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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.20 MB, 640x1136, 019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8972319 No.8972319 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't find one in the catalog.

I have F+F's Midsummer Night's Dream in purple (pictured). My current coord plan is black blouse, tights, and shoes, with purple hair accessories. Is this too simple? It's my first coord ever, and I don't want to be too risky.
I really love the light blues/blue-greens in the skirt; would a brooch or another hair accessory in that color bring those shades out elegantly?

>> No.8972321

Burn it and start over

>> No.8972327
File: 100 KB, 708x433, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i got the suggestion of dpik bodyline shoes....suggestion for model?

>> No.8972354

My first thought was what you said with predominantly black and pops of color, I thought blue instead of purple though.
I'm not sure about the light blue and purple together, but you could definitely combine the darker blue with purple in a hair accessory, something like floral headwear with those colors. Another way to bring in color could potentially be in the shoes and bag. Maybe you could find black tights with a colored pattern too, or different colored shoe clips on black shoes.
I think save the lighter shades to do in a different version of the coord maybe.

For me there's kind of a disconnect between the blouse and dress. I think it would be better with a peter pan collar blouse but that might just be my taste... the current blouse just looks too classic or serious for the dress.
I think any bl shoe with a heel in your size should be alright. Maybe post ones you're considering.
Also is that lone sock going to be part of your coord? It looks silly whatever it is.

>> No.8972365

Thank you for the advice! I see what you're saying about saving the lighter colors for a different version of the coord.
I'll definitely be on the lookout for purple shoes or shoeclips (I currently have a purple bag I'm considering.)

>> No.8973334
File: 268 KB, 700x1200, shoes259-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually a pair of socks.
bodyline has like 3 shoes that come in dpik and i hate them all and they're out of stock in my size anyways....so i might not....

>> No.8973350

Idk why but it made me laugh so much that you thought it was just gonna be a single sock in their coord

>> No.8973351
File: 686 KB, 722x480, forestfairytale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this beautiful dress recently, and I adore it! I'm just not entirely positive how to coord it. All the cream lace is actually a very neutral, shimmery gold color. (Think AP Party Glitter shoes)

I honestly have no idea how to coord it. The colors are pretty bright and saturated, so I don't know what would match.

>> No.8973456

Keep in mind that bodyline's shoes have removable parts too, like all those bows on these ones you've posted can come off, if that's what's bothering you. Other places to check for shoes are taobao and aliexpress.
If you want to stick with bodyline though, I think black shoes would be fine too.

I can't really see the sock(s) pattern well so it would be helpful if you had a bigger pic. I think the idea of a pink pattern is good though.

fuck I didn't mean to make it sound like that but I'm laughing too now.

I think the sample coord is a pretty good guide to follow for blouse color, matching the cream ruffles. You could match the bright colors in shoes or headwear, I think in the same sax as the dress bows would look nice. Then wear lace or sheer patterned tights?

>> No.8973473

yeah they're those transparent socks with dpik polka dots.

im mostly having trouble on what to put on my head? i was thinking a straw hat? cause it'll be hot? but maybe just a black headbow would work.

>> No.8973506
File: 76 KB, 500x461, Milky-Way-Brooches-Kawaii-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh it's not really a dress to wear with a straw hat. I think it'd be good with a star clip like pictured in dark pink, and you could wear a black bow clip or headbow along with it too.
I might make a collage for you of some stuff I'm thinking of.

>> No.8973568
File: 497 KB, 830x720, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here I collaged it.

I figured if you were gonna get bodyline shoes you could get a short sleeve blouse and wristcuffs there too. Otherwise you can get all this stuff on taobao.

>> No.8974153

What about those glitter shoes, like those ap glitter replicas on taobao? I think the pink on them matches more.

>> No.8974167

I actually thought glitter shoes would be cute but I wasn't sure where to find them lol. But yeah if you think the color matches then go for it, I think they'll look good.

>> No.8975013

thanks! this is great!
i'm interested, link?

>> No.8975212

Short socks with long sleeves will look unbalanced. Also they don't match at all, some dark OTKs or tights would be better

>> No.8977924
File: 1.84 MB, 1866x722, babbsfirstgothic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm trying to build my first gothic coord. I was thinking of using a ruffled black chiffon underskirt for the velvet corset op and mayyyybe pairing it with a white chiffon blouse with a large bow tie. I'm really unsure of what to do about shoes. As for tights, I'll probably use sheer black or black lace tights. Thoughts?

>> No.8977956
File: 3.82 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-24-22-39-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do all cream and then pick out one color for your shoes and bows, either the sax or a light brown

My question is which tights would match, or if I should wear solid black

>> No.8978458

Anything I need to be careful with when I want to choose black opaque tights for a simple gothic coord except I should not use net tights since they are too fetish-y?

>> No.8978465

How do you guys go about coording a plain ass white dress?
I'm thinking I need to find an accessory set and coord around that, or coord to a theme (like all cat/bunny/fruit accessories), do you think that's the best idea?

I just feel so weird looking at this JSK and drawing up nothing except a halloween coord.

>> No.8978586


First, figure out which style you'd want to coord (sweet or classic, etc). Second, figure out the level of formality ( OTT or casual?). Third, figure out your season (winter or summer?).

That will give you enough initial data to know the types of coordinating pieces you'll need. Then, once you've got all of the above information, you can figure out what those coordinating pieces are really going to look like to take this in a "themed" route. Keep in mind that the theme doesn't have to be Halloweeny or animal, it could be as simple as a mood/aesthetic you want to convey.

And I think the above questions are good for anyone planning a coord, regardless of whether the dress is a solid color or not.

>> No.8978764

I think if you're going to use a white blouse it may look better with white legwear and the black shoes, just to balance out the color. I think white shoes over black tights looks kind of funky anyway. If you don't like the sound of that you could go with all black instead I guess?
Also I wonder if you could find cross earrings in the same brass/antique metal as the other jewelry too.

I prefer the ones on the left, but you could post a pic wearing one of each or something if you still can't decide.

I think it's better to use something like lace tights, sheer patterned, or knit patterned tights. Or black with a simple printed pattern, there are some basic gothic ones on mu-fish for example.

>> No.8978834

I like shiro coords, just coord it with all white in whatever style it is. No theme or colors in the accessories

>> No.8978865

I was definitely thinking about a cream blouse-- I'm just unsure if the lace being gold would clash? It's a lot darker IRL than it looks in the model picture. Would just using gold accented jewelry be acceptable for tying the gold in? I was thinking about finding cute little mori-related jewelry with gold accents, like squirrels, deer, flowers or mushrooms to go with the print.

As for headwear, I have a straw hat with some mint decorations that match, and I was planning on putting the bows that're supposed to be on the hem onto the hat instead, to pull it together color-wise.

And for shoes, I really don't know. I have a pair of brown shoes, but I think it would unbalance the colors by having too much brown on the bottom.

I'd love to find shoes that match that particular sax color (or are closer than the typical pastel sax), as it's a lot more saturated than the model picture is, but I don't think I'll have any luck.

Also, >>8977956
I agree with the other gull-- I also like the ones on the left. The floral pattern is subtle and matches the most, imo.

>> No.8979053
File: 187 KB, 575x618, idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I made a shitty image trying to stuff everything together. I agree with the black shoes. Not sure if bordello shoes would look that fitting, but I'm having one hell of a time trying to find black gothic shoes in my size that don't look fetishy.

>> No.8979060


Coord on the left for sure.

>> No.8979067
File: 11 KB, 281x420, e571292aba875e4f99331f92e16b1e2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Seems like I actually meant lace tights.

I was looking for a few decent ones with rose patterns and some of them were looking like they have some kind of net-ish knit pattern, which made me kind of unsure, if they are already seen as too fetish-y too (e.g. pic related).

>> No.8979068

The ruffles are cream right, it's just trimmed with gold? Not sure I'm understanding that right. If that's the case I think using gold as a jewelry accent works just tine.
A straw hat sounds good, you can bright out some of the brightness from the dress there too with flowers and whatnot.
You're probably right about not finding shoes in the correct color, so I think light brown or beige would work as well.

This is a really cute doodle haha. Gothic isn't my strong point but I think the bordello ones are fine, but otherwise some kind of thick heel with straps would work too? I've been looking around taobao myself for good ones.

>> No.8979076

Gold never really clashes other than with itself/ other metallics, or if it's shoehorned in with super shiny shoes and bag it can look off. I frequently mix gold trimmed stuff and cream, or gold and white. Both look good imo

>> No.8979085
File: 378 KB, 367x480, 578756756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the ruffles are all shimmery gold! They look cream in the model picture, but IRL they're a muted and shimmery gold color. This white-balanced picture might show it a bit better.

However, I think any block of gold (like if I wore gold shoes) would look too ostentatious for the country/spring-ish vibe I'd like to go for.

>> No.8979087

Thanks! Doodling my coord ideas usually works better for me than seeing a collage.

I'd try looking on Taobao, but I need them before the middle of May. Not sure how long shipping usually takes from China to my country.

>> No.8979656

Having trouble coording this infanta op. Definately want a straw boated hat with navy ribbon...but can't decide on shoes, bag and leg wear.

>> No.8979658
File: 65 KB, 400x600, T2o7LAXcxbXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic for some reason

>> No.8979673

I'd say navy shoes, and simple white ankle socks. If there's an anchor shaped bag in existence, I bet it'd look super cute!

>> No.8979676

should I look for a navy bag to match the shoes?

>> No.8979855
File: 851 KB, 816x620, 44843612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've ordered this dress and the headdress in matching color (only photos in blue are avaliable), but I'm at loss for what to do next? Shoud I go for this sakura-shaped bag to keep with the theme and ornaments? I'm also thinking about pink or golden blouse. What would you advise for that and for shoes/tights?

>> No.8979862

Not that person but I say yes to a navy bag.

>> No.8979864

You seem to know what you're doing. I don't think you need to be in this thread.

>> No.8979868

I'm >>8979864

As for the gold/cream. It actually looks gold trimmed with cream on that little line on the ruffles. If so (and even if not) I'd say try a cream blouse.

>> No.8979881


Pink blouse for sure. I love the bag! For shoes, I always feel like rocking horse shoes compliment the wa look really well.

>> No.8980277

Ohhh I see now. Hmm, I think you could still go with a cream blouse honestly, and just accessorize with a bit of gold. I've seen a few blouses that have some gold trimming to them too if you do want to accentuate it a bit more, but I think the cream works fine.

That may be a bit rushed yeah, maybe check antaina (which you can order from directly, and I think ships pretty quickly?) or aliexpress even for basic stuff.

That bag is really cute. I wouldn't use a gold blouse but I wonder if the combo of pink blouse and bag would be a bit pink top heavy? Maybe you could use a pink blouse and incorporate another hair accessory in white to balance it out better.
For footwear I think wine rhs with navy legwear could be an option.

>> No.8982116
File: 289 KB, 716x801, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently picked up this 3F skirt and realized I have no idea how to coord it. I found this cute jacket on YA and have been considering picking up a House of Bourbon blouse from Surfacespell for a while. Would combining a short-sleeved jacket with a long-sleeved blouse like this look good or awful?

(I'm not too concerned about the greens not totally matching - I've been sewing for a while and could probably knock out a decent green blouse in the correct shade if need be.)

>> No.8983673
File: 3.71 MB, 3094x1298, cheap babby first coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a cheapo coord from bodyline exclusively

Found the JSK I want but the blue is too blue for everything else thats sax :/ Im not really sure what to do with this or if instead I should get the black colorway and match to it.

I already have blouses for it

>> No.8983700

The short coat over the blouse looks frumpy to me. I think just wearing the blouse would be aright, maybe you could wear a vest or bustier instead if you want to layer still?
If you want to wear the coat with the skirt I think a short sleeved high neck blouse (or dickey equivalent) would look nice.

Does that jsk come with a matching headbow? If so, you could still get the blue one and use pink and white for the other accessories.
Not sure about those socks since the pink flowers seem a lot lighter than on the dress. I'm sure they'll work okay but I think there are offbrand otks with a dark pink rose pattern? I'll see if I can find them.
The headdress is also a little iffy since to me it doesn't match the sweetness of the dress.
For shoes I would go with dark pink for either color or black if you get the black jsk.

>> No.8983716
File: 223 KB, 450x696, f418278c.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These secret shop ones. Probably on aliexpress and ebay too.

>> No.8983717

Thanks! I was making it a little challenge seeing if I could match it with pure bodyline lol but nah it doesnt say it comes with the headbow at least

I was worried about the socks too but figured I could probably get away with it being nothing more than a nitpick for now

Thanks! Ill look into these :)

>> No.8983745

Can I get sauce on the shoes and the sakura bag?

>> No.8983782
File: 423 KB, 1200x688, Optimized-thisisnotgoingasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm usually pretty brand-y but I've recently run into some financial barriers that have caused me to want to budget more strictly for lolita. For the past few months this has meant only buying accessories to complete coords for pieces I already have but now I wanna get a new dress. Yes, I know everyone thinks this dress is hideous. Your opinions on it aside; I would appreciate some help. I want something worthy of the good bodyline thread. I'm looking at getting the grey or purple, but leaning towards grey and wanting to bring out purple and gold accents.

Couldn't find a good pic of what I wanted hair wise, but I want biiiiiiiiiiiiiig poofy double buns with the rose skeleton clips in them, or to make some more elaborate hair accessories with regular skeleton clips as the base. Or just a standard flower crown? Blouse wise I'm thinking the long sleeved velvet blouse I wore with a previous coord (sorry you can barely see it; couldn't find a stock photo as it was thrifted) or this short sleeved blouse I also own. Thought about diamond print tights, but I figured vertical stripes would be less overbearing. The cane is the only big splurge but I have skull themes across my wardrobe so I figured it would be a nice addition.

>> No.8983793

I think wearing the short sleeved blouse you have with black wristcuffs/other wristwear would look good. The cuff/ring combo you have pictured look a bit unsuited though.
I agree with you on the tights and the boots seem alright, a chunky heel may suit the dress a bit better but it's your call.
I know flower crowns have kind of a bad rap but I think purple roses would be really cute, if not as a crown then maybe just clips or other hair piece. If you can find the skeleton clips with purple flowers that would be nice, you could probably make your own if you get the plain ones honestly.
Matching the pentagram necklace with some other gold pieces should look good too, like rings and either bracelets or wristcuffs with gold.

The cane is really questionable since it doesn't seem to match stylistically with the sort of cute goth look you have going here. It feels like it belongs in a different coord.
Perhaps instead you could use a coffin bag or something with a similar motif that doesn't depart so harshly.

>> No.8984381

Sure, here is the bag https://world.taobao.com/item/521457235868.htm?fromSite=main

>> No.8984411

Is it ok to wear a coord that is all black and white, or should I bring in some colour? My only purse at the moment is brown, but my dress has pockets and I'll probably be carrying a non lolita tote with all of my crap for uni in it.

>> No.8984417

Of course it's ok! I'd say if you really want more color, use red or Moitie blue.

>> No.8984418

Sauce for blouse ?

>> No.8984499

Where did you find that dress? I really like it!

>> No.8984584
File: 220 KB, 960x915, UhQvtgmdkFc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Excalibur Lolita shop on Taobao. But I think the preorder is closed already.

>> No.8985436

I think the star bag should be pink

>> No.8985438

Link to the second hat?

>> No.8985836

I don't think they make star bags in dark pink.

>> No.8988049
File: 373 KB, 451x900, canyoutellihavenoideawhatimdoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me, seagulls. I can't seem to coord this properly, and everything looks unbalanced. I also just remembered that I have some rocking horse shoes (red with beige soles), so that may work or it may not.

>> No.8988066

thats horrible just start over....

>> No.8988080

I'm thinking yes to the red rhs

>> No.8988082

You can't be serious.

>> No.8988084

Yikes, I'm with >>8988066 on the starting from scratch idea. Literally every component of this is either cheap/tacky-looking, extremely dissonant with everything else featured, or both.

>> No.8988092

Screen capped to use against metafags in the future.

>> No.8988095

HWC you're late.

>> No.8988100

Stop calling her to threads. Exchange emails or something but stop bringing attention to her.

>> No.8988126

That was a clear-cut response. The neckline is really tripping me up, so if you have any blouse suggestions... I can only think of a mandarin type collar or wearing a yukata underneath.

The dress is a really odd greenish-cream-white color though. The white on the cats are more of a pure white though still a bit more cream than my actual white garments. The black is also not pure black but sort of rusty looking.

This dress makes me want to cry in my attempts to coord it. But I still think it's pretty pretty.

The red only matches bead on the bow-thing though, so I would have to shoehorn more of that color in (though I do have a variety of bows/ribbons/hairclips in that colour).

>> No.8988130

>But I still think it's pretty pretty

Metafags confirmed to have room tempature IAs.

>> No.8988141

this. i swear i cringe more at people "calling her out" than her posts.

>> No.8988178
File: 112 KB, 427x586, goldfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd look to daydreaming goldfish coords for ideas for working with the hakama cut. Pic related, a mandarin collar blouse and high embellished updo look quite cute.
RHS are a good idea too. I would recommend finding tights with a complementary pattern maybe with cats and/or flowers like the official legwear.

>> No.8988191

Thanks for the help, anon! That blouse was one of my options, but I'm not sure if the whites match.

My issue with updos is that I don't know how to do them. Perhaps I could try something simple/easy, but a more complicated one will end up looking messy. I have clear lacy flower-motif tights; would that work? Or are you thinking of something more opaque? I was looking at more solid color legwear options because the dress itself is busy though.

>> No.8988196

Solid color leg wear that isn't lace/has some sort of pattern is generally forwned upon for being boring in Lolita.

>> No.8988208

Checkers aren't exactly conventional either. I can't help but thing that adding patterned legwear would be too heavy on the eyes. I'll try to see if I can find a compromise since maybe that'll resolve the problem of the coord looking unbalanced.

>> No.8988209
File: 137 KB, 600x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, dropped pic.

>> No.8988213

It's not like that's the only option, how new are you to Lolita? You may be better off trying to coord an easier dress since it seems like you're just starting out.

>> No.8988216

Not new? Never did a meta piece before though. I'm not sure what you're trying to say: that solids aren't the only option or that patterns aren't the only option?

>> No.8988223

I honestly don't see how you aren't new. You don't understand how to coord things at all, you don't know how to style your hair, or that solid leg wear is generally frowned upon, etc.

I am trying to give you help but you seem to not understand the fundamentals. It doesn't change from brand to brand. If you could be honest with your level of experience it would be easier to point you in the right direction.

For example you could find leg wear with a subtle pattern that might be a solid color to not make it look so lazy.

>> No.8988249
File: 107 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got this skirt and I'm having trouble with coordinating it. I was thinking a black chiffon blouse and some black shoes, but it seems too boring if I don't add anything else. Any suggestions?

>> No.8988293

My wardrobe is mostly none-prints and stuff with 2-3 different colours at most. It probably shows. I used to have short hair, did for most of my life, so I'm not used to styling long hair other than curling it or straightening it. I have never heard or seen anything about solid legwear being not okay before, it's more the opposite where people disliked patterned tights with busy dresses. I would appreciate it if you didn't suspect me of being dishonest...

>subtle pattern that might be a solid color
So you mean single coloured pattern on single coloured tights? Or textured? Or skin colour tights with solid coloured motifs? Textured might not be a bad idea though it might read as lazy to some, I guess. Translucent tights might make the leg area seem too bare. Patterns wise, I'll look for sock/tight designs with simple art scattered around the sides- possibly in redxwhite or something. Hopefully one of these ideas will work. (Thanks again.)

>> No.8988307
File: 1.19 MB, 1317x1069, newcoordforanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon, i tried my hand at coording for you

i think the white blouse makes it look really weird and top-heavy in terms of colour balance, try bringing out the red more with a wine coloured blouse.
Also, included for reference, I would go for the wraparound rocking horses if that isn't what you have already, also in wine. Normal red is too vibrant.

Aaaand a nice golden wig to bring out the trimming on the JSK, you can do twintails if you want as well.
Not too sure on the tights, the little motifs on them + the general colours suit though without being too solid.
in terms of bag + headwear, probs just go with whatever headwear is official for the JSK (idk what they have for that meta dress) and idk for the bag, i got lazy lol

>> No.8988311

You could get clip on buns or hairpieces.
Although I'd typically agree with balancing a busy dress with plain legwear, I think you need to be bold with a checkered hakama. Go all out with this, honestly. I'd check around for printed legwear on taobao or secondhand, I think a black base with colored print works well. Maybe black and gold or yellow?
Then wear the red shoes and accessorize with red and gold.

Ugh I adore this print. I think it would be pretty to bring out the green jewel tones with some jewelry or other accessories. If you want to make the black blouse a bit more special you could wear a jabot or necktie with a brooch as well, something in green and gold? Gold patterned legwear would look nice as well.
You could go really elaborate with headwear if you'd like too. A black rose headdress with pearls could work well as could a veil, headchain, or something with feathers even. It depends on how you want to style it I guess.

>> No.8988683

Thanks for going to the trouble, anon. A red blouse seems like a good idea! My skin tone looks bad with blonde/yellow, but I like the idea of having those smaller yellow/orange flowers. For the shoes, they don't have a ribbons to wrap around my legs but I could alway use some to simulate that look? The bag will probably be just a white bag since I don't have too many but it's okay, I use bags more for functionality rather than as an item within the coord. Thanks again for the help.

Thanks for the input!

>black base with colored print
So kind of like the ones that are a part of the set? Yeah, I'm looking through taobao. I'm trying for gold since the dress has this textured, rusty feel to it.

>> No.8988964

places like loris do.

>> No.8989053

Loris has it in light pink but not dark, idk if they'll do it custom or whatever though.

>> No.8989061
File: 76 KB, 1000x800, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody help, this is the first dress that my boyfriend has bought for me and I want to really make it nice for him when it comes. I just have no idea how to coord it.

>> No.8989075

you're probably fat

>> No.8989305

bodyline has so many better prints than that one please please choose something else

>> No.8989312

I love the purple shoes with the dress; I think they would go well with the white top-pink bottom ombre tights.

>> No.8989318

They didnt have anything else in the right print or color that I wanted, this was the closest one, but I hate its cut, thought id get use to it but I didnt

Instead Im just looking second hand.

>> No.8989329

Go all the way with purple and pink wristcuffs and gold accessories!

>> No.8989384

Kind of an unfortunate dress to buy but if it's your taste I guess.
I think the pink to white ombre tights with purple shoes would be cute. Add purple or pink wristcuffs and headbow. Then wear star clips in silver and maybe find a silver star bag as well or just add some other silver pieaces.

>> No.8989586

I wouldn't do black because of the white lace trim. Try something like a white blouse with thick lace similar to the trim. Otherwise the skirt might look out of place against the black.

>> No.8990815
File: 3.82 MB, 2418x2068, 20160503_140041-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my blouse came today and it's more pink then I anticipated. Can it still work with this dress or should I go back to the drawing board?

>> No.8990829

if you play up the pink, there's pink on the lanterns

>> No.8991781
File: 223 KB, 1104x1534, pt2016_05_04_11_22_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to collect pieces for my Baby Shirring OP so I can make an old school coord. Thoughts so far?

>> No.8991800

Too much black, your headdress should have white lace and your wrist cuffs should also be white or white with black ribbon. If the lace on the dress was black it would be fine but since it's white you'll need to balance it out on the headdress and cuffs.

>> No.8991820

Ah, you're right. Didn't think about that. Thanks!

>> No.8991822

I'd ditch the blouse, it doesn't work with the dress at all. Try searching for a "kinari" color blouse, that should match perfectly.

>> No.8992336

What blouse and shoes from Bodyline would go well with this jumper skirt in purple? http://bodyline.jp/en/l579.html
I have never worn lolita before, so I don't want to look awful when I start.

>> No.8994287

just some quick questions:

1. is the capelet fug/do you think it'd look alright with this?
2. had an idea pop up in my head that maybe wearing gloves in the pic related style (around the middle finger) underneath the blouse sleeves would look cool, I can't tell if that would actually be fugly or if the two gloves I have up there are fugly. (that said, if the idea isn't bad but the gloves are, is there a name for this kind of glove so I could search around?)

>> No.8994289
File: 942 KB, 1146x630, HL question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best way to ask a question about a coord is to drop my pic

>> No.8994316

The capelet is an interesting piece but it does not seem suited for holy lantern. I think with the zipper cut especially there's sort of a clash there. A more simplistic cape may be more appropriate.
The idea of the gloves under the blouse could be good, the ones on the left are super cheap looking so I guess if you can find nicer ones it's worth trying. The ones on the right look decent.

Overall I think you need to be careful of your styling since hl leans more to cute or modern gothic rather than like, victorian elements.

>> No.8994355


You can try fingerless lace gloves for the gloves. Personally I don't see much point though, won't the sleeve cuffs cover up most of them?

I don't like the cape either, but not for the same reason other anon mentions. I just think the trim in front looks like curtain trim and the fluffy stuff around the neck looks like cheap lace. Maybe that's just me, though.

>> No.8994511
File: 1.15 MB, 1186x664, Whimsy coords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering if anyone could help and give some feedback on these outfits I have planned for the Wicked and Whimsy event? I'll be coming from abroad so I'm trying to overlap some of the bigger items.
I'm still looking for more accessories for the British themed coord (Though I know I'll look like a total tourist in it) and legwear for the candy themed outfit.

>> No.8994512


>> No.8994643

It's cute, but I'm not sure about the candy jewelry. It looks kinda cheap and kiddy with the rich colors of the dress, maybe something metal would work better. I'm sure JM has made something with that theme before.

>> No.8994670

Great idea Anon! That also reminded me to try looking for Q-Pot stuff as well. Otome brands will probably be better for candy accessories without being too... sweet

>> No.8994770
File: 263 KB, 666x891, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I got a bit of help in the lolita general about what dresses to get, and I decided to get these four. I was originally only gonna get two or three, but I decided to get all four and just wait a bit and get accessories and such later
My question is, what kind of blouse would work best with the most of these dresses? I planning on getting two to start with, and I'd preferably like them to work with more than one dress. I'm thinking one white and one black, but I'm not sure what style would work best.
Also thinking of getting a gray long wig, do you think it would look tacky/costumey?

>> No.8994782


why...? brown would be so much better

>> No.8994810

Agreeing with >>8994782. Gray would look pretty costumed, especially if these are your first coords.

Also, don't get all four and sacrifice accessories. The overall cohesiveness of the coord, including accessories, is what makes it good. Otherwise you'll just look like one of those "trying on my newly received dress" photos.

>> No.8994834
File: 59 KB, 570x409, il_570xN.733473294_kvai-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it isn't candy anon but I thought these would match since they feel more otome https://www.etsy.com/listing/201794676/necklace-with-faux-jam-jar-in-fimo?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=jam%20jar%20jewelry&ref=sr_gallery_2

>> No.8994866

Source for 3?

>> No.8994958

I'm probably not gonna wear them until I've gotten accessories, atleast I wont post it anywhere. Im getting the dresses from taobao, so I'd rather get all of them at once and then just get blouses and accessories of aliexpress or somewhere else, to not have to deal with ordering from taobao as many times
As for wig, I already have a few brown ones in different shades and styles, so I can just use those if it looks too bad, but I love gray hair/wigs, and personally I kinda think brown wigs are a bit boring

>> No.8994965

Brown will go with what you have way more, and like the other anon said the gray looks costumey.

It would be a bad idea for you to do gray just starting out.

>> No.8994973

I think a white one with a round neckline and a black either high neck or peter pan one would work fine. Make sure you note the measurements of the to alice one since their stuff tends to be short.
Get a natural colored wig with bangs.
I'd recommend getting the blouses and maybe hair accessories off taobao too since the prices are way higher on aliexpress for those.

>> No.8995090

What's the general consensus on wearing university graduation robes over lolita or part of a coord? Just want some feedback before I kill time making coord collages.
> it's gonna be hot and outdoors for background info

>> No.8995113

dont do it senpai, don't die of heat exhaustion

>> No.8995118
File: 103 KB, 511x800, volante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will look like you are wearing a Sacque dress and you will probably get really overheated. Just wear a normie dress underneath.

>> No.8995195

You'll get hot and sweaty so I don't recommend it, just wear a simple sundress or something. Generally you keep the robe on for photoshoots and stuff too so it's not like anyone will really see your dress.

>> No.8995258

Yea I figured, though I hate myself for liking the sacque dress look.
>new OTT classic trend

>> No.8995885
File: 59 KB, 441x440, TB2IAWylVXXXXc9XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!825032216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the other anon said the gray looks costumey
It was I who said it might be costumey though? And yeah I understand what you mean. Pic related was the one I was thinking of getting, I really want a gray wig either way, so I'll probably get it and see if it goes well with the dresses otherwise I'll just use brown ones

>> No.8995886

Yeah I was thinking pretty much the same for the blouses, I think a high neck black one will look better since most of the ones I'm getting and plan on getting are a bit more mature
I might get blouses of taobao, I'm not sure how much the money I have put away for this will last, otherwise I'll just have to wait with those.

>> No.8996040

Another anon had replied to me and said they agreed and the wig would look too costumey. You have multiple people telling you to stay away from the gray, and I don't see why you would ask if you were going to do it anyway. Please stop wasting people's time.

>> No.8996107

I was asking about other things too. I also didn't say "Should I get a gray wig", I just asked about peoples opinions about it.

>> No.8996123

Yeah, and the opinions you got were negative. Yet you still continue to say "lol idk guyz I like it." That's fine but why ask a coord help thread about it when you aren't going to change it? Do you not realize what this thread is for? It's for people to give better options and the asker to change accordingly to improve their coord. Not for asspats.

>> No.8996291

Gray isn't going to go with any of those dresses, it only really works well with gothic coords. Listen to what everyone's saying.

>> No.8996298

What? I said I was still going to buy it because I want one either way for other reasons, and if I did buy it I could TRY it with the dresses and if like everyone says (and I suspect) it looks bad, I'll just use another wig.

>> No.8997488
File: 49 KB, 764x1024, received_611828965634500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love with this iw dress but I don't wear classic but I've tried to go for a country sweet kind of feel?
I'm not sure if this works as it's my first time coording something that isn't ott sweet.

My hair is brown and I was thinking of wearing it wavy with the mini hat.

>> No.8997517
File: 8 KB, 236x201, 7cdbd4cb0719394ba63e6fc9addb9802[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute! I think if your hair had a bit of a soft curl it would look great. Maybe try carrying one of those cute wicker purses like pic related. Especially one with cream accents since it would tie the socks together with the outfit.

>> No.8997524

I second the wicker bag. Also, if you want to make the coord less sweet, you can switch out the shoes for something in brown or a light tan.

>> No.8997544

Yes I've been looking for a reasonably priced cute wicker bag!

I'll definitely keep an eye out for brown shoes even more so now as well. Also I could try cream socks with brown shoes perhaps.

Another friend suggested looking into some gloves.

Thanks for your help, I think this will be my go to coord for hot days! Even more excited now.

>> No.8999609
File: 2.80 MB, 1600x1382, wheres my iron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big newb and I could really use some help.
First off, pls excuse the lack of iron, I just moved and my iron is somewhere in the black depths of storage. But before I even bother to dig out the iron, how horrible are these? What can I change(other than more petti and better bra)? What can I add?

My hair is quite thin and flat so I'll be wearing a wig. Also, I have a plain off white blouse that I'll probably wear with 3 so that the shoes don't look quite so off, or wear those pink MJs with it instead.

Pls help. All suggestions/crit are very much appreciated.

>> No.8999613

a poster on cgl who isn't stupidly fat???

I had to pinch myself to see if this was really happening

one thing I would say is you might want to invest in a different bra

for the left and middle it looks very tight fitted on your chest so you should look into something to fix that

>> No.8999630

Get some printed socks or tights and a pink or white chiffon blouse, you could use those items with all three dresses.

>> No.8999631

These are all fine but the short sleeve ones need some kind of wristwear (wristcuffs or bracelets) and you need bags.
For the last one are the shoes white? You should go with pink or mint instead.

>> No.8999666

I'm working on the bra thing, though I don't know if it'll help too much. I'm a short and wide person, so I'm considering just dropping a few lbs to see if that helps a bit. Or binding.

For the blouse, what kind of collar do you recommend? I have one peter pan collared blouse, but with the dress on the right, it looks a bit awkward.

Also, I have pink/white striped otks that I considered wearing with the pink dress but everyone says they look awful, so I just went with the btssb socks that came with my dress.

Definitely. I'm still working on a full coord, but I wanted to make sure I was starting out with a hot mess as a base.

Thank you guys for the help!

>> No.8999707
File: 2.02 MB, 1432x768, coord2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first coord collage I've put together so please be gentle

I was hoping for some thoughts or suggestions?
I also have no idea what shoes to use since I have bigger feet

I've wanted to get into the fashion for a long time but I'm afraid of the ita stage

>> No.8999709

if you get a bra that lifts well without padding it would be best

also I would say Peter Pan is most versatile

with the right JSK yes it will be awkward but with most other things it will look best
also since your chest is a problem it will be less to tuck into the JSKs you have

>> No.8999723

Have any of you seagulls worn lolita to see a show/the theater? I'm going to a Broadway show soon and kind of want to do a coord for it but I'm not sure if it'll be entirely out of place since I'm going with normie friends. (They'll be dressing up though so I figure a classic coord might not be too bad?)

I'm also wondering if wearing a petti for the duration of the show would be uncomfortable at all... is this a terrible idea?

>> No.8999759

I wear lolita to the theater and have never had a problem, if your petti is itchy then you might want to think about wearing it, but if not its perfectly fine form my own experience at least.

I would definitely opt for classic/goth coords for the theater, but do know you will probably be out of place, at least where I live no one seems to really dress up for musicals and plays anymore, the most they do is business wear.

>> No.8999782

Make sure your white shades match. The blouse looks stark white while the headdress seems more cream for example.
Anyway I think you should do pink headwear, wear the white deer socks, and use another color from the dress for shoes and bag (mint or lav I guess?).
Rather than the pink beret I think pink floral headwear would be cute. The jewelry is fine too.

>> No.8999797

>a poster on cgl who isn't stupidly fat???

Was this really necessary? Jesus. Also have you never been to the draw threads?

>> No.8999852
File: 349 KB, 414x545, roseheaddress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the input! I'm trying to find some nice mint shoes~
I forgot to mention that I didn't plan on using the cream headdress, that's what I want to use as a wig but I'm not sure if I should over load TOO much on the pink? Maybe I should go with a light brown wig? To keep the color theme but keep it interesting?
Do you think this would look better than the beret or is it too busy?
I can't seem to find anything with small antlers that's not too crazy or actually matches
(sorry I'm asking so many questions! I just don't want to end up in a cringe thread)

>> No.8999875

I think the brown wig is nicer, a warm shade to match the deer would look good.
I think that headdress is fine, if you are worried about the size there are definitely smaller floral clips you can get. I used to have a set of little 2 inch antler clips with flowers that matched your dress but I sold them, I'll look around taobao to see if there are similar ones though.

>> No.8999886

Advice: bodyline's blouses are really shit. I'm sure you'll figure this out soon enough if you get one, but they're really not good for beginners looking to get into the fashion either unless it's just once for a con since it's not good to have an uncomfortable/ low quality foundation piece. I'd go for second hand brand or even nicer taobao (in more of an ivory shade like the colour of the dress looks to be?). Those chiffon type ones popular on taobao would be fine. Also a more natural wig would be nice. Pink or light brown shoes would be easiest but there are a few colours to work with. The other anon's advice is good so I won't bother adding onto it. I actually like the beret! But it's a cooler weather/ toned down look, you could get it for different ways to coord the dress.

>> No.8999889

Found these ones which look good and not too ostentatious:

Adding to what other anon said yeah if you're getting stuff from taobao get a blouse from there too. You can get cheaper stuff for better quality than bodyline.

>> No.8999894

not really though? I have one BL blouse and I guess I got really lucky then since it feels amazing on the body and fits me well. it's not the greatest quality, yes, and I need to replace the buttons with something sturdier, but there's nothing wrong with BL. yes you could argue that taobao is cheaper and has better selection, but I don't see an inherent problem

>> No.8999898

I will take that advice thank you! I was wary picking bodyline, so thank you for steering me away!

Oh wow! Those are so cute! Thank you so much! I felt dumb that I couldn't find anything

>> No.8999911

It's she who must not be named, anon. Don't respond to her.

>> No.9000224
File: 509 KB, 972x2020, SAM_0588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help /cgl/, I've had this dress in my closet for almost a year and I have no idea how to wear it. It has very weird shades of ivory and pink on it so standard stark white and pastel pink blouses look awful with it. I'm considering buying this overdress in apricot pink to go with it (https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=531100797772)) but I'm well aware of the hateboner for peignoirs and I don't want to screw up. I've also considered wearing the dress in a country coord with a straw hat with a peach-pink ribbon, but even then I'm horribly lost with the blouse, legwear, and shoes.

>> No.9000244

Stark white would look odd with it but have you tried off white or beige? The blouse and socks don't have to match the dress perfectly as long as they match one another look good with the dress.
I don't the print would work with a country look (it seems too "fancy" for country, if you know what I mean) but try it and see if it works better in practice than in theory.
As for shoes, I kind of want to say you should just go with black ones to keep it simple but I can't see the colors in the print too well (are the butterflies black?) so I'm not entirely sure whether it'll work.

>> No.9000304
File: 208 KB, 533x800, 534098-1351-2015-12-10368347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even off-white and cream look strange... I have pic related (without the ribbon) and it looks quite nice with it, but it has gold stripes and with the print as busy as it is I'm worried about forcing gold in it, so if anyone knows a similarly-colored blouse pls link. I was thinking about an OTT country coord (huge hat decorated with roses, lots of poof, etc) so wish me luck with that, but for now I'm just trying to build a normal sweet-classic coord. The butterflies are super dark purple, so I might incorporate that in my jewelry but that's about it.

>> No.9000310

Why did you buy something so hard to coord?

>> No.9000342
File: 54 KB, 400x600, Infanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this JSK (no tassels) and a red blouse and red shoes but I'm really unsure of leg wear??? I thought the AATP diamond OTKs in navy x gold would work but idk if that would be unbalanced plus I can't find any/similar so I'm at a loss

>> No.9000352

Anon you have great taste. I'm so torn on whether I should order the candy shop op. Have you gotten yours yet?

>> No.9000368

I've seen this worn with navy x gold diamond socks.

>> No.9000377
File: 49 KB, 360x480, cs_200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, even Meta couldn't coord their own dress well.

>> No.9000380

Well yeah, it's meta. I'm not surprised they can't.

>> No.9000641

Thanks Anon, I haven't ordered mine yet because I'm kinda hoping it'll be unpopular and go on sale before the event at the end of August or that I'll be able to get it secondhand. Meta has a reputation for being hard to find secondhand but I've managed to get most of Meta dream prints so far.

Also coord-wise in the end I'll be making most of my accessories because I can't find a lot of non-pastel candy things.

>> No.9000700
File: 60 KB, 465x700, c87d4bf50d8044580473439a4e572f58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for dresses/skirts that I could use in dolly kei coords? I'm looking for really folksy style ones and I know that innocent world and meta have some but I just don't know how to find them

>> No.9000733

Perhaps you should try looking for stuff from Axes Femme or Pink House? They have some really nice stuff and the prices on Y!J can be reasonable, plus they don't seem to be super popular so there are less bidding wars.

>> No.9001611
File: 1.61 MB, 1351x968, coord the sequel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi sorry to keep butting in with my stuff but I redid my collage and I wanted to now if this worked a little better?

>> No.9001701


Shoes don't look that great (not lolita enough) and the ruffle at the ankle looks very weird. There are some lolita ankle boots or you could always go with some of the knee high kind.

Your pinks are all over the place. It looks like the dress has a light pink base with "dark pink" accents and then the ruffle is more of a salmon pink? Either way, the blouse will need a different bow because the salmon doesn't seem to match. The antler head piece is cute, but the flowers are too fuscia. Personally, I'd stick to the main light pink from the dress as your "pink" and then pull in the dark pink in the jewelry. Dark pink can look garish for the flowers, but the light pink would look much more natural.

If you're doing a white blouse, go with the white deer socks and then let your shoes be pink, so this way it's a white x pink coord (with the dark pink accents in the socks and jewelry).

>> No.9002192
File: 78 KB, 420x525, 42288_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly looking for inspo and ideas, rather than concrit.
For Summer ILD our comm's meetup is themed "Fairytale Creatures" so dragons, witches, mermaids, ect

Most of my wardrobe is sweet (although I have a few gothic pieces as well)
I'm looking for mythical creature ideas to base my coord off of.
I feel like fairies and mermaids will be super overdone.

I had an idea to do a gargoyle using black main pieces and a grey wig, but I don't know how else to make it seem like a gargoyle without going full homestuck-face and making it look like a costume.
>pic semi-related

Help me, gulls

>> No.9002248
File: 1.38 MB, 808x1455, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, I'm working on a coord for a fashion show and I'm trying to go with a hime feel. I know it's mostly a boring full set coord but I'm a little conflicted over the headwear. I know bonnets aren't all that hime and I have one of those mini crowns in a lighter pink than the photo. Should I go with the bonnet or the crown?

If I was going for the crown I'd probably make a pearl headdress to go along with it, because I feel like the crown alone might be a little bare.

>> No.9002260

Ditch that blouse for a plain white Peter pan collar one instead. Don't use those shoes either, go for tea parties or a cute heel of some kind.
I wouldn't use brown either, I think sticking to the dress's main colors looks more appealing. Maybe you could find a bag you like and then match the shoes to it? You could use something simple like a heart shape or find a deer themed one.

>> No.9002464
File: 59 KB, 450x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got holy night op from atelier Pierrot and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I havnt seen any one wearing it. And little no no refrence imaging for it at all.

>> No.9002503
File: 261 KB, 411x700, style_himelolita16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go with the crown and do one of these big poofy hairdos, it's pretty much THE hime lolita look.

I'd also suggest ditching the candy bag as well. The dress, big hair and crown all say hime lolita, but the candy doesn't, and it's a pretty big distraction as well. There's a gold x pink crown bag up on AP's site right now that would be a better match for the hime lolita theme, or if you really can't, at least find an unobtrusive, elegant black bag to carry around and be princessy in rather than a giant candy.

I'm also going to suggest experimenting with the socks, iirc they're only printed on the outer sides. I've seen some girls rotate them so that the chandeliers face forward, or you might consider adding some anklets to your shoes, or practice posing with your feet turned inwards (so that the sock pattern faces forward).

>> No.9002507

I'm trying to make sense of the print. Are those horses? The printed gold trim is godawful too.

>> No.9002514
File: 199 KB, 600x362, 95203478_o4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, Atelier Pierrot and their photoshop clusterfucks.

so far as dresses go, this doesn't seem like a difficult one, though. Just do a simple elegant all-black, keep your jewellery to a matching shade of gold, and if you want to get adventurous you can try to add a few touches of matching blue.

If you REALLY desperately need to copy somebody, Moitie's Sleeping Garden is a similar blue x black, only without the gaudy gold (and crazy weird print), you can look up coord images of Sleeping Garden and take your cues from there.

>> No.9002524
File: 19 KB, 236x314, 2664546dca65252ab29af5ce519b17d2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might be helpful to post a collage next time, I'm pretty much imagining this in my head and have no clue if it even works well.

Since you're mixing red, blue/navy and gold together, I feel like navy x gold legwear with red shoes would be slightly unbalanced, the best solution I can think of is to search specifically for those AP series of legwear with navy, gold and red in them, that should tie in your red-blue-gold colours perfectly. Other than Toy March OTKs (pic related) you can try some of the school or university series, circus series, actually AP uses that colour combination a lot, so you should be able to find something.

It might be less jarring to switch to a blue blouse and add smaller touches of red to balance out the red shoes, though (eg red rosette pin and small red bow on a bigger navy bow/navy beret).

>> No.9002539
File: 196 KB, 700x525, 74364_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I don't own that dress, but if you're out of ideas anyway I could make a couple of suggestions.

For white/cream blouses, you can try going for the sheer ones, eg sheer chiffon blouse or a fairly hole-y lace blouse. The eye will compensate for the fact that your skintone is showing through the fabric, so then the colours not matching becomes less obvious. Just don't pair a warm off white with cold blueish white, and it should work out. Same for tights, choose lace tights so some of your skin shows through.

You could also think about going blouseless and try a yellow or beige shawl, to introduce a new colour. A shawl doesn't have to fit neatly over the chest ruffles while allowing you to block out a large part of the dress, so the weird off-white doesn't become so dominant in the outfit. Add straw hat and bag and beige/brown shoes and it's practically the country lolita theme you were thinking of.

For pinks, since you've identified that it goes well with apricot and peach pinks, you could do a mix of pinks and peachy-pinks instead of trying to stick a single pastel pink on it. For eg the wristcuffs here layer cream over pink, or you could tie some apricot/peach flowers onto a pastel bag or around your ankles, that kind of thing.

Hope that gives you some new ideas.

>> No.9002553
File: 134 KB, 731x712, gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think all you really need is a stone-texture mask and wings. The mask doesn't need to be on your face, a small headdress would probably work. The wings probably don't need to be this big either, so long as they look like gargoyle wings and have that stone texture. If you DIY, there's a simple spray that you can use to get the texture, so you just need to make the basic item and then spray them to get them to look like stone.

IW's Apartments jsk here to invoke the idea of gargoyles on buildings, but you could probably use any black dress so long as you have matching stone-texture wings and mask. Add gargoyle pendants and jewellery to hammer the point home.

Ditch the wig, it's already too homestuckey without skin paint, and does nothing to convey the ideas of gargoyles anyway.

>> No.9002643
File: 18 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

I could definitely use the mask-headdress idea and I love the apartments jsk (if I can find something similar in time), but I'm a little skeptical about the wings as I feel like they would be difficult to do (I'm not crafty at all) and look too costumey.

I feel like this coord is going to be bland with just grey and black as the only colors, so I almost want to add an accent color but I'm not sure what would work well and not distract from the feel of the gargoyle.

The grey wig was to try and add some grey to the coord without doing something as ridiculous as face paint.
Pic related is the closest image I could find to the wig I have.

>> No.9002704
File: 514 KB, 650x1013, whyteleafecoords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on coording my dream dress, could I get some critique? I love the top coord but I've got a major issue with tights being too short, so I usually chop them into thigh thighs to fit better, but I can't imagine doing that to such a lovely an expensive pair of tights. So, I guess if anyone has any dupes or know of something similar that would be radical.
2nd coord is more traditionally classic, mostly contemplating hat+purse combo. Cream purse would be more universal and I could use it more with other coords, but I think it might be too cream-heavy if I do that. Also, I'm aware that everyone and their mum hates these socks, so I am open to other legwear suggestions. Thanks!

>> No.9002707

Holy fucking hell, this dress is so cute. Is it still available? Coord-wise, I think you're going a bit overboard with deer motifs. I'd ditch the deer ring and get different socks. Also, I'm not sure if you're showing the 3rd pic on the top because thats the wig you want or you like the headdress but I love that headdress, its much nicer than the huge roses one below it. I think the roses would be too overpowering, the flowers on the print are subtle, so I feel flower accessories should be subtle too.
Agreeing with other anon on the purse and hairstyle front. I'm also not a huge fan of the rings, they look cheap compared to the other jewelry you've got there. I'd look for some chunky gold and pink rings, like a mixture of gold bands and gold with pink stones. I love those shoes, but I'm not sure they'll work with the opulence of the rest of the coord. I think maybe adding ankle straps or something like other anon suggested could be good.

>> No.9002767
File: 243 KB, 700x531, assortedcookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a coord for babbys first burando, any tips?

>> No.9002773

this was my first burando piece too anon~
i really like the idea of the pink blouse with the purple accessories. if you want to use cookie accessories from etsy or something like that, make sure to get good quality, the necklace pictured is terrible just from the thumbnail.

>> No.9002794

This is super helpful, thanks so much!

>> No.9002798

Go for the second coord. Don't try to make this classic dress so sweet. I see what you were going for but it just looks like you planned a cute sweet coord but put on the wrong dress my mistake.

>> No.9002804

Please don't do this. It's a Halloween costume.

>> No.9002821

I would get a more solid blouse because it will be super see through.
Or wear a pink or skin-toned under shirt underneath it if you really want to wear that blouse though
Overall its really cute, just be careful with the etsy cooki jewelery quality like the other anon said.
Tbh I'm sure you could easily commission someone to make cookies like the skirt has.

>> No.9002838
File: 24 KB, 250x333, 9086_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of a grey wig and using a mask in the headdress. No wings, too costumey. Also IW has done a gargoyles print, if you can find it. (pic related)

>> No.9002894

If it's the Magic Princess bag I really don't like that bag, just a matter of personal taste, but I'll look around for a black bag. I wanted to match the candy on the print but I guess trying to do that and hime is probably too many directions at once. Thanks for the advice.

Any suggestions on where to get a nice hime wig? I usually buy from GLW but their hime wig is kind of sad looking outside stock photos.
Man I wish q-pot rings were actually cheap. But I'll look around and see what I can find in terms of gold and pink rings.

>> No.9002966
File: 90 KB, 450x450, antlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I asked first cause honestly I think my computer screen is messed up. On here the colors look more similar than when I look on mobile and suddenly it's 30 different shades so thank you for helping me match!
I'm gonna look for a more suitable blouse like the other anon suggested! Go for the white like you suggest and avoid something that brings in more pink. There's another antler head piece an anon suggested that keeps the antler motif but it's more subtle?
The shoes are still a quest, trying to find stuff that looks nice and still fits my Cinderella Step Sister feet.
I think I'll maybe just keep the wig a warm brown? Cause I don't want a pink wig to make it look...I dunno, stupid? And my natural hair wouldn't look good at all.
I like the idea of a heart bag, to maybe ease up the deer motif a tad.
I like the Peter Pan collar idea, I'll dig for one that I think suits me!
God I love it so much, deer are my favorite animals in the world so I really wanted my first attempt at a coord to be deer themed!
I'm still painfully new to do anything besides lurk so this has been really helpful!
Do you think going for more floral themed socks or tights might work to ease up the them?
And yeah the third pic is for the wig, but I do think the headdress is cute too~
If I go for the antler head band do you think I could add some smaller flowers/ribbon myself and keep it a little more simple than the rose piece?
I'm pretty attached to the necklace so I'd still like to keep it integrated but if it's gonna look to out of place I can find another day for it!

I'm sure I'll be back with more questions, so I'm sorry I sound like a broken record but this is really nice to have help with this!
I don't have any friends who like this stuff irl so I need all the help I can get to not look like a hot candy coated mess!

>> No.9002980

Can I have some sources to your deer motifs? Like the headbands and the rings?

I have haenuli's enchanted fawn JSK and would love to find accessories for it!

>> No.9002996
File: 38 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.787131090_gd7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the jewelry on etsy, so if you look for deer jewelry there you should be able to find them, the necklace also comes as a ring
I'd post all the links but it keeps flagging this post as spam?

I looked up the JSK and that's cute as fuck, anon!

>> No.9003013

Thank you so much for the link and tips, and thanks! Your dress is also adorable, I think I want it lol

I can do the dirty work of sifting through etsy

>> No.9003023


You could try for one of those gothic batwing bags, but without a suitable dress to add more cues the outfit might come across as vampire bat than gargoyle. Not that all gargoyles have wings anyway, but they're all in the form of grotesque monsters, so anything to help that along probably helps you get the idea across.

For colours, some bright gems in your jewellery could continue the stone theme, just match them all to your eye colour (or contact lens, if you're going that route) so it all harmonizes nicely.

Colours is also the reason I said not to rely on the grey wig, it doesn't actually contribute to the gargoyle theme directly, while taking away your choice of natural hair colours, which could add warmth and make you look more like a person wearing a gargoyle-themed outfit rather than someone trying to be a grey gargoyle. On the other hand, if all you have is a grey dress and a stone mask on your head, then adding a grey wig would probably help to get the idea across, so I guess a lot depends on what your final coord is.

An alternate dress you can try for is JetJ's Robe de Chapelle (gothic architecture), although that's probably harder to find than IW apartments or the IW gargoyle dress. I'm out of grey prints you can use for this, maybe someone else can suggest another.

Anyway, glad you found some of my ideas useful.

Nah. I did have the impression anon's ILD was some more formal OTT event than a cafe meetup and made suggestions accordingly. I mean she mentioned grey wig and fairies (presumeably lolita with wings), so I figured it was a dresssier event that called for more than wearing a simple outfit with a print of mystical creatures on.

>> No.9003075

Thanks for your help anons, I feel like it should be mentioned that I'm not set on a gargoyle theme. It's just something that I thought would be more unique.
If anyone can think of anything else, I'm open to suggestions. It's hard for me to think of a fairytale creature that won't be overdone

>> No.9003532

I need a good pair of lolita/loliable gold shoes to coord with Albino Accord and a few other things. Problem is, my arch is really high and I have trouble finding shoes where the strap will actually go over my feet. No, I'm not a landwhale; I don't need a wide. Does anyone else have this problem and knows where to direct me?

>> No.9003553
File: 55 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this in the skirt version and the gold really isn't that striking, the stock image just has the saturation high making it look awful. Moitie's gold is more awful then the gold in this print.

I paired mine with a black blouse, antique gold jewelry and a black veiled headdress. I didn't put much blue into it since I wanted the skirt to be the focus but you could get like a black and blue hairpiece or shoes and bag. It's pretty versatile if you can get over the weird stuff going on in the print. I like the fabric it's made of. It's comfortable.

>> No.9003702

She already said
>other than more petti and better bra
>other than

Read carefully

>> No.9003703
File: 2.02 MB, 1476x768, coord maybe this time we got it right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick of me yet?
Hopefully I'm on the right track!
Really thankful for all the help!

>> No.9003705

For the headpiece I'm thinking of just taking the antler headband and adding some smaller flowers and ribbons to keep it delicate and simple instead of the giant rose headdress

>> No.9003752

Calm your autism. Why are you replying to such an old post that was already resolved?

>> No.9003811

All of these looks good except for the blouse, not sure why you picked one with such an odd pointy collar. Paired with the plain sleeves it doesn't really look like a lolita blouse to me. There are tons of better options out there.

>> No.9004118
File: 283 KB, 500x600, 09131310_5413c3a75dd54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for coording Cameo Window in blue? I'm not finding either white or cream blouses go too nicely with it, I'm probably going to have to order a blue or brown blouse to match it with...

>> No.9004134

I like everything except that blouse, why that normal looking blouse? any of these would look better, pick and choose: https://infantadress.taobao.com/category-416664690.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4010-1087129939.10.PJD9QQ&search=y&catName=%B3%C4%D2%C2%26amp%3B%C9%CF%D2%C2#bd

>> No.9004216

I wouldn't do a blue blouse, it would be way too blue heavy. Brown or ivory are you best bet, perhaps something with princess sleeves?

>> No.9004421

Might not be exactly what the thread is meant for but I think this question is better suited here
I'm pretty new into lolita and I'm planning to get two dresses along with blouses and socks etc, but I'm a bit stumped about what to do with jewlery.
Like the dresses don't really have a concrete theme, so I can't do like deer anon and have deer related accessories and jewelry
Also, what store/site do you think is best for getting jewelry for lolita?
Sorry if this is too OT

>> No.9004433

Deer anon here, Taobao is pretty easy to sift thru, lots of cute stuff
Checking Angelic Pretty's and Baby the Stars Shine Brights site might find some stuff not TOO themed?
Other wise etsy is a good last resort?

>> No.9004593

If your dresses are classic, you could search for common motifs in that style like roses, cameos and pearls.

>> No.9004675

Gargoyle anon, >>9002838 this one is on wunderwelt, not in grey though, but in wine.

>> No.9004866

Thanks anon! I'll check it out for sure

>> No.9005440

Thanks for the advice guys! Found some stuff that could work with the dresses that weren't too expensive.

>> No.9005526
File: 173 KB, 563x375, l481-2-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which color of shoes would work best with both of these dresses? Would off-white be fine?

>> No.9005527

Off white would be just fine but I think you can go with pink as well. They both have pink in the print, don't they? I can't really tell if the one on the left has details in pink or lavender.

>> No.9005862
File: 127 KB, 500x750, TB2wFLBnVXXXXaBXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer anon here again!
I bit the bullet bought the jsk and I'm gonna get the other pieces probably in a couple weeks!
I decided to go with this blouse instead of the boring one!
Hopefully it all looks nice pulled together and that I can pull it off!

Thanks to everyone who helped me out and finally dive into the fashion
Fingers crossed that your help keeps e out of cringe and ita threads!

>> No.9005896

The details on the left one are purple but the pink shoes I have seem to have a purplish tone to them and look okay with the print. I don't really have a pink blouse though, any suggestions for balancing the colors?

>> No.9005921

Maybe even the baby blue color and go for a pastel palette coord.

>> No.9006773

It's actually mint green! A nice color, but I haven't been able to find any shoes that color that match.

>> No.9006774

Princess sleeves sound like a good idea, I'll look around for something. Thank you, anon.

>> No.9006927
File: 1.82 MB, 1354x989, coord help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out what to do with my hair/head wear for this coordinate. I own the bow but the gold trim doesn't match anything else in the outfit, and pic related is my hair (I don't really wear wigs if I can avoid it, but I do have extensions I can put in)
Any suggestions?

>> No.9006936

The bow really doesn't match. What about a light blue bow plus a seashell hair accessory?

>> No.9006963

Agreeing with the other anon- blue would be best- because right now you only have the skirt. I'd also add legwear to match the blouse, perhaps with blue details if you can find something that fits the theme, and a blue accessory somewhere near the top e.g. necklace, brooch, bow.

>> No.9007263

I know you didn't ask about this but, I personally think that your hair color is a bit too cool? Like, a warmer brown might look better with sweet.
Just my opinion though, and you have really beautiful hair!

>> No.9007315
File: 448 KB, 1280x800, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new in lolita and this will (hopefully) be my first coord. For the stockings, I'm just going to wear some plain white ones. For the antlers and bows idea, its an either or thing because I'm not sure if antlers will fit exactly. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.9007320

Do not just wear plain white stockings. It's frowned upon. I wouldn't do the antlers at all, doesn't go with what you have going on. If you want to do them buy a fawn print and use it there. Also, the clock bag doesn't have a lot to do with anything else in the coord either. I'd suggest looking for something that goes with the cross theme, or maybe something with wings to tie into that.

Also, those bows look to be mint? The dress isn't mint, so don't do that. Go for sax.

>> No.9007324
File: 422 KB, 700x1200, l579-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for asking another question about this dress, but would a moon shaped bag look good with it? If not, what kind of bag would look better with it?

>> No.9007325
File: 80 KB, 850x850, Loris Lovely Moon Shoulder Bag 7-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the moon bag I'm talking about.

>> No.9007326

Moon shaped bag would be cute with it, I don't think another shape would be better for the print.

>> No.9007327

Why are plain stockings frowned upon anyways? I hear it a lot but for my classic coords I just cant see why solids cant be appropriate.

I never really understood it, is it just because people think its too "boring"?

>> No.9007328

I'm skeptical about the color of the bag being the same as the color on the print but a moon shaped bag would work.

>> No.9007330

Because it is considered to be lazy and looks fairly cheap, which goes against the whole point of Lolita.

>> No.9007332

So basically because its boring.

Personally I dont see how it looks cheap as solid tights have always been a staple in dressing up. I still love my solid tights.

Its a pain to have to wear socks all the time since most asian tights wont fit me and its a bitch to find crochet/lace white tights (and not leggings)

>> No.9007333

Thanks for the help! I'll go with the moon bag then.

>> No.9007339

You are new to Lolita and in a coord help thread asking for help. If you aren't willing to take the help to improve please fuck off and stop wasting time.


>> No.9007341


>>9007332 Is someone else.

>> No.9007342

Alrighty, my bad. They can still fuck off though.

>> No.9007345

1. I am not the other anon

2. I already opt for printed socks over solid tights

I just think its dumb that this is one of those things cgulls cant stand, dont get so pissy because I have a different opinion, jesus.

>> No.9007346

What's with your hateboner against solid tights? Quality tights won't look cheaper just because they aren't multicolored. The point of lolita isn't unicorn and ice cream printed socks.

>> No.9007351

I am trying to help, give you honest advice, and you call me pissy? do you know where we are? If your special snowflake sensibilities are triggered by this /cgl/ is not the place for you.

It can tend to throw off an entire coord to have a busy print everywhere but your leg wear. If you go for a solid piece it doesn't look as bad, but anon doesn't have a solid piece do they? You need to fuck off with your shitposting.

>> No.9007352

Once again I am not the anon that posted her dress and um
>they can still fuck off
Sounds pretty pissy anon.

Im the one saying that I wear classic coords, a lot of them ARE solid even.

>> No.9007354

You do know it's not uncommon for anons to be told to kill themselves, and you're upset over a shitposter being told to fuck off? Really?

I offered legitimate coord help and this is how people respond to me telling someone to stop shitposting? A collective bitch fit?

>> No.9007358

>someone not agreeing with you is shitposting

>> No.9007359

Im not even upset lol You are literally the only one so upset to tell people to fuck off and getting defensive

I never told anyone to fuck off or claimed my opinions were inherently correct, only that people that get so up in arms about solid tights (like you do) confuse me and I wish I could wear them more often without people focusing on only my "ugh not printed" tights.

It was a simple little rant that got you pretty butt blasted apparently, Im sorry it did that.

>> No.9007365

But they are, it did not help anyone with their coord and this is a coord help thread. And now they have resorted to throwing a fit over the fact I said solid tights are frowned upon with busy prints.

I was the one who told the shitposter to fuck off. Not sure how you're confused on that. I never said solid tights were "inherently incorrect", but that they are frowned upon with busy prints. You are probably the same person that comes into these threads and shitposts about solid tights. I come here to help people with their coords and it's really annoying to see you shitposting and throwing off newcomers into thinking they are a good choice when 99% of the time someone who is new shouldn't try and add them into a coord because if not done properly it looks bad.

>> No.9007375

Solid tights and stockings are not frowned upon. You're just making shit up. Some of the most commonly posted coord inspiration pics use plain tights.

>> No.9007377

It throws off the balance of a coord that has busy prints on it when not done by someone who is good at putting together coords, this is common knowledge. The reason they are in coord inspo pics is because that coord is well thought out, which isn't something that comes easily to a newcomer. I don't understand how this is a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.9007379

I would recommend getting a different bag. Those look really cheap in real life, like a children's bag from Claire's or something. Unless you are going to incorporate the woodland theme throughout your coord, ditch the antlers.

>> No.9007388

> I said solid tights are frowned upon with busy prints

Except you literally did not say anything even referring to the print of the dress when saying the stockings are bad. Don't try and make yourself look less retarded, especially when it's glaringly obvious.

>"Do not just wear plain white stockings. It's frowned upon."
>"Because it is considered to be lazy and looks fairly cheap,"

>> No.9007391

It is frowned upon and I do think it looks lazy and cheap, I am not retracting my statement. I guess it's too much to expect you to comprehend what I am saying.

Why am I retarded for pointing these things out? And why are you so fucking salty over this? I was giving advice to someone completely unrelated to you and you felt the need to voice your special snowflake opinion because people not liking solid tights offends you.

>> No.9007395
File: 480 KB, 1280x800, attempt#2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any better? I'm not sure on whether I should pick one of the three tights that I picked out or just go with white. I also ditched the antlers idea and added a bow and changed the clock bag to a cross one. Anymore suggestions or touch-ups?

>> No.9007397

This looks much more cohesive. I wouldn't go with the left set of tights, I would pick between one of the two right pairs you have. I still think a cross bag would be super cute with this.

>> No.9007398
File: 159 KB, 500x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I would go with this exact one but for reference this is along the lines of what I'm talking about.

>> No.9007399

This looks lovely! I think you should go with the far right tights because everything else also has thin-delicate gold detailing. Worse choice would be the far left ones since I'm pretty sure those are quite pinkish/purplish irl.

>> No.9007400

please tell me that's just a non-stock photo of celestial and you aren't honestly planning on getting a replica. Also, antlers are meme material, and while plain white stockings are okay sometimes I would recommend more of saxony or maybe some of AP's many cross-overload sax stockings.

>> No.9007401

That's exactly what I had in mind. In fact, I forgot to include it in the picture.

>> No.9007407

I think it would be cute with it, anon.

Can we please stop the shitposting over the solid tights? And can we please not start a shitposting debate over replicas? For fucks sake /cgl/.

>> No.9007442


See >>9007395

>> No.9007449

any ideas for what to wear as headwear? i was thinking hats but not sure which style
(also not pictured but i would be wearing beige shoes and lace tights)

>> No.9007451
File: 80 KB, 630x829, cord plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.9007456

This would be a lot better with actual celestial instead of a replica, pretty bad way to start out lolita.

>> No.9007466

I think you have a few different options for headwear. If you want to go with a hat then I think something structured with a wide brim would look good, either straw or felt depending on the occasion you're wearing this. You can decorate that ivory or sax ribbon and flowers too. Otherwise classic floral and lace hair combs, clips, or headband would work nicely.
Unrelated to your question but how do you plan to wear the necklace with that blouse? The neckline + jabot seems like it won't allow it. Pearl bracelets would look good though.

>> No.9007474

ahh thanks for the advice i thought straw might have felt out of place so im glad to be reassured it could work, also the jabot is removable and this blouse's neckline actually sits closer to my collar bone so without a necklace there is a lot of empty space.

>> No.9007531
File: 869 KB, 1225x471, pettiproblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am having a dilemma with pettis here.

I bought Haenuli's enchanted fawn JSK rerelease and it just... it sits funny on both my pettis :/

Forgive the potato quality but on the left im wearing Malco Modes 582 (Jennifer) A line Petti and the right is my classical puppets bell petti. I can't tell if either look right at all, they both leave me feeling a little off. I wanted to wear this for a meet but I just dont know whats going on!

>> No.9007536

imo they look a little overstuffed.

>> No.9007542

Yeah I thought that might be it :/ Damn my love of poof.

Now im trying to find a little less poofy petti but im not really sure. Looking at these two



>> No.9007545
File: 30 KB, 600x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bell shaped
>enchanted fawn

>> No.9007547

I only put it on to compare dont worry, I bought the a line petti specifically for Enchanted Fawn and when it sat funny I decided to see them both side to side.

>> No.9007551

Going to (my first) casual disney meet with friends and there might be some walking in late may. Just a bit stuck with legwear and how to add a dash of red to this, if needed.

>> No.9007554
File: 1.97 MB, 3988x2988, Berlioz inspired coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic sorry!

>> No.9007562

This looks really cute. If the weather's warm I think short cream socks would be appropriate, if those don't work with the flat shoes though then under the knees might be okay too.
I think you could add a red necklace and bow on the beret, or find legwear with a red pattern too.

>> No.9007592

Cute coordinate anon! When in late may will you be there? My coordinate is for Disney also (Bodyline alice/cinderella bunny anon from above)

>> No.9007602

Oh, I'm from nyc and there's a disney prom going on so my nostalgic heart couldn't refuse. But hope you enjoy!

>> No.9007608

Excentrique has a red bow necktie, if you can find it! I agree with >>9007562, a beret would be very cute.

>> No.9007766

Why is that, anon? I'm not trying to start another shitstorm or anything, I'm just curious.

>> No.9007769


Because replicas are art theft, they're quite disrespectful to the brand, and a lot of people feel really negatively about them. Not a good way to go for your first coord.

I was new once, too, and I bought a replica as my first piece, it's one of my biggest regrets. It's not worth it. There are so many option out there if you are on a budget or too big for brand.

>> No.9007773

Also a diff anon but like >>9007769 when I was very new to lolita I bought what I didnt know was actually a btssb replica.

Although I still like to wear it (never to meets) its obvious just how shit is compared to the real thing. My replica has some off colors, didnt come with the right bows, and the fabric is awful, feels like its lined with plastic. Not worth it.

>> No.9007775

In addition to what the other anon said, you won't be able to wear the coord to meets or events either, or post it online without scrutiny. It's just not a good way to introduce yourself to the fashion and community.

I don't think anybody really expects someone to drop money on an expensive AP dress for their first coord anyway so there's so sense in putting up a facade. Just start with something simple in your price range.

>> No.9008066

Not sure if you're looking for print names, but AatP's Porz Kerchief and IW's Rose Panel. (IW's Alencon print is also inspired by a regional European pattern, but it's not really super folksy.)

>> No.9008407
File: 358 KB, 800x1179, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, a friend of mine got pic related a while back but when she moved away, she gave it to me.
It's definitely gorgeous but I have no idea what to do with it. Like, at all. I'm generally more into country and classic lolita, so full black like this is way out of my comfort zone for coording. Everything I've been trying has been looking kinda clunky with it, really. Any suggestions/help?

>> No.9008488

Damn, very lucky of you to get this.
I remember there was someone here recently coording this print if they're still around, but I'll give my 2 cents anyway.

I think a square neck black chiffon blouse, black tights with either a stained glass print or gothic motif (crosses etc), black heels, and rose headdress in either black or a coordinating color from the print would be a good combo. For a bag you could keep it simple with a black satchel/ top handle bag or get something more specifically gothic if you want.
I'm into classic too but do have some gothic stained glass prints, I think you can definitely tone down the super gothic elements in your styling if it's not your thing. For this dress I do think majority black is the way to go though. Color could be brought in with printed legwear, hair accessories, and jewelry.
(I-If you can't wear this in a way you like...... I super want this dress).

>> No.9010153
File: 652 KB, 434x725, concrit more honest than local comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me save this boring awful outfit.

I collect unicorn prints so I went ahead and bought this Sweet Mildred OP for more casual wear, but it seems really boring with every combination I can think of and I'd love to make it dressier/more gothic?

>> No.9010211
File: 53 KB, 346x460, cotton-long-sleeves-sweet-lolita-dress-1-ci-013_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BF bought me this dress and Im not really fond of it but id like to coord it well.

Im real iffy on straight black and white though and not sure what to really do with it to keep it classic lolita instead of falling into goth

>> No.9010212

>my post got deleted

>> No.9010226

With that bodice, you're going to have a really difficult time making it any more "dressy" than you already have. An underskirt with ONLY ONE ruffle or layer of lace will help add to the bland hemline though.
If it were me, I'd ditch the wrist cuffs and go for a few sets of bracelets, pick out a couple of large rings, and layer a couple of necklaces with varying lengths (all black/silver/green or a combination thereof)...or skip the necklaces and go for a black choker instead.
Since I can't speak for your pictured hairstyle (I wish I could see the back, it looks really nice!) I'm just gonna say that wearing your hair down (or at least partly down) with a more bold hair accessory (like a fascinator or a jeweled headdress) might also help pull you out of boring territory. I can't say much for your legwear or shoes, I think they're fine (especially if you end up investing in the aforementioned underskirt).

>> No.9010241

A bold headpiece would do wonders for bringing this into a more dressy territory. Also maybe adding a sheer black overskirt (preferrably one with ribbons to tie the sides back slightly and let the front of the print show through uncovered) could also be helpful.

This bodice type is the exact reason I hesitate to buy SweetMildred dresses. It looks so baggy and ill-fitting. My instincts would be to cover that shit up with a bolero or cardigan with princess sleeves but...the bodice is so poofy that it would probably look like a frumpled mess underneath in bolero/cardigan you paired with it.

...Are you entirely opposed to maybe taking it somewhere to have the bodice altered? Either taken in more to flatter your frame, or maybe turned into a jsk?

>> No.9010292
File: 721 KB, 661x535, 12b9af4051503e295b8d18fd302ba72a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently bought this Magic Tea Party OP secondhand and it doesn't have the headbow or the little blue/pink bows near the bottom. (http://lolibrary.org/apparel/magic-tea-party-sweet-cake-party-op)) back is laced up and the big bow at the top of the waist is detachable.
The colors are just so soft I'm not sure how to coord it. I'm thinking a platinum or strawberry long-ish wig that with soft curls. And I found these little bows that can either replace the ones missing or go in my hair?
I'm stuck on stockings/tights, shoes (white? bows??), and other accessories. But I am still looking so.
Excuse poor image putting together, thank you for responses

>> No.9010401

This is a super classic silhouette so don't worry about it looking gothic.
I think a black bow or clip would be flattering, white tights, and some simple black heels. If you want to add in some color maybe floral headwear would work?

Since you don't have the matching bow, I think getting a plain one in the white, pink, or sax color would be just fine. For legwear, I think white with a colored pattern (sweets or little dots?) would be cute. I'm pretty sure there are socks out there with both faint polka dot pattern and a sweet print. You could either get a bag in a sweet shape like one of those candy or cookie ones and then match your shoe color to it. For shoes style I think anything typically sweet would work, like teaparties or chunky heels or whatever you find.

>> No.9010426

Thanks! I thought so too but since I never had a classic black/white dress I was worried I would end up trying to slap gothic items on it where they obviously dont belong

For white tights would stark white be ok to match the little white the dress has, and I know its usually an ita thing, but would solid whites be ok for a classic coord?

I thought about red roses to add color, wasnt sure if that would be out of no where though.

>> No.9010508
File: 57 KB, 670x461, c021fb33ca9127a90d4ba261281e7644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me tell whether I should wear a bell or a-line petticoat with JetJ Cadre du Chat JSK? Currently I only own a bell shaped petti, so I can't try an a-line to compare.

>> No.9010533

I would wear an A-Line with this dress, its far more a-line than it is bell

>> No.9010542

Thanks! I've seen pics where it looked a-line, but others that seen to have a bell underneath. Do you think this petticoat would work? I've seen Malco Modes recommended before. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002M5YW7I/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8

>> No.9010545

Absolutely! Malco Modes "Jennifer" petticoat (which is what the description says it is is the same one that I own and it is so amazing. Malco Modes makes super comfy and super adjustable pettis that are so worth it!

>> No.9010546

These are all really good ideas! I love the thought of pulling some more green into the coordinate with jewelry
The funny thing is.... Sweet Mildred -did- take this in for me, the etsy listing had the minimum waist measurement at 27 inches. I'll probably experiment with boleros and cardigans that I have.
I love the idea of using an over skirt with this as well! Since the dress is all cotton with minimal lace adding more texture sounds like a really good idea!

>> No.9010547

However I would also suggest buying straight from Malco Modes, the picture being used on amazon isnt the same as the one they post on their site so that makes me feel off about the amazon seller.

>> No.9010549
File: 16 KB, 250x333, d4cff1b43093c13396133f34b0c6a4bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain white is fine, if you're worried about there being too much contract you could opt for lace tight or something with a subtle texture or pattern.
A lace headdress like pic related could be another option too, and there are definitely similar floral ones. Plain floral clips are fine too, it just depends on whether you want the coord more formal or casual.
It's a dress with a number of styling options so I hope you don't feel too stuck with it!

>> No.9010572

Thanks again! I'll do that. Now I just have to measure for length. I'm 5'3" and I'm guessing the petite version might be best, but I want to be sure. It will definitely be nice to be able to choose a petticoat shape from my closet. It's so hard to judge based on pictures online how things will fall, especially when stock pictures don't use any petticoat or have people holding out the skirt in odd ways. I do know that most of the more classic and mature looking dresses use a-line, though, which is why the bell shape felt really off when I tried it under this dress. I'm sure I'll have a better sense once I get used to wearing a variety of skirts, too.

>> No.9010584

I love Malco Modes because each of their petties have an adjustable waist band to make it up to about 2 inches shorter from its longest length, and its still good if you roll the waistband for a little more shortening.

You'll catch on fine and having one good a-line and bell will have you covered for everything

>> No.9010979
File: 138 KB, 323x417, firefox_2016-05-18_13-26-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got myself this but it didn't have the hat with it, does anyone have any ideas of what I could use instead? considered just wearing a short bob wig or making a bun with my natural hair since that's a pretty common flight attendant hairstyle.

I'd also love some advice on what I could wear with it (I'm planning a pretty simple white puff sleeve blouse right now, and opaque white OTKs/tights, but it's kinda boring) and if I could pull off bxw bodyline shoes with it without the black feeling shoehorned in. I'll post a collage later

>> No.9012147
File: 100 KB, 333x250, apwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see people talking about the right way to wear wrist cuffs, but what is the right way to use?

>> No.9012152


The lace should be coming over your hand so they're like skirts for your hands, not going backward up toward your elbow.