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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8958547 No.8958547 [Reply] [Original]

Both the Hatsume Fair and Space Coast Nerd Fest are this weekend.
Also, Supercon's new main events venue looks sick

>> No.8959166
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Pic related. Super's new Main Events venue.

>> No.8959179

Space Coast has a rapist and an autist as guests so you know where I'll be.
>at home prepping for Mega

>> No.8959208

Pretty awesome.
I guess they ran out of space for events because of all the guests

>> No.8959225

Mainly construction in the MBCC

>> No.8959281

A rapist? What?

>> No.8959482

It's Florida. Your con isn't cool unless you have a rapist or two on staff and felons for your security.

>> No.8959837
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Dont let this fish anywhere near your ocean

>> No.8960086

Anyone going to Metro in July? It's the only con I can afford to go to, so regardless of the horror stories about the people who run it, it's what I look forward to every year. Going to be doing a male Lapis hopefully.

>> No.8960189

If you can afford to go to Metro you can afford to go to a ton of better cons. Everything about Metro is overpriced. Save your money for Matsuri.

>> No.8960245

Seconding this. There is nothing to do at metrocon, they never change up guests, it's always the same shitty ones with bad atititudes. Go to holiday matsuri, I'm sure it's going to have some really good attractions and guests at the con. Bonus points are that they actually care about the people who come to the con.

>> No.8960251

I'll be moving to Central Florida in August, either living in Orlando or Kissimmee, any cons around there that happens in the fall/winter?

>> No.8960280

AFO is late summer/early fall most years, there's also Holiday Matsuri in December which is pretty good

>> No.8960625

I think metrocon has its good points. I also agree with what everyone is saying. Its not awful it could just be a lot better if they put some money back into it. The tickets seem expensive for only a few guest. Which as mentioned are mostly the same. The costume contest has no impressive prizes compared to other fl events. A lot of people go because friends are already going. Its just too big for how much there is to do. The location is good and always cool costumes. I think the people really make metrocon enjoyable more than anything.

>> No.8960956

I have a few issues with this. It's going to be the biggest pain in the ass to walk from the con center to the filmore with the mix of heat/costume/crowds, plus if you want to go to a main event but then have to go to a smaller panel or something you're running back and forth.

Plus the nice thing about some of the main events is that they were open in the dealers hall so you could just check it out without having to search for a seat and just leave after a few minutes. Now I don't know if they'll have an attendance cap for the events at the filmore and how the seating is going to work.

Though this might just be another pay2see scheme I've been seeing pop up more and more, where cons are making people pay to attend panels on top of the badge price. There were two or three panels like that last year at super.

>> No.8961442
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Man I cant wait to walk over there outside in the heat for the contests in this.

Thankfully that's not this year.

But also I hope they put the masquerades there so we have more stage real estate.

>> No.8961855

Who's going to the Hatsume Fair?

>> No.8961985

I am planning to hit up the Morikami this weekend. I wanted to test out my new mech suit but it was short notice and staff doesn't want me clogging up the halls.

Hopefully the weather is good. Last I checked forecast called for thunderstorms.

>> No.8961999


I've heard a lot of good things about HolMat. I was supposed to go last year, but I couldn't pull the money together in time. I have a new job though, so hopefully I'll be able to do it this time around.

>> No.8962194
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Dont worry you will see these two losers at one of these two events. Mofo got jeans on. And the bitch look retarted as fk. And the hoe left her husband for the cry baby greg (yoh). It has been confirmed by there friends.

>> No.8962213

lol someone ask him where he gets those jeans and button up shirts

>> No.8962317

I'm on cast for a Metro so I'll be there.

I like going to meet cool/nice peeps. Not really for guests or panels.

>> No.8962411

I know about Aqua-rapist...who is the autist?

>> No.8962486

Holy Donkey Dicks

>> No.8962508

It's a temporary move it looks like, they're obviously trying to up-sell the con because the convention center itself is going to be in construction hell and they lost floor space.

>> No.8962547

Spooky Empire in October is actually a lot of fun.

>> No.8962555

Suckerrrrrrr! Enjoy paying for everything and having to bust your ass and get felt up a lot if you're female. Be sure to get nice and drunk at the cast party before Nick tries to stick his dick in your mouth or ass it might help you forget. I tried out one year and should have quit the show once I realized what was going on. Metro is a fucking joke and the owners are sleazy assholes.

>> No.8962569
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>> No.8962622
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>> No.8962651

So which part am I salty about there, anon? Wasting my time and money on their chess show? Being molested? Or them trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me? Or are you one of the 'veterans' that's in on it and thinks it's fine?

>> No.8962660

If you had a bad day, we can talk it out, but don't go all psycho cunt on me, I can't listen to you whine bby, you know that. So calm the fuck down, take the stick out of your ass, and give us all of the juicy deets you left out by rushing headlong into victim mode.

>> No.8962675

Victim? Not I. I was smart enough to get out. You fail to grasp that I'm laughing at you. You're either in on the metro sex party scene, which is my guess from your reply, or you're particularly stupid. Saving my time and money for Matsuri. Bye, Felicia!

>> No.8962679

Girl, I was asking for gossip, you should calm your tits.

>> No.8962998

>> "victim? Not I."
>> Now let me continue to rant on how I was a victim and everyone should pity me, oh btw here's my pateron!

>> No.8963072
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>dressed as anna from frozen as cosplay director
>gives award to an elsa
>thinks my immortal fanfic skit is pg-13
>fired for being brain dead

>> No.8963076

Didn't she also run a "cosplay class" event while also publicly posting she'd never used a sewing machine?

>> No.8963104


>> No.8963124

I remember one year at creator own expo that exact same cosplay in tgis Lic was all up in her puesto. Ppl where asking how the fk is she walking around kids like that.

>> No.8963132

Ppl say their place stinks and is dirty as fk. Had someone tell me they had to wipe there feet walking out so they wouldn't dirty the world with there filth. Roaches eveywhere. Dishes piled in the sink. Even that he treats connie like shit yelling at her and calling her stupid and retarted. I still don't understand how our cosplay community allows him to continue to go to cons let alone the convention owners. Greg (yoh) is poison he is making the south fl cosplay community look bad

>> No.8963153

Good lord those bangs.

>> No.8963188

Anyone been to Mizucon? Not in S.Florida but interested, how is it?

>> No.8963212

If you go there expecting a huge con, you're going to have a bad time. It was shit and someone else became chair last year and it's turning around. It ain't bad

>> No.8963238

It's spent 9 years at the same venue hasn't it? I'm surprised it's remained so small for so long.

>> No.8963246

It would be nice to hear about good cons, cosplayer, guests, photographers, experiences ect.

>> No.8963248

No. This is their 9th year of the con but not at that venue. They moved from a really nice Hyatt to the MACC for a year or two and then to a Sheraton for 2 years and now this is the 3rd year at the MACC again.

>> No.8963257


you're in the wrong state.

>> No.8963265

When GE2 dropped the con and decided not to run it in 2012, the guy who took it over after them didn't do a great job. The new chair seems like he could make it into a decent convention in Miami, especially considering Broder moved the 2 events to ft Lauderdale. I'm going to meet mega ran and hang out with my friends.

>> No.8963524

Mizucon is the worst con I've been to and it just keeps getting worse. Don't waste your money

>> No.8963744

Obviously you've never been to hero hype then

>> No.8963962

I can name at least five cons in the state that are/were worse...and I got banned from Mizucon.

>> No.8964029

Please do? And what were you banned for anon?

>> No.8964470

Hero Hype, Conjure, FAE, 2050, Shock Pop Comic Con, Wizard World Ft. Lauderdale.

I pointed out on the Facebook page that there was a hentai panel in the glass room of MACC happening in the middle of the day w explicit content. The events director, who was posting her cosplay selfies all over the main page, when crazy and 'banned' anyone who brought it up from the con and the FB. She was fired when the new staff came in last year, I'm pretty sure, because there's a new events person now.

>> No.8964475

Natalie? She went all super crazy bitch mode and quit before the new staff came in

>> No.8964480

No, the 'lolita' with the weeby Japanese name. She was only involved with the con for one year, I'm pretty sure. There were obviously a lot of problems that they needed to fix after that lol.

I went last year and told the new staff the "banned" story and they were all laughing about it and were really nice.

>> No.8964484

I know who you're talking about now. Yeah she was crazy too. The con wasn't awful last year but it was leaps and bounds better than the years before it.

>> No.8964488
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>> No.8964656

Uhhh anon, this girl hasn't been around the con scene for years and isn't the staff member banned-anon is talking about.

Vendetta much?

>> No.8964664

Natalie quit because the staff was bring shit to her. She didn't make a huge scene out of it either

>> No.8964669

This isn't what happened. She quit because the con chair used the word volunteer when referring to the staff, and she didn't like it. Natalie didn't even order lanyards for the con when she was co chair. But yeah, she didn't make a scene out of it.

>> No.8964672

Sorry. Thought that's who we were talking about

>> No.8965174

Yo, what was 2050 like? I got handed a flyer when I was at the shitfest that was Umicon but I couldn't stand the thought of another con in that venue so soon after Umi.

>> No.8965183

Bad bad bad. Unpaid guests all over the place

>> No.8965414

Empty, poorly run, disorganized and understaffed. No one knew where anything was or what was supposed to be happening. I haven't seen a shitfest of this magnitude since shock-pop con. I live locally and was just able to walk right in to most places since there was no one checking wrist bands and if there was they usually didn't care.

>> No.8965590

Whoa, what's the drama with Space Coast Nerd Fest now?

>> No.8966001
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That and some construction in the middle of the venture, apparently.

>> No.8966335

Damn. And then there's Hatsume with barely any drama

>> No.8966387

Well cause its not even a con

>> No.8967321

I've never heard of 2050 but I heard about the travesty that was Shock Pop. FAE and Conjure are the same standard rehashed trash by the same person

I'm still wondering if there's anything worth checking out there, Mizucon just sounds like a disorganized mess in general. That sounds pretty crazy though anon, surely you aren't still banned?


>> No.8967376

Not the same anon, but Mizu used to be a mess, not really now imo

>> No.8967386

I can go when I want, which is never.

>> No.8967390

Mizu is such a weird ass convention..I guess they are trying to save it or something?? It could build up to be a decent con but it's not there yet

>> No.8967414

Anon who made the original ban post here!

2050 had a lot of the same issues as Shock Pop and the same sketchy behavior and abandonment of payments.

As for Mizucon, I wasn't the only one who was 'banned' for no reason when the power-hungry girl was on staff...but I went last year and had a good experience overall. I told the story to some of the new staff and they thought it was funny. So they're in good hands now as long as a full transition of staff happens.

>> No.8967940
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Lol I guess so. Their facebook page posted this a few weeks ago

>> No.8967954

Is anyone going to Outcon or Florida Fandomania? Seems like there are some new cons popping up

>> No.8967965

Florida fandomania looks like they just gave a whole bunch of people tables/badges and called them guests.

As far as outcon, it may have potential, even though they are calling it the first gay friendly convention even tough Rainbowcon was a year ago, albeit small.

>> No.8967973

True but there are some good guests among the random nobodies.

>> No.8968005

outcon seems fun just because of the different vibe. the MACC is a hard space to deal with though.

>> No.8968186

Yeah the MACC sucks. I wish more cons would stop using them

>> No.8968190

I kinda like the MACC. Is it awful because of the parking?

>> No.8968260

I just think the upstairs space is awkward. I guess the parking is probably less than other hotels and con centers, though

>> No.8968271


Parking is pretty bad during con weekend, not a lot of places to go eat of you want to go on foot, general lack of convenience of you need to get things last minute

>> No.8968539

Yeah, no one knows how to use that space and it's so hard to put good signage there because of the confusing layout.

>> No.8968585

Yeah Ive been going so man my times that it is familiar to me but you would have to put signs literately fucking everywhere.

>> No.8968678

I've been there probably like 15 times for cons and I still can't figure out the upstairs panel rooms.

>> No.8968738

Has anyone been to Palmcon? I've never been and I'm thinking of going, would you recommend it?

>> No.8968771

My facebook was exploding from Space Coast. Some local girl was calling the owner out personally for fraud and has said he's been committing fraud for three years basically. The vendors had an even worse opinion on Space Coast. Honestly I hope Space Coast and Conjure die. I'm not saying the people running it are bad, but the market cannot sustain so many events in one state. They cannot make enough money to pay their guests, so why continue? This is a terrible business practice and happens too often in Florida.

FAE is a whole other deal. Tom is a piece of crap at his own events, huge ego, what I say goes, I'm so important, etc etc. However like his fellow turd Broder, they actually pay their guests year after year. I wish a better human being could put on events in this state and pay their guests and be fucking professional, but that's not happening. Though I heard Broder has had problems paying his guests, can anyone confirm that?

>> No.8968796

based off what i've heard the broder drama is still good for teh lulz but it's old and he has his shit together now.

>> No.8968830

He pays his guests, lol

>> No.8968989

It was probably a salty rumor. It figures he pays because otherwise guests would complain as they have at so many other Florida shows.

>> No.8969548

Probably some con chair that doesn't pay his guests accusing someone else of it

>> No.8970287

Croom pays his guests because he doesn't have many and they're generally pretty lame, boring or con whores so they can't be that expensive.

Noise Compliant must be trying to catch up with that crack head Pikabelle for number of cons they can show up for. And they're about as useless as she is, too.

>> No.8970337

Noise Complaint goes for free so most people reach out to them.

>> No.8970340

Also I was referring to Broder when talking about paying guests.

>> No.8970578

Noise Complaint literally goes to everything they can for free. They just don't realize that they're associating themselves with such bad cons.

Nobody even wants Pikabelle at their cons. She's such a mess, she only gets invited for her car.

>> No.8970581

The general thought is that Croom got Conjure's owner to purposely schedule it directly against Omni, just to affect their attendence.

>> No.8970631

Any updates with AlyChu? Its been forever since I've heard any news on her.

>> No.8970729

Conjure's owner has run a couple of failed conventions now if you include his previous con DreamCon in Jacksonville. Listening to Croom only proves he's got shit for brains. The guy should just give it the fuck up.

>> No.8971027

She sends nude videos now, but once her corset came off, the money dried up. Her stomach is covered in stretch marks, belly bulging and tits floppy without a girdle sucking her in. Guys stopped paying especially when they paid and it took her months to deliver sets or not at all. She's pissed cuz it means she has to get a job.

>> No.8971129

Was it that Elle Kiromaris some shit like that?

>> No.8971159

Those sloppy scabby waterfall tits? No thanks.

>> No.8971164

Croom kills everything he touches doesn't he?

>> No.8971516

If it is successful, Croom takes credit for it. If it fails, he blames others. If he can't have what he wants or get his way he cries foul and tries to make it look bad so he'll look better. Simply put he's an asshole 5yr old.

>> No.8971645

Anyone have room for two Canadian girls in their room for Metrocon? We're an artist and photographer pair who are coming down to see a friend, and would be more than happy to toss sketches and maybe a free shoot or two in on top of paying our share of the room.

>> No.8971650

This is probably not the best place to ask for this. This site is full of perverted weeaboo neckbeards. I would post this on the Metrocon Facebook Page or something.

>> No.8971692

Man, it's not like i'm not going to check with a throwaway email and a skypechat. I like to weed out people on anon, rather than have my personal facebook inbox get filled by perverted weeaboo neckbeards who's feefees i hurt when i say 'no thank you' and immediately block them.
I've met a reasonable amount of chill girls on /cgl/ in the last 3 years, so I've still got hope.

>> No.8972253

Honestly the Metro group will probably be worse than here neckbeards wise

>> No.8972313

The seagull Florida crowd is mostly very chill, so I wouldn't worry too much. But I don't think many go to metro anymore/live far enough to justify a room. In case there aren't that many bites, maybe try the local loli comm if any of you are lolitas?

>> No.8973889

It's only good if you're going to hang out with people you know. Otherwise, it's a small shitty con.

>> No.8973948

Sounds like Metrocon, only smaller.

>> No.8974685

Got a group of friends that wanted me to cosplay with them at Metrocon and I already said yes. Finally checked out the Florida thread (I'be never really been to a con) and there's a lot of negativity about it
Is it still a good time if you just go there with friends to dick around while dressed as animoos? What makes a con a good one, anyways?

>> No.8974716

What makes a good con is different for everyone. It depends on why are you going? What do you want to do there?

>> No.8974863

If you're just going with friends to have fun then metrocon is great. You won't really have a bad time usually. Just enjoy it anon.

>> No.8974892

Save $ and ghost the con. Doesn't cost anything to hang out in the halls with friends. Nothing much to do nearby and foods expensive. Maybe only going to Metro on Saturday for a photoshoot. Saving my $ for Matsuri.

>> No.8974997

I just wanted to hang out with the people I'm going with, maybe meet some other people who like stuff I like, and see if anyone is selling cool shit. I figure my bar isn't very high.
We're gonna be there all four days, apparently. Maybe I'll ghost the last one or two? I don't want to have -nothing- to do all weekend.

>> No.8974999

Whoops, missed this in my last post--thanks!

>> No.8975425

Anyone went to Florida Anime Experience today? Wanted to get a read on how the con seems before I go tomorrow.

>> No.8975466

Go to FunSpot. You'll have a better time. I got in for free and still felt like I got ripped off.

>> No.8975776

Haha oh fuck this is hilarious

>> No.8975848

Holy fuck this. FAE is a trash con and a waste of time even if you get in free. If you like watching things slowly die then I suggest going.

>> No.8975897

I went to FAE once....never again....

>> No.8976085

Yeah that con fucking sucks haha. I won a pass there and I declined it. And I live in the area

>> No.8976528

anybody go to EagleLan this weekend? I was wondering how that con went.

>> No.8977198

Literally what?

>> No.8977201

sm4sh player here, it was lit

>> No.8977297

Get your fighting game shit out of here. Only weeaboo trash here

>> No.8977378

I hate to say it but this maybe the worst con I've gone to. There was so little of us in Steves panel we sat Indian style around him, like maybe 10 people. OaD and Omni probably had more people than I saw here D;

>> No.8977382

Ultracon just announced their dates. October 8/9 at the MACC. Lovely.

>> No.8977421

b-but nintendo is japanese

>> No.8977427

Any good costumes at FAE this year? What about the contest results. I couldn't make it this year due to work.

>> No.8977469

That would Ailey and her other cheap train wreck of a Lolita weeb friend Doll rose. They were such asses the year I went and only cared about the shitty Lolita show they put on. I agree Mizu isn't the best but after seeing last year the new staff is actually trying to save the con which I kind of hope they can

>> No.8977888


>> No.8978042

Basically what >>8971027 said, but she's also got a new boyfriend so I guess she's got that going for her. I wonder how long before she fucks that up like how she fucked up her "income" by doing nudes.

>> No.8979410

What can we do to get Travis out of our fucking state?

>> No.8979863

What did he do now?

>> No.8979915

Holy shit this girl. Her name makes my blood boil. I gave them a suggestion nicely that they should fix some things for the next year and she told me to never of me back, which I obviously ignored

>> No.8980875
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Lol "Look at all these nice guests who'll back out two days before because we can't pay them!"
Seriously, they still owe money to musical guests / bands and last year all but one of their guests bailed right before the show and their attendance was shit. How can they possibly afford this?

>> No.8980889
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They are deleting people's comments too. Someone called them out on it and they deleted that as well..seriously, fuck this con

>> No.8980891

Yeah I can't imagine they can afford it? I didn't think umi was a big con really... I hope they do. So many con's in this state haven't paid guests in the past none will want to come here.

>> No.8980894

Is metrocon going to announce anymore guest?

>> No.8980899

I saw the person who called them out on it and then noticed it had disappeared, and I had to laugh. How pathetic can you be to just hide that stuff and not respond to or just ignore it? Their PR person is so shitty. Like they could have said "We're slowly expanding! Tell your friends and help us grow!" or some other bullshit to diffuse it instead of deleting her comment.

>I didn't think umi was a big con really.
It's not, the year before last I think they hit just shy of 1k attendees. Their size has never really been a problem though until they changed ownership and moved to the ocean center and tried to pretend to be bigger than they are. Last year I swear I only saw the same 200 people all weekend, max, but they swear it was their biggest year yet. If they would just find a new hotel to host them and let themselves grow slowly over time they wouldn't be fucking their reputation up so badly.

Also their AA coordinator can't write a proper professional email to save her life. Every response I get is full of spelling errors and broken sentence structure.

>> No.8980907
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They literately posted the same question twice a day apart and still haven't answered either of them. Also if you know your attendance numbers were shit then don't ask people guess what they were.

>> No.8980912


My favorite un-edited snippets from her latest email (an attempt to persuade me to pay them to be in the alley again this year after I declined already):

Please keep an eye on our web site as this year as we have 8 fabulous guest coming. We just announced Steve Ogg last Nite. He is the voice of Trevor on Grand Theft Auto 5 and most recently ( Sunday Nite) he is not the leas Savior on The Walking Dead. This role will be reoccurring in Season 7.

>as this year as
>8 wonderful guest
>wtf does 'he is not the leas Savior' mean

I don't want to pay for another sad weekend of making $2 while sitting in an empty auditorium. Promising a bunch of guests isn't going to convince me it's worth it.

>> No.8980914

Yeah not really the best to delete comments...that person is not going now. Then they will probably tell other people and so forth...just too many con's in Fl anyways.

>> No.8980916

Holy fuck. What is the name of their coordinator? Last year she apparently sent a contract for a completely different con to people

All their literally had to say was "thank you for your feedback we are actively working to improve the convention" and it would have been fine.

>> No.8980922

>>8980916 I have no idea who is running it now but I think its changed owners a few times.

>> No.8980923

Some of these comments are hilarious:

"I'm pretty sure there were like 10 vendors... so I'm assuming 15."

>> No.8980925

I think the AA/Dealer's room coordinator is the owner's mother.

>> No.8980926
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It's just sad. This convention had a really nice atmosphere when it started and the new owners are handling everything so poorly. I know Florida is oversaturated but I liked the premise of a con that was actually on the beach. Past years had water balloon fights, pool party, beach literally right outside the venue, it was great for cosplay photos and outdoor activities. Then last year they took away the fucking beach part of it by sticking everyone in that huge empty ocean center. I'm going to be bitter for a long time because it had so much potential.

It's like Sherry or Cheryl or something. I don't remember ever getting her last name (not that I would post that) but she was some elderly Brooklynite woman. She was not helpful and she told my neighbors they had to pay $5 for extra chairs when our table only came with 1 and not 2 like the contract said. I just grabbed one from the empty food court and no one said anything.

>> No.8980929

I mean who is running their aa now? Greg's friend Roger is running the con now (into the ground)

>> No.8980931

There were some beach events. The Highland Games and dodgeball. I was at the dodgeball event, pictures were posted online.

>> No.8980933

The person running the con is named Rich. Where'd Roger come from?

>> No.8980934

I hope people come because I always feel terrible seeing guests come to dead shows. Like 2050 was a ghost town with 20+ guests.

>> No.8980936

That's because Orange Anime ran all that shit the first 2 years and then the con dicked them and they didn't return last year.

Also UmiCon is DashCon 2.0

>> No.8980938
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Ah, that sucks. At least it's not as bad as Dash Con.

>> No.8980939

Fucked up the names. I meant Rich :p

>> No.8980943

I don't recall hearing about or seeing any pictures of that. Not to say I'm doubting you, I just think the beach was not nearly as accessible or well utilized last year. People could still get to it by crossing to ocean walk plaza and then walking to it but it's disconnected from the space unlike how the hotel had it directly outside. The hotel was ON the beach and that was pretty darn nice. Especially when the con's tagline is "on the world's most famous beach".

>> No.8980947

$5 for a chair??? There is probably stacks of unused ones for how empty it looks. Doesn't umi mean ocean in Japanese? I thought the point of the con was to be next to the beach.. Lol

>> No.8980955

My neighbors actually gave them $10 for two extra chairs as I was walking by getting one from the food court. I wasn't in your face about it, I just casually grabbed one. Though inside I was like "Ain't give a shit contract said two. Come at me nigga".

>> No.8980958

What's the story with OA not coming?

>> No.8980967

I hope people come too. I want them to get their act together and build themselves up enough that I'm comfortable attending again without feeling ashamed to be there.

>> No.8980968

Fuck yo chair Niggaaaa

>> No.8980974
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fuck you dis my chair now you's got a contractual obligation

>> No.8980977

OA ran the majority of their panel content for the first 2 years of the con and even helped them with staff. The year after they couldn't get in contact with Umi until 3 weeks before and Umi said they can do 2 am panels or hours on Subday..so I guess they walked.

>> No.8980978

It took me forever to find the pictures since they weren't on the main Umicon page. I had to look in other places I would have seen it. If you look up Solid State Society on Facebook they have an album called Umicon Day 2, and that's where the dodgeball photos are. People only really seemed to know about it by word of mouth, since the con guide was such a shit show.

>> No.8980981


Also I bet you Umi wishes they could delete posts here too. :)))))))

>> No.8980986

>since the con guide was such a shit show.
There was a con guide? I must have had over a dozen people ask me where they could find one, and a volunteer friend told me they didn't have any and that there wasn't one.

You think they actually come here? I would hope if they do they actually take these comments and reviews and learn from them. But I think we both know they're more likely to deny them and keep doin' what they doin'.

>> No.8980989

It was all online. Not very smart, since not everyone has smartphones or even consistent coverage while inside buildings.
Some of my friends are helping with the con. I linked one to this thread. One that's smart enough to not try and start acting like an ass on 4chan.

>> No.8980991
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>> No.8981002

>Some of my friends are helping with the con
Please convince them to persuade Rich to reconsider the Ocean Center, schedule a shit ton of actual activities and panels, kiss and make up with OA, actually pay people, and find someone who knows how to write above a 4th grade level to handle their emails and social media. Also seriously what the fuck happened to that "guess the attendance" competition? Are they going to ignore it forever? What was the REAL attendance and what is it based on? I know a lot of locals who came, ghosted for five minutes, and then left. And I wholeheartedly believe half the attendance was staff, volunteers, vendors, and artists.

>> No.8981011

Different anon, but find someone else to do PR too. Censoring people is never going to work in their favor.

>> No.8981016

The real attendance was 200 something, if I remember correctly. Rich was refusing to listen about the Ocean Center because he has a contract with them and they offered him a better price than the hotel, but he is changing things so all panels will be in a smaller area and all on the first floor. Fuck OA though, it hasn't been good for years. Vinz, who used to run OA, is doing panels for Umicon, though. A couple of other locals who used to be part of OA back in the day are also doing panels. Hell, even I used to be part of OA, though I'm not doing shit for Umi.
Another thing about the panels is that the people running them need to be vetted better than last year. I popped into a few panels that were just completely poorly run. The most amusing panel that I remember was the Nerf War with Aaron Dismuke playing. God, what a cutie.

>> No.8981028


200 sounds right to me. That's so disappointing. Where did the 500+ people from past years go? Rich can't deny that last year was awful. I'm glad to hear he's at least reworking the space to better fit the content by placing things in smaller areas. I really hope these new guests work out and don't end up bailing like all the DBZ people last year. I'm still worried they're trying to do too much too fast but I do want them to succeed.

>> No.8981031

Their panels aren't that bad, and they have the numbers. Not trying to be rude, but I did not enjoy any of Solid State Society's panels.

>> No.8981035

I suppose it's partly personal bias because of bad experiences with OA people culminating at Pariahcon, or that I've outgrown the petty drama that has always surrounded OA, even back in "the good ol' days". Which panels did you go to?

>> No.8981051

What was your main issue with them at Pariahcon? And I'm sorry I can't remember any of the names right now, I just remember seeking them out specifically because I knew who Vinz was, but they were just ok.

>> No.8981072

At this point it's not worth getting into.

>> No.8981077

No problem. They are a very different group now.

I hope your bad experience wasn't due to the berserk panel

>> No.8981249
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>Steven Ogg
Wha-? They better not push him away from FL cons or i swear to god. Mfw i really want a Trevor hug.
>Broder, save him

>> No.8981278

I went to the last Pariah and recently saw them again in Miami conventions and I have to say most of the people are different from who I saw at pariah. I was pretty surprised at the new faces they were running pretty good panels. I didn't go Umi so I don't know how they were there but in Miami they're doing really well.

>> No.8981280

Love that random OA bash... No need to be salty.

>> No.8981281

The fact that you are the only person who so far said fuck OA kind of makes me think that you are Vinz or someone from solid-state trying to cover the fact that your panels were absolutely terrible at Umicon. I've been attending since year one Umi and the panels for this last year were nowhere on par with the previous ones. We got water balloon fights and really fun late night panels but last year everything was just terrible including solid-state panels. Don't try covering how badly you put on your panels by bashing someone else who got dicked by the convention.

>> No.8981292

Basco was at Nerdfest, nice enough guy but he had an actual Hollywood-sized entourage which was kinda weird. I think he lives in Tampa now.

Blum was at CC last year, he was a bit cranky.

>> No.8981644


>> No.8981669
File: 236 KB, 292x161, gdi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing all this talk about umicon.. So sad, I wish it had better management because it's literally down the street from my mom's resort. Daytona needs to step it up before any reputable artists or vendors dare to return.

I think I know you. I'm the one that crafted myself a noose in the AA and used it on one of your products for a picture.

>> No.8981688

I stated pretty clearly that my opinion is probably colored by personal bias. I don't like what OA has become. I am not in Solid State, nor have I ever even run a panel nor do I intend to. Everything I've said about OA has nothing to do with any of their panels as I haven't been to any of them in years, just that I think that they are terrible, backstabbing people.

>> No.8981690

Didn't Rich try to start a new con?

>> No.8981694

I do however work for Solid State, I don't take to bashing other peoples panels or work, and while you had your opinions about our panels that's fine and good. Everyone's opinion matters, and through those criticisms we are improving upon them. As for some of the stuff like the con guide, yeah I really felt there needed a physical one. But I'd really like to know what panels of ours you attended, and wouldn't mind knowing what you thought could be improved on. You can message us through fb if you like.

>> No.8981701

I haven't paid much attention to them for awhile after things were soured so much. I suppose the actual drama isn't even as bad as it was when I was younger with Lady Mercury, Asuka, and that whole crowd. I think it's just harder to take when I'm not a teenager anymore and I see people doing these same things as adults as they did when I was a little babby cosplayer. If it is a new group of people instead of the assholes I'm thinking of, maybe I'd be able to stomach supporting their panels.

>> No.8981709

There is literately no drama now. I know a lot of them personally and the majority of the shitters aren't around anymore. They just show up to do their panels and get their name out and have a good time. And to be honest, they are working on repairing a name that was tarnished by a lot of the order members.

>> No.8981718

That's good to hear. OA used to be a real name around here, though for awhile it was synonymous for where us under-agers could get alcohol. It was fun to chat on the forums, and it seemed like every dude I dated was a member of OA for awhile.

>> No.8981726

I think a lot of it has to do with them removing the forum, too. The rise of social media killed forums as a whole and I think they felt like the new team killed their legacy, but there was not much to be done. I know they had a lot of trouble trying to work with cons because OA was known for sneaking people into cons, not showing up for panels and underage drinking, but that was some member's glory days.

>> No.8981737


>> No.8981759

A couple of good people (I didn't think DK was still really involved with OA anymore because he was so busy with his actual life), at least one asshole, and I don't know the rest. Better than before, at least.
Yeah, I first heard about OA because my 15 year old friend (who was older than me), told me you could score free booze from them. Thankfully, you can't do that anymore. They really didn't care how old you were.

>> No.8981771

Fuck. Why is Mega so expensive?

>> No.8981772


Old Miami seagull from the days of Yasumicon here. I can say that other than IamFJ from the forums there really isn't much of the old staff left which is actually a really good thing because that party crowd was pretty notorious. Ive hit up their events at Super and Animate and holy fuck the new kids are super different. Honestly worth checking them out and seeing the change yourself.

>> No.8981774

Yeah, it was called Funcon. It was in 2014. He cancelled the convention the day before it was supposed to start due to lack of advance ticket sales. More like lack of advertising like most Florida cons but whatever, his attempt at it is laughable just like the rest.

>> No.8981777

OA and SSS should just collaborate. Why does there have to be so much animosity? Kiss and make up

>> No.8981780

Their hentai panel is pretty fucking good lol

>> No.8981782

There is 0 problem between Solid State and OA. I go way back with FJ, and I would be open to collaborating something with them.

>> No.8981786

because they have so many A-list guests? Also a big venue to pay for.

>> No.8981788

I never miss any of their hentai stuff at Super and they always keep adding stuff too. Somehow they even made hentai jeopardy amusing. Hardcore panel is must too

>> No.8981952

Anyone planning on competing at Metrocon?

>> No.8981954

>I'm the one that crafted myself a noose in the AA and used it on one of your products for a picture
Oh hey! Yeah I remember that. We had to entertain ourselves somehow. I think I've also got one of your gull pins from last Metrocon. I'm going to be out of the country during Metro this year but are you tabling at Mega next month?

>> No.8982382

Too fucking expensive and nothing new. Would rather go to Mega or just save it and party my ass off at Matsuri.

>> No.8982805

We are! I'm looking forward to being able to see more crafters at mega now too.

>> No.8983458
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Would you want to be around a man like this?

>> No.8983462


Oh my fucking god.

>> No.8983499

my sides.

But really though...did he even do anything or do people just like making fun of the fact that he's an aspie?

>> No.8983510

Someone shop a camera into his hand

>> No.8983549
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or this?

>> No.8983582

Just the aspie part I think . For right now at least

>> No.8983589

So why?
I mean there's actual pedophiles/rapists/abusers involved in the con scene here and yet everyone jumps on Travis.

inb4 Hi Travis, I just see this in every Florida thread so I'm genuinely curious as to why people gang up on him as opposed to people who actually cause real shit.

>> No.8983594

He doesn't shoot fat chicks, so big bitches are salty

>> No.8983992

Is it because trying to make a photo of a hambeast look good is too much work?

>> No.8984002

His job is to capture you, not spend 10 hours in Photoshop trying to blur your fat rolls. A photographer is not a magician, and they have a right to shoot whoever they want. If they aren't inspired by fat people, that's their prerogative.

>> No.8984010

I just wish he'd stop moving the contrast in all his pictures to the max. Travis, if you're reading this, you don't seem the type to take concrit well. but please, stop with the overly contrasted images, it makes everyone look old.

>> No.8984139
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>> No.8984159

I feel like he made her look really bad in the photo... People also have a choice to not work with him if they do not like his photos. I don't see why this person is always getting attacked?

>> No.8984189

I was responding to the fact that people said that he wasn't willing to work with fat people, which is wrong.
I don't believe he deserves as much hate as he gets but he does take the most unflattering pictures I've ever seen, and then gets buttmad if you try to critique him.

>> No.8984347

If i was shooting that beast id purposely make her look more awful too desu

>> No.8984364

>inb4 aly
but I saw her in this costume and honestly it wasn't as awful as it looks here. I mean sure it was still pretty bad but travis has perfected the art of making everyone look worse in his photos. Kinda what >>8984010 said

>> No.8984378

it's not very flattering this would make me not want to shoot with him.. It looks so dark and dingy. Was he trying to make her look bad on purpose? Or does he just think that this looks good?

>> No.8984604
File: 188 KB, 2048x510, 13120035_866148236829304_2973186400780876562_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

::Regular Package::
- $65 each person

::Advance Package::
- $75 each person

::Ultimate Package for Two::
-$150 for 2 people

::Ultimate Group Package::

-$175 for a group of 4-6 people

Holy shit! I feel bad for anyone who books with this chick

>> No.8984778

How many photos do you even get for this price? I have never heard of this person b4

>> No.8984840

The photos aren't bad but that's expensive

>> No.8984909

All but the last picture are so basic. Never heard of her but nowadays everyone is copying im and fernando for their pricing. Ugh.

>> No.8985033

I can't believe he put his logo on that. I know you can only do so much with what you're given but I feel like everything he did to this photo only served to illustrate all the negative bits.

Also I agree he gets dumped on too much, he's really not that bad despite his mediocre photog skills and his tendency to get grabby with females and his temper tantrums over anyone who tries to critique him and...Okay maybe he sucks pretty hard. But still he doesn't ever actually DO anything worth bringing him up every thread.

>> No.8985294

I think Travis is a shitty photographer, but then most cosplay photogs are garbage. Want to know why he gets dumped on?

Because he called out other photographers in their bullshit. The cosplay community is full of "professional" photogs who collect money up front and never deliver. Every con there are people who shell out time and money only to have weeks turn into months and month turn into a year or more. Photogs say"I deserve to be paid for my work" and then cry "this is just my hobby, don't pressure me" when photos aren't received. I'm sorry, when you wait 6-12 months to give someone less than 20 photos, say you were too busy to process them sooner but continue advertising, booking and collecting money, fuck you.

So many people were being ripped off, so Travis said something about it. Even if he's a lousy amateur, he delivered on his paid and free shoots in a fair amount of time.

What happened? Every guilty photographer tore him to pieces, called him an untalented hack and piece of shit. What they did to Travis was wrong. So many photographers have gotten used to bad business and dicking people over they don't even recognize it as terrible behavior anymore.

I may not like the way Travis does photos, but I think it's crap he catches flak from so many butt hurt scamming "professional" assholes who rip off con kiddies.

>> No.8985411


I agree with this, I've been scammed so many times in this damn state with no photos to show for it. The "best" photographers in this state act like a bunch of children.

>> No.8985450

Yep yep and yep. I really wish they weren't such children.

>> No.8985468

Seriously?!? I had no idea so many people were getting scammed from photographers. That's terrible. I have met Travis in person and he's a nice guy so I feel bad for him.

>> No.8985646

>>8985411 man, that sucks. Do these people still actively work with cosplayers still?

>> No.8986286


Care to drop some names so that we can avoid these people in the future?

>> No.8986417

Anyone who charges you money. Unless you like paying for your drama.

>> No.8986432

Max Shot First is elitist and will steal your money and not even bother to show up to shoots. Avoid.

FD Sedano is really hit or miss too and charges people to be in his knock-off Ackson style convention videos.

Templar Digital (now BriLan imagery) used to be really bad on returns and image quality but I have to admit that he's gotten better since the name change and people seem to be a little bit happier.

Agreeing with >>8986417 though. Most people who charge money in this state will rip you off.

>> No.8987145

I didn't know people charged people to be in videos now?? I haven't heard of this before. I was in one of his videos and I was't asked to pay or anything.

>> No.8987163

The cosfamous expect to be paid now. They think they're celebs or some bullshit.

>> No.8987178

I was into photography a little in college and Ive done it as a side project for one of my internships (which was more focused on event management). I miss it doing it, and every time I see all the BS about photogs in Florida I kind of want to start my own little cosplay photography 'business' just so I can help out some fellow gulls and maybe make some cosplay friends along the way

(I mean business lightly, I wouldn't charge anything unless someone had some exorbitant request like having me drive across the state or something).

>> No.8987256

First it was show your cleavage. Then it was a small donation. Now you gotta pay for your 2 seconds of cosfame fdsedano style. And still have tits

>> No.8987259

Short Fuse Pinups will also charge and skip out like max shot.

>> No.8987278

Short Fuse Pinups is the worst. So many people never got their pictures back and wasted time and money for nothing.

The problem is that these photographers are also good friends with cosplayers, so people feel awkward calling them out and are afraid of causing drama. I know a lot of people who are so afraid of "causing drama" or getting a reputation as a shit-stirrer that they don't go public with getting ripped off.

It irks me that the same photographers laughing at Travis at Megan Scott are the same photographers who feel zero guilt about stealing money from cosplayers.

>> No.8987290

Are there any good photographers that aren't rip offs? Should I just give up on possibly getting a photoshoot ever?

>> No.8987445


Look into their work and see if they are taking omissions. Ask anyone you know what photographers they recommend.

>> No.8987469

If you have a decent camera and a friend, it's relatively easy to produce the same quality photos you'd get from most florida photogs. An hour or so of looking up basic photoshop/ Lightroom skills should provide you with competent knowledge and produce good looking photos

>> No.8987473

I really want to book shoots with Gapple Photos and David Love, any stories about them? They both have really high rates that's why I'm asking.

>> No.8987495
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Hi, panelist here.

Jacksonville has been jaded ever since JaniCon 2007. Orlando's got so many events that directly compete that they're all appealing to lowest-common-denominator and sacrificing quality just to get the one guest that will get them the attendance to maybe outsurvive their competitor for another year. Tampa's basically Orlando when Jacon 10 happened. Everyone in those areas is a part of the MyCons monopoly. Miami is Broder (see earlier posts). Panhandle is FreeCon at FSU and nothing else.

My advice: Go to the college cons; no drama, small attendee base and PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT MAKING IT A GOOD EVENT! (KnightroKon if they return, SwampCon, FreeCon, but not HurriCon because Broder & the Miami effect).

Either that or save up to go north and out of this state. Oh yeah, and the "big time photographers" who have egos worse than Croom and Broder (Iacca, et al.)...

>> No.8987505

That's weird, I've never had a problem with Short Fuse. Shot with her quite a few times now.

She's not the fastest, but she has always communicated when I asked.

>> No.8987522

Honestly, fuck the college cons. They're less money to get into, yeah, but they're often really unorganized and empty. There's an overall better experience and more return on what you pay for at bigger shows.

Not EVERY single college in the state needs to have one, and that's evident in the fact that many of them have tanked in the last five years due to mismanagement. There's two in the state left that are actually on campus run by students and that's for a reason.

You sound like a hipster shill who staffed one and thinks they know better than the rest of it.

Agreeing with you about the photographers though.

>> No.8987603

I wouldn't shoot with David love. It's really nothing personally against him but I really dislike that monochromatic and dead eyed look in his pics. His sfx are great though

>> No.8987878

this desu

>> No.8987917

I've shot with gapple a couple times. She is professional and gets photos back quickly. I'm happy to pay for that.
Short fuse took forever to get my photos back to me even after I had to bug her for anything.
Max just never showed up to our shoot. Terrible communication.

I'd only shoot with David if I was too lazy to make an actual costume and wanted one shooped onto me.

>> No.8988713

Is there usually a fairly big turnout at the cgl meet ups at mega? Never been to one but thinking about it.

>> No.8988800

Jacksonville had exp until they lost the hotel and tried to move to Orlando, and then Ryan had a freak out and went MIA. Then he came back promising more and delivering nothing.

Wasabi is croom garbage. Bellecon was poorly run to the point where they had to "delay" and beg people not to ask for refunds.

Jacksonville isn't jaded, just nobody has done anything with while

>> No.8988881


You would think though that since Jacksonville is one of the largest cities in FL, there would be decent attendance turnouts, right?

>> No.8988886

Iaaca claims to be an "artist," but you look at his work and all you see is shoot anything and everything that moves and has tits.

>> No.8988916

He's also actually ridiculously creepy (not Travis level just kind of awkward) and never posts any photos he takes.

One of my friends was stalked by him and I've heard similar stories from others.

>> No.8988921

Iacca is disgusting. He comes off as weird but harmless, so most people are nice to him. But if you're a pretty girl, he'll take your niceness as an invitation to ask for nude photoshoots.

>> No.8988946

I don't really get why some of the people he shoots lie about how they made some of the cosplays which are clearly photo-shooped...and you never see them wore at conventions.

>> No.8988951

>>8988921i didn't have a problem with him at first but over time he just got more werid... Now he just makes me feel super uncomfortable.

>> No.8989051


Dont get me started on david love. I bring him up way too much. What other anons have said. Avoid avoid avoid. Also might as well avoid his main harem. Talentless bimbos.
Yeah cause i wanna go to a con with barely any attendees or guests or organization and a young demographic. >>8988713
Ha ha i'll be on the second floor watching. I doubt much will happen.

>> No.8989261

Megacon meetups are pretty fun, we usually play werewolf for a couple rounds then go drink or something

>> No.8989895

Okay so is the megacon meetup on friday or saturday? Or both? Its still after the dealers room closes right?

>> No.8990095

I really wish they would use it for the video game tournaments so they're more tolerable to watch with seats, but I highly doubt it.
At best it'll be used for PSL and the tournament can use one of the bigger rooms in the con center.

>> No.8990241

This I don't actually know, usually werewolf is on Saturday night but I think in a previous thread some people wanted the werewolf on Friday and a smaller one with CAH on Saturday

>> No.8990448

It all comes down to advertising. Wasabi tried smearing exp. Bellecon had almost no advertising and the owner basically relied on other people to do it. PvE had the bad publicity of trying to use the exp name and then, again, poor advertising on top of scheduling a con when most people could not get off work.

Plus exp's constant teasing of actually doing something that never comes to fruition has probably made people weary of any new cons, so they are left with small venues like Jax anime day, ancient city con and overpriced crap like collective con.

>> No.8991603
File: 229 KB, 1440x1499, Screenshot_2016-05-04-08-11-42~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mf looks like he got an std

>> No.8991730

Fun fact, Jacksonville is actually the largest shithole in the united states, both figuratively and literally. They bought all of Duval county so yeah..

>> No.8991956

Can confirm, used to live there.

>> No.8991973

Jacksonville is a shithole. It's plagued by urban blight, negligent landlords cashing in on section 8 reimbursement, and half way houses.

Stay far away.

>> No.8992005

>implying he doesnt have one already

>> No.8992078

Nigga who even uses that font

>> No.8992166

Star Wars Celebration 2017 is in Orlando. Hyped!