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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9032489 No.9032489 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the archives considering it starts in two days.

What are you wearing
What panels are you seeing
General talk about Phoenix comic con.
Done with your cosplay?

>> No.9033189

I'll only be there one day this year. Hoping to see some frillies I haven't seen in a while. Maybe get a photo with Bob Morley to feed my massive 100 boner.

>> No.9033227

Party at Squid Ink saturday

>> No.9033346

Clock King, Captain acold and Riddler
Nolan North, Diggle, Omundson and some of the education ones. Got get those easy profesional development hours! Also the stand up, last nights was good.
Yes sir.

Any /cgl/ meetups?

>> No.9033914

I'm going to be there all 4 days but I'm going to be pretty busy.

I'm also looking forward to some of the workshops they have. If I have time I'll probably check or some of the game rooms they have as well. I'm not a big gamer but every time I go in I see something that is new to me.

>> No.9033968

Is anyone going to any of the parties this year?

>> No.9034035

I am going to be seeing mark pellegrino on Friday for an autograph and photo. The rest of the weekend I'm not gonna be doing much but browsing the halls.

>> No.9035326

I'm going friday and damn my cosplay isn't close to being done lol. I might not even cosplay, I'll have to save it for the wow movie next week.

>> No.9035426

First time going this year, going to be there for a couple days. How's the cosplay and the crowds like?

>> No.9035452
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My friend just posted this on his Snapchat.

>> No.9035477

biggest con in AZ so there is lots of people and lots of shit. mainstream and casual

>> No.9035745

I feel like everyone but me is going

Even my mom texted me this morning with "heading to Phoenix tomorrow!"

Just didn't feel like spending the money and dealing with the crowds and heat I guess, the spring/fall cons are smaller and more bearable temp wise. Have fun though!

>> No.9036136

I feel the opposite. Most of the people I usually go to cons with are not feeling it this year so it's just me and my boyfriend going out of my usual squad.

>> No.9036895

Day 1, who's here?

>> No.9037238

Only going Saturday but my squad is going all days, don't really mind though. I pretty much just wanna go to see the artist alley and MrCreepypasta like the faggot I am

>> No.9037572
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when? Sounds like fun

>> No.9037616

Why do I still go to this con?

How the fuck does anyone meet anyone at this big events?

It's so crowded and expensive.

AAAaaaaaaaa I'm still going anyways.

>> No.9038195

Just got back from my Friday trip. Huge Steven Universe huddle of like 30+ people, it was amazing and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it

>> No.9038220

Do you think the rave will be good this year?

>> No.9038272

Blight on con culture

>> No.9038510

Is there even a rave this year?

>> No.9038522
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stay safe!!

>> No.9038568

yeah this is all I can think about desu, it was murder in Tucson walking from my house to the car, can't imagine trying to cosplay in the Phoenix heat.

>> No.9038604
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Yo, whoever was wearing this sick-ass taobao, I meant to ask for your tumblr or Steam or whatever, but I didn't get the chance.

You seemed pretty rad and not like super cringy. I just moved to Phoenix, so I'm always looking for more lolita and seagull friends. If you happen to see this thread let me know and I can drop a link to my tumblr or whatever!

>> No.9038606

Shit, sorry, shitty sideways phone pic.

>> No.9038618

It's Doge-chan!

>> No.9038621

Went as Rihan today and going as Jolyne on Saturday and only seeing Nolan North. This year in terms of content seems pretty lackluster and pretty fucking boring

>> No.9038622

Meant Rohan oops

>> No.9038626

Any Saturday parties

>> No.9038638

Went to smash bunnies
Not nearly as cringey as I expected.
Actually had fun and everyone was cool

>> No.9038640

Artist Alley is all Batman, Undertale and meme bs

>> No.9038760

I gotta be honest.

I really just wanna hit up a con party somewhere and get fucking weeaboo wasted.

Probably the most uninteresting paneling in my eyes in a long time.

>> No.9038769

>there's no rave
>just one party you have to pay for

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.9038954

Hey anon! That's me in the pic. Drop an email, at least a throwaway and I can give you my number. I'm always looking for new lolita friends!
Welcome to Phoenix

I'm so glad people remember this. Highlight of my time on cgl

>> No.9038964

Okay, I've gotta ask.

I've lived in Chandler my whole life.

But does anyone actually LIVE in Central Phoenix? Like I know it gets busy during baseball games and Con season and there's always restaurants around but who actually lives here?

Are there any apartment buildings in this part of the city?

Do people just drive to Phoenix to work at restaurants and then go to other restaurants on their lunch break?

How does this fucking part of town work?

>> No.9038968

Ditto, I wouldn't mind but me and my friends already plan on going there and only one of the browses cgl (barley)

>> No.9038988

On the whole, what you've described is pretty accurate. There are exceptions, like really expensive apartments, and cheap living in shitty neighborhoods

>> No.9038989

But hooooooooooooooooooow.

I live in Tempe near campus and it actually feels like a proper city where people walk around and do stuff.

>> No.9038993

Dropping my throwaway, not OP but I am always looking for new lolita friends in the desert and you are cuute~

>> No.9039058
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Oh sure! Throwaway e-mail is f5f5f5xyz@gmail.com. I'll send you my tumblr on there!

The Waifu 4 Laifu panel is pretty hilarious. People in the audience get selected, put up on stage, and talk about their favorite Waifu or Husbando while being heckled by the panel and the crowd. It's like a real-life version of an /a/ thread and was pretty hilarious.

There were actually two lolitas in the crowd both wearing AP.

Also, here's a cute couple cosplay I found of Mad Max and Furiosa

>> No.9039213

Welp, anyone else at squid ink?

>> No.9039264

No Dark Horse this year?
Where the fuck am I supposed to get Mass Effect stuff

>> No.9039364

So any con parties? I need the sweet taste of alcohol to knock me off my feet so my feet stop hurting from all the walking....

>> No.9039438

So should we pick a place to meet?

>> No.9039494

Post con orgies

>> No.9039529

hi, different anon here.
Central Phoenix is actually kinda cheap to live in without being utlra fucking ghetto like Guadalupe (my part of town ._.).
There are some sweet one room town houses that are $600 a month in quiet neighborhoods. So it's cheap.
There's also lots of stuff to do. Whenever I go down there there's always protests or some cool hobos. Plus there's buffalo exchange and a few night clubs on Camelback/Thomas.

>> No.9039582


>> No.9039659

Party at Fakku panel!

>> No.9039686


>> No.9039732

Ew that dude is pretty much the cringest youtube guest I've ever experienced at a con

AA was pretty legit this year though. Not enough panels worth wasting any kind of time on though.

>> No.9039738

holy fuck did you mean Undertale Alley?????? The TFS bros were pretty legit, not sure if there were any other youtube guests or not.
i lost interest in MrCP after he revealed his face at a Texas con and subsequently became walmart brand markiplier. Also his god awful land whale of a wife wouldnt stop shoving her fucking awful sloppy 'customized funko pops' down me and my friends throats in AA. Theyre literally just regular pop figures that she adds sharpie and shitty dollar store watercolors to indiscriminately. 0/10 would rather overdose on all the shitty undertale art here.

>> No.9039752

Are you the faggot going around asking everyone "are you from SEE-GEE-ELL?!"

>> No.9039777

That reminds me, whatever happened to that big tit Snow White? Did AZ seagull shitters completely scare her off?

>> No.9039824

Give me a noose to hang myself with first.

>> No.9039830
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Shut up!! I-I was just trying to make friends...

>> No.9039862

I was just about to make a post about that lmao

>> No.9039871

Oh wait, so that's a real thing? God lord I hope I don't witness this in person.

>> No.9039918

>Standing against wall in Diversity Lounge
>Furry takes off suit
>Thick waft of warm, hot air flowing out of it and fills the atmosphere with pure stink
Wanted to die

>> No.9039982
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Look you see someone in a great AP coord, there's a thread about it on /cgl/, idk, i just wanted to meet fellow gulls. sorry I came off as an autist. If it's any consolation I wasn't at the con Saturday and I won't be going Sunday. sorry for being a sperg.

>> No.9039990

yeah everyone in the comm is talking about how weird you are, why would you go up to people asking if they're from CGL? It's not something people will usually freely admit to, especially not to strangers

>> No.9039994

well usually I wouldn't just go up to people, I'd try to spark a conversation about their coord or their fav brands or something shit i dont know im sorry.

>> No.9039997
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>> No.9040007


>conversation about their coord or their fav brands or something

Why didn't you do just that? It would have been way less strange.

I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just baffled, If you're interested in lolita, join the comm, we kind of suck but we're okay too.

>> No.9040017

I don't really know how to join the Phoenix comm. The only other "comm" I've been to was when I lived in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and we just met up at places. I wouldn't know where to look...

>> No.9040074

Lurk more.

We don't need more idiots in the comm.

>> No.9040245

I just got some full event passes from a friend. Do I need to go to registration still? Can I just walk in? When should I be there today?

>> No.9040327

If you have the badge you can just go in

>> No.9040336

Many thanks, friend.

>> No.9040477

I want to befriend this sperg

>> No.9040534

they posted their e-mail earlier in the thread

i'm going to send it to like 20 different spam websites

>> No.9040570

Nigger it was a burner email

>> No.9040588
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We don't need more asshole behavior

>> No.9040662

Thanks for the compliments on AA man!

>> No.9041131

I-I'll be your friend anon. Asking about cgl is a little weird but you seem like a pretty genuine person despite that

>> No.9041132

Well lads, it's over. Highs and Lows?

Highs- Overall coolness of my and other cosplays and people getting my pics, plus buying stuff

Lows- Panel quality. Fakku was God tier and a couple were alright, but last year I went to about 6 a day it was bumpin

>> No.9041191

Lows: Masquerade. It's really, really hit or miss each year but I wasn't impressed this year. I did like the Yuna dance and the guy with the bubble machine at the end. Got tired of people trying to get audience reaction though.

Pros: idk desu
This was a lull-ish con for me since I didn't do much. Totally watched a guy get his scythe smashed while on the escalator though. That was the loudest, scariest crack I'd ever heard. It was tall and he had it standing on the escalator then it hit one of those low ceilings and got stuck. He tried to save it but it was like watching a slow motion crash as the thing just kept getting even more smashed. That thing was obliterated once he freed it. rip.

>> No.9041244

If you're talking about this >>9038993
I am not the same person and would appreciate you not doing dipshit stuff with my email. I was at the con a grand total of today and was legitimately trying to make a friend.

>> No.9041252


typical AZ lolita behavior, wouldn't expect anything less from the most dramatic comm on cgl

>> No.9041282

It's called "Arizona Lolitas" on Facebook if you're interested. It's easy to figure out once you join the group.

I'd probably wait a bit, though, you're already famous in the comm for being an anonymoos sperglord and you haven't even joined yet. Hint: it's pretty taboo to talk about /cgl/ since it's an infamous drama site. A lot of people do browse because this is a good community, but they don't talk about it. The people who do talk about/selfpost on /cgl/ frequently end up embarrassing themselves. Avoid bringing it up unless someone else does first.

>> No.9041307
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I've laid low in the thread for a while because im scared of being flamed further.

Thanks for the advice. I come on /cgl/ every now and then because I like the cool costumes, props, the larp threads, and because I think lolita is cool as shit. The Ita threads and bad cosplay threads are typically pretty funny. I've never really followed drama or namefag shit, so I guess I kind of shot myself in the foot.

What are people saying in the comm btw? I'm morbidly curious to know just how fucking infamously autistic I ended up coming off as.

idk, most of my friends browse /v/ or /tg/ and they never really seemed ashamed of it, hell they've made it part of their identity. I assumed /cgl/ would be the same. Probably a dumb assumption of me to make.

Highs: Nolan North was actually better than I thought. The Waifu 4 Laifu panel was hilarious as shit, like watching a real life version of /a/ in action. Lots of great costumes. Solid Artist's Alley. There was a great book stall that was selling used retro sci-fi books for like 2 bucks each

Lows: The heat, the crowds, the undertales, the diversity lounge, and the fact that I embarrassed myself and came off as an autist to a bunch of people in rad coords. hahah kill me

>> No.9041344

Do you have a throwaway email?
I was one of the lolitas you approached at the con. You seemed a bit shy but ultimately a good person. I'd legitimately be interested in getting to know you

>> No.9041373


>> No.9041600

oh jesus anon, it's not bad they were just wondering who it was, no one was shit talking, it was an innocent mistake on your part.

email in field, always ready for new local seagull friends.

>> No.9041617

Are you the same person? I was under the impression that these were two different people

>> No.9041628

Nope, I'm the same person.

>> No.9041664


>sage for off topic and uninteresting

>> No.9041714

didn't get an e-mail. weird.

>> No.9041733

Did any one have to deal with the creepy guy taking pictures of girls boobs. He had a Nikon camera and a crap ton of ribbons on his badge and was wearing a teemo hat. My boyfriend was about to punch him in the face when he asked for me to lean over some more.

>> No.9041736

Sounds like an official photographer was taking your picture. If you're in a titillating costume you will produce sexy pictures. If you are uncomfortable with that, don't pose for any.

Also avoid people in Teemo hats and hats with buttons.

>> No.9041879

Check spam maybe?

>> No.9042486

That's the thing though I wasn't. I was wearing a half assed Annie cosplay I wasn't even done with. Nothing revealing since the collar went up to my neck.

>> No.9042899

Just join anon. No one in the comm cares that much, just got a quick laugh about it is all. Besides the comm always gets flooded with new members right after a con. And people knowing about you going on cgl doesn't matter as long as you dont openly stir drama.

>> No.9043018

North of Downtown actually has a lot of nice houses and apartments and stuff. 7th Street, Central and 7th Avenue (possibly 3rd Street as well) have a really interesting lane set up where during the morning rush, the central lane is reserved for cars going downtown, and during the evening rush, it's used in the opposite (the rest of the time it's a turning lane like normal). It's freaky as fuck if you're not used to driving with cars that close to you going the opposite direction at speed buy doing this allows an easy commute south and north even though you don't live that far to begin with.

>> No.9045424

Anyone buy a Dark Magician Girl figure without the base? Please let me know I found the base! I would hate for someone to spend $40 on a figure and it not have a base

>> No.9046124

Nah then theyd have to clean the cum off the base too

>> No.9048293
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>tfw you are used for an official email correspindence photo

>> No.9048661

If you paid 40 dollars for that figure you deserve to not have a base for your sheer dumb ass in paying that much for it. I got the figure in the vender hall for 25 bucks because I shopped around. One stand was selling it for 60. And I pointed it out how it's cheaper on Amazon and they tried to spin the " this one comes from Japan and is special because it's got the pentagram on her top". The one I bought for 25 was from Japan and isn't any different then the scalper vender. Pentagram and all. Amazon also has the Japan edition with the pentagram.

>> No.9048684

Where there any good cosplays at this con. All this thread is talking about is the gay ass Arizona Lolita comm and not the typical "look at this shitty/awesome cosplay"

>> No.9048915

Nope. It was too hot for people to wear much of any thing outside your normal slutty Harley cosplays and Ravens. There where quite a few league cosplays but nothing of substantial quality that where not artist alley people.