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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 533x800, kawd00369jp-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9059350 No.9059350 [Reply] [Original]

What does /cgl/ think of cosplay porn?

>> No.9059360

I think its cute when they act in character, but dumb when they turn cosplay into a fetish.

>> No.9059443

3D is gross. 2D waifus only.

>> No.9059473

All for it as long as they're in character. Also, bad costumes (as in eBay quality hotglued satin messes, not just cheap easy to clean costumes), awful makeup and being a completely different body shape/type (again, I don't mean a chubby girl with a well-fitting cosplay, I mean Tumblrwhales trying to pass themselves off as petite and waifish) are a huge turnoff.

As long as you meet my extraordinarily high expectations of looking and acting like the character you're pretending to be, it's great.

>> No.9059614

who cares

>> No.9060285

i love when asians do it,it's so cute, innocent and shit. westerners turn it into a trashy hardore porn and totally forget the character

>> No.9060289
File: 389 KB, 500x524, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am with you on that one

>> No.9060296

This is why 95% of cosporn is shit.

>> No.9060324

Probably because it seems like such a niche market that I can't imagine many people actually being interested in doing it. Less people involved, the more likelihood of there being any variety at all

>> No.9060332

meant *less likelihood

>> No.9060340

What about lolita in porn? I'm not talking about a cheap ita "neko rori maid" costume, I mean an actual attempt at a coord, brand or replica. I've only seen it once in a JAV thread on /gif/ a long time ago, but is it an actual thing that men get off to?

>> No.9060343

Does western cosplay porn really even exist? Is there any community doing that stuff actively? Now I'm not talking about XXX Batman Porn Parody and Family Guy Porn Parody or any of that shit. All I've ever run into are some slightly lewd cosplay photos and JAV stuff.

>> No.9060345

I do porn- ish cosplay photo sets on my tumblr as just a hobby. I've never charged for it or set it up as a patreon or any bullshit like that. I simply do it for fun and if someone wants to check it out/ enjoy it, that's great! If not, that's cool too. I always try to stay in character and make sure the photos are of good quality as well. I'm glad to hear there's not a huge stigma against it here!

>> No.9060348

linku des?

>> No.9060350

I've never had anything against nude character photoshoots (looked into doing it myself in future) but I can't see actual porn being that good. it's too likely to get cheesy and I can't see the cosplay being that good. I don't think great cosplayers are going to start making pornos and porn stars aren't going to give a shit about accuracy

>> No.9060621

Honestly, I think it'd be something /cgl/ would get off to more than men in general...
I'd love to see some good lolita porn but decent coords are so complex and bizarre and nonsensical to the average non-lolita that you'd just end up with a more expensive brand version of a sexy maid with massive lips, sultry eyes, and enough cleavage to make JNig jealous. If someone with decent coording skills with good replicas they don't want anymore ever wanted to get into the market, I think they'd make a decent enough amount, if only because they look different to the millions of pouty pornstars out there.

>> No.9062708

I have about 50 GB of it

>> No.9063064

I remember seeing some videos of Japanese crossplayers blowing each other in a hotel room. It was actually really attractive, and they seemed like real cosplayers too. I can try to find it if anyone cares.

>> No.9063597

I'd be very interested.

>> No.9063730

Link please

>> No.9063785

Oh boy b& here I come, but Il'l do anything for you two. The fingerz guys account has a bunch more.
Links are in the description.



>> No.9064909


>> No.9065221


I have a stash of cosplay JAVs. Mostly LL.


Well there is KawaiGirlXO but her bod is 7/10

>> No.9065245

>tfw like MyCherryCrush but her bf can't use that awesome dick

Like dude jesus christ FUCK her, don't just stick it in and wiggle it

>> No.9066408
File: 24 KB, 301x267, 1399344511013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing gods work anon

>> No.9066423

In terms of 'lolita' in porn, I've seen some French/Japanese girl called Cecil Fujisaki get fucked in an assortment of lolita-like outfits in a movie called Gothic Garden. Any actual resident lolis can Google to confirm but she's probably ita as fuck.

>> No.9066469

How is this thread worksafe? Talking about and linking porn seems very NSFW...

>> No.9066471

>mfw there's probably tons of them on xtube, but you just cant find them

I know that quite a few japanese amateur CDers are loading up their stuff on said page, but the search algorithm is so damn bad, that it is nearly impossible to find the vids without knowing the name of the actual uploader/channel.

>> No.9066486

>browsing 4chan at work to begin with at all

Linking it is probably a step too far, which is why that anon said they'll probably be banned, but I don't think discussing is NSFW. That cosplay sex/characters you'd like to fuck in cosplay thread is still bustling. The one before it hit bump limit.

>> No.9066491

Considering the only use for cosplay is hot sex I think of cosplay porn as cosplay for attractive people

>> No.9066514

I wasn't too interested before but now I'm wondering what's out there? Like if it's actually quality content?

>> No.9066525

I have no idea I just posted that to antagonize

>> No.9066574

I like it only when it involves my waifus.

>> No.9066631

I once saw some jav-ish thingie with some white Yuna cosplayer who totally didn't look like the character, nor acted like it. That was kinda cringey.

But I also saw some promo pictures of jav cosplay parodies, and those actually looked like quite accurate cosplay looks-wise at least. So that would get my seal of approval. I don't really watch porn other than 'by accident', but if I would get out of my way to download it, I would probably download those.

>> No.9066638

One more thing to add, I do really dislike it when the guy is ugly though. I wonder if there isn't something out there with a hot cosplaying guy.

>> No.9066664
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Junko_150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive boner for Junko Enoshima
>get bored one night and start to look for JAVs of Japanese girls in Junko cosplay getting fucked
>find a whole DVD that's split into 5 segments
>the cosplay's half decent but there's no heart in it whatsoever
>the premise is that Junko's locked up in some guy's dungeon, which he visits periodically to fuck her
>every single segment is the same; horrible blowjobs, some light bondage, and him mounting her and barely thrusting inside her for 3 minutes until he creampies her and goes completely still on top of her
>the tried and tested cliche of Japanese women looking and sounding like they're being raped in every Japanese porno ever made doesn't even apply here to a rape roleplay situation; she just lies there with her eyes closed and barely makes a sound
>mfw I still fapped to it

>> No.9066672

>who totally didn't look like the character, nor acted like it.

Finding some that looks like the character is already a real struggle and by that I mean being atleast recognizable. That's already something where quite a few seem to fail. Bonus points, if their chosen cosplay actually fits them and looks decent.
But actual cosplay RP is something I have never seen before in any related vid I found so far.

@topic: Just found some very nice promos with girls cosplaying as Rem and Ram from Re:Zero. Both were looking quite accurate and very sweet too. Sadly I couldn't find the full versions for either of them. Also no jav-number.

>> No.9066722

Awful. That's milanoo tiered shit. I wish there was lolita porn desu. At least just one good one where the coord is nice and the girl doesn't sound like "ehh ehh ehh"

>> No.9066725

yeah, I can't imagine much of what's out there is actually good. I honestly think someone could get a decent sized following if they started something up. Doubt it would ever happen but there's obviously some kind of market for it

>> No.9067138


Well you got TMA's cosplay porn series. There is a reason why Goro is a meme on how he defiles your anime waifu.

ZIZG's Lillith Cosplay JAVs aren't too bad

Then there are cosplay models who gets suckered in having sex on candid camera. Amateur stuff ranging from gangbang orgies to one on one.

>> No.9070600


You actually find some channels, camers and even pages that are purely dedicated to cosplay/cosporn. But they are often still far behind with a few exceptions.

And for Lolita coords, I can very well imagine that they are also interesting to see for outsiders judging by the reactions and comments I saw on clips that contained girls wearing frilly and poofy stuff. But I doubt that there are much full blooded Lolitas that are also interested in doing semi-professional AV, let alone the consequence of supporting the Lolita = fetish cliché.


Skipped through a low quality version of said porn and it was awful. Not fappable at all.

>> No.9070605
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1298, 20160625_195310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers this train wreck?

>> No.9073487

Technically, the main reason why cosplay is so popular in the first place.

>> No.9074160

>i love when asians do it,it's so cute, innocent and shit.
Only the ones who actually do it all themselves are like this. If it's with a studio in the industry it'll just take on the same aura of dismal despair that pretty much all JAV seems to have... I just can't watch stuff like that anymore because I can't stop wondering if the girl is in hock to the yakuza and/or is being trafficked as a white slave.

>> No.9075480

Is that the one with the awkward 'buttsex' between two women who didn't know how to have pretend anal? Or am I just thinking of another horrendous eruri blog?

>> No.9075488

Yep, that's the one :^)

>> No.9080019

What, like, mainstream stuff? Studios producing hardcore pornography? I haven't seen any good ones, because they're all jap and japs still use tiny dicks and have complete shit porn videography despite their god tier IV and gravure solo stuff. and that's not counting the censorship which kills the crab in the first place.

Softcore sites like CD are ok sometimes. their self-submission nature means most of their content is going to be sub par, so they really only have a couple girls i like, though I know a girl personally who put up some sets on there that i fap to occasionally.

Amateur tumblrs with qt girls posting lewd cosplay selfies are great. 10/10 boners would recommend.

>> No.9080022

>Then there are cosplay models who gets suckered in having sex on candid camera. Amateur stuff ranging from gangbang orgies to one on one.

where does one find this content? i've never seen anything like this before.

>> No.9081342


Use the Japanese word for cosplay on Nyaa. Wanz is a good start. Or just look up cosplay jav.

>> No.9082047

If they had good looking men instead of those disgusting butterfaced grandpas they insist on using it would be so much better. I can handle tiny dicks if the rest of the guy is hot.
I still don't understand the censorship. They're fucking. Nobody watching it will faint at a dick.

>> No.9082073

desu Japanese porn just is always really boring and meh to me because of this. I never did get the censorship thing either so I just avoid it altogether

>> No.9082445


The problem is there are some cosplayers with privacy issues and any guy's face that gets noticed on screen is going to put on a banlist.

>> No.9082613

Fair enough, but just have them wear one of those cloth masks or something. Hot bodies are just as appealing as hot faces imo.

>> No.9082927


They blur their faces out or stay out of the lens.

Also some cosporn amateurs will request their faces be blurred out to avoid being caught or to avoid being solicited for unwanted cosporn offers

>> No.9083088

Anyone know where I can find lolita porn? Searching anything with "lolita" never gets good results.

>> No.9083788

First and last one I've ever seen was Perofella 4 because of tumblr upload on my dash. It was painful watching the costumes get cut up or creamed on even if it's a mass produced cheap costume/wig.

>> No.9083811

This man's got it.

>> No.9083869

>It was painful watching the costumes get cut up or creamed on
I really want to cum on some burando. I should just fill a medicine syringe or two with cum and go to a con with them.

>> No.9084010

Please post

>> No.9085867

Looked up the censoring thing once. Apparently Its some law that was passed sometime a little while after WW2 to make Japan pure, clean, and better then america or some bullshit like that. Its been years since i looked it up but i remember its something like that.

>> No.9086052
File: 88 KB, 158x220, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea sounds great, but is almost always terribly executed.
>Time to watch my waifu/ship go at it fuckyeah.jpg
> Press play
> Cosplay is satin, party store bought bullshit. Looks like an acne covered tumblr wearing it instead of waifu/husbando.
> Immediately so disgusted I turn off my computer and do something else.

I either keep finding horrible cosplays, girls dressed as guys (bonus disgust points if they're 14 and making a yaoi sex video), or people who have no idea how the character acts.
Nerd porn is hard.

>> No.9086066

If you wanna be a known pornstar, go for it
If you wanna be a known cosplayer, not so much
I don't really think it's anything special. It's a fetish for quite a lot of nerds, so of course there's gonna be a market for it like with every other fetish

>> No.9086477

It shouldn't be difficult, honestly. It's just that the porn aspect overtakes the cosplay aspect and you end up having a canonically flat, shy character turn into a busty sex maniac with raccoon eyes and Kardashian contours. Shitty cosplays don't help, either, but super out of character cosplayers ruin it no matter what.

>> No.9086501
File: 63 KB, 604x450, swuok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mildly related, used to work in a shop on Hollywood Blvd where all the people in costumes hang out to get money from tourists for photos.

Through the gossip chain we all knew exactly which ones were actually hookers, and which ones would do threesomes with the others for money, and which ones hated each other so much they'd rather claw out their own eyes than do a sex scene with them.

Lots of the "Disney Princesses" were in the slutty Target versions and were DTF and made most of their money off taking photos creepy men. They'd get noticeably uncomfortable when taking pics with kids. One day an actual screen accurate Snow White joined the daily grind, and she was totally great with kids, had the voice down, and boy would she give the most hilarious glare and disgusted look when someone would offer her cash-for-sex. You could see it two stories up (which was where I was) and I kept a running tally.

Slutty Jasmine and Tink #3 started out mad at her and then figured if they stood close by they could get her rejects. I'm pretty sure Screen-Accurate Snow got more offers than them.

>> No.9086548

Well I'm anti-porn so by extension, I'm against cosplay porn

>> No.9088940

This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing anon, made my day.

>> No.9088966

I'm in favor of it

>> No.9090119

The girl was cute as fuck, but the direction and performances just as shit as you can expect from nip pornos. 5/10

>> No.9090745


No prob anon. A Slutty Snow tried to stand near Screen Snow and I thought if Screen Snow wasn't in costume in front of children she would have gone on the lecture-rant to bring down Ragnarok.

Think she ended up only doing it for a few months, got her rent money, and stayed the hell away. Those people were all pretty...uh...interesting...on both sides. Tourists were creeps but the people in costumes had a whole different level of strange added onto them.

So many stories I could share if it wouldn't derail the thread.

>> No.9091410

This is 4chan, derail away.

>> No.9091505
File: 60 KB, 520x693, streetspiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh where shall I start. Keep in mind these are just the ones I knew of for just one year.

There was a Hello Kitty pair that were really two very old Asian/Hispanic couple, to the point where you coudn't see their eyes for all the wrinkles. They'd take off their costumes heads and smoke, staring out into the void. You could see their clothes were really worn down. It's rumored their house had cockroaches.

There were many, many Spidermen. The costume was cheap and recognizable, so you'd see like five a day. One of them, to make himself memorable, did the Spiderman pose inside the garbage can. He'd climb over and then slowly fall into the garbage every day.

There was the Darth Vader who stole my fucking water bottle that bastard. It was 100 degrees, it's not my fault you decided to wear all black. And don't get pissy at me for doing a sales pitch for the opening of our new place, I was on that corner first! Jackass.

There were the two Transformers who had LED lights on their costumes, they were kick ass. The costumes paid for themselves over and over, that's how they made rent to keep on acting.

Two Tinkerbells were whores, the third wasn't.

Marylin Monroe had been doing this for way too many years, and people were feeling kinda bad for her. She was sweet though. First met her when she was cuddling a sparrow that clung to her dress like a broach. It had hurt it's wing and she tried to help it but didn't know what to do, so he just kinda tucked it to her chest and it clung on. She'd pet it, and it left after a few hours, but it kinda freaked everyone out of taking pictures with her for the day. Her teeth were almost completely rotten on the bottom half.

Jasmine was a whore, can't remember who she hung out with aside from Tink but she showed up with another Disney princess in slut version although her costume was accurate. She felt Jasmine was slutty enough not to alter. For $5 she'd get reeeeal huggy.

>> No.9091527


Elmo and Cookie Monster were both pedophiles. As in, actual pedophiles. When they could, the other people would run them off, but the amount of children I saw being told to go hug those two creepy matted filthy fur costumes was horrifying.

Superman tried to start a union of these costumed people, but got arrested. He asked the officers if they could not do it in front of the kids who were watching, or let him say that the police needed Superman's help and he'd go quietly into the car. The police decided to hit him in front of the kids.

The Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse characters were the same as the Hello Kitty couple from before, they just bought new outfits.

The Charlie Chaplain kept getting more and more upset that no one recognized him until he walked off screaming that no one knew the classics and he wasn't Hitler.

>> No.9091536
File: 44 KB, 343x299, HollywoodBlvdSuperman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, dropped my pic of Superman-who-got-arrested

Spongebob was another pedophile, but also schizophrenic. He'd yell disgusting things about conspiracy theories and fucking in a high pitched voice. His costume started out ok (clearly homemade and flimsy) but got absolutely filthy since it was made of felt and never fucking cleaned.

Chewbacca almost fainted a couple times from the heat, why he did that in summer I'll never know. He did a great roar though, he had to take weeks off to heal his voice after doing it so many times.

>> No.9091545

I like cosplay porn. EGL porn is pretty hot, but hard to come by. Also I have a feeling looking it up would get me on some kind of government watch list. God dammit, come up with another name for your fashion that won't make me feel like Thad.

>> No.9091550
File: 31 KB, 207x317, spidertrash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Batman had a good costume, but got shit on because it was store bought.

I'm adding in the fucking drums dude because he was a total dick. He had two tubs turned over and would bang them so loud (he may have even had speakers I think) that we could hear him a block away, up two stories, and with music playing. Surrounding apartments actually had complaints on their websites about him from residents. If you asked him to shut the fuck up or at least be quieter, he'd give you a shit eating grin and bang harder. He had no rhythm.

>> No.9091566
File: 133 KB, 498x750, wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last one I knew was this Johnny Depp Wonka. He spent 2k on his costume, and also had a Jack Sparrow one but since there were two other really good Sparrows he stuck to Wonka.

This candy store opened up and it had a Wonka section, so he did the smart thing and started bringing people there for photos. Management ended up hiring him to be their Wonka. Sometimes he'd go back out onto the street because he could make more hourly.

He had the creepy voice down. My lawyer uncle actually crossed the street to get away from him. He would say "Thanks for the mammaries!" instead of "Thanks for the memories!" and other such witticisms. He believed there was no such thing as a natural right angle, and it messed with a human's juju to be surrounded by them. He had pink velvet patterned wallpaper in his apartment, and cockroaches. He made 10k every Halloween winning costume contests. He'd sometimes just drop it all and go cross country trying gay burlesque shows.

He was fucking hilarious and terrifyingly creepy and you never knew which one he'd be that day. He got darker as management started fucking with his pay and hours though.

>> No.9091572


I'm all out of stories, I can dump pics of the people in them if it's wanted. Some of those costumes were nightmare fuel.

>> No.9091682

Go for it, this is entertaining as hell

>> No.9091703
File: 34 KB, 224x353, thisfucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



We'll start with Schitzo Spongebob, and Jesus Christ did I forget how nasty his gloves got so fast. This is when his costume was pretty fresh, but just look at those hands.

>> No.9091706
File: 21 KB, 262x193, mickeyandminie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's Mickey and Minny, later Mickie would get the tailcoat version too. They were a cute couple, just very old and didn't speak english too well.

>> No.9091712
File: 36 KB, 539x347, darthvader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Stole my fucking water and drank it right in front of me. Enjoy your backwash you jerk. Also, his store bought helmet was way too disproportionate to his manlet frame.

>> No.9091715
File: 87 KB, 600x400, sparrow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's one of the Sparrows...

>> No.9091721


...and here's the other.

>> No.9091722
File: 173 KB, 550x413, sparrow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit. Dropped pic.

Anyways one of them got a girlfriend and brought her along with, they'd have a treasure chest they'd pose with. Seemed like they were buddies instead of competition, though they started out not knowing each other.

>> No.9091725
File: 694 KB, 1275x848, sparrow2again.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a fullbody, with bonus background of just how little effort creeps need to put into their costume to get kids to hug them. Seriously people, parent's are supposed to watch out for their children, not let them or even tell them to hug some randome stranger because of a costume.

>> No.9091729
File: 10 KB, 275x183, wonkaandhatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's one of the Sparrows (pretty sure it wasn't one of the buddy-buddy Sparrows but the third one, because he was way more nervous and less chill than the other two) switching out for the Hatter. Poor guy spent a fortune on that costume. Nice man, but he came to Hollywood to make it as either a costumer or an actor, and was getting desperate that he couldn't find work. So he made this costume, and it didn't net him nearly as much as he thought it would because he was too nervous to hustle.

Wonka kinda took him under his wing, bonding over making their own costumes and Depp. But I think Hatter was a little too sane and worried for Wonka.

>> No.9091736


Hah, found a pic of spongepbob after his costume got deflated. The rods holding it up were super flimsy and snapped, he never really fixed them.Here he's getting arrested for fighting (probably because he snapped one day), but lots of the costumed folk would get arrested for panhandling from time to time. Especially before a big event, they wanted them cleared out of there.

>> No.9091738
File: 21 KB, 374x273, spongebobroughedup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it no I had that pic attached.

>> No.9091740
File: 18 KB, 234x217, mamavsspongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit, looks like he fought more than I thought, there's pics of different brawls here.

He probably said something gross about her kid, wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.9091741
File: 38 KB, 636x382, spongebobstreetjustice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I mention other characters really didn't like pedophiles?

>> No.9091744


Oh hey, found a pic where the two Sparrows posed together. They did that a lot. I don't know about the Scissorhands with them, think that might be the Hatter in a different costume? If it is, this pic was taken after I left.

All the Depp guys kinda all gelled together. They were a little pack.

Oh, and that pic of Wonka and the Hatter up there? He wasn't supposed to be doing that. Hatter came after Wonka was contracted to stay in the candy store. Like I said, sometimes he said fuck this and went back down to the street.

>> No.9091747
File: 21 KB, 370x204, twosparrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit I'm bad at this apparently.This is what I get for 4channing after some beers and so late at night it's day again.

>> No.9091749
File: 69 KB, 630x420, chaplainandsuperman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, found a pic of the Charlie "I'm Not Hitler" Chaplain! The Superman in the middle was the one who wanted to start a union and got arrested for it. He's actually a really nice guy.

>> No.9091752
File: 57 KB, 453x604, spiderhydrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm off to bed, but I'll close with a few of the many, many spidermen competing to be the best. They fought over different areas that had things to perch on.

This is not beloved SpiderTrash, but instead a rival who has stolen his territory. Unlike the wily SpiderTrash, the interloper has standards.

>> No.9091760
File: 352 KB, 854x1280, norulesforspiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spiders are not known for their rule-following abilities. They multiply too numerously to be eradicated by not following them.

>> No.9091763
File: 102 KB, 463x559, Spiderpounce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we have an adult male spider about to pounce on and consume his prey. During the daylight hours, this spot is not favored by the spiders as the inset prevents most tourists from seeing them. But at night, it is brightly lit, with many perches and a soda machine.

>> No.9091766
File: 3.85 MB, 4000x3000, spiderperch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The spider survives by being higher than its prey. Without perches, it cannot survive.

>> No.9091771

Dude, I've seen a gif of this. This is so goddamn surreal.

>> No.9091777
File: 71 KB, 550x411, spiderprop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Without perches, the spider must bulk up and add props to their prey hunting, for they are not spider enough to catch them in the proper ways of their kind. This spider is already going grey at the feet, and does not have long to live.

>> No.9091780
File: 30 KB, 400x300, HESBACKITSSPIDERTRASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But none could possibly be as successful or cunning in their perches as....SPIDER TRASH

>> No.9091783


I'm not surprised, newscasters were all over the story. At any rate, hope you enjoyed the ride! And remember, there's no getting off of Mr. Hollywoods Wild Ride

>> No.9091790

>Batman had a good costume, but got shit on because it was store bought.

By who?

>> No.9091797
File: 878 KB, 1000x700, 1456676320487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're walking distance from where all these costumers are

>> No.9091800


Other characters. Thing is, all the low tier ones were either Spidermen or Disney hookers and it was "ok" that they bought theirs. But Batman's outfit cost a few grand, and put him right up there with the characters who sewed their own stuff to be totally screen accurate or the Transformers who made their own mech suits that lit up. Those people put effort into it, and they viewed him as someone who just handed Ebay his credit card and didn't "need" to do this even though a few of them dropped a lot of cash on their outfits as well.

I swore I was going to sleep. It will never come.

>> No.9091812


Go anon, go learn their stories. But god help you if you take a pic and don't tip.

To be quite frank, they're some of the weirdest people you'll ever meet, but if you stick to the ones with great costumes they're some of the most interesting. Most of them are people who came to Hollywood to be actors. They do this for a little bit to pay the bills and go back to the grind. All the store bought and creepy poorly-sewn kids character people can fuck right off though, don't get anywhere near them.

>> No.9092728

I started out not giving a shit about this thread and ended up enjoying it.

>> No.9092767

this was such a great ride from start to finish. thank you, anon

>> No.9092802


My pleasure anon! I would also like to add to the collection of stories that I have seen SpiderTrash accidentally fall into that garbage can a few times.

>> No.9092816

Holy shit this costume and story.

This is a great derail anon, thank you so much.

>> No.9092821


Happy to entertain. You should have seen him last Halloween, he went on a giant bitch fit about getting second place to some slutty gals in a costume I don't remember. He was seething, and kept complaining for weeks about how he should have gone to another costume party.

Honestly...he'd fit pretty damn well into cgl...he'd probably just occasionally get accused of trolling when being deadly serious.

>> No.9092830

Lolita porn seems like such a "blue ocean" that I feel like you would definitely recoup enough money to ruin your expensive brand. Only thing I'm wondering is whether gulls would rather watch lesbian lolitas, hetero with an effeminate guy in ouji/jfashion, or hetero with some beefcake normie?

>> No.9092835
File: 20 KB, 639x476, phillipquasttakemenow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me personally I'd watch a beefbus in aristo.

>pic so related it hurts
>I'm musical trash
>strong men in big coats

>> No.9092842

I would pay very good money to see the Phantom of the Opera lewd on a cute white lolita.

>> No.9092844




>> No.9093183


Dare you trust the penis of the night?

>> No.9093409

I mainly like the softcore stuff like Cosplay Deviants. One thing that bugs me though, is how they'll have models with tattoos doing sets of characters who don't have any.About the worst I've seen is Vivka's set of Belldandy. I don't have anything against tattoos, since I have one myself,but when they are portraying a character for the sake of the viewer's fantasy, they need to make sure they stay as true to the character as possible.If tattooed CD models would just use some Dermablend or other tattoo concealing makeup, I'd like their sets better.