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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 876x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9033782 No.9033782 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita General, baby did it better edition.

old thread auto saging

>> No.9033828


Anon, don't buy shoes from lolita brands. Their quality is terrible. Buy shoes from companies where their specialty is shoes.

>> No.9033842

My AP shoes are pretty nice.

>> No.9033846

Funny joke anon.

>> No.9033909

If you're talking about normalfag shoe brands: sure, my offbrand-but-loliable shoes are the nicest, as they are real leather with comfy insoles and stuff. If we're talking about lolita specific stores: my btssb shoes are way nicer than everything I own from Secret Shop, Antaina or any random taobao shop.

>> No.9033953

I have had 50/50 luck with brand shoes, so I wouldn't say that one shouldn't EVER buy them. Yes, my Btssb shoes scuffed super easy and it was frustrating. Yes, my AP tea parties are uncomfortable, but they have held up well and they are far from terrible quality. My Innocent World boots have held up best. I wear them all the time, for lolita and normalfag fashion and they are super comfortable and cute and I wish I had them in every color.

>> No.9033997

My JetJ shoes are beautifully made and extremely comfortable.

>> No.9034030
File: 114 KB, 700x525, Fluevog_Queen_Elizabeth_Burgund_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love wearing comfy shoes with lolita. I go for cute but simple shoes and focus more on socks or accessories to help bring the coord together. I have some really cute Danskos with little flowers on them that I mainly bought to be comfy lolita shoes, and I don't really wear them with normalfag clothes so that they stay nice.

I don't own any, but I love the look of many Fluevogs. (I first saw them when an anon posted them in a Lolita General a couple years ago.) I love things like pic related.

>> No.9034032
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I also love ones like this. They do some really cute boots too.

>> No.9034074

That's my point! There are a lot of nice shoes out there that can be worn with lolita, especially classic. It gets harder if you're into sweet, I guess, but I don't have any experience with that.

Now, like I said, if we're talking lolita exclusive shoe brands, I couldn't find one that comes close to my brand shoes in terms of quality. Mind you, I only own two pairs of brand shoes and maybe I just got lucky, but I adore both of them. I have one pair of IW flats that are really sturdy, which I also wear day to day with my normal clothes. Then I own a pair of the Btssb Victoir shoes and they are so pretty! I've already worn them A LOT and they do show massive signs of wear after two (?) years of constant use, BUT: the pleather is really soft and the scuffed/rubbed-off parts look like used leather, which actually is kinda pretty? My Antaina rhs smell like plastic, feel like plastic and look like plastic. Scuffed parts look like dirty and old linoleum, if that makes sense? Let's just say it looks pretty ugly. Also the design is rather bulky, while the Victoir ones are slender and more...refined?

Don't get me started on taobao replica shoes. From ankle straps on the left shoe being double as wide as the ones on the right shoe to one shoe simply being a slightly different color than the other one, I had everything.

>> No.9034082

This. I've never had a problem with my brand shoes and it's the style I'm after. I have plenty of offbrand shoes already. Also I'm from America, we don't walk anywhere, cars are required. My brand shoes stay nice.

>> No.9034125
File: 463 KB, 612x859, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still remembers the British Bear MTO in January? Shouldn't the dresses be shipped this month?

>> No.9034133
File: 209 KB, 394x476, large (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brand v. replica v. normie shoes debate while I've always had quality and affordable prices with my indie brand shoes

>> No.9034140

Any 3D prints for lolita?

>> No.9034147

That seriously depends on where you live. I live in a city and don't drive. There's public transport and taxis yes but I do a shitton of walking, at all the meets I've been to the past 3-4 months I've walked to all the meets and back and there was ample time for fucking shoes up.

>> No.9034150


I'm waiting for mine. But it seems like almost every other thread we have some anon going "Holy lantern when!?! Strawberry when!?!!" so I wouldn't really be surprised if it ships late June/July instead.


>> No.9034177

Tomorrow I will be going thrifting to find a casual shirt to match a skirt of mine. Any advice on what to look for in loliable items?
I do have a few blouses but they all sit funny with it, and I want to wear this skirt for a meet over the weekend (it's the only item I have in an appropriate theme) so no time to buy something to match.

>> No.9034186

Look for puffy sleeves, no v-neck and no simple shot t-shirt sleeves. Ruffles, bows, embroidery and simple cute prints are ok.

>> No.9034248
File: 2.93 MB, 480x265, 1421082261682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone notice the drama going on with ghostintheforest and other POP members? Buttcape and Grimy13 were mentioned in specific.

>> No.9034252

Caps? Where to see?

>> No.9034253
File: 60 KB, 764x662, pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034285

If that's true about Grimy13 and Buttcape, I've lost all respect for them. They always came off as famewhores anyway. There's not enough resources for ouji in general so I don't know why you'd do this outside of some pointless vendetta.

>> No.9034326



>> No.9034333


Is that it? Who gives a shit. All that Tumblr does is reblog kodona anyway.

>> No.9034343
File: 147 KB, 480x640, departure hymn jsk 2 black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No but seriously when is this happening? I feel like I've been waiting forever.

>> No.9034358

I liked Buttcape, but I never understood why Grimy13 was part of the group to begin with. Very disappointed in them, though. That's just childish.

>> No.9034398
File: 84 KB, 334x500, 24031984203_5629f08881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not all up with POP and looking up Grimy13 and why the fuck would you use a bodly patterned dress form for a wardrobe post, like it hurts to look at

>> No.9034421

Which indie brands do leather instead of pleather? I only know American Duchess.

>> No.9034424

That doesn't really seem like something they'd do

>> No.9034426

I knew someone would respond with that. I wasn't claiming cities didn't exist where you didn't need a car. But the majority of America does.

>> No.9034429

I'm still waiting. I go on holiday expecting a prompt from AP to say it's been shipped to Tenso. But I received squat.

>> No.9034430

Didn't Buttcape delete a bunch of HLC stuff when she was kicked out? Not the same, obviously, but that struck me as just inconveniencing members. It sounds like a similar reaction to a feud desu

>> No.9034431

My Vintage Cameo MTO arrived yesterday. I was extremely satisfied.

I love the JSK I version with the chiffon running down the middle, but I'm not too keen on the print.

>> No.9034488

>no one's allowed to have a different opinion because I'm right

>> No.9034499
File: 44 KB, 508x169, Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 8.48.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's been maintaining it alone, was she the only person who had access to it? Also in a tumblr with multiple people who have access, you can't see who's doing what.

I have a feeling someone is throwing the blame a little too early.

>> No.9034516

No she was just the one that cared. I don't know why she thinks those 2 did it, maybe because there is issues between them.

>> No.9034613


lol. I meant AP seems to be running late on both HL and Strawberry Whip, going by the ones who preordered HL and Strawberry Whip posting on here about AP being late. So I expect everything else MTO from AP, including British Bear, to be late as well.

This anon says Baby is usually early >>9032007, so at least >>9034343 won't be angsting over passing the estimated shipping time.

Congrats, anon. It's a lovely dress. Feels so good when a dress you've been waiting for finally comes to you, doesn't it.

>> No.9034623

It might also just be an unrelated third party who spammed it, but two things are for sure, there isn't really a definitive way of knowing who did what and because she threw the blame so easily, those three are probably not going to team up again.

>> No.9034778

Anons, please talk me out of getting this dress. I wasn't able to get Baby's Antoinette print so I'm thirsty for AP's knockoff.

>> No.9034788 [DELETED] 

It's bad and has crosses. Don't do it.

>> No.9034802

Is it possible to add a black bonnet/black accessories to a bordeaux and white dress and make it look good?

>> No.9034828
File: 187 KB, 965x432, Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 2.28.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.9034829

not this shit again

>> No.9034855


>> No.9034919

In theory yes, you'd balance out the bonnet by adding black to other parts of the coord but it really depends on the dress and the bonnet themselves. What did you have in mind?

>> No.9034925

What is the point of coming here for advice when everyone gives conflicting opinions? Seems to me they should ask somewhere else about shoes because gulls just want to argue.

>> No.9034932

I saw a listing for ista mori's nameless poem in bordeaux, and i have elpress l's in love with thanatos
I was thinking about perhaps a black shawl and jewelry + shoes

>> No.9034941

>What is the point of coming here for advice when everyone gives conflicting opinions?
god forbid someone should have to think for themselves, weigh evidence, and draw their own conclusions.

surely no other group in existence dares to give different takes on a subject the way /cgl/ does.

>> No.9034963

Nameless poem mto sends out when?
But in all seriousness, I'm laughing that I ordered a dress in January, they said they'd be don't in march, and here we are, June, no dress. That's what I get for wanting the green colorway

>> No.9034983

I'm always really sceptical of people who say that the reason things go wrong for them is because of some conspiracy to ensure that they never succeed at anything. Did she even consider that the account may have been compromised in some other way? Why is her immediate response that she personally is being bullied rather than that some random troll is just dicking around?

>> No.9034988

I haven't interacted with grimy13 but several years ago I was at a tea party and she was at a nearby table. The whole time she was talking REALLY loudly about like ~crazy con orgies~. I'm not all "lolitas should be lovelies" but it just came off very obnoxious and juvenile. So it wouldn't surprise me if she behaves childishly. But again, I don't know her, that's just the impression I got.

>> No.9034997


her general tone and lack of evidence makes me very suspicious, and buttcape's public denial and general history/reputation don't help.

>> No.9035006



Wasn't ghostintheforest kicked out of PoP?

>> No.9035032

i would not take an unsubstantiated claim like that post seriously.

in any case, she has been posting much of PoP's content - my phone gives me notifications when certain tumblr blogs i follow update, and the notification tells me who posted what (i.e., soandso reblogged to palaceofprinces). unfortunately, when the spamming happened, i was playing games and got annoyed at the constant notifications and cleared them without looking at them so i cannot verify which accounts were posting what to PoP during the troll attack. but from my experience it has been mostly ghost with sometimes agentleman posting to the PoP tumblr for a while now.

still, why take down the whole blog instead of the offending posts? did she attend the /cgl/ school of moderation techniques?

>> No.9035040

I feel like a bonnet wouldn't match the aesthetic of the dress

>> No.9035068

I would love to but I'm in the same boat :( trying to pick between ivory and mint.

>> No.9035084

I love this much more than the baby version desu, since I've never been a fan of vertical stripe patterns and I like the JSK cut better of this. I wish there was a full stock picture of the mint colorway though.

>> No.9035119
File: 8 KB, 452x92, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it was a bot. Apparently the porn that was spammed was specifically Kuroshitsuji yaoi and since Ciel is mistakenly associated with ouji, it seems to be maliciously intended. Also, the name was supposedly changed to Palace of Poop so I feel like all of this was on purpose to harm PoP.

pic related is a response from buttcape on fb. I don't think they're at fault for this. They don't like attention and they would have never gone to this much effort to be petty about leaving. Tbh, it all could've been done to frame them too if you think about it.

>> No.9035245

Lief. I really wanted to order a pair as the price was very good but they didn't have any of the colors i needed

>> No.9035259

>I don't think they're at fault for this. They don't like attention and they would have never gone to this much effort to be petty about leaving.

unfortunately there is no way for us to be sure what happened without proof. it is difficult to refrain from speculating who is as fault, but in an utter absence of evidence, i would caution against coming to any judgement.

>> No.9035395

the print on this dress is fucking gorgeous, congrats and thanks for helping me find a dream dress <3
i want the other jsk super badly, not even usually fond of super religious prints!

>> No.9035456

Also didn't a family member of butcape pass away A few months ago and then she went on haiatus?
It doesn't add up. What motive would they even have to sabotage their own work?

>> No.9035494


She sounds like a paranoid loonies here, to be honest.

>> No.9035499

Do you all prefer constantly buying new dresses (and maybe reselling old ones) so that you never wear the same outfit twice or do you prefer to buy only pieces you adore with the intention of keeping them for a long time even if it might mean that after a while you'll be re-wearing entire outfits?

>> No.9035507

I'm a daily Lolita so it's an absolutely absurd idea that I would only wear a piece once.

>> No.9035529

I thought after the drama she deleted her fb account in which the fb posts in hlc were deleted too because they were linked. She made a new one shortly after but with Buttcape name

>> No.9035557
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own any of the kimono style jsks from Meta?
I recently bought one and the front is flipped (right over left) and I'm wondering if all the jsks are like this or if Meta wants me to die.

>> No.9035558

She deleted things like photo albums that would have stayed even without her account
I picture Grimy13 doing this more than Buttcape tho

>> No.9035564 [DELETED] 

All of them are like that because meta is garbage.

>> No.9035576

please don't summon the metafags. though it does seem strange that they'd overlook something this basic as a japanese brand.

>> No.9035581 [DELETED] 

But it IS garbage, it's a Japanese brand and they folded it the wrong way. Either they are clumsy trash, or are telling all of their buyers to die.

>> No.9035592

I'm so confused, all of my meta jsks are fine. You have to either have some kind of weird defect or it got flipped out somehow. Is there some way to refold it properly or is it sewn in that way...?

what if Meta did a funeral jsk. What if you currently have in your possession a corpse's last jsk. rip said dead lolita

>> No.9035595 [DELETED] 

I know you're trying to be witty bit you sound really fucking dumb instead.

>> No.9035616

But when someone gives me two completely different options, I'm talking polar opposites, how does one weigh the evidence exactly?
>Brand shoes are bad
>brand shoes are great

Seems like I still have to make my own decisions and that it could end up being good or bad and that no one got anything done here.

But cgl isn't exactly the accomplished type. Unless you're talking cosplay.

>> No.9035626

>But cgl isn't exactly the accomplished type
Tell that to the spreadsheets and guidebook we collectively wrote.

Honestly, the best thing you can do is look up reviews online and weigh the evidence yourself instead of relying on people saying it's good/bad without substantiating their claims with anything.

>> No.9035636

>pretending the guidebook isn't a flaming bag of shit

>> No.9035637 [DELETED] 

you're an unhelpful cunt.

>> No.9035648

I used to take public transport and walk a lot when I lived in a larger American city and did not own a car. I wore sensible shoes for walking with my nice shoes in a tote bag to change when I arrived.

>> No.9035663

just leave then, what the fuck do you expect from an anonymous Burmese antique car dealership BBS?

>> No.9035664


>> No.9035665

The thing that bothers me is that it's such an easy thing to catch even in the pattern drafting stage.
Plus like you all said, Meta doesn't have the "we didn't know" excuse since they are a Japanese brand.

It's sewn in that way. My sewing machine isn't working otherwise I'd fix it.

>> No.9035666

>anonymous Burmese antique car dealership
You sound like you used to browse /v/

>> No.9035668 [DELETED] 



>> No.9035669 [DELETED] 

So in other words don't bother coming here for advice?


>> No.9035672 [DELETED] 

>pet peeves
Also also
>* instead of a bracket


>> No.9035673 [DELETED] 


>> No.9035678 [DELETED] 

yes, stop coming here at all. it is a horrible place where nothing important happens.

>> No.9035681

Thank you.
Somehow I ended up buying a tank top that matches the ruffle on the bottom but is just a boring ass tank top, I will try again tomorrow.
However if it doesn't work, would a tank top under a bolero or cardigan ever be acceptable?

>> No.9035687

I'm kind of stringy and am only willing to drop 200+ bucks on a dress if I love it enough to wear it at least several times. But I'm also really picky, so out of the thirty-ish main pieces I've purchased over several years, I've only been disappointed with maybe four of them enough to sell them after one wear.

>> No.9035689

Stingy, not stringy, damn it fingers

>> No.9035701 [DELETED] 

>people dislike meta
>must be a samefag cause nobody can have an opinion different than mine!

>> No.9035709 [DELETED] 


>> No.9035784

So people here took their time to write up their experiences and you never even thanked them, but just started complaining? Nobody here said that all brand shoes are bad or all brand shoes are shit, they told you which shoes they own are nice and which aren't. Cause guess what princess, the quality will differ from brand/release and there will never be a black and white answer. You could ask for pictures, you could ask for opinions/reviews on the specific kind of shoes that you want. Instead you're acting like a bratty child when anons were trying to help you. What did you expect? Us saying "yes, here is the link to the google docs sheet which includes reviews for all brand/offbrand shoes in the world with pictures to back them up and at least 20 validated opinions for each pair"?

>> No.9035787

>you never even thanked them
Um... I'm not the person who was asking, I don't care about brand shoes.

>> No.9035794

It's fine because it's not an actual kimono, even people in the know will just see it as like a wrap dress, it doesn't matter. Different connotations.

>> No.9035803

Haha, imagining a Betty spaghetti lolita. Will never get the image out, topkek anon. God bless autocorrect

>> No.9035835 [DELETED] 

So why are you complaining now, exactly?

>> No.9035837 [DELETED] 

Because you're a cunt?

>> No.9035845
File: 12 KB, 224x280, 1464819905397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovelies pls

>> No.9035847


Baby's Antoinette print in the regular jsk style is still available in 3 colours on their website (the rest sold out, but if you're not picky). The price tag is much cheaper than AP's Antoinette, too.

>> No.9035854 [DELETED] 

I'm a cunt for trying to help people? Oh okay.

>> No.9035856

this x 1,000,000

>> No.9035857 [DELETED] 

Nah you're a cunt for your cunt attitude.

>> No.9035860 [DELETED] 

>metafags defending metas obvious fuck up

>> No.9035865 [DELETED] 

eat my butt, mad anon

>> No.9035867 [DELETED] 

no thanks, I'm on a low fat diet.

>> No.9035871 [DELETED] 


>being this much of a twat while having your selling e-mail up

Oh dear.

>> No.9035875
File: 41 KB, 300x451, 1442673597101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035877


The thing that comes to my mind is Western tradition, where if you're a guy, your shirt buttons left over right, if you're female, your shirt buttons right over left. A lot of wrap dresses (non-lolita, non-kimono, just regular wrap dresses) still tend to wrap right over left because of this archaic tradition when dudes had swords and needed their button flaps to face the other way so their swords don't get caught in them (I don't know why they made girls button their shirts in the opposite direction, though. Maybe so they don't put on a girl's clothes by mistake? Or they want to discourage girls from wielding swords? idk).

So I'm not really sure if Meta just grabbed a random Western wrap dress pattern for their first few kimono dresses, or maybe they made a deliberate choice to keep the right-over-left Western tradition since the kimono jsk itself is an East-meets-West thing in a sort of kimono meets European doll fashion kinda thing.

If you do a quick google search, there's actually multiple releases where the jsk is wrapped in that direction. The newer jsks tend to have the direction reversed. So I guess at some point a lot of people have pointed out the weirdness to them.

>> No.9035887

When I browse, I look for fancy collars, chiffon fabric and puff sleeves. I can skim a rack and only have to pull one or two things out.
Tank tops under cardigans... Eh. Never seen it done well. I hope that's a really really nice Tank top.
Post a floordinate to the coord help thread.

>> No.9035889


Hi, everyone. This is the real owner of this email. It seems someone is trying to impersonate me here and in other threads. I'm not sure what I did to them, but I'm sure now this is really going to hurt my selling chances for no reason.

I'm sorry for the person who is using my email for shitposting. I hope that you will ignore them if possible.

>> No.9035890

Off-topic, but the reason why female shirts button the other way is apparently because women who did wear blouses didn't dress themselves.

>> No.9035895 [DELETED] 

>backpedalling this hard
Yeeeaah, suuure

>> No.9035897

Please, I have nothing against Meta. They are a great brand. I know how this looks, but I really hope you anons will believe me that I just wanted to sell my stuff and suddenly someone is impersonating me.

I will stop posting now, I don't want to contribute anything more off-topic to this thread.

>> No.9035899


That's even more baffling, unless it was dudes who were dressing them, or female servants also wore blouses that button the other way, surely it doesn't matter to the person dressing the women which direction the shirt buttons in?

Nonetheless, thank you for this interesting little tidbit.

>> No.9035903

I believe you, nobody is that much of a retard to do it by mistake.

>> No.9035906

Do you have the belt that comes with it? I'd definitely buy it off you

>> No.9035910

Creating a new blog would ensure she has control over who posts there.

>> No.9035925

It was a thing that noblewomen made popular, so naturally over time normal peasant clothing for women emulated the style, then melded and became the norm regardless of status or number of haidmaidens.
But yes, the reversed buttons were to make dressing rich wpmen easier on the right handed maids serving them.

>> No.9036000


Aah, this makes a lot more sense now.

Again, thank you for the interesting info!

>> No.9036007

How do you cultivate a wardrobe outside of lolita? How would you describe your style?

>> No.9036030
File: 220 KB, 820x729, mailhorror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw some serious mail horror story today
>french lolita received a package with her AP dress
>fucking CUTTER cuts on it
Like fuck, she paid 35euros of shipping fees for that. Fuck Chronopost/Laposte (and customs at that,because these bastard charge ridiculous amounts) really.

>> No.9036032


>> No.9036035

Omfg what is she going to do now

>> No.9036037


>> No.9036038

Holy shit

>> No.9036039

This is ridiculous.

>> No.9036041

holy shit! I hope she can get some money back through shipping insurance or something.

>> No.9036048

Is this how AP packs their stuff? Or is it some shopping serive?
Not saying shitty post/customs people are not to blame but shipping internationally on a plastic bag like that should not be acceptable.

>> No.9036064

Antique Beast opens on the 3rd June again.

>> No.9036081

Has anyone noticed a change in their quality?

>> No.9036088

Yeah AP always ships like that, most people ship internationally via a plastic envelope like that. Ain't no one can afford a fucking box.

>> No.9036090
File: 122 KB, 676x692, 1463210027985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic but:
>tfw I asked AB to customize an MSD version of the doll headdress last time and now it's a regular option

>> No.9036091


Not the anon who posted it.

It's how AP jp packs their stuff, but remember that AP jp does not ship internationally. So it would have gone to Tenso or another shopping service as this flimsy pink bag, and afaik Tenso will usually put it into a cardboard box to ship internationally. Japan Post is generally awesome and careful, so shipping within Japan like this was ok, whereas international mail is pretty brutal so Tenso has always used a cardboard box, not sent the pink bag on its own.

I can't figure out if this girl used another less experienced shopping service, or maybe she requested lightweight shipping from Tenso so they decided to just mail the plastic bag.

>> No.9036093

what kind of neanderthal opens a soft envelope with a fucking blade.
I've only seen Tenso use a cardboard box if they consolidated it with something large or fragile. Otherwise Tenso will just slap another label onto the bag and ship it.

>> No.9036095

Maybe it's because I usually buy from secondhand stores, but I've received pretty much everything in cardboard boxes.

>> No.9036158

What, really? Where? I only see the SD option.

>> No.9036166

OT but is that picture an accurate representation of pink HL? if yes it might've just fallen down a lot in my preferred colours

>> No.9036168 [DELETED] 

Are you stupid? That's wine.

>> No.9036177

It'll be up tomorrow when they open orders again.

>> No.9036190

Thank you so much anon. I was so disappointed when I was an SD size last time. I didn't even think to ask!

>> No.9036216

Oh dear. This hurts when brand gets cut.

I use Tenso when I buy from AP Japan. It's arriving today in the mail.

>> No.9036217

I thought this was pink as well, the photo looks very like dark salmon.

>> No.9036238 [DELETED] 

Not my fault if you're too stupid to look at a picture and identify it as the correct colorway.

>> No.9036265

calm down salt-chan

>> No.9036268 [DELETED] 

I'm salty for questioning someone's level of intelligence for not being able to tell something isn't AP pink? You can't honestly look at that picture and think it would be pastel pink, even with the weird lighting.

>> No.9036269

not that anon but on my phone it does look very pinkish. I thought it was the pink colorway until I looked on my PC. On my monitor it looks more wine. Calm down dude

>> No.9036272 [DELETED] 

But there's actual AP pink for reference in the same pic? I don't see how you all are this stupid, honest to god. It's like I'm trying to explain things to a goldfish.

>> No.9036273

It looks more pink than wine though, so not surprising people think it's the former instead of the latter. Dunno why your panties are in a twist.

>> No.9036274

dude AP bags don't always match AP pink. The bags are more of a hot pink and AP has been prone to using more muted pinks layely. You're the one who looks stupid right now.

>> No.9036276 [DELETED] 

>it looks more pink than wine
Have you never seen HL in wine? It looks a lot more like that than the super pale pink. You all are legitimately bordering on room temp IQs if you try and defend it as pink.

>> No.9036279

No one's defending it as pink, they're just asking you to chill and stop shitposting

>> No.9036280 [DELETED] 

I didn't say it was the exact same pink, dumb fuck. I said there was an AP pink for an example. Compared to the bag the dress looks nothing like a pink.

>> No.9036282 [DELETED] 

This shitposting wouldn't be happening if people didn't get their panties in a bunch over being called out as stupid.

>> No.9036292

>implying that looks like wine
What I'm saying is that it looks neither like the default pink nor like the default wine (default being what instinctively pops into people's head). Therefore, someone could logically go either way in classifying the colour and there's no need to be so bothered by it.

>> No.9036295 [DELETED] 

It looks a fuck ton more like wine than it does a super pale pink you dolt. Do you not know what process of elimination is? You use it to come to the most likely conclusion.

>someone could logically think that is the almost white pink AP used for HL


>> No.9036312

The picture makes it look faded anon, it looks nothing like how the wine colorway usually pictures. I can see why someone new would assume that's the "pink" and not the wine.
Stop being so autismal about it.

>> No.9036328 [DELETED] 

Even if it's faded it looks absolutely nothing like the pink, I don't understand how /cgl/ is this god damn stupid.

>> No.9036329 [DELETED] 

I just fucking said a newbie would assume that.
Stop spergin'

>> No.9036330 [DELETED] 

Being new isn't an excuse for mental retardation.

>> No.9036334 [DELETED] 

Why is this so important to you, anon?

>> No.9036335 [DELETED] 

Because the anon was stupid and I like shitting on stupid people. It's fun.

>> No.9036336 [DELETED] 

Because anon is an autist and needs to throw a Chris Chan tier tantrum about colors.

>> No.9036338 [DELETED] 

Are you HWC?

>> No.9036344 [DELETED] 

yes. you should see what I've been doing to the menhera threads recently

>> No.9036359
File: 189 KB, 736x981, 5e61fce98c73bb8f054ecfee912451e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a petticoat that would achieve a skirt shape like in pic related? I have a lot of tiered dresses, and I don't like it when the shape is too round or balloon like, but I don't want it to look too a-line (I am a sweet lolita).

>> No.9036365

Layer petticoats

>> No.9036378

>How would you describe your style outside of lolita?
Lazy af

>> No.9036390

Very retro-preppy, although most of it is boring solid coloured shirts that I hate. I really need to get some cute pastel stuff.

>> No.9036394

more dresses, but normie kinds. I cant stand wearing pants

>> No.9036420 [DELETED] 

pants are for lesbians.

>> No.9036425

>what kind of neanderthal opens a soft envelope with a fucking blade.
...never doing that ever again....

>> No.9036436

Either cutesy jfash-ish stuff or basic bitch meets hooker.

>> No.9036476

I'm just mortified. I'm weak af and I usually just open any plastic bag packaging by you know, tearing it open at the top... WHY would anyone think using a blade on that was a good idea??? Did someone else open it for her???

Or did the packaging get cut in shipping? I'm quite confused about the situation...wtf

>> No.9036483 [DELETED] 

It says right there how it happened you dumb fuck.

>> No.9036490

Might anti-animal cruelty sentiments by why brands don't use real leather for fashion intentionally?
Is wearing cured dead animal flesh kawaii?

>> No.9036500

I can pretty much guarantee that Asia doesn't give a shit about animal cruelty. They use faux leather because it's cheaper.

>> No.9036505

Leather is super expensive in Japan because they don't have the space for cattle. They just use fake leather because it's cheaper.

>> No.9036508

Different anon but I also don't know what "cutter cuts on it" means. A box cutter? A piece of equipment used in mail rooms?

>> No.9036510 [DELETED] 

You're an idiot.

>> No.9036518

Apparently we're all idiots because I don't get it either.

>> No.9036521 [DELETED] 

Maybe it's European word? I'm hoping she didn't cut her own package like that

>> No.9036523 [DELETED] 

>apparently we're all idiots
Now you get it.

>> No.9036527

A box cutter, a knife, a pair of scissors, whatever. Basically somebody used a cutter to slice shit open and it cut the inside contents up.

>> No.9036532

Jesus christ, why would someone do that?
I'd just assumed customs did that because I can't imagine someone stupid enough to slice right into their package.

>> No.9036535 [DELETED] 

The same reason you couldn't understand the original statement, mental retardation.

>> No.9036574

Same. The wording was misleading as well. Not really a mail horror story if she did that to her package after receiving it.

>> No.9036580

I kinda got what was being said >>9036041 confused me. Why would she get money back for shipping if she'd done it herself?

Sorry for getting a bit confused lol, calm down.

>> No.9036632

A little late to the party, but does anyone know why Daniela is closing My lolita style? I really don't give a shit about the page but wanna hear the drama

>> No.9036633

that's the wine, i think

>> No.9036657

Someone always brings up this argument but it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. If you're getting a pair of leather shoes then save for a few exceptions (like Italy for instance) they're not usually made in the country you buy them in....
Not to mention that Japan is actually pretty well known for its cattle breeds

>> No.9036691
File: 37 KB, 450x570, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what style of collar this is called or if there are other jsks like this one (besides the IW ones)? i realize IW calls them "church choir jsks" but searching for that only brings up other IW jsks. thanks in advance and sorry if this question is super stupid or something!

>> No.9036697

nun collar

>> No.9036709

thanks so much anon!

>> No.9036832

Nah man, AP looks more like a lolita dress, Baby's Antoinette looks like cosplay or a little girls fancy dress converted to adult size.

>> No.9036835

This, seriously. Meta is a Japanese brand. Obviously it's not super weird and uncomfortable to actual Japanese people because... you know... they made it and sold it. And repeated the design a couple times. It's a bit hilarious that a bunch of English speaking westerners are acting like it's a big deal or a mistake or that Meta needs some sort of excuse.

>> No.9036836

Import tax on leather is also quite high. And the cows are bred for meat not skins, again the meat is quite expensive and the amount of cows is small.

>> No.9036839

Is it considered a faux pas to wear a coord with both wine and brown like it is navy and black? The dress I'm trying to coord is ivory, but the print has both colors in it. Coording it with both colors separately looks amazing, but I'm not sure if I can get away with both, since my accessories are wine but my only suitable shoes are brown.

>> No.9036840
File: 81 KB, 500x750, 1-singing-in-the-rain-short-pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone pre-ordering Precious Clove's 'Singing in the Rain'? I'm thinking about it it's just so lovely
or does anyone already have a different release of it?

>> No.9036843

It's fine to coord wine and brown. And also fine to coord navy and black, so long as the navy is more of a brighter blue and sticks out from the black enough.

>> No.9036937

Different anon, I just got my HL from Tenso and it came in the same pink plastic bag even though I paid the expensive shipping.

>> No.9036948

Urgh. I'm really wanting the ouji shorts + blouse but I already have a larger-than-anticipated Taobao order going. Plus I think part of my want stems from a desperate desire to wear animal ears in a coordinate, like the fucking piece of weeb trash I am.

>> No.9036949

Also, tanners and shoemakers weren't exactly professions that were held in high regard in Japan's Buddhist history (they were considered eta because they worked with death). So there isn't really a solid tradition there for either.

Also, it seems like most Japanese women are way more into fads when it comes to shoes. So they don't really care if they have to toss a cute pair out after just one season due to wear and tear.

>> No.9036953

I owned that JSK in the same color from the last release. The print was cute, with all the cute cats and the little ducks. It was surprisingly good quality and the length of the JSK was a little generous. It ended up being too sweet for me so I sold it.

>> No.9036954

That's pushing out of the boundaries of Lolita a little far, don't you think? Why do people try to wear things before they can actually get a proper coord together?

>> No.9036958

Get the plain one if you must add black. Even then a shawl and bonnet sound unsuitable for the dress style.

>> No.9036960

For shipping that's only 500¥, I can see why it's just a plastic bag. CC's packages are more durable compared to AP's for the same price of shipping.

>> No.9036961

Post specifics in coord help thread. It's hard to tell from this vague description.

>> No.9036964

I don't like it. I think it's way too busy with dots+ stripes + print + lace.

>> No.9036998 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1826x1826, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this style is?
And where to get lace dresses like this?

>> No.9037002 [DELETED] 


Lord what an obnoxious caption.

>> No.9037004


Definitely not lolita. Please make a general j-fashion thread if you want to post things like this.

>> No.9037031 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 247x250, 1444108049637s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies get out reeeeeeee etc etc

>> No.9037043 [DELETED] 

I know, right?

>> No.9037044
File: 109 KB, 1136x852, 13323889_827475607396503_603042977_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could these shoes be loliable? I got them at Famous Footwear for like $20 for graduation, but I feel like I could wear them with some simple white dress or something classic-sweet if I wanted to. Is that a stupid thing of me to think or would it work?

>> No.9037048
File: 1.75 MB, 387x387, SKREEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9037051

500 yen? Tenso to CA is around $20 max, and that gets you just the pink plastic bag AP puts it in.

>> No.9037052

yeah it is a stupid thing for you to think. keep these shoes in normie fashion.

>> No.9037071


>> No.9037077

500¥ was with Sagawa Express who shipped it to Tenso. I know with Tenso shipping was around $40 cause I got something from CC.

Good night.

>> No.9037093 [DELETED] 

she must have a thing for Greeks then

>> No.9037112

They're fine. If you wouldn't have said where you got them, these brand whores wouldn't crap on it.
They are absolutely perf

>> No.9037121
File: 841 KB, 450x254, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care if this is bait this is so dumb.

>> No.9037129

Kill thyself

>> No.9037137

I love troll answers to stupid questions. I know I shouldn't but I really do.
Let people wear that shit, it's funny.
People need to chillax, itas gonna ita anyway.

>> No.9037138
File: 129 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9037140

Ah, alright... Thanks for being honest, though. I didn't feel like investing in white shoes so I figured that I should ask before making myself look like a dipshit. Thanks for steering me away, lol.

>> No.9037141


>> No.9037142

Can't we all just be self-depreciating?

>> No.9037153


We already are self depreciating by coming to a /cgl/. Our value as human beings is instantly less.

>> No.9037155

I know but we have to enforce the idea. People are pretending to have standards and it's not board appropriate.

>> No.9037164


I think you meant self deprecating. I was trying to poke fun at the typo. Alas, it's far too late for me. Off to bed, anon.

>> No.9037175

oh damn I'm retarded

>> No.9037189

80's Teacher/Secretary kei sometimes with an otome quirky feel but more chic. Quintessential things: mixing patterns with patterns, silk blouses, collar bows, pinafore jumpers, patterned stockings, skirts and dresses, so many dresses. Generally modest in the same way as lolita. I'm in an artsy profession so I like playing that up, and it totally works, I get a lot of compliments, people remember me by my personal style.

>How do you cultivate a wardrobe outside of lolita?
It takes a while to figure out what you like, and what actually looks good on you, you have to be very honest with yourself, it's my favorite type of self expression, it has to come from you. If it bores me, I get rid of it. Get inspired, favorite things you like on Etsy, and go find a well catered thrift store, start out cheap until you're able to identify your style on a clothing rack. Be super picky, or if you must have it and it doesn't quite fit, have it tailored. Make a list of specific things you'd like to incorporate into your wardrobe like a shirtwaist dress or oxford shoes. And then once you have a few things you bought and love, find interesting ways to combine and improve them with your personal take. Soon enough you'll start to notice patterns that you can then reinforce throughout your wardrobe, whether by the cut of the garment, or the color, pattern, etc. I find it more fun than lolita cause it's cheaper and easier to bend rules with great results, but you have to know what you're doing. Buy things that make you fall in love. Good luck!

>> No.9037241

>Taking things this seriously on a Lebanese ass-eating forum

Trips of normalfaggotry

>> No.9037310
File: 139 KB, 960x810, 13312735_10205086242870435_4689961275881401613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW 2016 SS Happy Pack is available on their reservation page.
There are also 2 new JSK, a blouse and 2 hair accessories,too.

>> No.9037312

This has been so helpful anon. Thank you.

I really appreciate it, seriously. This is exactly what I have been looking for but unable to find.
I'm ready to make the purge and update my wardrobe. Thank you so much.

>> No.9037319
File: 1.77 MB, 1139x766, a381855a34491d0b46b85e0f7b823618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent under 40,000 yen on all of this but the haul is starting to get too big, the shipping terrifies me so i just.. keep buying more instead of shipping it. zenmarket is too convenient.

send help

>> No.9037325

hahahahahahahahfuck no my wallet

>> No.9037326

Ummm that was such a good commercial for zenmarket. I'm using them now.
Also I think there used to be a bootleg anime merch/katana&incense store in my mall with that name

>> No.9037340
File: 37 KB, 295x500, R-Series16.06-圣蔷薇的昼与夜-高腰鱼骨SK-3-295x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal frillybutt skirt
lol R-series.

>> No.9037356

No problem, glad I could help! It's a lot of fun once things start clicking into place, when you don't settle for just any clothing you'll end up refining your taste and that will show. Also if you don't have a full length mirror, it's a total must!

>> No.9037364

Do you have any extra pointers? Useful websites/books you used?

>> No.9037366

i wear sweet/classic lolita but i always end up wearing heaps of black outside of it. i'm basically an art hoe.

>> No.9037381

the only issue is that the flat 300 yen they charge is more than you would normally pay unless what you're buying is over 3000 yen. i've been picking up stuff for 1000 yen and just.. hoping what i save on the 10,000+ stuff balances out.

>> No.9037383
File: 143 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got details on the Laforet Private Party? I saw a post about a special set (pic related),and the mention of Diner Doll but the translation is wonky so I'm sure what the context is.

>> No.9037387

I'm thinking about reserving IW's Germaine OP re-release but I can't decide on which size to get... I'm below the bust and waist for the L and very close to the minimum waist measurement for the M, however i do have a wide ribcage and shoulders so I'm wondering it I should go for the L?

>> No.9037393

I only ordered the socks but they came in a box from tenso yesterday (no special shipping instructions from me) maybe they vary it by country?

>> No.9037448 [DELETED] 

Does anyone here have a sugardaddy who buys all/most of your stuff?

What do you do in return? How does it all work?

>> No.9037491

Marie Kondo's method of tidying up really helped me decide what to keep and what to sell

>> No.9037511

You could wear them with a lolita dress, the resulting outfit may well be more lolita inspired than lolita though.

>> No.9037516

>How do you cultivate a wardrobe outside of lolita?
Decide what I want to wear other than lolita. Work is smart casual/semi formal and I like to have versatility in my wardrobe, so I have a lot of loliable tops and blazers that can work with either work skirts/trousers or lolita. I also have nostalgia for the late 90s/early 2000s so do a lot of the crop top/flared jeans/platform shoes thing for casual.

>How would you describe your style?
Feminine, matchy, with alternative fashion (mainly lolita and gothic) and vintage/retro influences.

>> No.9037531

If I didn't spend all my fucking money on lolita I would have a huge J-fashion wardrobe. Typically cute/quality shit I grab from Goodwill (because I'm not paying full price for shitty fast fashion) and some stuff here and there ordered from Liz Lisa or Taobao stores. Favorite styles are himekaji, soft sister and menhera (menhera being my most 3edgy5you style).

>> No.9037543

I own the lavender JSK from the last release - it is super cute and the chiffon is really soft and lovely!

>> No.9037554

Are you me anon? I caved in and got the ouji shorts, headband and brooch. The top hat sold out though.

>> No.9037557 [DELETED] 

no, see I'm like super pretty so I had a man actually want to marry me and since he thinks I'm super cute he buys me whatever Lolita stuff I want

don't have to work at all either

but I can see how most gulls are unwedable trash uncapable of loving another person so it's not an option for you all

>> No.9037571

Is there a specific way to tie neckties?

They always feel uncomfortable and like they are choking me. Maybe I am too sensitive.

>> No.9037617

Have some respect for yourself and make your own money.

>> No.9037618

Link? I could try to translate.

>> No.9037620

I own the shorts and they're really shitty quality.
They're made of chiffon, but they don't feel well made.

>> No.9037627

really? that's a little upsetting considering they're really cute and I was actually debating them
thanks for the review tho

>> No.9037642

I would tie them like a halter neck if you are sensitive. If you really want them crossed over, consider putting a small safety pin or sewing them where they cross so that they don't ride up and feel like they're strangling you.

>> No.9037648

Do they calculate the payment fees for you and bill you or do you have to do it yourself? And do they take paypal? I'm not all that impressed by their sales info but the website otherwise looks pretty good.

>> No.9037712 [DELETED] 

Well yeah. That's how I afford all my glorious AP. All I have to do is give up my butt every night.

>> No.9037832
File: 66 KB, 961x776, 36ffff869ee28a3bea6db1b10fbc5861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commission fee is always 300 yen per item, and it's done for you. when you add items to buy they check the item and calculate the fee and shipping before you pay. they do paypal

>> No.9037878 [DELETED] 

oh HWC, you're not pretty dear, stop deluding yourself...

>> No.9037883

So since l*ckshop is basically scammy and dreamholic is kind of iffy where would you gulls recommend getting lolita approriate wigs?
I was looking at Cyperous but it seems their styles are limited and Prisila is over my budget.

>> No.9037933

Dreamholic is actually good, just I'd steer clear of their problem wigs, which so far seems to be the Boleyn and the hime cut. Basically any of the more 'adventurous' wigs....
I'm the person who had a problem with the Boleyn in the last thread btw

>> No.9037999

Damnit, anons. I was getting dressed for ILD and I suddenly realised I hate lolita. I suddenly did not like any of my clothes or how it fits, and I don't want to go to the meet even though I pre paid. The skirt I wanted to wear, I wont wear it because it is too light coloured and I have my period and it is winter. And the dress I am wearing now is somehow way too big so I had to shove a bolero over the top, even though I have been considering selling it because it is too small.
What should I do? I feel like shit.

>> No.9038001

Can someone give me advice on how to care for brand dresses? I am honestly so scared about how to clean them. I'm worried a dry cleaner will mess it up but I'm scared to hand wash as well. As for washing machine, I could never put brand in there. Any advice? I'm newer to the fashion and haven't worn my dresses much, and they haven't gotten dirty. I know I WILL need to clean them and I need to figure out what to do.

>> No.9038004

It depends on the dress. I have put non-print brand in the washing machine in garment bags before. Other dresses I have just spot cleaned.

>> No.9038006

We had a brand care/washing thread a little while ago that should give you some tips. Look up post >>8968884 in the archive

>> No.9038015

Sounds like you're moody because you're on your period. Get a nap, drink some water, and see how you feel later.

>> No.9038018

eat some chocolate/junk food and take some midol, and if need be do a shot and punch a pillow. it'll get better anon

>> No.9038031

Why is lo-shop scammy? Never quite ordered from them, but am dying to get a bohemian wig (will it ever happen though?)

>> No.9038034

lurk more

>> No.9038039

Ok, I feel better now and found my only dress that won't put pressure on my stomach. However, it's slightly too small and giving me boobloaf something awful. How can I fix this?

>> No.9038040

does the bra you have on have padding?

>> No.9038042

Are you willing to post pictures of your wig? Iirc you said it came tangled, were you able to fix it?

>> No.9038043

No, it's a sports bra to minimise.
I might just wear a cardigan over it.

>> No.9038044

I don't see anything terrible except for their customer service on webz reviews..?

Also, if not from them, where can I get a wig similar to bohemian? I don't mind spending extra, just need it to be long and volume

>> No.9038048

Duly noted, thank you.

Basically a bunch of people haven't gotten the wigs they ordered since (iirc) last October and when these people tried to contact her she would be MIA. Also I hear their quality has become very hit or miss.

>> No.9038094

All the brand dresses I currently own are printed. I feel like dry cleaning would be the safest option, but how would you go about finding a safe dry cleaner? Also, after how many wears of not getting dirty should dresses be washed?

>> No.9038099

Tangled wigs can be fixed with silicon spray and gentle heat treating.

>> No.9038100

Clothing only needs to be washed if it is dirty. Putting an arbitrary number like "3 wears" is pointless. Lolita dresses, you generally wear something under them so they don't touch your body so they don't get sweaty. You're more careful with them, so you don't generally get dirt on them. Only wash something if it smells or is dirty.
There is no specific way to find a safe dry cleaner, it's best to post in your comm and ask. It's also possible to clean dresses by hand washing.

>> No.9038123

If I were to try handwashing, how can I tell if the print is safe to be handwashed are not? There is an old list on EGL about prints that can/can't be washed but it's very small. Specifically out of the dresses I own, I have AP Country of Sweets OP in white and I think it needs washing sooner than any of the others I own. There is some red in the print, which concerns me. Also this is a dumb question, but can hair accessories like headbows be washed too?

>> No.9038139

I have the Boleyn wig and it came in perfect condition, no tangles. It was very soft and fluffy. Maybe yours was a defect?

>> No.9038146

Hey anon, if you want you can email me at give.me.all.the.dresses@gmail.com any questions you have.

I use to scour the sartorialist a lot or Tokyo Fashion and save everything that excited me, but even then I'm not copying what I'm seeing word for word, I'm getting a feel for how other people approach their own personal style. Keep a folder on your desktop of stuff you love, try to invest in timeless pieces!

>> No.9038223
File: 75 KB, 499x600, TB1iai_HFXXXXXtXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to tell me if this is a replica print? I love it, but it makes me think of Triple Tart.

>> No.9038229

Doesn't look like any print I've seen, I doubt it's a replica. What's going on at the waist, though? Is that white waistband a part of the skirt or some odd belt they threw on the model?

>> No.9038236

i have the same one. they were on sale really cheap a couple years ago and every lolita and their grandmother bought one

>> No.9038237

It's a waistband on the skirt, unfortunately!

>> No.9038238

Does it look better in other pictures, possibly? Or are you going to wear a blouse on top of it? Because as it is, it looks pretty unfortunate.

>> No.9038244

Oh, no. I was thinking of buying it to take the waistband away and make a JSK for myself, as I have a pink fabric that looks almost the same as the top pattern of the skirt. But was afraid of it being a replica.

>> No.9038260

While this may not be a replica, keep in mind that this store has some 'almost-a-replica' designs, like the "Holy lantern" inspired:

But well, not full replicas, as you may notice.

>> No.9038297
File: 27 KB, 460x460, holy copycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I crazy or does this look familiar?

>> No.9038303

Where is that from?

>> No.9038305

Why would you wash a head Bow?
They have metal in them, it would probably rust.
You are supposed to wash prints with red with vinegar or something to stop them bleeding.

>> No.9038315

considering HL already has a replica it makes sense the fabric gets used in other stuff.

>> No.9038336

>why would you wash a head bow

you're disgusting for asking this

>> No.9038337

Look man, unless your head sweats like crazy or a bird shits on you, it's pointless. I have never heard of anyone washing one before.

>> No.9038342

Really? After years of use you don't think sweat accumulates? I'm a daily Lolita and some bows I've had for five years would be discolored beyond belief if I didn't wash them every now and then.

>> No.9038343

I handwash anything that gets dirty or that I sweat in. So basically my short sleeve blouses and OPs get handwashed every wear. It doesn't hurt the print. I machine washed an IW blouse once on gentle and the lace got fuzzy so I never tried it again

>> No.9038359


nayrt here, I'd love to hear how you wash your headbows, particularly the metal ones that brands like to put out.

I've had to turn one of mine into a barette, discovered a rust stain on the back after it dried. Always wondered if it could have been avoided if I'd dry-cleaned it instead or whatever method you're using.

>> No.9038361

did you place it inside a garment bag? I machine wash all of my blouses but separate them into bags to help prevent friction and haven't had any issues.

>> No.9038369

a-line over bell, duh

>> No.9038371

Customs did it, not her. This happens in Canada all the fucking time.

>> No.9038395


Thank fuck their dresses don't appeal to me anymore. I like their skirts but that's about it. If they could just do a lucky pack of their blouses that'd be great.

>> No.9038407

I'm about to leave for my comms ILD meet. Is there any surefire way to make sure my coord is at least acceptable, without posting here? I'm worried it is too casual, but I'm >>9037999 so I have nothing else to wear other than this one OP that doesn't cut in to my stomach. I think it's more otome, but the alternative is being in pain the whole day, and my meds ran out so I'd rather not.

>> No.9038441

yes. i was freaking pissed. on gentle, cool, garment bag, hung up to dry

>> No.9038536

Thanks for sharing that. I'll have to see if I can get tenso to mark my future shipments as fragile or something. I'd be absolutely heartbroken if some customs officer did this to one of my packages.

>> No.9038611

That was my first impression but some anon was posting calling everyone an idiot that speculated that and then someone said she did it with a box cutter.

>> No.9038629

I received a package via fj with a fragile sticker on it and was like lol why, now I knnooww.

>> No.9038870


>> No.9038924

Most people don't wear lolita daily, or even weekly. And even then, most of the time it's just for a couple of hours and it's not the same headbow everytime. And don't forget wigs. I can't even imagine how often I'd have to weat a headbow until I'd need to wash it.

>> No.9038943

Customs really needs to be held responsible for this shit
>TG I'm in America

>> No.9039113

Newbie question but can you coord in jelly sandals with lolita? I know that they generally stay in fairy kei but I have a pair of black sparkle ones that I think would go well with a coord I'm working on.

>> No.9039117

>I know they stay in fairy kei
>can I do it anyway?

go ahead, but it's ita as fuck and you need to lurk more

>> No.9039118

Different anon but how would it be ita? Jelly shoes don't automatically mean ita lmao

>> No.9039119

>jelly sandals don't automatically make it ita


>> No.9039122

Sorry, I'll lurk more..

>> No.9039124

Well this is a... odd representation of lolita in the media.

>> No.9039132

Forgot to add that it starts at 2:35, for some reason the embedding didn't keep the start time.

>> No.9039134

Jelly sandals should only ever be worn by kids on the beach.

>> No.9039137

what even is this?
Well it's not the worst thing I've seen about lolitas.

>> No.9039167

Gonna contact dreamholic and see what can be done before I post pics. I'll get it sorted then I'll post pics, probably in a wig thread because I'm going to need a hand sorting out the bangs, they're Ind of fucked up. I'm sure it was just a defect but it's still annoying.
As >>9038099 it can probably be fixed but I'm not very skilled at hair styling (hence why I bought wigs for minimal effort) and it sucks to spend £30 on a wig that comes tangled and nothing like the stock photo

>> No.9039174

Probably. Did Yours come looking like the stock photo? Mine is lank, not fluffy at all.

Sage for double post

>> No.9039180

where is that from? I kind of really want it

>> No.9039186

This was AMAZING.

>> No.9039237

I only got the two bear bags but still ughh come on AP

>> No.9039280

Lolitas are seen as fat weirdos in Japan, no surprise here

>> No.9039314
File: 119 KB, 1024x286, LMnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls look at that!
LM acutally being worked on, let's hope for the best.

>> No.9039417

Spending over 3000 yen per item is not a problem for me haha

>> No.9039422

If I want a moderately good beginner petticoat, but am not making a taobao order any time soon, where would you recommend buying from? I was considering mylolitadress, because the last time I tried to save myself some money (I know, I know) I got a petti from aliexpress that sure does jack shit.

>> No.9039458 [DELETED] 

lurk more

>> No.9039587

I got my own Boleyn wig in chocolate-- it didn't come tangled and, imo, doesn't look like the picture, but it's not a necessary bad wig to me. I do wish it was more "airy" looking like the picture, but it didn't get tangled or anything for me.

If anything, the bangs are a bit too small/thin, but I'm not entirely sure. I've only worn it once, but I can take a picture later if wanted.

To be honest, I'm primarily buttmad that they just put out a Bolelyn with sidelocks for the same price, which I would've preferred 10x more. The wig is good quality, though.

>> No.9039605

I have. But most of what I've seen as far as recommended pettis are from taobao, and that's not applicable to me right now. Thus asking, since I figure I'd rather ask people who know what they're doing than turn up in an ita thread

>> No.9039612 [DELETED] 

lurk more

>> No.9039614


>> No.9039617

Seriously just do a search in the archives. Pettis have been talked to death. Tons of recommendations that aren't taobao based.

>> No.9039621

this is probably really bad timing but if anyone's up, I can host a virtual tea party right now for whoever is feeling the ILD vibes still! if i get a response, I'll post my rabb.it link afterwards.

otherwise, I might host one Sunday 3pm-ish (US central timezone). However, let me know what times work better for those who are interested!

>> No.9039631

Honestly you should get a good petticoat now instead of looking for one that's good enough. You'll end up wasting more money in the long run.
If you can't get mm, get a crinoline (aka cage skit) from fanplusfriend and layer a petti on top of it. Some people have been able to wear a crinoline with thicker dresses without needing a petti tho.

>> No.9039775

I am meeting some girls from my comm for a Lolita optional event. I can't be fucked with wearing lolita. What is appropriate to wear?

>> No.9039823

does anyone know where to get a detachable nun collar? i tried searching 'nun collar' on taobao but only these partial shirt things you put under sweaters came up and on places like ebay and google the only things that come up are cheap halloween shit...

>> No.9039840

Christ on a cracker... not even sure if this belongs in this thread, but it could serve as a general warning to all. Could be a known issue, too. Here goes:
I bought a dress on LM from a well-known drama figure from California. It came with a really, really bad smell. Animal in nature. Wouldn't say cat piss, but something nasty. Recently bought from Miss Harajuku Secondhand Shop, located in same state. Purchased a cutsew priced way low, but was NWT. Received it, and it had the exact same godawful scent. Hesitant to blame Miss Harajuku, but almost certainly same origin.
Caveat fucking emptor, anyway, and going to be much more careful in the future.

>> No.9039847

name and shame. that shit is gross

>> No.9039850
File: 322 KB, 700x1200, l314-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of that bodyline skirt

>> No.9039856

Starts with "w" and rhymes with "the grinch." y'all have been warned.

>> No.9039859

Oh yeah, noticed this thread might be dying soon. I don't post here often. Feel free to take this info as you will, because this shit is fucking nasty. I'm not a drama person, but... fuck! Gross!

>> No.9039926

HAH. Unless they take it off Wordpress entirely it won't improve at all. I'm interested to hear what they have to say but I don't think anything will change. Maybe they'll implement the bugfixes marked for "next week" in 2014.

>> No.9039958

I would say the wig is closer to the 4th example pic than the first preview photo.

>> No.9039965

I'm assuming you mean Wonderfinch. You can post aliases on this board, as far as I know, just not real names.

>> No.9039968


Just commission one off glittertale or something.

They aren't readily available because even amongst lolitas nun dresses aren't something every lolita likes, so the market for them is pretty small. Additionally, standalone collars always shift around, you're going to constantly have to adjust them. So it makes more sense to make nun collar cutsews and blouses to layer under jsks than it does to make standalone nun collars.

>> No.9040016

i think souffle song has some, but they do look a bit shitty

>> No.9040018

So not only is she a cunt, she's literally a disgusting pig. Wow

>> No.9040048

Yes, wonderfinch. Sorry for being cagey. I don't know the woman, I just know she is big drama and I don't want to start shit around myself. I bought a dress and it smelled like a dog pissed all over it. Bought from Miss Harajuku, and AFAIK she's more into otome now, so it all adds up--exact same smell, same state, so it's probably hers too.
So here's my advice: don't buy her filthy clothes, and don't buy from Miss Harajuku either until they clean up their act.

>> No.9040054

Left out some details, let me fill in the gaps:
Dress on LM was advertised as excellent condition and had even been "washed."
Cutsew on Miss Harajuku was ETC and was sold NWT. Definitely did not expect any flaws.
Sorry for shitting up the thread. I'm tired. Hope this information helps anyone.

>> No.9040094

just wear whatever is appropriate for the event.

>> No.9040104

Kek, could probably identify the smell. "Animal" in nature could also be the musty scent of human odor due to bad living conditions, or living with an unhealthy number of animals.

>> No.9040143

Gross. I hope you at least tried messaging them to sort out a partial refund for laundering costs. No matter how drama llama the seller, contacting them should come before name and shame.

>> No.9040144

Where can I purchase a parasol online? I heard battenburg parasols are no good but ebay is flooded with them

>> No.9040165

Lisbeth Dahl has some good ones, try looking for them on eBay or Amazon etc. You can always search for brand parasols on auctions as well, BABY ones are relatively easy to find.

>> No.9040201

hahahahah not even surprised wondercunt can't be fucked to properly wash the shit she sells onward
someone with such a shitty personality must have other issues too, I guess

anyway thread is going to hit sage right now, someone should make a new one and maybe mention this in the first post

>> No.9040243

Smart/casual with a gothic edge. Lots of influence from18th century frock coats, some gothic Victoriana, and a dash of visual kei. I swing from androgynous tailoring, with jeans tucked into long boots a main feature, to flowing full length skirts. Nearly everything is black, aside for a few touches of navy, purple, or grey, or keeping everything black aside for touches of gold or silver in things such as blazer zips, or my jewellery. Silk scarves are also a main staple. Pieces in my wardrobe tend to lend themselves well to a range of styles, with Aristocrat being my central style.

>> No.9040265

Sorry, vendettachan, not buying this story until you leave LM feedback mentioning the issues.

>> No.9040286

How many main pieces is too many for a wardrobe?

>> No.9040435

Oh please, no one has a vendetta against WF. She's been disliked by nearly everyone for years because of her awful attitude

>> No.9040490

if you own so many that you havent found the chance to wear some of them at all then maybe you have too much? Do you have more than enough to make a whole new outfit every day of the month?
>intervention time

>> No.9040559

Thread is going to sage, but if you use LM you know perfectly well that is not how feedback works on that site and retaliatory seller feedback is a huge issue.

>> No.9040586

I got a "ruffle umbrella" for super cheap on Amazon. Make sure to check for UV protection.

>> No.9040602

New thread >>9040587

>> No.9041168

amazon has some under ruffle umbrella, lolita collective has some in stock usually too