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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9063967 No.9063967 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9063974


>> No.9063979

>9 more days

Time to go into my normal routine of burning the midnight oil to finish up cosplay.

>> No.9063984


Fuck it seemed like it's still a month away

I'm still not finished with my main costume and I thought I'd do a second costume

>> No.9063990
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How to not have /cgl/ girls bully you?

>> No.9063991

how to get bullied by /cgl/ girls?

>> No.9063994

be cute and then you know they're just jealous

>> No.9064003
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Anyone know if the Katawa Shoujo dev team will have a booth there as per normal?
I can't seem to find anything saying either way.

>> No.9064014

What do they do at their panels? Not like there's much to discuss after so many years.

>> No.9064252

no artist ally, normally selling artbooks and stuff.

>> No.9064254
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>> No.9064294

What are the screenings typically like? Are they worth going to? Are they subbed or dubbed?

I can just watch anime at home, so I'm wondering what the point of them is.

>> No.9064295
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I'm so bummed about Teddyloid performing in Lounge21. My birthday is after the con and I'm salty.

>> No.9064301
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Don't worry I'll bully you

>> No.9064331
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>Zero escape game director around a month ago on twitter says they're going to be at AX on Saturday
>schedule is released, panel of the company that hosted him last time is on Sunday
>says nothing about having game director as any guest
>but as far as I can tell they didn't say anything about him being there last year either
>can only go one day this year so can't decide whether to Saturday and see a different, official guest for sure or on Sunday for maybe Uchikoshi but who knows

>> No.9064339

Maybe they'll have a wrist band system for the underaged. You should check.

>> No.9064448

do anons know how the autograph sessions worked in previous years? i'm assuming theyw ere ticketed? first time i'm interested in going to one and i'm not sure what to expect.

>waiting anxiously for ax to post details already

>> No.9064457


Depends on the type of guest. If it's AX sponsored it's ticketed (they have details up on the site already). Any guests tagged with "industry appearance" are sponsored by industry/vendors and not Anime Expo directly and will have different situations depending on their host companies. They might be ticketed, require purchase, or even just be like hanging out at the company's booth.

>> No.9064467
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>9 more days
>realize I'm moving in a few days
>haven't ordered my socks for a cosplay
>pls come before I move

>> No.9064469

What guest?

>> No.9064483

kazue kato! thank you, i must have missed the autograph info page- i see it now. any idea how early i should line up for this?

not excited for the pain of putting on full cosplay before 8am

>> No.9064497
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>You can make it up to me by coming to the Persona and JoJo gatherings though ;)

>tfw i missed your jojo panel at Ninjacon because pushy mother
>tfw missing your jojo panel at AX because I can't be at AX on Friday
feels bad
I hope we can get some cool shots at the con tho senpai

>> No.9064511
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Just curious, were you the Tatsuya at Ninja-con?

>A Metal Gear gathering AND a "Hideo Kojima games" gathering
I feel like they made the latter just so people can cosplay Norman Fetus. Any Metal Gears going to either? Can't decide whether to do Kaz again at the Kojima gathering or Otacon.

>> No.9064516
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>Just curious, were you the Tatsuya at Ninja-con?
Yep! That was me!
This time me and my friend made sure her costume is fine so hopefully the zipper won't break like it did the morning of Ninjacon

>> No.9064519


>> No.9064520

And I completely forgot to clarify my friend was doing Lisa. Whoops.

>> No.9064524
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You honestly did not miss much. The panel was kinda a disaster lmfao. I had to call 2 of my friends up to help me because everyone on the panel bailed and they didn't know what the fuck to do. It was funny to watch though I guess because people were laughing. Good thing it was so so small, I'd kill myself if that happened to us at Fanime.

Speaking of, I did a Fuhrer cosplay there with a Vrill Blitz.

>> No.9064528
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Where the Rem cosplayers at tho

I need one to wear my jacket and take a pic like this

>> No.9064536

>want to get my FLCL blu ray signed by the director and VA for Haruko
>my schedule is already packed as is
How long are the autograph lines usually? I only waited in one at Comikaze and it took like 2 hours.

>> No.9064566

too busy walking with that pimp barasu

>> No.9064576

CGL meet up when and where????

>> No.9064585

Only girls allowed. Maybe a couple Chads too or else *I* won't go.

>> No.9064587

The autographs lines will be fucking insane. If you don't have VIP, you probably shouldn't bother, unless you want to line up a few hours early.

>a few years ago I was waiting in the line for the whole row of Kill la Kill people before the gaming room opened
>gaming room opens and they start to move the line in
>people are just walking on in and getting in line ahead of us even though we've been waiting there for hours

>> No.9064590
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Best car

>> No.9064604


I lined up to get Ayako Kawasumi's autograph last year and it was truly insane.

I decided to line up at 7am one of those days and got a standby ticket (worthless unless the guest has time to go through them). So I tried again lining up at 3-4am and barely managed to get a real ticket because fucks in front of the line kept letting people cut. Horribly organized and staff did shit to enforce the line..

>> No.9064609

NaPaTa <3

Oh man I will stand in line all day for that autograph

>> No.9064614

Weird, I'm helping out with Aksys as a ZTD cosplayer, and the schedule I got said the panel was on Saturday (3:45-4:45). I mean, I got my work schedule a week or so ago, and AX could have easily changed the times and shit. If you're just buying your badge at con, I'll keep you posted if I get word of any changes to the panel.

>> No.9064637


I went to the line for a Japanese seiyuu last year (who I was sure no one would really care about) at 5am, and I still ended up with a standby ticket...there was a huge line when I arrived.

If the guests really matters to you I would take no chances and possibly all night it. I'm not missing Aqours this year and I'll probably be all nighting to get their autographs. AX gets bigger and more crowded every year.

>> No.9064642


If you mean Premier it says they don't let premier pass holders get front of the line priority with autographs anymore thank god. I almost thought of buying one this year too, but now that they removed that perk it's worthless.

>> No.9064652

damn it, i'm not getting off my shift until really late on friday. maybe no one will care about my guest..

>> No.9064655

Are there any prominent yuri artists listed in the Artist Alley?

>> No.9064657

>Go to the panel and you have a 50/50 chance Uchikoshi shows up

>Go another day and you miss Uchikoshi 100% but are guaranteed another guest 100%

You're already in the Nonary Game anon.

>> No.9064659
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About that...

>> No.9064685


Oh damn, I was hoping I'd get the poster signed that my seat gets at the panel.

I guess I prioritize for Suwabe or Kakihara instead. Either way I'm all nighting for someone!

>> No.9064690

Would any of the guys here be interested in an all male meetup? Going by the experiences from the last few years, along with the clusterfuck from the last thread, it seems that once again, there's some petty drama surrounding female seagulls being uncomfortable around guys, as well as creepy crossboarders ruining things for everyone else, effectively fracturing the meetup groups. So, I was thinking I could gauge interest for a group consisting of just guys that are genuinely interested in cosplay/anime/jfash/etc. That way, we could prevent any paranoia within the group from off-kilter female seagulls, and dissuade any genuine weirdos looking to get some easy lays, since no women will be there.

We could do some barhopping afterwards if most of us are 21 or over, or have a LAN party or /tg/ games at my buddy's house there in LA, who's also a seagull. I don't mean to split up any current groups or anything, but I feel like a lot of the guys here are just frustrated with how the actual /cgl/ meetups turn out.

>> No.9064695

Way to generalize. It was literally two anon posts. You can't call them petty when you're asking for the same thing - a gender specific meet. If you're going to be as paranoid as those other seagulls, you don't sound like a fun person to plan a meet. It's not a bad idea but pot calling the kettle back big time.

>> No.9064701
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Literally just posted on Twitter!

>> No.9064703

This honestly
It's unnecessary - just don't act like a cunt or a thirsty douchebag and everybody is happy

>> No.9064707
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Doomfest or weee might be there.

>> No.9064718

Am I the only girl going alone to con? I've only seen guys so far. Let's be friends for the con and go to panels and shit.

>> No.9064723

>agree to work a booth in exhibit hall a month or two ago because other years seemed unimpressive
>all these guests I'd actually care for start being announced
Well fuck my ass, it's too late to back out now

>> No.9064728

I'm going alone too, anon! Depending on our interests, maybe we can hang out? Which panel are you gunning for?

I don't want to be part of a large group, it's just not as fun if you have targeted interests.

>> No.9064732

Has anyone been to the night stuff like the 21+ lounge or night version of the maid cafe? How good is it?

>> No.9064752


I'm biased however, lounge 21+ would have fun panels from English VAs where they mostly just said ridiculous shit in a voice. They started having bands in the lounge which is neat, a nice place to escape from everything else. Also, Teddyloid is supposedly performing in Lounge 21+ for some reason.

Never been to maid cafe, if you're into that and a bit sad/desperate it should be a good time.

Night panels are usually decent.

>> No.9064768

You are what is wrong with /cgl/

>> No.9064778

This might make me sound lame - but I'm hyped for everything. I could go to any of them (diversity panel side) and have a blast. Some of my favorites though: Jojo, Titmouse, Mega64, 'your name', fashion show, Love Live, workshops...I'm just excited for everything.

>> No.9064858

Did you go for saber? That's the only person I can think of who had that kind of line

>> No.9064874
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Check out this bullshit for the karaoke contest

>> No.9064893

>Uchikoshi panel right after ZTD release
What are the chances of some asshole yelling out spoilers at the panel?

>> No.9064917
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>Mob Psycho 100 premieres at AX

Who's a happy boy?
I's a happy boy.

>> No.9065001

Would it make your butt hurt less if they had said songs should be in Japanese?

>> No.9065007

Eh, psychobauts and snatcher Zone of the Enders, fetus, (I googled and found out he did botakai which is shocking

>> No.9065027

Explain to me what's bullshit about that.
I'll wait.

>> No.9065033

Theyre dub, theyre there to waste time while you wait for other shit.

>> No.9065040

What's the hypest thing you all are looking forward to?

>> No.9065049
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I understand your frustration.
I wasn't allowed into the Jpop dance contest because I made original content.
Only traced art from designated nippon choreographers are allowed.

>> No.9065064

honestly i'm just really excited to meet up with my friends who live far away. we're doing an ace attorney shoot so i'm super excited to see all our costumes come together

>> No.9065087

>Copyright infringement dodged, fans butthurt over useless shit No one cares about

>> No.9065088

I wont go to the meetup if it is going to be all dudes. there should be no reason that a female dominated board has only dudes show up.

>> No.9065089

Because invariably when women show up to these things people post pics, claim to have slept with them, and trash talk them while disregarding all the dudes who also attended.

>> No.9065110
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Meanwhile I have 3 panels in a row I want to see in LP3.

>> No.9065112

If anything it skips wasting everyone's time because someone singing one of those is not going to win

>> No.9065113

Since it's for the contest, it's not unreasonable.

>> No.9065129

Anyone here want to meet up for the con dance?

>> No.9065144

Can we PLEASE have an all female group. Last year's group was shit. I don't want any guys at the meetups anymore.

>> No.9065145

Only if there's no guys.

>> No.9065146

not lame at all, i'm planning to attend a few of those already. if you have a throwaway i don't mind meeting up!

>> No.9065149

>jojo fanbase

>> No.9065153

Chad can be there

>> No.9065157

Even if we have a chicks-only meetup, why do I feel like the thirsty sperglords will just stand at an awkward distance and watch? That or they will come bother us like boys did in elementary school

>> No.9065162


Are the people who go these meetups really that bad?

>> No.9065164

i want a super chill 21+ biological girls only meetup. we can go to a nice bar and talk nerdy shit.

no attention whores allowed.

>> No.9065167

The reason why there's so many guys is because the crossboarders with no friends/anti social guys are the ones most likely to show up. Anyone with friends isn't going to need a group.

It's also a byproduct of the anti tripfag culture that developed on cgl. During the time where trips were everywhere more were willing to meet up in public. Now they meet in more closed settings.

>> No.9065171

personally,I'm just more comfortable around girls. I already have a boyfriend and somehow I just feel like I can't trust dudes I meet at cons. However, I've met so many true ride or die chicks at con. Like >>9065164 mentioned, sometimes I just want to relax and talk about nerdy shit and not have to deal with dude aura you know?

>> No.9065172

>biologically girls
>no attention whores

>> No.9065188

21+? Aw, don't leave me out anon. I want to meet other gulls and talk. What about 18+? We can go to a cafe or restaurant, have desserts/tea. I propose doing it Day 0 or Day 1 so if we want a subsequent meet we have a bit of time to plan. I have a instant print camera so I can take photos and hand them out as souvenirs.

>> No.9065190

Sorry sweetie, but no.

You can hang out with everyone else at the regular meet.

>> No.9065192

GUYS what anime should I be watching / have watched to be in the loop

>> No.9065200

it's okay anon such a meet would not materialize anyway

>> No.9065238

how bad is the kik group right now?

>> No.9065241

steven universe

>> No.9065252

Do you think about your responses before you post them? Because this not at all relevant to what you're responding to.

>> No.9065257

Personally, I don't believe excluding men is a good idea. Just folks with no chill can gtfo.

>> No.9065259

seriously awful, avoid avoid avoid. the guy sperging out over a couple anon posts is in it.

>> No.9065285

Which dance?

>> No.9065300
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I'm a newbie to cosplay meetups and will be cosplaying a character from monster musume. where could i find out about meetups?

>> No.9065301

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l8mLALVriMNeXm5JIyUNbR7EjrvFXfZGmt80JfHHt_o/edit#gid=0 here's all the gatherings planned so far

>> No.9065320

First time attending AX, mostly alone (save for shared hotel), not sure what to do. I'm not a fan of panels or lines. I'll be cosplaying all of the days. Any suggestions?

>> No.9065325

How about concerts? Japan Super Live is assigned seats so no need to wait in line. Oldcodex vs Flow is general attendance but as long as you don't want to be up front you don't have to wait in line.

You're kind of limited if you don't like panels or lines, honestly. The exhibit hall might occupy you for a few hours but definitely not all weekend. Maybe just go around and look at people in costumes? Try to talk to them and make friends?

>> No.9065327

You go to the meetup and chat with the people you're going to hang out with, then leave after half an hour while everyone else stands around trying to figure out what to do. Just tell the guys they're not allowed and then get restraining orders against the ones who still try to breathe down your neck.

>> No.9065328
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>> No.9065329

surely you could give some examples

>> No.9065339
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Months ago, I delayed jury duty to next week.
Bought my pass end of May
Forgot I set it to next week.
How fucked am I?

>> No.9065343

I also have jury duty next week and so I'm looking at it this way; statistically, I think it's pretty unlikely I will be chosen and if I am, big deal. My costumes are done and if I just have to miss Day 1 before 3PM when court lets out its not that bad.
I suppose unless you're doing yours outside of LA county.

>> No.9065355

get it postponed again

>> No.9065360

Being in the audience of hot, sweaty nerds isn't quite my thing and I unfortunately don't wish to pay for such an experience. I'm also very short, enough that even sloped seating doesn't guarantee me a good view of the stage.

>Maybe just go around and look at people in costumes? Try to talk to them and make friends?
Thanks, that's my default plan, but god, I'm so nervous about something like that. It's been forever since I last attended a con as a normal attendee. I'll have an industry badge though if that affords any benefits over a regular badge.

>> No.9065374

industry only gets you a discounted badge. if you're industry try to shmooze with other industry members. I'm assuming you're working as part of your attendance because it sounds like you don't even want to be there or know why you're going

>> No.9065387
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Anon A gets mad at Anon B for making lewd comments every time a girl shows up, albeit anon B might be making them jokingly (At least I hope to god it's a joke). Can't say I really blame anon A since this kik already carries a stigma of being non-community friendly towards females and jokes like that might just worsen the appeal. Especially when two people butt heads over them and the salt carries over here. But hey if it's just two anons arguing once every blue moon out of group of 23 i'll take it, (thankfully anon B doesn't post too often). Plus all this means to me is that I know who to avoid. Overall the majority of conversation I've seen is pretty relaxed. Anons discussing social life, what panels to attend, meet ups and grabbing something to drink, anons posting their pets, and the occasional shitpost. I've seen no reason to really hate this group they've all been really nice to me. But hey, to each their own opinion.

>> No.9065395

>other industry members
I have no interest in them at all. I'll be at the con because I enjoy the anime I watch and I want to show support in some way other than shelling out $70 per JP BD. I'm just very poor at interacting with flesh and blood people.

>> No.9065398

well... good luck. sounds like you're going to need it.

what are you cosplaying?

>> No.9065414

wonder if people want more 160 proof booze like I brought last time to the meetup....

>> No.9065416
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I'm not looking forward to the heat, guys

>> No.9065419

+1 for interest. anyone have anymore info?

>> No.9065441


>tfw used to 50F and start dying at 70F

>> No.9065450

yfw you have to wait for the bus outside or walk outside period
try not to melt, my pretties

>> No.9065473

How's the weather done there usually? I'm from Nevada so it's 110-115F on the regular here.

>> No.9065474

*down I mean

>> No.9065478

90s-100s and the the off 76 degree Tuesday

>> No.9065479

it'll be a slightly cold day for you in the 80s-90s

>> No.9065526

>>9064614 again. It sounds like there will be a second panel, specifically for Uchikoshi, that isn't showing up on the main schedule. The time and place that I was given for it, however, is being used for another event though? It should be on Saturday, but no telling if AX sticks the panel at some weird time, on some weird day, now that they've seemed to have forgotten it.

>> No.9065560

>>9065238 its not as bad as >>9065259
Makes it out to be. Thats such an exaggeration, >>9065387 makes a pretty fair asessment. Just add it's a saussage fest. Join it, it's not like you'll have to meet up with anyone maybe you'll enjoy at least one person and make a friend.

Nah senpai i don't think it's jokingly. I'm not sure if your talking about the person i'm thinking about. But nah from his additude/personality it seems half serious. I disliked since him since he first appeared in the chat, so i might be a tad biased. But it's easy, just avoid the people you don't wanna meet. PM those you do wanna hang out with.

Tons of ways to get out of court. I.e use a search engine.

>> No.9065766
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>tfw can't decide between Titmouse and Viz Media panel

Anyone have experience with previous Viz panels? Are they worth going to?

>> No.9065770

But that's completely understandable.

>> No.9065801

Damn. Seagulls are so unfriendly.

>> No.9065820

I've never been to any Viz Media panels specifically but personally I wouldn't go to any panels run by localization distributers, even the most entertainingly presented ones are still not really anything better than hour long advertisements.

I only skimmed this and Viz doesn't really seem any different, but you can look for yourself


Maybe if you're really into buying official localized goods or something I guess.

>> No.9065886

who's sperging out

>> No.9065891

Looking at the schedule, one can notice that AX is really pushing out fan panels in favor of industry and AX sponsored event.

Do you think this is a good thing? Even comic con has more fan input than AX has

>> No.9065894

Oh please, stop whining. every single guy that goes to the meets aren't even seagulls. without almost every single guy that has gone is a creep that tries to talk to you about your cosplay to get closer to you, and you can tell because when you ask them more indepth questions about cosplay and such they know nothing about it.
the guys can have their own group for all I care. Im not too keen on getting hit on by freaks. have fun with the kik sausgefest

>> No.9065897

Without fail*

>> No.9065899

>ask them more indepth questions about cosplay and such they know nothing about it
this so much. it happens all the time, at least i can dart away if it's a random.. much harder to avoid awkwardness at a meetup.

>> No.9065905

Christ, west coast seagulls are absolute cunts. Sorry for you West Coast bros. East coast is way less stuck up.

>> No.9065928

it's just this thread and the shitposters, i recommend ignoring them.

not everyone going to AX is a native west coaster fyi. i've met plenty of chill af west coast gulls at fanime and other events.

>> No.9065932

I'm with >>9065928
It's mostly shitposters. But unfortunately there are a lot of creeps and even if they aren't the majority they definitely sour the pot. If guys agreed to not try and "hookup" with seagulls, then this wouldn't even be an issue.

>> No.9065944

Even as a guy I'm all for this if it stops everyone from arguing.
We're all heading to the largest convention in NA related to the anime industry. It's reasonable to think that in a board that holds the topic of conventions cross-boarding /a/nons are going to gather here. Plus the majority population from other boards is still male so there's that factoring into the situation. Just as much as every other board yells fuck off 3DPD does /cgl/ have the ability to yell fuck off weaboo creep. We come from two different spectrums of the same hobby who do not really get along, all sharing the same space for a weekend. If isolation is the only way we can stop from killing each other I'm all for it. No reason for anyone to have thier weekend ruined because of someone else right?

>> No.9065961

I'm tired of the shitposting; if you want to do an all-male, all-female, or any other type of meetup then leave contact info for it and go away. Figure it out within your own respective groups and stop feeding the seagulls.

Please stop responding to these posts in the meantime, it's counterproductive and pointless.

Let's get back on topic: cosplay gatherings, photoshoots, ax scheduling nonsense, and the tears of being in deep in panic mode a week before the con.

>> No.9065963 [DELETED] 

Can a female meetup with me and be my gf?

>> No.9065981

Cgl was better before crossboarders and normies wrecked it

>> No.9065983

Fuck off, /r9k/.

>> No.9065993

You know it in your heart to be true. Current cgl convention threads and conventions in general are a pale shadow of the ones from years past

>> No.9066006

I like it, but I've never been for fan panels either and never go to them but now I have something to look forward to.

>> No.9066008


How will you know if there's /cgl/ girls?

>> No.9066016

If they're loud, slightly overweight, and gossipy

>> No.9066028

I only go to Anime Expo to laugh at weeaboos. Fucking degenerates.

>> No.9066033


How exactly are they degenerate?

>> No.9066060

How are they not?

>> No.9066061

Can't say that I'm too happy aboutabout so many panels placed in the same time slots but maybe it was done so people wouldnt cram into just one popular panel and instead have to choose.

>panic mode
Jokes on you anon I finished my errands although to whatever you have to get arranged good luck with that.
Except for hotels. What does one do when they can't check in untill three p.m. if thier flight comes in early on a thursday? Really don't feel like dragging my luggage around.

>> No.9066065


It's people putting on costumes and expressing their joy for something. what's degenerate about that?

>> No.9066076
File: 66 KB, 500x500, cgl ALA meet up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty degenerate to me.

>> No.9066078

God this thread is cancer compared to the other ones... Beggars can't be choosers when it comes to meets like this... Don't go if you didn't enjoy the past meets. Keep your gender preferred attendees to yourself you insecure feminaziso. You want an all girl meet then go to the AX fan page on Facebook and start a thread but keep your feminazi mentality out of here.

>> No.9066079

Implying normal people don't pull that shit too

>> No.9066082

You're probably a fat neckbeard.

>> No.9066083


So, you group certain people to everyone? And if you hate it so much, why do you pay to visit in the first place? If you're gonna shit post, at least have a better excuse.

>> No.9066090

You're probably a 400lbs cunt with a shitty cosplay

>> No.9066096

Convention threads are at their worst when the convention itself is imminent or happening because that's when the tfw no gf crossboarders come out and post

>> No.9066102

and you're a shitposter from /r9k/ or /fit/. Stop pretending to be a bitchy seagull so you can get people to agree with you so you can pat yourself on the back for not being able to get a gf.

>> No.9066105

This always

>> No.9066108

to disagree with you, I mean.

>> No.9066109

I'm not the one you're respond to but you need to be more body weight positive. It's 2016 comon.

>> No.9066113

It's not even a crossboarder thing imo, heck I'm a /b/ tard but there's a time and place for cancer and a time and place for some decency. Some of these feminists are just straight up flaunting their entitlement card around thinking they can boss people around and call the shots in an anonymous image board... Bitch please just enjoy the expo and avoid the meets organized here. No one wants to hear your all girl garbage, no doubt that there are some cringy creepy fucks that go but you yourself are no better when you start getting all feminazi. Ok end rant

>> No.9066116

I haven't seen too many thirsty crossboarders. I've mostly seen angry seagulls rallying for all female meetups or talking about the aforementioned thirstfags, these past few threads. I guess it's just AX in general attracting toxic people from all across the spectrum.

>> No.9066121

That makes no sense anon.. Fat is fat regardless of what year it is.

>> No.9066127

Summer, everyone.

>> No.9066131

Many hotels have (free) baggage check for guests that arrive early.

>> No.9066133

I don't want a single male at the /cgl/ meetup. Men are fucking stupid anyway.

>> No.9066134


Shut the fuck up with the Summer shit. you faggots don't even say "Winter, everyone!" but for some reason you pick summer specifically.

>> No.9066135

Unintelligent person, everyone.

>> No.9066136

I'm quite prepared already too, but thanks anyways.

There's quite a few things to do in the area, you might be able to ask your hotel to hold onto your luggage until check in, this would free you to explore downtown LA. I recommend checking out Little Tokyo and trying some of the good food over there.

Stop pointing fingers, this is not helping the situation in any way. There's no proof these people are even female and no one has actually made an effort to organize a meetup, just report and ignore.

>> No.9066140

Sorry that you're so new that you couldn't pick up on one of the most common may-mays. You'll learn in time.

>> No.9066142

I think all of us are crossboarders to some degree unless you were to only go on cgl exclusively. There's good ones and bad ones and you usually hear of the bar ones. I have noticed that certain types of posts definitely get more prevalent when it's con time and only in con threads by people who assumably are trying to get dat skank cosplay pussy they've heard about or go around asking for parties because they don't know anyone because they aren't part of the community and only want to pretend they are solely for the four days of the convention. That's what annoys me about it

>> No.9066143

This desu. It's kinda sad some of the good guys won't make it but too bad.

>> No.9066147


I know it's the most common may-mays. I'm saying "Shut the fuck up" because it's retarded.

>> No.9066161

if you know, then what does it mean anon?

>> No.9066162

With the prevalence of smart phones people can shitpost year round!

>> No.9066166 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate men so much.

>> No.9066168

>tfw i shitpost while waiting on event lines

>> No.9066170
File: 40 KB, 152x254, 1449696274919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ girls will see you, spit on you, hit you, call you names, and bully you

>> No.9066175

Sounds like you would have been a good contestant for the bdsm party earlier in the year

>> No.9066176 [DELETED] 

AW were you raped at some point? Too bad he didn't make you cum, you'd have a better impression.

>> No.9066213

News to me but then again I've never traveled before, thanks.

Is little tokyo someplace I can visit by myself then? Don't mind traveling alone since that was the plan for AX anyways but I want to make sure I don't end up on the wrong side of town.

>> No.9066215

Use Uber or Lyft app. Please do not walk the streets of LA yourself. Little Tokyo is near the most ghetto part of LA and you do not want to walk through there alone. LA is pretty ghetto already.

>> No.9066216

It's a Japan town a short light rail ride away

>> No.9066219

AX has a shuttle that goes to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles Downtown, which is just a block away from Little Tokyo, an easy walk.

>> No.9066250

I don't think downtown LA is all that dangerous during the day, but maybe it is for the unfamiliar.

As other anons mentioned, you'll have several options to get to Little Tokyo if you don't want to walk (uber/lyft, metro gold line, or ax shuttle). A handy resource to check: >http://www.golittletokyo.com/resources/

I personally really like going to the museum of contemporary art in the area, though it's not as exciting as food:

It's supposed to be particularly hot this year, so please take precautions to stay hydrated. I'm also flying in early to revisit the neighborhood, really excited!

>> No.9066255
File: 1.21 MB, 1027x772, 1438109718424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone driving to the con and changing into their cosplay in their car?

Aside from deodorant, what else should I bring to reduce any smell I may have when switching from cosplay back into regular clothes?

>> No.9066261
File: 332 KB, 1650x698, AX Lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT SHIT SHIT. Gotta finish a commission for the Con and fix up some of the stuff im bringing.
Here's my lineup.

cologne/ perfume is a good option when switching clothes and Febreeze if the clothes/ costume needs it.

>> No.9066266

unscented wet wipes or just doing a quick wipe down with a wet paper towel/wash cloth to get the stinky sweat off can do wonders. Doing this before re applying deodorant and fresh clean clothes should be good enough.

>> No.9066289

fat has always been criticized on /cgl/; you sound like the summerfag here.

>> No.9066309

I was referring to the obvious "current year" or "DUDE IT'S 2016" bait, you idiot newshit. Nobody seriously defends fatties.

>> No.9066320

>being this mad
Stop throwing a tantrum, anon. Going around calling everyone summer and new just makes you sound like you're trying to fit in too hard.

>> No.9066350

Hope I didn't lose you underneath all the shitposting! aairrmm@gmail.com

>> No.9066353

Is it just me, or did they add more panels to the schedule?

>> No.9066354

I made a two word post and everyone sperged out. Take your own advice, neckbeard. Now can we please get back on topic?

>> No.9066356

They probably did. They've been announcing stuff like mad so that means panels for those guests and companies

>> No.9066358

That they are. For a fanbase that is ostracized so much, they sure are pretty fucking picky about who they invite to their meetups. Just be lucky you don't have a penis, otherwise you're totally shit outta luck.

>> No.9066362

I also know it in my heart that you're a complete faggot for saying "normie" unironically.

>> No.9066363

If that's the case, then planning for what we're going to go to in advance is going to be difficult.

>> No.9066367

But the guys still all get to hangout together? You just won't have the maybe 3 girls there. Normally like 20+ guys go. When my own gender rejects me, then I'm the SOL one.

>> No.9066369

i've been lurking, sent you an email! glad the shitposts didn't push you away too.

>> No.9066371

Little tokyo is bordered by the industrial/warehouse districts and skid row. Its plenty safe is you void those areas anytime of the day. Little tokyo is small and walk able, though, so shouldn't be too hard to recognize and avoid the sketchy areas.

If you want, I could show you want some company who knows the area

>> No.9066375

Thanks! Replied.

>> No.9066387

Will the Mega64 panel be any good? Anyone have personal experiences with previous ones?

>> No.9066400

>sperged out
Alright anon, whatever you say. You're the one replying to every single comment on your "two word post"

>> No.9066411

Guests are still being announced and we're only 8 days out from the con. This is a mess.

ZUN (Touhou) is coming

>> No.9066418
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>> No.9066432
File: 113 KB, 680x607, 1439694935439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes

>> No.9066449



>> No.9066451

Thank God I didn't booth this year

>> No.9066490

well fuck all plans, I will camp however long and fight the good fight for a chance to meet.

>> No.9066498

This is a longshot, but is anyone driving down from Portland/Seattle/Eugene/anywhere in the PNW and has space for one more in their car? I'm small, pretty quiet, and will only have a backpack. Willing to pay whatever for gas, I just really don't want to fly.

>> No.9066499

I was born here and even I suffer from heat exhaustion. Be safe.

It's right around there where I am 35 min north. LA is usually cooler because of the proximity to the beach.

Take Figueroa N (towards staple center), at 6th turn right and go through fashion ish district to Los Angeles st., turn left. Little Tokyo is mostly on 1st, 2nd and 3rd. I have walked and the route has plenty of food, but the subway is the best way. I just thought driving directions,or on foot, would be nice to have so you could choose. You will have to pay for parking if you choose to drive.

>> No.9066505

Congrats on loosing $60+ on nothing.

>> No.9066528

You're insane. That's a 15+ hour drive. Buy a fucking plane ticket.

>> No.9066530

My best friend got in a plane crash last year and ever since I've had really bad anxiety about flying. I'd really like to avoid it if I can.

>> No.9066547

What will you do if you can't avoid it?

>> No.9066565

skimmed through it, did they hand out any free stuff? that's probably the only reason i would want to go

>> No.9066572

I guess I'll fly if I have to, but I'm just trying to gauge my options at the moment.

>> No.9066575

>indepth questions about cosplay
like what?

>> No.9066580

Some industry panels give out free stuff. Sometimes you can snag free posters and other shit, so it can be worthwhile to check out.

Also, if anyone still wants to join the kik group, here is the code. I'm going to start getting people's numbers and availability over the weekend for a small to medium meet up. If you're interested, join before then please.

>> No.9066584
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>> No.9066596

Is there going to be a meet-up this year?

>> No.9066601

nvm I'm retarded

>> No.9066606


>> No.9066681

>Muh Dick

>> No.9066685

Look up the odds on plane crashes and try to slap some logic into your head

>> No.9066692

I'm not using that mycupid tier crap.

>> No.9066695

there are no "options" no one is going to drive that far and if you can't do it yourself then you're fucking flying. OR just not go at all. Those are your actual options.

>> No.9066704

Best bet is either greyhound or amtrak. I believe there's a line going straight down the coast and back. Bad thing is that it isn't cheap and is slow. It's more of a sightseeing train route.

>> No.9066716

Yeah, it is a direct route but it's also 35 hours.

>> No.9066718

>no attention whores allowed
Lmao then this definitely shouldn't be on /cgl/

>> No.9066728

Why do so many guys go to meet ups? I thought the majority of posters were girls.

>> No.9066735

Dont even start, mang.

Im a dude, but just recently got into cosplaying my favorite shotas and thinking about going to one of the meetups. Although,the environment here seems to be really hostile

>> No.9066736

Why go to meetups when you already have your own clique?

That goes for both guys and girls

>> No.9066753

Can't talk about cons on other boards so people on 4chan all come here to meet up.

>> No.9066756

If you can rent a car/ hitch/bus to get to Sacramento, I'll give you a ride the rest of the way.

>> No.9066757

Dropped my email.

>> No.9066822

Anyone need a ride from SD to AX on the 30th? Just looking for a company since Im tired of a boring 2-3 hour drive. Leaving around 1000 from Coronado.

>> No.9066835

Yo, I actually need a ride.

>> No.9066854

This. Guys are fucking stupid anyway.
I don't want to see a single male within 500 feet of our meetup.

>> No.9066858

Do mods even exist anymore? ;-; These obviously not female shitposters are making any girls who just want a girls meetups look bad.

>> No.9066873


>Anons that have never seen each other before sitting in the same car for 2-3 hours.
>Vehicular shitposting

Sounds neat

>> No.9066875 [DELETED] 

They're just saying what you really wish for deep down, but don't want anyone to know.

>> No.9066878
File: 2.77 MB, 287x191, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 15 minutes away from the LA Convention Center
>tfw can't go because poor college student
Y-You guys have fun.

>> No.9066881

Rent out space. People are desperate to get a room.That way you too can go.

>> No.9066884

>rent out the couch in my room in my parents house
I don't think that's gonna work.

>> No.9066923

Yes we will my dear anon, it will most likely be Friday around 8 to 9. Just wait for Dr. Sci to show up in the thread. We hope to see you there~

>> No.9066930

Will I be able to obtain /cgl/ gf if I attend the meet up?

>> No.9066931

Anon B is not joking, I wish he were.

>> No.9066938

If you go to the kik meetup, no. Mainly cross boarders in there with a dude that cries that people hate on cross boarders.

>> No.9066939

Depends on whether you are ok with your gf having a pee pee and being a boy.

>> No.9066943

is the yen press panel worth going to?

>> No.9066944

No, but I can give you a totally not gay brojob, coming from another heterosexual.

>> No.9066945

No I'm not letting Beanie suck my dick no matter how much he wants it and how appealing it sounds.

>> No.9066968

Senpai i have an extra 4 day code. You can have it.

>> No.9066974

N-No way. Really?

>> No.9066977

I've done worse. Driving random people on Craigslist for 6-10 hours. Paid for the gas money though.

>> No.9066978

Just give him a skirt and wig and play pretend

>> No.9066982

You can contact me on telegram @datfam

>> No.9067013

why do I feel like your getting rused?

nobody is that nice man

>> No.9067020

Yeah senpai its no problem.
Whats telegram?

>> No.9067023

Telegram is a messaging app, but I assume you don't have it. Is there any way I can contact you?

>> No.9067025

join the kik group, if it is who i think it is, he is in there

>> No.9067026

i'll take the ruse or badge if he doesnt ;_;
i can also offer home made food.

>> No.9067028

It's called ghosting. Who buys con badges?

>> No.9067032

What kik group?

I make bomb brownies. Please.

>> No.9067041 [DELETED] 

i'm an excellent baker, consider it done.
shoot me a mail, badge or not i'm happy to share good will.

>> No.9067042


>> No.9067045

ah sorry, i misread your post. i'm not fighting you anon! let's trade brownies.

>> No.9067047

I joined this group >>9066584
My username is Bravebirb

I'm also down to exchange brownies

>> No.9067064

If the brownies are anything like that one /v/ meetup, don't eat them.

>> No.9067066


I'm sorry i only had one.
I gave it to whoever joined the kik group.

>> No.9067080

it's okay, thanks for being nice though.
brownies offers still stands, i'm down to share!

>> No.9067106

Whatever happened to the cosplay combat medic that was in the earlier threads?

That shit was dope.

>> No.9067132

>>that shit was dope

Please leave and don't come back.

>> No.9067175

>getting upset about anons using common expressions

Are you a snob or just autistic?

>> No.9067177

What are some easy cosplay ideas for someone 6'4 and brown skinned?

I could do Slenderman, but that's boring.

>> No.9067183

/cgl/ gathering info?

Won't be cosplaying at all this year but if you gulls need some help this con, I'm down to assist/chill/whatever.

>> No.9067187

You can take Amtrak from Seattle/Portland, I've done it before. It'll take you straight to Union Station and is slightly cheaper than a flight. It takes almost as long as driving, but you don't have to worry about finding a road trip crew.

>> No.9067190

It was something like 16 hours when I did it, almost as bad as driving but less stressful because no actual driving.

>> No.9067197

2pm or 6pm outside of west hall on days 1, 2, and 3?

No one has mentioned a time yet, and these times are similar to last year's.

>> No.9067200

i can do 6, not 2.

>> No.9067215

I don't have a whole lot to do at this con. I can host them all if need be.

>> No.9067220


Holy shit. What are the chances of another huge name being announced within the week?

>> No.9067235

How tight is the schedule?

Will I be able to make it to panels that start right after another one ends?

>> No.9067242



>> No.9067253

how long in advance should one line up for a panel

it's my first AX, not the guy you replied to though

>> No.9067255

2 hours.

>> No.9067261

depends on the panel. more popular the subject more you have to wait
worst case scenario yes, you will wait hours if you want to get in.

>> No.9067262

what about the jojo panel

>> No.9067263

so the chance of me getting into all 5 fakku panels is basically 0 without a premier badge, right?

a couple of them are back-to-back in rooms that are being cleared, and another couple are back-to-back in different rooms

>> No.9067267

Just got the email for the oldfag and trip party, thank you!

>> No.9067274

oh man just saw that MaiDreammin is gonna perform. That will be nice to see real maids instead of the usual awk ones

>> No.9067302

You answered your own question.

>> No.9067307

I thought it might have been possible because Fakku are offering a free gift to anyone who attends all 5, which they must know is either extremely difficult or impossible for the average attendee

oh well, good thing teddyloid is performing at the same time

>> No.9067327

High, the youth protection policy fiasco delayed guest schedules by 2-3 weeks, and a lot of smaller companies are choosing to announce guests "in their own time" so that their guests don't get overshadowed by bigger names. The result is staggered and scattered announcements too close to the con.

>> No.9067330

Which fucked over everyone who had decided this year wasn't worht it

>> No.9067347

Well this con is now fucked. Now we have to deal with touhou orgies. Usually it's one fat ass fucking the one actual female touhou cosplayer while all the rest just sit around in cross play with their dick in their hands.

>> No.9067382

woah woah woah I'm an oldfag trip and i want in.
never joined in on the trip circlejerk but now i want this

>> No.9067388

Anyone need a ride from Vegas to LA? I'm looking for one or two more to help with gas.

>> No.9067489

16 hours? On Amtrak? I doubt that.

>> No.9067501

Kek'd hard on this because its so true. I have heard people complaining on price increase this year since theyre forced to purchase at 95.20 badge including fee.

>> No.9067680

>Zun coming to AX

I hate it when AX announces awesome guests like Zun at a terrible timing which is close to the con...

Of course, this is a HOT MESS....

>> No.9067684

I'm not going this year bc of financial reasons, this will be my 2nd year in a row without AX. If it gets better then I'll go to AX 2017.

Have fun fellow seagulls!

>> No.9067729

Fuck yes!
So excited to bring out my Clover now!

>> No.9067738

Only because you aren't going right?
Stay salty

>> No.9067842

I know I'm responding to this late, but please please PLEASE do not overuse cologne or perfume. The only thing worse than being crammed into a tight space with somebody who hasn't bathed is being crammed into a tight space with somebody who was not able to bathe and tried to cover up the stink with perfume.

>> No.9067932

Yooo what time are you leaving? I have a friend who might need a ride.

>> No.9067947
File: 26 KB, 432x480, 1465978441857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm literally just going because i work at the weed dispensary 2 blocks away from the convention center. I'm not going to be a fucking weeb.

>> No.9067953
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>> No.9067967

The one behind Pico? I thought they closed that.

>> No.9067985


If you mean Grand, yeah. There's a whole strip of them.

I think you're talking about the one near the Gold Line. That one was illegal shop and all the weirdos and bums without recs would go there, Frankly, I'm not surprised it closed.

>> No.9067991

I coulda swore there was a dispensary right behind Pico Station.

>> No.9068002


Yeah that's the one, you're not crazy. That one got shut down lol.

>> No.9068005
File: 112 KB, 496x528, 1444544711368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who needs you anyways lmao.

>> No.9068025

>more stuff keeps getting added
>I have no idea what I want to go to and what I want to skip

This is a disaster. A wonderful disaster, but a disaster nonetheless.

>> No.9068189

Fucking degenerates, off yourselves.

>> No.9068203
File: 105 KB, 641x693, miGNVWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9068207

This intrigues me only because I know plenty of oldfags and tripfags and no one has said anything. Not asking for an invite, though one would be nice, just confused why you would be on some kind of oldfag/tripfag email list.

>> No.9068218

He is bsing.

>> No.9068234

Anyone from the OC or Irvine area willing to give my bro or me a ride home? I can pitch in for gas and give extra for the help. Just rather not spend $60+ on an uber or taxi.

>> No.9068245

Unless you have a disabled person with you like I do then you're gonna have to wait in lines- especially for popular panels

>> No.9068281

>friend has hearing aids
>legally disabled and can park in handicap spot
>no wheelchair so we cant cut in line

>> No.9068289

You can actually tell them that you're disabled and they legally can't ask you for proof

>> No.9068311

tfw female that doesn't want to be around girls that much... don't do this anon. i think it's unceccessary to keep it segregated. if a girlgets uncomfortable she can always leave, and vice versa.

>> No.9068322

Actually, it's a great idea.

All guys meetup means expect no girls, but you're still allowed.

All girls meetups means expect no guys, but beanie-kun might still show up.

>> No.9068323

Is it worth going to the opening ceremony?

>> No.9068324

I can help out. how do I get in touch with you?

>> No.9068334


>> No.9068335

>the entire English cast of Cowboy Bebop is coming to AX

this is absolutely fucking insane

>> No.9068341

Try going to get a disabled sticker at one of the offical booths.

>> No.9068361

Thanks anon. You can email me at versionsky@gmail.com and we'll see if our schedules work.

>> No.9068362

how does that work? I have never heard of someone doing this

>> No.9068390

sent you my number

>> No.9068393

basically if you have no shame then you can say you're disabled and the ADA says that they're supposed to take you at your word. guy I know brings his dog onto the subway with him and says it is a service animal (it's not) if someone questions him. he knows that they can't ask for proof.

it's kind of a game of chicken and "who cracks first?" when you're not actually disabled. if you keep up the facade you win. if you break down and your morals get the better of you then you slink away, maybe threatening to take legal action so you don't have to admit you were lying.

>> No.9068394

<3 You say the sweetest things, anon!

90% of the girls at /cgl/ meetups are attached, sorry, anon.

Probably won't work very well. Cross-boarders are the majority of non-old school /cgl/ at meet ups, and old school /cgl/ goes to do their own thing after a while. tl;dr this would probably turn into a /v/ + /vg/ group

Mingling with cute girls is my fave part of /cgl/ meetups, anon!

I also just realized that AX is next week. Can't wait to hang out with Pixel and the out-of-state gulls who only make it to AX.

>> No.9068395

ah okay, I had no idea the ADA had that written in it. I figured you'd need some kind of proof the way you need a placard to park in a handicapped parking space

>> No.9068397
File: 67 KB, 200x318, 1361346312808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet time in at 6pm outside west hall every day except for day 4.

>mfw I see how far I've gotten in my cosplays

>> No.9068402

tfw you're old school /cgl/ but never got into the social side of it

>> No.9068403

Might be too early, because of heat reasons

>> No.9068405

don't lie about having a disability guys, that's shitty.

>> No.9068416

Progessor Kukui

>> No.9068425

8pm so I only have to wait 3 hours to take you to bed.

>> No.9068430


I can't find jack shit on this guy. Literally who?

>> No.9068433

It says the AMV Competition is ticketed. Do you have to pay to attend? Do you have to have been picked? What the fuck?

>> No.9068442

it's not a lie, my disability is a severe adversity to waiting in lines

don't you have to say what the disability is though

>> No.9068447
File: 492 KB, 2740x2380, 1466733184156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought the con was still 2 weeks out for some reason
>I need to now finish my guitar in one week now

>> No.9068450

I haven't decided yet, but I'd probably be leaving early ish as I'd like to be there around noon or earlier, if possible. My schedule's pretty flexible though, so let me know what your friend needs.

>> No.9068455

I thought that was the one event they weren't allowed to ticket. Gah, fuck AX and it's ticketed bullshit.

>> No.9068458

Maybe it is a mistake? I can't seem to purchase tickets for it anywhere, at least, and it isn't listed under ticketed events.

>> No.9068481

tickets are free and onsite only
it's a crowd control measure

>> No.9068486

Thanks. Do you know a lot about these things in general, or are you volunteering and in the know? If so, do you know if a panel for the Cowboy Bebop voice actors will be added? Unless something else gets announced, that's the only thing left to add to my schedule.

>> No.9068508

i've been going to conventions for about 10 years (not really that long)
7 years for AX so I've seen it when it was right on the edge of being big

says voice cast TBA so that's probably where they'll be
maybe autographs too

>> No.9068510
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I hope they're having an autograph session or something for the FLCL panel as I need more autographs to add to this bad boy.

>> No.9068524

My friend uses a cane and can cut in lines

>> No.9068537
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what night is teddyloid going to lounge 21

>> No.9068542
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Is it okay if I join the /cgl/ meetup or something?

I mainly post on /o/ and /diy/ but I'm taking my kids to the convention and don't really have anything to do anyway while I wait for them

>> No.9068543

airbnb just fucked us hard. Didn't even take us to dinner first

>> No.9068549

did you get canceled on too?

>> No.9068551

yeah me and my 4 friends are flying in from England and now we have to find a new place

>> No.9068561

oh shit did they give you a reason?

>> No.9068562


Good man.

>> No.9068563

Some other guy and his friends took our spot. They have more people so more money I guess

>> No.9068581


ah never mind i found out. if you guys wanted to know, he's performing on saturday night.

>> No.9068589

If im/fit/ chad mode can i go ti the meets to fuk ur tight bodies?
I love anime but ive never gone to any conventions because all my friends think any anime =hentai so im thinking of going alone

>> No.9068613

he's a hentai artist

>> No.9068616

If you're Asian I know someone who will suck yo dick
literally semen demon mode

>> No.9068677

Can't find any doujins or anything by him though.

>> No.9068694

New thread in the catalog muh doods

>> No.9068702
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>Alice Underground

Shitty bar jazz band.

I WAS gonna go since i fuck with jazz heavy....meh. There's better Jazz artists in LA they could've paid for this gig.

>> No.9068743

The fact that something like that can even happen in the first place is bullshit. Fuck you, airbnb.

>> No.9069062

>all these wannabe Chads

There's only one Chad allowed at each meet up, so you'll all have to fight until only one alpha remains.

>> No.9069416

Does anyone know if they check ID for the 18+ panels or if attendees ages are shown on their badge? I want to go to a FAKKU panel with a friend but she is only 17. Any way around that?

>> No.9069487

ids get checked

>> No.9069937

I hope their boyfriends enjoy NTR then.

>> No.9069952

I'm in the same boat, I want to go to all 5 but I don't think it's actually possible