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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 460 KB, 620x291, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8981555 No.8981555 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see a hairstyle thread so I wanted to post one. I'd like to use my real hair like pic related. My hair is fine, thin, and naturally black (Asian). I'd like to pin up pigtails like that and I understand a little bit of teasing is neccessary but what else? I have twin tail lolita wigs that use claw clips on the other end but they're so bulky and just fall down on me if I use a smaller sized one. What type of clips (+ teasing of course) can I use to have pic related?

>> No.8986431

Can you imagine the fivehead of this chick? It counts for half of her fucking head.

>> No.8986594

She just has her bangs starting from unusually high up(probably has thin hair from the looks of it so needed to do it for full bangs). You can see where her hairline is from the side

>> No.8986957

speaking of hair, does anyone have that google docs guide to japanese bangs that someone posted a few days ago? it magically disappeared from my history somehow

>> No.8986962


>> No.8986968

bless your soul, ive been looking for this FOREVER

>> No.8986980
File: 305 KB, 960x1280, 1453765702916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np fampai

tips/guides on getting my hair to this shape? I don't know how to tease it and I don't want to fuck it up

>> No.8986984

>I don't know how to tease it

Just get a teasing comb and grab the end of your hair, and from the bottom side of your hair comb towards your scalp.

>> No.8987009

alright, thanks. it'd look really awkward with longer hair, right? I was growing my hair out for a while but I'm considering chopping it all off again

>> No.8987031

Her head shape is still really fucking strange

>> No.8987045

Anyone got any good inspiration pics for classic Lolita? Preferably without bangs. Been trying to figure out what else I can do besides braiding it and parting it and just letting the natural waviness of my hair take over.

>> No.8987047

anyone have any inspiro for pixy cuts looking kawaii as hell? my hair is really short and layered and wearing wigs in lolita is sometimes really inconvenient...

>> No.8987791

If anyone is looking for a hair style catalogue, beauty-box.jp has tons of cute haircuts to look at. Currently saving pics to get bangs at a salon sometime.

>> No.8991548
File: 62 KB, 375x500, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have some tutorials for waist-length hair? Whenever I try to search beauty sites for long hair (especially Asian) I tend to come up with stuff like pic related. It's "long", but... not the long I meant.

>> No.8991559

Try youtube, waist length isnt that abnormal so you will find girls who have that doing tuts. There is also the long hair comm as well.

>> No.8991566

I would definitely get pigtail extensions for this rather than using your own hair. You simply may not be able to get them that big even with teasing, because of your hair being both fine and thin. I usually do two high ponytails, put them into buns and use the ones that have adjustable elastic and are designed to go over buns rather than clips.

>> No.8991594
File: 65 KB, 450x600, put-pony-through[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I did mine I did an upside down pull through pony tail. The pony was stabilised with plain bobby pins in criss cross formation right through the band that's holding the tail together.

It gives the seamless look on top, but wasn't very stable. If you have trouble stabilising the pony tails, you might try doing an upside down braid instead of just a pull-through ponytail.

Or do what everybody else does and just add clip-ons to simple ponytails. Easiest solution desu.

>> No.8992304

Fucking thank you

>> No.8992330

Long hair comm is full of weirdo middle aged women who have the style sense of a librarian. I have been directed there so many times and every time I cringe at how limp and boring their styles are.

>> No.8992351

Then you obviously haven't looked hard enough. There's a massive database of hairstyles, from buns to half-ups to braids to loose hair, I'm sure there's at least one that will suit you. Nobody told you to look at how THEY wear their hair, and currently there's even a big thread dedicated to heatless curls which is the opposite of limp. Do we have to spoonfeed you?

>> No.8992387

Their aversion to coloring and just any products is awful. I get it. You can't heat style your hair every day and expect to have healthy long hair. But goddamn length just for length's sake does no one any favors. I have ling hair to be able to go all out and have crazy awesome curls and styles.

And the majority of their updos look like crazy basement Tolkien fan bs. They hair toy suggestions are soooooo ugly. No thanks I don't want an overpriced chopstick or bedazzled butterfly stuck in my mass of loops.

And heatless curls/waves are often limp in the roots. Occasionally you can avoid it if you supplement with hair dryer and product, but limp roots are inevitable just because how heavy long hair is.

Feel free to disagree with me. But there is too much frump on that site for me to like it.

>> No.8992390

I much prefer cute girls' hairstyles for more interesting hairstyles

>> No.8992435

I was sculpting my Belle wig last year and was looking all over for this ponytail thing in your hair. We used to have one when I was little and I would use it all the time. ]: Im thinking we tossed it in the move.

>> No.8995144
File: 63 KB, 500x617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a wig question.
Anyone know of a good place to buy half-black, half blonde wigs? I've tried GLW, Lockshop, and Arda, but I couldn't find anything. Pic related.

>> No.8995443
File: 610 KB, 640x800, 1462589296796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told I should ask this here insted of the help thread so here I am. I am growing my hair out for the first time for my Kylo Ren and I am curious on how I should go about this. I am washing it every day and such but I have no idea what the fuck I am doing. >inb4 get a wig

>> No.8995514


Is there pretty/lolita-like anything at all that you can do to African American hair? Even though I'm half that and Taiwanese, my hair is the curliest out of all of my siblings, and I think my hair type is either 3c or 4a, and when I straighten it, it's down about to my boobs.

Someone please help. ;-;

>> No.8995523

She's using clip on bangs and wig clip ins.

>> No.8995526

make those cute poodle-fluff-ball twin tails and cover them with cute bows and shit.

>> No.8995542


Ah, that seems like a good idea, though I'd probably need to blowdry it and buy hairspray.

Thanks, Anon! ^-^

>> No.8995548

Just be sure to use conditioner and use a blowdryer after every time you wash it to get that "feathered" look. Just take good care of it, and run a brush through it 100 times a day.

>> No.8995561

Different person but conditioner before or after shampoo?

>> No.8995565

Both if you want to be pro, but after is usually how it goes.

Also, only apply shampoo the roots and let the shower rinse the product down the ends and condition the lengths.

>> No.8995573

Any advice depends on your hair type. Is it naturally wavy when it grows out? For styling I would recommend applying mousse while your hair is damp and blow drying with a round brush, but I think that only really works if your hair has natural texture.

After of course. Have you ever washed your hair before?

>> No.8995576

>After of course. Have you ever washed your hair before?
Mother only ever told me to use shampoo while I grew up, never thought to look it up.

>> No.8995811
File: 62 KB, 566x334, e139c_5901818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems their advice are so crazy... Like, stand on your head for 40 minutes a day, massage your scalp for 35 minutes, take a handful of pills, eat avocado and kiwi every day, always put your hair up in a bun... NEVER DO ANYTHING FUN WITH IT because it might damage it!
Like, why even grow it long then?
I found some other forum once where people were a lot more relaxed about it and no one attacked them for temporary dye and such, but I lost the link ages ago. Any help with that?
Also, if anyone had a suggestion with a good blog or something where they have product reviews, general tips and maybe hairstyles that doesn't "require" too harsh styling, but still looks nice and fun... Please share! :)

>> No.8998015
File: 67 KB, 870x626, o-SPIKE-JONZE-HER-facebook_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am wanting to go as Theodore Twombly (the guy from Her) to my next con, but i have no idea what to do for the mustache. Am i limited to whatever is available at the party store or is there a better alternative? pic related

>> No.8998030

The point was, you don't have to join/actively participate in the LHC circlejerk to actually find it useful. There's a lot of good haircare tips and recommended products (look in the 'conventional products and hair accessories' subforum) and lots of people there dye their hair save for some oldtimers who have been part of the comm since forever.

I get that a lot of them are fat, old and some even have worse hair than when they actually started, but there's still plenty of good advice. Reddit is full of disgusting people too but the skincare/Asian cosmetics subreddits still have lots of good info in the sidebar.

Really don't get all the vitriol.

>> No.9001720

you can make your own too, if you are up for that

>> No.9001727
File: 19 KB, 236x479, c8f8791c92c4bd400792c4531eee59c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9001749

Thick braids with bangs always look mega cute

>> No.9003085

for cosplay or for daily use?

>> No.9003114


>> No.9003200

I use conditioner before shampoo, without rinsing it first, if I'm not oiling it because it gets too dry otherwise. It all depends on what your hair likes. Hell, you could even condition before, shampoo, then condition again, and it works out just as well.

>> No.9003252

What's a good place to get clip on bangs? I noticed yesstyle has them, but I don't know how good the quality of their wigs and extensions are.

>> No.9003314


>> No.9003320

Why do you wash it every day? That's bad

>> No.9003565

I need a new haircut, and I'd like to try something different than usual for me - any recs/inspo for something short that would work for boystyle? I have kind of a square face and straight fine hair.

>> No.9004551

mintymix has one in stock, but it's more of a golden blonde not a pale blonde like that

>> No.9004661

aww omg, this is too cute

>> No.9004781

How easy would this be to maintain? I'm starting to get sick of my long hair, and this style might work for me.

>> No.9004795

Short hair is harder than it looks to style nicely imo. I estimate for me to get that style with my flat, straight hair that I would have to spend 10-15 mins teasing/using product and heat, compare that to when it's longer and takes me 30-60 seconds to put in a presentable ponytail or braid

>> No.9004819

Thanks for the input, I'll definitely have to look into it more before I make a decision.

>> No.9004824

Is there any way to wear pigtails in an office setting (business casual)? Or even just in daily life, without looking like I'm trying to be a little girl? I've got lower-waist length straight Asian hair.

>> No.9005018

Don't do it! Short hair is a nightmare. I had a pixie shag and it was literally styling every day. Washing, because when you sleep on it you look like a cockatoo when you wake up. Then bow drying, teasing, styling, flat ironing bits.

>> No.9006795

Help me out here, /cgl/.

I have dark blonde/light brown hair. Last January, I got a great balayage -- just a bit lighter than my natural shade, like I'd been out in the sun. Yesterday I went back to the same stylist, asked for the same thing in a touch-up... and wound up with ash-blonde streaks in my dark-blonde hair. I should have complained on the spot, but I wasn't sure if I was just adjusting badly. Looking at it today, no, it's definitely more dramatic than I can handle.

Unfortunately, the salon I went to isn't open today or tomorrow. I guess I've got a few options:

>A. Wait until Tuesday.
>B. Find a different salon.
>C. Get some non-permanent dye (probably Natural Instincts) lighter than my natural hair color but darker than my new, uh, chunks, to darken the balayage.


>> No.9007230

wait and complain, why the fuck would you throw more of your own money into it if you can get a free fix in most normal salons

>> No.9009306

Low pigtails might work depending

>> No.9009310

Depends on your hair type. My hair as a pixie was pretty easy to style, I just blow dried it into place. Only time I found it annoying was when it grew out a bit and got mullet-y. What hair type do you have anon?

>> No.9009313

Wait and complain, if you can leave a message/send an email in the interim. The most they'll charge is for products. A hairdresser fucked up my hair (dyed it black instead of toning it ash blonde) and that's all they charged me to fix it.

>> No.9010305

what is this cut called? its freakin adorable

>> No.9010338

Does anyone have any tips of making hair grow? My hair is barely touching my shoulders and I'd like it to hopefully grow a bit faster, I'm already taking vitamins and using hair growth shampoo

>> No.9010416

If you had shorter hair then lower pigtails would work, but with hair that long, no/