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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 287 KB, 450x476, jsveloursummer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9110185 No.9110185 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is long dead.

JS summer collection dropped today. Anyone spend their shekels on this? I bought one for a cosplay.

>> No.9110189 [DELETED] 

Nah, he's racist and a massive prick.

>buying from someone who says they want to throw acid on a black girl to lighten her skin

>> No.9110190 [DELETED] 

This has to be bait. Don't support that asshole.

>> No.9110194 [DELETED] 


Someone fill me in

>> No.9110195 [DELETED] 


>> No.9110202 [DELETED] 

Damn, what a cunt. I've changed my mind about trying his products. Thanks Gulls.

>> No.9110205 [DELETED] 

>taking a joke from a decade ago this seriously

Granted it wasn't a very funny joke, even in context, but it was hardly racist.

>> No.9110207
File: 28 KB, 600x600, Virginitysm_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked one up (virginity for those who care)! Tbh his lipsticks are not that comfortable to wear (Aromi's liquid lip feels much nicer), but they have great coverage look great on especially in pictures!

>> No.9110208 [DELETED] 


>> No.9110209 [DELETED] 

You might wanna consider both sides of the argument rather than just the one the tumblrinas will show you.


>> No.9110218 [DELETED] 

Wow it's been too long since drama on cgl I guess.

>> No.9110226 [DELETED] 

Why would you believe anything that spews from his mouth? Kat was honest and very clear about what happened. I'm not saying what she said is law, but she brought up some points that simply cannot be argued. He's a scumbag and always has been, now he's just a famous scumbag.

>> No.9110228 [DELETED] 

>but it was hardly racist
not even trying to whiteknight/be a sjw but that's really racist anon

>> No.9110229 [DELETED] 

God he sounds so fake, how can anyone believe this?

>> No.9110235 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 546x700, fuckoffbacktoyourautismhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A joke about one person =/= a jab at an entire race.

>> No.9110236 [DELETED] 

>joking about throwing acid on a girl to lighten her skin

>> No.9110238 [DELETED] 

I never said it was funny, anon.

Maybe you should look up the video where he says it and get it from the source, rather than going off hearsay. :^)

>> No.9110242 [DELETED] 

>"I never told her to 'fuck off' or 'go fuck yourself'
>Shows text message saying 'Stay the fuck out of my business'"

>> No.9110244
File: 30 KB, 456x446, nudebeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama or no drama I don't wanna spend 18 bux.

Dupes for nude beach?

>> No.9110256 [DELETED] 

This. You guys are retarded, this isn't like limecrime. It's literally just an attentionwhore being jealous that his products are better, trying to sabotage his success. LC routinely fucked people, Jeffree is just who he is

>> No.9110258
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I'm 22 and I still have trouble with makeup
What's the best look for a young/natural face that will look good in photos?

>> No.9110259

Foundation, nude lip color, and a light touch of blush so that you don't look dead.

You can't go wrong with those three basics for a natural look.

>>9110244 is an example of a peachy nude lip but there are lots of nudes out there.

>> No.9110260 [DELETED] 

I chuckled at that. Still, "go fuck yourself" and "stay the fuck out of my business" gives two different meanings and implications. He's not wishing her unwell, he's telling her HE doesn't want her in his life anymore.

>> No.9110261 [DELETED] 

>Designer mocks-up multiple logos
>Not asking his prices prior
>Finds a cheaper designer and uses last designers mock-ups

Well, this video is upsetting. Clients like Jeffery are the worst; if you're worried about your budget ask and negotiate prices. Even mock-ups take a lot of time.

I'm so salty.

>> No.9110262 [DELETED] 

This! Everyone wants to focus on the fact the he did say "fuck" in his response, but Kat made it seem like "fuck off" was his entire cut-and-dry response. Which was most definitely not the case.

>> No.9110263

how do i get better at makeup without years of looking like shit from poor application? seriously i've tried to follow tutorials and bought good products i just suck at applying it

>> No.9110265 [DELETED] 

Yes! Fuck Lime Crime. Because the actual company themselves have REPEATEDLY fucked customers over, with half filled products, hair and other dirt/gunk in the shoddy "formulas", lying about ingredients and whether they are actually cruelty-free, and shitty site security.

The only big issue JSC has had was the crushed King Tut highlighters. And that was because like 3,000 of them were dropped on concrete before being shipped out.

>> No.9110272

Practice, practice, practice. There's a reason why you can't get licensed as a pro MUA without having over 300 hours of schooling in most states (assuming you live in the US). The more you practice, the better you'll become! It helps you refine your techniques, and figure out how to best work with your face shape and personal style.

>> No.9110273 [DELETED] 

Another good video on Jeffree star.

Skip to 19:00 minute mark

>> No.9110275 [DELETED] 

I really don't think this is about attentionwhoring. Kat Von D has enough attention in the makeup world as it is. Jeffree ripped her friend off and used his design. He can try to argue how he didn't all he wants, but the proof is in the pudding. He couldn't afford the man he commissioned and flaked after he spent time mocking up designs for him. He then hired someone cheaper to design literally the same thing and his cop out is "It's not the same, I had someone else design this one." Come on, gulls, as commissioners, artists, and cosplayers you should know how shitty it is for a client to do something like that.

>> No.9110276
File: 193 KB, 960x1515, D25-CDLIPSTICK-JO-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about Pinky Paradise's circle lenses (lol who doesn't?) but I didn't know about the Candy Doll cosmetics they sell until recently. Any gulls have personal experience with them, especially pic related?

>Fuck Lime Crime

Yup, and just in case people need more proof: http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/2015/ucm456525.htm

>> No.9110279 [DELETED] 

the funniest one to me is that "social construct" is on there like nope how silly thats not a thing

>> No.9110280 [DELETED] 

While I'm pretty sure the other anon who replied has seen it, as have I, it's still racist, man. I know you want to be super edgy and use all your best reaction pics but best save them for another thread as everyone else here can see it's a blatantly fucked up thing to say.

>> No.9110281

If you're having trouble with picking a good foundation instead maybe start smaller with some basics?

Choose a concealer in a shade that'll be good for under eyes, problem spots and small areas of discoloration. Set with a translucent powder and add a touch of blush. Then you can choose to use mascara (try looking for reviews for one that doesn't clump and flake) and a lip tint.

Honestly, that's what I do for my day-to-day, and it requires the least amount of experience/maintenance.

The products I use:

NARS - Radiant Creamy Concealer
Laura Mercier - Translucent Loose Setting Powder
NARS - Blush
DIOR - Maximizer 3D Triple volume plumping lash primer
Benetint - Cheek & Lip Stain

I don't remember what mascara I use, pretty sure it's a drug store brand, but my Dior eyelash primer is brilliant.

>> No.9110289

If you have Sephora brands or there's a department store counter whose employees have great makeup you could book an appointment and bring your stash.

>> No.9110293

Tutorials aren't bad but you really need to tailor them to your face. An eyeliner technique on one type of eyelid doesn't always work on another.
Learn about your face shape, eye shape, and skin tone. Buy and apply products that are meant to work with it.

>> No.9110320 [DELETED] 
File: 897 KB, 280x206, nononooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up? Sure. Racist? No.

A racist version of that joke would've been "black girls don't know how to use foundation! I'm gonna throw battery acid on them!"

His joke was, in summary, "this one dumbass uses the wrong foundation. If I throw acid on her, THEN it'll be right!"

See the difference?

No matter what it's a mean-spirited joke and I'm not contesting that, but a mean joke aimed at one person isn't an automatic attack on a whole race. It depends on the wording.

>> No.9110326 [DELETED] 

There literally is no difference, anon.

>> No.9110331 [DELETED] 

You wanna defend him for calling a girl an ugly nigger bitch, too?

>> No.9110332 [DELETED] 

You don't see the difference between talking about one person and a group of people?

Man that's some pretty severe autism, anon. I'd tell you to get help but there's no helping that, sadly.

>> No.9110333 [DELETED] 

Here you go. Defend this one.

>> No.9110338 [DELETED] 

So what you're saying is you think calling a black person a nigger is not racist. Let me guess, you're voting for Trump this year also?

>> No.9110341 [DELETED] 

The difference is that all black people have darker skin, darker than most white people's, at least.
You could apply the exact same joke to any other black girl and they'd still find it offensive. It wasn't a context issue.

>> No.9110346 [DELETED] 

Listen, man, since you're going through all these mental hula hoops and throwing around the same old stale autism joke, I'll let you have your opinion.

Enjoy the rest of your summer :3c

>> No.9110347 [DELETED] 

That word wasn't used in the joke, so no, that's not what I'm saying.

>Leftist putting words in someone's mouth, what else is new.

>> No.9110350 [DELETED] 

No, it's like if you say "YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID" to a black person (or anyone), it's hardly racist. Mean, sure, but not racist because the stupidity is pinned on the person's actions. On the other hand something like, "YOU UNDERDEVELOPED APE" could be considered racist since it's pining their stupidity on their ethnicity/stereotypes of their ethnicity.

The basic foundation + blush + mascara + lip tint should be fine. The key is not so much how many products you use, but how much of each products you use (or how little). Just a light touch of everything. Nude eyeshadow should be fine too.

>> No.9110359 [DELETED] 

But calling someone a nigger is a derogatory term based directly off of their ethnicity. You don't see white people being called niggers, similarly you don't see white people being called apes.

>> No.9110362
File: 66 KB, 164x216, tiggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit this isn't a /pol/ thread.

Post about makeup.

>>9110244 and >>9110276 have unanswered questions, too.

>> No.9110363

Copy-paste from last thread, pardon me:
>Has anybody here tried Glossier's boy brow? I love some of the other stuff I have from them, but I have pretty sparse, patchy eyebrows and I'm not sure if it'll work for me. Right now, I just use the Anastasiya(sp?) brow pomade, which is awesome, but filling in your eyebrows when you have limited time to spare in the morning is kind of a pain in the ass.

>> No.9110366
File: 46 KB, 600x800, BB_Carousel_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah, dropped my pic

>> No.9110367 [DELETED] 

Aren't we talking about that foundation/acid incident? I'm pretty sure he didn't say that word in that situation. Also, with that persona, nigger isn't a very offensive term coming from his mouth (I'm not condoning his use of the word in the first place, but the way he uses it is at the same level of derogatory as his 'bitch' for women).

>> No.9110373 [DELETED] 


haters gonna hate

>> No.9110375 [DELETED] 

I don't think there's anyone in this world who still likes Lime Crime. This argument is moot because it's everyone > LC regardless of JS being involved.

>> No.9110380 [DELETED] 

Trufax, my friend.

>I don't think there's anyone in this world who still likes Lime Crime

See, you would think so, because who could ignore all of that shit?

Alas, I still see Youtube beauty gurus support Doe Deere's crazy ass.

>> No.9110384 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 127x96, maxrustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrdF7ookhU

This bitch was more than happy to drag Jeffree, but here she is making all of these excuses for Doe Deere. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.9110391 [DELETED] 

Wow. I can't believe she ignores all the other shit wrong with Doe Deere. I mean Jeffree is scummy for sure, but she only ever cites her dressing as Nazi as the only bad thing she's done and not her terrible business practice. At least as a company Jeffree Star is high quality and as far as we know doesn't sell low end shit for a hugely inflated price.

>> No.9110406 [DELETED] 

>At least as a company Jeffree Star is high quality and as far as we know doesn't sell low end shit for a hugely inflated price.

Lol. Please watch this.
Drama aside, the quality of his products is garbage.

>> No.9110407 [DELETED] 

Lol back to tumblr, stop chimping out you literal nigger.
4chan may not be for you if words offend you

>> No.9110409 [DELETED] 

We're not even discussing that, you cunt. Yes, I'm used to this shit on 4chan but he didn't say that shit on 4chan, he said it to real BLACK people. That's pretty scummy and you're also fucking illiterate.

>> No.9110415 [DELETED] 

I don't like his highlighters imo, but she's obviously biased as apparent from the link in >>9110384
. A lot of people really like his shit and just because she doesn't like the look of his stuff or the feel of his stuff doesn't mean it's not high quality products.

>> No.9110417 [DELETED] 

She literally compares his products to high quality products in her swatches and there is SO much of a difference, you have to be completely new to makeup to not see that.

>> No.9110425 [DELETED] 

I, honestly, can't see much difference about the highlighter. She says "chunky" but it doesn't look like that at all to me. The Kat Von D right above looks virtually the same texture wise. The eyeshadows do appear to be chunky and dry which I can see the difference, but for the price of those 10 eyeshadows, it seems like it's appropriate quality. Of course it won't compare to MAC or Sugarpill. And again, she appears to be very biased.

>> No.9110429 [DELETED] 

Maybe you just don't know anything about makeup? They're worlds different.

>> No.9110436 [DELETED] 

She's biased because he's a piece of shit, but she reviews makeup exactly for what it is. Go look at any of her other makeup reviews--she is honest and goes into great detail about every product. Honestly I really don't think you know enough about makeup to say that Jeffree Star's is high quality. The video alone shows the mass amounts of clumping, uneven application, fallout, and very short-lasting wear time.

>> No.9110439 [DELETED] 

Please explain what is so different about them then? Maybe you've just picked a side and want to fight about it on the internet?
So she'll kiss ass to Doe Deere and not mention her past, but dedicate half her Jeffree Star video to talking about the controversy? Also I did say the eyeshadows looked shitty, but I wouldn't know because I've never used it and I've also heard from plenty of other people that they're fine.

>> No.9110449 [DELETED] 

Last time I checked DD didn't call people niggers and say they needed to be doused in acid to lighten their skin. : ^ )

>> No.9110453

Let's talk about makeup

>> No.9110464 [DELETED] 

Yeah but she dressed as a Nazi for fun and probably has done other terrible shit on top of inflating the price of garbage products. They're both shitty people, that isn't being argued. Jeffree does scuzzier things too, but probably doesn't inflate the price of his middle-quality makeup. This isn't an argument about their character, its about the fact that JS > LC to most people as per the first comment in this thread and that never specifies brand or personality but since they specified LC rather than DD, I'm assuming they're talking about their track record as a company, not as garbage human beings.

>> No.9110470

Not too sure why the janitor pruned stuff that had to do with makeup companies (the topic of this thread!).

>> No.9110476

Probably because it isn't jfash or cosplay related. Also it's a new janitor so they're abusing their power for sure.

>> No.9110479
File: 184 KB, 432x299, liptint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be risking bodily harm if I didn't peel off a Korean lip tint?

I want the full color payoff, not just the tint left behind. Walking around with shiny bright orange lips appeals to me.

Pic is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv-Gs3Z5AvU if you're curious.

>> No.9110480

Might as well delete the whole thread then.

>> No.9110483

Too much potential for off-topic drama, probably? Thread could get too derailed with the racism debate and whatever else.

But anon... why not just get an orange lipstick?

>> No.9110484

Why wouldn't you just buy an orange lipstick or gloss then?

Anything you can peel off shouldn't just sit there on your skin

>> No.9110489


Could either of you recommend one that looks that good?

>> No.9110493
File: 128 KB, 750x750, IMG_20160722_090307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110496

I'm really into Nyx Liquid Suede lipsticks, they're a little drying but when I apply balm before using them I'm fine. They have two orange shades, maybe look into them. The lasting power is amazing.

>> No.9110502

I have this. The dried-on solid tint does not look good, trust me. Try Urban Decay's Punch Drunk lip gloss instead.

>> No.9110503

Any for Virginity?

>> No.9110511

ah nvm used the sauce

>> No.9110546
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nearly ghostly levels of whiteness (my back is burned to a crisp from being on a boat for 3 hours long even with 2 coats of sunscreen, kek) and am also a makeup newbie/poorfag so I'm extremely reliant on pic related in Fair (even that is a bit too dark for me, but I can usually blend it well and really only use it to mask redness and even my skin out). Thing is, I LOVE having a BB cream with sunscreen, but with cons coming up in need something that has SPF, won't create a sheen on my face in pictures, is VERY fair, and isn't $50 a bottle. Any reccs?

>> No.9110556
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, Tarot_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colourpop just came out with their ultra glossy lip collection and there's three orange shades.

>> No.9110558
File: 39 KB, 450x450, s1704279-main-Lhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time I'm at Sephora I'll try this out. Thanks for the suggestion, anon.

>> No.9110587

Is Nyx really that cheap in the US? I feel like I'm being swindled

>> No.9110604

Yes. It's actually the 2nd cheapest drug store brand right after Jordana or if the store has its own brand. I'm surprised every time I see it in Douglas.

>> No.9110605

Let's do some questions to get this thread going:
>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
>Favorite mid to high end products?
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
>Favorite tools?

>> No.9110611

Are Nyx cruelty free, since they've been bought out by Loreal? I think they're still on the PETA list. But aren't their cosmetics being produced and sold in China?

>> No.9110616

Just purely on the quality of the beauty killer palette as people were discussing it in deleted posts and it's actually make up related.

I have this palette as well as 3 of his liquid lips and a highlighter and out of the 3 different products I have to say the eye shadows fall flat. more or less from worst to best and including a comparison to shadows I already owned that are similar.

>Rich bitch, gold shade; terrribble, seriously flaky, applies terribly, doesn't last. Swatches well though.
>Just get sugarpill's goldilux instead, pretty much any gold would be better than this.

>Princess, pink/lilac; It's pretty but I wish it was more pigmented but I am also very pale so there is not much contrast between this and my skin, a touch too dark for a brow highlight but its a bit too sheer and under pigmented for a lid colour. might work better on darker skin. Blends well with outer colours for a frosted finish though.
>No comparable shade except for the first shade in mua luxe palette in paradise that I haven't really used yet and they're not that comparable.

>Expensive, shimmer blue; bit meh, takes a bit to build up colour and doesn't apply that well.
>Bodyshop's something blue, has a gold shimmer but when I built one of each up on my eyes they looked surprisingly similar but the body shop had a better formula.

>China white, off white: good as a base, a bit powdery, too dark and sheer (colour doesn't build) to be a matte highlight for me though unfortunately. makes me think he actually made this to be a base but I like to have a highlighting shade in a palette.
>Pretty much the lightest shade in any large palette, if I compared it to an actual white, like tako by sugarpill, my favourite browhighlighting/base eyeshadow, chine white is miles and miles behind.


>> No.9110617

>Confession, metallic under saturated red; Its okay, very creamy and blends well but the pigment and end colour is nothing amazing. You can make this colour work well though, like mixed with Vanity under eye for a really dramatic look
>Sugarpill's asylum, very similar, asylum is a more saturated red, but when applied also looses some vibrancy, pretty much just a pressed version of this but

>Star power, hot pink; pretty good for a florescent shade but a pit of fall out and can take a big to work up strong colour.
>Nyx primal colours in pink, nyx is more chalky and has more fall out.

>Black rainbow, black with multi coloured reflects; Really nice, builds well, blends well, nice overall finish even by itself, but it does have a fair bit of all out.
>basically sugarpill's stella pressed, which I like but with less shimmer and glitter that you can't work up as much.

>Courtney, nude transition shade; Pretty nice, blends better than drug store but not quite too faced quality, no fall out and good pigmentation.
>none all that comparable as I don't usually wear nudes this warm, sorry.

>Vanity, deep plum; best shade, blends well, no fall out just a good formula.
>again I have no shade like this


>> No.9110618

haven't used enough to give a proper review:
>Violence, purple with blue shimmer; I haven't really used this one because I don't wear purple. seems very sheer like princess, I'm not sure if it builds though.
>toofaced holiday palette from last year in provence (the black book) has larger blue reflects than violence, haven't used either much as I don't wear purple.

Overall, I do regret buying this palette as I have a lot of similar shades already and this palette's formula isn't really stepping it up from them as I hoped it would. If however you are just getting into weirder colours this is probably a good palette for initiating yourself. i ended up paying around $65-70 aud for this so it is still similar in price as too faced palettes here but the quality isn't as high but I do like unique palettes so I'm not all that disappoint, its still pretty okay over all and cohesive enough. The mirror is good and the packaging is pretty.

>> No.9110625

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
I don't wear make up on a daily basis as I work in a kitchen as a cleaner so make up feels gross to wear and I'm always wiping my face. if I am going to uni or out with friends though the day though I'll wear, primer, foundation, under eye concealer, blush, powder/powder foundation, eyeshadow and eyeshadow primer, mascara, usually eyeliner but I don't tight line or fill in my water line usually, brow powder and grow tint, then a lip colour of some sort and setting spray.
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
basically the same as above but with circle lenses and fake lashes and I just over all apply it differently to suit the coord
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
if sleek counts then their rose gold blush is super nice, very similar to nars orgasm, and their solstice highlighting palette is very nice, and I have two of their eyeshadow palettes that are very nice too, their shimmer shades are great. If not then I like nyx's baked blushes, australis's mineral lipcolours/glosses which just got discontinued so if any australian anons see it at priceline for $4 still I'd suggesting getting one, the pout paste is good too.
>Favorite mid to high end products?
suagrpill's tako, goldilux, penelope and love+ are my favourite shades from them, all amazing quality, I just got the cold chemistry palette too and soot and stars seems amazing.
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
heroine lashes are crazy. I hate having to but the effort in to remove it but I appreciate the strong formula.
>Favorite tools?
My nude my nature kabuki is my favourite all over face brush, and one of their flat eye shadow brushes from a set (so it doesn't have a number and I've thrown out the packaging) is great for depositing colour.

>> No.9110641

They say they still are but since they were bought they started to sell their products in China, which requires animal testing. It's a bit difficult to find some straight info online if anybody else knows anything.

>> No.9110649

That's what I thought, anon. From what I gather cosmetic companies can still be "cruelty free", whilst selling their products in China. As China can do their own "independent" testing, which isn't directly affiliated with the company. It's really shady.

>> No.9110659

Any dupes for 714?
I would spend the $18 but I don't want to spend money for shipping to Canada

>> No.9110693

If you were to assemble a cosplay make up kit (just general products, preferrably, as opposed to specific items from brands), what would it look like?

>Sheer coverage foundation/BB cream
>Full coverage foundation
>Contouring palette/shadow
>Translucent, loose powder
>Nude eyeshadow palette
>"full" colour range matte eyeshadow palette
>Brown and white eyeliner pencils
>Black liquid eyeliner
>Black, basic mascara
>Some sort of nude lip tint/lipstick
>Mastix glue
>Liquid latex
>Falsies + lash glue

Light coverage foundation, mascara, a lip tint/lipstick/lipgloss that's a nude or sheer pink. Some rouge maybe.

>> No.9110699

I'm guessing you're Australian?

>> No.9110713

Ahh, I see. I was trying to figure out how exactly that worked. That does sound shady and DESU, I'm really disappointed to hear they've been bought by L'oreal and aren't really completely cruelty free anymore.

>> No.9110793

I've so far only done pretty basic cosplay but I think your set is slightly overkill for most cosplayers

>either a BB cream OR full coverage depending on skin type and personal preference
>setting powder
>eyeshadow palette with an ok range of colours, rainbow + nude + black and white
>black, brown and white eyeliner - brown and white in pencil, black in form of choice
>if female: few basic lipstick colours - pink, red, brown, maybe purple (though this might be better bought individually per cosplay), if male just nude and brown might be fine
>if female and cosplaying anime/most fancier things: false lashes and glue
I'd personally also throw in blush just since it's common in a lot of media, though I don't know if you counted that in your contouring deal
also, >skincare products because greasy acne filled faces have way lower chances of looking good in cosplay

>> No.9110802

Honestly, as much as I absolutely love Jeffree Star's lipsticks (and I'm keeping them despite the drama because I love them too much), I thought his eyeshadow palette looked very cheap and almost drugstore quality, even from the stock photos and videos. Glad you made a review of this.

>> No.9110810

It's a little over $50 a bottle but well worth every dollar. It's light and covers acne like a charm.


It's technically a foundation but I prefer this to any BB or CC cream.

>> No.9110818

Would you be willing to do a lipstick review?

>> No.9110833

So I'm newer to make-up such as foundation and concealer, I'm still figuring out what's the difference between bb and cc cream. But I'm 22 and come to a point in my life where I want to try that kind of make-up. Mostly because dark circles under my eyes and crows feet and generally pale (i.e veins showing). I was wondering though, would there be much of a difference if I only used an eye brightener on my eyes as opposed to concealer/foundation? I don't really have bad acne or anything and it's mostly just my eyes I care about.

>> No.9110955
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Anon shhhh. Its ok /pol/ isnt here thats just normal information on the related topic of this thread. Here have a puppy pic

>> No.9110990

>not checking the archives

>> No.9111011

What is your favorite pore-smoothing primer, anons? I've heard good things about Etude House's Beauty Face Blur, but I'd like to hear what you anons use. I'd usually opt for Chanel since most of my base makeup is by them, but their primer isn't for smoothing out pores.

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
A lot. I enjoy doing makeup, and my skin is really pale so all the redness and veins show through super well without makeup. I go for a full face makeup every day: Color corrector, concealer, BB cream, powder, eyeshadow, liquid eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow color, highlight, setting spray. I use blush and lip products occasionally but not every day.
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
I wear larme and sometimes casual pastel fashions. Base makeup is the same, but I change eyeshadow, blush colors & highlight intensity depending on the mood and coord.
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
I rarely buy drugstore/bargain, but Etude House is cheap (tho not drugstore), and their eyeshadow primer is my favorite.
>Favorite mid to high end products?
Everything Chanel makes are my absolute favorites. I use their concealer, loose powder and a couple eyeshadows daily. Also Dior lip glosses, and Too Faced eyeshadow/blushes.
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Missha M signature real BB cream, Berrisom tattoo lip tint, Etude House eyeshadow primer, Etude House Baby Choux Base, and Dolly Wink lashes in number 16 are my go-to products.
>Favorite tools?
I'm cheap and basic when it comes to tools. I just use Beauty Blender and cheap-as-fuck brushes.

>> No.9111077

I have and use etude house's face blur, but it's really meh in my opinion for covering pores. it has a nice brightening effect, but it doesn't do anything if you have particular large pores or anything like pitted acne scars. I've tried patting it in, swirling it in with a brush to "fill" the pore, using a beauty blender, and I still get virtually no coverage from it.

I also have a sample of tarte's clean slate 12-hour primer and that doesn't do much for me either. the only primer that kind of worked for me was DHC's velvet skin coat.

>> No.9111085

pretty sure they were asking what brands of makeup everyone would have

>> No.9111095

Thanks for the review, anon. I was thinking about getting the palette but it really does look a bit shit in the photos and this just put me off it entirely. Guess I'll stick to lipsticks.

>> No.9111105

You don't have to use any full-face stuff if you just want to cover your eyes. Invest in a good eye cream and brightener. Get a bunch of samples and see what works for you.

>> No.9111106

I know a lot of people say you need to wear foundation for cosplay/lolita, but every single foundation I try feels really gross and awful on my face. and makes my skin patchy and dry.
I've tried every regular brand, and a lot in the $20-80, but I'm not sure I want to spend any more money trying to find something I don't like wearing and my skin is fine without.
My skin is is fine and soft, but as soon as I put on a foundation it gets dry and cakey and usually breaks out.
Any tips?

>> No.9111111

Would also like some tips as well. I'm literally terrified of foundation and concealer because it breaks me out bad and the break out can last a while too before it goes away.

>> No.9111113

A primer helps with the dry/patchy thing, at least for me.

Have you tried different kinds of foundations? I was kind of similar for a while because the only foundations I was using were cake or liquid, which made me feel sticky. I switched over to powder and it's much more tolerable.

>> No.9111131


Don't use foundation without primer. If you don't like a multi step process, Asian be cream is better. More moisturizing and gives a dewy look.

>> No.9111183

KVD should just rename her contouring palette to "Shade" like.
Excited for all the new JS stuff ngl, got that Mediterranean skin that loves brights.
Been falling in love with Revlon Colourstay foundation recently, got it to replace my MAC (was oxidising too quickly for me) and, fair play, it's almost as good.

>> No.9111487

Thank you very much anon.

>> No.9111526

Try a primer, use BB cream, use a sponge to apply it (don't forget to wet the sponge beforehand), mix foundation with face cream to make it lighter, if you have redness/dull skin try a CC cream instead.
That's all I have that might help you, if nothing works try using concealer and setting powder instead of a full face of foundation. It won't look as even but it'll get rid of any blemishes and you can always shoop it better. Nasty cracked foundation sucks and tends to look worse than a bare face in pictures.

>> No.9111585

Not the same anon but I have a few of the jeffree star lipsticks and I'm willing to review them
Inb4 drama. I really don't give a fuck about the personal lives of makeup brand owners and I wish they would keep that shit to themselves.
> abused
I love the color and the coverage is great but I find that I have to re do it after a few hours because it comes off the corners of my mouth. It also takes a really long time to dry for some reason. In fact, when I first got it, out it would set at all and I was about to be really pissed but I gave a very good shake and it took care of that problem.
> I'm nude
Probably the best one I own. It's very comfortable and has great coverage and staying power
> breakfast at tiffanys
I love this color and I wear it all the time, but it's a bit drying, but I find this to be a problem with a lot of pastel shades, even with other brands
> weirdo
My favorite black lipstick but also takes a long time to dry. Otherwise, fairly comfortable. Of the black lipsticks i have, this one is the darkest

Over all I really like the quality of Jeffree stars lipsticks. I have a hard time liking matte lipsticks because they just won't stay on my mouth for whatever reason. They always flake off my lips, no matter how much/little I use or how much balm and primer I use underneath so I chalked it up to a personal issue, but this brand does this to me the least.
I also have a fair amount of lime crime velvetines and colourpop products I'd be willing to review if anyone is interested.

>> No.9111590

Any tips on picking a good foundation? I have combination skin, so my nose is extremely oily but my cheeks are very dry so everything I've ever tried slips off my nose after about 5 minutes and flakes off my cheeks after a couple hours so it always looks stupid on me and overall I've given up on wearing it

>> No.9111595
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How do anons feel about Tony Moly lip bars?

>> No.9111599

you should pick up good skincare to help your flaking problems and dry skin! a foundation will only exaggerate skin problems.

>> No.9111733

There were about fifty drama posts in this thread when that was posted, which have since been deleted. Had you scrolled down a little more before making this asinine reply, you'd see people reacting to the deletion and maybe, just maybe, you would have put two and two together. :^)

>> No.9111742
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Personally, in this selection, I'd go with Colourpop.

>> No.9111767

I actually just recently did a whole multi haul thing with different brands to try out new concealers and foundations since I had the money. The elf BB cream in fair and their duo highlighter/concealer has GOT to be my fucking favorite of everything I got. A little light pat of my M.A.C. foundation powder as a setting afterwards and holy shit. My face looks photoshopped. Ive been using these for the past three weeks now because of it. I don't like much at all by elf, but their pale blush, this BB cream, and the duo thing are 100% must haves for me until I run out and want to try a whole bunch of other stuff again.

I apply it with a wet beauty blender and dab which helps reduce the look of dry skin [which I have, but I also put Aveeno day cream on too which works wonders]. Then apply the concealer and dab at that under my eyes, middle of my forehead where I get red, and on the sides of my nose. I go down my nose, under my brows, cupid, and tops of my cheeks with the highlighter part because patting [not swirling and dusting around powder, thats not good to do. You want to lay powder in the direction your little baby baby face hairs grow which is usually down, so very lightly pat with barely any product, just enough to set, in downward motions] my M.A.C. powder. I like putting the highlighter under it from the duo thing because it gives shine through and make it look dewy.

>> No.9111778

Hey! I'm really needing to update my con make-up kit, having previously lived in a small town w/ only drugstores to buy makeup at, and I now have access to an Ulta and a Sephora. What brands have the best eyeshadow palettes? I'm looking for a neutral/nude pallet, and one with bright/bold colors.

>> No.9111779

I swear by Naked 3 for nudes

>> No.9111820

Primer ends up making my foundation patchy after an hour. I also have dry skin that gets oily super fast and it's annoying. I end up using a light amount of primer with concealer and then apply foundation with powder over it.

>> No.9111821

If you're having trouble finding a good product, ask your local Ulta or Sephora for a few sample bottles. That way you have enough to play with it at home and it'll save you money because you won't be buying a bunch of products that end up sucking.

>> No.9111822

The Urban Decay Gwen Stefani eyeshadow palette is flawless. And it has a few bright colours in it as well. In addition to the colours being a great selection, the mirror in the palette is probably the best out of all my different brands of palettes.

>> No.9111826

Kinda strongly scented, with a peachy scent. No miracle colour payoff, moderately moisturising, makes my throat itch a little bit when I use it, but seriously cute. I keep it on my desk at work because of that. I usually prefer a more heavy-duty lip balm though.

>> No.9111835

Try using a setting spray, and maybe applying powder very, very lightly on your oily areas.

>> No.9111836

Any recommendations for palettes that have bright pastels and bright fun colors for jfashion in general? I only find nudes all over the place and those won't match as well when going for an ott look.

>> No.9111863
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I'm deathly pale and I want a golden tan for the summer. I tan well but I don't want to age, so I'm looking into fake tans.

What is the best fake tan that:
>doesn't streak
>doesn't look like disease when fading/peel off
>isn't orange
>doesn't smell bad
>can last well when sweating

I do a lot of exercise so I'd love something that stays on quite well through all the sweat and friction.

I heard about Coco Brown but apparently it wipes off easily.

Pic related, left is my skin tone, right is how tan I want to be


>> No.9111870

They're good if you want a little more colour, quite sheer, and good for motorization. I did get the angry bunny only because I thought it was the cutest, though.

>> No.9111871

Inglot, you can create your own palette

>> No.9111877

Urban Decay's Electric palette is AWESOME for bright colors.

>> No.9111880

*moisturization sorry I'm a dumbass with autocorrect

>> No.9111885

I have Blue Velvet, Androgyny, and Unicorn Blood.
> Blue Velvet
This is one of my favorite lipsticks of all time. I've gotten so many compliments for it. It's absolutely true to color, and it's SUPER pigmented. This actually stays on longer than most lipsticks I own - if I wear it all day, I only have to reapply it once near the very inside of my lips.
> Androgyny
Honestly, I was expecting more out of it since it was one of his most popular shades (it's constantly sold out on the website, but when JS announced he was gonna restocked it, I waited until the exact time he announced the restock for and grabbed it). However, I'm slightly disappointed with it. It's not because of the quality, but it turns out that some of the nude shades I already own were very similar to this (*cough Kat Von D lipstick in Lolita*). You're better off getting a cheaper dupe.
> Unicorn Blood
The smell on mine is very... unusual? I don't know how to describe it. It's also a slightly thinner consistency than the other two shades I own. I've had more of a problem with this lipstick coming off than the other liquid lipsticks I own from him though, which is a shame since it's a beautiful shade.

Overall, I really love his lipsticks. They're super pigmented - a little goes a long way. I like to rub the excess lipstick off the wand onto the inside of the tube before applying, and that'll be enough to cover my entire lips. The downside is that if your lips are dry or chapped, the lipstick will really show it. Make sure you exfoliate and really moisturize your lips before applying it. It's also highly recommended to apply lip liner before applying the liquid lipstick, especially Unicorn Blood. (Personally, I've found that I don't have to apply lip liner for Blue Velvet, but that's just me)

>> No.9111886

I also forgot to add that Androgyny doesn't show up very well on me personally, and I have fair to tan skin. It'd look better if your skin was lighter.

>> No.9111900

seconding this anon, powder all the way.

I never war liquid foundation anymore, and my skin thanks me for it. Its good for some people but certainly wasnt for me.

>> No.9111938

Seconding >>9111779 and >>9111877
I use Naked 3 for my daily makeup - although keep in mind I'm about an NC10. I also have the Naked 1, but I bbelieve it would work better for someone at least a bit darker than me.

I purchase the Electric Palette for a cosplay and I'm blown away by the pigmentation. The shadows are very easy to blend and they last all day for me (although I use Too Faced eyeshadow primer). I really recommend this to anyone who might need some bright shadows in their collection.

I love every Too Faced palette I've ever purchased, though. They are by far my favourite brand to purchase eyeshadows from - I find they have less fallout and are easier to work with than UD shadows.

>> No.9112137

if you're pale and pink/cool toned, naked 3 is great. if you're pale and yellow or neutral toned, naked 2 is a better choice. I'm slightly yellow toned and the rosy pinks from naked 3 made me look tired. naked 2 also has a matte taupe and matte black, both are good staples for traveling to cons. I use the taupe color in the palette to fill in my brows and the black to line my eyes when I'm in a hurry.

also, check out the real techniques blending sponge, it's a great beautyblender dupe and I like that it has a flat edge.

>> No.9112244

I have two, they're nice for wearing on warmer days when you still want color on your lips, but don't want to wear anything heavy.

>> No.9112291

why don't you just fucking get an Asian BB cream?

>> No.9112346

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis
I wear make-up about 4-5 days of the week. The minimum will be concealer+foundation, setting powder, blush, maybe a bit of shimmer highlight, mascara, and chapstick. I'll wear more things depending on how much time I have, the occasion, and the weather
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
Colour Pop, Nyx, BH Cosmetics, Maybelline, LA Girl, Physicians Formula, Milani, The Balm
>Favorite mid to high end products?
Kat Von D, MAC, Benefit, Nars, Too Faced
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Tony Moly
>Favorite tools?
Beauty Blender, fan brush, blending brush, q-tips, spooly brush

>> No.9112349

>If you were to assemble a cosplay make up kit (just general products, preferably, as opposed to specific items from brands), what would it look like?
Concealer and foundation
Contour and highlight
Blackest god damn liquid eyeliner ever
Any other color eyeliners based on character
Eyelashes of various styles
Lip scrub
Setting powder
Liquid latex (and remover) as well as wax eyebrow cover
Mascara and eyelash curler and tweezers
100 color eyeshadow pallette
chapstick, lip gloss, whatever needed lipstick
Setting spray and blot papers
14 set brushset. Beauty blender and cleaner

>> No.9112369

I love these, desu. Very subtle color shows up even though I don't have super pink lips. I like the scent and it leaves my lips moisturized. Plus they're super cute. I love getting these as little gifts for my friends.

>> No.9112443

>100 color eyeshadow palette
anon... doesn't that seem a little excessive?

>> No.9112460

I'm not new to makeup by any means but I've been adding more to my collection and a friend gave me a palette of nudes she'd never used.
My question is, what is the point of nude eyeshadow? I've watched people apply it and it either doesn't look remotely nude (why call it nude??) or looks the same as before they applied it.
I'm just really confused about contemporary makeup trends like caterpillar eyebrows and obsessions with having a nudes palette with 20 shades of cream/brown. Are there really people who use all of that? Why is it such a big deal?

>> No.9112468

To my understanding, they're good for accentuating features without the OTT-ness of other colors.
Because everyone's skin is some shade of brown, they're also good for pretty much any skin tone.

>> No.9112471
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just got watermelon soda today! super pigmented and smells so good

>> No.9112489

>I'm not new to makeup
>why would anyone wear nude eyeshadow
So do you wear blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick all the time?

But generally people do it to add depth to their eye makeup, especially with eyeliner. Or to add a subtle shimmer without using unnatural colors or chunky glitter.

>> No.9112539

What's a good eyeshadow palette for a newbie? I got some free ones from my mom but they're absolute garbage so I don't even want to use them. I've heard NYX is good & inexpensive. I just don't want to throw down money on an expensive palette only to waste it.

>> No.9112543

naked pallets are a good first neutral palette. I like 3 the best

>> No.9112548

That tan looks hella gross don't do it Anon

>> No.9112575


>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
Usually concealer powder foundation and a smidge of eye liner is my bare minimum. Though some times I'll skip the eye liner. If I'm going out for a full day I dab on a bit of blush some eyeshadow and mascara too. And lipstick depending on the day.

>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
About the same as normal I just tend to change up my usual colors. Probably the only addition is false lashes.

>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
Daiso false lashes. God so cheap but good quality still.

>Favorite mid to high end products?
My go to's are Benefit (though less and less these days), Too Faced and Bare Minerals. I get my lipsticks from Bare as well as my eyeshadow loose powders, my foundation from Benefit as well as mascara, and eyeshadow pallets galore from Too Faced.

>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Eye liner in general. A few brands love it but I LOVE the like combination of liquid and pen eyeliners. So easy to use and put on and give the dramatic effect of liquid liner with out fussing with a brush.

>Favorite tools?
Eyelash application tool, makes my life easier.

>> No.9112586

unicorn blood also has a strange scent for me too! it isn't bad, it's just different than the other shades i want by him. i really want androgyny, but im gonna get stingraye from coloupop cause its an exact color dupe

>> No.9112640

Nothing you can buy in drugstores. If you're that pale most fake tan will be very orange on you, a light spray tan is gonna be better.

NYX is pretty good to get started with.

>> No.9112699

The Berrisum peel off lip tint starts to curl and shrivel up as it dries (this makes it easier to peel and remove) so it definitely won't stay looking like that. That's just not the point of a lip tint.

>> No.9112791
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Thank god for this thread, I have something to ask you anons.

I'm warm-toned and I have brown skin. Since my Shany All-in-one masterpiece is about to be 3 years old, I have recently bought the TF and UD palettes as late birthday presents for me and I love both of them.

Is it too much of me to keep both, should I return any of them if it's too much? or should I continue to love them together?

I'm thinking of throwing away my old Shany masterpiece and buying the Coastal Scents 252 Palette when Black Friday arrives, am I keeping too many eyeshadow palettes?

>> No.9112810

I’m the same person as >>9110618 and am just weighing in on the lip sticks as well.

>unicorn blood
As other people have said it has a bit of a strange scent, more so than the other shades, I know its supposed to be root beer or something and I don't know what that really smells like but I don’t love it, fortunately you can't really smell it dry. Also as other people have said a little goes a really long way with this shade, it is thin but its so full coverage one super thin layer is completely opaque and I never get streaks.
>rose matter
My favourite shade that I own. Also fully opaque, seems to have the best staying power again no streaks.
Least favouite shade just because its too cool toned for me. It like the others has great coverage but I've only worn this once and and after a few hours it looked like it may have oxidized a fair amount.

On them in generally I love the doe foot applicator, it makes it super easy to apply. I'm able to wear all of them without lip liner even when I over draw my lips. I've also found that even after it mattes down if I then don’t touch my lips for about an hour I can drink all night without it coming off but if I start only about 15 minutes after I apply it it comes off a lot easier and I have to reapply. Over all I really like them and would purchase more in the future.

>> No.9112824

If you're going to only keep one palette, keep the TF chocolate bar one. It's got more colours, and more variety for looks. The blendability is also superior to that particular UD palette imo

>> No.9112825

Innisfree's No Sebum Primer is nice. It really works best under a good foundation rather than a BB/CC cushion.

>> No.9112837

I was hoping to get some advice. I recently bought a new foundation since my Dior one run out, I ended up choosing a way cheaper one and now I kind of regret it because it makes my skin look shinny, I don't know if I'm making myself clear here, but is there anyway I could somehow fix it, any trick I could use or something? Or should I just throw it away and get a new one?

>> No.9112848

Try a matte powder over the top?

>> No.9112852
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>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
Currently, I wear it almost on a daily basis, especially at work to look slightly older (I work at a liquor store, and without it, I'd look like I'm still in middle school). I'll wear it sometimes during school, but since I'm in college, I usually end up only wearing it a few times a month because I'm more concerned about my academics.
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
I wear makeup in lolita all the time. Usually, I tend to go a bit more OTT with lolita makeup (I'll wear fake eyelashes and incorporate rhinestones into my makeup), but if it's for a casual meet, then I'll go with my daily makeup.
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
NYX. It's the only drugstore brand I use.
>Favorite mid to high end products?
Urban Decay, Jeffree Star, and Anastasia Beverly Hills. Lately, I bought ABH's Modern Renaissance palette. I can do a review of it if anyone is curious.
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Honestly, the only Asian product I use is Dollywink's fake eyelashes. I also use an eyelash glue I picked up from my local Japanese market as well.
>Favorite tools?
Beauty blender and oval brushes (pic related).

Speaking of which, any recommendations for beauty blender dupes? I really don't feel like spending $20 for a sponge from Sephora. Gonna look at >>9112137's recommendation first.

>> No.9112895

The Real Techniques sponge is really the only semi-comparable dupe for an actual Beauty Blender. I've tried tons from different brands, and it's the next best thing imo. It doesn't last nearly as long as a BB, and it does soak up more product while leaving you with less of an airbrushed finish, but for $6 it's pretty darn good.

>> No.9112926

NOPE. They're really, really helpful. I got mine off BH Cosmetics and the color pods are pretty small so the pallette isn't too oversized. I can do virtually anything with it, and sometimes you're at cons and your friends are like, "shit, I forgot x,y,z color" and you're like, "No fear, I have a pallette of 100 matte and shimmer shadows." It costs like $11-$20. TRUST ME.

>> No.9112942
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Raising my eyebrows at all the people who rather be pretty than be right.

It's one thing to put money into a huge conglomerate that you can't tell who is really making what and who said what to whom...

Another thing entirely to put money into the pocket of a person recorded on video saying hateful things.

How do you guys justify it? Guess it's ok as long as it doesn't affect you directly.

>> No.9112956

jeffree star is a bad bitch. he's entertaining. i know from experience i said some dumb racist or even transphobic shit when i was younger and i deeply regret it. i think the internet takes peoples pasts too seriously. i love my jeffree lipsticks, the formula, colors, packaging. i guess it's just personal taste. i also love his personality with others, like when he's with manny, nathan, or nikkietutorials

>> No.9112960

Except the racist and generally shitty things he;s said weren't just spoken when he was younger. He's still spittin the same hateful rhetoric he always has.

>> No.9112962

he's defending himself idgaf

>> No.9112972
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I'm not a sensitive faggot like you is how.

>> No.9112974

It depends on what you like. That Chocolate Bar palette is known to be cocoa-infused which is healthier for the skin, but it has more mattes than shimmers. If you're a huge fan of shimmers, then I suggest sticking with the Naked palette, that is if you want to stay with one. Honestly both the Urban Decay and the Too Faced palettes are great. Imo, there aren't that many similar colors, so if you want to mix up a look, then these two can work together. Hope this helped you.

>> No.9112996
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Good choice, anon.

>> No.9113001

We already had this convo and it was deleted by the janitor. Regardless of your views, this derails the thread and will probably end up being deleted again. I hope the entire thread doesn't end up being deleted since someone just had to bring this shit up a second time.

>> No.9113044

What other anon said, but also, they're SO USEFUL for quick character tests and SFX make up. You need a sickly green for a bruise? No problem. Purple tint for eyebags? Got it. Want to add some ombre to your lip colour? Just pick and choose man. I've also used them for facepaint in place of using actual bodypaint, just to see what I actually need.

Comparing make up sponges:

Jeffree Star is brilliant when it comes to selling himself. He's been a internet celebrity for AGES, and he's always been really good at working with current trends; the way make up trends have been moving towards increasingly dramatic (and especially drag-y) territory works really well with him, and being a gender non-conforming rich guy it's really no wonder he's so huge.

For me personally... I don't know. I don't listen to Chris Brown because it makes me feel nasty, but I still enjoy the works of people who've done worse things than him. I guess I believe in death of the author, even when it comes to products. I'm not really into Jeffree, he's a complete and utter douchebag, but I've definitely been looking into Drug Lord and the jade LE christmas lipstick. I guess I'm annoyed people are acting like this is some brand new information when JS has always been a drama queen who thrives on any kind of attention.

The way he's been handling this drama officially is really impressive just from a publicity standpoint, and I'd almost call him manipulative but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.9113054

What foundation did you get ? And what was your old Dior one? You might have gotten one with more of a 'glow' or dewy finish, while your Dior one would have been matte.

Anyway, you can lightly apply a finishing powder on top to take the shine away. There are a few different ones from drugstores brands that can do the trick, I think Rimmel has a Stay Matte powder or something. Make sure you don't get powder foundation though, that would make you look cakey.

>> No.9113110


You clearly are because you responded.

>> No.9113133

>Face moisturizer (Nivea)
>Primer (Gosh or Isadora)
>BB cream / sheer coverage foundation (Lumene)
>Concealer (MaxFactor)
>Translucent loose powder (NYX)
>Black liquid eyeliner (Gosh or Lumene)
>Blush (Lumene)
>Pink-ish lip tint or lipgloss (Lumene)
>Matte eyeshadow palette for eyebrows (BYS)
>Glossy eyeshadow (Pixi)
>White and black eyeliner pencils
>Top and bottom false lashes and lash glue
>10ish different brushes
>Ton of Q-tips
>Tape and scissors (I'm awful with winged eyeliner so tape does help)

>> No.9113137

I feel the same when a friend gushes over Lime Crime, there's plenty of other shit out there and it's really easy to google dupes.

>> No.9113156

If you're enjoying both of them then there's no reason to return either. They have some similar colours but they still have enough differences to justify keeping them. I like the chocolate bar best myself, but I'm a sucker for cute packaging.

Personally I find the giant Coastal Scents palettes overkill, a lot of similar colours and you probably won't even use half of them. If you want bight colours and don't mind spending a bit more for quality, Sugar Pill and Inglot have you covered.

>> No.9113281

What do you guys think about baking? I feel like it's the newest ~makeup trend~ that beauty gurus on YouTube are all over. Personally, I don't do it because I don't see any practical uses for it.

>> No.9113330

Its not really much of a new trend but I only do it if I am goibg out clubbing and want a really dramtic full coverage look. I don't see much point in it for every day use, just normally setting your face is enough in my opinion.

>> No.9113439

yeah i only do it if im going to be wearing makeup completely all day or if im going out to party. i have dry skin so i have to moisturize a lot before, but it makes my skin feel sooo smooth

>> No.9113447

Top ten essential brushes/applicators?

Matte vs frosted/glossy/sparkly nudes for cosplay?

>> No.9113772

It's a good way to add a bit of depth and color to the eyes without having to go all out. You'd be surprised at the difference they make, it's like you've made your eyes brighter and bigger and more of a focal point.
Experiment with the palette. If you feel that no matter what you do it's not bright or vivid enough, try using a wet brush to apply them. If your skin tone is right you can even use them to contour your face. Look up how to contour eyes or do a brown smoky eye.
Even if you end up hating it, it was free.

>> No.9114096
File: 126 KB, 625x625, eye23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dry as fuck skin with red patches; uneven skin tone
>need full coverage
>currently use Estee Lauder's Double Wear
>gives the coverage with a single layer, but always looks caked on no matter what I do
>always use primer and setting spray, take good care of my skin, etc
>still looks garbage
>feeling pretty bummed
>friend recommends MAC Face and Body
>hesitant because I've bought MAC foundation before and it never seemed to mesh with my skin
>get Face and Body sample, put on like six fucking layers
>holy shit my foundation no longer looks like shit
>even with those six layers it doesn't look remotely caked on

What is this sorcery? I'm gobsmacked. I never thought someone with my skin type would ever get to use light dewy foundation.

>> No.9114134

I'm surprised too anon, f&b is pretty sheer, but it's meant to be layered and is good for fashion shows and HD photography to look like skin. if you're looking for a foundation that gives a similar effect without having to apply 6 layers, try IT Cosmetics CC cream, Urban Decay Naked Skin, or L'Oreal Infallible Pro Glow foundation. they have good coverage with one or two layers and don't look cakey at all because they give a lightweight, dewy, skin-like finish. a good moisturizing foundation will help with your dry skin whereas the double wear foundation just exaggerates dryness. you could also try a cushion foundation, I recommend Missha, IOPE, or Etude House.

>> No.9114140

> likes lolita
> has kinks
> knows that kinks and lolita do not go together and have never participated in anything sexual while wearing lolita
> on a kink forum board
> new thread titled "Who likes loli girls" and I click on it because why not
> It's a picture of a pretty e-famous lolita with some past drama
> There's a video of her participating in kink
> I actually like her coords but I don't think she's sexy at all, but video is hot
> Dies a little

/cgl/ sometimes talks about her and I have such secondhand embarrassment about the video that I always close out of the thread or dump pictures until I don't have to see the conversation anymore.....

>> No.9114143

I bake my T-zone and undereye area with loose powder and it is a miracle for the summer months. I apply the powder with a blending sponge and brush off the excess a few minutes later, use a setting spray, and my makeup wears like iron through really awful humidity and sweat. it's a lifesaver for my combo/oily skin.

>> No.9114144

Amazing but that has absolutely nothing to do with makeup.

>> No.9114231

Okay gulls, mascara before falsies, after falsies or not at all?

>> No.9114235

What are your thoughts on cosplay taping to alter the shape of your face/eyes? It seems to be popular with the Asian cos community, and didn't seem too obstructive when I saw it used in person, but I dunno, it also strikes me as excessive.

>> No.9114240

I only use mascara because I'm a shit and I get powder all over my lashes. In my experience, it doesn't really affect falsies so it doesn't matter which order you do them.
But that's me.

>> No.9114241

Before, so you can reuse your falsies (always rinse and sanitize them between uses).

>> No.9114249

I usually do after if I have fallout from eye shadow because I like to curl my lashes after the falsies are applied to blend everything together.

>> No.9114376

I was also surprised by how sheer it was; after that first layer I was actually going to give up until I saw a few Youtube videos where the reviewers also had to layer it up, heh. Definitely looked more natural than anything else I can remember using.

Think I'm going to give Naked Skin a try, only having to put on a layer or two sounds far more appealing t than slapping on another four on top of those. Thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.9114387

I'm very fair as well and currently use burts bees bb cream in light and I am very happy with it. It's also less then $20 and can be bought at Target and most drug stores.

Once I've used all of mine I'm considering trying Pacifica's as I've heard really good things.

>> No.9114390

Any dupes for Androgyny?

My faovrite color, but... I don't really like Jefree

>> No.9114397

because of the sale, just how light is tartes lightest foundation shades? I'm not going to have time to get to a sephora to swatch and I'm ghostly.

>> No.9114648

don't have a specific list of top 10s but a few of my favorites:
real techniques blending sponge: it's better than the beautyblender and way cheaper.
ulta beautyblender dupe: also an awesome dupe of the beautyblender, its a bit softer.
ELF studio brushes: the flat top brush and blush brushes are holy grail status for me desu, supposedly their newer brush line is also fantastic
morphe brushes are really popular among youtubers for contouring and eyeshadow. sonia kashuk brushes are target, the ones with black handles, are great. wet n wild just came out a few months ago with really cute white and pink brushes and they're decent but mostly I just like the aesthetic.

>> No.9114656

Nope, he's a dick and I won't buy his products.

>> No.9114660
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>> No.9114662

Different anon but I was wondering if they transfer?

>> No.9114664
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Glad a couple people have basic morals.

>> No.9114811

If you look super different from the character it's worth looking into.

>> No.9114835

what are the best "find make up dupes" websites?

>> No.9114847

dupethat IG page: >>9114660
allintheblush IG page: >>9111742
Also makeup vloggers might sometimes tell you about dupes whenever they review a product.

>> No.9114852

Mix your foundation with sunscreen to lighten it up

>> No.9114854

I like temptalia's site for dupes and the foundation database. It's searchable too.

>> No.9114877

Before. I got blond eyelashes so I have to get mascara thoroughly every lash or else it looks dumb.

>> No.9114880

>Top ten essential brushes/applicators?
1.beauty blender
2.q tip
4. Fluffy eyeshadow blending brush
5. Crease brush
6. Big fluffy face brush
7.Spooly brush
8.Angled blush/contour brush
9.Fan brush
10. Small flat concealer brush
>Matte vs frosted/glossy/sparkly nudes for cosplay?
Matte or gloss can never go wrong

>> No.9114883

I do one coat before and one after. I don't use my hella good mascara. It's just to blend and bind it all together

>> No.9114887

I use it before. I have really thin lashes to begin with. It's just to allow better blending and I like to reuse them.

>> No.9114958

Are the oval brushes really worth the money? I've been eyeing them, but they're a little more spendy than I like.

>> No.9115072

See >>9111885.

>> No.9115078

I got this exact set off Groupon for $35, and I like it a lot! It's a lot better than dropping $100 for the Artis set. It blends products really quickly and nicely, and it doesn't require as much product as other tools. I like to use these more for face products (foundation, BB cream, cream blush) I actually would have bought another beauty blender by now if I didn't like these so much.

>> No.9115253

Tips for keeping eyelashes curled? Mine are long and stiff so it's hard for them to hold a curl. I've tried heating my eyelash curler beforehand with a dryer and it seems to help a bit, but after and hour they tend to droop again. I've also tried various mascaras: low-high end, waterproof/non, plumping/volumizing etc. with the waterproof being slightly better.

>> No.9115267
File: 94 KB, 512x865, TheBeautyDepartment.com-Lash-Curling-Secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have really long, straight lashes that can't hold a curl well either, and I do pic related at least a couple of times before applying mascara, and it makes nearly every formula I've tried work at least a little bit better.

>> No.9115388

I do the Goss Makeup Artist trick - curl your lashes, then add thin coat of waterproof mascara. Wait until dry, then curl again, then apply another coat. It's a little bit of extra work, but this seems to at least hold a curl for a bit longer.

>> No.9115427

I do this and it works really well.

>> No.9115653 [DELETED] 

Oh man. I have straight lashes and wear contacts, and for some reason, that image makes me feel spooked. I usually heat up my lash curler with a blow dryer before using it.

>> No.9115793

lol bitch please I own several JS lipsticks and they're awesome, I don't give a fuck about his personal life. morals are irrelevant, we're all guilty of buying shit from "immoral" people. it's subjective. the dupes are just cheaper and have a different texture.

>> No.9115895
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Try mixing your BB cream with pic related.

>> No.9115904
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Asian BB creams way are too dark and often too yellow toned (for me at least)

I use this in 010 light porcelain because it's the palest foundation I know. Not a BB but it has some SPF (15) and isn't thick/ heavy. I would always recommend wearing spf 30+ made to be worn under makeup under any cream that isn't at least 30+ though. Wear setting translucent powder to avoid shine, their stay matte pressed powder is ok for a budget. Anything with SPF can looks off in flash photography btw.

>> No.9115906

I would always recommend wearing SPF 30+ sunscreen under anything that isn't that strong*

Sorry, I re-typed that a few times.
The foundation I posted is also cheap! Blotting papers and setting powder are your friend.

>> No.9115935
File: 42 KB, 620x277, white-cast-white-face-dark-body-celebrity-makeup-mistakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply mineral sunscreen to face, neck and chest
>face looks ghostly, neck and chest look normal
>apply usual bb cream to face, no longer as ghostly but face still looks three shades lighter than body
>apply more mineral sunscreen to neck and chest to even it out
>still look like pic related
I never noticed this before because the lighting in my apartment is awful but now I worry that I've been leaving the house looking ridiculous for the past few weeks. What could be causing this difference, /cgl/? Is it the texture of the skin? It kinda feels like my neck just absorbs whatever I smear on it while my face reflects anything and everything. My bb cream actually matches my neck perfectly so you'd think it would help my face and neck blend together, but no.

Have you tried Missha #13? I'm translucent cave fish white and the Signature Real Complete is perfect for me, and more neutral/pink than yellow.

>> No.9116198

Seconding this foundation. Closests I've found to my colour, even in mecca everything was too dark for me or way too yellow and still a bit too dark. I still add a touch of bodyshops lightening drops to this.

>> No.9116211

You face is will always, even without makeup, be different from your neck and chest. Its natural. You face is the highest point of your body [meaning your head in general] and it juts out. When wearing clothes, you face is usually the one thing that gets most UV rays while the rest of your body is protected [depending, again, on what you are wearing which makes a difference and so does tanning]. Its not unusual and when people try to match the tones it usually turns out bad.

>> No.9116244

>lol bitch please

and then everyone realized you are just like him and of course you have no problem with that.

>> No.9118952

Since there's no skincare general right now, I'm just going to ask here - what would you seagulls recommend for someone with a shitty dry face? I've tried Clinique, Cera Ve, a lot of drugstore, and literally nothing works. My face is always gross and flaky and if it isn't tight and uncomfortable and actually dry, it's still super flaky. What do I do? Nothing seems to work. I'm thinking of getting a luxury moisturizer but I just don't know which. I need something that works. I know that I should probably exfoliate a little but heavily exfoliating makes your face greasy and that's what I need.

>> No.9118970

Go to Sephora and let them do a skincare analysis on you. They will give you up to 3 free samples, enough to take home and test for a few days and then 3 more after that next visit if you need them. Offhand, I would say you should look into an oil or milky cleanser, a more gentle chemical exfoliant like glycolic acid and not one with grains or particles. Then a serum with a high hyaluronic acid content, then a richer moisture cream. If your body is dry, oatmeal baths can help. Being dry sucks.

>> No.9119028

Thank you so much, this is so helpful!

>> No.9119041

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)? Since I'm at work quite often, not very much. I usually go all out with the Asian beauty routine though.
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion):
What/how much do you wear with your coords? Quite a lot, actually. Foundation, concealer, setting powder, eyeshadow, glitter, mascara, some eyeliner, highlighter, and I use the cute eyes maker to make my eyes pop a little.
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products? ELF's smudge pots are to die for. I particularly love Pearls of Wisdom.
>Favorite mid to high end products? Too Faced's Better Than Sex mascara.
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)? Definitely Etude House's Cute Eyes Maker. I live for the packaging.
>Favorite tools? I guess my beauty blender? It's saved me from so many streaky foundation terrors.

>> No.9119078

i know it isn't exactly makeup related but does anyone do much with their nails here? if you've used nail strengtheners, do you feel like it really makes your nail stronger? i stopped using mine because i was suspecting it was drying out my nails and causing them to become a lot more brittle and prone to chipping. it really made them look terrible if i stopped using it. the finished look when using it is nice (i used opi gloss finish) but is it worth using it or does it just ruin your nails like i suspect?

>> No.9119120

I used to do my nails a lot and yeah, they peeled and chipped so much. I've been going completely without any nail care for the past 5 years or so and they're much stronger on their own.
Maybe those strengtheners are if your nails are naturally shitty?

>> No.9119121

>they peeled and chipped so much
** with all the nail strengthening products

>> No.9119146


>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
Just eyeliner/mascara, a little bb cream in certain areas, lipstick. Lipstick is the one thing I feel I need.. I think my face looks washed out w/o some kind of color there. 80% of the time I wear Russian Red by MAC. If I'm lazy I use a red tinted gloss...
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
The above + eyeshadow, blush, better concealer, foundation (finally found one that works with my skintone), under-eye corrector, eyebrow gel depending on if I wear a wig. More variety with lip color. I wear sweet lolita and I'm getting into larme lately so I try for softer color palettes.
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
I use drugstore eyeliner and mascara because I can't tell the difference between them and anything nicer really. Revlon's Colorstay liquid eyeliner always worked well for me. I liked NYX lipsticks a lot when I was just getting into wearing them.
>Favorite mid to high end products?
MAC lipsticks, Sugarpill eyeshadows (especially the loose dusts), also Too Faced's Chocolate Bon Bons palette lately for softer looks.
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Only used Tony Moly.
>Favorite tools?
I just buy brushes that I think look cute. Sugarpill's are my favorite so far.

>> No.9119150

What's a good toner without aloe in it?

>> No.9119205

Is the beauty blender worth it?

>> No.9119217

Witch Hazel

I don't think so, but I don't really like sponges because I think they soak up the product and are harder to get really clean and completely dry in 24 hours before you wet it again. I prefer a flat brush like MAC 190, using soft down/out strokes from the middle of the face for natural look.

>> No.9119452

I think so. I have a really dry skin so I think it helps my foundation look better and not stick to dry patches

>> No.9119484

What's the best/most natural way to do male cosplay lips without slathering a fuckton of concealer on? Nude lipstick?

>> No.9119487

Yeah, please use nude lipstick. The concealer-only thing looks uncanny and creepy.

>> No.9119490

MAC Lip Erase to just lighten them a little. It isn't greasy like stick concealer and it won't wear away like foundation or fluid concealer. I love this stuff.

>> No.9119508

Rose water, witch hazel, or a combination of the two.

>> No.9121169

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
I don't wear any on the days I work, but on my off days, I usually wear a full face.

>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
E.L.F is pretty much the only drugstore thing I use.

>Favorite mid to high end products?
Definitely Kat Von D & Jeffree Star's stuff.

>Favorite tools?
I'm a cheap fuck but I would have to say that ELF's small contour brush is my absolute favorite thing when it comes to blending my eyeshadows, especially when it comes to my crease.

>> No.9121176

Um I know it's not classy to mention dubs on /cgl/ but...

>> No.9121419
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good lolita/j-fash makeup for hooded puffy eyes?
The only tutorials I've found where the eyes actually looks like mine is like "do a tiny amount of brown eyeshadow and then mascara"

My eyes are kinda like the ones on the left when I just relax my face.
Tried looking at her video, but in the video her eyes doesn't look like that at all...

>> No.9121433

I have Boy Brow. It's a really good product, but I'm not sure it would work for sparse brows because it tends to just coat the hairs you already have rather than filling in anything. I'd recommend using a brow pencil as well if you want to use boy brow

>> No.9121444

How about you don't wear eyeshadow at all?

>> No.9121448
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I'm not sure did I understand your problem but eyelid tape could be an option. I suggest watching youtube tutorials to get a point.

>> No.9121453

it's like shading a drawing. Except the drawing is your face.

>> No.9121476

Any palette dupes for LC venus? Found a few individual colour dupes but would prefer a palette that has similar shades (especially the reds).

Any suggestion on a lip primer?

>> No.9121485

There really isn't one. Confirmed because I have Venus and have switched and compared a lot since friends ask. It's hard to even find single dupes. I think it's the only eye palette LC did a great job on. Lip Primer: MAC Prep and Prime Lip. If you want to cancel color to wear a light pink or nude: MAC Lip Erase.

>> No.9121506

Thanks you your reply anon. I've seen a lot of MUG possible dupes but shipping to my country would make it far more expensive to buy those than the LC palette and they aren't an exact match.

>please no one hold this against me.

Would you say it's worth the price?

>> No.9121512

I have something similar. I've tried eyelid glue in the past but don't really like how they feel. Basically you just have to take advantage of false lashes and be a bit strategic with your eyeshadow.

>> No.9121513

Controversy aside and speaking just of the product, I say yes for both quality and unique colors and it does go on sale from time to time. I'm not a fan of MUG shadow quality for the price, especially since MAC single color pro pans are now the same cost as MUG basic colors. I find MUG shadows too muddy in blending.

>> No.9121519

These eyes don't even look like the same person in the before and and afters, I'd like to see the video link, please or their YouTube name?

>> No.9121536

Not sure if it would help, but I'll try getting some!
They're not super pricey anyways. Thanks!
Yeah, falsies is pretty much the only time I feel like my eyes look good.. Tips on being "strategic" with eyeshadow? I'm completely awful at it.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it isn't. Or maybe she's scrunching her eyebrows in the one on the left and raising them in the one on the right, and it's pretty shitty using a pic like that imo, because no makeup is gonna make your crease fucking rise that much

>> No.9121549

People in her comments are right, she barely has a hooded eye and you'd be better off finding someone with an eye-shape closer to yours.

>> No.9121550

I don't think that chick knows what a hooded eye even is.

>> No.9121559

I'm so surprised you actually like the palette for more than just the colour scheme. Me and three of my friends, all with different skin colours and types, have it and it made all of our eyelids break out into rashes. I in particular have never had any negative reaction to a makeup product before, so it was very concerning for me. And all the shades stained our lids! It looked like we had pink eye for days after. Which is hella disappointing because the shadows are all so beautiful, and in rather hard to find shades.
Personally, my friends and I all sold ours because we hated them. I know I personally tried using it several times, even after having a reaction to it the first time, but I tried it with different eyeshadow primers and bases. None of them kept the shadows from both giving me a rash AND staining my skin. If you do buy it, I would look for a secondhand one, and just sanitise the hell out of it. Or buy from another site, like dollskill so you can return it if you want a new one

>> No.9121565
File: 259 KB, 362x480, tumblr_n4c5jeNNOB1tqyglio1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad eyebags and dark circles for a 18yo
>fucking genetics
>can put on a ton of makeup it'll still be there
>makeup always crease and makes it look even more noticeable
>moisturize errday but putting on makeup makes my eye skin look dry on top of wrinkly because of the creasing
Am I doomed to be ugly?

>> No.9121575

I use a mostly matte neutral brown on my lid and extend it past the crease so that the color is still visible with my eyes open. Sometimes I darken my outer corners a bit, but try to apply it like a cat's eye and pull up at the corners. Depending on your eye shape, you can add shadow on your lower lashline for the droopy eye look. I can try to take a picture later.

Pixiwoo has some good videos for eyeshadow and eyeliner tricks for hooded lids.

>> No.9121578

Try a richer eye cream at night.
Lighten up on the amount of under-eye product you use if you are getting creasing. you use. Try a salmon color for the darkness. Put on very thinly and pat in with a beauty blender or similar damp sponge, set quickly with finely milled powder like Elf Under-eye setting powder.

>> No.9121583

I had no reaction or staining but I use a biphasic oily remover for my eyes and lips so it gets almost anything off my pale skin, even things other people say stain them. Buying somewhere with a return policy is always good but I can't get behind buying used makeup.

>> No.9121587

If any amerifat anyone didn't know the urban decay naked smokey pallet is $27 on sephora and ulta beauty's website. Ulta also has free shipping for the entire purchase if you buy the pallet

>> No.9121644
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 13754331_285317511831925_6710893637543624060_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't post the facebook link so here's all the dupe pics.

>> No.9121647
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>> No.9121656
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>> No.9121661
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>> No.9121662

Glad to see a Lime Crime dupe, I'm sure this is not the only one. What about some KVD dupes too? I love that formula.

>> No.9121663
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>> No.9121667
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>> No.9121672
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>> No.9121678
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>> No.9121680
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>> No.9121688
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>> No.9121690
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I hear the NYX colour is not very good. It comes out quite patchy and chalky.

>> No.9121694
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 13631498_285317765165233_8338814419199345325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAX by Colourpop is a great one too

>> No.9121702
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>> No.9121707
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BTW I hear Mother is a slightly darker pink

>> No.9121713
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>> No.9121717
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>> No.9121726

Echo is a bit brighter and needs 2 coats but is easily build-able. I like it better than Abused.

>> No.9121728
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>> No.9121730
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>> No.9121735
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>> No.9121737
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>> No.9121743
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I hear bae cake by beauty bakerie is a good dupe too

>> No.9121748

Try NYX's intense butter glosses- they have great color payoff and are super shiny. There's orange shades too

>> No.9121749
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>> No.9121754

just being honest but a lot of those dupes aren't actually good dupes for the colors, make sure to swatch things in store and check detailed blog posts and youtube videos for accurate color dupes.

>> No.9121760
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>> No.9121766
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Alright last one.

Now if you like one color and can't find it you have back ups. Plus if you just don't want to give skeevy people money you have alternates to look for.

>> No.9121767
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just as an example
embellishment isn't the same color or formula as scorpio and marshmallow is much lighter.

>> No.9121769
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here are much closer dupes. do your research so you're satisfied with your dupes!

>> No.9121785

Try the SkinCeuticals Tanning lotion, its a bit pricey but it's completely natural and doesn't feel dry and shitty. I also really like the Gleam body lotions but only when I'm already tan and I just want to glow a little.

The reason that Face & Body is so good for dry skin is because it's water based and doesn't clump up around dry patches like silicone. I really do recommend the Make Up For Ever Face and Body, it had better coverage than MAC and doesn't have all their weird fragrance in it.

>> No.9121794

What I do:
>moisturise with light, non greasy lotion
>drop of orangey red lip tint on dark circles
>innisfree eye primer
>loreal lumi magique #2 dab in with finger
>loreal dream lumi? Concealer #1 ivory, tiny drop on bottom of dark circles, around tear trough, dab in
>set with it's skin Petit pact (any peachy powder will work)

I've tried countless concealers and they all sucked except for the innisfree primer + loreal. Now I can go all day without creasing.

>> No.9121798

Yeah, it kinda annoyed me too..
She has pretty good eyes for makeup.
Thanks a bunch anon! If you do a pic I'd be delighted!

>> No.9121803

Forgot to add; Do you have any eyeshadow pallets you'd recommend?
I really need to invest in a good one. I've been looking at Urban decay Naked and Too faced chocolate bar.

>> No.9121812
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Irl ginger here
How hard would it be to get that cheap spray tanned color without spray tan?

>> No.9121836

Thanks for the feedback anon. I really appreciate the info. I'm not a fan of second hand makeup but I'll buy from somewhere with a returns policy for sure.

Any thoughts on coastal scents revealed 2 palette? It has some similar colours but I'm unsure of the quality.

>> No.9121844

NAYRT but I have both of these and they are both really nice but if I had to choose just one, I would get the original Chocolate Bar because it has more highlight and a good combination of mattes and shimmers.

>> No.9121850

Thanks so much for all of these, anon, I'll get some of the KVD colors.

>> No.9121860

On mobile so I don't really have a relevant picture to upload to grab attention, but what do you guys think of Black Moon Cosmetics? Their metallic lip products look nice but I'm tempted to go with Makeup Monsters for the sake of a workable metallic.

More of a preference of what wears well as opposed to color in my case.

>> No.9122077

Sorry if I missed it... But Americans can get UD naked smokey palette for $27 at ulta and Sephora today only. Free shipping on whole purchase at ulta if you buy it

>> No.9122091

Are you done advertising?

>> No.9122186

Anyone tried Etude House's Juice Bar palette? Been considering buyin' it, since it's a great price, but I can't tell if it has good pigment or longevity.

>> No.9122210

I really want some good recommendations for a high quality black lipstick or black matte lipstick. I saw Weirdo on sale and almost bought it but I don't want something mediocre for the prices they ask for, especially with this weird Lime Crime type quality issues I hear about. Do you have a dupe picture for JS's Weirdo as well?

>> No.9122216
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>> No.9123555

Im not ginger, but I am pale and covered in freckles and I do dye my hair orange to make myself look ginger because otherwise brown hair with my pale skin and freckles looks really dumb.

Don't tan. Just don't. You will look stupid as fuck.

>> No.9123687

I have issues with dark circles and creasing too.

There's this little Vitamin E stick you can buy from GNC very inexpensively, and if you dab a little bit where your concealer creases, before you put it on, it should help with that, as it does for me.

I would also suggest sticking with liquid concealer, as the stick based concealers give me undereye creases that I don't even technically have somehow. The liquid seem to go on a lot more smoothly.

>> No.9123693

You need to exfoliate the dead, dry skin away. But gently. Chemical exfoliates, not physical. Peter Thomas Roth Peeling Gel works for me, as I have a slightly oily T-zone, but the rest of my face is very dry.

What kind of Cera Ve did you use? If you use a very stripping face wash, like a foaming one, it'll just dry it out more. You want a face wash that helps you retain moisture. I use the Cera Ve Hydrating Cleanser with great success.

For dry dry skin, one of the best lotions I've ever used is Kiehl's Creme De Corps. Though it's technically a body lotion, I even use it on my face sometimes, and I find it helps. I think it would be a bad idea for oily skin, but for dry skin, it would help a ton.

>> No.9123696

Just FYI, I took my first plunge into the world of liquid lipstick myself this week, and decided to buy from this site, with a 10% off code DUPETHAT.


The code brings them to like $12ish, which is a lot more reasonable for someone who isn't sure if the like liquid lipstick yet. I will let everyone know how it is.

>> No.9123851

>"Glad to see a Lime Crime dupe"
>is more expensive
>FDA busted Lime Crime on putting unsafe-for-lips chemicals in velveteens
>Doe Deere is a scumbag


>> No.9123856

Midnight Muse is more of a navy blue on the lips, so it's too dark to be a dupe of Blue Velvet.

100% agree. Do your own swatches or at the very least watch Youtube swatch videos especially if the swatcher's skin is a close match for yours.

>> No.9123859

You can use bronzer, but sjws (if they find you) will accuse you of blackface even though it isn't.

Do it at your peril. :^)

>> No.9123869
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>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
Nothing, most of the time. All of the makeup in my collection was purchased specifically for cosplay. That being said, when I'm feeling ~fun~ I've been known to leave the house wearing a weird lip color just because.

>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
NYX (especially the Wicked Lippies), Maybelline, Nicka K, BH Cosmetics

>Favorite mid to high end products?
Makeup For Ever, Sephora, Jeffree Star, Manic Panic

One of these days I'll try a MAC product, and there are Melt and Inglot lipsticks I've got my eye on. Oh yeah, and OCC and Colourpop. There's still so much I need to experience!

>> No.9123906 [DELETED] 

I'm also extremely pale, Missha's M BB cream in 13 is a godsend. It's SPF 42 and not yellow-toned. I use NYX's translucent setting powder and have no sheen issues throughout the day.

>> No.9123912

I'm also extremely pale, seconding Missha's M BB cream in 13. It's a godsend. SPF 42 and not yellow-toned. I use NYX's translucent setting powder and have no sheen issues throughout the day, pictures or otherwise.

>> No.9123921

>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?

BB cream, lip tint or gloss, eyeliner, mascara/falsies
>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?

Basically the same with lolita. Sometimes more pigmented tints if the coord calls for it.
>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?

NYX and Covergirl. I really like Covergirl's mascara, I have a bunch of MAC ones I have lying around that I never use because I just keep buying lashblast.
>Favorite mid to high end products?

Jeffree Star, Sephora, MAC, and ColourPop. I used to cheat with Sephora's liquid liners, they flake off just before they dry so they're easy to shape if you have no idea how to apply eyeliner lol
>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?

Missha and Etude House
>Favorite tools?

Beauty buffers. I have brushes for everything but I'm lazy and tend to just use a bunch of those things instead.

I kinda want to get into eyeshadow but I don't know where to start... I'm very pale and I feel like everything is too dramatic on me for everyday looks.

>> No.9124000
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I got Watermelon Soda
it really dries out my lips to the point it's uncomfortable to wear. anyone have the same problem?
I'm thinking of getting 714 next because the color seems a bit softer and might suit me better

>> No.9124021
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This is exactly what I was thinking, everyone else is desperate for LC alternatives.

But each to their own.

>> No.9124023

>>What/how much do you wear on a daily basis (if any)?
Not on a daily basis, but I guess a 'daily/natural' routine when I do:
BB cream, loose powder, mascara, blush high on cheeks/bridge of nose and an aegyo-sal undereye stick.
>>(If you wear lolita or another jfashion): What/how much do you wear with your coords?
Not much more than that. Add in some liquid eyeliner, lip tint and shimmery beige/gold shadow.
>>Favorite drugstore/bargain products?
Maybelinne's BBs are good if I run out and need to grab one locally. ULTA3 $2 lipsticks are a god-send.
>>Favorite mid to high end products?
>>Favorite Asian products (of any price tier)?
Skinfood: Peach Sake BB, Shortcake Liquid Liner, Sugar Cookie blush, Buckwheat lose powder.
Etude House: Cute Eyes Maker stick!!!

Will re-purchase all of these diligently without substitution.
>>Favorite tools?
I guess the Cute Eyes Maker sounds as a stick. Putting cream eyeshadow in a sponge-stick form was the best idea ever and I wish I could find more.

>> No.9124028

> don't tan, you will look stupid as fuck
>Tfw when tan, freckles and ginger toned hair

>> No.9124035

Unfortunately I have to agree with >>9121485. As dubious (read: shitty) as those surrounding LimeCrime are, this is one of their few good eggs. I bought some suggestions based on dupe recommendations and none matched the stand out red tones, or orangey one. I'm in the UK and the palette cost me £25, the closest dupe I could find for my favourite shade was £14 so if price is also an issue make this your one Limecrime purchase.

>> No.9124259

There is a skin general though.

>> No.9124262

My bad.

>> No.9125458

I have the same issue. Maybe try putting extra chapstick underneath and some lipgloss?

Any other input?

>> No.9125487
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How do I stop fallout from creasing on my lower lash line? I've managed to get my shitty, oily eyes to stop creasing on my upper lid through the magic of primer, but that trick isn't working for me on my lower lid. No matter what I do I end up with a sooty line/crease that looks like my eyeliner or mascara is running under my eye by the end of the day.
[not me, random google pic]

>> No.9125511

I have makeup monster's matt black, I really love it actually.

>> No.9125535

how well do Mainc's colors stay on? I've had some on my to buy list for a while just never got it. I think I was looking at their glossier ones with the cross on top.

>> No.9125568

Do you have setting spray? That could help with your situation.

>> No.9125587

Yes, and a good one. I use Skindinavia's setting spray, still doesn't help. Thanks though.

>> No.9125791

how do you guys feel about Bh cosmetics? Im a novice at makeup and was wondering if I should buy anything from them.

>> No.9125809

This happens to me with certain kinds of eyeliner/mascara no matter how much primer/powder/seeing spray use. The problem is the eyeliner/mascara, so try something new (maybe waterproof).

>> No.9125841

BH is a good novice brand. Their brushes always go on sale which is pretty cool, since they're already cheap. I like their brow options, and the shadows are aight- but not a fan of the contouring/concealer palettes personally.

tl;dr: brushes good/makeup hit or miss.

>> No.9127053
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If you get anything, get the Pop Art lipsticks. 10/10.

>> No.9128509

Someone explain to me the purpose of a bronzer and how to use it correctly.

>> No.9128731

Ran out of my holika holika bb cream, now I'm thinking about trying something new. I get flaky dry patches around my mouth and nose but acne everywhere else. Any recs for a new bb cream, or even a western foundation?

>> No.9128779

Good counterfeit, almost identical as original

>> No.9129793

I'm bad at detecting those, how'd you tell?

>> No.9129812

scrub your lips with some oil (coconut or olive oil is hydrating) and sugar and wipe off excess then put it on

>> No.9130437

FYI, colourpop is having a flash sale today, with 20% off select items, including some of their lip stuff.

>> No.9130477

That settling in the image looks disgusting. No thanks.

>> No.9130489

I personally find that primer doesn't help me because of my very hooded eyes. Don't use cream based eyeshadows, use a fast setting eyeliner or gel liner, don't use eyeshadow as a liner if you can help it. If you do, keep it veeeeerrrrry close to the lashline. I use Covergirl mascara and I never have problem with it. I don't use a waterproof formula either because sometimes, regardless of brand, those tend to flake and fall out more than regular mascaras.

If you notice you have some fallout throughout the day on your lower lids/lashline, just take a blotting paper, blot it away, and have some regular pressed powder to sweep, not just press, away the darkness. You should always set concealer under the eye with powder as well. You don't have to do your whole face, but when there is fallout, it can be as easy as taking a tissue, wiping gently away the dark fallout, and you STILL have the concealer on. That way there is no need to reapply anything under your lashline since you already had basically two layers.

>> No.9131409

It looks very smooth on me, actually. Dunno what went wrong with the model's lips but it definitely doesn't look that bad irl.

>> No.9131494

It looks like it's just badly photoshopped

>> No.9132573

the counterfeits of the summer collection aren't even done yet, 0/10 b8

what primer were you using? urban decay primer potion works flawlessly on my hooded eyes. almost zero creasing and when I apply it under my eyes it stops my concealer from creasing too.
also instead of dealing with fallout I just do my eyeshadow first and my face makeup after. it saves a lot of time.

>> No.9132739

I'm really new to makeup beyond just the very basic stuff and I keep making the seemingly worst eyeshadow choices in the world. Could anyone recommend some reasonably priced brands that won't disappear after like three hours of normal wear even when you're wearing primer?

>> No.9132829

Can anyone recommend a good black eyeshadow that's strongly pigmented with minimal fallout? Doesn't really matter if it's matte or glittery.
Preferably something that I can buy by itself and not part of a palette.

>> No.9134255

Does anyone know where I can get Etude House's Juice Bar palette? It's not on their website and l don't know which eBay shops are scams.

>> No.9134257


I recommend Too Faced. Their smaller palettes are only about 30$, which, imo, is still pretty expensive, but you still get a lot for your money. More reasonable than 50$ for a Naked palette

>> No.9134762

the abh modern renaissance palette is amazing

>> No.9135138

Different anon, but as much as I love the ABH Modern Renaissance, it's $45. Not very budget friendly.

>> No.9135189

it's still within a 10 dollar range of most palettes, so I don't think it's too unreasonable for what you get. It's not like Natasha denona's 200 dollar palettes.

>> No.9135399
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Pic related is the look I'm attempting to go for, but the space between actual eye and lower lashes looks unnatural. Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong?

>inb4 lower lashes are misplaced in the first place
I'm trying to go for a enlarged eye look since I have tiny, almond shaped eyes.

Also, if anyone also has any tips/tutorials on enlarging eyes I'm all ears.

>> No.9135416

I think thats how its supposed to look. In photos like the one you posted, its been contrasted to hell so it blends in better.

>> No.9135418

Do you naturally have dark eyelashes, anon? The asian girls who do this (well) often have little to no lower lashes. It looks really bizarre when the natural lashes are visible.

>> No.9135422

Use a razor to cut your eye socket larger. The blood will also look great if you're into menhara.

>> No.9135453

Honestly that may be the case then. Probably just going to use mascara and/or trim them to fit my bottom lash line then.

My bottom lashes are pretty sparse, beyond the help of mascara, hence why I bought natural looking bottom lashes in the first place lol.

Thanks though, both of you!

>> No.9135484

Any recommendations for a sheer tinted lip balm that tastes good? Trying to fill the hole left in my heart by cherry chapstick, I kicked the habit because I know it's shit for my lips but I can't find anything I like as well for daily wear

>> No.9135521

Have you tried putting some concealer on your bottom lashes to help them blend in better? You could get some of those bulk mascara wands and try running one over your bottom lashes with concealer. I've never tried this so don't know if it will work.

>> No.9135574

Maybe lip fondue? They have lots of flavors. The downside is they are quite sticky but I like how watery and hydrating they are.

>> No.9135988

Maybelline Baby Lips?