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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9116752 No.9116752 [Reply] [Original]

Final round entries are up.

U.P. Cosplay
Fine Arts Dye Challenge
Inspiration: Banksy

>> No.9116753
File: 127 KB, 960x698, 13654299_1222067131157908_8988109274481594803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havenaims cosplay
Fine Arts Dye Challenge
Inspiration: Gustav Klimt

>> No.9116754
File: 99 KB, 1200x811, 13738255_1222067114491243_2018687308643984710_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine Arts Dye Challenge
Inspiration: Mondrian

>> No.9116760
File: 185 KB, 1200x681, 13717372_1222067327824555_2491481013345120137_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.P. Cosplay
Jumbo Braid Tutorial Challenge

>> No.9116761

So suicide is glamorous now?

>> No.9116764

>Inspiration: Banksy

>> No.9116765
File: 130 KB, 960x698, 13620710_1222067134491241_6143157987688522268_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havenaims cosplay
Jumbo Braid Tutorial Challenge

>> No.9116767


this is some lady gaga shit.

>> No.9116768
File: 106 KB, 960x762, 13669790_1222067244491230_2903529643959696506_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumbo Braid Tutorial Challenge

>> No.9116770

This one's a mess... the colors aren't opaque enough, and it fails at being 'artsy' because of shit composition.

>> No.9116771

Oh my god just shut up

>> No.9116772


>> No.9116773
File: 84 KB, 1200x579, 13737676_1222067297824558_3210526081219676983_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.P. Cosplay
Freestyle Challenge

>> No.9116774

Not to mention it holds similarities to one of Cowbutt Crunchies wig entries from last year.

>> No.9116775

Looks more like Sia to me.

>> No.9116776
File: 155 KB, 1200x698, 13680360_1222067121157909_743911836572538845_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havenaims cosplay
Freestyle challenge

>> No.9116779
File: 139 KB, 960x953, 13645068_1222067174491237_520529717045664154_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freestyle challenge

>> No.9116780

>Gustav Klimt
I don't see it at all.
Doesn't help that in the majority of his works the hair is a solid color to contrast with the backgrounds and clothing. But even if it's supposed to reflect those, I would never guess that was supposed to be the inspiration

>> No.9116782

Havenaims is the best, but U.P.'s are pretty good too. Toki's all look like shit except the freestyle.

>> No.9116786

Nothing about this is Lady Gaga you shit

>> No.9116793

>Gustav Klimt


>> No.9116795

Wow I was looking forward to these given the quality of the last few rounds, but I am disappointed overall. Some are fine but most are hard to look at, and the few that are actually creative have execution problems.

I demand a do-over.

>> No.9116799
File: 3.77 MB, 400x224, Persona 3 The Movie No1 Spring of Birth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's persona 3 Envokers?

>> No.9116804

just looks like sia

>> No.9116808
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Jesus christ, you guys.

>> No.9116813

My point still stands. Suicide shouldn't be glamorized.

>> No.9116817
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>> No.9116818

Her mom died while she was in this competition. You don't have to worry about her "glamorizing" any death type situation.

>> No.9116831

did you miss the artpop video? please.

>> No.9116837

You're kidding, right? Literally NOTHING in that video looks like this, you are such a tard

>> No.9116843

Persona anon, I was just wondering if Persona was an inspiration that's all. The coloring and presentation made me think of the character Mitsuru. Calm down jeez

>> No.9116850

I mean it literally says "Inspiration: Banksy" next to it, so.... no, probably not.

>> No.9116854

Source material aside, I don't find this a very creative dye job despite all the fussy styling details. The color job is just meh.

>> No.9116856

If you're going to get offended by something as simple as this then I feel bad for you.

I agree. The last round was amazing and these fall flat by comparison

>> No.9116857
File: 816 KB, 1200x1200, gustav-klimt-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious? It's clearly inspired by his overall style, not just the subjects hair. Are you an idiot?

>> No.9116864

>fine art challenge

I hope she loses just for that

>> No.9116868

>>9116753 should win, the rest are shit.

>> No.9116877

Go back to tumblr summerfag

>> No.9116878


>> No.9116883

What a clusterfuck

>> No.9116891
File: 29 KB, 450x263, 9d6557092e4164210710bb2d27e24c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a chill pill, you are so far the only person in this thread who can see the resemblance. At the very least she should have gone for similar colors to pic related or used more than just a few round dots of contrasting color. I have no idea why she chose so much blue when that is so clearly outside of Klimt's normal palette.

>> No.9116902

What? Tumblr fags Live for Bansky

>> No.9116907

Looks more Alphonse Mucha inspired in the poses. More than Klimt at least.

>> No.9116988

ITT: A bunch of people trying to talk about art history who had to google Klimt and Mondrian before posting

>> No.9117000

Please don't insult Mucha like that.

>> No.9117007

I just said the poses. Idk where those colors and the hairstyle are coming from, honestly. I've looked at a lot of art and my friend is a huge Klimt fan and I'm just not seeing it. If I squint, maybe...Van Gogh Starry Night? Meh.

>> No.9117018

death is a beautiful thing shitlord

>> No.9117021

Yeah, I kind of got a... not-quite-but-sort-of Starry Night vibe from it as well. It certainly would be more convincing to be inspired by Starry Night than by Klimt.

>> No.9117022

Idk, anon. It's a pretty big leap. Hm, wig, red, butterfly, oh yeah, gunshot to the head. I see it clearly now!
It's still a shitty low-dimension dye job for the dye challenge.

>> No.9117037

>completely outside of the general color palette he used
not to mention the few little round blue dots don't make me think "Klimt" in the least.
I can see what she was trying to do with the textures up front, but they don't blend well together. I can guarantee if someone was shown that wig and asked what artist it was inspired by, the answer would not be Klimt.
Are very clear and concise with what the inspirations are

>> No.9117042

Mfw no wildly colored frizzle-ass wig inspired by Pollock or even a Hirst spin painting. I want some chaos, dammit!

>> No.9117045

Substandard dye job

Wtf inspo

Shit composition.

>> No.9117047

Base wig hairline is sketchy

Best usage

Too simplistic

>> No.9117055

Unbalanced asymmetry, bad lighting

Very organic but also unflattering

Impressive but has a lot going on.
Bilateral symmetry is off.
Still the best in this category.

Really these are all impressive but it's fun to pretend-judge them and read what others say.

>> No.9117251

Your opinion is so important to us
>can't even make it in only one post

>> No.9117256

Because if anon made it in one post:
>wow autismo, tone down on the opinions

>> No.9117293

I did not post it for you. As I said, I pretend judged it as you would in rounds just for a bit of fun.

Flick your finger to skip posts, anon. As I flick mine to flip you off. :^)

>> No.9117313

>all this summer

>> No.9117322

There is no pleasing anon, anon. They come here to find something to bitch about. If they are whining about my posts, at least they are giving someone else a break.
But really? Flipping shit in a wig competition thread over posting style? Bored people pick up strange habits, though. I've learned this.
Since it's the wig competition thread though, how about returning to the topic?

>> No.9117373

>ppl are bad uguuu
Cry more

>> No.9117377

>Still the best in this category.
It's the best concept and best to look at but there is no way it's winning with all of that plastic understructure showing... it looks like she ran out of time or hair.

>> No.9117446

What? It's quite obvious they're from the same person.
Plus people do that shit all the time in Iron Wig threads. Anon's tri-posting was weird but not that abnormal.

Anyway, I'm agreeing with >>9116795
This was so damn disappointing for a final round. Was everyone exhausted or something?

>> No.9117469

I know it's obvious it's one anon, and fair enough, this might be the only thread it might not happen in, but seagulls in general just lose their shit when they see more than 4 quoted posts with seperate comments for some reason and usually it comes with cries of "no one cares", "autism" or other sandy try-hard "you're a retard for caring this much" shit.

cool catchphrase, learnt it the other day?

I do like what they were going for with this one. Unfortunately, it and >>9116776 don't make much sense to me in a forest context, they'd snag on dense greens so easily.

>> No.9117477

>Was everyone exhausted or something?
The final rounds from previous years have always been good though. Even when one person was obviously burnt out there were other top notch designs, but I can't think of a year that was this mediocre overall.

I can't tell if you're trying to be edgy or literally don't know what 'summer' refers to on cgl, but either way you guys need to just let it go. Between this argument and the Banksy trolling, this thread is going to shit fast.

>> No.9117488

I like this in a high fashion avant garde sort of way
I could see it being worn alongside haute couture in a show

>> No.9117820

Are you kidding? Tumblr thinks he's edgy and try hard. They make fun of him all the time.

>> No.9117829

So when is the winner announced? Do the judges publish their notes? This is a pretty cool competition.

>> No.9117857
File: 72 KB, 960x637, 10174902_753231161374843_1818149097193685395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arda usually holds an audience poll for a week, then announces the winner sometime after that with scoring breakdown. They used to do more involved notes but stopped after the first year.

The contest is pretty cool and the contestants usually make some baller wigs (this wreck of a round notwithstanding). Pic related is still one of my favorites. Arda used to post old rounds on their forums but you can find most of the photos in their FB albums.

>> No.9118041
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>> No.9118060

Anyone care to give us a collage of the finalists previous entries?

>> No.9118071

Maybe your group of tumblr friends does.

>> No.9118122


>> No.9118881
File: 386 KB, 402x1024, 20160728_110419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this was the Klimt painting used.

>> No.9118991

Honestly I think Havenaims did the best overall when it came to cleanliness and design. She chose a hell of a weird artist.
Toki's dye job is a bit weak but her concept for the freestyle was pretty neat. Her tutorial looks useful.
U.P. has some skill issues it seems. Overall a bit disappointed.

>> No.9119537

what's up with this? wasn't it supposed to be a Dye challenge? she just dumped it in a bucket of red paint. Interesting idea I guess, but very poor execution on the actual assignment.

>> No.9119546

Reminds me of one of CBC's wigs from last (?) year

>> No.9119599

Yeah that's what confuses me (and.. everyone else)
She could've at least added some subtle gradients to look more like a finalist in the Dye challenge round.
There is a tiny fade at the bottom but.. I don't think that was intended.

>> No.9119658

Here are the wig tutorials:




>> No.9119687

back to tumblr you go

>> No.9119784

Isn't there a difference between "glamourizing" and making a point? Do you not get that 80% of art is either about love, death, loss, or success?