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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 680x400, Anime-Expo-Header-001-20150531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9084654 No.9084654 [Reply] [Original]

How's your con going?What do you like and hate about this year?

Last meetup tonight at 9pm outside the west entrance?

>> No.9084662

Badge pickup was hell. And like last year, the smell of body odor is ridiculous.
Oh and the majority of the volunteers can choke on a dick. Power hungry fucks.

>> No.9084692

Artist alley is really over stimulating. There's so much to look at at once it's exhausting.

>> No.9084749

What the hell just happened in little Tokyo? They rushed us in to a store, said there were tons of cops with rifles and search helicopters, then said it was all a fluke but 20 minutes still tons of cops and air search?

>> No.9084757

Shooter maybe?

>> No.9084758
File: 217 KB, 708x520, 1445217465120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay was completed and got lots of attention for the attention whore in me
>Weather wasn't too bad
>Exhibit hall had just a bit more room with AA moved below

>Not a lot of panels caught my attention this year like previous years
>Exhibit hall full of stuff I don't want or stuff that's cheaper online
>AA still full of tumblr styled art
>AA was cramped, hot, and smelled like death
>Some guy with a pacifier in his underwear and his gut hanging out from the bottom of his shirt practically wanted to hug me. I'm a guy btw.
>Wasn't able to make it to any of the meetups
>No /cgl/ gril bullied me

>> No.9084762

10 bucks says it was some cosplayer with a toy gun got the cops called on them by someone unaware of what's going on at the convention center

>> No.9084771

Reddit is reporting an alleged stabbing or gun woelding dumbass

But i dont know

>> No.9084781
File: 105 KB, 780x488, theuprising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the start of the fire.

>> No.9084782

you didn't bring your ID, did ya.

>> No.9084817 [DELETED] 

Linecon is hell

>> No.9084819

Something to do with a group of people with samurai swords. Overheard a policeman there

>> No.9084820
File: 245 KB, 800x424, TrumpEagle-Thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to the meet up today and I'll bully you

>> No.9084827

>ugly asian girls with white bf

>> No.9084828

All I need is Kotaro Uchikoshi's dam autograph and I'll be set for a great AX.

Question is how early should I line up?
My odds aren't looking very good considering I have to be out to LAX by 2:30

>> No.9084830

Wait would everyone like 8 or 9 for the meetup?

>> No.9084832


I'm white, I'll be your bf. How do you wanna meet?

>> No.9084835

I'm not even going to bother to show up until alky is confirmed.

>> No.9084837

I'm already gone, bby. Next time.

>> No.9084839

Do you have a 6 pack?

>> No.9084840

I guess it was nothin personnel.

>> No.9084843

I have a keg.

>> No.9084844


I used to, but now I'm of average build.

>> No.9084889





>> No.9084918

Can't wait to see reported interviewing cosplayers on the evening news.

>> No.9084920

i got cucked by AX

worst con

>> No.9084925

To Posterkun, I'm in line for CWF right now. STILL in Orange jumpsuit. You're the real MVP

>> No.9084929

>lines everywhere
>AA too fucking hot and no ventilation
>Saw cute Dota2 cosplayer, but forgot to say least chat her up and get her steam ID because I was in a rush.
>Never see her again

Mang, this Con sucks this year

>> No.9084933

Okay got the full story on the little tokyo incident, apparently a guy bought a samurai swords and slashed up someone and started attacking people.

I did recall a body being taken away by ambulance while waiting for the AX shuttle nearby.

Person was mentally ill

>> No.9084934

O damn got photos of her
I'm into dota 2 too

>> No.9084941

>tfw hungry as fuck and all alone and sad

My bf gets out of his panel in about 20 minutes, but damn, it's getting to me today.

I just realized I didn't take my meds today. Shit.

>> No.9084960

How do you not know who senor pink is, you huge fucking retard? He's a one piece character.



The general atmosphere.
The gaming center being a thing in general.

Badge pick up feeling like some death row police shit.
Artist alley feeling way too small because of the tabletop gaming taking up way too much space.
People not knowing what deodorant is, but that's a general cosplay thing.
Lines for everything and stupidly cramped spaces.

>> No.9084962

anyone get any good commissions??? I want me and my husbando. the one I got turned out like shit

>> No.9084964

Oh yeah, and food being expensive as fuck with no cheap fast food or anything nearby.

That's bullshit. So glad I brought like 30 packs of ramen for 5 bucks.

>> No.9084965
File: 232 KB, 2048x1536, 13580628_10209437528358831_6604328980508005325_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just won this at the A-1 pictures panel. anyone know what is in my possession?

>> No.9084966

Hey /cgl, is this true?


>> No.9084967
File: 64 KB, 600x466, got beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9084968

It wasn't a shooter. It was a slasher wielding a japanese sword known as a Katana, the strongest, most beautiful swords in the world due to superior Japanese swordsmith techniques.

>> No.9084970

how many times is it folded? what can it cut through?

>> No.9084971

See, from the guy side, it's:
>tfw have to be a 10/10 to get a 6/10 in the con scene

>> No.9084973

aren't most japanese swords sold made in china nowadays?

>> No.9084975
File: 30 KB, 1121x165, little tokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you weebs was this?


>> No.9084976


>> No.9084981

The saddest thing is that this actually works.

>> No.9084987

I'll be trying to arrive outside westhall close to 8:30 depening on shuttle

got the stroh

>> No.9084999

LACC is the most bullshit convention center of all time.


Narrow choke point hallways, ghetto as shit neighborhood, nothing good to eat within walking distance, nestled inside of LA, hotels not attached to Con center, terrible for cosplay spots, ect.

I have pretty much not enjoyed my time at any convention at LACC.

I miss when AX went back and forth between LBCC and ACC (but they got booted from LBCC for all time already).

I wouldn't even mind SDCC over LACC....fuck even move it to Norcal and it'd still be better.

>> No.9085000

I guess this is what getting cucked feels like

>> No.9085005
File: 1.16 MB, 5312x2988, 20160701_201102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay.

>> No.9085022

Parking was also fucking hell, and all this one way street shit and no protected turns had me clawing my face off.

>> No.9085024

I agree about the con center being shit, especially for cosplay spots, but there's plenty of food around unless you're trying to go super cheap.

>> No.9085025

How cringe were the meets?

>> No.9085028


Basil Pizza was alright and next door to Staples Center

But yea for any decent cheap meals I had to go about 6 blocks.

>> No.9085032

There's literally nothing around for less than 6 dollars. Unless you want to walk a huge distance.

>> No.9085037


>> No.9085039

Dont go to little tokyo, there is a shooter there


>> No.9085042

Super wrong.

>> No.9085044


not a shooter, my bad. Someone dangerous though

>> No.9085048

>stopped badge pickup at 11pm in day 0 and had to wait at 5 am the next day because fuck waiting in line standing
>met a lot of retarded volunteers
>got sick so missed Saturday up to right now
>haven't went to AA yet
>missed late night comedy show b/c sick

>> No.9085050

>some of you are alright, don't go to Little Tokyo tomorrow.

>> No.9085051

little trouble in little tokyo

>> No.9085052
File: 30 KB, 243x483, shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newly released photo of the suspected shooter

>> No.9085057


>> No.9085060

I'm really sick too. Life is suffering anon

>> No.9085066
File: 156 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nybxgfB04n1rbx1zao1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be a meetup at the westin again tonight?

>> No.9085069
File: 54 KB, 840x630, calgary-police-cst-rick-toth-chats-with-anime-characters-dur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to an American con
>get shot

Should of went to the superior convention in CALGARY CANADA.

OTAFEST 2016!!!

>> No.9085075

Please don't, last night it was so loud (comin from someone on the 15th floor) and went on til 4 in the morning until the hotel employees had to force everyone out. IF try do it again to night hopefully they'll have the decency to end it at a resonable time

>> No.9085079

The LACC has been in renovation limbo for a while now. I really wish they'd get on with it. The place hasn't changed for probably as long as I've been alive.

>> No.9085082

>Unless you want to walk a huge distance.
Just hop on a train, you nerd.

>> No.9085085
File: 1.51 MB, 250x250, 1454919781273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw a Noriko cosplayer today
>Was in the middle of having pictures taken and couldn't get to her
>Never saw her again

>> No.9085089

I was just outside of west hall and saw no meetup, did anyone show up?

>> No.9085090

theres nothing else to do today fuck

>> No.9085092
File: 508 KB, 711x720, 1461725831941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but does anyone have any pictures of the kumiko cosplayer in this outfit from the ponycanyon booth?

>> No.9085094

Missed it.

>> No.9085095

Just got done with dinner. Anything going on?

>> No.9085100

We were there at 9

>> No.9085102
File: 1.38 MB, 5312x2988, 20160703_211902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get in Cosplay Wrestling Federation

>> No.9085106

Anaheim was best with best parking situation

>> No.9085109

im standing under one of the lights here in a purple hoodie

fuck there being 2 threads

>> No.9085110

I'll come say hi!

>> No.9085111

Is ponycanyons booth small as shit and inconspicuous, as usual

>> No.9085112

I literally just got back to my hotel because no one was there
I could come back out

>> No.9085113

shoulda read the other thread too

I blame whoever thinks we need a thread that's "bumped"

>> No.9085114

Im walking up right mow in the shorts.... Come say hi, cant distinguish you, i see multiple dark hoodies

>> No.9085117

if you guys are going to be there for another 10-15 minutes, I'll head back there

>> No.9085118

it was alright, there was a sign up in the air so you could find it.
gave out some posters and postcards if you bought their jewish collectors editions, 160$ dollars down the drain there.
they hired some girls to dress up as characters and the one im looking for, kumiko in the marching outfit, was pretty god damn cute and I regret not asking for a photo

>> No.9085123

Yeah, i'll wait up

I have the big green General Mao/red star back pack on

>> No.9085124

Sounds much improved, thanks
The one year i skip it they finally sell shit

>> No.9085125

They really need some volunteers to direct traffic in the halls and split it into directional lanes. Too many people loitering and taking photos, it takes forever to get anywhere through a sea of people moving around randomly.

>> No.9085127

I'm on my way to the meeting; walking now

>> No.9085130

We're here near the lamp

>> No.9085137

>They really need some volunteers to direct traffic in the halls and split it into directional lanes
People should know how to do that on their own.

>> No.9085138

Heading over for the second time

>> No.9085149

Waiting in line at the fakku party, never been to one of these at AX what's it like seagulls?

>> No.9085150
File: 510 KB, 711x695, crossange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get a photo of the Ange and Salia cosplayers yesterday? I saw them in the dealers hall but I wasn't able to get a picture because of the crowds and they were walking fast.

>> No.9085151


>Go to AA
>About 4ft wide walkways between stalls
>Group of asian girls blocking the entire aisle near the entrance
>Crowd behind us is pushing forward
>Ask them to please move a bit
>They ignore me
>My niece tries to walk past them
>They push her back
>Mfw I rammed 3 Asian girls into a concrete pillar and skittled away near some random dude in a jesus zoidberg outfit

Real talk I was expecting security at any moment to escort me out

But goddamn some people are just inconsiderate as fuck, I mean goddamn AA was just packed

Had to do the same thing on the walkway connecting west and south hall. These are high traffic areas

Why the fuck are you hanging out in a huge pile with your friends in the middle of this shit.

Biggest issue I saw was besides overcrowding, was no place for people to just sit down, I mean I get it its a fire hazard, but i'd rather people be on the sidelines than block an entire pathway

>> No.9085155

as someone that wanted to go since i had a shit time at Fanime, how was Anime Expo? i havent been there since 2003

>> No.9085163

People should also know to shower every day, but this is Anime Expo we're talking about.

>> No.9085165

Hey I can't see anyone, where is everyone? Hello?

>> No.9085168

AX2006 was the last time it was any fun.

AX2007 is the year AX truly died, but went out with a bang.

AX2008 was a corpse, but the maggots were still writhing inside making it seem alive.

AX2009-Present is not the AX we once knew. It wears it's skin, but it's not the real AX on the inside.

>> No.9085170

We're out near the entrance, sitting in a circle; pizza box in the middle

>> No.9085176


Well I didn't really smell shit cept some really powerful, cheap cologne and herbal shampoo.

I mean i'm a big dude, and I was wearing roll on deodorant, gel deodorant, and spray on stuff

It wasn't until some bigger dude had me shoved face first into his back fat that I really picked up on the smell of B/O

Like the whole weekend i'v been wondering if the whole B/O thing is something that's overstated or if i'm surrounded by people who've never been to a gym or worked physical labor with other people/

>> No.9085177

I'll honestly say the last time I had fun was 2011. They put in a fuck ton of effort for Mikunopolis, and even if I wasn't a fan, it seemed to liven up the con that year a ton. Other things suffered, but fuck it.

>> No.9085178

I'm here by the mailbox, Dave

>> No.9085179

i wish my family took me, i was in middle school in 2006 shit sucks

>> No.9085180

5 years in a row now that i have not attended AX.

Went from 2008-11.

Sure sounds and looks like i'm not missing much.

I only wonder of the attention whores from the years i attended have grown the fuck up yet.

>> No.9085183

You being a hamplanet on your own probably immunes you to others atmospheres

>> No.9085185

What cunts.

>> No.9085188

anyone else looking for the meetup?

>> No.9085189

Any of you at westhall, everyone already left?

>> No.9085190

No. We at it. 6 current. Purple bubble bobble under a light.

>> No.9085191

>tfw I want to go to a meetup but I have 3 memeing girls who wont leave me alone following me everywhere

I'll save you guys the trouble...

>> No.9085193

Still out there hanging out with a pizza box and a purple guy

>> No.9085196

Can you post a pic? I might be able to do something for you depending on the style you want.

>> No.9085198


Well a theory i'v also had is it could be only manlets are complaining about the smells because they're at asscrack level

Swamp ass and nutsack sweat is powerful strong

I'm at hair level for most AX people cept the occasional 7ft giant, so the worst I have to deal with is smelly burned hair

>> No.9085199

>not bringing the girls along

>> No.9085200

Just go and bring. Or ditchem

>> No.9085201


>> No.9085203

The BO was bad when everyone crowds up just before the exhibit hall opens. I stop going it after Day1.

>> No.9085212

We've got like 10 people now, bring the memers

>> No.9085213
File: 283 KB, 714x574, 1438435518868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was so cute

>> No.9085214

Is the meet up a sasuagefest? I don't what to be the only girl there..

>> No.9085218
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, wiiiide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come in thinking
>"there's no way there would be many nagito I'll cosplay nagito"
>7 nagitos later

>> No.9085219
File: 151 KB, 500x400, 1449960312137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one for the team

>> No.9085221

2 girls. One more may come maybe

>> No.9085227
File: 5 KB, 194x205, 1461695817964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to exhibit hall
>Nothing good
>go to anime jungle in little tokyo today
>get the only fucking copy of Gundam Thunderbolt:December Sky for 60$

>> No.9085229

What the fuck do you expect? 4chan is 99.9% young adult males who jerk it off at home and view all women as pieces of ass. Good luck not getting people's sausages groped on you.

>> No.9085233
File: 31 KB, 250x250, 1374701991779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying from Anime Jungle

I'll search that on Mandarake and i bet i'll find it for $35

>> No.9085234

There's girls

>> No.9085235

2 out of 10?

>> No.9085237

9 or so guys. 2 girls. Last girl didn't show yet so no go on that.

>> No.9085249

Any seagulls at the westin? Im chillin by myself up here.

>> No.9085259

Any parties here?

>> No.9085261

We are at the west hall, where are the rest of the seagulls?

I want to see Trump chan.

We are hanging around a pizza.

>> No.9085262

I'm going to a /lolgen/ party but seagulls are NOT invited

>> No.9085267

We need more girls for the /VG/ gangbang happening. If you wanna meet up come to the jw Marriott and let me know

>> No.9085270

Kickback at the Weston start yet?

>> No.9085274

Anything at doubletree?

>> No.9085276

turns out the situation in little tokyo was manufactured just so that the lapd could shoot or arrest black cosplayers that were there after anime expo.

black cosplayers beaware of your surroundings and dont let the corrupt pigs get to you. saw too much shit happen during this con regarding this shit.

dont get set up


>> No.9085279

I'm guedoing that cute artist girl who was talking with me and her friend by herself outside the hall isn't here.

Either way, you dropped your badge; I dropped it off at lost and found.

>> No.9085280

There's some people but pretty dead. Wont get lively till around 12.

>> No.9085285

Agreed, brother. I was in the south hall and I saw a black Mugen, and an Umbrella Officer pulled him aside and confiscated his (obviously fake) katana.

Stay safe, brothers

>> No.9085286

I was about to walk up to the meeting but they all looked gay.

>> No.9085298

>go to ax
>do everything alone
>go home
its like high school all over again

>> No.9085304

I felt bad because some guy asked beginning of day 2 where to get the passes at with our group, and it almost felt like he wanted to join our group but all of us were too beta to step up. Sry dood

>> No.9085312

Was this at the train station too? That kinda happened to us but the crowd separated us.

>> No.9085313

Is the cirno cosplayer with the sunglasses at the dance a seagull? I kept thinking so but autism kept me from asking

>> No.9085333

I cant even start a conversation lmao

>> No.9085336


It's right on the shikishi m8

>> No.9085339

Does anyone know if you have to pick up a voucher ticket at the ticketing hall for the cowboy bebop jazz experience? They didn't let me on day 2 because they didn't have the vip gifts yet and got an email earlier that they still don't have them but somehow we still need to pick them up by 2pm tomorrow.

What do we have to do? Also does anyone know if the voice actors will do a signing during the jazz event?

>> No.9085345

Brining booze to the Weston pool.

>> No.9085351

Do I need my I'd to buy Fakku shit or can I just flash my wristband?

>> No.9085352

but /cgl/ is 75% female

>> No.9085357

Someone got tackled by sec

>> No.9085361

curious about the signings too, AX mentioned there would be an autograph session on Facebook but never followed up on it

>> No.9085368
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-03 14.17.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a photo of Inafune!

>> No.9085370


On national holidays the following parking restrictions are NOT enforced unless specifically posted:

Time Limit
Parking Meters
No Parking with specified days and times only
No stopping with specified days and times only
Preferential parking districts
Street sweeping*

>> No.9085375

Super convenient to get to LACC by train. Also pretty easy to catch a train or an uber to somewhere with better food choices. You haven't lived until you used mass transit in cosplay.

>> No.9085377

cirno who came with is to starbucks, the picture never sent, mind posting it here?

>> No.9085378

can we just let this gag die already

>> No.9085379

>mass transit in cosplay.
I'll stay dead thanks.

>> No.9085380

whoops, forgot links



>"unless specifically posted"
so read the signs and make sure it doesn't say anything about holidays.

Note: All other restrictions ARE enforced on holidays, including colored curb zones and temporary “no parking” or “no stopping”

>> No.9085381

That is my question as well since there is no mention of an autograph session on the guidebook or official schedule but AX did mention something about there being a signing some time ago.

>> No.9085383



>> No.9085384

No. It's still funny, you're just a fuddy duddy who confuses being a stuck up prick with having refined tastes.

>> No.9085386



>> No.9085397
File: 260 KB, 1440x1440, 1460690248493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha got a free entry from last years badge

>> No.9085399

>go to AX
>Be in group
>Be third wheel because everyone else was already closer
>Still feel alone
>Feel even more alone and now I've missed panels.

Don't believe the party meme.

>> No.9085402
File: 17 KB, 119x196, 1365465931408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can talk to anybody. Everyone there is a fucking weaboo there is no shame in talking about anime shit

>> No.9085408

If you're still here some of us are at the Westin feel free to hang out with us ;_;

>> No.9085410

This was my first anime con and I've gotten over most of my frustrations this time around but here's something:

I wish there was some quality control and/or better organization of the merch stands. Saw a lot of stands where I was like "cool on you guys for coming here but are you guys really selling things that people want?" I'm talking like the like five or six different "mystery box" guys, random-ass t-shirt places selling stuff barely related to anime...

As for my second point, I wish they could have grouped some of the similar stuff closer together. Put all the guys selling waifu sleeves for card games in one spot, put everything vidya in one spot, etc. Had a hell of a time finding a booth I saw saturday, settled for wandering the whole goddamn hall.

>> No.9085411
File: 130 KB, 835x1115, 1439605557248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cosplayer make your kokoro go doki doki?

>> No.9085414
File: 25 KB, 514x576, 1465162076488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. It was my first time at AX and was kind of disappointed with all those guys haggling for mystery boxes and stuff unrelated to anime at all. Also all those funko pops were terrible normie shit.

I thought AX was basically 4chan IRL

>> No.9085416

very cute cardcaptor sakura in school uniform

>> No.9085418

I wish the AA and dealer's hall would be open longer. I feel like within those 8 hours they are open, you can't explore the whole con site, go to panels, still buy merch, look around in the AA, and still find time to eat and be on time for panel lines.

>> No.9085421

Sure senpai. Where at?

I'm at the original pantry atm eating roast beef

>> No.9085422

Woah, what the fuck happened here?!

>> No.9085425

AX SDCC when???

>> No.9085429


>> No.9085430
File: 207 KB, 720x1280, ax-best-in-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reports from Masquerade? How awful was it? Was best in show better then this... thing?

>> No.9085433

>Wanted all guests and staff to get background checks
>Has Fakku as a headlining sponser

So are they trying to be a more family friendly con or not?

>> No.9085435

I think it's just time for me to grab some sleep and go home. But you're concern is appreciated.

>> No.9085438

>just go with tank top, slim jeans, and rucksack into AA

Didn't sweat too much except for underneath my straps, but I'm sure a lot of those cosplayers were fucking baking.

>> No.9085439

I figured the background checks were more for security and safety reason. Can't be having no terrorists selling plushies to people and all.

>> No.9085442
File: 968 KB, 1700x763, Ao.no.Exorcist.full.690874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone go to any Kazue Kato stuff? How was it?

>> No.9085445

That sounds yummy! We're at the Westin pool deck still! I'll be keeping an eye on the thread for the next 30 minutes if you still want to come hangout a little!

>> No.9085448

Ah I just saw this no sweat I understand!

>> No.9085449

I'm sorry my ride wants to go home.

Sorry I can't hangout

>> No.9085450

Lia performed a
s special guest. Sang clannad and angel beats.

>> No.9085451

Where you guys at? I wanna say hello. Im wearing a pink shirt with blonde hair.

>> No.9085453

At the westin?

>> No.9085455

Yes i have a pink shirt on. Blonde hair.

>> No.9085457

I left the roof area, I went to the food court area because there's light and I can actually see shit.

That, and alcohol is nasty.

>> No.9085459

What about the masquerade itself?

>> No.9085463

I did the rounds and I didn't find anyone. Are you on the pool deck? We're heading to the roof top.

>> No.9085464
File: 48 KB, 599x302, 1467603638012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving Asuka a bad name.
How dare he!!

>> No.9085466
File: 2.46 MB, 4160x2340, 0702162059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still convinced my smoothie has asuka in this picture of it

What does it look like to you

>> No.9085467


>> No.9085468

Im tall as fuck. I should be ez to spot. Btw anybody have booze to share? Me n my friend don't want to walk all the way to ralphs.

>> No.9085469

Booze near the pool, come over if you want some. I have a green light to identify

>> No.9085471

there were some fun crossover skits and 2 undertale groups. I believe the skull kid from the last thread was one of the contestants.

>> No.9085492

It was kind of shitty. There were a couple of groups that were great (an Undertale one (where someone fell on a giant shoe prop) and a Rick and Mortg vs Princess Peach skit) but the rest were pretty much forgettable.

>> No.9085499

Do I need my ID to buy Fakku shit or can I just flash my wristband?

>> No.9085523

yo seagulls where are you at the pool party?

>> No.9085529

Pink shirt blonde hair tall as fuck and cute as fuck. Im drunk though. Looking fit more alcohol.

>> No.9085533

Who's got some hookup stories?

>> No.9085542

Usc dorms 324 staff partsy

>> No.9085544

Westin party got shutdown, made it too late

>> No.9085577
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>> No.9085579
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>> No.9085599

Anything crazy at the party?

>> No.9085635

Fake cop scare and irl shitposting

>> No.9085646 [DELETED] 
File: 511 KB, 3264x1836, 20160701_194936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit

>> No.9085648
File: 511 KB, 3264x1836, 20160701_194936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angels are returning

>> No.9085664

Wasn't this when Maguma was judging?

>> No.9085691

Who /autograph/ here?

>> No.9085698
File: 18 KB, 363x334, 69b86bb2-23cb-4ab7-bb5b-fea6dd811057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this con has been absolute shit for me so far. line was hell, extremely crowded and unorganized, boring panel line up, stressful room check in, and the one thing i was interested in doing (new ace attorney game demo) was way too crowded to even bother and on top of that i think i'm getting sick

>> No.9085733

Still have free buttons for Seagulls !
Table G19 in the AA
Hope you guys all had good con c:

>> No.9085771

I saw a cute shirtless Zabuza cosplayer while at the con. Being the fangirl that I am I wanted to go up to him and asked for a picture but too much crowds made it impossible. Friends then wanted to go somewhere else. Haven't gotten to seeing him again. Fucking sucks. T_T

>> No.9085783

That feel when free parking for a weekend on USC frat row

>> No.9085789
File: 40 KB, 400x250, $_1 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if the good smile booth has pic related for sale this year? I lost the one I bought last year and really want this print :(

>> No.9085796


If you're still around 1:30PM in AA i'll probably be passing by with my niece and her friend.

I apologize ahead of time if she spergs out ahead of time, she's been pretty shy and quiet most of the con, but she's bordering on opening up and being annoying pretty fast.

>> No.9085804
File: 40 KB, 126x126, 1286175357434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lia performed as special guest. Sang clannad and angel beats.
Fuck my life.

Literally, Fuck. My. Life.

You don't invite fucking Lia and don't tell anyone, what the FUCK, AX!

>> No.9085813

Me irl

>> No.9085827
File: 60 KB, 476x687, 1466892361457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having shit taste in anime
He deserved it.

>> No.9085830

i'm not sure, but i think they were exclusive to last years con.

>> No.9085831 [DELETED] 

Same desu, but my friends are on the same level of autism as me so it wasn't too bad. Didn't make any friends at the con tho which sucks.

>> No.9085852
File: 63 KB, 1111x737, tumblr_nrmhuqzAs51qj0q7so1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one if you wanna buy it.
I already have an original so I don't mind selling the 2015 version.

>> No.9085858

Anyone up for one last meet?

>> No.9085864

this was my first AX and i was pretty disappointed. i know it's giant, but its been 3 days and i have only seen a handful of my friends that i usually see at small cons. this con is way to overwhelming for me and i wont be coming back lol. im waiting for yaoi con so i can party and just relax with people. big cons are not for me.

>> No.9085866
File: 1.27 MB, 2304x1296, 20160704_093929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you

>> No.9085868
File: 106 KB, 663x700, 1467642105003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a pleasant surprise. Worth the $10.

>> No.9085870

literally the only cute guy there was the super tall guy in the pink shirt

Everyone else was ugly and short

you seagulls didn't miss out much with not going

>> No.9085875

Anyone ditching the con today? I just want to browse the dealer's hall and artist alley for a couple hours and bail. Not worth $60 to me.

>> No.9085877
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D.vas is the new cosplay meme

>> No.9085881

can agree

the seagull meetup was weak

>> No.9085883

If you are talking about the meet up I think I know which guy you are talking about.

>> No.9085884


I wanted to fuck that tall guy so hard but I kept getting hit on by some creep in the group that I'm not gonna describe. I was taller than half the guys lmao

>> No.9085885


k bai

>> No.9085887

i'm talking about the only passable looking guy

Blonde, tall, a dick (but in a good way). wish we were still in contact

>> No.9085888

>No to meet up at 9pm
>No one there for 20 minutes
I left and came back at 10 and finally saw a meet up around some pizza boxes. I wonder if I somehow missed an earlier one.

>> No.9085890

>that shitty, purchased online suit that everyone is wearing


>> No.9085891

>No picture of Trump Chan and her American eagle bf

>> No.9085896

is this bait. It reads like an /r9k/ post trying to be bitchy

>> No.9085900

The only seagulls I remember at the usual were around a pizza. I don't remember anyone very tall.

>> No.9085901

Unfortunately not. The meetup is 95% short ugly Mexicans.

>> No.9085902

I didn't see any pink shirt guy there. I know there were a lot of Mexicans tho.

>> No.9085907

I'm glad there weren't more girls. I was able to talk to the pink shirt guy more, wish I fucked him.

All in all, besides having to shoo off some of the cringier manlets like Pablo and Carlos, it was an alright meet

>> No.9085910

Anyone else laughing at the women who tried making a girls only meet up?

>> No.9085911
File: 43 KB, 300x480, 1459800953456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally everyone has mtn dew/doritos or is the shitty box variant
Have memes gone too far?

>> No.9085912

Was this meeting by that Pizza box -> rooftop, or anotha one?

>> No.9085916
File: 120 KB, 590x590, 1466045779645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only guys that hit on me this year were short beaners

I see Asian cunts with white bfs all the time. A 5'1 toothpick does not need a 6'3 dude. Likewise, I'm tired of being stuck with 5'6 - 5'9 dudes when I'm 5'7.

Did any of you have better luck?

>> No.9085917


>/cgl/ meet up was 95% Short gay Mexican men
>Los Angeles

And you're surprised why?

>> No.9085918
File: 43 KB, 599x512, tumblr_n93nprVsBe1tqqwoqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are these people having fun?
>Why aren't they going for a 1/1 replica!
>said by the person not even wearing cosplay/wearing a shitty touhou top with jean shorts

>> No.9085919

Yeah pizzabox

>> No.9085921

I'd understand if it was one or two but it's literally everyone

Why am I even complaining, I don't even like OW, or visit AX, or live in the US.

>> No.9085922

God this

Literally no white guys anywhere.

>> No.9085923

I remember that guy but I do remember a tall /fit/ guy. He was pretty cool but had low self esteem despite being 9/10.

>> No.9085924

it was cringe as fuck how the other guys thought they were anything compared to him

>> No.9085926

Are you bad e girl or a dude?
No pink shirt and the only two girls that went are asleep in the same room as me.

>> No.9085928
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1458, 2016-07-02 21.25.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there the first night
I'm the Miku.

>> No.9085930

you the guy with the gf?

meetup was awkward as fuck with all those other guys though

>> No.9085935

I had the blue shirt/dark colored everything else guy that was with the other small white guy/again gf.
E girl?

>> No.9085937

Did anyone see Jnig? What did she wear did she do a promotion for the Sonico game or something?

>> No.9085939

Who is this sexy pink shirt man?

>> No.9085942

>white guys at cgl meetup

I'll believe you if you can post more info about the meetup to show you were there.

Describe how Freeman and Dr. Scientist looked last night.

>> No.9085946

>water everywhere in tabletop area

>> No.9085947
File: 755 KB, 767x720, 1467602366064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me ust throw out a line, fish for some compliments here.

Whoops! Nothing's biting. It seems that my bait is an actual poo nugget, and this isn't a fishing hole, it's hell.

>> No.9085948


>> No.9085951

I'm not a gull. So literally who.

I didn't drink anything but a bit of rumchatta from red shirt guy.
Some other whitey wasn't drinking. We had glasses.
Clover (red head), e girl (map haircolors), purple green bubble bobble guy/ironic mlp sto/gunther(?) With tail.

Green light ups in some dudes head.
Sprinklers turned on and they lied about the police showing up.

Besides 3 girls (e wasn't even a channer) there were only guys.

Lil heh, gay?

>> No.9085954

yeah its all over the floor and staff is trying to clean it up

>> No.9085957
File: 522 KB, 640x960, dungeon_fighter_online9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9085960

Seriously it was depressing

There was one point where a guy was chatting up e and he came in (while dwarfing him by like 12 inches since the guy was a mexican lol) and just stole her from him lmao

Seriously, it sucks that there's so little white guys. Nobody likes mexicans very much. They're also the most annoying race in AX

>> No.9085964
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1439320840272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was her line huge like the year before? I remember the Jnig line was obnoxious, is the hype finally dying after 1 year

>> No.9085967
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-03 18.22.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best D.Va at AX desu famalam

>> No.9085968

The only white guy (so only decent guy) at the meet. Tall, blonde, funny, fit. he pretty much eclipsed all the shorties there

>> No.9085970

was that your cosplay yesterday? you were cute as fuck at the meetup~

>> No.9085971


>the most annoying race in AX

That title belongs to the Jap chicks dude

Bitches will not give a fuck if they block an entire alley unless someone shoves them out of the way.

>> No.9085972

stop writing fanfiction about seagulls, dude

>> No.9085973

What the fuck happened to this thread? Did crossboarders invade? Are people self-posting?

>> No.9085974
File: 1.86 MB, 2560x1440, 2016-07-03 13.25.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was the miku on saturday

I missed the meetup on sunday, but i DID score a pic of mai waifu

>> No.9085975

CGL meetup was retarded, tall pink dude was the only cool guy. Everyone else looked and acted like btards

>> No.9085976

Lol that was me and i was drunk as fuck lol. Sorry if i made an ass out if myself to anyone i talked too.

>> No.9085977

Oh whats up man, I'm the guy next to you. Thanks for posting the pic, you were super chill.

>> No.9085979

Lol are you the short bubble bopple guy oh wait they were all short except pink shirt dude haha

This pretty much. He stole all the attention of the girls

>> No.9085981

Pretty sure he went home with some mad pussy that night

>> No.9085983


Dat bikini body in the background tho


>> No.9085984

Tall pink guy here, I fucking hated all of you.
All the girls were uggos, and none of the guys seemed cool enough to hang out with and just sorta stared at me and mumbled. I don't think I'm going to come to the /cgl/ meetup next year, I'll find another board that's there to hang out with.

PS: You give terrible head. You know who you are

>> No.9085985

Lol its okay you were the only attractive guy there so I didn't care. remember when that little 5'10 guy got mad at you when you cucked him

>> No.9085991

Lmao that dude was so angry when you stole that girl from him imagine what he would have done if he found out she blew you

>> No.9085992
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-03 14.13.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i diddn't even notice that lol holy shit.
There is no way that's female. That's pretty funny lol.

This All Might was great. He was even super friendly just like the real All Might. I don't want to think he was in character, i want to think he was just naturally a great guy.

>> No.9085994

Lol wait i wasn't at the meet. I think there might have been another guy with a pink shirt. I was the one at the westin that was also tall as fuck with blonde hair and and wearing a pink shirt.

>> No.9085997

pretty sure its a guy

>> No.9085998

What the fuck is with these pink shirt guy posts?

>> No.9086000
File: 76 KB, 879x910, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Guy here, sorry only like diapered short stacks

>> No.9086001

This thread is stupid. AX was a lot of fun this year. The Cowboy Bebop voice actor panel will be a fun conclusion to it.

I swear, some people force themselves to not enjoy something.

>> No.9086002
File: 411 KB, 500x503, 1451379381298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee wiz, this AX thread is a blast.

>> No.9086004
File: 1.54 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-02 21.31.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy at the meetup saturday was a bretty nice guy.

Kind of wish i was as good at crossplaying as him.

>> No.9086005

Yeah, I'm not saying that she was the girl that gave the bad neck though, but I'm not going to say that she wasn't.
IDK, I went to a fucking party and now i have male beta orbiters or something it's really depressing.
Seriously though, I'm not going to the meetup next year unless I see pictures ahead of time to make sure it's not some kind of Autism Speaks support group

>> No.9086012

sounds like alot of kinda fugly guys

why didnt the girls ditch the losers?

>> No.9086013
File: 1.63 MB, 2560x1440, 2016-07-02 15.46.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was legit going to do one of these this year, but i ran out of money/shipping time when i came up with the idea.

I love these masks so much because they're creepy as hell, and i can walk/run on all fours pretty fast. Make for some really great in-character creepy cosplay.

>> No.9086014

i saw one guy leave with his gf and another qt girl
i'm guessing they had a good night

>> No.9086017

face pics needed to determine if qt

>> No.9086018

I'm fast n fun my dude.
Talking bout 999 to clover, cuckchan was dating one white guy, e Chan was doing w.e and not always with us

>> No.9086019

Kek I remember when this guy tried to chat up this girl in the meet who mentioned she liked devilman

>O-oh yeah, I like Devilman, too! Have you read Devilman Lady or watched the OVAs

Then pink shirt guy comes in (and he's like 6'5 and the dude is 5'7) and he's like
>lol shut up no one cares

And the girl laughs HAHAHAHAHA. Then he got more drunk and chat her up while the devilman dude sat on the couch for 30 mins then left lmao

What a fucking loser. Pink shirt guy was such a bro and yeah he was more atttactive than me. He was more attractive than everyone, honestly. I'm glad the girls had sex with him he deserves it after buying all that booze

And to top it all off

He fucking hates anime and manga lmao

>> No.9086020

I still can't believe Kazue Kato is trans.

>> No.9086022
File: 114 KB, 1005x795, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture from the meet up last night.

>> No.9086023

so you did get head lmao nice

How many girls did you fuck and steal from betas

>> No.9086024
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1440, 2016-07-01 12.55.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another cosplay i wanted to do was clownpiss, but i don't know how to sew, so i have to wait around for ali-express child slave labor to release a clownpiece outfit.

>> No.9086025

can someone please post pics of the meet yesterday? want to see pics of /cgl/ girls

>> No.9086026

Not completely true, I do lke Elfen Lied
I only stole her, the others I hunted down on my own. I give props to the short guy, he at least tried to talk to girls, the rest I just walked right up to because all the beta uggos were just standing around talking to other guys instead of girls (fucking gay LOL)

>> No.9086029

Pink shirt guy here. Sorry, but I'm not into girls.

>> No.9086030
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-02 21.14.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about more of the saturday meet for that matter?

>> No.9086031

You sound like a faggot bro. As the other tall guy wearing a pink shirt at the westin you are giving me a bad name. I hope nobody thinks i you.

>> No.9086032
File: 1.86 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-03 16.51.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also post pictures you guys!

>> No.9086033

Lmao what a bunch of fucking gay losers. remember you male seagulls you will never fuck a female when pink shirt guy is around. there is nothing you little faggots can do lol. that little manlet was so sad but you could tell the girl forgot about him in a second lmao

>> No.9086034

no YOU sound like a faggot bro. You wanna catch fade? You wanna fucking make out bro? Wanna step up? Kill yourself my dude, you aren't fit to wear a pink shirt. Also stop posting diapers and trying to besmirch my name you homo

>> No.9086036

Can someone post pictures of this pink shirt fag already?

>> No.9086038

Pink shirt guy here, I actually thought mexibro was a qt. I just wanted to get in his pants.

>> No.9086040

Short men should just off themselves, honestly. When people like pink shirt guy are around, they have no hope. The moment when your girl gets attention from a superior male like pink shirt guy, or by anyone taller than you, she will leave you

there is nothing they can do

>> No.9086041
File: 44 KB, 600x450, riff raff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah here I am

>> No.9086043

Pink shirt guy here again

Lmao you better get checked at the doctors. Forgot to tell you. You know who you are LMAO

>> No.9086044
File: 1.68 MB, 2560x1440, 2016-07-02 18.34.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he diddn't exist. It's just one dude salty he diddn't go so he made up a mysterious pussy grabbing antagonist that steals QTs from the lowly humble weebs.

>> No.9086048
File: 162 KB, 423x516, 1446795689957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9086049

>ITT: beta cucks faseflagging pink shirt guy

>> No.9086050


>> No.9086057

I went to the Fri/Sat meetup, and honestly, everyone was fine.

>> No.9086058

I think pink shirt guy is a pretty cool guy, eh gets all the bitches and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.9086062

I been going to the meet ups since 2010. People always exagerrate the situation. They say it's full of autism and creeps every damn time but that's never the case. It's just salty as fuck anons. It's abit awkward but everyone is always cool.

>> No.9086064

manlets when will they learn

>> No.9086065

This. It's sad seeing all these salty /r9kers/ get mad that someone more attractive than them got pussy and they didn't. Protip: no one cares how much anime you like, or how much manga you like when you're a 5'8 shortstack. We get people like him every year, where he fucks every single seagull and all the guys are left rabid. It's hilarious. I wish I was there to mess around with him. It's especially funny to see those quiet dudes on the verge of crying when he's talking to their waifu or making fun of them in front of the girls. Absolute gold. Pink shirt guy is a reminder that even in nerd communities, the alpha beta dichotomy still exists.

You will not win.

>> No.9086067

Fuck you jacket guy was the coolest l. I'm sure jacket guy would win that fight they were talking about senpai.

>> No.9086068

Lol funny thing about this girl

Some guy in the meetup kept hitting on her and pink shirt guy just told him to fuck off and I'm pretty sure they banged

>> No.9086070

First time actually going to a meetup this year. Was really expecting super autism, but nah, everyone minus a few were slightly awkward people just looking to chill.

>> No.9086072

Pink guy needs to raise his standards desu.. I'm sure he will now though.

>> No.9086077
File: 42 KB, 679x427, 1442721713901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seagulls always complain about guys coming to the meetup not into cosplay jfash or anime
>the moment the tall pink shirt guy comes, they all lock eyes with him and every single one of them proceeds to have sex with him by the end of the night, even the married seagull
>he literally admitted to being a crossboarder and alk the girls were still craving his dick

it was watching magic unfold. If you're still here, you're based, pink shirt guy. It's a shame for the dude married to you know who lol

>> No.9086079

Okay, but were the girls cute? I don't know about cgls standards.

>> No.9086080 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 740x740, 1438295578152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only AX thread on the entire website
>it's a bunch of thirsty faggots making shit up
At least discuss the Trigger panel you fucks.

>> No.9086082

>All the shitty Haikyu cosplay
jesus christ. Literally worse than shitty pokemon gijinkas by painfully unfuckable white girls.

>> No.9086084

Ignoring the amounts of butthurt in this thread, anyone here for the last day?

>> No.9086087

But the pink shirt guy really did have sex with most of the seagulls, you butthurt little shortie.

>> No.9086088
File: 2.68 MB, 5312x2988, tmp_23425-20160704_110643-2046565598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /cowboy bebop/ here

>> No.9086090
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-03 20.10.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck in my hotel room with "Stomach issues".

Saw a Hibari last night though!

>> No.9086091

Only me.

>> No.9086092

ffs just post pics of meet up. I need to know if he's real

>> No.9086093

Yes waiting for the cowboy bebop to start then gonna get last minute shopping at the dealers hall since it closes at 3. Should be fun

>> No.9086096

Still looking.
Bumping because of the pink shirt guy shit.

>> No.9086097

Some. The pink shirt guy took them all, tho.

>> No.9086098

Nope. I was there saturday and none were cute. At least to me. There was a thicc chun li cosplayer though that was alright but she was there for a short time and left. Reading this thread though i wish i was there yesterday to see what was this dudes deal.

>> No.9086101

Dude the 2 traps on Saturday were 10/10
>tfw you're to spaghetti to ask for pics

>> No.9086102

It's all a meme, pink shirt guy never happened, it was 6 people who were cool and the party ended up at the Westin, nobody fucked, nobody got cucked but it was a good time.

>> No.9086103


>> No.9086105

But the girl with the bf did blow someone.

>> No.9086106


>> No.9086108


>> No.9086109

Wait wasn't she at the overwatch orgy?Pink shirt guy ran it on Saturday I think.

>> No.9086112

Yeah she got spitroasted by PSG and some 4'11 Junkrat.

>> No.9086116
File: 933 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here fampai

>> No.9086123

>tfw skipping the cowboy bebop voice actor panel

I'm too damn tired and in far too much pain.

>> No.9086125

Mexibro here. I just killed pink shirt guy. Dont mess with me faggots.

>> No.9086141

why does no one cosplay at cgl meets

>> No.9086144

After a long day of being hot, it's nice to cooldown?

>> No.9086148

I'm not wearing my cosplay around drunk spergs

>> No.9086149

>tfw no cute petite grill seagulls
meetups sucked

>> No.9086151


This is me btw. I wasn't at the meet up but i did talk to three different groups of seagulls up on the westin. I hope the people i talked to don't think i was the guy they are talking about here.

>> No.9086155

>wanting to be with a white guy

literally pleb taste

>> No.9086157

this only 6/10s.

>> No.9086158

I remember you, you fuck
Acting like you were so cool, spewing that shit about your diaper fetish and how you wish you could fuck each guy with smooth legs "but only if they wear leggings and call me fat daddy" you fucking sicko

>> No.9086160
File: 43 KB, 500x497, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will ever know what happens at seagull meetups

>> No.9086161

Oh look it's that same pathetic fuck from yesterday talking about diaper fetishes. Stop projecting faggot.

>> No.9086168


>> No.9086171
File: 154 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2016-07-04-11-49-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9086172

What a shitshow. I went every night and had a ton of fun. I went the last year to seagull meetups and had a ton of fun too.

Saturday night party was unbeatable though. mfw d2g tb spamming qt trap

>> No.9086174

These chicks fawning over some tall white fag.
>not realizing that if you're a girl over 5'5 and more than 120lbs you're literally a creature.
This isn't the amazon, you chubbies never stood a chance.

>> No.9086176

You know you can change your iPhone or use a friend's phone

>> No.9086178


>> No.9086182

Were there no black guys at the meetup? I wanted to go but didn't want to be token

>> No.9086184

Like 3 of them on saturday.

>> No.9086186

None on Sunday so you know it was better

>> No.9086210

pink shirt guy was black

>> No.9086212

he was white

>> No.9086219

>Sitting in the front row of the charity auction just to have a front-row seat for the Cowboy Bebop voice actor panel happening afterward

God I hope they don't clear the room.

>> No.9086220

nothing was missed at the meetup on sunday

no weed or booze, just the guys desperate on the single chick

>> No.9086222

people who go to meetups are pretty pathetic.

>> No.9086224

I think I forgot to thank you guys again before I left, but thanks to my VLR peeps for letting me crash on their floor! Hit me up for PAX!

>> No.9086225 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x2000, cgl-ugliest-tripfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ girls

>> No.9086226

black where it counted

>> No.9086228


>> No.9086230


Some guy propositioned me on that roof. You know the convo is gonna be good when the some guy rolls up to you and starts saying how he's not gay

>> No.9086232

Okay which one has a penis?

>> No.9086234

exactly 3

>> No.9086236
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleanup is a bitch

>> No.9086238

Still don't understand how Souviet is mid-tier on this list. They used the most flattering picture she could possibly take.

>> No.9086240

yeah that girl was fucking cringy

>> No.9086242

Fucking lmao

No wonder everyone hates /fit/ on here. They keep getting passed up by them, kek

>> No.9086243

Frankie is cute

>> No.9086245

>Living that empty life.

>> No.9086247

There's no place like home and the only place that feels like home is here

>> No.9086250

If I wasn't a regular blood donor I would have fucked some traps.

But I like the donations and don't want to be banned from blood donations for 10 years (or permanently)

Red Cross hates gay men but lesbians are fine

>> No.9086256
File: 951 KB, 939x735, 1439977801545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many "Free Hugs" signs did you spot this year?

>> No.9086263

Not 1 trump cosplayer dunk tank.

I should have done it somehow, 5 bucks a throw to throw. it even has a catchy name.

>Dump Trump

I could have been a millionaire.

>> No.9086265

None but the signs I did see were
>Notice me senpai
>A big black sign with a lot of doodles and quotes (I added Dong to it)
>Your waifu on a trash can with popular waifus

>> No.9086269

>Notice me senpai
This was everywhere I went. The meme has gone too far.,

>> No.9086275

And this list is horribly outdated by troll Smoker lmao he is so obese too

>> No.9086284

I don't think it's hit people yet that it's over.

>> No.9086311

Ayy no problem, we had fun
Pax will be fun

>> No.9086330

Aww totally missed out on this, did you guys have a friday meetup?

>> No.9086335

waiting at the bushiroad booth for someone to get a nico charm out of the capsule machine lmao

>> No.9086345

Nah, there was a Sunday meetup though. It was pretty fun, could have better though imo. Pink shirt guy was hella swag and charismatic tho, fucking seagull hos couldn't get off that dick

>> No.9086352

my ex fucked pink shirt guy

feels bad man

>> No.9086373

So did you get cucked or not

>> No.9086374


>> No.9086390

kek were you one of the 5'9 chubby Mexican manlets

>> No.9086392

I didn't go

>> No.9086395

he was probably one of those 5'11 manlet spics instead lol

>> No.9086402

Posterkun here, glad I was of help! And thanks for letting me get in line with y'all, made the cut inside for CWF.

>> No.9086413

wtf are you talking about? It was my gf.

>> No.9086431

Maid cafe after dark...
I needed that 70 bar tab and eye bleach after that.

>> No.9086436

Well that's a tad bit creepy but I suppose that's what I get for browsing 4chan in public like a filthy degenerate.
Good thing I don't live in the state.

Hope you had a good AX anon.

>> No.9086438

that bad friendo?

>> No.9086440


>> No.9086451

Not him but if I could take a picture of myself posting this I would

>> No.9086458

It's like they hired the good, attractive genial girls for dancing, which is the group the used for the promos and said 'fuck it' for the ones serving you. One girl looked like Burton's version of The Penguin, looked like the first group in got her, thank God it wasn't us.
Take everything you know and love about the concept of maids and maid cafes and just throw it out the window.
Pretentious, forced, ghettoshit.
I got a better tease out of the girls walking around the con than from this.
Side note, halfway through the butlers all come in and just lurk. Wtf.
They took pictures of the audience, but insisted no one take pictures at all in the room.
One guy from our table left, he was the obly smart one there.

>> No.9086459

>Tfw people wanted to tag me in photos
>Tfw no social media

>> No.9086463
File: 3.21 MB, 4160x2340, 0704161538a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought 1 item at AX

What did you anons buy?

>> No.9086470

wtf pink guy fucked my gf too...what is going on

>> No.9086472

wtf pink guy fucked my mom too...what is going on

>> No.9086479

>pink guy is my bro
I let this happen

>> No.9086484

Manga from Vertical & Digital, non-adult doujin, shirt from fangrrrlz, and a fanzine from AA featuring OC magical girls

>> No.9086485

can you post a pink shirt guy reference sheet? gonna cosplay this motherfucker next year

>> No.9086490


>> No.9086495

when can we expect a dump of images y'all took?

>> No.9086497

After I have a word with bandai staff about how they're huge fuckups

>> No.9086498
File: 2.11 MB, 2448x3264, 20160704_155903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leona Sword and Shield, Monster Hunter Felyne, AX 2016 Mat, and that's it. Modest haul this time.

>> No.9086502


You're ruining the meme

>> No.9086506

But pink shirt guy is so cool and attractive he fucks all the girls!

>> No.9086509

what did they do? The gunpla booth?

>> No.9086512

I'm not a girl most days and he still fucked me

>> No.9086514

Did the balls touch?

>> No.9086516

No just stop. You're gonna go to the meetup of 5 seagulls and have only 1 remember the meme.

>> No.9086518


>> No.9086521

If I pull the pink shirt off, will you die?

>> No.9086523

It would be extremely erotic.

>> No.9086527

They left one of the tekken 7 discs on the table and walked away. Anyone could have e grabbed that unfinished code on that disc

I know what to do with it but I didn't grab it when I had the chance since I was so fucking appalled that they just left something that valuable in the open unsupervised. That disc can sell for a handsome amount

>> No.9086528

Oh wait, did pink shirt guy have a short beard and long wavy/curly hair? I know my friend went to the meet and he's a tall skinny white guy.

Maybe I should've gone, I'm at least a non-manlet decent looking white guy with passable social skills...

>> No.9086535

Don't believe the hype bros. I'm half black half mexican and I did well this con. White guys don't get all the girls.

Oh and I'm only 5'9 too

>> No.9086549

You won't. He was charismatic.

>> No.9086551

Mfw I'm mexican and got 2 numbers. Gonna take one of them to lunch. Just grow balls and talk to the girls. BTW there is no pink shirt guy let them dumb shit die.

>> No.9086555

>mfw I went with my gf but slightly wished I was single.
Grass green and all that. bleh. Its a terrible feeling

>> No.9086571
File: 3.33 MB, 3984x2988, 20160704_195212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday meetup was great. Glad I get to meet some cool people and German bros.

Only 2 daki covers and a wallscroll. I guess I saved money not buying any figures this year.

>> No.9086575


And cool, he fucked me.

>> No.9086582

You're a tall guy

>> No.9086583

Well according to the closing ceremony, AX is going to be 5 days long next year.

>> No.9086584
File: 2.80 MB, 5760x3840, 0J0A6519-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumpan pics

>> No.9086587


>> No.9086588
File: 1.61 MB, 3840x5760, 0J0A6548-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9086589

While you're being Mexican, getting numbers, and paying for some random 4/10 girl's lunch so you can orbit her, pink guy is getting laid with 10s
>manlet success stories with women
maybe they should make a reddit board called manlet masculinity like Asian masculinity

>> No.9086594

You sound like you want to have sex with this "pink guy" anon

>> No.9086617

LOL there are no 10s on this board.
There weren't even any 8s at the meetups

>> No.9086635
File: 80 KB, 533x800, mika hoshima thick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thiiiiiiiiiiiiiick seagulls? Because that's my personal 10 right there. Fat chicks dressed all kawaii like

>> No.9086639

Bubble bobble guy here

Thanks for the fun all even though it sounds like you all thought I was a creep and liked pink guy more

>> No.9086640

didn't pay attention to the chubbies because I'm not a degenerate

>> No.9086648
File: 804 KB, 1598x800, super_girl_by_underbust-d5j2lkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well maybe you didn't, but I'm sure someone did.

>> No.9086680

This thread is a reminder to never go to meet up with you faggots.

>> No.9086687
File: 1.87 MB, 400x209, 1454621285227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like yourself?

>> No.9086697

that... thats me in the beanie. i wanted to meet up with anyone from here. came alone. Oh well there is always another year.

>> No.9086704

For you.

>> No.9086706

And me. No homo though.

>> No.9086716

You're too hard on yourself, did you collect more for your binder today?

>> No.9086733

Who else is ditching next year for a new con?

>> No.9086738

That Westin rooftop party is worth coming for without any cons. The con is just bonus

>> No.9086742

Gonna try ALA. Been going to AX for years and I just need a change of pace.

>> No.9086753
File: 725 KB, 2048x1152, 20160704_184651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only this, wanted to buy a GSC Racing shirt but they were sold out and nothing else really caught my attention

they had it on the banners in front of the Exhibit Hall too, June 30-July 4 if I'm not mistaken

>> No.9086791

It's a dumb meme

You were really cool

>> No.9086796

It's only exclusive to cool people though. Unless you know Kim, you're not invited.

>> No.9086798

Weren't they just in bunny suits?

>> No.9086804

What do you define as cool?
Like give me a general outline of what you decide is cool

I won't show up whether I make the cut or not but I'm curious

>> No.9086807

You are an anon so there is no reason to be shy.

>> No.9086808

Someone memorable and popular, I guess. I was watching the livestream and it was mostly really huge cosplayers and photographers.

>> No.9086809

But I went and almost know one knew me.

>> No.9086813

/fit/ guy from last night. He was nice and chill.

>> No.9086825

Had to bully a staff member to let me finish picking up them and finally finished at 3:20

AA closing so early was brutal for getting all the pickups in, didnt give me much time to talk the artists about the completed work

I think only like 5-10 either were missed or not done out of the 120 commisions I had out in the AA

>> No.9086828

I enjoyed kicking it with clover and bobble and everyone in our pizza circle

>> No.9086862

Straight up, I would have let that Remilia from the saturday meetup top me

>> No.9086867

sure thing bro

>> No.9086871

Except "She" was teasing some other anon if I remember correctly. Getting cucked m8.

>> No.9086896

can't get cucked if you don't play in the first place.

I know my range, and he is clearly above my level.

Eat shit queermo gayface

>> No.9086899

Did we talk? I might remember you if we talked a bit.

>> No.9086905
File: 955 KB, 2250x3000, IMG_6621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was my first Anime Expo, and had a great time. Everyone was extremely nice. A lot of the cosplays were on fucking point!

Didn't like: The vendor area was sort of small....

We had a blast doe!

>> No.9086906

just a little bit.

i had the beard.

awww what the hell am i so shy about? I ain't comin back next year. I was the man miku.

>> No.9086909


>> No.9086917

the one with the glasses right? Were you at the party?

>> No.9086923

fucking stupid video won't load

>> No.9086927

Nope. I got confused and saw a wedding party, then i went home.

I don't know what to do at parties anyhow. Probably for the best you know?

>> No.9086930

>I wish they could have grouped some of the similar stuff closer together.
it would be too easy to compare prices on similar products between stalls that way.

>> No.9086935

Everyone that stuck around after the cop scare at last nights meetup

>> No.9086939

i just see paltry "last day" discounts on crap that didn't sell the previous days.

>> No.9086943

>are they trying to be a more family friendly con or not?

there was lewdness everywhere in the dealer halls. definitely not family friendly.

>> No.9086946

I thought pink shirt guy from last night was a decent dude, people got mad at him because apparently he had sex with some guy's gf by you can't hold it against him

>> No.9086947

nope, just western cartoon shit and meme games like undertal

>> No.9086963

Me and a few people left the area and hung out somewhere else after the cop scare because we were tired anyways and figured we should talk while walking home.

It was a lot of fun.

If I remember correctly it was 3am by the time they tried to shut it down.

>> No.9086970

A qt dandy who was alone. i think he used his real hair. talked to him for a bit near Lp1

>> No.9086975


I didn't see a single place offering last day discounts

Also to the chicks who gave my niece and her friend those two free pins

May not be alot to you guys, but it meant a lot to them, so thanks.

>> No.9086983

Oddly enough a guy hooked up a 58 dollar item to 50 Day 3, so I was happy about that. And I got hooked up with a free pin too, and it isn't much, but it's a super nice gesture and bought a few small things from them.

>> No.9086996

I didnt go to any meetup because im a crossboarder and this was the only ax thread
i didnt even talk to anyone who didnt look normal(barely anyone did)

>> No.9087002

Next year is going to be 5 days I am definitely going.

>> No.9087007

Like I give a fuck. I just bring a bottle of wiskey and join a cool group for some drinks.

>> No.9087011

Ya, he brought the alcohol and he got the cops not to completely crash the party

what a good guy

>> No.9087101

I know you fags are memeing but I actually really have to thank Mr.Freeman, his black friend (sorry for forgetting your name) and the curly haired guy for bringing alcohol.
These guise are the reason the parties happened on those days.

>> No.9087115

None. I did see a "Free shrugs" and "free weird yell" sign though. The same person held both.

>> No.9087156

newfiggs need to learn howt o link threads.

its 2 meme arrows and the thread number.



>> No.9087167

that thread just seems to be a drama one about freeman and his parties

>> No.9087411

She was fun. Also the first person I ever met who didn't take Cuck as an insult.
I can't say anything for myself but at least 2 of them were pretty nice looking.

>> No.9087519

any pics?
any of them attend the other meets?

>> No.9087623

went back to my hotel on sunday and just laid down in the shower and let the depression wash over me and sobbed a long time knowing the end of con was coming and so was our time together

>> No.9088399

Ah me too. I got my husbando because there was no art of him whatsoever. But when I got my art it was kinda disappointing to know I spend 40 bucks on this.

>> No.9089165

That Undertale group was my group. The shoe has a large dent in its side now but no one got seriously injured. Thanks for the compliment!

>> No.9089425

preformed in it, i fell on my ass but for some reason everyone thought it was planned so yay, we didn't place which is fine as we didn't expect to but i'd be curious to how they judged because there were a few groups who REALLY deserved something (odin sphere group among others) also the staff was a little off as our "den mother" was changed about 4 times in 20 minutes and the tech guy wouldn't work with us on anything. plus being promised rehearsal time then not getting it was also kind of lame.

>> No.9090657

This looks like a really fun con to go to, hopefully I can make it one year.

>> No.9090674

Just hung around the cosplay photographers booth mostly, it was good fun meeting everyone.

>> No.9090690

Going well so far, picked up lots of artists ally stuff.

>> No.9090707

No decent parties this year.

>> No.9090738

Missing good parties.