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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 351 KB, 1000x733, momocon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9024106 No.9024106 [Reply] [Original]

Momocon is now at the Congress Center! What panels are you going to? Who are you cosplaying? What are your coords?

Meetup is Saturday at 2, location to be decided below, contenders include Omni lobby and CNN food court.

>> No.9024134

On parking: i paid 15 at red deck, but the employees seemed to have no idea how their price structure works. They told me they dont even check cars at night for tickets, the ticket booth lady said they did not have overnight. I'm wary about buying a con pass that may be worthless.

>> No.9024667

Coming today boys

>> No.9024704

So when and where are the meetups?
(male cosplayer, if it matters)

>> No.9024744

Let's meet at the Omni lobby. Sat at 2 like mentioned, it's an easy to get to spot

>> No.9024851

Anyone looking for a photographer? I'm booking for today and tomorrow!

>> No.9025129

Anyone here famalams

>> No.9025150

Walking around in gym leader morty cosplay

>> No.9025244

Yeah bruh this thread is snails though.

>> No.9025258

anyone down to join us for a drink or two? we outside in the hilton garden inn

>> No.9025917

fb com/officialemcp

get at me dawg

>> No.9026718

I'll be at the boogie panel and won't be able to make it D:

>> No.9026787

South tower lobby, anyone else here?

>> No.9026807

where at?

>> No.9026808
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Next to escalators

>> No.9026851

Are we still meetinf in omni lobby?

>> No.9027013

Me and a few friends will be arriving in about 7 minutes. Look for a black guy in a pink shirt, with a guy wearing a dbz shirt and another guy.

>> No.9027174

did the meetup ever happened or was it just a fedora wearing supreme gentleman or two, like most seagull meetups

>> No.9027183

Where the all the people? And the cosplayers? Like I feel like there is half the attendees from last year. Am I wrong?

>> No.9027340

the cosplayer to non-cosplayer ratio seems to be like 70/30. Almsot everyone I see is cosplaying

>> No.9027483

Allow me to apologize for two things:

1) Not showing up to the meetup that I helped plan

2) The drunk and disorderly, approaching violent conduct of my"friend" Friday night that continued on long after we got home to the point where the police were called and my other friend and I had to stay all the way in Flowery Fucking Branch to escape his potentially dangerous behavior. If he made any of you feel unsafe I am so, so sorry. Genuinely. But yeah, he was the reason I couldn't make the meetup today or take advantage of my 4 day pass at all, but more importantly he is the reason my friend has to start a new fucking life.

I just had to get that off my chest, gulls.

>> No.9027627

What the fuck happened with the duo for the cosplay contest?

>> No.9028284

you sound like you have bigger life issues to deal with and should stop going to anime cons

>> No.9028508

The Rilakuma pair? What do you mean what happened?

>> No.9028570

Those were totally bought. And even if they weren't they're were better duos.

Slightly related, after the contest he had to wait for the elevator and got super pissed. So he full forced punched the doors

Slightly related, he punched the e

>> No.9028980

>he is the reason my friend has to start a new fucking life
Holy shit, what did he do, man?

>> No.9029018

Got laid twice, good con.

>> No.9029028


So many hot chicks, where have you been hiding them Atlanta?

>> No.9029050

in the suburbs

>> No.9029111

If it was the same guy as Friday, he stood behind me while people were trying to take my pic and wouldn't leave. Finally I hugged him so he'd fuck off (bc he was trying to get a hug), and he tried picking me up and I started screaming no at him.

Go be a creeper elsewhere rilakuma guy.

>> No.9029237

Trust me I know, this was supposed to be my one good weekend without any fuckedupedness and had he been tame and not made complete fucking fools out of my group it would've been like that.

She's living with him and doesn't want to surround herself with that kind of behavior anymore for safety reasons; unfortunately she kinda has nowhere else to go right now. When we were on the way home she was driving and he was fucking with her the entire time and distracting her with his antics to the point where we almost got ourselves wrapped around a fucking tree.

>> No.9029256

Holy shit, I'm glad you ended up okay. I'm really sorry that this guy ruined your time, and that your friend is left out in the cold. Hoping she finds some place to be, and that your "friend" gets some fucking help. He sounds mentally ill, in addition to his alcoholic issues.

>> No.9029279

Like when he's sober and they get into arguments he's a little dramatic but nothing ever this bad. We filmed some of it so we could show him the next day and convince him to stop drinking. I'm not sure how he reacted to that but I'm trying to get ahold of my friend and tell her that she has a place here with me if she needs it.

>> No.9029420


You're a good person, but you are the company you keep - you need to not associate yourself with these sorts of people. Your friend sounds like he needs a solid knuckle sandwich to the jaw to knock him down a few pegs and realize the gravity of the issues he seems to always cause others. There's no repairing a destructive personality, only abating it and relocating it.

Don't take their actions as your own, however. It's admirable you'd want to make up for his mistakes though.

>> No.9029561

Hope they weren't underage

>> No.9029849


Nope, after a brief introduction always ask where they attend school.

>> No.9029857

Thanks anon, he's definitely not gonna be a part of my life anymore. It just sucks because she's not gonna stop living with him and I worry.

>> No.9029941 [DELETED] 

The only tragedies I heard about

>dinosaur kigurumi guy grabbed some girl and ran off with her while forcefully kissing her
>guy broke his ankle when a chick glomped him
>obese woman forced by security to stop screaming "Damn, Daniel!" at passerby

>> No.9029944
File: 17 KB, 316x239, amygun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only tragedies I heard about

>a dinosaur kigurumi guy grabbed some girl and ran off with her while forcefully kissing her
>guy broke his ankle when a chick glomped him
>obese woman forced by security to stop screaming "Damn, Daniel!" at passerby

>> No.9029968
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Anybody catch me play with Shawn Wasabi on Friday night? :3 It was fun!

>> No.9029999

My van got stolen during the con. Police said they won't help me.

Other than that, it was a good con.

>> No.9030017

The good: Nice quad

The bad: missing Van

The ugly: police won't help


>> No.9030044

>obese woman forced by security to stop screaming "Damn, Daniel!" at passerby
That sounds hilarious.

>> No.9030060

Sucks, man.

The airline lost one of my suitcases, and they just don't give a flip! My fancy lolita diaper hat was in there, and now it's gone forever.

>> No.9030068

what time did shawn start playing?

>> No.9030119

12:30, which I think was half an hour later than he was supposed to, but they did a poor job of marketing it since it literally only said "Shawn Wasabi" in the guide, but the guide app description mentioned the opener DJ?
then they had no one else booked so we decided to play a set together last minute!
Show is on Twitch, at least~

>> No.9030154

I like that good man, and good manners

>> No.9030185

thanks for that my group stayed til about 11 I think waiting and it was worded badly. At least they could have said exactly when he would begin

>> No.9030198

Had a great time like usual! Pretty peeved that the whole ticket thing with autographs was never really posted to the website at all.
>arrive to doug walker's autograph session half an hour early
>staff stops me. "you have a ticket?"
>what the fuck is that
>"oh well if you don't have one you can't get in line. you need to try again at 10am tomorrow to get a ticket."
>there's no one in line over here
baka I want to go back to first-come-first-serve basis. I don't want to wake up early to grab a ticket for a signing that's at 5pm.

>> No.9030234

I was pretty pissed about that too. The app said nothing about fucking tickets!

I was lucky enough to snag a picture with TB on Friday though, so at least I got something!

Didn't get Jared or Doug :(

>> No.9030237
File: 811 KB, 1915x1915, 2016-05-27 16.54.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I got this garbage from Jared. Bless this mess.

>> No.9030294

How was the contest? Any good cosplayers? Skits?

>> No.9030310

Momocon doesn't do skits. Wish they did- it would be fun!

>> No.9030316

Did my first costume contest ever. So much waiting, but glad I did it. It was crazy fun, and the judges gave really good feedback, I feel (at least to me- maybe because it was my first fully self made cosplay). I just wish the novice category made some distinction between those who are actually relatively new to costume making and those who are just new to contests though.

>> No.9030323

Did anyone see the chunky Asian dude have some sort of seizure and get pulled out in a stretcher Friday night? What happened? Is he ok???

>> No.9030328

That's just how all costume contests are nowadays. Actual novices might have a better chance entering in the journeyman category.

>> No.9030383

Why is that so? I'd like to gather more info/strategy to prep for AWA.

>> No.9030406


>> No.9030664

I was only at momo on saturday and it was a decent con. The dealers room was a lot better than I had hoped. And honestly I was incredibly lucky to have had my friend with me. I have a lot of medical problems and that dude put up with all of it. Every time I needed to sit down he went out of his way to carry my stuff until I got my energy back. But other than my own problems that was the most fun I've had in a long time.

>> No.9030694

Still pissed that the rilakkuma pair one when you can buy both of those costumes.

The zipper on the guys back wasn't even functioning, I figured it was obvious he didn't make it.

>> No.9030749

Surprised the transformers didn't win

>> No.9030770

You can go to the aliexpress thread right now and look at three different bear suits people are discussing.
They do look a bit different than the duo's so I'm curious. What is the duos cosplay name/page? Maybe they have in progress photos.

From what I've noticed the least amount of people enter under journeyman and the novices are often times better looking than the journeyman.

>> No.9030903

What are momo' prizes for winners?

>> No.9031435

Is it photo share time yet?

>> No.9031577

>dinosaur kigurumi guy

So glad when he got banned. What a shithead.

>> No.9031593

I had some guy awkwardly talk to me about my series for a little bit'. He then asked me if we were headed to the same place, then when I said I was heading to my hotel room there was an awkward silence before he purposely "accidentally" ran into me and brushed my chest with his hand. He then literally ran away up the escalator.

I'm still not sure if I should feel offended or confused.

>> No.9031595


At least from what I saw, some got medals, some got certificates and some got glass plaques, depending on the award. Some manga volumes and con merch in the goodie bags as well. Nothing terribly interesting but still nice.

>> No.9031646

There was this one dude who came up and talked to me in the dealer's room one day and it was hands-down the most awkward, forced exchange I've ever had in my life.

He tapped me on the shoulder, and I figured he was gonna ask for a picture. Instead he asked me what my name was, what I was cosplaying, and if I made the costume. Nothing weird just yet, though asking for my name was a bit weird for what I figured was going to be just a brief con floor convo.

There was an awkward pause, and he gives me a once-over, clearly looking for something to talk about. I was carrying a small plushie as part of my costume, which he commented on.

>Him: So I see that, in addition to being the best cosplayer in the world, you're also the best.......... plushie maker? Did you make that?
>Me: Yeah I did but that's a bit extreme

A few moments of awkward silence, I look away for half a second, then-

>Him: I feel like your awkwardness matches my awkwardness perfectly
>Me: ...............Uh-huh
>Me (thinking): You're the most awkward thing in the room right now dude but sure

At some point he also asked me how old I was and mentioned he was glad I wasn't underage, which sent up red flags that he was just going for a pickup. By some godly miracle I got a phone call right as I was looking for a way out, excused myself from the conversation, and bolted. Didn't see the dude again. Thank god.

(I feel like that dude is probably in this thread. Don't care. Shit was creepy.)

>> No.9031690

I'm so happy some else is pissed. How the fuck do you miss that

They don't have a page as far as I can tell

>> No.9031719

>I have a lot of medical problems and that dude put up with all of it. Every time I needed to sit down he went out of his way to carry my stuff until I got my energy back. But other than my own problems that was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Go back to tumblr where people will asspat you for your ~disabilities~. Also he wants to fuck you.

>> No.9031774

Damn it, my sister is still mad that I abandoned her there and she had to take a nine-hour bus ride home.

I got laid though, so whatever.

>> No.9031824

Wow. After all that, your sister still fucked you?

>> No.9031859

Lost my wallet there. If found, please mail it to me. And don't steal the fucking condoms.

>> No.9032011
File: 67 KB, 225x204, devito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032154

That Mexican party was the shit.

>> No.9032190

was it mexelent?

>> No.9032373

Anyone know why that women in gaming panel was canceled?
Those Mexicans were fun af. I kept getting stopped by them for pictures. They were nice unlike thise graduate families in friday. Jesus christ.

>> No.9032544

Was in the costume contest waiting room with them and they had progress photos

>> No.9032568

Even so, a few of the other duos were more impressive imo.

>> No.9032668

Definitely agreed with that, I'm just consistently annoyed on principle when people call fake on anything with no evidence.

>> No.9032744

I had a friend who that happened to! I ran into him on my way to the dealer's room and I was so upset for him, especially since he didn't have a lot of time the next day.

>> No.9032758

Who else had a really bad time with that evangelist/whatever that was outside? He actually pulled me aside forcefully and then told me I was going to burn in hell. I panicked and just said, "I can't wait." But he kept trying to get me to stay, when he was letting other people walk by. (I wasn't dressed up as anything that he could consider super ~not christian~ either, I'm just wondering if he got this intense with anyone else.)

>> No.9032791

>>momocon still it's during con thread
>>fanime now on its third after con thread

Yeah, real good idea moving it to memorial day weekend, fucking morons.

>> No.9033069

With my friend group we looked for evidence that he did make them, and we couldn't find anything. We just assumed the lack of evidence meant no evidence. But I understand where you're coming from

>> No.9033072

I only saw the one guy with the bear suit who was talking about how it had finally come in and is there a girl who would wear the light colored one.

Since he mentioned it had 'finally come in' on the momocon fanpage months ago, I assumed he had ordered it from someone or some store.

>> No.9033098

>judging the popularity of a con based on the number of /cgl/ threads there are
are you fucking retarded

>> No.9033210

Any truth to the rumor that they shut down the rave because someone shit themselves?

>> No.9033331

>>was able to get a con hotel room at the con rate at the con. Rooms never sold out in any hotel.

I don't think a retard should be calling people retards. This con blows chunks and is the next autistic sjw con.

>> No.9033332

You raped me. I demand you compensate me.

>> No.9033819

How was the artist alley this year?

>> No.9034305

I saw the same thing on the Facebook group. This kinda lead me to the idea that he bought it. I tried looking for the post again but it has since been deleted.

>> No.9034599

was pretty disappointed with both the dealers and AA this year

>> No.9034616

went on sunday and had an ok time considering it was my first time cosplaying

only bizarre thing to happen to me was some dude who asked to take a picture and gave me his business card and when i went to said site on the card it 404'd on me

>> No.9035744

>Go back to tumblr where people will asspat you for your ~disabilities~. Also he wants to fuck you.

Ngl, I was thinking this too.
But I figured I was just a jaded asshole and maybe she/he does have something majorly wrong.

>> No.9036234

Not who you're talking to, but I'm epileptic, which is a bitch and a half in a con environment. Shit like this grinds my gears.

>> No.9038283

What happened with the graduate families? I was only there on sat and sun

>> No.9038350

Other hotels that weren't the Omni sold out though at the con rates? I don't think the Omni is as popular because it's more expensive.

>> No.9038384

How was the rave? Heard it was piss-poor.

>> No.9041441

God, it was hot. Nearly melted.

>> No.9041444

no, they were wide open. every fucking hotel I checked had at least 30 to 50 rooms still open.

>> No.9042807

Lol. I paid $50 for three nights. Had to sleep under a desk but whatever.

>> No.9042926

Shit wait how much were hotel rooms. I always assume con rates = $$$$, but if it was a few hundred bucks for the weekend I would have done that. I mean I live only like ~25 miles away, but I always got into traffic and hit issues parking every day which was annoying.

>> No.9044903

Lost my damn phone there. Did anyone see it?

>> No.9045308
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Fuck no. No. No. No. Not just no. Hell no.

>> No.9045575

Literally who

>> No.9045594
File: 84 KB, 960x639, 10805653_847862958634430_5595958460979763012_n_by_pikabellechu-d9qhfkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless your eyes for not knowing who she is, she's all over the FL con circuit because she has a cool Pikachu car but her cosplays are meh but she acts like she's the be all end all for cosplay

>> No.9045598
File: 216 KB, 1024x486, pikachu_cosplays_pikabug_display_by_pikabellechu-da28ow0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The car, which is cool but that's about the only part that a majority of people seem to like about her

>> No.9049210

Can you describe the card? I know I haven't check the QR code on my cards for 1 year, I wouldn't be surprise if it wouldn't work anymore.

>> No.9049214

Can anyone point me to where I can post the link to my MomoCon album so cosplayers can find (and tag) their photo in them ( 5 albums, 1850 photos).
I tried to find somewhere on MomoCon website(or fb), but nada...

>> No.9049876

The Momocon Facebook group should be fine.

>> No.9049880

That's the biggest waste of space I've ever seen.

>> No.9049912

I stayed thursday through sunday at it was around $500, and then add valet service tip and valet parking and you've got almost $600.

>> No.9051988

Well when your con is shit and needs to make space look like it's being used, you did this kind of gimmick.