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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9079029 No.9079029 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever deal with some seriously psycho lolitas?

>new girl in my comm (we'll call her Ashley) awk af around our most internet popular girl (we'll call her Trixie)
>is like awkward weeaboo fangirl bingo; cheap attempt at mimicing her style, calls her "senpai", comments on everything she posts to Instagram, treats her like some sort of ultra famous celebrity
>Trixie finds it cute and she's super sweet about it
>bad move. apparently girl gets wrong impression and starts clinging to her at every meet as if they're bffs.
>Trixie sometimes visibly uncomfortable, but too nice (or possibly scared) to tell her to chill
>Ashley starts showing very obvious signs of wanting to wear her skin; gets the same tattoo as her (a very specific Sailor Moon design that I have never seen on anyone else and I even actively did a search online for it), copies her hair style (has her long blonde hair cut into a short angled lavender bob with bangs), make up, and even styles her Tumblr very similarly, as well as adapting her mannerisms and typing style
>she also mimics her interests, most of which were things she has never expressed love over before her obsession with Trixie started
>Trixie tells a mutual of ours (who later shared all the details of this entire situation with me) that she is starting to get very creeped out
>Trixie starts getting anonymous Tumblr messages about how much this person loves her and wants to be her best friend
>she obviously assumes it's Ashley
(Pt. 1)

>> No.9079040
File: 35 KB, 309x398, Broba+fett+made+me+lul_19ef49_3953040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.9079048

(Pt. 2)
>she ignores them
>a few weeks later, she gets more and they're worse
>telling her how horrible and snobby she is, and how she hopes she kills herself
>she blocks them
>at next meet she confronts Ashley and asks her to prove it wasn't her by reblogging something from her Tumblr
>Ashley cannot do this, proving it was her
>she cries and says she's sorry, all she ever wanted was to be her friend then literally runs away when Trixie starts telling her what a crazy bitch she is
>she never shows her face in our comm again and deletes all her social media
>3 years later I see pic of very familiar girl on Tumblr a few hours ago
>it's Ashley
>she made a new Tumblr and Instagram
>some of the creepiest shit I've ever seen
>she still looks like Trixie, but what she looks like currently
>spend good hour comparing them to Trixie's
>her pages are both about a year and a half old and she copied all four of Trixie's major hair changes throughout that time and took similar photos to ones she did with similar captions
>she jokes about being a yandere and uses female pronouns when describing her stalkee
>got a boob job and has the exact same cupsize as Trixie now
>also now super into fitness, her interest in it appears to have started the exact time Trixie publicly announced hers

What do I do, guy? Should I tell Trixie or just let it go since she hasn't actually contacted her?

>> No.9079058

holy shit, please let her know so that she knows to be safe
shit like this can lead to bodily harm and other very bad things

>> No.9079063


Y'all needed to go to the police with a paper trail the first time this happened, second best time is now.

If Trixie ends up stabbed in a basement the police will check Ashley's first.

Plus it's better to inform the police so if Ashley ever does contact Trixie, a restraining order can be fast tracked.

>> No.9079114
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>tfw I have a girl exhibiting similar behavior toward me

Holy fucking shit, there's this chick copying me down to the hair, clothes, and fandoms. She has at least 6 overlapping dresses with me and every one I bought first and posted pics of to tumblr. She even changed her room to look like mine right after I posted a room tour video.

The part that's really terrifying is that we "coincidentally" ended up going to Disneyland at the same time. We're in the LA comm, so that's not as overwhelmingly creepy as it would be in any other context. We also have reason to believe that she might have moved to LA for the sake of being in the same comm as me. She was a follower of mine online for at least a year prior and didn't seem interested in talking to anyone other than me at first. Apparently, she also has a history of creepiness toward at least one known girl in her previous comm.

>> No.9079125

Can anyone explain why lolitas and cosplayers get this obsessed with each other? There's so many stories like this, it was even the reason why MilkyFawn left.

>> No.9079128

I thought she left because she wasn't into lolita anymore

>> No.9079135

Start slowly misleading her. Start posting about hobbies you don't have, styles you hate, etc.. See if she adopts them. Mess around with her.

>> No.9079150


Make careful notes in a diary and google doc recording this behavior. If it begins to escalate, take these records to the police to establish a pattern of behavior.

If you want to attempt deescalation, go grey rock. Become very boring, very bland, with very little updates. Gradually wind down your online activity, give her no information to work with.

If it gets any creepier and more threatening, contact your mods, and tell them about her. See if they can kick her out, because you want to give her as few options to see you or people she's likely to obsess over as possible. If she's not targeting you, she'll obsess over someone else. LA comm is too big to try to delicately phase her out, so the mods may just have to be the bad guy. She'll probably throw a tantrum. If she contacts them with abuse, they should instantly go to the police and get restraining orders. If they can't get those, at least get notes taken down of her behavior in case she escalates.

Right now it seems like she's just being a copycat, right? If she attempts more stalking and it's more verifiable, then she's escalating. Hopefully she'll just be an orbiter until she gets bored and changes her attentions to someone else.

>> No.9079153

That was what she originally said because she didn't want drama, but months later she came out and said a huge part of it was because she had three very creepy fans and felt unsafe.

One person said they would kill themselves if she wouldn't be their best friend. One girl sold a dress advertising it as being originally from MilkyFawn. Turns out this girl also stalked her and sent her lots of threatening messages. She was banned from the comm. Then there was an anonymous person sending her gifts and emotional notes.

>> No.9079181

Wtf...people are actually like this?!

>> No.9079184


Mental illness comes in all styles anon

>> No.9079187

I think that these girls romanticize these people as being the ~perfect lolita with the perfect lolita life~. The fashion also attracts a lot of unwell girls since most get to here through anime, which is saturated with mentally unbalanced people. These girls often suffer from extreme identity issues and latch onto people who represent what they want to be in very unhealthy ways. Often they see being close to the girls they're obsessed with as crucial to their identity and literally go crazy over the need for a relationship with them.

>> No.9079188
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The only story I can relate was when I was back in high school, I had this best friend who decided to get into lolita. At first it was really fun having somebody else who was a lolita (small town with no comm) but it eventually got to be kind of annoying. She'd only buy items similar to mine, dress the same as me (wigs, circle lenses, and all), and when I started a little lifestyle lolita blog she did the exact same thing, with a similar layout, and posted the same content.
I lived through it and got over it, but eventually she started to get snobby about it. Trying to outdo me in every aspect, criticizing and insulting my outfits, obsessing over things that were stereotypically "ita" ("Your knees are showing, omg!!" "Black and white?!" "Ankle socks?!"), reading secrets every single week, bashing e-famous girls or models like Misako, etc. I'm glad she didn't know about cgl and I'm glad I wasn't active online so she could send me anon hate and not be obvious.
One day I got tired of it and just cut her off cold when I heard she had been talking badly about me behind my back. I can't even remember what it was she had said now, probably something small and unrelated. When she came up to talk to me I just wouldn't respond and walked away, ignored her messages, etc. After that she never wore the fashion again, gave all her dresses to her sister, and started dressing like her new best friend. I guess it's pretty typical high school behavior. From peeking at her Facebook every now and again she's still doing the same thing, but I don't think she's severe enough to get to yandere-levels.

>> No.9079191

Imo, this "subculture" and other nerd/geek cultures attract socially awkward and unstable people. A fair amount of good, nice folks..but there are a lot of fucking weirdos (I.e. Columbine Shooters, James Holmes, other infamous mass murderers and stalkers)

>> No.9079203
File: 113 KB, 500x694, tumblr_m9t8c5VgTO1r9mzl1o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god do I ever

>join lolita around the same time as another girl
>she seemed shy and i'm a little outgoing, so I tried to befriend the girl
>she seemed nice at first. quiet, but we had a lot of common interests and she liked inviting me over to her place and hanging out.
>over time she starts becoming more demanding of me, from minor favors to demanding me to drive her to and from meets because she didn't have a car.
>have no problem with this at first, but eventually I basically became a slave to her whims
>eventually it ended up being too much for me, so I tried to ghost her outside of meets to get a bit more space
>should. not. have. done. that.
>she thinks the reason I stopped hanging out with her is because I must have started spreading drama about her. (others in the group didn't like her, I could not have cared less so I stayed out of it.) she starts stalking all my social media, taking my pictures and gossiping about made up things about me wherever she could. it was all my fault in her eyes
>every new friend she made she would spread the made up drama with
>eventually I just stopped going to meets for a while altogether just to avoid this girl. I would be too scared to even talk to her because I didn't know what she'd misconstrue or warp into another false rumor.
>I still don't know what I apparently did to make her hate me so much

>she still blames me for everything wrong that happens to her, even though I haven't talked to her in over a year

>> No.9079207

Oh, one thing I forgot. This girl was obsessed with lolita secrets. This was pre BTB. We would have sleepovers and she would literally wake me up just to show me secrets the second she noticed they were posted. She was seriously, intensely obsessed with it. It was a bit unnerving.

>> No.9079209

I was on lolisecrets all the time back in the day, I even went back and read all the secrets made up until about two years before I discovered it. It was way worse than BtB, it was like lolcow level.

>> No.9079367

now I'm pretty curious as to who ashley is, any chance you'll spill the name anon?

>> No.9079383

What does her first name start with? I'm having a similar issue with another member in LA comm. She'll copy my captions, post nearly identical photos to mine, and likes the photos of my family and boyfriend only minutes after I do.

>> No.9079388


Why can she see pics of your senpai/bf? Lock that shit down anon

>> No.9079390


Fucking what, how did family get changed to that? Is this one of those filters?

>> No.9079394


what are you trying to say anon?

>> No.9079397

It's on Instagram. And where did senpai come from?

>> No.9079401


Was trying to ask why that girl could like pics of Anon's family and bf, and why anon doesn't have their security settings tighter, but then something very weird happened and my post got scrambled.

I'm not even on mobile so I can't blame autocorrect.

>> No.9079404

> former friend has meltdown on FB about her lolita wardrobe and how she can't afford more pieces
> decided to start a GoFundMe to fund her wardrobe
> meanwhile, she was able to regularly go on vacations out of the country every few months
> didn't agree with her on many aspects because of it
> wrote lengthy comment on her post about what exactly was on my mind
> former friend plays victim-blaming "woe is me, I have depression :'(" card
> decided I had enough of her
> quietly unfriends her from FB
> a week later, I get a super passive-aggressive private message from her
> "Why'd you unfriend me? I'd love to know."
> nope, I'm not dealing with her crazy ass anymore
> blocks her on social media altogether

>> No.9079405


I don't know anon. It just appeared, and I swear I typed "family"

I only know fb settings, does instagram have a way of blocking her from seeing other people's pictures like your bfs? Because it's pretty creepy that she's liking those pics

>> No.9079408

Yeah I've told them to block her but the fact it had to come to that is unnerving. Known her for a couple years now, even had her as a Facebook friend.

This stalking behavior is recent, and unnerving. Maybe it was going on before and I just didn't notice.

>> No.9079414


Sorry you're dealing with this anon. Have you blocked her yourself?

>> No.9079442

As disturbing as it is, she hasn't given sent death threats or anything. And I worry it'll escalate by blocking her.

>> No.9079446

It's a word filter. A couple of phrases got spammed to the point of Hiro making them turn into "desu" and "senpai" so if you type shorthand for "family" or "to be honest" that happens.

>> No.9079462

f a m gets changed to senpai, it's a filter. If you got autocorrected/the word family didn't finish, you might have typed it by accident.

>> No.9079464

So fake. You don't even know how tumblr works either so even if it wasn't ridiculous, it's a giveaway

>> No.9079469


Makes sense, I must have not finished family all the way. The fact it was working for everyone else confused me lol

Thanks anons!

>> No.9079582


>> No.9079588

What are you talking about? On Tumblr if you block someone on anon, the account they checked "anonymous" on also gets blocked assuming they were logged in. This is simple Tumblr 101 unless they changed it in the last couple years. Maybe bother looking it up before calling fake over something you obviously know nothing about?

>> No.9079596

Different anon, but you can still block anonymous with software to get the IP and then ban that. Its really not that hard at all.

>> No.9079941

After reading this thread, I want a cute, well dressed, yandere lolita fangirl that worships me.

>> No.9079944

Low-key same.

>> No.9079960

Yes! Every one who has this problem shoud do this.

>> No.9079970

Tell everyone you're pregnant and see if she gets herself knocked up.

>> No.9079990

Fucking lol

>> No.9080064

Spilled my coffee thanks to you.

>> No.9080104

Not to freak you out but coming from someone who has had similar problems, there is no such thing as "coincidentally" running into someone who is showing obsessive behavior towards you. It might come off as snobby but its best to shut it down before anyone gets hurt or turns toward illegal activity.

>> No.9080135

J-Fashion seems to attract women with borderline personality disorder.

>> No.9080145

I hope for you that you will never come across a "bad end" scenario.

>> No.9080155

>tfw you can't post your story in the psycho lolita thread because your very own psycho lolita is no doubt reading it

>> No.9080157

Post with different names? Change details and places?

>> No.9080163

Nah, she'd still know it was about her because it's a pretty distinctive chain of events. She's reverted to passive-aggessively spreading rumours about me now and I'd rather not attract her serious attention again.

>> No.9080168

Make it vague like instead of a museum meet make it a monthly meet. Or instead of a park meet make it a spring festival meet.

>> No.9080252
File: 707 KB, 443x648, Copycat-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake story or not, scares me sometimes how creative or wanna-be creative girls mindlessly copy others. Whether it's style or personality they're copying - they're totally disassociated with their own core, and lack empathy for their target.

It's not just lolitas. I've had friends that straight up cloned my music/art taste. Be careful how much you share, folks. Especially online. Shapeshifting Yandere Poltergeists start out as ghost followers.

>> No.9080286

Who do you gonna call?

>> No.9080324


lol these internet detectives, haven't read the thread

>not thinking that the person could log out and send the messages from a truly anon account

>someone thinks IP blocking is effective in 2016

Your IP probably isn't the same for more than two days, you twit.

>> No.9080394

This makes me think that Trixie is Pastelbat? OP?

>> No.9080423

What tattoo is it exactly i'm curious?

Holy fuck what a crazy bitch.

I myself had a lolita stalker two years ago but she was so awkward i wouldn't feel really right posting about it here? Idk. What should i do?

>> No.9080556


Same problem here Anon.

>> No.9080577


You should probably find a forum of people going through these issues and see what they say, I've got no clue what the best way forward is but I hope she loses intrest in you anon! Good luck

>> No.9080592


Post about how you got free, inspire us anon

>> No.9080596

Someone please post the Doppleganger-chan horror story. It's my favorite but also super relevant here.

>> No.9080600

Anyone else dealing with a psycho lolita who is obsessed with being your rival?

I half expect this bitch to yell "you can't beat me, I'm going to be Hokage" at me at the next meetup.

>> No.9080625

Thank god not all of you are inept. I swear half of the bitches here try to claim they know how the internet works until they show what huge technological fools they are.

>> No.9080647


I'm having the same issue, though I think I've managed to scare mine off a bit by being a massive bitch.

>> No.9080677

Someone do it please! I second this.

>> No.9080678


>> No.9080687

Haven't heard of this, some kind anon please do share.

>> No.9080729
File: 847 KB, 1920x4160, 1452932462055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went and found it myself, hope you gals enjoy.

>> No.9080749

I'm kinda friends with a girl who is super obsessed with another lolita in my comm. She looks at all her pages several times a day, talks almost only about, and she once talked about her fantasies to kill this girl's friends and family so that she could comfort her in her time in need and be the only person close to her. She followed it up with "I'm totally kidding, obviously", but she seemed dead serious and only played it off as a joke after I expressed how disturbing it was. I feel really bad not telling the girl she's stalking about it, but I don't want her cray targeted at me.

I had this happen when I was in high school. The girl who got me into lolita became extremely competitive with me because I had a small, but solid brand wardrobe within a year, when she only had that Bodyline Melody Doll knock off after 3 or 4 years. I also knew more about the fashion than her and was much better at putting outfits together. She started doing the same thing with anime, too. It never reached "yandere" status, but it was very bizarre and obnoxious. She was a few years older than me too, which made it really weird.

>> No.9080762
File: 50 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.9080785

There is a girl in our local comm who just plain hates every girl in our comm who is more pretty than her, more popular than her or able to afford brand.

Everytime she sees another girl from our comm post in their FB or in the comm that they bought or did something she posts in her own facebook passive aggresively about it. Which is kind of creepy because they don't even have her as friends on FB.

>> No.9080796

That story sounds very cringeworthy and fake. It reads like someone's self-insert Mary Sue fic.

>> No.9080919
File: 35 KB, 140x162, 1457284883000-1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in San Fran or something I swear to god I knew this girl online and she was shameful but I dropped her too early to watch the horror become real

>> No.9081038

I kinda get that feeling too, but I've also known multiple people very similar to K, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.9081121

It sounds awfully familiar to the story about a girl called K who stabbed the girl she was obsessed with, who also had a boyfriend called T??

>> No.9081146

I'm always a little skeptical of "crazy girl was obsessed with me and wanted to be me" stories. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it also sounds like a really creepy combo of bragging (she wants to be exactly like me because I'm so amazing) and sympathy/attention seeking (I'm so freaked out you guys tell me it'll be ok)

>> No.9081168

That combined with farfetched Mary Sue shit like
>I'm half French half Japanese, I speak both languages and post in French on Facebook and my boyfriend is a big buff Japanese hunk who's not like those other twinky chinks

As someone who goes to an international school, nobody who actually has friends and family from all over the world posts in anything other than English unless it's a comment reply to a non-English speaking relative or something. It also sounded like 'I'm so pretty and fashionable and she's a sad little insecure worm whom I only pitied because I'm so kind and nice and compassionate'.

Plus this shit doesn't happen that often and when it does it's usually to people in the limelight like Dakotakoti, not randos.

>> No.9081222

That's never worked no matter how many people keep spreading it

>> No.9081226

I think for most of them it's self-insert yandere fantasy. Whether or not they realize it is another story.

>> No.9081236

Except that it 100% does and you don't know what you're talking about. I've been on the receiving end of Tumblr blocking, I know from first hand experience. If it doesn't work anymore, that's because they changed it. How about bother Googling it?

>> No.9081240

>It also sounded like 'I'm so pretty and fashionable and she's a sad little insecure worm whom I only pitied because I'm so kind and nice and compassionate'.
I was thinking exactly this. She makes so many references to things that make her seem ~cultured~, between the French, Japanese, healthy eating, and bath house shit.

>> No.9081248

International school high five! Did you do the IB?

>> No.9081287

Hello Batty. Need I say more?

>> No.9081321

Nah, my parents weren't rich enough. I'm in uni actually.

>> No.9081329

OT but I wish that Gwyneth Paltrow tryhard shit would just die. Whenever people want to lowkey brag they all sound like her.

>> No.9081359

I've tried "blocking" anons numerous times in the past dumbass, I know what I'm talking about.
Try cleaning the salt out of your vagina anon

>> No.9081850

Talk to the police. And tell that girl, she deserves to know
If she targets you, just get a restraining order

>> No.9081867

What is she your stalker or does she claim you to be one of her "stalkers"

>> No.9081882

Which San Fran girl? Can you post her initials? Now I'm a little worried.

>> No.9081887

How do you know you couldn't block anons then, genius?

>> No.9081894

Different anon, but there would be no need to be sandy if there weren't so many girls in this thread acting like they know everything about how Tumblr works, when they don't.

You're saying that it doesn't work because you've had people you've blocked come back. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they were logged out instead of checking off the Anon box, so their account wouldn't have been blocked with it? Or maybe they were using a dofferent IP address altogether? Hell, do you even know for sure who was sending you the hate? Maybe their account also wasn't blocked because it wasn't them in the first place. You can say it doesn't work all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it does and countless people have personal experience with it working.

>> No.9082491

Yes please, deets?

>> No.9082574

Okay that was pretty disappointing and predictable.
Can't be the victims of psychotic weebs just be regular people? No it's always the attractive halfie who speaks Japanese has a hot boyfriend is super popular and is amazing and kind all around, right? At least make your self insert fan fiction believable, god.

>> No.9082634 [DELETED] 

To be fair, who's a stalker more likely to be interested in? The attractive, popular girl that people may look up to, or some random regular girl?

>> No.9082636

To be fair, who's a stalker more likely to be interested in? The attractive, popular girl that people might look up to, or some random regular girl?

(That said, I still take every story posted on 4chan with a huge grain of salt.)

>> No.9082678

Depends, you never know with lonely autismos. They could latch onto literally anybody thinking they're the bees knees or that person could carry themselves in a way that makes them look cool and confident despite not having that many friends.

I mean, they're not thinking rationally to begin with so their victim could be anyone they take a liking to.

>> No.9082732

>Get into lolita when oldschool was a thing
>Have 0 taste and 0 money but lots of cheap fabric
>Friend noticed the sudden influx of lace and frills and asked if I'd heard of lerlighter
>Apparently some new girl in her class is mega into it and is 'a bit awkward', can I be her friend? She's having a sleepover at her house soon and we could bond!
>Why not
>She's batshit crazy, which is why I'm posting this here
>Asked me to come in lolita 'to match the decor'
>'Lolita at heart'
>Lolita jeans
>Lolita flip flops
>Lolita takeaways
>Lolita= hot glue and shit lace
>Her whole room is covered in creepy porcelain dolls and cheap plastic shit you'd give a 5 year old
>Greeted us wearing a wig and a pink Milanoo/circus lovechild
>Only me and my friend stayed for the night, everyone else got weirded out and left early
>Once they've gone she locked her room and asked me if I enjoyed playing princess
>Made us have awkward 'evening tea' with cheap pastries and pink paper plates
>Asked me if I thought she should visit her old schools (she'd been bullied out of them, can't think why) in lolita and make everyone regret that they'd been evil to this ethereal princess
>Woke up in the middle of the night to find her kneeling on the floor and slowly rubbing my dress over her face
>Tells me she's sensing if I have the soft scent of a true lolita
>Doesn't stop rubbing it on her face
>Apparently 'true lolitas' smell like Avon perfume
>Have sudden and mysterious attack of stomach flu and need to go home right that fucking second, which my equally freaked out and wide awake friend magically also caught
>Friend had a talk with the teacher and Batshit-chan eventually had counselling

I had to put up with Batshit-chan for a few more years until she moved away just before her 16th birthday, much to everyone's relief. I hope she got better but I doubt it, she was a cringe factory and one of the main reasons the school had to instate a dress code for school trips.

>> No.9082746

Yeyeyeyeye anon feed us all the stories about batshit chan
>Apparently 'true lolitas' smell like Avon perfume
Keks for days

>> No.9082971

seconding. post deets please.

>> No.9083328

My former best lolita friend is a total psycho. She got upset that I asked about what we were going to do with the leftover food from a party we had, so she grabbed some steak knives and ran to her room to kill herself. I guess she just assumed I’d leave, but I’m actually a half-decent person, so I went to her room and tried to stop her and... she tried to stab me.

She has this crazy idea planted in her head that suicide is a good thing. That cutting is a good idea cause famous people like Martin Luther King Jr. did it. She feels a "connection" with Kurt Cobain because he died on her birthdate. She glorifies suicide.

So there's really no outcome to her life where she doesn't end it herself. And frankly, I've come to terms with that.

Problem is, I'm good friends with her boyfriend, and she's constantly threatening suicide via text message with him. He’s too sweet to know how to deal with her bullshit. He always calls me in a panic asking what to do. Next time she pulls that shit I’m calling the police. She needs to be locked away where she can’t hurt herself or others.

>> No.9083332

Did some research quit after a year this was in like 2012, she is now a fake boy and still into homestuck c'est la vie

>> No.9083394

Definitely call the police next time. If she's angry, then you know it's all an act for attention. Honestly it usually is 9/10 when people threaten suicide. People who actually want to die just kill themselves without saying anything.

Not to say she isn't mentally ill, because if she feels as if that's the extent she needs to go to get attention then she's obviously a mess. Just in a way people find much more annoying and are less likely to give sympathy for.

>> No.9083406

I agree, call 911. They will plop her ass on a ward for a few days on suicide watch and give her a psych evaluation which is no fun at all but it will either snap her out of it and get her to quit acting out or get her help if she really needs it.

>> No.9083422

Tell him it's not his fault if she refuses to get help for it, that sort of I'm gonna kill myself shit is incredibly manipulative and he needs to get her sectioned/call a crisis team on her rather than dealing with it himself. In fact you probably should have called the police for attempted assault last time. Truly suicidal people don't tend to broadcast it to the world, they just get found dead, it sounds like she has some sort of personality disorder and needs mental health help anyway but isn't really suicidal

>> No.9083523

Taking note of this idea

>> No.9083555
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>She got upset that I asked about what we were going to do with the leftover food from a party we had, so she grabbed some steak knives and ran to her room to kill herself.
...Why anime? Why geeky shit?
Why does geeky shit always attract the most mentally unstable fucking people?

>> No.9083607

because geeky shit makes all sorts of people feel happy and satisfied, which leads to geeky shit communities being made up of all sorts of people, which leads to weird people being attracted to geeky shit and geeky shit communities because they accept all sorts of people

uh does that make sense because it kinda made sense in my head but i'm not sure if that came across

>> No.9083730

Ah man the part about being a fakeboi and a Homestuck reminds me of a girl I knew in high school
>we met cuz we both happened to wear casual lolita to the same class on the same day
>we were each other's babby's first lolita friend and were really close
>we were into the same video games, the same animes, the same music, everything.
>she's bi and was openly into me even though I had a bf at the time (she didn't know)
>one day she found out I have a bf
>went ABSOLUTELY berserk
>she found my boyfriend's tumblr through mine and sent him threats on anon about wanting to kill him and kidnap me and stuff
>but here's the catch: she would post the exact same messages on her own blog so we knew it was her
>I confronted her about it in person and she denied that it was her
>went home and checked blog
>30+ messages from "anon" telling me how cute I am and what a shame it is that I'm "wasting my good looks" on my bf and how I would look cuter with a girlfriend
>bf continued to get threats from her and now her sjw tumblrinas friends as well
>she told them that he was much older and preying on me so they went full throttle and accused him of being a pedo despite that he's actually only 2 years older than me
>in the meantime, she became a fakeboi overnight, chopped off all of her hair, stopped wearing makeup, and began to dress in a very tomboyish fashion
>enough was enough, took the case to the school administration
>school interviews me, looks over the evidence that I brought and decides that it's enough to call her in and make an actual case out of it
>she gets called in and doesn't have anything to say in her defense
>she gets suspended for 3 days
>threats continue during those 3 days
>suddenly pictures of my house and photos of me walking home were posted on her blog
>we lived on opposite sides of town
>freak out, immediately contact administration
>school got police involved

>> No.9083731

>a lot of arguing involved, she never had anything to say in her defense except that it was to "protect" me
>in the end I got a restraining order and her parents were so embarrassed by this whole ordeal that they forced her to transfer schools
>saw her a couple weeks ago at the store where I work
>she's in full Homestuck cosplay, body paint and all, holding hands with another HS cosplayer
>got booted before she could lay a finger on our (expensive) clothes

>> No.9083752

I see what you're saying. Upon thinking about it more I feel like a lot of it is that geeky shit is a primarily solitary activity compared to a lot of stuff. Coupled with the fact that it's often the target of ridicule and creates fantasy worlds separate from our own societal mannerisms, I can see how a sudden glorified setting of this detachment (i.e. cons or meetups) can lead to some weirdo behavior. I want to feel sympathy for a lot of these people, given the shitty life hands that undoubtedly factor into it, but they're just so upsetting and removed-from-reality that I can't.

>>she's in full Homestuck cosplay, body paint and all
And not in the context of a con being nearby or anything. Just, doing that in public?

>> No.9083782

In order to log out before sending anon hate or have an IP-changing program ready, you need at least some understanding of how Internet works, as well as some common sense. A mentally unstable teenage girl could have lacked both.

>> No.9083793

It's a bad combination of mental illness, social ineptitude, and identity issues and cosplay/lolita just happens to be an attractive hobby for those sorts of people.

The psychos don't see the person they're obsessing over as a person but an aesthetic they can copy in order to fill the hole they feel in their own identity. It's just easier for them to imitate rather than come up with their own original things. Eventually things escalate - usually from a place of jealousy and frustration - to the point the person may want to harm their target. These people want attention and happiness and they see their target as the perfect source for both.

>> No.9083796

not that anon but how unfamiliar are you with weebs? it's not uncommon at all for weebs whose lives revolve around cosplay and animus (I know this is HS but whatever) to go out and cosplay in random as fuck places with no cons going on or anything.

>> No.9083801
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welcome to the homestuck fandom

>> No.9083835


I was recently to a kinda big con of my country (still small but big for me) which I hadn't been to and holy shit people

>does smell fucking terrible
>is indeed autistic or has mental issues
>lacks decency

I had fun but still I was creeped out at some of the people there. I was wearing hotpants, not even cosplaying. I can't even imagine how it must be for someone who cosplays something kinda sexy

>> No.9083860

Had a girl like this in elementary. She stopped once I went deep into perverted things and she's a huge ass prude and couldn't handle trying to imitate my interests anymore.

>> No.9083879


But to be more on topic, back when I was a senior in high school I gained a stalker in the form of this girl who I had known since childhood but started getting really...weird as we got older. It lasted about 6 months until I finally have her a verbal beat down (it didn't help that we were both in the theatre dept and therefore there was plenty of opportunity for stalker-chan to do her thing). This was when social media was just starting to get big (and pre-tumblr) so it wasn't immediately obvious, but this girl post-telling-off started to copy me down to my mannerisms. The problem was she was doing such a terrible job that it looked like she was trying to do some cartoonish caricature of me.

>TL;DR Stalker-chan starts trying to copy me after I tell her off, fails hilariously despite being theatre student

>> No.9084214

This is slightly OT but god I hate that shit. I love cons but I fucking hate like half the people that go to cons. I'm not a particularly attractive person nor do I ever wear revealing outfits at cons and yet I still can't make it through a single weekend con without at least three instances of people saying or doing something creepy to me and my friends. I feel like a shitty person hating the smelly autism spectrum weird people at cons but jesus fuck how hard is it for them to act somewhat normal or decent?

>> No.9084355

Not crazy lolita but I have a crazy cosplayer story. It’s been years and it still feels like a nightmare…

>Be me, like 14-15 years old at the time. I had moved to new town since my parents got divorced, now bullied at new school so I’m awfully lonely
>Get into hetalia fandom, yeah I was young weeb don’t judge me. I finally found some new friends from hetalia meets and I even start dating someone
>I had notice that some of my new friends are bit odd but I’ve been so lonely that I don’t care as long as they hang out with me. There is this especially weird one, let’s call her X, she stays in her character all the time and tells really weird stories that always sound fake.
>Oddness besides, I’m glad to have new friends so just after few meets I invite X and few others from meets to my house for the weekend. Also my gf is coming.
>Buy snacks and rent films, really look forward to have a weekend with friends. I even got my mom convinced to leave the house for the weekend
>My gf and my friends finally show up
>X have been kinda flirty with me at meets but I thought it was just because the characters we cosplayed at meets were X’s otp so I guess shes normal now when were not in cosplay an my gf is there
>..but no. We sit down to watch the film and X tries to come sit in my lap and kiss me, even asks if I will have sex with her (and she acts like her character and keeps calling me with the character’s name that I’ve cosplayed at meets)
>I feel awkward but try to laugh at it since I thought she was just joking but she keeps doing it the entire time
>Finally my gf gets angry and tells her to stop
>She starts crying and blaming me for not being on her side since I’m agreeing with my gf
>The few other guests are closer to X than they are to me so they try to comfort X and get angry with me and my gf
>My gf crabs me and we head up to second floor for a while, hoping the situation will calm

>> No.9084357


>After a while I go back downstairs, hoping everything is ok and I can now make dinner for us
>When I come downstairs others are still at the couch with X and X is still crying and she has been cutting herself (not seriously, with safety pin and not on wrist but on other side of the hand) and she has gotten blood stains on the couch
>I try to talk to them but they’re still angry with me
>It’s too weird and X won’t listen to me so I just try to avoid them the rest of the evening even thought were are trapped in the same house… I just make the food and leave it to them and head up to shower
>I’m in the shower when I notice in the corner of my eye that the door is open
>One of them is there and she’s joking about how the character she usually cosplays is pervy and he would’ve looked others showering so she did it too
>I’m creeped out and lock the door when she’s gone
>After shower me and my gf go to bed and X tries one last time to beg me to have sex with her, she still acts like her character and still calls me with my characters name
>I say no again and lock myself and my gf to upstairs, get no sleep since I’m so creeped out
>Finally the morning comes and they have to leave to their train and I stay home, trying to wash the couch from blood before mom gets home
>Thank god, the worst weekend in my life is finally over
>But it’s not over yet
>X is telling everyone how mean I was to her the entire weekend
>I keep getting hate messages from X’s friends and they tell me how she keeps cutting herself and have said that she’s going to kill herself because of me
>I keep trying to explain to others that I’m dating someone and I haven’t been mean to her other than rejecting her. X’s friends are still angry because “X is having hard time and you’re getting her killed just because you won’t be with her! Just leave your gf and do what X wants or you’ll be murderer when she kills herself!”

>> No.9084362


>I’m really stressed out and try to act nice to everyone but it doesn’t help so after a while I completely cut ties with all of them
>I’m over 20 now, I live in small country and I still see some of them at the cons (even X who seems to be very much alive…) but I still avoid them.


>> No.9084411

>trying to pressure someone into dating you/hanging out with you with suicide threats
People like that are the worst. They don't care about people they "love" - they just want the emotional control, the power over someone. People like that and the friends who support such behaviour are to be avoided at all costs. Even the age doesn't excuse them. I've had my fair share of those people, creepy manipulative fucks. I really hope they can change with time, but I've never seen them changing.
You did the right thing when you cut them off, anon.

>> No.9084448

Sorry you had to go through that. Some people be crazy.

>> No.9084475


Oh god anon, my heart weeps for you. Please tell us more about the dress code.

>> No.9084476

or make it a brolita, if your a us anon use metric system and another countries currency. Change occupations, change number of people in family, involved, ect

>> No.9084481


>niche interests put up with a lot of shit because they're too small to kick people out over being awkward
>awkward people gravitate to places that have a built in community that is tolerant of weird shit
>because they have no community of their own, the geek community takes over their whole identity
>which further ostracizes them
>drives them deeper into geekdom
>trapped forever
>too mentally unstable to ever make friends or a group outside of it
>one of us
>one of us
>one of us

>> No.9084486


I fucking hate enablers/flying monkeys that try to make sane people go along with someone else's insane delusions because they either want real life to be Hollywood or they don't want to deal with the bullshit and figure it's easier to get the sane one to do things than the insane one to drop it. Like Jesus wept, is it that hard to just fucking drop the insanity from your social circle, or are they giving you blowjobs and diamonds to make them the superior friend?

>> No.9084533

>flying monkeys

You RBN, anon?

>> No.9084548


Unfortunately yes

>> No.9084553

Ah, same. Shame that nerdy hobbies attract the same kinds of people, makes it hard to undo childhood damage and keep yourself safe/healthy.

>> No.9084579

ugh my bff was sleeping with this guy but she broke it off because he was clearly way more into it than just sex but he was exactly like this for months and months. Best part is our other childhood bff started dating him not even a year later, even after knowing all the shit he did (including questionable consent). Like???? He once asked why I didn't like but you'd think that would be pretty damn fucking obvious. Needless to say our friendship has deteriorated significantly

>> No.9084656
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Pic related. It's my face. There is something about me that attracts crazy people and I want to scream. I think they can smell that I'm a soft person and swarm in to take advantage of me.

One story that's relevant: back when I was just taking my first baby steps into the fashion, a weeb upper classmen took notice of me and decided to be my friend. Calling her Bea. She claimed to be a Lolita (she wasn't) so I thought it would be a good experience even if she was annoying. One day I mentioned having a dress that meant a lot to me that I no longer wore, and I wanted to turn it into a Lolita skirt and matching accessories so it could have a second life. I have noob sewing skills so I was nervous of doing it. Bea overheard and gushed to me about how well she could sew and insisted that I let her do it for me. She pushed me until I gave into the pressure and naïvely gave her the dress. A couple days later I got it back and was horrified to find it haphazardly sliced at the bodice and half-assed folded and sewn down into a skirt with raw seams. But I tried to hide how upset I was. The rest of the dress was nowhere to be found. Bea proudly declared how it was her best work and told me I needed to pay her for it. I told her I didn’t have any money because my parents didn’t give me an allowance, and was freaking out that I wouldn't get my "dress" back. After a while she dropped the payment thing and let me have the skirt. I asked where the rest of the dress was and she said she kept it.

Eventually, I managed to fix the skirt into wearable condition, and it makes a really cute Lolita skirt, I cherish it. But I’m still upset over what happened and regret not having the rest of the dress to turn into other stuff. And it's really awful having a bad memory attached to the skirt/dress.

>> No.9084670
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I'm a guy and heard stories about this board, like you girls had all these crazy drama stories... boy they weren't kidding

>> No.9084672

Oh, and regarding the whole obsessing and copying thing, I have a girl who does it to me. She has mental problems and it can be terribly annoying, but she's totally harmless so I tolerate it. She doesn't really do it much anymore, I think she's grown out of it. It might be worth noting that she is also a weeb.

There was another girl who was crazy that used to bug the hell out of me, used to "glomp me and the whole nine yards. I made the mistake of wearing my yukata around her once, she freaked out and undid it to "see how it works." She was also a huge weeb.

The weird thing is that I have no interest in anime, and apart from the one time I wore a yukata you wouldn't have known I had any interest in Japan-related anything, so it blows my mind that almost every one of the crazy people I've dealt with has been a hardcore weeb. How are they attracted to me and why? Why does anime attract crazy people in the first place? I just don't understand.

>> No.9085104

Stop talking to her. Cut her off.
That's the only way this is going to subside. If you don't do this, she will continue to copy you and everything you do. Give her less and less content to copy you off of.

If this behavior becomes worse, please contact the LA mod's and let them know about your problem. Because obsession can become worse over time.

>> No.9085209

you fuckin know it

>> No.9085248
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welcome to /cgl/, enjoy your stay

>> No.9085275

My case is the other way around. Girls from my comm seem to think I copy their style/taste/try to wedge into their circle, while I just happen to like the same stuff/bought three dresses one of them has too.
What do?

>> No.9085288

I have BPD and we don't do this. Fuck off.

>> No.9085437

honestly just try a different style for a while, something that they definitely dont do? it might not be as fun for you but at least you wouldnt look like youre copying

>> No.9085456

Style them in your own way that is clearly different. Buy a couple of more unique ones they do not have too. They'll realize you aren't copying if you don't really copy their styling or accessories. There's a limited pool of popular brand dresses but people sometimes do get sour if you buy 'their dress' . If they don't get over it, their problem.

>> No.9085519

Holy shit. If I were you OP, I'd tell Trixie, then tell the police. You don't need to ask them to do anything, but you do need to have them make a note of it, and provide them with any evidence you can get. It's really so that if and when Ashley does some crazy shit, it doesn't devolve into a she said, he said, style case. A history would pretty much assure the cops of who is the victim.

Plus, maybe Trixie will need to block her new account or something.

>> No.9085536

This is not my experience. When I had International friends on FB in highschool they would post in both languages. In university it is very different as well, with all of my exchange friends or friends who have immigrated to my country posting in multiple languages.

>> No.9085538

We are all Btssb sweet/Classic lolitas. It will be hard not to wear flowers or baby anymore.
I'm truly lost rn. They are nice enough girls, but I can't shake the feeling that they read too much into my style choices. I'm trying to be less active in the comm/get different dresses/style without too many flowers, but it's hard. I lately started to wear more shiro, now the local shiro girl seems to think I try to take her crown.
As for taste. We all seem to share the same interests, which was cool and I thought we had something going as a group, but lately they stop talking about our interests when I'm trying to enter the conversation. Four girls are really into Disney and the whole Disney bounding-thing, so am I. But if I try to talk about it, they all suddenly go silence or change subject.
I think they think I'm faking my hobbies to match theirs?

>> No.9085545

Someone link this anon 'danger-chan'. It is honestly my favorite psycho lolita story but I've lost it since new pc. Extra points if someone can dig up the one with the wheelchair anon who cosplays as Ariel who got stabbed by a weeb.

>> No.9085620

There's a girl in my comm who has said to one of my friends and I on multiple occasions that she's one bad secret about her away from shooting up a meet. She says it in a very emotionally charged way, too, like you can tell she really wants to. I told the mods after the second time she said it, but they didn't take it seriously at all since we have strict gun control laws in our state and they just dismissed her as being edgy. Yeah, our mods are pretty useless, they've also done nothing in cases of overt harassment even when there was solid evidence because they don't want to "get involved in comm drama".

The thing is, though, if you don't have anything in your record that shows you're not safe to have one (forced mental hospital stay, domestic abuse history, etc) you can still buy a shot gun here pretty easily. Yeah, she won't be able to get her hands on an AK, luckily, but she could still sneak a shot gun under her clothes and kill a few people before she was taken down. Plus, who knows what people in her family have, many mass shootings involve guns stolen from family members.

>> No.9085626
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>“X is having hard time and you’re getting her killed just because you won’t be with her! Just leave your gf and do what X wants or you’ll be murderer when she kills herself!”
>Just leave your gf and do what X wants or you’ll be murderer when she kills herself!
>do what X wants
>you’ll be murderer when she kills herself

What. The. Fuck. You really did yourself a big pleasure by abandoning this circle of idiots asap. Just one big bunch of manipulative creepy shits.

>> No.9085630

I don't think they think you're copying them because of general things like flowers anon. Have a careful think about how you might style your outfits in similar ways.

Just disagree with one of them in an obvious but polite - And honest! Don't lie, because if you go back on it in the future they'll remember it - way.

One more thing, are you foreign or is your comm from a non-English speaking country?

>> No.9085631


>> No.9085632

And this is why I will never go to a place like America.

>> No.9085638

Some people claim that /cgl/ is the female side of /r9k/.

>> No.9085639

I'll do that, thank you!
We are a French comm, but I'm Dutch.

>> No.9085644

Found danger chan

>> No.9085666

Just going through the archives and getting some good old stuff

>> No.9085800


>> No.9085808

Bitch just got 404'd.

>> No.9085839

You personally might not do it (debatable, if you have BPD you probably can't even tell you're doing it) but plenty of others do.

>> No.9085856

I see the joke you are going for but its just showing your ignorance in not knowing that BPD is not anywhere close to Dissociative Identity Disorder. Even they rarely go around using 'we' in casual conversation either unless 'muh disorder' level tumblrina. If they are high-functioning, you rarely even ever find out they have it but that takes a lot of therapy.

Joking about people's disorders when they aren't acting out or causing trouble/attention seeking is also more than a bit dickish.

>> No.9085861

>Joking about people's disorders when they aren't acting out or causing trouble/attention seeking is also more than a bit dickish.
that may be true, but im from /b/, what do you expect?

>> No.9085869

Said person has left lolita since but they may still browse this board. Either way, I could care less.

>finds out what my dream dress is, makes it a point to buy it and wear it to the next meet I'm at.
To that I was sort of like yeah, that's a little weird but we probably just have the same taste, so whatever.
>made her bdsm relationship with her S/O public by yelling at him in a public place and making a scene when he accidentally spilled water on her dress.
>Makes giant fb post calling her bf useless
>deletes everything then makes a status a bit ago saying she's glad she surpassed a "certain lolita couple" right after I attend a meet (totally not me and my SO at all.)
>banned on LM 5 times
>she's kicked out of our comm for this and is surprised for some reason and blames it on me after calling me a bitch and just generally being passive aggressive
>walking downtown on Halloween one night with SO while wearing lolita, see lolita couple walking
>oh cool lolitas! Look for a little until I realize it's them and continue on my merry way to a bakery. Great night.
>see her post on here later about how I was staring longfully at her boyfriend like a freak and how her boyfriend wanted to come up to me and call me a cunt even though all I did was walk down the street
>see her posting here again pretending to be me
>calls members of my comm fat and badly phrases it to attempt to make it sound like me.
>finally quits lolita and sells her stuff on fb lolita sales under a fake name

There's more to it but those are the major points, she's probably the craziest lolita I've ever known. I still wonder to this day why she thought I was so obsessed with her beta boyfriend.

>> No.9085953

did you buy your dream dress from her in the end? i would have

>> No.9085965

On the flip side, one thing that is pretty annoying are people who can't tell the difference between a bitch wanting to wear their skin and a girl happening to have the same style. There are a lot if people who do this in "alt" styles like lolita and other J-Fashions because so many want to believe they're the most unique of the special snowflakes.

>have friend who pretty much only buys whatever AP's flavor of the month is
>girl in comm she hates has some of the same prints
>this girl ends up dying her hair pink
>friend freaks the fuck out because she also has pink hair (in a completely different shade and style, but whatever)
>girl buys Puppet Circus
>this happens to be friend's dream dress
>last straw apparently
>she makes extremely passive aggressive Tumblr posts about how someone in the comm is copying her every move and she's so creeped out that she doesn't even know if she wants to go to meets anymore

>> No.9085988

I hate when people do this shit. Then don't post anything if you're not going to tell the story. It's the same as posting a vague fb status looking for attention.

>> No.9086104
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>kinda detached normie
>desperately want friends into anime and weebshit in general because it looks fun
>see how they act like in public and cons
>see threads like this

Think I'll stay detached and lonely.

>> No.9086110

No, by the time the meet came around where she wore it I already owned it in my preferred colorway.

>> No.9087761

Lolitas & cosplayers who start a GoFundMe... I love to read them to see their sob story reasoning, but man, there is a difference between something you want and something you need. They don't [need] Lolita or Cosplay. /rolls eyes

>> No.9087862

Frenchlita anon here, they're being dumb. Srsly, french girls in my FB are the first to cry "YER COPYING MUH STYYYLE" for nothing.

>> No.9087876

They are really kind though, they never made me feel bad in any way. But lately it changed, so I might be the problem.!

>> No.9087900

Ahhh man. The idea that you won't get stuff you loaned out back is terrifying.

I loaned some stuff to a newbie recently (it was just Bodyline, but still) and she was acting out at a public meet to the point we thought she was going to get herself arrested and I'd never get my clothes back.

She really ruined it for me too because I love dressing up other people. I've helped a really good friend coord dresses several times, dressed up non-lolita friends for cons, and I always tried to enourage newbies to try out meets by lending them something. Now that this has happened, I'm really hesitant to do so.

>> No.9087987

>implying regular people come to post on cgl

>> No.9088022

A girl in high school and I were on okay terms, mostly knew each other from anime related stuff and livejournal. She seemed totally normal to me, we were both chubby weebs.

Then I lost a lot of weight and the crazy began.

She started following all my social media accounts. Mine were very locked down because of strict parents, so I didn't add her on all of them.

She follows me to lunch every day. I did and do eat relatively the same thing every day and soon she starts bringing the same food.

She asks me what I do to work out, I tell her the sets and machines I do at the local gym. She doesn't have a membership, so I help her think of equivalent stuff she can do at home.

A month goes by, I don't think about it much. She's still bringing the same thing I bring for lunch, but she's not losing any weight. Then one day, her hair is home-bleached blonde. And very brassy. (I dye my hair platinum).

I don't think too much of it, a lot of people at our school bleach their hair.

We have a legitimate school uniform, blazer, plaid skirt, loafers, the works. We get to pick our own white collared shirt to go underneath (oh boy!). I typically wear a lolita blouse or cutsew, roll the sleeves of my blazer to past my elbows and wear solid color leggings instead of tights or socks (it's not cute, the blazer is leprechaun green). But it's my "style". This girl copies my entire "look". Ask any girl that went to an all girl's school with a uniform, everyone develops their own "look" and they're super protective about it. It's just not done to copy.

My friends think this is hilarious and start calling her Mini Me.

A few weeks later she starts correcting people that she no longer wants to be called her name, she now wants to be called what is basically a diminutive of my name.

Friends still think this is hilarious.

>> No.9088027

We have a dance every year with our school and the related all boy's school. I make sure I get a dress that only comes in normal sizes, not plus sizes. She not only shows up wearing something similar, but has the fat, neckbeard equivalent of my date with her.

Also, my exact jewelry and my exact hair style.

Friends still think this is hilarious. I probably would too if it were happening to someone else.

We start taking the PSAT and talking about college choices. I made the mistake of mentioning one school that is very out of state. My mom went there and she always hoped I would, too. Girl decides to apply there. Doesn't know where it is, but it sounds good so she's applying.

Otakon is like, three states away but somehow she not only shows up, but finds us and tries to push me out of my group because "We're doubles, anon! No doubles!"

I scream at her until I'm hoarse and she's crying.

Not a peep from her our whole senior year.

Guess who was at freshman college orientation.

>> No.9088144

Wait did she actually something bdsm related or was she just shouting abuse?

>> No.9088266

Please keep us updated anon, the story is only halfway finished. I wish you luck though.

>> No.9088582

>im from /b/
You must be 18 to use this site

>> No.9088611

I wish i could remember enough specific details about that one to bring it up

>> No.9088632

>get in contact with friend from elementary school on fb
>I moved when I was ten and haven't seen her in over a decade
>I link her to my instagram account, she links me to hers
>hers is full of pics of her with her fat husband and kid, all in normie clothes
>"Anon, I can't believe we're both lolitas!"
>"I don't have to money for the clothes yet, but I'm a lolita at heart!"
>Gently tell her that lolita is a fashion and that if she isn't dressing in it she isn't one.
>Link her to lacemarket and mld
>Tells me I'm a snob and a brandwhore. Blocks me on all social media.
It was so bizarre. Until now I always thought people grew out of their "lolita at heart" phase as teenagers.

>> No.9088769

I identify as a lolita. That doesn't mean I have to dress like one. Check your privilege.

>> No.9088790

Surprise. I bet a good portion of people here 'talk lolita' but don't own so much as a head bow. That was the ONLY thing I liked about FB replacing LJ, the ability to see much more of who actually practices the fashion and to what degree.
Eliminates this >>9088769 for real, though I do appreciate the irony. 9/10, I giggled.

Why so many waffles, Captcha? Why?

>> No.9088797

this is one of the major downsides of receiving advice on /cgl/, it's much harder to screen for bullshitters when there's no album to reference.

>> No.9091754

I'd hope that the international lolita community has gotten big enough to start kicking people out for being creepy weirdos but looking at my local (400+ member) comm, apparently not.

>> No.9092055

I feel, as long as a person is making a continuous effort to participate in Lolita fashion, they can refer to themselves as a Lolita.

It took me a lot of years before I was able to put together my first cords, but in that time I was working towards it, slowly saving up for and buying one piece at a time, checking up on EGL regularly, adding little Lolita touches to my every day clothes and life to make up for not having a complete outfit yet. I've never referred to myself as a Lolita, even now that I have a small wardrobe I still don't, but I think that because of my constant efforts I could have still been considered a Lolita.

Actually, I've been interested in and following the subculture for a while, like 8 years or something now, but I rarely wear Lolita because it clashes with my lifestyle and the climate where I live, so I "talk Lolita" a lot more than I get to wear it.

There's a difference between a fledgling Lolita, and someone who calls themselves a Lolita but shows not even the slightest interest in the fashion. I don't even understand why people refer to themselves as Lolitas but don't actually participate. I know a couple people who were like this a long time ago, and I don't understand why. Why not be a part of a group that you are actually involved with instead of pretending to be doing something you don't even seem to actually like?

Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

I don't really understand this, someone can give advice even if they don't wear the fashion, right? I mean, it's not like you HAVE to be a Lolita to know about the fashion or have a good idea about how to put an outfit together.

>> No.9092130

I still post on my mother language regardless of how many international friends I have. My family and local friends don't speak English, so I feel it's better this way :)

>> No.9092133

I wouldn't take complex and specific recipes from someone who isn't a good cook, just looks at food online and eats simple food or eats out. I kind of feel the same regarding non-lolitas giving lolita advice.

I consider someone an actual lolita when they put together and wear their first actual full lolita coordinate but then I did not mess around with a bunch of loliables when I first started, I bought a few pretty plain off brand lolita items and some Bodyline to mix/match and got a pair of lolita shoes to test the style. My tights and socks were from a regular shop but few years later they still often are.

>> No.9092138

Multilingual people usually do, it's not unusual thing, just seems odd to people who aren't used to speaking more than one language. (Like most of white middle/lower class America). I'm also American but I speak French because classes from a young age and stuck with it to actually become fluent (though still not chic enough for Parisian slangs but who is?) My grandmother spoke Swedish and I wish she had taught me.

Oh well, point being, it's dumb to assume multilingual = doesn't speak several languages often to different groups.

>> No.9092139

>even if they don't wear the fashion, right?

If every anon who doesn't wear the fashion were as well-researched as you and can regurgitate actually accurate info, then yeah.

Unfortunately we mostly seem to get those who talk out their ass, don't know squat, can't tell the different jfashions apart, let alone the substyles, don't know lolita history, don't recognise burando, seem to have just discovered lolita (and cgl) last month, and generally seem to join in discussions because it's 4chan and anon so there's nothing to stop them from shooting off a misinformed reply.

>> No.9092143

There are lolita wanna bees who lurk and post here who aren't actually in the fashion because too poor or fat (or both) and they can feed their interest and blather on here with no one actually challenging them. I suspect much of the board is this, under 18 or sadly, both.

>> No.9092191

How the fuck did you not murder her by this point.

>> No.9092216

I was skeptical of them, too. Until I became the subject of obsession.

>> No.9092228
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I'm listening...

>> No.9092229


> is a crisis counselor

The misinformation is truly disturbing. There is two types of suicide victims. The ones you are saying are real is actually the silent kind, which does happen that way. They usually plan in advance, start acting oddly calm right before hand. A warning sign of this behavior is suddenly giving away personal items that they wouldn't have let go before.

The second kind of suicidal are the impulse. They are usually in a state of panic or anxiety, or during a meltdown. They can and have acted on it, and should be taken as seriously. Yes, people do cry suicide for attention, but really it isn't wise to risk dismissal because they will act on it in a ramped up state of mind. Many of these will calm down if stopped and don't want to die at all. But, that doesn't mean that they won't kill themselves while under that volatile state of mind.

>> No.9092239

So if you have a friend who threatens suicide or that you fear may be unstable and in some danger, what should you do? Calling 911 seems extreme, (though in some places/cases I do know they will bring them in and stick them on suicide watch) but doing nothing seems negligent.
Also what do you do if it becomes a pattern or they are using it as a manipulative tool?

>> No.9092247

> have a friend who started giving away shoes from her really great collection, become concerned and ask about it.
> Silly anon, I'm going vegan, I'm giving away the leather ones.
Still, I'm glad I asked.

>> No.9092347


Changing some of the specifics to make it more vague and protect my identity. So fashion details are swapped around. i.e. Mori in place of Visual Kei.

Okay, I got into Lolita kind of late in life. But, when it would catch my attention I would always eye it longingly. When the opportunity to start participating came, I did and I did it with full effort. This was the break in a period of time that had been rather dark; I was injured in an accident and left disabled for a few years. My social life came to 0, so Lolita was my breakout event just as I was beginning to be functional again. My first coord was a 7/10 in quality, but that was because I actually put effort into it. Within a matter of six months I had 20+ dresses, all but 2 were brand. Then this girl came into the picture. She had been watching Lolita longer than I had, dressing in offbrand but mostly keeping into the shadows, let's all her K. I kind of began to get popular on tumblr, amassing 1,000 followers in a brief amount of time.

K had been kind of known for small crafts and a few handmade projects, all of which were mostly mediocre, a few were decent and she amassed a tiny following of her own. She was following me on tumblr because I began to make my some of own accessories, getting a bit better with each one. Keep in mind that I was very aware that while I did my best, I was never the best. I wouldn't take commissions, even if I was asked. K would message me a few times, shy and sweet, giving me compliments and talking about our current projects. It wasn't very often because she lived in NZ and had personal issues that made her internet connectivity spotty at best. We lost touch, which was fine for me because I was getting closer to other people with more in common.

>> No.9092350

Part 2
Months later I was the subject in some drama, basically some tumblr BS that gets exhausting and wouldn't have existed anywhere else but tumblr. My biggest mistake was I responded to it, which I've learned from and now ignore anything and everything. During the height of the drama I would get "called-out" for wearing dresses that someone identified with as an Otherkin--Marine Kingdom to be exact; they identified as a Mermaid, and felt I was personally attacking them because I wore the dress and accessorized as the mermaid in the print. This person we’ll call T. T is into Fairy Kei, a fakeboi, and basically uses tumblr psychology to disguise “his” own nasty behaviors by projecting on others. T’s fakeboifriend, M, was a friend of mine and constantly behave toxic towards me until I dropped M’s ass. M couldn’t afford Lolita, so stuck to lesser J-fashions with a tumblr twist and followed me around like a lost puppy because I was his Princess Lolita or some shit. M began to copy my personality, medical history, fashion taste—he was a Lolita at heart.

One night had had a bad seizure and was admitted into the hospital—my friends had to call 911 from a distance because I just couldn’t, but we were on voice call when it started and they recognized what was happening. Less than week later M claimed to be having one of his own. We all freaked out because I knew what it was like and my friends had just gotten through the experience with me. He claimed he fell and hurt himself bad enough to be admitted into the hospital as well, but he needed stitches from the fall.

>> No.9092351

Part 3
Now, M lived in Australia at the time, but a few weeks later he would be visiting the US. So, we decided to meet up. M liked to wear skimpy tanktops and see-through shorts, leaving nothing to the imagination—I could see and smell everything. He didn’t have a single cut on his chubby body, and his fat rolls weren’t big enough to hide anything. So, I knew he had nothing. But, I didn’t say anything then.

When I got any kind of criticism M would go on the attack and whiteknight, no matter how often I asked him to stop because it just made things worse. Obviously, I got blamed for his whiteknighting and I just couldn’t get the public image sorted out. All the while I was talking to M about trying to curb his toxic behavior, which included shit like sending himself anon hate to get sympathy points, or crying suicide and stressing all of us out with worry then proving himself to be an attention whore.

M was pretending to be the Victim to T and T’s friends behind the scenes, playing it up for sympathy because M always has to be Qween of Victimhood and nothing is ever M’s fault; M was also 19 wanted to be given the responsibility of a child, while posting chubby nudes. When I finally had had enough, I left the group fashion blog we curated together and deleted him off Skype. M then publicly threatened to hurt himself if I didn’t go and “work things out” with him. Foolishly I did.

>> No.9092353

Part 4
In the end, T was constantly calling me the abuser, and M began to play along because it was gaining him the attention he sought.

Now, back to K—it all interconnects. K was not receiving the asspats she wanted, and my popularity had only increased. She began to make up shit about me to get her friends to hate me. One of them, we’ll call A, was forced to confront me and after fifteen minutes of talking to me realized how much bullshit K was feeding her. For months their friendship was on the rocks because A was no longer isolated and had made other friends, which enabled her to see just how toxic K was being. I tried to counsel A on how to salvage her friendship with K, but K wouldn’t improve at all. K kept feeding behind the scenes drama directed towards me and A could see it. Eventually there was the public drama I spoke of earlier, which all revolved other Otherkin crap and who could argue who was the most abusive. K would make vague posts about the drama with M & T debating about Otherkin’s place in J-Fashion and J-Pop culture, putting them in a tag she knew I would see, all in hopes of getting me to respond. Statcounter showed me how K was on my blog almost 200 times in less than 36 hours; I didn’t respond at that time. Eventually I was using javascripts to try and block their IPs off my blog, but they would use crappy proxies to get around it, and then call me out for blocking them. I just left because it was a situation I didn’t want any part of, and never did. Yes, I made a mistake of responding at all, and I thought it was the right thing in the moment. I realized my error quickly and tried to go grey rock before resorting to the disappearance.

I was away for almost a year, hiding from them all. K sought out M & T and became friends with all of them. They had all entered their own version of Lolita mixed with Decora, and just became a hot mess.

>> No.9092357

Part 5
The entire time K was going through my blog’s history using all sorts of browser & tricks to get around the theme I installed to hide the posts while I was on hiatus; she would even use internet archive websites, and I could see it all on my blog through the statcounter.

My friends, who were still active, would tell me that K just realized a new photoshoot eerily similar to some of mine. Down to the main pieces, and trying to recreate some of the accessories I had made. It creeped me out and upset me, because now K was trying to poach my fashion. It got worse as the months went on, even going so far as to picking a url similar to mine, changing her entire wardrobe to be nearly identical to mine. When she began to seek my dream dresses I was so infuriated. But, since I wasn’t around for so long she began to run out of material based of mine and had to start doing her own. K got really boring.

When I came back she made a vague post whining about how I hurt her so much, but she couldn’t say anything because I had a “larger social standing.” Our only interactions had been reblogs, a few comments, and then a couple of asks. Other than that, the only thing that had happened was I said I didn’t like a specific coord style that she was crazily obsessed with. Pretty much I was critical of Madonna crowns, glitter normie shoes, dramatic veils for supposedly casual classic, and just did not like Metamorphose.

>> No.9092359

Part 6 ( end )
I have been fact since February and every couple of months their group stirs shit up, claiming they got anon hate from me without any proof—during a holiday weekend I had no access to internet. They have a hoard of crazies that stalk my every move, and K still obsessively mimics me. M will rant for hours if someone even mentions me on their blog, and the inner circle has threatened to unfollow anyone who reblogs from me. I never respond to anything they do and refuse to.

My girlfriend insisted on putting a statcounter on my blog, which I don’t want to see. She occasionally tells me how she’s logged hundreds of hits from these people, especially K who copies me on all social media, right down to the poses, filters, circle lenses, wigs, and cheap glasses. She’ll whine about how awful I am, how she hates me, how i have no fashion sense, but wants to be me. Strangers have commented on it.

Basically, tumblr people are crazy and I wish the platform wasn't the most accessible. They bring in Otherkin and their transgender issues into everything, and everyone wants to compete who is the biggest victim. You can't talk to them about their toxic bullshit because that is abusive, you also can't drop them because that is abusive.

>> No.9092362

Calling 911 does seem extreme, but if they have a pattern of it and if there is any chance it is serious, then do it. I've lost patients because they would have suicidal meltdowns and people would be complacent about it after repeated instances developing into a pattern, not that I can blame the attitude. Suicidal meltdowns are exhausting for everyone, and you shouldn't enable it.

Most suicidal attention-seekers wake the fuck up after a few visits from 911.

Don't put yourself in danger for them, basically if you can trap them in a room and call the authorities. Let them handle it; let us handle it. Treat them as hot potatoes. Handle them only as long as you have to hand them off to someone with the experience to deal with it. Then get out of there.

My favorite solutions had been the friends who get their friend on call, then start a three-way call with crisis hotlines to hand them over. It has worked many times and helped us save lives. We can flag individuals who get entered into the mental health system was urgent once we have paper trail, so it is important to get them exposed.

If they are faking it, then let them get the bill.

>> No.9092458

Anon's friend is clearly just an attention seeking chuuni though.

The only way to make these kinds of people stop is to make them realise that their actions have consequences ie people will stop putting up with their shit and leave, or they will believe them and call the police/ambulance.

If someone is angry about future consequences, (Parents finding out, bills, having to deal with the hospital etc.) it means they think they have a future, which means they never intended to die in the first place. Even someone acting on impulse stops caring about the future when they don't think they have one anymore.

>> No.9092463

I really wish you guys wouldn't use letters as names in these stories, even if you typed out the full letter like "Kay" it would make it so much easier to read.

>> No.9093085

>one of the main reasons the school had to instate a dress code for school trips

Ok, now this sounds like a story I want to hear.

>> No.9095046

Tumblr is the female side of /r9k/

>> No.9095221

Lolcow is the female /r9k/ right now.

>> No.9095725

I am sceptical of any story on threads like this. They can be fun to read but they are at best poorly disguised humblebragging, at worst full on self insert fanfics.

The whole 'weeaboo cringe' genre of internet story is full of some of the most obviously made up shit I've ever read.

>> No.9095729

Is there something up with the Warosu archive? I was trying to go back and find a post, but it looks like it stopped archiving every board a fair few hours ago.

>> No.9095733

Go for the Rebecca Black Tech one

>> No.9095740

Yeah, fair enough. Shame about the other boards though. Wonder what's going on with it.

>> No.9095760

Lolcow is just regular r9k to be honest

>> No.9100241

Trixie is DEFINITELY Pastelbat

>> No.9100263

Yeah because people like spoony kept making threads about it in /r9k/ and now all the robots are overrunning it trying to get internet gfs.

>> No.9100673

This has been going on for around seven years, since I re-entered public school after six non-consecutive years in homeschooling.
Bear with me, this does come to include cosplay and to a certain extent, lolita
>Background info on me:
>Introverted, shy, excessively polite child due to very little regular interaction with people outside my family and small homeschool groups (swimming, gym activities, etc)
>Barely talk
>Have probably one friend
>Then, starting eighth grade, I entered PUBLIC SCHOOL

>Go to school in my moss-coloured cargo pants and purple sweater, 12 years old,and terrified
>No idea how schedules or classes work
>Teacher assigns me to two girls
>I'll call one "Missy" and the other one "Zera" (The nickname she called herself was this weird)
>Missy is in sweat pants and tells me she thinks she's pregnant from her "interdimensional boyfriend"
>Zera is wearing cat ears and has pink, blue, and yellow hair
>Ignorant me thinks, "Oh, okay. I guess normal girls are different from the ones I know" and follows them to the events of the day

Here's the important person though, not crazy Missy or Zera
>A blonde in a dress is sitting in the bleachers, looking much more like the girls I was used to
>Missy and Zera wave and call her (altered in my story) name
>Vicky looks away and ignores them
>Missy and Zera give each other shrugs and start telling me about classes and such

Later, Vicky approached me when I was alone


>> No.9100677

>Vicky is very talkative and friendly, which is easier for me since I can't really make conversation
>She mentions how she could be my friend now, since I was new
>Missy and Zera appear
>"Hey Vicky!"
>Vicky looks at them with no expression
>"You two are bad for me and my schoolwork, so you should stay away from me. I don't want to be your friend any more."
>Missy and Zera are shocked
>I've never seen anything close to drama like that; I'm rattled
>Vicky leaves
>The two girls start complaining to each other and me
>They tell me how Vicky and them were best pals last year
>I just float with the wind, heart palpitations slowing down as we went back to class

A few days later
>Even I'm starting to realize Missy and Zera are well-hated
>Their stigma was going to rub off on me sooner or later, but
>Vicky to the rescue!
>Vicky always hangs around me now, and Missy and Zera stay away
>I start a relatively normal life at school

It never occurred to me that Vicky was also well known as a friend of Missy and Zera
It never occurred to me that someone who I'd seen with my own eyes reject her close friends may not be the most trustworthy friend
It never occurred to me that her own issues were internal, and that she simply hid them better than her ex-friends

>And so, Vicky was my best friend after a couple of months
>In addition to being friends with her, I became involved with a group of well-intentioned but awkward guys who liked video games
>I had always entertained myself with games, given that I was home all the time
>I also had a secret obsession with cosplay, but my mother disapproved of it openly

Vicky starts acting closer to me than ever.


>> No.9100691

Now, I should mention some things about the group of guys I was friends with
One was Vicky's cousin, one was best friends with said cousin, and the rest are irrelevant to this telling
>Vicky is getting very affectionate, but I just thought that girls were like that to each other as friends
>One day, Vicky declares to me her undying love of the boy who is friends to her cousin, we'll call him "Dan"
>"Oh, that's so nice, Vicky! I wish I had somebody that I liked like that."
>Then Vicky says

>"Yeah, he knows."

>"I told him already last year"
>"Oh. You aren't dating?"
>"No, but we will be. He's just resisting because he's scared"
>"Oh. Uh, good luck! I'm cheering for your!'

Over the next three years, Vicky pursues Dan, who is becoming a good friend of mine, and has no interest whatsoever in Vicky

One night at a sleepover at her house, it got uncomfortable
>"Hey anon, about Dan..."
>"I had a dream about us"
>"You did? What about?"

>"We were getting married and losing our virginity to each other"

>"I see"
>"Yeah, and..."
>She told me all of the ways she had dreamed about him asking her out, asking her to marry him
>Dan is 13
>I said nothing more that night

I think it was at this point Vicky started to get ideas about Dan and I, because he never talked to her, while during our time in groups or Pokemon battling, he did talk to me.

I think this is when the true crazy started to show.
She began to say that she was a "gamer girl" too, and talked about how her family had Mario Party
She began to start conversations with lines about anime she thought I'd watched, since our group had gone through the awkward semi-weeb stage in tenth grade

In high school, we began going to cons as a group of Dan , cousin, Dan's sister, and a slew of other adolescent weebs

Vicky noticed


>> No.9100708

My mother had, at this point, started to look at cosplay in a more positive light, as she loved sewing and encouraged me to sew.
So, I began cosplay at 15 years of age, and the second con we went to, I cosplayed for the first time as Jenna from Golden Sun. Shitty, but I was so happy.
>Pictures of us show up on Dan's mother's Facebook
>Vicky sees them, and to make it worse, Dan's next to me in the photo
>Next time we're making plans, Vicky tries to invite herself along, saying she's going to cosplay Lucy from Fairy Tail
>Mention the ticket cost and Vicky's shut down right there
>Somehow gets cousin's mom to buy her a ticket

Looks like Vicky's coming with us.

Everyone gathers to carpool, and Vicky shows up in a white tank top with a crop jacket on top and a knee length denim skirt
Vicky and her family are incredibly religious, so Vicky can't show her shoulders or her legs, or else "Dan would get impure thoughts, giggle"

>All of the con, Vicky is trailing Dan, who is seriously uncomfortable but has already tried saying no and knows Vicky isn't listening
>Vicky gets upset that nobody recognizes her "cosplay" and asks Dan
>"Hey, I look just like Lucy, right?"
>Dan's never seen Fairy Tail, so he nods and shrugs
>She near-about sits on top of him on the ride back, blaming the crowded back seat
>Dan looks at me, eyes wide
>I give him a resigned look and think that it's probably his own fault for not pushing her off

>Vicky sees the look


>> No.9100727

Before this moment, I'd never seen this kind of jealous rage from anybody, let alone my best friend who said "We'll be besties forever. You can be a bridesmaid when I marry Dan!" the day before.

She emails me that night
>"That was fun, and I'm going to come every time you guys do
>Thatll be my special time with Dan too"
>"Yay! It was super fun to have my best friend there today"
>I wanted nothing more than to have a best friend who would always stick with me, and Vicky had thus far. I told myself that I'd imagined that look, and that Vicky still loved her best friend.

Enter Garry, a long time member of our friend group who's dating Sandy, and SJW who forced Garry into dating her via social media announcements of their relationship before asking him out. Garry is closet gay and into Dan, so Garry invites Dan along to go to a haunted house.
Garry gave Sandy an extra ticket to invite along somebody else
>Sandy invited Vicky
>Sandy had a plan to get Vicky and Dan together

>"I can act all scared and cling to his arm!"
>"Oh yeah, you could. That's like what a girlfriend would do"
>"I'm so excited anon. It's a double date!"

Dan was not informed Vicky was the fourth party member


>> No.9100736
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The evening after that fateful "double date"

>"HEY ANON!!??"
>She's sure worked up, I thought,
>"Why does Dan like YOU!?"
>"He has to that's why he doesn't like me."
>"Never mind, anon. It's fine."
>100 to 0 in attitude
>"I'll always love my best friend, I didn't mean what I said there. I'm just upset..."
>"I didn't hear what you said first anyway, Vicky, so everything's fine!"
>A lie to placate her, and calm my friend

Eleventh grade

Vicky's gotten the same haircut as I have
Vicky's starting to dress like I do
Vicky's getting very vocal about what things she likes
Things she saw that I liked
Vicky's still clinging to Dan, who has now on multiple occasions told her he's interested in somebody else

>I''m beginning to feel uncomfortable
>It's as if nothing I do is my own anymore
>Vicky takes everything from me, and I'm beginning to understand why I'm so unhappy
>I don't want to, but I begin to draw away from Vicky

Now that I'm outside that bubble of being her friend, or trying to be, I can see that, just like Missy and Zera, everyone avoids her

I was the only person who did go near her and it was at this point that I realized that the reason for that is because she was toxic

>> No.9100747

Even though I made a conscious effort to avoid her, she consistently glomped me from behind at sight

Vicky thought Dan liked me, so she did all she could to become me.

Then she declared that she didn't like Dan any more.
>"I've moved on, so Dan's free to date whoever he wants
As if she had been in control of Dan's exclusivity until that point

She continued to dress like me and hang around me, and the part of me that loved her for being my friend for so long let her

She dated two guys consecutively over text, asking me if it was inappropriate to tell them she loved them
>"If you do, I suppose it's fine, Vicky"
>I just wanted her to stop texting me

She was beginning to drift away in twelfth grade

Then Dan asked me out

>> No.9100753
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please continue anon

>> No.9100784

So Dan and I started dating in secret, to avoid the attention of Vicky. We had one week of peace together.

Then Dan's sister changed Dan's Facebook status to "In a Relationship" when he was in the bathroom

Hell poured out of my phone

37 texts from Vicky before I even woke up
>"Dan's Facebook says he's in a relationship"
>Is it you?"
>"I can't believe it"
>"Are you dating Dan?"
>"If it's you I'm"
>"Why would he be dating someone"

I, terrified and half-asleep, responded
>"If it is me, are you okay?"
Immediate response
>"Well if he asked you out he must be jealous of my happiness with Jonny"
>Dan didn't know she was dating anyone at all
>"Yeah Vicky, that might be it"
An minute passes
>"but it is you anon"

Nothing for days, and we're on Christmas break
When we get back, Vicky's on me like we're open lesbians.

She's always there.
It's gotten worse by now. She died the blonde hair she was so in love with before black to match mine, and even though we now went just as a couple to cons, she showed up to tag along with Dan and I

Her "cosplays" got sluttier
It bothered me that she was compromising her own morals with them

Then one day, she let it slip
>We're at lunch, and Vicky shows up as usual
>Dan shares a bit of his food with me, and Vicky pipes up
>"Hey, don't I get any?"
>Dan looks at me
>I look at Vicky

>"You need to treat your girlfriend's best friend just like you treat your girlfriend!"


>> No.9100787

You're thinking of DID and that tumblr multiple systems otherkin bullshit. BPD is when you have manic episodes of high energy and depressive episodes of lethargy. The "bipolar" part refers to the two states a person goes through not a split personality.

>> No.9100790

anon bpd stands for borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder

but you are correct in saying it is not the same thing as did, it's very different and doesn't lead to split personalities

now back to eagerly awaiting the thrilling conclusion of >>9100784

>> No.9100791

>Then Dan asked me out

Oh no

>> No.9100793

>>"You need to treat your girlfriend's best friend just like you treat your girlfriend!"


>> No.9100812

I always knew why she came back to hang around me, but to hear it so blatantly and so deluded was a shock
>"Is ... that so?"
>Vicky beams at Dan and I
>"Did you hear that, Dan?"
>Dan wordlessly hands her a cookie
>Conversation is dead, but Vicky chatters on like always
>Actively avoided her with more effort than before

At this point, I was scared to tell her off, given her tendency to tell everyone everything in a way that makes her look like a victim.
I didn't want to hurt her like that, especially since I felt guilty for dating Dan in spite of her long unrequited feelings.

Then we were set to graduate.
Traditionally, our school has students walk in pairs a grad, and almost always the pairs were couples

Vicky asked Dan to be her partner.

This was, at last, the point when I stopped caring about how she felt, because she obviously didn't care about me.

>"Vicky, I need to talk to you."
>"I need you to stop."
>"Stop what?"
>"I need you to stop it with everything, and I need you to leave me alone."
>"That's really rude, anon. I'm your best friend! I never did anything to you."

Never did anything. She said, she never did anything.

>"Vicky, you need to realize when you're not wanted. You need to get your own identity, you need to find somebody else to leech off of and fucking Christ, find another guy who actually likes you instead of stalking someone who rejected you"
>Tears well up in Vicky's eyes
>I turn and start walking away
>Feel something forcefully hit my back
>My back is wet
>She threw her purse at me and her hand sanitizer exploded on me
>My dress is soaked in hand sanitizer
>"Dan's going to be my partner! He agreed!"
>I know that he told me he refused, so I just leave

Vicky went to grad alone

9/10 now

>> No.9100818

For conclusions,

Missy got pregnant for real right after grad, from a guy 2 years younger than her
Zera dropped out and became a drug addict
Garry and Sandy broke up because she thought it was hotter to see him with a guy

Vicky eventually ended up dating an atheist that she insisted she could make Christian and recently broke it off because she couldn't and she hasn't talked to me since

She did complain to all of my own friends about how cruel I was, but it really didn't affect me like I thought it would, especially since I was moving away anyway for university.


>> No.9100826

that was pretty anticlimactic anon, don't type out 10 posts for something that literally only ends in "she threw her purse at me"
at least lie and say she tried to scalp you and wear your skin to graduation

>> No.9100827

Well she did steal my other dress from the change room and go after Dan again after that telling him she was going to be better for him

>> No.9100833

What happened to you and Dan?

>> No.9100850

Continue the story anon. What happened after the hand sanitizer thing?
Where's Dan?
Did she cause more drama? explain futher

>> No.9100867

>Couples walking the stage together for graduation

Fucking what? Do you live in a fanfic, anon?

>> No.9100907

Wait what?
explain pls

>> No.9100918

Something tells me this isn't OP and just someone writing bait for this story's ending.

It's not even written in OP's format.

>> No.9101360
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That isn't me. I fell asleep on the couch after writing >>9100812

Not necessarily couples, but before the grad dinner they walk everyone around the tables and shit in pairs to show off the prom dresses and snap pictures up on the stage. It's a two day thing where I live. One day for graduation with the speeches and cap and gown, one day for the sparkly dresses and suits, complete with a chaperoned drinking party after.

Back to my story though.

There was no way Vicky would've let me go that easy.
>After the grad dinner, in my alcohol smelling dress, Dan and I aren't going to the after party
>I don't drink, so I'm just going home
>Dan goes off with the cousin and his friends
>I'm walking back, I don't live that far away
>About halfway to my house when I'm slammed from behind
>I go down and my attacker is right on top of me

Vicky's gone crazy.

>I'm pinned under this girl
>She's ripping at my hair and glasses
>Vicky none too gently removes my earrings and yanks off the necklace Dan gave me for my birthday

>Vicky's got my arms pinned underneath me and shes straddling my back

I scream at her to stop
Vicky's not stopping
She's screaming too, but I can't understand a word

>She rips out my hair ties and pushes my face into the dirt
>She shoves my face down several times
>My nose is bleeding
>I'm crying and I think she is too

Suddenly, the weight is gone

>Lie there stunned for some time
>Slowly get up
>My own bag is gone
>I go home and call Dan

Apparently she had shown up at her cousin's house with her hair done like mine, wearing my earrings, necklace, glasses, and perfume, asking after Dan.

Dan hid in the bathroom and called me, but Vicky'd taken my phone, too.

I ended up with a restraining order against her and moved away a few months later for university


>> No.9101370

Was the 'fashion blog' PoP? Just speculation

>> No.9101385

Dan took a year off of school to earn money for tuition. We've only been able to meet on the weekends since we're a few hours apart, but he's coming to the same school in September.

What happened to Vicky was
>She tells everyone in her church that I was the aggressor
>I was only dating Dan because she liked him first and because I wanted to hurt her
>I took her purse before grad and dumped it out in the dirt while telling her I hated her
>Her family is pretty integrated in that community, so she couldn't possibly be lying, right?

I can't really go to my hometown without disapproving looks my way, and a lot of the church members won't even talk to me.

I'm pretty sure she went to a Christian college after the summer anyway, but the damage is done.
She broke my phone after Dan called it a few times, too.

Oh, and she got a petty theft charge for taking my things.

>> No.9101387

>Then Dan asked me out


>> No.9101390

>everyone on /cgl/ is a girl
So when are you buying your first dress?

>> No.9101393

She beat you up and stole your things....yet everyone believes her...even after being charged with theft and given a restraining order?

Also why the fuck didn't Dan stick up for your relationship by telling this girl off? I think she needed a hard dose of reality check from him.

>> No.9101399


Yeah, Dan sounded like a scared bitch throughout that whole story.

>> No.9101413

Nice story but I call BS. You spiced up that ending.

>> No.9101487
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I didn't write that first ending, but I can see why you'd think that. That's the same reaction a lot of the people in town had to it too.
She told them that I'd tackled her and she'd taken my bag thinking it was hers. They believed her, especially since I've never been involved in the community due to being isolated for most of my childhood.
I might not have made it very clear, but Dan did tell her on multiple occasions that he was not interested and was already in a relationship. I guess he wasn't harsh enough, true, but he didn't do nothing.

>> No.9101815


>> No.9101918

Weird and awkward situation for you guys.

Earlier in the year I took a guy to court for stalking and harassing me. We settled outside of court and for the most part I have been able to keep him completely out of my life. Occasionally I get a completely obvious fake friend request but I just ignore them. Then this random guy joins the comm we'll call him J. I think it's the stalker because the profile picture is a CD cover. Facebook stalk his page and the account has been active for a long time and seems legit.

Fast forward a couple weeks and I notice we're attending the meetup. He's been pretty inactive in the community so it's a bit weird but I am trying not to judge. Just to be safe I tell a friend about the situation and have them stick close to me. I get there and meet J, he's super nerdy and awkward but seems really nice. J's in normie clothes but the meets casual and its his first one so again I try not to judge. After we introduce ourselves and talked I asked him what brought him into the fashion and had he looked into clothes. J then says "Oh, I'm not ever going to dress up I just really admire the way it looks and would like to take photos. I'm a photographer." He proceeds to say a bunch of things that sounded like he just googled the fashion and took notes. Its really odd I want to leave... but him and my friend hit it off and start talking about their similar hobbies. Thats when J lets it slip that one of his hobbies has him in the place where my stalker works almost everyday. That was the final piece and I immediately leave.

After that he starts messaging me about taking my picture. How he's love to help me get a photoshoot done. His typing is oddly similar to my stalkers. At an event I'm almost positive he did a closeup of me on a group photo. I have since blocked him and am considering taking it to the mods. J hasn't been active since I blocked him. But I am still worried this will happen again

>> No.9101921

Dude, take him to court again

>> No.9101983

Wish it were that easy. I live in a state that doesn't give restraining orders if they didn't physically beat you or had sex with you. I barely was able to get a case and he followed me for a year and a half. In order to get him to stop I literally have to wait until he does something violent, get over it or I have to move away and cut ties.

>> No.9101991

Wouldnt you know for sure if J was your stalker? You never saw him?

>> No.9102031

No he's not the same person,my suspicion is my stalker convinced J to join the community and keep tabs on me. I've already caught my stalker using our mutual friends facebooks to contact me.
Also that group photo J took? Never got posted online.

>> No.9102539

Yeah, I am too, especially since I've made up so many stories for these threads in the past. However, they're all inspired by real people I've known that really are that crazy. I think that's why people don't care if some of these stories might be fake, people like this actually exist.

>> No.9102977
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>Hello Batty
>mfw she just told someone to stop breathing because they don't want to play Pokemon Go

>> No.9102981

I'm not a fan of Batty, but you're exaggerating. Learn how to read before you post online.

>> No.9103000

Batty is stupid sometimes but you're retarded

>> No.9103005

She seems way too aggressive. I get it if she was making a point but I don't know why people are taking this game seriously.

>> No.9103068

Oh i get it now. Hope you stay safe and he gets help.

>> No.9103080

Here's my crazy local comm + /cgl/ story. Won't list the comm, or give names but this happened a few years ago. It was pretty batshit.

>girl joins comm around the same time as others. Pics start getting posted to ita threads like crazy. We wonder who it is?
>Someone on the fb page asks questions about altering brand. Girl goes on huge giant textwall rant.
>Girl gets salty because brand is not communal property, you can do what you wish with it. Like, if you want to preserve it for others, great. But not everyone is entitled to do so. It is clothing. Got called out by everyone.
>Starts stalking myself and mods social media, starts posting pics/secrets.
>Suspect it's this girl, but no definite leads.
>A few weeks pass. See BST thread, cheap brand dress that I've been wanting. Offer to buy.
>Get invoice. It's fucking her!
>At the same time she is throwing shade on me and others on /cgl/ probably unknowingly knowing that I'm buying a dress off her ass. Hi bother to check names?
>Gets called out because coords posted are not even that bad (first wear, didn't have everything I wanted to wear to make a perfect coord yet, but excited to have it, you know how that goes we've all gone there)
>Gets ripped to shreds herself once she posts her own coords.
>Namedrops herself and pretends its not her.
>Email her, "hey uh, I'm on cgl now and noticing that there's a lot going on. Are you still willing to go through this transaction or...?"
>Long-winded novel reply rehashing everything that happened.
>Secrets posted, screencap of her tumblr, Found out why she had a vandetta against me, I owned 3/5 of her dream dresses, the other people posted had the others.
>Dress actually arrives.
>I don't remember how but it comes out that it is her causing the drama. Gets banned.
>Stop hearing from her and about her.
>Later on, browsing lacemarket and somehow stumble upon her account. She got banned on there too for not actually sending things she sold.

>> No.9103568

She's kinda been really aggressive on her personal page towards her friends since she hit e-fame.

>> No.9103578

I'm still friends with her on her personal page but put her on never show post list. She argues too much with people that I have had enough of watching her put others down and degrading them because they shared their opinions.

>> No.9103950

Girl gets salty because brand is not communal property, you can do what you wish with it. Like, if you want to preserve it for others, great. But not everyone is entitled to do so. It is clothing. Got called out by everyone
So...your community thinks that altering brand makes you evil or something? Because the girl you're complaining about has it right...lolita isn't actually community property, in spite of what some of you seem to think.

>> No.9104036

I don't really understand people who hold that brand as sacred communal property. As other people say, they're just clothes.

Altering brand in a poor way, and flaunting it, is ita and embarrassing. Most lolitas will not tell itas this in person. But even for bad alterations, that person still was the owner of the clothes, and thus is entitled to do with it however they wish.

Altering brand in a good way, though, can be viewed very well. If you never plan on reselling it, or are ok with losing a good chunk of its resale value, it makes sense to ask a professional tailor to get it altered so that it looks better or fits better on you, or try altering it yourself.

Trying to sell altered brand at too-high of a price is pretty shady though.

>> No.9104313

>tfw ashley will never be my gf

>> No.9104457

If I spent money on a dress it's mine. If I want to dye it, cut it up, turn it into a ironing board cover then I can. It is my property and I can do what I want with it.

I agree with you though. That comm seems like a bunch of entitled bitches.

>> No.9104481

>turn it into a ironing board cover

>> No.9104581
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never forget

>> No.9104606

Am I the only one who reads this as the creepy girl got mad at the girl who asked about altering brand and the community called the creepy girl out? So the comm accepted altering brand, creepy girl did not and threw a fit.

>> No.9105684

>willingly engaging with women in any way

>> No.9105695

>not being gay

>> No.9105699
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Spoony can go to hell.
She's a fucking cunt and ruins everything she coms in contact with.

>> No.9105713


lolcow has gone completely into the shitter and I stopped visiting as soon as the admin banned all those threads.

>> No.9105721

Altering brand in a significant way only gets me rustled when it's done poorly or to make home goods or some shit. It's not that it's communal property it just annoys me that someone would pay that much for something beautiful and turn it into something ugly or something that shouldn't so expensive. If someone does that it's their dress so whatever, but I'll still be salty.

>> No.9105726

dick or gtfo

>> No.9105738

> it's usually to people in the limelight like Dakotakoti, not randos.

Anyone can become a victim of stalking, anon.

>> No.9105760

He also has zero issue with outing people who use the site, and that makes me quite uncomfortable.

>> No.9105831

Male stalkers are way worse in general. Female ones are far less likely to escalate to violence, statistically speaking, and more likely to eventually leave you alone.

>> No.9105832

Oh shit, really? Is there any link or something to that? Part of why I stopped using the site was because I got a feeling about that happening.

>> No.9105847


bpd does stand for both but borderline is the more common one here, for some reason

at my high school it happened at least a couple of times that couples got to walk up on the stage right after each other, and in the beginning of the ceremony they walked in next to each other while everyone else was single file

>> No.9105902

Different anon but it was mentioned a few times that if you repeatedly broke rules you got outed on one of their boards. However the admin quit and new one has taken their place and everything seems better now and all that's happening is some rearranging where boring lolcows get moved to snow.
Then again I rarely post and I only go for the Margaret CrazyPants topic.

>> No.9106271

How exactly do they out anonymous people? They shouldn't have any info besides just the city where the IP address is from.

>> No.9106302

If you've been posting threads about yourself and samefagging repeatedly then all your posts will have your name on it. Not sure about other offenses though.