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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9034226 No.9034226 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your plans.
Cosplay or anything else related~

>> No.9034505

What's the best way to get the word out about cosplay photoshoots? I hosted one last year and despite having it listed in the cosplay.com forum's schedule, and posting about it here and there weeks beforehand, I think the only people that came (maybe 10 total) were ones I spotted around the convention and gave them info about it.

Is there a better more universal way to advertise?

>> No.9034870

I can't fucking wait. It's gonna be sad that there's only one more in Baltimore.

>> No.9035209

Facebook has never steered me wrong. Make a FB event for the gathering and spread it over various Otakon FB pages. Also make a post on Instagram and Tumblr, and tell people to spread the word around. Though I also have great luck just telling people word-of-mouth around the con, having the social media presence does help a LOT.

>> No.9035214

this is only my second year going but i'm excited for the last year in Baltimore

>> No.9035225

I'm planning on doing my usual Misato Katsuragi cosplay, but unsure what else. I also want to do a Lolita coord one of the days - most likely Sunday, but maybe even Friday if I don't have another cosplay.

I'd love to do a Game of Thrones cosplay again, I was Sansa Stark a few years ago, but the outfits are so unsuited for Baltimore in August.

>> No.9035338

This will be my first con. I am excited. I am wearing lolita all three days.

>> No.9035385

It's a little bittersweet to see Ota leave Baltimore but honestly it's time. The convention center is just too small and the con itself isn't that well run and at this point it's barely worth the price of a badge. Hopefully the move to DC will bring some life back into it, otherwise I could see Ota's attendance numbers dropping again.

>> No.9035392

>going to con
>ex wants to come with me
>for some reason I agree
>regretting it

In other news, I'm excited. I haven't been since 2012 so it should be fun

>> No.9035394

Im stoked to get out of Baltimore, the con center staff are absolute dicks, and hopefully with the new location the con will get better.

>> No.9035463

My friends want this to be our meet-up con but idk if I want to keep attending once it moves to DC. I'm trying to do more comic cons next year

>> No.9035641
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This is my second going to Otakon/anime con. I heard that last year was smaller compared to the previous years, but that was fine for me.

I'm planning to go as Lupin the 3rd, and red cape Tetsuo, but the manga version. So this:

>> No.9035765

Didn't think I was going this year but I am! I moved across the state but ota is the same distance so that's cool.

Doing Prompto Argentum (FFXV) Unicornis Forteller Ira (KHUX) and Mercury Black (RWBY)

Finishing up prompto, will start Ira soon.

>> No.9035780

Really excited for this, might be my first cosplay too.

Either thinking Speedwagon or Arale Norimaki.

>> No.9035807

I vote Arale, would be good for a first cosplay.

>> No.9036018

Anyone doing a meetup? Me and my gf are going and I'd love to meet some of you guys.

>> No.9036040

I finally buckled down and commissioned my dream cosplay for this year, I'm super excited.

>> No.9036144

What character?

>> No.9036155
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Otakon plans, pretty hyped.

>> No.9036170
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pic related

>> No.9036176

JJBA! Nice!

Oh that should look awesome!

>> No.9036195

This will be my third Otakon, but last year I had hand foot and mouth disease, likely caught on my plane home from South America a week prior, and was stuck in my hotel room because I couldn't walk.

So functionally it's more like my second Otakon. Also making my first costume, for what will be my second cosplay. I'm planning way ahead this time so I'm hoping it'll turn out well.

>> No.9036203

Pouring one out for Baltimore. This will be my last Otakon until they get things settled in D.C.

>> No.9036275

Oh, shit, they're in DC next year? Nice! 2 hours closer to where I live.

>> No.9036286

And 20% better chances of being raped/murdered!

>> No.9036288
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>> No.9036316

Baltimore is FAR worse than DC. One of those had riots with firebombing, the other didn't.

>> No.9036323

I'm so excited to see your Fuu!

There's a meetup every year at the water street tavern

Looking for a LL group to do cosplays with, probably bringing Kotori and some im@s cosplays with me.

>> No.9036389

Hey, first-timer here. The only other con I've been to is Katsucon (twice), so how does Otakon compare to it? With regards to paneling, size, cosplay, etc.

>> No.9036391


Otakon is just bigger in many respects. Temperatures are higher, lines are longer, and the size is well, bigger. Katsucon probably has a higher density of good cosplay but when you get as many people as either of these cons have together there are always some gems. The dealers room at Otakon is also completely insane since it has that "biggest anime con on the East coast" appeal.

>> No.9036402

>"biggest anime con on the East coast" appeal.
is it still after the attendance drop last year?

>> No.9036437

The website says that there were still ~27k people there last year.

>> No.9036551

Gotta add more jjba cosplay haha

Thank you!

>> No.9036621

27k is still the largest east coast I think, but it's smaller than acen now

>> No.9036653

technically still the biggest on the East Coast if you use paid attendees count, but Anime Boston had it beat for warm bodies in 2015. Attendance dropped 20% from 2014-2015 for Ota though which is kind of unheard of. Honestly I would only attribute half of that to the riots, the con is a huge clusterfuck.

>> No.9036658

It was pretty crazy last year but I go mostly for the cosplays and parties

>> No.9036668

I've been going for 5 years now but this will be the first one where I'm 21 wooooo

>> No.9036925

Same, but been going for three counting this year. My first year was the one with the sake panel with the presenter who invited everyone to a nearby sake bar for free samples. I had to just stand back and watch my friends sample free sake.

>> No.9036930

yeah, all my friends were 21 last year and I wasn't so I couldn't go out anywhere

>> No.9036969

I'm always at the /cgl/ meetups trying to make sure everybody else has a good time at them and I will do that one last time.

This is going to be my final Otakon since I don't feel like changing environments. I'll make sure you guys have one last fun Otakon weekend in Baltimore. I've been saving some money for this.

>> No.9037074

I feel this, anon. It's my last one too and I really just wanted to say a proper goodbye in Baltimore. I want to make sure you have fun too! I've never been to a meet before despite being on this board for years so I really want to give it a try.

>> No.9037086
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Pic related
Modern Day, Zou, Dressrosa/Punk Hazard, Tank top.
I feel it'll be too hot for pre-timeskip. :P

>> No.9037149
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Most likely will do the same as I did last year only with a bigger bang. Hopefully can find a room before it's time to panic!

>> No.9037230

I reserved my room as soon as tickets were being sold. Even then, the best rate was about $300 per night.

>> No.9037499

my group and I were lucky to snag a room nearby this time and even then we just barely managed it.

>> No.9037555

Different anon, the people i'm rooming with haven't yet booked a hotel room, and when i ask about they say "Just trust us, anon"

How fucked am i?

>> No.9037563
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did post time skip law 2 years ago, i was SWEATING TO DEATH. no regrets doe.
(pic related)

this will be my fifth otakon, I wanna do a pokemon cosplay either draydan or archie

>> No.9037567

a lot of times, people will drop rooms a week or two before the con so it's possible to snag one at the last minute but I don't like to chance it

>> No.9037587

You can still get hotels on the website, but they'll just require that you shuttle in rather than walk.

>> No.9037875

This will be my first. I was thinking of doing a Momiji cosplay, but I was wondering if I should try it with a MAGA hat.

>> No.9037896

Nice anon :)
This'll be my 3rd
can't wait to get my morning coffee and cosplay pics :)

>> No.9038338

I love otakon mornings. It's just so comfy

>> No.9038381

While there's still Bronycon going on.

>> No.9038678

What's the environment usually like at Otakon? This will be my first time. How does it compare to AX?

>> No.9038722

hot as fucking balls.

>> No.9038731

Last year was my first year but everyone was pretty chill. Crowded as hell though so be prepared to wait at least an hour for panels/events if that's your thing

>> No.9038740


Its not as crowded as AX, cosplay is decent, its usually very hot outside just like AX.

There are more nearby hotels than AX, but at this point you're probably going to be shuttling if you are getting a room now.

Con-center staff are dicks and do stupid shit like badge you on the way out, actual con staff are pretty chill though.

I think my biggest complaint about the con is that for as large as it is - it should be a four day con. If you're assembling shit for >30k people, keep it up for more than 3 days.

>> No.9038782

Same. I've always made the trip down to Baltimore for it and now I have a bunch of friends in that city. I'm really going to miss it since I've been coming to it in Baltimore for so long. There's always certain restaurants and stuff we hit up while there. It won't be the same.

>> No.9039007

Same here!

I look forward to seeing Kuroneko again

>> No.9039021
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Hoping to to see this guy again

>> No.9039040

yes! need that ice cold water

>> No.9039205

How much are you willing to pay for it?

>> No.9039207

one whole dollarrrrrrrr

>> No.9039208

mommy mommy, daddy daddy.

>> No.9039267

10/10 anon

I have to say, i haven't been in the past few years, but i didn't really like his "remixs" of the jingle >>9039208

>> No.9039302

How are the parties usually? Didn't go to any last year but it's the last year so my friends and I wanna make it big.

>> No.9039472

This, I've never been to a con party but I'm interested to go to one. I'm also an old man of 25 so I dunno what the avg age is at these sorts of things.

>> No.9040335

My usual partner in crime is out of the country for Otakon. I'll rewear Kaname from Macross Delta if I can get a group together, and probably shoot friends for the rest of the con.

>> No.9040674
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Plans are Chihiro on Friday and Johnny on Saturday. Really pumped for the /cgl/ meet though, I was there last year and it was great, and there are some people I haven't seen since then which I'm looking forward to seeing again.

>> No.9040754

Baltimore is more dangerous than DC,in my opinion, but not because of the riots. Rioting can happen anywhere that has a polarizing problem. It's not directly related to the crime level or the socioeconomic class, and it's not an increased risk to tourists unless they walk into the middle of an active riot (which is highly unlikely to happen during otakon).

DC has some bad areas, but the tourist areas are larger, and have higher security levels than the tourist areas in Baltimore. DC also has a lot more hotel space in safer areas than Baltimore, so it's less likely that con-goers are going to wander into the bad areas.

>> No.9041006

Anyone know the best place to find a roommate or a room that has an extra spot? I haven't been to Ota in years and no one in my friend group is able to go.

>> No.9041129

Hot damn, I would love to get a Delta group together.

>> No.9041643
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The Magi group I'm going with has 16 people total so far and I've never been more afraid for a con in my life.

>> No.9041800

Hit me up at leapsthroughspace [at] gmail.

>> No.9043657

Is it possible to ghost through Otakon? I just want to take pictures of cosplayers. Are there as many cosplayers wandering the halls as Katsucon?

>> No.9043661

I don't ghost cons but this one has security posted at all the entrances so unless you can blend into a crowd that might be difficult. There are always a ton of people outside though so you could easily do that.

>> No.9043666

The convention spaces all require a badge to get into. It's not like Katsu where there's a lot of hotel space that doesn't need a badge. And although there are people outside, it's so hot that they're only outside because they're in the process of going somewhere else, and may not want to stop for pictures.

So no, you can't ghost it. If ACP ever arranges any Otakon events you might be able to get a badge through them though.

>> No.9043687

You can. But it's not fun and it requires perseverance and friends. You might be able to find an outside entrance without guards. Get a friend on the inside to let you in. Guards sometimes go around checking though so you kind of have to be on your toes. Also leaving and re-entering isn't fun because you need to do the same process. I've ghosted once before and it was enjoyable but only because I was there for a few hours on one day. If you are planning the whole weekend, get a badge. It's too hot to just ghost outside or hang out in hotel lobbies.

>> No.9044459 [DELETED] 

I'm going to be really blunt here since I'm anon since asking this sort of question nowadays invites all sorts of negative attention.

How fucking ghetto is Baltimore within and immediately around the con center?

>> No.9044461

I'm going to be really fucking blunt here since we're anon and asking this sort of question nowadays invites all sorts of negative attention.

How fucking ghetto is Baltimore within and immediately around the con center?

>> No.9044469

My friends and I walked literally a block away from the Inner Harbor/con center and it was pretty bad. Granted, it was night time and we went to the closest liquor store for alcohol before the rave so I'm sure that as long as you're smart, you'll be fine.

>> No.9044512

>within and immediately around the con center?
Totally fine and safe, especially during Otakon. Inner harbor will be full of weebs and normies, pretty much all hours of the day and night. Walk just a couple blocks beyond that though, and you're in another fucking world. They call it Bodymore, Murderland for a reason.

>> No.9044622

>How fucking black is Baltimore within and immediately around the con center


On a related note, I'm a black man who lives with the conditions you spend so much time worrying about. I think that however racist and vile the people you descended from are, at least they were strong. They'd be embarrassed at how weak and vaginal you are that you couldn't handle yourself around some black people you don't know.

>> No.9044627

why are white kids such sheltered weiners

>> No.9044628

Hear fucking hear anon.
Marginalized communities aren't dangerous. The fucking police are dangerous.

>> No.9044651

Yeah let's just fight racism with sexism, that's not problematic at all.

>> No.9044679


Sure, the 8,500 violent crimes and 30,000 property crimes annually are a police problem. Definitely.

Don't pretend like Baltimore isn't literally in the top fucking 5 most dangerous cities in the United States.

>> No.9044693
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>(incorrectly) assuming I'm white
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck you

>> No.9044800

You have to watch yourself. Baltimore is a huge mixed bag, because there are some neighborhoods over there that're actually pretty nice. However, those are a bit farther off. Between about 2-4 blocks away is when you really need to start being careful, and make sure you're traveling in groups - especially at night. In the daytime, Baltimore can be pretty tame. At night, you'll want to stick as close to the Inner Harbor/Con area as possible.

>> No.9044815

Let me put it this way. I'm a super sheltered white kid.
>go to chicago
>"holy shit this is the most black people I've ever seen in one place"
>go to atlanta
>"holy shit this is the most black people I've ever seen in one place"
>go to baltimore
>"holy shit I'm the only white guy in the room"
That said, downtown Atlanta is way fucking worse than Baltimore was, as far as a few blocks away from the main hotels.
/cgl/ meet went to a Waffle House and we were passing by homeless people and people hanging out on doorsteps that looked like they were about to drop the most fire album of 2012.
In any case, Baltimore? Immediately around the con center? No problem. You'll be fine.

>> No.9046490

>I've never been more afraid for a con in my life.

Promise to tell us the horror stories if things go bad. <3

>> No.9046494

You can ghost the Hilton area but that's about it.

>> No.9046513

Planning on Kamen Rider OOOs Tajador form, and possibly Soldier 76.

>> No.9048021

My group is typically about 5-6 people and we can all usually cram into a 2 queen bed room. We're staying at the Best Western on O'Donnell and I remember from last year that the front desk gave us vouchers (little blue slips of paper) for the free breakfast.

Only problem is of course, the room is booked for 4 adults, so they only gave us 4 vouchers. What I also remember from last year is that they were definitely not very attentive as to who is going in and out of the breakfast area, and they had a basket at the entrance for you to deposit your voucher into, but half the time nobody was there to make sure you did.

Now we could just be normal and not poorfags and go buy breakfast like the fucking adults we are. But does anyone have experience with Best Westerns and this whole voucher thing? Is it unwise to literally go to the front desk and be like "hey can we get more of these?" Would they let me even purchase vouchers, do you think? I wouldn't be opposed to that. I just don't want to risk getting kicked for abusing the system.

>> No.9048038

Who's got recommendations for nearby (walkable) lunch and dinner?

We found out that there's a great little pizza joint in the bottom floor of the Bank of America building across Charles St. It was cheap, easy to get to, and the pizza was actually really good. Or maybe we were just desperate.

The best part was it was a little crowded in the main dining area, but there was a small separate bar area towards the back with booths and tables. It was empty, quiet, with nice cold AC and the lights were dim. It was heavenly to relax and eat back there when you're hot, tired, and sweaty as balls in full cosplay.

>> No.9048063

Where is decent seafood around the con? I'm looking more for volume than 4 star dining.

>> No.9048110

I say DC is more dangerous. I've wandered alleyways by myself at 3 am in Baltimore and didnt have any issues (I was searching for someone, found him eventually at the wrong hotel with a dead phone), just see lots of homeless people sleeping at night. DC though, you take a wrong turn at that time and you're getting mugged, stabbed or raped, the closer you are to bars, the more dangerous. Seeing as I've had friends get mugged or molested in DC and never Baltimore, I prefer Baltimore itself. The convention center in DC is supposed to be a lot bigger, hence the move, so that'll be exciting to see. Just hope there are good hotels connected or right next door cause I won't walk more than a block through DC at night.

>> No.9050164

Curious about people's thoughts on the new safe track program for the DC metro and how the metro now closes at 12 am on weekends instead of 3. How much is this going to affect transportation to and from Otakon?

Also, I am going to really miss Baltimore. The area around the Washington DC convention center is very boring. It's nothing like the Baltimore Harbor. The food options around that area are few and far between. It feels more like a residential area too.

>> No.9050424

DC is so small that you can Uber around it cheap. It shouldn't impact Otakon at all.

>food options around that area are few and far between

It's just four blocks to Chinatown. Plus, DC is swarming with food trucks.

Although looking at Google Maps to check that... Carriage House (a rentable photography studio) is two blocks away from the con center. I wonder if any enterprising photographers will band together to rent it all weekend?

>> No.9050461

Dude good shit. I rarely see Dot Hackers anymore. I'll keep an eye out and ask for your pic if I see you, though I won't say "ayyyy I be from 4chin m8"

>> No.9050465

Kek, I was waiting for this.

>> No.9051593

There's a few good places within a 2 mile radius of the con. The Bun Shop just opened up a location on Light St. They're pretty good for lunch/coffee/tea and the new location's open until 11.

There's also Supano's. It's nestled in the alleyway near the old CVS on Light St. They have good Italian but their prices are high. HOWEVER, they offer great discounts to people who work in the food service or hospitality industry if you can provide proof. Go into the basement bar for a more laidback atmosphere.

A lot of food trucks stop near the courthouse on Thursday and Friday afternoon so if you don't mind a 4-6 block walk, that can pay off. Also a lot of lunch buffets and sandwich shops are only open through the early afternoon near that area.

If you take one of the free buses you can get to Fell's Point, Mt. Vernon and Federal Hill. Fell's Point has a lot of bars so it's good for alcohol and tavern food (but for the love of God, do not go to Green Turtle). Mt. Vernon has a lot of eclectic restaurants so go there if you're interested in cultural food or fusion restaurants. TenTen, one of our ramen restaurants, is also there. Federal Hill is kind of like a hybrid of the other two areas and there's plenty of bars and restaurants near Cross Street Market.

I guess I can answer more food questions. I'm not gonna say I'm an expert but I know Baltimore pretty well and enjoy eating around town.

>> No.9051609

Im a sous chef out in philly, you're telling me if I prove I work in restaurants Supanos will give me a discount?

>> No.9051628

I used to work as a waitress in a nearby restaurant and eat there all the time with my friends who worked at some of the hotels.

When you go in and they ask to seat you, tell them you want to just visit the bar. Go to the basement, ask for the industry discount menu. They should give you a shitty little paper print out menu that prices their stuff about 30% cheaper. Sometimes they ask for proof. Sometimes they don't.

It's been a while and I've haven't used the menu for a good bit but I know people who still do. I can ask to see if they updated/changed their policy.

>> No.9051644

I used to work as a waitress and me and my friends who worked the service industry went there all the time to get the discount.

When you go in, a host will ask to seat you. Tell them you just want to go to the bar and go down the stairs to the basement. Talk to the bartender or the server on staff (if they have one) and ask for the service industry dicount menu. They'll give you a crappy looking paper print-out with prices that are 30% the normal price. Sometimes they ask for proof. Sometimes they don't.

Honestly, it's been a minute since I went to Supano's but I still have friends that go. I can ask them if the rules have changed or not. But I assume the fact that they still go means it can't be that different.

>> No.9051708

Just scored an opening in the Hilton! No more walking a mile in the heat to the con for me.

>> No.9051981

>The Bun Shop

I went to their other location on Read Street recently and my whole group adored it.

>> No.9052080

may the legacy of ice cold water guy live on forever

>> No.9052082

most likely it'll be jojo all weekend for me, not sure on the days but my lineup will definitely include joseph, josuke, and mista.

got a group situation going on for part 5 with a giorno and either bruno or narancia. pretty pumped for twinks in italy: the group.

I'll probably bring some other stuff too but most of my costumes are way too heavy for the otakon heat

>> No.9052104

My boy, im in the hilton too congrats on the upgrade!

>> No.9052153

How ;_;

>> No.9052176

any splatoon shoots/meetups? i know there's the nintendo shoot but that doesn't count.

>> No.9052315

Considering going but I'm going to be going alone, and I'm a bit apprehensive to spending all that money on a hotel. ;_;

>> No.9052523

some people usually have extra space? don't know how you'd feel about that though, I'd be hesitant to room with strangers but a lot of people do

>> No.9052542

I had 8 people in my group, a lot went to anime next instead and don't have otakon money plus they wanted a break (this is our 5th year going) so now It's just me and two other people. We don't mind paying the extra money between us but we wouldn't mind saving some money. Are you actually interested in rooming with people? because if so let me know!

>> No.9052653

If I'm hosting a small meetup, would it be worth shelling out to book a photographer for the group? Will photographers shoot for meetup groups or do they typically just want to shoot single cosplayers?

I took photos last year but I'm not a professional by any measure and wasn't happy with the shots.

>> No.9052655

Yes absolutely get a professional photographer. If you're hosting a meetup, people will want decent quality photos. You can find photographers that are willing to shoot groups, they'll usually just ask how many people. The good thing about Otakon is that there are usually a lot of really great photographers around.

>> No.9052756

I really wouldn't mind rooming with strangers as long as you guys don't steal my stuff or whatnot haha.
It would actually be pretty cool to meet new people.

>> No.9052779

The past several years I've roomed completely with strangers. I've never had a bad experience. Last year I even got a room at the Hilton for like $25. Still not sure how that happened. This year I have my own room but half my friends bailed on me (for legit reasons) so I have several strangers in my room again.

>> No.9052825

got a skype? or email

>> No.9052934

Ah shit sorry, late reply.
I unfortunately don't use Skype, email in the options field.

>> No.9052936

Or not.

>> No.9054354
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Not in order but pretty close, waiting for friends to decide on timing too.

I'm excited as always but a little sad, being it Baltimores last Otakon for a while, this year will be my 14th in attendance.

Here's hoping to decent DC hotel pricing IRL come next year.

>> No.9054587
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Pretty sure I'm going to regret my cosplay choices but this is my last con for a while so go big or go home

>> No.9054641

oh my goodness are you doing you on friday? i plan on doing eli and mari

>> No.9054780

Yes actually.. I was hoping to wear aquarium ver for the meetup, and You's uniform ver thursday with my Hanayo itabag ironically..

>> No.9057926
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Shy aspie here. Probably going to be going to Otakon alone this year. Going to be cosplaying anyway.

How do I make friends to hang out with?

>> No.9057941

dude /cgl/ will hang out with you

>> No.9057956
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>The area around the Washington DC convention center is very boring.
>It's nothing like the Baltimore Harbor.
>The food options around that area are few and far between

mfw I remember Otakon in the early 2000s, when nothing was open over the weekend except that one minimall because all the office people left friday at 5. Ota's food situation used to suck.

>> No.9058052

Its annoying because I have to uber one extra day (saturday), originally I was going to stay till midnighish and catch a train to a hotel. It will be like my Katsucon in that I used uber a decent amount (Train to bus there, uber back).

hahhaha downtown baltimore is boring. They have police helicopters to ensure you white tourists won't get wrecked. I saw.. 2 homeless guys in the entire downtown last Otakon. Ota is well boring. Honestly DC might be worse in terms of raw ghetto than the inner harbor is desu. (I went to the Cherry Blast, or Otakon The Preview and the area around the library and convention center seemed boring enough.

>> No.9058446

When I worked downtown and would go to Chinatown after work (admittedly two years ago), there were always masses of homeless people outside the library waiting for busses to take them to homeless shelters.

>> No.9058698

Any pokemon cosplayers gonna be around? I'm doing professor kukai this year

>> No.9058784

AAAAAA I need to start my cosplays soon.

This will be my second Otakon. I won't miss the/cgl/ meet like I did last year.

>> No.9058789

Hey fellow Pana cosplayer! I'll be Happy Maker Hanayo, with a Happy Maker Nozomi. Not sure what day. Hope to see you at the meetup regardless!

>> No.9059085

Are you /fit/ and tan?

>> No.9059292
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Tentative Otakon plans right now! Koichi Friday and Bepo Saturday. Might add a comfy cosplay for Saturday since Bepo is gonna be hot (gijinka, not a mascot. But it's still pretty heavy).

>> No.9059303

Fellow aspie here! I did Otakon on my own the past two years. I have two friends coming with this year but you'd be more than welcome to hang with us.

>> No.9059454
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Kinda, and im pacific islander so that helps too~

bepo? Want me to bring my Law cosplay?

>> No.9059652


shoulder hair hnng gimme

>> No.9059957

go to a /cgl/ meetup, they are really fun and everyone is super nice

>> No.9060481

oh hello

>> No.9060556

First attempt to make a cosplay of a character from Girls und Panzer from scratch.

>> No.9060676

Murakumo kai2 and possibly Takao from Kancolle

>> No.9060708

Bepo anon here, if you want to bring your Law, sure!!! I'm definitely going to the 11am One Piece meetup, we'll see if I make it to the one at 7:30 without overheating......

>> No.9060743

Hello there~

I was burning alive in my timeskip law a couple years ago (punk hazard) I'll try to whip up a more weather appropriate one and we can rule Baltimore together

Post progress pictures!

>> No.9060745

what time/place is the /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.9060747

Bruh I have no idea we got like a month and some change left but stay in the otakon threads it will be posted

>> No.9060752
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Generally rule of thumb is to meet around the indoor fountains at like 8pm then migrate to the Water Street Tavern that the meet has been going to for years at about 9 or so. Happens both nights, so don't be afraid to just head to that bar if nothing is going on for you on a night. Unless I get held up playing tetris or something unexpected, I'll be there both nights.

>> No.9060859
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Hope to see you again!!!

>> No.9061745
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I'm also making my GuP cosplay from scratch this year, so I should probably get started on it soon.

This year's challenge: make it fit in a car.

>> No.9061868

don't know if I'll stop by but I might depending on what my night looks like

>> No.9061878

>How does it compare to AX?
It's not AX, don't even try to compare it. Most everyone is chill but the staff is complete shit and the area smells like shit.

The real bad thing is hotel and parking costs, everything else is cool

>> No.9061910

Anyone willing to sell floor space or need another person for a room?

>> No.9062405

Never been to AX but I'd assume most things are the same. I've never had a problem with staff and the convention itself is well put together I feel (should be for $100 a pass.) The convention center is a bit confusing at first but it's not hard to figure out. Only choke point I've been annoyed with is the skybridge to the Hilton. The dealers room can also be a bit much though.

Outside the convention center is a very nice tourist spot. Book in here if you can. Nerds will overrun this area and it's still amazing to me. The price for hotels that close though is horrible. If you book out of town you can easily take a hotel shuttle to the airport and ride the tram to the convention center if you don't mind hanging out with the locals for a bit. If you do want to drive though I suggest parking panda for the garage on gay street.

Also always check what time the shuttle stops running. The hotel I stayed at last year (in the city even) stopped running theirs at 8 PM. Between their bad service and getting stuck in a 2 hour wait to come into the city my first year I don't mind paying the con price this time.

>> No.9062697
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So, what are you guys planning on cosplaying for Otakon?

>> No.9062785

Definitely professor kukai from the new pokemon games, but I want to do a second one too just not sure what yet.

what are you cosplaying?

>> No.9062798

You mean Kukui?

>> No.9062800

How are people getting Hilton Rooms for 600 or less?

>> No.9062803

yeah! my bad

>> No.9062808

If you're >>9059454, you should do Archie too

>> No.9062821

that is me, I was thinking archie! AS or original?

>> No.9062833

Not sure of days for anything yet and I'm still debating whether or not I want to switch out cosplays but I'm definitely bringing my Daria cosplay back again this year

>> No.9062841
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Either. I actually like his original look a lot

>> No.9062870

ill start looking into the materials for the newer version but if I run out of time trying to make it ill do the original

>daria cosplay

I'll need a picture with you

>> No.9062879

You're being Law? I'll keep an eye out

>> No.9062883

I've done law two years in a row (post and pre timeskip) so I'm considering breaking it out again since I don't have to make or buy everything

>> No.9062889
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>> No.9063073


>> No.9063096

The shit I haven't even finished, and won't.
It turns out that making your own armor, especially something as involved as 40k witchhunter kit, is far more prone to fuck ups than I had dared to imagine.
Sorry, Commissar-kun, maybe next year.

>> No.9063213

You've got this

>> No.9063271

MC from Re;Zero
First cosplay and seems ez enough

>> No.9063290

I'm working on Space Dandy and with any luck I should finish in time.
Besides that I have a Captain Falcon cosplay I've worn the last 2 years. Not too sure if i really want to wear it again though.

>> No.9063295

crossplaying kancolle boat grills

>> No.9063492

>I'm working on Space Dandy
I cosplay as space dandy regularly, if you have any questions feel free to ask me

>> No.9063778
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Let's hit up the bingo parlor together granny.

Here's my lineup friend.
I own like 4 different white wigs.

>> No.9063849
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>Brown skin with white hair
Good taste

>> No.9064106
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>> No.9064131


I want to finish a dress for my friend. I've missed two deadlines and I kind of feel bad about that. But soon!

>> No.9064170
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So much good taste here.
What day are you doing Akira anon? Hope I can get pics.

>> No.9064257

No clue, I just know I'm doing Niles on Friday. I'll probably wear Akira Friday and Saturday evenings since it's so simple and comfy. Tethu is shirtless so I'll probably just wear Akira after the air conditioning kills me Saturday.

On an off note I have a question for whoever:

I plan on using worbla for the first time, if I make horns will they melt from the Baltimore heat or is it stronger than that? They will have a layer of acrylic paint as well as a thin layer of mod podge to prevent the paint from cracking.

>> No.9064258
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Also pic related

>> No.9064410

I think Worbla's activation temperature is around 200 degrees F. I had Worbla armor on at Otakon last year when it was 98 and was fine, so you should be good!

>> No.9065678
File: 54 KB, 590x413, bromo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an old clocktower -- the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower -- two or three blocks from the BCC. The City of Baltimore's tourism department rents out the lower floors as artists' studios, and the clock tower itself is open for tours on Saturdays at $5 a pop.


Do you think there would be enough interest from Otakon attendees to make it worth reaching out to Baltimore's tourism board to see if they'd be interested in allowing photoshoots on Friday or Saturday, and how much ti would cost? (I know we'd have more leverage if Otakon weren't... leaving Baltimore next year.) Cosplay and cosplay photography is pop art, and Otakon is tourism, so it's not entirely out of their wheelhouse.

It's just nuts that there's this perfect dramatic backdrop so close to the BCC and Otakon might leave Baltimore without anyone having ever used it.

>> No.9065682
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>Friday or Saturday

Drat, I meant Friday or Sunday, so as not to disrupt their usual tour schedule.

>> No.9065694

I think it would be a cool idea! I know I'd be interested in shooting there. I guess you'd have to gauge interest first.

>> No.9066052

You should make a Facebook event/group and advertise on the otakon fb groups etc. Depending on the cost, this sounds pretty interesting!

KonKon is organizing one such photo opt, but its located on the big boat in the harbor.. They plan to reserve it for a few hours, selling tickets via eventbrite.. The price is pretty steep @ $50/ticket, in account that I lack a cos suited for the ship..

>> No.9066567

Anyone planning on having any parties? I don't usually go to any but I'm curious

>> No.9067587

How hot is Baltimore durring night time? In the michigan we kigu it up at night but everyone goes on about how hot it is...

>> No.9067619
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This is my first Otakon, though I've been to Katsucon for 2 years. Anyone have stories about Otakon? The good, bad, or ugly. I'm feeling depraved of con feels

>> No.9067648

I sorta hope for that too

This is my second year at Otakon, but I lurked /cgl/ for over a year, sadly I don't cosplay or do Lolita and other jfash because of budget/body size. But I still wanna attend a cgl meetup or party to socialize and see everyone in their frills or cosplay.

>> No.9067697

Last year was my first year but I loved it! Everyone was really nice. I met some cool people just hanging around or waiting for panels.

My second year too! I cosplay but I was a bit far from the con center last year so I couldn't see if there were any room parties. My friends and I want to check out a few though.

>> No.9068084

Nah it's fine at night.

>> No.9068153

Princess Mononoke! She'll be my first (mostly) self-made cosplay. My mom helped me sew the dress when I visited my parents a couple days ago (I don't have a sewing machine) and I'm really excited about the progress.

>> No.9068175
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mostly just love live trash but im pretty nervous because all of my previous otakons have been pretty shitty

>> No.9068957
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Is it worth it to go to the maid cafe?

>> No.9069339

Not terribly interesting but I have a few
>11pm and down by the arts college, eating dinner with friends
>they're too tired to head back to the con, so they stay in their dorm
>my hotel is a bus ride away and I'm not local
>they give me really vague bus directions and send me on my way
>in cosplay in the middle of Baltimore on a totally empty bus, lost
>first passengers other than me come in, ask me if I'm a part of the rock opera
>I explain and they are totally nice and sort of interested
>before long, the bus fills up more and everyone is super gracious and supportive of my costume
>a handsome blonde dude comes in, super muscular and a great smile
>sits next to me
>makes reference to the video game I dressed up as
>we talk for a bit and more passengers start chiming in
>before I actually know what's happening the entire bus breaks out in a rather heated discussion about Gambit versus Wolverine, including the bus driver
>I get back to the con center significantly less scared of the city and with a few new friends.

I hope you enjoy your first Otakon! It's definitely a very different animal from Katsucon but I'm beginning to feel very nostalgic for it. It's my first time going since 2013.

>> No.9069570

So how expensive is this convention actually?

My friend has invited me to go to Otakon with him, but we live a ways a way and will probably take a train into the city.

The question we are at is if it will be best to pay for all weekend, which includes either paying for a 2-way train 3 times, or paying for a 2-way train and 2 nights at a hotel/motel/inn, or is it better to just pay for Saturday?

What is the cheapest that you guys think we could get away with the all-weekend plan, and is it worth it? I've heard the convention is mostly just a community thing, and that the actual activities and things to do aren't all that fantastic.

>> No.9069658

>tfw stuck looking for floorspace or literally anything close to otakon
>realize when it moves it will be worse somehow

>> No.9069663

I'll be doing Cyber Kotori Saturday night!! I'll try to make sure you have a not shitty time

>> No.9069810

This will be my tenth Otakon. Gonna be an emotional moment to part with that nook of Baltimore. RIP Edo Sushi as well.

>> No.9073193
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Keeping this thread alive with my Otakon plans. All of these are rewears save for Hayate. Still picking order. I have a 5th costume planned but I have no idea if I'll get her done so I'm keeping it quiet for now.

>> No.9073858

Anyone have any open room spots? ;_;

>> No.9073979
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Royal Farms

>> No.9073988


Fuck meant to say Lexington market specifically, Faidley's.

>> No.9074020

Has anybody been to the Pre-Con thing at the Pratt Street Ale House? Worth going to?

>> No.9074088

explain please

>> No.9074103

Tfw you have an entire room at the Hilton to yourself and find enjoyment in people scrambling to find rooms

>> No.9074107

Aw, this makes me really happy to read. Princess Mononoke was my first cosplay and I wore it to Otakon as well. My dad helped me make everything. I kind of miss being a noob.

>> No.9074158
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>look at AX threads
>They're getting ZUN, Lia, and LL Aquors
>Still no hype announcements for Otakon

>> No.9074169
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and JAM Project

just fuck my shit up. Hope something sick gets announced

I ended up snagging a room by the airport -- there is light rail access into the city so I won't have to spend $20 a day on Uber

>> No.9074199

that feel when yo ass better share we are going to find you.

>> No.9074223
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>tfw when you live 10 minutes away from the convention center
>tfw when this is the last baltimore otakon

>> No.9074252

I've put so many hours into the mask. First time doing paper mache and working with paperclay. Just put another layer on my spearhead base, too.

>> No.9074526

Why not Airbnb a place? My cost is 75 for the whole weekend split with 2 friends.

>> No.9075636

It's a good feel, me tok, but with the bf, I wonder if you can drink at the pool.

>> No.9075736

i hope your host knows how many people are in the space

>> No.9075907

For my group, we wanted to be as close to the con center as possible. We got lost an embarrassing amount of times last year

>> No.9076039

My plan is to nab a con slut and fuck her in the ass.

>> No.9076938

lol good luck with that

>> No.9077112

What is Access Control and how do I contact them?

I just found out to my dismay that metal armor is banned on the premises, which is sort of a problem for me because I made a Dark Souls costume. But the policy says that some exceptions can be made, and to contact access control.

But I can't figure out how to do that. I hope that they don't expect me to drive to Baltimore with a set of armor that I can only wear if the guy at the door says so.

My weapon isn't metal, because I'm not a complete idiot. And some of the armor can be removed and only sort of ruin things. But the helmet is metal, and there is no replacing that and the costume is worthless without it.

>> No.9077235

Hey anon, I wish I could help. I believe when they refer to access control, they're talking about the actual weapons checking room staff at the actual con.

More to the point, I'm glad you mentioned something! I'm actually the host of the From Software meet up and photoshoot and luckily for you, the meet up spot is outside the con center- so if you do want to join in, the rules won't matter!

More details at the FBT page FromSoftwareAtOtakon if you're interested! Good luck!

>> No.9077257

>it better to just pay for Saturday?

Doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Otakon doesn't do day passes anymore, and they don't decrease their weekend badge each day like Katsucon does. If you aren't pre-regging and going all three days, you're gonna waste your money.

>realize when it moves it will be worse somehow

With only three nearby hotels and one shady looking hostel . . . yeah, getting a room for DC Otakon is gonna be a bitch.

>> No.9077269
File: 13 KB, 198x153, ohhellno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>Otakon 2012 rave
>dancing by myself
>prefer it this way because a stranger's sweaty body all over me is unappealing
>people ask me to dance
>i politely decline
>one doesn't take no for an answer
>grabs my ass and GOES TO TOWN
>i struggle to break free
>flee to the other side of the huge room

>>9076039 was that you? :^)

>> No.9077283
File: 82 KB, 680x827, 960[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of my experience last year.
>at the rave last year
>with a group of about four friends
>we're all dancing, having a nice time
>random shirtless guy dances up to me
>not interested so I clearly move away, towards my friends
>keeps advancing towards me anyway
>tries to grind all over me, will NOT get away
>move over towards a friend and get them in between so he can't reach me
>tfw I figure out one of my friends told him to dance with me because 'he was cute and thought I should hook up with him'

>> No.9077294


We always do the /cgl/ meetups Friday & Saturday nights. They usually start off by the main lobby fountains, we wait there for about half an hour for people to show up and then we take a walk a few blocks down to the Tavern. This will probably be my 5th year in a row doing that. I always try and make sure everybody is having fun. You won't be the first awkward person and you won't be the last.


I remember you, I THINK you purchased my liquor from me in the VIP lounge in my hotel last year.

>> No.9077296

Is your friend blind?

>> No.9077320

I was an "exception" one year with my giant metal spoon for my Arrietty cosplay. I didn't know about the policy and one of the hall staff people escorted me to this room where other staff members had to check it out and they wrote that it was okay on the back of my badge. I was walking around for a few hours in the con before someone actually pulled me aside. I don't know about getting your armor checked in advance but there definitely is a room inside the con for that kind of stuff.

>> No.9077345

said friend was drunk and I'm pretty sure, in his weird brain, he thought 'everyone here is hooking up!' because that's what he spent the whole rave trying to do. he doesn't normally do cons.

still can't believe he essentially tried to pimp me out to some gross con creep, lord only knows what he told him

>> No.9077554
File: 2.12 MB, 1829x1022, otakon2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first Otakon and my first major east coast con since moving out here last year! And it... somehow became idol-con. Whoops. I might bring Kageyama from Haikyuu!! as a standby costume, as well.

>> No.9077769

Oh my gosh another im@s cosplayer!! I'm definitely going to take pictures of you if I see you!

>> No.9077984

how big is your ass that they have enough to grab onto and make you struggle to get away.

>> No.9077999
File: 300 KB, 829x792, 1465822766551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly moving near Baltimore in a few weeks, depending on how an interview goes tomorrow.

Seems like as good an opportunity as any to meet some folks in the area. A lot of ya'll are from the surrounding area, right?

Regardless, look forward to meeting ya'll.

>> No.9078010

Oh gosh I had to redo my mask quite a few times. The first time I used paperclay but the mask itself was way too big, the second time I was an idiot and made the whole thing out of sculpey because I didn't know any other crafting materials... so heavy...

>> No.9078044


dang police.

>> No.9078070

Vice guy from the hit series "Word at War - ISIS Rising."

>> No.9078377

>rebecca cosplay

pictures pls ; u;

>> No.9078445

No, but the guys sounds like he knows how to get bitches. Women love a guy that's a bit forceful. You just gotta be hot. No one wants an uggo

>> No.9078566
File: 167 KB, 800x800, mask progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's kind of big but it's looking good, I think. I'm hoping the size won't look as weird once I have the hood and cloak on.

>> No.9078686

What time is the meetup? I'd love to go

>> No.9078690

Also, this is the first year I'm getting a Hotel, me and my gf are gonna just stay in the city instead of commuting. Any good hotel suggestions?

>> No.9078695

>be me
>otakon 08
>drunk as fuck with my gf and my friends
>goto the rave
>passout on the dance floor
>wake up the next morning in my bed
>"what happened"
>my gf says, staring daggers at me, "you don't remember?"
>get filled in later but legit scared her and my friends
>mfw I have no face.

It was alot of fun tho. Just stay hydrated if your gonna drink. Have fun! And see you there

>> No.9078704

A Spartan from 300. I do it every year

>> No.9078756

The meetups usually happen at 9 at the fountains and then we move to the tavern by 10!

>> No.9078905

I'll keep an eye out! Hopefully I'll be able to make it

>> No.9078912

What days?

>> No.9078936

Awesome thank you! And yeah, what days? Friday and Saturday?

>> No.9079265
File: 208 KB, 425x425, 1455466934703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious, but have been the best/worst guests at Otakon in past years? This is my first year, but the guest lineup seems a bit lacking as of now.

>> No.9079298

They posted on Facebook some vague stuff about paying attention to announcements coming out of AX because they'll be relevant. So I guess they still have some stuff up their sleeve.

>> No.9079463

I've been going to Otakon for nearly 10 years and the only guest anyone ever seemed to be excited for was Dante Basco. Otakon sucks ass at getting good guests, makes you wonder where that $100 badge money goes to

>> No.9079563

Yeah both Friday and Saturday!

>> No.9079567
File: 35 KB, 496x431, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body is ready for meetups, looking forward to getting real hammered with some anons

>> No.9080354
File: 92 KB, 638x960, 12710736_10156571257805437_3536804290273939362_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually have any good ones (and I've lost 15 pounds since this picture was taken) but here is one with my Billy, who will be with me!

>> No.9081055


he's using his federal employee privileges. godspeed, dude, hope the IG doesn't catch you

>> No.9081358

I got my ticket with that promotional Naruto box, been going for a long time, but I just can't find a hotel room this year. I mean, at least I didn't waste 90 bucks buying the ticket regularly.

Anyone looking to add to their room? I've roomed with seagulls before.

>> No.9084932

Good sushi place suggestions? I've heard Edo is great, but in case it's packed I'd like to have backup plans.

>> No.9084980

Edo is closed for good.

>> No.9085077

I just went to their website and it didn't say anything about them closing? I've seen other people say they're closed and I even thought I saw that they were closed last year, but the website had me second-guessing myself. Does anyone know why they closed?

>> No.9085251

You already got your ticket?

>> No.9085446

He pre registered a few months back when Otakon and Omakase teamed up for a promotion. Probably to try and stir up interest in Oma before they shut down. Saving 60 or so dollars though.

>> No.9085465

Ah, okay. Thanks for the heads up anon. Any idea when the rest of us should be getting our tickets?

>> No.9085470

I believe they should be mailed out about 2-3 weeks before the convention, so we should start seeing them arrive in a few more weeks.
If you ordered a badge though and it isn't in by August you might want to check with your post office/check tracking.

>> No.9086217

All of this is 100% above board. The only way the IG gets involved is if you try to exempt yourself from paying the taxes on the room using a government issued credit card. I pay for my rooms out of my own pocket.

>> No.9086221

I seriously wish more cons would mail badges. Despite the hiccups last year, getting my badge mailed saves me so much time

>> No.9086310

What happened last year? This is my first year

>> No.9086321

There were a lot of problems with people not recieving tracking numbers, not being able to get any answers from staff as far as when the badges would arrive, etc. It was their first year doing it so I expected some problems. The badges got mailed out later than Otakon staff announced that they'd be mailed. A lot of people started to panic about not getting their badge but, as far as I know, everyone go their badges before the con. Should be a lot smoother this year.

>> No.9086342


Last ethics training we took said it wasn't allowed, but our Dept is universally shit on so it wouldn't surprise me if there's different rules

>> No.9086346

The Hampton inn is nice.

>> No.9086364

Aren't guests usually announced earlier? Pretty disappointed about the current ones especially with all the AX hype

>> No.9086380

Safe track sucks ass. Have fun waiting 20 min for the next packed train during off rush hours. The DC Convention Center is on the yellow/green lines though so it shouldn't be too bad compared to the hell that is the orange/blue lines (who thought it was a good idea to close down parts of the line for a year?). Anyways Uber if you're in a rush or are with friends. Large parts of the city are inaccessible by subway.

Also DC just feel like glorified suburbia. Food options are limited in variety and price since there are so many yuppies. You won't be able to find many (any) cute Japanese cafes unfortunately.

Safety-wise, it's pretty safe. Anything on the northside is pretty safe (NW>NE>S). Just don't be stupid and travel with others at night, but I haven't had any major problems when I've gone out at night.

t. unfortunate soul that has lived in DC for the past 4 years

>> No.9086466


What kind of prices are we looking at? People on /cgl/ always bitch about cost of food but 90% of them are broke NEET weebs so it's never a good metric to use. How much are we talking for lunch, 5-9, 10-15, 20+$ ?

>> No.9086486

I'd say the average is around $10 or so if you get an entree and a drink/side. You won't be able to find anything under $5 unless you go to fast food places. There's a ton of Chipotle style yuppie places where it's easy to drop $12. Food trucks are pretty expensive too and will run you around $8-$10 and desu most of them are subpar trucks aimed at office workers.
tl:dr prepare to spend $10 average on lunch and around $15 for dinner

>> No.9086525

This is gonna be my first time going in 5 years, stopped going after my photography business really took off. Only going because the new gf is into cosplay. Went every year since like 2003 before that. How much has it changed?

>> No.9086557


Yeah, see, that's not bad at all. That's about what I spend on lunch already.

>> No.9086558

>live in DC
>all of my friends hate anime
yikes lol

>> No.9086564

You wanna be my friend anon?
>tfw I have to hide my powerlevel because people are super judgmental here

>> No.9086660


I'd almost prefer that, at least you know you've probably found a cool person if you accidentally discover they like anime.

I made the mistake of going to anime club once. Never, ever, again. Somehow I tricked myself into thinking everyone would be quiet and shy.

>> No.9087141

I'm rooming with my brother and a couple of friends, but I'm incredibly pissed because he added someone that I absolutely cannot stand being around. My brother doesn't like this guy either but he doesn't care because he's "just another head" to split hotel costs, even after I told him I don't want him in our room.

This would technically be his first con so he probably wouldn't even come properly prepared and he's downright annoying. I debated on not going this year after the whole ordeal, but now I'm just trying to find ways to stay out of my room the entire weekend just to avoid being around him.

Still going and still cosplaying, but I'm not really looking forward to my current rooming situation. We've been through a couple changes before this too.

>> No.9087951

Jokes. I live near Baltimore and used to commute in every day, and it's not a racial issue. It's a poverty issue, homelessness and drug addiction are rampant and congoers deserve to be warned.

>> No.9087960

My plan was sylveon but I couldn't buy a sewing machine like I planned. I don't think I'm skilled enough to hand sew everything, so I need to get creative.

>> No.9087966

There's a 21+ meet up at the Pratt St Ale House on Thursday, I'm hoping to go to that with some friends since I've never been.

>> No.9087969

I'll be going this year, hopefully with board games if I can manage to borrow some. I've never been either so hopefully its worth the time?

>> No.9087971

You could try posting on the Q&A board on the Otakon website, they've answered questions like that before iirc

>> No.9087972

This shit right here is why I won't go to the rave. The swing club is a lot more fun. Maybe I'm just old...

>> No.9087974

Get whatever you can, really. There won't be a lot to choose from this late in the game.

>> No.9087978

Yeah people who are openly weebs are insufferable. You gotta find the cool kids who look normal but own dakis and read manga.

>> No.9087992

I'm thinking that I'll go, gotta see if my friends will be interested. Depends on what time I get to Baltimore

>> No.9088164
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Kinda debating if I want to itasha my hood for Otakon, thoughts?
I mean people would definitely look and take pictures but it would be sitting in a parking garage for the rest of the day.
Also I might not be cosplaying unless I can sell my competition kart but I'll definitely be at the meet.

>> No.9088833

I'll plan on being there. I'll have to factor booze spending into my Otakon budget now.

>> No.9089501

Any guys want to hook up at the /cgl/ meetup? I'm going to dress up as Rem from Re:Zero. Hot guys only--no losers.

>> No.9090050

They got Aya Hirano a few years ago and that was hype. Kanon Wakeshima was good too. Besides that it has been lacking...

>> No.9090089

Decided to try to head down to Otakon, am I fucked in trying to find a hotel room?

>> No.9090109

No, there is still time for people to cancel hotel rooms

>> No.9090160
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>> No.9090538

Ayo baby, I've got a Subaru cosplay cooking in the pot. We can meet up and grab some Dick's Last Resort to eat.

>> No.9090764

Are you that Bane guy from last year?

>> No.9090773
File: 116 KB, 850x653, sendai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o hey i remember you from last year! i was the dude dressed as sendai. gonna be coming with friends this time!

>> No.9090785

Do it with the MAGA hat, just take it off outside.

>inb4 memes

>> No.9090977

there was a momiji at last year's meetup, he was a total faggot

>> No.9092943

Cool ^_^ Do you have any friends? The more the merrier ^_~!

>> No.9092956

Ayyyy see you there again!

>> No.9093472

I have about five other friends that are going to tag along, but getting them to come to a /cgl/ meetup is a monster all on its own.

>> No.9093649

you are fat, aren't you.

>> No.9093654

But Subaru is a loser...

>> No.9093688

they're both fat, that's the twist

>> No.9094001
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>Thought it was going to be another "Orioles home games during Otakon episode"
>Find out they're on the other side of the country playing the Giants

>> No.9094225

I wish I had enough money to eat enough food to be fat ;_;

>> No.9094230


This is truly a patrician feel

>> No.9094244

Never forget cardinals guy

>> No.9094248

>tfw Orioles are your favorite team
>tfw Giants are your second team
>desperately wish it was a home game

Maybe this year I'll finally find some nerds who want to drink and watch the game with me at a bar or something.

>> No.9094254


maybe more nerds would be receptive if your team supporters weren't relentless fucking garbage who do nothing but harass people

>> No.9094279
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>month away
>No schedule
>basically all of the guests are "literally who?" tier
Damn this year's gonna suck isn't it?

>> No.9094284

I go pretty much just for the cosplay and to meet up with friends that I don't get to see otherwise. If you're going mostly for the events then yeah, sorry senpai

>> No.9094656


Stop slut-shaming. I'm also going to the /cgl/ meetup to hookup with some guys. Gonna be dressed up as Nagisa from Ass Class.

>> No.9096132

troll 2/10

>> No.9097195
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x3024, JnCWE6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to go as Naruhodou Ryuunosuke as my first cosplay! Really excited however my friend bailed out being Asougi at the last minute because he's a cheap fuck. :'(

>> No.9097580

Ready for the last year at Otakon... And rolling my eyes daily over the guy i work with from 1449 going on about getting another Boat.

>> No.9097715

Cool. I love seeing Ace Attorney cosplay.

>> No.9098414
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I'm planning on at least these two.

Tan loli boatgirl(submarine) crossplay, and Orga.
I'll probably bring along Saiyaman.

>> No.9098519

Anyone else having trouble with hotel roomates? One person dropped out on me a week before I required half payment and another who paid me in full a month ago just out of nowhere initiated a chargeback against me for unauthorised payment and isn't answering any of my messages.

>> No.9098889

New thread