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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 416x555, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9011949 No.9011949 [Reply] [Original]

Ita thread: Bawleted edition

>> No.9011950
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>> No.9011952
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>> No.9012006

Looks like she wanted to do a casual coord, but completely missed the mark.

>> No.9012171

There's nothing Lolita about this. She looks like the emo kids I'd avoid in school.

>> No.9012225

This totally proves my thoughts that Holy Lantern is just something you'd buy at Hot Topic.

>> No.9012229
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>> No.9012231
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>> No.9012269

What? What is going on with the sleeves?

>> No.9012276

Does that border only go halfway around?!

>> No.9012278

It looks like she put a blouse under the dress, and rolled up the sleeves. One side is still rolled, but the other fell down.

>> No.9012305

Neither ita nor lolita. Needs more aesthetic, like a nice non skintight cutsew

>> No.9012308
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>> No.9012310
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>> No.9012319

C looks great here. The girl on the right scared the fuck out of me. Vega inspired?

>> No.9012321

When a literal hot topic ita isn't the worst thing in the thread
U kno u got problems

>> No.9012332
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1446267916568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ANYthing here but the tights and shoes matched, this would be kind of a fun outfit but holy shit it isnt lolita.

wearing shit from a lolita brand doesn't automatically make what youre wearing lolita.

>> No.9012487
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>> No.9012542

could be cute with accessories. clearly not lolita.

>> No.9012705

She made the dress and was trying to decide whether to do long or short sleeves for the final design. It's not like she was going out like that.

>> No.9012736

I actually really like this?? just need to finish the sleeves and it's perfect

>> No.9012755

I'm more concerned that it's not hemmed and there's a big ass thread.

>> No.9012756

dude she posted this is COF, I'm fairly certain she meant for it to be lolita

>> No.9012775
File: 19 KB, 307x212, 1462252825224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename

>> No.9012827

I think she has improved her.. hygiene? She looks a lot better now and actually takes care of herself a little bit. She has potential and I wish I could give her some concrit but I'm afraid to do it in that group even if it's asked...

>> No.9012841

Vendetta! This is nitpick if anything

>> No.9012850

Stop calling vendetta on everything you retarded cunt. Yeah it's a nitpick but only one picture was posted and it's not inconceivable that anon truly believes the outfit looks bad. Please learn what words actually mean before you use them.

>> No.9012855

Are we looking at the same picture?

>> No.9012856


How the fuck can you wear at least $500 in clothing and still look that bad

>> No.9012862

um no, this is hideous. If she called it lolita, she should be roasted over an open flame. That shirt is 100% not lolita, neither is her bag, or her sleeves, or lack of petti. There is actually no black in the skirt and her wig is disgusting, not to mention her incredibly random warm-toned necklace.

If you think this is anywhere near lolita, you need to lurk a hell of a lot more and lock up your wardrobe.

>> No.9012897

Lol people learning new terms on the Internet and just using them left and right. She literally has no petti, I'd believe if this was a Halloween outfit and was just for fun... that's about it.

>> No.9012944

pls loosen those shoes.

>> No.9012945

>into lolita/goth/punk clothing
>know what lolita is.
>just wear cute normie clothes now, wait for money to pile up and buy lolita
>wearing dress from hot topic one day cause its cute and i like it. Never once say "lol look guys im lolita now" or refer to any of my clothes as lolita because i know better
>im just walking around town and some guy im gessing new to town (uni in town lots of newbs every year) saw me. Parked and got out of his car to excitedly ask me if anyone else wears lolita and is there a comm up here.

Freaked me out honestly. Some dude just parks gets out and walks over to you saying i know this is kinda creepy but i gotta ask you-- and then gushes like an ita.
Im wearing a hot topic dress. Knee socks and flats with a cheap blazer over it and maybe a tiny hat.... Its just cute normie clothes i wasnt even wearing a petti.

>> No.9012953

You sound like a total ita

>> No.9012959


>calling other people ita while wearing hot topic

Careful now.

>> No.9012984

>share story about some guy rushing over to me and gushing about lolita clothing all while not realizing im nowhere near lolita in what im wearing.
>get called an ita
Ok is it because i genuinely like wearing some hot topic clothing because i find it cute, or am i being lumped together with all those other girls who are decked out in lots of hot topic clothes like band tees and tripp pants?

>> No.9012990

This is how I picture lots of commenters. It's easy to dish out judgement and feel superior when no one can see what you're wearing. I don't know if she gets the irony though of admitting to wearing something that would be torn apart here but then calling some rando ita just for being excited.

>> No.9013013
File: 84 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went out like this to go dig up a rotting fox corpse for her taxidermy collection.

Apparently she didn't have time to go change but this was a mess before the wellies were added.

>> No.9013019

pls ban t-shirts

>> No.9013038


I mean from what you described you probably looked less normalfag than you think and more like a hot topic ita, from how a normie reacted at you. Just saying.

>> No.9013061 [DELETED] 

>in fucking lolita
>for a taxidermy collection
How fucked up can you be

>> No.9013063

Hello, this is tumblr

>> No.9013064 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went out like this to dig up a rotting fox corpse for ther taxidermy collection

>> No.9013084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9013088


>> No.9013089

this is not ita, this is really lovely

>> No.9013090

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it ita, this is a good coord and most of cgl agrees

>> No.9013093
File: 645 KB, 500x580, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went out like this to go dig up a rotting fox corpse for her taxidermy collection.

>> No.9013094

Thank you anon. And yeah it would be torn apart here, its hot topic. This is a cosplay and lolita board hot topic isnt lolita or cosplay even though it tries so hard to be both. I really like the dress though. The point of me sharing the story was that this guy came up and gushed about lolita and didnt even realize i wasnt wearing any which surprised me if he was interested in a community. I was foolish to think that i could seperate lolita from non lolita clothing since everyone else gets a hot topic item and some tights and screams lulz so randum lolita XD. I guess from someone else they would think im ita but ive never claimed to be and corrected people when they called something lolita when it wasnt.

>> No.9013095

Needs a petti and better blouse, but I'd say this is more of a nitpick

>> No.9013096

i call nitpick

>> No.9013102

The wig is the only thing I think absolutely needs to be changed. This is a nitpick.

>> No.9013103

This is cute as Hell.

>> No.9013107

A really big nitpick, but still not ita

>> No.9013111

Needs a blouse and a better fitting bra. Not really ita though.

>> No.9013116

Why no blouse?
And that peginoir.... Ugh

>> No.9013133

I actually love this.

>> No.9013139

Well, at least she matches. It's shit, though.
How fucking edgy, coording with maggots and moldy fox sludge.

>> No.9013188
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I hate this fugly zelda print and I hate anyone who says fandom lolita is an ok thing to try

>> No.9013190

Are you blind!?

>> No.9013192

This girl always looks so bad, I really hope she pulls off an amazing coord one day but I doubt it...

>> No.9013193

fandom lolita can work, but it's usually REALLY subtle. I find when they try to be over and in-your-face about it, it looks terrible. I like that zelda print, but it would need to be used sparingly.

>> No.9013211

you're dead to me
anyone who likes that tacky ass fabric is fucking dead
>you Shame our Lord Mana-sama

>> No.9013213

Not that anon, but I guess I should find a fire to jump into.

>> No.9013218

I don't know I really like this, those weird men's socks can go but yeah to be honest as a general rule fandom lolita is just cringey at best.

>> No.9013276

I've wanted that fabric so long to make a normie dress. This is okay. could do without the perler shit, uggo wig and shitty wrinkled bow.

>> No.9013283
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>> No.9013284

> I'm blue da ba dee da ba die

>> No.9013293

Fucking love this girls coords. She's got such a good sense of playing with color and makes really good use of unusual colored wigs too. You probably can't coord such weird colorways like she can.

>> No.9013301

you got posted?

>> No.9013309

This better be bait because this coord is cute as hell.

>> No.9013317

If there was less cheap craftsy beading and accessories, on top of that print was more muted, I'd probably love this. The Windwaker stained glass is super cool in official art and I love it too, but it's a bit in your face.
She's also put effort into every detail and is at least trying to make it work. Cute for a gaming con or something at least, just not really lolita.

>> No.9013318

shit taste

>> No.9013321

>thinking you need a blouse if your shoulders are covered already
No. And this is actually a nice peignoir, the color matches the coord and it is the perfect length.

>> No.9013323

So you got a vendetta? I've seen like 3 of this girls coords and I just like the weird colors she tends to works with. Just because you have salt in your vag doesn't mean it's ita.

>> No.9013324

Nitpick. Can't see her shoes, but she actually made that shitty Bodyline clock print look decent.

>> No.9013326

Nitpick. Maybe a poofier petti but if she was shooting for casual then I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.9013327

Not ita. She actually made this dress out of two or three of those clock dresses. It's a well made dress and while she coorded it simply, it is done well.

>bad print =/= complete ita

>> No.9013343
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>> No.9013363

What is wrong with his face...?

>> No.9013391
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>> No.9013394

Did she modify this Bodyline or is it a new cut? She looks fine either way.

>> No.9013399

She modified it.

>> No.9013407

Pls save that skirt

>> No.9013421

average and mediocre, but not ita

>> No.9013429

She looks way to much like Fluttershy to be a coincidence. Other than that the coord isn't really that ita, more of nitpick.

>> No.9013436

She tried D+ for effort

>> No.9013461

I quite like this dress, reminds me of yellow cake!

>> No.9013464

>looks like a bunny purse
>obvious fluttershy color scheme
Hating on it just because it's fandom related? The only thing I dislike is a lack of a good headbow and it needs maybe a better bunny type purse. Dress is okay, not amazing.

>> No.9013501

Fandom lolita can be super cute but most people don't seem to realize that the #1 priority is for it to be a good coord.
>If it won't work for regular lolita then I don't care if it fits the fandom, don't put it in your coord!

>> No.9013511

I love this! The coord needs serious work but she made a really nice dress out of something that was originally so ita. I want to see what she could do with nicer prints.

>> No.9013533

This is 100% ita from head to toe. Even if it's casual it still has to look vaguely like lolita. At best this is a particularly ugly normie outfit.
Sorry you got posted tho

>> No.9013545

I'm all for modding, changing, re-working stuff but this has too many clashing design elements in the re-construction. Nope.

>> No.9013549

The coord is nice tho.

>> No.9013551

This is cute, though it'd be better if she cut the bangs or styled it differently.

>> No.9013610

you're blind
i think more than that needs to be changed. the shoes and ankle things need to go and those glasses and wig cut arent flattering for her face,

>> No.9013639

this is actually a really good coord

>> No.9013659


Lol somebody's bitter this has 2000 notes on Tumblr and nobody's noticing their shitty outfits. This is a nice outfit, well-accessorized and cute. Calm your jelly boner, anon. And no, a peignoir doesn't make anything auto-ita, especially not if it matches.

>> No.9013671

i didnt even notice the pegnoir it matches so well haha !

>> No.9013686

>you're dead to me
>thinking I care
Uh, sure? Whatever floats your boat mang.

>> No.9013768
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>> No.9013781

I'd remove the large brooch and ankle ties but otherwise, fine to me. An actual case where a peignoir doesn't take away from the coord.

>> No.9013787

>wristcuffs on backwards

>> No.9013814

Summer's started early.

>> No.9013839

this is me omg. i know its not lolita, im very aware - it was just one of those days and i really didnt have time to change so i threw the band shirt on to protect my long sleeve white blouse

>> No.9013840 [DELETED] 

Sure is you
We all believe it

>> No.9013842


>> No.9013846 [DELETED] 

you want proof somehow? lmao its definitely me i made the skirt for fucks sake

>> No.9013849


>> No.9013853 [DELETED] 


>> No.9013855

Who is this girl? Where can I look at more of her coords? It's just so nicely color coordinated and I love that.

>> No.9013863 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9013870 [DELETED] 

Dear lord
Not that anon but are you fucking retard?
You taked the bait at maximun level

>> No.9013872 [DELETED] 

No words

>> No.9013873 [DELETED] 

yes mom i took the bait, im obviously going to die from it too

>> No.9013879 [DELETED] 

The cringe is real

This is gold

>> No.9013880 [DELETED] 

i already know its ita, its not like i actually wear adult mens wellies on a regular basis, or tees with lolita

>> No.9013882 [DELETED] 

Wtf anon you can't be this stupid

I almost feel sorry for you

>> No.9013883 [DELETED] 

I cannot believe this is real

>> No.9013884 [DELETED] 

im pretty dumb its ok

>> No.9013889 [DELETED] 

Please continue
We need amusement, taxidermy lolita <3

>> No.9013892 [DELETED] 

Top kek

>> No.9013894 [DELETED] 

i dont even do taxidermy that often otherwise id probbly have been in sweatpants. im glad my stupidity is making u smile tho

>> No.9013895 [DELETED] 

Why the hell would you go dig up rotting corpses for taxidermy?

>> No.9013898 [DELETED] 

she never said they were rotting, that was anon paraphrasing

>> No.9013899 [DELETED] 

look up vulture culture. its actually a really popular hobby

>> No.9013900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9013910 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9013914 [DELETED] 

no im actually stupid i agree

>> No.9013917 [DELETED] 

I think everyone agrees
I don't know if you're stupid, seeking for attention or an special snowflake but you shouldn't post yourself here

>> No.9013925 [DELETED] 

im just dumb. wont do it again

>> No.9013927
File: 35 KB, 362x346, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had something similar happen to me when I was traveling to the US. It was really really hot so I was just wearing a floral Liz Lisa dress, tights, and some mary janes, but this guy got pretty excited and started talking to me about how his friend's a lolita too, is there a comm here, etc. etc. and I felt kind of bad being like "Oh no, this isn't really lolita, and I'm not from here at all, sorry..." I still wonder if it would've been better to pretend I didn't know what lolita was at all.

>> No.9013945 [DELETED] 
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>literally people working with dead animal remains
>really popular hobby

>> No.9014018
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>> No.9014019
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>> No.9014021
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>> No.9014024
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>> No.9014039
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>> No.9014041

kek her tits are practically touching her second chin

>> No.9014057

What the fuck is this summer shit? Come on gulls

>> No.9014066

Someone hit every branch of the ugly tree on their way down jfc

>> No.9014075
File: 59 KB, 960x640, FB_IMG_1463720678947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh this chick. She has some truly terrible shit.

>> No.9014081

That red fabric looks so easy to make look good/not tacky but she somehow managed to make... that thing

>> No.9014084

>$200 skirt
>$40 tights
>bodyline shoes
how new are you tho

>> No.9014085
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That thing indeed.

>> No.9014087

She needs a mask

>> No.9014096 [DELETED] 

Marry me qt

>> No.9014099

Or just a bag over the head. And over the dress.

>> No.9014100
File: 60 KB, 736x736, 754f9d064230dbf33cce83493c5a8037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me feel threatened

>> No.9014105 [DELETED] 

No you are not dumb they just jellow cuz ur a qt and they are not.

>> No.9014112

If you look closely she has the element of harmony.

>> No.9014116 [DELETED] 

>99% sure that a minor

>> No.9014119
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>> No.9014124

This is why you don't post yourself anon, the creepers find you.

>> No.9014128
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>> No.9014130
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M'pologies for small pics

>> No.9014147
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>> No.9014165 [DELETED] 

I just need to tell you, you're just a horrible person. Instead of just letting animals be when they are dead and return to the earth somehow naturally, you scoop up their bodies on your free time and you can't even change your fucking outfit on top of it? It feels so fucking bad knowing there's fucking hipster shits like you out there scooping these animals on your spare time, what art school didn't work out so you rely on this shit? I'm not even a vegan or vegetarian, it's just the morale behind not letting a dead body rest. On top of it the skirt you made is so fucking shitty I wouldn't pay 5$ for it. Then you see yourself posted and ridiculed and your reaction is posting yourself? Jesus fucking christ you suck get off this board, /r9k/ would like you.

>> No.9014195 [DELETED] 

Not her, but I don't see anything wrong with recycling a dead animal. It pays a sort of tribute to it. Not saying you have to agree, but saying you shouldn't project your own morals onto everyone.

>> No.9014207 [DELETED] 

anon stop digging yourself deeper, you need to get off the computer and chill. I genuinely feel bad for you. Go read a book, by the time you finish a fair amount of chapters this thread will probably have move on or been pruned for going off topic. Peace, girl

>> No.9014213
File: 82 KB, 750x736, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only point of letting a dead body "rest" is for the peace of mind of the person's family. A fox's family doesn't give a shit. It's not like she killed the animal for its fur so you have zero moral high ground.

Now stop embarrassing yourself and post some itas.

>> No.9014250 [DELETED] 

Not her, but what raging autism. There's plenty of dead shit out there and I know the universe and mother nature or some shit won't miss some dead fox rotting in the sun somewhere, possibly where it could be hazardous to people or pets walking by.

>> No.9014262
File: 92 KB, 528x960, tumblr_o7gh8ead1T1tj4xf8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014263
File: 85 KB, 528x960, tumblr_o7gh8ead1T1tj4xf8o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icing on the top.

This was all tagged as 'Lolita fashion' and 'Angelic Pretty' on Tumblr

>> No.9014270


>> No.9014287

this girl deserves a fucking medal for making the bodyline clockprint look good.

>> No.9014450

Threatened from what? Matching lavenders?

Most likely just a Fandom joke.
I still want to murder them.
I hate Homestuck.

>> No.9014469

how about dont wear lolita while getting dead animals. freak.

>> No.9014473

Is this just a square dancing dress?

>> No.9014476
File: 30 KB, 600x450, WHATTHEFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014480

needs a better petti and a better pose

>> No.9014493
File: 79 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1463752856342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9014503

There is not a single thing I like about this

>> No.9014556
File: 36 KB, 245x245, 1422035222590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coord is ok, not good and really boring, but not really ita.
Her pose and expression however are really fucking cringey
Also triggered by the fact that the right part of the collar is tucked in on the first pic

>> No.9014602

I get that this is ita but c'mon she looks like 5 years old and this gets posted pretty regularly, give it a rest

>> No.9014637
File: 18 KB, 500x555, 1463160487482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014644

you missed the purse which was fairly expensive too. Maybe not 500$ total but close

>> No.9014915

nothing he's just ugly

>> No.9014921
File: 67 KB, 637x960, 1936267_10209667385063011_5050920242183127887_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start the dump from last week event, I wanna tear my eyes out and the smell I can't even tell you

>> No.9014923
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>> No.9014924
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>> No.9014925

But where is the said blouse?

>> No.9014927
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 13239051_1176486735737486_1598136282539717758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014930

She looks like a fat Pennsatucky from oitnb

>> No.9014931
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>> No.9014935
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>> No.9014936
File: 312 KB, 480x360, sudoku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so punchable and the coord is absolutely horrendous. Also are those hickies? I wouldn't even be suprised because she looks so edgy.

>> No.9014937
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>> No.9014938
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>> No.9014939
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>> No.9014940
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>> No.9014942
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>> No.9014944
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>> No.9014950
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I save the best for the last

>> No.9014996

> edgy
She looks mentally ill.

>> No.9015011

are my eyes deceiving me or is she really not wearing pants?

>> No.9015028

Red goth meets kawaii neko-girl meets drag queen? I'm so confused.

>> No.9015031

Leggings as pants.

>> No.9015034

This has got to be the nicest looking ita I've ever seen. Still ita, but not bad. She has potential.

>> No.9015049

>5 years old
Uhm what? She looks atleast 13

>> No.9015051

I've never been one to wish harm on someone for dishonoring a dream dress so I'm just really bummed out right now instead.
strawberry parlour...you deserved better than this

>> No.9015054

scrolling through this was a wild ride
waist up: alright not bad
mid-thigh up: a proper petticoat wouldn't hurt
knees up: alright?
calfs up: what the hell
feet up: sweet mother of christ

>> No.9015060

Good lord where are you finding these abominations. This is the closest to salvageable, the boots (just the boots) are OK

>> No.9015062

AHhaHahaha my mouth dropped open from that colour combination, then materials. People trying to make homemade lolita need to be stopped.

>> No.9015105

>end my suffering

>> No.9015113
File: 73 KB, 736x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my foot

>> No.9015120

This dress would make for a cute cosplay if it had proper styling. The attempt to make this lolita however, is sad and way off the mark.

>> No.9015122

Oh god no

>> No.9015127

Shoulda just stuck with the full body pic. The detail shots are what take this from poor coord to full ita.

>> No.9015128

What event is all this horror?

>> No.9015144

Aw man Red Goth Cat Lady has a Red Man. I wish you had a better picture of him, he looks like he has just as much make up on as his lady friend

>> No.9015273


>> No.9015282

Nitpick, needs petti and better shoes

>> No.9015373
File: 333 KB, 720x960, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I have any words for this

>> No.9015389

good fucking lord, this chick has been around forever and keeps looking like shit everytime. I'm ashamed of my country's community.

>> No.9015391

the fuck is his face

>> No.9015411
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 13178826_956503777798477_1166321236231908190_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 4u

>> No.9015412

all this are from a meet I went last weekend, there were more atrocities but I keep it lolita

>> No.9015423
File: 45 KB, 248x411, wang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9015450

Baby's first coord?

>> No.9015453

Imo this pose automatically puts a coord in the ita tier, even if the coord itself is decent.

>> No.9015458

Nitpick. This is actually pretty adorable.

>> No.9015495

If it needs a petti then it's not a nitpick.

>> No.9015504

Someone tell Carol to stop digging through her daughters closet

>> No.9015557
File: 143 KB, 717x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9015558

are u ok

>> No.9015565

That must be a replica, right? Her bangs and eyebrows are horrifying as well.

>> No.9015681

Anon he's literally just put the whole set on, what are you talking about

>> No.9015684


she said it was a replica on COF

goddamn those bangs are greasy

>> No.9015691
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>> No.9015692
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>> No.9015693
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>> No.9015694
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>> No.9015695
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>> No.9015696
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>> No.9015697
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>> No.9015698
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>> No.9015699
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>> No.9015701
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>> No.9015702
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>> No.9015703
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>> No.9015705
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>> No.9015706
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>> No.9015707
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>> No.9015709
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>> No.9015710

the picture is at least 5 years old

I'm going to have nightmares about this lace tonight, thanks anon

>> No.9015711
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>> No.9015713
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>> No.9015716
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>> No.9015717
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>> No.9015720
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>> No.9015724
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>> No.9015751

And a better blouse, and better hair, and makeup. and a better bag
It's not a nitpick anymore anon

>> No.9015752

You could of taken the skirt off and threw on shorts, you did make a fine old school skirt to mess it up. I'm sure your original coord was quite cute old school

>> No.9015765

What I don't get is, you didn't have time to change, yet you had time to take a picture?
And if you know it's bad, why post it online?

>> No.9015771

OMG, I have a picture of me in an extremely similar pose from when I tried to convince people that one of my fictional characters was real.

>> No.9015789

the definition of what are those

>> No.9015791
File: 279 KB, 431x493, 1460405509496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair is killing me.

>> No.9015834

This isn't lolita though..? Or did they tag it as so?

>> No.9015846

The last thing you see before you die.

>> No.9015847

This was literally the most bizarre thing.

>> No.9015866

She posted this in Closet of Frills

>> No.9015875

Babby's first coord?

>> No.9015904

What city and what was the theme of the meet? Do they not have pettis in your country? Was the theme "wear your best ita stuff?" It seriously looks like they're trying to look bad

>> No.9015914

I don't know what's worse, her homemade ita coord and it's color scheme or the horrifying make-up.

>> No.9015984
File: 109 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case any of you don't check btb, this monstrosity could not go ignored.

>> No.9016005


>> No.9016138

Argentine obviously and that was the bigger event in lolita in my country, it was like the rufflecon but argentinian way. There was no theme, also there was not tea party, or anything besides local ita stores and anime stuff. I'm very dissapointed but I will still going cause there is not other thing to go.

>> No.9016214
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>> No.9016408

Someone even thought she made its its soo painfully obvious that it's not hand made. But probably something from Milano.

>> No.9016441

Hey, then you have a real creep nearby and you need to watch what info you supply to them for your own safety. Use good judgment and don't let a stranger take a picture of you because you are flattered. I am not trying to blame you for a predator taking advantage of you, but it's also imperative that you act, if possible, for your own safety and for that of others around you.

>> No.9016447

Perler beads are not okay! They stopped being okay when you stopped being 5

>> No.9016464

Block, deflect, run, report. Get this guy's license number. Why is he talking to you about this even though he doesn't know you? This is an insular community for a reason.

>> No.9016470

Alright, so are these girls from Pittsburgh or what

>> No.9016505
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>> No.9016510
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>> No.9016516
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>> No.9016535

Faking it. You can't play a string instrument with coke nails.

>> No.9016547

You know your life has hit a low point when you can't even get normie cardigans to fit you

>> No.9016556
File: 70 KB, 400x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MySpace angle really accentuates her non-existent eyebrows.

...is she wearing a (cheap) petticoat as a skirt?

>> No.9016593

I wasn't offended he was talking to me, anon...? I was just sharing a similar funny story of when I was also mistaken for wearing lolita when I actually wasn't, but ironically enough wear it on a daily basis back home. I felt bad for saying I wasn't wearing it when he was so happy about it, which is why I felt like I maybe should have pretended I didn't know of it and it was all some funny coincidence. Canadian habits.
I stuck around and talked to the guy for a good 30 minutes after while I ate my churro, was nice enough to give me recommendations of where to visit while I was still in San Diego. California's a lovely state but I could never wear lolita there, so damn hot.

>> No.9016680
File: 420 KB, 639x523, oh honey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cleans up ...nicely for photos but i was honestly shocked that shed show her face looking like /this/

>> No.9016696

That cannot be her you've got to be kidding

>> No.9016697

Lol I actually found the way she acted charming, she seems fun.
Though I always dislike it when people put on make up while something is touching their face like the bonnet thing she was wearing or others with bangs.

>> No.9016698

she seems like a really fun person! outfits may be hit or miss - I wish her channel had more videos

>> No.9016729

I like the dress. It reminds me of all the stained glass prints. If she dropped ALL the other Fandom grabbbag shit and coorded it like a normal dress it might be really nice. And no fucking green in what would be very pretty hair.

>> No.9016734

IMHO most of the time she looks like a hot mess but I can't help but love her anyway because she's just too damn funny.

>> No.9016743
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>> No.9016744
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>> No.9016750
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Her hair looks disgusting.

>> No.9016755


>> No.9016761


wait wtf is she wearing on her arms? at first I thought it was a long sleeve shirt but they cover her hands??
Are they fucking patterned gloves? Why do they exist?!??!?

>> No.9016762

ugh i remember when the palace of princes people were trying to make leggings a thing

>> No.9016764

>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who play the violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, bassoon, concert whistle, uilleann pipes, oboe, piano, keyboard, harp, sax, trumpet, trombone, banjo, kazoo, ukulele, drums, djembe, guitar, erhu, accordion, concertina, xylophone, euphonium, glass harp, french horn, ocarina, hammered dulcimer, wine glasses, or jew's harp
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can fulfil the role of an orchestral concert percussionist by playing instruments like the triangle, chimes, and cymbals
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who sing in falsetto, vibrato, or tremolo
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can read musical notation or can conduct an orchestra
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can sing in constructed languages like Hymmnos
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can DJ or use sound synthesis programs
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can write the scripts or songs for musical theatre or may be participants themselves in it's showing

>> No.9016767
File: 132 KB, 534x810, tumblr_nodpk6hrRl1qmd8two1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an old one I have saved on my computer, but it always gives me a giggle

>> No.9016770

Anon what the fuck, you can't be this fucking psycho because someone was excited to see something he recognised. I'm guessing you don't deal well with life, huh?

>> No.9016771

She just looks so happy... I can't fault her on that...

>> No.9016772

can someone explain what is happening here because i am so lost
>hips down is too cute???? but???

>> No.9016776
File: 44 KB, 540x960, 13096079_938814602899108_28756058336212097_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return of the hot topic dresses.

>> No.9016786

An attempt to fix issues with a poor fitting silhouette. I do this to a much more subtle degree to bring down the waist a bit if it's too close to the titty area and unflattering. This coord, however, is too damn much, and is giving me a good giggle.

>> No.9016791


I cant tell wtf ishappening... why is it so poofy between her breasts and skirt? Why is the fabric bunching up like that?

>> No.9016792


everyone saying shes so funny... is there something wrong with me? I find her personality extremely grating. I hate looking through her insta and her reaction to her craft aisle coord was laughable

>> No.9016793

This is months old

Stop samefagging

>> No.9016796
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 1336424310102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a really weird body- fatty face and neck but normal-ish body

>> No.9016797

Still forgot the throat singing. God. It's like you don't care at all!

>> No.9016802

I have this problem too, it's a genetic double chin. My body can be thin/normal but I will always have a fat face/neck area. Lipo in the area is the only way to get rid of it.

>> No.9016815

Is she wearing a JSK as a skirt? What the actual heck is happening?

>> No.9016823

She is so fuckin ashy. Ugh, my skin is ichy looking at her. jfc girl, use some fucking lotion.

>> No.9016824

How is this ita, it's just a boring coord. Try harder anon

>> No.9016825

This is old. Most people loved it when she first posted it.

>> No.9016855

her hair is atrocious but the coord is just bland and not ita

>> No.9016859
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 13237814_1036215456457233_6956883560430064324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is boystyle
>11k+ facebook likes
>sure, jan

>> No.9016906

that's not the same fabric.

>> No.9016918
File: 91 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1463898788478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9016936
File: 308 KB, 750x530, bisovsky 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they are from Bisovsky, an Austrian folk fashion designer.

In general, the whole coord looks like it was inspired by that. So, not really lolita, but most definitely not ita either.

>> No.9016937

still really ugly though

>> No.9016938

wow thanks, never heard of her til now but loving her stuff

>> No.9016968

Not really boystyle but its kinda cute
Not worthy of that many likes though

>> No.9016972


Where was this posted to get 11K likes?

>> No.9016983

Also, what's that print?

>> No.9016991

I think she's fucking hilarious. I honestly really like her brash dgaf personality.

>> No.9016996

This would not be so bad if she cleaned her room, used a flattering angle, and ditched the snobby facial expression.

>> No.9016998

>coke nails
are you high?

>> No.9017000

I think she's wearing a dress under that skirt which is what's causing that weird poof on her waist?

the coord would be so cute if it weren't for that awkward dress she's using as a blouse.

>> No.9017006

>make sure you shove all your shit into the FOREGROUND of your outfit shot

>> No.9017015

That was posted on this thread days ago. At this point if she's posted any where and theirs praise for her we all should know it's her or A posting.

>> No.9017019

11k likes?!?!! She's obviously paying for those because no. Maybe she's giving people blowjobs or some shit to get that type of attention for mediocre posts.

>> No.9017038

Probably should have clarified, her Facebook page has 11k+ likes. Her posts never get over 60. It's 'pocket vampire panda' or something if anyones curious.

>> No.9017046

I have those shoes
how sad

those nails are unconfortably long and you can't play the violin if you have pretty much any nails at all. maybe not coke nails but anon's point is entirely valid

>> No.9017051

are you blind? her nails are short/normal length. The 'long nail' is literally the white section on the violin lol, the pic is just low res so they look kind of joined in the thumbnail
Zoom in dude

>> No.9017070

yes, I am blind now that you ask
but considering how low that image's quality is I'd say it's pretty forgivable a sin

>> No.9017362
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>> No.9017405

This game was pretty legit. The setting was kind of cool if not h>>9011949

Is this parker posey?

>> No.9017570
File: 218 KB, 483x473, ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would i describe this? oh dear...

>> No.9017584

I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST THIS! I don't have the heart to tell her the truth.

>> No.9017587

>commissioned through an ebay seller from hong-kong
oh honey no

>> No.9017594

Then we're two anon.. Imo she has the most punchable face and personality

>> No.9017599

I can't believe that's her omg, she looks like a fat trailer park mom

>> No.9017605

I don't understand why people like her, she acts obnoxious for attention and while she might be nice in person or to her friends, she's embarrassing online and her insta is cringe.

>> No.9017644

oi estás en algún grupo u optás por ir lone-lolita? ya no voy a ninguna meet porque se van muy a la mierda con lo itas y hasta me da vergüenza.

>> No.9017646

Looks like a trap from a porn mango.

>> No.9017652

You have to be 18 to post here anon

>> No.9017659

Uh huh.
Someone reply with "milanoo lacemonster."

>> No.9017674

Where did she post?

>> No.9017683

Frilly Free-For-All

She's now saying that everyone is being rude and unfair

>> No.9017690

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.9017711

>not even wearing shoes
>accusing people of "rattling off expensive brands" and being elitist.
>only brand mentioned was bodyline

>> No.9017759
File: 202 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She quoted the page description to prove that people were bulling her!

I'm fucking dying!

>> No.9017816

They both look awful. The girl wearing Iron Gate doesn't deserve it if she can't coord it correctly. The other girls hair and shoes bug me so much.

>> No.9018136
File: 191 KB, 843x1261, itaasfuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wig
>fucking sword
>no petticoat
>her in general

>> No.9018146
File: 74 KB, 639x960, FB_IMG_1463870779671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9018269

digging the ghastly tights on the chic behind her... sauce?

>> No.9018332
File: 115 KB, 640x960, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9018356

This guy is so creepy at every meetup and posts passive aggressive comments on meets he can't attend.

>> No.9018486


>> No.9018598
File: 37 KB, 550x550, 137457cd884d72e566d8be6f10a70f40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ita.

>> No.9018684
File: 69 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why that wig? And the headband?

>> No.9018799

Nope, it's only a year old. Checked the DA account on the watermark, the pic was taken at Hyper Japan 2015

>> No.9018899

what is this horrible group called?

>> No.9019033

Frilly Free-For-All on FB

>> No.9019052

not sure if you can find exactly those, but redbubble does leggings nowadays and there are loads of awesome prints, undoubtedly pokemon as well

>> No.9019529

Not the same anon and I agree not ita but that doesn't mean it is vendetta jfc

>> No.9019967

I share your unpopular opinion

can't tell if blind or white knight or both

Old AF. Witnessed the post irl and as far as I remember she had shit english but took concrit decently okay.

I know this girl irl and her coords are usually pretty good

>> No.9020285

I literally let out a scream when I saw this

>> No.9020907

how would i describe it? ita as fuck
description: fuck no.

>> No.9020913
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>> No.9020998
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>> No.9021184

where was this at?

>> No.9022186

Why is the picture of her hoof added?

>> No.9023333

I thought the thighs were pixelated and spent a good 10 seconds trying to figure out why