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9071272 No.9071272 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they always end up like this?

>> No.9071273
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>> No.9071276
File: 112 KB, 960x602, maidcafe2012_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maid cafes usually choose their volunteers based on one of these three ways.

>1. the maids know someone
you can tell if a maid cafe is like this because usually the girls are well… not that cute or well put together.
>2. the maids are hired based on someone’s personal preference for girls.
you can tell if a maid cafe is like this because all the girls will have similar features, like brown hair with blue eyes, or all Asian girls. (pic related, Anime Expo's maid cafe)
>3. the maids are hired based on their actual qualifications
you can tell if its like this because the maids are usually cute, energetic, and there is actual diversity

surprise surprise, #3 is the least common.

>> No.9071278

SacAnime's maidcafe was actually like #3 in 2013-2014

>> No.9071306

I went to my first maid cafe at Animazement and had the absolute worst time. I feel like everyone should at least be in the same outfit and it would be even better if they knew what the hell they were doing.

>> No.9071366



>> No.9071378

Holy shit I bet this cafe was fucking vacant. This is terrifying.

>> No.9071405

Who cares.

>> No.9071422

>anyone who likes black girls
>anyone who likes to see different types of women
>black girls themselves
>that anon
>those like me dissapointed that they could have chosen based on actual fit requirements rather than ethnicity
>any one who applied and got turned down due to this

>> No.9071427

>that anon
Pfhaha, great post. Danke.

>> No.9071429

I mean if you're going to have a fetish at least don't be so blatant about it

>> No.9071431 [DELETED] 
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B-but no-one likes black girls, anon-chan.

>> No.9071473

This might also be one of those, well no black people applied for the position. We get hit pretty often for a lack of diversity at my school, but we never have any black people looking to join.

>> No.9071487

front and center sitting down is a CUTE.

>> No.9071491

At least the majority of them are cute but lol at that token yt.

>> No.9071499

•Competent waitress skills
•Willing to wear a maid costume
You can only pick 2

>> No.9071502
File: 133 KB, 910x892, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh diversity
>muh representation
Holy shit people are actually serious with this shit? Find me a qt black girl maid and we'll talk.
>inb4 that one perfect one with the white thigh highs and small frame, not usually the case with black girls

>> No.9071527

usually they can't even get 1

try harder

>> No.9071531


In my country we only had one black girl who applied for the maid job and got it (she's legit cute). Rest were all Caucasian or Asian.

So sick of people who force diversity through everybody's throat, while the only way to accomplish that, whould be by force. Oh the irony.

>> No.9071532 [DELETED] 

nobody likes niggers

>> No.9071533 [DELETED] 

>Black people
No we don't need ghetto
I don't want to be shot

>> No.9071539


>> No.9071612

Bottom right.

>> No.9071614
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Few convention maid cafes in my country.

>> No.9071616
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>> No.9071618
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>> No.9071624
File: 137 KB, 580x558, Bar-Prince3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why hasn't anyone attempted a butler cafe yet? it'd be way easier to get ugly girls to pass as boys than cute anime maids

>> No.9071647

proof that it's not that hard to get everyone in the same outfit.

I'd be interested to see a butler cafe for once but neckbeards wouldn't be into that

>> No.9071648

butler cafes are different in intent and style from a maid cafe and part of the reason why several cons have had trouble getting them past their directors

>> No.9071697

There are butlers on staff in maid cafes but it's not really the same, sadly. >>9071648 Anime USA has a host club with alcohol so I don't see why butler cafes can't be a thing.

>> No.9071970

The entire concept and execution of a maid cafe is fetishization. If women want to feel empowered by it, fine, but let's not pretend Hooters is popular because of the chicken.

>> No.9071982 [DELETED] 

>in MY country
sorry anon, but that picture is from a City in LA. so based on that the picture should actually be 90% hispanics- so you could tell the person choosing volunteers was totally looking for Asians.

>largest anime convention in U.S.
>implying black girls didn't apply

>> No.9072002

>in MY country
sorry anon, but that picture is from LA. so based on that the picture should actually be 90% hispanics- so you could tell the person choosing volunteers was totally looking for Asians.

>largest anime convention in U.S.
>implying black girls didn't apply

bottom right is hispanic

I'm not even asking them to "force diversity" I'm asking them to choose people based on actual qualifications, not off of their own preferences. I know Anime Expo and a few other places require you to submit video auditions from online- so its really easy to find people who don't clearly fit one person's preferences and are cute with actual skill.

I think the way to fix this is to not just have one dude with yellow fever pick volunteers, but three different people to pick volunteers, including at least one girl because they need someone who isn't thinking with their dick.

>> No.9072045

Like people wouldn't complain with any other random maidcafe photo which has a generic file name.

>implying everyone is American
>implying everyone knows how American maidcafés look like

>> No.9072049

>I think the way to fix this is to not just have one dude with yellow fever pick volunteers, but three different people to pick volunteers, including at least one girl because they need someone who isn't thinking with their dick.
thank you. this is what I meant

>> No.9072440

I think there is supposed to be one at AX but the pics don't look promising

>> No.9073978

Any one have any suggestions on how to improve maid cafes?

>> No.9074091
File: 125 KB, 672x448, maid_cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're selling cute. Make sure it's cute and not just some Hello Kitty stuff you brought from the dollar store because it's so kawaii desu. Don't have ugly girls. Have cute girls. No fats. Have unified uniforms and you're at least one step ahead of most maid cafes in America.

>> No.9074120

>Do one big bodyline or taobao order to buy everyone the same uniform. Possibly in assorted colors but definitely have them all in the same dress.
>Pick maids based partly on looks but mostly on engaging personalities, better to have a friendly but meh looking girl than a hot weeb cringe fest.
>Have a test run to be sure that things work smoothly, maids understand how to interact with patrons, everyone looks presentable, and that the food/drinks are ready to serve in a reasonable timeframe.
>Make sure there is someone who can help any maids who are unable to do their own hair and makeup. Sloppy hair and bad makeup is not kawaii.
>If possible, try to have several different anime girl tropes represented. If they aren't great actors it's better to have everyone be a cutesy version of themselves than to poorly pretend to be tsundere.

>> No.9074176

>don't just have one dude with yellow fever pick volunteers, but multiple people including one girl

>hire based on #3 >>9071276

different looking maids, holy shit. not everyone has the same taste.

but what anon said here as well >>9074120

getting the same uniform is essential and keeps a cafe from looking like a hot mess.

The best maid cafe i went to served small portions of hotel food (AWA) , had girls who were fun to talk to, energetic, played games with our table. I had a small sandwich, a small slice of pie and a drink for $12 (flat rate) which was the price of entry.

so much better than overpriced ramen.

>> No.9074197


What's the difference in intent? Isn't it just appealing to the other gender?

>> No.9074808

Different anon but butler cafes are more upscale than maid cafes. You don't really serve rice balls and sodas at them.

AWA is the best maid cafe you've been to? They dress like hotel cleaning staff, their outfits are so frumpy and boring.

>> No.9074810

THANK YOU. I don't understand why this isn't standard for all maid cafes. The outfit part is just a no brainer to me. Have everyone in the same thing otherwise it looks sloppy. If you can't behave appropriately/serve people properly then you shouldn't be allowed to participate. I went to my first maid cafe last month and our maid screwed up on our orders and just...didn't show up with our food until the performance was damn near over. She seemed to not know what she was doing and was just really awkward and I felt bad for her because it looked like she wanted to cry. If you can't handle dealing with people then you really shouldn't be part of a maid cafe.

>> No.9074824

>all this bitching about the guy having yellow fever and muh diversity
While it's a possibility, has it occurred to you that this set represents a typical anime maid cafe, or typical anime cast even? Asian girls and a token blonde gaijin with blue eyes is a very stereotypical setup in all kinds of anime

>> No.9074829

maybe I wouldn't care if most maid cafes were free. since I have to pay, I want my time to at least be decent and having kawaii desu maids doesn't mean that the service is going to be great.

>> No.9074833

That may be true, but not having kawaii maids ruins the whole point of the maid cafe and you might as well just go to a regular one. With that said, there should be a bigger focus on quality over quantity, having fewer maids that both look good and know what they're doing is a lot better than having a million of them. Incidentally, since they work faster, one can pay them more, and attract more applicants.

>> No.9074844

This I can agree with. But I think it could pose a problem for bigger cons that already have such a large turnout. They'd have to downsize seating and people might not like that. I would rather have great service so I personally wouldn't care about needing to reserve a seat further in advance if it came to that.

>> No.9074880

Try harder at what? If black girls don't want to do it, don't fucking force them to. Because 98% of the time, it's the fact that black girls don't even apply for it.

>> No.9074970 [DELETED] 


>> No.9074989
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 5060765+_874fb3a5167ddadfd038aa55a4724f6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullshit unless you've personally seen every applicant for every maid cafe. Not to mention that I've seen plenty of black girls in made cafes before so it's not like it's some ~insane idea~. we get it, you hate black chicks. don't try to justify it with some flimsy 'evidence'.

obviously you too. again, try harder

>> No.9074999

The real concern should be as to why Asian women are automatically chosen because some nasty ass has yellow fever. Not every issue involving obvious racism revolves around black people but that's cute that, that was you're first thought here.

>> No.9075239
File: 96 KB, 960x960, 12032254_10153684761299255_426162742422682239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention, they all look unkempt and overweight. Please love yourself and visit other cafes, anon.

>> No.9075244
File: 100 KB, 960x720, 10690343_10153639991999255_7586323259803489322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9075262

did you even read the thread because we literally just talked about this but okay you're right. feel better?

is that actually a damn Black Butler cosplayer in the back?

>> No.9075265


What other places have good cafes?

>> No.9075269

I'm black and this made me cringe. Chill dude. There isn't any Spanish girls there either its obviously posted because of the lack of non Asian diversity.

>> No.9075273

man, how do maid cafes always have all ugly girls save maybe one or two?

>> No.9075280

Bottom right is Filipino.

>> No.9075325

If Marilyn Manson was Sebastian.

>> No.9075342

Thomas really let himself go once he made butler.

>> No.9075348

heh, I was totally thinking that too

>> No.9075359

all of the weeb in that photo hurts me

>> No.9075362

Being a furry is zero excuse for not ironing your fucking shirt

>> No.9075372

Doesn't Peachie work/used to work at a maid cafe? Were they any good?

>> No.9075373


That one has more cute girls in it than most maid cafes do.

>> No.9075918


Unfortunately finding a coordinator and stylist is tricky unless you are runnig the place and DIY

>> No.9075945

I went pre 2010, I'd say somewhere 2007-2008?
they definitely uh.. decreased in quality.
I remember being served by a cute skinny blonde girl.
or maybe i'm just looking at it with rose tinted glasses since i prefer cons pre 2010
see >>9071276

>> No.9075954

of course anon, for that reason Weebs have more extreme cases of yellow fever than normalfags.

>> No.9075959

If so, that's depressing

>> No.9076001


The normal range is "0-1".

>> No.9076007
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 13445790_585114884989583_5533406101105026744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peachie's cafe seems to be well and still running, according to their Facebook.

>> No.9076013
File: 131 KB, 960x540, 13177700_609499955874912_8354792649029108790_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe a good rule of thumb especially when it comes to convention maid cafes is that if it looks nice, you're more than likely to have a better time because it's better organized. Most of these cafes are run by the worse kind of weebs and you can literally see it.

If you want an immediate suggestion of what's in your area, I don't think there's a good maid cafe in the area within Georgia as I believe AWA's maid cafe and Peachy Maid Cafe are the only ones. Peachy looks like it has good intentions but their execution is really lacking. At least they have a cuter maid ratio than AWA's.

>> No.9076020

What actually goes on at a maid cafe? Is it just a more expensive coffee shop where the waitresses are in cute dresses, or do they go over the top to be super saccharine? How do they relate to something like Hooters or Anna Millers, where the waitresses are chosen based on their attractiveness?

All I remember from Anna Millers is that the food was decent, the coffee was a bit better, and the A/C was cranked up a little too high.

>> No.9076035

At a real live maid cafe the maids/waitresses will do shit with you, but at an anime con maid cafe you're going to buy overpriced coffee, tea, sandwiches, and pocky, and maybe play cards with one of the maids. That's it.
Only a Japanese maid cafe is going to have enough business to actually have enough girls to be able to pick and choose. An anime con maid cafe will basically have whoever shows up, which is why the average number of cute maids at an anime con cafe is
There have been efforts to bring over maid cafes as they are in Japan, but they never make enough money in the US to last more than a couple months.

>> No.9076045


So I didn't miss anything then? Good. Probably lucky they let me in to begin with, honestly.

>> No.9076046


Also that sounds disturbingly like those hostess clubs where you pay for an attractive woman to just talk with you. Eargfgrfgh.

>> No.9076244

Wow, those uniforms are really pretty???!!!

>> No.9076309

You hit the nail on the head. That's 100% what maid cafes are.

>> No.9076338 [DELETED] 

Because they're too worried about being politically-correct and "embracing diversity" to turn away uggos, fatties, or niggers.

>> No.9076340

I would hit up that cafe just for the sheer fucking surrealness of that situation.

>> No.9076349

And nothing of value was lost, and the world kept turning.

>> No.9076585

Only been to one maid cafe so far but it was awful. Overpriced cake and tea, had to pay if you wanted to take pictures or record the performance, no games/cards. A lot of the maids had the potential to be cute if there was some cohesion with the outfit/decent wigs and makeup.

You're pretty much paying for meh food and a crappy dance routine that lasts two minutes. Okay, I'm still bitter about it. I've always thought that the idea of a maid cafe is really cute and I used to be interested in volunteering but definitely not now seeing what a shitshow most of them are.

>> No.9076586

This is honestly a lot better than most. 7/10

>> No.9076605

You know what's funny? What if, and this is just a guess, but what if there wasn't a single black girl that applied? Don't judge shit based off of a photo without knowing the backstory.

>> No.9076635

>One of the biggest conventions in the world
>held in LA
>implying no black girls applied

you're funny anon

>> No.9076808

just like strip clubs, or (in japan) host clubs.

>> No.9077868

Are there even any good maid cafes on the east coast? All I see are girls that aren't cute, fat, and just downright cringey. Some cafes have girls that have potential but they don't know how to do make up or use shitty wigs.

Having matching uniforms should be a bare requirement for these things. Having pure volunteers just means you're getting girls who have no idea what to do and it becomes a total mess. Cafes that are run by third parties are espicially bad because then you just get to see what type of girls they fetishize.

>> No.9078055

you take your PC shit to tumblr

>> No.9082879

These girls are pretty cute

>> No.9082892

Here's my problem with maid/butler/night cafes...

You pay 30 fucking dollars to sit in a spot and not do anything unless you want to pay MORE money for drinks/food.

At 30 fucking dollars you should get a free meal (smallish, like tenders and fries or chili fries) and one or two free drinks.

Charging for pictures is whatever. But what is the point of having an entry fee if all it covers is basically being able to sit.

>> No.9082968 [DELETED] 

Is it true that the maids at AX don't even serve food?

>> No.9083007

The Bay Area has a butler cafe, but it's all female/nb.

>> No.9083025

Is the reason they often don't serve real food a health code thing?
I wonder if they could have one work with a food truck or something to provide the food (like actual omurice and stuff) and just have the maids serve it.

>> No.9083042

I support this idea. Would be nice to feel like I'm actually paying for something that's worth it, even if the maids end up being terrible

>> No.9083487

It's a health code thing. Most of the convention maid cafes are volunteered base and started off by random people, they probably can't afford a food handling license, let alone partnering up with a food truck that's willing and even if they could it would probably be a "no outside food" policy.

From the site, it seems like the food is a separate purchase from admission which is what >>9082892 is probably referring to.

>> No.9084174


>> No.9084497

Majority of hotels don't allow outside food because of food safety issues. They can't gurantee anything from outside so everything is banned.

From what I know there are maid cafes that sneak food into their panels so they don't have to charge a seperate rate. Anything by the convention center/hotel has to be catered and the maid cafe has to handle all the expenses. It's hard enough for them to get a return on their buisness so I'm sure they rather risk sneaking in food then going into the red with their money.

>> No.9084537
File: 88 KB, 1024x683, FB_IMG_1467584638417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Norths Cafe Delish is pretty great. The girls are cute, the uniforms well made and the service and dancing is pretty good

>> No.9085166

>food handling license
Doesn't that take around 1 hour to get?

>> No.9085216

There was a butler cafe at Holiday Matsuri in Florida I think, I just saw it on the flyers and it's literally just semi-normi shirtless fuck boys who wore shitty Ichigo wigs, Pikachu ears and tail, or had a cheap Kakashi wig and mask. I think two of the guys were my ex friend's super religious cousins who has only ever watched Bleach and told my ex friend that Pokemon and Yugioh was a sin and that it's witch craft; but picking up young girls at anime conventions is totally okay in their book.

>> No.9085246

Where can I find pictures of the maids and bulters for AX? I can't find them on the website.

>> No.9085440

>that titty squeeze pose

>> No.9085551

Oh, anon.
Exploiting the hormonal, instinctual urges and instincts festering inside of men is roughly 30% of the world economy.
Maid cafes and hostess clubs are but one small part of it.

>> No.9085568

It wasn't a butler cafe, it's actually a bro cafe. They serve protein shakes and other stuff I never went last year but it was pretty popular.

>> No.9085590

That seems kinda surreal, they all look decent.

>> No.9085677

This is fantastic

>> No.9086166

They have their own facebook page, but they tend to take down the photos since none of the staff from the previous year stay.

One of my friends was part of the group for one of the years. they pretty much bring the girls in a month before the con, teach them the weebest dance and then tell them they also need to buy lingerie to dance in

>> No.9086204

from the video peachie posted, the maids seem to be very nice and serve cute food too
also they're not all uggos
i'd like to hear more about them tbqh

>> No.9086442


>If possible, try to have several different anime girl tropes represented. If they aren't great actors it's better to have everyone be a cutesy version of themselves than to poorly pretend to be tsundere

I was part of a maid cafe years ago, and this was something we debated on doing. Or rather the guy and the girl running it got into an argument on how to proceed. Girl was all for going full anime (girls could borrow some colored wigs for the numerous hair colors anime has if they liked) but the guy thought it detracted from the whole thing because anime or not they're there to play games and see the maids.

>> No.9086461

Oh god I fucking wish it had been like this dude. I can deal with shitty/ no service but christ.

>> No.9086517

This thread is making me realize just how good we have it at the Anime North maid cafe. I've never been, but now I want to go next year.



>> No.9086533

>tenders and fries or chili fries

Kawaii anon

>> No.9086534

I'll tell you why.
Because the people who staff them were brought up on Ouran High School Host Club and they're trying to fill a niche market that doesn't exist in the US. They misunderstand their role as hosts.
They think they're being paid to be worshipped, like in the anime they love. Well, they're right, but only after they've built up the clientele. They need to entertain the guests, and they're all really, really shy and awkward and bad at it. They don't understand that their job is to give the guests a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and to make the guests remember them so they'll come back next year (or week, in the case of a real maid cafe).
Nobody in the US actually wants to do this, though, because it's a Japanese thing that's kind of spun off of geisha culture and for younger people. So it's a dead industry full of dead people.

>> No.9086572

Green hair front and center is wife material

>> No.9089937

girl on bottom left is really cute, does anyone know who she is?

>> No.9090040
File: 155 KB, 1000x1500, 13603425_1254789484561920_3861426255621459559_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading through this thread I realise our maid cafes aren't that bad in The Netherlands

>> No.9090073

Depends on where you are, but some states only do the test during specific dates and those can be bitches, since there's only so many spaces open for candidates.

>> No.9090098

they're really good. all the maids can hold a conversation, or know when it's time to move onto a game or activity. they're not run all too often, but their themes are always solid

however, the other maid cafe in glasgow needs someone to tell them what to do

>> No.9092174

I don't know which post to reply to about this but I work with a local cafe and the food we serve not about health code or anything like that, it's always the convention hotels trying to get more money and specifying in the contract that the con is not allowed to serve outside food in any way, forcing the convention to pay for the hotel food and because the hotel is the only option they charge way more than is reasonable. (Iirc, they charged like twenty dollars for two gallons of lemonade if that gives you a rough idea).

The cafe literally has no control over this so it really bothers me when people complain about the food.

>> No.9092261

Anon, I feel your pain with this but what happens is that most people have a misconception when they hear "cafe" and want actual food but in my opinion, some food is better than no food because what's the point of paying $10 to just sit in and get nothing in return other than the entertainment which could be $5 alone.

>> No.9092290

>wear costume
>cater to mostly male customers
>dance in costume or in lingerie

maybe a lot of the ones that actually look good, can dance, and know their way around makeup and wigs are just doing stripping or burlesque instead. I can't imagine a maid cafe would pay anywhere as well as a gentleman's club. idk. just an offhand guess.

>> No.9092316

>tfw there's a maid cafe less than 5 minutes away from your house

I've spent too much money there.

>> No.9092328


How is it and where is it?

>> No.9096181


>> No.9096219
File: 149 KB, 900x900, maidreamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which cafés in japan has maids that can converse a bit in english?
I went to Maidreamin in Thailand (ekkamai) once and they were okay. 2 maids were above average in english and some trainees too

>> No.9096607

Best "Maid Cafe" I ever went to was a single-day event held by a Japanese club at a university in Philadelphia.

Not an anime-club or JP-culture club, mind you. As I recall, it was hosted by an organization comprised mostly of Japanese students from overseas.

>> No.9096627

There needs to be a maid cafe in the DC area. They would make a killing around here taking advantage of the power trippers here. Imagine some Capitol Hill staffer, K Street lawyer or some GS-15/SES director getting their ego stroked by some maids and butlers? Only problem is that the real estate costs in DC are the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.9096818

You're cute

>> No.9097150

I've noticed some cities have maid cafe groups, how do you find them?

I'm hoping to join one of those.

>> No.9097156


Jesus fuck, those guys would find maid cafes beneath their dignity and weird, everything is not an anime. Know your audience.

>> No.9097170
