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9000586 No.9000586 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a good con rave? Are they always just doomed to be a mess?

>> No.9000743
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What makes a good con rave?

I usually show up with a few drinks already in me, make myself look like an idiot on the dance floor, and leave.

>> No.9000793

In all seriousness, what am I supposed to expect at a con rave? Like music wise? Sure, something j-related, but what in particiular? When I hear the word rave, I still think of the glorious 90ies, when techno and its consortia were popular.

>> No.9000815

Don't expect much. Most con raves play basic club music with little anime content. If you're not socially inept you can usually find people to dance with though.

>> No.9000826

Atleast with my experiences it was always very dead and no one really dancing or people standing with their cliques in corners of the dance floor. I never actually seen a lively con rave.

>> No.9000903

ooh, my area of expertise.

>what to expect?

Expect a bunch of nerdy white people who can't dance.
There will be smaller subgroups depending on how many people are there, I'll include a little paint doodle of what it'll look like.

The music itself will vary based on which DJs they bring in. By default, it will be something that you would probably call "techno", the umbrella term would be electronic dance music (edm).
EDM itself has many subgenres, I'll only touch on a few but theres probably dozens more.
trance: slower drifty kind of music, think like progressive music. Sounds explorative, good songs to catch your breath to.
classic edm: this is the "mainstream" in edm. Basshunter, s3rl, etc etc will fall under here.
raw/hardstyle: the beat itself is "raw" hence the name. Sounds a bit dirtier and more industrial, but very good for when you're in the wee hours of the night and you need to dig in to keep your rave game on point.
nightcore: pls no. Super high pitched remixed songs with extremely fast beats. hit or miss, mostly miss.

Some samples.
trance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6h0_9Zv7aM (to me trance sounds very generic)
classic edm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov-Fx-xM9AU (songs like numa numa would fall under here, yes I've heard DJs mix it in before. some sound pretty good)
rawstyle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZGWyVd_TdQ
nightcore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbJ0aXxpTfM

next post I'll touch more on how to make a rave not suck. A good rave will singlehandedly make a convention.

>> No.9000911

i'm mad that you had to include nitecore on this list

>> No.9000919
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once a rave dies, it's done for, as they generally run into the late hours of the night as everyone is leaving. You can't rebuild a rave once everyone's already left... so you have to keep that flame going and burn it as bright as you can.

Single most important person in the rave is the DJ. I've seen DJs kill off raves with 500+ people (cough, A&G con), and DJs make raves work with only 50 people (armageddicon, woohoo!)

The most important rule to raving, regardless of dancing ability, is never lose the beat. I've seen everything from Napoleon Dynamite to legit breakdancing, and anything goes, provided you keep the beat. That's why I hate trap so much, the beat is inconsistent, making it a pain in the ass to dance to, and for whatever reason DJs have a boner for it as of late.

Here's how the average rave dancer goes about his business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgpbyqzmWX4
It looks pretty tricky, but baggy pants help hide your feet movements making you glide, and asides from that its basically a moonwalk on steroids. Learn to moonwalk and you're halfway to doing the hardstyle kick, or Melbourne Shuffle, or whatever you want to call it.

Secondary rule to raving is to find the group you fit into, I'd recommend a bit of liquid courage, herbal essences, or other substances so you can fully enjoy the events, but if you don't want to, all the more power to you. Generally avoid the middle, that's where all the drunks mosh at. Lesbians go find their own corner and wave their hands at each other, and the actual dancers pick either a spot right in front of the speakers or right in front of the stage. Once you have your group and you can make a dance circle, you get to start having fun! Go in for a brief 30s or so, show off what you have, step out and let someone else take it up.

I dislike nightcore as well, but it gets played, so whatever.

>> No.9000921

so to summarize, in an ideal rave, you will have a DJ cranking out some smooth songs with solid beats, a lively dance floor, and a group of similarly minded people around you. The last major step is to enjoy yourself, and lose track of the night as you kick shuffle alongside the con's finest weebs.

>> No.9000945
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A better question is:
Why do they literally refuse to play any anime or vidya music at an anime convention?

>> No.9000961


Don't forget the edges where people juggle, do yo yo tricks, and spin lighted poi as if anyone actually gives a shit

>> No.9000963
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An anime con rave needs anime edm. I hate, hate when a convention plays music without any anime inspiration.

>> No.9000973

eh, edges are mostly where people to awkward to even shuffle stand, and creepers.

>> No.9000979

>your vid
it's like a jacked up river dance

>> No.9000980

best way to describe it is a moonwalk on steroids. the ideal is that you quickly plant one foot and use the other to make momentum (in the form of kicks, shuffling, etc), and repeat this rapidly to "shuffle".

here's babby's first video

but yes, to the uninitiated it does look downright weird.

>> No.9001065

Probably the rights involved

>> No.9001070

We had 300ish people in ours. 3 circles of people tagging in and out with dance moves and the back was filled with people hugging the wall while on lsd. The DJ area had around 50 people hugging his booth jumping all around and he has 2 projector screens playing anime and Vidya videos. Most of the mixes he pulled were off games and a few off well known animes. Lasted 2 hours till it was kill since the con was over

>> No.9001083

Con DJ here, I'll be taking some notes.
P.S., Nightcore is shit and gives things like uk-hardcore a bad name.

>> No.9001257


>> No.9001261

shitty happy hardcore, nightcore, techno, and dubstep djs are the cancer of the anime convention dance scene. the reason why so many con dances suck is because the djs don't understand the audience at all. they are stuck in the past, and often are grandfathered in from when cons were just beginning. when a con dance hears actually themed music from the netlabel/touhou/japanese/etc music scenes they go nuts.

>> No.9001291


Asking anon here. I'm quite surprised that these raves (or a few of them) are actual raves. And yes, what I actually meant was Dance Music or nowadays EDM.


I wish this to become true. Somewhere. There's so much good stuff that is also danceable. Heck why not putting up some stuff from Hiroyuki Oda, Clean Tears or Aerial Flow to fit into the location. But I guess depending on the substyles, it might betoo underground-ish for alot of con goers. While a good chunk of Paul Van Dyk, Armin, Gareth Emery, Gabriel & Dresden or Andy Moor stuff are easier to listen to, stuff like Rank1, John O'Callaghan or Ben Gold are already "too much". Or why not putting out the older remixes of Ayumi Hamasaki tracks?

>Some samples.
>Afrojack -> trance

I know, I'm a dick for starting this, but that's not trance. It's just straight up house or big room house.

Classic examples of trance:
The Killers - Human (AvB Remix): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff9-cXStQW0
Filterfunk - S.O.S. (Message in a Bottle)(Sander Van Doorn Remix): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JWP1TRR4XM
Gaia - Status Exesssu D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlFR_f6L6Jc
Hiroyuki Oda - Transmigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blDU0Q_ks2k

Now that I think about it, seeing Hiroyuki Oda live on a con would be the shit.

>> No.9001318

There was a time when I thought about mixing trance for a con, but I soon decided against it because when I closely paid attention to the musical structure, the amount of time to get from the buildup, breakdown, hook and finally the drop, or climax, would usually be around five minutes, if not more.

If you cut it short, the flow is lost and people won't vibe to your music.

Personally, I like to be more active when mixing, so while I do enjoy the genre, I prefer to mix styles of music where I average around two and a half minutes per track.

The most difficult thing for any DJ, including at a con, is knowing what people want to listen to. During my last gig, I played drum and bass and hardcore, alternating between the two with anime covers and touhou songs, but I found that the audience enjoyed dancing to big room house and top 100's stuff instead.

This is just an excuse used by DJs who make them; I don't think anyone actually cares.

>> No.9001346

Do you have any tips for someone wanting to start playing at cons? I played a small cosplay party at a lounge a couple of months ago but would like to do something bigger

>> No.9001359


Man, what happened to good old techno, im feeling so fucking old here.

>> No.9001376

Get to know people; make friends.
Record some of your mixes, put them up online and post links to them on social media (Fb, Twitter, YouTube, etc)

Basically, get the word out that you're a DJ and build a following.

Afterwards, scout local cons and send them emails asking if they need DJs for a dance. Be persistent, and expect to do work for free.

When you arrive at the venue, make friends with management, staff, and fellow DJs. Find out where they're performing, and if you can get them to vouch for you at that same location. Do your best to make a good impression when you're performing.

Good luck.

>> No.9001418

I don't dabble in trance, I'm sure you know more about it than i do.

It evolved. You feel old because music has adapted and moved on and you've stayed stationary.

>> No.9001472


Fuck, i moved on a fair bit, but it got harder and harder to stay into it if every club started dying. Now there is barely anything going on in my shitty town most of the time.

>> No.9001834

Thanks!! Appreciate it

>> No.9001863

>tfw love going to convention raves and dressing up
>wanna go to raves outside of cons with friends
>tfw friends don't want to do anything that's not videogame or anime related
>constantly miss events in my state because of this

I can't be the only who has this problem.

>> No.9001865

I actually really enjoy acen's Friday dance now known as the synergy.
They used to bring over djs like m project and sharpnel but they've switched gears. They have taku takahashi and pa's lam system again this year so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.9001936

I share your pain. Finding the right people to enjoy the music together isn't as easy as it seems.

>> No.9001938

Hardcore Synergy is the shit
I've always wanted to go but so far I've only been able to go to their event here in CA when they brought guests over for TouhouCon.

Their lineup is changing more each year, and I remember when it used to mainly consist of members from Hardcore Tano*C. I can't help but feel I've missed what could have been the time of my life there.

>> No.9002187

>love going to raves
>wanna go taves outside of cons
>can't find any

>> No.9002355

If you guys are in southern California, I can help ya out!

You need to brush up a lot if this is your area of expertise friend. A lot of what you said is wrong. "Classic EDM" isn't a thing and putting a HDM subgenre under EDM is very insulting to be quite honest. And your rawstyle link isn't raw at all. It is just basic hardstyle. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CjMj-1ugj2Q Is raw, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bd_BtjiNPnYis hardstyle,
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Owxv-oPgIw Is euphoric (best festival I have ever been to is this one).

S3RL falls under Uk/Happy Hardcore and they are many subgenres of trance. From progressive to undergroumd (old school vibe).
It is still out there friend. Many events are still techno based and I personally love playing minimal Tech and Tech house.

>> No.9002407

your discussion of subgenres and mention of s3rl are putting me back into listening to shitty weeaboo circle click game music, I hope you're proud of yourself

>> No.9002408

I'm aware of how active the rave scene is in Cali, but around the Baltimore/northern Maryland area, it can get a little shaky.
Plus, it doesn't help that all of my friends are totally paranoid about going ANYWHERE in the Baltimore suburbs. Also, they would never, ever put in the effort to drive all the way up to Delaware or Philly just to dance.
I need normie friends who want to party.

>> No.9002449

>be rivethead
>go to con rave
>can't dance to fucking chiptunes
>never go again

is the chiptunes trend over? and do con raves ever venture into darker electronic dance music?

>> No.9002453

actually, uk-hardcore gives uk-hardcore a bad name. you just need to look at the scene that surrounds it ... even in the UK.

lol I'm not surprised that "top 100s" was better than what you wrote. it sounds like a complete un-danceable mess. maybe you could post the mix here? It'd be nice if I was being a dick but unfortunately I have a feeling that I'm 100% correct

>> No.9002465

I know magfest did a chiptune rave that I went to, and I thought it was fantastic. It wasn't just straight chiptune, it was typical house/trance mixed with sounds from a Game Boy.

Also, let's be honest here, your typical con nerd doesn't care at all about things like industrial or hardcore. Although I do think that some musical diversity couldn't hurt anyone, since I think there really should be something for everyone.

If by "top 100" you mean Beatport 100, I know exactly what you're talking about. I know that there's an audience for that kind of music, but I can't stand dancing/listening to it. They had that kind of stuff at Otakon, and it just didn't feel good to dance to. Like I said though, people like that kind of stuff for some weird reason.

>> No.9002467

the weird reason is that "top 100" is better sounding to most young people than happy hardcore, techno, europop from the 90s which most DJs at cons seem to be stuck on. None of the good con DJs are playing that kind of stuff

>> No.9002472

Nah, you're probably right. I think I tried too hard to diversify music selection; I even had trap mixed in there, but overall I don't think I sustained the energy well.

It is very different than focusing on technique and making a clean, beatmatched mix, not to mention the event itself wasn't organized well and I didn't even know my timeslot until I arrived. Sometimes, these things can happen and all I can do is just learn from them and become better.

>> No.9002477

>japanese animation convention
>diversify music selection

>> No.9002478


MAGFest had some very epic chip raves going on this year, and just a huge diversity of music.

Definitely the best con for actual music that people who go to cons would care about.

>> No.9002479

Where does Nightcore fit in? This is about the only genre I think I can expect at a con rave, but I don't know if it's even popular.

>> No.9002482

nightcore is what people THINK should be at anime conventions when in reality it is anything but that. so it ends up being co-opted by happy hardcore djs and stuff as their way of "anime-ifying" their normal stuff and it just comes across bad. it's one of the problems with anime con dances as a whole. surely there are always exceptions but they are few and far between

>> No.9002483
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>Be Rivethead
>That feel when you see another anon posting about being a Rivethead
Have a -different- Zoog!

>> No.9002486

Understand that just because you're at a Japanese animation convention does not mean people will dance to Japanese music. You have to appeal to mainstream tastes too.

>> No.9002487

W/e, if I was running a Con I'd just have up huge ass projector screens and played mashups ala BakaOppai and take up non retarded requests.

>> No.9002488


It's fucking terrible how bad con DJs are at actually even selecting appropriate music for a convention.

It's like they've been running on the same anime rave template since 2006.


Your song is NOT FUCKING ANIME RELATED just because it's got an anime girl on the cover, or because it's K-pop (plz fucking stop with PSY already), or caramelldansen.

There's a HEUG fucking selection of Vocaloid, Doujin, Anime Remixes, denpa, and video game remixes that are AMAZINGLY fucking relevant and it's like.

Oh boy, let me shit all over the weebs with the same HHC mix as always and throw in Bad Apple.

No fuck off. You aren't even an anime fan. You don't even understand what this culture is.

Get the fuck out of the convention and get back in the bed room.

>> No.9002490

by playing top 100s from beatport and 90s techno? what exactly are you arguing here?

>> No.9002495
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You have shit taste in Japanese dance music.

>> No.9002496

Last con rave I went to had a remix of the hamster dance. Just to emphasize your point.

>> No.9002497

No, DJs like that are a dime a dozen and you won't last long in any environment with that kind of mentality.

You need to find a middle ground, where you can introduce new music alongside what people already know, and work from there. That is the most difficult thing, and can often take a lot of practice, especially if you are new to the location where you will be performing, because perhaps the local scene there is different from where you are from.

>> No.9002498
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here you be the judge. This is from Anime los Angeles this year.

>> No.9002499

So what is that people already know? The Top 100s? Hardcore and Drum and Bass songs? I'm still having trouble getting an answer out of you.

>> No.9002501
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Is there going to be one at anime expo this year? Never been to one there.

>> No.9002510

The answer I gave was clear. It is the DJ's job to know what their audience is familiar with and it can vary by region. For example, in the bay area, trap is popular. Around central california, drum and bass is popular. In the midwest, last time I checked, hardcore was more popular.

If the local scene likes drum and bass for example, but you want to play some hardstyle, then you can try to play a hardstyle remix of a popular track from that scene or compose your own. Your set should still have drum and bass, but you can ease in Japanese music (Vocaloid, Touhou, whatever) every now and then that is in that style.

In my case, drum and bass was popular in the area I was performing, and because the BPM is the same as uk hardcore, I transitioned to and from it continuously. One of the major problems was coordination of the dance; I had people show up looking forward to my set long after I was done because they had no idea what my timeslot was.

>> No.9002511


Here. Let me help you out since you don't actually understand your audience.

Shokugeki no Soma is popular IN EVERY region.


>> No.9002516

Sharpnel is playing at Colossalcon anon, along with JAKAZID, Tanuki, and (lol for >>9002488 mentioning caramelldansen), Speedycake

Synergy @ ACen, Colossalcon, and MAGFest are really the only conventions that care enough nowadays to book good acts for their dances/raves. Though I guess Momocon booked Gammer and Shawn Wasabi? Which is really weird.

>> No.9002517

At least pretend to take my answer seriously, where instead I can clearly see you're wasting my time.

I've played future bass arrangements of Anime songs before and it is simply not enough. Do you even DJ?

Cons are filled with normies, too, who have no clue what this is.

>> No.9002518

>trap and drum and bass are not popular in the midwest
why are you blabbering on about hardstyle? it's clear that you're one of the terrible DJs - a cancer of the con rave world. which con staff are your friends? your timeslot excuse is just toooo funny- 95% of con dance attendees do not give one amount of shit about the timeslots, or even who the DJ is. They just want to party out otaku style.

>> No.9002520

But I did not say that those styles were not popular in the Midwest, anon. Why did you choose to interpret it that way?

As for the timeslot issue, it was hardly the only factor. While the room was not empty, it could have been much more had things been better coordinated.

>> No.9002521

by your logic, a set done in the midwest "should" have hardcore in it, and you can "ease in" japanese music.
do you understand why I'm calling you the cancer? your methodology is terrible. it doesn't even remotely connect with the real life situation.

you've already admitted that your set was likely an undanceable mess ... it's because of your methodology.

>> No.9002526
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Do you even anime man?

Do you even understand that even mainstream trash rags like Vice are willing to cover club MOGRA, but could give less than two shits about the new dicksuck remix that has nothing to do with their culture?

Do you even realize the normies AREN'T ACTUALLY YOUR REAL AUDIENCE, the otaku are?

Absolutely no one outside of your drugged out circle of friends actually cares about the music you're playing.

It's not even that it's future bass.

It's that it's anime.


>> No.9002528

There is more to it than that, but very well then. By your logic, how should one build their mixes; which is the original reason I decided to post here?

>> No.9002534

You should fully embrace your own personal style. You should mix the music you like, and not just because someone else wants to hear it.

Don't attempt to be someone else, because when you fail you'll end up nobody.

>> No.9002536
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You should stick to throwing your own party for your friends then, and stop playing at conventions for anime nerds.

>> No.9002538

I don't DJ.

What I mean to say is - the DJs that play at Anime Conventions should be the ones who's personal style exemplifies Japanese / Otaku dance music and flair.

It's these hold-outs of happy hardcore, techno, dubstep DJs that drop 1 DBZ remix and call their set Anime-Con approved that are the cancer. Go away, cancer.

>> No.9002541

Okay then, explain why dancefloors at Anime cons are packed when subpar DJs are playing mainstream music. I've seen it and watched it happen.

But then people like you come online and complain how the DJ's taste is shit and how con raves have a bad rep.

I think you are not understanding my intentions. I am all for introducing music like what you are linking, as well as original Japanese music, but we cannot single out groups of people even if it is an anime con. People still want to be able to relate to music they commonly hear in their daily lives, and we have pressure to keep the floor filled. There is a need to be able to do both effectively.

From there, if you decide you don't like the DJ's taste after all, that is perfectly fine because you're entitled to your opinion. But don't say I'm shit because I don't try.

>> No.9002544

I already do this. I've done this.
But you cannot be selfish in front of an audience. You are still performing for them.

And it took me years to finally understand that.

>> No.9002546

It's almost as if your personal style doesn't really match up for Anime Cons and when you apply your flawed methodology to fit you get an undanceable mess of a mix.

>> No.9002552


People paid a bunch of money for booze, cosplay, and hotels all for one weekend.

They want to party regardless of how shitty it is. For a lot of them, this may be the only party they actually even go to this year unless they hit up other cons.

> People still want to be able to relate to music they commonly hear in their daily lives, and we have pressure to keep the floor filled. There is a need to be able to do both effectively.

There isn't.

People going to an anime con aren't looking for "everyday" life.

If they did they wouldn't even be at the con.

The everyday life and music an anime fan relates to ARE basically ANIME MUSIC.

>> No.9002555

DJs accumulate different tastes for different music all the time.
Just because I like a speedcore track that was just released this M3 in Japan does not mean I will play it for a local Anime convention, no matter how much I like it. Mixing guidelines also apply heavily, and when I have a live audience, I need to have them already pumped up from the get go. I can save intros that are several minutes for my online mixes, but while I'm in there, each bar is precious.

>> No.9002556

Part of the problem, I think, is that con DJs tend to play exactly the kind of music that con attendees DON'T hear in their daily lives.

If a con is your major social event of the year, you're probably not going to clubs and listening to trap all the time.

>> No.9002557
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Apologies, I was thinking you did.

I'm agreeing with you 100%.

The problem is, that's really what the style of those hold outs are. That's their real personality showing in how inappropriate their music taste is.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is listening to some serious epic anime music that these fuckers can't even understand because they're low-tier otaku at best, where Tenga Toppen Gurren Lagaan is about as deep as they ever get into anime.

>> No.9002558
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Lengthy intros? Okay, now you're just talking about something completely different here.

>> No.9002559
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Nor should you play those speedcore albums because none of them actually have anything to do with anime other being released by Japanese music circles at M3-37.

Every bar you're using on not anime is a bar you're not using to actually play for your audience, but instead jerk yourself out into your own hand for self-enjoyment.

>> No.9002566

You cannot operate off such generalizations; it will eventually catch up to you and you will see how wrong you are. Many Anime fans also love kpop for example. Are you going to ignore their tastes for the sake of showing your "cred" through the form of music?

I've been trying to explain for a long while now, but although the DJ is the performer, the DJ is not the most important person in the room.

There is more to music than just Anime songs. During M3, for example, many Bemani artists release their original music, many of whom have fans in Anime conventions.

By that logic, what about all the Vocaloid fans, and Touhou fans? I will not ignore them just because they are not "Anime."

>> No.9002572

this x100

but, also this. You gotta do both. But, I think it's more important to play what you know and what you like. If you like and play good music, then a crowd will like it.

As for the glory that is "getting booked to be an anime con DJ", the pay is cheap, it's not that glamorous, it's about who you know and not so much your skill.

Less DJ wank, post more cool music! this isn't mine, but it includes some songs that I also have in my crate.

>> No.9002577
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> Many Anime fans also love kpop for example. Are you going to ignore their tastes for the sake of showing your "cred" through the form of music?

Am I at a K-Pop convention or an Anime convention?

If I'm going to play a Korean Artist, I'll play a Trekkie Trax remix of an anime song.

> what about all the Vocaloid fans, and Touhou fans
Vocaloid and Touhou anime exist.

>> No.9002580

Bemani, Vocaloid, Touhou and Kpop are all platforms of which to express different types of music. This is completely different than specific music genres like Happy Hardcore, Speedcore, Techno, Dubstep, Drum and Bass, etc. Am I missing something in this interpretation? Even Kpop is so widely varied in how it's expressed -sometimes it's more like a dance song but other times more like hiphop. It's not that much of a stretch for an anime con to do a panel on Vocaloid... the OFFICIAL artwork released is done in an Anime style... but for a panel on Happy Hardcore? No way.

>> No.9002591

the irony is that speedcore is terrible, terrible music.

>> No.9002603

How to throw a good anime con rave.

Find the best DJ you can that is really this person.


Then hire them.

>> No.9002624

Well, you are both wrong and right. In smaller events such as cons, you have to cater to the crowd and be able to read the dance floor, but at actual professional events, you play what the event is. If you are playing at something like DreamScape, you can't just play a full crossbreed set and in bigger events, the dj is the most important person.

I don't dj at cons, but this is something I love doing at con hotel parties. There are a lot of dance anisong remixes out there. Never understood why con djs dont play them or just make their own mashups since it easy hard.
To be honest, most con djs are cancers on the overall music scene. Con djs think they are the shit just because they play at con raves when con raves are shit 98% of the time.
Nightcore is a youtube genre. It really doesn't fit anywhere.
Very proud anon, I love circle gemu music.
Well, if I ever go to philly, I pray to the sea gods that we might find each other anon.
You are going about this in the wrong way anon. Cons don't follow club/massive/festival formats. What is popular in the region doesnt matter. For open genre events like coms, something I and many others do is play 10-15 mins of different genres to see which get the most reactions and contruct your set from there. Also, just because bpms are within the same range does not mean they can orshould be mixed together. You have some mexican music at 165bpm and some Industrial Core at 165 bpm, would you mix those two? No, try to focus of mixing in harmony instead, bpm doesn't really matter for most sets.

>> No.9002728

In that case, you should have little to no problem of whatever I decide to play, then. One or two kpop songs I decide to throw in to accommodate those people should have little effect on the overall quality of the set.

The funny thing is, I was once offered by Anime California to play a full kpop set to which I refused their offer because I felt it was too out of place for an anime con.
I didn't mean it as a general statement, as I typically mix by key and by bpm second. Generally speaking, it is not good practice to be constantly changing bpm anyway.
t+pazolite and Kobaryo are two musicians with talent who also produce speedcore. You are free to disagree, but you should approach things with an open mind, anon.

>> No.9003115
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>In that case, you should have little to no problem of whatever I decide to play, then.

Absolutely not.

It makes it all the more fun for me when I'm the one who'll be taking your con DJ gig from you in the near future.


Yes. t+pazolite and Kobaryo are two musicians with talent who also produce speedcore.

But unless it's actually an anime remix they're doing, I'm not playing it because it's not even appropriate at all, and they actually have a huge selection of Touhou and anime remixes to choose from.

>> No.9003192

>this thread


>> No.9003350

>people acting like getting booked to DJ at an anime convention is a big deal

please stop

>> No.9003373

Dunno about raves but I went to a club after a con once. D the music was decent. Dj played hatsune miku, anime themes, Mememe, that I can remember.

Then it changed to chip tunes and suddenly all these awkward guys that thought they could dance poured out of the woodwork. That's when I left.

Also the smallest fucking dwarf I've ever seen in my life was there. Fucker was honestly toddler height. I almost tripped over him.

>> No.9003419

AnimeNext raves had some p good raves imo (granted I've only been to a few rave in and out of conventions) But I always had a good time and the dance circles were good.

>> No.9003425
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No because what you faggots need to understand is that you can't have a "rave" and "con" in the same fucking sentence.

What you are going to is a "rave" themed party. You're actually going to a rave.

Just as well too. Can't imagine how bad the majority of people here would sperg out at a real one.

>> No.9003445

I totally get the whole "con DJs need to play anime music" argument, and half of me says that that does make sense and that's what should happen. The other half of me, though, doesn't care since I almost never get to dance with my friends except at cons and will take what I can get.
Even if a DJ doesn't do anything anime related, we can still come down and say that we enjoyed ourselves and the music was good, because that's literally all we care about. Likewise, I don't think that playing anime-related music is some kind of compromise. Like, I still feel like a DJ can still play music they love that's also anime related; and if the DJ doesn't like anime music, they shouldn't be at a con in the first place.
>I'm not a DJ

Anyone with half a brain knows that a con rave is different than what you would get at a rave outside of a con. No one cares about your arbitrary definition of a "real rave" anyway, so fuck off with that kind of mentality.

>> No.9003464


>Can't imagine how bad the majority of people here would sperg out at a real one.

I'd imagine they'd be doin' a whole lot better than the ketamine zombies, meth heads, and wannabe-hippies you'd find at most.

At least the spergs have a chance of finding a career in the near future.

>> No.9003513

>Mum! Go back to bed! We're becoming famous DJs!


>> No.9003539


We're talking anime DJs, not diccsuck DJs

I think you mean more like this.


>> No.9003562


There's amazing anime raves in Japan.

Some of the venues that have these parties don't even allow you to play anything BUT straight up anime songs. You can't even play remixes.

If you want a real anime rave party, you gotta be in AKIBA


>> No.9003594

Anyone know of any raving community in the Cincinnati area? I feel so lonely. There's one in Columbus but I can't be bothered to consistently do 200 miles each time I want to rave...

>> No.9003925

Can you please define what you believe a rave to be?

>> No.9003934

I hate when DJs play anime remix shit.
It's not good music.
It often can't be danced to so it makes everything more awkward.
If it's some weeb wannbe DJ I don't even bother going anymore.

>> No.9004009

This https://youtube.com/watch?v=NgsZFPvlbJo Con raves are just themed parties.

>> No.9007405

>I hate when DJs play anime remix shit.
>It's not good music.
Carpainter would like a word with you

>> No.9007814

I go to the baltimore raves occasionally (2 or 3 times a year) and it's never that bad as people make them seem. I've never had a problem with it.
And if you could always try D.C too if you're close to the area it's not bad place to rave.

>> No.9008424

What is a real rave anyways and I'm not speaking about con raves? How do they differ from a music festival like Coachella or Hard Summer or themed club events?

What is the reason why they never play otaku music remixes at con rave? I've been going to con raves for a few years now and you can count the number of anime songs played on one hand at each event.

>> No.9008459

As far as I can tell, music festivals emphasize the talent and listening, clubbing is dancing and socializing, and raves are to dance your brains out.

For me I would love to dance to ANIME music that I know, if not then I still want to be able to dance to a beat and have fun even if I don't know the song. I want the majority of the setlist to be anime or something else in nerd culture. Where else in the world would we ever get a chance to dance to anime music in a public setting surrounded by our peers?

The music is king, I don't care about the dj or live mixing or their agendas, they are just the means to creating a fun experience for me and my friends.

Con raves to me should be fun for the nerd or spaz who wouldn't normally go to a club scene and could still have a great time grooving their bodies even when they can't dance.

>> No.9008461

Raves vary. You can have massives where it is just one big event with one stage and can run from 6pm-3am. They tend to have really nice stage design and visuals: http://sys.4chan.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNgsZFPvlbJo

And then there are warehouse events (tend to be in the legal gray zone) where a group of people rent a warehouse amd just through a party. These can go from 8pm-7am and dont tend to have fancy stuff. Just you and the music.

>> No.9008464

So playing good anime remixes would be the remedy?

>> No.9008586

>What is the reason why they never play otaku music remixes at con rave?

Because Cons DJs are typically local scenesters invested in dying genres, and usually it's their biggest gig they can get.

Most of them don't really even give a shit about anime.

>> No.9008620


Some do, look up DJ Amaya

>> No.9008888

What events have you been to in Baltimore and DC? How do you find out about these events?

>> No.9008895

Just look on facebook or if there is an artist you like, hope he has a show in your area.

>> No.9009131

Mainly bc there's not a lot of one songs mixed in a way that can be mixed into other songs. Clubs in Asian counties use American dance Asian dance music or edm are faster than American ones.

>> No.9009135

But I'm not a DJ and maybe I just don't know where the hell to look for good anime music that can be used in raves.
Anybody got a link to share where I can download some music?

>> No.9012600

I agree that DJs that play at con scenes should at least play mainly anime remixes, vidya remixes, Vocaloid, Touhou and/or Bemani. Sure they /can/ throw in some normie stuff, but not so much that it becomes the majority.

I find it ridiculous that the Miku Expo digital stars event in California rarely had any Vocaloid songs for a VOCALOID BASED DJ event, like Crypton could have done a much better job picking out local DJs and/or enforcing them to play at least some Vocaloid songs.

>> No.9012669

in your opinion, how much of a showboat should the dj be? my bestie loves it when they fuck with the reverb constantly but i dislike it

>> No.9012803
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Any fellow metrocon goers here?
On a scale of 1 to 'kill me' how much do you hate the sound of zoe van west's voice?

I would love to hear some more Miku in the metro massive, i went to the miku expo new york concert a while back and it was so much more energy packed.


>> No.9012837

I've been to a lot of high-end clubs and events this year and I know con raves are childish but I kinda prefer them. The people that attend are what makes it for me. Theres a lot of douchey adults or hard core drug users further up the chain whereas cons usually just have weebs and potheads. Maybe I've just had some bad experiences. Definitely think the music is better at big clubs (obv)

>> No.9012847

My friends and I all love industrial and would fit into your con nerd classification. This is why I've never bothered going to a rave, I have no interest in some cheesy 90s techno/ pop

>> No.9012877

I don't know that there's a rave community but there's the steampunk salons who have a DJ every month, the Dock, Noir (another Pandora society thing I think but not steampunk, lots of good dance music), and then normie clubs like mynt that I've never been to

>> No.9013020

zoe van west can't sing for shit and the metro dances have sucked for years now. she says she's popular but you never hear her anywhere else. if it weren't for metrocon and her nude pics you wouldn't know she even exists.

if you don't want to waste your money you can walk right in through the loading dock. everyone goes out there to smoke and they don't check for wrist bands or badges.

>> No.9013125

Industial Core is my shit. I rarely get gigs, but when I do, I have drop some in there.

>> No.9013148

There is no rave community anymore because EDM is completely mainstream now.

>> No.9013458

There is though. The HDM scene is doing well and still not mainstream worldwide.

>> No.9013532

It sucked last year too but for different reasons.

Last there is was a shit venue with cruddy acoustics. I eventually ditched it and went to the normie event next door which was do much better in all ways.

The djs were pretty meh. I think some of them tried to play some vocaloid music but we couldnt hear it well. The japanese djs mainly played american pop.

>> No.9013539

This year was a good venue, they outsourced to a company to handle the event.
Alright visuals, decent acoustics but the djs set list suck. You couldn't dance to any of the music. There was this one dj whose intro went on forever.
Only thing I liked was that Marble soda dude was there briefly with his trio group.
Again I found my self hanging out at the front normie dj having a better time.

>> No.9013637

>expect to do work for free
Unless these are the kind of local cons with a turnout of less than 100 people, don't work them for free. Getting a reputation for doing work for free ensures you'll never do it with pay

Unless of course you don't care about making money and just want an excuse to go to the local cons and play music you like for a few hours. In which case go nuts

>> No.9020728

Thirsty male here. Which section of the rave usually has the single grils looking for hookups?

>> No.9020997

I've found that usually when people say they didn't enjoy a rave, they weren't on E or anything. What did you expect?

>> No.9021835

Metro bounce house blowjobs FTW

If the drugs are good it's like a fucking hentai paradise in there!