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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9023204 No.9023204 [Reply] [Original]

Melbourne Comic Con is up next. Who will entering the championships of cosplay, will Ivy Doomkitty be a good judge? Discuss

>> No.9023479

And this thread ends up bring a beke bashing thread as always. Mods should delete any aussie thread on sight. Same bullshit every thread.

>> No.9023812

Cause she's just too easy

>> No.9023837

Maybe cause no one likes her? Lol

>> No.9023908

>ivy doomkitty
pls the only reason she's there is to satisfy the bbw fetishists

>> No.9023918

>Avcon still only has one guest announced at this point

>> No.9023932

Anyone going to Level Up in Coffs Harbour tomorrow? They have like 10 guests. Looks like it'll be fun, a lot more community based.

>> No.9024093

I really want to go but not sure if worth. I'm brisbane based and would have to drive hmm.

>> No.9024119

It's about 5 hours south, so not that bad in a way. Lots of cheap hotels around Coffs too from what I was looking up.

By the looks of what I've seen on my FB feed, there's quite a few good cosplayers going.

>> No.9024347

Only 9 will be accepted into the Championships. Who will it be!

>> No.9024384

What is really irritating me about her lately is how she is reposting shit about WoW and how she is so keen to see the movie and cosplay from it, when she has never playing a fucking day of it in her life. That is my pet peeve.

>> No.9024386


>> No.9024398

something something I fingered hex at melbourne comic con once

>> No.9024419

She's complete weeb trash
Get a job you psycho slut

>> No.9024483

She has a job doesn't she

>> No.9024502

if she had a job she'd be able to buy her own cosplays instead of her boyfriends having to buy them for her

>> No.9024521

What are their guest lineups usually like? It's my first year going.

>> No.9024549

Yeah well i don't know how they are going to buy her a WoW cosplay, they aren't generically made and I doubt her fukbois have enough money to get shit like that commissioned for some rank pussy.

>> No.9024559

Why dont you bash someone I actually know

>> No.9024621

Lily Files Contributor here. Apparently Lily is going to be at Supanova wearing an OC design Wonder Woman ballgown. Someone PLEASE take photos of her in it so I can submit them to the site before she shoops the shit out of them!

>> No.9024634

One of her boyfriends can actually make stuff
He's made all of her props and "original" design cosplays so I would say he would probably help and she'll pretend like she made it

>> No.9024672

I know Elizabethmaree, Artemis Costuming and Ataraxy all pretty shit tier if you ask me

>> No.9024692

All of those girl are incredible, jealous neckbeard

>> No.9024696

that horse-faced LoL basic bitch? anon pls

>> No.9024697

Wtf they are some of the best in melbourne you retard

>> No.9024699

salty, jealous mf.

>> No.9024701

Just because you are an ugly sad piece of shit doesn't mean you have to be a bitch aye xo

>> No.9024708


didn't anyone ever tell you that 4chan isn't the best place to spruik your event like you've been doing in every aussie thread

>> No.9024723

Look, I'd like to see you dumbshit salty assholes make a cosplay of Elizabeth marees, ataraxy's etc quality in such little time. At least they're doing creative and really freaking great stuff
instead of sitting at their computers and making stupid Fucking comments about people's cosplays. If you yourselves are cosplayers making these comments, you should be ashamed that you're making these comments knowing how much effort, time and tears they take. Idiots, all of you.

>> No.9024734

Welcome to 4chan, where the salt is thick and compliments don't matter

>> No.9024735

Has anyone actually been to Popcon before? Thoughts? I've seen photos and it doesn't look that interesting.

>> No.9024743

Never heard of Ataraxy but she looks like a horse

>> No.9024753

Biggest Aus cosplay whores?

>> No.9024768

Fuck off, Patrick.

>> No.9024774

I'm a girl jokes on you

>> No.9024799

Holy shit she does

>> No.9025321

I met her at OPL last year. She's so nice and gorgeous, and not to mention she's talented

>> No.9025442

They're usually pretty good. One of the main reasons I went. But they're taking their sweet time to announce them this year.

>> No.9025496

That's it dude. 4chan, more specifically, the Australian threads in /cgl/, full of ugly fat high school sluts who want to start drama, fat ugly neckbeards and stick insects with a weak mid section.

I'd guess that 90% of the people who start drama are ugly fat high school hoes who couldn't get a root even if they begged on the streets. They don't know themselves, so they're insecure little sluts that want to start drama I guess.

>> No.9025523

>ugly fat high school sluts
>ugly fat high school hoes
>fat ugly neckbeards
>because nobody average or pretty ever start drama
Fatties in high school bullied you, didn't they. Don't be so naive. Tons of people talk shit when you give em a mask.

>> No.9025532

Well, I will say it one more time - they're insecure little sluts. Whether they're a pretty person, average looking person, they're insecure little hoes.

They know it, their family knows it, I know it, you know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

>> No.9025605

You sound pretty insecure yourself...

>> No.9025612

How are they hoes???? Like do I need to throw a dictionary at your fucking face??? If you're gonna use such strong words, maybe get the definition right???

>> No.9025645
File: 70 KB, 640x920, whiteknight hoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9025658

I'm not insecure, lol - you can believe that, but I don't really give a fuck if you do or not. I'm just calling out little faggot drama starters just because they're fucking faggots and bitches.

Lol, they're hoes because I said they are. Do I need to slap your fucking face? You little bitch. Stop defending these bitches who want to talk shit about cosplayers for no reason.

Oh look, one of the drama bitches who I insulted. How are you, you little slut? You little bitch. Tell everyone here that you're a little faggot drama bitch. Tell everyone what I know. Tell them what you know, what your family knows. I know it, you know it, your whole family knows it - you're a little bitch.

>> No.9025672

And yes, I'm back again you little bitches. If you're a bitch who wants to talk shit about cosplayers for no reason whatsoever, fuck you and you're motherfucking mama.

The people who don't talk shit about cosplayers, you're cool with me. But fuck the rest of you faggots.

>> No.9025678

Yeah, I'm a white knight. What you gonna do you little weasel? If this was a different era, instead of talking shit to you here, I would invade your bum house by horseback, and make you my bitch. But this is a new era, so fuck you, you little hoe, I'll just play your game and fuck you up with words just because I can, you bitch with a sore vagina. Ibuprofen couldn't help your sore vagina. The medicine of the future wouldn't help your sore vagina. You little bitch.

>> No.9025690

Shut up and top embarrassing yourself

>> No.9025713

You shut up, you little bitch. Fuck you. Defending these little gossip whores. You're the embarrassment motherfucker. Insulting cosplayers for no reason, creating a negative stigma within the community.

You're a detriment to everybody around you: your friends, your family, everybody! You have a sore vagina, and you need to go to see a doctor or psychologist to get that shit treated, you little worm.

>> No.9025722

I know people like you. I understand where you are coming from. You feel so negatively about yourself that you want to insult other cosplayers for no reason because you're jealous of them and hate on them. But unfortunately for you, it has gotten you into deep, deep trouble.

I know the way people like you are. Just with my words, I am in your head. I know the way you are on 4chan, I know the way you are off 4chan - you're a little bitch, and I want you to tell everybody here what I know, and what you know.

>> No.9025788
File: 3 KB, 284x115, autism speaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone autistic tries to troll

>> No.9025861

Sshhh we don't care.

>> No.9025867

Lol you little slime. Are you supporting these little pussies? Or worse, are you one yourself?

>> No.9026118
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>> No.9026188

Please leave so we can laugh at shit cosplayers in peace.

>> No.9026202

So weird question I know but after the Sexpo cosplay thing I was wondering...has anyone used Lucie Bee's services? And would they recommend her?

>> No.9026331
File: 106 KB, 554x784, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking get off your knees slut

>> No.9026337

new copypasta?

>> No.9026345

Any word of any interesting events happening at Sydnova?

>> No.9026348


yes please

>> No.9026384

So I'll be visiting Melbourne for OCC, anyone recommend any of the after dark events? Especially if I'm looking to be on the pull?

>> No.9026389

Hey pussy, fucking quit being a dork. You fucken dork. Why don't you talk shit about her via PM on FB or some shit? You little pussy bitch. I typed "pussy" on my GPS and ended up outside your house you faggot.

Nah dude, no copy pasta, just some insults of mine lol

>> No.9026394

What is with that roll of fat on her back kek. Laughing at how after her street fighter cosplay was mentioned, she never posted any photos. Must have legit been the costume she bought and was to embaressed

>> No.9026396

Yeah but how else is she going to get her sugar daddies to buy her cosplay :,(?!?!?

>> No.9026404
File: 685 KB, 625x979, 2016-05-28 20.45.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever seen her look not dead inside?

>> No.9026421
File: 49 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1464434029301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets give beke a break.
How about how old mate made this amazing costume for blizzard but forgot to mention the whole team of people who helped her make it. Nice

>> No.9026422

Was anyone at level up today? Was it any good? All the photos ive seen the place looked pretty dead

>> No.9026424

How about the roll of fat on your vagina? It's so fat that I thought it was a cave, you fucking dirty slut. Get that shit checked out you skank.

>> No.9026428

who made it?

>> No.9026430

holy fuck, is there anything in that head of hers? She looks dead

>> No.9026434

Pretty sure that Zaphy made the photon projector (the gun)
Also daaaamn that gold trim is sitting super weird, especially around her butt

>> No.9026436

Collaborative effort from zaphy cosplay, blondiee and cams random builds? I might of missed someone but those are the biggest contributers I think.

>> No.9026438

I noticed that too. And her boot/socks are terrible. Gonna assume she did the fabric stuff herself lel

>> No.9026440

fuckin alithia....

>> No.9026442

Shows a real lack of booty

>> No.9026452

The robotic parts look awesome but everything else looks like absolute shit, especially that gold trim.

>> No.9026495

she should have really credited those who helped her...

>> No.9026508

People wouldn't hate on her as much if she just did the right thing. How hard is it to mention the people that helped you, it's pretty obvious she didn't make it all herself by the varying degree of quality

>> No.9027937
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This was on my feed

>> No.9028041

the fuck is that

>> No.9028046

Give me good, lesser known cosplayers to follow please. Preferably who make their own stuff/arent just titties.

>> No.9028096

Spider Gwen
Michael Darrer is the person who is wearing this costume. There's so much more

>> No.9028100

ugh now that you can buy spider gwen/silk bodysuits online every second person at a con is wearing one

>> No.9028114


Michael Darrer is a gold mine of cosplay cringe.

>> No.9028115

Yeah I know but this is worn by a gut who is known to cross dress as well looking kinda scary doing so

>> No.9028129


>> No.9028142

i have a bigger problem with him going 'omg too gorgeous love!' on every single basic bitch post on mcc

>> No.9028147

Hey pussy are you still there?

>> No.9028194 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 640x849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over yourself bitch
Ugh *gag*

>> No.9028195

How is this a cosplay trial?
It's literally a selfie of her tits

>> No.9028199 [DELETED] 

I literally hope her depression consumes her
She's the biggest waste of space

>> No.9028265

Pretty sure every basic bitch cosplayer has bought or is planning on doing either silk or gwen. None of them have the body for it though ughhhh.

Though. Artful dodger wasnt too bad

>> No.9028273

He's passionate, you gotta give him that.

>> No.9028274

I wish she would just leave. She is the fucking worst yet thinks she is the queen of the company because she has a posse of fuckboiz who follow her and buy her all her costumes. Get HIV and go away slut.

>> No.9028275 [DELETED] 

Do you know what the worst thing about her is? She has absolutely no fucking respect. She wore a fucking super tight, revealing low cut dress TO A FAMILY GATHERING. With children and elderly, even disabled people. Also. It's cold, cover up for fucks sake.

>> No.9028285

i have a bigger issue with the fact that they probably don't know anything about silk and spider gwen. there was a girl who did a black cat costume at supanova and said it was from 'black cat from DC' on her cosplay page. spider-verse females are the go-to for basic bitch cosplays

>> No.9028287

I wish you would just leave, you little sissy. You're a schmuck. You're a pussy. It's because of people like you that guys like Osama Bin Laden became terrorists. I hope you get HIV and fuck off you dumb slut.

You're a fucking pussy. Why don't you PM her this shit instead? No one's getting inspiration from you, why? LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR YOU FUCKING PUSSY. YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF SHIT! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, YOU'RE A FUCKING PUSSY, GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

>> No.9028288

I sit in my fucking room, talking shit, 24/7 and motherfuckers tune in. People get motivation and inspiration from me because I'm better than them. No one's getting inspiration from you, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9028290

Basic bitch, huh? You're a fucking basic pussy. I hope you bow down before me, you fucking piece of shit. You're my bitch, and honestly I love you. I love you like my bitch. You're a faggot. Tell everyone here what you know and what I know.- that you're a fucking faggot. Tell them right now.

>> No.9028294

Hey mate, why don't you stop being such a weasel? Why the fuck is this guy on your feed (if he's on your friends list, if you saw it on MCC well you're still a fucking pussy anyway for trying to get people to insult him) and you want to gossip about him like a faggot on 4chan? You're a fucking snake in the grass. The scum of scum. You're disloyal. Fucking disloyal bitch.

>> No.9028296

still better than mangela hey?

>> No.9028301

Ive actually seen so many guys buying this cosplay and just accepting that the boob shading is all wrong lmao.

>> No.9028327

Hmm let's see, I don't consider everyone who are on my fb list as friends. But ok I'm a weasel. So what? It's all words to me. So please continue on with being a bitch. This is 4chan in a nutshell. Deal with it

>> No.9028328

You know, it's really disappointing that I come into a thread to see cosplays from Australian cosplayers, or to discuss conventions, and the entire thread is just two or three Super-Sodium Sallys that do nothing but insult and scream, and sound like 12 year-old boys that think swearing is cool.

It's really no wonder why Australian threads can't ever be taken seriously. 99% of the content sounds like drunk bogans in a KMart parking lot.

Seriously, though, nobody cares about whichever person you feel like slagging off today. Nobody. Cares. Grow up, and stop clogging the thread with your high-school vendetta.

>> No.9028329

Haha wow look at this white knight. Such a nugget

>> No.9028332

An even bigger problem when people are praising him and stroking his ego. It's no wonder he continues to cosplay and look horrible at it. He looks like a clown.. Hell, look at his princess peach lol

>> No.9028333

Hmmm that's debatable. Neither can cosplay females and look good at it. On the flip side of things I don't think Michael considers himself female while Mangela does.

>> No.9028334

That's exactly right. You're a weasel and you know it. It's called a "friends list" motherfucker. Why the fuck would you have someone on a "friends list" and then proceed to attempt to have people insult him?

Hey bitch, you know damn well that the Australian thread will be full of drama. When the fuck has there ever been convention talk? In EVERY single thread, there has been gossip whores who want to talk shit to cosplayers for no reason. I'm just here to bring the insults to them and diss them just because they're little bitches. You care motherfucker. You care.

ROFL get the fuck out of here. If I'm a white knight, like I said to the previous guy who said that, if this was a different era, I would fuck you up on horseback and make you my bitch. But I'm not a white knight. I'm not defending anyone, I don't know or particularly care about any of the cosplayers you bitch ass wimps talk about. I'm just insulting you schmucks just because you're pussies. You know damn well that these cunts, and if you're one of them, that people come into this thread and think you're low life faggots. I know you guys think I'm a laughing stock, but I don't give a fuck what you fat neckbeards and ugly sluts think. You're a minority. Nobody gives a shit about the minority. The majority think that you are dickheads and wimps.

>> No.9028341

Wait, I'm the one with the high school vendetta? GET THE FUCK OUT! Do you not see all these pussies who are gossiping? How the fuck are you accusing me of high school vendetta when they're the fucking pussies who start it? I would not be insulting these schmucks if not for these little wimps. If you want to insult someone, insult these little pussies. I'm just responding to these wimps just because they deserve a verbal smackdown for being such pussies. Fuck outta here with your nonsense bitch.

>> No.9028342
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I'm here to say that I really don't care, I genuinely don't. Why am I a 'bitch', just because I'm stating the fact that your arguments are repetitive, redundant, and really classless? I'm not a prude about swearing, far from it, but the way that you're typing makes you sound mentally unhinged.

You're picking on these people that nobody knows (or really genuinely gives a shit about) because what? It makes you feel better? It makes you feel good to be heard? Whatever.

Every thread always has drama, it's inevitable and inescapable. But you're just childish and stupid, and no amount of 'faggot', 'motherfucker' or 'dumb slut' is going to hide the fact that, yes, you're actually a giant crying child.

>> No.9028344
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little bitch
>basic scum
>I'm serving a verbal smackdown because I'm lord of the interwebs!

Stay classy, Cheeto-lover.

>> No.9028351

ROFL I pick on them because I can. That's all you need to know, you little pussy. How the fuck are you going to defend this drama? Seriously, why the fuck would you defend it? Basic dumb bitches who love to gossip. They're a bunch of sluts, and you know that damn well.

ROFL you can think I'm a fat cunt all you want. But the truth of the matter is, I'm in much better shape than you are, you little wimp. Chances are, you're the fucking fat cunt here. Or you're a skinny little twig. One gust of wind, and you fly away like you got blown away by a hurricane. I'm far more fit than you would ever dream to be. I'm far more cardio fit and far more stronger than you, of that I have no doubt. You fucking neckbeard phaggot.

>> No.9028352
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 9b16d2cd48c3d0baa9f2a10a8bca43db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even read what you type, you walking copypasta?

>> No.9028353
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Why not be vocal about it on Facebook while you're at it... Oh of course you'll have people sticking up for you. It's sad that now you're carrying on like this. Again this is 4chan, deal with it

>> No.9028354

I'm training my ass off for sports and fitness day to day you little phaggot. While you're there eating cheese cake and stuffing your face like a fat cunt, I'm getting fit playing sports and eating broccoli. Why? Because I'm better than you! I'm better than you! I'm better than you at EVERYTHING. You wanna know why? Because I'm mentally strong. You're a mental midget. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You're a mental midget.

>> No.9028359

Well I will say it one more time - you're a fucking little bitch. I'm the one making you cry motherfucker. Like I said before, I am in your head. Many times I've met pussies like you. Many times a mans mouth has broken his jaw. I know the way people like you are. I know the way you are on 4chan, I know the way you are off 4chan. You don't talk shit to these people to their faces because you quiver in fear like a little baby. You fucking baby.

>> No.9028360
File: 32 KB, 359x497, foundyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more like playing wiifit and eating cheetos
If you keep yelling 'I'M BETTER THAN YOU' at everyone, someday you might just believe it.

>> No.9028361

Whatever you say. So called fitness guy. Ohh I mean interweb tough guy

>> No.9028364

He's already believing he's better than us

>> No.9028365

Somebody delete this thread already, a neckbeard dudebro has taken over it, and their superiority complex is making my little bitch slut ass quiver in fear over their leet-speak and mentally-strong capabilities. Oh no, they've eaten broccoli and done cardio! Oh noooooo...

I'm out of here. Enjoy your circlejerk thinking you've somehow won by crying over the internet, you mentally-deficient baby.

>> No.9028366

Hey motherfucker, you know it's true. I am better than you. I'm mentally strong, unlike you. Even if you're more naturally gifted than me, which I really doubt, somewhere along the line, I will overtake you. I could slap you and make you my bitch. And you'd do absolutely fucking nothing. Pipe down you little gossip whore and let us you use you for oils like the rest of the dinosaurs.

>> No.9028367

Nah, I like some people here just don't wanna waste our breath insulting these cosplayers in person. It's such a waste of time and energy doing so. Although slagging off beke is boring though

>> No.9028369

> let us you use you for oils like the rest of the dinosaurs

Who.... who says stuff like this?

>> No.9028370

If youre mentally strong then you should be able tot are all this 4chan bullshit. So much for being mentally strong.. So called fitness guy

>> No.9028374

Hey motherfucker, you know damn well that I'd knock the brakes off you. However, I don't go around picking physical fights because I know damn well I could break you physically and make you my bitch, and I only fight in physical self defense. Verbal beatdowns are another story though. I enjoy dissing faggots like you just because I love insulting people, but I feel bad insulting my friends just with mild insults, so insulting you shit cunts is always good fun because cunts like you deserve to be insulted.

Neckbeard? ROFL you're the neckbeard here, you little peon. Fucking fat motherfucker. I'm not the one who disses random cosplayers for no reason. I'm just dissing you guys because you diss random cosplayers for no reason, and thus, you need a taste of your own medicine.

>> No.9028379

Who says this is effecting me in any way, shape or form? I'm actually heavily amused by you little bitches with your responses to me. You little faggot. Dance for me, you bitch. And don't look me in the eye when you dance.

>> No.9028380
File: 111 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1464526391451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol back with the tough guy again. Cmon don't make me laugh. I'm done here. The thread just became boring with this white knight bs

But before I go...

>> No.9028384

White knight? How the fuck am I a white knight? A white knight is someone who treats women like they're a goddess and that sort of shit.

I'm not defending anyone here. I don't care about the cosplay scene. I don't care about any of these cosplayers. I just see this drama and I see schmucks like yourself. Schmucks who I could diss just because it's fun to diss them and it brings heavy amusement. Hey bitch, like I said before, dance for me.

>> No.9028385

Well why else would you carry on like this. Heh

>> No.9028389
File: 104 KB, 1080x679, IMG_20160529_230147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly youdont know what a white knight is so I'm gonna show you something.

>> No.9028391

Why am I carrying on like this you ask? Because I can. Because it's fun. You're my bitch. Bitches amuse me. Cunts like you want to gossip about other cosplayers for no reason so I see people who I could diss. Tell them everybody here that you're my bitch. You little gossip starting bitch. My toe-nail is worth more than you, you no good gossip starting bitch.

>> No.9028395

Okay? And who's aid am I coming to? I'm not defending anyone here, I'm just attacking cunts like you because you deserve it and just because I can.

I don't really give a shit about the cosplay scene. Fuck, I don't even cosplay. I just hear nothing but pussies/gossip bitches reside in this thread, and the motherfuckers are right. This place is full of the biggest cowards. And they know it. They know they're pussies. They know damn well they're pussies. So it's fun to insult you guys.

>> No.9028396

Oh wait, in that case, being a white knight would mean someone who has balls. Hey motherfucker, thanks for the compliment. When you see someone being bullied/insulted/whatnot, I bet you just watch the scene like a bitch and do nothing instead of standing up for someone. You have no balls you little bitch. Unless you want to call yourself a white knight too. You bitch.

>> No.9028398

Why does he thinks this is working? Im all for genderbends but cmon. Im so lost at what his train of thought is on this costume..

>> No.9028403

Hah exactly. Him and mangela

>> No.9028405
File: 141 KB, 1200x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be a shit fest

>> No.9028407

Wut. Who is jm cosplay? Are they well known and I'm just ill informed?

>> No.9028408

Melbourne cosplayer. Came first place last year's oz comics Melbourne. Same day yeliz reaction of coming second

>> No.9028410

You'd think he'd invest in some shapewear or something by now, or at least suck in his gut.

>> No.9028411

Yes, this is 4chan. Anything goes. You want to insult other cosplayers? Okay, whatever, you can do that. That's actually against the rules of /cgl/ though, if you read them. And yes, I'm well aware that I'm breaking the rules too by flaming all you worthless pieces of garbage but I don't give a fuck. You break the rules, I break the rules too. Fuck you.

>> No.9028422
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9028423

Yeah ok tough interweb guy

>> No.9028432

I really don't need to see him in a skin tight bodysuit. Ohmygod, my eyes are bleeding. Someone send help

>> No.9028445

Who else has done it?

>> No.9029622 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 960x720, Beke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the photo you're talking about?

>> No.9029670 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 639x703, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit her tits are like OUT
I bet she tries to like get her tits out to try and make her male cousins pop a boner over her. She's one of those incestual, psychotic types.

>> No.9029675

How to not dress for a wedding

What a disgrace

>> No.9029684
File: 527 KB, 1601x1601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes to wedding
Wants to be centre of attention
*omg notice me everyone notice me, PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE*

>> No.9029750

Pretty rude to dress like that at a wedding. It's not her day.

>> No.9029805

did her parents not question why the hell their daughter looked like a hooker? 1/10 parenting right there. If she was my kid I would have told her to change

>> No.9029813

When you tryna get dick at the wedding
Stay classy beke

>> No.9029884

That's the one. She looks like someone's mistress. Daddy must be so proud.

>> No.9029897 [DELETED] 

JM cosplay, shes going to be a judge at OZCC cospla live

>> No.9029903

What makes you think that? every other panel she has done has been very informative and well put together

>> No.9029947

Shut up Jess..

>> No.9029962

JFC that dress so short i can almost see her vag

>> No.9029970

Someones salty

>> No.9030212

Hey pussies, all I want is for you to admit a few things:

- You're bitches/pussies/have no balls/coward/wimp/etc.
- You start gossip about other cosplayers because you live a sad, pitiful life.
- You have no goals and aspirations.
- You're mentally weak.
- You're pitiful.
- You're ugly, not sure about the outside but definitely on the inside.
- You're weasels/backstabbers/snakes in the grass/disloyal.

Just admit those things, all of you pussies, and I'll be on my merry way.

>> No.9030216

All I want is for you to admit your flaws. The first step towards becoming a better person is to recognise your flaws. And although you probably recognise them, you flaunt them publicly. And thus, you should recognise your flaws publicly.

>> No.9030222

I've personally been to them. If I took a shot for every time to she said uhm I'm be getting my stomach pump 10 minutes in. All her LED work is so shit too she's done it what once? On the shitty excuse of a 'bane' cosplay that no one would of got if she didn't have it plastered across her fucking head

>> No.9030233

Yeah i asked her who she was supposed to be last yr's nova. The look on her face was priceless

>> No.9030286

You literally just described beke

>> No.9030308

Oh it's you again. Lol
How's that broccoli diet

>> No.9030315
File: 56 KB, 221x283, pumpgirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030331

Beke? I don't care about Beke, unless she's also starting gossip here which I doubt. I just want the pussies here (idk if that's you) to admit the flaws within themselves that they display here.

It's going great mate. Now admit your flaws. I'm not asking for an apology mate. I just want you to admit your flaws which you display here right here, right now. Until I hear enough people admitting their flaws, I will storm many of these threads and keep this up.

>> No.9030332

she most definitely starts shit, shes the worst for it

>> No.9030333

I want to fuck Jarrah..

>> No.9030337

Wouldn't surprise me if she did post here desu

>> No.9030346

she does, all the time. Or gets her boyfriends to

>> No.9030350
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>> No.9030523

ok mr Macho Man.
I, a 4chan lurkin gull admit to;

- You're bitches/pussies/have no balls/coward/wimp/etc.
- You start gossip about other cosplayers because you live a sad, pitiful life.
- You have no goals and aspirations.
- You're mentally weak.
- You're pitiful.
- You're ugly, not sure about the outside but definitely on the inside.

Now will you kindly rack off
(Assuming that you'll stick to your word, Which, I know, is alot to ask of a scrub lord.)

>> No.9030534

Tone it down there, FlashFrost. We all know you're constantly thirsty

>> No.9030548

if I'm going to comicon for the puss do I have to cosplay? If so what's a cheap af costume to wear

>> No.9030564

Lol you fucking pussy. I want more than one of you to admit it.

Furthermore, you just copy and pasted what I said. I want you to admit your faults and further support it, using evidence. So say something like: "I'm a bitch because I don't have the balls to insult people to their faces, and start drama like a coward on an anonymous forum. As a result, I have a sad and pitiful life" and then go on with the rest of the list and briefly and use evidence to support each point.

>> No.9030567

And I want, at minimum, 500 words total for the entire list. But knowing 4chan pussies, they could easily get around 2000. Now get on that essay.

>> No.9030574


Go as Deadpool. Easy pussy, man.

>> No.9030588

How about you go fuck yourself, you entitled shithead. What makes you think you're deserving of anybody's attention or apology? Nobody owes you anything. Take your cardio and broccoli and shove them right up your backside.

>> No.9030597

They probably are already. Unfortunately I'm from qld

>> No.9030601

Shes got youtube videos on a nerf gun she put leds on as well as an asami sato glove and she had them all throughout her barbarian

>> No.9030602

Hahahahahahaha honestly, I swear to God, I love you. I love you like my bitch. I'm not asking for an apology. I am merely asking you to admit your faults, as you have committed some pussy acts in the eyes of the majority (seriously, if I show a typical random Australian cosplay thread to most people, they think you guys are pussies/lowlives/etc.), and you should redeem yourself. The first step to becoming a better person is to recognise your faults. Now get on that essay.

I am your king. I am your superior. I want you to bow down before me and sit on my lap, and call me daddy - because I am your king, and you are my subject, my son and most importantly, my little bitch.

>> No.9030603

is it me or is the melbourne scene getting even more basic than it already is?

>> No.9030623

when u tryna suck ur cousins dick

>> No.9030626
File: 194 KB, 1200x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww, what's with oz comic con being full of shit panels/workshops

>> No.9030627

Okay Jess thanks for the info

>> No.9030630

lol hey jess you salty butch

>> No.9030633

I made a typo, I meant bitch but I guess butch works too lol i'm too fucking funny.

>> No.9030640

holy shit these threads are bad

>> No.9030648

I recently got interested in cosplay and was hoping do do something for an upcoming con, but after reading this ( >>9030602 ) autistic shithead's posts I think I'll move to another fucking country first.
Pull yourselves together gulls, you're a fucking disgrace.

>> No.9030657

nobody here endorses autistic shithead's posts what are you on about?

>> No.9030658

Not them, but the fact he's not banned yet is at least telling of the moderation's efforts.

>> No.9030666


>> No.9030678

Ill list them off

Beta Bar - As the title suggests, it's full of Beta males so no competition. This is real because every 'singles night' there are so many guys who post on FB like it's the MX section "hey I was that guy from last night, we talked.."

However the quality of woman are lacking. The 'hot' ones are either taken or basic bitches who are attention whores for men who say "OMG I always loved Deadpool!"

The rest of the girls there are the fugly ones who have 'social anxiety' and find it hard to talk to people in person, so hitting on them is near impossible unless you want to be shouted as a 'sexist white male'.

This has the REALLY nerdy people and if you want a decent convo with someone about the nerdy stuff, its more for finding 'friends' than getting laid desu. That and the line gets huge fast so get in early

>> No.9030682

Bang - Its pretty good, more of a traditional club so if you do have that "i cant talk to people" this isnt for you.
Tho the venue is big, great cheap drinks unlike Beta Bar. The theme they having is more side dressing so if your cosplaying you can do that and 'peakcock' and a great convo started, just noting too weird if you are.

Also its in the CBD so easy to get in and out of places. The girls there are quite good, It would be easier to 'pick up' someone from here than Beta.

Aside from that I think Crown's night club is having an event but it's mostly going to be people who think Batman should be apart of The Avengers. That are expensive drinks

>> No.9030683

LOL you fucking douche. Why are you calling me out and not the gossip queen faggots? The ones that insult people for no reason? Get your priorities straight motherfucker. Why are you supporting such pussy motherfuckers? The fuck is wrong with you, you bitchass wimp?

Autistic shithead lol, more like your king you cunt. Bow before me you little bitch. And don't look me in the eye. You fucking faggot.

Oh yeah, if the mods were doing their job, I would be banned here no doubt. However, the mods would also need to ban these gossip bitches. This is rule 2: "Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual cosplayers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated."

So mods, if you do ban me, then please take out these pieces of garbage as well as me as so many people here are clearly breaking that rule. Thanks!

>> No.9030695

Honestly, I swear to God, you guys are such fucking pussies. When the history books of the 21st century are written, you pussies will go down in history. However, you will go down in history for being an example of a 21st century coward. You will be used as a case study in 22nd psychology classes as an example of "pussy syndrome".

Then the people of the 22nd century will learn about the pussy syndrome and how to avoid it, so people in the future won't be like you gossiping pieces of trash which belong in the trash can. Whereas history will remember me for being a real deal alpha male. History will remember you guys as the pussies that you truly are. Talking shit about random people who you don't know behind their back because you're pussies as well as disloyal faggots.

>> No.9030713

Can you link you fb? Im a little pussy bitch so clearly I want to stay unknown. But youre not a little pussy bitch hey! So please feel free to include a photo of yourself so we can admire your fit exterior.

>> No.9030719

HAHAHAHAHAHA you little punk bitch. You think I'd take that bait so easy? Try harder, you fucking moron. You're a puppet. You're dancing on my puppet strings the way I've manipulated you to do so.

Me not revealing my identity has nothing to do with me being a bitch. What does it accomplish? I don't need to prove shit to any of you punks. All you punks would do is make memes and all that silly shit, like fucking pussies. You wouldn't even talk shit to me through inbox, because you're pussies. But if you do end up finding me in person, then please, try to talk shit to me in person. I'm not going to give you any details though, because I'm playing YOUR game of talking shit to people anonymously and I'm crushing you at your own game that it's become my game at this point, you little mental midget. You're dancing on my strings, you don't tell me what to do you bitch.

I love it when people want to talk shit to me in person and then I break them mentally and make them cry like little bitches. Honestly, it turns me on when I see people break under my pressure - physical fighting pressure (eg. gassing) and mental pressure (breaking down when they provoked me first and then I break them with words). There's nothing better I love than smelling the blood of a wounded opponent and then finishing them.

Honestly, you guys are such fucking pussies and outside of obvious bad people like terrorists and criminals, are almost as bad as people who make joke comments in regards to brutal execution videos on gore sites.

>> No.9030722

And for the record, I avoid physical fights. Verbal beatdowns to people who deserve it on forums such as this though, are a completely different story. You're a puppet and you dance to my will, you moron.

>> No.9030725

Jess gtfo, everyone knows your hatin' because she's a better cosplayer than you.

>> No.9030727

You know when you hear a word so many times that it loses all impact and meaning?

I think I'm completely desensitized to the words 'bitch', 'pussy' and 'faggot' for the amount of times this pile of cowardly testosterone has used it.

Nobody is bowing to you. Nobody cares about you. You're just embarrassing yourself by pretending you're playing these regal 'mind games' of yours when, really, you're sounding like a scared puppy lashing out at people. I'll wager that nobody has even thought about you outside this board, much less 'shed tears' over your so-called 'verbal smackdowns' of 'justice'.

You're an autistic whiteknight, just stop posting and humiliating yourself, please. The cringe level is too much.

>> No.9030731

Hey man, can I ask you a serious question for a second? (please try to refrain from calling me a bitch/pussy/motherfucker/etc., I'm trying to ask you a civil question like an adult)

I understand your thinking of trawling over this board to bring justice to gossipers, or something. I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong, it's a little difficult to decipher because the way you're wording everything seems a little convoluted and confusing.

May I ask why you're so focused on THIS thread especially when on CGL there's a constant thread called 'Ita Thread', where the purpose of it is for lolitas to SPECIFICALLY post outfits of girls they think look bad in their outfits, tear them apart, laugh at them, make fun of them etc.

And yet I haven't seen a single post of yours on there?

Why would you be so hell-bent on trying to exact your 'vengeance' on this thread when there is another which is clearly more bullying than this one?

>> No.9030732

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, nobody cares about you mate. You're the one who's gossiping about random cosplayers on an anonymous forum! Seriously! Who the fuck does that?! Only little lowlife cowards would do that. Seriously! Answer that question!

>> No.9030733

I was thinking the same thing! A bunch of the other country based threads have a lot of attacks on certain people as well. I havent figured out what troll chans specific problem with Australians is yet.

>> No.9030735
File: 237 KB, 426x271, 6164096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030739

And not everyone on this thread is attacking people. A few anons have tried to start reasonable topics but this 'troll chan' keeps derailing the thread :/

>> No.9030741

Hahahaha, no worries buddy. I'm civil when people behave civilly and don't talk trash like these guys do. Trash talk begets trash talk.

As for the answer to that question, in all honesty, I have only bothered to visit this thread in /cgl/. I'm not really trying to bring justice to gossipers if I'm being honest - I just love me some good banter, and these guys are a perfect target - especially if I want to be as mean as possible. They're people who deserve it, and when I'm bored, insulting people who deserve it and watching the reaction of these guys brings amusement to me and makes me laugh.

But I guess I will visit that thread one day and go on an insulting spree whenever I want to get other types of people riled up, instead of just pussies from Australia.

>> No.9030745

you put way to much time into writing that...
get over it.

>> No.9030746

Anon who asked the question here. I hope I can still ask stuff and we can both be civil about it.

I'm sorry, dude, but it sounds like you have a lot of pent-up anger. I won't lie, Australian threads do have gossiping, but so does literally every other thread, and more. Hell, there are threads made that are DEDICATED to bshing someone online. When big competitions go down like WCS, they're all over it like white on rice. Even the wig thread has nasty comments on it.

I'm just imagining that this seems to be really exhausting and not that much fun?, desu? I have to admit it, I came onto the thread today and some of your comments didn't leave me feeling very nice, they're pretty nasty, but nobody seems to be caring much about it. You know the old adage, 'fighting with people online is like winning the special olympics'?

I dunno, man, I can see some people have tried to steer this thread back on track, I'm just saying it seems like a bunch of wasted vented anger for nothing? Sorry to put it that way, but... yeah.

>> No.9030753

For sure dude.

LOL nah I can assure you I am not angry. In fact, I am perfectly calm and literally laugh as hard as a mofo with some peoples responses to my insults. The responses people give here amuse me. The swearing is just for added effect, as otherwise, the thread derailment wouldn't occur.

You might be right, but while I am pretty much in all honesty just trolling and having a laugh, I am being somewhat truthful. Seriously - them insulting other people who they most likely don't even know is just flat out cowardly and they know it. I'm just making that point in the most obnoxious and mean way possible, lol. Outside of trolling mode, it's true and I'm sure even though they don't seem to care about it, deep down inside, they know it and it probably bugs them.

>> No.9030756

As for not being a nuisance on other threads, in all honesty, I have only been on this thread - I have yet to check out other threads. I did take a look at the 'Ita Thread' you mentioned, and I will have to pay that thread a visit when I'm bored and feel like going on an insulting sesh.

>> No.9030885

Oh boy, another probably unkempt, edgy weeaboo whiteknight who would probably let someone like Kayla Erin kneel on his back to get a trickle of what its like to have a woman actually want to touch him.

>> No.9031542

HAHAHAHAHAHAH hey moron. I don't even know who this Kayla Erin is. I literally had to google her just then to find out who she is. And if I say so myself, she's pretty hot so yes I would love if she did that, haha. Hahahaha hey pussy, I've been in many relationships with women but that's beside the point.

You call me a whiteknight? Alright, I've already addressed that you little cockstain. If a white knight is someone who comes to someones aid, then call me a white knight. It just means that I have balls and that you don't. When you see someone get bullied on the streets or picked on, a helpless cunt like yourself just watches as you don't have balls to do anything, fear for your life. Whereas me, I've possibly prevented fist-fights and cooled angsty people down, having them walk away. You probably wouldn't be able to stop a baby fight, in fear that the babies might whoop your sorry little ass.

Now then motherfucker, address my point. I have not heard one decent explanation. Who the fuck gossips about random cosplayers whom they don't even know (and if you do, that's even worse as you're more of a pussy for not taking it up with them via inbox at minimum) on an anonymous forum? Do you honestly know how much of a pussy you look like to other people?

I don't know you people. However, all I know is that based on what I see, I can 100% confirm that you're a pussy.

Now answer the fucking question, dimwit.

>> No.9031550

Let's get this thread back on track please and thank you

Who are some cosplayers who you think deserve more attention/popularity than they have?

>> No.9031654

Lol you think these anons who are replying to you are the same anon?
You sir are an idiot

>> No.9031684

I can also 100% confirm you are butthurt.

Luna Lockheart
One Minute Cosplay
Chloe Kerosenee
Slowpoke Cosplay
Cordelia Kaiju
Night Haunter

Just to name a few.

>> No.9031749

Artisans theory
Rei ushi
There are actually quite a few I can think of who are really good but don't really know how to market themselves

>> No.9031769

Tbh I find it hard to believe you didn't know who Kayla was especially since you're always here and she's always talked about at some stage but that being said it is plausible you didn't know I guess.

>> No.9031808

Is this a copypasta?

>> No.9031947
File: 188 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1464667742735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or can anyone else spot the camel toe

>> No.9031957

jesus christ

>> No.9032024
File: 248 KB, 1242x1732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Thick spider-Gwen' wtf

>> No.9032027

No screenshots of the drama in the comments? Anon pls

>OP can't decide if she wants to be 'spider gwen' or 'spider mary jane'
>someone goes 'spider gwen has own very different costume. Why not do mayday parker spidergirl instead'
>whiteknight swoops, accuses commenter of being harsh
>'maybe she could be an alternate universe spider gwen which wears the amazing spiderman outfit!'
>OP gets offended because she doesn't like being referred to as 'the OP'

Tl;dr: basic bitch tries justifying her ignorance by inventing a whole comic universe. MCC in a nutshell, really

>> No.9032036

Lol same girl announced her melbnova costume was 'black cat from DC comics'

>> No.9032125

Better than Darrer as spider gwen

>> No.9032248

Are there actually any cosplayers that can pull off a spider suit properly? All im seeing is unflattering shots.

>> No.9032249

Oohh thats embarrassing

>> No.9032297

lol is that still around I thought it died?

>> No.9032312

lmao at least half of those are cunts, good try though

>> No.9032329

>luna lockheart

anyone who joined the sexpo cosplay comp shouldn't be on that list. she is going to wear vampirella at fucking supanova. so much for sexpo being 'a place for cosplays which don't belong'....these basic bitches will wear their skanky costumes everywhere even when it's inappropriate

>> No.9032364

Perth nova cosplay applications are open. Who's entering?

>> No.9032387

I believe you have an STD, would issues are there like its a blue dick and its not frozen

>> No.9032434

So who's entering oz comic con championship this year??

>> No.9032528

We got
Artemis costuming
Jasmin Nora Cosplay
HeidzDee Cosplay
BaronQueen Cosplay
RKKKyriaka Cosplay
Lumin Cosplay
Not sure who else. I'm sure there is plenty more.

>> No.9032530

Ataraxy Cosplay
Elyway Cosplay

>> No.9032554
File: 403 KB, 458x812, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl on my facebook/instgram did her thought she did okay, better than the people we've posted on here anyways

>> No.9032782
File: 283 KB, 1241x1913, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, that ham leg

>> No.9033300

Shes really cute and her body shape suits it so well! Cosplay page?

>> No.9033392

Did Yeliz not enter?

>> No.9033487

Don't know if she has a page but her Instagram and shit is Inkkdrop

>> No.9033534

she's part of okay cosplay with good ole kimmy

>> No.9033656

Is she the one who did the actually half decent Harely quinn in the mcc?

>> No.9033680

I don't think so. Haven't seen anything

>> No.9033816

Wow, maybe she's just that salty

>> No.9033832

that room tho
clean up and clean eat love

>> No.9034057

Am I the only person sick of really basic superhero costumes? They're always so popular and get so many photos but then really good costumes are overlooked

>> No.9034070

that's because other people at cons are equally as basic and only recognise the basic superhero costumes. cuts both ways

>> No.9034190
File: 138 KB, 1440x810, itxIJ6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cristina Vee is going to be at Madman Anime Festival
> There's also going to be a Love Live concert screening

Fuck, now I actually feel sad about not being able to go

>> No.9034199
File: 112 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1464775336716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another selfie! This time it's a cosplay one hehe.

Finally something new to show you lovelies. This is my first make up test for Jessica Rabbit which I'll be wearing on the Friday of Sydney Supanova. What'd you think? ^_^
**Making a lot of progress on my other cosplays and will be showing you all soon! :D**" - next minute she will post a fully finished costume, so vomit worthy beke.

>> No.9034213

Her eyebrows though

I can't imagine this being overly impressive, if history is anything to go by

>> No.9034214

ugh selfie for beke = tits out with a cosplay she hasn't made

>> No.9034220

Don't you mean every photo she's in? It's either tits out or legs spread

>> No.9034222

Can she at least the hair colour and style right....

>> No.9034223

Her eyebrows are the worst hey. You'd think she would try and fix them in this day and age

>> No.9034229

i loathe how she refers to her page followers as "my lovelies". It makes me cringe so fkn hard

>> No.9034236

She's the definition of disappointment

>> No.9034242

I wonder if her parents know how much of slag she is. Or maybe her parents are the same. Anyone know?

>> No.9034261

I love how she's been buying ads to overtake alithia in likes on Facebook
How self absorbed and insecure do you have to be to have to varify your self worth with likes on Facebook.

No one likes her, she has no friends. You can't buy friends.

>> No.9034266


She's so fucking hot, seriously, people bitching about Beke are sooooo obviously sad, salty, ugly bitches. Sorry girls, buts she's hot, all guys think so matter what they say (yes, your guy too)
must suck to be you.

>> No.9034267

>How self absorbed and insecure do you have to be.....

ooohhh the irony.! I love it.

>> No.9034286

Only you would say that about yourself beke
No one thinks that about you :')

>> No.9034288

When no one likes you so you have to defend yourself
You're pathetic Beke

>> No.9034322
File: 41 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single Aus thread is just hating on this Beke chick
Take it somewhere else, it's boring

Anyone looking forward to certain cosplays for OZCC? Anyone working on anything cool?
Also, it'd be nice to see people discuss cosplayers they actually like on here lol

I'm a big fan of Moko, The Antilily is super talented, and some guy on MCC has been making some cool 3D printing stuff lately (I've forgotten his name though)

>> No.9034385

AVCON are announcing 5 new guests soon. Who will it be?

>> No.9034410
File: 361 KB, 533x831, oMSKcqB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if you all are just trolling, read her other posts? Even on her personal fb she mentioned everyone and said how thankful she was.. you guys are trying to find anything to hate on her.. She even mentions other cosplayers in her posts wtf?? Smells like jealousy.

>> No.9034434

Lmao she started mentioning the others after she was called out on 4chan. Gtfo alithia

>> No.9034438

Also doesn't change the fact that the parts she made were shit.

On a nicer note, I'm loving the work from zalaria cosplay. She did the jessica nigri deathwing and it wasn't half bad

>> No.9034462

Just checked her page out, her Bayonetta is pretty great. Not a huge fan of that deathwing design so i'm biased in tending to not like it but she did a good job.
Also, love a cosplayer that's good at sewing

>> No.9034473

Im really loving how Comic-con have been adapting for cosplayers. The new areas are really cool.
And as far as cosplayers I appreciate go, Im really loving Rae Johnston as a host. I think shes really well spoken and I always enjoy watching her on stage.

(I also want to talk about things that isn't shitty, repetitive gossip too)

>> No.9034495 [DELETED] 

YAY Im mentioned on 4chan, hi hi hi.
Actually made a post on my private fb dayz before the actual event itself may 26th. and also posted on my team alithia 30th june or whatever xD so way before you cry babies tried to attack me for something. Also I made everything bar the weapon, and got lots of help from my beautiful group of friends they all do each others cosplays and help :) :). And guess what when i was without the gun, - blizzard judgement on how good my cosplay was is better than wat some fattychans say. REKT xD
peace senpai, finally get some reconition on this site. I barely get mentioned anymore :((((((((((((

>> No.9034500

Same, even just the addition of cosplay rest and change rooms in recent years have been a godsend, it's nice to see more and more stuff being provided for such a large part of the con community now.
I would kill for a stall or booth that sells cosplay specific fabrics though- Stuff that's hard to find in stores, eg. Spotlight. Like specific fabrics for popular cosplays, e.g Love Live/Idol stuff, in game textures and patterns for video games etc. I don't see it happening anytime soon, but I would just drop all my money on it if it ever happened.

>> No.9035025

So you made everything else except the weapon. You sure about that?

>> No.9035030

If someone did that, I'd be worried about them getting the fabric from taobao and having a massssssive markup

>> No.9035244 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 1440x1929, Screenshot_2016-06-02-10-03-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. She posted the first image on the 28th with no credit whatsoever and then got called out on it the same day.
Then started crediting on the 30th hehe.

Fact check before posting pls

>> No.9035287 [DELETED] 

You see what happens when I'm not here for a day or two?

Cunts start gossiping like little bitches. But when I'm here? They all know their role and understand just how miserable and pitiful they truly are, just how mentally weak they are as they shut their mouths because they're such little stick insects.

Hey you little pussies. You still haven't answered my question. Don't be scared, pussies. I will copy and paste it.

"Who the fuck gossips about random cosplayers whom they don't even know (and if you do, that's even worse as you're more of a pussy for not taking it up with them via inbox at minimum) on an anonymous forum? Do you honestly know how much of a pussy you look like to other people?"

Now answer the fucking question, you losers.

>> No.9035292 [DELETED] 

If there were multiple people behaving just like me, then gossip in these threads would cease to exist. However, on the other hand, you little faggots provide me with a ton of amusement.

Your miserable lives and weak minds make for easy targets to pick on. I know you pussies are effected by my words deep down, even though you don't show it. You know that you're bitches. You know that you're pussies. I know that you are hurt by the truth. You can't handle the truth. I am the motherfucking truth.

>> No.9035301
File: 947 KB, 400x200, shakeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jessi slaughter called, brah, she wants nineties 4chan back

>> No.9035367

Oh man you are so cringy

>> No.9035381

that makes sense why everything but the gun looks bad

>> No.9035476

I like you derailing the threads. Keep it up.

>> No.9035496 [DELETED] 


How am I cringy? I'm just telling pussies the truth. That's all. And I still have yet to get a response to my question. Why are people like you so afraid to answer it? It's just 2 questions, yet you duck it like it's the plague.

Thanks bruh!

>> No.9035760

No idea. But I'm eagerly waiting for them to say

>> No.9035819


Not sure what is funnier, you trying to pull Beke down to your level, or you thinking she's actually here and cares about what you think.

>> No.9035821

>You're pathetic Beke

Lol, more irony on here, sucks to be you

>> No.9035828

Who are we betting to win the Oz comic con championship

>> No.9035832


shit she is cute

>> No.9035842

We only know 2/5 of the winners. Too early to say.

>> No.9035848

Did angrybro get banned again?

>> No.9035863

Hey pussy, I'm still here. Are you going to answer my questions or not?

>> No.9035873

Melbourne championship finalists will be announced tomorrow/Saturday. Who will be accepted!?

>> No.9035898

Oh that's a shame.

>> No.9035904

And youre responding to a single anon? So much rage.....

>> No.9035954

You feel like such a tough guy when I'm not around huh? You think you're a real deal alpha male like myself when the real deal alpha male isn't around? You go from Alpha Male to Beta Bitch as soon as you hear of the arrival of the king. You feel tough, but when a true real deal alpha male steps up, you quake in your boots like a scared little sissy who is staring death in the idea, but in reality, is scared at the weakling that they are.

Nah, not just a single anon. Talking about basically every pussy anon out there. My messages go to each and every single one of them. And nah, no rage here mate. I'm perfectly calm and laughing my ass off at these bums.

>> No.9035957

Also to further add to my point, the mods shouldn't ban me without banning pussies as well, as they are also breaking the rules.

Again, I shall quote rule 2 of /cgl/: "Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual cosplayers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated."

>> No.9035958

Thanks bruh!

>> No.9035961

Lol, hey pussy, nobody likes you. What do you mean no one likes Beke? I just checked her FB page and she has 19,312 followers. Clearly she has a lot of support.

I'd guess nobody likes you, motherfucker. We all have people that care for us - families. You have nothing. You have nobody that likes you or cares for you, which is why you're the bitter faggot that you are today.

>> No.9035971

Buys ads to get likes

Yeah she has heaps of support.
All of her friends hate her, the only people that like her are those that want her pussy Hahahah

>> No.9035978

19 000 that don't give a rats ass about who she is, they just wanna see tits because she's a notorious little whore.

Buying ads can get you likes, but it can't buy you friends. She has no real friends, she will rot away from her crippling depression because she knows deep down she's a filthy, waste of space.

>> No.9035982

So in the space of about 4-5 months she grew from about 9000 followers to 19 000 with no real progress or any sort of impressive cosplays. However, she does like to get on her knees and pose rather provocatively. What would that suggest to you? It doesn't take a high IQ to figure out what's going on there.
And the fact that I've seen her sponsored posts.
It's fairly simple to see what's going on

>> No.9035989

She went from 18k to 19.3 in 2 days? Sounds fishy to me

>> No.9035992

Oh sweety
I hope Aaron buying likes for you is helping your boost your self esteem, you seem so sad all the time, I mean something needs to cheer you up. False sense of self esteem will really help you, it will detract from the fact that all your friends have left you, your family is disappointed in you, you don't work and watch anime all day and cry about your problems to your psychologist. The fake likes will help. Chin up princess.

>> No.9036001

ROFL you're a fucking moron, you know that? You really think I'm Beke?

Let me be frank: I don't really know Beke, nor do I particularly care about her. Like I said before, I don't particularly care about any cosplayer. I'm just here to talk shit to you bums just to kill boredom (because there is an infinite amount of you pussies here, as you keep sucking each others dicks to support yourself), you five foot nothing mental midget.

>> No.9036002

Oh hey pussies, I almost forgot. Have you finished your 500 word essay yet? Or if you can't be bothered doing that, answer the two questions I posted above as none of you pussies have yet to give me even a decent answer.

>> No.9036010

Youre such a little pussy acting all big on an anonymous board. You wouldnt say shit to anyone in real life you little bitch. I bet you live in your mums basement you useless being. Youre just a silly little whore defending yourself because someone said mean things on the internet and you dont know how to deal with it.

Even I feel stupid writing like this. How can you do this so many times without cringing at your existence.

>> No.9036014

Seems the only pussy here is you, the keyboard warrior.

>> No.9036051

Not Yeliz
And hopefully not Jasmine Nora, she's mediocre

>> No.9036092

You seem to be very specific in your response
Who do you think i am?

>> No.9036116

There a cosplayers much worse

>> No.9036171

Just a reminder that entrants need to be approved, so everyone who says they have entered may or may not necessarily be on stage or presenting their cosplay. Thank fucking christ for this pre-judging to weed out the shit.

>> No.9036222

Apparently there has been the highest peek in entries this year so maybe only one or two that have been listed on 4chan will get in. All will be revealed tomorrow

>> No.9036302

Angry chan sounds like the kind of person who the song URL Badman was written about.

>> No.9036429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9036856

HAHAHAHAHA what the fuck are you on about mate? Of course I would say shit to people to their faces. The point I've been making over and over again, yet you guys refuse to address it, is the fact that you guys wouldn't say shit to anyone in real life. You know why I have the balls to say shit to people in real life? Cause I can defend myself physically if it comes to it. I can beat the fuck out of 99% of people I encounter, the 1% being some people I know who are very skilled in a form of martial arts such as boxing/kickboxing.

LOL, how the fuck am I the pussy? How are YOU not the pussy? How are the people who gossip like little bitches not the pussy? And well, I am very capable of talking shit to peoples faces, believe you me. I'd slap the shit out of you and you'd do nothing.

Idk who you are. I'm addressing every pussy out. No single pussy.

LMFAO, bitch, again - how are you labelling me the one who is a keyboard warrior? You guys are a walking paradox. You don't get offended by much on the internet and probably have the balls to watch things such as terrorist execution videos without batting an eye, but in real life, you don't have the balls to talk shit face to face. I'm just beating you at your own game. You guys can't answer a few fucking questions, you little pussies, lol.

You guys are like chameleons man, it's amazing. You guys are such fucking fakes and pussies, it's actually amazing that you can be this fake. Friend on the outside, bitch gossiper on the inside.

Now I could possibly get banned at any moment, so please, mods, by all means do so. But if you're going to ban me - then ban these guys as well. They're clearly breaking rule 2 like I said before!

>> No.9036928

Ozcc is next weekend. Show yourself then. Coz you seem to love to talk the talk. So let's walk the walk

>> No.9037073

Oh god oh god please stop. The cringe is too much.

>> No.9037124

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really want to start a punch-on?! And at a cosplay convention of all places?! Control yourself, boy. I don't even cosplay, I just come here to talk shit anonymously, because you guys talk shit anonymously. Can't handle your own medicine? Honestly, I really do love you like my bitch. You amuse me.

However, I am a martial artist, first and foremost. And I have matured. I'm not stupid enough to get into punch on's these days for such silly reasons. I'm not stupid enough to risk get charged with assault or anything like that, and risk a criminal record. I refuse to throw a strike - unless you want to physically provoke me. Physically provoke me, and you'll hit the floor, I guarantee that.

So with that in mind, I'll just keep playing your game. What's your game? Well, you know it. You do it all the time. You talk shit anonymously. So I'm playing your game. That's it. It's harmless, and won't get me into any legal troubles. I may be a troll, but I'm not going to risk manslaughter charges, assault charges or anything like that.

However, if you step into my realm, you are going to be in deep, deep trouble.

I am probably getting banned really soon as well... lol. (I got a warning before, so you bums can probably enjoy a thread without being reminded of how weak you are.)

>> No.9037132

Ban's here last a max of 3 days.

>> No.9037135

What's the original copypasta for this? It sounds really familiar.

>> No.9037174

>Soramaru is going

rip anon.

>> No.9037179

I'm most excited to play ichiban kuji! Oh boy I can't wait for madman

>> No.9037219

Anyone hear back for being a finalist for Melb Championships?

>> No.9037239


>> No.9037258


projection much?

Sucks to be you

>> No.9037262


What's going on is you're getting pissed off at someone who is way hotter than you, that burns you up.

Sucks to be you too

>> No.9037264

>ROFL you're a fucking moron, you know that? You really think I'm Beke?

They do the same to me, damn there are some desperate, depressed bitches here

>> No.9037268


>> No.9037269


she should model professionally, she's fukin gorgeous!

>> No.9037283

I agree!
The porn industry would work wonders for her!

>> No.9037294

Whoever got in obviously sucked a lot of fucking dick, if the horse Elizabethmaree got accepted it's fucking rigged, we all know what a slut she is.

>> No.9037315

@jess you're just salty your fatass got turned down when you offered gobbies for a win last year.

>> No.9037318

Lol fuck off you rat. It's not my fault she doesn't know what the fuck she is doing and makes shit armour

>> No.9037323

So, this is what losing nationals make you look like. Smarmy bitch. Thank god you didn't win you'd be just as poor a winner as you are a loser. Least Lizz is attractive. Poor armor or no, you'll always be second rate because of that bulldog looking thing you call a face.

>> No.9037324

Not anon from before, but holy fuck Jess you are one salty fucking dipshit. You are such a narcissistic, self loathing shitlord. Keep seeking validation from those who look up to you, you'll realise eventually how hollow you are and so will others.
EVERYONE knows you're the piece of shit who attempts to talk anonymously about everyone.

Dumb. As. Fuck.

>> No.9037332

Elizabethmaree is lovely! You realise she has a partner of many years, right? She is one of the more genuine people I've met int he melbourne scene

>> No.9037333

who are you though? Cospage link? :)

>> No.9037336

lol fuck off Lizz. It's obvious that it's you posting. I honestly believe they accepted you because they felt bad for the piece of shit you made

>> No.9037338

HeidzDee Cosplay :)

>> No.9037341

She is a salty bitch. She can't even make half good cosplays

>> No.9037346

Who said I wanna start a punch on? I'm far better than that

>> No.9037351


>> No.9037353

So much salt. I got in. Preparing myself for the 'your costume is shit' comments

>> No.9037357

Cosplay page? :D I wanna follow all the cool people

>> No.9037358

Fantastic work, that wig looks intricate. Good luck!

>> No.9037363

How did you even get accepted lol. Looks like absolute shit

>> No.9037369

You'd like to think so beke, but I'd prefer to not look like a 16 year old hooker

She's pretty rank

>> No.9037370

holy shit beke youre cracking us up!
Now stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.9037412

Get a fucking life

>> No.9037413


Only someone like you would need to get their clothes off to get attention, sucks huh?

>> No.9037415


Wow, you have NFI. Shes soooo nice, you look stupid saying that

>> No.9037418


OMG you must be up yourself to think Beke or anyone with any sort of life would spend time here and care about your opinion.

I enjoy passing by here and rattling the cages of you sad salty jealous bitches when Im bored, it's a fukin laughh

>> No.9037420

Organiser told me
>wanted to get 2 girls in but only Soramaru was free

No official source I can link cos it hasn't been officially announced. But trust me the announcement will be made sooner or later.

>> No.9037422
File: 140 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drugs were the judges on? How did this get accepted

>> No.9037454

We all know she spends her time here, she's got no life

>> No.9037479

Who dat?

>> No.9038557
File: 117 KB, 728x483, Trompa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9038688


>she's got no life

haha, have you ever known a girl to look like that and have no life?
What you are expressing is called 'projection'

>> No.9038689

So what exactly would you do if you met angry anon irl at a convention?

>> No.9038725

She's the saddest person I know
You clearly don't know what she's like LOL
She's a sad waste of space.

>> No.9038763

Just talk. In no way am I gonna throw the first punch lol
I've no reason to do so. I'm not the one who has rage over what's going on. But I've no time to waste.

>> No.9038775

I love how the people that "support" beke are the ones on here bitching

I love the back stabbing :')

>> No.9039937
File: 18 KB, 499x280, 3555581_1406255096882.48res_500_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, Soramaru too? Now I feel even worse about not being able to go.

It was way back in 2013 (Back when Love Live basically had no fanbase in the west and the dub didn't even seem like a possibility) but I have met Cristina Vee before. But meeting Soramaru? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Pretty sure they've already announced all the guests for Sydney Supanova but I'm hoping there's at least something Love Live related at SMASH

>> No.9040115

Omg Yeliz new post
" i dont like the way i look" whilst sucking her her tummy in so tight
"i dont want sympathy"
continues with pathetic sob story

>> No.9040198

I don't know why shes having a cry, she looks fine and she constantly flaunts her body regardless so it cant be bothering her that much.

>> No.9040343

Anyone boycotting supanova over the supposed "transphobic" founder?

>> No.9040530

No, because no one cares, if he is transphoic it doesn't change the convention or stop trans people from going, not everyone is open to the idea of trans and people need to accept that and get over it already, leave it be, for the time being he hasn't done anything to harm anyone so?

>> No.9040537

Congrats on getting in, but I question your costume choice, if you're willing to go through so much effort why do a shitty no flutter design when you could do a slightly less shitty sakizo design?

>> No.9040665

The "cosfame" must means a lot to her now. Heh

>> No.9041206

I'm so excited Nico isn't my fave girl but just the though of seeing one of the muse girls makes me really excited, trying to round up a group for it!

>> No.9041247


The petition didn't have anything to do with transphobia- they don't like safe schools any because they believe that there is a better way to teach students about sex/gender.

>> No.9041316

eh not really, I'm not keen on what the founders done, but boycotting would end up hurting the artists who stall and I'd rather avoid that.

>> No.9041448

That's the thing with the selfish entitled arseholes who boycott for their own agenda. They rather think about themselves rather than the others who could be considered collateral.

>> No.9041496

It was the easiest option

>> No.9041569

Easiest... Cause that will win you the competition..

>> No.9041651

Had dinner with her in a group event. She was nothing but rude to nearly everyone. Her friend who brought her was lovely though. Does she understand she breeds this sort of reaction?

Why not just be nicer to people? It would get rid of 99% of the shit you see on here.

>> No.9041700

Was the attention not on her? Is that why?

She's just a mole, just ignore.

>> No.9041808

have we not already established that shes not a nice person?

>> No.9041810

she's going to wear that fugly looking catwoman costume to ozcc.

>> No.9041904
File: 110 KB, 627x965, lolllllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id be mad if i had lopsided boobs too

>> No.9041951

what in fresh hell is this