet.

>> No.9045193
File: 64 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.679709313_9kvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see so much cute resin stuff and have been perusing these threads for ages, but I just dont have anywhere i could do it without fumigating myself

>> No.9045360

Were do you guys go about buying your UV resin for a reasonable cost? Also, is UV all that it is cracked up to be?

>> No.9045362

Where do you guys purchase your base earrings, chains, and rings from? I am looking into aliexpress and taobao for wholesale but I am afraid of lead poisoning.

>> No.9045376

That is where I am ordering mine from. I guess if you're concerned you could always spend the extra few dollars and either go to Michael's or buy the 'silver/gold' plated to stainless steal findings off aliexpress/taobao.

>>9016407 Did you just order directly from the padico website?

>> No.9045390

I wouldn't use ali for the actual earring findings, as in the part that actually goes in your ear, but that's just me.

Speaking of which, I wish I could find a decent pallet of cirlce molds. Everyone on etsy and storevney just has them in sets of 2 at most

>> No.9045623

does anyone have tips for coloring Amazing Casting resin (the opaque white)? i have tried a few things, including two dyes i believed were alcohol-based but which caused foaming.

my process has been to add the colorants to Part A (the clear resin) and stir thoroughly before combining with Part B. adding colorant after combining the two parts does not seem to work because of the limited time before the resin sets.

any tips, especially specific products to use, are appreciated!

>> No.9045631

also, this user achieved bright colors using this resin: https://youtu.be/4VICytOqdk0

but does not say what colorant she used. achieving a pastel end color is fine, but i am so curious how she got such bright colors with Amazing Casting Resin.

>> No.9045655

I use eyeshadow, cheap wet and wild pallets have worked amazingly for me. You just have to add a ton. I like the idea of adding colorants to Part A, the timing issue with trying to add colors once A and B are combined has really been throwing me off!

>> No.9045844

I use riogrande

>> No.9046306

In addition to what everyone else has said
-Trim the bits off the frame that shouldn't be there
-Don't use hot pink/red for both the frame and the middle (or at all, really)
-It looks like the eyes/whiskers have shifted after you put them in. To avoid migrating pieces, cut out a piece of clear plastic (not PP) the size of the middle and draw/glue on the eyes and whiskers. Glue it in with some resin and dome with more resin when it's cured/mostly cured.

For how to make it look mature... well, don't cut out massive whiskers. Use a razor to cut them out if you hate pens. Don't use tween-magnet things like chunky glitter, weirdly dark bright colours, or tacky decorations.
Instead, use clean colours (pastels or bright shades are fine if you don't want to use black, as long as they don't look like, well, this) and use metallics. Contrasting frame+centre makes it look less like a Claire's bootleg. Avoid pink+black, blue+black, purple+black and other mallgoth combinations until you know what you're doing. Use nail art supplies like caviar, sequins, and stickers to decorate the pieces. Something toned down will give any decorations more room to shine and will make it look cleaner and better overall.

Hope this helps.

>> No.9046500

thanks anon! pic related is an after and before following your advice.

on the right, i used the amount of glitter and eyeshadow i would use with normal epoxy resin. on the right, i used much more of each, all that i had left of black in one pallette plus a bit of purple for filler (and two different glitters, adding a fine silver to add dimension). the lines are painted.

i scratched the mold while cleaning so there is an ugly scar that i guess will need to be corrected via doming.

for adding the color to Amazing Cast, i mix all the color and glitter i want in a separate cup before adding to part A. you can even let it sit and degas after stirring the colorant in! i guess the trick is LOTS of powder. also the glitter helps add color since it sinks to the bottom (the sides are a lighter grey).

hope my experimentation is helpful

>> No.9046505
File: 3.27 MB, 2236x2236, 20160609_021322-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course i did not add pic.

and to be clear, i let the colored Part A degas before mixing it with B. adding the color makes a few bubbles but a couple minutes of sitting and they are gone. still having trouble with bubbles on finer details of the mold though. i tried mashing the curing resin down into a different mold with smaller details and it improved things, so i will be pressing the resin as it begins to cure into the crevices again for my next cast.

>> No.9046617

Shit, that's some difference. I was thinking about getting some but now I don't think there's much point.

>> No.9046646

>on the right, i used the amount of glitter and eyeshadow i would use with normal epoxy resin. on the right, i used much more of each,

*on the LEFT, i used much more of each.

i have done a couple more batches and i am pleased with how it is progressing. the trick seems to be to add almost as much dry colorant (volume-wise) as part A. a 1:1:1 ratio of colorant, Part A, and Part B.

there is always a point! in just 2 nights i have upped my game so much that i anticipate really nailing a technique that yields results i want soon.

>> No.9046705
File: 867 KB, 1090x703, resincomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a comparison of Amazing Clear Cast, Envirotex Lite, and Easy Cast, to see the yellowing and microbubbles in each. This was more for my personal reference but I figured someone might be interested in seeing the results.

Note: I let all of these cure with no bubble popping/babysitting, and mixed the hell out of them to create as much bubbles as possible to see how much they'd degass on their own. I don't recommend doing this so please guys check your bubbles.

1.) Amazing Clear Cast
Really nice clarity and virtually no yellowing at all.
2.) Envirotex Lite
would have been close to AAC if it wasn't for the slight cloudiness and yellowing. Still very close though, and definitely ok for doming.
3.) Easycast
Obvious last place. Granted my batch is nearing a year old but this just goes to show that it doesn't age gracefully. I've never had this stuff cure without looking sweat-stained and gross, even when it was new.

1.) Easycast
Surprisingly does one thing right and that's degassing itself. Had just as much bubbles as the other two at the start of curing, and ended up with significantly less.
2.) ACC
moderate bubbles but decent degassing on its own. With babysitting and pouring in thin layers it'd be pretty clear.
3.) Envirotex
Had the most, and it seems that only the bubbles that rose to the surface ended up popping. Doming is fine, but I'd only do it in thin layers. Anything 3 cm or more and the bubbles have trouble rising/popping.

Amazing Clear Cast is definitely the winner since it has the best balance. I would see no problem with using it for either solid casting or doming. Envirotex is alright, would dome with but not sure if I'd cast anything too thick with it. And just stay away from Easycast, unless you're going to tint it, or need some sort of fake amber effect.

>> No.9046713

thanks anon! just switched to Amazing Clear from Envirotex Lite, hoping for better clarity and fewer bubbles.

>> No.9046801

Does anyone have a quick tutorial on how they do the simple layer painting on stuff like this? I'm just confused, do you draw on the layer while it's still in the mold and do another layer, or do you pull it, draw, then dome it?

>> No.9046856 [DELETED] 

...Youtube and google. I found one within seconds. We don't spoon feed here.

>> No.9046892

pull, draw, dome.

>> No.9046928

Thanks anon.

>> No.9047070

had a dream last night that i had a timed resin accessory test for a magical girl entrance exam. i kept fucking up and panicking, and couldn't find my bottle of UV resin...

>> No.9047134

I totally dreamed about resin last night too! I was mixing two part resin, except one part was powder instead of liquid and it wasn't mixing fast enough so I started chewing the mixture and spitting it into the molds. Apparently I thought there was nothing wrong with doing this.

Not sure if my subconscious is telling me to get some resin and start playing with it like I've been wanting to after lurking in these threads, or if it's telling me I'm going to fucking die if I do.

>> No.9047165
File: 539 KB, 596x597, waterplanet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been resin crafting?
Almost a year now!

>What do you use it for?
I used to do mostly sticker charms, but now I'm trying to branch out into more simple and versatile cute charms/jewelry!

>What is your preferred type of resin (epoxy, UV, polyester)?
I prefer epoxy but I'm currently trying to get the hang out UV! Pic related, I did this just a little bit ago.

>What is your favorite brand?
Ice resin for epoxy and Padico for UV

>Least favorite?
Easycast, just because I'd gotten a couple of dud batches and apparently it yellows moreso than other brands

>In what environment do you use resin, and how does it affect your process?
I live in a pretty mild environment, so I haven't noticed anything odd. I did just move back home though and currently do resin stuff in a basement. I haven't used epoxy down there yet, but I'm anticipating it'll be slower to cure.

>Have you ever made your own molds, and if so out of what?
I haven't! I'd really like to, but I'm not really good at sculpting.

>Do you have a resin allergy?
Not that I've noticed!

>What technique or method are you proud of for mastering?
I wouldn't say I've mastered it, but I've really enjoyed practicing this water effect in pic related!

>What technique or method would you like to learn?
I'd really like to get better at absolutely eliminating bubbles and achieving opaque pastel colors in UV resin.

>What do you want to see more of when it comes to resin crafting?
Honestly just less of the bead trend...I follow some Japanese resin artists and really dig the more magical/pastel charms!

>> No.9047289

This is cute, I think it would work really well for a tortoise's shell too, if you ever found a hollow charm for that!

>> No.9047304

Thanks anon! This is really helpful.

>> No.9047309

>I'm not really good at sculpting
You don't have to be! I've made a ton of molds with jewellery I already own and things like that. If you ever do decide to make your own molds, just remember that silicone putty gives you a dull finish and liquid silicone gives you whatever finish your piece has... I didn't realize it until I'd made a few pieces, which was a nasty surprise.

>> No.9047419
File: 869 KB, 700x854, rosette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a soap mold that's perfect for making large badges so I decided to try my hand at making a rosette with a resin piece I made with it. Not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it for a first try!

>> No.9047437

That's adorable anon. The writing could use more work to be more opaque and pastel is a little difficult to read, that aside, it's cute.

>> No.9047449

Thanks. I tried to paint it on as thick as a could in layers but no matter what i did, it didn't seem to want to be as opaque as I wanted it. probably doesn't help with it being white and all on a pale background. I used acrylic so I don'y know if something like gouache would be better. Or a paint marker or something.

I'll try to maybe choose a better font next time to work with. Maybe cursive/brush fonts are just too illegible?

Thank you for the advice!

>> No.9047499

The only problem I had with the font is that the C in cutie is really closed in--there's not enough of a gap to tell its a c. I thought it was a lopsided O at first

>> No.9047502

Oh crap now I see it lmao Pastel Oitie

>> No.9048337

This is really cute anon, where did you find the mold?

>> No.9048543
File: 57 KB, 673x960, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't put enough mod podge on my paper so Rillakuma looks like he's got a sweaty armpit.

I guess I'll throw it into the reject bowl and sell for cheap at an event.

>> No.9048553

Pics? That sounds funnier than most of my sealing disasters.
Also, if it's not an obvious mark, there's no point in selling it as a reject. People here tend to have really high qc standards and nitpick, people in general couldn't care less about tiny imperfections because they won't even notice them in the first place.

>> No.9048594
File: 122 KB, 545x619, sweatykuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the shitty pic. I was practicing with a print out, and I guess I missed a spot of mod podge. So Rilakkuma sweated through his space suit. I think if I ever make another one, I'll use an actual Rilakkuma sticker since it'll look nicer and be legit.

On the plus side, I seem to have gotten rid of my micro bubble problem by warming my resin and working in thinner layers.

>> No.9048621

Because I'm a tardbarn and can't come up with the right combo of words to find any actual info on google, but was it just a rumor or did a brand actually go out of business because of replicas? Thanks for any and all answers. I know it's a dead horse so beaten its ground into a pulp, but it's been bugging me.

>> No.9048625


>> No.9048699


here you go anon!

>> No.9049854
File: 586 KB, 2448x2448, bearearrings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9047165 Here, bumping with some more content! I just made this pair of earrings. The paint is a little rough, but I think with practice I'll get better.

>> No.9049965

These are really cute! The paint does look a bit rough, but it's not noticeable unless you look at it up close, it looks fine on a small pair of earrings like this.

>> No.9050199

I read the resources saying to use E-6000 glue or krazy glue, but will this still work in attaching two cured resin pieces?

While on that topic, what glues/adhesive do you guys normally use?

>> No.9050217

I accidentally got a little colorant into the white part of a piece. Can I paint over it with white acrylic, or will that look streaky? Also thought about painting on a coat of the resin (it's opaque so it dries white). Or should I just remake the piece?

>> No.9050474

a little star cabochon would be cute there, like he is cradling it

>> No.9050489

Yeah, that's pretty obvious. However, it's still cute.
I just use more resin. I wait until it gets sticky and tacky, brush it on, and stick the pieces on. If it's sticky enough it won't slide around, and as long as I don't use too much resin or brush it too close to the sides it won't show through.
Use thinned acrylic and paint over it in layers until it's gone. Dome it after.

>> No.9050497

Holy crap, this is so cute.

I've been searching for this mold for the longest time but I only found the lollipop version or for 5 times the original price online.

>> No.9050517

That's a cute idea.

Thanks. I decided I'm going to keep it. I've grown to love my little sweaty pit Rilakkuma.

>> No.9050735

Does anyone know a good place to get a decent UV lamp for a reasonable price? I've looked on amazon and etsy, but they don't have too big of a selection.

>> No.9050765

Check Craigslist

>> No.9051459

eBay? The ones shipping from China are a bit dodgy, but used ones are fine.

>> No.9051775

I got one from China on ebay and it works just fine. Was like 13 bucks.

>> No.9052337

Lucky. Which seller did you get it from, if you don't mind me asking? I've always had shit luck with sellers.

>> No.9052343

I got mine from hobby lobby for like... 15$? It's in the clay section.

>> No.9052375


The pink one

>> No.9052376

You may have to get an adapter for it though.

>> No.9052394

Thank you!

>> No.9052545
File: 3.65 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20160613_144802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New frames and considerable experimentation with pearl powders! I really adore pearl powders now that I've gotten to try them out properly.

>> No.9052547

those heart shaped frames are especially exquisite

>> No.9052549

the heart ones, oh god yes

>> No.9052552

Yeah. I feel like they're so lovely on their own that I don't even need to put anything inside! They are rather small at that. They might be nice for magical girl type things too, if my wing molds ever come in.

>> No.9052553

Do you just brush the powders onto the mold, or do you mix them with something first? Sorry for the idiot question. Your frames look amazing btw.

>> No.9052558

You just brush them into the mold! The nature of the silicone has them stay put in place, and they bond with the resin once that's been poured in. So, a little powder goes a long way. I haven't tried it with plastic molds, but I assume it doesn't work as well. In that case, you may want to mix them with mod podge and paint it on. It works like a durable, permanent acrylic. I've been doing that for some embellishments on older pieces. But naturally, you preserve the most detail by brushing it into the mold.

>> No.9052566

Where did you get that gold powder? It looks so bright

>> No.9052571

Thank you!

>> No.9052574

There are gorgeous! The white/gold ones on the left are so lovely.

>> No.9052581

There's a few different shades of gold in there! The palest ones are Sparkle Gold, the one on the finished birdcage-esque mold is Brilliant Gold, and the one on the pearlescent and unfinished heart mold is Solar Gold. All by the Jacquard brand. Got it from a 32 color set.

>> No.9052635

Holy shit those heart shaped ones are gorgeous.

>> No.9052637


Heyy I have those same molds. I meant to post pics of some frames I made already but alas, broken phone is not conducive to posting pics immediately. Enjoy those frames! I know I do.

>> No.9052817

Has anyone sold their pieces in the artist alley? I can't really think of what to do with them besides necklace, pin, earrings, etc. What would you guys personally buy?

>> No.9052910

Selling in AAs is easier than you think. People buy anything that looks cute, especially if you're in a good spot.
Charms, necklaces, and earrings are the most obvious things, but you can make custom beads for acrylic charms, pencil/makeup bags, and wrist cuffs. Hair accessories and phone cases are really suitable for resin, too.

As for what I'd buy, that depends on how well made the pieces are and how unusual they are. Generic passive-aggressive bead shit, food with wonky :3 faces and pastel kawaii uguu charms are everywhere. If I see something that isn't one of those three things I'll be happy to buy it, I don't care if it's a necklace or ring or whatever.

>> No.9052917


Yeah, this.

I used to sell some jewelry I made out of findings and would make a pretty decent killing at small cons.

I don't need the money anymore but I'd love to do AA again just to destash my stuff and have someone else think my stuff is cute. Too bad I have an income but no time these days.

>> No.9054365

Link to the heart and oval molds please?

>> No.9054491

I have a fairly stupid question. I purchased some stickers from an AA and they're too large for any of my molds. How would you guys recommend preserving them in resin to turn into charms? I figured I'd either get UV resin and dome it over directly onto the stickers and sand the edges to the shape I want, make a custom mold for them, or mount them on clay and dome over them with resin.

>> No.9054748
File: 218 KB, 246x470, yhiguchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mount them on clay and dome over them with resin
This probably. First cut the sticker the shape you want and then cut a piece of clay(maybe polymer clay?) with the same shape and bake it. Stick the sticker to the baked clay piece and mod podge it just to avoid watermarks. Then dome it with resin. I've done it a bunch of times but with washi tape(Picture)

>> No.9054875

Ahh this is perfect, thank you so much!!

>> No.9055519

Some really ingenious mold making


>> No.9057591

This is really cool! I'll have to try that once the weather's better. Thanks anon.

>> No.9057977

You could just seal them and dome it directly, there's no need for sanding if you go slow and take care not to push the resin over the edge.

>> No.9058000


Is that your work anon? Do you have a store?

>> No.9058024

I kinda wondered about that, but wouldn't they end up kinda fragile?

>> No.9058082
File: 356 KB, 1067x800, P1020628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doming directly the sticker would cause the paper to curve because it's very thin. Unless those PVC or vinyl stickers or those that comes already domed with epoxy. You can try to paste them into a thicker cardboard but it doesn't look as nice. I have dome stickers directly before though, but as this anon says
>>9058024 they are very fragile and probably will break fast.

I did the brooch, but the design itself belong to Yuko Higuchi.

>> No.9058129


Bless you for properly sourcing :)

>> No.9058606

I really love these.

>> No.9059435
File: 85 KB, 815x771, 13411830_1209212159103402_691518298025452078_o~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. So I tried an idea, and I don't think I like how it came out. Do you think it could be saved if I added in some heart rhinestones or something on top?

I'd like to try again, but maybe with a smaller mold, some colored glitter instead of the cloudy look, and add in a few heart glitter in the background.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.9059464

It looks like you didn't seal the hearts before adding them in, and the glitter looks like it's been added in too early (I can't make out many details but it looks like it all sank to the bottom).
It would help if you had a solid background color instead of just using glitter, if you dome the back of the piece with white it should hide the cracks quite well.
As for saving it, I think adding sequins and rhinestones would work. If you very carefully dome/seal the piece afterwards it should look fine.

>> No.9059527

This looks like someone dropped candy hearts in to a pile of sparkly cum.

>> No.9059564

For the ones that use UV resin, do you think this lamp would be useful?

>> No.9060116
File: 167 KB, 998x1300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking buy a silcone mould to cast some dimond shaped gems around 2.5cm wide by 6cm long, can anyone recommend a mould? Or am I better off making my own?

>> No.9060196

It is not enough power if you want stuff to cure quickly.

Also theres a timer on that which is a pain in the ass which you will probably have to keep resetting

>> No.9060224
File: 32 KB, 600x494, game_controller_silicone_mold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would be the best places to buy anime/cute resin molds in tokyo?

>> No.9060562

There's a bunch of molds like that online. I don't cast gems so I can't recommend any specifically, but it's pretty easy to find something on Ali or Etsy.

I don't know about making your own molds for this. If you're good with clay then sure, go for it, but when you're sculpting something like this there's very little room for error. Honestly I'd contact someone who does commissions on Etsy and get one made for you.

>> No.9060564

try the 100 yen stores, they usually have that sort of stuff

>> No.9061149

Is it possible to dome non-flat resin pieces?

>> No.9061226

Yes, but it's tricky. Are you doing it to add an outer layer, or to hide imperfections? A pic would help.

>> No.9061374

thanks anon

>> No.9061827

Does anyone use soft pastels to color their resin? How do you like the results?

>> No.9061901

Its all about layers, anon. Patience is virtue when it comes to resin. What you could try is: start with a small layer, let dry for a few hours and put your hearts in. Pour another layer, let cure. Then the final layer should be your background, whether it be a color, glitter, or lil accents. Dome the back, dome the front, and you'll have a nice piece. Alter each step as needed depending on what you want in each layer obviously. Sounds annoying, but it makes a world of a difference.

>> No.9061921

I've done it, you just need really thick resin and a brush.

>> No.9062923

I just got chalk pastels to test out in my resin. I'll post how it went tomorrow!

>> No.9063030
File: 2.58 MB, 2160x2162, 20160620_151706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be used to mix up different colors so it's actually pretty handy! It can be a bit translucent depending how much you use, but it's mostly opaque.

The only downside is if you don't scrape/grind it small enough, you'll end up with little pastel bits in your resin. If that happens, just let the resin sit for a bit to let the clumps sink. Pic related is the cured leftover resin in my cup.

>> No.9063080

Has anyone ever sanded their resin pieces? I feel like sanding it will leave it rough and scratchy.

Is the process sand, varnish, dome? or sand, dome, varnish?

>> No.9063216

>If that happens, just let the resin sit for a bit to let the clumps sink.
why did i not think of this

thank you anon, the teeny clumps have been killing ne

>> No.9063240

use a fine nail file to scrape the pastels, you'll get a finer powder

>> No.9063594

I sand my pieces as little as possible as I hate resin dust. After that I dome it, if it's sanded in an un-domeable place I just brush on a tiny bit of thick resin to cover the sanded bits.

>> No.9063731

thanks for the tips, I'm stoked to try it too

good luck anon I can't wait to see them!

>> No.9063820
File: 107 KB, 960x833, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made cats

>> No.9064058


It depends. if you've done a piece like a heart or a circle and you want to dome the back you may be left with a ridge, and that can help you to keep the resin contained to the back and not drip down the front. If you add enough so it doesnt shrink back down passed the ridge it'll look seamless.
Do not glaze and then dome, it always seems to separate off into a clump and ruin the piece when I do it. Always glaze last. Doming and sanding are interchangable depending on the circumstances. Feel free to trim off any large pieces of flashing

>> No.9064235

I like these cats.

>> No.9064239

So I'm currently getting a hell of a lot of air bubbles during curingz

When I mix my resin it's bubble free, but when I pour it into my mold a bunch of large air bubbles form at the very bottom of my mold.

Any tips on how to stop this? I'm using Amazing Clear Resin

>> No.9064242

pour it in a thin stream down the side of the mold.

>> No.9064350

It's a good start and you definitely have the right idea for the galaxy painting but I would probably reduce the amount of stark white and try to use different hues and shades of colors already in the background. White should be a finishing touch, it just feels like it's over taking all of the beautiful colors in the background. Do you have glitter in it? Cause I think that would be lovely too. Even if you get a bit of chunky glitter to put in so it shines.

>> No.9064494

has anyone else tried nail polish to color their stuff?
I did it on a whim and I kinda love it now. It can take longer to cure but it's easy and cheap to get the color you want. Also holo resin is possible.

>> No.9064762
File: 2.31 MB, 4128x2322, 20160621_152450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red on the heart, and the brown on the deer next to it were ones I did with the chalk pastels. I missed a few clumps on the deer, but the other one turned out really nicely!

>> No.9064777

It looks really nice. Did you do the gold in the resin, or did you paint it on top after you cast them?

>> No.9064786

Neither! It's pearl powder brushed onto the mold before I pour the resin.

>> No.9064900

I love seeing your updates, anon. Your frames are so pretty!

>> No.9064901

I-I like you, anon...

Thanks for the crit! I was using what I had on hand for paints, but now that you mention it, I totally see what you mean. I'm going to go pick up some more paints.
You can't really tell, but I added a little bit of fine iridescent glitter so it sparkles or 'twinkles' a little when you move it in the light, but you don't really notice it in pictures which kind of sucks.

>> No.9064906

This is amazing anon. Do you sell any of your work online?

>> No.9064910
File: 452 KB, 550x550, TB2fvSZbVXXXXbEXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!915289725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I found that might help you with some ideas. Definitely keep using the iridescent glitter!

>> No.9064914


Yep. I'm part of the GALA crafters here on cgl. My etsy is DreamCathedral. I'll update my stock tomorrow with all of my new little things.

>> No.9064915

Oh god, I love the gold! Thanks for the inspo anon!!

>> No.9065048

Can I do color blocking like with paint/nail polish on a silicone mold? I've only ever seen it done with plastic molds.

Also, with amazing clear cast, is it necessary to measure the resin in separate cups and then pour them into one? It seems like a waste of time when you could just pout then both into a marked measuring cup

>> No.9065640

A few times, yeah. I prefer using resin, but nail polish comes in so many more colors and it's easier to get a really opaque, vivid color.
That being said, I don't mix it with resin, I paint it over the cured piece and then dome/add more layers... I've never tried mixing it in.

>> No.9066118
File: 148 KB, 800x639, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nail polish fucks up resin really badly. Never mixed it before but the time I used it to color some surface it either becomes super yellow or matte white. I heard some anon said it's corrosive with resin. The brand I used was Revlon. Sadly this is something you would not notice quickly but rather something that will appear weeks later.

>> No.9067086

Well fuck.

>> No.9067402
File: 256 KB, 1000x830, 0bbnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More updates I guess! Despite being a super thin layer of resin, the little diamonds seem to want to meander. I'll have to babysit them for a few hours to ensure they're as uniform as I can get them. Arranging all of those diamonds has got to be the most tedious task I've done in resin thus far.

I kind of took inspo from >>9064910 when I remembered I was sitting on some similar glitter. The autumn piece is a long ways from refined, but I think it'll be really cute when I fill the inner border with little leaf and mushroom stickers.

>> No.9067693

Did you use UV resin to stick them down? It must hace been an absolute nightmare to get them all lined up in the first place, I can't imagine how irritating it would be to have to poke them back into place every so often.

>> No.9067757
File: 800 KB, 810x1080, 0bbnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had UV resin. I wish. The resin's hard now, and this is the final result. It's not perfect, but it was a labor of love and I really like how it turned out.

>> No.9067778

It came out super pretty!

I was thinking. Maybe do a super thin base layer of resin first. Let that garden, then glue down the diamonds with a tiny fab of clear school glue. I've been using it in resin projects and don't even notice it in my resin pieces.

>> No.9067788

I don't have school glue, but I'll give it a try with some mod podge or E6000. Might be just what I need for the next attempt.

>> No.9067852

I have the exact same issue, can't do it inside because my flat is 3 rooms, can't go outside because I don't have a garden, and it might rain.

Another anon suggested UV resin! I haven't tried yet but it's an option for small place anons like us.

>> No.9067886


Holy shit that's sort of amazing you did that with two part resin. Kudos to you, and it honestly looks really good as well.

>> No.9067935

Those are absolutely gorgeous!

>> No.9068042

You should be able to find the clear school glue at a major chain or crafts store. I got my bottle at Kmart.

>> No.9068459

Bumping this. It always seems like my questions are the only ones that get ignored.

>> No.9068466


Have you updated all your stock? I saw your new frames but none of the heart ones

>hope I didn't miss them

>> No.9068473
File: 806 KB, 810x1080, 0bbnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half updated because lazy, and still working on some of them. Some of them I'm still not sure if I want to make into a necklace or a brooch.

>> No.9068480


Alright, thanks for the update. Best of luck! :)

>> No.9068618

I don't know about the silicone one, but it's a good idea to pour the parts in separately unless you have a marked mixing cup. If the resin hardens in the measuring cup it'll fuck up the measurements and it won't cure properly.

>> No.9068950

Alright, thanks!

>> No.9068984

Can I ask if you sealed it with resin after you applied it with nail polish? None of my pieces have had any issues and I am wondering if that's the main difference

>> No.9069352

The bubbles are made from mixing too fast. You can also clear out the bubbles by using a long nose torch so that the heat causes them to rise and escape.

>> No.9069355

Anon, they said they mixed them as fast as they could to test the resin's natural degassing. They were just testing them.

>> No.9070154

On a scale of "it'll be fine if you open a window" to "wear gloves and a respirator or you die", how dangerous is UV resin?

>> No.9070248

It's fine! I'd use it in a ventilated area but I know people who have super small workspaces and they don't have any problems with it at all. You don't need any sort of special equipment (except gloves) to use it.

>> No.9070921

Only the horse one was dome with resin but I have more pieces where I painted directly into the mold and then poured the resin which got yellowing or fading too.

Perhaps, more than anything, it's because of the brand of both nail polish and resin. That said Revlon is really bad for that.

>> No.9070985

I've found cheaper polishes hold well for longer. Like dollar tree shit has held find with the resin I've done for over 2 months now, while the revlon holo I used never really fully hardened right, it's like soft and flexible

>> No.9071072
File: 3.45 MB, 2469x2025, 20160626_023938_6_bestshot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some recent things i have made. the skeleton key will have details painted onto it. for the cat charm, i found that iridescant white glitter against a dark background looks really cool: the pinks and greens pop out of what looks mostly white in the jar.

like a noob, i forgot to seal the hole in the rectangle raven charm before doming the back, so resin seeped through and ruined the area around the hole.

i do not like the crowned skull one but it is not my worst failure.

the bat and large bird molds are from Moldsbymia, the skeleton key is from Kapcreations, and the rectangle charms (with hole as part of the mold) is from 1127handcrafter, all on etsy.

(pardon the glare, overhead heat-generating lamp is not good for photos.)

>> No.9071077


Just so anons know, in polymer clay if you use nail Polish to glaze it will eat away and corrode the clay. I wonder if a similar thing happens with the resin

>> No.9071184

Cool, thanks! No need to invest in an expensive respirator then!

>> No.9071192

I actually quite like the skull/crown one. The sequins look really good against the black.

>> No.9071312

These are really cute! Loving the skull and cat. Where did you get that big hexagon glitter?

>> No.9071635

Apart from Revlon I used one cheap brand of Chinese polish I bought from Taobao as a test called BK. That one is not suitable too.

Oh thanks I didn't know! I use clear polish to varnish some pieces so they would come shiny in the mold, but I haven't seen them after I did that.

I'm sharing this Taobao store that got a bunch of different and colorful glitter two years ago. Just avoid purchasing their mixed color ones. They look really good in photo but they are pretty horrible actually. I'm sad that I lost all my crafting related Taobao shops. I remember I had one bookmarked that sold that glitter in bigger packs.


I'm pumped to do some resin craft again but after doing it I'm a bit sad they mostly end up in my drawer.

>> No.9072355
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the afternoon making some pieces! This is the first time I attempted the drip ring so it looks a little bit sloppy. Any tips to make it look cleaner?

>> No.9072356

Sorry for the horizontal pic, I swear it was vertical when I took it.

>> No.9073030

These are pretty good. I really like the drip ring and the jelly-like one on the bottom left.
I'm not sure how you could make the ring neater, since it looks pretty neat already, but you could sand it to remove any bumps.

>> No.9073658

You have the let the nail polish dry completely before pouring in resin. I usually wait 24 hours.

>> No.9073860

thank you!

i do not recall what shop i got the hexagons from, but it was on AliExpress. they come in small circular containers and each color/container has a mix of different size flakes in complementary colors. so the deep blue and teal blue are from the same container.

the ring also appears pretty neat to me. the map piece is also neat (the other neat)

>> No.9073864

and then i realized the "map" which resembles the British Isles may in fact be clouds, and there are some dark pigment particles visible, but the concept is still neat. i stand by that.

>> No.9073991
File: 286 KB, 402x319, fuwaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be cool if we could post bst in this thread for craft specific items? Ive accumulated so many molds and some I try once and dont like, or get sent as a freebie and dont like it either. I also buy sets of glitter only using some while not others, buy jewelry findings I end up never using or liking, etc.
I think buying from each other could be beneficial in ways like quicker shipping times than aliexpress (especially if in the same country/continent). Discounted prices on supplies, combined shipping for saving money. Things like that

I think it would be better suited here than in the actual bst thread.
If people think its an OK idea I'll think about posting what I have. But I might not be able to ship out since I am a canada-fag and it looks like our post will be going on strike in less than a week. Only time will tell

>> No.9074017

I'm a canadafag too, and just managed to ship something today. Fingers crossed that it makes it to my customer! I'd be interested in doing some supplies BST. Especially for some secondhand molds and findings.

>> No.9074060


Good luck to you anon! I support the post workers trying to get a better work enviroment/plan/whatever. But it really sucks for people who own businesses. Both in shipping supplies to your house, and sending items out. I hope they come to an agreement quickly. Some say the post might be on strike all summer and I will die

>> No.9074117

Thank you! I will sand the edges a bit and see how they turn out.
Thank you!

>> No.9074186

P-please anon. I'm still building up my mold/glitter collection. Post what you have!

>> No.9074736

I'd love to have something like that. It would be cool if we could sell our resin pieces here too, since it would be cheaper than setting up an Etsy for people who just want to sell a few cheap items.

>> No.9075039

this looks like tacky garbage you'd buy at ross dress for less for a little mexican child

>> No.9075304
File: 879 KB, 851x720, ResinTests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still pretty new to resin, and I made some test pieces to get my feet in the water before buying more molds and such. There's a lot that I know I need to work on, such as sealing my stickers better and getting better paints for the faces, but I don't think they're too bad for my first tries. If you guys could give me some concrit, I'd appreciate it! (Also I'm sorry about my phone's potato camera quality)

>> No.9075403
File: 39 KB, 640x425, B3AC8C11-CCC2-4871-92ED-7A609E388B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you paint the faces on before or after? I found that painting directly into the mold worked much better for me. Just wait until the paint is dry and then pour the resin.

>> No.9075405


whoops I left the image attached. I was going to talk about bottle caps and then decided nah. so dont worry about that

>> No.9075411
File: 40 KB, 570x574, titaniumwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevertheless, it's selling.

>> No.9075475

Thin your paints and work in layers. It will take longer, but the paint will be even and you can build up the opacity.
Also, try to add more layers for depth. It looks like you have painted faces, a massive layer of resin, and a layer of glitter at the very end. Consider adding embellishments, or doing a thinner resin layer, adding glitter, taking it out and doming it. It might look a lot better in person but in the pic it looks kind of bland and dull, and adding more layers would really help.

>> No.9075641
File: 34 KB, 668x127, ss+(2016-06-28+at+04.25.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing youtube for resin videos when...
>Make sure the propane torch is on low & swoop your hand a bit quickly for air bubbles

The idea of degassing resin with a propane torch just makes me laugh. Ofc it works in this large scale project but the image of resin crafters pulling out the good ol' torch cracks me up

>> No.9075707

I painted the faces after and then domed them. I wasn't sure if just painting them onto the mold would work since it was acrylic, but I'll keep that in mind!
I wound up mixing a lot more resin than I expected, which is why they're so thick. I do think they'd look much better if I make them thinner and then dome them, and I really want to get some chunky glitter/embellishments to add as well!

>> No.9075990

No, that's bright as rainbow neon shit usually in the shapes of stars, hearts and flowers. Also Ross doesn't usually carry crappy kids jewelry, that's walmart.

>> No.9076003

Do you not see the neon yellow bearception piece?

>> No.9076062

You mean the thing at the bottom?

That's a mold.

>> No.9076243
File: 2.22 MB, 3217x2896, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frame pieces may be a bit uninspired but damn if they're not fun to make.

>> No.9076245

Anon what are you using for the portraits? Printing them yourself, scrapbooking paper, or something else?

>> No.9076251


I basically put them on a word doc and I have them printed at office depot on glossy paper. I try to make sure I have high def images (usually jpeg images 300kb and above). The photo here really doesn't do justice to how well it comes out but it's really nice IRL - I'll try to take a better photo in better lighting tomorrow.

As a side note, prepare to be asked by some person who thinks they're knowledgeable in copyright issues if your renaissance to nouveau art era paintings are really copyrighted or not. I was, despite meticulously checking that all my images were free for public use. And the lady was still eyeing me suspiciously as she was putting them in the sleeve. Meh.

>> No.9076260

Are you pulling your images from the NGA website?

>> No.9076262


Wikiart actually. They list if the image is public domain or not.

>> No.9076268

Ahh. Good to know. The national gallery of art's website list them as well.

>> No.9076272


Nice! That's good to know. Thanks for the resource. Now I know what I'll be doing at this ungodly hour.

>> No.9076274


I think that covers the info, but I think the image gallery they have linked on that page, is all public use images. Not sure of quality vs. Wikiart. But.worse case it makes it easier to find public use images on wikiart.

>> No.9076434

>now you just get your flamethrower and blast it a liiiiiiittle bit and the bubbles just disappear! (along with your eyebrows and workdesk)

Haha yeah propane torches seem a bit overkill for the scale most of us here are working on!

>> No.9077592

I would;d buy that gold one at the top in half a heartbeat with a link

>> No.9077601

You have excellent taste in pictures.

>> No.9077770

i think this only really works on epoxy resin anyways, using it on polymer resin won't work

>> No.9078026
File: 8 KB, 250x175, d12b07956f63f1f175fcd5367641584d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon that post this threads ago, but I'm still looking for that one shiny heart mold. So far I've found this:

>> No.9078590

At this point I'm tempted to buy it and use it to make my own shiny heart molds. How can a simple goddamn heart be so hard to find?

>> No.9078646
File: 53 KB, 654x299, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I would buy it too, but if I ever find someone who ships to my country this happen.

>> No.9078938

Holy fuck. Where are you? That's absolutely insane.

>> No.9079021


I swear someone posted this from Amazon only it was a blue version of this mold, I cant find it for the life of me now.

>> No.9079033
File: 140 KB, 1500x994, wiltonmold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, amazon does sell the Wilton's silicon mold. It's $8.

>> No.9079041
File: 18 KB, 303x500, daisoiceheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what I've been using that's working fairly well, is the silicon ice cube trays from daiso japan.

You can buy them individually in store, or you have to buy a multipack of 12 for $20 through Daiso's website.

I think those can work if people are okay with not having the really rounded dome shape.

>> No.9079097
File: 24 KB, 320x320, 1463722233514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use those medicine cups, they said
>the resin will peel right out when hardened, they said

why did everyone lie to me

i followed all the directions, left the stick in, pulled it out when dry... and only some of the resin peeled off with it.

over and over again, same thing

weeks of never having this work the way Nerdecrafter and Crafter's Delights and others all promised it would

i'm scraping the resin off with my nails because it won't even wash out with soap, or alcohol, or even the fucking mold release because yes, i tried spritzing that in there too

my hands are puckered raisins after an hour of washing a batch of medicine cups, all of which still have varying bits of resin stuck to them

especially around the little raised parts, the lines and numbers and those awful little raised bits on the bottom that like to trap pigment and encouraging splintering on my mixing sticks

and then i mix a new batch and THAT, my friends, THAT is when the resin comes off the sides, to float like pond scum in my fresh batch

just fuck these "recyclable" """"""reusable""""" medicine cups

fuck having neat measuring lines and transparency and fuck their convenient size

i'm finding some goddamn SMOOTH-WALLED, SMOOTH-BOTTOMED, silicone cups.

i can't take all this endless washing and scraping anymore

(on the plus side, my fingertips are super exfoliated)

>> No.9079112

Not all medicine cups are made of polypropylene. If it says PP 5 at the bottom of the cups, resin will not adhere to it.

If anything medicine cups are so fucking cheap and you bought cheap as hell cups so just throw them out after one use

>> No.9079134

Bro just buy some cups at the dollar store you get a shit ton for a dollar. I dont even care if they're reusable.

>> No.9079141
File: 642 KB, 1600x1600, bathcups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I just go to the Dollar store and buy the cheap little paper cups. I usually just pour each part into the measuring cups that come with the 2 part resin kit, and then mix them in the paper cup. When I'm done. I toss them.

>> No.9079154


>tfw I get these medicine cups for free at my work and never have to worry about running out

They throw it out after using it anyway so I feel 0% bad.

>> No.9079160

>If it says PP 5 at the bottom of the cups, resin will not adhere to it.
they are all PP5 and the resin is on them like a bitch with an itch. i think these are trash tier though, yes

i try to be a little green, anon, to make up for being generally toxic as a person

>> No.9079338
File: 1.81 MB, 1327x916, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to going through my craft supplies. This stuff will be for sale one day but with the Canada post strike looming I really dont know when that will be. I will post nicer photos and prices when I can ship items again.

>> No.9079470

Are you resting the Popsicle stick diagonally?

>> No.9079480

hey anon maybe try this method instead if you want to reuse your cups and the resin won't peel out with a wooden stick


>> No.9079791
File: 3.20 MB, 2236x2236, 20160701_031114-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staging an experimental design to be built up with layers of resin

those rose gold, gold, and white findings look mighty interesting

>> No.9079852

That was me. I bought and it's well worth it, used it loads


>> No.9080244

>i try to be a little green, anon, to make up for being generally toxic as a person

I chortled. You're aight, anon. Best of luck with your mixing cups.

>> No.9081652
File: 935 KB, 1000x1333, 20160701_234422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some shitty brooches I made, I'm sad that I didn't seal the shiba stickers and they stained but oh well

Oh fuck I want those controller molds, how much you want for them each?

>> No.9081684

The staining doesn't seem that noticable on the sleeping Shiba. They're cute stickers!

>> No.9081685

this is really bad.

>> No.9081771

No it's not? What's your damage, anon.

If you don't like something, at least give it an actual critique and not be a dick.

>> No.9082028

I'm not a fan of the web in the middle but I think it'll look better once it's in resin.
It still looks nice though.

>> No.9082406
File: 704 KB, 800x492, P1020790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third world.

Yes I remember! Sadly it doesn't ship to my country. For some reason this mold in special is sold only in European countries.

Thank you anon! I think I will give up and buy one of those and dome it myself.

That's cute anon! What did you use to color the Pokemon one?

I was bored so I made some stuff. I used cold porcelain to cut shapes with cookie cutters or a knife itself, paste some washi tape and dome them. Turned out fine...At least some of them. Also I tried to make a ring mold out of Oyumaru. It works but definitely it's not selling quality.

>> No.9082428

Are you in South America by any chance? I can never buy anything online when I'm visiting family there, shipping is like ten times the price of the item.
Also, your stuff looks really cute. I've been meaning to make cold porcelain for a while but I've never thought about using it with resin. Did you only dome the ones covered in washi tape?

>> No.9082555

I love the one with the mushrooms on em, super cute
But I color pretty much all of my resin stuff with cheap old eyeshadow that you can get at swap meets

>> No.9084565

Anon, if you don't like something, you have to actually be helpful and say how they could fix it.

>> No.9086293

These are super cute but I think the top left one looks a bit empty somehow.

>> No.9086432
File: 31 KB, 236x662, 67e3a943706715745d5f6624d2e007ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have week-long breakout
>pimples all around sides of mouth, chin, front of jaw
>stubborn fuckers more resistant than they should be
>impossible for it to be hormones, which is what google suggests for breakouts in that area
>figure maybe my skin is purging due to a new product in my skincare routine
>decide to give it another week or so to see if it improves or worsens
>last night
>sit down to do resin
>put on mask
>feels super itchy against pimples
>then it hits me
>the breakout is confined to EXACTLY where this mask sits on my face
>where the masks always sit on my face
>been doing resin daily for about a week, always following minimal safety precautions of mask+gloves
>the hours spent daily making kawaii glitter trash is wrecking my skin

>> No.9086457

Does anyone here have recs for specific hand drills for making holes in beads/resin pieces? I've seen a good number on ebay and the like, but I'm afraid that they'll be cheap af and break after three uses.

>> No.9086481

I'm so sorry anon. That really sucks. Maybe line the masks with something and see if that helps?

>> No.9086538

Do you change out your mask for a new one often or not? My guess is that your skin oil is accumulating on the mask and that you need to change masks more often

>> No.9088662

>doming directly the sticker would cause the paper to curve because it's very thin. Unless those PVC or vinyl stickers or those that comes already domed with epoxy

How about thoroughly sticking them onto PP mat and then doming? I think they shouldn't curve so easily that way.

>> No.9088786

Any recommendations for masks?

>> No.9088792

If you have a regular drill or can borrow one just go buy small drill bits. My brother lets me use his since he said the hand drills would probably be too cheap;y made.

>> No.9088826

This isn't really a good method for masks

>> No.9088844

I think they are looking for suggestions for safety masks to wear - not making masks out of resin

I use the one called "3M Paint Project Respirator" on Amazon. It has two sets of filters - one for vapor, one for particulate. That way it's good for not breathing in the resin off-gassing, or dust from sanding (though you should still sand in water to avoid dust anyway). It comes with two sets of filters, and you should get replacements for those periodically depending on how often you use the mask.

>> No.9090090

Just use a Dremel.

>> No.9092869

Does anyone have an etsy referral code they would be willing to give me?

>> No.9092920

yes! i have not had anyone use a code from me yet and would be happy to help. etsy says you can use this address and i hope it works: http://etsy.me/29yHz2b

>> No.9094074
File: 71 KB, 600x450, Cfm3Rj8UIAA3OtC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea where I can find these buttons?

>> No.9095289

Do you guys just make resin things to sell, or do you actually but them yourself? What are your tastes? You like birds? Anything with a crying cute girl? Earrings vs necklaces?

>> No.9095308
File: 246 KB, 750x1000, 0bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like necklaces and pins/brooches. I usually wear my long hair down, so I don't get to appreciate earrings as much. I love birds and birdcages, and a crying cute girl would be adorable.

Also, I made this today with some star glitter I found locally, and I really like how it turned out.

>> No.9095320


Ooo I like this very much. So how does "copyright" work with hundreds of year old paintings like the one you have?

>> No.9095347

Anything like literature/art made by someone who died more than 100 years ago is public domain, anon.

>> No.9095360


70 years old, actually. Googling is your friend. From wikiart:

>WikiArt.org allows unlimited copying, distributing and displaying of the images of public domain artworks solely. We use here Copyright term based on authors' deaths according to U.S. Copyright Law, that is 70 years. In other countries, the duration of copyright term may differ. Please check here copyright length according to your country's legislation before you consider reproducing images borrowed from Wikipaintings.org

>> No.9095569
File: 248 KB, 800x1200, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some interesting molds I found on aliexpress:

Top: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Animals-Tower-Silicone-Mould-DIY-Resin-Necklace-Craft-Jewellery-Making-Mold-Free-Shipping-40016041/32682234352.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.307.JpwOqF

Middle (probably posted before but doesn't hurt to post again): http://www.aliexpress.com/item/3pcs-lot-Magic-Wand-DIY-Silicone-Mould-Resin-Necklace-Craft-Pendant-Making-Mold-Free-Shipping-40016047/32685074411.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.310.JpwOqF

Bottom: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/5pcs-set-DIY-Crystal-Silicone-Mould-Resin-Necklace-Pendant-mold-Free-Shipping-40016017/32676687653.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.304.JpwOqF

>> No.9095576

Woah thanks for the links! I'm gearing up for another AE order and the magical girl wands are definitely going in the cart.

This makes me want to get my old sailor moon toys from my parents house and use them to make molds.

I'm thinking of getting some kind of rack for doming/drying but don't really know what to look for. Any tips?

I really want to start incorporating shrinky dinks into my resin pieces as well!!!!

>> No.9095585

>Any tips?
For now I do my doming over top of other molds. Letting excess resin drip into them, while I can slide the piece aling the flat top as needed. But I really want to get one of those honeycomb silicone mats. That's the ideal way to go about it.

>> No.9095594

I sell at conventions and when I have the time my online store. I prefer sweet "kawaii" type items but I have a lot of customers who like to see darker, more gothic items. As well as some brown tones for classic (my main audience is j-fash wearers).

I personally like rings, pins, and necklaces. But I have customers who come by and dont like jewelry as much, and prefer things like magnets or keychains. Its hard to please them all so I try to make as much varying things as I possibly can. Some girls like earrings, some like rings. The more you have the higher the chance of you making a sale I find.

>> No.9096802

Thank you anon!

>> No.9097272

Thanks! I ordered all of those. But just the unicorn for the top one.

>> No.9098023
File: 407 KB, 3994x1994, leghlsgls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap molds on Taobao are my weakness, I add a few things and before I know it I've added a kg and a couple dozen bucks to my order

I really love these and can't wait to get them, they have all the main Scouts and Tuxedo Mask too

Link if anyone's interested: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=531511036499

>> No.9098254

I'm so fucking tempted.

>> No.9100166

Just bought the middle ones. I can do a review when they get here if anyone's interested.

>> No.9102166

New thread?

>> No.9102247

I think we can migrate to >>9087117

>> No.9102316

there is like 60 posts left before autosage. if you have something to say, say it; no need for a new thread.

>> No.9102325


I am back since it looks like CanadaPost is trying to work out things and are not going on strike/being locked out.
I'm going to take better photos of everything when the daylight is out, maybe make an imgur album with everything. >>9081652 I havent thought much about prices yet but I will be pricing everything fairly/under retail value since I'm just trying to get rid of it.

>> No.9102608

Resin's had its own thread for a while, I don't mind migrating to that thread but it'd be a bit weird.

>> No.9102673

eagerly awaiting your prices anon

>> No.9103252


Okay ! Priced everything out and have better pictures.

http://imgur.com/a/wZDH8 - sales album , prices are in USD

Most items are unused or have been used only once or a few times before deciding I didnt like them/didnt suit my needs.

I am located in Canada so shipping can become expensive, especially with tracking. Shipping method is up to the discretion of the buyer.

Shipping with tracking is usually around $20 for Canada and the USA, even for a small parcel. We may proceed with paypal payments in the conventional way. Tracked shipping overseas is absolutely insane so I'm sure no one would even consider this ($40 or more)

Shipping without tracking is a cheaper option and one that can be provided. However if this is decided please only send paypal as a "gift payment." This is for my own protection against falsely made disputes. I can provide an image of the post office receipt when I send the item if requested.
I will have to check what untracked shipping is like price wise for Canada/USA but untracked surface is about $22 for overseas (could vary depending on country).

If you have any questions feel free to ask, email is resinthrowaway@gmail.com
Please respond in the thread if you email me so I can check my inbox. Thank you for your time!

>> No.9103487

What province?

>> No.9103526



>> No.9103672

that shipping is a bit steep anon, sorry. you may have more luck at an in-person swap meet kind of dealio

>> No.9103772


Yeah no worries thought so. Literally these are the prices of my post office. I just checked an estimate for untracked Canada/USA and its about $10.
Its why I priced everything so cheaply.

Also on a semi related note, if you run your own online store you should definitely check out articles like https://www.shopify.ca/blog/14069585-the-beginners-guide-to-ecommerce-shipping-and-fulfillment
Basically anything to do with sticker shock and how to include shipping rates.

>> No.9103933

UV resin anons, I have a question for you. I do the technique of mixing my colors together before putting them in the mold, but what do you guys mix them on? I've bounced around on a couple different materials; I cut off the plastic covering for binders and used that for a while, but now I'm using paper plates. Paper plates are pretty wasteful to use, so I'm looking for a better alternative. I see a lot of Japanese youtubers using these tiny sheets of clear stiff plastic, but I have no clue how to find it or what search terms will give me what I'm looking for.

>> No.9103965

those plastic sheets are usually from clear file covers, very cheap and you can get them from office max or staples etc
I usually just use parchment paper taped down since you can get a lot out of one roll of parchment paper and just toss once you're done

>> No.9104020

Those are both awesome things to use, thank you!

>> No.9104225

I just use the plastic from pastry boxes. I cut out the flat parts, wash them, and give them a wipe down with rubbing alcohol just in case.

>> No.9107701

when i'm feeling down about my resin failures, i watch this video. it makes me feel better every time.


>> No.9107791
File: 513 KB, 2124x1220, moldmakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the cameos for Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter. They made molds of the gashpon cameos that came out.

I was actually thinking of making molds of the ones I have.

Speaking of mold making.

I'd like to make some of my own. Hobby Lobby sells a few different ones. They're all roughly around the same price(the bottom one is a bit more) The one on the right is the most simple to use. But which would generally have the best longevity?

>> No.9107865

I like the top right brand. I've used it before and the molds hold up pretty well,

>> No.9108034

There's this stuff called oyumaru, I got it while I was in Japan from Seria a few years ago. It's definitely my favorite for making molds. You put it in hot water and it softens a lot, you mold it around your thing, and you let it cool/put it in cold water. If you fuck up, you can just mold it again and again. It's really useful because it won't mess up whatever you're molding on and it's ready to use almost instantly.
I don't know if you can get it on ebay or something, but it's worth a shot.

>> No.9108602

If you want shiny molds, don't use the putty. Also, putty molds are harder and less flexible than liquid silicone molds (nowhere near plastic mold level, but noticeably stiffer, so you'd be able to use them for clay as well as resin).

>> No.9110547
File: 117 KB, 470x600, hartring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at Suppurate System for inspo
>notice the bubbles

how big of a deal is bubbles in the final design for darker/weirder resin projects? i know for some looks it can be desirable (like simulating water) but i do not know how i feel about it here.

>> No.9110550
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 85116_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another with larger bubbles near the surfacd

>> No.9110579

The coffin ones look very 'unfinished' or lazily done to me

>> No.9110580


iirc, Suppurate System wasn't exactly known for their quality, with some lolitas on egl saying they were paying more for the concept and not really impressed by the final product that showed up in their packages. I think someone used this as an excuse to DIY their own rusty-nail-through-a-plastic-apple ring instead of paying $200 to get one from their site. So I'm not really surprised when you point out their resin work is less than perfect. I mean keep in mind they basically dissappeared after taking money from international lolitas and then never shipping the final round of lucky packs out, they're not exactly a brand you'd put on a pedestal. Mostly gothic lolitas worshipped the ideas and the creativity, the brand itself was a bit dodgy.

If you want to take a leaf from Suppurate System, maybe try coming up with some 2edgy concept where air bubbles could be central to the design, eg embed a mermaid figurine and some tiny seashells to go with Melty Mermaid, the bubbles are the foam she turns into the end of the story (they appear in the print as well).

Did want to mention that I thought the coffin ring was filled with glitter and not air bubbles. I guess the ring might have sold to buyers who had the same misconception as me, we would have been sorely dissappointed to open the box and find a ring filled with air bubbles.

>> No.9110825

It's too bad the bubbles are so noticeable in the red coffin ring, though only a tiny bit in the black and I can hardly notice it in the rose. I'd say it's a big deal if you're selling it, you could get away with the black coffin and rose but not the red coffin I think. As the other anon said maybe a mermaid/water theme of some kind? Anyways other than the air bubbles I actually find all the pieces you made to be adorable, great job otherwise. I really hope I see more pieces you made in the future and maybe progress on the bubbles.

>> No.9110842

Miss suppurate system so much. Was thinking about this the other day. Really good for ott gothic, really understood the aesthetic.

resin people, someone step up and make some high quality stuff like this on etsy

>> No.9110897

they are one of my prime sources of inspiration, combined with Japanese UV resin YouTubers (like popon202, who is a wizard: https://youtu.be/ehe9l6VYulI).). when i have a picture of something worth sharing i will post here!

>> No.9111103
File: 1.18 MB, 926x1920, 20160722_143413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for bad lighting, here are a few current experiments using resin. the large pendant, i poured colored resin directly into the setting; the dried rose petal was done in layers in a Kap Creations oval jewel mold and added to the flat frame with E6000; the painted skeleton keys are also from Kap, and domed over to seal the added details. it is a lot easier to color the outline than to fill it in the skull and bones, but either way, the details are very fine and fussy.

i love Kap's molds but the details are often very intricate like that, and the shapes can be a bitch to dome front and back. despite what the poor lighting shows, the molds are shiny without doming, but sort of flat. i find doming helps bring out the colors and details better, if you have the patience.

>> No.9111118


I was in Tokyo a few months ago and noticed they had a "handmade" section in the Marui complex. Lots of really nice handmade baubles, but one thing I noticed was the very obvious bubbles on the resin works. Idk if this was a Japanese thing or not. In any case no way in hell im paying 2500 yen for a tiny ass rabbit with bubbles and no detail that I could make myself.

>> No.9111247

A lot of Japanese crafters seem to use UV resin and you almost always get bubbles with it no matter how careful you are. Maybe they just don't care since it's so common.
Also, do you have any pics? Or is it just generic kawaii stuff that gets posted here all the time?

>> No.9111781
File: 18 KB, 136x157, pepes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lost one mold that was so tiny that probably someone threw it accidentally to the trash

>> No.9111838

Do you have any pieces you made from it? It might be possible to cast a new one with some mold maker.

>> No.9111842

I know that feel. I lost my little diamond recently.

This is a good idea.

>> No.9112383

I'm sorry, anon, that sucks. I hope you find it soon.

>> No.9112385

Recommendations for resins and dyes meant for large dome Sailor Senshi brooches? I want thinking of casting it right into a half dome ornament but it might make for a bleh looking finish.

>> No.9113279

Amazing Clear Cast resin, alcohol inks for anything clear and pastels/eyeshadow gound up reeeealy fine for anything solid. Mica or pearlex powders for metallic/pearlescent finishes (you can brush them onto the silicone mold instead of mixing into the resin).
Work in layers, take your time, be prepared to fail horribly. Don't pour too fast or mix too fast or you'll get bubbles.

>> No.9114924

Yes, I have one piece I made before I lost it. The thing is, it was a two parts mold meant to make a hollow shell(Just to add glitter and water similar to a water globe) The piece itself is messed up but I can sand it maybe to return to its original state.

Yeah, well honestly it was my fault. I should have been more careful but damn.

Before I forget. There was some anon looking for a star shaped mold with balls on the edges:
I think it was this one?

>> No.9115082

Not the anon who was looking for it but thanks for the link, I needed new molds.

>> No.9115088
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20160725_123745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a sheriff badge.

I ordered some molds off etsy and my first one arrived. I ordered the moons and they threw in the star as a surprise. It came out to $8.50 with the shipping.

>> No.9115231

Thank you so much. I really appreciate that you found and remembered this.


>> No.9116784

That's pretty good. Do you mind sharing the store?

>> No.9116826
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, 20160726_112300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DiamondCCKawaiiShop. The shop is in Victorville.

I tried out the molds last night. They came out pretty good. I just overfilled it so I have to clean off the excess.

>> No.9116863

What's the heart mold you use? The ones I've found are all matte

>> No.9116872
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 21823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually from a silicone ice cube tray from Daiso Japan. They sell star shaped ones too. They sell them individually in stores but you have to buy them in bulk packages online.

>> No.9117015

Not that anon that asked, but how big are they?

>> No.9117092
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20160726_215532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a perfect measurement. But I think both the star and hearts are about 3.5cm across. They're a cute size for pendants. Not to large.

I also double checked and they do come out shiny out of the mold and fairly flat, so you really don't have to dome them.

>> No.9117123
File: 403 KB, 1200x1360, 14507479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any opinions on liquid glass? I'm looking for something to dome stickers.

>> No.9118099

I love the squirrel one. The star and moons came out really nicely too, what did you use to color the resin?

>> No.9118105

It's glitter and eyeshadow pigment. I actually got it and the rabbit from a sheet of stickers from dollar tree. It had other animals like a deer and fox. Those were too big from the mold, but I got a bigger heart mold that fit the deer.

>> No.9118159

Aw thanks anon! We don't have Daiso here but I found the star mold on Taobao:

>> No.9118169

That looks like it. You should be able to find the hearts too. I just wish they had some other shapes too. I've found some mini silicon muffin molds at daiso too. Taobao might have the UV resin Daiso sells too. I have yet to find it in store but I do find the little charms and stuff there.

>> No.9118564
File: 13 KB, 600x205, acrylfarben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to start resin crafting soon and I wonder if I could use acrylics to dye it bc. I have a lot of that. Any experiences?

>> No.9118575
File: 151 KB, 1024x697, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most acrylics are waterbased, so they'll more than likely fuck up the curing and your piece will never harden. Micas, eyeshadows, pearl powders, and chalk pastel shavings are the way to go for dries. There are special resin-specific dyes and any alcohol based dye will work well.

>> No.9118621

Thanks for your help! :)

>> No.9118666

Most shopping services won't buy liquids for you as customs can confiscate it. So buying UV resin off taobao might be difficult.

>> No.9119144

I bought nail polish and resin dyes before but they were like...Really tiny. That was long ago I'm not sure how things are now desu.

>> No.9119884

Adding to this, some people say food coloring is fine to use and gives a vibrant color. DON'T use food coloring- not only is most of it water based, it's also not meant to last. Food is perishable, resin isn't.

>> No.9121337
File: 89 KB, 585x588, ss+(2016-07-30+at+03.08.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience casting items like rings or bangles?
My worry is that when the resin is so close to your body and with body heat, it will make the resin bendier than normal.

Just want to know how peoples cast rings have reacted while being worn

>> No.9121631

that shouldn't happen if the resin is properly mixed

>> No.9122142

I made some rings out of resin lately. They are very hard and everything but when you wear them, yeah they become a little soft even bendy. But I also have hot hands during all year.
I don't think it would be any trouble if they become bendy, though.

>> No.9122228

I saw that mold and was considering getting it, but honestly I don't think it'll hold up in the long run.

>> No.9125088

That means the resin wasn't cured properly, either because it wasn't mixed right or because of additives like colors.

>> No.9125350

So sharpies are super weak for ink. If I want to use alcohol ink will I have to get fw?