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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8995254 No.8995254 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for weird/unexplained shit that happens while pursuing our hobbies. Ever gotten freaked out, or freaked someone else out, while in costume or jfash or LARPing innawoods?

Story from highschool:

>be into visual kei
>girlfriend also into it
>I live 1 mile from old cemetary
>none of the headstones have dates post-1900
>being edgy teenagers, we decide to do sexy visual kei photoshoot in the graveyard at night
>buy disposable cameras with flash
>get dressed up in holey thrifted clothes, do heavy black and red makeup and use kohl to draw goffick designs on our faces
>totally jrock fuck yeah
>traipse out through woods toward graveyard
>random neighborhood stray dog follows us
>not sure if dog is friendly
>be extra-nice to it just in case
>snap photos of each other and the dog along the way to cemetary
>camera flash is only light apart from moon
>dog acting weird, we ask it shit like, "What is it, boy? Can you sense the spirits?"
>approach cemetary entrance
>dog plants ass on ground
>whines, ears flat against head
>gf convinced dog can see/smell ghosts
>suggests we go home
>dog starts growling
>gf clings to my arm
>tfw frozen between cemetary and growling dog
>all hairs on my body standing on edge
>probably only lasts a couple seconds but feels forever
>we sweet-talk the dog till it calms down
>seems more scared than angry
>gf repeats we should go home
>edge back down the path toward dog, it relaxes as we near it
>trots along with us for a while
>we laugh nervously about how we got manipulated by a crazy old stray dog
>it suddenly bolts ahead down the trail
>we lose sight of it
>return to my house in silence

The photos all looked like shit and we didn't try a graveyard or nighttime shoot again.

>> No.8995549

Giving this a bump

>> No.8995584

why though, no one has stories

>> No.8997736

Idk I knew this weird kid who wanted to start a Sukeban group really badly a few years ago.

It's not like there are much weird jfashion experiences that would fit here instead of the embarrassing thread or the feels thread.

>> No.8997892

I love paranormal shit, but sadly I only have one story to contribute

>Friend used to live in an old farmhouse, somewhere between 100-200 years old
>Friend says a lot of paranormal shit has happened throughout the years: talking, footsteps, the usual
>Having a cosplay photoshoot at the house
>Two cosplayers, two assistants and a photographer
>Build a studio into the biggest available room, an unused old living room
>The living room is at the end of long hallway and sort of separated from rest of the house
>There's a also a toilet on the same hallway
>Do the photoshooting, we are having a blast, eventually finish and wrap up
>I slip into the toilet in the hallway while others are left into the living room
>Doing my do, minding my own business, eventually leave the toilet
>Enter the hallway, hear loud laughter from the living room
>Think nothing of it, just assume the others are still there
>Walk away, go to kitchen to get some food
>Everyone else is already there, quietly eating or preparing their food
>Realize there was no-one in the living room
>Proceed to shit pants

We've had several phtoshoots at the same house and while the atmosphere has always been creepy, nothing else has ever happened. The family dog has gone berserk barking at empty corners a couple times, but nothing beyond that.

>> No.8998087

Yeah, this is a really niche thread but I have a story too

>Have friend on janitorial staff of my huge uni
>Uni has this very cool basement area since it was built and expanded on top of the old school building
>All these empty rooms with old pipes and mostly storage
>I ask if friend can let me and a photographer in for a photo shoot
>It's only early evening and we get some really cool ambiance shots
>Down the hall, a door slams shut
>It's absolutely quiet otherwise
>Both me and my photographer gets the heebeejeebees so we book it out
>My janitor friend says that there can be a draft down there sometimes but not enough to close the heavy doors
>Maybe other staff?
>Never find out
>Never go back for photos because I don't want to jinx this shit

The photos turned out really cool though and my photog kept joking we got orbs in the photos but I think he was lying...

>> No.8998114

>go to friend's place to work on cosplay.
>she lives in a renovated loft above a barn behind her family's house.
>we get our stuff out of the car and open the door to the barn.
>we hear heavy heavy footsteps upstairs in her loft.
>oh her dad must have brought something over.
>go up the stairs and open door.
>nobody is there.
>we check closets, bathroom, everywhere.
>only living thing there are here two rats in their cage.
>fuck no
>nope the fuck out and work on cosplay in the main house

>> No.9002969
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Best I have is that I once sat in a line to see Dan Slott because my buddy is a big comic fan. I didn't have anything to sign so I decided to make kissy faces at Dan for about 2 hours. I'd wink at him and lick my lips. Eventually he asked "Is this a twitter thing?" and I said no. When I finally got to the front of the line my buddy got his shit signed and the security dude told me "Don't do anything weird" and Dan laughed. I said he was a good sport and kissed his bald. He tasted like oil.

>> No.9007895

Wait is that you in pic? so you are telling me while you are waiting in line, you blew kisses at him? Why didn't you just let him sign a dollar bill and have a wall of famous dollar bills?!

>> No.9007902

I was washing a wig one time, and I had left it in my bathroom on my wig stand to dry. Apparently, it scared the shit out of my mom - at one point, she walked in while the lights were turned off and thought that the wig stand was a severed head.

>> No.9012573

>arrange wig and headdress on wig head night before meet
>leave on desk, which is opposite of mirror that hangs on back of closet door
>forget about it, go to sleep
>wake in middle of the night
>street light outside window lights room, dimly but i can make my way around
>get up to pee
>glance in mirror as i pass it
>freak out at the ghostly white face floating behind me

it was the wig head, and this wasn't the first or last time it has spooked me at night.

>> No.9013068
File: 217 KB, 398x622, freaky_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just funny to me, but the poor man in my story almost got a heart attack.

Background: I'm a Finnfag and here we celebrate Midsummer's eve usually by drinking, going to sauna, swimming and eating shittons and doing weird love spells throughout the night.
Also, this night especially is what we call a nightless night, when the sun doesn't set at all but shines low through the night too.

One year on Midsummer's eve me and my two friends decided not to go the traditional way.

> be me, bff and mutual friend C
> bff and me had cosplayed pic related from Fatal Frame, bff being Sae and I had made Itsuki some time ago
> "What if we go to the asian inspired gardens in the town park and have a creepy photoshoot session in the middle of the night?"
> fuckyeah.gif
> C promises to be our photographer
> shittons of white (sealed) makeup on both of us and bff's yukata looked like she literally died in it
> commence_cool_and_creepy_photoshoot.exe
> had super fun and got creepy photos
> the nightless night added a great eerie light into the pictures
> be done at 3 a.m
> head to the car parked nearby
> hear someone biking behind us
> bff turns around to see if we should walk to the side so the biker gets more room
> she forgets that her face looks like a mass murder weapon
> and of course I turn too, looking so pale you could think I had just witnessed a live filming of a snuff film
> old man, cleary a bit drunk, first gasps, then yelps, thrusts forward with his bike in panic and falls over to his side on the asphalt
> uhyouoktheresir.png
> "Oh, yeah, sorry about that, pops."
> Man mutters and curses at us with a slur in his voice, takes his bike and pedals as fast as he can away from us, occasionally looking if we are following him
> cue the loudest and shittiest laugh fest we have ever had

We forgot other people might be in the park too, though unlikely at 3am. Oops.

>> No.9013075

My hero.

>> No.9013153

Nothing particularly big, but while working on outfits I sometimes leave the room and come back hours later to find every pin removed and neatly put back in the pincushion.
I've also found tiny things I've lost on an old needle tray that I tend to keep empty ages after losing them, like thimbles, needles, and screws.
And sometimes, if I start embroidering things I haven't worked on for a while and get frustrated with the tangle of threads, I can leave the room for a few hours and come back to find it, if not untangled, at least manageable.
Thank you, ghost.

>> No.9013161

you got some oldschool helper elves anon

take care of them

>> No.9013165

What a helpful ghost. You hit the jackpot with that haunting!

>> No.9013232
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I similarly once thought my wig head was a person, started talking to it since I thought it was my mother and my phone was across the room, ringing. I asked her to get it for me.
My girlfriend has this absolutely awful wig head (pic related) that she gouged they eyes out of for whatever reason. In college, her and her roommate used to try to scare each other with by hiding it in unexpected places. I think the fridge was a popular choice.

>> No.9013708

one time i wore guro lolita, day before halloween for a school costume event because halloween fell on a saturday. i ended up leaving early and thinking "man its halloween tomorrow, noones gonna think twice about a freaky bloody doll"
turns out i was so wrong, other than some people yelling "its not halloween" i ended up scaring the living shit out of an older woman in a shop (she even screamed, i felt so bad), got passed by the bus who decided to just not pick me up, and found out from mall security that evening that someone had called the police on me, thinking i had been in an accident - but that police had contacted the security guys and they basically told me to fuck off

good times.