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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8984269 No.8984269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage >>8979908

CoF thread >>8977444
Ita thread >>8977735
ILD thread >>8981556
Online comms >>8952850
Local comms >>8960803
Coord help >>8972319
Handmade >>8963438
Draw thread >>8975852
BST thread >>8983889
Taobao >>8973651
Aliexpress >>8968046
Bodyline >>8951549
Mail thread >>8934331
Dream dresses >>8971669
Meetups >>8954831
Price check >>8966108
Meltia (lolita idol group) >>8963049
Dreamy kawaii husbando Yan-senpai >>8976400

>> No.8984270

Holy shit, just start buying Meta already.

>> No.8984273

Only problem I see is the headdress, but I like both brands.

>> No.8984275

Tea Party Club announced their event theme, Wicked and Whimsy. Anyone going?

I'm excited but a little tired of themes. I know it sounds like a killjoy attitude, but you just know that there are going to be so many Wicked coords and I'm just waiting for the awful OTT makeup that will doubtlessly accompany.

I'd like to go to an event with no set theme some time, I feel like there'd be a lot more variety because everyone wouldn't be aiming for the same thing.

>> No.8984311

I don't know if I like or hate that skirt lacing. I am hesitant to buy it because it looks so unusual

>> No.8984318

So lack luster it's astounding.

>> No.8984345
File: 545 KB, 1447x891, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls could you help me out? I'm just getting into lolita (or, I've been into it for years and lurked etc but I'm just now starting to actually buy dresses and stuff), and I'm getting some dresses from taobao
I've looked through hundreds and I've sorted it down a bit, but I still have a few that I really want, but I cant really order too many, since I want to get other essentials like blouses, accessories and shoes etc.
I'm gonna get two, max three of these, and if someone could help me pick out ones would be easiest to coord for a beginner/most versitile/least ita or whatever, I'd be super thankful!
Bonus question, how do you wear dresses like no. 7? Like do you wear a blouse or nah?

>> No.8984358

Be aware first of all that the second one is an AP knock-off. Easy mistake to make if you're not familiar with their releases in the last two or three years.
I think 4 and 8 would be easy to work with, since you could coord them simply, but they might be a little too similar to one another so you could maybe go with 4 and 7 instead to have a solid colour foundation in your wardrobe, making it easier to buy for.
Also, 7 looks like an OP, so you wouldn't need a blouse. You could wear a nice longsleeve bolero over it though if you want your armed covered/warm.

>> No.8984359

Petticoat question here. I've got a CP A-line that I've had for a few years and it's still got decent poof, but I'd like to try the stacking technique with a bell shaped petticoat over it (I also would like to just have a bell shaped one for my sweet coords anyway). I've read reviews about CP, Bunny House, and Me Likes Tea but wanted to get further opinions about which brand would be best for a bell shape petticoat and also which one I'd stand the best chance in being able to order and receive by early June for a con. Thank you!

>> No.8984367

Not all of us are into prints, anon. If you don't want the solids from AP then don't buy.

>> No.8984370

I have several non prints that I wear more than most prints I own, but that doesn't mean I am going to like every non print. It's lack luster and looks sort of frumpy.

>> No.8984374

I have seven, you don't need a blouse! The straps give it a more open neckline than the usual lolita square-neck-vertical-straps, but it's such a lovely opulent dress, it works really well to make it look more mature and luxurious.

>> No.8984376

CP quality has plummeted over the last few months, not anywhere as good as before.

MLT is awesome and cheap, but only opens reservations once a month, with limited slots - if you don't get one then, you have to wait until next month and hope. Bunny house is a bit more expensive, and with less options, but you just order and get it, so more convenient. Either would be a good option.

>> No.8984384

I apologised, I had jumped to the false conclusion that you were an AP print fan complaining about it being a non-print. I agree that this stock photo seems to show a much lower quality than the solids from IW.

>> No.8984423

I have a meet later today, but in the morning I have to go to class. Also have a few things to do around campus.
I've only worn lolita once to uni before and nothing bad happened but I'm quite nervous. Any words of advice?

>> No.8984425

Erm, I apologize*

>> No.8984433

It's fine anon, I guess we have so many print whores that it's an easy mistake. I really do enjoy non prints, but not when it looks like a lumpy and weirdly put together mess. Look at the bodice on it, I can't for the life of me think it would look good in person either.

>> No.8984435


I'm leaning towards the Bunny House XL (I guess the one that's more of a bell shape) since I really want some monster poof for my dresses that can fit it. Are they relatively quick to make and ship? I just would hate to be looking at an option that takes 20+ days to make and THEN there's shipping from Asia on top of that. Thank you anon!

>> No.8984471

How about toning down your coord as much as possible so you'll feel more comfortable while you're on campus? Then when you're done just add everything that your coord lacks (accessories, petticoat/s, different shoes, etc.) before you go to the meetup.

>> No.8984473

Stand up straight, and walk with purpose. Own it. If your outfit can include heeled shoes, and you can walk in them, wear them; the added height and the strut will make you feel powerful. If anybody asks if there's an occasion, just say you're going to a fashion event. Most people will not care for details.

If there are any university students who actually have time to be assholes to a complete stranger instead of studying or enjoying the sun, the cool route is act like they don't exist, and walk on. The uncool route is to look a long while at their own outfit, insult it with a quick line like "bitch, my shoes cost more than your entire outfit", then walk away. While this can be a great way to blow off steam if you happen to already be pissed off, it's not recommended, as it risks making an even more bothersome, time-wasting incident.

>> No.8984475

Aww shit I didn't know it was a knockoff! Thanks for warning me. And thanks for your advice as well!
I'd love to get dresses in several colors of dresses, but I know the smartest thing is to get a few of the same color, so I'm a bit torn hahaha
Ah that's good to know! It looks really beautiful on the picture but you never really know haha. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.8984480

Anyone else see the page on how Yan is going on trial for lifting a 12 year olds skirt?

>> No.8984483

Second thread you've posted in, you going to link it or nah?

>> No.8984486

It's not letting me post the link but it's an article on yahoo japan, it shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.8984491

I can't find it at all. There's definitely a way to post links.

>> No.8984493


>> No.8984495

Considering I've looked through a lot of the recent news on Y!J now and found nothing, seconding caps

>> No.8984554
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>> No.8984557

I think you could go for 4 or 8 like >>8984358
said, and then something like 5. Wine and navy go well together, so you can have accesories that go well with both jsks; and don't have two dresses in the same colour.

>> No.8984559

Maybe I'm just a sucker for the color palette, but I love it

>> No.8984608

Both 1 and 3 are lovely, I've been thinking about those as well, and 6 looks like a great basic to work with. I would be careful about getting metallic gold printed dresses as your first since they can be a little tricky to coordinate well and care for.

>> No.8984634

Just so you know, a friend of mine has 4 and it's a total bitch to match things to. The red has a very strong pink undertone to it.

>> No.8984643

I wish AP would stop using shiny fabrics already. The sheen on a few of their recent releases is way too much for me.

>> No.8984650

6 would be a good choice, its a nice simple design and hard to coord that badly.

>> No.8984651

I wear it to uni about once every other week and people are very nice, I get more compliments there than most places.

>> No.8984677

I wear lolita to class around once a week and haven't had any negative experiences doing so, despite going to a very conservative and normie school.
If it's something ott then tone it down as much as you can, don't wear too much poof or all your accessories. And just be confident in yourself!

>> No.8984760

What exactly is the wrapping cherry plate fair? Is it a preorder?

>> No.8984762

No, you purchase over a certain amount in store during the time period (excluding sale items) and you get a plate.

>> No.8984813
File: 153 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is with the cut of the bodice?

>> No.8984841

I'd go for three and seven, if you're getting two.

>> No.8984855

Vertical elastic to accommodate western cow tits. AP knows their market well.

>> No.8984867
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it's just vertically gathered, not stretchy. This is very cheap prom dress...

>> No.8984874
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Is there any moderation on LM whatsoever?

>> No.8984890 [DELETED] 


>> No.8984892


>> No.8984893

How new are you?

>> No.8984896

Mad flattie detected.

Ugly dress and print regardless.

>> No.8984930

>milky Jesus

Glad I don't have to spend any money on AP today

>> No.8984938
File: 85 KB, 496x750, tumblr_m7cv9h0GtD1rzi5eso1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar hearts is vertically gathered anon. It looks pretty cute. But the stock image looks dumpy. It may look better in person.

>> No.8984941

I would argue it doesn't look cute. Vertical never looks good like that in Lolita.

>> No.8984957

not that anon but you should ask yourself that. it's common knowledge that lacemarket mods have been MIA for months. way too much of this shit gets past the radar.

>> No.8984958

The anon had fucked up responding to a post, and that was why I asked how new they were.

>> No.8985020

So what are the special set prints going to be? The wait is killing me! I'm hoping for something cute, that Cecilia print for the Tokyo store set is terrible.

>> No.8985042

Did anyone get the new Automatic Honey release? Looks like everything's still in stock.

>> No.8985044

Thanks anon!

>> No.8985052

Now, if it was chocolate milky Jesus then It would be wnother story completely

>> No.8985066

The weird random corset lacing is giving it the larme feels.

>> No.8985070

The really cheap sets are left over items from winter sales

>> No.8985099

Has anyone here ordered the iw petticoat/underskirt with lace and chiffon at the bottom? Thoughts, is it worth $100+?

>> No.8985109

Jesus circus velvet print fucking when

I don't even care how many crosses it has, I just want more velvet

>> No.8985114

I got the necklace in lavender. Can't wait to see how it is when it arrives!

>> No.8985171


Shit's fucking beautiful. I got it in ivory and I love it so much that I just ordered it in black too. The lace is amazingly soft and there's so fuckin much of it.

Anyone else get in on that new tartan skirt with the high waist that AP just put out? I for one can't wait to join Clan McPretty.

>> No.8985238

I can't believe what is and isn't a bloodbath these days with AP. I wasn't sure how those new pieces would sell so I decided to wait, and nearly all are gone. It's like the AP college pieces all over again.

>> No.8985244

I knoow, I absolutely adore the print on number one
And yeah I can see how gold printed could be a bit more tricky to coord. I just happened to like a bunch of dresses with gold details apparently haha
Oh wow, I can actually kinda see what you mean just from the picture, when you point it out.. Might pick another one then
Thanks for your input! I appreciate every opinion desu haha
Yeah, I was hoping to have a closet of navy, wine and black, maybe some white dresses eventually too. And like you said, a lot of those colors go well together and can use similar accessories
Might not go with four, considering what the other anon said about pink undertones

>> No.8985273

Well fuck me that was a skirt I actually really wanted but I wasn't paying attention to the release dates or anything. I suppose I have a reason to stalk the secondhand market again.

>> No.8985291

Seems like every time I check the yen to usd rate it keeps going up! I think soon it might actually even out completely

I'm glad for them and their economy, but I kinda wish it was January again, hah

>> No.8985297

please note that MLT no longer has monthly slots but a waiting list and she takes your order when she gets to your slot. however considering how many people are in the waitlist right now, you probaly wouldn't get contacted before June or so

>> No.8985300

>44 people on waiting list
>127 items total
>estimated finishing time for all orders 2-3 months

Poor girl. I wonder if the construction quality will go downhill

>> No.8985302

Doesn't she have anyone to help her? Those wait times are crazy

>> No.8985353

Be prepared for an event full of holy lantern.

>> No.8985426

Can I have the links for one and three?

>> No.8985431

I actually adore simpler, solid colored, pieces like this

>> No.8985445

It is, and it is equally unfortunate.

>> No.8985496

small breasts look better in lolita

>> No.8985517

Not the person you're replying to but I have a D cup and I look great in lolita (in b4 I'm a fattychan, the answer is no)

>> No.8985523
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>> No.8985524

D cup on its own doesn't mean anything. I mean, I'm 32D and my boobs aren't big at all, not even nearly tight fitting in any brand pieces. The band size matters hugely, too.

>> No.8985525

Fat people can have smaller tits too.
Probably my only saving grace of being a pearchan.

>> No.8985532
File: 302 KB, 1600x900, 20160429_190722-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of nabbing a new teaset. Which one is more suited for all coords?

>> No.8985533

The one on the far right is the prettiest, imo.
But I know most people would likely go with the far left to fit all occasions. People who like colors would go for the middle.

>> No.8985535

The one to the right but they're all really cute

>> No.8985536

I have a 32DDD and my boobs aren't all that big

cup size doesn't automatically mean big, band size plus cup size is a higher indicator

>> No.8985537

Do you know how breast sizes work? I'm a D cup too and I'm completely flat chested, it's just my rib cage is lager than my under bust measurement by a few inches.

>> No.8985576
File: 38 KB, 537x481, TumblrFeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is tumblr so none of it should ever be taken seriously, but holy shit I'm laughing so fucking hard.

"Guys...I'm too poor to buy $300 dresses. S...so could you please stop posting about yours because it makes me feel like I'm inadequate."

>> No.8985582

Its the same with all hobbies. Try being on the salty recieving end of some blowhard who gets mad because your miniatures are painted better than his or:


>> No.8985585


Nobody is forcing you to follow any of those Tumblr accounts you dumbass.

>> No.8985667

This is why I wish there was an income requirement for posting about Lolita or at the very least you have to know how to save money. Im not saying I don't think poor people shouldn't like Lolita, just that I see this shit being whined about ALL the time

>I can't figure out how to save money so stop posting about your nice things!!!!

>> No.8985670

I'm part of a local crafts circle and a woman actually asked on our FB page that some of us stop posting our works because they made her feel bad about her own skills. At first I thought it was some weird compliment but no, she really wanted some of us (me included) to stop posting pictures because she thought we were more skilled than her and it was making her feel bad.
She was in her forties. But the worst part was that some long-time members actually agreed with her. If you can't find inspiration in seeing other people's creations, why are you part of a crafting group in the first place?

>> No.8985676

I have a really great job now after earning my degrees, but when I started years ago I was a goddamn waitress with other bills to pay. I saved money and bought nice stuff after I paid my bills. I guess this miiiight not be possible if you're working an $8 an hour job and live/pay rent in a major city, but then should you really be wasting money on LUXURY clothes instead?

>> No.8985677


Hobbies are elitist because they're fucking hobbies, they're not necessities. I'd love to see these people whine about other shit like not being able to play the violin cause violins and the lessons are totes too expensive and all the meanie violinists need to stop posting their playing videos cause it's making them feel bad since all they can do is stare at violins in a music shoppe window. They just sound so ridiculous.

>> No.8985683

Im pretty damn poor and this makes me so angry

Like shut up and save money ffs! If I want brand I save up. I only own two brand pieces but I saved up for them and scoured for sales and deals! Its not that hard.

And being poor is souch a lousy excuse, I can make a whole coord off bodyline for under a 100 bucks, is it bodyline? sure, but its still an option.

Also "what are indie brands?"

>> No.8985690

I seriously hate coddling people. I actually got into an argument on fb(while drunk so I got really cunty) with someone who posted some 'crafts' to sell in the hime lolita fb sales group. They were the worst things I'd ever seen and I started off asking how they related to the sales group and she kept feeding me sob stories about how she was just starting out and she wanted to try to get better and even though she didn't think they were good enough to sell, she wanted feedback. The ultimately were removed but it was just pathetic to see. Not only did she not take criticism but she claimed everyone who said they didn't belong in the group was bullying her and then PM'd me for 'harassing a teenager'.

>> No.8985718

>not getting brand teasets

>> No.8985723

She automatically assumes they post what brand it is to brag about it and doesn't stop one second to think that it's probably interesting for others to know what brand it is. I hate it when people post outfit photos and don't name everything.

>> No.8985724

>shit like not being able to play the violin cause violins and the lessons are totes too expensive and all the meanie violinists need to stop posting their playing videos cause it's making them feel bad since all they can do is stare at violins in a music shoppe window.
>tfw you actually resent violinists because the instruments are tiny compared to your fingers

>> No.8985725

Topkek is this Isucky?

>> No.8985731

Are you seriously thinking of matching your tea set to your clothes? How retarted are you?

>> No.8985732
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>spending money on brand tea sets merely because they are brand


>> No.8985736

just play the viola or cello, anon.

>> No.8985737
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>> No.8985739

I... cant into strings.

>> No.8985751
File: 371 KB, 245x250, 1428961747732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google brand lolita teasets
>they look like regular designer teasets

i am being rused

>> No.8985755

Who runs the Lacebook FB? Posting Kuroshit gifs probably isn't going to help with trying to keep itas and weebs out

>> No.8985773

God no I just watched it and it's some Ciel x Sebastian (the kid and the adult-portrayed demon) shit. What the fuck

>> No.8985798

Once got bitched out for not having newer cards in MtG when we were playing EDH... which you don't need newer cards to play...

>> No.8985803

I remember being that kind of poor and yeah, I'd see people posting pastel vomit and links to where they bought their outfit and I'd just window shop sites. I'd favorite them for no reason and by the time I actually got money to buy alt clothes, those sites I favorited were gone lol.

>> No.8985810

That sounds more like autism

>> No.8985817

Are there any taobao (or other, not too picky) shops that do plus sized or larger clothes with a more otome feel?

>> No.8985873

You're just bitter since I wipe my ass with BTSSB toilet paper

>> No.8985896

I got that one too anon! It'll go really well with my spring wardrobe.

>> No.8985907

You sound really pretentious

>> No.8985930

i love this dress so much actually... probably because im more actively into fairy kei than lolita. at least thats how i would justify it.

>> No.8985932

eh... leave 'em be

>> No.8985934

Why are you asking in lolita general tho

>> No.8985936

Underrated post

>> No.8985940

no. get out. people like this need to learn before they turn into whiny cunts.

>> No.8985947

More like you're just spouting memes and don't know anything about the spectrum.

>> No.8985949

Welcome to this hobby

>> No.8985951

how fucking new are you to Lolita?

>> No.8985960

Tfw no one is gonna listen to you cause you're just some anon

>> No.8985968

Has anyone else ever seen a dream dress worn (i.e. at a meet) and been totally underwhelmed by it/fall out of love with it almost immediately?

>> No.8985971

Because I want lolita but with a more quirky vibe and I dont know where to look. Wrong place though, you're right. Should try the plus sized thread.

>> No.8985972

That would no longer be Lolita. Please stop.

>> No.8985989

quiet baby

>> No.8985993

>"it'll go well with my [x] wardrobe!", a typical, normal comment for a lolita
>"omg that's so pretentious!!"

>> No.8985995

just use the block/ignore feature on tumblr ffs, it's there for a fucking reason yet no one fucking uses it

>> No.8985999

You're equally stupid to that poster anon, since you can't even reply to the right post.

>> No.8986005

>it's there for a fucking reason yet no one fucking uses it

For the same reason people don't use ignore/report features here.
Like how anons on here don't hide threads and posts.

People just like being pissed off at something.
I've noticed that about recent internet culture. It's the new trend to hate everybody and everything. You'll get popular on Youtube if you make a channel and whine and complain and be angry. Nobody knows how to chill.

>> No.8986018

>It's the new trend
it's almost always been the trend tbqh, ever since the old rant/wank communities on LJ

>> No.8986029


>Clan McPretty

I fuckin lol'd, now I want to make Braveheart-kei a thing.

>> No.8986036

>ever since the old rant/wank communities on LJ
Part of the reason I even know about lolita is because getoffegl was constantly featured on stupidfree.

>> No.8986037

Anon, the series started as gay porn until the editor said it would make a good drama.

>> No.8986065

People don't always stick to the themes so just disregard it if you want. Themes help to inspire people to coordinate for a big event but it's not like they're compulsory.

>> No.8986075

Disregard 2 because it's a replica and 6 because the material quality looks a bit off and I don't recognise the brand. Miss Point have something similar if you like that style. I was going to say 1 and 4 until I saw what >>8984634 said about the colour of 4 being a bitch to coordinate. I've owned 7 before and the sleeves are a pain, they look a little exposed for lolita yet weird with a blouse so I'd advise against that since it's not that versatile. 1 and 8 look like your best bet to me, maybe 3 as well.

The problem is that a lot of these dresses have different golds. I'd be tempted to say get 1, 3 and 5 and match them all to gold but the gold on 3 is a very warm gold whereas the gold on 1 and 3 is whitish so the same accessories might not work for both.

>> No.8986128

Boyfriend of a lolita here. Your confidence is key. Carry yourself as though you're wearing your normal clothes but also as though you feel like you're at the top of your game. People can tell when you look nervous and insecure, so smile and relax. You're an ambassador for lolita. Present it in a good light so more people can get interested in it!

>> No.8986160

funny way of saying "pedo"

>> No.8986163

Do you know the names of 1,3,4 and 5? I'm just getting started on lolita too

>> No.8986164

funny way of saying "shotacon"

>> No.8986176

>Stand up straight, and walk with purpose. Own it. If your outfit can include heeled shoes, and you can walk in them, wear them; the added height and the strut will make you feel powerful. If anybody asks if there's an occasion, just say you're going to a fashion event. Most people will not care for details.
>The uncool route is to look a long while at their own outfit, insult it with a quick line like "bitch, my shoes cost more than your entire outfit", then walk away. While this can be a great way to blow off steam if you happen to already be pissed off, it's not recommended, as it risks making an even more bothersome, time-wasting incident.

That's really cringy. Just say "fuck you" and keep walking

>> No.8986184

We don't have an Japanese SS general or anything so I figured it would be best to ask here. Has anyone bought using Samurai buyer? What did you think? I noticed they're sponsoring e-famous people (like anzu and more recently filthy frank)

>> No.8986190

Not her but really? How?

>> No.8986278

>not knowing japan's age of consent kek

>> No.8986282

You sound poor and bitter.

>> No.8986397 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-04-30-22-50-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatties gonna fat

>> No.8986405 [DELETED] 

You seem butthurt, all those points are valid.

>> No.8986407 [DELETED] 

Lolita is a fashion that started in Japan. Fuck a bunch of American beauty standards, this isn't even about that.
I have cow tits, I'd prefer for the fashion to stay as it is. I can deal with never fitting into VM and MM, there are other options.

>> No.8986409 [DELETED] 


>> No.8986420 [DELETED] 

>fashion that started in Japan
No matter how much you cry about "muh Japan sizes" a 26 inch waist is NOT "plus size" in the western market. Poster isn't whining about "Japanese" sizing, she's rightfully pointing out that non-plus size items are being mislabeled in the WESTERN secondhand markets like Lacemarket. A 26inch waist is not plus size going by western standards. Simple.

Secondly, fad dieting and "fasting" disguised as disordered eating habits to make bigger framed women try to squeeze themselves into asian sizes is a bullshit thing too. Western women are built differently than asian women. Too many people in this fashion have unrealistic views and expectations of their sizes.

>> No.8986439 [DELETED] 

sounds like someone is a angsty hambeast.

>> No.8986441 [DELETED] 

>call em fat instead of refuting valid points
Sure showed them!

>> No.8986451 [DELETED] 

I'm a 26in waist. I am above average if we're not sugar coating it (if we did I'd probably be eating it right now.)

I APPRECIATE it when it's marked plus sized because it's easier to find stuff that fits me under that tag.
It's plus sized in the lens of the fashion I enjoy, and don't need anyone, any brand or secondhand seller trying to appeal to my vanity and making it more difficult to find what I need.
This is just a thing, not something to be butt hurt about. If you don't want to label it as plus sized, fine do whatever you want in your own sales. I'm going to keep buying cheap brand and give no fucks.

>> No.8986458 [DELETED] 

>lolita does this
>most fashion scenes do this
what a noob.

>> No.8986464 [DELETED] 

I'm a 26in waist as well, and I'm pretty average. Most standard brand fits me. I wouldn't mark 26in waists as plus-size, especially when selling stuff for the western market.

>> No.8986466 [DELETED] 

>"fasting" disguised as disordered eating habits
>what is portion controlling within reasonable healthy amounts

>> No.8986468 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about making things difficult for you in particular. It's about the objective fact that to label something as plus size in the WESTERN market is to generally denote that it's a size 10 or above. I don't know what dress size you are with 26 inches, but most people I know with that measurement are about a size 6-8 US.

>> No.8986473 [DELETED] 

>what is portion controlling within reasonable healthy amounts
I don't think anyone was arguing against this? Just saying that anorexia is also not the answer, even if it's under the "I'm eating less" or "I'm just fasting"

>> No.8986476 [DELETED] 

There are TONS of people who aren't in the US on lacemarket....

>> No.8986477 [DELETED] 

>finding something to nitpick about that sentence despite knowing exactly the types of people I'm referring to whom are not reasonable people looking for basic portion control
Ana chans are such dipshits.

>> No.8986478 [DELETED] 

>more western centricism

>> No.8986481 [DELETED] 

Lol, that doesn't matter!
If I go to Y!J should I throw a tantrum when a 'M' is labeled 'S' because I can say "lots of people on Y!J auctions are western buyers"? Fuck no, the labels are determined by where the website is based. Lacemarket is WESTERN. We go by WESTERN measurements, weeaboo.

>> No.8986482 [DELETED] 

>"i'm eating less" when that's basically the point of portion controlling and not anorexia
>implying there isn't reasonable fasting during religious holidays etc.

>insulting ana chans with EDs (also being ableist while you're at it, good job) when it's obvious that as a bitter fatty you're not much better than them

>> No.8986485 [DELETED] 

throwing tantrums at all like you're doing right now ain't kawaii, anon

>> No.8986486 [DELETED] 

Oh, because you totally weren't the same faggot who was quick to call anyone who said the points in that post were right "fat." Uh huh, you're so innocent and undeserving of any kind of backlash.
>bitter fatty
Fucking how. Literally all this conversation has been is me talking about the topic and you trying to insult my anonymous honor. Either refute the arguments or fuck off.

>> No.8986487 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 480x304, 1452811981259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should call down.

>> No.8986489 [DELETED] 

I like how all you've got are playground comebacks because you don't have a pot to piss in at this point.

>> No.8986492 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile as a foreigner I can't believe HOW BIG a lot of American clothing is.

But lolita is totes bad because it reminds you that you aren't the size of a young Asian woman. So dysphoria inducing and triggering! Why can't Amerifats just realize that 1) they are not the target market for lolita fashion and 2) the majority of them are indeed fat.

>> No.8986493 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 250x333, 1452474241878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it doesn't matter what we tell you, you're just going to be all 'MUH FEELINS' about it.

>> No.8986494 [DELETED] 

Vanity sizing is the fucking devil, nowhere is it more of an issue I think, than here in America.
I though I was perfectly average with an 80cm waist because my clothes were all single digits. Fucking insane.

>> No.8986496 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 500x333, 32950939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively talking about sizing and market differences
>there are objective measurements differences defining plus size in asian, american, uk, etc.
>these are "feefees" to you
Moron desu desu senpai senpai.

>> No.8986500 [DELETED] 

Snowflake, you are average.

>> No.8986501 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 1155x931, 1421078512690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80cm? Fucking 80cm is average to you?
NOPE. I'm out. Fuck this thread.

>> No.8986502 [DELETED] 

>implying there isn't reasonable fasting during religious holidays etc.
Why are you even bringing this up other than to drag out an argument even more.

>being ableist
Okay, now I know you're trolling because let's get real. Tumblrina's only come here for the draw threads and self post threads.

>> No.8986503 [DELETED] 

Nvm, you're a gross hambeast.
Pls sell me all your brand for $1 because you've probably stretched it all out with your sweaty pits fatty fatty two by four :^)

>> No.8986504 [DELETED] 

No, this is a common problem here when it doesn't need to be. Instead of actually commenting on something, people resort to memeing and insulting each other instead because they can't come up with a better come back so they reach for the most popular one because they are uncreative dingbats.

>> No.8986506 [DELETED] 

Did you miss the part that said single digits in her size? Anyone in the US wearing single digit clothing is probably fine unless they got their shit from Torrid or some dumb plus size store.

>> No.8986508 [DELETED] 

>Did you miss the part that said single digits in her size?
Maybe in addition to being a mental midget, they are also a literal one.
I could see how an 80cm waist with a single-digit dress size could translate as obesechan on a person who's 4'6.

>> No.8986515 [DELETED] 

>"Oh, because you totally weren't the same faggot who was quick to call anyone who said the points in that post were right "fat." Uh huh, you're so innocent and undeserving of any kind of backlash."
>resorting to calling samefag when i'm not a samefag kek
>"Fucking how."
you're making yourself pretty obvious anon

>> No.8986518

can we stop bitching and trolling about sizing and just get back to discussing actual lolita fashion

>> No.8986522 [DELETED] 

As someone who has an 83cm waist, I can fit into most shit at places like F21 and H&M with no issue and without going into their plus size section.
Wasn't that the point anon was trying to get across?

>> No.8986527
File: 64 KB, 392x293, OH YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, girl, let's do this. Let's talk about lolita fashion. Come on, give me your best stuff!

>> No.8986530 [DELETED] 

Sure Jan.

>> No.8986532
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 96b578b7381ac4ed0b55dae39aa3d369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of bad coordinates for past dream dresses, and yeah, it did make me fall out of love for it.
It was mainly because I realized that what I hated about those mediocre coords would probably happen with me as a fit/skin color issue that combinations of blouses/accessories couldn't fix.

>> No.8986533 [DELETED] 

...are you referencing the brady bunch?
do you say things like "hecka" by chance?

>> No.8986534 [DELETED] 

they're the one who's actually from tumblr, obviously

>> No.8986536

is it safe to put lolita in a clothes dryer?

>> No.8986537 [DELETED] 

They seem to be worse than your average SJW tumblrina, in that they're one of the "MEMES ARE SO DANK" tumblrinas.

Fuck, it's probably Voldie. She has cringe humor like that.

>> No.8986540 [DELETED] 

I'm not even anon you're responding to but you need to stop. Not everyone who gets tired of fat people trolling has a tumblr or is an SJW.

>> No.8986541 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 334x202, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever people akin eating reasonably to starving themselves you know their whole viewpoint is warped. Like if she was just mad that people list shit as plus sized or tall friendly for no reason for more hits, yeah that's bs, but everything else there is just asking for asspats.
Like I'm a fatty, but I'm working on it. Pic related. There has never been a time where I thought lolita was ruining my mental health by promoting eating disorders. I did, however, realize I got to a point where I was busting the thighs out of my pants and couldn't walk up 10 steps while holding a conversation without needing a break.
This argument is just annoying to me because it feels more like it's pretending to fight against causing eating disorders when really it's just trying to police people's behavior so babies don't get their feelings hurt.
Like if calling people fat all the time caused EDs in the community why don't we see more fatties suddenly become paper thin?

>> No.8986548

No, it could damage the lace.

>> No.8986549 [DELETED] 

>Whenever people akin eating reasonably to starving themselves you know their whole viewpoint is warped.
The only reason I think of it is because of that movie Secretary. I think the character even mentions something about fasting but is obviously shown to have an eating disorder.

Also, it's pretty common thought process. Anytime I have a short shift at work my co-workers flip out that I'm not taking a lunch to go eat and will offer me food. I have to constantly explain that I'm gonna eat when I get home (which I do).

This is not all about warped views.

>> No.8986550

Just hang it up instead and also check out the washing thread.

>> No.8986551 [DELETED] 

>Like I'm a fatty, but I'm working on it
So you're different than all those other fatties, you're not like those other girls right?
That's good for you if you've never been tempted to develop EDs to fit into clothes better, but you are one blind fatass if you claim that mentality doesn't exist. Especially here when people have outright admitted to it.
>why don't we see more fatties suddenly become paper thin?
Because not all EDs are anorexia/bulimia.
Because how would you even know if someone went from fat to thin with an ED unless they admitted it not under anon.
Because if you develop a binging/restrictive ED it doesn't mean you get instant thin overnight from being fat anyway, and it likely involves yo-yo weight fluctuations.

>> No.8986554 [DELETED] 


How long does it take you to bust the thighs out of your pants? Weird question I know, but it took me the better part of three years to wear holes in the thighs of my jeans and every time I see this phenomenon referred to it's in a "GOD PANTS ARE EXPENSIVE WHY DO THE THIGHS RIP ALL THE TIME!!!" kind of context. Like, with the amount people complain about it I kinda expected it to happen more often.

>> No.8986557 [DELETED] 

I'm fat and the thigh holes thing only ever happens if I buy extremely cheap jeans. It doesn't happen to my tights.

>> No.8986558
File: 56 KB, 446x400, laughing lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8986560 [DELETED] 

This isn't about EDs.
Good people develop them for stupid reasons, and trying to make this argument about them is using corpses as soapboxes for very shallow personal ends.

>> No.8986561 [DELETED] 


>> No.8986563 [DELETED] 

>Because not all EDs are anorexia/bulimia.
Not to go full 'tism here but uh.... isn't it still considered bulimia if you're shitting it out?
What other fucking eating disorders are you talking about? Do you mean over eating? Because that's just the opposite of anorexia, I think we've covered that topic btw....

>> No.8986565 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 265x308, sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think I'm trying to get this thread on track
>they don't realize I'm part of the fatty argument as well
Being anon worked again!

>> No.8986566 [DELETED] 

My jeans would wear through in about 6 months of daily wear and tear back in the day. $50 levis to $5 bargin bin to heavy duty dickie work pants.
It's probably a difference in our hip shapes.

>> No.8986570 [DELETED] 

diff but ohhhhh my god shut up

>> No.8986574 [DELETED] 

You can have a combination of EDs.
For example, if you're referencing bulimia, fat people can have bulimia and not experience any weight loss due to binging or compulsive overeating. They can try to purge through vomit or lax, but often times the calories don't all come out so they either stay at the same weight or get fatter.
The only ED a fatty can't technically have is anorexia.

>> No.8986575 [DELETED] 

I'm probably an odd case because my thighs are SO disproportionate to the rest of my body but my last pair of pants lasted like 6 months. That's just unreal. Before that I had to buy new pants about every year. That 6 month pair made me flip out and get a gym membership.
And it sucks lolita-wise because the rest of me is proportioned ok-ish for a fat girl so I can wear a bunch of normal brand and what have you but cute tights are out of the picture. I also have one petti that's a little on the smaller side I have to put on head first because I can't get it over thunder and lighting. It's super cool to get a whole coord on only to remember that's the petti I wanted to use.

>> No.8986578 [DELETED] 

fucking this.
also if you all want to bitch about EDs and fatties for an entire thread make a new thread for that discussion

>> No.8986581 [DELETED] 

If you don't want to see the discussion, hide the posts. You're being an anklebiter and are also contributing nothing to the thread.

>> No.8986583 [DELETED] 

>lolita general
>discussion is about EDs and fatties more than it is actual lolita

>> No.8986584 [DELETED] 

The only time my pants wore out that fast was when they were work pants and I was too poor to buy more than two pairs.

>because not all ED's are anorexia/bulimia
I was trying to figure out that part, and like I said, the only other one is the over eating one, right? Have a combination of one of the three doesn't make it another one all together. You just have more than one ED at that point.

I feel like most people that have ED's have more than one? Like it's pretty common for girls who have anorexia to get caught not eating, start eating, and then throwing it up to continue hiding their problem.

It's not a lolita/j-fash/cosplay topic unless you make it one and even then the thread might not last.
Hell, lolita gen gets deleted sometimes. who cares.

>> No.8986585 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, HAHAHAHHAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight
>person takes cap from RC expecting cgl to chime in unison about fatties
>it kinda backfires
>anon is now pissed off and wants it to end because they didn't get the result they were looking for
>btw TUMBLR and SJWS!
Nice one ladies.

>> No.8986586 [DELETED] 

>there was already a plus size/jfash thread

>> No.8986587 [DELETED] 

>Fucking Amal is included in that picture
I never fucking noticed this before...

>> No.8986589 [DELETED] 

Please don't post your shitty Rufflechat caps and whine about fatties in your brand in the plus size general. That's actually a decent thread!

>> No.8986590 [DELETED] 

Yeah but it's all fatties having actual clothing discussion. Plus I would shitpost it into oblivion if you guys tried to take this rant over there.

>> No.8986591 [DELETED] 

um most of us want it to end, not just that anon

>> No.8986593 [DELETED] 

oh, it's just you
nevermind guys, carry on, nothing to see here

>> No.8986597 [DELETED] 

I think what I learned today is you can still get likes on the worst coords if you claim you're trying to rail against the ruffly hate machine.

>> No.8986602 [DELETED] 

I have thunder thighs, always have, and I have never once ripped the thighs of my pants? And I wore fucking like clearance sale walmart pants.

How the fuck does this happen?

>> No.8986610 [DELETED] 

>I'm a 26in waist. I am above average

There is literally no where that is above average.

>> No.8986612

>I don't know what dress size you are with 26 inches, but most people I know with that measurement are about a size 6-8 US.

A 26" waist would be more like size 2-4.

>> No.8986618

...maybe if you shop at old navy

>> No.8986620

No, housewife chan isn't the only shitposter.
Also she would never try to derail a fatty thread when it was being trolled, she'd just stop I'm with her usual "lol you all are so fat sorry my English not good you're all ugly too don't know if I mentioned that or not bi you are I am so much prettier than all youse bitches that is why I am marryed"

>> No.8986624

but anon you don't understand
she is trying to troll and make fatties angry by pretending it isn't her trolling when she's caught
that way she still succeeds in angering fatties

>> No.8986630
File: 7 KB, 200x166, 13811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have small hips too so maybe that's a contributing factor. I have deep hip dips too so that whole area is a fucking disaster. I tried to think of a way to describe it best and immediately thought of the Sugimori art for Ditto.
In the meantime thank god for skirts.

>> No.8986634

Yeah but she always has the same simplistic insults. It's always "you're fat and ugoo - my husband isn't home teehee"
She's fairly easy to spot.

I'm trying to tell you that I am another shitposter entirely.

>> No.8986636

>I have deep hip dips
More like you are just skelly mode

>> No.8986643

American sizing has changed because everyone is fat, and vanity sizing.

I am clinically overweight in both BMI and fat %, and I am white and living in a Western country. In my country, which uses the original sizing system, I am a size 14. In modern American sizing, I am a size 4.

Just because everyone in your country is fat does not mean that regular plus sized people should not be able to search for clothes to suit us too. It is very conceited that just because you want to claim you are not fat you expect us all to change for you.

>> No.8986661


Are you people really short or something? Because I'm apparently a US size 4, 26-27" waist and I'm lower/ normal BMI with a small waist in proportion to my build. I don't think it would be considered plus sized unless you lived in a midget country.

>> No.8986666

who is this?

>> No.8986688

People like to exaggerate and pretend America is even fatter than it really is. Just ignore it, anon.

>> No.8986702

Are Luminous Sanctuary, Shadow Dream Carnival, and the other items on sale now at ap likely to go on sale at ap usa soon? Idk if the sales have the same usual delay as the releases, or if they're completely seperate

>> No.8986704
File: 56 KB, 426x640, 16_5_1_112_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ClosetChild get your shit together, what is this Pippi Longbow nonsense

>> No.8986716

those are antennae, used for detecting replicas

>> No.8986722

>>8986643 here. I'm 5'4. That isn't super short.
I don't consider 26' waist to be plus sized, however I do not believe lolitas have unhealthy body image. So long as you are not starving yourself, being slim is something that should be desired because it shows poise and a strong mentality.
It's not that, it's that the fat Americans try to claim that being overweight is normal rather than trying to fix their bad choices.

>> No.8986728


I personally don't think /cgl/ in general has a healthy body image.

>> No.8986734

>being slim is something that should be desired because it shows poise and a strong mentality
lmao, 5'4 who fits into unshirred brand checking in, and I eat so much shit that if I didn't have that godlike teenage metabolism I'd be pretty fucking fat at this point
the only exercise I get most days is going to and coming back from college, which gets me barely to 8k steps a day; I eat entirely too much meat and not enough vegetables and am a pizza enthusiast.
any fatty-chans you see that are younger than 25 are a product of either shitty parenting or absolutely 0 portion control, and most slim ones don't need to do shit to stay slim

now that this is over with can we please talk about frilly dresses please and thank you
does anyone else feel like the petti market right now is having problems? there's only 3 stable/high quality sellers after VGD vanished and CP went to shit, 2 of them are commissioners and between those 2 it's a matter of do you need it soon (BH, and this is a bit of an assumption) or do you need to save money (MLT)
if I was good at sewing (and hated my hands and fingers) I'd totally start taking commissions, but I'm nowhere near that level

>> No.8986735

I'm asking because I'm going to be travelling and will be relying on laundromats, so line hanging's not going to be an option...

>> No.8986743

Usually in hotels, above the bathtub there should be a little metal thing that you can pull and attach it to the opposite wall.

>> No.8986746

Nope. Why do you want to think you are fat when you're not? Unless you have huge thighs or something and then can't fit into pants in that size.

>> No.8986748

>because CC make the items they sell

>> No.8986752

It is separate, AP USA gets the leftovers.

>> No.8986757

>the joke
>your head

>> No.8986782


>> No.8986793
File: 799 KB, 200x189, 1449990909607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"normsl bodies" are 300+pounds

>> No.8986810

I'm 5ft,142 lbs 23inch waist. US size 4 on top, 14 on the bottom. Yeah I know I'm borderline obese but there are stages- it's not like plus size means hamplanet, globularly-shaped etc

>> No.8986811

Holy shit yes. I've been looking for a petticoat for my Moitie (because I've been using three heavy tulle skirts and it's heavy and warm as fuck) but all I can find is huge OTT poofmonsters. Considering getting a bunch of tulle somewhere and just making my own at this point.

>> No.8986812

seriously if someone could actually crank out quality petticoats at a decent price and pace, they'd be making bank.

someone get on this, I can't sew for shit

>> No.8986814

tulle sucks use organza

yeah see this used to be MLT but she's getting absolutely swamped with orders now that she started her waitlist thingy. I really hope she can find someone to help her
also imo people ordering 1 or 2 things should be given priority over people with 10+ items, but that's just me being salty because I just want 2 damn pettis :vv

>> No.8986815

on the same side as you, also the city i live in has a huge lot of american tourists so in most clothing stores i can't find any clothing that's not too big for me
they all carry huge sizes it's crazy

>> No.8986821

Nope, it just wasn't funny at all

>> No.8986824

As an extremely small American I cannot stand shopping here. Everything is almost always way too big. Which is one of the reasons I wear jfash.

>> No.8986841

I'm in need of a new petticoat. I want one with moderate poof, not to much but without looking flat. I have a lot of tiered cut dresses so I want one that suits that shape best. Any recommendations? MeLikesTea looks good but I can't tell which one would be best for me.

>> No.8986843

For tiered dresses a-line is best. Malco modes is amazing but poofy. Honestly I like my classical puppets one for mid poof (it was the longer 46cm one, not the everyday or the monster poof) but I got it in 2014. People said the quality had gone down then but I can't say myself.

>> No.8986844

I'm in need of a new petticoat. Can anyone recommend one that will be able to hold the most farts?

>> No.8986867

You're being reactionary

>> No.8986883

I have a 27in waist and I can fit into unshirred MM just fine... what world do you live in?

>> No.8986888

>people on the internet are exaggerating
Go fucking figure

>> No.8986897

26 inch waist plus size in the West? Ha ha. As if. Maybe it's on the larger end in Japan but in the West people tend to be taller and slightly larger built. How old are you? Maybe if you're a kid 26 inches could be on the slightly larger end but as an adult 26 or 27 inches is still fairly small, no where near plus size, especially as you get older your figure does change. I'm 5'6 with a 27 inch waist. I work out and have some muscle tone. Before gaining it when around 9st with a 26 inch waist the doctor was telling me I was underweight and could do with putting some weight on. I was in my late 20s.

>> No.8986918

I won a scholarship to a fancy private school and resented being the only person who couldn't afford private music tuition as all the cool kids got to play at assembly and shit. Instrumentalist was a a mark of prestige I wanted badly. I started sneaking into the music department before school to teach my damn self 5 instruments so I could join orchestra. I guess the loli equivalent is getting good at handmade, bargain hunting, thrifting etc to make up for the lack of funds. I live on $5000 a year but find ways to do Lolita including sticking strictly to a predefined wish list and not buying things that won't work with existing pieces of a whim

>> No.8986926

Good for you, anon! This is exactly the kind of thing that people -should- be doing. Instead of whining about what everyone else has, be proactive!

>> No.8986949


Yup, exactly. Getting good at doing something takes practice and hard work. As the other anon said, good for you. Lolita can be done well even on a budget. If it's limited, save up, and buy carefully.

>> No.8986953

>what is genetics

I swear many of you are literally retarded.

>> No.8986958

Back to tumblr.

>> No.8987014

AatP Scherezade bow knockoff

>> No.8987017

What is overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, and not placing enough stock in keeping healthy.

If your genetics are shit you'll just have to work harder to get and stay skinny. It's not an excuse to just give up and look like a wad of chewed gum.

>> No.8987020

It's amazing when you throw out the junk food, your genetics magically disappear.

>> No.8987032

not that anon at all but i think its funny af that all the dumb whores whining about poorfags and encouraging them to just find other ways are fine on their own. thanks for the encouragement Becky have fun spending all your parents money

>> No.8987033

dont be a faggot

>> No.8987034


>> No.8987041
File: 38 KB, 500x375, dittohips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but here is a poorly drawn example of combo fat thunder thighs and hip dips

>> No.8987049
File: 42 KB, 461x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bitching about people being better at saving money for a LUXURY HOBBY.

>> No.8987082

Lolita is a luxury hobby and if you are able to earn and save your own money it is not fair to be silenced because others are shit at saving up money.

You assume my parents pay for my brand? No, I'm a fucking adult with a job and I know if I want something I have to set money aside each paycheck. It is not fucking hard to save money. But it pisses me off that I'm not allowed to be happy and post my new dresses that I earned by working fucking overtime because it hurts irresponsible people's feelings.

>> No.8987086
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this dress is called? I'm sure it's Innocent World. I bought this at an event when I was a weeby weeaboo, and now I have no idea what the name is. Sorry for the bad quality of the photo. Can provide detail images if needed.

>> No.8987087

I'd rather be a faggot than be fat.

>> No.8987090

>I'm sure it's Innocent World
What does the tag say?

>> No.8987091

Doesn't look like any IW design or print that I've ever seen. Might be some Chinese brand if I had to guess by the picture alone.

>> No.8987093

>I'm sure it's innocent world

kek. and I'm sure I'm going to become president.

>> No.8987101

bre, do YOU know how sizes work? how are you a D cup but flat chested? if your rib cage is large, wouldn't you end up having a larger band-to-cup ratio, like a 38B for example?
unless you are toddler-sized in the torso...I'm so fucking confused...

>> No.8987109


I'm stupid. Just found the tag. Says Fly Away Fashion, and looking it up, it seems to be called Summer Tales Boutique now. Thought it was Innocent World because the girl running the store was wearing an Innocent World dress, and I think they're a reseller of them. Sorry for being dumb, my mistake.

>> No.8987110

ultra satan confirmed

>> No.8987111

>Thought it was Innocent World because the girl running the store was wearing an Innocent World dress

I just had a miniature stroke reading this. that's how stupid you are.

>> No.8987115

Because Filthy Frank loved Samurai buyer

>> No.8987118
File: 174 KB, 1080x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know. Shameful display. I was a weeaboo, and it was a long time ago. Didn't remember anything about the shop except that one girl.

>> No.8987122 [DELETED] 

That is definitely not IW

>> No.8987128

this. she must be so new or kinda dumb because people post the source of coord components for practical reasons--not to brag, but to share. she implies she does some secondhand shopping, doesn't she realize that she can get her hands on brand, and have lolitas who post to thank for inspo and listing which pieces to work toward?
she is un-comically missing the point.

>> No.8987147

i have no idea what you're trying to say

>> No.8987188

>owner of ~indie brand~
>wearing IW instead of her own brand
It's like they know they'll never be good enough but try to sell their shit to impressionable newbies anyway.

>> No.8987190

How are you size 14 on the bottom with a 23 in waist? Do you have the waist taken in on everything? I have a 24-25 in waist (5'2" and 105 lbs) and sometimes can't even find pants that fit properly because shit's too big. I havent bought pants in those sizes (usually 24s) but I generally wear size 0-4, which seems right considering my size compared to the general population.
I love lolita/jfash because of the sizing and the fit enabled by things like shirring, corset lacing, etc.

>> No.8987213

I got a malco modes, I'm never going back. I can take a picture of the poof later if anyone is interested.

>> No.8987219

same! i highly rec malco modes petticoats. i got both the 582 and 580 with 2 day shipping from amazon. 582 is a super poofy a-line and 580 is good for a smaller poof. you can also pin up the top layer for 582/stack with other petticoats to get a more bell shape.

>> No.8987230

Someone has never played M:TG before.

>> No.8987236
File: 16 KB, 590x360, Hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a Pokemon

>> No.8987245

I'm interested. The pictures I've seen from EGL of malco modes pettis all have kind of a weird shape for lolita

>> No.8987249

I was trying to humorously explain how ridiculous it looks to be a fatty with hip dips by comparing it to ditto's shape but I guess that joke was just too complicated.

>> No.8987262

It's a thing, people can deny science all they want. So are diseases leading to weight gain. My roommate has hypothyroidism and a myriad of other health problems, so she eats less than me (has digestive issues that lead her to starve herself for days and eats small portions when she does) but is still overweight. I eat like fucking trash (sweets, fried crap, little veggies/fruits) and don't exercise, but I am underweight. Life is like that.

Idgaf if someone is overweight, regardless of if it's because they have health problems or they eat horribly. I'm also friends with smokers. Who gives a fuck. Don't pretend you hate fatties because you are concerned with their health. If you ARE concerned, someone must've taught you some fucked up ways to show concern, and I'm sorry to hear that.

Main point- can we stop the "can you or CAN'T you lose weight?!" bullshit regardless? It's 2016 and it's as tired as the replica debate.

>> No.8987279

Also recommending. I have Malco Modes 582. It's perfect for A-line. Pinning it up does let you have a cupcake shape, but it's not the best poof. For cupcake, I have a MLT petticoat in voile. The material I chose is soft but not as poofy as I need sometimes. If I layer it over the 582, it's perfect for cupcake.

I think one girl was talking to Malco Modes about having them make a cupcake petticoat (telling them that the Lolita community would buy it up), but I think no one backed her and it fell through. Don't remember where I saw that though. It was forever ago.

>> No.8987284

it is not a thing. energy in, energy out. energy you don't use is stored.

if your friend is generating more energy stores than she consumes, get her to a research facility, she could be the key to solving the energy crisis.

>> No.8987289

>Muh thyroid

Yea I was waiting for that. Hypothyroidism at most is responsible for 5-10lbs of extra water weight. Not 50+lbs of fat. Your friend eats like shit and is a fat fuck because of it.

>> No.8987299

Can we start a campaign for real this time? I'd love a bell-shaped petticoat from Malco Modes; my A-line from them is great. Poofy and with adjustable length.

>> No.8987307

All this weight-related shit posting has encouraged me to get off my ass and go to the gym today. Thanks, /cgl/.

>> No.8987322

good, work it off you fatty

>> No.8987345

This is a difference in bone structure. Just fyi.

>> No.8987349

I don't need a cupcake petti, but I'd help! So what, we pester Malco modes till they make it?

>> No.8987407

I just sent them an email asking for them to start stocking them! If enough people request them, maybe they'll do it.

>> No.8987530

Hahahahhahahaha bullshit. Its always people underestimating the calories they eat and overestimating the amount they burn. Literally too stupid to count.

>> No.8987539

Thyroid issues can cause weight gain even if you eat like a bird and carefully watch what you're eating. I have friends with this.

>> No.8987540

As was said before, that is responsible for only 5-10lbs. Your friends are probably using it as an excuse and stuffing their faces behind closed doors.

>> No.8987542

Riight, I have a friend who think she got thyroid issues but she also thinks 100g of cashew nuts is a good snack when trying to lose weight. People are stupid and your friends are fat and lazy

>> No.8987545

My aunt has a thyroid issue and it keeps her from gaining weight - I don't remember much about it because this was when I was younger but I do remember her eating a ton and not being really thin, but she was also really tall, like over 6ft.

>> No.8987546

>thinking you have a medical issue
>not going to a doctor to get it confirmed
Well there's your first red flag.

>> No.8987547



>> No.8987548

But this attitude is horrible too. You can't just write everyone off as hiding behind a medical issue.

>> No.8987550

I'll send a request later too!
Pictures of the petti I just got will get posted tonight after my date.

>> No.8987551

>100g of cashew nuts is a good snack when trying to lose weight

holy hell.

It's the laws of physics, anon. If they gained more than that, it is due to over eating.

>> No.8987554

>someone's been following too much Beyonce controversy

>> No.8987555


Yes, you can. It's a fatalistic mindset to take that a medical condition is to blame for all your weight gain, and it's just simply wrong most of the time.

I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule but for the most part, medical conditions don't actually have that much sway over how much you gain beyond the first 10 lb.

>> No.8987562

>people always blaming their poor diet control on genetics and science even when they don't apply
don't even get me started on fucking hypothyroidism, i'm diagnosed with that too and if anything i've been losing too much fucking weight. newsflash, shit like that doesn't affect everyone the same way.

>> No.8987563
File: 450 KB, 497x288, 130417-MOTW-obesity-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gif related. the human genome does not change this fast over such a diverse population. diet and lifestyle are the contributing factors, get psychiatric help if you need motivation but don't blame genetic disorders when it is literally physically impossible to be overweight without overeating.

>> No.8987564

Iirc it's overactive thyroid which prevents weight gain while under active thyroid causes weight gain. It seriously screws up metabolism.

As for the ignoramuses out there, I've shared a house with one of them and no, they didn't stuff their faces with food behind closed doors. I'm not saying they are a ha beast, but after their thyroid stopped working properly, they did noticeably gain weight compared to before despite not eating any differently. Their diet is very healthy in terms of what they eat, and are very careful due to some intolerances.

>> No.8987566

what are you considering "overweight"? and how old are you?

>> No.8987567

Unless you were with them 24/7 you cannot prove this. You can easily go to a car and sit in it stuffing McDonalds down your throat, or hide shit in your room to snack on. Binge eaters try really hard not to let people see that part of them, so it's not surprising you didn't see it. You are an idiot if you think your friends can defy the laws of physics because of their thyroid disease.

>> No.8987569

As for knowing they do have hypothyroidism, they're on life-long medication for it. So not an excuse.

>> No.8987570

it's also a matter of energy expenditure. you can eat a reasonable amount of calories, but if you aren't physically active it will be stored as fat.

even if all you eat is "super healthy." calories are calories and your body stores what it doesn't use.

i eat healthier than most people i know but i stopped doing regular cardio and now my brand is tight around my waist/thighs (ouji is unforgiving).

>> No.8987576

Yes, that is what I mean by laws of physics. Thanks captain obvious.

>> No.8987577

calling BS. im 5', 98 lbs and have a 23 inch waist. unless you're an upside down mushroom or some shit

>> No.8987581

i was adding to what you said for the sake of the anon in denial, since she claims her fat roommate doesn't binge. it's okay, we're agreeing here.

>> No.8987582

>>8987562 adding since it's being discussed, but I've had 99.9% of other hypothyroidism symptoms (except for anything involving the eyes) and yet i lost weight like crazy and haven't gained any in forever. I also eat small portions and control what I eat. So, there's that.

>> No.8987584

Different anon but as someone who took 2 years to drop 70 pounds and gain almost all of it back within 4 months, birth control was/is a big part of it for me.

I have noticed it's easier for weight to come on and stay on when I'm on progesterone type bc. Unfortunately I need the protection more than I'm willing to risk getting knocked up (another good one for hormonal weight gain). My bf who has lived with me for two years and past roommates all agree that I don't eat any more than the average person does. My biggest downfall is feeling depressed and demotivated to exercise.

But anyway to the point: Dietician warned me about progesterone bc as she knew women on the frequent who gained more than 50 on it despite not having bad eating habits.

>> No.8987585

>muh friend, her thyroid
Seriously just stop. Your friend has a weight issue and she is not counting just how much she's eating.

Define "healthy' because eating 2000 calories a day of 'healthy' food can make you fat. And yes thats how little calories can make a person overweight if they eat that much a day without exercise. Look up your TDEE.

>> No.8987591

Then it is fucking up your metabolism and you need to cut down your caloric intake. doesn't take a fucking genius to tell you this.

>> No.8987592

Maybe the BC just made you depressed so you're stuffing your face and blaming it on it?

It's not hard, energy in, energy out.

>> No.8987596

But muh feels muh hormones.

These idiots don't realize if they have a hormone imbalance that causes them to put on weight they need to cut down on calories to counter act it. They assume they can continue at their previous amount despite the change. Fucking idiots, all of them.

>> No.8987597

Kill yourself, worthless sack of shit.

>> No.8987599

>OTT: people think if they "eat healthy" they should be a healthy weight

goddamn, you can become obese on a diet of salad if you do not burn the calories you consume. goddamn. no wonder there's an obesity epidemic.

>"I drink only fruit juice and eat only unprocessed foods, why am I fat??"
because you are not fucking using the calories that are in your unprocessed foods

>"But I eat only junk food and I am naturally skinny!"

>"But I am on my feet all day at my job, I move around a lot? Why am I still faaaaat"
because STANDING is not cardio. it is basic human functioning ffs

>> No.8987604


also new thread when, shit's OT but i hope someone learned something

>> No.8987605

You can also just change the types of foods you eat. I have PCOS so I cut back on sugar and ate more protein. It works and I've heard it working for a lot of other people too despite the condition being one of those ones that every 300-pounder blames their weight on.

>> No.8987608

That can work for some, but I doubt it would help in the case of this "hypothyroidism" or the anon on BC. Honestly, birth control fucks up your hormones like crazy and no doubt brings your metabolism to a grinding halt. I don't see why people can't understand they'd need to cut back on calories when on it.

>> No.8987619

Wow, you're hostile about this.
Anyway my standard calorie deficit is 1200-1300. Point is, not every fattie is a 6' amazon who's stuffing face. You're asking me to eat around 1000 everyday. Obviously it's more reasonable to exercise.

No? Anon I've lost 70 pounds before. It's not like I'm some asshole who doesn't know the meaning of deficit and exercise.
I'm just sick of people who think I'm some fatty that must be eating in excess. I'm not. Pure and simple.

>> No.8987626

Then fucking exercise. Stop whining about you being fat and do something about it to stop being gross.

I'm hostile because every goddamn thread fat people are discussed someone comes in and whines about muh thyroid muh pcos muh birth control or something around that level of bullshit. You cannot defy the laws of physics just because of your feelings. Get off your ass or cut calories.

If you are fat you are eating a excess of calories. Your body does not need all the calories you are taking in. It is not rocket science. You dense mother fucker.

>> No.8987633

>admit I have depression issues and how I feel demotivated after ringing two years of progress
Do you also tell sad people not to be sad and anorexic people to just eat?
You're a bitch. If you want a fatty discussion echo chamber then you can go to reddit, if you bring the discussion here, then too bad if you get fatties who have multi-faceted problems that go beyond eating McDonald's and 3000 calories a day.

>> No.8987639

>muh feels u r a bitch for telling the truth!!

Cry harder, you did this to yourself fucking up your hormones.

>> No.8987642

You're a perfectly miserable cunt.
Eat shit.

>> No.8987645

well, guess shitposter chan's attempts at derailing the thread with fatties wank worked, great job guys

>> No.8987654

can we have a new thread now?

>> No.8987671


had to reset my IP to make a 6th thread and couldn't be bothered gathering links but you're welcome

>> No.8987680

So then just be sad and fat? I bet you're going to stuff your face with "1200-1300" calories worth of almonds after this. More brand for me to fit into.

>> No.8987685

Nah, you're just pissed I'm not sugar coating you being lazy and eating more than you need to. Go eat a carton of Ben and jerry's you fat shit.

>> No.8987696

I haven't been keeping up with this argument but you sound like you need a fucking pint of ice cream, maybe you'll chill the fuck out for once.

>> No.8987703

An anon was whining about how she wasn't eating an excess of calories and yet she was fat, and that's absolutely moronic.

>> No.8987704

>you did this to yourself fucking up your hormones.
go have babies in the middle east where you belong you fucking savage.

>> No.8987706

I read it and I'm already commenting back to you. Go back to pol you twat. no one is reading this thread besides me anyway.

>> No.8987711

>doesn't like fatties
>must be from /pol/

Hilarious. I'll go "back to pol" if you go back to tumblr. At least I'm not fat. Idiots shouldn't get asspats just because muh feels.

>> No.8987713

But it's true? I'm not saying don't be on birth control, I'm just saying if you weren't a complete idiot you would have realized it would impact your metabolism and would have taken proper steps to prevent gaining weight. How is this so hard to understand?

>> No.8987714

>Idiots shouldn't get asspats just because muh feels.
Can you even speak proper English or can you only spout regurgitated memes? Yikes. You seem pretty embarrassing.
Again, maybe go have a snack or something? I bet your blood sugar is low.

>> No.8987717

You can't even form a proper argument so you insult unrelated things. You could not seem more upset even if you tried. You can't defy the laws of physics.

>> No.8987718

>maybe go have a snack or something? I bet your blood sugar is low
Proving yet again that all fatties can think about is food.

>> No.8987720

I'm not the girl with a fat roommate or whatever.
It's annoying to hear someone to just tell you to fix your problems. Like if she starts exercising, it's still gonna take a lot of time to lose weight. It's taken me years to get down to a reasonable size. And that's if you do it the right way with PROPER diet an exercise. Not just hopping on the starve yourself fad diet that's going around or doing some shit you found on /fit/. I'm talking about talking to a professional doctor and nutritionist.
Most people don't do this. Which is why the problem won't end and yelling at fatties isn't going to do jack shit either.

You're yelling at the sky.

>> No.8987722

>You can't defy the laws of physics.
Nigga what even are you talking about?

So you never eat right? Is that why you're so angry?

>> No.8987726

You didn't read the argument at all, did you? That was what we were arguing about. Energy in energy out.

>it's taken me years to get down to a reasonable size

How the fuck? How fucking fat were you that it took you years to get down to a reasonable size losing a healthy one pound per week? You are disgusting.

>> No.8987732

diff but
>insulting the middle east while trying to show you're soooo much better than them
stay classy, anon.

>> No.8987735

I'm the anon who was talking about my bc, just wanted to say thanks for speaking up. Even if anon is denser than a brick wall and more of a useless cunt than Sarah Palin.

>> No.8987736

>i want to fix my problems but i can't!
>fix your problems by doing these things!
>i'm not going to fix them!!

>> No.8987749

>encouraging fatties to be fat and not take responsibility

Fuck you, you are encouraging others to slowly kill themselves. It may hurt your feelings but it would save your life. You are disgusting and too much of a baby to face the truth.

>> No.8987752

I wanted the JSK of this print so badly but when I went to the Baby store in NY the bodices were so wonky looking in person that I bought the skirt.

>> No.8987756

I haven't "encouraged" diddly, you worthless sack of curry shit.

>> No.8987761

You are, and you're still pissed I called you out. Muh feels muh hormones muh depression. You know what would have prevented your pity party? Not being a lazy idiot and ignoring the warning you had to watch gaining weight.

>> No.8987764

More like you're pissed that I nor anybody with a brain is taking you seriously so you act our your anger here.
Get used to being unimportant and ignored you nasty little shit.

>> No.8987767

Hilarious, can't even refute the original argument so you swing wildly to insult me. That Ben and jerry's is still waiting for you, fatty.

>> No.8987779

>all that shit deleted
don't we already have a new thread going? let this one die

>> No.8987786 [DELETED] 

Maybe some BJ's would do you some good and rid some of that sand from your salty roastie (pun intended).

>> No.8987815 [DELETED] 

So instead of coming up with an intelligent argument you resort to insulting my vagina? Classy.

>> No.8987820

oh well, at least it was a good cleanup.



>> No.8987824 [DELETED] 

Nice useless fucking post. You're just as much of a shitposter as the other posts.

>> No.8987835

Why won't you eat your ice cream, anon?

>> No.8987839

Why won't you actually refute my argument instead of throwing a tantrum over your hurt feelings like a child?

>> No.8987843

Mods fault. There was no reason to force this thread to bump, there's another lolita gen and it's completely ON topic which is amazing on any board let alone this one that's plagued by proxy trolls.

>> No.8987844

Dude. All that shit was deleted and I'm not looking in the archives for it.
I bet good money you're housewife chan cause you just love to hang on to arguments even though you might not even be arguing with the same person but continue to act as if you are or that you can tell anons apart.

>> No.8987850

If you aren't the poster who got butthurt why are you responding? And if you are the poster can you seriously not remember a simple statement for such a short period of time? Ffs.

Also, you all need to stop bringing up she who should not be named because that causes her to flock to threads and shitpost even harder than I could imagine. Do we really need her killing 30+ threads again? No. Let her go.

>> No.8987853

>If you aren't the poster who got butthurt why are you responding?
Do you even know where you are

>> No.8987857

I thought I was on cgl but you're acting like we are on tumblr with your fussy fits. If you aren't the poster, you are encouraging shitposting because you don't like that I called someone out on their bad behavior of self pity.

>> No.8987860

>fussy fits
Again. You sound embarrassing. Keep commenting. Mods can't run out of things to delete!

>> No.8987862


I know this is hard, but try to fucking stay on topic. If you want to discuss random shit >>>/b/ is that way

>> No.8987863

Man, you sound new.

>> No.8987867

Whine some more. I'm not new, just fed up with the recent influx of fat enablers on /cgl/.

No thanks, mom.

>> No.8987869

No one cares about this mod bumped thread. I contributed to the other lolita gen that is actually on topic.
Why not take advantage of our dumb as hell jans?

>> No.8987873

>No thanks, mom.
Yeah, you're so against shitposting.

I bet you're fat and you've deluded yourself into thinking you're as tiny as the Japanese idols you adore. Post pics or no one will believe you, fatty.
What kind of ice cream are you secretly eating? The low fat kind?

>> No.8987876

Why would I post myself on 4chan just to please some idiot who can't understand an argument?

>> No.8987882

I get it. You hate fatties. Now post your waist so we can see of you're a liar or not, fatty.

>> No.8987884

guys, let's all move to the new gen and actually discuss lolita fashion there

>> No.8987886

Didn't I just ask why the hell I would post myself to please you? How are you this stupid?

>> No.8987891

diff but it was the other person whose posts got deleted, not theirs, so the other person (the one complaining about muh feels muh thyroid etc.) was actually the first shitposter. just saying

>> No.8987897

I can post in more than one thread at a time. So can you and everyone else.

Cause I'm pretty sure you're also fat and just being a hypocrite like most people who post here.
So show everyone here that you're not and that the fatty enablers should listen to you, because you're so thin and healthy right?
Prove it. Otherwise no one has to listen to you or anyone else who wants to be mad that fat people exist.

>> No.8987902

>I'm pretty sure you're also fat

Right, because my argument for eating healthy and promoting a healthy body sounds like something a fat person would say. Brilliant deduction.

Me saying fat people are slowly killing themselves must have sold that to you, huh?

>> No.8987910

I agree that being fat is unhealthy.
I just don't think we should listen to someone who is claiming to be something without backing it up.

Like I said, you're probably fat and don't realize it.

>> No.8987916

I am 120 pounds at 5'5". I am not fat, I run every day and swim often. I do not owe you a picture of myself to satisfy your whining.

I am claiming to be of a normal weight, which is the highest probability. How is it hard to believe someone who is at a normal weight and fit wants others to be healthy and not destroy their bodies with fat? Are you mental?

>> No.8987920

>encouraging two lolita gens
>expecting the janitors to not get pissed and delete both in retaliation

>> No.8987922

diff but if you want them to prove it you should prove yourself too because no one's taking you seriously either topkek

>> No.8987925

>120 lbs
hi housewife chan
can this thread die now

>> No.8987926

This is just text. Anyone could write this, even a fat person. And yes, fat people can write things.

I'm just shitposting cause dumb mods.
I never claimed to be thin and healthy or fat so I have nothing to prove.

>> No.8987927

wait, so if both you and housewife chan are shitposting, then...??

>> No.8987929

Housewife-chan is an annorexic girl who is at least 5'7" according to the cm she claims to be. She's also said she's what, 100lbs? How is either of those close to what I said? You need to stop mentioning her because she flocks to it and shits things up worse than I do.

>> No.8987930

Right, you know it's her. Only she would cling this long and she always ends up talking to me. She thinks shes soooo clever.

>> No.8987931

wasn't me

she sounds fat desu

>> No.8987933

We do this a lot actually. This is not the first time I've cornered her.

>> No.8987934

I'm like 5'6" and 105 stop exaggerating shit you dumb cunt

>> No.8987937

You're either her or the anon that stalked her.

>> No.8987938

i ship it tbqh

>> No.8987942

No you don't liar. I talked dirty to you and you cried about being married. No one cares about your cuck husband, fat whore.

>> No.8987944

not fucking me

she didn't say anything about fat people needing to kill themselves

but I know you love me an want my attention

here you go you dumb cunt

probably the weird fuck who stalked me

I stopped posting cause my husband came back but you all called my name

so I'm here

>> No.8987947

>would ship all three

>> No.8987948

Post your 16 inch waist already, fatty!

>> No.8987949

that wasn't me you stupid shit

kill yourself

you too can kill yourself

>> No.8987953

Poster count didn't increase. You're the liar after all.
And you're probably fat.

>> No.8987954

I posted earlier in the thread

do you want me to wipe your ass for you and screenshot it for you?
kill yourself

>> No.8987956
File: 695 KB, 245x160, pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8987957
File: 161 KB, 1390x768, IMG_20160501_203254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you're dumb.

>> No.8987958

I warned you she'd come.

>> No.8987959

>do you want me to wipe your ass for you and screenshot it for you?
If your petite and perfect waist is in the shot, yeah, let's have it.

>> No.8987963

I don't care if youre the same person

each post was fucking stupid

kill yourself

so you don't know what a screenshot is?

what a retard

>> No.8987966

We already have an on topic gen. We've been over this I don't know how many times but learn to fucking read.
If you really cared about shitposting like you claim, you'd do the right thing and not bump the thread and report.

>> No.8987970

Oh I assumed you'd use a webcam.

>> No.8987973

Shut it, fatty!

>> No.8987974

I said screenshot

I know you have a crush on me but come on

a webcam?

want me to stream me jerking my husband off and laughing at you being retarded while I'm at it??

>> No.8987979

AP is too big on me and I'm fat?

you sound jelly or like a newfag

>> No.8987990

>want me to stream me jerking my husband off and laughing at you being retarded while I'm at it??
Only if we get to see how thin you are!

>> No.8987993

Post pics of you wearing MM or something.

>> No.8987999

you wish

but you and the creep who masturbates while playing CSI would like that too much

>post pics
>doesn't know I'd get so much hate and have that creep try and find out more about me again

kek no thanks you newfag

>> No.8988005

Lmao you don't know how to get rid of exif data but you can use a proxy?
Yeah fucking right, you are the biggest liar.
Also you don't have to post your face, just your waist in front of a white wall and learn to delete exif data, you dumb cow.

>> No.8988008

4chan automatically strips it anyway

but I am paranoid and don't want to risk it

especially since you shits started bothering my husband

>> No.8988011

>especially since you shits started bothering my husband

>> No.8988013

he's busy and doesn't need your bullshit

though it's probably just the one poster who has such a big crush on me they tracked me back to threads from 2014

>> No.8988014

It is AatP, idiot

>> No.8988016

We need a janitor in here. You all sound 12, shut the hell up.

>> No.8988017

kill yourself

>> No.8988021

we don't need a janitor, we need to fucking use the new thread

>> No.8988025

I'm using both.

Good one.

>he's busy and doesn't need your bullshit
Oh but I think he does. You came here after all.

>> No.8988026

I will too. Maybe make a petticoat thread and have this "campaign" as a topic, put their email there too.

>> No.8988029

how does that make sense

I shitpost for fun so someone else in my life needs to be bothered?

even though they have done nothing to you?

your logic is terrible

>> No.8988045
File: 327 KB, 1440x950, tmp_23600-Pippi-Longstocking1_1440x1100-1414498291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue is CC posed it in a funny way

>> No.8988057

>implying you're intelligent
>implying you have class
>implying you're talking in a manner that deserves respectful responses and that you're not talking like a subhuman scumbag

>mfw I've been gone for over two hours watching a movie with my bf and your crazy ass thinks all these posters who just want to see your roastie disappear aren't real or something