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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8991829 No.8991829 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts about ACen 2016? Are you going to be there?

>> No.8991838

We have a somewhat actibe ACEN thread here. Granted it is pretty old and dying so perhaps this could work.

>> No.8991847

I'm obsessed with someone from the Facebook group do I'm pretty glad I'm not going because I'd do something desperate.

>> No.8991854

Party con for me, main costume will be Kaden from fire emblem.

Also running a sewing panel Saturday morning that I will likely be hungover for.

>> No.8991910

I think a new thread is appropriate since last thread is under watch of the Internet tough guys from the fb group.

That being said, recommended panels? Def going to the Oregon trail panel, heard nothing but good things.

>> No.8991924

lol oh the fb group. they kill me.

>> No.8992044


I can't stand that Benjamin monkey nigger. Guess we must had hurt his feelings that we can't stand him and his autstic attention whoring buddies being cancerous as fuck so he had to go and post the screenshots of the last thread to thay group.

Also he ruined Umineko for me with him spamming the Lambdadelta popcorn picture. It was never funny.

>> No.8992075

Lmao you sound like a huge faggot

>> No.8992132
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Let it go. I already made the mistake of starting shit and now they're "threating" crashing the meet up and derailing threads. No matter what anyone says, they refuse to listen to reason and they're childish. Just Let it go.

>> No.8992144

You didn't know any better, don't kick yourself for it.
Just focus in getting your cosplay and con plans dome. It'll be water under the bridge soon.

>> No.8992205
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Trying not to, but it turned into such a shit show before it got deleted, where if you didn't agree with them you got patronized. Even the admins who are supposed to be professional. Not sure why I'm so surprised.

Cosplays are just about done actually, just adding details. Thanks for talking to me, guy.

>> No.8992252

how i feel about the acen fb group is perfectly described here. any time you disagree, you get ousted instantly.

cosplays, almost there

>> No.8992311

It sucks but hey, that just the way it is.

I'm not really excited for this ACEN. Maybe when I am actually at the con I might feel something but meh.

>> No.8992522
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This is my first ACEN. What do I need to know?

>> No.8992583

Pace yourself. It's not a sprint.

>> No.8992602

I'll be there. Keep an eye out for a fat white Shinnouske (Kamen Rider Drive) and a vault dweller.

>> No.8992610

I hope I'm the cutest Umaru. That always makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.8992762

That sounds creepy.

>> No.8992766

The exit out the AA through the cafe is one way only and if you want to go back inside the AA you'll have to walk all around the building.

>> No.8992775

Man's body was not designed to run on ramen, pocky, and booze alone. Either bring food you can keep in your room, or plan to actually make the walk to McDonalds/Giordano's. Alternatively, there's also an outlet mall nearby with a decent food court.


Every year some dumb fuck thinks that the only thing to drink is alcohol and the ambulance is always called out.

>> No.8992785

>con is in a little over two weeks from now
>still barely any guests

>> No.8992963

It's to the point where I think we're just shit out of luck. Unless they announce guests like the night before.

>> No.8993411

That shit is why I'm only going for Saturday. I may just ghost this con at this point.

>> No.8993419

God. This is ACen year 11 for me. This con has changed so much it's now just a place I go to meet up with my local friends and have an excuse to get away.

>> No.8993481

remember the good old golden days of acen? i do :/

>> No.8993557

Remember when they said that all girls on that group are crazy? it's true

>> No.8993853

Guidebook is up https://guidebook.com/g/animecentral2016/

>> No.8993983

I feel scared for whoever is the target of the girl or guy of >>8991847.

I can't stand about 99% of the memebrs of that group but they don't deverse harm or a STD.

>> No.8993989

I'd rather go to Midwest than El Ken's shitshow

>> No.8994041

I wish it was more organized like it was the year before, but I'm happy that it's finally up.

>> No.8994064

This is why I'm not going this year.

>> No.8994097

Even though the people running the con can't organize for shit, be sure you plan your weekend out (and this includes your budget). There are probably going to be a lot of panels, events, and guests you want to see, and chances are they're going to overlap, so look through the programming book beforehand and highlight what you want to see the most, and leave time to rest, shower, and eat.

Let's see what else I remember:

>ATM in the dealer hall sometimes runs out of money - take care of withdrawals before attending

>be prepared for a lot of walking; be aware of where you're going b/c of (unruly) crowds & emergency zones (it's kind of tradition for someone to call the ambulance at some point)

>get there early or arrive very late on Friday

Hopefully you got your badge mailed to you, otherwise, you're bound to be stuck waiting all Friday (which in that case, either pick it up Thursday or Friday night).

This is a personal opinion: Soap Bubble isn't worth it.

I still don't get why people wait in line for hours to be holed up in a room filled with sweaty people and their B.O. when there are hundreds of other things to do within the day. Private party rooms are better.

Dude, that mall is godsend. It beats the walk to McDonald's and overpriced cafeteria food. I'm kind of partial to Freshii. Nutritious, filling, and you can keep the bowl if you order one.

>> No.8994170

Where the hell are half of the cosplay meetings that should be scheduled? Most of these won't last an hour. It's wasting resources for the rest of the con!

>> No.8994205

This con used to be so much fun. I'm not nostolgia fagging either.

It has everything to do with the time frame of when the con was growing. The pre-streaming internet and early fan sub groups would hold meets. There were things you would only discover at the con because that was the only place you could.

The party con atmosphere that it has today developed out of the real con because nerds in 2004 knew how to cut fucking loose.

I remember why signs were banned. I remember the first year in Rosemont. I remember when swords got banned. The weird interoperations con drama. The soap bubble before it had a name and was just some dudes with dj decks playing early 90s hiphop. No raver gear, just people in cosplay dancing like it was Berghain. The Rosemont police had no fucking clue what was going on because it was an 'lol japanese cartoon convention'

Shit was glorious.

>> No.8994263

Prepare for the annual Hyatt fire alarm that happens late in the day. Oh and if you're staying in the Hyatt and happen to have a car, you get in/out privileges but don't leave to get food late night. You will suddenly have a hard time finding a place to park even though you managed to get a nice spot when you arrived.

Also while obvious, keep your badge on you all the time, especially when entering the Panel room areas at the convention center. Even though IRT checks badges, the actual convention center staff will check for badges at the door so if a photoshoot happens to be in that area and you don't have your badge, better run and get it.

>> No.8994295

There was something else that made early ACen amazing, there was almost zero judgemental bullshit.

I don't know if it was because it was the pre-social media and smart phone era or what. But nobody felt pressured to be something they weren't. You could always just nerd out with almost no fear of being outed or shamed.

There weren't professional cosplayers. People just did their best and everyone had a good time.

>> No.8994430


>All those cringe worthy panels
>All those perverted panels
>All those SJW panels

So glad I never go to any panels.

>> No.8994602


>that autism panel

Are you not gonna go and see the train-wreck?

>> No.8994608

Holy shit, these panels are pathetic. I think I might just ghost this cons because the panels I do like are only on Friday, a day I'm going to miss.

>> No.8994610


Just go to the panel and ask the presenter if they're mis-classifying an anime con as dashcon.

>> No.8994618

desu there are now too many fuckbois that go seeking booty. the fb group shows this so well...it kind of makes me not want to go

god i remember even back in '09 how great it was compared to these recent years...it's honestly because of the online community -- the fb acts like they don't care and the admins don't do anything to stop it. the mood changes based on what goes on online before the con and holy hell this year is going to be full of fuckbois :/

>> No.8994731

Rememebr that guy who was like "Do I bring condoms to this con?"

I'm also scared about some of the male members of that group of the creep and fuck boy varation. I get bad vibe from them.

I swear i feel like I discovered ACEN way too late. The early 2000s years seem like they were the best compare to today.

>> No.8994783
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>> No.8994809

Definitely attending this. Sounds too horrible to pass up.

>> No.8994875

When do you all typically leave ACEN?
Me and my group are usually gone by 4/5PM on Sunday, right when the place officially closes. How long do the cosplayers and attendees stay beyond that usually? Do they still crowd around the convention center until Monday or does it clear out by Sunday night?

>> No.8994900


Some people do cosplay but it's usually casual or closet stuff. You won't see anything elaborate walking around, it's usually all packed out at that point.

>> No.8994964

They had something like that at anime milwaukee

>> No.8994978

There was some neckbeard with a pedo mustache that was planning on creeping on girls at the con. He had a huge roll of condoms and shit and offered them to my friends and I. He was so hell bent on getting pussy but I'm pretty sure everyone was aware that he wasn't going to get anywhere

>> No.8995179

Gonna be working a booth for something that hasn't been announced yet~
Only really go to ACen nowadays because of Attack The Music. Don't even care that Taku/Pas are repeats, they are EXCELLENT, and ACen is one of the few way I get to see them stateside. Also, everyone else they're bringing over is pretty cool, too.

>> No.8995324


Do the Hyatt rooms have mini-fridges, microwaves, and/or room safes?

>> No.8995330

Anyone going to watch WCS?

>> No.8995340

Safes yes, fridge or microwaves no

Only a handful of suites have fridges, nothing has a microwave.

>> No.8995344


Safes 99% sure, microwaves no unless they changed it, and for mini-fridges, they do but I wouldn't touch it.One year my friend bumped some item in the fridge and got charged but after talking, we got the charge cleared.

>> No.8995354

a few of the floors do have microwaves by the ice machines though, just have to look for them

>> No.8995976

>This is a personal opinion: Soap Bubble isn't worth it
I agree. I've gone twice and it's not really worth it unless you really like raves.

>> No.8996009
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Who else is cutting it really close with their cosplay? I already have some late nights planned with my friends.

>> No.8996272
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>This weekend and next weekend are going to be completely busy, leaving little time for con crunch
>work full-time as a seamstress so the last thing I want to do is go home and sew more

I just want my costumes to magically finish themselves at this point.

>> No.8996663

If it makes you feel any better. Last year my friend was behind on her costume. At first she was supposed to arrive thursday night so we could help in the hotel room. Then she decided she would pull an all-nighter at her place and arrive friday afternoon. She was still behind and the friend she was supposed to pick-up offered to help her at her house. She didn't get to the convention until super late friday night and we were still helping her with her costume.

>> No.8997124

I am going to cosplay for the first time (with a character no one will recognize but fuck it) and do three panels in one day.

Also honestly it may be my last con. 2015 was a shit year con wise for me so perhaps ACEN will be the last time.

Who knows, but I will be there with my flag like always. Might as fucking well

>> No.8997137


You have to ask for a fridge. And yes it costs extra.

>> No.8997243

do people ever make fake badges for the con?

it doesn't seem too hard, just scan someone else's and print it off in color and slap it on a previous year's badge

>> No.8997291

Yeah, it's pretty easy, but that's why they ask that you don't post your badge on social media.

>> No.8998309

So any panels or events that have peoples' interest? Some of them really sound awful, though.

>> No.8998313

I'm planning on going to the Dangan Ronpa panel on Saturday night. Went to it last year, it was really fun. It's kind of a murder mystery/test your logic skills kind of thing. It's kind of a shame it only panders to one fandom though, I'm sure a lot of people would be into it if it was a fandom-neutral event.

>> No.8998324

I was actually thinking about going to this, so I'm glad that someone has a positive opinion on it

>> No.8998902


You mean the Monokuma Mystery panel, right?
I actually participated in it last year on the winning team, it was great (though my friend complained about the audience not having much to do)

>> No.8998995

Oh shit, really? I'm the anon who just posted about it and my best friend was part of the winning team too! He gave me an Ishimaru magnet that's on my fridge to this day lol. Also apparently the audience will have more involvement this year with trivia so I'm excited.

>> No.8999036
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I think this may be my last Acen. If I go next year I likely wont be buying a badge and would just room with a friend. There's just so many other cons I could pay the same amount of money for and have much more fun at.

I love the huge crowd but I dont love waiting in roller coaster lines just to get into the dealers room. Going to c2e2 changed my view on organization entirely.

>> No.8999090

its made of a special paper
not that its impossible just do it right

>> No.8999372
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u think itd be fine if i just print it off and attach it to some thin board so its stiff? i dont really remember staff looking close at badges, just glancing to make sure u have one when u enter the dealer's room.

>> No.8999373

not to disappoint you, but most larger anime conventions are like this. otakon, youmacon, AX, etc...all of them have super long lines.

>> No.8999378

C2E2 is organized by a company that knows what it's doing, lines don't exist unless you're waiting for a panel or waiting to get into the vendor room at the beginning of the day... the only reason more artists aren't doing AA there are the pricey tables

>> No.8999380

Acen has it's share of problems. I've been going for 5 years so yeah, I missed out the "good old days", but I've been going to other cons like AX and TONS of smaller ones since 2005. You hit a certain attendance rate and you start to see the same shit.

That being said, one of the things I don't get is people bitching about Acen lines. Worse I've had to do is stand in line 20 minutes with my friend while he waited for a badge (it was will-call, but still. If you don't preorder or at least do will-call it's your own fault) and I have NEVER had to wait in line to get into the dealer's hall. There's one that forms in the hour before it opens, but that disperses in about 10 minutes lol. If you wait until after it opens, there's absolutely no line.

>> No.8999406

That's primarily because lines were way worse to get badges before you started going. 2007 i waited 4 hours in a pre reg line. 2009 i waited 5 in a regular Reg line with a friend. 2011 i waited 2 hours on thrusday in a pre Reg line.
Now the lines moved to both dances ( the hardcore used to be walk in ) getting into the dealers room( which is not all the time but occurs anytime the organization collapses throughout the day. hell one year there was a line to leave the dealers hall), and most generic panels of anything at all popular.
I think the line stigma acen has can also be contributed to some bad apples on staff who use a line to power trip and make the whole thing more miserable for everyone else involved.

>> No.8999407

Why can't you just pay like the rest of us?

>> No.8999418

Acen staff sucks, I def agree with that. And lines for panels are shit haha. I do agree that's something larger (albeit more funded) cons do better like comic ones. Acen staff just doesn't seem capable of even remembering where the lines start (at least 2 panels I went to last year, first in line, I ended up being placed in the fucking middle because of staff moving it constantly).

However, again. There's never a line for dealer's hall except for a build up before opening that takes about 15 minutes to get through. There is NEVER a line at any other point of the day.

And pre-reg. That's your own fault. What you said refutes some of that bitching. Sounds like pre-reg lines are getting better every year lol (and I know they aren't).

Just don't go dude, but come on, don't whine about shit that isn't actually happening. Good luck with c2e2 a few years from now lol

>> No.8999431

I just feel like Acen is sucking up money that can be used for better things. It's not just about the lines. Location, guests, things to do, ect.

>> No.8999438

One reason why conventions always have to outsource their registrations to professional companies.
Don't mind paying $7 more if I can get a printout with a barcode, with experiences going ton comic conventions. Seems like ACen got the barcode on the receipt this year.

>> No.8999442

The line for badges is getting better. I flat out said because you've only been going for the past five years you didn't know how bad it used to be. Only one of those three was my own doing and was only because I had an issue with mailing.

There have been lines throughout for the dealers hall not during opening. I highly doubt you sat there the whole time the hall ran.
My point was the lines have moved to different parts of the con in the ten years I've attended.

I'm not really bitching . You wondered why everyone complains about the lines at acen and I explained how bad things used to be in the " good ok days" with Reg.

>> No.8999555

Not him but I gotta agree. There is no line into the dealer's hall, not at any point during the day. I go as soon as they open and stop in throughout the day in between panels. I'm not that lucky to just happen to miss all the "lines".

The big lines I see are pretty much only for the dances and concerts (and fuck those anyways, the dances especially are full of normies). Even stuff like special guest panels aren't too bad. They are longer at bigger conventions. Acen staff does suck at organizing them, but it's like that at plenty of cons. I wouldn't expect volunteer staff to be competent.

>> No.8999562

I feel ya. Acen doesn't seem like it'll be great this year. I'm more excited for Dragon Con to be honest.

>> No.8999585

My god why is this years guest list so goddamn bad? I know they've been hit and miss with guests but this is just bad. I hope they have some major guest up their sleeve to announce late but I ain't holding my breath.

>> No.8999599

I have no group of friends to hang with this ACen. Actually, I have no friends at all. I used to have tons of buddies to go to the dealers room with but they were all scummy, so I dropped them. I'm glad I don't have to talk to shitty people, but it gets kinda boring being left to my own devices only and not attend a room party. I don't usually attend panels and I may this year for the first time just because I'll have more time for myself. At least I still have my boyfriend with me.

>> No.8999722


Really? I thought I was on a team full of girls, but I guess I'm remembering

Also the Hilton opened up cancelled rooms tonight so there's two left to reserve RIGHT NOW.
Just got mine.

>> No.9000099

As someone who deals with guests for another con, I know how long it can take for responses however, El ken has stated in the forums why guests take so long to announce. It's because they're grabbjng guests that are doing up and coming shows. Fumigation doesn't allow them to release the names of the guests early because of acen trying to grab the newest dub voice actors. Because of this, we get the late announcements. Also, I will say this much, I'm very aware that many guests refuse to come back based on their treatment/con experience.

>> No.9000102

I agree. I'm pretty disappointed in this list considering the price jump for the badges. I honestly thought that they would get a much larger guest or band then what they have gotten

>> No.9000624

First time going in a couple years. How busy is the Hyatt bar on a Friday night? Crowded? Impossible to get in? Manageable?

>> No.9000644

>guests refuse to come back based on their treatment/con experience
A real shame. The only guest I have any interest in is Seitz. Too bad I don't have any official merch he can sign aside from my copy of Eternal Sonata... are autographs free by the way?

>> No.9000677

The red bar is never terrible but the prices aren't very good IMO, you're better off bringing your own or finding a room party.

The con center also has liquor stands set up in the dealers area, prices at those are also terrible.

>> No.9000807

>tfw have actual autism and this makes me fucking cringe
And yet I still want to go to see the trainwreck

>> No.9000809

Not really cutting it close, but I'm still waiting on shoes coming in and I'm am trying so fucking hard to perfect this makeup, but it's impossible. How the fuck do you girls do this every day?

>> No.9000899

Practice lol

>> No.9001002

Yeah, autographs are free. I'm pretty hyped for Seitz too. I wish I had some Jojo merch to get signed since he was one of the few good voices in the dub, but I've got Blazblue, so that'll do.

>> No.9001314

It truly is a shame but not surprised. I found out its one of the reasons Steve Blum refuses to come back. His last , and only, appearance was 2005. It makes me wonder how poor the experience/treatment can be for the guest to not want to come back.
Also I will agree with the anon who said acens lines aren't that bad/nonexistent. The only time I've had a line us when I go to the dealer hall right away. Told maybe 30 min tops to get in. Other than that waiting in line for a panel is no different than any other con. You're still going to be dealing with a line and it's worse at larger cons. I can't imagine anime expo.

>> No.9001329

not just that, but also how the online community treats guests...and just the general feel of the online groups. it isn't inviting nor is it really the type of crowd you want to associate with...so a lot of guests probably look at the facebook group and say hell no

>> No.9001360

no wonder we have shit guests this year

>> No.9001414

Waiting for them to do badge scanning like they announced they would 2 years ago

>> No.9001441

>never had badge scanned
>quick glance at best when going into dealers hall
At that point I began to question even buying a badge. The most its ever been looked at was for getting into the gaming rooms. Thats it.

>> No.9001531

I have to say that most guests tend to pay more attention to at con behaviors. Most of the stuff posted online doesn't truly make them concerned. In my experience, online experiences deter them from that person, not necessarily the con itself. In person, though, it's hard harder to have everything under control. Guests do expect some levels of excitement. The behavior of not only con but also staff has to be bad enough in order for the guest to question if going to a specific con is a good idea especially with bad past experiences. Most guests want to know that a venue has changed/improved. If it hasn't, then you get what you get

>> No.9002389

Is that Ellie cosplayer from last year still around? It's the Joel cosplayer from before.

>> No.9002485

El Ken is full of shit. That excuse might work for Funimation, but what about the rest of the guests? Every year ACen gets boring repeat Japanese guests, especially fashion. Synergy is the only thing worth seeing.

>> No.9002679

Well, it's like I posted before: the reason they're probably getting the same guests is because those are the ones that would like to come again. Keep in mind, once a guest comes to a con and they have a shit experience, they're less likely to come back. Obviously it depends on how terrible it is, however the fumigation portion I'm sure isn't just faked so we get delayed guests. Acen is trying to get the newest shows that will be popular or already are. Unfortunately in doing so, they're putting the attendees in a shitty situation because there are many who want to know wtf is going on ahead if time.

>> No.9002682

Well, attendees go to cons because of guests. So no good guests, less attendees.

Not that it matters since they seem to give more of a damn about the djs, ravers and whatnot than actual guests and the con itself.

>> No.9002689
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El kens screenshots from the forums last year.

>> No.9002691
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Believe me, I understand. I book guests for another con so get it. Got one more screencap

>> No.9002693
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>> No.9002696

A good guest is really subjective but I do understand the point you're making. The above screenshots are just showing how acen chooses to go about it. I know how important it is to have what the attendees want because that helps with the draw factor. I was able to get almost every single guest the attendees asked for and then some. I don't run acen though, nor do I think it would be something I'd like to handle.

>> No.9002699

Maybe I'm an odd one out but Ive rarely cared who cons line up as guests.

I go mainly to see cosplay, show off my own cosplay, and party/see friends.

I'll attend the occasional panel or buy hard to find merch, but I've never seen the appeal in celebrity guests, especially dub actors

>> No.9002753

No, that's fine too. Not everyone needs to like the guests or care, there are some that do. Both things are fine. I was just pointing out for those that did care about lineups, that's why acen is doing what it's doing. I think the appeal just stems from them being involved with a show you liked to watch. Also, especially if you've become close friends. Joel Mcdonald, voice of meow from space dandy, still holds a special place in my heart. He came to the con I staffed and was just the nicest guy. Drank with with him and heard some of the most amazing stories not even anime related. Not long after our con, I went to anime Midwest where he introduced a voice acting pal of his and then pulled a friend of mine into a staff only room where we got free booze and hung with the other voice actors. it was a great time. Joel hung out with us almost the whole con and was just the biggest sweetheart ever.

>> No.9002910


I agree.
Especially in regards to American VA. Dubs are cancer and the kind of person who enjoys them is also cancer. I would care about ACEN guests if they got more people involved in the industry but I honestly cannot give a shit about the VA nobodies.

>> No.9003275

Wow so his reasoning is "I could do things better, but I don't"? Wow, that's.... wow.

That's entirely my problem. If they had big or interesting guests it'd be cool, but this year is like two big names, and a bunch of nobodies along with a shitton of DJs and yet the price is higher still. And like, I don't give a shit about Visual Novels, so those guests are probably cool to some people but like I really don't care?

>> No.9003291

God I hate his reasoning. we had less shitty guests before he started heading the department. With Japanese guests he should focus on creators like directors and mangaka and he'd make pretty much everyone happy. The only time I was happy with his choices was kalafina and even so the organization of that was juts sad.

>> No.9003335

I'm in a wheelchair, how accessible is this con?

Any things I should be aware of or any tips?

>> No.9003365

A week to go, gulls. How screwed are you?

>> No.9003374

The area's pretty much wheelchair accessible. For Hyatt elevators, IRT essentially acts as elevator attendants to make sure attendees don't screw with it and since you're in a wheelchair, they'll give you priority. There's also an elevator in the convention center main entrance area that gets you towards the walkway connecting you to the other hotels.

>> No.9003376

honestly, i feel weird because i have so LITTLE to do. the only substantial thing i have to do is resew a button on. too bad colossalcrunch is kicking my ass though

>> No.9003393
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>family member died
>cousin making the dress likely wont be able to deliver
>don't want to be insensitive and bother her about it
I may buy my cosplay Friday. Wouldn't be hard to piece something together given all the cosplay sellers.

I do have others ready, but I'm at the opposite of my goal for my figure (thanks school) and would hate to end up in a bad cosplay thread because I tried wearing something while having a disgustingly noticeable gut.

>> No.9003408

Super screwed. I need to find people to share my suite, otherwise I'm gonna have to cancel it.

I haven't even BEGUN to put together my panel / workshop outline, much less the final slideshow. I'm gonna get SO REKT.

If I wasn't so talented, I'd be in trouble.

>> No.9003437

What panel are you doing and where are you staying?

>> No.9003440

I wouldn't be so bothered by the guest list if it was always like this. It went from five or six people I wanted to see a year, to one or two. Hell, my college gets one VA to come every year and the last couple of years have been better than the whole ACEN guest list. They used to get cool people like Nabeshin and Crispin Freeman, what happened?

>> No.9003605

El Ken happened.

Dude's a massive shit.

>> No.9003843


Thanks anon!

>> No.9003948


I haven't seen Nabeshin at a con in a few years, and he was pretty hilarious to run into just around the con

>> No.9004010

Person who posted screencaps here and yea I totally agree. I think it's really foolish but that's my opinion. I like to make sure my guests have contracts signed light years ahead of time. In some twisted way its made me want to push myself to be better.
I do too. I'm not saying it's the best by any stretch of the imagination. What I want to know is how bad were guests treated (or how bad were their experiences) in order for us to have such a terrible list. I feel like this list is super lackluster. I was seriously hoping to see something amazing because of that badge price jump. It's really disappointing.

>> No.9004018

Its probaby a jump in pricee because of some issue that happened, which is probably because of all the people coming just for the dances/raves and getting themselves shitfaced and doing stupid stuff, because they keep catering to that crowd

>> No.9004105

plus add on the additional damage fees hotels and the convention center have to deal with...i remember when homestuck got big and all the hotels were charging extra to remove all the body paint stains. pretty sure the cost just goes up because con-goers become progressively more irresponsible as the years go by.

>> No.9004109

>to remove all the body paint stains
>wearing light colors
>want to sit down
>have to inspect the entire area just so I don't ruin my cosplay
It was horrible. Grey paint stains everywhere.

>> No.9004145

He was so chill! I remember just walking up to him and giving him a high-five. Then he wanted a picture! Such a nice guy.

>> No.9004146

Remember when someone cracked the dome? I think that was only a few years ago.

>> No.9004155

I'm on the fence between screwed and doing okay, so we'll see where the next few days lead. I'm behind on one of my cosplay, so it's just a matter of busting my ass to finish everything.

>> No.9004159


I remember hearing that was over 10k or something ridiculous as it was one of the thick curved panes

>> No.9004193

wouldn't be surprised. that shit is expensive as fuck. oh don't forget the extra fees to fix the elevators mainly in the hyatt, cleaning up post panels/raves/acen/parties probs puts a big dent in their bill as well. honestly, not surprised that the prices keep jumping. maintenance from the venue's side is probably insane after acen

>> No.9004586
File: 73 KB, 531x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i cant remember any staff even touching my badge. the people they hire to glance at them at the dealers room either dont seem to give a fuck probably cuz of all the people going in and out.

operation Fuck Giving Ryan The Rapist Any Of My Hard-Earned Money is a go

>> No.9004680


Wrong con, buddy. Take your drama back to Tumblr.

>> No.9004699

oh damn you're right. regardless, id rather not have to pay so much for a badge

>> No.9004704

Oh, come on! Ryan isn't even affiliated with ACEN.

>> No.9004789

I'm not surprised if that's the case however if they're using the increase to balance out any damages, they should still have funds to insert wherever else. I still feel like the reason we haven't seen jack shit for guests is because no one wants to come back. I dont blame them if that's the case. I'm not sure that it's a matter that they get treated poorly, just more so a lack of organization. I've been to Anime midwest as well and that was honestly more of a shitshow but i'd prefer to not shit up the thread.

>> No.9004807

I'll definitely be there in a Josuke Cosplay.
I just hope I find some material to make the appliques out of.

>> No.9004943

Say I'm registered already, but did so too late to have the badge mailed. Is there a separate line for pickup with the registration form that was emailed already complete, or do I get lumped in with the people that want to buy passes that day? In any event I guess I'll hope an hour early is enough time to get a good spot in the line to get my badge.

>> No.9004987

This was me

>> No.9005002

Separate line. Make sure to bring photo ID when you grab it

>> No.9005006

Apparently there will be food Trucks there this year, so uh, that's something.

>> No.9005016

I'll be there to live a quiet, peaceful life as Yoshikage Kira.

>> No.9005027
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>> No.9005125
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desu it sounds delicious (and possibly expensive)
>pray that it's not the kind of food trucks that'll give you full blown diarrhea.

>> No.9005499

You're not Jeffitto

>> No.9005538

But where? Praying not on river road or in that area between the Hyatt and the convention center as both will cause awful traffic

>> No.9005555
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>> No.9005695

Thanks anon.

General question - how much money should I bring specifically for merchandise? I tend to buy a lot of art specifically. Do most vendors have card readers for CC's?

>> No.9005730

Most of the vendors have card readers. I would recommend bringing some cash ($20 or more), especially if you are buying little things like stickers or keychains.

>> No.9005744

When's the best time to pick up my badge and avoid lines?

>> No.9005805

On Thursday before the con.

>> No.9005938

Whatever the fuck that means I dropped a full jack bottle from like the 15th floor off a balcony straight onto the dome

>> No.9005998

I've had stuff from Beavers before, it's pretty good, but possibly a little pricey depending on your budget. Their donuts are more of donut holes and they have a ton of specialty toppings. I've only had them once or twice, but they park near my school every Thursday and it smells heavenly

>> No.9006014

>but they park near my school every Thursday and it smells heavenly
We either go to the same school or you're close by because they do the same where I go. It really does smell delectable but not in my daily budget.

>> No.9006203
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>Street Fighter V listed as an event in the schedule
So what is this a tournament? Or is it just casuals?

>> No.9006216

I wish they had different trucks for lunch and late night. There are so many food trucks in Chicago and they can only get there.

>> No.9006220

I really thought that said "Ms. Titties Cupcakes." I'm a little disappointed now.

>> No.9006283

I can't say I've ever seen you at my school, but I go to a small, kind of private art school if that helps.
If it's on the schedule, it's probably a tournament. They usually have casual fighters for most of the day, so the schedule usually only lists tournaments
Holy shit, I thought that's what it was too. Can't say I'm not disappointed.

>> No.9006494


Do the Hyatt rooms have TVs with HDMI ports? We were planning on having a Jackbox party off a PS4, so I was wondering beforehand if they did.

>> No.9006505
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A jackoff party?

>> No.9006509
File: 513 KB, 449x601, Popee_fire_ring-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the temperature inside the con?

Going to be wearing pic related and it is pretty cozy.

>> No.9006558

is the hyatt check in age 18 or 21?

>> No.9006578

Its easy enough to look on their website- hotels are required to list things like required check-in age.

And if you did check it say exactly this: "Minimum check-in age is 18"

>> No.9006593

thanks, i couldn't find it

>> No.9006800
File: 108 KB, 763x915, 1451678979801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MAN ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN ARE YOU ALL READY? Also, Location 2 is being changed.

Ye. They also have VGA ports if you want to hook up a laptop and want to watch Boku no Pico

>> No.9006871

Pretty much 74 ish inside. Pretty high ceilings keep it from being too hot. The skyway can be a bit warm tho.

>> No.9006883
File: 425 KB, 500x375, daria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say I'm okay, because it seems like I've got everything done, but something will happen Thursday night. Something always does.

Look out for a Daria reading a boring book around the con

>> No.9006893

Not screwed at all. Only way I could possibly improve my cosplay is mascara and eyeliner but they're not necessary and doing eye liner scares the shit out of me.

>> No.9007312

Will I be expected to wear my badge 24/7 or can I just keep it in my pocket?

>> No.9007318


>> No.9007334

Liner is the easiest make up someone can do. I prefer a nice smooth pencil, nothing fancy. Now for your lower eye lid, yeah. I can understand. Just gotta be careful is all.

>> No.9007381

That's the back door area near the parking garage right? No wonder they moved the photoshoots scheduled to be there.

>> No.9007447

It depends. Keep it accessible. You may be asked to show it in the dealers hall or game room but never in the common areas of the hotels. I've never been bothered and I tend to take it off the moment it's checked.

>> No.9007465
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my air soft gun going to be ok to bring in? Paintball gun barrel cap, nothing chambered, zip tie restraining the pump, and trigger tied up.

>> No.9007522
File: 88 KB, 216x360, mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out that MINT NeKO is a guest... Nothing on the schedule about a panel or fashion show so....

sometimes the artists & vendors charge extra if you're using a credit card (aka bring a decent amount of cash to prepare for those guys)

>> No.9007527

Maybe. The FAQ has three requirements - orange tip, nothing loaded, and firing mechanism disabled. It would be up to individual IRT members as to if zip ties are enough.

>> No.9007569

I only have the Jojo panel on my radar (despite realizing it'll be full of animeonlies and memers)
What else is interesting?

>> No.9007580

There's a concert?

>> No.9007589
File: 35 KB, 708x224, Recorder is an instrument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this one? or are the Pokemon guys back?

>> No.9007599

Looks alright to me. Hopefully you're not unlucky enough to run into a fussy staff member. I had an airsoft gun too for two years. Only once had a staff member said something. Put everything back into place once they were gone and didn't get bothered the rest of the weekend. And I tied back the trigger with string.

>> No.9007600

No. Eir Aoi concert friday7pm-8.30 according to the guidebook app

>> No.9007613


>recommended panels?

Voice Over Hentai
Oregon Trail
The Bad Anime Panel

>> No.9007622


It is always faster to walk between the hotel and the Dealers Hall at street level than it is to take the skybridge.

The skybridge is constantly crammed like a Houston highway, people stop for pics, people puke in it...unless it's 100 degrees out, just go out the front and go down the street.

>> No.9007626


That's how it went last year, too


>it's now just a place I go to meet up with my local friends and have an excuse to get away.

Me too. It's like an annual Vegas trip for me and my remaining weeb friends.


>mfw the Con Suite has karaoke in it


Shit, remember how you used to be able to advertise your room parties? They had a big whiteboard/corkboard up near the entrance of the ballroom hallway...I remember going to some room party because they drew the MY ANUS IS BLEEDING guy from Rejected on their party flier.

>> No.9007627

You're gonna look like shit lol

>> No.9007632


I wish I could find the multi-paragraph rant from a former ACen staffer on the forums (think she ran the AMV competition)...she raged at Ken and the attitude of the con planners in general and lay blame at the feet of entitled guests like Vic and an overemphasis on the dances because they "pay for the con."

>> No.9007635

>I found out its one of the reasons Steve Blum refuses to come back. His last , and only, appearance was 2005. It makes me wonder how poor the experience/treatment can be for the guest to not want to come back.

That is fucking crushing. Blum is such a class act. I felt bad when some dude got on mic at the panel expecting him to finish a quote from Mushroom Samba, but he handled it with as much grace as he possibly could.


What kind of treatment do they get?

>> No.9007674

How come no one is booking photo shoots?

Like, I quote prices and I can literally feel their brains shutting down.

>> No.9007701


I feel like there's just no enthusiasm for ACEN or anything related (such as paying for photoshoots).

Threads on /cgl/ used to be filled with excited posters and people talking about their plans. Now its bitching about the staff. Hell, even the ACEN forums seems especially dead compared to what they were 3 or 4 years ago. It's eerie how dead they've become.

>> No.9007729

Who else is just going for the easy puss since this year looks so bad

>> No.9007799

you sound like a butt hurt faggot

>> No.9007879

If you feel like transferring the suite over I'd gladly take it off your hands and you could stay with my group if you wanted.

Email me. Trivaskayates@gmail.com

>> No.9007899

The problem is that there's not much to BE excited over. Last year they did the whole Sailor Moon thing. But like... what are they doing to try to draw people in?

I'm personally gonna go to hang with my friends and buy some merch. Might try to get into the recommended panels and the Eir Aoi concert, but otherwise I'm probably going to spend most of my time wandering, taking pics, and shopping.

>> No.9007908
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Can't wait for Anime™ Central!

>> No.9008021

this is hilarious
i am sorry that i'll be one of many umarus, but i will try to be a cute one anon

>> No.9008042

Both of those posts you replied to were mine and quite honestly I'm pretty disappointed to have found that out. It was ages ago but I remained hopeful. I don't know what specific treatment they get as I run GR for another con. I just am aware of the ins and outs of the process. How they're treated, or even the con experience, impacts what they tell other voice actors. Word travels quickly. The more bad shit the voice actors hear, the less likely you are to get the better options. The other issue is a lack of email responses from the other party. If you have more questions ask away and I'll try to answer

>> No.9008049


At least its anime, anon. Unlike the Star Wars shit from the bland new movie we're bound to get. Or Deadpool.

>> No.9008122


oh god, that's amazing.

My friends were chatting excitedly about their cosplay plans this year. General Hux one day, Kylo Ren the next, Moriarty the third day.

But shit, it's been this way since 2006 when Tenth Doctors descended in droves. Or even earlier, honestly, it stopped being a pure anime con the more fandom blurred together thanks to the internet.

>> No.9008149
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See you gulls there

>> No.9008196

This is missing an absurd amount of Harleys.

>> No.9008211

So any other storm troopers going? I'm going as a scout trooper. First time wearing the armor outside of my house any tips on how to not get heat stroke?

>> No.9008218

That's not really airsoft that's a pellet gun. Why bring it?

>> No.9008228
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Because this is my cosplay.

>> No.9008230


Be ready for more heavy breathing and indiscreet staring than you can imagine

>> No.9008335

Did you make the bikini top?

>> No.9008383

Honestly the trigger is really easy to get out of those 880s. Won't ruin the gun, and I doubt they will care if it doesn't have a trigger

>> No.9008408

I'm ready, I went to C2E2 as quiet.

No I bought it and just affixed a black ribbon to it for the center cup tie.

I'll look into it. Thanks anon. The manual that came with it didn't include disassembly so I'll have to look one up online.

>> No.9008425

The highest it should get is 70 with sun. No worries about heat stroke

>> No.9008533

If I see you I'm going to punch you in your cock

>> No.9008538

Anyone here going the OPM photo shoot? Any guesses to how many saitamas will show up?

>> No.9008561

I feel like there will be a horde of Sakamoto cosplayers just because it's so easy and everyone has at least seen gifs of the show. Hoping to see at least a few Konosuba cosplayers.

Homestuck is complete, right? So that shit should be dying down or at least replaced with something else?

>> No.9008565

Expect more underfails, though still quite a few home stucks.

>> No.9008568


>Homestuck is complete

does that mean some glorious day there won't be a troll cosplayer in sight? fucking gray paint everywhere...

>> No.9008570

Needs more Love Live!

>> No.9008572

sadly.....no. hamsteaks will be around forever

>> No.9008583

Probably doing Vault Dweller on Friday
Kamen Rider Drive on Saturday
Drive/Right to Censor on Sunday

I just want to go and take a bunch of pictures of all the cute Overwatch girls.

>> No.9008595

They'll get phased out in favor of more Undertale and Steven Universe over the next couple of years. Those cosplayers will at least be cleaner.

>> No.9008622


>> No.9008633


>star wars

Fag alert.

>> No.9008638

Just got a room in the Hyatt! Seems they opened up their cancelled roomblock reservations. The website said there were like six left for those interested.


Read that as "cute overweight girls"
Which as with any meme cosplay means pretty the same thing.

>> No.9008645
File: 1.91 MB, 500x543, meiisbae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute overweight
>Cute Overwatch

Luckily Mei is both.

>> No.9008656


I never even considered all the potential Mei's we're going to see this year.

Ass status = dat

>> No.9008657


Maybe even a Mercy or two. My boner for Overwatch will be at its zenith this weekend.

>> No.9009022

>only been to small local cons before
>going to ACen for the first time with friends, also their first time
>didn't prereg in time for stuff to get mailed

At least I snagged a room in Hyatt. Hope I have a good time I guess. Pretty proud of my Ezreal cosplay.

Where do people go about finding out about room parties in the evening? I want to drink drinks and talk talks with whoever and whenever about anything.

>> No.9009049

Word of mouth is always good. Just network with folks and you might be able to get invited to a party.

>> No.9009052


I wish I knew, I usually just end up going to a friend's party and since she's a group cosplayer I inevitably sit in a group of Evil Withins talking exclusively about Evil Within. We had a guy in our group who was great at ferreting out room parties but he ended up becoming a raging alcoholic, which I guess should not be surprising.

You could check the FB group (cringeworthy as they are, generally in my experience people are way nicer in real life than they are online) or organize a mythical Seagull Meetup.

Has anyone here successfully hung out with other seagulls, like, for an evening?

>> No.9009055

There used to be yearly meetups.

>> No.9009063


ACen Forums meetups, too.

>> No.9009065

Any good way to network without the Facebook group? My friends and I are all in the same boat, we've mostly stayed in our tight shell of 4 people and don't know how to escape it.

>> No.9009083

Eh, might trip fag for this.

Sadly, no. Other then the groups and here I do not any other ways. I know of two parties but I dunno if they're opened to the public.

>> No.9009089

The old fashioned way: talk to people in lines. Talk to people at social panels. Hang out in the game room. It's not the way it used to be but it's still not that hard to just have some social skills.

>> No.9009190
File: 3.70 MB, 5015x2623, 20160504_194853z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's show them how it's done!

Sunday: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Russian Engineer

>> No.9009194

>no Undertale
did you even try?

>> No.9009217

Urrrgh this is super last minute, but I'm not feeling making the nightly trips to and from the last stop on the red line. Does anyone have floor space for one more, Friday and Saturday nights? I'm a peaceful seagull who just needs somewhere to roll out a sleeping bag for a few hours. Will pay for it.

Email 5p4mu@live.com


>> No.9009248

Is it worth an hour drive and a 2 hour wait in line for a badge for 1 day?

>> No.9009295

>tfw ACEN proved what I thought was a myth in that homestucks always sit in a circle in the main lobby. At least there was no bucket.

>> No.9009312


>> No.9009340
File: 623 KB, 1584x2696, 20160517_012907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L:ook out for a Black Josuke with shitty emblems

>> No.9009355

Could you make those symbols any bigger breh

>> No.9009361

The compass is a bit uncomfortable so I might as well fix that one

>> No.9009380



>> No.9009387
File: 264 KB, 307x750, 1453343477115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad this exists

>> No.9009443

rdy 2 prty

SYNERGY is gonna be wicked and I may DJ with Seablaze at the touhou ravey thing on Sat lmao

>> No.9009457

I wish it wasn't so late, would've loved to join if it were 9-ish

>> No.9009527

Is snacks back?

>> No.9009649
File: 180 KB, 692x659, Samuel l jackson naruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time being on the Cosplay board. Is this board/thread appropriate for advertise slots in Hotel rooms?

>> No.9009674
File: 366 KB, 370x200, 3429999qt68fic9th[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply at a teaching Job in Japan
>they actually respond
>they actually want to interview me over skype
>this fucking Friday at 10PM, Chicago time
>mfw I have to choose between Anime Hell or interview

It's like God is toying with my emotions

>> No.9009719

cons are forever, youth is not. get job.

>> No.9009724

Just do the interview. Good luck, senpai.

>> No.9009777

Lol go to the job interview like lol don't be a stupid fucking weeb going to a con over a career path.

>> No.9009816

Nah God's telling you to go all in. Do the interview and if you get the job, there's always Comiket to go to and of course more money to do things.

>> No.9009819

Go to the con, there's enough English teachers in Japan.

>> No.9009820

Do not let your dreams die over a fucking anime con. Pictute yourself at Comiket, the world's largest anime convention compared to being at ACEN.

Picture yourself making stacks upon stacks of money because of your skills and experience with the Japanese lanuage living on the West Coast tutoring weebs on Japanese and teaching Japanese people living in America how to speak English.

Snatch up that chance. Don't lose it over ACEN

>> No.9009821

Also don't listen to this anon. They sound like a jealous weeb that never achieved any dreams of theirs.

>> No.9009824

lol I live in Japan, there are too many damn foreigners here.

>> No.9009852


You have the entire rest of the con to go to dude, just do the damn interview

>> No.9009858


>missing interview for dream job of your life to attend anime hell

No anon, don't. Do the interview. You're so close to the ultimate weeb dream. Do it for all the weeb people who dream of living for just a little while in glorious Nippon (like me).

>> No.9009859

they still mostly involve body paint

>> No.9010105

>maybe even a mercy or two
There will be no mercy

>> No.9010124

back to not having enough time/budget to do any cosplay this year ;_;

>> No.9010155


We might do something in our room. Nothing big but I don't think they would mind some seagulls if they were okay with it.

>> No.9010172

Do you have a laptop? Can you find a secluded place and conduct it there? Like somewhere in a hotel a bit further away from the con

>> No.9010428

> transferred a hotel room to another party
> had them call hotel to confirm their information
> receive an email confirmation
> call hotel a month later
> told my credit card is still tied to that reservation
> they never submitted their own card info
> see a post about them possibly switching hotels
> try to contact other party, still no response
> 1 day left to cancel or I eat the fees if they don't show up

I don't want to be the one who cancels someone else's room out from under them and face the possibility of them actually showing up, but it's looking like I will have to.

>> No.9010437


I was thinking the same thing

Even the music festivals get things like Jerk or Smoke Daddy

>> No.9010442


Same issue in America :/.

>> No.9010446

If you're old enough hang out in the Hyatt bar.

We did at AMke and met some people.

>> No.9010458

If they didn't do the work, then bully on them. It isn't your problem anymore, anon.

>> No.9010463

I'll try that out I guess. I'm 24 and I always worry a bit about accidentally creeper on people too young.

>> No.9010490


27 and felt liek that for the last 3 years myself.
Doesn't help being a hamplanet, makes it feel like i'm extra pedo sometimes.

>> No.9010497
File: 47 KB, 377x640, 1459796844785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw still have to style a wig, sew a shitload of ruffles, buy makeup, and construct a prop in 4 days
oh well i guess friday will be a lolita day then...

>> No.9010511

>When you trying to make an appointment with your barber so you can get a fresh cut for ACEN but he hasn't responded to your texts or calls.

Guess niggas don't wanna make money

So who else isn't ready! :)

>> No.9010531
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, aoi determined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these responses

Don't worry, I'm not fucking retarded I plan on doing the interview in my hotel room since its over skype anyways. I won't sacrifice my future for a con, especially not ACEN!


Then why don't you do the country a favor and leave? :^)

>> No.9010785

Oh shit anon, sorry about that. I literally checked up on the reservation again last night and everything seemed in order. Emailed you and corrected it 10 minutes ago.

>> No.9010787

Kind of glad I'm not going. Seeing too much SJW whining bullshit going on in the facebook group and on the official forum. Was neck deep the other day cuz some white knight was saying how he would protect all the ladies from the evil creepy neckbeards.

>> No.9010877
File: 54 KB, 317x750, d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010881


anime hell has been complete and total garbage for at least 3 years straight.

do your interview.

>> No.9010923

Should I go to the Undertale pnale for shits and giggles I played the game a few times but don't have much interest?
Don't even know what they'd discuss so I think I'll experience some MLP-tier cringe.

>> No.9010950

Expect somewhere between mlp and homestuck levels of cringe.

>> No.9011014

This is why you make appointments a week in advance.

I considered popping in and leaving before the condensed con funk kills me.

>> No.9011047

Do the interview and kick some ass!

>> No.9011174


Not true. Last year was wonderful.

Then again it was my first time going in like nine years so my standards might be low.

>> No.9011177


Do it in cosplay, show them you're serious about your love of glorious Nippon

>> No.9011212

Would any of you be interested in stopping by room parties together? I just am never social enough to want to venture out of my circle.

If all else fails I have a stupid amount of alcohol prepped for the con and any social failures can be remedied with a room party of our own.

>> No.9011275

Yes, if you know where the parties are. Because I don't.

>> No.9011276

I understand the feeling. Seems like it might be fun, but I'm not the biggest drinker.

>> No.9011283


Public room parties are almost always a bad idea, find some people you like, invite them back to the stash that you have.

>> No.9011293


facebook dot com slash groups slash friendsofacen

>> No.9011294


This is my group, I welcome all who want to be mutual real people with each other and enjoy company and laughs, drink and be socal

>> No.9011371

the worst time of the year has finally come

any plans for a meetup?

>> No.9011380
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was neck deep the other day cuz some white knight was saying how he would protect all the ladies from the evil creepy neckbeards.

Pic related. Just...pic related.

True. Usually I give him a call 48 hours before and he picks up.

>> No.9011390

undertale is a great game but I imagine the people who sould go to a fan panel on it are utter cancer

tunblrtards don't really "get" the game and tend to praise it for being progressive instead of for the novel storytelling and music that actually make it good

>> No.9011424
File: 12 KB, 320x240, 1415926999543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who wears contacts gonna be there early Thursday? I need live coaching because I'm doing nothing but fail to get these blasted things in.

>> No.9011444

Go to an eye doc, or even a place that sells contacts.

>> No.9011455

Ill be there thurs. Look up at the ceiling while spreading lids apart. Place directly on eye with index or middle finger. Let go of lids. Look around in every direction. Blink to clear bubbling. Contacts in.

>> No.9011622

Debating if I should bother trying to fix my vault dweller belt or just go without it or just drop the costume entirely.

>> No.9012055

Anyone wanna chat or maybe even hangout at ACEN?

Kik is Zelek1

Lotta the panels might b fun, even sober some might b fun.

>> No.9012223


>> No.9012254

Alright, now to spend the next 24 hours making sure I have absolutely everything ready.

Knowing me, I'd leave something important behind.

>> No.9012265

Same problem here. I've coem up with like five packing lists and checked them off only to go 'am I sure I have everything?!'

>> No.9012266

It's the worst. And I'm not even staying on site, I'm commuting every day because I'm semi-local.

>> No.9012315

I hope I can get a picture with you, that costume is ghetto as fuck.

>> No.9012328

Shit I still have to finish some stuff for Plague Knight. He's mostly done, I just have to add some details and finish the boot covers. There's quite a bit I'm unhappy with, but I'll have to fix that for my next con. To any gulls finishing stuff up, I'm cheering for you.

>> No.9012360

I'm having a hard time deciding what shift cars to bring for Kamen Rider Drive.

>> No.9012370

Anyone have the annotated map from last year's thread?

>> No.9012386
File: 1.58 MB, 3600x2702, ACen2015 map with color blocks and outlines sm 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this one?

>> No.9012388

What time does badge pickup end tomorrow?

>> No.9012416

Yeah! Thanks!

>> No.9012436

>0.8 miles

BULLSHIT. That always feels like the goddamn bataan death march. So glad there will be food trucks there this year. They are going to make a fucking killing.

>> No.9012438

Schedule says reg is open from 4-10

>> No.9012444

How packed does the fashion outlet parking garage get during Acen?

>> No.9012446


More packed than your moms butthole :^)

>> No.9012448

I just estimated with google maps but it never really seemed that far to me. Then again I just walk a lot every day.

>> No.9012452

are they going to be like the ice cream truck and tape over their normal prices to charge everyone 3x as much?

>> No.9012454


I'm hyped

>> No.9012456

Nope. These are actual businesses.

>> No.9012458
File: 119 KB, 960x544, 2015-05-01-084118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's a shame. I was too swamped with stuff and now I'll have an extremely budget version of my intended cosplay. I was originally thinking I'd be able to do more but I had to now get creative. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.9012474

I know how that goes. I wanted to cut up a tire and add it to my vault suit costume, but alas.

>> No.9012488
File: 19 KB, 314x360, Drooling_homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kate and Jan Hot Dogs
Alright, not too shabby I like a good hot dog with some fries. I wonder what else they ser-

>> No.9012559

whoa, have they been there before?
is it legit poutine?

>> No.9012567

I have no idea. I just googled the name of the truck and saw the menu plastered on the side of the truck.

>> No.9012720

Holy crap my props are actually going to be finished. It's a miracle.

>> No.9012816

Hope you guys picked lighter cosplays, looks like it's going to be ~70°F all weekend.

>> No.9012831

Looks like I'm gonna die in my cosplay. RIP /cgl/. Kinda don't want to do it anyway since I forgot my prop and I'm already on the road

>> No.9012835

Who's all going to be in the area tonight? Anyone up for a meetup?

On the hype train to Chicago right now.

>> No.9012840

Friends and I will be there around 8 to get badges. If someone wants to organize a meetup I'm down

>> No.9012905

Sounds good. I got to do some emergency surgery on my Mad Max cosplay, and that's the only thing I'm really doing before 8.

Want to check out the pizza! I'm Montana native, so never had the chance to before now.

>> No.9012917

Go anywhere besides Gino's. Everyone seems to fall for the Gino's meme but in all actuality it's like eating crackers. Giordano's or Lou Malnati's are far superior.

>> No.9012921


I was going to just invite people out to the hyatt bar tonight. The con is pretty dead on thursday nights.

>> No.9012924

New thread >>9012919

>> No.9012930

Any fellow anons planning to draft any magic?

>> No.9012934

I mean yeah we could meet at the Hyatt bar, but I'm fine wherever to meet. Also fuck you, I love cracker crust pizza.

>> No.9012937

You're free to have your own, wrong preferences, but keep that to yourself.

>> No.9012947

Never heard of poutine.
>Poutine is a Canadian dish, originating in the province of Quebec, made with french fries and cheese curds topped with a light brown gravy.

It looks and sounds nasty but probably amazing as all hell.

See you guys Saturday afternoon. Working today and tomorrow.

>> No.9013018 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 462x420, 1428872968902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to invest in winter cosplays because it gets colder every year. I normally dont like to wear coats and jackets over my outfit but this time I'll just have to strip for pictures.

>> No.9013330


>Lou Shitnatis

Might as well eat a tomato with their garbage ratio. Only out-of-towners who want to pretend to enjoy Chicago-style eat there.

>> No.9013445

How many water bottles do you reccomend I bring?
I think I'll bring 4 and refill two of them,

>> No.9013449

Guess I won't be wearing the undershirt to my cosplay. Not like anyone would see it

>> No.9013726

>panel starts at 9
>doors don't open until 10

>> No.9013865


Do not talk to this man. He is a fucking creep.

>> No.9013918

>skype on hotel internet
I'll pray for you

>> No.9014527


Their sauce is way better, though.

Pequod's has the best crust, Lou's has the best sauce, Giordano's has the most even stats overall even if it doesn't stand out in most categories.

>> No.9014529


shit, >>9010531, that's something i hadn't thought of. maybe you should skype from a starbucks nearby or something, the hotel's internet sucks baaaaalls

>> No.9015589

So between opening of the con and til about 2am there had been 8 emergency vehicles called in. The fuck is wrong with you people? Do you get your badge and just decide to go full spectrum or just sperg out? At this rate I wont be surprised if the con gets shut down or moved to a different area or at least the prices of badges and hotels are gonna jack up in price.

>> No.9015610

Agreed that dude is a piece of shit