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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 106 KB, 700x723, judy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8971131 No.8971131 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage. Let's continue.

>> No.8971136

I want to cosplay Judy Hopps but I'm afraid of the furries

>> No.8971350


Instead of a full fursuit, do a gijinka like the Pokemon fans.

I think the general public would appreciate this cosplay. When I went to see the film is was mostly adult couples.

>> No.8971371
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>> No.8971378
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>> No.8971386
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>> No.8971396

Want to see a Judy with a short grey wig.

>> No.8971399
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>> No.8971403
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>> No.8971407
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>> No.8971409
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>> No.8971412
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>> No.8971416
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>> No.8971417
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>> No.8971426
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>> No.8971434
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>> No.8971444
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>> No.8971447

this is frustrating, she had the perfect face for the character, but that wig, god that wig

>> No.8971468

>Top 3 fuck-ups of Zootopia cosplay, go!

1. Ears/Tail don't match the wig, often aren't even the same color
2. Judy's kneepads look more like metallic fabric sewn onto pants
3. Judy's pants are jeans/skinny jeans

>> No.8971476

Something about her face scares me.

>> No.8971477

??? I think jeans suit quite well

I would say it's the shirt that's the problem, 99% of people wear a blue work shirt when she's wearing a fitted/stretchy blue sportsy kinda shirt.

>> No.8971489
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But jeans aren't police issue and they're not canon either. They have form fitting pants for female officers, especially the tactical lines.

Seriously look at >>8971444 and tell me jeans actually work for the costume.

>> No.8971519

Nothing works for that costume because it's an obvious closet cosplay, it looks bad in general

>> No.8971528

I'm so glad someone else has pointed out the shirt/skinny jeans thing that every Judy cosplayer seems to be doing so far, it's been driving me mad!

>> No.8971544
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 1934566_1143704968981028_4624073696362819446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I adore this couple's cosplay. But her Judy fell short I think a combo of incorrect eye color and wig. I don't mind short hair Judy but hers felt off somehow. Like too short? The eye color is because they threw these together like a week before wondercon

>> No.8971551

Oh Aicosu.

The ears look good but there's too much of a color and texture difference between the ears and wig and the blue of the outfit emphasizes this. It's too bad their photographer couldn't desaturate that. Would be cool to see someone make a wig out of the same fur.

>> No.8971560

When I plan on Judy I was just gonna use Dust Bunny's wig dying tutorial on a old bob Arda wig and make the ears out of white to dye the same

Normally Sheila goes the extra mile to make her stuff cohesive like her Ventress but I'm wondering if the short time they gave themselves combined with how popular Zootopia cosplay is a factor. His Nick was good but Nick isn't hard to put together.

>> No.8971562
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>> No.8971569

I kept puzzling over who the fuck this panda was.. then I got it and felt really sad. Someone please do this character some justice.

>> No.8971572

dat shoop.

>> No.8971576
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>> No.8971580
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>> No.8971581
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>> No.8971585
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As scary as the park characters are, at least the costumes are fairly good. They didnt put Judy in jeans.

>> No.8971586
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>> No.8971588

>big busted sexy Judy Hopps in a pleather corset top

>> No.8971596
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>> No.8971598
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>> No.8971602
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>> No.8971606
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>> No.8971610

Why are SO MANY zootopia cosplayers asian? Is there just a "me first!" mentality over there and the Americans haven't had a chance to catch up?

>> No.8971623

Naw, most are just more spread about I think?

>> No.8971632

I'm guessing the Asian cosplays are popular and they are spread around the internet more. If they don't go crazy with shoop, they sometimes look better. Like with Judy, she is a cute bunny, Asian girls can pull off the cuteness better.

>> No.8971648

Those ears are pretty cute and probably the best I've seen but that vinyl..

>> No.8971663

I think the short hair v long hair is definitely up to the cosplayer. Some faces just look so bad with short hair (think longer faces) while smaller faces just look consumed by longer curly wigs. I think so long as the ears can blend well into the wig color, it should be fine?

>> No.8971691

My favourites

>> No.8971698

I'd love to do a Clawhauser, but I kind of have that problem where
>am fat
>not fat enough for this one though

i don't wanna fuck it up anons

>> No.8971711

Could you pad yourself out or add a neck prosthetic? I feel a lot of the success is going to be from the starry eyed expression, combined with somehow getting that chinfat just right. Bonus points if you walk around with a donut jammed into the prosthetic.

>> No.8971725

oh come on the wig isnt even close to matching the ears

>> No.8971730
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>> No.8971752
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>> No.8971763

These 2 are the best I've seen. Period.

>> No.8971782

LONG vs SHORT wig:

Imo the long wig fad this asian cosplayer started is really stupid.

I mean if you look at the source material and try to adapt Judy into an irl gijinka costume, you should consider the following:
- Judy is clearly a short haired rabbit. Thus I doubt her hair would be long if human. And somehow it doesn't fit her active personality.
- Judy is a police officer and on official duty, which usually means having long hair or you hair down would be an inconvenience. How many times have you seen a lady officer with her beautiful locks down or on two cute pigtails? If must, long wig on Judy would make sense on one braid only (buns would look a bit off)
- At least do not combine a long wig and ears. Without the ears I think two longer pigtails can look cute, but as a combo it's an overkill and still doesn't make sense to me.

> inb4: but anon, some hairstyles don't fit others, lol no fun allowed

While designing gijinkas of things or creatures like pokemon you have way more freedom to be creative than with characters that have super detailed and humanoid source (like Judy).
Imho. I have strong opinions on gijinka cosplays.

>> No.8971798

I don't really understand why everyone loves these two... am I missing something? Both of the wigs are really flat and lifeless for the characters, and both have the completely wrong style of makeup (Judy's makes her look way too mature, and Nick needs some contouring desperately). The colors are great but there's some really bad choices from the neck up.

>> No.8971802

I wish people would go the more spunky tomboy route with Judy, vs making her uguuguu cute. Sure she's a rabbit but her personality isn't cutesty at all.

>> No.8971805

Well for one they have easier access to the store bought costumes- which is what they all have. I've seen at least 10 Asian Judys with the exact same costume and ears.

>> No.8971839

Ugh, this. All the Asian girls shoop their faces to look like kawaii babies with pigtails.

>> No.8971846

I'm kinda leaning for Gazelle but I'm unsure about her hair.

>> No.8971868

I absolutely HATE twintails/braids/long hair on Judy. Doesn't anybody know that policewomen aren't allowed to wear their hair in a way it can get stuck easily? Which is why all policewomen wear their hair in a ponytail/bun, it's a fucking safety question!

>> No.8971880

Everyone loves these two because in a sea of shit, they're the only ones that are actually decent. She's probably the only Judy I've seen that has an accurate undershirt.

>> No.8971901

Well for one, it's nearly fuckin impossible to get a gray wig anywhere right now. Epic cosplay and arda are sold out of nearly every gray wig in every style. So you kind of have to make do with whatever's left.

>> No.8971917

This. They didn't just buy their costumes from one of those shitty chinese sites like most people, they actually made their stuff. Plus they look adorable and their makeup is on point.

>> No.8971928

This is why I'm dying my white one with white fur for my Judy. I have better control and won't have to pray it matches.

>> No.8972844

That Nick is really good imo tho.

>> No.8972848

These are horrible. Good costumes, but the faces and hair...

>> No.8972868

Probably their friends or something desu

The vest is not well made, makeup is atrocious, ears look extremely disproportionate, and the painting on the shirt is messy

>> No.8972880

Cute as fuck. I actually like the whole "paint the hair" thing here since it looks clean. With clawhausers weird buzzcut style I don't think a wig would work anyway

>> No.8972885

Calm down there, vendetta chan. You're sounding pretty salty.

>> No.8972978

I'm not feeling the makeup on Judy. I just feel it's too much.

>> No.8972983
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Opinion about this wig for Judy?

>> No.8972998

Coscraft have tons. Their silver or misty white would be perfect

>> No.8973014
File: 352 KB, 485x663, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 2.20.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on an (assistant) mayor Bellweather costume? I'm going with a very curly wig with a puffy fringe (because most afro wigs look very cheap and terrible in general) but not sure how to do the ears or what kind of makeup. Her outfit is easy enough but feels a bit closet-cosplay-ey, so I thought I might stick together a bunch of binders and papers (pic related) as a prop.

>> No.8973066

>Probably their friends or something
Or you know, the logic of that >>8971880
>>8971917 said.

Anyone looks top tier compared to the ones who bought ill fitting and innacurate premade costumes or closet cosplayed the whole thing.

>> No.8973071

>how to do the ears
I'd look into maybe making some fake ones with fabric or searching around to see if there are any of those prosthetic ones. Loving that you're doing the binder stack as a prop!

>> No.8973150

Judy's neck is hilarious

>> No.8973173
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>> No.8973193
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>> No.8973206
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>> No.8973215
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>> No.8973216
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>> No.8973696
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>> No.8973716

I'm so baffled by this. Why stripper cops and why that wig style?

>> No.8973728

I'm wondering how many time will Nigri (or any other coswhore) need to slut Judy....

>> No.8973737

holy photoshop, batman!

>> No.8973749

Wouldn't Nigri lean for Gazelle tho? She can slut it up same as she did with her Evveelutions and cheap out and use her own hair.

>> No.8973763

>>8971580 who also wore fur covered stripper heels with it.

>> No.8973774

but the point it is, they don't look top tier.

>> No.8973782

I actually kind of love this? I feel like the hair looks better than any of the afro wigs I've seen. My only issue is the dress and blazer aren't very accurate and that the stripper cops could've made more of an effort to look like the rams in the movie, but overall it's a pretty cool idea.

>> No.8973786

Compared to everyone else in this thread? They do. Compared to better cosplayers? Definitely don't.

>> No.8974036

This Nick is super cute.

>> No.8974041

>makeup on point
Mhmm, ok. Your other points were valid though.

>> No.8974218

Not the anon you replied to, but that's not an excuse...?
Ebay is full of silvery wigs, and as said, police women would either wear their hair tied and out of the way or short.

>> No.8974249


Ngl OP pic is my favorite out of all the cosplays. Too bad my bunny has a spotted pattern.

>> No.8974659
File: 148 KB, 1000x689, zootopialogosjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fru Fru cosplayer here again. I'm still sewing away, but I thought you guys might get a kick out of the designer logos I've been working on. Feel free to use them if anyone else needs one for a cosplay.

>> No.8975209

Holy shit these are fantastic, anon! I can't wait to see your cosplay!

>> No.8975239

More like this.

>> No.8975311
File: 687 KB, 640x960, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a quick and shitty edit of the wig

>> No.8975313

The movie came out there before other parts of the world.

>> No.8975316

Aren't we still waiting for it to debut in Japan? But yeah, this movie was HUGE in China, so much so that it earned more money than any other country aside from the USA.

>> No.8975323
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>> No.8975326
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>> No.8975328
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>> No.8975340

I would have thought that Judy's pants are closer to riding pants/breeches if anything, the inseams are similar to what you see on riding pants.

>> No.8975474
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>> No.8975479
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>> No.8975676

Holy shit this is full of some of the cutest girls I have ever seen . This tread is amazing

>> No.8975799

If you clearly are fat, I would say to go for it. There needs to be more Clawhauser cosplays, even if you weren't quite as big as him.
Tfw only a bit chubby and Clawhauser is the only character I want to cosplay ;;__;;

>> No.8975818

i like these both because it's either 1. pigtail hair with no ears or 2. short hair with rabbit ears

>> No.8975828

go creep somewhere else


>> No.8975854
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Thanks! I'll probably make some more for fun later after I finish this.

>> No.8975859

holy shit that wig is incredible

you are a wizard anon, it's looking incredible so far!!!!

>> No.8975933

Aside from the odd camouflage belt pouches, I really like this. All the clothing items look pretty spot on and the wig is short. Her eye makeup could be a little more natural and the ears could match the wig better but overall, this is definitely what I think a Judy cosplay should look like.

>> No.8975937

Oh my god that wig is ridiculously spot on! I'm getting so excited to see this!

>> No.8975976
File: 775 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this hat for my ZPD cosplay what you think?

Remember the ZPD is based of the LAPD, if you want what the real name of the uniforms there wearing is called Flying Cross navy blue.

>> No.8975979
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>> No.8975995

Thanks for the info! I had wondered which brand to go for.

>> No.8976004


there are a few, Flying Cross, Horace Small, Best Uniforms.

Problem is Police uniforms and Equipment is expensive, like the Duty belt I brought basketwave style for $100 with the pouches on them without holster.

>> No.8976036

Christ, that's expensive! I got one of those 10pc tactical belts off AliExpress for under $20 that should arrive next week. Admittedly, I slacked hard on going authentic for my first trial of a ZPD uniform by going the Dickies Work Wear route since it's summer and if I'm going to sweat to death, it's going to be in short sleeves and in a $40 outfit, not a $100+ authentic uniform with long sleeves.

>> No.8976078
File: 81 KB, 640x1070, 1726908_03_leather_police_duty_gear_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The thing about Police uniforms tho is that there very good at letting your body breath in them.

Remember there real police uniforms and made for a policing environment (Cold, hot, hard wearing etc)

And yea but it's the real deal duty belt and man it does look awesome.

>> No.8976102

That looks fantastic! And yeah, I'll probably upgrade to an actual uniform for my second convention since it's a lot bigger/higher cosplay standard but this one is just a local convention where the cosplay standard isn't that high due to massive amounts of out of school teens and closet cosplay due to the heat so I wasn't too worried about looking my best when I only had just under two months to get the costume together.

>> No.8976113
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Well to be honest this will be my first too, i'm into all kind of stuff but never wanted to go out into cosplay until Zooptopia.

Are you going as an animal because I'm just going as a, well cop.

>> No.8976135


>> No.8976150

>Are you going as an animal because I'm just going as a, well cop.
So you're not doing any of the animal traits at all? Because unless I'm missing something, you're just going to be confused for a random cop at the event otherwise.

But yeah, I'm going as Nick so I've got the ears and tail, but otherwise that's it.

>> No.8976169


oh yea your right, that would be strange.

Idk what to be, nick maybe? I've never cosplayed as an animal before or well anything.

>> No.8976179

I'd go with a ZPD character you really like and wouldn't mind basically being for a day. You don't even have to do ears/tail/horn/etc, just get a good wig. Like, if you wanted to be one of the polar bears, get a white wig. If you wanted to be one of the wolves, get a wig to match their fur and probably get at least a tail since you'll be wearing your hat.

You don't have to go all out but I mean at least sort of pick a generic animal and go for the basic wig route at least, otherwise unless people recognize the patches/badge on your uniform (assuming you got ZPD issue stuff) you'll just be confused for an actual on duty police officer.

>> No.8976200
File: 950 KB, 3000x3000, TASER_M26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea, your right I'll just get the wig and stuff.

do you reckon the Taser is too much?

>> No.8976209


sorry it's fake I should add...

>> No.8976216

Uhh.. I'd say so? No one in the movie actually carried a taser and even if you bring it, you have to go and get it peace bonded even if it is fake.

>> No.8976234
File: 105 KB, 1024x682, kingshotgunjpg-f4f9c936174ed713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You right, what about a shotgun?

I mean we are talking about Bla-Preds.

>> No.8976284
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>> No.8976358

Anon I know this is your first time cosplaying to a con, but conventions often won't let you in with realistic weapons. Besides, I am trying to think of if ANY zpd officers carried weapons and I don't think they did.

>> No.8976361

They're baiting, anon. Just ignore them.

>> No.8976367
File: 1.90 MB, 380x214, 1459911100210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even begin to express how excited I am about this. I can't wait for the final result!

>> No.8976510
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>> No.8976515
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>> No.8976518

Out of all the horrible Judy cosplayers with jeans, I have to say this is the worst pair.

>> No.8976521

Are those pot leaves?

>> No.8976535
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>> No.8976537
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>> No.8976549

What even is going on with that Sonic hair?

>> No.8976624

I'd disagree with her being a "short haired rabbit." I mean, quite literally, you're right, but the way Judy treats her ears is a lot like long hair. Her ears are flattened against her back under a hat or when she runs, and if an ear falls in front of her shoulder she flips it back like a chunk of stray hair. While she's a short-haired rabbit, I think she would have long hair if she were human. Her mother has much shorter ears that (as far as we see) are always upright.

I definitely agree about the braids + ears thing though. Go one or the other. Either the pigtails stand in for her ears, or she has ears.

>> No.8976637

The only one with good ears.

>> No.8976638

I actually like this

>> No.8976786

Thanks man this helps a lot.

>> No.8976832
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Well that wasn't me but the taser thing was a joke..

>> No.8980815
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>> No.8982686
File: 67 KB, 640x960, judy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kinda annoys me because the ears are good but she has tinted the bottom of the wig to resemble ears. Am I the only one that just sees 4 pairs of ears?

I feel like you should choose short hair - with ears. Or Long pigtails - no ears. Not both.

>> No.8982694

Yeah definitely seeing four ears.
>fox spray
Why would you though? That's just cruel.

>> No.8982698
File: 594 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_19790-20160426_120746-1260660302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My police belt arrived the other day! Still need to take all the pouches off and put them on my other belt.

>> No.8982713

Thats an ear coming out of that persons forehead...

>> No.8982726

some nice examples here, but still waiting for nigri to top all of this

>> No.8982915
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>> No.8982974

You can't be serious- she literally carries a can of Fox Away spray with her in the movie.

>> No.8983157

>hasn't seen the movie yet
Why are you here

>> No.8983196

I know she carries it in the movie but it almost broke up the friendship she had with Nick and she got rid of it and realized she was being stupid and fearing him over a stereotype. Why would any Judy cosplayer try to be 'cute' by posing with a can of fox spray when you know what it represented in the movie?

>> No.8983204

Different anon, but that is weird. I mean, she was apprehensive about taking it with her to the city, but her folks insisted.

Maybe the cosplayer just wants to show-off the prop?

>> No.8983230

Yeah I can see wanting to show off the hard work you put into something but damn it just bugs me because out of all the cute props you could have, why make the one thing she didn't want in the first place and was largely left ignored until she thought Nick was suddenly going to go feral on her and then she deeply regretted ever having taken it in the first place and felt like a total ass over?

If anyone didn't watch the movie, it's four-ears over there.

>> No.8983251

out of all the props you could have? Really? Because from what I saw she barely had any besides her carrot pen.

>> No.8983255

You are taking this waaaaay too seriously anon. Holy crap.

>> No.8983280

Whered you buy the belt anon?

>> No.8983312

She already has the nose

>> No.8984147

>That's just cruel.

So are foxes. They eat tiny little bunny rabbits like you.

>> No.8984152 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8984158

>little bunny rabbits like you
I'll have you know that I'm a poly pan lizard otherkin discriminated in the Zootopia universe even worse than foxes who at least got to be members of society, thank you. You filthy predphobic scum.

>> No.8984162

That's true. In zootopia, reptiles aren't sentient and are food. The preds gotta eat somehow.

>> No.8984215

cute judy but those feet look so out of place on a human gijinka cosplay? it'd suit more if she were wearing a fursuit or a mascot head/gloves

>> No.8984243

Where's the from?! It's great!

>> No.8984395

I just grabbed mine from eBay and I think it may be the same one? It comes with a lot of pouches and you can easily change it out for a different belt. Also one of the pouches perfectly fit my recorder carrot.

>> No.8984535

What kind of police best is judy wearing? Most people seem to use leather/pleather but it looks alot sturdier than that.

>> No.8984647

It's a flak vest, body armour.
- /k/

>> No.8984871
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>> No.8984891

>Naruto shoes
Now I've seen everything.

>> No.8985053

It was actually confirmed that birds and reptiles have evolved, but weren't included in the movie to avoid overcomplicating things. Zootopia is an entirely mammal city but other animals exist elsewhere.

Preds eat fish and plant proteins.

>> No.8985068

Fish are animals too.

>> No.8985069 [DELETED] 

Fish are animals too.

>> No.8985076

According to vegans they aren't

>> No.8985086
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>> No.8985090
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>> No.8985193

is her... tail on backwards

>> No.8985304

Holy crap it is. How do you even get that wrong? Not to mention neither part is the right color to begin with and are no where near the color or her ears.

..is her wig two different shades of orange as well? There's like neon orange up front and then darker orange in the back.

>> No.8986202
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>> No.8987013
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>> No.8987064

What even is that Nick?

>> No.8989058
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>> No.8989292
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Finished her yesterday, seagulls! A big thank you to whoever suggested the shopping bag idea.

>> No.8989293
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>> No.8989295


>> No.8989301

that looks super sweet, anon! you could probably work on your makeup a bit more so there's a less of an 'in-between phase animorph' look but believe me when i say i'm super impressed.

>> No.8989372

Gosh I was so excited for this.

Also I want to cosplay Belwether, but I've been thinking about going with a mascot suit instead as it seems that humanizing doesn't exactly work well for her. That and I wouldn't know what to do for the wig...

>> No.8989444
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That is amazing!

>> No.8989460
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Tail and ears came today. The color is off but now I'm almost done. Will post pics when I can of everything on.

>> No.8990182

I don't understand why the shopping bags with the wedding dress? She's not wearing her wedding dress in the shopping scene

>> No.8990186

She's not but it makes her easier to identify instead of just "Jersey Shore wedding?". Plus, come on, you know Fru Fru probably rocked that dress all day and did some last minute shopping in it.

>> No.8990195


>> No.8990199 [DELETED] 

This. The idea that she's out shopping an hour before her wedding is hillarious adorable, and the cosplayer's facial expressions help sell it too.

>> No.8990201

This. The idea that she's out shopping an hour before her wedding is hilarious and adorable, and the cosplayer's facial expressions help sell it too.

>> No.8990619

Had no idea this was you, Crunchie. Then again I've only really ever heard your name, lol.

>> No.8991635
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If you look at the high res of her belt, its is camo.

>> No.8991667


Why the fuck does everyone make her so kawaii~ sugoi moe desu~ne x3!!
Yeah, Judy probably would be really cute, but she's professional. She doesn't make desu animu onee~senpai! <3 poses. The Japanese cosplayers I can kind of forgive, but the western??
Judy isn't an anime girl. You aren't an animu girl. Stop this its embarassing.

>> No.8991670



Not sure how this one is desu animu. Unless its just cause she's asian.

>> No.8991710

Look at her body language, look at her bearing. That's not a professional, police-y pose ffs

>> No.8991765

t.b.h. the whole cosplay falls really short for me, I expected higher quality from her but a lot of this looks bought. I can't wait until this ME FIRST zootopia syndrome is over, and we actually have a few Judys who put some time into the outfit.

>> No.8992637
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>> No.8994171

you should make her casual dress, it's cuter

>> No.8994607

Wrong anon. I'm not the cosplayer.

>> No.8994917

Have we had any good end movie/pink shirt Judy's yet?

>> No.8994923

is that photoshop chan without photoshop?

>> No.8995106
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Just saw this on Taobao.

>> No.8995690
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>> No.8995703
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No, it's a different Asian cosplayer. I've attached a picture of photoshop-chan in 2 photos in which one looks less photoshopped. She actually looks really cute and not like an alien without the extra shop.

>> No.8997384

The shoop is so bad it hurt.

>> No.8998756

Is there anything in particular you'd suggest? More contouring on the sides of the nose maybe? I do need to blend out that hard line on the flat of the nose a little better, but I like the overall shape.

Yep its-a-me! I don't self-post often, but when I do, it's to cosplay a snooki shrew.

>> No.8999428


>> No.8999745
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The wigs a little ridiculous but what do I know. I don't think I'd ever go through the trouble of purchasing a wig.

>> No.9003235
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Bump! More pictures where you can see these ears better.

>> No.9004725
File: 156 KB, 600x800, Judy is on the case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9004741

Pics please. Fur covered stripper heels are important to me

>> No.9004753

It would be good, I think

>> No.9004772

The only thing I dislike is the nose because it creeps me out LOL

>> No.9006072

She really looks perfect for this character! I rather like the wig.

>> No.9006096

japanese maple. But yeah they look pretty similar.

>> No.9006101



>> No.9007104
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>> No.9009669

Yeah never underestimate the autism of most Furries. They'll go from acting normal to a 5 year old with ADHD on you in less than a second.

>> No.9010543
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>> No.9014868
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That makeup.

>> No.9016106

Tbh they look cringy as fuck.

>> No.9016514
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I really liked how she did her ears. They looked super nice in person too.

>> No.9017047
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