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8981556 No.8981556 [Reply] [Original]

ILD is five weeks away.

>What is your comm doing?
>Are you doing something outside of your comm?
>Do you have your coord planned already?
>What were your previous ILDs like?
>Do you prefer summer ILD or winter ILD?

>> No.8981626

I'm excited because this will be the first year that I will be wearing brand! I'm a lonelita, so I'll probably just eat some sweets and watch Kamikaze Girls. Or maybe I'll go antiquing; I did that last year and it was fun!

>> No.8981632

No idea if my comm has anything planned yet. It doesn't look like it, so hopefully we can get something thrown together ASAP. Summer meets are hard--it's very hot here for most of the year. Sweating in brand is not fun.

>> No.8981633

That sounds great anon, antiquing is always great because you never know what you'll find! Are you lone by choice?

>> No.8981655

My comm is going to a garden but on Sunday, not Saturday. Hopefully it won't be too hot! Also that weekend is probably going to be stressful for me for other reasons so I hope I'll make it. I've never celebrated ILD with my comm before.

>> No.8981679

Oh. I'm going to have to organise something fun for my comm to do during this time.

>> No.8981749

Nope, just too lazy to get on Facebook. I'll get an account eventually, I suppose. So I guess it's kind of by choice? I've heard my local comm is pretty sweet, though.

>> No.8981778

I just moved up to the Bay Area to stay with my grandparents until I move abroad for a job in August, so I'm kind of displaced as far as comms go. Maybe I'll take my grandmother to tea or something. Won't be able to get into the city without a ride and she loathes San Fran traffic.

>> No.8981957

I'm visiting Tokyo that weekend... do people do anything there for ILD?

>> No.8981994

So I just joined my local comm, and their first meet is a horse race... so I'm not interested. The next meet after that is ILD tho and I've never been to a meet before.
Would it be weird to go to such a big event for a first timer? I have a full coord and such, but they've got some huge plans for that day and it's gonna cost like $60 to get in.

I'd much rather go to a meet sooner than later though.

>> No.8982020

I would say it's actually really common to go to a big meetup as your first.

>> No.8982060

Nice. Maybe I'll just blend in.

>> No.8982061

I'm part of 3 comms and only two have posted plans. One of the comms is big so usually several people have different meet ups but only one has been posted thus far. So I'm still waiting on a meet up I'm interested in to pop up.

>> No.8982064

Same anon

If I don't like anything anyone's doing, I might go out with my normie friends and see a movie or go to a cafe or something. They like it when I dress up but none of them are interested in wearing it themselves

>> No.8982083

What day exactly is it this year?

>> No.8982154

It's right in the OP image

>> No.8982232

my very first ever meet was at ILD. I learned real quick what shit tier coords looked like (my coord) and how I didn't look as good as I thought I did.

>> No.8982257

Consider joining the tokyo comm or at least PM one of their mods to see if they're having an event.

>> No.8982269

There are some very old and well dressed lolitas in my comm. One of them is kind of well known? I've seen lots of people say she's always so put together and so on.
I follow a lot of the girls on instagram already and they're always posting their amazing coords. I'm sure I'm not gonna be that good the first go around.

>> No.8982345

SoCal comms haven't announced anything, have they? I don't see anything coming up. I know we've become a bit slow but this is disappointing.

>> No.8982355

SF Comm is doing their yearly Twinning meet on ILD in Golden Gate Park. It's usually a pretty big event

>> No.8982373

I haven't heard about any ILD events from any of the SoCal comms I'm in. It doesn't need to be big or extravagant like the Winter ILD, I just wish for even a little get together.

>> No.8982854
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Does anyone else panic when trying to figure out the perfect ILD coord? I feel like the pressure is the worst when it comes to big events like these.

>> No.8982872
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I got invited to a private, fancy tea with the well dressed girls in my comm. I've been trying really hard to dress well, socialize, and go to meets, senpais finally noticed me

>> No.8982883

Same, and my comm is doing something more on the casual side this year.

>> No.8982948

LA comm did a really nice summer one and a fancy Winter ILD last year but they haven't said anything about this year at all. It seems really weird that they haven't announced anything yet. There is a Kamikaze Girls movie screening meet but I don't think it's supposed to be ILD related.

>> No.8982953

I'm organising this year's ILD meetup. The catch is that we've never actually done anything for ILD before. We either forget about it, have something planned the week before, or whatever.

It's going to be about two weeks after another (ticketed) meetup that was pre-planned, so I'm not sure what would be appropriate.

What have been your favourite ILD meetup ideas? I'd love to hear past successes!

>> No.8982991

The summer ILD was amazing but the winter one was crappy in my opinion, there was nothing to do. I know by now the comm should have announced something since ILD is coming up soon and fast. If we don't hear anything before mid-May, I am sure that means no meet. I also doubt the Kamikaze Girls screening meet is the ILD meet since it seems like a normal movie meet.

>> No.8983027

My comm is doing an OTT garden party with delicious food, drinks, a raffle, and photographers! I can't wait for the event - I love my comm to death and greatly appreciate the work the organisers have put into our summer ILD.

>> No.8983032

That sounds amazing! I wish we had the numbers/reliable weather for something like that. I hope it goes well!

>> No.8983064

My comm hasn't announced anything yet, which is weird since it's a somewhat big comm. I went to the winter ILD event, which was my first comm event and had a super fun time! It was a little tea party and we all went shopping.

>> No.8983098

You can always ask the mods of the community if they are planning one or if you could plan/host one.

>> No.8983113
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>pitched ILD idea to comm
>no responses

>> No.8983217

As of today my comm is planning a mini golf meet for ILD but I've never met the chick who's hosting it so I might not go. I'm usually a lonelita anyway.

>> No.8983395

I wish my comm could do this! I'm so envious. Hope you have a great time!

>> No.8983403

You better hurry up if you're planning a reservation at a restaurant or catering venue for a large group. Usually such an establishment will want a month in advance and a hold on a credit card (that way if anyone flakes, the card will get charged the difference).

>> No.8983420

Same here! Too bad we can't live stream Kamikazi Girls

>> No.8983560

I feel paralyzed by choice. I have a few OTT outfits that I can only trot out for ILDs because the rest of my comm's meets are too casual, but I don't know which of them to wear. I just found out our ILD was going to be quite outdoorsy as well and I don't know whether to go for something casual and summery or be an OTT princess regardless.

>> No.8983565

This always happens to me. I give up with them, so I'm just gonna visit my lolita bff in another city.

>> No.8983713

Honestly the mods have gotten fucking lazy with hosting meets. Yeah like gets busy but if you're not doing anything, don't be a mod.

Guess they're too busy just hanging with each other.

>> No.8983773

My comm was going to do this but all the community members complained it was too expensive... So I'm not sure what we're doing now. I wish my comm wasn't so cheap and tacky.

>> No.8983826

Same with my comm. The location they had in mind sounded wonderful but not enough people were willing to pay. I'm so disappointed

>> No.8984245

She said her grandmother didn't want to drive her into the city

I'd post in the event thread and ask if anyone is willing to carpool. I'm from the Peninsula and I would be able to give you a ride if you're on the way.

>> No.8984507

I might actually do this desu, any lone lolita want in?

>> No.8984713

If you do it in the evening (assuming you're in the US) I'm down.

>> No.8984735

SOL hasn't planned anything either. I feel like a lot of the comm is busy with Anime North stuff right now.

>> No.8985159

I might see if there's something going on among the Tokyo girls, use it as an excuse to finally drag my ass up there (not part of the fb group though). Not really sure. Might dress up and sit in Starbucks like a fag.

>> No.8985163

I'm interested in seeing whats going on there too. Not part of the group either.

>> No.8985172

>Guess they're too busy just hanging with each other.
Kek. It is true though, they always appear to be going out together.

>> No.8985188

Yeah, I'm super curious! Although I have no idea what I'd wear. Probably just a simple OP coord because it'll be hot as hell.

>> No.8985262

They only plan things for the comm with their small group of friends you would think that they would let the comm know enough ahead of time that they aren't planning ILD so someone else could step up and plan an event or people can make other arrangements

>> No.8985266

>Kamikaze Girls movie screening meet
Id like to do one of these for my comm, how does it work?

>> No.8985507

Find a movie theater that will allow you to rent it out. From there, the theater will give you all the details about legality and how to show the movie of your choosing. Tada.

>> No.8985569

They announced the winter ILD over a month in advance. I doubt there will be a summer event at this point. Has LA even had any meets outside of Winter Lumiere for the last year?

>> No.8985586

They can be pretty pricey to rent depending on where you are, though. I'm not a cheapo, but charging people 20 quid to watch a film they've probably already seen is pretty steep. You'd need a guarantee of a good turnout for it to work OR some sort of party atmosphere/setup, food and drink included sort of package.
I looked into something like this for my comm and it just didn't really work out. The most we've ever had at a meet is 16-17 people, which would barely half-fill the smallest screen I could find in the city, and would have been about 20 each. If it was planned REALLY long in advance it could work, but I don't know.

>> No.8985619

The girl who is hosting is pretty nice. She was at the Ghibli meet and was talking about the set up so it should be fun

>> No.8985649

Sometimes mods plan things and nobody fucking shows, and as a mod myself I promise you that gets tiring really quick. If you want more meets, plan them yourself and stop complaining, or make your own lolita friends to hang out with outside of "official" meets.

>> No.8985733

People try to have their own meets and no one's shows. I know because I've tried and I get along generally well with people. You basically just end up going to things with people you can rely on i.e. your friends. The only other meets people show up to are cholitas or at cons. Or really big ones like the rose garden, lumiere, or this kamikaze girls meet. The So Cal comm has gotten very lazy since Fairytale. All we do is complain.

>> No.8985738

Forgive my stupid phone typos

>> No.8986283

Comm members do plan meets and the mods don't even show up to them but ok. The mods only go to their own events.

>> No.8986334

So much shit talk about LA mods not hosting meet ups when one of the girls hosting the Kamikaze Girls meet is an LA Mod. Try harder

>> No.8986361

Okay! Twitch doesn't allow movies though, anyone else know of a site

>> No.8986649

Yeah I wished they would've said something, would've given a chance for someone else to host a nice ILD meet.

>> No.8986709

If you actually read the complaints you would have noticed that was already mentioned. The problem is they only host big events (like the Kamikaze screening) a few times during the year for the whole comm. They have meetups among themselves quite often.

>> No.8986712

I'm speaking for myself so I don't reflect most of the comm (obviously...), but I'm very shy and smaller meetups are harder for show up to because I get so nervous around other people. With bigger meetups I can kind of fade into the background and talk with the few acquaintances I have made. For example, today I really wanted to attend a meet in Pasadena, but I chickened out at the last minute because I didn't know anyone that was going. I'm trying combat my shyness because it really holds me back.
I also think because LA comm is know for being really clique-ish that girls get discouraged when they see too many people from a friend circle attending one meetup.

>> No.8986713

I apologize for the typos, I'm on mobile and very tired.

>> No.8986714

Then why don't other member host meets? It's a community not kindergarten, you shouldn't be waiting to be led by the hand to a meetup.

>> No.8986727

I swear you haven't read this thread, because there are replies specifically saying others have tried to host meets. Why are you getting so unnecessarily upset though? Are you one of the mods or one of their ass lickers?

>> No.8986768

I was the same! But the more meets you attend, more people you get to know, you'll feel a lot more comfortable. I now find the smaller meets attend a lot more fun!

>> No.8986803

I've been in the comm for about 4 years now haha. But yeah I definitely need to attend more meets. The main reason I don't go to many is because my life is pretty busy so I don't have time to go out much or I spend my free time trying to relax. I wish there were more museum/going out meets opposed to tea or just sitting around and eating. I find it easier when there is something in the area to talk about.

>> No.8986885

I made the mistake of joining the wrong comm in my area and the mods asked me to try to put together a meet up. I've been in lolita for a year and I'm looking to meet others but hosting an event or a get together has never gone well for me. I'm just not good at corralling people for some reason.
Anyway my point is I don't feel comfortable making or planning things like meet ups - perhaps after I knew people better but I don't see a newbie coming out of nowhere trying to host a meet working out that well.
Sometimes you have to do one thing before you can do the other. I've never been to a meet either, so I'd like to see what they're like first.
Thankfully I've joined the right comm and will be attending the ILD event.

>> No.8986896

for ILD we are torn between hosting a BBQ or a picnic... The benefits to BBQ is that we are at a girls house, but the con it is out of the way. And then the Picnic has the benefit of being in a scenic park with lovely flowers and views, but no easily accessible washrooms and we are at the mercy of the elements.

It also sucks because my comm is fractured at the moment not due to any drama but mostly age and maturity differences and a lot of us older girls are becoming frustrated with the young ones...

>> No.8986898

I wouldn't stress too much. For ILD in the summer, my comm takes are more relaxed approach because we usually aim for outdoor evens like gardens, picnics, BBQ's and it can be hot. I know what I plan on wearing already since I've had this dress haunting my closet for almost 2 years... A nice semi-casual Baby OP.

>> No.8986901

>eating bbq in lolita
No thanks

>> No.8988376

Those "meet ups" they have with each other quite often is what friends do. They don't need to invite the whole community. Stop relying on the mods to host meet ups, they are just mods for the Facebook page. If you're very concern if a big event is going to happen or have questions, contact them. I'm sure that will push them to do something or give encouragement to you to make a meet up.

>> No.8988407

There were a few meets around LA. Last one I can remember was the cake art gallery sometime in Feb. Another one was a drawing meet at a park or cafe. And some Lolitas have cross-post their mini meets or meets from another community like OC etc.

>> No.8988410

Seconding this. Mods shouldn't be spoonfeeding the comm. It's not reasonable to expect them to organise regular meets single handedly, everyone has a life outside of meetups and sometimes it just isn't possible to be available like that. Just have a meet with your friends.

>> No.8990604

I'm excited because this is my first time planning an ILD meetup! I mainly want to ask about themes because my comm saves themed meetups for ILD.
> What was the best themed meetup you've ever been to?
> What was the worst?
> Any particular themes you want to do but haven't tried yet?

>> No.8990634


Laughing so hard at all this salt.
Have you ever considered, I don't know, the fact that you're likely over 18 and if you're part of the LA comm more likely over 22, and as a grown ass adult you are completely free to host your own meetups? Have you considered that maybe the mods are friends and just because they hang out with each other, it's not to spite you personally or the comm, but just because they want to hang out? Are all outings between mods required to be comm outings?

As a mod myself I know it's exhausting to host meets and have no one show or have a bunch of people back out last minute. You plan and people seem excited and then the day of, nothing. I might be a mod in name just to keep dumbasses from spamming our comm LJ and fb group, but damned if I'm going to babysit a bunch of grown ass whiny girls. Maybe that's why your mods don't invite you to their outings, I know I wouldn't if I had to bend over backwards to cater to your needs.

>> No.8990657

I'm not even part of this comm, but if this is the case the mods should just step down and have new mods who are still interested. I know that after years of this it gets pretty exhausting. If they want to chill on their own that's all fine, but at least put some effort in keeping the comm. Have new people apply to be mods who are still excited for this and retire.

>> No.8990830
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>Someone asks about activities or meets for ILD in NYc group
>"everyone can make their own thing. Here's a list of shit to do"
>mfw they just had a huge meet for spring/Sakura matsuri
>I wanted to make a meetup but I'm a loner and I don't really know anyone
>ugh a bunch of other girls must feel the same way
>tfw meet ups will be small and exclusive.
>tfw I'm finally feeling social and wanted to meet new people and it's probably not gonna pan out.

>> No.8990839

Yeah, no.

Why not a potluck at that person's house?

>> No.8990957


Not part of the LA comm, but it feels like my comm (also in the US) is going the same path.

Here's a question: if the only responsibilities of comm mods is to monitor the online page and review applications so that creepers don't come in to cop photos, doesn't it become just an online comm?

I mean, if little to no meets happen, then that's what it essentially becomes. Am I wrong in this?

I understand and support the decision to let regular members organize their own meets. I get it; it's more democratic and it help to lessen the heavy load as a mod. But if they don't anything, and you the mods don't organize anything, then it's an online comm.

Online comms definitely have a function in lolita fashion. I just wonder if the LA lolitas would like mods who are a little more active and involved in the community. If you don't have time to organize or attend the occasional meet, then shouldn't you declare retirement and let someone else take the reins?

And after retirement, you could still stay as a normal member. Even organize meets, whenever you want.

>> No.8990982

A tea party is being held at a local convention for ILD. My SO and I plan to attend wearing Aristo.

>> No.8991366

As someone part of the LA comm, I can pretty much say that "we have no meets!" is kind of bullshit. One of our mods holds a bi-monthly relax and sketch/journal meet at a coffee shop. One of the mods is in process of planning the kamikaze girls showing meet in June. I've seen postings for meets in the past two months for: Victorian faire, Renfaire, art gallery, museum and new lolitas who want to have tea. You know what the average response to these proposed meets are?

Two comments. Vague, noncommittal comments like "sounds fun!"

I don't blame anyone for not making a meet when the response is so lackluster. Who wants to plan a meet when no one seems interested?

I'm not sure why people in this thread are ragging on the mods either- plenty of the comm members hang out with each other in lolita to take purikura, go to R1 and karaoke and no one is bitching that they didn't get an invite?

>> No.8991527

It's a community, there's no need for a leader to always host a meet up. Mods are simply just there to keep drama and spam off Facebook or livejournal pages. It's up to the community as a whole to put effort into their comm, not just the mods or Lolitas who frequently host meets. To keep the comm alive, majority needs to put effort and support.
Plus this community has a lot of members, it's not easy to cater and please, especially if they're just going to bitch and moan on cgl on how the meet up didn't meet their standards.

Some Lolitas rely too much on mods or Lolitas who often host meets to have fun. It's like that time a lot of Lolitas rely on Fairytale store as a meet up.

>> No.8991634

What's the facebook name under for the tokyo loltia group?

>> No.8994815
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I'm hosting a private meet at my home as well as going to the ILD meet that my comm is hosting. It should be fun!

>> No.8994970

I call bullshit on that monthly relax/doodle meet up it's not on the main page as an event didn't it just happen once?

Holy shit the white knighting when people are just providing Concrit or venting about how they feel in the comm

>> No.8999794

I'm helping plan a private ILD event, but my comm hasn't planned a main ILD event yet afaik.

>> No.8999800

Are you Portland comm

>> No.9000746

I'm curious about the Portland meet. It sounds nice, but if they don't have a venue yet that's very worrisome.

>> No.9000778

I'm curious about one of the Seattle comm mods coming in and saying she's been planning this for Seattle comm.

>> No.9002985

How many of you are planning ILD coords already? I'm confused with the theme that the meetup I'm going to is doing, so I may throw something together last minute.

>> No.9008762

18 days away!

>> No.9009343

my comm hasn't announced whether we're doing anything yet, but I'm kinda thinking of it
it will probably be a bit costumey since the dress is meta and I don't know what to do with it apart from just solid colours, blah