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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.9063149
File: 819 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the comments in this thread make me want to punch a kitten in the face...

>> No.9063560

Old thread

>> No.9063585

Tell me more. Do they know the reason it's so famous or are they too young?

>> No.9063689
File: 73 KB, 1300x392, keychaintypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering. Do you guys have a preference when it comes to key chain types? Do you think the ball chain, the loop, or the latch type is better?

>> No.9063690

Latch, as long as it's not one of the fiddly jewelry-type ones.

>> No.9063694

i've found that a lot of ball chains tend to break easily but aesthetically they look the best for keychains imo. it's a weird trade off

>> No.9063716

i personally prefer keyrings but most importantly I hate hate hate the chain type..

>> No.9063722

I tend to like the keyring since I actually put stuff on my keys, but clasps seem more versatile and I go for those on my own charms.

>> No.9063847

hahaha. I love how a lot of the people who are angry that art like this sells are actually pretty crappy/generic artists themselves (or crafters)

>> No.9064035

Do any of you guys like to watch artists draw on Twitch? If so, do you have any you'd recommend? I'm trying to improve my art so I've been really practicing my fundamentals, but I find watching somebody else work on the side while I draw helps me learn a lot.

>> No.9064057

I usually only watch friends stream; I'll chat with them a bit and stuff. I find speed draws/paints to be as effective as stream watching, but less time consuming.

>> No.9064146

Have you checked out Picarto? It's basically Twitch for artists instead of gamers.

>> No.9064280

Sampetersonart is pretty good. He keeps it entertaining and is happy to answer questions

>> No.9064664

Does anyone else have a follower or a few that are a bit too much? I have this one guy that will reply to practically everything I post, and it doesn't help he's not exactly young either.
The replies themselves aren't anything out of the ordinary, but it's just too much.

I always try to be a person that will nicely reply to everyone and I feel bad ignoring some, but I really don't want to reply to him anymore as it's kind of giving me the creeps. Even more that I want to stop posting more casual things, because while I like trying to interact with people who like my work, I don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.9064711

Honestly I would be creeped out too. I'm currently dealing with a stalker myself, who usually left comments on my DeviantArt page but some months ago this person insulted me via twitter and after I blocked him he made a bunch of accounts and tried to talk to me like anything happened. I've been reporting and blocking him since march and lately he found out about my online store, asking for my address because he "wants to purchase"
I don't know what to do exactly, all I've done is to take screencaps as proofs and telling some friends and family about this.

>> No.9064722

I'm starting on some Neko Atsume stickers and I'm trying to decide which cats to do while keeping to 8-10 different designs; do you guys think it would be better to do more of the rare and recognizable cats or common ones that people might like because they look like their own pets (while still keeping recognizable game poses)?

>> No.9064734

I'm so sorry to hear that's happening anon, I hope he won't turn into a persistent stalker but will give up.
I decided on soft blocking, so they don't realize I can't see their replies anymore.

>> No.9064739

Split it in half, Tubbs and the maid cat are probably the better rare cats, and snowball would be a good common cat

>> No.9064747
File: 46 KB, 500x485, 6b0c6a1c5b8864b86b738521b04663b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this. Tubbs is always popular. The regular cats, I'd say definitely do peaches

>> No.9064748

Probably the best idea. Tubbs, Sassy Fran, Conductor Whiskers, Billy the Kitten, and Xerxes? Guy Furry maybe?

>> No.9064749

Peaches is the bane of my existence.

Would buy merch of.

>> No.9064755
File: 41 KB, 771x415, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to make some glittery trashy laser cut bling.

>> No.9064756

Like the idea but not sure how I feel about the fonts.

>> No.9064818

>asking for my address because he "wants to purchase"
Holy shit

>> No.9064841
File: 82 KB, 832x658, 13474157_697860023686047_199168128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original spread that my friends chose from. Wouldn't mind opinions from people with a better eye for this stuff. Have to avoid getting too detailed though because some details can get botched easy with my glitter acrylic

>> No.9064845

They are all pretty shitty, but the second hoshido one (upper right in this image) is easily the shittiest of the chosen.

>> No.9064854

What >>9064845 said, they're all pretty shit. Why not use the emblem's of each side and handwrite the terms? That would look better then some shitty Word font on glittery acrylic.

>> No.9064864

>Does anyone else have a follower or a few that are a bit too much?
yes. someone purchased a fandom print and updates me on how it affects their spiritual life.

>> No.9064879
File: 102 KB, 960x528, 13230320_1768701006691684_6224046890615581818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about the realistic/painterly style prints vs the more anime or cartoon style prints?

i feel like the painterly are the ones that are all super impressive to normies, and i feel like they'd make a lot more money. i've wanted to phase over to that style for a while, but i keep hearing stuff like "oh i love that you actually draw anime style anime, less and less people are doing it now", or that a lot of the painterly stuff looks all the same.

idk i personally still make a significantly good amount, so i dont know if switching to the realistic painterly stuff would hurt me or help me. would you guys say that one style is more successful than the other?

>> No.9064886

The painterly stuff would be nice if it wasn't just copying Sakimi. I love detailed prints but they really are all the same.

I I think the "you actually draw anime" might've been referring to the influx of Western-styled art, along with Sakimi I guess. Tumblr style is the new traced-weebshit style.

Anyway, just do you. There's no point selling fandom/anime prints specifically to normies anyway.

>> No.9064896

My friends and I decided that all the super painterly stuff is just seriously too much sometimes. People who do it don't always know how to make a nice composition so everything just blends together. :/ I never buy it unless it's cohesive and not a cluster fuck of GLOW SPARKLE

>> No.9064902

i meant normies as in people that aren't artists or don't care as much for technical skill and can get more easily impressed by shit like a lot of detail, or chromatic abberation, or back in the day dodge and burn

nothing wrong with it, just i feel like artists and some people who care more about finding good art notice and get bothered by a lot of things that the average convention attendee would never notice or care about

>> No.9064907

I'm selling at my first table next month and I'm worried that I won't sell much of anything since I have so little fan art. I have a few people that seem excited to see my work in person but I'm just really nervous.

>> No.9064916
File: 92 KB, 860x765, Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 4.57.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time ordering from artbovine and for some reason it doesn't seem like the coupon is working? I got the code from a couple threads back and it hasn't expired, I just want to know if it immediately shows the new price or if it's supposed to look like I'm paying out the ass until the final step. It gave me a little Thanks! message and said it was 99c plus free shipping so I'm getting mixed messages

>> No.9064921

I've noticed that if you look at a lot of the painterly artwork up close, it's actually really sloppy and you can see the sketch marks underneath still. Looks good when displayed on a 40ft photo backdrop, but not so much when you actually have it in your hands.

>> No.9064944

Yhey rarely capture the character in a unique way so i never buy them or trade for them. But they do make the money, and kudos for those artists for making bank off normies.

>> No.9065039

afaik they've changed the coupons so now only the first coinpurse is .99 and the rest are regular price

>> No.9065050
File: 41 KB, 688x843, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stepped it up a bit.

Not sold on the emblems because that's intellectual property and I have gotten in trouble for that in the past.

>> No.9065056

I like the first and second one the best. Don't pick a font that's too gimmicky like the last one.

As for the emblems, I wouldn't risk it then. It's better to be save since fans will still get it anyway.

>> No.9065102

Since its you're first table, remember to have fun. If you just break even, that isn't bad, its like getting into the con for free.

It'll be ok. no one's first con is a huge success.

>> No.9065124

Ah, art normies.
Then yeah.

>> No.9065244

When making the files for the opaque charms with Vograce, do you need to leave a bleed for the cut if you have a colored border? How big should the bleed be? Thanks!

>> No.9065251

...hoping that isn't me

are you in the west coast?

>> No.9065274

I prefer second one! feel like the font works with the nohr symbol

>> No.9065275

No, honestly you can just send that file over and they'll take care of the bleed/cut/border/hole/etc for you (if you don't already have it)

>> No.9065278

Ugh that's such a pain. Thanks for telling me though I'll probably just get one then

>> No.9065284

Thanks, and what if I want to set up my own cutline/bleed (my design is narrow at the top, so I have to leave a bit of extra space there for the cut to prevent breaks)?

>> No.9065294

By the way, what are the most common defects you guys ever had with Vograce? Inclusions/dust, fliped images, grainy prints, wrong hole placement? What else? Do you need to write a brief quality requirements list to them stating what defects they need to look after to prevent? How do you follow up the production one you send them the files? Also, is the payment 100% prepaid with them or partly paid before production and partly after the production is done? Thanks!

>> No.9065314

Personally I had dust/scratch defects only so far. I just sent them my file with what I wanted, and they took care of everything else. I'm pretty easy going so I just pay for the charms, ask when it's going to be ready, and then send them another message on said date to ask if the charms are ready/for pics. Then I pay for shipping and ask for tracking when they tell me it's shipped. They made a few monetary mistakes when invoicing me, but just pay attention and correct them and they'll fix it.

>> No.9065322

Thanks a lot for a detailed reply!!
Do they ask you to pay to their company PayPal acct or to a personal account of their manager/staff? Have they ever asked for any exotic additional charges like "outbound customs charge"? Also, what do they write in the package customs declaration? Do they write the exact number of charms? Thanks again!

>> No.9065330
File: 204 KB, 844x587, chibis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stickers I've been working on, I kinda wanna make them into charms.

>> No.9065335

I never really paid attention to whose Paypal is was. Might have been the owner of Vograce's PP. They lay out the charges pretty straight forward so if there is a weird charge, then it's built into the costs of the charms. You can always ask them for a breakdown before sending the payment. I didn't pay attention to the declaration either since my parcels are of a small enough value that I know wouldn't trigger customs anyway.

>> No.9065353

Thanks a lot!!
The reason I'm asking about personal PayPal vs company PP is that popular Alibaba manufacturers sometimes may get hacked and their customers may become victims of the well know scam where the hacker or a former employee runs off with the money sent to a personal account. So it's a good idea to only send money to company accounts with Alibaba and other Chinese manufacturers, and specifically ask these companies to give you their company PP when the time comes to pay. At least you can be sure that it's the company who gets your money, because PayPal verifies company accounts pretty strictly.

>> No.9065358

Hi anons Im not from the US so this might be a stupid question. but I was wondering if theres any way to find a list of the artists that will be selling at AX (trying to make a shopping list...)?

>> No.9065367

There's a list on AX's website, anon. Did you even try checking there?

>> No.9065376

these are super cute. I'm wondering if mei/mercy are going to be oversaturated like how sona/ahri/jinx is for league, though.

>> No.9065390
File: 195 KB, 687x630, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I honestly don't mind if they did become oversaturated, they're my favorite. It just means more merch for me to buy, haha.

>> No.9065424
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x1833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I booth barnacle'd so hard at the last con I was at I literally talked to the 2 artists for 5 hours ~_~

they never told me to go away so I didn't
maximum creep i guess :(

>> No.9065425

english isnt my first language and I couldnt find anything typing AX sorry if I seem like Im asking to be spoon fed, I had a friend help me find it so thanks anon.

>> No.9065658

>someone purchased a fandom print and updates me on how it affects their spiritual life
What even

Yeah, just focus on learning and having fun. Do cheap commissions if you feel up to it, it'll make up for the lack of fanart.

>> No.9065813

Vograce has so many listings. My friend and I can't seem to find out if they offer clear doublesided charms. Does anyone know? I'll send them an invoice otherwise.

>> No.9065844

oh I like them too, but i'm just being petty cause junkrat and roadhog are my favorites and are pretty scarce atm. If you get them made into charms, you should pop your store link (if you have one) into a thread, i'd love to buy some.

I honestly don't mind booth barnacles as long as they are conscious of other people and give the artist time to talk to other customers and don't butt in.

>> No.9065860

thanks! I'm trying to remember that it's all a learning experience and that it won't be perfect. I hope that I at least get a feel for it because I do want to start attending more events for extra income

>> No.9065922

This might be a dumb question and it might be in the wrong thread but if there was an official design of something that isn't in stock anymore would it be okay to copy said design to use for cosplay purposes? I don't want to sell it or anything but I do want to upload it to RB just to get it on the item I need.

>> No.9065925

Depends on what it is, there might be an easier way to do it.
But morally, I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.9065929

if it's just for personal use, it's fine.

>> No.9065933
File: 149 KB, 659x839, roadhog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, they definitely deserve more love. Here's a Roadhog I've been working on!

>> No.9065934

It was the face of an anime character that I can't seem to find anywhere and it was a really cute design, so I figured just tracing it off and slapping it on a bag would be okay because it's out of stock everywhere, I just don't want to be looked at in a bad light because of it I guess.

Okay, thank you!!

>> No.9066053

Hey, I know a couple of seagulls were here talking about applying for EVO's artist alley. Did any of you hear back at all? It's coming up soon and I've sent them an email asking when they're sending out confirmation and they haven't responded.

>> No.9066360

Same. I would buy the shit out of the idea, but the blambot fonts aren't doing you any favors for aesthetic. I normally adore Badaboom, but it doesn't work well here. Also, if you're going to do simple typography based stickers or buttons, you really need to watch your kerning. The pinch between the O & S in the top right one is driving me nuts.

>> No.9066473

Do you guys have any recommendations for where I might be able to order bookmarks? rounded edges or non-rounded edges are both fine. Much thanks.

>> No.9066502

uprinting for square edges, overnight prints for rounded.

>> No.9066649
File: 360 KB, 1197x898, 20160622_155244 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm sadly the megenta and black glitter don't show up very well against each other so I'll have to use gold for contrast.

>> No.9066811
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I start sticking pins down, labelling them and pricing them, do you guys think this seems like an okay configuration for showing my pin sets? Or should I keep them all horizontal and in rows?

Also, would it look better if I covered my board, or can I just decorate it as is? I'm running out of time before the con and I'm struggling to finish everything how I want it to look, but would just plain board look like trash?

>> No.9066812

I didn't apply myself, but I haven't seen/heard anything from artists that I know applied. Maybe try tweeting EVO? They tend to respond quickly to tweets.

The gold/black contrast is really nice. I think part of the problem with the magenta/black is also that it's glitter on glitter. If the magenta was glitter but the black was solid, it might look nicer.

>> No.9066826

this is really cute??? i wish i had fewer buttons so i could do this... but i would make them a little closer? it makes it look empty right now. The circles are nice but they're too empty. Maybe just tight rows?

>> No.9066836

Oh fudge, I completely forgot to write in the description. Inside the circles I'm putting a price sticker (like maybe a cute star for the SU ones) that has '$X for the set' and around each badge I was going to label it, so there wouldn't have been as much negative space. Would you still rearrange them into rows?

Thank you for thinking it's cute!

>> No.9066843

It's very cute, I'd just try to make them a little more even?
Like, making the ones on the bottom line up in a row (while still spaced out by series).

Also do you have an online store? I need that MTT.

>> No.9066867

Thanks, bud! I'll definitely measure them and make them even when I go to stick them down (this one was just for spacing ideas). I appreciate your feedback!

(Also if you want I have my Etsy account here - https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/Yiji - I just haven't had time to put my SU of GoT stuff up yet. After the weekend con!)

>> No.9066900

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.9066901


If you do that it's perfect

>> No.9066917

Well yeah
You don't get someone's address in order to buy from them. If anything, you gives yours first.

The fact that he thinks he's being slick is creepy as hell.

>> No.9066964
File: 186 KB, 430x768, icecreamCOLOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help plz. For the life of me, I can't figure out the right color combo for this dress. I've tried mostly pink, mostly brown, mostly white...gone back and forth on white lace vs chocolate lace....I'm about to tear my hair out.

The bow and the bag are correct, so I'm just trying to match them and evoke the Sundae theme. Any advice would be super appreciated!

>> No.9067010

eh now this just looks horribly tacky..

>> No.9067027

I think that's the point? I see a lot of these on etsy for stuff like "FEMINIST" and "WEEABOO" and I'm shocked that they actually do well and I hope people are just wearing them ironically.

>> No.9067031

Was a nice concept in that typesetting stage but seeing it irl doesnt really click with me.

>> No.9067038

i think the colors are alright but you should add a couple more motifs to remind people of sundaes. you could add something somewhere to resemble chocolate syrup maybe? sorry for vague suggestion i think its pretty cute as is (i remember the original one too, good job improving on it!)

>> No.9067044

personally i think it looks very...muted? the bunnys skin is too similar to the dress colours.

Maybe try a different fur colour?

>> No.9067058
File: 216 KB, 504x900, icecreamCOLOR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just whipped up this colorway...I think it looks a little better but I'm not 100% sold.
I still have Rocky Road and Mint Chocolate Chip to color, so maybe I'll just finish those and come back to this one with fresh eyes

>> No.9067060

I'm starting to really dislike this style everybody's starting to draw this way

Thanks to patreon tutorials with artists like sakimi and that one russian guy I can't remember his url everyone's copying that paint-erly bust big eyes small chin style

>> No.9067076

There's literally no reason to get the seller's address. The seller gets the buyer's address, for obvious reasons, and the seller can include their own address for returns if they want, but they're not under any obligation to.

This dude is creepy as shit and an idiot to boot.

>> No.9067127

Perhaps make the bunny a more chocolate color? I like the dress being mostly lighter personally.

this is INCREDIBLE adorable and i want a dozen

>> No.9067165

I figured this thread could help since I'm planning on making 2.5"(?) charms out of the following: >>>/ic/2573577. What do you guys think?

>> No.9067184

Oh i like this a bit more, the contrast is more pleasing. But I have to say now it doesnt mach the look youre going for... which is tricky.

>> No.9067193

Here's to hoping he meant email address so he could send a PayPal payment, but with everything else that's highly unlikely

>> No.9067203
File: 254 KB, 504x900, Itriedanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the body color and something about the purse feels off. I tried coloring it differently for you but you'll have to excuse me because I'm pretty poor with color design. Still, maybe it will help? I think the dress is fine no matter what and that it's mostly the bunny body that's making it clash.

>> No.9067207

You're gonna get a lot of heat for not making Mie fat.

>> No.9067210

I like this, but maybe try to make the purse topping not chocolate? Try pink? Totally dig the brown on the face.

>> No.9067217

you need to simplify and stylize a lot of the tiny details you have going on, they are not going to read well on a charm. If you don't mind someone drawing over your work, I can create a visual reference for suggestions I think might help.

>> No.9067245

No, I don't mind at all! I'm having difficulty having things read well at charm-size, so any help would be much appreciated.

>> No.9067482
File: 197 KB, 411x737, Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 8.58.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an artist, but this is my take

>> No.9067546
File: 413 KB, 1000x581, suggestionsforanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this is very messy, i kinda rushed
also keep in mind this is just my opinion, in the end you should go with whatever you want.

in your lineart, you are trying to describe every single detail of the characters which in something as small as a charm will come across as cramped and busy. You can either simplify this (like with the hair) or omit it unless it is essential to recognizing the design. You also can add detail later, when you are coloring, which can help make it look a little less busy. (demonstrated with the cross ties on her dress)

the poses are also kind of stiff. The little sketch in the right corner is a posing suggestion (that would also better use the space in the square format that you order charms in)

with coloring, less is more. try and avoid using lines and instead use areas of color for shading (if that make sense?) and don't overdo highlights. Some people make painterly styles work for charms but imo for most people it's just better to keep it to simple cell shading. There are lots of tutorials which are great for this.

Also, it helps to define individual objects by giving them a thicker outline. Since this has two character, where they overlap you might want to give the 'front' character a thicker outline.

these are just my suggestion. I'm sure other anons will also have feedback.

>> No.9067644

A question about coloring stickers and charms. Is it okay to leave them not shaded with a tiny bit of highlighting? I don't like how shading looks muddy or not show up very well on my old products so I'm thinking about not shading at all. Is that too "lazy" or will it look ok to customers?

>> No.9067725

It'll look fine to customers but I think you should still try shading them a bit. It looks really off otherwise. Even really simple cel shading will make them look more lively and polished, and since they're quite small items, you don't have to worry about the shading being perfect (though of course you should work on improving it). Color theory is hard but imo it's really worth it in the end.

>> No.9067728

Post an example?

>> No.9067951

Some artists have stickers and/or charms that are not shaded at all (not even highlights) and have little to no line weight. They still look very cute and not lazy at all so I was wondering if I could pull it off too. Maybe they can do it because they have a cute style??

>> No.9067954

Is it not a little in bad taste to make buttons of those logos and emblems? The captain america, game of thrones and such? You are clearly capable of creating your own artwork... even if you redrew them it all looks similar enough to official it's about on par with those perler bead things based off official pixel sprites that everybody gets annoyed by...
Maybe I'm overreacting? I really don't know

>> No.9067958

Depends on style and simplicity.
There's no rule stating that you have to have line weight or shading, but sometimes it can be the thing that makes your sticker look a little better.
But it can also be too over the top.
You can post examples for feedback, if you want.

>> No.9067972
File: 106 KB, 481x441, Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 4.51.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news: disgruntled Joann employee posts asking to boycott.

>> No.9067986

I lost it at Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Wal-Mart being ' places that actually care about their customers '. I'm upset about the student discount being discarded if that's true but honestly I never use it anyway because I always have coupons that are worth more and they don't let me stack discounts like that.

>> No.9067992

Do those 10% discounts even stack with others? Like she says there's a lot of reasons to be mad at Joann but that's pretty weak

>> No.9068000

I'm just thinking about doing it and I just wanted to hear some opinions. So I don't have any examples yet. I'm going to try it anyway and see if it sells okay.

>> No.9068009

They don't. You can't use the discount AND use coupons. The discount is pretty pointless 90% of the time so it's really not a reason to be upset.

>> No.9068032

Thanks a lot for taking the time, anon.

The colors are actually just blocked in since I just wanted to make sure it wasn't some color theory disaster, but your advice about color/shading is very helpful. I'll keep them in mind.

For the poses, I don't really have a designated 'space' to use since Vograce doesn't have any template. I'll try moving tweaking Sakura so shes more dynamic though; I can see what you mean by stiff. And fix her skirt while I'm at it. Also thickening her lines would make sense so I'll play around with that.

>> No.9068280

I honestly prefer unique styles/compositions/colors/concepts/character interactions over the bland realistic painterly stuff I see normies shit money on. It's not bad art, I just find it SUPER boring. But to be fair, I'm an artist and I've also been to cons/artist alley for years. Of course I'm pickier than your average con-goer.

It boils down to your own artist integrity. If you're wishing to convert to realism it's up to you. Tons of people will like it and tons of people won't. Just do you.

>> No.9068317
File: 445 KB, 569x599, shop1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a shameless plug, but maybe related to those interested in handmade stuff! I'm leaving for Japan to be an ALT in August, so I'm trying to sell off all of my AA items.


Aside from charms I just made for ACen, everything is half off or more right now. (there's charms, buttons, and sticker sheets)

>> No.9068365

Is this what people mean when they call millennials entitled? I get 30% to 50% off coupons in the mail every month from JoAnn, who cares about a small 10% discount?

>> No.9068664

This might be better in the indie crafts thread.

>> No.9068866

Ilya Kuvshinov

>> No.9069343

Any advice on drawing chibis of bearded western characters from movies and tv shows? I don't know how to draw beards and light stubble on chibis without making them look ridiculous. For light stubble, I may just not draw any facial hair. But I am at a loss when it comes to beards. Any tips on how to make them look cute??

>> No.9069350
File: 409 KB, 177x177, 1463842743142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone going to be selling at AX? This is going to be my first year doing their artist alley and I'd love to have some people to do small trades with or something.
I'll be at table G19

>> No.9069378

For stubble, you can try making their jawline a little darker/greyer
Beards.. just make them poofy?

>> No.9069384

Thanks, I'll try that for stubble! I thought about doing that for beards but I'm afraid that it'll look too santa.

>> No.9069399

As long as the guy doesn't have Santa's other characteristics, you should be fine anyway.

>> No.9069524

i know it isn't anime or a cartoon or anything, but do you guys think merch for musicals would sell okay, online or at a con? like, hamilton, les mis, the book of mormon, etc

>> No.9069530

Probably only what's popular atm (Hamilton) and maybe some of the more "classic" ones like Oz.

>> No.9069548

Hamilton definitely though it's starting to pop up more and more so you might have some competition with that one. I would love to see other musicals but I don't know if most customers would recognize many outside of Les Mis, Wicked, and like maybe In the Heights but I don't think Miranda's fans even know about that because they're all just Hamilton crazed.

>> No.9069553

Oh, thank you! It's been a while since I've been on this board, I didn't know there was one.

>> No.9069656

Don't know about at cons but Etsy would probably like them.

>> No.9069728

What credit card readers do you guys prefer?

I'm coming up on a con at the end of next month and when I did this con last year, a lot of people were disappointed that I didn't take credit cards. While some of them wanted stuff enough to go to an ATM, I did lose out on a few sales. I didn't see anything about it in the resource doc, so I thought I'd ask.

>> No.9069751

square works great for me, quick and easy and the fees are pretty minimal

>> No.9069789

I use square. I also still have my cheap one from before the chip readers and no one has complained or cared.

>> No.9069821

I saw In the Heights live with the original cast and I don't think I'd recognize fan art if I saw it. Maaayybeee the piragua guy though.

I personally use square. It definitely made a difference, I really wish I got it sooner.

Though not technically a card reader, people nowadays are asking for venmo. Got it to use for a friend buying something, but I don't really see myself using it with customers I don't know. I already use paypal for commissions, so it was kind of a pain to set up venmo too.

>> No.9069839

I use the Etsy card reader. They are all the same really. Etsy reader is good if you have a shop since it increases the number of sales and lets people leave a review on your item later on if they enter their e-mail.

>> No.9069894
File: 2.60 MB, 3264x2448, -IMG_2451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of using doing mass-production shikishi like the "big boys" do but what kind of service would i be able to use for it?

>> No.9070045

I don't think they'd do well at cons, but stuff from Hamilton, Something Rotten, Les Mis or even Tanz der Vampire would definitely sell online.

>> No.9070134

I know that PayPal has slightly cheaper rates, although most people have stuck with Square throughout the years.

>> No.9070616

Anyone have experience with traditional commission pricing? I was hoping to use canvases and cardstock paper but not sure if anyone would want to buy an expensive traditional commission compared to a digital one for half the price since I'd need to make up for the materials.

>> No.9070627

So I was working on ML stuff when they announced that fanart sales were a no go. I have the lineart for my ML acrylic charms and I was thinking I might release it as a free colouring sheet online for people to print for their kids or whatever? Would that be against the creators wishes?

>> No.9070707

If it's free, you're not selling it. People will probably really enjoy your stuff, just post it somewhere where you can get comments and moms can shower you with praise.

>> No.9070768

Where do people get the mini hug pillow charms made at? Google is failing me.

>> No.9071024
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>> No.9071092


>> No.9071125

Miraculous Ladybug I'm assuming.

>> No.9071139

source for this?

>> No.9071163

Thank you for clearing that up. It felt like such a waste to let my little miraculous chibis fall into the depths of my computer. At least someone out there can enjoy it now.

>> No.9071167
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Seems like the creator's tumblr that this was originally posted on has been cleared.
But honestly, it just seems like standard copyright stuff to me rather than a special policy.

>> No.9071169

Thomas posted it on his Twitter when someone asked him if things like acrylic charms and fanart could be sold (why would you ever ask that?!). He said that you could make it but not sell it. I'm not sure if anything more official than that tweet came out though.

>> No.9071180

People are fucking stupid. Every week there's some idiot posting on AANI about 'oh is it okay to sell fanart of X??? I saw other people doing it buy i heard otherwise uwu;;;' which just incites another tired round of original artists sneering at the criminal activities of fanartists (the scum) and usually a couple of people explaining, yet again, of course it's not endorsed or legal but most companies turn a blind eye as long as it's small sales or at cons only.

>> No.9071194

I think it's silly when artists make patreon's but are then too embarrassed to promote them. Why are you making one then? Who cares about the "wow you're a sell out" crowd?

Even more when they have a lot of fans, but they aren't giving on Patreon because they didn't even realize there was one for the artist.
It's like making a zine and then not promoting it because you're afraid people will think you're spamming adds.

The world of (freelance) art already sucks, so at least have enough pride in your work to promote a Patreon and better conditions for all artists.

>> No.9071337

commissioners: how hard would you judge if someone asked you to draw them and their husbando

>> No.9071348

Not at all, though I prefer drawing (if it's from a game) their character + husbando/waifu.

Drawing real people isn't my thing, which is why I refuse to draw it.

>> No.9071372

I have a husbando, so why would I judge someone for having one? Unless they have a dozen characters they call husbando/waifu, I'm going to be more than happy to draw them together.

>> No.9071454

I wouldn't judge. I'm still getting paid and husbandos aren't shameful so long as they don't ask me for anything lewd. Everyone has a favorite character whether it's a husbando or not. Look at caricatures at the Disney parks, they draw you dressed up as characters or paired with characters from your favorite movie. Not really that different.

>> No.9071459

For some reason, some people get super butthurt when artists have Patreons. There was some Undertale artist who draws a lot of porn and it seemed that just about everyone in /vg/'s UT thread was railing on her because how dare she make people pay to see the stuff she makes. Or another time on /co/ a specific webcomic artist was describe as "one of the good ones" for not having a Patreon.

Some people are just super entitled and some artists are afraid of that potential backlash, I guess. It's fucking crazy that people get so mad over an artist wanting to make money off their work.

>> No.9071462

It's really weird yeah, though one UT artist also is making money of their AU ( I think it was Freshtale?) and that did kind of rub me the wrong way. Especially since it wasn't exactly 20 dollars they made each month.

But overall people feel way too entitled. Some artists also give away a ridiculous amount of rewards for low low tiers, so seeing people rant about even those artists is especially bad.

>> No.9071534

I know an artist who sold out of Hamilton stuff a recent con so yes, it might be niche but popular ones do sell.

>> No.9071541

I have several Hamilton prints that sell crazy well- but then again, that's sort of the hot thing right now. To be honest I'd say your odds are a lot better if it's a musical with a film adaptation (RENT and Les Mis would probably do well, I think.)

>> No.9071577

not at all, ive taken commissions like that before and its more endearing than anything

>> No.9071685

I wouldn't care enough to judge. Money is money and there aren't many other places where you can get a drawing like that while remaining completely anonymous.

>> No.9071720

I've asked tons of artists to draw dicks and butts before and only a small percent seem to judge or get upset in the end.

artist alley is a fairly open and fun crowd mostly, I doubt you'd get much judging for you and your husbando at all

>> No.9072280

I watched that artist. She was making a hentai comic based off underfell. The problem was people where paying her for pages for the comic, but not enough people paid per page so she scrapped the project. Some people got butt hurt. She got really angry when people brought it up, and sorta offered money back to those who only asked for it back.

>She quit doing undertale porn because the fandom went fucking nuts.

>> No.9072396

i would 100% prefer to draw someones super self-insert mary sue than actually draw someone using real life images as reference to draw with a fictional character.

>> No.9072449

If she wasn't earning enough per page it's completely reasonable she'd scrap it, and reasonable she wouldn't refund for work she'd already done, even unfinished? Why were people that upset by it? Were her fans just shitty? If they want the comic to get made then why weren't enough people paying for it? I know nothing about this, I'm super curious.

>> No.9072670

Her relationship with the fan base wasn't the best, she would be harassed for small things, or for having a different opinion. She got more and more closed off, and to nice fans she was standoffish and could of been seen a rude which didn't help her.

What I remember, some pages where paid off, but many people who paid for them waited quite some time for an update which didn't happen. She also from what I recall changed the process of funding the pages more than once, which many people supported till the updates stopped. She deleted the convos if I recall from her tumblr sadly, so I can't remember 100%, but she got into it with a few fans.

>> No.9072694
File: 1.12 MB, 800x1236, kuragehime-print-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably shouldve attached art to this in the first place, but if anyones down for trading stuff just let me know or swing by. im wary of asking artists at this con since its so big and everyones probably super busy

>> No.9072712

Anyone bringing their button machine for AX? I wanna do some designs but I don't know any last minute place around LA I can get buttons made :')

>> No.9072795

what size buttons?

>> No.9072800
File: 3.72 MB, 4128x2322, 20160627_022501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX snuck up on me something fierce. I hope I can get everything done in time. These little guys are getting finished tonight or I'm jumping off a cliff.

>> No.9072817

how much are you selling them for?

>> No.9072821

I'm in the fence, but I was thinking 7 or 8 each or so. Maybe 3 for 20. That might be a bit high though if I am to be realistic about them selling.

>> No.9072826

Bitch I know they're little but make those fuckers $10 or something they are hand painted originals.

>> No.9072842

$10 ea
3 for 25

>> No.9072843

2 1/2 inch ideally

>> No.9072978

If everyone else can charge $10-$15 for tinyass mass produced charms and still sell them you can charge AT LEAST $15 (the price of prints btw) for your goddamn one of a kind paintings, anon. I'm a print artist but holy shit you're undervaluing your own work.

Please, I want you to make more money.

>> No.9072983

Why do all of the Love Lives have red bows?
If you're basing it off of their school uniforms, only the second years have red bows.

>> No.9072988

They're hand painted. Go for $15-20. I would totally be fine with paying up to $100 for the Madoka set alone.

>> No.9073041

Theyre not done yet. It was just a place marker since I wasnt going off of a pencil drawing underneath.

And thanks for the replies in the thread. I'll consider thr $10e/3 for 25 deal an anon said.

>> No.9073061

How should I measure for non-adjustable bracelets? I can't really use my own wrist, it's 6" at the largest part. I was thinking maybe 8", but I'm worried that might be too small.

>> No.9073112

Make them 8-9" and bring a tray of matching beads to make them longer if necessary.

>> No.9073149

they look great, please show us the finished pieces when you're done, anon!
also best of luck!

>> No.9073474

ah sorry, i'll have my machine but all i do is 1.25 inch buttons

>> No.9073583
File: 150 KB, 1197x898, 20160627_132657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Nohrian Scum bling again. Tried making eerything more flush but a lot of the inner letters get lost in the machine that way. I might have to settle on a really deep engraving into the base material to set the letters in

>> No.9073591

I like those colors but the gap in the O and the R is bothering me.

>> No.9073651

As others have said, Hamilton is huge right now. Beyond that, you might have some luck with very long-running musicals with visually distinctive characters, like Wicked or The Phantom of the Opera.

>> No.9073863

If I'm not selling fanart, are there other types of conventions where I might fit in better than at anime conventions? I basically draw stylized baby animals.

>> No.9073923

art & wine festivals

>> No.9073929

Honestly that would still fit best at anime conventions.

>> No.9073937

You might want to branch into cute animals from certain series as well.

>> No.9073938

Don't those prefer traditional contemporary artwork? I was thinking maybe something to do with kids, but I don't know what that'd be.

Okay, thanks.

>> No.9073943

Not them but if I wanted to do fanart from Fiddler of like, say, stickers of some of the characters dancing with the word "Tradition" am I going to get bitches yelling at me about cultural appropriation because I'm not Jewish? I saw a girl discussing plans to convert a large antelope skull into a dream catcher piece on AANI and she got chewed out about it for not being native American and I find that stupid. Is this something that happens in person? I just love musicals.

>> No.9073960

No? Considering that the musical itself is about Jewish characters and you're just making fanart of it? You think the word "tradition" is going to get you flak? This is clearly different from the AANI chick trying to make a dreamcatcher. Are you always this dense or like are you a 14 year old anti-sjw?

I'd recommend comic book conventions and local comic book store events. I've noticed that a lot of original artists have more luck selling their stuff at western/comic cons. See if you can find local events put on at libraries and stuff - plenty of community places are holding small cons now because it's so mainstream and libraries can help target that kid demographic you're looking for.

>> No.9073965

I know everyone does it, but it bothers me to use someone else's IP. How do you guys feel about it?

I have done cute animals from series, but it feels crappy when that gets attention when what I really care about doesn't. I know it's a dumb business decision of mine for an anime con, though.

Those are good ideas. I'll look into it!

>> No.9073968

Tangent incoming but don't go to events that are specifically for kids. Kids I'm sure will love whatever you have but parents never buy anything. Never ever. I make toys, plush, and decorative character art that's already in frames perfect for hanging and would look great in a child's room. My table is always very colorful and attracts kids like moths to a flame but 9/10 of them get physically dragged away by their parents before they can even utter "Mommy look". I had multiple parents at my last show who actually refused to stop as they passed me like they were running a gauntlet or something. Parents bring their kids to these things as like a cheap alternative to theme parks because of all the costumes. When kids actually do get to stop and look and end up wanting something it ends with their parents saying "Are you SURE?" a dozen times over until they realize that yes their kid does legitimately like something so they just say "Okay well let's keep looking and maybe we'll come back". I know kids want everything they see but man have I encountered some mean stingy parents. I've had a little girl who had her own cash buy a $4 item, loved it to pieces, and then got snapped at by her friend's mom about wasting her money. Don't market to kids.

If possible though, market to moms. Once I signed up for a Princess themed party day at a comic book store thinking I would have a few parents willing to get a gift or two at my table. I only sold two items the entire day and they were to another vendor. I usually average 2k-3k at small cons and this place had a little bit of traffic but I made -$10. The woman next to me though? She sold items from a catalogue and she made bank. She was like a Mary K saleswoman but for gaudy embroidered lunch totes and diaper bags. And these things were $60-80 each and she was making soooo many sales. But the moms would not look me in the eye when their kids came over to look at a $5 keychain plush.

>> No.9073975

>Are you always this dense or like are you a 14 year old anti-sjw?
No, I'm trying to avoid those kinds of people. Listen, I have seen people get up in arms about crazy things online. I think someone making a dream catcher is inoffensive but several girls took offense to it, and considering some people assault artists over drawing characters with skin too light or inaccurately thin physique I am sincerely asking if someone might come up to me and raise hell about portraying Jewish characters without being a part of their culture.

>> No.9073977

*no but I am trying to avoid those kinds of people, meaning sjws. I'm not some pot-stirring anti Tumblr person but I know they take things really far sometimes.

>> No.9073996

90% of anime con alleys are based on other IP. I applaud you for trying to keep it all original but I think you might be shocked at how much having a couple cute pokemon, Ghibli mascots or Digimon adds to your sales.

If you are concerned start with Poros and cure animals from League of Legends since Riot is one of the few companies I can think of that encourages fan work.

>> No.9074001

Do you have an online store? I'd love to buy that print and the Kiki one, but I live on the wrong continent.

>> No.9074024

A non-native person making and selling a dreamcatcher is not on the same level as you doing fanart of a play about Jewish people though. Especially considering that Native American art has been exploited so much that there's a literal law in the US protecting Native Crafts/Art. How do you even table at cons if you're this afraid of people, anon? People aren't gonna jump down your throat just because you did Fiddler fanart, I promise. If anything those sjws you're so afraid of will probably like that fact that you're promoting something with diverse representation. Get over your victim complex.

No worries! Also seconding that other anon about targeting moms. Try marketing your stylized animals on "customizable" party invites on Etsy. Moms eat that shit up and you'd be using the same picture and just adding in the kid's names instead of doing a whole new thing for each sale.

>> No.9074138

What >>9074024 says is true but that that aside: just from a buyer's perspective I would honestly be so excited to see Fiddler stuff?? Especially anything working/incorporating lyrics from L'Chaim.. that would probably be an instant buy for me, to be honest.

>> No.9074246

Wow I had no idea about that. Seems kind of unfair to only buy things for themselves. I guess they have their reasons! Thanks for all the information.

Thanks for the Riot idea. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it boosted sales by a factor of 100, but it's sort of distracting from my personal goal. It wouldn't hurt to try though. I mean for tumblr, fanart can be what lets people discover the original art in the first place.

The party invites are another great idea. I appreciate it!

>> No.9074348

Does anyone know how to make buttons holographic? Google isn't helping, thanks!

>> No.9074600

So I got scouted out a little while back by Northwest Comic Fest (http://www.northwestcomicfest.com/)), a small, I believe 2nd year convention in Salem Oregon. I'm unsure what the attendance numbers are like, but I'm guessing not too high based on Facebook and Twitter follows. Is $175 too steep for an artist alley table at a convention like this? The nice thing is I have plenty of leftover stock and it would be a simple 10 -minute drive into town (hopefully, parking downtown can be awful). One thing that is scaring me off a little is I found news a while back of a convention in the same town basically canceling and most vendors didn't get their money back, but I haven't been able to find it since and I'm unsure if it's the same convention.

Thank you for any advice, heh. I've been tossing the idea around in my head for a while now.

>> No.9074606

That sounds about average for a comic convention, since comic cons tend to be more corporately run and whatnot. If it isn't the same con as the one that canceled and you are fairly confident that you can break even, I'd go for it.

>> No.9074726
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>> No.9074727
File: 3.31 MB, 4128x2322, 20160628_055408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some of my 8x10 canvas. Holy fuck I'm so behind.

>> No.9074759

literally no one is "assaulted" for white washing. i can't even begin to comprehend how you can have such a victim complex

>> No.9074760

That's pretty fucking bad. I didn't know moms were such a huge market- I always thought that since kid-centered stuff sold so well they were doing it for, well, the kids. Good to know I was wrong.
These are really cute! How long does it take you to paint them?

>> No.9074770

I'm jewish and i would absolutely not find fanart of fiddler insulting or offensive. The only thing i would lift an eyebrow at is of you were making comics about jewish culture or mocking jews in some way without being one yourself. And even then it would be like.. embarrassing and not enraging.

>> No.9074772

You've never been to -that side- of tumblr, clearly

>> No.9074781

And you've never left the internet, clearly

Reiterating other anon- literally no one is assaulted for whitewashing. Getting mean comments on your blog is not "being assaulted."

>> No.9074794

Thanks! I usually work in phases of 5-10 canvas at a time, in which I'm hopping back and forth, which makes it hard to tell. The little squares may have taken 2-3 days to do them all in one shot and then the 8x10s take longer. 1 a night is realistic, but I've done 2 or 3 in a night at times.

>> No.9074799

You're fine with anti-semitic political artists like Ben "Zyklon B" Garrison?

>> No.9074803

I thought the anti semetic spin was the internet's doing
Is he even a jew?

>> No.9074806

"Assaulted" was a stupid word for them to use, but harassment fits.

I've seen more people be harrassed for whitewashing and thinning out characters than I'm comfortable with

>> No.9074825

Does anyone know how well kpop stuff sells at anime cons? I really want to make some BTS charms and prints but I'm worried it wont be worth it.

>> No.9074854


I mean the whole Zamii thing happened, it's not like SJW aren't batshit insane

>> No.9074859

The question raised here was about whether fanart of Fiddler on the Roof would receive backlash. What does that at all have to do with the backlash that happens from whitewashing or thinning down characters?

>> No.9074867

pedo supporter got some hate mail boo hoo. she was not "assaulted", no one came up to her table and hit her or yelled at her or anything.

personally i've gotten more shit at cons in real life for drawing humanized ponies as non skinny non white than this fictional assaulting sjws people like to invent.

>> No.9074871

You should be fine with something like BTS.

>> No.9074888

>pedo supporter got some hate mail boo hoo.

Wasn't that whole thing just that she used to talk to him/did a commission once or twice which all happened way before the pedo accusations?

>> No.9074951

She defended him saying he wasn't a pedo, and she was his friend, then back tracked realllllly quick.

>> No.9075008

That still hardly sounds like a pedo supporter, more like a teen who didn't know what to think at first

>> No.9075045

ah they came out well!!
really dig the colours/lighting of the one on the left - what series are they from?

>> No.9075093
File: 67 KB, 940x445, shipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying different methods of keeping my international shipping down and for my flat items this seems like the best option but it looks like I pretty much have to go into a post office to ship at this price?

>> No.9075094

Oh, fuck! I'm really digging that Devilotte one, anon! I've only ever seen a few people in AA do Cyberbots stuff and they only ever draw Jin.

>> No.9075104

Ship through paypal. Google "paypal shipping page" or something like that and you'll find a link to a kinda hard-to-find page on the site that allows you to ship whatever you want with firstclass rates

>> No.9075126

You stop that.

>> No.9075145

Anyone here tabling at AX this week?

>> No.9075216

>she's like 20-21

>> No.9075254

She was a teen when she met him at first, wasn't she? I think she did go back and say she didn't know he was a pedophile when she met him. I think the "Pedo Supporter" thing was just a way for people to twist things so they could feel more justified in shitting on her. Was there someone with a vendetta towards her or something? IIRC, some SJ kids on DA shit on her for some drawing she did of Danny from Game Grumps shortly before that, too.

>> No.9075272

There were a dozen or so receipt blogs trying to make her look bad, with the most far reached attempts of making someone looking racist ever

>> No.9075300
File: 3.12 MB, 4128x2322, 20160624_075043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have to double ceck but I think my table is C4. Curious about other tablers in the thread. I need more people to stalk.

>> No.9075777
File: 1.01 MB, 800x1236, kikisdeliveryservice-resize1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah! I have an etsy but I haven't put prints up in it yet, mainly because i need to figure out the cost of shipping. can you send me a message on there and I can see how much it would be to ship to you? c:
shop name is ParadoxJelli, sorry 4chan wont let me link it

I will be
table G19, it would be really cool to meet some seagulls there

>> No.9075786
File: 286 KB, 1080x1349, 12107652_502294379971321_154780180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how might you price non-commission inked sketches, something like this about a4-a5 size (not my artwork btw, credit to birdstonshire@insta)

>> No.9075794
File: 45 KB, 636x475, Screen-shot-2014-04-07-at-7.32.15-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw, I just received the email confirmation for my first time vending at an event.

>> No.9075798

calculate it using how long youd take to do something that youre happy with/is of good quality.

Id say maybe $20-$25 but thats according to how fast I work

>good taste

>> No.9075829

AH thats so cute omg
gonna have to pay your table a visit!

>> No.9076137

Has anyone gotten booth numbers for Animefest yet? I got accepted some time ago, but haven't gotten a booth placement email? Do I find out at the con?

>> No.9076286
File: 3.39 MB, 4128x2322, 20160629_004843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to run over and say hi (if I'm not dead under my table from sleep deprivation).

>> No.9076603

Still waiting...

>> No.9076612

Is there an artsmoo alternative? I am sick of their stupid customer service.

>> No.9076621


>> No.9076626

Oops for memo pads and cosmetic bags

>> No.9077579
File: 54 KB, 960x960, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times will I have to look at this ugly fucking thing in my lifetime

>> No.9077596

Are you shitting me, can this just die already

>> No.9077607

I can only imagine the chinese designer having to put up with the changes.
>waaaat!?! make it thickah? (translate: even out space)
>waaaat?! make it tallah? (translate: even out the height of the tail)
>waaaat!!?!! make it widah? (translate: make the tail longer from body to end)

True story: I deal with people with strong asian accents and to sum up this is how they describe things versus when I am asking them to correct which measurements need adjusting. HxWxL is all the same to them lol.

>> No.9077651

i cannot imagine the amount of money sunk into this hideous, cheap fairground toy-esque plush
and she's doing a series of them.
this is why you should do a kickstarter or preorders or fucking ANYTHING to gauge interest before you throw thousands at getting your ugly plush made.

>> No.9077665

I really hate this thing. It looks like it wants to do terrible things to me.

>> No.9077670

someone needs to tell her to stop

>> No.9077749
File: 925 KB, 1920x2208, charms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are just super quick and messy to give me an idea of what they'd look like, but I was thinking of making these into charms...

I've never done anything like that, I haven't even made prints or had an art table before, but I'm really tempted to start selling my art. Only thing is, I enjoy being on the con floor too much!

>> No.9077991

Any Aussies know what the going rate for 6-8cm acrylic keychains/charms are going for these days?

>> No.9078161

A friend use Art of Where for ECCC https://artofwhere.com/ They do Twill/canvas pencil bags but their wholesale (6+ items) is slightly higher than artsmoo at $6 each but they also drop-ship your stuff too so you can like list it on etsy without having the stock on hand. They manufacture in Canada tho so it takes about 3-4 weeks

>> No.9078411
File: 64 KB, 612x792, dearlordNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how many nit-picky micro adjustments does the artist need to make? There's no way to make this look good.

>> No.9078426

Thank you, anon!! I'll check it out right away!!

>> No.9078457

This really looks like an MLP/Angry Birds collab.

>> No.9078479
File: 6 KB, 281x282, unicone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I feel like it could be cute if you tweaked the proportions a bit and got rid of that awful furry art style. Something like this maybe.

>> No.9078488

A trail of feces, menstrual blood, and semen

>> No.9078520

i see em for $10 in aus online stores, not sure about cons though

it pisses me off because it's not a TERRIBLE (just unoriginal) concept but it is executed so poorly. I almost wish it was a generic :3-faced kawaii plush rather than this monstrosity

>> No.9078535
File: 27 KB, 350x400, Nomwhal_Plush_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this has already been done but way cuter and not an ugly ballsack horse beast

>> No.9078547

It makes me think of Ren and Stimpy or some ugly western cartoon. I can't see it selling well in AAs. I also am so sick of seeing it every couple of Wednesdays when I swear it hasn't fucking changed a bit since she started. Nothing significant enough to show off anyway. It's obvious no one else cares about it anymore she only got 4 likes and no one commented on her last "update".

>> No.9078549

Oh my god

>> No.9078550

so .. do you want art critique?

when this finally goes finished, i want someone to compile all the progress shots so we can see how this thing became worse and worse

>> No.9078554

I can see it selling well at western things just because of how toony the face looks.
It's not cute in the slightest though.

>> No.9078560

is this a ganguro rabbit?

>> No.9078562

yes please

>> No.9078564

How are they so ugly? The concept is cute, ice cream and ponies are cute, AA plushes are generally cute... and then this happens. You need to be really trying to fuck up this bad.

>> No.9078573

See, if anything, I think it's not ugly enough. If they went all out with the weird Ren & Stimpy vibes, that design could probably do reasonably well as a vinyl toy or something. But as is, it's too ugly to be cute, and not ugly enough to play up the opposite appeal.

>> No.9078580

are the drawings erotic?

>> No.9078592

how hypocritical. jewish writers have no problem using white/black/minority culture or mocking white people.

>> No.9078606

>more like a teen who didn't know what to think at first
the angry mob totally straightened her out on how to think, so she wouldn't have to think for herself in the future.

>> No.9078665

If you want an idea of whether they're sell or not it's best to post examples of finished or mostly finished work. I can say the poses are cute though

>> No.9078669
File: 275 KB, 1245x1229, a_rarity_like_you_is_hard_to_find_by_realalfred-d9j9m3m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished this one, is it alright? What sorts of things could I do better? (Also, thank you!)

>> No.9078680
File: 7 KB, 159x259, confusedbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon...I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.9078685
File: 664 KB, 856x640, uncannyresemblance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Clearly that's what they were going for anon.

>> No.9078687
File: 381 KB, 1245x1189, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit that was fast haha
hope this is still useful somehow?

the main thing i noticed is that your volumes could use some work. really try to think of the character as 3d in space. do you do life drawing? or quickposes/watch croquis cafe on YT? it will help

anatomy- the tapered arm/four fingered hands vs lil stub feet isn't internally consistent as it could be, plus detail is usually not wanted for chibis.

the pose could be more readable on frog girl. could look into silhouette value?

the finished one has really cute colours, i love the eyes

>> No.9078698

Anon, this is really helpful and cute!! Thank you so much for the advice!! It looks much better, I'll probably go back and change some things around based on what you told me.
I'll also practise my life drawing, too!!
Thank you!

>> No.9078752

Gawd that awful too-western-furry style is terrible. Like it'll probably sell at fur cons i guess that's their market

>> No.9078792

It looks like something from one of those cheap "parody" "adult" cartoons.

>> No.9078799
File: 401 KB, 1000x685, rinpana frogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP- I wanna make a pair of matching rinpana charms, I hope they turn out okay.

>> No.9078812
File: 40 KB, 736x743, d139de7b4eaaab6ebc9789471d9cd288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face looks off. It looks to much like the toony mascot face people like for fur suits. A more simplistic face would probably looked much better.

>> No.9078885

haha, the look on its face is so derpy it's cute. 10/10 would buy.

>> No.9078887

you should try giving them more dynamic poses. the copy-paste flip faces and bodies are kind of eerie

>> No.9078925

Hey AA snobs. Canon has a deal where you buy one pack of photo paper and get 9 free.


>> No.9079054

people undercharge really bad here, ive seen a 6cm (single sided) vograce charm for 3$, but they vary between 3-8, I sold mine at 8 and i think a lot of people thought they were too expensive too, they generally did best at 6$ I think. even zap charms and stuff were still really underpriced

>> No.9079127

Shit, $3 is a bit ridiculous for vograce considering how bad the exchange rate is these days. Can't imagine charging any less than $8 for Zap and etc..

>> No.9079158

yeah its so shitty! I sold double sided 6cms for 8(this was for melbnova) and I still did pretty well, but it was a total drag competing with that. Not that many people even have charms here though, so you'd probably still do well either way! zaps are usually like 1.5" for 6$ single sided wtf

there are people that charge properly though, im hoping the people like the 3$ person realise they could charge more and fix it by next con

>> No.9079197

I did $5 last year for single sided paper/plastic ones, but I'm considering moving to $7 for double sided 6-8cm clear acrylic.

>> No.9079249

yeah, 7 sounds much better, especially for clear charms since they cost more to make anyway

>> No.9079252
File: 71 KB, 500x388, trying to illustrate a point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this up last time this was mentioned but man, way to take a cute concept (+ a plush I would buy....) and be completely ignorant of what the general con audience considers cute.

I'm sure SHE thinks its cute, and it ....kinda is, if you're looking at it through a tacky western view, but I cannot imagine this thing selling, especially compared to all the cute plush available now.

>> No.9079270

in claw machines in japan, most merch was tubbs, sunny, smokey, and gaga cat (idk what gaga cat's name is, sorry)

>> No.9079275

the one baseball cat is pretty popular too, i just got back from a trip and i saw tons of merch of him along with fran

>> No.9079283
File: 1.01 MB, 1421x1493, lady_meow_meow_and_princess_by_princesscallyie-d9lj79t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady Meow Meow!

Joe Dimeowgio would be cute with a little baseball charm.

>> No.9079340

It looks like the kind of thing you'd see in a crane machine at a Wal-mart.

>> No.9079557

Honestly people like that would think it "has character" and whatnot.
But... you can have character without being a damn abomination.

>> No.9079863
File: 86 KB, 504x900, Ganguro Bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the bad coloring. I used MS Paint.

>> No.9079865
File: 81 KB, 504x900, Chocolate Bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also did a chocolate bunny.

>> No.9079974

I'm sorry anon but those look awful since the body blends in to the dress and you know it is not supposed to be ganguro and that was a joke, right?

>> No.9080048

Is a single board 3in charm too big? I want to make a big charm that's also sturdy and won't snap easily. Does anybody have any experience with bigger charms?

>> No.9080063
File: 307 KB, 840x450, SundaesBest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK what a ganguro bunny would end up looking like...or what food I'd mix her with. (Fruit parfait?)

Here's the final colors/designs if anyone was curious.

>> No.9080065

How about Neapolitan ice cream? Chocolate and vanilla bunny, strawberry dress.

>> No.9080077

Holy fuck I gotta have that mint chocolate bunny.

>> No.9080186
File: 56 KB, 600x700, wtfisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the reject/waiting list comes out for a juried AA and the con staff doesn't even know how to blind CC e-mails, so you can see the e-mail address of every other fellow reject. I spot tons of fellow AA veterans in there so I was like, damn, they must've just picked the cream of the crop... and then I see that this artist got in. lol.

>> No.9080213

holy crap you're right - I didn't even notice the other emails included...


>> No.9080217

they are fucking adorable

>> No.9080253

These are so cute anon!

>> No.9080257

Super kawaii, yo.

>> No.9080258

Sorry anon. I thought it would be funny. I failed.

>> No.9080278

The first one actually already makes me think of Neapolitan. Because of the white, pink, and brown dress.

>> No.9080290

There have been 3 different ice cream/narwhale mash ups in the past 2 years, and that's just at midwest cons.

>> No.9080294
File: 25 KB, 670x960, bbloodfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me more of a dunce cap, or a jouster's pole.

>> No.9080312

This will never not look like someone puking blood

I mean it's what we've all done over this design anyway...

>> No.9080337

Maybe a silly question but I didnt see an answer anywhere in the thread. Has anyone tried to make double sided clear charms with Vograce? I'm going to order tomorrow and was just wondering if that was possible

>> No.9080386

Yes, I always get double sided.

>> No.9080397
File: 77 KB, 432x612, mikeflats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time drawing stuff for charms. Do my line weights look okay?

>> No.9080441
File: 303 KB, 590x569, pearl ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send in my application 20 mins after the tables are opened
>there are seven artists listed on the 'artists' page already and i'm not one of them
it's too early to freak out but i'm freaking out

>> No.9080479

what the fuck
is it juried as in "This is what we think is good" or juried like A-kon where it's "You got here first and you followed all our rules, you're good."

>> No.9080497

The clear charms have a month-long processing waitlist since their machine was broken last I'd heard.

>> No.9080622


their reg. page said all entries in before the deadline would be judged equally, but with garbage like this and some of the other artists I saw get in vs. artists I saw rejected... I think they probably got overwhelmed by the # of peeps applying and went for the lazy option of just going through until they filled it up.

>> No.9080727

thank you!

oh gosh wow, well thanks for letting me know!

>> No.9081368

How do you guys deal with all the "where did you get those made??" sort of questions when you post any new type of merch?

I was one of the only vendors at a smaller con with holo prints and the guaranteed prying from all the neighboring artists was exhausting. I don't like to ignore folks and I've given the "oh my so-and-so found a supplier I'm not sure, sorry" later on, after sperging out and outright telling some of my closer acquaintances. I'm nervous about posting any new type of merch because of this because I hate dealing with it.

Is it wrong to be a bit guarded about this sorta thing?

>> No.9081473

I don't really get what issue you are taking with people asking? Are you just not wanting to tell them for some reason? If thats it, just say you don't want to tell them.

>> No.9081658

I agree with >>9081473
Even though it can be annoying is there really a huge issue with sharing sources? I understand if people are pushy about it but as a community I dont see the big deal in sharing where you got things done, especially since you probably got your source from another person and so on and so forth.
If you dont want to tell people just go with the I got them overseas or like another anon said just say you dont want to say.

>> No.9081710

Well on the topic of holo prints, can anyone link me a seller they or a friend have used? I can find the holo foil but idk which sellers I can trust and the quality, thanks ahead of time

>> No.9081790

Wow that is unfortunate. Do you happen to know if there's a waiting list for not-clear charms?

>> No.9081807

What con was it?

>> No.9082064

In my experience bigger charms are actually more likely to snap. If there aren't any bits sticking out and the shape is pretty sturdy, like a circle or something, you should be fine.

>> No.9082074

I just tell them. If you really don't want to share the source just say 'I found it online somewhere' or 'I found them on Ali but can't remember the name of the company' or something. It makes you sound like less of an asshole.

>> No.9082398
File: 355 KB, 918x893, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9082431

Fire Embelem Fates question? I'm doing 'Significant Others' buttons, and wondering who your waifu or husband is? I've done the royal families, and the neutrals.

I made some of my personal faves from my birthright runs, and will be playing conquest soon since my SO is getting it for me for a gift, but wondering who you gulls like or might buy, or if you make fates stuff as well, what or who sells more for you? Any info or input would be great~

>> No.9082556

I'd almost advised against getting too many nobles because EVERYBODY HAS THE NOBLES. At Fanime is was extremely rare to see anyone besides the nobles, Felicia, Jakob, Corrins and maaaaaaaaaaaybe Niles. Also does anybody really like Hinoka that much?

Recommended based on personal pref and vibe from the fandom:
>Trash Wolf

Also there's this


>> No.9082596
File: 192 KB, 326x366, yiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they replied and apologized for being late, i am saved

>> No.9082610

Thanks! I haven't seen that poll yet. I've been researching, asking friends, groups, but getting some more insight helps. I wanna do everyone, but I'm doing it slowly.

My nobels did pretty well my last con, but it might be because only 1 or 2 other tables had it out of like 100 tables or so.

Really anon, thanks. I'll do Niles next for sure.

>> No.9082632

I feel like Arthur is also kind of popular, though it's more of a "LOL OMG I CAN'T" kind of popular.

>> No.9082642


>> No.9083091

Thanks, anon! Mine will be a square so it should be safe, I think.

>> No.9083484

Anyone know where to get gold foil prints made?

>> No.9083529

yeah i have an ice cream narwhal design that im gonna retire from anything other than the sticker i offer them on. It's too common and the horn/ice cream cone combo is too obvious

>> No.9083535


>> No.9083854

Ah yes, the 'I glued this printout to something else with my own two hands, therefore this is my own art and completely fine' bullshit that idiots love to spew.
I fucking hate idiots like this.

>> No.9083893

also Catprint but i havent tried it myself

>> No.9084050

How is AX treating you, gulls?

>> No.9084644
File: 345 KB, 491x869, isitfinallyover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean I can finally stop seeing these monstrosities on my news feed?

>I'm so happy they finally don't look like claw machine crap

>> No.9084822

No anon, you're still going to see the Kickstarter, and the post whining about her failed kickstarter attempt.

>> No.9084916

>basement AA update
Curious how that new location being away from dealers area working out.

>> No.9084978

They look like those weird bootleg carnival prize plushes

>> No.9085055

Noob question but does anyone have an idea of when AX 2017 tables will go up? I was looking at previous years and it looks like it went up on the Monday after but I don't see anything about it on their webpage. Anyone have any guesses or is this just normal and I should refresh at midnight?

>> No.9085071

It's going up on the 5th for current artists only. General reg is later in the year and exhibiting artists all received access codes for the prereg so you can't get a table yet if you're not in this year's AA.

>> No.9085073

Two artists fainted on Day 2 from heat exhaustion bc they kept turning off the AC to save money. They finally left it on today probably because they didn't wanna get sued for unsafe conditions.

>> No.9085135

Ooh I see. Thanks for the response! Guess I'll just have to wait for hopefully a spot...although after hearing the horror stories from AX this year I'm guessing there is gonna be a lot of spots opening up.

>> No.9085206

>Two artists fainted on Day 2 from heat exhaustion bc they kept turning off the AC to save money.
what the fuck
I heard AX's AA keeps getting worse, but holy shit

>> No.9085245

I heard about that too. Someone was rolled out by wheelchair, I heard. AX is being pretty shitty to artists, first with the BG check thing and now this. I hope the profits will make it worth it.

>> No.9085277

h0ly Ax-douchebag %^$% wtf no ac! what are they secretly trying to punish fan-artist and deter attendees from going there? I could tell from the pics the old AA upstairs of course went to larger vendor booths,.. hope EVERYONE tells them at the end of con WTF. Hope the artist ask for table money back for their troubles, having to endure heat and fainting is bad enough when it's an actual event they are hosting.

>> No.9085356

Yeah, the paramedics were called and everything. They kept bullshitting and telling artists on Days 1 & 2 that the AC was on full blast?? Except we could hear/feel it turning on and off. (Btw there was no AC at all for set up so it was a sweatfest.). They turned out to be completely bluffing on full AC because they turned it up to be a comfortable temperature today so... they had the capability to make it cooler the first two days - they just chose not to in order to save money.

Artists have been tweeting at them and filling out the feedback forms to have all our conplaints in writing. I'm hoping that the ones who fainted receive some sort of compensation.

They decided to implement new rules this year where you couldn't have clamps in the front of your table. And decided to only enforce 30 minutes before the halls opened to the public so everyone was fumbling with displays last minute. I heard the pole they were using to measure people's displays were different sizes too. What a mess. At least I'm making a lot of money. That's the only saving grace at this point.

>> No.9085385

Do you know if it was the convention center or the AX staff making the decisions on the AC?

>> No.9085407
File: 435 KB, 1242x615, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the specifics on it to be sure but I do know that the AX chain of command was involved. When artists asked about AC on the first two days, we were told by staff members that it was "on full blast".

After the fainting incidents on Day 2, artists complained via the Artist Alley FB group and were told concerns had been voiced to higher ups.

>> No.9085472

>told by staff members that it was "on full blast".
I bet those numbskulls determined it was "cool enough" when they were there...at a time when no attendees in the hall..untill it is full of people walking around it'll generate a lot of heat down there. Love to hear who made that call.

>> No.9085561

Ahh I can't wait to see that shit show... I bet she'll set all the rewards at ridiculously high prices so that it's like $10 for a sticker and $50 for a plush and then charge people shipping as well. :')

>> No.9085955
File: 58 KB, 604x604, 1435605319107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more new to Artist Alley I make digital drawings and put them in hand tags but I also wanted to do my photography of figurines and sell them in hand tags......I was told that was a copyright issue.

Can an expert explain to me why I can sell a drawing of Sonico but I CANT sell my photo of a Sonico figure?

>> No.9086227

I know this is probably a long shot since the show just ended, but how many of you are going to have/have luluco stuff for your next booth?

>> No.9086276

One is a drawing requiring transformation of the subject matter into their own style.

The other is a photo of a licensed figure.

>> No.9086326

Goddamn I hate these so much. They remind me of fetish porn shit.
Which means they'll probably be a hit with Bronys.

>> No.9086493

holy shit anon, you just hit the nail for what bugs me so much about these godawful plush. They look like some gross inflation/feeder fetish plush.

>> No.9086948

Yea, thats what I don't like. They just look fat and gross.

>> No.9087140

And now I can't unsee this. Thanks.

>> No.9087208

I'm buying a button making machine to sell buttons at artist alley and I was wondering what kind of risks I might face selling fan art. Has anyone gotten into trouble for selling fan art at cons? And what fandom are safer to cater to when it comes to copyright?

>> No.9087395

I can't tell if this is a troll or if someone is genuinely stupid enough to try selling at a con without even attending one beforehand or hell, without even researching convention artist alleys are.

>> No.9087522

god can we PLEASE add 'don't ask to be spoonfed' to the OP.

Google exists, anon, goddamn. There are literally hundreds of blog posts and articles about this fucking topic.
If you are GENUINELY too lazy to do that, join AANI and become one of the dozens of other people who expect other people to do their work for them.

>> No.9087780

is this worth adding to the doc?

>> No.9087831

I've been to many cons, I know almost everyone sells fanart. I'm just paranoid as hell and want to play it safe while still make things people want to buy

>> No.9087834

Jesus Christ, don't get all pissy when someone in a thread where questions are supposed to be asked asks a question.

>> No.9087910

how early in advance should you have your work printed for a con?

i don't want to do it last minute, that'd be nightmarish, but a year's a long time to practise art.. it'd be awkward to have a bunch of amateurish prints. would a few months in advance do it?

>> No.9087994


I've done it the day before with no problems. A few months is too much though, especially if you're drawing a lot you'll improve a ton in that span of time. I'd say no more than a month in advance.

>> No.9088039

Aim to have all your orders for prints placed one month before the con if you're ordering online

>> No.9088073

thanks! i'll mark it on my calender.

>> No.9088076

Has anyone bought one of those huge rolls of holofoil?

>> No.9088175

So AX fucking sucked for me and I don't want to do it again next year. Almost passed out on day 1 and probably would have if my table partner hadn't booted me away from our table, and I don't want a repeat of that next year.

I'm looking at RTX since it's around the same time. Anybody sold at that con before who can give an opinion on the AA? Any other decent July cons people can recommend?