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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 299 KB, 1112x2048, 13498092_1039347226158749_1145725132252159780_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9070821 No.9070821 [Reply] [Original]

"please no concrit" edition

>> No.9070825
File: 82 KB, 540x960, 13533169_10154280635502433_4791801223674600353_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing to thread

hopefully won't double up with OP

>> No.9070828


More like "fuck color theory, amiright" sweet

>> No.9070829
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>> No.9070832
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>> No.9070833
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>> No.9070835

okay, I wouldn't even be half as bothered by this "bittersweet" nonsense if there weren't like a pumpkin and a bat thrown into the coord. It makes no sense at all.

>> No.9070836
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>> No.9070837
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 13528914_651841994971770_3848393313339128509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fuck you anon. bittersweet is totes a real and legitimate lolita style you jelly hater desu yo ^o^

>> No.9070839
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>> No.9070840

Uggh I just saw this while scrolling and it made me cringe so hard. The colors, the wig, all of it--just ew no

>> No.9070841
File: 199 KB, 768x960, 13532839_10206600993529813_8229699701709655629_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoutout to whoever is posting and not doubling up with me

>> No.9070843

She actually looks almost OK for once.

White socks are more oldschool, though. The pink socks are making the color balance weird

>> No.9070846
File: 159 KB, 960x960, 13507045_10154315829558383_2242169226375722676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, you're welcome.
hopefully we'll continue to not double up haha.

>> No.9070847
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>> No.9070849
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nice, this'll be my last one but thanks for making the new thread

>> No.9070850
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>> No.9070906
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We already discussed this

Have a mom who needs a haircut and an appropriate hair accessory. She looks like a fucking mess, should have left her loin fruit with a sitter to go to a salon

>> No.9071022

not a wig, its her hair

>> No.9071033

Is her hair naturally curly? I've only ever seen this texture on people who try to straighten really curly hair at home.

>> No.9071040

Sheesh, that hat...

>> No.9071045

when allergy season hits you hard
was posted last thread
OTKs are trying to run for their lives
Lolita Cersei Lannister ( love it )

>> No.9071054

I'm not a fan of styling this OP in a gothic way.

>> No.9071065

I feel like it could work if you did something more historically-inspired, like a coord inspired by Victorian mourning wear. She's styling the OP as though she were trying to goth up something sweet, which is why it's not working.

>> No.9071070

I almost didn't recognize her, bu wow those bangs are awful. I want to pull the front of her wig down..

>> No.9071120

I'm new to lolita and just lurked her facebook. This one looks cheap and tacky to me, but can someone tell me what is wrong with her other co ords?

>> No.9071126

I think this looks quite cute except for her hair

>> No.9071128
File: 77 KB, 655x582, 1463131065337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is willing to lurk on Facebook but not on 4chan

>> No.9071130

I have a mighty need for that dress.

>> No.9071131

Pregnant or not needs a petti.

Hair accessory has red that isn't really worked into the outfit at all.

The boots look bad with those tights.

Maybe throw red bracelets or a necklace to pull in the hair accessory. A red bag and different shoes this would be a cute outfit. But not really Lolita in shape.

>> No.9071133

She planned the summer ILD for our Comm and it sucked so hard. Overcharged everyone for it and the door gifts were laughable too. This is the last time we should ever let newbs plan meet ups.

>> No.9071136

>old school
>cheap and tacky

yup, you're new

>> No.9071143
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>> No.9071145
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>> No.9071146
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>> No.9071147
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>> No.9071148
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>> No.9071149
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>> No.9071150
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>> No.9071151
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>> No.9071160

How big are her boobs?

>> No.9071171

Yes. I literally just stated that I'm new.

>> No.9071172

Fuck lolita cunts are worse than cosplay cunts

>> No.9071176

She could have ironed her dress, for starters. Sorted her wig and maybe gone for a blond wig, but it's not tacky at all. It's solid old school.

>> No.9071178

Okay fair enough. What i meant by cheap and tacky was the shiny wig and unironed dress. But noted

>> No.9071190

I would change the socks for white ones, but other than that it's spot on!

>> No.9071210

what the fuck is this thread even. more than like half of these photos are fine/great coords.

>> No.9071212

Coords posted here don't have to be bad. I feel like people discuss outfits more honest here, while on CoF it's mostly "BAE! So cute!" and other bullshit comments.

>> No.9071213

The hell is wrong with you? This is the Closet of Frills thread. It's reposts of a daily lolita fb page you walnut.

>> No.9071216

This is not an ita thread. Read the fucking too post you sperg.

>> No.9071223

It IS summer! Now I'm sure.

>> No.9071225


>> No.9071227

Is it just me, or are those round glasses absolutely terrible on her? IDk if it's her nose being too big, or the shape of her face, or what, but they look so bad.

>> No.9071234

I think they look cute. But I'm a sucker for these glasses.

>> No.9071238

they make her look like a man

>> No.9071239
File: 206 KB, 1217x1224, FB_IMG_1466937541080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl the right picture made me do a double take. The white bat cuffs are so unflattering.

>> No.9071240

I had the same reaction seeing the right picture. This is why you need boarders between images, even a thick line between the top and bottom pictures would help.
Coord-wise it's just another bad HL coord.

>> No.9071243

She looks always so old and ugly. Like a dude in drag.

>> No.9071249

I did a double take too.

I really have a hatred for that bonnet I don't know why. I can see the direction she was trying to go with this. Just poor execution and texture choices. I hate this print as much as the next but why do people I sit on pairing it with creepy cute crap? It's just killing it every time. Gods of Lolita, please give a outfit shot of this print that isn't absolutely horrid.

>> No.9071252

How old is that person?

>> No.9071254

She looks fine

>> No.9071257

Aside the rando halloween themes in June (I can almost forgive the bat) and hair, this is actually cute. I know people here tend to hate pastels with black but I like the contrast.

Like anyone on this board would fucking know. How about you PM her and ask, "Hey, I was wondering out of curiosity, how big are your boobs?"

>> No.9071260

Don't engage them, anon. It's just her coattail of haters. Tumblr/efame gets you nothing of value in rl, but it gets you a following of people out to depict any possible flaw. Her coord is spot on, so let's hate on the glasses.

>> No.9071261

This is cute, I like that the shoes match the bow and the parasol

>> No.9071262

Shiiiit I did not recognise her, I like that she went for a wig with this look but this one looks super cheap and bleh

>> No.9071270

Different anon here.

I don't really hate her co-od but I also don't really like sweet. But the glasses do really throw it a little for me. She is cute but I don't think the glasses where the best idea. It's a cute outfit regardless of the glasses. But if it where me and I wore sweet I wouldn't have used the glasses at all.

>> No.9071295

They look special needs on everyone, I wish they would die out!

>> No.9071301

I think she just teases the shit out of it. It's her gimmick.

>> No.9071303

Isn't that what she wants? I mean she is a genderqueer speshul snowflake that comment would probably make her day.

>> No.9071305

I usually love gravelvet but yeah this is pretty awful.

>> No.9071413

they are. I lurk these threads when I need to laugh

>> No.9071416
File: 157 KB, 640x960, 13439204_1095899667145990_4213906035578082509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this but I wish the underskirt didn't look so disconnected

>> No.9071418

That's a shame too.

>> No.9071453

I have naturally curly hair and mine looks similar to that if I brush it instead of just finger combing it. But it doesn't look as full/wooly. So yeah she probably is teasing it out a bunch in addition. If so, she must buy detangler in a 55 gallon drum because teased naturally curly hair is painful as hell to brush out.

That fucking pumpkin though

>> No.9071458


I don't even know her and I think the glasses look mediocre. Not every negative opinion (whether valid or not) will be because she's ~famous~.

>> No.9071469

I'm so glad she finally wore a wig but girl needs to iron the trim on that dress, it's folded up so awkwardly that it makes it look like some kind of cheap knockoff. Also the bangs are sitting waaaaaay too high. Why does she never hit the mark?

>> No.9071561

Her crappy bangs are triggering

>> No.9071568

She always looks like an old hag in her CoF pics

>> No.9071572

But if she wore a properly poof petti nobody would see her ~BABY BUMP~

>> No.9071578

That girl looks totally fine. You guys are weird af!

>> No.9071584

I'm assuming you want a serious response?

I used to own that dress. At 32G I did not fill the bodice like that, there was some space between the bottom of my breasts and the top of the peplum. Not enough to make it look great, but more than that. It still looked awful on a large cup size, so I sold it. Like all lolita, the plus size dresses are best for wide but small breasted girls.

>> No.9071585

Once I muster up the courage to post my coords on COF, I'm looking forward to CGL tearing me apart. I love everyone's blunt honesty.

>> No.9071671

Kawaii af. I love poofy hair with sweet.
Wear some fucking makeup. What a disgusting oily acne-fest.
Life has its ups and also it's Downs.

>> No.9071682

This dress looks like it's coming straight out of a gypsy market

>those suspenders

>> No.9071731

Original anon, IDK who she even is, those glasses just don't look good. I didn't say anything about the rest of her coord, did I?

The look good on girls with smaller noses and rounder faces, but she has a fucking beak, and it looks like those Groucho glasses IMO.

>> No.9071761

What the fuck is wrong with her face

>> No.9071917


>> No.9071958

She is just ugly.

>> No.9071971

In the first pic kinda looks like she just needs to pull them down a little

>> No.9071975

Excuse you, anon, she is ~genderfluid~ and is NOT a girl.

>> No.9071991

She might wear them wrong because they aren't real glasses ( I think?). I found that often with fake glasses, people seem to wear them very close to the eyes, which makes their noses look praised forward.

>> No.9071994

Go back to tumblr please!

>> No.9072004

Understand sarcasm please!

>> No.9072006
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This is old, but it's always been my favorite HL coord.

>> No.9072012
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>> No.9072016
File: 148 KB, 1000x800, 13498004_10204993062986218_2948037350658294621_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she's a newbie but I just can't shake this. Nothing about this is lolita. They look like they're going to a wedding.

>> No.9072019

Their hair has time traveled from the 80's.

>> No.9072020

She has such a huge nose, she looks like a man!

>> No.9072032
File: 120 KB, 768x960, 13557752_10208535451157152_4071476994901406427_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought when seeing this was "wtf is this shit"

>> No.9072051

Jesus they both look like they are straight from the 80s

I kind of like it, in a bizarre way, but I agree it doesnt fit the lolita aesthetic .

>> No.9072053

That dress is beautiful and lolita but the rest of it is not. I honestly would love this if she removed her glasses and had different shoes.

>> No.9072054
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>> No.9072055

Not on CoF - which op is it?

>> No.9072058

Victorian Maiden's Lace Up Doll

>> No.9072065

This is what happens when you try to wear older stuff and don't know your history. Tired of seeing it, although it mostly happens with oldschool sweet

>> No.9072093

There isn't anything really wrong with them, but she basically posts the same coordinate to CoF multiple times with very slight variations.

>> No.9072096

Lace tights or some sort of socks would have fixed this right up. It's a beautiful outfit and she looks wonderful, but it's definitely a bit off.

>> No.9072121

Very cute, I think the striped tights work well here

>> No.9072137

This looks very flattering on her, it's nice to see a plus size girl wearing a blouse that fits well for Lolita, the loose sleeves are such a cute look

>> No.9072148

>those socks
>that JSK


>> No.9072161

depending on petti length, she might not be able to wear it because it would sit over the top of the bump and that shit's fucking uncomfortable. Though I agree the pose is rather show-offy. I think I'm a little biased though cause I find bumps cute.

>> No.9072162

Not as good as what she usually does but it's summertime so whatever. My only real annoyance is the anklets. Tights would look so much better.

>> No.9072168

Yeah it's not a bad coord but something about it is just so off to me. Maybe it's just her.

>> No.9072182

the dude reminds me of Tommy Wiseau

>> No.9072201

I really love the bat-patterned blouse she's wearing at least, does anybody know where it's from?

>> No.9072203

If she changed the headdress it would be ok. Or the legwear. They just don't work together because the headdress is so ott.

>> No.9072206

Rolling a petticoat waistband is possible.

>> No.9072237

tfw the underskirt is poofing out close to perfect with the jsk

boobloaf instead of an actual indent for stomach before the bodice ends...

she always has some cute coords (I think she has some oldschool meta)

my best guess would be cherie cherise, since she's done bat-themed items in the past

please tell me that this is handmade and not a Japanese brand, the bodice looks pretty awful

10/10 accurate

>> No.9072240
File: 118 KB, 960x960, 13516203_10210209845628788_79740966470731575_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg the boobs...

>> No.9072306


I usually look up to this girl for her coords but this one made me cringe as well, too bad

>> No.9072314

Headwear is too much; we get it, you have expensive things.

>> No.9072332
File: 56 KB, 446x400, lolitaslol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.

It's actually kind of awesome.

>> No.9072343

uhh why though?

It's a pretty OP so at least she has some taste. With legwear and a hair/glasses haulover she would look decent.

I got this dress since I love the print but most of the coords I've seen with it are terrifyingly bad. Motivation for me to do better I guess.

>> No.9072344

The amount of likes on this pisses me off. I honestly think it's just because of her beau dressing up with her.
She's wearing it in such a normal way that it is not lolita.

>> No.9072347


I'll like it only for the beau, he looks like he belongs in some early 90s TV show, I approve.

>> No.9072354

Honestly like how she's done the bows, but other than that, nope.

>> No.9072410

Please people. Stop taking bust up shots and positioning it over leg shots. You look like a shrunken-legged deformed circus midget.

Position it to the other side of the full body, show your accessories in the other spot. JFC I can never unsee.

>> No.9072411

You do know you don't have to wear your petti over the bump right? I wore mine rolled down under the bump and it was perfectly comfortable.

>> No.9072425

I'm in the minority. I kinda like it, minus the pumpkin.

>> No.9072444
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>> No.9072472
File: 149 KB, 574x865, tumblr_na9rgkepUg1qcrkr7o2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, this just looks like the standard, gaudy black/pastel sweet that was everywhere back in like, 2010? I don't even get the fuss about the pumpkin when she's got multiple other Halloween themed accessories, Yeah it's kinda tacky/overkill but at least it's not completely random. I also think she did a good job balancing the pastels through accessories, although I would have left off the weird bead bracelet on the raised hand and definitely just gone with one ice cream ring, if any.

But yeah, I have seen way too many legit hideous black/pastel coords to to trash this. I don't have any good or bad (you could argue that all of them are bad) examples of this particular type of hyper contrast coord so here's a more subtle version just to make up for writing such a huge fuckoff post.

>> No.9072478

Love this, the bat theme is done very well

>> No.9072480

I think this was in retaliation to the Lolita Humor or RC:U post about bittersweet
Her hair is fucking disgusting and this is a sweet coord

>> No.9072507

>done very well
>bat tights and bonnet
>no bat bag
>no bat jewelry
>random out-of-place blue and gold

You could raise your standards a bit higher, anon.

>> No.9072516

It's the overall aesthetic that says bat. If you stopped honing in on specific details maybe you could see the overall picture.

>> No.9072521

The bigger picture just looks like your generic all-black lolita coord. I don't see how it's supposed to be bat-inspired if you discount the details. Also 90% of lolita is in the details.

>> No.9072550

This is so hilariously not lolita, but she has a cute face and an amazing figure. I hope she gets serious because I can see her looking really killer in aristo or something. Clavicles for daaaaays.

>> No.9072604
File: 427 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like this outfit. All I would do is maybe get a black bag with white details and would have went with lace top black and white otks. But it's pretty basic for a old school outfit.

>> No.9072627

Ok Dom, your wig looks like shit, your tattoos should really be covered better, and those spikes on your ankles fit nowhere in this coord. Maybe post multiple pictures alongside yours next time you selfpost.

>> No.9072630

this is breathtaking, I love that she put an underskirt with a JSK that would have fallen awkwardly otherwise. The photography is beautiful. Nitpick is with the shoes

gross. Suspenders should be hidden unless you're into kink. Also, black shoes and neckwear with a brown dress? ew.

if you're so pregnant you can't wear a petti, don't wear lolita.

>> No.9072631

There is nothing oldschool about anything in this other than the jsk and kc. The wig is wrong, tights are wrong, bag doesn't match, makeup is wrong, shoes are completely wrong, wristcuffs are wrong, blouse is way too big for her. Oldschool sweet is a simple style and she looks like a clusterfuck

>> No.9072662

That blouse is kind of baggy and I'm not a fan of the ankle spikes. Cute girl though.

>> No.9072664

I love the feel of this coord. It's simple, elegant ant youthful at the same time.

>> No.9072717

She could have coorded this better. She needs a bigger petticoat and things that match. She would do good to invest in sock glue if her dresses are too short to cover properly. The garters aren't flattering at all.

>> No.9072719

First of I'm not Dom. I know she's got issues and is fucking annoying all the time but that doesn't change the fact that I may like an outfit of hers. I know she's a horrible pushy vegan and that shit if fucking annoying. But good god just because someone posts something and says something nice about her doesn't mean it's always a self post. The wig is subjective and is quite boring to see her wear the same style over and over. But this isn't a bad outfit. Just a shitty person wearing it.

>> No.9072722

Isn't that what was said about the post? I mean the socks and bag where brought up so why restate the same thing? But I agree wig is ugly.

Also she did say with the initial post that it was her first time attempting old school. Soo there's that.

>> No.9072731

I am not convinced this pic was taken recently. It is 1989 in frame all day long.

>> No.9072738
File: 203 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like the headbow with this hair color too much.

>> No.9072747

Me too. If the colors are blocked and there aren't too many patterns clashing, I dont see why black with colors added is such a bad thing. Maybe people just don't like the word 'bittersweet' and it personally isn't whats in my wardrobe at all, but its fun to look at when done well.

Minus the hair. And face.

>> No.9072754

This is like the only time I think gold shoes don't look tacky as fuck.

These ones look tacky as fuck.

>> No.9072815

How could you not see the overall bat influence? You need to rethink how you criticize. And duh, detail is important, but so is overall cohesiveness. Ideally a coord would be detailed and cohesive, but one or the other still make for a good coord. Though a cohesiveness, less detailed coord is more appealing than a detailed, less cohesive coord.

>> No.9072822

diffanon but the coord really isnt good enough for you to be defending it this hard

>> No.9072829

Who are you to say what I should and should not be defending?

>> No.9072833

Its pretty funny seeing you criticize the fact you can see her blue water bottle and what looks to be a strap. Comes off as try hard.

>> No.9072844

Yeah anon... There are bats through cheap looking tattoo tights and a bonnet. It's not a bad coord, but the tights really throw it off and shoehorn in the bats too hard. It's a fine coord, but it isn't something so amazing and outstanding.
I'm assuming you are the girl in the picture. It's a good coord, don't feel defensive. Just don't white knight so hard, it embarrasses you and gives others more to criticise.

>> No.9072845

Yeah anon is being an ass, but you need to get that stick out of yours. This is embarrassing to watch.

>> No.9072846

Jesus why are you so butthurt over that shitty coord? It's like a hot topic mall goth wanted to cosplay a gothic lolita.

>> No.9072847

Idk, looks like a High Waist to me. She just has a lot of boobage. Poor girl.

>> No.9072859

It bothers me how she was calling the JSK old school when it's from about 2008 and doesn't even look old school either. Not to mention the rest of the coord and that horrible makeup.

>> No.9072860

Seriously, it's terrible.

>> No.9072871

She called that oldschool? Oh that's a laugh. I mean it's older but defiantly not old school.

>> No.9072887

Actually I'm not the girl in the photo. All I did was say I liked the coord and explained why when responded to. Honestly if you didn't want to have a discussion don't reply to my post in the first place.

>> No.9072892

woooooooooowwwwwwww those shitty wrist tattoos look baaad. I mean, they were well done at first, I'll admit that, but they aged like cottage cheese. No wonder she's always covering them with wrist cuffs.

>> No.9072896

Badge is pretty cool. I wish more Lolita comms did city/area badges, it's a pretty neat idea.

>> No.9072900

how is it that she can take any dress and make it look trashy?
>inb4 she shows up again with more multiparagraph rants about how petty and jelly and evil we are

>> No.9072906

Her tattoos kill every outfit she wears. I usually don't mind Lolitas with tattoos since many have beautiful works placed well. But the ones on her legs always look like her tights are dirty. She needs more opaque tights or to wear socks to cover them. I don't like the one in her arm either. It's placed in a weird place and simply looks trashy. I have seen Lolitas with sleeves and even quarter sleeves and it looks less distracting then hers.

No doubt that she and her goony white knights will come in here soon and scream about how we are being mean to her.

>> No.9072922
File: 80 KB, 600x861, cute lou negligee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure it's from Cute Lou Couture which has been closed for a few years iirc. You can try emailing them but I doubt you'll get a response unless they still take custom orders.

Pic related

>> No.9072926
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>> No.9072928
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>> No.9072931
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>> No.9072933
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>> No.9072934
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>> No.9072935
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>> No.9072949

This girl never looks polished to me, what is it? Everything seems to match well.

>> No.9072951
File: 167 KB, 640x902, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're too lazy to go to CoF and look if she listed it I screen capped it for you. >>9072922 is right about where it came from. Seriously guys. Stop being lazy dimwits in this thread and see if they posted what they are wearing before asking this shit.

>> No.9072952

Am I the only one thinking this would look retarded from all other angels (head wear). nice headpiece though + 10 for effort... feel like the bottom half of the coord is severely lacking though especially for an OTT style.

>> No.9072953

It might be her hair and makeup?
Shes been able to rock the curls in past looks, but this time she looks a bit frazzled?

>> No.9072967

She's got a pretty pathetic looking petti on. That dress needs a little more poof.

>> No.9072973

Wwoooaaah this coord is so bottom heavy holey shit. Needs more colour balance up top.

Perfect figure for VM wears it like this. I hope she improves soon. I want to see her in a complete MM and VM wardrobe.

And this is why I was so afraid to try out full shirring jsk's for such a long time. Also I want comm accessory stuff.

>> No.9072985

I think her glasses are clashing and her eye makeup isn't nearly dramatic enough for a black lip. She could stand to have her nails painted as well. As for the hair, I have no idea how to work with super coily hair, so idk what I'd do differently stylewise, but as it is, it doesn't go with her outfit very well.

>> No.9073055

Anon, not everyone is in CoF.

>> No.9073059

She posted a shot on her personal fb where she's wearing dramatic matching eye makeup, but her hair looks completely fried to shit.

>> No.9073066

Gotta get that shit touched up. She's got so many I can't imagine she doesn't know that, hopefully she'll go back to the same person that did them to fix that problem.

>> No.9073070
File: 150 KB, 1439x960, FB_IMG_1467041337610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini dump to get this thread moving

>> No.9073071
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>black shoes

>> No.9073072
File: 79 KB, 567x819, FB_IMG_1467041346155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how she made this sweet dress look classy

>> No.9073075
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>> No.9073076

Holy shit that self post. At least try to not post on 4chan right after you post on fb girl. It's too obvious.

>> No.9073077
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>> No.9073078
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>> No.9073081


are there two comms in portland? both of these girls are from portland and went to two different meets on the same day

>> No.9073082
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>> No.9073084
File: 124 KB, 638x960, FB_IMG_1467041941944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bonnet is becoming like that bat headdress. But at least the bat headdress was cute. That said, I don't mind the bonnet in this coord though.

>> No.9073089
File: 401 KB, 1434x2048, FB_IMG_1467041956326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one- I feel like he/she could really benefit from better makeup. Have peignoirs ever looked good in a coord? They always look off length wise.

>> No.9073090

You have bad taste. This coord is awful and the bonnet is out of place with the otherwise sweet accessories.

>> No.9073091

She only goes to one tattoo artist because he uses vegan inks. She's always getting new tattoos if you watch her Instagram. The sad part is is that they all are less then a few years old and already look that bad.

>> No.9073098

If they where the same length as the skirt I have seen them look decent. 90% of the Lolitas that wear them tho all wear them the wrong length.

>> No.9073111

I said that I didn't mind it, not that I actually liked it in her coord.
Compared to HL up there, her use of this bonnet isn't eye searingly hideous.

>> No.9073113

Adding onto that, a lot of the time they use cheap peignoirs that don't have any nice detailing or trims. It just looks so out of place.

>> No.9073118
File: 808 KB, 500x278, hc7jmhj78vlvufgqh01v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her post on RC humble bragging about spending 90K in AP made me side eye so hard.
Girl all that brand in the world won't help if you coord like an ita.

>> No.9073166

Has anyone else seen the lolita in this video? It's god awful


>> No.9073171

This was already posted in the ita thread >>9071504

>> No.9073176

Thanks for notifying me anon! I don't tend to go into those so I should have pre-checked!

>> No.9073183

this to infinity and beyond.
All the money in the world doesn't mean you have fashion since.
It would have been better for her to put that money toward plastic surgery for her donkey face. If I had that kinda money I'd get a nose job for sure.

>> No.9073189

Don't know her but I think this is cute!

>> No.9073190


>> No.9073197

those bonnets will forever remind me of those baby shower hat things

>> No.9073211

There's the pdx comm and then a secret group of elitists. they're like the plastics of pdx

>> No.9073226

>secret group of elitists

Are you 12 years old

>> No.9073240

The OP is way too short on her, the socks are hideous, and shoehorning gold into this print? I'm calling the ita police.

>> No.9073244

I don't Facebook, can someone tell me the source of this fan? Hard to find hand fans that don't look like cheap tacky shit

>> No.9073245

Any Great Lakes lolitas here that can tell me where you ordered your pin from?

>> No.9073260

I think she said it was vintage

>> No.9073277

no like they actually have a secret group on fb. its like a loli sorority.

>> No.9073283 [DELETED] 

The only reason it annoys the PDX comm is that there isn't supposed to be any other comms, but
>Mint Kismet

>> No.9073288

I'm getting tired of seeing this term thrown willy nilly around here. You do realize that you can add a new color to a coord, right? Especially if your main piece has only two. Coordinating a lavender blouse with a colorful JSK that has no lavender in the print would look odd, yes, but adding gold or red to a navy/white coord is hardly a crime.
Not to say that this coord is perfect, she's got way too many hair accessories on and different socks would probably look better than these but it's not too bad and definitely not ita. Calm down, nitpick-chan.

>> No.9073290

Agreed. The gold purse correlates with the sky theme, so gold shoes are appropriate.

>> No.9073292

So are you going to continue to make shit up or

>> No.9073294

10/10 bait

>> No.9073295 [DELETED] 

hey danielle

>> No.9073301


>> No.9073305

Everyone that went to the party got one as a party favor but I don't know where they came from. The girl in pic did the organizing so you could ask in her COF post

>> No.9073306

One of our mods designed it and had it made for our 10th Anniversary Tea Party. She didn't mention where she had them made though.

>> No.9073307 [DELETED] 

Mint Kismet is e-famous, so naturally she kinda becomes the face of the PDX comm. Even though she got booted from her previous comm and drove a girl out of lolita by tearing her to shreds and making a lolcow page for her. That's basically it, as far as I know; this is all through the grapevine.
>>9073082 pic related

>> No.9073318

She sounds like a peach.

>> No.9073327

I plan on moving to Portland in the next year or so for my job. Is this really a huge problem? Will I be excluded for not having a facebook? It seems like most every comm solely operates there now.

>> No.9073331

No. It's not. Someone is just trying to stir up drama that doesn't exist

>> No.9073332 [DELETED] 

the worst part is, she's like 30. never left high school I guess

>> No.9073334

No one was chased out of the community. One girl was selfposting on cgl and giving herself hate in an effort to become efamous ala Kate. For some reason some girls in the community were accused but the people accusing them were heavily inebriated and admitted to making it up. Said girl who was selfposting flounced from the community and no one cared. Not sure why this is still being brought up.

>> No.9073337

Not at all, anon. The big comm has no more drama than any other. Even though we do operate through Facebook, so I would recommend getting one even if you use it just for lolita stuff.

>> No.9073343

Oh, this is all new info for me. Thank you for clarifying. I actually really like Danielle and thought it was way out of character. This makes a lot more sense.

>> No.9073344

Thank you guys! I'll probably pm her later to ask, since I know some people get uncomfortable about posting their finds openly.

>> No.9073348

These immediate and extremely varied responses are kind of...interesting? But I'm sure judgement from afar will get me nowhere if the comm is as large as it seems. As far as facebook, I had one for just lolita but fb deactivated it due to a fake name. Since I am not inclined to use my real name, I won't be making another in the forseeable future. Hopefully instagram or other platforms will be enough to get the jist.

>> No.9073358

If you want to join and come to meets you'll need a Facebook. We keep all that info private and also use the RSVP system for planning events.

>> No.9073368

I don't like the square shoes particularly but A+++++

>> No.9073371

the face shoop on this is absurd

>> No.9073393


>doing the Saints hand pose

For fucks sake. Get over yourself.

>> No.9073396

I truly believe bittersweet can be/is a thing with a nice balance of sweet-tinged gothic motifs and colours (think Vampire Requiem in lavender, Holy Lantern styled in a more gothic way, Sweet Grave etc) but this doesn't fit the bill because the dress/makeup/hair/accessories aren't even remotely gothic, plus there's not even a suggestion of black in the print (for balance, not because black = gothic)

I agree this could be nice as a regular sweet coord that just happens to incorporate black (I.e NOT bittersweet) if the pumpkin bow and bat weren't there though.

>> No.9073400


Burn that wig. It does nothing for her skin tone and face shape.

>> No.9073412

She's so pretty
She looks amazing, I love this
Them fucking lips Jesus

>> No.9073417

Thanks for the honest answer and run down, I'll keep to myself then.

>> No.9073419 [DELETED] 

I have mixed feelings about this group, it's totally normal to hang out with just your friends in lolita, but these girls do it constantly and always include a photoshoot in their plans. Plus most of them range from somewhat standoffish to outright bitchy and rude at meetups.

I know mintkismet claims to be shy but I suspect she's either just a bitch, or is an aspie. She's always posting about her "disability" but then doesn't want to talk about it when someone asks what it is.

It wouldn't be so bad if that group didn't act like helicopter parents with her and instead actually helped her to learn to Talk to people and understand how she comes off to others. Currently every time anyone dares to say something even slightly critical of her they all rally to say that she's just so pure and misunderstood and you're a bully if you don't treat her like the delicate flower that she is.

TL:DR they may not be bitches, but they certainly don't do anything to help their rep

>> No.9073426

The person who was posted didn't get them made, but she can definitely find out from the mod who did.

>> No.9073430

>getting this mad over someones hands

>> No.9073432

2nding everything you said, but inb4 drama

>> No.9073441

Take this shit to the comm thread, Portland.

>> No.9073443

>don't do anything to help their rep
Like planning the ILD meet?

>> No.9073447
File: 88 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1467055286176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please get an underskirt or some leg wear before posting. She mentioned she was tall but damn.

>> No.9073456

I am surprized the sleeves are not too short on her considering the lenght of the OP on her.
(Tall lolita here, I never wear OPs because they always look shorter than JSKs and there in no straps ajustment possible, plus long sleeves on OPs are always too short)

>> No.9073459

Even though I hate this much legs showing normally, it's fine since she has nice legs. I have no idea why she thought going without any legware would be ok though.

>> No.9073461

Anon, the problem is that it's way too short. You can have nice legs but thrown on a pair of lacy crew socks at least.

>> No.9073467 [DELETED] 

I knew her for 4 years and the disability gets brought up in 3/4 conversations I had with her and I still have no idea what it is..
Ankle socks or otks and a purse would go far, here.

>> No.9073468

>too hot for legwear
>wears long sleeves

She looks good but the no socks thing bothers me.

>> No.9073489
File: 278 KB, 1175x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of people have planned big meets that aren't considered cliquish, what they need to do is make an attempt to engage with others. They don't have to be besties with every girl in the comm but if you know you have a reputation for being unfriendly it only makes sense to try talking with people more.

Pic to try not to be too off topic.

>> No.9073490

Is one of the mods from portland or something? anything about them gets deleted immediately

>> No.9073506

You can't post names or single out people. That's why it gets deleted.

>> No.9073509

Sure but I've vagueposted about portland and it still gets deleted.

>> No.9073510

I wouldn't be surprised, the majority of the online comm thread is about one girl, even has people digging up her other fb accounts and using her name but there's nothing being deleted there.

ITT anything implying something negative about another specific girl gets deleted within minutes.

>> No.9073518

Yeah, she had nothing to do with that. pdx is a fine comm

>> No.9073526

Last big ticket meet planned by a different group was Halloween...

>> No.9073531

Christ can y'all take this shit somewhere else?

>> No.9073541

Hm that's a good point.
I don't think admins are necessarily responsible for planning all the big meets thought. There isn't a lack of meets in portland either.

>> No.9073545

¥90k or $90k? Spending ¥90,000 isn't particularly hard or impressive, that's like 2-3 main pieces or a few shoes and bags. It's not even going to fill up a stamp card.
And if she meant $/£/€ she'd have to be buying multiples of every colorway of every item, which is pants-on-head retarded. Idek if the combined inventory of any given AP store would add up to $90,000.

>> No.9073550

Could it be because this is the CoF thread and there's a separate thread for comm discussion?

>> No.9073556

I meant in other threads

>> No.9073594

Yeah I got something deleted and was given a vendetta warning not an off topic one.

>> No.9073633


I aint even mad because she has fantastic legs

>> No.9073642

I want this dress, but this coord has made my thirst for it grow. The accessories and shoes/socks are kind of lacking, but everything else is top notch.

>> No.9073646

This is so half-assed. I don't know why she needed a close-up of her hands when her nails don't even match her coord.

Nice legs, though.

>> No.9073649

The socks ruin it. Get white thighs instead.
Bangs and eyebrows. Oh honey those eyebrows, they're fading out of existence.
I feel like she wants to tell me something about rape culture and internalized misogyny.
>the garters
>the thin, lifeless bow around the hips
>the tea-stained bracelets that don't match anything in here
I'll admit it, I love this. It's tacky and I love it.

>> No.9073714

what did you post?

>> No.9073766

Poor photos?

>> No.9073798

90k yen obviously.

>> No.9073803

Yes I do. Tried it, was uncomfortable as fuck personally. My comment didn't really imply that, sorry.

The only one I really managed to pull off was a long-ass petti I actually wore above the bump. I looked like I stuffed a watermelon under my dress, but success.

>> No.9073931

Well you where pregnant. Everything looks like a watermelon under your dress. But you did your best to keep to the shape.

>> No.9073950

Is it just me or does she look like she's gained a lot of weight? Mainly in the left pic

>> No.9073981
File: 350 KB, 2048x1691, FB_IMG_1467078925961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that research into old school and she still uses an OTT petti and her cheerleader girl makeup
At least she left the wig this time

>> No.9074004

ok I'll admit she got a few things off this time but I still have a massive crush on her

I feel like this would benefit from straight bangs and a smaller petti for sure

>> No.9074007

Also the photoshop on her arms/legs/waist is really obvious.

>> No.9074011
File: 110 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1467079839215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are super cute and their poses are identical. Twinning done right

>> No.9074018

I just caught this. Wow what a bad shoop. She's chunky irl.

>> No.9074022

I honestly really like this! I would like to see more lolita makeup but otherwise, I love it.

>> No.9074027

She's always been fat.

>> No.9074058

yeah, this is a travesty. random black bag, b&w striped socks that barely reach the knee, visible petti, and hair not big enough to balance out head eating bow. this is a pretty bad imitation of old school, and poor execution of sailor.

>> No.9074063

not the best angle but this is really cute

>> No.9074068

I hate this. She makes it look like a costume.

>> No.9074072

Lol isn't she the girl that went on a rant on here a while back about how's she's ~so totally skinny guize~~

>> No.9074074

she just needs to move the buttons up a bit higher on the straps so that the bodice doesn't fit so loosely at the underbust. the mustard yellow, and those gold shoes need more balanced replacements though, colorwise.

>> No.9074075
File: 119 KB, 750x727, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hard nitpick for me. It's really easy to fuck up old school and it's teetering on the edge. The biggest issue is definitely the hair styling. Also, the head dress feels a little off for me. This style feels more appropriate. The blouse feels off too.

>> No.9074083

I practically fell backwards when the image became full size. this looks incredible. Only thing I'd do is move the brooch to her hip, spread the blue out a little more, and un-crowd that gorgeous choker. I've always appreciated her style

>> No.9074084

I actually like this

>> No.9074097

this is awful, the dress looks like it's about to explode and the makeup looks messy.

>> No.9074113
File: 67 KB, 960x928, 1890985_934755629911706_7601669351869082997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the maxi pad looks cheap as fuck but otherwise this is actually pretty nice! I feel like the petticoat works with the dress. While nobody would mistake this for a picture taken in 2000 or anything it still has a nice os feel

>> No.9074185
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 13528911_943164015809658_6411672326086798559_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cosplay wig
>the oversized classic blouse
>the petticoat
>the random ass shoe pic

>> No.9074192
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>> No.9074196
File: 17 KB, 434x226, noconcritplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the shoop is awful but I wouldnt say shes chunky irl, she just has a chunky face.

>no concrit please
come on man

>> No.9074209
File: 117 KB, 978x593, a+concrit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this makes me laugh more than the coord itself

>> No.9074215

When I get concrit from people who look like shit in their profile pictures, I automatically ignore and discard it

>> No.9074232

i thought the exact same thing

>> No.9074233

The whole fucking post needs to be turned into a collage. Holy shit. A+ is right

>> No.9074236

stick m'leggy out strikes again

>> No.9074243

The blouse is definitely off, look at that embroidered lace, it doesn't match the chunky old school cotton lace at all. It's also to stark imo. There are several nitpicks like that which keep it from being 'good' oldschool though the dress and socks are nice

This is even worse

>> No.9074251

I fucking hate people who spell like this. Seriously. Shit is embarrassing.

>> No.9074253

is that a needle bruise on her arm?

Also she looks like Maggot.

>> No.9074272

This is the hambeast cake ita from the ita thread...

>> No.9074316

I believe it, that group has had a lot of private meets lately

>> No.9074321

Apart from her piercings, she has a face for gothic but this is a fucking mess. There is nothing on her coord that I like apart from her hair.

I thought the same thing. Her coord is stunning but she looks so... meh. It brings down the air of the whole thing.

her blush is so intense it looks like she has an infection

fucking meta

what did she do to make her petticoat hate her
thank you

>> No.9074322

I don't know them or anything but from what I understand, a lot of those girls have been into this hobby for up to a decade. Especially the girl who got called out in this thread. They all have huge wardrobes that they have built up over time and I think some of them are actually daily lolitas. I follow them on instagram and one of them always has a daily coord. I think it helps that some of them work from home - they must have very good jobs. Some of them live downtown which is fucking insane... Portland's downtown and certain neighborhoods have skyrocketing rent and condos are being put up on every corner. I couldn't imagine buying a house here, let alone renting something close to downtown and paying like 20k a month plus buying lolita as a fucking hobby... or as my entire wardrobe.

Anyway. Because they have giant wardrobes I think that's why they hang out a lot. They've known each other for many years and have a stronger relationship with each other than other girls in the comm. That's why they always go have tea together and stuff.

I bet they'd let people join their group but you know what? Most people don't have time to go out every day in lolita. I know I fucking don't.

Stop hating these girls because they are rich and well off. They are just different. I know I don't hate them.

>> No.9074342

wowwww this absolutely reeks of selfpost.

>> No.9074350

Has everyone else not noticed the trashy 90's elastic choker thing? Sure the dress is an acceptably short. But this pisses me off WAAAYYYY more than the dress length ever could.

>> No.9074352


You either have some self hatred going on or you're attempting to think like someone who isn't absolutely self absorbed.

>> No.9074356

they're making a comeback because ~~edge~~

>> No.9074361

I guess. I'm not them and I can't prove it without further ridicule.

Most people are self absorbed I've found. Like everyone has their own shit going on, hence why most people are inconsiderate.

>> No.9074364

Out of curiosity, A few of the pics ITT of girls wearing 'old school' style have been nitpicked for not fully emulating the traditional style to a T.

So here is my question: is the problem that they ARE trying to emulate oldschool and failing in a few details, or is it a faux pas to modernise an oldschool main piece with newer other coordinate items?

>> No.9074375

There was a meet in LA where the theme was old school. Obviously not everyone has a coord that will fit this theme to a T (a lot of the girls that went didn't even try, one wore La Robe Vert Clair and another wore RRL which are very OTT) so they probably mean that they're old school inspired.

>> No.9074379

>$20k a month.
No ones rent or mortgage is $20k a month in downtown Portland. Stop it.

>> No.9074382

ha, same!

>yfw she's in your comm
>constantly posting questions about how to buy of AP's website and how to tenso??

>> No.9074384

i'm so glad i wasn't the only one who cringed

>> No.9074391

People who post on CoF need to fuck off with the no concrit shit. Improving your looks is helpful, sorry that it isn't an asspat.

>> No.9074413


you're delusional if you think any shitty house or apartment in PDX is 20k a month, SF and NYC lolitas maybe have that, but portland is a third string city.

>> No.9074423

>shitty house or apartment
I'm talking about condos. They are brand new.

>> No.9074449

"Giant wardrobes"

>> No.9074459

Pretty sure no one lives in downtown portland much less owns a condo.

>> No.9074470

Kek. It had nothing to even do with the conversation topic. Congrats you're a special snowflake white girl who went to Japan and bought dresses in store. Aren't we all.

>> No.9074550

she said it was like 37ºC that day
>fucking 37 degrees Celsius
>wears a winter-type dark-coloured long-sleeved OP

desu she looks like she just got that OP in the mail and wanted to show it off no matter what.

>> No.9074554
File: 92 KB, 950x1000, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped image, just in case some of you muricans are too lazy to use google.
In any case that temperatura is damn insane. I've been maybe twice in my life under that heat and believe me, even just wearing an sports bra and shorts feels like hell. I don't understand how this girl is still alive

>> No.9074564

>I've been maybe twice in my life under that heat
I agree with your sentiment but damn I envy you. That's not even really that bad.
>inb4 climate change

>> No.9074577

>That makeup
>That soccer mom hairstyle
>That stark white blouse with off white lace
>That giant level of poof
>That mostly black headdress

jfc this is such a mess. And she won't allow concrit but she desperately needs it.

>> No.9074598

>I've been maybe twice in my life under that heat
Lucky, it got to 43 and was often 37 or above last summer where I live.
People who are used to it can deal with it more.

>> No.9074659

She always seemed like a washed up cheerleader looking for attention.

>> No.9074666

she's such a snob. never wants concrit and always tries to be a special snowflake.

>> No.9074734

I don't like this at all. Top part of the outfit kinda works apart from the bow in the collar but the bottom really clashes. Nothing in the socks matches to the dress. The red is different and even the white is different shade. And there is no same shade of brown as the shoes are anywhere else so they don't tie in either. It's like watching a two different outfits cut half and made to one.

>> No.9074767
File: 93 KB, 1151x960, FB_IMG_1467122244556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where did her leggy go?

>> No.9074851 [DELETED] 

Why don't we talk about the real pdx drama.. like the girl who tries to get girls drunk at meet ups so she can sleep with them.

>> No.9074898

Lol who?

>> No.9074969

At recent meet her outfit theme was inspired by that, if that helps

>> No.9075005

she looks really cute!

>> No.9075101

And post deleted! Thanks for confirming lol

>> No.9075441

"No concrit please. I love my big poof and am proud of the petticoats that I make" jfc learn to make your damn pettis right or at least wear them with the right coords

>> No.9076832

She looks perfect. Really lovely coord.

>> No.9077067

shes Ugly AF. that greasy hair..nasty

>> No.9078021

I weep for the passing of m'leggy

>> No.9078662

Can someone explain leggy? and why do we miss it?

>> No.9082223

Check a few COF threads back, but the general joke was this girl would keep adding a photo of her footwear to the collage, albeit at a weird angle (like she was sticking her leggy out). One anon phrased it as such and now it gives me the giggles whenever I see an awkward forced shoe pic.