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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 131 KB, 768x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9113520 No.9113520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No Pokémon cosplay? I am disappointed.

>> No.9113522

I'm disappointed by that DYEL faggot

>> No.9113526

Is it just me or does his package look sort of lacking? Why would he be proud to show that off?

>> No.9113580

Nah that's a p. good lookin' dick, desu. Not sure how much it grows but check out that headstamp.

No homo ofc.

>> No.9113582


Put some pants on, pervert

>> No.9113585

Is this you? You can't even see the dick so how do you know it's good looking? Looks unimpressive from the pic.

>> No.9113595

Confirmed for never having a seen a flaccid cock in underwear. Enjoy your porn and hentai, virgin.

>> No.9113596

Yep it's him kek

>> No.9113598

Sorry about your shit dick anon. Maybe think before you selfpost your own thread next time

>> No.9113672

>Insulting girls because you tried unsuccessfully to show off your dick
0/10 anon. Don't selfpost next time.

>> No.9113675
File: 36 KB, 268x237, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mad your dick is small

>> No.9113680

Grill with a boyfriend here. His cock looks impressively thick to me. And they definitely do get bigger when erect you know.

>> No.9113701

I would bet money you're samefagging this to try and make it sound like someone actually approves of your dick.

It's unimpressive as fuck.

>> No.9113706

The fact that he pretended to be another dude earlier has me thinking the same thing

>> No.9113708

I dunno it's kinda cute. In a chode-like way.

>> No.9113720

As someone with a dick, and someone in amateur acrobatic classes, this dick is either tissues, a chode, or he pulled the scrotum forward to make the whole thing look bigger

>> No.9113731

>he pulled the scrotum forward to make the whole thing look bigger

That's exactly what he did.

Maybe in a babypenis way.

>> No.9113741

.Saw him at the con he wore this too it looked super shitty. He also made a pickachu cosplay like this. Was so cringy

Will give him props for working out though

>> No.9113745

Did he try and shove his baby penis in anyone's face?

>> No.9113747

Needs to do more cock push-ups.

>> No.9113758

He was definitely trying to thrust it forward while walking. It was super retarded. He thinks he's one of the elites of Florida so that should tell you something

>> No.9113796
File: 101 KB, 639x960, 13718619_1035876326531080_5945028251448187475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the pikachu version. unless he's got a dancers belt there isnt a lot goin on down there.

>> No.9113806

Well at least we know he isn't interested in women now. Watch your asses, men of the world

>> No.9113813
File: 325 KB, 1118x1734, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a whole thread about J. Stryker. He's a "big deal" in the FL comm. Made a whole con for himself in soflo. I heard it was shit.

>> No.9113818

>works out to compensate for tiny penis
>wears really attention whore-ish "cosplays"
>try's to act like he's a big deal

kek, literally a stereotype for compensating douchebags

>> No.9113827

oh god no. really sad part is he isn't bad looking

>> No.9113829

I think he's pretty goddamn fugly, but that's just me.

>> No.9113837

not 10/10 but I'd be into it if I was single. if only his dick was as big as his ego

>> No.9113840

I legitimately would rather down an entire glass of fresh vomit than kiss him. His face looks like he's constipated, he has psycho eyes, and his nose is crooked.

>> No.9113861

His attention whoring and attitude makes any attractiveness irrelevant

>> No.9113872

>cgl this mad that they saw a penis

Dang, finally found someone y'all hate more than jnig

>> No.9113877

Sorry no one likes your tiny dick man

>> No.9113908

>baaaw someone has a tiny dick

>> No.9113936

I don't have to have a dick to know what a tiny penis looks like famm

>> No.9113939

Have you ever seen a soft dick before, girl?

>> No.9113943

Yeah, most days for the past 2 years. Maybe I'm just lucky with the guy I got hitched to but that right there in the OP looks small to me.

>> No.9113951

what's his size? or did you never measure

>> No.9113952

>have I ever taken a measuring tape to my husbands penis

Can't say I have. Never felt the need.

>> No.9113956

You don't have to have one to know what one looks like though

you're really hurt over this, aren't you?

>> No.9113957

There are show-ers versus growers you know. Also, like are you guys fucking dudes with huge donkey dicks or something?

>> No.9113961

then your husband and op's pkmn cosplayers' dicks are the same size.

>> No.9113962

No, but most guys don't have a baby penis like this one does.

>> No.9113968

Either you're a 14 year old virgin, you've never seen a flaccid penis, or you live in the land of elephant cocks.

>> No.9113971

Stop trying to justify your tiny dink and subpar printing, bro

>> No.9113974

Lol nasty slut. Put some clothes on

>> No.9113977

yea, let's just end this once and for all. 6 inches is pretty much what most guys have. maybe .5 below, maybe .5 above. if it's small, it's small it won't matter unless you live for dicks.

>> No.9113983

While I appreciate your expertise on my husbands penis, somehow I don't think you're right. Call me crazy.

Are you really trying to say that his isn't small?? All the evidence is pointing towards him being less than endowed. I've only been with one guy so I really can't give you a good average but OP is for sure small.

>> No.9113986

>I've only been with one guy
I believe you

>> No.9113991

it was nothing at all. in fact anyone can tell both your husband and op's dicks are the same size.

or i might be wrong, op's could be bigger.

>> No.9113992

>this mad about your tiny penis

>> No.9113993

You have a small dick. Get over it and move on with your life.

>> No.9113994

That's six inches ERECT, not flaccid. Dude's cock is flaccid in the OP, it's bigger than that erect.
Jesus christm trying to explain penises to girls who've only seen them in yaoi mangas in not worth the ffort

>> No.9113997

I just don't like the feeling of having my cervix punched.

>> No.9113999

> a normal sized penis will hit your cervix

are you a midget?

>> No.9114000

I have a very tiny vagina and anything over 7 inches is unbearable. I'm so afraid to have children.

>> No.9114003

lol what the fuck is this weak-ass insult
This board brings the worst banter possible

Don't worry, bro, not all of us can be 6'4" and gifted. The world needs bottoms too.

>> No.9114004

>7 inches is average


>> No.9114006

I just laughed at it, this guys trying to insult my husband on his penis size? Just proves he thinks a lot about other
guys dicks.

>> No.9114008

He has to make himself feel better somehow

>> No.9114011
File: 61 KB, 432x432, 1373482533584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Being a 29 yo virgin doesn't feel so bad right now. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.9114014


uh oh, i didnt know talking about your dick size stung you both that much. maybe it did more than you and your husbands dick at least.

>> No.9114017
File: 166 KB, 450x480, Fujoshi_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a bizarre line of insult to take. The dude's dick is fine. Anybody with a dick or dick experience can tell that. Insulting his dick just makes you look like pic related

>> No.9114026

jani-chan please take out the trash

>> No.9114030

Yeah please. I'm bored now.

>> No.9114032

>this mad

do you need a nap?

>> No.9114042
File: 556 KB, 500x281, laci-frying-pan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah im out. i dont even browse /cgl/ i just got redirected from another board

dunno why you guys responded if you don't care. maybe that chick here does have a husband with a small dick.

>> No.9114047

Cry harder.

>> No.9114057



i think even this link is longer than your hubby's peepee

>> No.9114059

You keep trying to insult my husband on his penis and I keep wondering who hurt you so badly you feel the need to keep bringing up another mans penis to validate your own.

>> No.9114061

I've seen flaccid penises bigger than that. Dudes little. It's ok. There's someone for everyone

>> No.9114066

When will /fit/ dudes stop getting butthurt that we're not jumping at the chance to fuck them? Keep crying about it

>> No.9114067


is your hubby's dick that small that you rather be on 4chan talking to me?

>> No.9114069

Someone with 5-5.5 and a half can easily bottom out in an average vagina if they know positions

>> No.9114073

>I've seen flaccid penises bigger than that.
ok? No one ever said he has the biggest possible penis.

>> No.9114076

i think everyone is being a little harsh. Yes he is an obnoxious attention whore. But i can personally say I'm packing a hard six and when it's soft it looks like half a thumb and that guy beats me by miles soft.

>> No.9114079

>he isn't at work
>it doesn't amuse me to shit on you and your itty bitty peen

That's cause it's super small.

>> No.9114082

As a feminist, this body shaming needs to stop.

>> No.9114084

you're basically coming across like a teenage boy saying, "I'm not gonna date a girl who has tits smaller than like, quadruple D!"

>> No.9114085
File: 8 KB, 251x230, 1343936746066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ gets little attention from guys like pic in OP
>realize it's because of high bf % or autism
>get bad feelings
>make fun of penis
>get good feelings
>the problem is now solved
>the female brain

>> No.9114092

Sorry I have standards I guess?

>> No.9114097

I am >>9114076 and this is all stupid
You can't judge a penis by it's size when soft

>> No.9114098

You learned how to draw cocks for your gay Sherlock fanart by looking at other people's gay Sherlock fanart, didn't you?

>> No.9114099
File: 568 KB, 240x291, 1459469249685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fat weeaboo chicks tearing down a guy who wouldn't bless them with so much as a sniff of his babydick

>> No.9114101

I'm honestly so amused by how this thread has devolved. Someone screencap this, I'm on mobile

>> No.9114106

Then why is he posting here? Obviously he wanted someone to praise him and now he's butthurt that his plan backfired

>> No.9114112

>I draw fanart

fan art is beneath me.

>I'm fat
>I would be interested even if I was 200lbs

>> No.9114113

Do you really think the OP is the guy in the OP pic?

>> No.9114115

Do you really think anyone would defend this so hard otherwise? If it wasn't me, I would laugh and move on

>> No.9114122

It more like if you said he was wearing green boxers and multiple people said you're wrong, he's wearing blue boxers, and you just responded with variants of "nice color-blindness, Blindey McCan'tSee"

>> No.9114124

Guys are sensitive about their dongles
And OP's isn't small for a soft one and probably beat the other anons who are defending him

>> No.9114128

You're obviously fat, i can tell by your posts, you disgusting pig.

>> No.9114145

>op's isn't small for a soft one


>> No.9114159

Guys do say that of all ages. People aren't ripping him for his tiny dick it's the fact that he posted in here and assumed he'd receive positive attention for his outfit. I don't know of the guy in the pic is actually commenting ( although I don't know why anyone else would go to such extreme lengths to defend him) but the poster obviously knew the pic was gonna get some sort of attention. That and the guy has a huge ego irl. Most Anons feel he deserves it. Wouldn't be different if it was a chick

>> No.9114177

You would mock a chick about the size of her dick?

>> No.9114185

My willy is smaller
Can't really even see any bulge when I wear tight underwear
But it's above average when it's not soft so
OP could be packing
Also there is no telling how tall he is
An average willy on a large man looks small

>> No.9114193

>I have a very tiny vagina and anything over 7 inches is unbearable. I'm so afraid to have children.
I have a proposition for you

>> No.9114198

>Mfw virgins see pussy for the first time
>"Lol why is your dick so small and floppy!!!! Haha"

Nice memes all.
>implying erections

>> No.9114206

If shes got one sure..I will judge all the futanari. No one is safe from my edge

>> No.9114209

as someone whos seen him irl he's about 5'4"/ 5'5"

>> No.9114213 [DELETED] 
File: 809 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-7593427217399228156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ bro here reporting for duty
choke on a cock whores

>> No.9114234
File: 238 KB, 419x283, aw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat weaboo cosplayers insulting a man's flaccid cock

>> No.9114239

>getting this offended over people commenting on someones dick
Man /fit/ proves all brawn no brains once again

>> No.9114243

I'm gay now thanks

>> No.9114245

Is this how I can be a popular male cosplayer? By just wearing my boxers with some half ass cosplay? Hm not so different from famous female cosplayers then I guess.

>> No.9114248

> people are insulting a dudes penis
> must all be fat, ugly and/or virgins
/fit/ logic is best logic

>> No.9114253

kek. so a small penis and short? someone hand him a noose

>> No.9114254
File: 16 KB, 235x226, 1387336433232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon Cosplay Thread
>everyone is talking about dicks

never change /cgl/

>> No.9114257

choke on a fucking DICK

>> No.9114260

oh no, It seems I've upset you.

>> No.9114262

If only yours was long enough to choke on : ^ )

>> No.9114265

do you with your parents or a toddler by chance? cute shower curtain

>> No.9114266 [DELETED] 
File: 678 KB, 768x1024, 0472b739-ff90-4a1c-864b-4b3b5925dd19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off roastie
yea glad you like it :D

>> No.9114268

can some one get a janitor in here to clean up this pathetic sperg please.

>> No.9114270

>taking a picture lower down to make your dick look bigger.
>posting this on a SFW board
are you even trying anon?

>> No.9114271

>whore btfo
>gets butthurt

>> No.9114272

>aesthetically unappealing

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.9114275

>doesn't even reach his belly button

>> No.9114276

>not small
>not thin

>> No.9114279

but it is small and thin. it's very very obvious it is.

>> No.9114281

But it isn't

>> No.9114284

>is the only one butthurt
man all those supplements must affected your brain and penis.. sorry man.
GL with your raging after janitors clean this up

>> No.9114286
File: 262 KB, 960x1280, IMG_543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here Senor Pink cosplay.
Would you change my poo poo mommy?

>> No.9114287

But I'm not butthurt
You are

>> No.9114288
File: 8 KB, 236x236, 1469420876263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114292

jesus christ, sperging out so much you post a picture of your penis, how autismo are you?

>> No.9114294

pretty autistic, also I don't really care

>> No.9114295

Does /fit/ wear depends cuz all the supplements and riods they take make them shit themselves?
serious question.

>> No.9114296

I did not need that in my life

>> No.9114297

quit crying ya fucking pansy
go to tumblr

>> No.9114299
File: 92 KB, 595x394, kawaiicruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little ween!

>> No.9114300

Yes but not for the reason you stated.
It's so we can bench press our last rep and shit ourselves at the same time.

>> No.9114303


>> No.9114305

9/10 dentists agree that his dick is small

>> No.9114306

So you're saying you shit yourselves regardless.

>> No.9114307

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.9114309

The tenth one was paid to say it was average

>> No.9114311


>> No.9114312

This is why Ghostbusters flopped.

>> No.9114315


No one wants to see 4 stupid bitches they should of known that from the start.

>> No.9114325


>> No.9114326

ok no worries everyone. I've screen grabbed the whole thread

>> No.9114332

even the idiot who posted his tiny penis?

>> No.9114335

absolutely the idiot who posted his baby dick

>> No.9114337

>still being this butthurt

>> No.9114338

I hope especially the idiot who posted his tiny penis.

let me know where this is posted so I can have a good laugh in the future

>> No.9114339


>> No.9114341

>like tumblr isn't full of porn

>> No.9114344
File: 158 KB, 318x322, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mad about your tiny wingwang

>> No.9114345

idk, go to your safe space then.

>> No.9114346
File: 103 KB, 602x570, Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 1.15.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are so butthurt baby dick? go sperg back at /fit/

>> No.9114347

thing is, it's not small. Amazing to hear this shit coming from fat sluts with a cup titties.

>> No.9114348
File: 92 KB, 600x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Chinese boyfriend's dick is bigger than that!

>> No.9114351

> lots of comments saying my dick is small
> must be a lie
>gotta be samefagging

>> No.9114352

>everyone must be a fat slut if the think my penis is small

>> No.9114353

Exactly. It's one asshurt person.

>> No.9114354

top kek. my sides anon

>> No.9114356

>fat slut detected

>> No.9114358
File: 82 KB, 1023x556, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 thread you guys

>> No.9114359

>A cup

I don't think you know how the real world works

>> No.9114362
File: 667 KB, 768x1024, 4acd5954-7ea5-47d3-883b-63c576b1f4ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyways, I'm out for now
choke on it, sluts

>> No.9114363

>I can choke on something that small and thin

>> No.9114365
File: 32 KB, 320x240, reeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114366

So any of you gals from London?

>> No.9114367

this anon knows whats up.