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9026828 No.9026828 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog
Thread for asking questions about hair or just posting cute hair pics

>> No.9026829
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>> No.9026830

How do I deal with putting hair that ends at mid back into a wig? every time I try it looks like I'm Jimmy Neutron.

>> No.9026833
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>> No.9026834
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>> No.9026836
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Depends on how long it it I guess
Maybe french braids?

>> No.9026838
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>> No.9026842
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>> No.9026864

Braids. Split your hair into more sections to braid if you have thicker and/or layered hair. Then bobby pin them flat around your head (there's no real trick or perfect way to do this, you can be pretty random with it just make sure that it lies flat against your head and bobby pin like mad). Then wig cap.

My friends all have shorter hair than me and are always amazed at how I fit it all under a wig with no bumps.

>> No.9026871
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I have thin hair that can never decide if it wants to be frizzy or greasy. I've found that applying this stuff after a shower really helps though, I'd recommend it. Makes me hair bouncy and shiny and easy to manage.

>> No.9026886

where are you getting these hair pics?

they are great

>> No.9026887

Hi /cgl/ I pistes some time ago about my perma-tangled hair. I tried everything and my hair was like velcro just 1 hour after combing.

It turns out it was the water in my location. I moved 3 months ago and using the same products my hair looks now so healthy and soft I want to touch it all the time. I love it.

Just posting this as maybe someone is in the same situation as I am.

>> No.9026888

Any recommendations for curling hair?
My hair is very thick and heavy (it can't really handle an updo for the whole day because they collapse under their own weight).
So far I've tried:
- rollers - they don't hold my hair very well (it just kind of falls/slips out), and I can't do the back of my head myself
- curling rods - they just give me a bit of a wave that doesn't look that great
- curling with straighteners - that seems to work somewhat but the curls never look uniform and they tend to fall relatively quickly even with hairspray.
If anyone has suggestions it'd be grand

>> No.9026975

Anything I can put in my hair to help with frizz and dryness, without making it greasy? I use argan oil in it, but ever since it started to get warmer out my hair is just yuck.

>> No.9026979

Have you tried putting it in as a mask before washing your hair?

>> No.9027009

Pincurls on wet hair overnight with hair spray or setting lotion? I have heavy hair and it's the only method that works on me.

>> No.9027033
File: 52 KB, 370x494, Cute-Short-Japanese-Hairstyles-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to have my hair kinda like this,
and even though it looks pretty natural I know it takes a lot of styling,
and I'm a lazy fuck and hate styling my hair every day
I was wondering what kind of options there are for perms?
Like, would it be possible to do a perm that would give this kinda look (or similar at least)?

>> No.9027150

Hey, my hairdresser fucked up my hair with bleach (long story) and now its super dry. I'm going to get as much of the damaged shit I can cut off tomorrow but are there any good products for helping the remaining nasty bits I'm sure there'll be?

>> No.9027176

Nope. Cut off all the damage and go from there.

>> No.9027187

How can I stop my hair falling out? I've had my bloods tested and everything was fine. My scale goes through stages of stinging

>> No.9027195

I've had the same thing happen to me after a hospital stay. Not sure where you live but I've taken those http://www.imedeen.co.uk/ and they helped.

>> No.9027237

You can try masks. I like to saturate my hair in coconut oil, cover it with a hair mask, and leave it on for about 30 minutes before I wash it off. Try not to use shampoos with sulfate in them, it'll dry your hair out even more. I bleached my hair a couple weeks ago, and it's not as crunchy feeling as it used to be after some time of doing that.

>> No.9027251

Try curling a small section of your hair with a rod, then pinning it in curled position until it cools, then hairspraying the shit out of it.

>> No.9027281

Seconding the suggestion of braiding your hair. My hair is just above my hips, and I find that this method works best for me. Good luck, anon!

>> No.9027335 [DELETED] 

If I leave coconut oil on your head all night, will I get better results or it's the same that if I leave it 30 minutos?

>> No.9027497

Anons, I cut off all my super crazy long hair (hip length to chin length) and I'm still struggling with it. I loved my long hair, and now I have no idea what to do with it.

>> No.9027565

>>9027251 always works. I personally curl the piece, then as I slide it off the rod, I catch it in my hand and press the circle into my head until it cools. You want it to be cool before you let it go in any situation.
You can also try doing the bandana/sock/paper bag curling method, way better than actual curlers and easier to do imo. Just takes some practice to get it right.

>> No.9027603

If it's chin lenght you can make some small braids, little buns etc (in some archived threads you can find short hair inspo), or you can get some bangs that suit your face
Anyway hair grows back, and if you really wanted to do it you're just struggling because it's such a big change, you just have to look for something that works for you!

>> No.9027643
File: 43 KB, 440x604, tumblr_n9jl3tfzUR1s436zqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hair inspo for bangs that aren't your normal blunt bangs?

I just got my hair dyed for the first time and want to change my look even further with new bangs and googling for cute bang style that isn't so normie is more difficult than I thought.

>> No.9027701

I made a google slides all about j-fashion bangs and posted here a few hair generals ago. Just search "bangs" in the archives, I'd give a link but I'm on mobile.

>> No.9028289

I would like to request any short hairstyles (longer than pixie, but shorter than shoulders) that would look cute/okay with lolita
Also would like to request any good products for volume. I've been flat ironing it upwards to get more poof but it's really damaging for my hair

>> No.9028313

someone posted the link in loligen

bob/lob kindda stuff? and either buy a teasing comb, or one of those mini irons that look like crimpers, and use that on the underside of your hair

>> No.9028321

Any "miracle" to make hair grow fast? Mine barely touch my shoulder and it's a pain
I just want them past my breasts/mid back ;_;

>> No.9028681

That hair colour is everything. I wish I could pull off pastels man.

>> No.9029497

Advice for naturally thin hair? My hair is very thin, and becomes greasy looking within 1-2 days. I currently keep my in a simple (not a French) braid– which I also sleep in, so my hair's braided pretty much 24/7. I'm not damaging my hair by utilising this hairstyle, am I? I don't use any special products, other than the occasionally coconut oil on my ends. I only use heat in the form of a hairdryer. Yet my hair looks absolutely awful. My bangs are so thin and pathetic looking– I have bangs to hide my giant forehead. Although my hair is just above my hips, I rarely take it out of the braid, as it tangles so easily. Is there anything I can do to improve my hair? I envy Cousin It desu.

>> No.9029505

I bleached my hair to color it, but it didn't get noticeably lighter at all. I used 40 volume. My hair was a light reddish-gold before starting, and after sitting with the bleach for 25 minutes, there was no apparent change except for on the tips. My hair even still feels the same, not dryer or anything.

What happened?

>> No.9029553

How long has it been since you rinsed it? Reds take longer to lighten than blacks/browns because it's a different melanin that doesn't oxidize as fast.

>> No.9029612

No perm option that lets you get away with doing nothing. You would still probably need at least quarter of an hour to style it daily

>> No.9029614

A few days. I've since dyed over it, got kind of a nifty brown/lavender going on. Not what I was going for, but I'm not unhappy.

So in the future, I should wait a few days after bleaching to see if it continues to lighten? The color I usually apply is non-damaging.

>> No.9030382

Honestly? Cut it shorter. Like, it doesn't have to be pixie length but shorter hair has more volume (it's not as weighed down), and will tangle less. No point having long hair if it looks like shit, right? It's best on people with thick/ curly hair as weighing it down would be desirable. Pretty sure braids (esp french) are a protective style, so no.

>> No.9030479
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Commencing mini dump of short hairstyles, if anyone has any to share too I'd really appreciate it. Getting my hair cut into a short bob and the inspiration would help a lot.

>> No.9030481
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>> No.9030483
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>> No.9030484
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>> No.9030486
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>> No.9030488
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>> No.9030489
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>> No.9030490
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>> No.9030495

About two/the years ago I had shoulder length hair, and it still looked awful? There's been no difference in terms of the quality of my hair, since I've grown it out. It looks pretty nice if I style it. I get plenty of compliments on my hair, so I guess I made it sound worse that it is in my previous post? Just wondering if I can do anything to manage the greasy and thin texture? I'm not quite ready to cut it all off yet– as it looked even worse when it was shorter!

>> No.9030551

Are you using sulfate free shampoo? You could give that a try. It will weigh your hair down less and will strip your hair of less natural oils so your scalp doesn't go into overdrive to produce more. although for some people the adjustment period takes a couple of weeks and can will be overly greasy. But once you get over the hump it should be better.

For the record, I didn't experience this adjustment period at all. It was like a switch. I have pretty thick hair, but it is super fine so it was always like a limp greasy noodle no matter how often I washed. I switched to sulfate free shampoos and it helped a lot. There was so much less build up in my hair.

I also avoid using conditioner directly near my scalp otherwise it gets greasy quickly. As for bangs, sometimes I will honestly wash them by themselves in between washes with a little shampoo in the sink. It can really freshen up your hair to have your bangs look nice and clean.

>> No.9030650

Might try a bob. Won't a teasing comb and mini iron be kinda damaging as well though?

>> No.9030911
File: 88 KB, 675x446, lovelyz1-675x446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I achieve silky kpop hair? I mention kpop hair because I like how their hair seems to be perma-straight even when they dance around. The problem with my hair is that it's always chunky and product tends to get stuck within it.

>> No.9030966

Let's say 90% of them have straight ,not too thick hair by nature. If you don't have the dna it'll most likely costs you your hairs health. I have this kind of straight hair myself and damn you dunno how much I wish to have some volume in their

>> No.9031368

Some salons offer perm straightening, do some research or go to a consultation to figure out what might work for you

>> No.9031562

Looks like http://www.sideburndeluxe.com/shc/index.html

>> No.9031744

Ok but how likely is this to work in realty?

Because I want to do it but it's so simple it scares me..

>> No.9031753

I have really dry, fine hair and as >>9026979 mentioned have had a lot of success with hair masks before I shower. I use a 50/50 mix of coconut oil(some people prefer a different oil such as olive) and aloe vera and leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour once a week. Just be sure to wash your hair reaaaally well including the ends if you don't, like wash rinse repeat buddy, afterward or it will be greasy on the ends and will end up greasy all over within a day or so.

>> No.9031759

*Meant before I wash my hair, as I don't wash it every time I shower buuut anyway.

>> No.9031838


What is it that she's even doing? It looks to me like different ways to wear a headband and different proportions of where the bang's parting is.

>> No.9031843

It's showing how the section of bang cut to how full the bang is.

>> No.9031844

I have really bad split ends. I cut off about 6 inches of hair and they're still forming. Should I just keep cutting? Leave it? Any kind of treatment?

>> No.9031847

She's twisting her hair in the before pictures and cutting it straight across to produce the bangs seen in the after pictures.

>> No.9031857
File: 24 KB, 279x384, spiral french braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have waist length full curly hair. I make two french braids, cross them over to the other side at my nape, and bring them up and over the top of my head. Tons of pins. It's essentially a braid crown updo.
I've also done a spiral braid before, like pic related but a lot messier. Since I was doing it blind. but it really evenly distributed my hair. It was fun. Tires your arms out though.

>> No.9031865

I don't believe you. This looks like it was all taken in the same afternoon, and her bang length is the same three pictures.

Thanks, I appreciate it.
In your opinion, what's the best fullness? I recently grew out my bangs since I thought I had cut mine too far back. I've been putting off cutting them again since I feel like it'll be hard to know when to stop.

>> No.9031870

You might be blind then anon, you can clearly see the hair she's going to cut off between her fingers

>> No.9031876

I see that now, but I'm so confused. The end result is still all the same length. How did she do that?

>> No.9032072

Hey I'm the girl in the photo. I have very thick bangs, and I usually wear them like they are in the first picture. But I was demonstrating how different sections can produce different styles of bangs. All I did was section out a smaller "slice" then tuck the rest of the short pieces into my headband. It's meant to show how much you're supposed to section off before you cut.
Please don't twist your bangs before you cut them, hold them straight between your pointer and middle and cut with your scissors held vertically.

>> No.9032081

i've noticed my bangs have been thinning so i switched my shampoo to a gentler, sulfate-free one with argan oil to help grow it back. i have been also looking into scalp exfoliation but i have no idea which product to buy or if it's actually safe.

can anyone recommend anything? even DIY scrub recipes, too.

>> No.9032124
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>> No.9032127
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this picture was what made me start growing out my hair, my curls are identical & my hair is that amount of thickness; why must I always cut my hair when it gets to the awkward length?

>> No.9032362


>> No.9032382


>> No.9032431

Anon, it sounds like you have the exact same hair type as me! I ended up growing out my bangs since I was going crazy trying to have them look clean while my hair was getting greasy so quickly, and I found that a side fringe was easier to manage there (I'm not particularly fond of my fivehead either). As for making your hair feel thicker (plus being able to keep it clean longer and making bangs more managable), dry shampoo is literally your best friend. There's even coloured options if you're spooked by the horror stories of powdery white hair like I was (not that it's a problem if you brush your hair properly).

>> No.9032572

I got shitty american bangs and I want to change em to j-fash style bangs. How long do you need to grow out your bangs before you change style?

>> No.9032578

Well, that's not how necks work...

>> No.9032665
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I'm trying to get ash blonde hair like pic but not exactly sure how. I have asian black hair and bleached it to a very light, almost platinum blonde. So I overshot it, right? Whenever I touch up my roots, they go to that light blonde. I'm guessing that to get the ash blonde, I just don't let my hair lighten that much and then tone the crap out of it... right? Or will I need to deposit color on top of bleaching and toning in order to get that shade?

>> No.9032865

Hello! Thanks for making that picture! It's very helpful. I've been trying to decide how thick I want my bangs. Looks like you have them originally cut far edge of iris to far edge. I'm kind of thinking inside edge of iris, like your middle pic, since my hair is so thick. Do you have any advice on how far to cut back? Is a sharp triangle better or more of an arc?

>> No.9032956

Nah you still need to lighten it a lot to get true ash blonde. Honestly, book a consultation with a salon you trust for an all over tone.

>> No.9032959

*lighten as in the platinum blonde you've got now lol

>> No.9032961

What kind of drug store conditioners do you guys find effective? My hair is dyed and I'm growing out some bleached ends so it tends to get pretty dry and frizzy at the ends.

>> No.9032977

Well, it was originally made as a visual aid to a question, so it must look pretty confusing out of context lol.
Mine at that time were a large triangle with the two base points being the corners of hair line. My side pieces were drawn from that, so the section of short hair was, yeah, a little smaller than the corners of my hairline. I've since recut them to be more like the center pic, but it sure was a bitch trying to grow out the short pieces. I'd say start smaller than you think, because you can always cut more, but you can't uncut. And I'd start with a "pie" shape, or a triangle where the height is about twice the length.
It really depends on what they look like now. Are they wide and low cut? Wait until you can push the side behind your ears, then go to a salon/diy and pray and cut the long skinny triangle shape. You'll be able to have pretty long side pieces because the hair at the top of the triangle will still be long. If it's just a really unflatteringly fat triangle, good fucking luck. You'll have to either continue growing them out until they're about mid cheek or just chop them into shape and acept that there'll be an awkward phase in between where your side pieces will be very short. I've been there.
Don't laugh, but Alberto Vo5 $1 conditioners are good shit and especially for the price. I also remember being impressed by the Aussie 5 minute moist things but that was a few years ago.

>> No.9032981

How quickly are they forming? What does your normal hair routine look like? Have you ever dyed your hair?
I mean yeah dead ends need to be removed because they'll only continue to split but if you tried that and they're still forming there might be an underlying issue that needs to also be taken care of!

>> No.9032987

I love the Syoss cone-free ones. They're so thick you can't really squeeze them out properly but I just cut up the bottle and decant mine.

>> No.9033004

Shea Moisture, it's a lifesaver and has nothing but good stuff for your hair
A little goes a long way too or else it'll start weighing down.

Alright it's non-traditional but may I request inspo of bangless/long bangs? I had to grow my fringe out and I can't seem to get a handle on it.
Also does anyone else have an issue where their part makes them almost look egg-headed? No matter what I do it always seems like I don't have enough volume in the sides of my hair.

>> No.9033012
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Pic related, too much volume up top, no volume on the sides

>> No.9033208

Ah, so then I just tone it to ash blonde or do I need to color it? When I tone my hair at this level, it just turns my hair white and sometimes silver depending on what I used, which is why I thought toning a level darker than platinum blonde would get me ash blonde.

>> No.9033219

that oil is good for a temporary fix but I've personally found that it makes your hair even frizzier in the long run

>> No.9033338

the background right next to her neck is bent

>> No.9033426

I have really shitty hair volume too and I never know where to start my bangs und stuff...
a thing that helped a little is trying to dry my hair in a different direction than just down below. For example with a thightly back pulled hairband. This way it has more volume on my back head and on the sides too

>> No.9033468
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not sure what kind of length or anything you're looking for but i live for browsing through hotpepper beauty catalogs

>> No.9033475
File: 48 KB, 630x846, 000e9b8878bb53cde61dafa30348ce0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I note that a lot, if not all, are hairstyles on Asian women. You guys should know, Asian people do actually have cranial differences compared with other races, and what necessarily looks good on a Japanese woman might not look good on you.

If you're looking for hair inspirations, it's probably best to stick mostly to your own race. Same applies with makeup.

>> No.9033875

Are you using a silver toner or one specifically for ash blonde?

>> No.9034043

to the anon that suggested hair extensions from alibaba, how would I do that if they are only bulk? and do you have specific listings you have brought from before?

Also I was previously going to buy clip in extensions but now I am thinking about tape ins for thermal warmth during winter. Is it less of a good idea to buy tape ins online because the glue used could be damaging for my hair, contrary to clip ins that are all pretty much going to damage your hair the same.

>> No.9034114

>those shitty layers

>> No.9034179

I've had both, the tape-ins are more convenient, and as long as you're very careful taking them out you get zero damage (I have very thin hair and I didn't notice any loss)
Having your hair extensions in permanently also comes with downsides. It takes 10 times as long to dry your hair, you have to ALWAYS braid it before bed, you need a silk pillowcase to prevent matting etc
Personally I like the tape because I'm a lazy fuck, BUT I would like to wear wigs again so maybe I'll go back to clip ins. You can't really put your hair up enough if you have tape

>> No.9034185
File: 139 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nfdpc0nh651syqyomo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a wig or crazy extensions? Anyone know where I could get this on my head immediately?

Can anyone tell if it's synthetic or real hair?

>> No.9034244

I don't really mind the dry time or braiding.
I was more concerned about if the bonding agents that would be on cheap ebay/aliexpress/alibaba extensions would majorly differ from that in salons or something.
its a synthetic wig 100%. Don't know where you would get one but just try googling terms like cosplay wig 100cm curly. Or you could try asking kate. warning however is thats going to get nasty quick and the curls won't hold like that for long if you do brush it, which i doubt kate does because her wigs usually look ratty.

>> No.9034325

I'd be hesitant about the glue on those cheap sites, I've heard sometimes they use industrial grade glue (They probably don't, but whatever)
I think if they say it's the "High grade blue tape" it's safe for hair. The blue tape seems to be universal and every set I've got has had this tape. Can easily be dissolved with oil or whatever

>> No.9034360

I am Asian.

>> No.9034417

Thanks for the tip dude.

>> No.9034539

How do you fix an uneven hairline? I'm embarrassed by it because it's super obvious but I'm tired of bangs and I'm not sure what to do. One side just goes back further than the other and it almost makes me look like I'm going bald sometimes. I don't use heat on my hair, I haven't dyed it in about a year and the hair in that area just doesn't seem to be growing back.

>> No.9034547

What about parting your hair on the side that isn't deep so your hair swoops over it?

>> No.9034687

Looking for some more sophisticated/mature ways to wear a short hime cut.
My hair just touches the top of my shoulders and the texture is very straight and very fine. It doesn't have a lot of volume and doesn't hold a curl well.

>> No.9039533
File: 966 KB, 912x550, Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 11.08.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to cut a fringe like this without making it look like you just randomly hacked at it?

>> No.9039544

Use a razor, not scissors. Go at the bottom a good amount to create a lot of layers/texture

>> No.9040042

For me it's because I have a softer/rounder face shape so the usual hair albums with white girls doesn't usually have anyone who looks like me or has a similar face shape.

Think Carey Mulligan

>> No.9041613

Dry/Wavy-Curly Hair Anon 5th or 6th time,

I got a "thermal-protector" in spray (sprinkle wet or dry hair then straighten according to label). It's great as it let's me feel how is it to have any kind of oil(?) on hair, but after 2 days it's just gone(?evaporates?) and my hair curls much stronger than it would normally.

Any advices, am I doing anything wrong?

>> No.9041807

I need some hair advice. My hair is so crimpy, I go to bed with my hair wet and so my bangs are messed up, and even if I didn't sleep with them wet, they crimp when I put them up to do my skincare/makeup. The only way for me to make them look good is for me to blow dry them everyday, but I'm worried this is damaging? Also depending on how my bangs fall, sometimes parts look longer than others even if they're not and it's really hard to make them even. Help? I'm at loss for what to do

>> No.9046709

Can I dye black directly over a color I don't like, or should I remove the color first?

>> No.9046748

I mean pretty much everyone has to style their hair to a point, bangs especially don't air dry well. Just use a round brush with a texture that doesnt tug and a dryer that has a cool air setting with a diffuser.

>> No.9046777
File: 139 KB, 736x490, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that break is almost here, I want to try pink braids. A year ago I wanted to dye it instead, but knowing the damage would have done to my hair I opted out. I'll settle for box braids instead. I'm trying to find good braiding hair, because the ones I go for only have dark/natural tones.

Does anyone have any experience. Also if anyone has natural hair styles that would suit j-fashion that would be cool too.

>> No.9046913

Try http://www.catface.me/store/ for braiding hair
Their selection is a bit small, but they have some pretty nice vibrant colours.

>> No.9046960

So, there's nothing you can do to change how thin your hair is, but you can work around it and give the illusion of thicker hair by working at creating volume. Get a round brush, but learn how to use it before jumping straight in because it can cause a clusterfuck in your hair FAST if you're a newb. When blowdrying, section with the round brush and dry at the roots for at least 10 seconds. Spray lightly with hairspray and move on to the next section. After that, get a curling iron and curl outward, as in away from your head. Again, spray each section before moving on to the next.

As for braiding your hair a majority of the time, you're not damaging it, but you are killing any chance at volume that way because basically you're matting down your roots too close to your scalp, and that's why the oil is spreading so quickly. Get some dry shampoo (batiste is a good brand) because that shit is fairy dust. Spray at roots, flip head upside down and spray again, massage it through your scalp a bit, fluff your hair outwards, lock it all in with hair spray.

I know it's a delicate balance, but if your bangs bother you that much, you're gonna have to get more of your hair cut into them.

Those of us in the thin hair club are basically screwed without volumizing styling and hairspray.

>> No.9047039

I've been dying my hair unnatural colors for quit a while, but lately I've been getting into lolita, and I'd like to dye it brown so I can wear lolita without wigs if I feel like it
Easiest/mildest way to get it from dark blue to a color like >>9026838 ?

>> No.9047074

What colour are you under the dark blue, what colour is your actual hair, and how resilient is it? Basically you just need to strip the blue as much as you can,and dye over what's left.

>> No.9047233

Its bleached under the blue, and my natural hair is kinda the color in the picture I linked.
Yeah I figured I need to remove the color first. What options are there except bleaching?

>> No.9047354

Nothing but vitamins and keeping your hair pampered will help you, Patience is also a big key since it might take a year or more to grow to that length!

I'm currently in the same boat so good luck!

>> No.9047375

There are color strippers, use that to get out the blue as much as you can. Also use shampoos that are clarifying as they will strip color too.

It is easy to color your hair brown, but if you cant get a lot of that blue out you will have to dye it a dark brown to cover it up.

>> No.9047441

castor oil

>> No.9047505

I got results from the inversion method but its not really sustainable.

>> No.9047516

Vitamins, exercise, keeping up your overall health are good ways to start. Vitamins to look for: beta-carotene (makes hair shiny and healthy looking), Biotin (supposed to help it grow faster, but effects are only as long as you take them. May also make you prone to breakouts), MSM (supposed to also help make your hair grow longer) and Iron (lack of iron = lack of oxygen to scalp).

You can minimize breakage through silk or satin pillowcases, going to bed with your hair braided or in a bun, protective hairstyles, no heat, etc. There's also various hair masks you can use, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. I've also heard using monistat on your scalp works.

It honestly depends on how crazy you want to get into it. The Long Hair Community can give you some tips and tricks, but in the end, it's all about time. It's been about three years since I cut my hair just under my chin and it's only now just barely reaching past nipple length, including the once every two month dustings and S&D I've done.

>> No.9047523

Use colour stripper, not bleach! If you can't find that easily, you could try something like head and shoulders, clarifying shampoos, baking soda paste, or even washing up liquid which is known to strip out colour. You need to get your hair back to something lighter than the colour you want to dye it or it is likely the blue or green will show through.

>> No.9047799
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I want to change my hair color into peach/rose. But I dress morikei and natural kei, and I'm scared about ruin this style with not "natural color". Any opinions?

>> No.9047865

Thanks for the advice guys! I'm actually using head and shoulders atm because I know it washes out color a bit, but it's still pretty blue
I'll look for color strippers (heh, stripper), hopefully I can find some, otherwise I might have to go to a hairdresser or bleach it again..

>> No.9047926

I think depending on what color scheme you have in your wardrobe it could work, maybe a less orange color (a bit more "dull"?) if you have a lot of greys also a lavender could work. Some unnatural colors work with mori kei, there's that girl with grey hair that gets posted often and I think that color really adds something to her coords

>> No.9048101

I'm assuming you're black?? I've seen girls use good quality yarn that has been brushed out in their braids and you can't tell the difference if you're going for something like pic related where it's not all one color. Though if you do want a solid color you should really go to a salon that can work with your hair type to avoid too much damage

>> No.9048142

>>9047865 here again, I looked after color stripper in every shop that sells hair products in my local mall and I couldn't find anything.
I even asked at two hairdresser salons if they had any products like that and they didn't
Can I get it somewhere online?

>> No.9048202
File: 34 KB, 257x542, 1464310125238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cut my own hair? any tips for not fucking it up again?
quite short hair, like clippers and scissor trim
pic is goal
>tfw poor

>> No.9048205

You can buy it online, the most popular one is called colour b4. But it doesn't work on colours like blue or green very well at all, because they stain the cuticle. You can't bleach out colours like blue or green very well either. It's also still very damaging, not quite as badly as bleach but still. If you're just trying to go brown you don't need to get back to blonde, you can just neutralise whatever colour you have currently with the opposite colour before dying it.

If you have a very green based blue, using a red wash out dye before a normal brown dye will fix you right up. Hell, when I returned to brown from turquoise I just bought a very very red/auburn brown and used that.

>> No.9048208

Korean style "see-thru" bangs are really cute. As long as you don't go too wispy (a lot of Koreaboos like this) or too blunt (then you just have regular blunt front bangs), it looks really natural and effortless. Curling them with a straightener is even better.

>> No.9048213

Is there something wrong with her by cgl's standards? She seems like a normal shooping cosplay weeb, just with a little more actually attractive.

Also I like her hair there but it looks like a wig.

>> No.9048237

I can't french braid. I've been trying to since I was like ten and I just can't understand how to do it. Every time I try it turns into a dutch braid. Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.9048248

Thanks anon! I might try getting color b4 and see if it works.
I have bleached blue in the past, and it actually worked okay (turned into blonde with pink tones to it? not sure why), but yeah color stripper would be optional if it would work
The blue I have is very little green, so I'm not sure if red would work
Also the color I got now isn't really 100% even, and although it doesn't look that bad when it's blue (the different shades kinda mix together and it looks pretty neat), I'm afraid it'll fuck up the brown or something
I'll definitely consider the red though, and do some research for it. Thank you again!

>> No.9048268

if it turns into a dutch braid it's because you braid passing one strand under the next instead of over, thats the only difference between a dutch and french braid! I think it's easier to understand how to do a particular braid if you understand why it ends up looking like it, why the strands are placed in a certain way etc. keep trying anon!

>> No.9048272

What does your hair look like atm? You probably have to buy a trimmer. You can get them pretty cheap though, and if you're gonna have a hairstyle like that you're gonna have to trim the sides regularly, so it's a pretty good investment anyways
>tips for not fucking it up again
Ask a friend to help you to make sure it's even.

>> No.9048334

I can't understand what the difference between passing over and under is, because by passing one strand over the other, you're passing the other strand under it. Which strand is under/over in reference to?

>> No.9048340

Find a french braid and a dutch braid tutorial on youtube. Compare and contrast.

>> No.9048415

I've been watching them since I've had an internet connection man. I just can't get it. My mum can't braid either so there's no hope of her teaching me.

>> No.9048416
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already have clippers, i just don't want to fuc up the front. last time i tried it looked quite obvious that i cut it myself and didn't know what i was doing
also i don't know how to go about cutting the back where the long meets the short lol
hair looked similar to that pic ~3-4 months ago, this pic is now

>> No.9048992

You and me both anon... I still can't manage anything other than a plait and tutorials don't help. Hell, I can only do side plaits.

>> No.9049018

Don't do it m8. Undercuts have to be EXACT unless you want to look like a four year old went at you with clippers. You don't want a wiggly line or one side clipped higher than the other.

>> No.9049020

I have a high napecut and I trim it myself (no guard)

It's pretty easy to do when you get the hang of it. Just stand in front of a big mirror, mirror 2 in your hand, trimmer in your other hand and you're good to go. If you've got shaky hands, don't even try to do this yourself.

>> No.9049021

The middle strand is what you consider going over or under

>> No.9049066

So I consider a strand going under to mean "this one is closest to my scalp".
French braid is "the outer strands pass over the middle/middle strand passes under the outer"
Dutch is "the outer strands pass under the middle/middle strand passes over the outer"

>> No.9049091

Aw man anon. Keep trying, you can get it. It took me a long time to learn how to plait but now I can do any number of stranded braid (Most on my own hair is seven 'cause it's not very thick) fishtails braids and so on. It's just the goddamn French braid.

Thank you! This is the first explanation I've understood well enough to try. Tutorials always start with something like "Just start out like you're doing a regular plait." Which I apparently do backwards I guess.

>> No.9049125
File: 319 KB, 1200x1600, Baby_hairy_head_DSCN2483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for stupid spiral part on the back of the head? It literally ruins my life, doesn't help I ha e baby fine hair too. This baby should give you an idea, just imagine this bull shit on boob length hair.

>> No.9049406

Guess it depends on who you ask, because for me the emphasis has always been on the out strands

>> No.9049449

Everyone has this anon, it's your crown. Be thankful you don't have one on your hairline because it's what causes cowlicks. If you partially style your hair whilst it's wet you can control the direction your hair sits in, eventually it'll sit where you place it if you keep it up for long enough. Also if you're not sleeping in braids, you should be, and doing so can help keep your hair in place.

>> No.9049619

Nah in reference to yourself a regular plait is "backwards" or Dutch....so it makes it difficult. I had to reverse my usual plaiting motion to get French braids right and for a long time could only do Dutch ones tightly

>> No.9049630

just cut my boyfriends hair into kinda a mowhawk thingy, he wanted to try something different, and I thought it could be nice since he always gets really warm in the summer
What ways are there to style it (not counting an actuall mowhawk)? Atm it kinda falls down on the sides and looks a bit odd m

>> No.9049938

my hair is brown with streaks of lavender. Do I need a wig if I want to wear lolita?

>> No.9049992

Not necessarily if you can style it nicely

>> No.9050023

how short are the sides and the actual mohawk?

>> No.9050389

That depends on what color your theme is, what haircut you have and ow intense the lavender is
Might work with sweet, possibly sweeter gothic, probably not with classic

>> No.9050501

Sides are maybe 1cm, and the hair on top is maybe 15cm
Im thinking of taking of the back too so its like in >>9048202