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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 314 KB, 1500x998, DSC1243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9009027 No.9009027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guess who won. What a fine cosplay.

>> No.9009034

The fatass who also somehow won her heat?

>> No.9009078

Congrats you guessed right

>> No.9009100

congratulations sexpo! You showed that cosplay doesnt matter in your cosplay competition!

>> No.9009104

umbreon dude is pretty hot. glad to know trashiness is at least equal opportunity

>> No.9009109

jesus, she probably only won because she's fat and the judges wanted to be ~*~body positive inclusive!!!~*~

>> No.9009183


>> No.9009192

Seriously. It's not well constructed but I am over the moon about that fucking costume. You go hot Umbreon, you go.

>> No.9009197
File: 124 KB, 596x900, 1463398549704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually she only won cus she took out her tits.
The competition was audience based and since sexpo is a sex expo it makes sense thats all they cared about.
Sad how actual cosplayers like the lolipop chainsaw girl which is a sexy character didnt win and they went with fatty who is supposed to be harley Quinn

>> No.9009222

Fat unclothed, gross tits
Clothed, but more aesthetically appealing tits

you'd think it'd be an easy choice but I guess not

>> No.9009235
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>> No.9009236
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>> No.9009238
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>> No.9009242

Well. Duh. The crowd determines the winner, and the average Sexpo attendees aren't into cosplay as a hobby. All they care about is the fact that it's Sex Positive and this >>9009197 happened.

The Morrigan looked awesome in the photos I saw and she didn't even make it to finals.

>> No.9009246

In the final, the crowd decided on the top 2, it was between the cubone and the harley. The judges had final say, and before announcing who won they said it was about bravery

>> No.9009259

probably won because 'HARLEY QUINN' and, to be honest, she might have had the best performance also? This is one of those strip tease things, right? Kudos for the courage, but that Cubone looks fucking nice as hell.

>> No.9009263
File: 193 KB, 560x555, how horryfying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those sad tits

>> No.9009282

Thanks, dude. I was Cubone :) Means a lot. Also, I didn't deserve to be top two. I had nowhere near as many cheers as Umbreon and Lollipop Chainsaw. I was used to prove that you don't have to be skinny to win. Felt pretty shitty that they did that to me, and to the other two. They deserved to be up front, not me.

>> No.9009288

>crowd determines the winner
This is how you judge a wet t-shirt contest, not a cosplay competition. Why am I not surprised, coming from some place called "Sexpo"?

>> No.9009294

It's an adult/porn/sex convention, nobody gives a shit about cosplay, it's just a gimmick little sideshow.

>> No.9009301

I'm glad you got the point.

>> No.9009303

Sexpo is dying. It was fucking dead there. They're trying to bring in more people and they've seen how many cosplayers show up to conventions just to be seen. They're hoping that this will triple their attendance numbers, because cosplayers will go anywhere if it means they can get their photo taken and have people ooh and ahh over them.

>> No.9009307


>That cubone

Holy shit that looks amazing. Too bad it was the Sexpo.

>> No.9009311

You look skinny with curves which is basically my body type as well. Like not talking size 2 with Jnig boobs, but like what is called 'average' I guess..? From the looks of it you are skinnier than the Lollipop, but is anything have more thigh than her which isn't too much of a big deal. Looks great.

Howd you go about the Cubone head?

>> No.9009316

Considering there's seriously a group of people invested enough to gripe about the winner of a completely bogus event like 'sexpo,' I would've voted for the fattie too just to enjoy all the salty tears.

That's right, the fattie who did her floppy titty tassels got the award while cuntinator cubone and suckypop chainsaw got diddly, and whoever the faggot in rags is supposed to be.

>> No.9009317

Oh, I see what you mean now. Sorry. I reread that a bunch. You are skinny, so they chose bigger people to show that even they can win things like this. I get it. Well fuck you Australia. I mean that is great. Good for them for not making it a beauty pageant, but from the looks of all the photos, she was the absolute largest of anyone there while her outfit was hardly in the top. Her performance better have been fucking amazing because not even that wig is styled.

>> No.9009318

In the eyes of 99.9% of everyone their, it is the same as a wet t-shirt contest.
Whoever is the most sexual will always win, especially if it ticks extra credit boxes like this does.
>Does close to 50% of the crowd recognize what it is
In this case they may not know it's Harley, but they know it's some sort of clown girl.
>Is there something about the act that appeals to an issue or theme that sexpo claims to be about etc Sex positive, lgbt, body positvity
It's a fat girl so it will be seen as empowering and brave
>Is there a fetish this appeals to?
Lots of people like fatties and women will support them because as said, bold and brave
>Is there an ""erotic" act that broadly appeals and is recognizable?
The moment she twirled her nipple tassels she won.

Either she lucked out or she knew who the audience was. Most of these people wouldn't know what cosplaying is.

>> No.9009320

That Juliet Starling is a gull I think. I just went to her Facebook page and all of her cosplays have been posted on here at one point or another. Seems too easy to just say one person is a fan.

>> No.9009324

haha yeah, I'm pretty bottom heavy :P But of all of them, I was probably the fake tan, smaller type that was the easiest to pin as the generic sexy cosplayer I think.

I made it with EVA foam mats from bunnings, heat formed and contact cemented together, and then covered in wood glue and painted. Heat knife for carving cracks. Very basic, but I do my stuff basic because I do budget cosplay tutorials on Youtube, so I aim not to make it too complex haha. I also made the Umbreon costume up there too. That was a 2 night throw together costume so my partner has something fresh for the competition. Simple yet effective.

>> No.9009325

Maybe you should do something more degrading next year.
How about bringing a matching bone prop and demonstrating how to put a condom on it using only your mouth? I hope you finally receive the validation you seek!

>> No.9009326

She is a professional burlesque dancer. That probably added to her skit or whatever they did up there. Probably safe to say the other girls aren't used to performing on stage.

>> No.9009329

She has a bone prop in her right hand.

>> No.9009330

Next year I'll just wear lingerie and a buttplug tail and maybe the crowd will love me like daddy never did.

>> No.9009332

Okay but did she put a condom on it or start jerking it on stage?

>> No.9009333

Don't forget to pull it out on stage and show the nice people who respect you how much corn you ate for dinner!

>> No.9009334

Stay salty anon.

I have to admit, the anon might have a small bit of truth as far as attention, but the attention is getting everyone to agree that the Harley didn't deserve to win. The problem you might have cause for yourself is that you admitted who you were through this thread which is the wrong kind of attention you might want. Your Cubone looks great, but you should've stayed anonymous.

>> No.9009336

>Stay salty anon.
What? I'm just trying to give helpful tips so she can place in degradation contest.

>> No.9009345
File: 83 KB, 700x600, shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT Slutbone makes a thread to bitch about a fattychan winning over her

>> No.9009354

is it even remotely possible for a guy to win in these?

>> No.9009356

Personally, I don't care if she's a burlesque dancer. Still looks like shit, if I want bad 'deviant' cosplay. I'll just look up any of the hundreds of Nigri wannabes. She looks like she's wearing a fuzzy diaper for christ sake. And her tits sure in hell no way make up for that stomach.

>> No.9009357

I'll be honest, I've never really been on a forum before and I don't really understand a lot of it. I know there's a lot of trolls and stuff, but I'd rather be open and talk about it all openly. I try to be the nicest person I can, so I guess I'm naively hoping that I don't get torn to shreds here. The girl that won was really lovely. But yeah, I just thought that there were people other than me that really deserved to be in that top 2 and I'm happy to talk honestly about that.

>> No.9009360

I'm so sorry that happened to you. It sounds like a load of SJW bullshit went on between the judges, not helped by the fact the audience was just there for tits.

Don't bother next year and keep your dignity, it seems like more trouble than it's worth. Not to mention how this could end up negatively affecting the public's view of how to treat cosplayers. The way they ran the comp was pretty poor.

>> No.9009369

>fat girl shows confidence and provides a skit that makes her stand out to crowd
>crowd cheers and she gets placed
>somehow cgl declares it SJW hijinks because the other girls walked up on stage and expected to be handed shit for just thinking they're hot enough

Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.9009383

The problem was the misconception between what the competition was supposed to be and how they ended up running it. People were under the impression they wanted a proper cosplay comp with well-constructed costumes - just with a sexier aspect to the whole thing.

Sadly, the comp ended up being the equivalent of a wet t-shirt comp where the crowd was mostly in charge. In a way Vandolly played things exactly right by expecting the crowd to be dumb-as-fuck when it came to cosplay and only there for tits. But still, it's a slap in the face for the other entrants who actually tried hard with their costumes and expected better.

>> No.9009385

you obviously can't read.
> it WAS SJW hijinx cus they put it down to the fattest girl vs the skinniest girl
>she showed her tits to get the audience to like her, it wasn't a skit of any sort just walked up and tits out
>it was marketed as a cosplay competition not a amateur slut hour

>> No.9009386

i feel sorry for everyone who entered with actual cosplays. I hope they got something good at lest to compensate

>> No.9009390

I'm not trying to be creepy but wow girl! Good job!

>> No.9009395

>proper cosplay comp with well-constructed costumes

Most of them were bought and the others were JNig tier bikinis with a semi-decent prop made from foam. If half of these people had the metal, they'd be participating in real cosplay contests where quality matters and NOT the sexual appeal of a crowd.

And how pettily jealous do you have to be to consider burlesque some no-name "wet t-shirt" gimmick when the other contestants didn't do anything except strut around.

> it WAS SJW hijinx cus they put it down to the fattest girl vs the skinniest girl
And you're on the complete opposite spectrum of the SJW and yet you have the same mentality, and you're equally as militant about getting your way. You argue that the skinny girl should win on the merit of her body, which is what you're saying the SJW wants except for the bigger girl.
Your judgment is shit regardless.
>she showed her tits to get the audience to like her
Most of those girls had their tits hanging on by thin pieces of cloth. You're just assblasted because one girl thought to do something creative and attention-grabbing to make herself stick out. But instead of being a good sport about it, you got hurt because you feel a fattie getting an award is a slight on your personal tastes.

And your last point...ahahaha....


Cry fucking harder.

>> No.9009400

Vandolly pls go

>> No.9009405

>can't refute the argument
>better call poster a fatty

Try harder next year.

>> No.9009411

>You argue that the skinny girl should win on the merit of her body,

please read >>9009282

>one girl thought to do something creative and attention-grabbing to make herself stick out.

because showing your tits vs cosplayers who actually spent time on thier costumes not stringing together a bra and underwear with fringing is fair ?


if you're gonna market something as cosplay then expect cosplayers to get involved.

>> No.9009412

Fatty Fatty 2X4 can't fit through the kitchen door

>> No.9009413

Oh go to Tumblr for fat acceptance crap. Having attended burlesque shows her flabby tits were mediocre. Her costume was shit tier and would laughed out off any self respecting club.

>> No.9009415

>please read
I did, tard.
She made the head with some foam and wore a cloth bikini.
JNig does the same thing. Do you think people consider her the quality queen of cosplay?
>because showing your tits
Stop that. They ALL had their tits out, just to varying degrees. And the only reason you're salty about that is because the fatty took it to the extreme and got the desired result.
Like I said, be a good sport instead of trying to knock each other down at the Sexpo contest, aka slutty cosplay venue 2.0.

>> No.9009417
File: 32 KB, 473x99, nodolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to which she did the EXACT OPPOSITE

>> No.9009419

Does your autism impede your ability to detect sarcasm?

>> No.9009421

"Keep cosplay curvy"
>>>Profile picture is a 3 year old photo ffrom when she was skinny. kek

>> No.9009424

Wow Cubone girl, you really hate this fat Harley...

>> No.9009427

what a fucking ham beast.

>> No.9009428


>> No.9009430


>> No.9009432

Anyone else find it ironic that the people bitching about a fat girl winning for a shit cosplay is essentially what hot gamur gurlz like JNig have been doing in the con scene for years, and suddenly that tactic is only now problematic because it was done infinitely more shittier and by someone conventionally not hot?

You all deserve this. And if you've got low self esteem to sell yourself at this meat market con to begin with, you definitely deserve to feel like shit.

>> No.9009436

Cubone girl, it sucks to lose but you should be a little more graceful than wailing on 4chan and bawwwing to your fanboys about your loss.

>> No.9009441

It still stands that most of the cosplayers that entered thought that the comp would mean keeping their dignity intact. Doesn't matter if they bought their costumes or not, they thought they would just do slightly more sexy cosplay than you would normally see at a normal con. They didn't expect that the comp would be judged through wolf whistles and hooting by an ignorant crowd, and they definitely didn't expect any actual stripping.

This sets a really bad precedent, by the way. You've got $2k up for grabs and you can win if only you jiggle your bare breasts on stage. Next year isn't going to be a cosplay comp - and it's going to be worrying that naive people who get up on stage may end up being pressured to strip to match the new standard that's been set for that comp.

>> No.9009444

I'm not even her
I'm in America and hate fat people

>> No.9009445

Anyone remember mary jane's Asuka stripper dance?

Yeah, it's going to be like that all the time.

>> No.9009447

So Harley won because she ...Couldn't dress for her size and looks like what I get at 2 am at Walmart checkout?

I don't care slut it up all you want but for the love of all that is holy. Dress for your fucking size.

Also when your stomach gets all the fat instead of your tits. Pasties ain't helping shit

>> No.9009449

go eat a planet vandolly

>> No.9009451

Did the competition even go over exactly what cosplay is in terms of respecting the cosplayers and that it normally isn't done for fetish material? I have my own concerns about how these idiots that saw cosplay at Sexpo may go to normal cons now with the wrong idea.

>> No.9009453

>would mean keeping their dignity intact
Name one cosplayer in that entire lineup that had a conservative yet sultry cosplay.
Prohint: You can't, they were all very revealing.
And I can maybe understand canon sexy characters like Cammy, Kneesocks, or Felicia. But sexualizing a Cubone and an Umbreon? No, that's not dignified. That's shitty ass, uncreative JNig shit.
You cannot defend that as dignified by definition.

If you think next year will be shit then don't expect much from a SEX CONVENTION. Don't go.

>> No.9009454

dress for your character. Harley Quiin is covered head to toe in a spandex bodysuit

>> No.9009455

I'd puke if she wore that no don't put that monstrosity in my head

>> No.9009456

>If you think next year will be shit then don't expect much from a SEX CONVENTION

MTE. It was okay for these contestants to sell out and fetishize cosplay at Sexpo up until someone they didn't like won the $2k prize. Top. fucking. kek.

The butthurt Cubone contestant is the icing on the cake!

>> No.9009462

Lolipop chainsaw girl should of won, she was sexy yet in character

>> No.9009463

Yeah, and instead a JNig copycat and a fat burlesque dancer went to the finals.

Sex appeal and attention whoring won out over skill at the SEX CONVENTION.

>> No.9009464

And the majority of the entrants WERE canon sexy characters. The Cubone and Umbreon were leagues more tasteful and well-crafted than that Harley Quinn because they didn't just strip on stage.

And yes, I hope next year cosplayer won't go at all. The way the competition is run is disgusting. My problem isn't that Vandolly won for how she looks though - but how she acted and how she was rewarded for it.

>> No.9009467
File: 123 KB, 960x909, shitty umbreon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cubone and Umbreon were leagues more tasteful and well-crafted
>tasteful and well-crafted
>because they didn't strip on stage

Choosing to not strip on stage doesn't automatically make their cosplays tasteful. creative, or well-crafted.

>> No.9009469

I am wondering if it is because of medication or something? She's been vocal about her mental health issues, and the fact that she is a very strict vegan. The eating must not be a part of it

>> No.9009472

If a fatty winging out her tiny titties is what wins it at a Sex Con. Then it's a pretty shit sex con no offense. I'd expect more?

>> No.9009474

at least you can tell that it's supposed to be umbreon and cubone .
she doesn't even have a white face like harley, just the red and black

>> No.9009475

Difference is I want to see him strip.

>> No.9009477

Yea but how much of that vegan diet is junk food.

>> No.9009478

Cubone-chan, why?

>> No.9009479
File: 567 KB, 1000x1500, jessicaumbreon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is so damn unoriginal that he copied JNig's umbreon right down to the fucking red face mark. I hope he did that as a homage to her, fucking embarrassing if not. He makes JNig's cosplay look like a Yaya Han creation.

But maybe that's the point, like JNig, he was hoping a lazy worbla cosplay and some glued fabric could win him 2g if he had a hot enough bod to make up for it.

I won't even comment on the 'creativity' of that cubone, because if I google 'cubone cosplay' there's dozens of cubone cosplays with foam heads and bikinis.

>> No.9009481

Well iunno anon, from what we can see, the few items they're both wearing are cleanly made with decent designs.

>> No.9009483

yeh same, ild molest him at a con

>> No.9009484

>at least you can tell that it's supposed to be umbreon and cubone

If you took away the guy's ears and if the girl lost the skull, the guy would be wearing a black loincloth and the girl a brown bikini.
There is nothing else to give away that they are supposed to be Pokemon. These are lazy, attention whoring, uncreative cosplays and I really wish you would stop licking their crevices before you catch a nasty STD.

>> No.9009485

>professional dancer
>still obese

>> No.9009487

Oh stop being butthurt that people have eye pleasing preferences over some fat slob who winged out her tits like it was chaturbate

>> No.9009488

Hey guys, just for reference, I don't post anonymously. Vandolly was a really lovely girl and I truly believe I didn't deserve to win. I do think that there were others that deserved to be up there in my place, though. I'm happy to talk about this openly and honestly, but please remember that I'm coming to you all with a white flag, hoping you won't shoot me down. I have a life outside of cosplay, a normal job, and a family. Cosplay is something I do for fun because it makes me happy to create.

On a side note, I made both Umbreon and Cubone, and I am the first to admit that I am not a trained seamstress, so they're not amazing quality. I will never claim that they are. I promote budget cosplay, so the things that I make are usually made with scrap fabric and are designed to show that cosplay doesn't need to be expensive. So digging on those is pointless. They weren't made to be masterpieces :)

>> No.9009490

Haha so let me get this straight: Unoriginal and slutty cosplays actually backfired on the sexy people and the uggo got away with $2,000 for doing the same thing?

That's a fucking win. Hope she laughs to the bank. A shame for the people who actually tried though. Like Lollipop Chainsaw, Morrigan, and a few others.
Also I get the awful feeling that Cubone cosplayer is the one who posted this thread so she could shitpost about not winning...which is pathetic.

>> No.9009491


>> No.9009494

She is not wailing about not winning? Can you not read what she has been writing? She was mad the judges used her as bait when she knows full well the other two contestants got more cheers. She is aware she wasnt even meant to be in the top two, loorddd.

>> No.9009495 [DELETED] 

>stop being butthurt that the fat slob got your first place and nobody respects you at the sex convention

>They weren't made to be masterpieces :)
Kek, considering you blatantly copied JNig's designs I'd say you're no genius either.

>> No.9009496 [DELETED] 

>Can you not read what she has been writing?
Oh you mean the red herrings she keeps throwing out that are only concerned about her self-image and are in no way stopping the shitposting, whiteknight?
>she knows she's shit
Good. Maybe she should do the others a favor and just not be in it next year.

>> No.9009498 [DELETED] 

I'm not her you oversensitive twat.

>> No.9009500 [DELETED] 

I can assure you that I didn't post this thread. I actually find confrontation and negativity really bothersome. Even this is making me really nervous haha. Also, I do like to make a point of being very open about everything in my life. I left Sexpo with $500 and a bag full of sex toys, so I'm pretty stoked with that. There's no salt there at all. Like I said, I'd love to talk openly about it if the people here are happy to. even if you'd all like to stay anonymous. But I think it's a good tool to have someone who was central to the topic at hand, to be able to get the full story without all the hearsay and assumptions.

>> No.9009503 [DELETED] 

And I'm no fatass SJW you raging thundercunt.

I just feel no sympathies for talentless, sellout hacks who didn't get what they wanted and only cry about bias when it doesn't fall in their favor.
The fattie got the money.
Most audience members were happy to oblidge said fatty with a 15-minute of fame asspat.
You are the only breed of moron that's salty about it. A sex convention cosplay contest.

>> No.9009504

Sexpo sounds like an asexual's worst nightmare. Most of them are sex repulsed enough as it is.

The amount of asexuals into cosplay seems strangely high, so I guess we'll never see them entering this.

>> No.9009507 [DELETED] 

>I actually find confrontation and negativity really bothersome
You lurk cgl enough to know you've been mentioned in a thread within the hour, know how to respond to posts, and can namefag and drop it. This isn't your first rodeo.
>get the full story
What story? A fat girl won a contest because people at a sex convention enjoyed the novelty of an unconventional girl getting up on a stage and wagging her tits while in costume.

>> No.9009511 [DELETED] 

>sexed up tragic baby orphan animal

>> No.9009518 [DELETED] 

You're a riot. Anyone with any amount of common sense can point out that if her fugly ass is what sold the show at a self proclaimed sex con. Pretty shit ticket. And lol unconventional? I'm sorry are fatties with delusions of attractiveness some how new? She's amateur hour, least the others look like they'd be fun stripping. But no, fat no tits won.

>> No.9009519 [DELETED] 

It's clearly Cubone-chan whiteknighting her own work.

>> No.9009521 [DELETED] 

I'm going to whiteknight all over your face.

>> No.9009522 [DELETED] 

CoraleaJade. golly, you're showing your true colors here. Why'd you drop your namefag? Too shitty to stick to your guns?
I thought you were a nice girl who didn't like negativity and confrontation?

If you feel so strongly about it then why don't you email those judges and coordinators and inform them of what a shitty decision they've made, and reward -you- with that grand prize? Clearly your JNig ripoffs deserved it more!

Stay jealous you ugly bitch.

>> No.9009523

It was actually a close friend who linked me to this, and I like to think that I'm not entirely unintelligent, so the "post a reply" button seems to be the obvious way to reply :P

Look, I'm just trying to reach out and start an open and honest conversation with accountability on my part, because I think that there are valid points to be made and discussed here.

>> No.9009524

>look like they'd be fun stripping
But they didn't. Trashiest person won at a trash convention, why are you surprised?

>> No.9009526 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 1440x2560, 2016_05_17_04.54.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you like to stop being butthurt fatty now?

I just don't care for bullshit contests.

>> No.9009529

Because I've been to a few porn cons, I guess I assumed it'd be decent rather than Sunday at walmart

>> No.9009531

>I just don't care for bullshit contests.
Oh but you can clamor about them night and day as long as they give you money, right? As long as that money doesn't go to the "wrong" contestant, right?
Perfectly okay to fetishize cosplay and make a mockery of the craft as long as a mediocre cosplay is crowned over a marginally lazier one, hm?

Also I can use my phone's wifi and post from my PC at the same time and not get (you)s either, retard. Nice try but that's an old trick.

Cubone chan confirmed for horrible, petty person.

>> No.9009532 [DELETED] 

There's 27 different posters in this thread so far. You're stupid to think all these complaints are just one person. The entire competition was a farce and sets a bad example in how it was judged and allowed a girl to win through rewarding her nudity - something which will set a new standard for competitions in the coming years and further sabotage the cosplay is consent movement.

>> No.9009534 [DELETED] 

You thought wrong you trashy whore. There is no standard at porn conventions. Fuck off and go have a pity party on your twitter feed.

>> No.9009536

Next year it'll be full frontal. Mark my words.

The clapping will not be palm against palm but a grasping fist against something else.

>> No.9009537 [DELETED] 

Hey dumbass I'm stateside get over it.

>> No.9009539 [DELETED] 

>and allowed a girl to win through rewarding her nudity


>muh cosplay is not consent
You are so fucking stupid holy shit!

>> No.9009540 [DELETED] 

Dude the fact I'm not her makes your bitching all the better my fucking phone even shows that time it is where I am you dumb cow.

>> No.9009544 [DELETED] 

Oh so you're quite literally some blasted tardbabby whiteknighting a literal JNig from a phone at 5am. My mistake, please continue your point about how a sex convention rewarding someone for nudity is not fair :( :(

>> No.9009546

They shouldn't have had the competition at all. Nobody knew what they were doing, and Sexpo even stole and used people's photos without their consent. Shows just how much they respect cosplay. Even moreso that they'd award the prize to a titty show.

>> No.9009548 [DELETED] 

Damn you got triggered hard. My point that went over your retarded ass (shit save btw) is.

If fat no tits wins at a fucking sexcon it's shit. If your business is sex not have the winner be something from bad amateur porn. She won because she pulled out her moods for drunken morons that sober wouldn't look twice at her.

>> No.9009550 [DELETED] 


>> No.9009553 [DELETED] 

Me triggered? No, I believe that goes to you.

After all, you're the only who can't handle nudity at a SEX CONVENTION and find it PROBLEMATIC that a fat chick was rewarded for mediocre "SEXY" cosplay in what should have been a SAFE SPACE to exhibit craftsmanship.

Any one of those contestants could have left if they thought that the content was set up to favor sex over craft. But they didn't, because deep down they all knew that was the game and they all wanted that 2k. Pure and simple.

>> No.9009554

oh my god

>> No.9009555

Sexpo shouldn't have to operate and judge contests based on anime convention standards. They're a sex convention. If you don't like how it's judged then don't participate.

>> No.9009558 [DELETED] 

Guys, I've come to you as who I am. Not hiding behind an anonymous tag. I'm not a spiteful person. I don't believe I'm super attractive, I don't believe that I'm super talented and I don't believe I am any better than any other person here or anywhere else. So please don't assume that I think I had any right to win. I'm naively hoping that we can have an adult conversation about it all and sing coombayah or whatever. Look, obviously posting under my name was a rookie mistake. I mean, do you guys do this all the time? It's really disheartening reading all of this. I know that there's a lot of people on here that are really two faced and terrible, but I'm trying really hard to show you guys that I'm a real person and I'm really trying to bring some insight into the whole situation.

Look, I was wrong to come here and if anyone wants to talk about it, I'm happy to talk on whatever platform. You've all spent enough time on the internet to doubt every word that you read, and I get that. With so many anonymous tags, you have to make your assumptions. I'm respectfully going to leave the thread, because I can see that trying to talk openly about this isn't going to work. I now understand cgl. But please, if you assume any of the terrible things said here are from me, come talk to me in person and please base your opinions of me on a real life interaction. I try to make every person that I meet smile and feel good about themselves, because that's what makes me happy. At least give me the respect to hold back on forming an opinion until you meet me in person. I'm sorry I came here and like I said, come chat with me in person if you ever feel the need. It would mean the world to me if you could base your opinions off the real me, and not an anonymous tag that you are just guessing is me.

>> No.9009560 [DELETED] 

holy shit tumblr calls it wants it's buzzwords back. Might wanna waddle back there anytime now.

Again no one cares it's a sex con. the point that your ugly ass can't seem to get is that a contest about sex and character appeal. Awarded a fatty with delusions the prize. She's not sexy THAT'S THE POINT. She won a sex contest because she's a fat cow. And that's it.

>> No.9009561 [DELETED] 

>Again no one cares it's a sex con
You should care that it's a sex con you dense motherfucker, that's where these bitches were.
>contest about sex
Fatty did a burlesque gig. Check.
>character appeal
Harley is a gigantic psycho slut. Check.
And still more in character than sexy pokemon!

>wehhh I didn't find her sexy
Tough titty. She's got the money now. There's no point in arguing that. If it's problematic for you then maybe you can petition tumblr to make Sexpo all about srs business cosplay next year. Or sell out a little harder for that $2,000

>> No.9009565 [DELETED] 

>So please don't assume that I think I had any right to win.
But you do think you deserved it more than others.
>I'm naively hoping that we can have an adult conversation
What conversation? You keep going on about this but you never bring up a talking point.
>obviously posting under my name was a rookie mistake
So stop?
>I'm really trying to bring some insight into the whole situation.
You've said nothing besides who you felt should have one. It's not insightful.

Ugh you sound insufferable. I hope you're gone this time for real.

>> No.9009570

Can we have a link to your videos? As a poorfag I'm interested.

>> No.9009574

Not any of the anons who have posted previously, but man, you sound salty. Stop projecting onto Cubone-chan.

>> No.9009575 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 720x960, slutty leafeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009579 [DELETED] 

We get it you're uggo as fuck and have to project. Move on already.

>> No.9009585

He can strip if he wants... i wont stop him

>> No.9009586

If the argument that fatty won because skin showing....Then why didn't Umbreon win? He's showing the most skin. His top was never on. And his chest is at least appealing.

>> No.9009592 [DELETED] 

ITT: Generic sexxed up character in mediocre costume gets mad fatter generic sexxed up character in mediocre costume won a sexy contest

>> No.9009595 [DELETED] 

Chinese knock-off Jnig butthurt she didnt shake her tits enough essentially. She's fatter but did a better job than you at selling sex, get over it

>> No.9009603 [DELETED] 

ITT: Mad fatty looks even more pathetic while bragging about some other fat bitch pulling her tits out.

>> No.9009716


>> No.9009721 [DELETED] 

which fatass the one in the blue or the bred

>> No.9009722
File: 2.57 MB, 500x280, planet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009779

Sex conventions love their sex positivity and fetish appeal, in the eyes of the crowd she is brave and string fat woman. That is a major element of these things.

>> No.9009781

It's sexpo, nobody gives to shits about cosplay there, even most of the cosplayers that go.

>> No.9009783

>Sexpo sounds like an asexual's worst nightmare.
Why the fuck would someone go to sexpo if they are asexual?

>> No.9009786

>Dress for your fucking size.
You aren't very familiar with these kinds of conventions are you anon?

>> No.9009790

>It still stands that most of the cosplayers that entered thought that the comp would mean keeping their dignity intact.
Then they are unbelievably stupid.
>They didn't expect that the comp would be judged through wolf whistles and hooting by an ignorant crowd, and they definitely didn't expect any actual stripping.
That's how everything is done at SEXpo
>This sets a really bad precedent, by the way.
>amateur stripping and an erotic performance for money
That precedence was set the moment the very first sexpo years ago.

>> No.9009792

>professional burlesque dancer
A lot of professional burlesque dancers are pretty fucking huge.

>> No.9009811 [DELETED] 

Lol the fatty deserved to win just because you're a fucking Jessica knockoff. You have no talent.

>> No.9009863

Shit, I thought that was a sexy Jace Beleran costume till I saw the ears.

>> No.9009891

This is Cubone's boyfriend if anyone was reading.

>> No.9009901

Hate to tell you this but modern burlesque has been entirely overrun with obese women who think "MUH CURVES" and "IM LIKE BETTIE PAGE"

>> No.9009907
File: 72 KB, 641x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad because she was so pretty... Wonder what happened?

>> No.9009909

>A lot of professional burlesque dancers are pretty fucking huge
That`s pretty disgusting. Why do they think people want to see flab bouncing all over the place?

>> No.9009910

That gaping bra cup though.

>> No.9009911 [DELETED] 

Who pissed in your Cheerios? You're probably fatter than Harley Chinns.

>> No.9009913
File: 239 KB, 300x401, lmaoooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one enjoying all this asspain over a fat girl winning money in a sex contest?
And how all of the vicious and catty trollops are attacking her in any way possible as if it reverses the fact that it's over?

>> No.9009915 [DELETED] 

>Who pissed in your Cheerios?
Oooo watersports. Maybe Bone-chan should try that next year!

>> No.9010001

I'm not even her. Sounds like youre cubone girl though. I just think its funny people are so butthurt over a sexy contest won by someone doing a sexy act and EVERYONE is in mediocre costumes (except lollipop chainsaw) yet people ITT are stanning for cubone girl like she isnt just a Jnig knockoff as well as umbreon dude

>> No.9010063

>I'm not her
Silly anon, don't you know anyone who doesn't find Cuboner deserving of first place is clearly Fat Harley samefagging?

>yet people ITT are stanning for cubone girl like she isnt just a Jnig knockoff as well as umbreon dude
This poster >>9009891 claims the umbreon is her bf and then she states here >>9009488 that she made both costumes.

So not only is she responsible for both of those poorly executed knockoffs, they double-teamed the fucking contest and still walked away with nothing because they were that mediocre.