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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9068693 No.9068693 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9068715

the guest list got huge between now and a couple weeks ago
I fully expect them to drop more bombs because it seems like a very AX thing to do this year

>> No.9068807

Anyone still need a room? I'm at the JW Marriott with some friends just trying to get a better split.
It be $250 for 4 nights (30th-4th). Email me if you're interested.

>> No.9068999

Since AX has been announcing like crazy, who are you still hoping for them to announce as a guest?

>> No.9069016

I doubt it'd happen though but it would certainly make me moist

>> No.9069030

Repost from the previous thread:

Anyone need a ride from Vegas to LA? I'm looking for one or two more to help with gas.

>> No.9069040
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watch out for this creep!

>> No.9069043

So how's the party scene this year? Between the chill mixer and the rager that always gets shit down, I'm ready for the mixer.

>> No.9069047

Looks fat.

>> No.9069061

he is a flamer.

>> No.9069072

just take cover until he runs out of promethium

>> No.9069124

i heard he stalks girls. his cosplays are creepy.

>> No.9069139

If that anon is still around who didn't know whether to go Saturday or Sunday because they didn't know if Uchikoshi was going to be at Aksys' Sunday panel, Aksys just announced (and it's been added to the official schedule) that Uchikoshi is getting a panel @ Saturday, 3:45, LP3
Hope to see you there, anon!

>> No.9069148

Anno to make the meme real.

>> No.9069154

Real Akiba Boyz since they were part of Anisong Japan.

>> No.9069164

My limited ed. Copy of ZTD better get here before I leave to California.

P-please amazon

>> No.9069177

I think the city would explode if he did.

>> No.9069178

Should I bother going?

I will be going alone in the hopes of finding a couple of friends who enjoy gaming and anime but aren't complete spergs and maybe finding a woman who also enjoys these things but isn't a complete sperg or unredeemingly ugly.

>> No.9069186

Badge pre-reg or purchase at venue? What are lines like for waiting until the day of? I've only ever pre-registered and the lines seem to be hit or miss for wait time each year.

>> No.9069189

>should I pay a little early and save $20 or should I pay there and arbitrarily lose $20?

Well retard. What do you think?

>> No.9069195

It depends, do like to socialize with randos that walk around? If so yes; otherwise, you'll just end up alone. If you see someone cosplaying something you know, use that to strike up a conversation. It works even better in lines because you are stuck there. Just be confident and you will be fine anon.

>> No.9069203

Money isn't really an issue, especially if the line for on-site purchase doesn't have a history of awful wait times.

>> No.9069213

Sushio of Trigger studio to attend AX 2016

>> No.9069219

Socializing with random people is no problem. I often go solo to places simply because it's easier to do exactly that.

What I'm wondering is what the chances of finding what I'm looking for are? Is this the right kind of place to go to to find those things?

I've been told I'm good looking for whatever that counts for. I've tried the "normie" way of things and while I can operate just fine and have friends and all that, I just don't feel like I fit which is why I'm trying this and want to know if I'm in the right place for it.

>> No.9069226


>> No.9069231

Find a panel about a genre interest as yours, see how people are reacting to see if any of them are autistic man children and try to make some conversation.

You can make a friend when you're in a place to reveal your power level comfortably.

>> No.9069232
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>socialize with randos that walk around
Fuck that shit I got panels to go to and 5 hour lines to wait in.
>friends won't ever do anything I want to do
Go solo. Pretty much just meet up for late night drinks at the end of the day and tell them about all the awesome things they missed out on.

>> No.9069249

You might make a friend but definitely don't try looking for girls. You'll only annoy them, they're not interested 99% of the time.

>> No.9069286

What cosplays are you not looking forward to seeing?

>> No.9069289

kik meet up really happening?

>> No.9069297

homestuck and undertale
don't really care otherwise

>> No.9069316

RIP? Email me.

>> No.9069346

everyone who isn't an undertale fan pretty much has this same opinion tho

>> No.9069347

Basic bitch bodysuit dva

>> No.9069354

Is this bait?

>> No.9069363

Portland anon that doesn't have a ride:

If you can get to Sacramento and message me before monday, I'll drive you the rest of the way to LA provided you contibute your part to gas/ pay your way.

>> No.9069373

>people who dislike undertale are just baiting

>> No.9069403


>> No.9069412

Don't go, its just annoying and edgy people

>> No.9069475

Last meet-up i went to was pretty shit senpai.

Still i mean he might be the sort of person that enjoys it. Anyhow if they have nothing better to do they should go. Maybe they'll make a nice friend

>> No.9069492

I'm a girl though. I just read the last thread and it seems it's going to be bad.

>> No.9069497

I'm pretty sure that's just people shitposting. The kik group is just that, a group of people you can talk to and if you wanna hang with some of those people just make plans with them. Not all of us are gonna meet up, a few of us are just gonna get together for lunch/dinner. So if you wanna join and meet people, go ahead, but if you wanna believe the shitposts, that's fine too. And we got a few other girls in the group too who pretty cool, so try meeting with them?

>> No.9069498

Anything coming out of kikis going to be bad. Same with 4chan.

The girls always make it seem worse than it actually is. Most of the guys form their groups after a few minutes and then you'll have a select few trying to quench their thirst. My suggestion is to go to the group, spend a short while finding people you want to hang out with, then make plans with them for later.

>> No.9069506

4nights? you're checking in june 30 and checking out July 5th?

>> No.9069542

If anyone needs a ride to AX going south, I'm your ride. I can pick you up and we can carpool down that if you don't mind staying til Sunday. Leaving on Thursday and wont be going north til Sunday.

>> No.9069550


It's not that bad it's like what these 2 said.

I've met some really nice people in the kik group.

And other people that well, i'm not quite fond off.

But the kik group is already broken up and there are people already planning to meet.

>> No.9069567

So what's everyone cosplaying?

I'm only going for Saturday, gonna bring my itabag and cosplay one of the matsus

>> No.9069578

from where are you leaving?

>> No.9069618

You gotta think about it this way. You want to hang out with a bunch of losers who frequent a meme forum at an anime event. Half the people you'll meet probably suffer from depression and autism. Other half are probably just complete pretentious assholes and are really mean. Do you really want to meet up with and hang out with these kind of people? I mean I guess it's okay if you're lonely.

>> No.9069641

>TRIGGER panel
>ZUN panel
>BONES panel

Sweet jesus, this con is going to be goddamn magical.

>> No.9069643
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Myself Kaga from kantai, boyfriend Makoto Tachibana from Free

>> No.9069645

Love Live every day

>> No.9069651


>> No.9069670
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Here's my lineup. Iowa is almost done!

>> No.9069692

It's probably the same person in every thread shitposting the kik group, for whatever reason. If you're interested, just check it out and see for yourself. If it's not your cup of tea, then you can always leave the chat.

A lot of people in the kik are actually pretty cool. Just because you're autistic and can't socialize doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.9069694

I'm not in the kik, why would I want to hang out with a bunch of gross nerds?

>> No.9069700

10:30 pony canyon
11:30 Sentai
which one should I go to??

>> No.9069704
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Too bad Iowa has already been done perfectly.

>> No.9069705

Does the Bonaventure check for wristbands, or is that policy reserved for specific hotels like the JW?

>> No.9069710
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>> No.9069713
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>> No.9069725


You could say that about the entire event.
A bunch of gross neckbeards that watch chineese cartoons. Do you really want to socialize with them?

This is absolute bait at this point.
Go shitpost in one of the other boards.

>> No.9069732

How do I get into the group without that stupid app?

>> No.9069738

No android phone?
There is another way on pc.

But not everyone from the first group is in there. Not that they can't join just that they choose not to.

>> No.9069744


>> No.9069745

well.... at least the turrets have been done nicely...

>> No.9069769

No you can't because not everyone who's going to the event watches anime or has a neckbeard but everyone who's in the kik is from a meme forum. Why would anyone ever want to hang out with someone they met on 4chan?

>> No.9069801

Most people go to AX because they like anime. The few that don't well ¿¿¿¿.

Anyways your on 4chan. Thereforr you're one of those shitty autistic neck- beards or are probaly someone pretentious.

your wasting your time shitposting, i wonder where in those 2 catergories you fit.

>> No.9069814

Can you just e-mail me the phat beets?

E-mail is: fdaldsjfkdaslfidsoafdjsafhdaklfhdajkf@outlook.com

>> No.9069816

>Most people go to AX because they like anime. The few that don't well ¿¿¿¿.
Okay? Does this somehow mean you can't say that about the entire event? What's the context of this statement?

>Anyways your on 4chan. Thereforr you're one of those shitty autistic neck- beards or are probaly someone pretentious.
We're not even talking about me. We're talking about 4chan meetups and the kik group.

>your wasting your time shitposting, i wonder where in those 2 catergories you fit.
Your post contributed nothing to this discussion. Ad hominem more please.

People want to know if the meetups are worth going to, I say they aren't and you just want to call me names :^)

>> No.9069830

This is a troll post, please do not respond.

>> No.9069847


>>Okay? Does this somehow mean you can't say that about the entire event? What's the context of this statement?

Nah but why would they go if that's the kind of people going to the event?

>We're not even talking about me. We're talking about 4chan meetups and the kik group.

You're right.

>Your post contributed nothing to this discussion. Ad hominem more please.

*tips my book of logical fallacies-

>People want to know if the meetups are worth going to, I say they aren't and you just want to call me names.

Unless you joined it you have no idea. 0 cred.

You said "plz bully" i read the subtext.

>> No.9069859
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>5 days until AX
>still have so much shit to do
>5 days
>already know I'm not gonna get my big planned cosplay fully done

Lord give me strength

>> No.9069863

>I have to leave in 4 because press
>they still haven't even given out the list of interviews we've been granted
>it's a new press department who probably doesn't know what they're doing with an anime convention

>> No.9069898

Is AX this disorganized every year? Why is the largest con in North America still announcing big-name guests merely a week out from the con?

>> No.9069901

rumor is shit happened internally leading to many delays
while they usually do announce some people fairly late they usually have the bulk of it done by mid june

>> No.9069904
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Unless they announce any other surprise guests that blow me away, I think I've got my schedule figured out. Part of me hopes they don't add anyone else, in case I'm forced to make a hard decision later down the line.

What are you all planning on attending? I'm for sure going to the Japan Super Live event, the official Sailor Moon panel, the Studio BONES panel, and the Cowboy Bebop Voice Actor Panel.

>> No.9069908


Anime and wrestling, fuck yeah

>> No.9069921

>tfw dragging best friend to AX
>she turns 18 2 weeks after the con

>> No.9069924

I hope they keep announcing. Don't really care much except for ZUN.

>> No.9069946


Seeing rumors that Ono Daisuke might be showing up at the JoJo panel...

>> No.9069973

It's not that I have anything against Overwatch, it's that I barely kept track of it while it was being the hottest new thing. I know I'm going to feel like a fish out of water.

>> No.9070073

Anime Expo is less than a away, what anime should I be watching so I can be feel included in everything? I usually just watch whatever catches my interest, but this year I would like to really go out and purchase things and see stuff from anime I've seen or like. What's super popular or going to be at AX this year?

>> No.9070108

Hey seagulls, /fa/ggot lurker here. Anyone going to the Harajuku fashion walk on Sunday? I just want to wear my edgelord fit and potentially run into others who are into Nipponland designer wear that I've only seen online.

>> No.9070112

play undertale
watch the overwatch cinematics

those likely will be the most popular cosplays if you want to know what's up

sadly not alot of actual ANIME or manga fans go to conventions anymore, but that shouldnt bother you since you dont seem to be watching anything either

>> No.9070123

AX, please bring Alex Hirsch for Chrissakes

>> No.9070218

The wristbands are just there to scare people from overcrowding rooms. They don't really check that stuff.

>> No.9070284

This. I've been going since before they first pulled the wristband shit and they've never actually enforced it. Last year's "implementation" at the JW was sudden, at least to me, and they still didn't check it once.

>> No.9070297

We need to take selfies. Work will get a big kick out of that

>> No.9070305
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Got my line up all hashed out.

Just gotta make the arm socks and skirt for Lapis and finish off my dress for nurse joy. Should all be doable before con.

Yoooo I remember you from Sak meet. We should hang.

>> No.9070360
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2016 lineup

>> No.9070361
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Still debating if I want to go.

It would be my first anime con really, but I'd probably go mostly for the dealer's hall / artist alley.

>> No.9070372

Do it, even if you don't buy anything, the dealer's hall is some of the best window-shopping ever!

>> No.9070387

From experience, AX is probably the best Anime con to start with, mainly because of the industry guests and the large volume of casual anime fans it attracts, finding friends ends up being easy in the process.

>> No.9070389

AX probably have the best Exhibit hall but you have to line up a few hours and waste a ton of money. Last year I lined up for 5 hours for Good Smile Co.

>> No.9070395

>tfw lining up for 2 hours for the exhibit hall line then another 1 1/2 hours in the Good Smile line for a figure that ended up being not being in danger of selling out even on the last day

>> No.9070435
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>lined up at 8am for the "get in the convention line"
>line up at 9am for the "get in the exhibit hall line"
>line up at 12pm for the "good smile co line"
>get my figures at 2pm
At least we're not casuals.

>> No.9070480

How easy/hard is it to buy something if you're staffing another booth? I want to go shopping but would I be completely closed out of the popular booths like GSC due to the massive lines that I can't get to until end of my shift?

>> No.9070489

>be exhibitor
>waltz in to buy stuff
>change to normal attendee badge I borrowed if necessary

>> No.9070517

>mfw last year I cut in front of a lot of lines and no one would fuck with me or say anything because I'm /fit/
>mfw i don't have a face

>> No.9070559

It depends. Do you get into the exhibit hall before anyone else?
>hey senpai I'm going to line up for GSC before anyone gets here
>cover for me

>> No.9070561
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I did the same for the LWA premier. It just made the experience 10x better.

>> No.9070571
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>> No.9070575


>> No.9070579

This works, or have a friend do it for you.

>> No.9070581

I'm so cool and smug, I don't even have decent manners! Look at all those scrubs who actually act like humans instead of "fit" losers

>> No.9070585

I honestly don't know since it'll be my first time working at AX. I can show up like 2 hours before the halls open but I don't know if any of my coworkers will be there (or they'll only be there to set up the booth proper) and they'd give me the stink-eye if I tried to get away like that. Not to mention that the booths I'd like to buy from might also be in similar stages of set-up and definitely not open for business.

>> No.9070592

With those cancerous cosplays you should just stay home.

>> No.9070596

What booth are you gonna be working for?

>> No.9070625

Fuck me. I thought I was completely done with cons last year; I didn't even buy a ticket to AX this year since I'm too busy with life then suddenly they announced Zun panel.

What the fuck? When is this panel? Does he have a booth? I've heard news that it was on 9:30 pm Friday, but this is such a late announcement.

Fuck my laifu

>> No.9070634

I fucking hate men so much. There better not be a single male at our /cgl/ meetup.

>> No.9070638

Then you better make it yourself senpai.
And gather all the "females" without letting any male slip through.

Good luck!

>> No.9070641

Females never show up at socal /cgl/ meetups. If you think it's a girl you're wrong. It ALWAYS has a dick.

>> No.9070642

Tell us on the doll where the straight cis male touched you

>> No.9070643

kik losers/thirsty please go

>> No.9070644

>taking the bait this hard

Come on, can we please just talk about AX in this thread instead of being giant faggots? Can't everyone just make Kik groups and whine on their soapboxes to petty cliques, like normal people?

>> No.9070645

The funny part is that >>9070634 is probably a guy too

>> No.9070646

Go back to your kik you faggot. You obviously aren't from, here.

>> No.9070650

It's one of the major booths.

>> No.9070651

I ain't no normie

>> No.9070654

>using Kik
You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.9070656

Exactly, go back.

>> No.9070657

>no u
Wow, nice argument, faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.9070660

Do you know how to read idiot? I am telling kik users to get out. Go back to English 101.

>> No.9070668

Gtfo normie


No one likes hamplanet dykes anyhow.

>> No.9070671
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>Incoming salt here
How can you guys STILL not be finished with your costumes thing close to AX? AX is literally only once a year, same time frame. And yet, people are only wearing half their cosplay because they procrastinated this much?? Or even better, finish in a hurry and just have a half ass "full" cosplay. Both these scenarios seem just lazy to me. It seems people just want to cosplay so many different characters during the con that they don't care about the quality of their costumes. Is this how cosplay is these days? It seems like people wanna say " oh I'm cosplaying so and so" just so they can say it. It's like there's no effort at all.

Can we just get a time and place for the /cgl/ meet? I don't care about the kik drama I just wanna go.

>> No.9070673

*this close to AX

>> No.9070676

8 pm in front on the main entrance. Friday night.

>> No.9070679
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Don't forget to bring your waifu

>> No.9070681

Do you remember those projects in school you thought you had lots of time for and then suddenly it's a week before and you're nowhere you should be ? It's like that

Fanime was also just a month ago and a lot of efforts before ax went to that

>> No.9070683
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If it's too much on your plate why not only do just one and not have shitty cosplays? Or half finished cosplays?

>> No.9070687

Pls no more cucking. I just won her back recently.

>> No.9070689

Because they'd rather go down fighting

>> No.9070692

While looking like shit and possibly making a fool of themselves.
I understand now.

>> No.9070694

ZUN's a guest this year? I was not prepared for that.

>> No.9070697

I don't want to hear that coming from someone who buys their costumes.

>> No.9070702
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Only 5 more days until I leave to LA

I'm. So. Fucking. INTENSE.

On a more serious note I know from past con experience here that exhibit halls can build up lines but do you guys seriously wait 2 hours to get in? Are they that crwo- actually now that I think about it that's a stupid question.
I'm hoping to snag a camoflauge Snake Nendoriod for a buddy here, really hoping they don't sell out.

>> No.9070731


Is this bait? Ax isn't going to announce a disney tv show producer as a guest, much less a producer for a fucking show that ended months ago.

2/10 for making me reply

>> No.9070736
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I'd rather look great than look like shit.
I know I can't sew, so I don't try to be stubborn and make something that looks shitty. Some people have talents or skills, some don't. Some people need to realize their skill level.
>inb4 everyone starts somewhere

>> No.9070738

Why does Anime Expo have so many beaners?

>> No.9070740
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Because SoCal.

>> No.9070746

>why does a weeb event in SoCal have so many beaners

Don't you think?

>> No.9070765

>somebody did this last year
>call them out on their shit
>won't move
>volunteer ask what happens
>tell them the situation but guy denies it
>volunteer ask people around
>betafags stay quiet
>we both end up getting kicked out the line
There is no winning.

>> No.9070766

steven universe

>> No.9070771

That's not anime.

>> No.9070772

that's the joke

>> No.9070781
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>I know I can't sew, so I don't try to be stubborn and make something that looks shitty. Some people have talents or skills, some don't.

Wow, I never fucking post but that made me scream YES.

I really think that the special snowflakes shouting from the rooftops that they MADE their cosplay does nothing to add to the fact that they look like shit.

you either have the body, or the sewing ability, and those who have both can go win awards or some shit.

/cgl/ needs to realize what /fa/ was built on.

there are models AND designers. one looks fab, and one sits and sews. and they both get recognized. simple as that.

Cosplay = costume + play = designer + model

>> No.9070786

How many cosplayers are gonna get reported this year for being too revealing?

>> No.9070808


>> No.9070826

Almost all of the pices of my cosplay are here. just waiting on the wig. Hopefully it arrives like shit and the quality isnt to bad.

>> No.9070830

Its happening more and more

>> No.9070852


It's pretty common for vendors to do "pre-shopping" close to open. Of course you'll have to work it out with your boss/coworkers, but it's not uncommon to see vendors running around before the hall opens to buy stuff or line up early.

>> No.9070858
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nigga r u srs

>> No.9070870
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>planning a Makoto Nanaya cosplay
>sweats nervously

>> No.9070874

is ax a good con? never been ever. so much money.

>> No.9070878

You will do more than sweat in 112 degrees LA :^)

>> No.9070885
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Any of you cosplaying Overwatch?

>> No.9070888

Squirrel a best. Looking forward to pictures.

>> No.9070889

get that ass banned

>> No.9070893

Last year there were annoying sperglords shouting JUST DO IT every 10 seconds

Whats it gonna be this year?
Trump shit?
Dat boi?

>> No.9070905

It's a shame that meetups seem to not go so well, would be nice to meet some people. I'll be going in my first time cosplay as Danny Vasquez from Bravest Warriors, please say hi.

>> No.9070907
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Actually not that bad of a forecast

>> No.9070910

yeah it's gonna be trump shit for dank reactions considering it's going to be 4th of july

>> No.9070912

I'm being part of the cancer and doing a dva/umaru crossover. I'm sorry.

>> No.9070913
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I actually loved it. This year it's going to be dabbing and dat boi.

>> No.9070928

Well, who else is going to make hot dogs and other food for you?

>> No.9070929

Smile upon us that weekend sun gods. Or actually, don't

>> No.9070933

Could be worse

Could be AX 2014 weather

>> No.9070935

Some people do but I've never waited two hours for a fricking booth
Wait that's a lie
I used to do it for comic con when viz brought over people like kubo tite

>> No.9070939

Sounds like you're still a lazy, procrastinating fuck to me.

>> No.9070942

>On a more serious note I know from past con experience here that exhibit halls can build up lines but do you guys seriously wait 2 hours to get in?

You either pay $300 for a premier pass and be one of the first people into the exhibit hall, or you wait out in the sun for hours to be let in after the premier people, or you wait even longer out in the main lobby until the premier people AND the people in the exhibit hall line get in before the exhibit hall is open to everyone

>> No.9070943

Spoiler: I'm not even even a cosplayer but I see what my cosplayer friends post

>> No.9070962

In preparation for the BONES panel, I'm walking down nostalgia lane with Wolf's Rain and listening to the OST. I'm tearing up like a baby, this OST is so good.

Maybe one day I'll cosplay as Cheza.

>> No.9070966

Wall ain't built yet.

>> No.9070973

AX CEO gave interview to ANN about the convention and that youth protection program. Anyone buying his words?

>> No.9070975

So is Sushio just going to be having a 2 week vacation in the US since he's a guest at AX, then Anime Midwest for the next weekend?

>> No.9070992

he dances around the issue of whether it was a mistake. it's politalk bs. rule is to never say you're wrong.

>> No.9070999

he sounds like Lattanzio-Lite and that cannot be good...

>> No.9071032

What happened?

>> No.9071050

ANN interviewed Ray Chiang (SPJA CEO after Mark Perez left). First few questions were normal stuff and then ANN went with the youth protection questions (and posed it as a negative thing). Ray goes off on some BS about how they want to make the convention super safe (no other convention in the US like SDCC, Sakuracon, Fanime, NYCC, etc have a stupid policy like AX does). He dodges the issue and says they'll revisit the policy with input from industry partners. Spoiler: they already got input from the industry who told them it was stupid.

One thing that stood out for me is how he said that he had never been an attendee before joining the SPJA. I believe there was a part about how they won't forget where they came from (implying that they still remember their time as a small fan convention). You weren't even there, Ray.

>> No.9071083

>Uhh...n..not me! My friends are!!

Sounds like your friends are still lazy, procrastinating fucks to me.

>> No.9071084
File: 97 KB, 579x678, 13492989_625533947615626_1622763448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who can be sure to stop by my JoJo fan panel! We've tried for like 3 years to get it approved for AX and by a miracle it finally has.

>> No.9071086


>> No.9071087

No, I'm one of the people hosting it w/ her, and the one who put in the application. You may have seen me at Fanime or Titan Con if you went to those. I'm the guy who does Magenta Magenta a lot.

>> No.9071090

the game might get there on the 28 or 29 but the watch is delayed

>> No.9071091
File: 55 KB, 200x186, 1434312565677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AX is my only con
>dream is to cosplay as a qt trap girl and hang out with real girls for one day
>always work out and become ottermode in the fall/winter
>get back to skinny fat by the summer
This happens every year, I only want to be a hot girl not a average girl.

>> No.9071096

If I haven't died waiting all night to get an autograph ticket, I will be there!

>> No.9071154

>hottest days are when I leave


>> No.9071158

>live in desert
>108 degrees at night
Holy shit I am fucking ready

>> No.9071159

>still haven't cut and styled wig
>work for the next few days


>> No.9071161

You better bring a jacket haha

>> No.9071162

Anyone willing to cosplay Trump-chan? I'm trying to get a group going.

>> No.9071175

Best I could do is the wall and wear a trump face cut out

>> No.9071199

Still figuring out what beer would make a great offering

and how I'd be able to somehow bring it inside the con.

>> No.9071202

Itll be Too over-done. Litteraly edgy at this point.

I'd like to see the safe spaces fill up though.

>> No.9071203

are you the magenta magenta that spouted meme shit 500 times per minute at fanime and ala

>> No.9071218

That busted flight deck she calls a face speaks volumes otherwise.

>> No.9071219

BAND-MAID pls. Oh god please. I'm in love with Misa.

>> No.9071284

Uhhhhh did anyone just get an e-mail from AX that your badge has been refunded and preregistration cancelled, please register at the convention????

>> No.9071294

Just checked cause of you and....yup got one too.

The fuck is going on?

>> No.9071296
File: 23 KB, 400x267, 1437709162221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please register at the convention

What the fuck why?
Why are they making me do this?
Did they over sell the con or something?
Do they not have prereg badges ready?

>> No.9071297


>> No.9071308

I can live with that

>> No.9071364


Uhhh wtf? I didn't get one but that's crazy! Do you remember when you registered?

>> No.9071385

I'm screwed. Ordered a piece for my cosplay three weeks ago with "10-14" day shipping. No sign of it and tracking hasn't updated since it left the country.

>> No.9071407

When did you buy your ticket? I got mine in black Friday and didn't get the email.

>> No.9071410

I didn't get one but I registered a long time ago. I'm curious, anyone want to provide a screencap?

>> No.9071425

where all my /v/ bruhs at?

>> No.9071433

jesus christ
I registered on Thursday and didn't get that e-mail

>> No.9071474

got the same thing along with my group. This isn't good at all.

>> No.9071475
File: 75 KB, 535x666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is makin' me nervous.
I'm getting a military discount pass, (two) and I'm going to be obviously standing in line for it but do you think there will be a chance they run out of badges...?

>> No.9071488

Did they give you a reason? Did you email them back asking why? I'm not seeing anything about it on twitter.

>> No.9071489
File: 13 KB, 266x220, 1461810750278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just preregged about an hour ago with no problem and no email about closed registration or anything.

>> No.9071495

who else gonna line up all night for autographs? can we team up so i can have bathroom breaks.. ?

>> No.9071496


The con doesn't run all night.

>> No.9071501

I'll be there for most of it if any of my gatherings don't mess with it.Sad to say Im not doing my jjba cos that day though

>> No.9071510

hmm, i was under the impression people were lining up prior to midnight for autograph tickets? i know distribution starts at 8, but when do lines open then?

>> No.9071514

That's only "slightly" (fucking) insane and shouldn't be allowed at all.

>> No.9071515

Con closes at 12 IIRC, and all ongoing events tend to be transferred on to Westin convention rooms past that hour. I don't know if that's the case for the signing you're going for though.

>> No.9071529

thanks for the info, i've never tried for an autopgraph ticket at AX before but i made the assumption based on what i've read elsewhere.

i'm coming from an international destination specifically for one guest so if anyone has prior experience with this, i'd be eternally grateful!

>> No.9071564

Grateful enough to be my friend at con and tell people we meet that we've been friends for years?

>> No.9071576

sure, i don't mind being your stand-in old friend for the entire con- why would you want that though? we can craft an elaborate backstory to go with it and shock the masses.

please help me secure my place for the autograph session i'm after!

>> No.9071581

Ordered on Black Friday also, no email for me.

>> No.9071582

Meant for

>> No.9071586

I am? I mean, I guess it depends on if I see people waiting in line too since I believe it says that autograph ticket lines will be outside the con along Pico.
I'm also going for one guest only (TMR), which one are you after?

>> No.9071593

I'm mainly after Kazuya Tsurumaki for the FLCL Ultimate edition box I posted about before.

>> No.9071600

Ahhh, I see. Well, it looks like we'll be lining up different days then, otherwise I'd chill with you. Good luck getting that ticket, anon.

>> No.9071601

person you're replying to, i'm going for a saturday autograph unfortunately. good luck anon!

>> No.9071615

I wonder how much they discount for military ID. I got mine when it was only 65 dollars

>> No.9071622
File: 129 KB, 480x480, 1465520751201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a screenshot of the email then, you're all trolls until then.

>> No.9071762

if you're going day 1 you're fine because it's a friday and people will still be at work

>> No.9071766

they did it last year
welcome to the new era of AX

it's impossible to stop
if there's no official line someone will just make an unofficial one and move it when the official one is okay to make

>> No.9071788

Do you get some way to get an autograph easier with an exhibitor's pass?

>> No.9071800

>if there's no official line someone will just make an unofficial one and move it when the official one is okay to make

Yeah all you do is cut the line when they make the official one and ignore the complaints of the unofficial unsanctioned linecucks

>> No.9071831

>tfw Wolf's Rain was and is my favorite anime
>tfw want to get an autograph from BONES founder
>tfw I have no merch of it to get signed in the first place

What are the odds there might be some Wolf's Rain merch I could get at the exhibit hall?

>> No.9071837

that does mean you're going to be out there bumfuck early too and hovering around the area to detect just when the official line begins

>> No.9071847

only if it is a company run and not AX run autograph session requiring tickets that are first come first serve and distributed in the exhibit hall. those autograph sessions will not be advertised on the AX schedule so you'd have to check the individual booths or company social media for information.

>> No.9071848

>that does mean you're going to be out there bumfuck early too and hovering around the area to detect just when the official line begins

Is this your first year at AX?
Just pay one of the younger homeless people from skid row to stand in line for you.

>> No.9071854


>> No.9071856

no one actually pays people to do it, just jokes about it, much like you are joking about cutting the line

>> No.9071857

A lot, they sell some pretty obscure goodies in there.

>> No.9071866

Oh man, hype. I'm always hoping for Ginga Nagareboshi Gin/Densetsu Weed merch, too, but I think that might be a little too obscure.

>> No.9071881
File: 258 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's $50 for the four day pass.
>tfw that price is what got me to go to Anime Expo and get a cosplay despite living in florida

>> No.9071884

>day one
In fact, I'll be there for day 0. They sell the badges day zero right??

>> No.9071897


>> No.9071905

Unless something changed day 0 is prereg pickup only. onsite begins day 1

>> No.9071906
File: 1.28 MB, 1140x969, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hohohoho you caught me.
Might be kinda obvious since I'm military and its either that or Mayport.

>> No.9071912
File: 168 KB, 640x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, I was planning on getting them day Zero!!!!! Thanks for this information though anon, it saved me the waste of time of us going over there.

>> No.9071915

Im in one of the squadrons here in Coronado myself. Have fun when you go.

>> No.9071916

So if we bought them in August, we can probably get them at Day 0, right?

>> No.9071918

Helo? VP here.
>that easy VP lifestyle

>> No.9071919

that would mean you preregistered so yes

>> No.9071924

>no one actually pays people to do it, just jokes about it, much like you are joking about cutting the line

Eh, I was joking about paying hobos, but it I've actually paid other con attendees in the past to stand in line, by the end of day 1 some people are already low on funds and are glad to have $20 in cash at con

>> No.9071927

I did pay someone to get me an autograph for $20 because it was limit two and the person was only getting one thing signed. Was hanging out with my friend in front of said person though.

>> No.9071929
File: 303 KB, 1024x576, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, how much money you guys bringing to the con? I'm thinking card obviously, but probably $200 in smallish bills for artist alley and stuff.

>> No.9071938

The way I see it they know they're going to have a shitload of prereg pickups to deal with so having people allocated on day 0 to onsite reg which they may or may not have a lot of (and usually no one onsite is coming day 0 because there's nothing to do) is a misuse of resources. Maybe if they put onsite into the same stream as prereg pickup and that sounds like a complete waste of time for those people because the day after they can just waltz in and get their onsite badge in a few minutes.

>> No.9071939

$400 because I know my group is going to be paying for a lot of stuff outside the con
Dinner with guests and some other shit

That should be enough to not have to visit a bank

>> No.9071972

Thinking about doing a trump-chan (lame with paper mask). What do you have in mind for the group?

>> No.9071986

$400 for AA
poverty for everything else

they key to defeating con hunger is consuming un-eaten roomservice outside of people's rooms, I'm not even joking

>> No.9072001

Go as a group walk around. There's a good chance there are some weebs going to be triggered by our very presence. Take breaks in the safe zone for lulz

>> No.9072003

That includes money for food, booze is mostly bought already.

>> No.9072034

That's pretty good, but it's onsite. Fair trade I guess.

>> No.9072036

God I hate being a poorfag. I can only afford for like 100$ for food and everything.

>> No.9072039


I registered last Monday, didn't get this email. I wonder what the issue is?

>> No.9072080

I already spent $300 for pass and concert tickets. Might be $400 more for merch and food and alcohol.

>> No.9072083

I was able to get a loan of $400 from my co-worker since we both play Dota 2 and he has money to spare(dude literally has $16k in the bank from savings alone) and he also appreciated how I walked him through Bloodborne and introducing him to the Souls franchise in general.

That said, my room situation sort of got ugly, so I might have to back out of it if things don't go well by Monday,

>> No.9072084

I am bringing around $3,000. I am budgeting around $750 per day for the entire con. I might treat some hungry friends for food, but nothing more.

>> No.9072087

are you planning to be spending a lot of that $3k or is it just in case money?

>> No.9072090

This is the year I didn't end up bringing my Wolf's Rain poster that I had signed by Toshihiro Kawamoto, Kari Wahlgren, Steve Blum, Crispin Freeman, and Johnny Yong Bosch. Goddamn it.

>> No.9072099

No wonder anime cons are so prevalent. They bring in so much economic activity. I always went for cheap (bringing my own food, car and room share), and bought merch online.

Of course, I usually find a cute oppa to pay for pay meals and buy me some gifts. it's great being a white girl.

>> No.9072104

that's basically why convention centers were created
they're big gathering places for tons of people to come and inject money into the local economy
sdcc's direct spending numbers are $200 million over 3 years and almost two and a half times that in total impact

>> No.9072110

AX brings in so much revenue in the immediate are for at least a week surrounding AX. Boost in hotel bookings to the point of capping the rooms to some hotels. Restaurants and fast foods getting an increase of guests and those employees getting a shit ton more of pay/tip on top of the holiday pay. Those food trucks? Hell they raking in cash. Look at that price increase on that menu. Taxi? Yup boost in that too.

>> No.9072112


Dam son

>> No.9072130

Why so much?

>> No.9072140

Even smaller regional cons are great for the local economy. Also great for making local friends that can share the cost of going to major conventions.

>> No.9072143

I have around 150-170 at the moment, trying to get another 1-200 in the next few days so I can spend comfortably and eat well

I'll probably be ok with 170 though, I only spent around $100 at Fanime, didn't eat until I got home on the last day so that helped

>> No.9072176

when and where?

>> No.9072204

It's ok anon, me too. I have $80 for buying stuff and I live in LA so I'll just be eating at home. Last year all I bought was a daki.

>> No.9072208

Food is the big kicker though. I'll just have to learn the ways of the coffee pot ramen

>> No.9072219

How much is parking at the convention center? My group is also looking for a place for overnight parking but we're worried about safety

>> No.9072221

How did sekai project handle autographs last year? Did they jew you into buying shit?

>> No.9072227


>> No.9072229

it's on the schedule.

>> No.9072257

$20 day, fills up early, and I don't think they allow overnight parking

>> No.9072261

it's also a long walk too.

>> No.9072263

You got a priority ticket if you bought stuff or had backed the Kickstarter for world end economica. What were you aiming for? The artist for nekopara? I'd guess if you showed you owned the game but I'm making an assumption that they are giving priority to begin with.

>> No.9072270

If they're down for walking there are the surrounding lots you can prepay a few days for relatively cheap (no in and out) but they risk getting broken into if they leave their cars overnight. The attendant, if there is one, goes home at maybe 6pm

>> No.9072279
File: 184 KB, 442x650, 1398391109723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else >acne outbreak before con

>> No.9072296

4 days you can do it.

>> No.9072299

technically 5 not counting day 0

>> No.9072320
File: 91 KB, 201x313, 1305320435568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen if you aren't willing to work to get good (talent does not exist, only practice) that's fine, just don't cosplay.

>> No.9072325

Talent does exist, but practice makes perfect. Also, there is nothing wrong with buying your cosplay, just don't go around acting like you made it.

>> No.9072327

Talent definitely doesn't exist. Nobody wakes up and just ~able~ to sew, or design, or not fuck up X Y Z thing. You just need to try, and fail, and then try again, and fail a little less, etc. People with "talent" just practiced when they were younger.

>> No.9072331

What about the "naturals?"

>> No.9072334

>accidentally shaved off a part of my eyebrow

Just kill me now senpai

>> No.9072336

Talent does not exist, so "naturals" do not exist. If you have better hand-eye coordination than most then you're more likely to be a "natural" at violin, but that doesn't mean that you were born with the innate ability to play violin, it just means that you can pick it up faster than others. Sure, some skills are easier for some to learn than others, but claiming that you are literally somehow incapable of learning ("I don't have the talent") then you're lying to yourself and downplaying the effort that people put in to actually be good.

>> No.9072337

>talent does not exist

>> No.9072338

It doesn't tbphq senpai desu ne
just put in the work to git gud and you too can do anything that anyone else can

>> No.9072342

So basically it's semantics and you reject the natural inclination that most people call talent

>> No.9072362

>acne outbreak
>period right when con starts
kill me

>> No.9072417

So you starved yourself the entire weekend? Jesus, con goers are so bad when it comes to this.

>> No.9072433

Or, you know, not starve yourself because you must have that random overpriced figure.

>> No.9072442

Thank god for concrete details!

Looking forward to hanging with seagulls again this year!

>> No.9072446
File: 25 KB, 636x385, 13479789_1077909358942781_517106222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This twitter conversation
>"Damn, Sphere, Acquors, no one at Anisong is giving autographs."
>Autograph Schedule comes up, Anisong guests do have autographs
>EXCEPT Sphere and Acquors


>> No.9072450
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, tenderizing the yunyun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better stop by and pregame with us before the meetup

>> No.9072454

That's exactly it, anon. That person's just being a shitlord.

>> No.9072457

Lucky me, period decided to be a week early. I suppose it's better this way than the other.

>> No.9072460

>before the seagull meet
I don't know about that... I prefer getting plaster during and after my meets.

>> No.9072461

Aquors isn't even doing interviews
Sphere I don't know but probably not getting that interview either; they haven't outright said no interviews period yet though

>> No.9072482

is it okay for those of us from other boards to meet you folks or is this stuff /cgl/ only?

I randomly stumbled across you guys outside the entrance to the con center over by staples center the other year and passed some booze around, wasnt sure if you guys are down having people not part of your board culture from the start

>> No.9072484

It's late as fuck, and it is 9:30 on friday

Extremely considering ghosting for it desu

>> No.9072486

the main rule is "don't be an idiot"
the secondary rule is "bring alcohol" which you already did so you're ahead of a lot of others

you're ahead of a lot of other people because you apparently followed those two rules without even knowing it

>> No.9072489

$500 in swag if I'm lucky, other shit went to food ($100), Little Tokyo shit ($100, Yamazaki Bakery is God tier), hotel fees ($325) and gas fare ($40). I need to go to my local bank to tell them I'm withdrawing my money when I reach California in case my card gets on hold when I withdraw my cash at a ATM

>> No.9072509

no, I meant my lunch on the last day was at home and not at the con
we left at around 3pm

>> No.9072554

Oh shit, you were there when pacman was handing out the gin&tonic. Feel free to join the meets, just follow the two rules here >>9072486 and you're gold.

>> No.9072562

What's the cheapest parking near Doubletree Hilton?

Fuck $35/day.

>> No.9072564

If you're parking away from a hotel, it's difficult to find anything that is safe to park overnight.

>> No.9072570

Parking at the convention center is $20

No in/out privileges and no overnight

>> No.9072572

Shit. I need overnight.
So it can't be helped?

>> No.9072600

gotta park in one of those surrounding lots and pray no one wants to break your window for the fuck of it

>> No.9072616

To that anon wants to have a trump group I'm game. Got a buddy going to do it as well.


>> No.9072618

Hotel parking is guaranteed safe with cameras and someone at least within 100 feet of your car all night.

All other parking lots have the attendant leave around 6pm and are in a sketchy as fuck area with a crappy fence around it.

>> No.9072629


>> No.9072642

Fite me

>> No.9072649

No, this idiot

was implying that they "just didn't have the ability" which is wrong

>> No.9072652

>no ability=no talent
That's wrong.

>> No.9072655

Where do you guys plan on eating at the con?

>> No.9072659

>Where do you guys plan on eating at the con?
food trucks

also those illegal mexican hotdog vendors that the health enforcement tries to crack down on each year

>> No.9072668
File: 1.12 MB, 2632x1496, Smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay Medic Ready to go, if you find me I can help with your costume or prop if needed. Coming in late Friday but I'll be there all day Sat/ Sun. Can't wait!

>> No.9072672
File: 2.72 MB, 2897x2247, Final Bag Drag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the bag drag today and practiced carrying it all for anyone who needs a quick fix.

>> No.9072679

Same here
Plus stuff I grab from Costco (trail mix and granola bars) for in between meals. Maybe go out to eat with friends

>> No.9072684

how much are the hotdogs

>> No.9072686

$3-$5 depending on cart and toppings, some carts are literally grocery store shopping carts with a burner in them

>> No.9072687

You are a legend among cosplayers anon. If I find you I will reward you somehow, I don't know how yet.

>> No.9072689

cheaper than expected, that's probably what i'll do for lunch

>> No.9072691
File: 15 KB, 149x230, 1445757784620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9072693

Those hot dogs gave me the runs last year. They don't even wash their hands

>> No.9072695

are they not handling the food with gloves?

>> No.9072725

is the hotel wristband policy STRICT as fuck or easy to get around? is there no more hope for cramming 12 people into a room?

>> No.9072727

Never gotten sick myself. But some of the vendors dont use gloves.So if youve never eaten food off the street carts then Id be cautious

>> No.9072735

new thread in the catalog my niggas

>> No.9072737

what's it like being a cosplay medic? rewarding? tiring?

>> No.9072752

honestly it's a gamble
dirty dogs are dirty for a reason but they're tempting as hell
like you know it can end up bad but you still want it

>> No.9072758

>cramming 12 people into a room

Why would you do that?

>> No.9072763

How do I find you at the con? Are you at a station or continuously wandering the busiest spots or quiet, secluded areas?

>> No.9072785

We're all poor, but it's typically a fun time regardless with a bunch of friends. Sleeping situation is really the only paint in the ass but everyone always manages to find a corner with their own blanket and pillow.

>> No.9072789

So the two Spiralcats are returning this year, and the autograph sessions say something about a Cosplay Photographers booth?

>> No.9073093

ya but division and diminishing returns usually means after 8 people you start barely saving anymore money for the loss in space

>> No.9073150

>wanting to get raped by a bunch of guys for 4 nights

No thanks man.

>> No.9073162

Enough of your bait, asshole.

>> No.9073175

Cosplay is for faggots. Faggots use it to pretend they aren't huge losers for a few hours but nothing will wipe away your shame and the truth.

>> No.9073179

Who the fuck is ZUN?

I keep seeing this as I go through the thread but I've never heard of it.

>> No.9073182

Fuck man. I went there with my normie girlfriend and nothing could have made the event and me look worse than a bunch of highschool tier faggots thinking they were hilarious for being loud sperglords.

It wasn't even remotely funny or clever. Good to know it's going to suck dick this year too.

>> No.9073192

>I think it's a good idea to book a room with some guys I've never met advertising on a random chinese forum and once I get there, I'll be outnumbered and vulnerable while sleeping with no chance of protection or fighting back

Enjoy getting raped I guess.

>> No.9073212

I guess you've never roomed with people on ANY forum then, unless of course you figure that /cgl/ of all places is particularly full of rapists.

That is all assuming this isn't really, really poor man-hating bait, of course. We all know this board is full of that.

>> No.9073401

Just be a fun anon and you can come~

>> No.9073444

Oh crap, I can't find my camera.

How's the pace looking for you folks?

>> No.9073932
File: 2.89 MB, 2592x1944, Cosplay Medic Bag Drag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9072687 Thanks, I'm just really looking forward to going to the con. I haven't been to one in 4 years( feels more like forever) so I'm really excited. I must confess my sign is misleading, for I will charge one thing in return for all repairs. I ask for 1 picture with whomever costume or prop I fix. That sound do able?

Don't know, this is my first time going as one. But it feels very rewarding even before I go. I'm sure it'll be tiring but I've done ruck sack marches before so it should be no different, now I get to help people along their way. I love building and fixing things so to do it at a con for cosplayers its all rewarding none the less.

I'll be wandering around continuously and among the panels. I'll be in late Friday but Sat, Sun, Mon I'll be there all day. I sorta expected people to call me out when they see/need me. I realize it's not the best way (word of mouth and running around never are). I thought about starting a temporary email account solely for getting a hold of me at AX. still debating but YE or NEY? Besides I'm sure you'll have no trouble spotting me with all my bags in my Vietnam style fatigues

Friday can not come sooner.

>> No.9074905

It's nothing against /cgl/ personally. I would never room with a bunch of random strangers I found on the net.

The chances of something going wrong are much more likely in a situation like that.

It's basic common sense. Are you going to be serial murderers or rapists? Probably not. But my chances exponentially increase with this arrangement and it only takes one time to go wrong.