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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 451 KB, 1600x1066, Anime Expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9083426 No.9083426 [Reply] [Original]

Hey gulls, who here's coming to the lolita swapmeet tomorrow at Anime Expo at 3 in front of the Exhibit Hall? Make sure to bring your Brand, I Bodyline and Taobao is okay too I guess but this is mostly going to be a burando acquiring event.

>> No.9083465


>> No.9083468

Why is this announced the day before? I didn't pack anything to bring to the swap meet

>> No.9083521

Well I assumed most of the lolitas coming would be LA natives and thus commuting each day from their home so it'd be fine to announce it the night before.

>> No.9083537

Um no? People with long commutes from SD, SF, IE, OC, and farther out get hotel rooms, you walnut. Announcing an event the day before is purely stupid.

>> No.9083544

Like I said: I thought this swapmeet was going to be contained purely for the LA community, not outlying areas. Besides the swapmeet was already announced for the comm ahead of anyways, so you should've known about it if you were interested. This is just a last-minute notice for those that were already planning to attend.

>> No.9083579

>in front of the exhibit hall

Do you guys have a booth or something or are you just gonna lay things out fleamarket style

>> No.9083613

Is this s recent photo taken this weekend, or an older photo?

>> No.9083621

OP just admit you should've announced it earlier, AX draws people from everywhere not just the local area.

>> No.9083631

Is this posted somewhere else? You contradict yourself by saying you announced it the night before. I'm not seeing anything on the LA comm page.

>> No.9084016

Real good job there, OP.
Anyone care to attend and report back whether this was as clusterfuck-y as it sounds?

>> No.9084059

they dont let you set up anything in front of the exhibit hall let alone even sit down? what is this

>> No.9084080

you do know AX is the largest anime convention this side of the world and people travel from all over the god damn country, right?

>> No.9084170

Look gulls, I just wanna get some brand. I have $1000 worth of pocket change to spend (yes, richfag here) but no burando booths at the con to spend it on and I'm NOT spending it on cheap shit I can get anywhere.

TD;LR: Just want to buy some brand, no cons besides PMX ever seem to deliver on this front lately. Fellow gulls who have some second-hand brand to spare pls halp?

>> No.9084181

>that chick with the cleavage

>> No.9084183

So coming to the meetup at 3? Have brand to spare for me to take off from you? (Have a budget of $1000, willing to pay up to that.)

>> No.9084199

Go on fucking lacemarket you loon

>> No.9084205

But I want to buy something AT THE CON and I hate shopping for lolita on lacemarket; I've never had good experiences with it. Besides what's a con even worth if you don't get something rare that interests you? (figurines and shit don't interest me)

>> No.9084206

This. I bet they shut it down, if it even happens. Room Sale and advertised off-site but well is the way to go if you can't get a space donated. You can't just set up and buy-sell-swap anywhere at a con.

>> No.9084223

Go to Lolita Collective booth if you wanna buy shit then

Seriously like other anons said
>announced too late and in too few places for anyone to show up
>security will probably shoo you if you stand around blocking traffic
>security will IMMEDIATELY shoo you if you put a table or something

Give it up kiddo

>> No.9084250

Lolita Collective doesn't have brand though, I'm too rich and too good for indie shit. :( Why the FUCK aren't brand companies showing up at cons lately, wtf?!

>> No.9084260

Used clothes. Swap meets, lace market.
Buying at cons with no brand booth.
Hm, no.

I just email my shopping service. That way I get the new stuff I want right when it comes out. Simple, no fuss.
If you are on the coast for AX, just fly up and shop in SF this week after the con.

>> No.9084265

That still doesn't answer my question, why the FUCK are brands not setting up booths at cons lately?!

And I can't go to SF because its a fucking 8 hour drive from where I live and I can't fly either cause I'm scared of planes and don't travel ever since 9/11.

Don't know how to use a shopping service either, so yeah. The fact of the matter is though, I go to cons to SHOP, if there's nothing there worth buying what's the fucking point?

>> No.9084281

I guess you'll just have to suffer being retarded and all.

>> No.9084282


>> No.9084300

Poor babby. Rich AND stupid are such a bad combo.
Learn to shop online. Unless there is a current release, booth shopping is just regular stuff anyway even brand lolita goods. The best stuff and reserves sell out quickly starting from the time of the Japan releases anyway. In case you didn't know.

>> No.9084313

Shopping online isn't fun though, the best shopping is doing it in real-time where you can see all the clothes up-front, in-person. Also what's the fucking POINT of me even going to cons then if not to splurge?

>> No.9084320

Good God, just shut up. You sound so fucking entitled. Just get over it and learn how to shop online.

>> No.9084331

I'm rich and a spoiled daddy's girl, wtf else did you expect?! I deserve and am entitled to have a good time and shop for brand in person just like Jap lolitas are able to do. Its not fucking fair that con space is wasted on fucking Bodyline/Indie Ita crap when they could use that space to draw in the brands to cater to REAL lolitas like me. Why the fuck are they wasting their Lolita space on ita shit anyways? What, are most cons too full of poorfags for the brands to bother?


>Caring about someone complaining about wanting to have a good time and have good designer stuff to buy at booths

Boohoo, cry fucking moar!

>> No.9084333

Go to a fucking con that has announced their Japanese lolita brand guest then? There's AWA with Metamorphose, San Japan with Innocent World, Mechacon with BTSSB, PMX with whatever brand agrees this year, if you have that much money, you can fly to events like an idiot instead of ordering online and saving $$$ on travel & hotel you bitch

>> No.9084342

Stop replying to shitty b8

>> No.9084346
File: 599 KB, 460x258, Anime-Pug-Is-Amazed-By-The-Explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy, this is clearly bait.

>> No.9084352
File: 368 KB, 1000x667, job-application-waste-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9084358

Real rich and spoiled lolitas go to the con wearing the latest prints already, coordinated beautifully, meeting up with similar friends, THAT is the real point. We are too happy meeting up, eating out and going for drinks (dressed beautifully) to cry and moan publicly proclaiming stupidity like a stuck baby pig. Seems YOU might be missing the point.

>> No.9084380

I go to PMX every year and buy up the brand there, too fucking bad that's like the ONLY con in my area that seems to set up brand booths.

Also did you miss the part where I said I don't travel cause I'm fucking terrifie

>> No.9084382

*I'm fucking terrified of planes, since 9/11?

>> No.9084389

that sounds like a you problem (:

>> No.9084397

Looks old, none of the dresses are from recent years.

>> No.9084399

H Naoto is being sold in the back over near the 'safe space'

>> No.9084402
File: 542 KB, 500x668, 1356623141476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey, there is indie that costs more than brand and is higher quality. Not all of it, obviously, but you sound really new and clueless.

>> No.9084413
File: 458 KB, 1818x1228, 2689916322_66181daec6_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to the alley behind the convention center at around 3am I'll bring some quality burando for you to spend daddy's dollars on :^)

>> No.9084492

So, we doing this?

>> No.9084505

Outside the dealer hall or outside like where the food trucks are? Not seeing any congregations of lolitas.

>> No.9084517


This entire thread was bait by one bored OP anon, no one's coming

>> No.9084522

Ok, no skin off my teeth. Hope everyone's having fun!

>> No.9086385

I brought all my rare burando to the swap meet. Where was everyone?

>> No.9086393

Get the fuck over yourself, I buy tons of stuff on LM and only got scammed once by someone who did raise a few red flags that I ignored (no feedback, foreign, slow to respond)

>> No.9090208
File: 12 KB, 207x207, nelio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried on a Cloudberry Lady dress from the Lolita collective booth. It was better made then Baby and AP pieces and the material was of equal or better quality.