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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 100 KB, 720x1019, FB_IMG_1462823547520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8999260 No.8999260 [Reply] [Original]

When will Tumblr stop with their shit taste and pandering? edition

>> No.8999276


>> No.8999298

This cringe is painful with no limits

>> No.8999302

I saw this on liveleak as well as the aftercare video. Thought it might be fake because
>how could the person holding the drill not notice the hair getting tangled
>and how come that bitch wasn't screaming in agony, since hair isn't typically yanked out all at once like that and even waxing can hurt a lot of people

But maybe this is real. I also saw a video of some dumb korean kid "eating" a live firecracker and it exploding in his mouth. Obviously he lost some teeth if not some inside jaw tissue.

>> No.8999336


>> No.8999342

Her skin doesn't look red, not even in the after care...
There is some weird Chinese fetish about cutting one girl's hair to the point of shaving the whole head. This video resembles that stuff. Maybe is a fake to cater that shit

>> No.8999668
File: 155 KB, 739x1081, image:59902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8999695

There is 3 videos and the 3rd one is her talking and ssying she isn't wearing a wig and there is a bruise.

>> No.8999729

It looks like she's just in shock when it happens.

Fuckin' horrifying.

>> No.8999766


Browsing dance covers and came across this

>> No.9000172


>> No.9000223

To me this is the equivalent of someone singing a song but they get kind of bored and just half mumble the whole way through. Like they know the dance, clearly, but they're just flopping around randomly half the time.

Not really that cringy though. It was awkwardly long but that's about it.

>> No.9000240

Its cringe enough that it looks like she paused her parents' dance class to flail around. All these grown up looking so damn confused...
> That guy on the left bouncing happily along to the music though

>> No.9000896

>So my two friends and I asked our Ballroom Dance teacher if we can show everyone Jumpstyle. We would always do some sort of jumping before class.

Judging by the description from this video it's her own class. She has like two other videos of her in cosplay and dancing in that place.

>> No.9000959

"there's a liability issue with the glow sticks,y'all throwin' em' and impacted some kid"

>> No.9001149


>> No.9001159

source please. reverse image search isn't bringing up anything. i wanna see what other shitty art this artist has made

>> No.9001163

Is this true?
And why does every woman in every picture (except that one Dr Who) have a glaring bitch face? Is their photographer that unpleasant a person?

And what's with the bizarre rants about men being anti-cosplay?

>> No.9001182
File: 47 KB, 479x198, turd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following a link in this artice landed me this gem.

>> No.9001452
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>> No.9001478
File: 70 KB, 546x325, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people posting shit from the cringe thread into Lolita Humor

>> No.9001479

Nah actually it was posted before i posted here

>> No.9001487
File: 357 KB, 516x510, flabbubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyssien in facebook


>> No.9001508

I thought the one at the end was sort of cute

>> No.9001924
File: 306 KB, 983x611, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9002078

this is amazeballs

>> No.9002083

...that's a man????
>when you're so morbidly obese the fat erases all of your gender-defining features

>> No.9002097

I don't hate this, it's like a slightly more organised reverse of the Melbourne shuffle. Don't see why they did it again at the end though.

>> No.9002112
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, jesus vomitting christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was a woman because boobs but then i realized they were moobs

>> No.9002533


Looks from the thumb like a fat man with a towel around the hips

>> No.9002760
File: 578 KB, 835x567, lemaymays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's page is cringy as fuck but the fact that she needed to use a fucking ~meme generator~ to make image macros was the worst thing i'd seen all day.

>> No.9002763

no anon this is someone with no actual dance skill. it doesn't take all that much to actually memorize moves, but the floppy unclean movements are really telling.

>> No.9003462


I ain't even gunna comment about her personally, but put aside that selling this entire costume for $107? She bought the costume for way less than $100 on taobao, she's nuts for trying to charge that much when it's cheaper on TB.

>> No.9003487
File: 422 KB, 834x357, hwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9003493

Oh god she stated some Cosplay is for everyone meme thing. She can't even pull her wig down enough to hide her wigcap half the time. Her Queen Serenity is frightful to say the least

>> No.9003541

this isn't even a CMV?? its literally just softcore porn with wigs.

>> No.9003579
File: 265 KB, 488x604, nuclearface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look so awkward and uncomfortable.

>> No.9003958

She's probably counting in the shipping as well because no way $7.75 is going to cover everything she's offering.

>> No.9003959

Oh god this stands for Craig x Kenny doesn't it? Seriously people stop with the South Park yaoi.

>> No.9004093

Oh shit I thought that picture was from a shitty dollmaker or something. Someone actually drew this and decided it was good enough to share.

>> No.9004206
File: 13 KB, 384x51, its2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good find, I can't even finish reading this article, it's written so fucking annoyingly holy shit. The author is the type of person that thinks the Big Bang Theory is an accurate portrayal of ~nerd culture~ and the man-hating part is just the cherry on top.

Yup I'm sure an American woman in the 1940's was the very first person to dress in costume ever, and she was the one who started the entire concept of public costuming, and only after a visiting Japanese journalist wrote about it in the 1980's that cosplaying began in Japan. That's the timeline that this article reports.

>> No.9004264

retards want to have some fun too
they're just like us, normal people

>> No.9004266

busuzawa again jfc

>> No.9004434
File: 434 KB, 150x150, 1422034055716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like us, normal people

>> No.9004453

UhhhhhhhhhHhHHHhHHHHHhHHhhhh hush kiddo

>> No.9004460

Is it bad that I actually almost liked her in that one? It started edgy like a teen that's trying to be cool but by the end she actually showed a glimmer of personality.

>> No.9004679

I can't help but think that those girls probably just are lesbians, but too closeted to just say "hey, I'd like to make out with you", and so they have to shoot this horrible video to have an excuse for senseless kissing.

>> No.9005653


>> No.9005670

The ones that do videos like these are actually usually a couple. I would say more bicurious than lesbian though, since they end up dating men after.

>> No.9005758

Why is nobody talking about this? Her intro video was even more cringey (couldn't find it though)
Worst part is that she's actually a good singer...

>> No.9005796

almost looks like chamydia chan's child or something

>> No.9005803

I am so happy she was part of eurovision, it was hilarious to find a weeb in it again. Anyone remember when denmark or something had a j rock guy presenting their votes?

>> No.9005859

I try not to, to be honest.

I'm half tempted to throw a vote her way for the unbrindled raw emotion that whole thing made me feel. I think it was the £3 striped OTKs and platform converse that did it for me.

>nil point

>> No.9005861
File: 11 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never cease to make me cringe

>> No.9005887

This thing is about as cringey as it gets

>> No.9005888

I dunno. I searched it up and saw a fairly alright cosplayer.

>> No.9005904

I thought it was Chucky...

>> No.9006016
File: 115 KB, 940x854, 1463261570778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this?

>> No.9006032

Dude what year was this? I don't remember him

>> No.9006036

Is that Yohio?

>> No.9006046
File: 23 KB, 691x426, 586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9006052

These kinds of things on tumblr mentally tire me. I can feel myself just getting tired af looking at this shit.

>> No.9006061

Compared to the other costumes there were on eurovision, this doesn't seem overly eccentric to be worth talking about.

>> No.9006064

She looks like some random weeaboo who went to a real dance class and asked if she could perform this dance she learned from a YouTube video in her room. The people in the back are judging her deeply and probably want to get back to class.

>> No.9006074

>This is amazeballs!!!

>> No.9006093

we like to talk about things we dont know about

>> No.9006094

How dare you make me remember this

>> No.9006119
File: 28 KB, 500x362, 1401151792058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9006121

wtf is this even a cosplay of

>> No.9006151

Pretty sure it's Five Nights at Freddy's.

>> No.9006408

Oh god Kido didn't deserve this

>> No.9006613


>> No.9006971


So apparently this chick is losing her shit over trolls now. She made a huge post about how awful one who wrote "die." Was.
I don't agree with trolling. But come on you have to have some thick skin? If a single word sets you off cosplay ain't for you.

>> No.9006978
File: 122 KB, 750x864, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made from a tshirt

>> No.9006989

Now I could be wrong here, but wasn't Usagi blonde and not homeless?

>> No.9007004

>blonde and not homeless

>> No.9007005

I'll tell you what's real cringey, people still bitching about tumblr.

>> No.9007012
File: 85 KB, 586x720, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling it upon yourself

>> No.9007029

I didn't know /v/ was in here.

>> No.9007036
File: 302 KB, 467x609, 1452928409911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is your language and she must be somewhere in your country.

>> No.9007049

I thought this was a video game shot from the thumb god damn

>> No.9007055

It's the crackwhore AU Usagi.

>> No.9007056
File: 465 KB, 621x875, f17f5a326399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is posting anything from the Sonic fandom considered cheating?

>> No.9007057

Saw eurovision at a con, it was kind of hilarious because everyone just sort of adopted Germany as their second nation when it was revealed she was a weeaboo lmao.

Also, if I remember correctly, the outfit and stage number was designed *for* her, supposedly by someone who can hardly be called an expert on jfash.

That's Yohio, former singer of Seremedy and runner up in Swedens outtakes in 2014. He got the people's votes, but lost out on the international jury votes if I remember correctly. Which was why he was downgraded to presenting the score instead of representing Sweden.

His song was named Heartbreak Hotel and is actually pretty alright.

>> No.9007060

>people asking her about football
Jfc they are just trying to start a conversation. Is she really this autistic?

>> No.9007072
File: 1.10 MB, 768x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9007099
File: 47 KB, 480x309, jillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9007100
File: 98 KB, 720x960, jillllllian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related above >>9007099

>> No.9007113

anon you're replying to. Yes, thank you so much

>> No.9007116

Nope, I thought that for a second aswell. But if you look at her other videos you'll notice she's American.
Apparently, dutch languages is the thing within Jumpstyle.

>> No.9007249

I dont appreciate pictures of beached whales on my feed. Its depressing.

>> No.9007253
File: 189 KB, 559x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend who has only cosplayed once and it was hot topic harley celebrates that she got accepted to a cosplay magazine
>huh? Uh oh.
She's not even in this clusterfuck page

>> No.9007266

her yukata was cute but one of my friends pointed out she was wearing it the dead way
all her other outfits were pretty cringe

>> No.9007270

Maybe the video was flipped

>> No.9007273
File: 58 KB, 500x281, 1434971380863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9007275

I don't see any reason the live video feed would be flipped? she wore it to the first semifinal, where they showed the artist and then a clip of the performance

>> No.9007276
File: 29 KB, 320x240, 5319797bd02b542fc9c03bc4f246c830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I saw it

>> No.9007302

seike was the main vocalist, yohio was the guitarist

>> No.9007304


>> No.9007313

This is so fucking repulsive. Tumblrina art is borderline vomit inducing.

>> No.9007316

That's why a good majority of fat millenials pose as fake ~trans~ gender nuetral retards. Easy for them and their oppressions.

>> No.9007455

Who likes makeup tutorials :^)

>> No.9007468

Given what she had to work with, this isn't that bad. Don't be a dick anon

>> No.9007486

Yeah, posting this in a thread like this is just bad taste. I don't even think it's even really a "tutorial", it's just raising awareness about her condition . If anything it's quite impressive how she was able to cover it up so well. The worst part of her make-up is probably the eyeliner but she didn't even do that herself so?

>> No.9007487

that wig looks like a clump of hair you'd pull out of a drain, Jesus Christ

>> No.9007493

Laughed too hard, cracked my clay mask.

>> No.9007496

There's always one anon who takes it too far

Leave her be, I can only imagine the abuse she would've had to put up with throughout her life. She did a pretty amazing job covering up the redness, I'm very impressed.

>> No.9007585
File: 837 KB, 984x950, Screen Shot 2016-05-15 at 20.02.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney Cosplayers is terrible

>> No.9007611

L-lolita Hiro? I'm terrified.

>> No.9007619

Huh, I thought that was neat. Nothing spectacular but neat.
Seems like a good workout too.

>> No.9007641


Oh Jesus why would they do bloodstains on their stockings it looks like they forgot to put in a tampon

>> No.9007644


>made this group as a hate-free zone
>refers to landwhales and dudes in dresses normally, calls regular-sized women "skinny-ass bitches"

Oh honey.

>> No.9007651
File: 187 KB, 555x319, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember this?
how much of this can you bear to sit through?
think of it as an endurance test

>> No.9007659

Unfortunately, I've forced myself to watch all the episodes. I think I may be a masochist.

>> No.9007662

oh my god not this. i recognised it even without enlarging the image. best cringe

>> No.9007683

I....find this kinda charming. Send help.

>> No.9007692

Excuse you, brolitas contribute to the community as much as anyone. I know there are guys who half-ass it or sexualize it, but there are girls who do the same thing. So get the fuck of here with your brolita hate.

>> No.9007696

I hate the swedish bands who think they are visual kei, they give it a bad name in the west

>> No.9007715

Good times

>> No.9007726

>overweight bf in undies in background


>> No.9007731

lmao when she throws the powder

>> No.9007735

is that naruto on the poster on the left at 1:43?

>> No.9007743

Wow I immediately recognized that artstyle from Dramacon by Svetlana.
I sat through the whole thing. It's... alright. Awkward though due to the weird combination of anime and western cartoon style. Definitely got irked from all the typical anime tropes (falling over, ". . .", sweatdrops and angry-vein marks)

>> No.9007752

how do I become head cuck of pixyteri's personal Goutstapo

>> No.9007790
File: 164 KB, 262x298, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she was wearing it like dead person.

>> No.9007794

Thank you for contributing to this cringe thread.

>> No.9007836

I legit thought the person in the background was a couch at first glance..

>> No.9007851
File: 62 KB, 402x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dramacon, I completely forgot that existed

>> No.9007939

My bad! I never actually listened to them more than in passing so yanno.

I fucking loved dramacon.

>> No.9007947

>that thrusting with the ass at stomch level


Honestly, who tf wants to watch people make out anyway...? it's kind of gross.

>> No.9007952

Me too, anon. Me too.

>> No.9007967

Having grown up with shitty Australian cartoons this isn't that bad. Well it's bad, but on par.

>> No.9007981

It looks like she's wearing a huge condom on her head.

>> No.9008013

I found a gem.

>> No.9008187

I don't get why Swedes hate Yohio. I like him

>> No.9008189


Holy cow

>> No.9008199

>Dress could be ironed, but the blue and turquoise is a combo I like
>Ok for a noob coord
>Why was it a problem? Anon wonders
>Holy shit... Bam, meat couch

>> No.9008235

SEIKE was the singer tho!

>> No.9008339

Yo has anybody seen a Di-Gata defender cosplay because it was just as shit quality as this show.

>> No.9008778

Lips on that style just looks so wrong

>> No.9008801


This made me wretch. The presenter is so cringey.

>> No.9008871


>> No.9008874
File: 62 KB, 540x960, 13227226_226633944387303_6514928738244524453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude keeps posting this one potato-quality selfie of his arrow cosplay all over the connecticon facebook group for attention and i am so goddamn sick of seeing it

>> No.9008885

Chris-chan, is that you?

>> No.9008929
File: 2.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160516-213627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are uh.. selling their entire costumes together as a set only. $600.

>> No.9008932

cant be, it's digital

>> No.9008954

They didn't even make those costumes. I remember seeing those in a sales post by Mostflogged, it's her work. I hope they credited her and aren't charging more than she did, that would be super dishonest.

>> No.9008965

why is this sped up???

>> No.9009002
File: 1.85 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009097

>my genocide crusade begins here...

>> No.9009202

it's not only swedes
why would anyone representing their country in eurovision greet in japanese

>> No.9009208


>> No.9009228

They didn't credit her. I think she sold them for around $250?

>> No.9009505

You haven't met him

>> No.9009533

How the hell did she get those wrong? So obvious. This is full of cringe.

>> No.9009545

Went and looked, she seemed to ask $580 for both, wigs and ears excluded. So if the new girl selling them includes the wigs they won't be ripping anyone off. Kind of shitty not to credit, though.

>> No.9009547
File: 1020 KB, 1430x2215, Screenshot_20160517-020853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=/ once again I love ladybug and then I don't...

>> No.9009675
File: 74 KB, 562x960, 13230126_226684121048952_4851108403528759938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


facebook /groups/2216035481/
there are at least three posts he put it on

>> No.9009676

shit sorry meant to tag >>9009208

>> No.9009685

Typical angsty "nobody understands me" teenager with a cut of edge.

>> No.9009742

The construction and design isn't good, but I don't think this is necessarily cringe.

>> No.9009745

I always really disliked these two something is just off about the way they did the make up to me.

>> No.9009862

that is not cringy.

>> No.9009875

That fucking paw print on her ass

>> No.9009879

the song is actually really good and seems to be really good produced. Why did it rank so badly though?

>> No.9009889

In difference to being fat, not self aware or a lazy fuck in costume making, this is nothing she could possibly influence or get out of. Nothing to cringe over here, she seems like a level headed person.

>> No.9009900

I used to go to school with a girl who used to steal makeup and stuff by hiding it in her fat folds. She reminds me of the one in the video, but this one has better makeup skills and is slightly thinner.
It made me do a double take though.

>> No.9010041


>> No.9010152

>steal makeup and stuff by hiding it in her fat folds

Holy shit, that made me laugh so hard. I knew someone who used to put stuff in her cleavage or bra, but that is some next level thievery. Both amazing and horrifying.

>> No.9010224

The new girl is only including a wig for one of the costumes.
But to charge $20 more for both costumes with only one while the original included both wigs and was $20 less seems like a dick move.
Not to mention that means they were used by 2 people prior on both costumes..

>> No.9010232

he keeps saying "brand name" instead of just "brand" and it makes me want to shit
also both of their accents are fucking stupid

>> No.9010236

Well, her song is called Ghost. Maybe that's the point.

>> No.9010290

Might just be too western, niche pop music for the contest. They've placed low with cool songs like that before, and France placed last with a pop-club song a few years back. I liked this, but it's probably better suited for a more indie scene. Also, the stage number was a goddamn clusterfuck. Performance is like half the score in Eurovision.

>> No.9010505

Jesus fuck me

>> No.9010507

Seems more like a grudge post than a cringe thing

>> No.9010518

I could only take 3 minutes senpai
everything hurts

>> No.9010519
File: 288 KB, 882x1400, fab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lord. I had to watch his band's performance from that year because I missed it, even though I was aware he was performing. God, it's so weeby.


I know it's not new, but man, it looks like he's totally ripping off of Mana or X Japan. fucking hand moves.

It's kind of anticlimactic now that I think about it.

>> No.9010528
File: 265 KB, 720x556, image:59914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010585

You're really sad.

>> No.9010591

Why is this guy interfering in other people's hobbies to satiate his need to lord superiority over someone???

>> No.9010623

nice pants

>> No.9010627

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JdzBCB_1Qo she sings

>> No.9010796
File: 299 KB, 514x500, lolita mems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top keks

>> No.9010884

Did it include the wigs in the original sale? I was of the impression it didn't.
It doesn't matter, like you said, it's been worn by two different people (probably a few times, too), so to not reduce the price is shit.

Nah, I can see why anon posted it. It's not full-on cringe, but it's still "look at me I'm special with an AU outfit lol".

>> No.9011135
File: 69 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o77863BLA81s8dlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This was a while ago, but I just stumbled across some photos from the day in question so I felt the need to go off on someone.

I attended my first out-of-state convention with a couple of my friends, while also wearing lolita for the first time a while ago (I won’t name the con or the people). I’m poor as shit, so I’m lucky enough to be able to afford things from bodyline, so that’s what I got. For months I scoured the internet for “things not to do with lolita” or “proper lolita techniques” as to not look like a fool or be compared to one of those bad lolita blog posts or smth. The picture above is of me the first time I wore it. I went to the lolita meetup that our local lolita facebook group was promoting with a few of my friends who were in maid Lolita outfits they had bought for the event. I was so excited to be a part of the community as it was my first experience! I had been looking forward to it for almost a year at that point.

Walking into the room, I saw a sea of Angelic Pretty, BTSSB, Lis Liza, ect. I don’t even want to think of the total cost of all the people’s outfits. I was impressed though, and super excited to see my favorite prints in person (my fav is cat tea party and there were 4 of them!!!!). I had grown out of my socially awkward stage a while before this so I introduced myself to a whole bunch of people, including the director of the facebook page and her husband.

>> No.9011138

It was the exact opposite of what I expected. They all could SMELL the bodyline on me. Every single person did that condescending up-down look thing and they literally scoffed “Oh, bodyline, alright then” and then turned to their comrades snickering. They didn’t even try to hide it. They spent the rest of the night completely ignoring me even tho I was being friendly and trying to join conversations politely without being intrusive. They hosted a few games that I joined in, but when I couldn’t name one dress maker/brand, they rolled their eyes. One women next to me even whispered, “obviously”. I spent months, close to a year, perfecting my Lolita and making sure it was coordinated and flowed nicely. I was so passionate about the community and wanted to be a part of it, but I was pushed away because I didn’t have a $400+ dress. I’m plus sized (us 14) so a lot of brand names don’t come in my size, so bodyline was great because they have sizes for me at the same price as the straight sizes!! It was degrading being flat out ignored by people who you thought you had a common bond with.

I took off my Lolita straight after and I wore regular clothes for the rest of the weekend. When I got home (my other friends got to their homes before I did) I already had a few messages from them telling me to check facebook. On the page, they were talking about me publically in a comment thread about the meetup.

“Did you see the bodyline chic?” “Such an embarrassment.” “Bodyline should be banned at meetups.” “She was trying so hard to fit in haha” “Why did she even show up?” “I felt ashamed for her.” “I hope she doesn’t come back”

>> No.9011140

I was fucking humiliated. I never felt so god damn ashamed and degraded in my life, and for what? Fuck you. Fuck you for thinking someone needs a fancy ass dress or petticoat or jsk to be a good Lolita. They obviously knew I was going to see them talking about me, they made a point to make sure I saw it so I wouldn’t dare show my face around them.

The community prides itself on being non-judgmental but I call complete and total bullshit. I was treated inferior and belittled verbally for not meeting their standards. Some people will probably be thinking that I shouldn’t let a few people bother me, and I agree. But it wasn’t a “few”. It was an entire room of 40 people flat out ignoring me for the pettiest reason and an entire facebook group degrading me.

So thanks, you ruined Lolita for me. That was over 2 years ago and I haven’t touched Lolita since then. I still love j-fashion and I adore the aesthetic but I’ll never participate ever again thanks to those petty elitists who made me feel like less of a human being for a god damn article of clothing. Again, fuck you."

tldr tumblrites making things up for victim points like usual.


>> No.9011143

Yeah that's complete bullshit. I wore lolita for the first time to a convention and it was a new Bodyline gothic piece and actually had people ask me what brand it was and couldn't believe it was Bodyline. I'd never felt more welcome and girls in legit brands gave me compliments on my coording.

>> No.9011148

What is this thing?? I'm like 90% sure I know this Powergirl cosplayer IRL.

>> No.9011165

So according to this chick Liz Lisa is lolita? And her friends wore maid lolita...yeah, I'm with you on the fabricated-because-omg-totes-the-victim part.

>> No.9011171

I'm the dude with the Serbian flag in the background

>> No.9011185

>France placed last with a pop-club song a few years back
Twin Twin's Moustache was a work of art and I'm still bitter that they only got pity points from it.


>> No.9011222

Ooh I see. I never knew he did that

>> No.9011224

I'd hit it

>> No.9011228


Beautiful trips btw

>> No.9011281

>not a eurofag but
That is a really nice and catchy song. Does Eurovision normally pass on music that isn't generic pop or ballads?

>> No.9011366

Eurovision elects a winner via each country voting so what it all comes down to is how much your country is hated during the year and how many allies you have.

Like the Eurovision after Russia went openly anti-gay they got booed a ton by the audience with gay pride flags everywhere but countries that were bros with Russia gave them top marks.

>not a eurofag either but loves Eurovision
I dunno what it is but France seems to get shat on every year and I think they only got 5 points or so for Twin Twin's performance.

>> No.9011374

same anon as >>9011366 >>9011185 but here's some more catchy tunes from that year.



>> No.9011399


no idea what comm this was, but it seems like a load of shit and lies. a lot of girls wear bodyline or offbrand to meets in my comm (about a third of the attendees usually?) and they make it work really well and nobody cares.
i've worn bodyline to my first meet as well, i looked like shit but got a lot of kind concrit and even compliments.
no idea where she went, might as well be in her dreams.

>all these lolita brands
>liz liza
ok, sure, just like the four people in CTP, totally real

>> No.9011404

From what I can see, it's one of the shittier bodyline pieces and I'm assuming she "nyaaa'd" her way over to the ita table. Nobody even cares what brand you wear if it looks good. My guess is that she was both a raging weaboo and an ita.

>> No.9011406
File: 136 KB, 700x1200, f49b917760cb544c5ef559324198a1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image. I think this is the dress in the picture.

>> No.9011407
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 1435726537160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm plus size so I can't even wear burando
>here's a pic of me drinking a smoothie from mcdonalds
I mean, if you're not even gonna try to be healthy, you shouldn't use the fact that you're bigger as an argument.
Also, this story sounds so made up it's painful to read. Some lolitas are rude, but most aren't to your face.
And like, who would expect someone to show up to their first meet in full brand? Like yes, someone might shit on you for it, but not a whole community.

>> No.9011417

kinda OT but whenever i think of Eurovision i always think of them
nothing's ever going to beat russia that year

>> No.9011434

Eh, it's much better in the music video
The live version was kinda boring, and the performance wasn't anything special.
In eurovision, half the score is like the performance so
Here's the live one
Also, the background noise at 1:30 sounds pretty much identical to the noise used in Beyoncés run the world (or major lazer, pon the floor)
Sage for OT

>> No.9011486
File: 359 KB, 480x643, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha lol nice XD sick burn

>> No.9011570
File: 801 KB, 1440x2230, 2016-05-18 13.00.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thead on lolita humor. Salty poorfags to butthurt special snowflakes who are oh so offended by talk to organ selling. Then you have the people who are butthurt that people are offended.

>> No.9011620

Well, I think there's a few things to this...
For one, it's just not a great stage show. Compare their stage show to some other things that year and it's just not memorable. Not as a strong number, and not as "this is strange and gimmicky".

Eurovision also premieres great vocal skill which... Twin Twin plain old does not posess. Of course, you can't win purely on vocalist prowess but not a fart's chance in hell you'll get anywhere without it.

As for politics... It's definitely not apolitical, but most people don't go "well, I live right next to Poland, so I guess I'll vote for them". It's really more about a shared cultural history. For example, the UK did GREAT pretty much straight until they started allowing people to sing in whatever language they wanted. Sweden is most likely going to *get* whatever it is norway is doing much more than they'll *get* some supposed croatian superstar. Sure, a lot of westerners might *get* Twin Twin, and it might be pretty good by our standards, but if you want a song to win you need something that's more universal.

Clearly, people still voted for Russia, they were just also very happy to vote for Ukraine, which had a very anti-russian song. Conchita Wurst would never have won if she wasn't also a huge gay icon in a time where we'rre happy to vote for anything to get under russias skin.

Other stuff that might've weighed in: starting position, the fact that France was not in the semis and thus people had only heard that once as opposed to once before. Eurovision is also not too keen about rappers.

Sage because OT as hell.

>> No.9011628
File: 42 KB, 302x507, eurocringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah that year was really frustrating. I didn't think Russia's entry was great or anything, but i felt bad since it was two young (i think) girls who should have been having the experience of a lifetime and the audience booed the shit out of them. I get that it was in protest, but c'mon, booing at the eurovision isnt going to make Russia change their ways. And Conchita Wurst basically won as a 'solidarity' thing.

Related tumblr cringe (reminds me of the OP pic too). Also made by a "disabled queer woman | former student of Japanese studies 日本学科 and a real bundle of anxiety"

The Netherlands entry that year was a good song (not just by Eurovision standards) imo.

Ukraine 2007 was also amazing.

>> No.9011636

This all makes me want to do eurovision cosplay so bad lmao.

>> No.9011651

I've always wished to have a group of friends that would dress up as Ukraine 2007 with me, but it seems it is not to be

>> No.9011725

idk, maybe it's because the video is quite long. you can change the speed back to 1.0 on your own though

>> No.9011755

Yah I'm the one who posted it and It was cringe to me. It just doesn't look good and thay paw print is what did it for me.

>> No.9011758

Ukraine 2007 will forever be my favorite Eurovision song ever

>> No.9011793

i would cosplay that in a heartbeat

>> No.9011807

why did you have to bring this song back into my life

>> No.9011838

there has been some surprises, like the 2006 winners

and my personal favorite, also from Finland, but in 2015

(I'd feel bad about derailing the thread, but nothing could possibly be cringier than Eurovision)

>> No.9011884

Lordi for president

>> No.9011902

she's obviously drinking boba

>> No.9011936

Are you in England?

>> No.9011938


>> No.9011941
File: 428 KB, 800x831, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Who Lolita

>> No.9011942

It's the paw print and mediocrity.
>topkek when i know that girl

>> No.9011944

>"my first lolita"
>hot topic garbage dress

>> No.9011946

She obviously needs to not if she's that fat

>> No.9011947

This isn't cringe. This is art.

>> No.9011988

Same here. Every time I wore the bodyline carousel jsk at cons during my newb days, someone would ask if it was Baby. IDK how, it's the most notorious bodyline print ever, but hey.

Also wore replicas to cons and my first meetups when I started in lolita. I'm sure I was judged pretty hard by a few people, but I never ran into any of those problems and I guess a lot of people in my comm look up to me now!?

Also I've only seen one CTP in person, and that was at Otakon years ago. Still haven't seen another.

>> No.9012054

Mine was the terrible skull jsk so I was super excited to get such good comments on it. I guess it helped that I coorded it with a nice Taobao blouse and a lolita shop witch hat so it was more themed than outright baby's first gawffic look.

But yeah, if that dress can get compliments after it was rated one of Bodyline's worst prints, then there's no way that girl got harassed for hers. Her "maid lolita" friends on the other hand though..

>> No.9012084

>I wore Bodyline and my friends were in maid lolita
>I saw four people wearing CTP
While I believe there can be a comm that can be condescending to new lolitas who show up with questionable weeaboos...four people in CTP? Where was this and how formal was it for these girls to tote out their big guns? Or did she misidentify a print...

>I'm a 14US
This is the weakest part of her argument. Maybe I'm built different but I've always been a 14/16 and most shirred AP fits me, or I get it altered. She could easily find secondhand AP and get it altered for slightly above the price of ordering directly from Bodyline.

Seriously their quality isn't good yet people play Yandyman Rapeman's gouged prices plus that pricey shipping.

>community prides itself on being non-judgmental
Tbh, I've never seen this. True we'll treat newbies with kid gloves but I would judge somebody if they claimed to have been researching the fashion for awhile yet still show up looking bad. It's a hobby centered around fashion, so it's inherently shallow for that reason.

I'd believe her if her story was she got some shitty comments said about her and didn't have a good time. But a group of people shitting on my looks wouldn't stop me from loving my dresses, which is why I think for this girl it was less about the fashion and more about getting validation and being popular (evidently that didn't happen so she quit).

>> No.9012128

That's my comm, kill me

>> No.9012167


>> No.9012197

Just... I tried to comment on this and tell the butthurt girl to calm the fuck down, in a nice way. No one was like "HAHA! Stupid twats waiting for organs! Fuck them!!!!" This generation is so fucking babied and oversensitive. Yeah, it does suck to have to wait on a list for an organ. I get it. The op wasn't trying to rub salt in anyone's wounds. I wanna unjoin that stupid group.

>> No.9012393

This woman is living with a severe condition with no effective treatment, and choosing to make the best of what she has. Good for her.

>> No.9012408

*deep and artistic

>> No.9012410


>> No.9012415

I'm trying so hard to get through this but I don't think I'm going to make it.

>> No.9012429


God, she's such an edgelord.

>> No.9012595

>putting together my first lolita
dr. frankenstein is it you

>> No.9012612

Oh yah I see that now. Still though, I dont think thats very healthy either

>> No.9012614

Some comms are just shit. Was introducing a friend to lolita and they gave her shit to her face about wearing bodyline and told her to just save up for brand. It was comical how catty they were, but communities like that exist.
From my experience, a good community is only as good as the community leaders. If the leaders are cunts, the rest of the community members will be too.
The girl is definitely exaggerating in her story for baww points, but these things do happen.

>> No.9012633
File: 892 KB, 523x694, car wreck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest lolcow I've seen in a long time complete with "cosplays" that are literally hot glue messes.

FB is koujackieofficial

>> No.9012634
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 9-11 the sequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to mention, first pic is supposed to be Rose Quartz and this one is supposed to be Ren from DRAMAtical Murder... ALL her cosplays are like this.

>> No.9012650

> I haven’t touched Lolita since then. I still love j-fashion and I adore the aesthetic but I’ll never participate

Aka. 'lolita at heart'.

Also, another plus sized girl here grumbling about sizing. I fit AaTP easily (haven't bought other major brands, haven't been too interested in any other prints from them apart from DDs) and there are plenty of other options. Haenuli is affordable and comes in giant sizes, I'm only a M in their JSKs. Lolita is expensive, I only get $500 a fortnight and I put aside money all the time for more clothes, so fuck her for being a prissy little cunt just because she wants to reblog jfash for a reason.

Sorry for the blog post, I'm just angry. Happy to contribute to the cringe if you read it that way.

>> No.9012651

that fucking hairline on the chibimoon wig, jesus

>> No.9012662

>take a bra
>take a skirt
>glue some stuff on it
>'' ''cosplay'' ''

>> No.9012668

what is that even supposed to be.....

>> No.9012670

wasnt this the brony con from that brony documentary?

>> No.9012681

I wore bodyline to my first con too, anon! A wonderful cosplayer from Assassins Creed(?) actually said that she couldn't believe it was Bodyline while she was wearing a handmade ballgown.

I think you need to know the source for it to be cringe, and Ladybug is still niche, sort of.

There's that one ugly as sin TARDIS print that a girl in my comm has. I hate it so much and I may have accidentally insulted her when I said that I would never buy a fandom-related lolita dress (talking about the detective series from Haenuli that gives off serious SH vibes), while she was wearing the TARDIS dress. I just want a versatile wardrobe. If I insulted her then she deserves it, but I got some serious stink-eye for my comment.

>what is personal taste

Get your vendetta outta here, we're not allowed to post witch hunts.

>> No.9012682

Some comms are more catty than others, but even with catty comms the only way I can imagine a room full of 40 people to snub someone as one and then publicly talk shit about them afterwards is if they wore an obvious replica to a brand event where designers were present.
My comm has a reputation for being really snobby and bitchy and at our meets itas are, at the absolute worst, ignored or given unsolicited advice. Nobody is ever actually mean. Probably what happened in this case is that people were complimenting each other but not her and she saw this as overt rejection, and maybe one or two people were less than lyrical about BL. She is definitely making most of this shit up and projecting her insecurities all over other people. Good riddance to whatever comm she's talking about.

>> No.9012699

>I've always been a 14/16 and most shirred AP fits me,
Same anon. I'm around that size right now. Some of my dresses are more snug than I'd like, but I have plenty of brand options to go with. Most of my wardrobe is second hand with a smathering of first-hand pieces (MTO's, lucky packs, special sets and accessories). I used to wear a lot of Bodyline, but now I only really use them for shoes.

This notion that all brand is tiny and super expensive and everyone is an elitist brandwhore is quite old and has carried over from the days when the yen was strong against the dollar, sites had just started shipping overseas recently. Taobao was not a thing and In The Starlight was a popular indie brand. A lot of people made their stuff, and as brand was becoming more accessible (to those with the dough to cough up) it was easier to look down on people who wore, at the time, very cheap Bodyline.

>> No.9012701

More like "autistic"

>> No.9012704

swedish retards who think they're gods gift to the swedish weeaboo community.

>> No.9012766

I couldn't imagine 40 people snubbing her either. If the story is even remotely true it was just two or three people. I'm gonna be honest, I myself have snickered loudly to my friend when I saw a girl in a btssb skirt (no petti) and a pink party city bob wig so she'd get the fucking hint.

>> No.9012770

He's infamous in the swedish J-fashion comm for being a shitty brat, he's very hard to like. No wonder he's moving to glorious nippon.

>> No.9012788
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 704bd5ec3510a78752e63f6607ba76bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too. I'm glad to see that the people commenting are being pretty forward about this being a not so great idea.

I would recommend taking a look at her "Dr. WhoLita" pinterest board. It's got shit like this on it.

>> No.9012791

Not even that anon but I'd say it's pretty cringe to take a BL game character and make a bizarre belly dancing outfit for it. Which seems to be the theme for her, bellydance every costume.

>> No.9012823

calling vendetta. Salt belongs in the kitchen anon.

>> No.9012833

It's vendetta because they specifically posted the cosplayer's facebook page. I know it's easy to reverse image search someone, or to click on their YT page, but specifically saying 'oh yeah btw here is their facebook' is vendetta and against the board rules. Let the cringe be cringe, but /cgl/ is not your personal army.

>> No.9012886


>> No.9012892

Is it just me or do her boobs look really low down in that picture?

>maybe i just have high boobs

>> No.9012911

This is hilarious.

>> No.9012920


>> No.9012980

If Vjerka doesn't host ESC in 2017 I'm going to kill someone.
Sage for off topic.

>> No.9012983

> filenames
Pure gold.

>> No.9012988

Definitely the top is sagging and lower on her chest.

>> No.9013561


>> No.9013592

>Assassin's Creed
holy shit was it an Evie Frye or Élise de la Serre? (no not me but I've never seen any AC cosplayers who know/are into lolita, wtf.)

>> No.9013614

I've never had a problem with tumblr. I follow and like/reblog some great fashion and art people, post my own content and stay out of the controversial areas that don't interest me anyway. I'm careful who I follow and what I search and block some keywords and a few people. Bam, done. I'm not sure why people get so buttmad about it as a social platform?

>> No.9013658

2 years ago and still butt-hurt enough to write a saga. Just, wow. But yes, some comms are full of mean girls. She sounds pretty drama and cringe though desu.

"My moment, so ruined! I am doom!"

> drinking boba instead of a smoothie
Boba is still full of sugar and carbs. Fat too if it's milky.

>> No.9013791
File: 139 KB, 1329x2048, FB_IMG_1463709463271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just threw up a bit

>> No.9013796

What a waste of syrup.

>> No.9013823

No, they're really low, her tits are basically deflated.

>> No.9013828

jesus, that angle with her nose is really awful

>> No.9013886
File: 89 KB, 852x1136, 04-54-29-1463711869784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIVE: The taxidermist lolita came to defend her honor (and corpses)
Real cringe on air

>> No.9013896

you need a job

>> No.9013904

Don't get mad taxidermy lolita

>> No.9013908

Lol I'm not mad
but I'm not an ita, ok?

>> No.9013924

i'm not taxidermy lolita
i just think she was fine confined to the other thread. it's not like we didn't see what went down, lmao

>> No.9013936

She even said herself it was ita.
Nice try, ok?

>> No.9013952


>> No.9013968

What would he do?

>> No.9014072
File: 1.25 MB, 298x328, 1461605164460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014083

what the hell am i watching

>> No.9014095


>> No.9014144
File: 548 KB, 1630x3165, daily_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone actually called this a "good example of off-brand lolita" back in the good ol' days...

>> No.9014171

Jfc. Indie brand is not brand.

>> No.9014181

I'm Canadian and I get this is all silly stereotypical and all but how is this cringe and why is it on the cosplay board?

>> No.9014200

the cringe here is you pal

>> No.9014214

is "manspreading" really a thing

>> No.9014222

It actually is, it's really inconsiderate and annoying when dudes take up more space then they need to in cramped places. I totally get that it's more comfortable to sit spread out but if someone's sitting next to you don't be a dick, give them some personal space.

The term manspreading is pretty cringy tho.

>> No.9014228

i see thx for the inform

>> No.9014229

After watching the video I think they meant mansplaining which is when a dude acts as if he automatically knows more about a subject than a woman for no apparent reason.

Manspreading is a term for guys sitting practically spread eagle in crowded spaces.
Either way that video is major cringe both with the itas and their lollipops and the dude thinking he somehow made a challenging quiz on something he appears to have googled two minutes ago for the first time.

>> No.9014259
File: 24 KB, 493x251, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I feel fat, ugly and stupid for wasting the little money I have on business cards for the convention since I didnt get them in time."

But you had the money to go to Californa and get a tattoo and hang out with all the e-famous people?
Keep on crying.

>> No.9014297

Thanks for posting these, Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät will always be my favorite eurovision entry, I'm so sad they didn't get into the finals

>> No.9014307


Already 10 years old, holy shit.
Still best winner song in the last couple of years.

>> No.9014313

Why is this kind of shit always from Sweden?

>> No.9014380

Got to the chocolate sauce and had to stop. 2 cringe 4 me

>> No.9014438
File: 14 KB, 200x210, 13254444_646549632165001_6183647450124446554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9014459

Jeez, way to suck the fun out of the dude who spiritually jerks himself/ his dog off on a beach.

>> No.9014462

>Autist finds new way to play with himself.

>> No.9014483

>his dog off
and the dog is part of his three separated personalities. shit's weird as fuck

>> No.9014578

Because it's Monika Lee. Who is in fact, not Canadian.

>> No.9014615

The fact that I am possibly watching two 15 year old girls filming themselves pretending to have sex makes me very uncomfortable.
I need an adult.
> In the reccomended: Them in a StarFighter "cmv"
Nvm I need a bottle of bleach.

>> No.9014624

I think I know the tutorial on yt she used to make it, not gonna lie, I used part of the tutorial and modified it so it didn't look like I was a homeless weeaboo

>> No.9014646

I really can't hate him, idk why.
I heard his dad is a scream singer and was totally cool with his fem-boy k-pop aesthetic.
Also they made a vocaloid out of him.

>> No.9014651

Wig tutorial or shirt tutorial? Either way, link?

>> No.9014671

Now that I'm rewatching this, this tutorial is really cringe.

>> No.9014757

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the same anon as >>9012410

I have met these people in person and they're just as annoying as their videos.

>> No.9014813

It's Rikki aka riddles messy wardrobe. Not Monika Lee, but thanks for adding to the cringe.

>> No.9014843


>> No.9014847

>100% of the profits of this will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross to assist those suffering from the Fort Mc Murray fires.
At least it's for a good cause?

>> No.9014849


>> No.9014882

triggered desu

>> No.9014894


>> No.9014988

>watched 30 seconds
>sees its 16 minutes long
I can't do it

>> No.9015161

>I can't fit into brand because I am fat
>How can I possibly change this

How about this: lose weight. Diets and workouts are a thing.

>> No.9015392

i just meant she's wearing lolita at a boba place opposed to macdonalds. Still shit for you, that's all.

>> No.9015465

Girl I know recently got into NSFW shoots and selling the prints. Her latest is Nikki from Huniepops and she went on about how you're gonna see the 'bewbs' and 'boobie streamer.' I don't care she's doing completely inaccurate boobs out cosplay. But does it have to be in the most cringe way possible?

>> No.9015519

OMG I thought I was the only one annoyed at this too! like you can barely see it. All I can see is the edge. I'm going to ctcon too and I hope I don't see him lol

>> No.9015901

well, let's be honest here, if the band hadn't been made of litteral autists and trisomics, i doubt it would have even gotten in.
i mean, they had a show in my country last month in my favorite local festival, and most of the other stuff was noise music or weird experiments, not exactly eurovision material...

i don't know, it's kind of pleasant to look at as long as you don't think it's lolita

>> No.9017122

Anyone make a new thread yet?

>> No.9017593


>> No.9018744

I literally howled with laughter when she started sucking

>> No.9018747

I hate to be the one to say this but not all people want to be thin. Weird concept. Also, how do you know what she's been eating/not eating based on the one photo you see of her drinking boba tea? You don't know if she's eating salads and grilled chicken for every meal and she just so happens to treat herself every once in a while.

>> No.9018750

> Nigri wannaweeb

>> No.9018753

Girl if you want to rant, 4Chan's not the place to do it.

>> No.9018758

> men's hips are designed differently, though

>> No.9018848

bro pollaponk was the best and im sill salty about how low it scored. Poor Iceland just doesn't have those much needed neighbor countries

>> No.9018879

Lmao anon is this your liked videos playlist?

>> No.9019292

this isnt cringe, this is pretty neat.

>> No.9019872 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 1200x1600, XhNXGc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't want to buy anything, so I cut my hair just for this cosplay!
I guess it's not bad for a first time, but man I wish she wore a wig and picked out a better shirt. It's literally granny tier.

>> No.9020137

It is, I tried to share it not linking my whole liked playlist but oops.

>> No.9020246

>k-pop aesthetic

>> No.9020720


>> No.9020938
File: 126 KB, 960x720, 1522133_10200639938720749_1538260441_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9021397

This killed me. Jesus this is so painful.

>> No.9021424

why the fuck is everything fnaf fucking super cringe????

>> No.9021899

Wtf is happening!?

>> No.9022018

Nope nope nope nope nope