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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9058352 No.9058352 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about things that had a course of popularity that you simply didn't like.

For me it's peignoirs. I have seen some cute ones worked well but still didn't find it my cup of tea. Then there where those who thought any peignoir would work and thrifted them off the goodwill racks.

>> No.9058356

i love ops picture. it looks elegant!

>> No.9058368

Agreed it's cute. Which is why I included it. Just not the fad I jumped on.

>> No.9058371


>> No.9058373

Madonna crowns. Especially the DIY ones.

>> No.9058375


>> No.9058377

Using wrist cuffs for frilly anklet things.

>> No.9058404

Flower crowns piss me off. (the plastic/faux flower ones)

>> No.9058415

I agree anon. And those dumb ram horns that are popular.

>> No.9058416

That one pair of Baby (I think?) OTKs and that one IW bolero that everyone seems to own.

>> No.9058420

Yes anon I too dislike vague discription of brand items that there are thousands of. Those always have me express a emotion.

>> No.9058422

I know what anon is talking about.
Baby lattice socks that are sheer and black/white.
Or IW millifeiulle bolero.
I want the bolero, but think the socks are fugly.

>> No.9058424

fawn makeup, it looks horrible 99.99% of the time

>> No.9058429

Do people still do that?

>> No.9058437

I was at a convention last week and yes people still do it with Lolita.

>> No.9058452
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Agreed. A little older trend I hated was split wigs and the, if I recall correctly, chocomint star clips everyone and their mother used. Also those awful fawn-fur collars.

>> No.9058454

I hated it when every lolita was decked in candy, lollipop, cookie or other food themed jewelry made from cheap plastic or fimo. It looked incredibly cheap.

>> No.9058468

Idk if this thread was intended to be lolita related but. Fucking menhera. I can't think of any more try-hard edgy j-fashion than that. I love blood and gore and all that but menhera is just gross. Don't even get me started on the fact that the word itself is used as a derogatory term for mentally unstable people.

>> No.9058479

everything that's not old school

>> No.9058480

dude Menhera was started to protest the treatment of mentally ill people in Japan by bringing the idea to the limelight and showing something considered 'unsightly' as cute.

>> No.9058491

Omg yes those where soo annoying. And the fuzzy ones that like every one with milky planet wore.

>> No.9058497

Not the anon you responded to but that's very interesting. Being mentally ill myself and the ignorance and mistreatment where I'm from is unbelievable. It's probably nothing compared to the struggles of the japanese but still. I wish the western world would make such a stand for the ill. Menhera certainly peeked my interest and I wil definitely look into it. Thank you so much for posting.

>> No.9058580

you should read some about romanticization of mental ilnesses. thats a really unhealthy approach.

>> No.9058615

Extremely OTT sweet. Nope I'll stick to simple stuff thanks.

>> No.9058622

>romanticization of mental ilnesses
It is FAR away from that, the whole point is that someone not looking sick will get told they are not sick because someone dressing cute obviously can't be suffering and that's why the art is drawn cute for social critics purposes.

>> No.9058630

There are some western brand projects that do that, http://wearyourlabel.com/ for example, but it's not very creative with being text print puns.

>> No.9058671

Tudor crowns, giant flower crowns, crowns in general.

>> No.9058725

Back when everyone put eyeball bows on everything, not only the hair but also on wristcuffs, JSK sleeves, tigh highs, chokers, shoes, etc.

>> No.9058818

I did fawn makeup at a convention this spring because it was Pokemon themed, and I wanted to do a coord inspired by Sawsbuck-Spring.

>> No.9058885

Pics? Not saying it was bad but we know nothing without pics

>> No.9058911
File: 477 KB, 403x554, fawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pose is a bit awkward, but it is the only picture that shows the makeup close up. I would have worn brown contacts if it wasn't because that contacts for astigmatism suck, and I value being able to see properly over having a nice eye color.

>> No.9058917


>> No.9058995

Lol it looks like a damn nightgown. Not elegant at all, although a bit cute

I hate peignoirs most of the time, especially when they are worn by landwhales, who seems to be the people who like them most

>> No.9059018

That's not true, it's just a popular ~cool~ backstory for menhera. fymenhera on tumblr corrects people who say so and has a link somewhere that explains the history of the fashion, but the article was originally in Japanese and I can't seem to find it right now.

>> No.9059053

oh goodness, I have hated those lace OTKs since the first coord I saw incorporating them. they are so overused. it just looks lazy to me, like, "am I classic yet, huuurf?"

>> No.9059074

Must be either http://charismatalk.jp/articles/GIljXlhv or http://jagzzi.xyz/interview/bisko/

>> No.9059271

Creepy cute. I hated the fad when it was just regular fashion. And hate it even more when it was tied into Lolita. Same goes with pastel goth since creepy cute kinda morphed into that mess.

>> No.9059283

Those giant homemade scepters. They're all pretty much ribbon striped pvc pipe with a full sized toy horse, mini cage, or so other monstrosity glued on top. Everyone is just trying to out do each other with them, and they look ridiculous.

>> No.9059288

ill see your IW bolero and raise you IW bolero AND beige oxford heels.

>> No.9060805

>Then there where those who thought any peignoir would work and thrifted them off the goodwill racks.
This was the part that got me. Nicely made peignoirs that are meant to fit the lolita look, and have enough fullness to drape over the skirt and fit over any sleeves of course are nice. And there's some nice vintage ones, especially 60s ones it seems, that will also work well. But I've seen so many that jumped on the peignoir part without really paying any attention to how its shaped or how drapey the fabric is when layered with others. Cheap snagged nylon peignoirs that came off a Kmart rack circa 1986 are not elegant.

>> No.9060946

Fucking underskirts.

>> No.9061154


Really now? Still struggling with telling the 3 main styles apart? Shessh.

>> No.9061161

Yeah, that's not true. It's another try hard fashion where people try to be ~unique~ by using mental illness, as fucking usual.

>> No.9061171
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It can be done like you said if you understand how the fabric drapes and it doesn't overpower the outfit. I personally don't like them because they take away much of the dress shape to me but I have seen some that looked really cute. Image related as it shows right and wrong way to wear one with Lolita.

>> No.9061183

The iw millefeuille bolero is really boring but the lace cuffs are extra long and make a nice accent when paired with a short jacket

>> No.9061290

You sound salty besides that every jfashion is considered edgy and tryhard by the average person, what are you even doing here.

>> No.9061330

>Wearing J-fashion means you have to love wearing literal nooses around your neck and naked women self-harming on shirts.

Anon please.

>> No.9061413

I am salty, I'm sick to death of idiots romanticizing self harm and being mentally ill. It's idiots like everyone in the menhera thread and tumblr why mental illness isn't taken as seriously as it should be. I don't know how people think it's a good thing, making that shit *cute* isn't a fucking good thing. So you're absolutely right, I'm salty as FUCK about it.

>> No.9061456
File: 60 KB, 600x818, 64bfe06606a351fad952da940ef162c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon. Menhera looks ugly and edgy as hell. All girls wearing it just seem like they have some self diagnosed anxiety disorder. It's so embarrassing and I could promise all of them are the kind of people who more or less fake their illness to gain attention/sympathy/whatever and tell about it to anyone they meet. Being mentally ill is not cute or fun and if these girls even had one, they probably wouldn't dress like this.

>> No.9061492

As said billion times before, Menhera has nothing to do with mental illness as >>9059018
>naked women self-harming on shirts
You maybe should consider taking less drugs because you see things that don't exist.

>> No.9061494

>menhera literally a portmanteau of mental healther

Are you retarded?

>> No.9061497

You know that mental healther is a nickname of the users of 2ch's mental health board which is about mental-wellness because that's what mental health refers to in Japan?

>> No.9061499

Newfag detected.
> メンヘラは2チャンなどでフリンジ的な発言を発信していたカルチャー。
>It refers to people who are usually on the fringe, who converge on anonymous message boards like 2chan and who have serious mental issues.
Everyone on here is Menhera.

>> No.9061510

OTT Classic, because it just consisted of ugly underskirts and BBQ skewer madonna crowns.

>> No.9061537

I hate the AP/Baby-style "classic". Most of it is just sweet repackaged with mature colours and motifs. MM and older JetJ needs to make a comeback.

>> No.9061538

I totally agree. It's like they took sweet prints, added some beige and muddied the colors a bit, then called it classic.

>> No.9061557

Exactly, it's such a tumblr thing I fucking hate it. Can't wait for it to die off.

>> No.9061564

I don't understand how bondage gear fits in with this fashion at all. You have to be mentally ill to have that kind of preference? Or bondage is only fit for the mentally ill? It doesn't make sense why they are lumped together.

>> No.9061581

Menhera is about suffering and guess what bondage is about.

>> No.9061583

it's super cute!
just this two-toned lips thing looks dumb
should've left that out

>> No.9061606

I think that's rather because the both of them repack a lot in general lately.

>> No.9061628

This fashion just combines everything that is try-hard edgy. I never understood why teenagers who have never even had sex use bondage style accessories. No one who is actually into BDSM would do that.

>> No.9061632

>No one who is actually into BDSM would do that.
Underagefag detected.

>> No.9061644

lel I'm and oldfag who's active in the BDSM community. The vast majority of the people there understand that normies don't want to know what we do behind closed doors. Sage begause you're a fucking moron.

>> No.9061645

It's all about the

>> No.9061661

I like some aesthetics of it but some other things are stupid.

>> No.9061683
File: 73 KB, 360x600, 1464109215042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't post it on a blue board obviously. Spend a few minutes looking on tumblr and on Japanese shops you'll find tons of things like that. In nearly every menhara/gurokawaii thread there was anon that posted naked/topless women, often selfharming or with injuries. You can see it in less than a minute of searching the archives. Also let's pretend for a second it doesn't exist, a literal noose. Seriously a literal noose around your neck. Not attention seeking or edgy at all. /s

>> No.9061710

I've been in the Menhera threads since the early ones in 2015 and there was never anything like that nor can I find it in the archives. Also that's jellyghost, she's also in the Angura scene and things like using bondage ropes as nooses have been a thing there since the 80s.

>> No.9061714

HWC gtfo.

>> No.9061717

What's HWC?

>> No.9061741
File: 228 KB, 557x800, 1447481323619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the first thread. And does it really matter how long someone has been doing something? Ageplay has been around since the 80s too but I'm still going to side eye anyone walking around with visible adult diapers and a pacifier while calling someone daddy.

If anything menhera seems like something that would be edgy enough for HWC to like.

What's with all the salt? This is the thread for things people don't like. Expecting your fashion to be any less likely to not be everyone's favorite is just plain stupid.

>> No.9061746

The image you posted is just plain and simple Guro, doesn't even feature any selfharm and your newfag is showing.

>> No.9061747

HWC was the reason why most Menhera threads got deleted due to her shitposting that she also did to plenty of other threads.
Are you new? You sound like it.

>> No.9061759
File: 65 KB, 250x365, 1447560322923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you keep saying it the more new you look. If you can't handle someone not liking what you like cgl is definitely not the board for you.

>often selfharming or with injuries
>or with injuries
It's an example of naked women with gore in the first thread on cgl. You keep moving goalposts. Just accept not everyone is going to like it. Why do you even care what some anons on cgl think? If you can't handle a few people on the internet not liking it how are you going to handle it when a tumblrina tells you you're appropriating things and throws a huge fit?

I'm not the one asking who HWC is. She tries to ruin literally every thread so it's not like that matters much.

Do y'all seriously think there's only one person who doesn't like menhera? These are my only posts if y'all are confused >>9061330 >>9061683 >>9061741.

I'm not going to dig through every single thread just for you to find another thing to shift to. Is a naked woman sticking their hand into another naked woman's eye close enough for you? It's worth noting that these were some of the only examples that were already censored, most of the others (in the later threads especially) weren't and several anons had to be told that this is a sfw board. If anything menhera seems to attract newfags.

>> No.9061771
File: 160 KB, 600x1065, 1465760754328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dresses that look like those barbie birthday cakes where the cake part is supposed to be a dress. Also septum piercings and OTT classic in general.

>> No.9061898

This is exactly what I've been saying for months and everyone always tells me I'm mixed up! "Omg it's beige how could a beige dress be sweet duhhh"
UGH there's more to the three styles than color

>> No.9062064

To be fair the pegnoir is the least of bottom left's worries.

>> No.9062070


I want to save that one on the bottom right.

Just walk right over, take some scissors to it, tell her to shhh lemme fix it, take it off her, hem it, add ruffles out of the cut off fabric, put it back on her and send her on her way.

>> No.9062217

That one is pretty bad but it's a good example of "I thrifted this so it works"

>> No.9062315


That's not going to save it. It's practically a besheet with terrible lace on it, making it shorter and putting ruffles on the hem will only make it look like a shorter bedsheet with ruffles.

The only way to save it is to toss it in a fire, and then tell the girl to get better taste. Her tights are terrible, too. They look like rashes on her skin.