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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9076052 No.9076052 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.9076057

Please stay cool
Please take it easy
Please drink lots of water
Please do not die of heatstroke or heat exhaustion or anything of that nature
Please take frequent breaks, especially if you're in a cosplay
Please do not stay in said cosplays longer than necessary. Stay comfortable and cool
Please take care of yourselves

A seagull who loves you other seagulls very much and wants everyone to have a great time despite the hellish SoCal heat

>> No.9076065

I'm not having enough fun unless I'm two steps from dying.

>> No.9076069
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Looking for Rias/Akeno cosplayers

>> No.9076075

Does anyone remember how hot/cool AX was last year?

>> No.9076077

it was hot

>> No.9076078

bless you~

>> No.9076079
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>> No.9076085
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According to accuweather it was pic related.

Not sure the specific zip it is getting these numbers from but I'd assume near the airport.

>> No.9076086

Take showers and use deodorant (and no, Febreeze does NOT count)

>> No.9076087

I'll ask one more time just in case

Changing to and from cosplay in my car. I got deodorant and non-scented wipes. What else should I bring to reduce any smell when getting out of cosplay?

>> No.9076090

Nigga just find some fast food joint and don't take too long, or better yet; act like you are staying in one of the hotels and use the lobby bathrooms.

>> No.9076095

How cold is it in the dealer's/exhibitor' hall? Is it fully A/C or heated because of sheer volume of people moving about?

>> No.9076097

It's not going to be cool unless you are in shorts and short sleeves. Just like most large conventions

>> No.9076099

Moderate temp.

>> No.9076100

I always thought people didn't take showers for a tactic to get ahead in the line.

>> No.9076101

There's also body heat from all weaboos.

>> No.9076104

Did anybody from /cgl/ end up getting suckerpunched in the back of the head?

I recall some boxer dude saying he wanted to play the knockout game at a cgl meet and just run

>> No.9076105

talk is just that, talk

>> No.9076107

yes, because everything that happens on the internet is true.

>> No.9076111

I nearly passed out from the cold at Sakura-Con if it's anything like that and I wasn't wearing a bikini or minimum coverage. I really hope it'll be at least around 25C indoors.

>> No.9076118

if the Viz panel starts at 1:30 what time should I be lining up

>> No.9076119

2 hours before

>> No.9076122
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>> No.9076123

its what i would do

>> No.9076124

For popular panels and industry, yes

>> No.9076128

2 hours is a safe bet but expect a line 2+ hours before some of the more popular shit

>> No.9076131
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First AX.
I'm going to die, but at least I'll go out fabulous.

>> No.9076140

Aw shit I got a bunch of 40kids rolling with me for the con, know if there's any specific meetups?

>> No.9076143

I have no idea dude, I'm rollin' with a Techpreist tho if you want to meet up.

>> No.9076144

Drink lots of water.

No really, nobody is exaggerating. People aren't kidding when they say to go hard on the water. I've almost gotten fucked up a few times over the years because of forgetting.

>> No.9076151

Molly has taught me two things, that psychoactives give you swirly cursive writing, and that water is your only friend in the world.

>> No.9076154

Those are some fucking fabulous choices! Hope I see you around the con!

>> No.9076160


The hell? How does that even happen?

>> No.9076163

>that feel when you're too old and fat and have reworn your old cosplays so much that anymore would just be too lazy

>> No.9076167

People lose track of time while trying to get as many pics in as possible. I think it is being a bit overstated in the thread though.

>> No.9076172

when people sit in a climate controlled room and dont move much they dont sweat or need nearly as much water as moving around outside in the heat

keep in mind even exhaling leaks out water

>> No.9076185

I mean, someone who forgets doesnt drink enough water on a daily basis then. I get that panels can be like 2-3 hours and theres no way you can drink water without missing a segment. But you should be drinking some afterwards and not cause your body to be dehydrated.

>> No.9076187


>> No.9076192

Ah somebody was asking about food locations last thread. If you keep walking in the direction of south hall there's some fast food options a few blocks down.

If you want to go to Little Tokyo, you can take the number 30 bus. The bus stop should be on the block opposite of the parking lot they used for food trucks last year. It will be underneath some trees and in front of some apartment complexes. Bus fare is 1.75. Rideshare app is also an option as well as the metro lines but I find the bus or Uber is easier.

>> No.9076195

There's also the Grand Central Market, but mind you they close before sundown and holiday hours may apply as well.

The ever popular Eggslut is good but I like the cheap latino food and the really cheap bento place too. It's essentially a giant food court with a grocery store.

It's between 2nd and 3rd street I believe and on Broadway. I usually catch an uber to get there. Roughly 5 bucks without surge fair. There's also the shuttle service that drops you off right around the corner at one of the hotels but I can't recall the name atm. But shuttles take for fucking ever.

>> No.9076201
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We won free tickets to this thing for all 4 days.
anything special to do there? any cheap suggestions what to do?
im thinking about going as Kung Fury since its easy as shit and i have everything already
any special events?

>> No.9076204

Challenge Asians on StarCraft BW

>> No.9076237

Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be a shitty/dead guardsman with a commissar and possibly a couple of chaos cultists if they can get their shit togther

>> No.9076255

Sweet. No idea where we'll be till we're there, but send me a message.

>> No.9076275

Didn't you post the same question to Reddit's /r/anime?

Anyways, YOU figure out what you like and what level of waiting/social interactions you are comfortable with , and how long you can stay up and out at night. We can't read your mind and know your tastes and preferences.

My personal advice is come over to the exhibitor's hall and industry, please check out our wares, take photos with booth babes, and buy our BDs/merchandise.

>> No.9076285

The Renaissance has a fantastic lobby bathroom for changing

>> No.9076293

somebody posted a secret discord in the old thread but this one is open


>> No.9076300
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link to this discord pls

>> No.9076303

But that's the secret boi network...

>> No.9076307

Yo senpai you going to the orgy tommrow?

Shits gonna be lit. Hopefully there will be more dudes this year.

>> No.9076310

the gay orgy? you mean that kik meetup?

>> No.9076311

link to the kik? only if it's actually legit.

>> No.9076312

that kik is cancerous and it's mostly a front for gay orgy.

>> No.9076321

Nah fags. Not the gay kik shit.
The old boy network.

We had too many chicks doing nothing last year.

>> No.9076337

Spoilers probably don't work here but....is anyone else paranoid of getting shot at AX every year? 2016 made me paranoid as hell.

>> No.9076350

Can confirm, gay orgy.

In other news, rumor has it hotels are going to be fun police this year. Kind of disappointing.

>> No.9076352

lmao, fucking why? I don't understand why you all think someone would shoot up an anime con.

>> No.9076361

Which hotel are you staying for AX?

>> No.9076362

Beanie which hotel are you staying for this year AX?

>> No.9076382

Anyone find some recipes for disaster on the schedule/potential to see people willingly make fools of themselves?

I remember I missed last year's "Super epic love love dating game show extreme edition" and regret it cause I knew one of the fucks that humiliated themselves.

>> No.9076402

because they're the paranoid fucks that are suckers for gun control

while AX is an easy target (all large gatherings are) they won't go for it. if they were going for anything they would have hit up pride last weekend

>> No.9076416

Pride had security checkpoint, actual police security, and bomb squad.

>> No.9076429

which is why you'd attack the outer ring where people are funneled or you attack the clubs at night

>> No.9076430

I don't think a pack of weeaboos are a high priority target for anyone.

>> No.9076433

"ISIS attacks anime convention" just doesn't have that ring to it
didn't ISIS' media guys release something recently telling lone wolves to not attack minorities as to not get it confused with a hate crime?

>> No.9076438

Even if it's one guy who for some reason hates weeaboos that much, i bet you enough idiots will jump at the opportunity to live out their fantasies to become a hero and in hopes to get all the pussy; eventually one of them will tackle the gunner down.

>> No.9076443

the attacker will be forever known as "the thirst quencher"

>> No.9076446
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>> No.9076448
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Any ideas of how to carry around a plush? I tried putting it in an anime-style schoolbag and that didn't really work out.

There's got to be some kind of better way.

>> No.9076449
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All honesty, how would you feel if you saw someone in daoko GIRL cosplay. (Pic related)

>> No.9076450

make some straps out of some fabric you've got laying around?

>> No.9076452

Carry around as in after you bought a bunch and now you have to stuff them in said bag, or just hanging from your pack?

>> No.9076461

The design is really nice and all, but not somthing i'd wanna see outside the bed room.

>> No.9076466

As a "prop" I guess.

>> No.9076468

What >>9076450 said, sew little loops on the backside that you can ziptie or velcroloop to your pack

and even a ziptie alone, depending on the plushie.

>> No.9076481


Thanks anons

>> No.9076512

Doing it for the attention

>> No.9076528

If it's not tuna melt-chan I don't care

>> No.9076529

Couple of dumb questions

1.Everyone is saying bring tons of water. Will security give me shit for coming into the con with a backpack full of chilled water bottles?

I'll be going with with my niece and her two friends, and more than likely we'll be going out to eat away from the Convention. So we'll be doing some walking out in 80' Degree heat

2. My niece really wants to get Naoshi Arakawa's autograph, but I'v never really done something like this before, stupid question but would she have to bring something for him to sign or would he just sign some little paper?

3. I'v only bought a 1 day ticket for Saturday, but depending on how it goes could I upgrade to a 4 day at this point? My niece and her friends all have 4 days kid's passes and I told her if I can't buy a 4 day I would let her go with a friend of mine who has a 4 day pass to enjoy Sunday and Monday.

I know I know tons of dumb questions but it's really getting to me now that the con is so close.

It's her first expo and I just want it to go, as smooth as possible, kid is a shy introvert and i', trying to show her being into anime/cosplay isn't this taboo that no one's ever heard of in LA, and she's not a wierdo for liking this sort of stuff.

>> No.9076536

would not care for it at any other con, but with teddyloid as a guest, and AX being hot as hell...

>> No.9076539

1)No, theyre only touchy with outside food really
2)Usually people bring something to sign, doesnt matter what, if you have nothing, ask to sign your badge holder.
I did that when my friends made me wait in line for someone i dont care about and i just asked him to sign my badge holder and i gave it to my friend.
3)i dont believe so

None of these are dumb questions dont worry.
Everyone has con anxiety their first time, i have friends who worry, over prepare, overestimate, and then in the end feel silly cause they didnt even need to worry so much.

>> No.9076542

>>9076539 was meant to reply to>>9076529 but I was dumb and assumed i got the post #.... silly me

>> No.9076555
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>2 days left
>cosplay isnt done
>mf as i accept death and let the embrace of it wash over me

>> No.9076567

How'd you win them?

>> No.9076600

Working the dealer hall. Thankfully ax has an extra day for setup.

>> No.9076640

Do people have a preference for alcohol for the meetup?

Currently bringing some whiskey if that's okay?

>> No.9076648

whiskey is always ok
will be trying to get my hands on soju in ktown maybe

>> No.9076651

>Tfw my outfit is actually great for hot weather

>> No.9076656

o right...
better warn all my relatives why a bunch of costumed weirdos are gonna be in town.

>> No.9076665

1. I dont think so. I brought like 5 or 6 bottles every day in past AXs and the guard never gave me shit.
2. I think you need to get a specific ticket from a booth beforehand. Last year the ticket booth was at Petree Hall i think? The ticket would have info telling you where and when the autograph session is. People bring paper for the guest to sign, but others bring specific media that they voiced in as well.
3. I think the 4-days are sold out. Unless you wanna get individual tickets for all four days, which is highly unlikely

>> No.9076667

ME. But probability says highly unlikely. So I'm still going.

>> No.9076684

Damn, everyone went there, even Cato

>> No.9076687

Can confirm from AX Twitter and emailing them, outside food and nonalcoholic drinks are allowed.

>> No.9076691

So what again is everyone's plans? Cosplays, panels, events, etc? And what time we doin' /cgl/ gathering again??

>> No.9076697

8pm Fri-Sun. Outside Exhibit Hall building.

>> No.9076700

Yeah, that ain't hot.

>> No.9076729

Female meetup is at 8:30 Friday.

>> No.9076739
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Managed to for the most part finish my cosplay in time. Planning to wear it Sat/Sun afternoon. If any of you see me, feel free to give a high five or something so I know you're from here.

>> No.9076748

Not paranoid, but considering how bad bag checks are I definitely won't be surprised if some odd years from now a shooting does happen

>> No.9076767

The way I always thought about it is that anime cons are kind of a nerd oasis. People go to be with their people. If an act of violence were to occur, I think it would be small scale and not random. Lots of people have "beef" with other attendees and may act on that but I don't think we will see anything like a Pulse like event.
I suppose there was that gassing of a furry con but we aren't really a hated minority like furries so I doubt it.

>> No.9076779

Also wasnt the furry gassing a self-hating gay guy who knew some of the people there or something?

>> No.9076885

Where the parties at?

>> No.9076914


>> No.9076919

Where and when will the meetup be for Saturday if there is one?

>> No.9076941

Refer to >>9076697

9ball and I want to have a little get together, but we are all the way at the double tree ;____; If people are willing to make the trek (via free shuttle) we'd be more than happy to have you guys over.

>> No.9076951

Free balling this con. Not sure if it was the late schedule or not but didn't see many panels that look interesting.

Also I'm getting in tomorrow anything to do tomorrow night?

>> No.9076953

Nothing people just pick up badges tomorrow.

>> No.9076955

Ah wasn't sure if people wanted to grab a drink or something and hang out at yard house or something

>> No.9076991

Hey guys what's your opinion on what time I should be lining up for autographs from kazue Kato?
I've never lined up for an autograph before so idk what to expect

>> No.9076996

For the millionth fucking time, 2 hours wait for anything, more time for higher popularity.

>> No.9076997

Where do I line up?

>> No.9076998

5 minutes before start

>> No.9077002

Where there are people waiting in line ahead of you.

>> No.9077003

What if I'm in front of the line?

>> No.9077004

You will never be first in line. There is always a bigger superfan that is already waiting.

>> No.9077009

I believe autographs require tickets and to get the tickets you have to line up since 6AM on Friday before the convention even opens.

>> No.9077018

Well fuck, I just drove by Convention Center on Figueroa and there are god damn degenerate weebs already camping out.

>> No.9077021

Some people wait the whole fucking day

>> No.9077024

That is really dumb. Do people even do that for Comic con?

>> No.9077025

Is there a point anymore? Last year went by pretty smoothly.

>> No.9077031

Yes only if you are in it for exclusives.

>> No.9077038

Call in a crew of Mexicans to harass them.

>> No.9077041

Think it's more for hype/camraderie than practicality

>> No.9077053

Are tickets handed out all at once or the morning of the autograph?

>> No.9077058

>All of these people never have been in the cali heat before
Kek, it will be heat stroke city.

>> No.9077059

Woops, sorry I just looked at the website lol
Sorry ;A;

>> No.9077060

87 is p good weather.

>> No.9077063
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>just now buying a pass

>> No.9077064

Which room and hotel will the party be at this year?

>> No.9077078

It was 105 not that long ago. I doubt it will be that hot again anytime soon.

>> No.9077080
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>Kato only has two autograph sessions all weekend
>Fuckwad Danny Choo has 4

>> No.9077081

My squad will be hosting parties at the JW all week. I'll post detail here, but we probably won't get it started 'til around midnight.

>> No.9077083

I've never been to AX. Is it even possible to register this late?

>> No.9077086


>> No.9077087

on site

>> No.9077090

I just bought it online

>> No.9077092
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Any info on the fighten game tournaments?

>> No.9077096

I thought a con this size would have been sold out.

>> No.9077098

When? I got mine on black friday and it cost more than that.

They'll pump them in until the fire marshal shuts it down.

>> No.9077099

I thought a con of this size would have their schedule set up earlier

>> No.9077136

Yeah AX is on the tour for CPT. Prepare to lose to some pros.

>> No.9077138

So the booth I'm helping out is near all the industry. Which stuff worth getting for day 1?

>> No.9077139

They haven't set a limit yet. Honestly they should have two years ago because the LACC sucks balls and can't support the amount people going

>> No.9077140

Something like 8 miles away I think someone said

>> No.9077151

Got a source on that? I would love to see that at anime expo if you aren't bullshitting.

>> No.9077154


>> No.9077156

Is there really a better place to hold it though?

>> No.9077159

>BANDAI NAMCO will host 4 tournaments each day July 1-3 for One Piece Burning Blood, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, and Tekken 7. The grand prize for each winner is a Xbox One console. We will award 12 Xbox One consoles. In addition there will be games and other prizes awarded to second through fourth places.
Shit nigger
But I need to know when.
Any word when it's at?

>> No.9077162


But fuck that

>> No.9077168

Well, that's not happening.

>> No.9077172

Eat a dick faggot.

>> No.9077180

Thats when the all guys meetup is supposed to happen...maybe we can all get together later that night?

>> No.9077182

Meh it's always in LA.

>> No.9077183
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Is anyone going to the GSC booth this year? If so, is there anyone who could purchase a KLK in-between frames or a Luluco "Justice do it" shirt for me? I'm located in the Midwest. I'll cover the cost for the goods and the shipping on the first day of the con.

>> No.9077191
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Will the con be live streamed?

>> No.9077195

>plane leaves at 6:45
>it's 5:00 and we still haven't left for the airport yet


>> No.9077199

Hurry anon! What's the hold up?

>> No.9077201

What airline

>> No.9077203

Shit and security is gonna be rough this week too. Hope you live close to the airport

>> No.9077210

Yeah not sure if that is the only one though. Sky just posted about the double tree and hats the only one we posted unless something else is happening

>> No.9077216
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>last year you could hear people from across the stadium yelling "JUST DO IT"

What will be the meme this year?

I'm guessing we'll see a lot of DAT BOI

>> No.9077218

reddit memes like dat boi and the spongebob caveman thing. Also Trump.

>> No.9077219


Probably or that stupid Spongebob thing.

>> No.9077220
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fuck fuck fuck

my ride canceled on me

anyone driving around the bay area to AX tonight at anytime or after midnight to arrive at AX in the morning?

I'll cover 100% of gas cost even

>> No.9077224

When does AX open their doors?

>> No.9077236

Amtrak? Bolt Bus?

>> No.9077238


Stroh is the absolute bomb

>> No.9077239

I'll fly if I must, but would prefer to just head down if another anon has space

gonna have it at the meetup again like I did last year

>> No.9077240


By the way, here's the document for girls looking for the meetup info!

>> No.9077242

Do you guys think it's possible to survive 5 days in AX/LA with $200 assuming I don't plan to drink or buy expensive merch, and already have my room paid for?

>> No.9077245


Me and my feminine dick will be there.

>> No.9077246

Yea if you buy food from a grocery store and walk everywhere.

You can drink tap water too to save money. The water here is clean.

>> No.9077253
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>> No.9077259

Breh I survived with 60 bucks last year after hotel and tickets

But I live here so I knew where to shop and stuff...
But its plenty do able with 200

Buy a case of bottled waters, some fruits and eat cheap 3 meals a day (ie panda express)

>> No.9077261

200 is more than enough unless you want to buy shit at the vendor hall

>> No.9077266

Message me on discord

>> No.9077268

I had $200 my first year. I'm a buyfag so it was painful, but doable

>> No.9077273

Anybody here staying at the westin on Saturday night and has room for one more?
I could pay for the night.

>> No.9077282

Mmm if you're not on discord just message me here. Leaving from San Jose at 3~4 am ish. We're stoping by Huntington Beach to pick someone up though. You can help me with gas cause the other two people are JEWS.

>> No.9077287

That sounds fine to me, I just downloaded discord as well

>> No.9077297

Anyone ever hear of a company called PHX Online? They are looking for models for AX and I was thinking of applying? I just wanna know if they are legit or not.

>> No.9077302


Lesbians only I see. Probably better that way then. Enjoy your taco eating party.

>> No.9077303
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The game room opens before the exhibit hall on Day 1, right?

>> No.9077304

All I found was the craigslist ad of them that you are referring to.

>> No.9077305

I say no

>> No.9077309

Find the ax discord and message me after. What city are you in?

>> No.9077313

Shut up nerd

>> No.9077315 [DELETED] 

leaf is in here

dont join if you arent the anon looking for a ride, you will probably be banned

>> No.9077318

Hey another bay area anon, I might need a ride too would it be cool if I come in to look for rides?

>> No.9077322

What do you guys think the lines for tomorrows ticket pickup will be like?

>> No.9077324

Leaf, wtf, why was I banned?

>> No.9077328
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if it's like last year it will be long but also pretty fast

last year my friends showed up at 2:00am, then I showed up, cut in line with them

>tfw 10 mins later they opened the gates
>tfw all the betafags around us giving me the stinkeye

>> No.9077330
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I think I was kicked or banned? :(

>> No.9077333

so i'd need to be there before it opens i assume?

>> No.9077335


nah, it'll be quick all day

I'm just going early so i can fuck around later in the day

>> No.9077338

thats cool then, thanks for the help!

>> No.9077339

>nothing opens until at least 10am on Day 1

Where are you guys heading to first?

>> No.9077341

Fuck the secret boi network. Full of fags anyways rofl.

>> No.9077342

Unnecessarily long during the day probably. I showed up after 8pm last year and was pretty much just in and out, barely any waiting.

>> No.9077343

>8 miles away
This can't be real

>> No.9077344

We're megabusing from oakland

>> No.9077346

;_; um give me a sec to come home and I'll make a throwaway email or something

>> No.9077347

Still need a ride, was the whole discord thing just to fuck around?

Still gonna pay for gas for whoever gives me a ride

>> No.9077350

what time?

>> No.9077355

It's he only Doubletree I can see unless I am missing it. Apperently there is a free shuttle though

>> No.9077360

Yes, double tree, but there is a free shuttle to and from AX during the whole weekend. However, we are only throwing it if people are willing to go and dont mind the trip.

>> No.9077367

Get a ticket for an autograph session. long as you have a ticket, just show up on time. I haven't seen or heard much about when you can get autograph session tickets but odds are I'm gonna attempt to get some on Friday.

Worth it.

There hasn't been much explanation on the system :/

>> No.9077369

Biological females only.

>> No.9077373

Anyone have info of when the orgy is happening?

>> No.9077382

Last year was my first anime expo and all I remember was waking up at 8AM in the morning, head to con 15 min early, con opens at 9am and there was already a huge line at the autograph ticket booths. Everyone was running and staff was shouting "TICKETS THIS WAY"

>> No.9077392

I got you https://twitter.com/2huConOrgy2015
turn your application in now while you still can.

>> No.9077394
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>> No.9077399

Oh god, my sides. Straight females only as well?

>> No.9077404

From my experience lesbian girls would rather hang out with guys because guys do all the things chicks wouldn't do like bar hopping and picking up sluts. My lesbian friend said girls are too sensitive and won't shut the fuck up.

>> No.9077405

pls livestream it. I wanna see a con gay orgy in action.

>> No.9077408

please come and grab front row seats, we'll be at it all weekend.

>> No.9077414

Too bad, sweetie.

>> No.9077416

I live in NC and can't make it down so you'll have to stream it. PLEASE.

>> No.9077421
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>> No.9077424


What's the point of crashing it? Do you really think that the kinds of girls that avoid men are going be all that interesting? Try to imagine the awkward conversations about the things they share in common. None of which involves a dick.

Just enjoy the normal meetup.

>> No.9077427

I always see you at cons but am too afraid to say hi. Love your cat snaps though <3

>> No.9077428

Stop being a pussy

>> No.9077431

But I can't.

>> No.9077432

Tip that straw hat you carry harder

>> No.9077437

thank you familia

>> No.9077439


>> No.9077442

Lmao, you too anon? Are you gonna be on the 11am bus?

>> No.9077444
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Anyone else find it retarded as fuck that some panels are being limited to premier pass holders only? I really wanted to see this one.

>> No.9077445
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just join the gay orgy you will find far more success there

>> No.9077446

Biggest factor, at least for me are buying food and drink. I find the best way to save loads of money is to leave my wallet(specifically debt cards) at my hotel and carry a cash allowance per day($50/day). Impulse buying can be shitting in the vendor hall.

Personally, I am only bringing 200 with me, with a 50 "aw shit" fund if I blow all 200 on some stupid shit.

>> No.9077447

That's a thing now?

>> No.9077448

But Masa is a guy!

>> No.9077450

Are you homophobic or something?

>> No.9077452

If my new place is cool with cats, can I have one? They are sooo cute

N-no, can't I just be friends?

>> No.9077453

Anyone here going to the dances or concerts?

>> No.9077455

no email yet?

>> No.9077458

It simply won't do.

>> No.9077459


Yeah, that's fine. :) When would you be able to adopt one?

>> No.9077461

Been wanting to go a dance again, had a blast last time I went despite have no moves whatsoever.

>> No.9077462

"They want their own meetup, so they must be boring and awkward!"

Considering how braindead you sound, I don't have much faith in your ability to construct a good time.

>> No.9077463

Don't worry anon, at 10:30 I doubt anyone else cares

>> No.9077465

>comedy show is a ticketed event now

Aww shit, does this mean I can't get a front row seat?

>> No.9077481

my sister wants me to line up with her at 7 am for autograph tickets bc she says that she can only get one ticket to one session (she wants autographs of two people). is she bullshitting or is this true

>> No.9077486

I'm home. just join this server and send me a dm

>> No.9077488

AX Dance Crew when?

T-thats scary though

Latest August.

>> No.9077495
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>Coming down from the Valley.
>This weekend is 102-104
>SoCal will be Upper 70s/Low 80s

You know nothing of hell. But yeah, lots of fluids and breaks.

>> No.9077502


>> No.9077507

Sup Valley bro!

So happy to be leaving this weekend
>102-104 whole weekend
mid 70's sounds fucking perfect for 4th of july

>> No.9077509

>This weekend is 102-104
It's been 90-100s here man, Hell has come

>> No.9077517

Brothers in Suffering. Seriously, it's hotter than Slaanesh's taint and I'll be dressed like a Techpriest in Robe and Kimono, with girlfriend in full krieger getup.

Best way to get a Camelbak of Caribou Lou into the con? Was thinking of going as a Hunchback...

>> No.9077519


your opinion has no impact on the success of the main gathering or the convention lol

If there is any way I can help you think I'm any dumber please let me know

>> No.9077522


Ahhh, I don't think I'll have them by then anymore but if I do and you're still interested then let me know on snapchat. Trying to find good owners soon

>> No.9077527

Best way to get it in is just to wear it
AX security is so lax (or incompetent) they didn't give a fuck when my friend brought in a "lasgun" that was just a cardboard box on an airsoft rifle
I'm pretty sure he could have brought in an actual gun and they wouldn't have cared
Not to mention I have had literal dozens of bottles of alcohol groped by the door guys and they didn't even care

>> No.9077529

There's people that sound like twats. And then there's you. You're on like you own douchey plane of ethereal cockbaggery.

If Sigil was a buttplug it'd be your own personal maze.

>> No.9077531

>AX Dance Crew when?
Depends how many drinks we can have first, I'm not a great dancer

>> No.9077532

Have they installed metal detectors at the LACC?

I want to bring my flask again this year, the only way to survive all the madness

>> No.9077533

Yeah, I've got; Flask of Scotch (15year Single Malt), Light Rum, Dark Rum, Caribou Lou (Malibou, Pineapple, and 151) Soju, Sake, Peated 16 year Scotch, Hibiki 12, and a 24 case of Monster for the weekend. Mostly just deciding what to drink and when to bring it...

>> No.9077535

>not just heavily mixing a drink first and walking in with it in a 711 or similar cup
>not picking up a plastic flask at Bevmo for like 5 bucks

>> No.9077544

I'd save the alcohol for PM at parties just because of lawmen and fucking Mr. Sun
Not to say that drunk conning isn't fun but when you get thrown out you are going to die if you can't find water if the heat stays as bad as it has
They didn't last year when I worked at it but if they did just go in through the west hall entrance and just charge through

>> No.9077545

I'm going to try to hit it on Friday because I know I have free time. What size?

>> No.9077546

See, I'm not trying to impact the main meet so it makes no difference. They're completely separate.

>> No.9077549

I'm from Florida, getting drunk and dealing with the heat is like the States sport. I'll be carrying a dozen bottles of water to go with the booze, as well as protein bars and shakes, snacks, and a basic first med kit. As well as some cooling trauma packs.

>> No.9077551

Turns out AX has a "safespace" implemented this year. That's probably where the meet-up will be held.

>> No.9077552

Hopefully it's a padded room with a strong AC. Special Snowflakes are fragile after all.

>> No.9077553

Oh yeah I am ready to dance. Will try to dance all 4 nights.

>> No.9077557

Dance Crew assembled!

>> No.9077559

>Turns out AX has a "safespace" implemented this year.
Ayy where is it, I want to invade it

>> No.9077561

You can find me at the Jpop dance workshop and Kpop dance workshop.

>> No.9077563
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Cosplay Medic ready to go!

>> No.9077564


not like you could if you wanted to lol


the other gathering will literally be lolitas and neckbeard autists in guy fawkes masks and trump hats trying to edge their way into a conversation with mouth breaths

there is nothing interesting that will happen at that gathering beyond the neckbeards failing to do anything

>> No.9077566
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Got everything together. I'll just be wandering around but if you can find me I can fix your costume or prop as needed. Also I'll be keeping an eye out for anyone who doesn't hydrate. Hopefully it won't come to anything but I'm prepared for it.

>> No.9077586

Why the ear plugs?

>> No.9077587

you da real mvp

>> No.9077600

So casuals don't lose their hearing during concerts.
I would take in every decibel till my ears start to bleed for Flow.

>> No.9077603

That's for people who are rooming with each other. Snoring can get pretty loud.

>> No.9077609

Are you carrying a glock as well?

>> No.9077610

>Party is 8 miles away
Why? I will still go if others are going but fuck.

>> No.9077611

Who all is going to Teddyloid? Any idea as to how early to line up?

>> No.9077619

I want to, it will probably the 2 hour wait.

>> No.9077620

>carry a bag of earplugs with me everywhere I go for those moments when weird noises, loud roommates, or screaming children start triggering my 'tism
>go to eir aoi concert
>holy shit this is way too loud
>gorgeous Satsuki I saw earlier is sitting next to me with her fingers in her ears
>give her a fresh pair of earplugs
>she tells me I'm her hero
The real question is, why WOULDN'T you carry ear plugs?

>> No.9077631

Most people don't when they go to concerts or events. I shoot concerts so I always do. Shit is loud up front.

>> No.9077635
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>Trying on cosplay one last time before the con
>realize my main cosplay I forgot put a pocket in it for cellphone and shit

Pic related as to how I feel

>> No.9077652

We made it, with barely a moment to spare. Our last minute shopping took an extra two hours than expected, throwing everything out of whack.

>> No.9077672

Unfortunatly it is all we could get. I had a reservation at the Ritz, but my room mates forgot that the Ritz is pricey and backed out. If someone closer is willing to host, we can take our stuff. We would cover any damages if needed; otherwise, we are stuck at the Ritz.

>> No.9077679

The one with the turn up

>> No.9077680

This is my first year doing AnimeExpo... does anyone know if there are usually any booths where people sell imported video games? I'm more than a little curious.

I'm sure everything will be overpriced, but eh.

>> No.9077684

The Westin?

>> No.9077690

*stuck at the Double Tree

>> No.9077691

My friend co-runs the game import booth at AX usually every year, not sure if he's working it this year, should I hit him up?

>> No.9077697

I think so, last year there were 4 vendors who specialized in that. And if the game is popular, a lot of vendors would carry it.

>> No.9077698


Oh, there's a specific import booth?

>> No.9077699


Noice. Do they carry stuff for current gen as well as old systems? I've got a Vita and a nip 3DS I'm bringing with me.

>> No.9077708

Oh yes, for example, they were selling JPN Fire Emblem Fates half a year before it was localized here.

>> No.9077710


Kickass. I wonder if anyone will be selling Caligula.

>> No.9077722

>there is a panda express <1 mile from the con center

Oh yes my wallet can rejoice! Well at least in one aspect...

>> No.9077737

Buy just rice and teriyaki sauce, a very cheap meal.

>> No.9077750

>3 course plate
Think I am going to do that every day even though I know my bowels will hate me.

>> No.9077753

Treat yourself for just one meal. There's lots of great places for just a nice 1-off meal within walking distance.

>> No.9077754

As long as someone holds my hand and leads me onto the bus, I'm game.

Chad is afraid of learning things but will be packing some apple juice for the party.

>> No.9077758

Yeah probably on Day 0 or 1, but for the rest of the time cheap eats leave more money for other goodies.

>> No.9077760

Might as well take the shuttle to Double Tree and walk to Little Tokyo for food.

>> No.9077761

That's always been my strategy
Buy grocery food for breakfast and lunch while going out for dinner to get something decent and feel good going into the next day

That also leaves enough money to spend at the end for Roscoe's or KBBQ because you need that food after the weekend

>> No.9077771

Hey everyone, thanks for auditioning for the straight orgy. We've finalized the selection and you should be receiving your confirmation emails now. See you there!

>> No.9077774

im glad I made the cut

>> No.9077797

Find a plain-looking purse to carry with you and set it aside for photos.

>> No.9077802

>straight orgy

>> No.9077807

>straight orgy

For some reason I don't believe you

>> No.9077811

Thanks. Got it.

>> No.9077812


>> No.9077814

Same, thanks. See you guys there.

>> No.9077815

I want in that action. Is it still too late to submit application?

>> No.9077820

It's not a straight orgy...

>> No.9077828
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Just checked my email. I got in!

>> No.9077829

If i need you ill be sure to shout "MEDIC"

>> No.9077831

Does anyone know if you can take the shuttle from a hotel to the convention center, if you're not actually staying at that hotel? Or do they check?
Friend and I are staying at the Omni Hotel, but Kawada is only a block away

>> No.9077832

They won't check, they just need to see your badge to let you on

>> No.9077833

got my email ;) can't wait to fuck any of you qt 2hu.

>> No.9077840

is the Bebop cast doing autographs? they mentioned it on Facebook but I didn't see anything on the schedule.

>> No.9077841
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Can't believe I finished this in time, jesus

>> No.9077846

What are you talking about? Your beds clearly not yet made.

>> No.9077858

As everyone else has pointed out, for concerts, roomies, and just for those loud situations. I took the best advice from previous AX threads for the build up.

>> No.9077860

New thread in the catalog bois and grills

>> No.9077876

Why, that's not needed? Just so it can be (You)'re thread?

>> No.9077878

going to cosplay as Venom Snake?

>> No.9077912

Great anime dude

>> No.9077920

First time going to ax. Have my sights on the mako nendoroid from goodsmile booth. How fast do these things sell out? Do I need to wait in line before and exhibit hall opens and rush in when it does open like it's black Friday?

>> No.9077922

No, their twitter says you can't have more than one ticket per guest, but you can have more than one ticket to see other guests. Catch is, you have to go back in line to fetch the second ticket.

>> No.9077932

Can't tell, don't know how much they have in stock or whether they will restock.

There will, however, be a line already at the good smile booth when the floor opens to the public. The exhibit hall is pre-opened to the vip pass ppl. So when the doors burst for the public, there will be a 2 hour line formed already for gsb.

>> No.9077934

Oh I meant 2 hour line after the public joins, which will be like 20 minutes within public opening time.

>> No.9077936

I know right, it's my favorite anime :^)

>> No.9077937

I'm bringing some to give to my roommates, I snore very loudly.

>> No.9077940

Ok I guess ill come super early and be one of the first waiting for the exhibit hall to open.

>> No.9077959
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Nope, I'll be wearing Vietnam era gear, with Boonie, plus this sweet PJ patch. The sign is on the back of my ruck sack so people know. I'm gonna try and attend the metal gear photo op on sat but no promises. Friday can not come sooner!

>> No.9078042

it always feels hot outside, regardless of what the thermometer says, because of the midday los angeles summer sun.

>> No.9078049

>Not 'Corpsman'
Fuckin Boot

>> No.9078051

sun always burns pale weebs

anyone with a tan already is a normie

>> No.9078078
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Be prepared to see this hat a lot, on people, on plushies, on kids.

>> No.9078102

Mine should be coming today. Can't wait to see all you memelords there

>> No.9078134
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Because Overwatch is popular, expect alot of "ITS HIGH NOON" at the appropriate time of day.

>> No.9078137

What...an orgy..."straight"...damn im too late...

>> No.9078321

Is Niconico or crunchyroll or daisuki or anyone else doing live streaming from the con?

>> No.9078397
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>> No.9078526

Yes. Anyone who insists on a single gender only meetup does in fact have mental issues and an inability to deal with society at large.

I don't know who touched you wrong in the past but it obviously affected your mind.

>> No.9080234

Anyone staying at the residence Inn LA live wanna meet up?