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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 80 KB, 494x810, tumblr_o6em4lmrKw1uvq7ico1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8985705 No.8985705 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, wtf
>Post itas, not nitpicks

>> No.8985743

this is just animegao or kigurumi, nothing to worry about, just a fetish.

>> No.8985747

Actually one of the cuter kigurumis I've seen.

>> No.8985765

i think they look fine desu. it's weird but they don't look like trash.

>> No.8985771

Why won't we cringe at actual living dolls instead of kigus? Besides, their community barely any drama and there probably cuter than OP.

>> No.8985824
File: 40 KB, 540x357, tumblr_o6f57yqgp11vt51w0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was browsing tumblr and found this 'living doll'...

>> No.8985852
File: 44 KB, 600x450, CanV-DCVAAA520E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of them are fetish, some of them are just costumers, similar to furries

>> No.8985863

I love these soo much :)

>> No.8985921

Holy shit, the chunky one on the left looks like the retarded sister that one of the cute ones has to drag around LOL

>> No.8985922

Cyclops girls will always be adorable to me

>> No.8985942

9 posts in and I can already tell this thread is gonna be deleted for off-topic. Good job, gulls

>> No.8985943

it started OT, it's also terrible.

>> No.8985966

This is still talking about j-fash tho
It'd help if people actually knew and understood terms like ita when starting threads and taking apart someone outfit.

>> No.8986027
File: 174 KB, 497x787, itaita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is ita? Creepy mask aside

>> No.8986035

That person isn't wearing a mask, anon...

>> No.8986038

......i need one

>> No.8986055

But OP's pic is, and I was responding to the anons who were talking about how not-ita it is
>This thread is a tainwreck

>> No.8986130

>This thread is a tainwreck
Every thread on this board is. What's new.

>> No.8986131
File: 672 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8986134

Can people please stop reposting this fucking pic? Third time this thread.

>> No.8986136

No, it was in CoF and it's own ita thread that will probably get delete

>> No.8986138

Sorry, third time is in this thread*. I got so irritated people keep posting it I forgot how to type apparently.

>> No.8986189
File: 137 KB, 720x540, havemercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that face

>> No.8986270

Cover her face and hair and it's a meh coord.

>> No.8986301

I thought this was going to be another one of those threads where we actually post dolls and say who is and isn't ita.
>fucking terrifying though

>> No.8986319

Hey but she actually improved! Still a mess but I'm glad she's getting the right pieces

>> No.8986347

>literal eyesore

>> No.8986450

Newfags detected

>> No.8986569
File: 212 KB, 1536x2048, 13131516_10205143855074503_218810622029491682_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shit is this doing in a lolita community? Get your validation elsewhere you whinger.

>> No.8986588

The abomination in the closet is really horrifying.

>> No.8986638
File: 926 KB, 1035x1294, 2016-05-01_18.44.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, gulls. Some glorious OC of my first "coord" complete with lacemonster purchased from Milanoo. Found the pic on my sisters old phone.. Too good not to humiliate myself!

Rest assured, I DO NOT own such a beast any longer..

>> No.8986659

What do any of these photos have to do with the question or Lolita?

>> No.8986694 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1048x1024, valeria-lukyanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not an ita but she's a living doll...

Those jelly gulls, pls step aside and bow at the Queen alright i'll count...

1...2...3... Ten- Shun! (Seagulls salute)

>> No.8986698


>> No.8986738

that is the laciest lace monster that ever lace monstered

>> No.8986739

she looks like a sim.

>> No.8986741

The girl in the picture posted on RC about how Lolitas joke about starving themselves before a meet. She posted the images of her in her "Lolita" to prove she's not fat.

>> No.8986994
File: 382 KB, 532x355, what_did_i_do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.8987192

I seriously think about wearing a pretty animekao mask or whatever they are called when i get too old and ugly for lolita

>> No.8987197
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>> No.8987200
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>> No.8987202
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>> No.8987203
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>> No.8987204
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>> No.8987206
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>> No.8987209
File: 54 KB, 480x480, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short dump end, my dls finished

>> No.8987231
File: 188 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_o6ii4f1j8I1qlnpeko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8987235

Her tits are so sad jfc get a better bra

>> No.8987273

All of these are nitpicks, take your vendetta elsewhere.

>> No.8987300

sorry but THAT is definitely not a nitpick, it's godawful

>> No.8987411

wtf is going on in the bottom right photo

>> No.8987426

Those fucking bangs though... And that hoodie? Like what
Left is kinda cute as casual? Would be cuter if the shirt was a bit modified with lace and such.
Please get some glasses anon...

>> No.8987557

I'm trying to imagine the coord without the awful makeup, but it still feels wrong and I can't put it in words.

And wtf is going on with the bottom of the wig?

>> No.8987561

Oh I fucking knew it

>> No.8987589

I just wouldn't bother wearing lolita if I as going to let myself look like this in it.

>> No.8987616

That dress is gorgeous but that coord makes no sense, even if it wasn't suppose to be lolita and she just wanted to wear it as normalfag clothing

>> No.8987618

Lol did she(?) sew sleeves on to jsk straps?

>> No.8987627

That fucking jellyfish dress is ALWAYS fucking ita who are you kidding?!

>> No.8987630

The only one that's a nitpick is the HL one, the rest are pretty tragic.

>> No.8987893

Everything about this is already terrible but those sjw glasses are killing me
>my nose hurts just looking at them

>> No.8987901
File: 52 KB, 625x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8988524

I don't get why someone goes through all the expense of buying brand, then throws a hoodie on it. Just why??? Did you not have a single cardigan at home?!

>> No.8988529

Are there any good examples of coords with aprons?

>> No.8989438
File: 178 KB, 422x750, tumblr_o5p5stlTTk1uzajsvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stumbled upon this girl while looking for coords and I am horrified.

>> No.8989467

like putting ketchup on a 5 star $100 dollar meal. :/

>> No.8989477

Why the heck is her skirt in that shape? Is that handmade with insufficient yardage? Did she overstuff it?

>> No.8989483

God damn I wanted that dress
>moooooom fatties are stretching out my brand

>> No.8989490

She's probably stretching the shirting to the max which is screwing the gathering of the skirt and making it look wonky
on a girl with a smaller waist the skirt would be more gathers at the top giving it a better cupcake shape

>> No.8989565

you don't belong here.
the dress is obviously a sheath-y a line, akin to a lot of AATP cuts. you can't wear bell-shaped pettis with them. even on a skeleton, this dress will never have a cupcake shape, the hem circumference is too small.
from the waist up it's not too bad. it looks like taobao-tier otome anyway, she shouldn't have tried to make it lolita.

>> No.8989581
File: 290 KB, 1365x2048, 1445908755650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8989587

Why is this here? This is an old photo from a Halloween party. The coord is interesting and well executed; gtfo.

>> No.8989593

honestly if she did just natural, normal makeup this would be meh.

>> No.8989604

I think anon was showing this as an example of a good coord with an apron?

>> No.8989605

Did you even read who I replied to? They asked for a photo of a good coord with an apron.

>> No.8989626

Lol, no, sorry; I didn't. I completely missed the reply and only saw the photo. My bad~

>> No.8989670

anon they are both wearing bodyline

>> No.8989702

Oh man, anon. That poor posture and pose that says I've given up makes it look like you're miserable.

>> No.8989718
File: 1.60 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from CoF

>> No.8989778

what the fuck is a wiccan cafe

>> No.8989798

I think it's an elasticated/peasant neck blouse that she's pulled down off the shoulder. You can see a bit of the ruffled neckline above the JSK's.

>> No.8989845

Is it a replica or is AP really that fucking big (btssb-fag here, I have never tried on AP myself)

>> No.8989945

There's not a single lolita thing about this aside from the dress, which looks out of place.

>> No.8989946

That dress didn't have a replica made so it's either stuffed to all hell or modded via the shirring.

>> No.8989949

Needs better shirts, but it's casual.

>> No.8990121

Don't bring it back up, anon.

>> No.8990122

Ita aside, goddamn look at those waterwings.

>> No.8990303

We know peacockfeather is a mess but this is already way better than her previous tries. I'm kinda glad to see her improve.

>> No.8990306

that nasty floor

>> No.8990328

this makes me incredibly sad because looking at her face, if she wasn't so fat she'd probably be really pretty

>> No.8990389
File: 74 KB, 835x960, FB_IMG_1462175890594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8990395

It looks heavily edited to me, but I understand that feeling.

>holy shit what kind of ungodly oversized parasitic fluke worm is escaping from that woman's mou-

>> No.8990397

I know I'm late, but god I need one of these. I wish you could find a cheaper alternative.

>> No.8990400

Jfc this is awful.

>> No.8990404

Not ita.

>> No.8990406

Read the replies, you rere.

>> No.8990407

I saw it right after I posted. I'm an idiot.

>> No.8990419

I sometimes honestly cannot believe girls can let themselves get this fat. Are these all replicas?

Fatties act like they look fabulous in lolita and we're all just jealous haters, but this is what they actually look like. Like dumpsters.

>> No.8990449

Only the last one is a replica, the others are bodyline, haenuli, and some taobao brand.

>> No.8990484
File: 129 KB, 720x960, 13151977_1709429019325194_4597812495728820145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick has a horrible case of manface

>> No.8990489

I don't believe for one second that is a woman

>> No.8990538

Ignoring her(?) face, because that's too easy. That cardigan doesn't match and neither do the shoes (are they off-white or pale lime-green?)

>> No.8990851

Is that dress printed on a paper bag? And why so many mismatched colors? Wtf is that wig

>> No.8991012

Wow. This is surprisingly coherent. Definitely not great, but eons better than anything I'd expect PF to put out. Good for her.

>> No.8991020

Is this thing a tranny? I honestly can't tell if it is or just a super major ugly girl.

>> No.8991027

Oh my freaking god, I'm howling! She looks dead on like my uncle! I'm gonna show this to him, he's gonna die.

>> No.8991040

where the fuck are her shoes?

>> No.8991054

why is the petticoat so goddamn high up?

>> No.8991246

probably those costume pettis from the party shop

>> No.8991632

You can find Tiffy there, she used to claim she's a witch.

>> No.8991926

>Patton Oswold as a Lolita

>> No.8993252


>> No.8993327
File: 100 KB, 540x385, tumblr_o6atk9fKjc1rpuekbo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8993328
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>> No.8993332
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>> No.8993334
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>> No.8993343

Something about this feels very Mana-esque. I can't hate it.

>> No.8993346

Would look alright without the makeup and with a less shitty wig.

>> No.8993366
File: 168 KB, 1150x2048, FB_IMG_1462451184664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in lolita sewing collective.

>> No.8993368

At first I thouht pink fabric had a print with south park characters

>> No.8993373

I agree, I'd wear this to be honest.

>> No.8993384

Maybe I'm just super nostalgic, but these oldschool coords are so refreshing and I love seeing chunky shoes. You got pleb tastes, anon.

>> No.8993386

The lace looks so nice but everything else is so horrible, it makes me sad.

>> No.8993388

That bow needs to go most of all and her makeup doesn't give the intended effect. Wig is really awful. Other than that, this is a really safe HL coord, ignoring that random-ass necklace.

>> No.8993445

I was about to post this.

>> No.8993495
File: 352 KB, 1242x1185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot Topic ita piano dress makes yet another appearance.

>> No.8993570

why even respond to bait from someone who obviously isn't even a lolita? bitch can't even recognize brand

>> No.8993577

the greys don't match, but this isn't horrible.

>> No.8993607

Damn I am curious. What was it?

>> No.8993646

Damn that is a fat cat.

People in the bl threads have kept defending this dress but I don't see how it can be anything but ita.

>> No.8993898
File: 55 KB, 337x600, noooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off of egl. Jesus christ

>> No.8993899


>> No.8993900

my bad, just realized you already posted it lol

Someone on egl tried to politely tell her the colors were "too harsh" and she said she will try a different color next time. I hope there won't be a next time, this needs to be burned.

She says it was inspired by sweet girl room.

>> No.8993912

My brain exploded a little bit. Brand....Ok...

>> No.8993921

Is this a joke?

>> No.8993951



>> No.8993955


Not OP, but I checked her FB after the post on CoF because I wasn't sure either.

>> No.8993981

Chick? Lol nope

>> No.8993985

I cant hate this

>> No.8994033

Trust me Anon, you do NOT want to know

>> No.8994039

different anon and I'm curious too

>> No.8994043
File: 104 KB, 638x960, tumblr_m7vx0i3TXm1rw8kpno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet Kodona

>> No.8994053

I going to ignore everything that's wrong with this clusterfuck and comment on why would he wear those paint stained and battered up shoes with this.

>> No.8994162
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>> No.8994166
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>> No.8994168
File: 101 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8994220

>Ciel trying to escape in the poster

>> No.8994251

Those shoes look super uncomfortable... Cutting off circulation status.

>> No.8994265

HOLY SHIT that replica is so bad

>> No.8994276

man... She looks so genuinely happy though, like the kind of happy you don't get to feel a lot. Kinda innocent like... I feel bad hating on her, she looks sweet.

>> No.8994280

Other than the sleeves, shoes, and morbid obesity, not bad. I really like the dress other than the sleeves

>> No.8994383

Holy shit why do these masks cost upward of 300 bucks?

>> No.8994386

But is that a trash petticoat hanging 2 inches out the bottom cause it sure ain't giving her any poof.

>> No.8994408

Everything about this screams edgy try hard.
Except the adorable fat kitty.

>> No.8994412

Its cute for a normal outfit but its not lolita.

>> No.8994413

I've always thought that the border print on this looked like really bad clip art.

>> No.8994418

Check the archives. It wasn't really that bad.

>> No.8994472

if she got a better bra and different shoes this would be fine

>> No.8994538

The one on the left has my heart. She needs to take off that shawl and get better socks but 9/11 would make my chubby girlfriend.

>> No.8994540

Why do people wear their wigs like this. You shouldn't be able to see all of your forehead with a wig with bangs.

>> No.8994541


This holy shit, this so much. At first I thought >>8990389 was chewing on some sort of flesh colored sausage.
Sticking out tongue out of your moth is usually super unflattering anyways, but this is just horrifying

>> No.8994626
File: 55 KB, 600x600, cutejumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's your god now?

>> No.8994636

Honestly, anon, as terrible as it looks I think the wig is one of the last things wrong with that co-ord.

>> No.8994699

Dude if that wasn't terrifying to you......what else have you seen?

>> No.8994738

definitely, but i can't help finding the color scheme pleasing.
>fuck you socks

>> No.8994750

god damn ciel lookin like he about to slap a bitch

>> No.8994760

this is the best kind of ita, the kind you can stare at for hours and still discover excitingly new shitty details you hadn't noticed before.

it's a gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.8994891
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1445378318954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.8994897

It bothers me too anon.

>> No.8994915

In the grand scheme of the internet, some girl shooping her face into the uncanny valley won't keep anyone up at night.
Sage for OT.

>> No.8994920

This looks like some Yumi King bs

>> No.8994957

>rescue cat
>burn everything else

>> No.8995064

Isn't this just misako in a bodyline ad or something?

>> No.8995112

she looks like she's going to set the building on fire when she gets laid off and they take her stapler.

>> No.8995350
File: 218 KB, 550x550, gothic16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we all know she used to do some modeling for BL.

>> No.8995364

Misako's journey is the lolita journey.

>> No.8995901

She looks like a hostage in that terrible outfit.

>> No.8995988
File: 1.33 MB, 768x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8996013
File: 421 KB, 1134x1757, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8996043

This poor girl.

>> No.8996283

this person looks very strikingly like my dad's friend and now i'm laughing my ass off at the idea of him in lolita.

>> No.8996338

>what is putting the petticoat at your waist
pretty sure that's a leg avenue one.

>> No.8996340
File: 86 KB, 475x626, punishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also punishment ita dress for posting the same person twice

>> No.8996360

They look pregnant desu

>> No.8996708
File: 303 KB, 640x360, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.8996735

Heh I just got a baby dress that is almost the same exact design but better made

>> No.8996767
File: 497 KB, 350x263, lost it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can't unsee this

>> No.8997096

dress name or lolibrary link?

>> No.8997300

I think this girl's in my comm, but she hasn't come to a meet in a while. I'm fairly sure this is an ancient photo though- she's lost a lot of weight. Added more piercings though.

>> No.8997345
File: 79 KB, 240x320, RibbonRibbonGelatoSundress-bxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she got in any trouble at BTSSB HQ for modeling a replica of theirs?

NAYRT, but it's similar to Baby's Ribbon Ribbon Gelato Sundress. It's been re-released a few times over the years, and each version is a little different.

>> No.8997358
File: 52 KB, 448x600, 13138775_10156762304785315_4144635757945137420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off CoF.

>> No.8997431

Nit pick

>> No.8997439
File: 49 KB, 540x960, 13133345_10103285846709035_7670143052581407839_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoes

>> No.8997467
File: 14 KB, 137x395, 13173776_10206846124655067_1805174119903077089_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much wrong with this.

>> No.8997474

everything looks cheap af and disgusting but somehow seems to go together...

>> No.8997477

it's casual and looks fine. bxw socks would look better but let's not have this whole is casual a thing argument again

>> No.8997518

Are you ok, anon?

>> No.8997521

Are you? Did you take this off her personal page, because I don't remember seeing it on CoF? I don't think she even claimed it was lolita.

>> No.8997529

>I don't think she even claimed it was lolita.
Listen. I'm not that anon at all but this is probably the stupidest time I've ever seen anyone use that argument. It's very clearly obviously lolita. I actually agreed with you it's more of a nitpick due to the cheap sheer white utk socks with the black tights along with her sad looking hair. But to give that excuse is too much when it's obviously old school and not the same as a normie/weeb finding a kawaii dress.

>> No.8997538

It really isn't, anon.

>> No.8997601
File: 88 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8997605
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>> No.8997609

>about to consume that child

>> No.8997627

are y'all not noticing that she's wearing a random t-shirt or what
nothing matches. literally nothing. this is ita

leggings? really? and has this girl never posed in a dress before

>> No.8997637
File: 347 KB, 1180x1606, _20160508_151103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is an ita. Random normalfag hat, clashing whites and creams, hideous AP monster, and overall disgustingness

>> No.8997638

She posted it in the old school facebook group.

That top is Meta you fuck.

Also she's not even wearing the skirt the right way.

>> No.8997639

One is babbys first dress, not even a full coord, and the other is casual. Lurk more before posting

>> No.8997645

Not a perfect coord by any means but far from ita. Vendetta?

>> No.8997649


>> No.8997651

Vendettachan pls go.

>> No.8997662

v e n d e t t a

>> No.8997672

Any screenshot on an Android gets named like that. Try again, though. This coord is everything wrong with modern lolita other than bad wigs

>> No.8997678

>random t-shirt
>Meta's logo is right there
I agree the coord is bad but you need to go sit in the corner for a moment.

>> No.8997683

This is a thread for people to post itas, not a thread for itas to post in.

>> No.8997718
File: 156 KB, 968x672, 1448082134195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, it's a thread to post itas, so maybe post some instead of your obvious vendetta

>> No.8997730

>calls a shitty milanoo full set a vandetta
>posts this mediocre nipick

okay anon.

>> No.8997742

literally nothing matches, there's no cohesive theme, just every single shitty tumblr trend from the last year.

>> No.8997750

I just noticed that neck frill. What the fuck?

>> No.8997752


I can't believe this person has reproduced.

>> No.8997753

Judging by your comment and the coord I'm going to call vendetta

>> No.8997757

How do you check the archive? srry I'm new

>> No.8997759

lurk moar

>> No.8997778


>> No.8997846

Are you her cause you sound so butthurt.

>> No.8997850

It does NOT look fine, it's a fucking train wreck.

>> No.8997881


>> No.8997884


>> No.8998037

Looks like a goth melanie martinez fan.
I found the salty nostalgia bitch. Have fun blogging about your oldschool on livejournal.

>> No.8998059

This is the Aliexpress of ouji accessories. You can't return him though.

>> No.8998066

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.8998072

This girl clearly stated on CoF that she had never really attended meets if I recall. So OP, you are a dick for this. There isn't anything wrong with her coord. It was Kentucky Derby themed. Maybe you should have many seats, a coke, and a smile. And have some Vagisil for that sandy cunt disorder that you suffer from.

>> No.8998079

This is terrible. Nothing cohesive about this at all. I have no idea what the inspiration was, but it is poorly executed. She's been doing lolita too long for this madness. No excuses.

>> No.8998831

Every time this is posted I just want to know what her blouse is because I love the sleeves.

>> No.8998944

aight, my bad, pic is for fucking ants and my eyesight is shit. still doesn't fit the coord, still is bad.

nice whiteknight babe, why the fuck does it matter if someone has attended meets or not? they post the pic in public, they have to expect criticism

>> No.8999052

This usually happens because they didn't secure the wig down enough and it's started slipping back. It's happened to me a time or two and I've learned my lesson.

>> No.8999255

troll or selfpost, stop taking the bait please

>> No.8999262

I dislike the clashing ivory/creams and the stark white. That will always bother me. But that's nit pick level, not ita.
The over the top huge bouffant hat is a proud Kentucky Derby fashion tradition. It's been around for years.
Everyone wears ridiculous hats to the Kentucky Derby. Learn things before you speak.
I'd love a derby meet. The track is no stranger to ladies competing at fashion.

>> No.9000258
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>> No.9000298

>no concrit needed
You may not want it but that doesn't mean you don't need it, mom.

>> No.9000336

I'll admit that she made me laugh at least, at least shes honest with herself?

>> No.9000337

leave my waifu alone you harpies

>> No.9000346

I think this is a cool idea, but the execution is just terrible.

>> No.9000350

Girl this is lolita, it's modest already. The leggings look like something my mom would've made me wear back in the day.

>> No.9000539

You understand the point of the giant normalfag hat right? You understand it was themed meet, right? It's not fucking random and infact it actually goes well with this dress considering the theme of the meet.

>> No.9000541

Yes, this is best Lolita. Especially without shoes.

>> No.9000582

>dat dog ass cameo
man I thought you were holding some sort of handbag accessory until I really took a look at the pic

>> No.9000588

I wonder how many people would get mad if I tried to coord that hot topic loki dress cuz it's just sitting here in my normie closet gathering dust

>> No.9000622
File: 188 KB, 534x800, tumblr_o6we9rnGlB1qc0h42o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hildekitten strikes again

>> No.9000649

jesus i thought her legs were on backwards at first

>> No.9000663

I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean to make it sound like her outfit was lolita. Because it isn't. At least she looks nicer than some itas I've seen.

>> No.9000798

I am sick of this bitch. Get out, please! There is nothing lolita about a fucking tool belt for Christ's sake.

>> No.9000893

Oh my god, anon, don't you see that's steampunk? She had to mix every shade of brown that has existed and put on some rough girl tools to look tough and sweet.

>> No.9001053

>nice whiteknight babe, why the fuck does it matter if someone has attended meets or not?
It matters that it was a themed meet, dipshit.

>> No.9001304

I think this is just a nitpick but I blame the weakness of the cord on how horrible her hair looks and her make up.
Also, whats that pink gingham looking thing on her left arm? Is it apart of the cord or is it there for medical reasons?

>> No.9001778
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>> No.9001818

nitpick, this is cute and AP's halter jsks are the best option if you really want to go blouseless

>> No.9001848

Not ita

>> No.9001875

Not ita.
>all these newbs that think no blouse immediately means ita

>> No.9001884

This is cute AF, I call both nitpick and lurk moar.

>> No.9001886

If she styled her hair a bit and chose one piece of legwear, it'd look fine

>> No.9002000

Hover loli with leg attachments malfunction

>> No.9002117
File: 402 KB, 960x1280, 13172996_946654192118939_2595754934120406163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9002131

Imo this isn't lolita. Way too much skin showing. It's basically a low back prom dress now or something

>> No.9002251
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What the christ?

>> No.9002266
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>> No.9002392

Holy shit those ugly as fuck glasses and that hair looks very unflattering.

>> No.9002411

Wait, is this that fetish model that posted her comm to fetish forums?

>> No.9002442

Holy fuck she is so creepy

>> No.9002669

Lurk more, noobles.

>> No.9002695


>> No.9002706


>> No.9002708

rawr :3

>> No.9002715

There's something really unsettling about her smile.

>> No.9002718

I'm cringing at the marine kingdom in navy party in the background. The girl on the left is too tall and those shoes are not flattering for that skirt.

>> No.9002752

Why are her legs so huge compared to the rest of her...?

>> No.9002758

steampunk needs to die

>> No.9002782

This actually looks nice but I wouldnt post it anywhere. It's a cute summer outfit.

>> No.9002793

What is a pear shape?

>> No.9002799

I think they're the sleeves on the peignoir. She just unturned the bottom.

>> No.9003124

fuck you, this is nice

>> No.9003145

At least she's not wearing those fucking spats

>> No.9003357

Anon, stop. You are reaching and looking foolish. It was a THEMED meet. It looks like you can't read or formulate a sentence by the look of your response.

>> No.9003362

Oh wow.

>> No.9003364

That pose implies that she is insecure about her choice of clothing. She knows it doesn't look good. She probably feels like a peasant and looks like one standing next to the other attendees. I'm just going to pray for her.

>> No.9003367

Bitch, NO! I love that wallpaper in the background though.

>> No.9003452

Omg her hair is hideous.

>> No.9003715

Of course it's from tumblr

>> No.9003726

Something is off about it. Maybe how low it dips in the back/bra(?) straps?

>> No.9003772
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I'll just put this here.

This just wasn't executed right.

>> No.9003947

Someone who is friends with this girl please help her learn about nice poses and cute facial expressions. I know what she's going for, but she wound up with Miley Cirus instead of cute anime playful expression. Her coords need improvement but she would look instantly better with nice pose and expression--and better lighting/camera would help, too.
Gulls, if you're in her comm, please befriend and advise this girl. I think she'd be cute if you did. She looks like she's so happy to dress lolita, she just needs guidance.

>> No.9003964

Is that a cross dresser?

>> No.9003966

She's not really in any comm. She doesn't have a complete outfit or go to meets. She really just wears fairy kei, or her attempt, but she's like 30. I have her added, I drop tips sometimes but due doesn't always listen.

>> No.9003973

my god I know this girl because she goes to my school
I was waiting for some itas from swarmcon to show up

>> No.9004283

This is super cute, but I don't think it quite hits the lolita mark. Not ita, though.

>> No.9004284

Biggest issue for me is the makeup. nitpick.

>> No.9004289

not ita.

>> No.9004291

i kind of like it, but it's not lolita

>> No.9005144

I had to double take to make sure the left that wasn't my emo edgelord friend in middle school.
>shitty fingerless gloves
>fried hair
>hot topic dress
>kawaii cat ears uwu
It's the early 2000s all over again.

>> No.9005876

that cellulite says no

>> No.9006605
File: 111 KB, 506x960, 13164191_174224256307759_4663392109841392645_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CoF gold.

>> No.9006653
File: 596 KB, 2048x1787, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the dumb expression and the wind blowing up her skirt, the outfit is probably better then was most people post. Her make up is too heavy though and she's probably tall because I have that same AP skirt and it's not that short on me.

>> No.9006688
File: 406 KB, 491x700, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so anon. Her ass is hanging out, she's wearing the world's shittiest choker, she fell prey to the makeup shotgun, has a terrible fried hair and an ancient dye job. I'm not sure if it's how the jsk comes, but that pink stomach panel looks awful.

>> No.9006698

i saw this in person driving to that event today and it looked bad
There was a big bunch of itas and she was part of them

>> No.9006707

To be fair, this was an all types of j-fashion meet, although I do think she shouldn't have posted this outfit on CoF since it doesn't seem like lolita fashion to me.

>> No.9006711

The blouse is horrid I'll agree with you on that. But I have the skirt ( not the blouse) and it's not that short on me. But I'm only 4 foot 11. She's wearing nearly all AP and I see what she was going for but executed it badly. Hair and makeup just no.

She looks like one of the weeb types. But this outfit could have been pulled off better by someone with more coordination skills. She obviously doesn't have them and has a poorly made outfit.

>> No.9006716

It was a Jap fest so of course Lolita is more than welcome, but her posting in CoF was just too weird for me, it really doesn't come across as Lolita. More just cutesy J-Fash- If she'd left it at that I wouldn't have called ita, but, here we are.

>> No.9007160
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>> No.9007170

Is she wearing a peignoir under a capelet? How could she think that looked good

>> No.9007998
File: 303 KB, 539x960, 16-05-16-00-04-53-797_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends took this pic before we went to prom ^^ I was smiling so awkwardly because I was so nervous but it was so fun and my teacher even told me she loved the dress I'd made ^w^ did anyone here wear Lolita to their prom? :3 I'm curious

>> No.9008000

Looks like a nice person, so sorry if that is truly you anon, but holy fuck I cringed.

>> No.9008015
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Oh jesus. She looks so sweet and innocent, I want to hug her

>> No.9008018

wasn't even the person arguing but okay anon, okay
I just thought the person I replied to said something retarded

I mean, at least the dress covers her legs, so she's not pretending she isn't tall..?

>> No.9008048

This looks cute for a casual coord honestly(minus hair). Change a few things and it could be a cute sweet coord.

>> No.9008198
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Yeah cause you can't handle the truth that you look like a complete hot mess.

>> No.9008316


>> No.9008355

I was just about to post this mess.

>> No.9008418

I really do wish she was more covered up as this comes across more retro and rockabilly with the cut of the dress.
It's not Ita but if I were going to go blouseless I would at least make sure the rest of my outfit really hits the lolita mark. The hair glasses and pearl combo all contribute to making this look at lot less lolita especially combined with the lack of blouse.

>> No.9008436

Forgot to green text. Its not me its from lolita chat box

>> No.9008581
File: 1.62 MB, 1020x1586, 2016-05-16 16.54.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9008627

Can't really see outfit, but why did she had to fucking stick those things to her face? It would have otherwise looked passable, but I guess this is what you get if you try to mix Lolita with other J-fashions...

>> No.9008822
File: 119 KB, 1280x960, 13247940_723780174430852_4989224615553084406_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl in my cosplay comm just posted this with a huge caption saying how happy she was with her first lolita look.

I want to reach out to her so badly.

>> No.9008859

I don't understand how people have such a huge misunderstanding to what lolita is. A quick Google search is literally all you need.

>> No.9008941
File: 26 KB, 527x409, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glueing gems to her face is the best thing she did.

In case I'm unclear, the gems look fucking terrible.

>> No.9008944

Unless a lot of stuff got deleted, the racist comments were one girl saying that her wig's particular shade of blond didn't suit her skin tone.

>> No.9010004

I can see it's nippels

>> No.9011076

I agree with all the anons here, it's a shame she managed to balls up such a promising formal pattern so spectacularly. If it wasn't for that weird gold lamé shit it would be passable as some cute Lolita inspired outfit. Genuinely feel sorry for her.