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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1467641890603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9086815 No.9086815 [Reply] [Original]

old thread: >>9074597

>> No.9086818
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>> No.9086822
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>> No.9086882 [DELETED] 

How the flipping heck does this shoeless sod get more likes than my coords.
Indeed I am as salty as the seas my gulls

>> No.9086888 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So salty I forgot to attach pic

>> No.9086919 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shoes, I don't understand why people post 'coord shots' of incomplete coords, is it the asspats? I would be worried to have a photo of my coord without shoes on floating around the Internet.

>> No.9086929

what is closet of frills?

>> No.9086937

Ah, summer! What a time to be alive!

>> No.9086972

what does that mean

>> No.9086978

it means you should probably lurk a lot more before posting in /cgl/

>> No.9086981

where should i lurk

>> No.9086985

everything below the forehead looks nice. not sure what she was going for with that veil/blindfold lovechild...

>> No.9086992

Stop replying to bait

>> No.9086995
File: 97 KB, 640x960, 13532940_702050489936367_5988717370923098331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closet of Frills is a facebook group for posting daily lolita and ouji coords (no other jfash).

>> No.9086997

no but seriously what is closet of frills

>> No.9087000

ok thank you

>> No.9087001

What is Google? Is it a company or a search engine? Is it both? That would be some mind blowing shit.

>> No.9087003

its a sissy community

>> No.9087006

Why such dark makeup? Did she think she had to go dark for the jewel tones?
Either way, still too dark.

This looks amazing but god I hate classic so much now.

>> No.9087018

this is real lovely senpai

>> No.9087024

top kek

>> No.9087109

>Calls someone summer
>While responding to obvious bait

Toppest kek

>> No.9087171

Wasn't this posted a few weeks ago? Back when people were going apeshit over that AP cherry print worn with no blouse in kera.
Bow looks way too big for where she placed it

>> No.9087177

yeah all the "muuuh rules" shit.

>> No.9087181

>not just newfaggery
Peopl need to stop referring to everything as summer.

>> No.9087219
File: 124 KB, 960x960, 13592607_1110999745625706_1295627093577954042_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder if people in these threads actually like lolita.

>> No.9087237
File: 148 KB, 1000x800, 13498004_10204993062986218_2948037350658294621_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a couple of normies.

>> No.9087241

Already posted in the last thread, anon.

>> No.9087249
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 13407048_10101145394093363_3652976246509900933_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? Unless you have a link but I have the last thread open and I'm not seeing it? Also the OP image for this thread was posted last thread and no one said anything. Well, until we had to head down this derailment shit road.

No one else is contributing and neither are you. Maybe it was the thread before that? Who cares.

Anyway, pic related. She said she is wearing an OP but that looks like a JSK with a blouse under, no?

>> No.9087283

This was also posted in the last thread. You might want to check the times that pictures were posted, these are both several days old if not older.

>> No.9087298
File: 122 KB, 960x960, 13620301_634329470069524_8869476587360623518_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the thread before last. If you want to view the CoF posts in order, click the photo tab. It's reverse chronological order. That post was made more than a week ago.

>> No.9087306
File: 83 KB, 540x960, 13620178_1020262288023133_3825167732732274777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087323
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>> No.9087325

I hate those bags so much.

>> No.9087342
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 13592270_503652919844363_697356973543103072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087348
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 13592193_1799996983568142_6138953833807052619_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it when people post without their shoes.

>> No.9087394

>tfw your friends have a fucking no shoe policy to save on carpet costs and they are the only people you know who want to take outfit shots for you

>> No.9087404

Bring something to stand on, or take outfit shots outside?

>> No.9087414

but look how cute that room is tho, it'd be a waste

>> No.9087506

>gross dead trees outside

I'm not them, but same.

>> No.9087535

Are you all retarded, outfits look terrible without shoes. Stand on something for gods sake.

>> No.9087568

>Stand on something
What does this do for not wearing shoes?

>> No.9087575

Different anon, they mean take your indoor coord shots wearing your shoes while standing on something to keep the floor/carpet clean.

>> No.9087582

Ugh, is it so hard to stand on a piece of paper or towel or something?

>> No.9087588

Everyone likes this Bodyline dress until they have to actually find a matching blouse. But the thing that bothers me most is the random clip in her hair. You can clearly see it was made to be put on the dress and not on the head. I wonder how she even clipped it on, it has a safety pin and no alligator clip.

>> No.9087604

Oh. My friends wouldn't be okay with that.
Shoes can't get near the carpet.

>> No.9087636

Jesus fuck, calm down the shoop on the eyes.

>> No.9087660

She really needs to fix that under bite

>> No.9087668

not the right color of these tights for this dress, the cream would have looked better.

>> No.9087678

Does she have a problem with her face or something?

>> No.9087687



>> No.9088311
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>> No.9088314
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>> No.9088318
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>> No.9088321
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>> No.9088323
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>> No.9088326
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>> No.9088332
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End dump, sorry for any reposts

>> No.9088363

ahh all that Rilakkuma
so cute

>> No.9088379

she coords really well and has a good mature sense of style (even in ott sweet imo) but she always has the most unsettling faces in photos

>> No.9088460
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 13592785_10154275224422731_1719514337435001580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small dump of recents

>> No.9088464
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>> No.9088468
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>> No.9088473
File: 70 KB, 540x960, 13620121_10210196658219117_1960631311928946465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand that's all I've got

>> No.9088514

>fattie in donut dress
I always kek

>> No.9088555

Same lmao

>> No.9088563

That poor fucking dress... it can look so sweet and elegant on the right person but a huge majority of the coordinates I've ever seen just look frumpy as hell.

>> No.9088825

Almost positive that this would look 100x better if she did a cute do with her hair

>> No.9088835


I really appreciate how she's grown in the style! Maybe because I'm really biased to classic, but even with her sweet coordinates she's really developed a sense of balance.

>> No.9088878

Does her face look shopped or is it just me?

>> No.9088889

definitely shopped in the close up one

>> No.9088944

I'm just amazed at how some of these obese girls keep showing off their flabby arms, like wtf cover that shit up

>> No.9088954

This is really cute but does anyone else think that dress is unflattering on her? Maybe it's the petticoat she's wearing
I hate this a lot. This feels like babby's first coord, is it? I don't have fb so no CoF for me

>> No.9088956

implying that any sleeve could contain that mass

>> No.9088973

brand ita, refreshing!

>> No.9089364

The shoes don't match and that wig is nasty as hell

>> No.9089555

She has a good sense of style for a feel bad for her, she's a bit chubby and her face is unfortunate so of course she would never look totally okay

>> No.9089560

i sometimes think some people just see CoF as a joke group and just go there to shitpost crap like this.

>> No.9089565

A place where dreams go to die

>> No.9089570

I know this was already discussed in the last thread but I just wanted to add, seriously, how fucked up mentally you have to be to date a guy who's hair looks like this?

>> No.9089581

Somebody please buy this girl another pair of shoes

>> No.9089738

Very cute and summery.

>> No.9089745

Love it.

>> No.9090053

wish I could actually see the outfit in order to give crit.

>> No.9090055

wow, what a beautiful color! I don't see turquoise much in lolita. everything is sax, navy, or royal blue.

>> No.9090057

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9090058

I quite like this, drooping bonnet and all. I do wish the tights brought some more red into the coord tho.

>> No.9090061

I love this, just wish the bag wasn't competing with the pillows in the photo.
being able to fully see the taupes and browns of the bag, shoes, and her hair play on each other would be most satisfying.

>> No.9090133 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 540x960, 13606594_1212982838720096_6357932525930845252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted this in the comments

>> No.9090136

Spinster great aunt-kei

>> No.9090137
File: 57 KB, 540x960, 13606594_1212982838720096_6357932525930845252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top of the dress that she posted in the comments

>> No.9090157

These are both cute but don't feel lolita

>> No.9090165

Second one is qi lolita

>> No.9090171

I'm aware of what she was going for, I just feel that the yoke and sleeves aren't conservative enough
If the yoke was solid colored so it didn't expose so much chest and the sleeves were a little longer and more like puff sleeves, I would like this a lot

>> No.9090213

What the god damn are you going on about anon's? She looks fine. Heck anon maybe look in the mirror first just sayin'?

>> No.9090247

Just because it's a different way of wearing it, doesn't make it any less lolita. They're inventive, it's something this style needs. Stagnant styles = dead styles.

>> No.9090263

Science fact: blubber heats them up, making them extra smelly and sweaty in the summer!

>> No.9090269

That shitty eyeliner is triggering

>> No.9090279

Yeah but it looks better in her actual CoF post that someone dumped earlier in the thread

>> No.9090282

would be cute if she were thinner

>> No.9090501

Her legs are photoshopped, the wall behind her doesn't look straight at all

>> No.9090643

It really wouldn't

>> No.9090688

Jagged eyeliner is cuter in another photo? Anon please.

>> No.9090771

Anon I get that they look fugly but deciding your date based on their hairstyle/texture is actually pretty fucked up mentally.

Unless they have a mullet.

>> No.9090787

Me too. Even if it weren't a fake, it matches nothing here.

>> No.9090819


>wrinkly pants.

I'm normally not fashion saavy but ahhhhhhhhhhh


>> No.9090821

i cant tell if she meant to do it on purpose but the way her face gets closer and closer in each shot is creepy

>> No.9090922

photoshopped how?

>> No.9090994

how do you view the facebook page

>> No.9090995

You need to be a member of it

>> No.9091000

Even if we ignore her boring coord that's clearly trying to be ~quirky~, that is possibly the ugliest man I have ever laid eyes on

>> No.9091001

oh thank you

>> No.9091048

Boring. Also the socks are bad? Like they're so bright!!!

>> No.9091059

Cute, but a tired combination.

>> No.9091082
File: 70 KB, 970x545, rsz_1maxresdefault-970x545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this day and age of cheap prescription eyeglasses I'm just sad that she wouldn't treat herself to a cuter pair

>> No.9091168

Reminds me of a less attractive version of Blake from workaholics

>> No.9091249

This is a dead horse that gets brought up every other thread, not all prescriptions are cheap anon. It depends on your level of blindness.

awww, her face is cute. I wish she would wear a wig.

>> No.9091856

That dress is about to burst

>> No.9091859

Why are you so salty? Her jaw is deformed and can actually be very painful

>> No.9091883

>all those Korean actresses that had plastic surgery cause of this shit

>> No.9091884

Where are you getting quirky from?
Looks like dumb normalfag shit to me. Boring.

>> No.9091888

It probably looks better from far away.
Look at the optical illusion girlyhoot always has going on. She looks fine from 10ft back lol.

>> No.9091928


>> No.9091943

The glasses scream ~~i'm not like other girls~~

>> No.9091945
File: 111 KB, 591x960, 13615350_1715673782023086_4189984747196650098_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRESH MEAT asks for concrit, refuses to accept that hooker shoes look terrible.

>> No.9091949

I legit love this coord, but those shoes? Seriously?

>> No.9091951

I'm getting princess Diana vibes from her

>> No.9091954

Sorry but I actually love the shoes. I think most normal lolita shoes looks like children's shoes.

>> No.9091959 [DELETED] 
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, 1332225513567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita chicks are so weird.

You are never getting laid, just saying.

>> No.9091963

says the anime weeb. yea, ok.

>> No.9091964


If you had brain, you would wonder why I chose that image in the first place.

>> No.9091965


>> No.9091971

back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.9091988


That's ok, I think I'm getting to that age where I'd rather eat tea cakes in a fancy dress than get laid. Put me out to pasture, my clotted cream awaits

>> No.9091989

Three times a day, just saying.

>> No.9092000

I actually thought this was a shitty Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay at first desu

>> No.9092009

casual lolita =/= otome

fuckin summer

>> No.9092105

This is such a clusterfuck

>> No.9092107

They obviously meant dental surgery, not cosmetic.

>> No.9092127

How is she fresh meet? It's the girl that never smiles, we've seen her resting bitch face before

>> No.9092151
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>> No.9092154
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>> No.9092157
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>> No.9092158
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>> No.9092159

I feel like I should be more bothered about the plain white tights and the shoes not matching, but for whatever reason I'm not. The photo is filtered to hell and back though.

>> No.9092164

Why would the plain tights be a problem? It's a simple coord, the tights are fine.

>> No.9092165


>> No.9092166

Because the print is busy and it leaves the coord feeling unbalanced, newfag. If they had been solid color tights with some sort of lace that would at least help a little.

>> No.9092175


..."busy print"....

Anon, just because there's a lot of detail on a print doesn't make it visually busy. The light pastels of this dress make the details fade instead of drawing the eye to them. Having plain tights is completely cohesive.

Also, I know its the fashion to have printed tights and patterened socks, but for fucks sake sometimes this fashion goes overboard with patterns everywhere and it ends up a clusterfuck. I'd rather someone go with plain tights and keep the focus on the upper half of the coord than get some printed tights that either look like a checkerboard vomited on them or they have shitty pastel tattoos/bruises all over them.

>> No.9092258

Not them but provide a definition for what a busy print actually is.
I just want to see if a gull actually knows what they're talking about for once.

>> No.9092260

that necklace is so cute

>> No.9092272
File: 575 KB, 835x453, Kang Hye-jung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people wear glasses you fucking retard.

SHARES FacebookTwitterGoogle+
Actress Kang Hye Jung, also known as the pregnant wife of Tablo (Epik High), shared a funny but shocking story about her changed face. On the MBC 'Golden Fishery' aired on the 16th, Kang Hye Jung said, "I had to go into filming with retainers on, so my accent was very audible. People kept saying, 'I'll let you be in the film if you took your retainers off.' Therefore, I kept going into filming without retainers on, and it ended up making my gums wider and more visible." When asked if she went under the knife, she revealed, "I asked whether I could fix it, and they said that I had to extract a tooth. It's not plastic surgery, because it didn't involve any painful cutting of the bone." Kang Hye Jung said that when her face dramatically changed after the correction, "Truthfully, I cried a lot. I was very upset. I only went to fix it, but it seemed like people simply didn't understand. It was a very difficult period for me. I could only comfort myself." She also added, "When I was swollen, I had a baby face, but when the swelling died down, I couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror. My own dog couldn't recognize me until I yelled at him."

Was referring to the actress from Oldboy who had dental surgery and her entire face changed.
Also what she had is considered cosmetic dental surgery. It wasn't "necessary"

Left is before, Right is after.

>> No.9092274

>SHARES FacebookTwitterGoogle
fuck you blog site

>> No.9092400

This girl needs a hair cut or a colm or something. Her hair looks a mess.

>> No.9092438


>> No.9092470

Are those socks over patterned tights?

>> No.9092479

Look beyond tea-parties. More mature shoes were obviously needed but these are horrible.

>> No.9092500
File: 28 KB, 360x420, 170340020012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got excited because I thought they'd be the Meta hooker shoes but then I opened the thumbnail...desu I still maintain that this would look great with them

>> No.9092503

Resting bitch face has always been lolita, anon

>> No.9092504

This reminds me of that old school Gothic and Lolita photobook where it has shots of lolitas in their rooms, I love it

>> No.9092513

Looks like it. Unless she has some sort of skin disease.

>> No.9092519

Her shoes look fine, it matches the coord well. Personal preference =/= rule that every lolita must follow.

>> No.9092563

Everything looks better with meta hooker shoes.
I just got my own pair, and they make me feel one with the old school gods!

>> No.9092567

The shoes don't bother me that much, actually. I think they'd work better if they weren't so tall though.

>> No.9092569

It's good to see simple sweet every once in a while.

>> No.9092636

How comfortable are they? I'm thinking of getting my own pair eventually.

>> No.9092774

This. There is a time and a place for a fuckton of patterns, like OTT. Plain white tights are perfectly fine in this coord.

>> No.9092779

pretty comfy for high heels, but I still haven't walked long distances in them yet. I do recommend getting some foot pads for them though since they are pretty high. Also if you check second hands sites, you can find these shoes for $70-100 bucks depending on the condition, you just gotta find the right size and make sure its bigger than your regular shoe size since meta runs small (im a size 8 btw)

>> No.9092787
File: 410 KB, 1253x1877, _20160707_204038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is back... s m h. Why put effort into a coord (it's not OTT but not casual, either) and then have stringy, greasy hair

>> No.9092793

why are they sitting down? How are we supposed to see their coords?

>> No.9092883

Because being Naturally Cute means not making an effort.

>> No.9092983

my last pair were 500$ thats not cheap anon

>> No.9093009

You know that's not a "kid," right? She's 27...
>Age before beauty

>> No.9093014

They're horrible and the whole coord doesn't match

>> No.9093017

They don't run small though? More so run large if anything. They're comfy but crappy quality so you need to be gentle with them.

>> No.9093028


Says the person who thinks the only options are bodyline and payless.

>> No.9093030

Oh shit, no. I just remembered seeing her bullshit a while ago. She looks like a high school weeb with that hair

>> No.9093041

I had to block, she's really just too annoying and try-hard. Last I saw she kept attempting 'relevant' comments in RC and people would just flat-out reply 'no one cares'. I knew if she ever finally cut some bangs for that 5-head, they'd be stringy though.

>> No.9093044

Yeah but her face looks her age

>> No.9093055

This coord is great but the shoes honestly don't look good. They just look cheap and tacky not elegant like the rest of her coord is.

>> No.9093056

All the more reason to get something cute and make it count if you can only have one pair. I'd still try for a cute second pair if I wore glasses with lolita often though even if it meant buying 2 fewer dresses. If you wear glasses daily they are your most seen and most important accessory. also many eyewear places offer 2/1 specials or bogo 1/2 off if you watch for it. Can you tell I like cute glasses with lolita?

>> No.9093058

Oh I like this a lot!

>> No.9093059

holy shit Frida Kahlo get a lawnmower

>> No.9093067


It's not always that easy anon. Sometimes your local options don't have cute styles that work for lolita. I think it's best to get something that flatters your face (and isn't too trendy). Unless someone is a daily lolita, having a second pair is a luxury that some still cannot afford. I can afford a second pair but I'd have to get a cute one online and even then it's not tailored to my face and sized right. The pair I bought last year took a few trips back to the eye shop just to get them properly fitted.

It's not always a case of "buy a second pair."

>> No.9093070

If your lenses are cheap, then you are lucky! I know that some glasses lens prescriptions are hella expensive even before the frames so there's nothing to be done about that part. Not excusing bad lolita glasses and still think they should get a versatile or better yet cute pair. At least something that will not clash.

>> No.9093076

If you get round wire frames as second pair that usually works. Also my eye doctor's staff adjust my frames I bought online since I got my main pair (and lenses for the other frames) from them. I had to ask but they did not mind.

>> No.9093078

Best comment I've seen all week. I laughed and scared the cat.
She needs to listen to Misako and hide dem brows under the fringe.

>> No.9093126

really strong prescriptions often cant be filled into any lenses you buy online, or at least that was the case with mine. luckily i got a really cute lolita-like pair for like 400$ but i cant afford a backup and if they were to break i wouldnt be able to get a new pair for like 2 years

>> No.9093138


Like anon says, if you have a high prescription, you can't just buy any glasses. Also, if you buy online you lose the ability to really try on the pair in person. I know a lot of online shops let you upload a picture for a virtual try on, but that still can't let you feel how they will sit on your face.

It's not that you can't easily buy glasses online or that they're expensive for everyone, but again, the same old "just get a pair for lolita" is a luxury not every glasses-anon can afford or is feasible. For those of us who have to wear glasses, they're not a luxury, they're a necessity.

>> No.9093149

If glasses anons can afford a lolita wardrobe, they can choose to buy fewer dresses and invest in some glasses. Someone is ~always~ going to say something if the glasses don't look good with the coord. Other option: remove glasses for coord post photos. This is pretty much a dead horse though because we all know that glasses-chans will fuss if anyone mentions the glasses in a coord and we know that there will be some people who think non-matching glasses in the coord ruins it and neither are going to change their mind.

>> No.9093163

I'm sick of her promoting herself on the MLD page. I'm here to preorder dresses without having to make an entire TB order, not kiss your ass because you reply to some emails occasionally. You're in the way of my new releases.

>> No.9093174
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 1446704553514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

._. noo......

>> No.9093176

thats a dude

>> No.9093197

What is MLD?

>> No.9093202

My-lolita-dress , a taobao reseller that jacks prices way up for people who don't want to use taobaodirect. I don't know what anon is talking about as far as emails, though

>> No.9093397

After years of browsing 4chan, i still have issues to understand this refusal on some boards to provide information that isn't available anywhere (not like there was a pastebin in the OP, or a sticky like in /ic/ for instance).
I understand that no one wants a thread to be flooded by newfags asking for information, but
1) it's not the case
2) if the information isn't available anywhere, you can't blame them for asking

>> No.9093417

She's the English helper for the site I believe. Which is strange since Linda of MLD is fluent in English.

>> No.9093453

when i first came here if i didnt know something i lurked or checked the archives

no excuse

>> No.9093531

can we get a new dump to talk about ?

>> No.9093587

Start posting photos, genius.

>> No.9093680

Not that anon, but not everyone has Facebook or is in the group.

>> No.9093743
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Incoming dump

>> No.9093746
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>> No.9093748
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>> No.9093750
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>> No.9093751
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>> No.9093753
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>> No.9093754
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>> No.9093764

I like this a lot but the shoes look totally off.

I'm so over the scepters. It's ridiculous now.

>> No.9093783

Honestly I want this dress in every color.

I still like some scepters but this is just a dowel wrapped in ribbon.

>> No.9093854

what's the name of that jsk?

>> No.9093859

>Literally matching set with all black undergarments

Sometimes I see coords with so little going on I wonder how they can even be considered a coordinate. Coordinate implies effort, theme, and styling. Just wearing the jsk and headbow with a plain blouse, tights, and shoes is hardly coordination.

>> No.9093881

Elodie Doll by Mary Magdalene.

>> No.9094054

I really like her colour scheme. I wish her shoes matched her wig and she had white OTKs, but that colour would be really hard to match

>> No.9094064


Scepters only make sense with certain types of prints. This coord? No it doesn't make any sense and she's just doing the Popular Thing.

something like AP's Magic Princess? that print had scepters on the fucking dress. that's when you use one. otherwise it looks like a cheap prop you took from your niece.

I blame Cadney for this trend when DDC was happening haha

>> No.9094070
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>> No.9094101

I was just coming to post this abomination. Why did she ever think this was cute?

>> No.9094102

It looks fine. Not everything has to be OTT

>> No.9094105

How new are you?

>> No.9094106

>get mad when people can't match
>get mad when people wear sets
>get mad

>> No.9094107


>> No.9094115

My glasses cost me 650 usd. I'm legally blind without them. If people think they're ugly... well, that's their problem to have.

>> No.9094120

Can't fix ayylmao chink face.

>> No.9094124

is it just me or is her petti a bit oddly shaped? I like the coord though, This is one I'm ok with not wearing a blouse

>> No.9094136

This is really ugly overall.
I like steampunk.
I like lolita.
I don't combine them into mashups.
On the fence about a few h.Naoto STEAM pieces that I like but as steapunk, not lolita.

>> No.9094138

If they don't match your coords then don't cry if they get concrit as such though, right?

>> No.9094150

Too many different style elements going on here just makes everything look cheap and like a costume. The bonnet frame is bent. I prefer scepters with crowns or tiaras.

>> No.9094270

>classic jsk coorded sweet af

Why didn't she just wear a Baby JSK? This is so jarring.

>> No.9094273

Do you not consider lolita a fashion?

>> No.9094275

Not them but usually when I look at people who have glasses, I just automatically see the glasses as part of their face so it never occurs to me if that part of their face matches anything they're wearing. And this applies to everyone, not just lolitas.

Like it's not an accessory unless they don't actually need the glasses and are wearing frames that stick out like a sore thumb.

The girl in question is wearing such normal fag glasses, dude. And her outfit is normie as fuck.

>> No.9094303

This was indeed in the last thread. I posted it. You are so beyond butthurt it's kind of funny.

>> No.9094312

we just mentioned that there may not be "kawaii lolita glasses" available to our prescription.
>your poorfag argument is weak

>> No.9094318

Why would you ever assume when someones asking concrit on their coord that they wanted your opinion on their glasses? Would you complain about someones cane, or a prosthesis? Theyre for function first, fashion second you nut

>> No.9094365

>implying /cgl/ wouldn't criticize someone's cane for not being kawaii enough or not matching the coord

But I agree on your point for glasses, unless they're hideous to begin with, there's no need to fuss about someone's frames not matching.

>> No.9094395

Like i might complain about coloured frames but thats because someone went out of their way to get frames that will only match like one coordinate. get neutral shit at least

>> No.9094402

But is it really so difficult to take them off for just a second while they take your photo? Like, really so difficult?

>> No.9094403


This so much. I mean, maybe some of these anons aren't blind without their glasses, but glasses are NOT an accessory. They're on par with mobility aides as far as I'm concerned. If you have a low prescription and your glasses don't cost $500, then sure, get a second pair. But again, if we set aside the issue of cost, it's like >>9094312 says, cute glasses may not be an option in someone's prescription.

Case in point, I wanted half rim glasses so bad and my doctor told me first thing that I couldn't get them because my prescription is too high and that style cannot support my lenses. I happen to like my glasses and don't feel like myself if I'm not wearing them. If literally the only think you can nitpick in a coord is the glasses, you should stop nitpicking. And if there are other things beyond the glasses to nitpick, then it just means that person should work on their coord.

>> No.9094409

Tell that to Luxottica.

>> No.9094425

>coorded sweet af


It's really not.

I just don't like the color balance, the black threw it off really badly.

>> No.9094429

it is when your eyes start watering and your makeup is compromised

>> No.9094432

I love this. Good simple coord and frankly, I really dig the addition of the black. Sweets are so stuck in matchy matchy coords.

>> No.9094438
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>complaining about a coord matching

>> No.9094450

Can I get a source on that dress? I don't have a fb.

>> No.9094481

Because people give critique for the look overall, head to toe. If I needed a cane with Lolita on a permanent basis, you bet your bloomers I'd get a swirly unicorn horn design with a beautiful top that was still safe and functional.
A wheelchair? I'd cover that shit with a pretty cover for photo time, I'm sure my friends would be glad to help me snap on a pretty cover.
Not for anon, or concrit. I'd do it for ME.
I am lucky enough to tolerate wearing contacts but have had bifocal vision for a very long time so I explained the situation to my eye doc. He's not a dick so he fitte my lenses for distance so I can wear pretty circle lenses, then measured the bifocal gap so I can also wear a pair of cute glasses (half-lenses) for seeing up close with a shift of my head. So yeah, I practice what I preach. The extra $$ to get these? From my fashion fund. Expensive designer fashion frames? Ditto.

>> No.9094486

Agreed, it's beautiful and I need an ID
better plain and simple than a hot mess

>> No.9094494
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Also: those shoes are terrible and should never be used in lolita
it's not the color, it's the shape

>> No.9094582


I am actually so blind without them that I would not be able to see the phone itself let alone the camera.


I wear multiple styles. Having a pair of glasses that flatters my face no matter the style is a much more practical solution than having several pairs to suit each style. I still think that if a glasses anon gets a timeless style of frames it shouldn't matter if they're 100% lolita or not.

>> No.9094589

I wear glasses, genius. They are still a part of my appearance, this is like blasting someone for mentioning hair in concrit because its not technically part of the outfit.

>> No.9094649

A timeless style that suits their face is not usually commented badly. It's mostly some very clunky stand-out type of glasses that gets the negative commenting.
Then they reply 'muh prescription'.
And there is no end ever.

>> No.9094830

hair can be changed at a moments notice with minimal effort? glasses cant, therefore are much harder to be 'trendy' or fashionable?
>do your glasses help you see the obvious

>> No.9094905

Am I the only one questioning if she really put a Levi Nendoroid as decoden on her phone case?

>> No.9094915
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You're not, anon.

>> No.9094931

How the hell does she fit that into a bag. Lolita bags are ridic tiny as it is

>> No.9094953

I am opposite, styling my hair or getting wig cap, wig, pins etc takes much longer than popping on different glasses or even changing contact lenses.
>different people "see" differently, yours is not the only single true opinion.

>> No.9094976

ah i recognize those ali express shoes, they cost about 25 euros

i love those clock themed bags

Victorian inspired lolita is based as fuck.

>> No.9094981

My eyes instantly cross when I take my glasses off, I can hold my eyes uncrossed for a few seconds but it makes me look really stupid like I'm pulling a weird face.
So if it's a choice between cross eyed, creepy bug eyed or glasses I choose glasses.

I do try to match glasses to the outfit or the other way around, which is actually why I wear a lot of otome or goth lolita. Can't be matched all the time though so I do have some understanding for not having perfectly coord glasses for every outfit!

>> No.9095243

Heres a pro tip for poorfags who wear glasses - just take them off for five seconds.

Position yourself in the photo so that one eye is covered. Turn 45 degrees in front of the camera and move your face out of the way.

I'm blind as hell and end up taking my glasses off for photos. My eyes may water for a second but what kind of cheap makeup are you wearing that it'll supposedly get ruined, >>9094429 ? Get better makeup while youre at it.

>> No.9095244

Move one eye*

I cant English today

>> No.9095338

Top kek. Underrated Tommy Wiseau comparison.

>> No.9096005

How fucking new are you?

>> No.9096018

The headdress, bag, and shoes are pretty sweet-leaning while the JSK and blouse are about as classic as classic gets. Stylistically speaking it's pretty jarring. Also black RHS don't really look good with anything that's not old school.

>> No.9096022

Adding to this, you can actually practice your camera face - I have a lazy eye once I take off my glasses, but if I focus my eyes in a certain way (like modified convergence exercises) rather than looking stoned and unfocused I look relatively normal. Had to practice that with my glasses on initially and then with them off/using my phone camera quite a bit though.

>> No.9096304
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This is like a messy shitty ripoff of the other girl's gold tears makeup.

>> No.9096351
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I like this outfit but I don't think it's Lolita or should have been posted to CoF.

>> No.9096432

>What is punk lolita?

>> No.9096457

Um no.

>> No.9096459

> What is summer?

>> No.9096475

what is summer?

>> No.9096586

>not knowing summer

>> No.9096597
File: 113 KB, 720x960, 13592713_1048617638507419_5700398767886992131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the Elsa veil?

>> No.9096600

Why an open parasol inside?

>> No.9096612


These are terrible

>> No.9096613

Can you imagine dragging that thing around behind you through a mall though? gross

>> No.9096618

Isn't this at an anime convention?

>> No.9096710
File: 266 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this hat but it just doesn't work with this dress.

>> No.9096727

if it was blue or white then yes. Pink feels out of place

>> No.9096735

Before I opened the image I was sure it was some kind of ero-lolita vinyl dress. The print photographs terribly.

>> No.9096765

I have that JSK and yeah, it's difficult to photograph the print really well.

>> No.9096772

I don't recognize the person, but I recognize the place. It's the Hyatt for Anime Midwest.

In a weird way, I'm more bothered by this than the choice of make up and accessories.

I feel like the train would be fine if it was hemmed to meet the skirt length instead of dragging like that, or if the skirt length was as long as the train. It's kind of off.

>> No.9096775

ok, I chuckled a bit. Thick eye brows are fine. It sometimes frame the face better and make people look younger, but I think it would help a lot to tidy them up a bit, too, otherwise cute and simple that could use a fuller petticoat. Maybe work on the pose too.

>> No.9096782


>> No.9096797

Oh we got the reference, sure.
But as people so often tell the girl even on FB, 'no one cares'.
She's a try-hard and a suck-up and people just wish she would shut up and go away. Does she even attend her local comm? I feel for them if so.
Very snowflake in attitude but little to make her special at all, and it's a really bad combination.

When quite a few people can just sense how shit her personality is in even casually posting in a public group online, yeah, nah.

>> No.9096801
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A busy print is one with a lot of details and contrasting colors, usually repeated all over the dress. A busy print isn't a bad thing at all, you just have to be aware of it.

If the print has lots of details, but is in colors that blend together, from far away the details fade into a cohesive look. If the print has lots of details in contrasting colors, but isn't all over the dress and is confined to the bottom of the skirt, it doesn't read as too busy because of all the "blank" space the dress has.

See pic related for what I consider a busy print. It's a nice dress, with large images instead of finicky tiny ones like a lot of quilting cottons have, and I picked the least busy color combo it came in, but it's still busy.

>> No.9096811

This is a real mess of a bunch of differently themed things stuck together. Trying for OTT? Refine the details. Use a veil that is in scale, an elegant bag, more fancy style of wrist cuffs a more frilly parasol and add underskirt to help this bad proportion.
I'm irked of this 'everything but the kitchen sink' OTT attempts.
Looks like a Lolita Katamari.

>> No.9096814

I wasn't aware. The question remains the same even if the venue changes.

>> No.9097718
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>> No.9097722
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Something feels a little bit off about this one but I can't quite put my finger on what, it feels a bit plain perhaps?


>> No.9097725
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>> No.9097727
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>> No.9097729
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>> No.9097732


>she doesn't look like a car crash
I see it Anon

>> No.9097736

The hair clashes horribly with this, she should have worn a wig.

>> No.9097771

Why is the entire top half covered by the book? She should have posted a better pic of the coord.

>> No.9097907

Man hands, awkward post, stark lighting.
I wish the hands/book thing was done differently.
I like it though, overall.

>> No.9097934

this would have looked a lot better if she covered up those fat legs. the ankle socks are not flattering her in the least.

>> No.9097953
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>> No.9097955

Love her forever.

>> No.9097956

I wish AP had made the tights to this set different, not just the exact same pattern as the dress.

>> No.9097957

I don't know what it is about this but it just doesn't work for me.

>> No.9097958

Why is she using the entire book to cover the top half of her body? What is she hiding? It just looks so strange

>> No.9097960

the shoes have to stop

>> No.9097961

This is cute but I really dislike her makeup/eyebrows
I think its's too harsh and mature

>> No.9097963

This is awful, why would you want to copy that wtf

>> No.9097967

She just has very mature features. The lipstick could be more neutral but there isn't much she can do about the more severe planes of her face.

>> No.9097969

her last coords posted here had different shoes

>> No.9097970

I can't decide if I dislike Dreamy Planetarium or if I just dislike the one way everyone coords this dress?

>> No.9097971

Maybe needs more red on the blouse to tie it together?

>> No.9097973

oh man, i love the concept of this but

I think you're right, it could use a little something else. Maybe a red bow on the blouse instead of white, some wristwear, something. I also feel it's a bit disjointed? There isn't anything really holding the pieces together, aside from the Cardcaptor theme.

>> No.9097974

This is so cute I don't know why everyone is being so mean??

>> No.9097975

I think it needs to be dressed up a bit, it looks very simple almost otome

>> No.9097980

I absolutely love this, as punk lolita. I just don't really like her hair, but that's more the style than anything else. It reminds me of the wannabe emo girls in middle school with their weird greasy bangs (hers aren't, it just reminds me of that.)

I do really like the outfit though. I would probably wear different shoes, but it's fine as-is.

>> No.9097988

Surely not this

>> No.9098044

I don't like pointy shoes either but I'm so sick of hearing this.

>> No.9098047

How would you coord it?

>> No.9098054

No, it doesn't, lolita doesn't always have to be "dressed up" and OTT.

>> No.9098060

>thumbnail- why an ivory parasol with a bxw coord
>opens thumbnail
>looks at top part, thinks that's sad and she could lose a few pounds and look ok
>scrolls down
>projectile vomiting.jpg

Not sure any legwear could help this girl. maybe pants like those muzzie lolitas wear

>> No.9098062

it's those fucking shoes she wears with everything

jfc buy actual sweet shoes, those are barely ok for sweet-classic, also, why is she wearing a blue cardigan with nothing else blue? weird colorblocking

>> No.9098064

Maybe a solid colored tights, definitely something that isn't the exact same color as the dress. Most people who wear the JSK and matching tights just look like a a watercolor blob

>> No.9098066

I feel like you should at least wear a couple accessories? She just looks so plain and sad.

>> No.9098080

She's definitely a female.

>> No.9098081

The dress is sort of 50s diner themed so I think they work in this case. But like the other anon said her other outfits in the last thread had different shoes.

>> No.9098084

I agree with >>9097973 about maybe having a red bow; the gold in her hair and the yellow in the backpack also clash.
And even though brown is an acceptable shoe color in this case I would have gone with a warmer brown to balance out the brighter red/yellow.

>> No.9098085

Also the pink star ring goes with nothing
>Sage for double posting

>> No.9098089

this is decent punk lolita, just needs better haur and a less normie looking belt. not ita, but plenty of room to improve.

>> No.9098149

why did she color out something on her purse..?

>> No.9098151

I didn't even notice that. Replica logo?

>> No.9098162

Because we're naturally mean to fatties who wear ankle socks on their shapeless ham legs, Anon.

>> No.9098185

It's aspie Claire!

>> No.9098188

Why does everyone have such a huge hate-boner for this girl? It can't just be the shoes.

>> No.9098193

Probably just jealous because she's popular. I haven't heard of any bad things she's done.

>> No.9098196

I think it's just one person that really hates those shoes

>> No.9098267

Oh and you are the pinnacle of fitness I suppose?

>> No.9098362 [DELETED] 

She's a stuck up bitch irl. And very conceded. If you aren't a brand whore she looks down on you.

>> No.9098492

last post she was getting shit for not wearing brand shoes

>> No.9098599

I bet you're a joy to be around.

>> No.9098621

It is. They have the same exact comment to make every time. And then I always make the "I don't like pointy shoes either but please shut up", like clearly this girl isn't going to wear anything else, no matter how much you fucking beg, stranger on the internet.

>> No.9098624

I tried those fucking star gradient tights with mine and it looks awful so I just went with the ones that came with it. Misty Sky OTKs look good with it from what I've seen.

>> No.9098625

I remember that probably about a year ago she had made a post on RC or so needing some advice about moving else where because her comm had banned her for reasons. She would tell everyone that PMd her and I sure as hell couldn't give enough of a shit to ask

>> No.9098665

I think she just mixes her interest in modcloth style and Lolita style into one and it just doesn't work. Lolita isn't western vintage. it's from harajuku.

>> No.9098667
File: 104 KB, 750x619, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the first thing I saw when I opened Facebook.

>> No.9099009

she does outfits that are all lolita but they don't get much attention here

>> No.9099667

I love this coord honestly. Just needs a wig. the glasses look kinda cute withthis because the pink blends well with the rest of the coord. only bad thing about this is she needs a wig and to replace her headwear

>> No.9099676

shoes look too big for her feet

>> No.9099677

I love this so much

>> No.9099680

>nothing else blue

did you look at the print or..?