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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8973912 No.8973912 [Reply] [Original]

CoF thread >>8971111
Ita thread >>8964149
Online comms >>8952850
Local comms >>8960803
Coord help >>8972319
Draw thread >>8945175
BST thread >>8962104
Taobao >>8973651
Aliexpress >>8897809
Bodyline >>8951549
Mail thread >>8934331
Dream dresses >>8971669

Who's buying Jewel Marine tomorrow?

>> No.8973916

This would of been so lovely as a border print. The all over print is just gross.

>> No.8973927

oh my god, is the detailing on the OP supposed to be a massive shell bra?

Anyway, not getting it. I'd be tempted if the high waist JSK had a tier though

>> No.8973929

I agree, the actual art is quite nice, but the fact that it's an all over print just makes it look...not good.

>> No.8973933

I hate AP's trend of doing all over prints lately, give me back my border prints.

>> No.8973936


getting the highwaist jsk in navy, don't expect a fight but you never know with AP

>> No.8973940

>AP bring back my carousel prints..

>> No.8973961

I wish the JSK didn't have that ugly V shaped ruffle bit on the chest

>> No.8973967

Does anyone own a pair of AP's gloves? What is the fit like? My hands are very slender but I'm still worried that my fingers may be too long.

>> No.8973996

I just asked Chibi Tenshi to pick me up a pair of OTKs to extend the coording options of my Marine Kingdom.

>> No.8974025

>Carousel prints
Just curious, what did everyone think about Shadow Dream Carnival? The general consensus seems to be that it's ugly, but I quite like it, the carousel theme is rather understated in an elegant way.

>> No.8974049

Did people really think it was ugly? I loved it, and I also like the subtlety. Black is my favorite colorway, might buy it for myself in the future.

>> No.8974056

Black is by far the best colorway! I'm tempted to get it myself. I don't see how anyone could look at it and say it's "ugly". Sure it's not super special unique but it's subtle and beautiful in its own way.

>> No.8974070

Yes. Yes it is. It's my favourite part of the entire release, but I don't like anything else about the print, so it's not something I'll buy.

I love it when brands to kitschy/more structural details like that, though.

>> No.8974126

I own a pair and I don't have a problem anon. I think my hands are also slender, but mine even fit with fake nails on.

>> No.8974148

I couldn't fit my hands through couple of them, so as long as your hands are slender or kids-sized you should be fine.

>> No.8974154

I liked it a lot, I'll probably buy it in the future to complete my dream carnival collection once I decide which colorway is best. I guess I'm glad it's not that popular because the secondhand price is already pretty low.

>> No.8974155
File: 431 KB, 500x600, 04081755_570771ff551f6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A common complaint about SDC seems to be that the print won't show up in photos. It seems that a lot of girls these days will go by what kind of prints photograph well and is instantly recogniseable, I guess for instant attention and likes online, idk. I could see girls overlooking your outfit and gushing over the next Melty Chocolate Marine Jewel Carnival print because they recognise it more easily, so there's something to it.

As far as the fabric goes, though, it's definitely in the super special unique category. I thought it was a simple opaque screen print when I bought it, but the opaque pieces have a woven texture to them, you might juuussttt be able to make out the grid-like weave texture in this closeup. I thought the edges looked laser-cut, but I can't really be sure the design wasn't just woven into the base fabric. Whatever it is, this isn't flocked, and it's not an opaque screen print either. I haven't seen this fabric used in any other lolita dress (or normalfag dress for that matter), so this is definitely a pretty unique piece. Too bad it's such a subtle detail that's lost on most girls because it doesn't photograph well.

>> No.8974219
File: 211 KB, 700x525, jtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering, is it the same effect as whatever BABY used on their Joker's Trump Party print? The more transparent parts seem to be "cut out" of the fabric so the color of the lining underneath can be seen.

>> No.8974233

It's just like.... a chiffon jacquard

>> No.8974272


Ah yes! It looks like that. Never saw this dress up close either, guess I stand corrected on not seeing this being used for a lolita dress.


Still unusual. Thanks for naming the fabric, though.

>> No.8974282

I loved the print, especially in the white and black colourways but the cuts just
left a lot to be desired. They lacked all the elegance and simplicity that the print had

>> No.8974286

it's devore, which is a supremely cool technique

>> No.8974299

I don't see why people aren't allowed to be upset about the print not showing up in photos. The cut of SDC isn't that special, but the print is lovely and you'd kinda hope that the subtle difference would show up in photos.

A lot of people like photographing their outfits, and it's sucky if you can't see the print.

>> No.8974310

>Melty Chocolate Marine Jewel Carnival
...ngl, I'd probably buy that print
>chocolate seashells and carousel horses

>> No.8974311
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Hey guys, Ive just recently started properly getting into Lolita, (after following the fashion for quite a while) and I've ordered my first piece + planned my first coord

I made up a list of the dresses I'm planning to get in the future, and I was curious as to what sort of sub style you all think I'm leaning towards? I've got a mix of dresses in there- I like the look of sweet but I'm not a fan of OTT pastel coords etc., so I've been looking at stuff that appeals to me in my preferred, more 'mature' colour schemes

tldr What sub style direction would you say I'm heading in at the moment? (Pic related)

>> No.8974312


Never said anything about people not being allowed to be upset? I said SDC isn't hyped up because a number of girls said they won't buy it because they can't see the print in photos.

I did add a possible reason why that part was more important to them than the cool fabric technique, and also added that I can see this dress not getting enough attention, so I'm agreeing that they have a good reason to pass it by. This mindset of dress prints must show up in photos is pretty alien to me, though, maybe you're reading my uncertainty as negativity when it's really just me being uncertain why the dress print is so much more important than the cool fabric technique.

>> No.8974314

it'd help if people used better lighting desu
one of the worn photos i saw was taken in a very dimly lit bedroom, and it was the black colorway, for example.

>> No.8974321

I'd say you have a bit of a classic-sweet feel to your wishlist, which is pretty solid and easy to buy for in the current market.

>> No.8974367

Idk I re-read your post and it still reads salty to me, but I guess I feel how sucky it would be to miss details of dresses, since I am a lone lolita and the only feedback I get is online.

I'd imagine that SDC needs direct light/flash to highlight the matte/shiny effect and lots of people don't know how to use flash properly or are taking mirror selfies and therefore can't.
The black colourway without good lighting looks lumpy and frumpy to me. AP really is all about the prints and their quality has been getting so low lately.

In happier AP news, I managed to get my hands on Musee, but it's missing the waist ribbon. It's a little discouraging, but I really like it anyway. Do you think I should make something to balance it out, I was considering making a sash or waist 'ties'.

>> No.8974374

Chocolate seashells are amazing. Angelic Pretty, pls make.

>> No.8974453

>chocolate seashells
>chocolate carousel horses
>chocolate bubbles
>chocolate jewels
underwater carousel display in chocolate? yes pls

>> No.8974477

It was love at first sight to me. I have it in white, but black is what i really want!

>> No.8974498

We have similar tastes anon! Good luck!

>> No.8974520
File: 322 KB, 633x1393, 12657894_10153149876351642_2284359116017701349_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we are getting a underwater carousel print at least.

>> No.8974521

>sea print
>carousel print
>please come in navy

>> No.8974541

I wish I had done this when I first started for cohesion, but I thought it was much more difficult to find the dresses I wanted than it actually was. Just splurged on whatever good deals I found on the secondhand market in excitement.

>> No.8974559

now to just redesign it with chocolate motifs and bam, next AP release!

>> No.8974568

>harpooned whales, the print.

>> No.8974569

Maybe it'll come in a brown colorway

>> No.8974598

I love how jellyfish-like the cut is

>> No.8974604

Seconding on classic/sweet. Very wearable and easy to buy for.

>> No.8974623
File: 791 KB, 1365x2048, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, everyone. I am pretty new here, so sorry if wrong thread and for breaking anonymous rule <3 This is not an advertising post.

Me and my fellow lolita are going on a lolita trip to eastern Europe in the beginning of May. We are both Ukrainian, and would like to meet local comms and make new friends if possible =)

Here are the exact dates:
1 may Eger
2 may Budapest
3-4 may Vienne
5 may Prague
6 may Salzburg
7 may Budapest or Heviz

Are there any lolita or jsf events\festivals held on these dates in these cities? How can we contact local comms? I am not very familiar with facebook, so would be grateful for any links
If you are into making new friends from other country and want to hang with us and show your native city's best parts, please contact us directly in the instagrams: lacroixlolita or naawie42.
We are friendly, polite, tolerant and good-looking (20 and 26 y.o.) :3

Thank you for attention!

>> No.8974636
File: 7 KB, 138x64, fesdfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Meta's characters/mascots have names?

>> No.8974648

There is the lolita event called Under the Sea (UtS) in Amsterdam during the weekend of May 6-8. I do not know if any Eastern European lolitas will be attending.

Austria has their own Comm called 'Lolita-Fashion Österreich' on Facebook.

Here is the spreadsheet for all the Comms on Google: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1evXegSoFbfEXn8o0joeA-KFvolNKPKllgvaYqNgvOiw/edit#gid=1

>> No.8974656

>if there are no whales on that print, then as a fatty, I doth protest

>> No.8974760

Omg Ukrainian lolitas! It's nice to see there are some in my home country. Too bad you are not coming to the US. I visit Ukraine sometimes in lolita. I would love to find a comm there for my next visit.

>> No.8974764

Undersea carousel with seahorses please

>> No.8974777

Babby lolita here, does anyone have tips for tying waist ties when you don't have someone to help you? I have to re-do them a few times to get a decent bow.
Also tips on tying thick waist ties? I got a dress with upholstery type material recently and the ties end up in a sad lump.

>> No.8974780

There are a lot of good tutorials for this on Youtube. Just search "how to tie waist ties".

>> No.8974787
File: 88 KB, 640x640, IMG_2060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can check to see if the waist ties are detachable, that always helps a ton. When I get a new dress, I have someone tie them properly for me as I wear it, then when I go to take the dress off I just detach the ties so they remain together.

>> No.8974789

seconding this. My boyfriend doesn't want to learn how to tie lolita bows and I've tried tutorials but doing it behind my back is fucking impossible I feel?

>> No.8974797

Try this, I do it when I don't have a friend to help.

>put on dress
>tie waist ties in basic non-bow knot behind you
>unzip dress or detach one waist tie and take off
>lay dress flat on bed/other surface
>tighten knot you made
>make bow on solid knot

Or at least, that's worked for me. I still haven't cracked the crystal maze on the thicker waist ties, I have a BL OP with really thick ones and they're a nightmare to tie.

>> No.8974798 [DELETED] 

fuck off with the emjoi bullshit, learn to fucking 4chan fag. It's an "image" board, not facebook.

>> No.8974805

This, or you can also tie the bow in front of you and then detach and re-attach in the front.

I'm a notorious bow saver. When one of my friends who ties bows decides to fix mine, I keep it for awhile. I should probably start putting a tiny stitch in it so that it doesn't come undone.

>> No.8974806 [DELETED] 

seriously fuck off with the emoji bullshit. fag.

>> No.8974812

Thank you guys so much!!

>> No.8974822

I don't know why I didn't think of this. Thanks, I'll have to try it! Hopefully I can get the thick dress to cooperate too.

>> No.8974828
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>> No.8974850

Tying in the front only works if you're equal in size from the front to back. My waist ties always attach farther back so tying in the front results in a waist tie with far too much space for my back.

>> No.8974869


thanks gulls! i was thinking mature-sweet myself but wanted some confirmation on the matter.

i like to make collages for wishlists and stuff, i'm a visual kind of person so it really helps, it also helped me realise that some dresses i had planned on weren't really for me in the end.

>> No.8974904

Sweet lolita
Emphasis on navy, wine, and black -- maturer, academy, muted, sweet
sax for hot days
white > offwhite blouses

Almost all these dresses would look pretty good with a simple black 2" heel shoe and light legwear, for a toned down sweet look.

>> No.8974927

I believe they do, if I remember correctly the bunny was called Rabitch-chan or something. I only remember because they used bitch instead of (ra)bit. you might wanna search old EGL archives

>> No.8974930
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it just takes a lot of practice and the right technique, this pic might help

>> No.8974953

Thank you anon! I've been trying to track down accessories Meta made with them and I had nothing to go on. I still can't seem to find anything, but at least I have something to go on now!

>> No.8975047

I feel like this works best for two sided waist ties, sometimes it doesn't turn out for ones with a right and "wrong" side and I have to do the two loop knot instead. But anyway yeah my main issue was getting them tied behind me.

Semi related question, is there a proper way to store dresses with waist ties? Like should they be left on, taken off, tied or untied?
Again with that heavy dress it seemed like the ties would put strain on the buttons if I left them hanging, so I tied them loosely. Not sure if this works best or if it would be better to remove them completely.

>> No.8975055

I see a dolphin, I'm sold. If my little sister was into lolita, she'd snap this up in a heartbeat!

>> No.8975059

And I sure hope there's a version with full back shirring. Just so I can squeeze my fat self into it.

>> No.8975187

So I recently got in an AP OP. They usually fit me but this one seems a little bit smaller. It fits everywhere but the bust, is there anything I can do about that? Do people normally wear sports bras or binders for lolita?

Also, does anyone use stocking/sock garters with lolita? I wanted to try them to keep my socks up during long days.

>> No.8975200

Punkuma and Ra-bitch-chang

>> No.8975202

Using a binder helps me get into most dresses

>> No.8975220

I used to wear a garter belt to keep OTKs up but I don't feel it's very comfortable anymore so I switched to sock glue instead, works like a charm.

>> No.8975270

I find sock glue works on thin materials and socks, it never works on thick sock/tight material like fleece and winter tights. Those are when I use the garter belt.

sock glue works amazing with We Love color socks/tights

>> No.8975341

double sided garment tape for socks. It's quick and easy and holds unless you get all sweaty

>> No.8975346

I really want to know how you do this. As a G cup I'm interested but the binder I use for cosplay looks worse than my natural boobloaf.

>> No.8975369

Admittedly I have a smaller cup size than G (DD) but I love the Underworks Extreme Magic Cotton Sports and Binding Bra. It doesn't give much boobloaf from my experience and is 100% natural feeling and breathable

>> No.8975388

Just wear nylons to keep your socks up. It works better than any glue or tape.

>> No.8975404

I absolutely love it. I really loved the white but didn't have the chance to get it, and I love the shit out of the white and sax OP. All colours of the OP are still just sitting there on the website but I wasted all of my money for the next couple months and it kills me. It's so beautiful.

>> No.8975411

I thought it was pretty when it came out but I never jumped on it. I saw the black in person at a con a few months ago and was really struck by it. It's so beautiful and subtle - I'd love to own it one day! I do wish the print was more noticeable but at the same time I'm glad it's not. I have a couple dresses like that, that really can't be appreciated fully until you see them up close. Maybe I'll just make that my wardrobe theme.

>> No.8975435

I'm having wardrobe woes.

I have a lot of dresses I've had for awhile and I noticed while I like them, I don't seem to have much intention to wear them. I always think to myself, yeah I'll wear it in the future. But that future has yet to come. I always pick something else over it to wear instead.

Anyone have some good ideas on when I should sell? It just feels like a waste to have it in my closet and have it go unused.

>> No.8975453

It depends on how often you wear lolita, in my experience. I had a lot of dresses in my wardrobe that were cute but I wasn't excited about them. I wear Lolita 2-3 times a month, sometimes less--and it just wasn't worth it to me to have dresses I only felt "meh" about. I'm down to 5 dresses now and I love them all too much to ever consider selling them and I plan on buying a few things soon when I get a second job, but from now on I will only buy dresses that I know I will feel wonderful in.

>> No.8975456

Hey /cgl/
My old twin tails wig from Gothic Lolita Wigs is basically worn out and I'd like to get another but I visited their site recently and everything looks just kinda... shittier.

Is it just bad photography or has their quality gone down? If it has gone down where should I look for a good lolita wig?

>> No.8975470

It depends on the wig with GLW, honestly. I have a few wigs of theirs that I really love. But their twin tail wigs are terrible, I would avoid them. I had one an it seriously looked like a party city wig, luckily I sold it.

>> No.8975524

I take them off and usually put them on the same hanger as the dress. If they're difficult to tie evenly I'll leave them tied, if not I'll leave them untied. Usually I'm ok to do my waist ties behind my back with a mirror, but some are impossible to get even so I'll tie them totally separately then button them back on

>> No.8975527
File: 71 KB, 861x674, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding babydoll blouses with trumpet sleeves. I tried to order this one back in February when Harajuku Hearts opened back up, but they sent me a message saying it was out of stock, and refunded me. I've been on the hunt for other since, but it always seems to be one trait or the other.

Anyone have an inking on a babydoll/trumpet sleeve combo elsewhere?

>> No.8975535

Thanks! If I wanted a new twin tail wig, who should I shop with?

>> No.8975539

That's up to you, honestly. There are bad things said about most wig brands. I would personally avoid Lockshop though, they're the worst.

>> No.8975582

i have the same problem. my collection is nearing 80 dresses and i have worn maybe a quarter of them only. what i do is sell the ones i dont really care for/like the least.

>> No.8975591

Maybe this blouse?

>> No.8975607

seems to have it in stock, anon!

>> No.8975663

I've got a pair of bloomers that have garters on the bottom, and I love them

>> No.8975666

This isn't a trumpet sleeve blouse, it's the Michelin man style. Not that anon, just letting you know.
Pretty sure the same or similar blouse is on LM though.

>> No.8975733

Question to UK lolitas. When you ship something out through Tenso via AIR do you have to pay any handling charges once the package is already in the UK? I've only used SAL before and the small package usually goes through customs just fine, but it does take a while.

>> No.8975735

Or to phrase it a bit better - when shipping items from Japan to the UK, which shipping methods incur additional handling charges (from Royal Mail/Parcelforce) and which don't?
Sage for double post

>> No.8975798

I want to bring up a topic that's been bothering me since last year. I never mention it because I was afraid of backlash but here it goes anyway.

I know a lot of rude and mean Lolitas. It's mostly concentrated to internet interactions (and, yes, I avoid the threads on /cgl/ that are salt mines), but I've met plenty of rude and mean girls in real life. So I want to say something, because it's embarrassing to see people acting like that in public of all places.

You don't have to be everyone's friend. You don't have to change how you act just because you're wearing a dress. But, as a decent human being, you should have some manners and be kind to people because it's the right thing to do in general.

I know there was a lot of backlash about manners, because people would cry "FAKE" and claim it was a crazy lifestyler thing, and that still continues to this day but:

1) Your attitude gives new Lolitas and people not familiar with the fashion an impression. It's not your job to be ambassador, but being rude for no reason is uncalled for.

2) If refraining from being a complete bitch and spaz to people is "fake" for you, then I really don't know what to say other than please consider trying to learn a couple basic manners.

Lolita should not define how you act and you shouldn't change yourself because of the clothes. However, I think you should have some manners no matter what you are wearing.

TL:DR: Please be a decent person because I'm sick of seeing Lolita's act embarrassingly bad, especially in public. Especially the 2edgy4me and younger Lolitas who think everyone is out to get them.

Sorry, I know this will probably rustle some bloomers. I don't want to start an argument but I thought a reminder might be appropriate.

>> No.8975804

I actually agree with you completely. I hate when people are fake nice or fake kawaiiiiii~, but it's honestly worse when people decide to be a rude edgelord just because it "unexpected" for someone who wears a frilly dress.
It's a pain and makes us all seem like idiots. What people are like is their own business, but if someone's being an ass or doing that stuff in Lolita to "prove a point" or for the sole purpose of "breaking the stereotype", they can get out. I have no patience for it. You don't have to be super sweet and graceful, just be civil.

>> No.8975813
File: 55 KB, 502x419, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stating the obvious to everyone that isn't an aspie
nobody needs to be reminded not to be a shitty person, you either are or aren't. rainbows and cupcakes chan pls go.

>> No.8975836

will a Roland work as a coat in classic lolita or does it look too weird? which brands should I look at for a good warm coat with room for skirts?

also, similar recommendations for bags would also be great, in particular military bags (should I consider going for repro style military sacks or what?)

>> No.8975838

It can but really why go for a rolando when you can look for something that is meant for the style? It also isnt "warm", its a lined jacket but not meant for winter.

>> No.8975841

I don't fucking know, it just looks kinda nice and I don't know what to go for. didn't know it wasn't warm, that's good to know. I'd need something that withstands something like -5 to ideally -15C

>> No.8975868

They are gorgeous coats, and do work really well with more gothic leaning classic coords, but they are definitely not cold weather coats. They're more for +15C type weather, unless you prefer cooler tempteratures, at which point you might be okay in one at +5 to +10C.

>> No.8975871

I have an IW coat in fleece that I've found fine to wear in 0C weather, though I have a high cold tolerance and it wouldn't be so warm in high winds. No idea if they still do coats in that fabric since I got mine around 2008, but someone else might know.

>> No.8975878

I usually get hit with the handling plus custom charges on everything over £15 ems and sal unless its a magazine/thin book.
They have been really on it this year.

>> No.8975882

I would never weat a coat in +15 haha, I swept the sidewalk in a t-shirt today at like 10-11C. I guess it would get too cold for me with one a bit past freezing but I guess I'm better off looking at other ones. thanks anon

alright, I'll check it out! now is probably the worst time to start looking into it, but I guess I'll comb through fall releases.

>> No.8975889 [DELETED] 

Is there a make up thread somewhere?

>> No.8975948

Hey gulls, where do you usually buy your non-brand blouses and cardigans? Heading into summer has made me realize that most of the blouses in my wardrobe are long sleeved; I live in a pretty hot area and I don't want to be wearing the same two short sleeved blouses all summer.

>> No.8975953

Right now, MLD has some cheap as fuck summer blouses.

>> No.8975963

Shut the fuck up, grandma, don't tell me what to do you fucking bitch

>> No.8975966

>expecting spoiled children to have minimum politeness

>> No.8975970

I may act out a little online because that's just impersonal, anonymous culture.
But I'm happy to say I know how to keep an angsty online persona and an irl persona as separate entities. Fortunate to say I'm not nearly as judgmental and I treat others how I'd like to be treated.

Doesn't stop some stuck up bitches who think they're better than everyone from being antisocial and impolite, but meh. I feel like I keep up my "part" and be a positive rep for my comm.

>> No.8975997
File: 115 KB, 736x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolitas r supposed to be lovelies!!

>> No.8976030

I think you need to think less jackets such as rolando and more coats that are meant for actual winter wear. You want stuff that is made from good materials such as wool. I know brands do make that stuff, so go look at IW, Vm, MM, etc for their coats.

>linking to a shitty reseller
Please die.

>> No.8976038


>> No.8976041 [DELETED] 

They're just called Roland coats, calling them 'Rolando' sounds stupid in English, like 'burando' rather than 'brand'.

>> No.8976043

They're just called Roland jackets, calling them 'Rolando' sounds stupid in English, like 'burando' rather than 'brand'.

>> No.8976055

browsed WW for a while and I think I have a better idea of what I'm looking for. I know that wool is what I'm looking for (I've lived in this climate my whole life) but I didn't realise the Roland is polyester until checking. it looks pretty solid from the pictures I've seen.

related question, how bad is WW's D rating anyway? there's a D rated coat I'm eyeing and I can't see any actual damage or harm on it, and the condition said shit like 'Overall fluff, there hairball' when translated. I guess it just has a bunch of lint on it or what? maybe cat hair?

>> No.8976066

Thats the point, sorry that you dont get lolita slang but both burando and rolando are commonly used.

>> No.8976122

I know they are. Still sounds dumb.

>> No.8976140

Thank you much <3

You should probably contact us, it would be great to meet :3

>> No.8976162

Probably means it has significant piling.

>> No.8976188

1) please learn to accept criticism
2) "It's mostly concentrated to internet interactions" (where people are and can be honest and open with their feelings, especially in their private or personal spaces or places where they're encouraged to be open and honest, like RC Uncensored) + "Lolita should not define how you act and you shouldn't change yourself because of the clothes"
>choose one
3) stop being so fucking oversensitive and i say that as an oversensitive and anxious person. not everyone is like you, not everyone should have to act a certain way. the sooner you can accept that the better.

>> No.8976218

brightlele has amazing ones. bodyline twintail wigs aren't bad either.

>> No.8976219
File: 38 KB, 492x413, 10982480_327672234108435_7514690310831560316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976278

>stop being so fucking oversensitive

Not even related to anything but
If you can find me a magical way of just "stopping" that doesn't involve killing myself or getting a lobotomy, I'd love to hear it because I'm fucking sick and tired of being a huge crybaby but it's not like it's something you can just change or control.

>> No.8976309

Not the anon you replied to, but you could always find a good therapist. There are some out there that actually care about you, if you look hard enough, you'll find one!

>> No.8976348
File: 94 KB, 487x579, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that missed this gem

>> No.8976352
File: 37 KB, 490x361, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976365

This. Stop being overdramatic and use some fucking common sense in regards to treatment.
>disclaimer, I have fucking mental illness, but at least I try to take care of it

>> No.8976371

>teenager being an idiot, nothing new here

>> No.8976372

She's literally 12. She got her account deleted yesterday for being under-aged. Just keep reporting her and she'll go away lol.

>> No.8976378

I didnt even know she was 12. I mean besides the whole "MOM DOESNT UNDERSTAND"

Dafuq she bitching about then? Her $2 allowance for a month ain't going to cover shit anyway

>> No.8976386

SO glad my parents kept me from getting facebook at twelve because I would've probably done this exact thing.

>> No.8976409

> her mom thinks it's for children
> she's literally a child

Should be fine, then

>> No.8976423

there was a ton of hype for it in the lolita general at the time when it was revealed

>> No.8976438

I wish mine did

>> No.8976547
File: 92 KB, 500x372, 8645_51c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook didn't exist when I was 12

>> No.8976554

I was out of college when it was new. jfc.

>> No.8976654

Am I the only one that hates grosgrain ribbon? I think it's hideous and cheap as fuck, but brands keep selling accessories with them.

>> No.8976660
File: 369 KB, 800x800, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, you're not alone. The texture always reminds me of pic related, those bows that soccer moms put in their kids' hair

>> No.8976702

Does anyone have a picture AP shows you when you get banned? The lolita girl with a dunce hat.

>> No.8976718

Neither did cell phones.
>oldest of oldfags.

>> No.8976719

when I was 12, facebook didn't even existed. There was aol and IM (though never used them) and fucking neopets before the ad whoring

>> No.8976747

Because that is in fact grosgrain.

>> No.8976749

oh man neopets takes me back
i wonder if they have pixel lolita outfits for pets that id have to pay real money for...

>> No.8976768

People are people so why should it be that you and I get along so awfully?

>> No.8976775

Sorry you're an aspie child.

>> No.8976779

I told your mother it would be a mercy if she had had an abortion, but that girl just never listens!

>> No.8976781

in my day, neopets had no clothes

>> No.8976785

in my day bruce being changed from a creepy dude to a cute penguin was big news
i just check back in for nostalgia tho bucko

>> No.8976788
File: 71 KB, 600x400, Oldpets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i dropped it

>> No.8976789

So many secrets with Misoka. Did something happen?

>> No.8976819

I have a meta sailor blouse and skirt set and want advice on how to wear it. Without tucking the blouse in it looks sloppy, but the skirt only has an elastic waistband so it looks better with the blouse untucked. Is there a way to wear it tucked but hide the waistband of the skirt? Or is there another option I'm missing out on here?
I can take pics in the morning if you need to see what I'm getting at here.

>> No.8976820

I feel sorry for anyone who didn't experience egl in it's prime, t b h. Sorry all you know are things like Rufflechat.

>> No.8976821

I like it, though petersham is a lot nicer. But I hate satin ribbon, and often pick it off my brand blouses and such.

>> No.8976830


A belt wide enough to cover the elastic waistband on the skirt.

Kind of curious what kind of set it was, if it's really meant to be worn together and you can figure out when it was released you could try looking up model pics to see how Meta styled the set.

>> No.8976837

Really? Satin ribbon is my personal favorite.

>> No.8976865
File: 157 KB, 800x800, 2016-03-07 17.14.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out I actually have a worn pic but only untucked. I got them second hand and the materials and the trim are the same and they both have meta tags. But then again they're so plain that who knows, they could match by coincidence. I've had no luck finding a release or worn pics though. There were some similar skirts out there but only flat front ones so they avoided my problem.

>> No.8976868

How often does Baby release Usakumya's, parasols, and shoes? They seem to release quite a few all at once, but I don't know if their pattern is seasonal or something else.

>> No.8976873

Yeah I really miss when literally everyone was an edgy try hard and being moderated by wonderbitch

>> No.8976874


Yeah, the full elastic waistband is what tripped me up, most Meta sailor sets are designed with a waistband like what you described. Though I guess they might have done a special set skirt at some point out of their leftover fabric.

If you don't mind, personally I think the blouse fits badly on you anyway. It seems to be a bit tight across the top and too long to be untucked. I would suggest splitting up the set and getting a different blouse that fits better. A blouse made from shirting fabric, or a sailor cutsew could go easily with Meta's twill fabric without looking too weird. As for the blouse, if you want to keep it, you could use it as a cardigan instead of a blouse.

>> No.8976878

>inferring Rufflechat and CoF is not the pinnacle of try hard these day
It's nice to not have Wonderfinch breathing down everyone's neck anymore, but she's somehow worse after her weird black victimization and SJW conversion.

>> No.8976884

The top is from 2013 and the skirt is from 2012. Meta tend to try and keep fabric and lace similar in repeat series such as sailor and the velvet ones.

>> No.8976892

Now that's some nostalgia. Neopets is what got me into writing (the roleplay boards were the shit when I was 11) and that escalated into me studying English literature... luckily I got out of it before things started costing real money.
On a more lolita-related subject, has anyone started planning a ILD meetup? Unless someone in my comm speaks up I'll be planning it again and frankly I'm sick of people dropping out last minute. So this year I'm going to charge a reservation fee, I know people will whine about it because we never had them before but at least it'll make people think twice before signing up.

>> No.8976988

Parasols: once a year. Shoes: all the time, normally depending on the season. Usakumyas: once a year if they are not popular, every 4-5 months if they keep selling out fast.
Right now chinese are going nuts for the kumyas for some reason, so they are planning to produce a few more very soon-ish. Also I heard a rumor they were releasing limited kumyas for SF, NY and Paris stores, so it's a good year for kumyas!

>> No.8976990

They release parasols more than once a year, wtf

>> No.8977003

Really? I'm pretty sure it's once a year. This year it's as always going to be close to when it starts getting really hot. I don't recall them releasing them more than once a year. The release dates vary but I'm pretty sure the reservation for them go all at the same time. Except for the Marie once since that one is special

>> No.8977018
File: 75 KB, 331x427, 1461126374289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a sick nasty MySpace
>Mfw everyone switches over to facebook

>> No.8977019 [DELETED] 

Ah~ I really want to fuck a lolita...

>> No.8977095

What kind of glasses look good in lolita? A lot of people get ragged on for wearing ugly non lolita-appropriate glasses in nitpick and ita threads and I don't want to be one of them.

>> No.8977126
File: 421 KB, 628x629, 1446844280353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it?

>> No.8977153


>> No.8977165

She just wants her kid to dress like a slut like all the kids of her age

>> No.8977212

As a glasses wearer myself, i think most of the ragging comes from the glasses not looking good period, in our out of lolita. Most people that wear huge ugly frames don't really suit them to begin with. imho, if the glasses look good on you outside of lolita, they'll look good in. Obviously this goes for neutral colors, you probably would not want to wear bright blue frames with a Gothic coord no matter how good they look on you otherwise.

>> No.8977276

RC post:
>I wasn't feeling pretty today so decided to face swap with mana-sama

ok, so why isn't this post deleted yet?
moreover, why can't people read the fucking rules?

>> No.8977290

Has anyone got any reply from peppermint fox about the colour inaccuracies of their recent releases? Made a large order and I'm so disappointed in the differences between the stock images and what I received.

>> No.8977332
File: 374 KB, 501x584, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably only affecting a select few meta cat ladies, but melody cat was re released recently as a limited mail order and is currently open to order. I don't really get it though - it's only the skirt, and the rest of the set that comes with it is ugly (also jewel leopard socks that no one ever wanted)

>> No.8977351
File: 139 KB, 800x800, 2016-04-24 13.51.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fit's a little better now that I lost weight (mostly in the arms, finally the sleeves have extra space!) but I'll have to hunt down appropriate pieces to match each the top and bottom now it seems. Oh well! Excuse to shop again I guess.

>> No.8977359

I'll buy that shirt and bloomers from whomever if they don't want thiers.

>> No.8977365

Unless thier moitie blue, in which case the wearer is awesome.

>> No.8977376

i'm interested in splitting with you, but what would be a fair price? i only want the skirt and petti really, so this is ideal.

>> No.8977396

That's what my comm does because a girl was out like 40-50 bucks because she paid for a reservation, then some assholes left before we could split the charge. She asked them to pay her over FB but you can guess how that went. Some people are just rude.

What we do is charge people their share before, and if they need to cancel, they have to swallow the cost or try to sell their spot to someone else.

>> No.8977459 [DELETED] 

MySpace didn't even exist when I was 12. Neither did cell phones like >>8976718, and dial-up was your only internet option. I still remember hanging out in the AOL chat rooms.

>> No.8977463

MySpace didn't even exist when I was 12. Cell phones did though, but not many people had them, and it was those old ass Nokia looking ones that only had black as the color. And dial-up was your only internet option. I still remember hanging out in the AOL chat rooms.

>> No.8977504


>> No.8977542

Was it for clothes or those brooches? Got a comparison?

>> No.8977561

How much is the full pack? Send me an email if you're really interested.

>> No.8977568

How do I surprise girlfriend with lolita gift for her birthday? All her "dream dresses" aren't on lacemarket. My budget is 300ish

>> No.8977578

post some of her 'dream dresses' and we can point you in a direction of something she'd like.

>> No.8977579

This is really sweet! Seconding posting the dresses you're hunting, hopefully they can be tracked down.

>> No.8977586


>> No.8977588

She likes things with cats on the, I know she wants cat queen? the green one, Cat's Astrology, Cat's wonder teaparty,Dolly Cat special set, inb4 she's here.

[spoiler]Or you all wonder if it's you

>> No.8977595
File: 93 KB, 568x878, 591757-7444-2016-02-27845485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy her the AP x Disney Marie set

>> No.8977643

>the one person who wanted those jewel leopard socks
If I had money rn I'd consider getting it to fill out my closet and give the skirt to a friend who loves cats.

>> No.8977675

I saw that but it was overpriced for shit that won't look good as lolita together. This is literally just a clashing casual set

>> No.8977679

You raised my hopes with your first post and dashed them with the second. Get it off y!ja with buyee, it's very easy and they have dresses that aren't on LM.

Now if my bf would just buy me some spoopy AATP/ AP for MY birthday :'(

>> No.8977681

2nding if it's about the brooches cause I just got mine (one of the animal brooches they sold last month) and the color matches the stock photo.

>> No.8977684

>Nokia brick phones
I think you and I are the same age... I had a green one... used to have cingular wireless too. That's not even a thing anymore.

>> No.8977688

Dump her and buy me this http://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/_ylt=A7dPGi0zWh1Xz1oAlX46hPB7;_ylu=X3oDMTBhMWw0ZHR1BHZ0aWQDQVMwMDE-/SIG=12cdhe4mf/EXP=1461627827/**http%3a//page23.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/o141864966

>> No.8977695

Right? Her mom sounds like a retard. I feel bad for the kid.

>> No.8977704

You could try Enchantlic Enchantilly. Harajuku Hearts has some of their cat series in stock, here:



etc etc, they have a lot in stock if you have a look

>> No.8977874

oh god one of my friends would not shut the fuck up because her mum was getting her one for her birthday that had a, get this, colour screen!

>> No.8977885

When I was 12. We had passing notes, and calling people on landline phones and only being able to move so far with the phone and stretching the curls out because you're mom would hear you talking on the phone past your bedtime and she'd ground you by locking you in your room and taking away your 12lb gameboy.

>> No.8977886

Ugh, of all the cat dresses I want, that one is at the bottom of my list.

>> No.8977911

>Cat's wonder teaparty
hahahaha good luck finding that for $300 when the latest seems to have sold for $2000
dolly cat particularly might be closer to your range though and easier to find

>> No.8977937
File: 221 KB, 1242x1236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm bored, I like to browse Milanoo and other really awful websites to look at reviews and customer photos. I usually find this hilarious, but fuck man, I'm starting to feel bad. I mean, maybe I'm naive, but do people seriously pay this much money for this shit? (Pic related) Are people so stupid to spend that much money on a shitty costume "lolita" dress?


>> No.8977966

We might be. When I got my first cell phone, I was 20 and it was a Cingular flip phone. It was just before the craze over Razr phones happened.

You probably would have been the shit back then getting a color phone.

I remember when the first smartphones that we know now came out. Was working at an electronic store and they had just started selling two kinds of HTC smartphones phones. The customers were always playing with the ones on display.

>> No.8977974

those reviews are all generated by the website/seller.

>> No.8977976

Cat Tea Party probably did, but kittens wonder night tea party is like 300 I think.
Anon doesn't know what they're looking for.

>> No.8977980

Same. My bf has the money to but he won't bother with a SS cause he's paranoid.

>> No.8977984

>I still remember hanging out in the AOL chat rooms.


>> No.8978006

There you go anon, in your price range.
You can probably convince then to lower it more or give you free shipping. They are really easy to work with. I got my first peice from them.

>> No.8978022

Reviews on milanoo are generally fake, however, it's a really commonly understood that quality lolita is expensive/lolita is supposed to be expensive - it would not surprise me at all if some poor, unfortunate, unknowing n00b bought something like that with an atrocious price thinking it was reasonable because that's how much lolita is supposed to cost, or that it'll look great in person.

>> No.8978170
File: 718 KB, 1009x551, wtfap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know One Piece is popular in Japan, but really AP? A god damned shounen show?
Where the fuck is the Sailor Moon collab that everyone wants?

>> No.8978182

uh did you even look at their merch though it's cute as fuck.

>> No.8978185

those socks are great tho

>> No.8978188

This is cute

Stay salty, sailorfag

>> No.8978217

I am in college. I receive a government allowance (this is common in my country, all people I know have one) for living costs. I save over half of the allowance for paying back loans and leave myself a weekly budget for all non course related costs. I always end up with excess money from my budget, which I end up saving and then have started using it to buy lolita clothing. I feel bad for doing this as I can get a new main piece every month or so, and I am supposed to be a poor college student - even though I end up with more disposable income than I have ever had.

Should I feel bad for doing this, or should I continue?

>> No.8978219

I'd say definitely put some away for long term savings but if you've got any left over from that, go ahead.

>> No.8978230

This was me in uni except replace government grant with college fund from parents.

Honestly I spent it all too. I feel a little guilty but as long as you're paying your loans off there isn't any harm in having some fun too.

>> No.8978243

What do you want to do after uni? If you want to pay for grad school (where I live you can't get a government loan for postgraduate study) or move to a new city to find work, or need to do an internship or low paid entry level job,then save a fund for that too. It's a good idea to save a fuck off fund so that if you are ever in a living or employment situation you hate you are able to leave.

I think you should still treat yourself to lolita though because I wish I had done that when I had money as an undergraduate student- especially as I'll probably be like 30 before I have that much disposable income again! Means you can have a nice wardrobe to enjoy even if post-uni you can't afford new pieces for a bit!

>> No.8978246

I'm not salty, I was just dramatizing. It is cute though.

>> No.8978251
File: 240 KB, 940x630, Ph_Main[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a La Foret thing, actually. There's a whole page of different brands (non lolita) all doing Onepiece-related merch for La Foret:

I guess it's still AP's decision to hop on the bandwagon, though, since I don't see Btssb or Atelier Pierrot on that page.

For the record, the Barbie collabs and the Shiki collabs that AP (and Meta and Btssb) have done were also all La Foret collabs. At least this time around AP picked the one nominal "gothic lolita" character -- and didn't try to recreate her godawful ita outfit.

>> No.8978322

>Shiki in La Laforet
I had no idea this existed. Now I have to go hunting for some of the pieces.

Someone really needs to make a masterlist of collabs.

>> No.8978422
File: 291 KB, 762x320, shiki-ap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looked like, and I believe Meta did a Shiki collab as well. You can find some posts about collabs on EGL if you use the search function.

>> No.8978425


I feel guilty as fuck but I've spent student loans before on lolita. It was honestly a drop in the bucket though - $300 a semester is nothing if you have 30k a semester going. I knew people who spent much more of their loans on travel.

In the long run, spending a bit here and there on frivolous things isn't terrible, even if it does come out of a loan fund. At least that's what every financial advisor and family member has told me. Some people even blow their loan fund in a gigantic orgy of expenses at the end of their grad school because they know that in the ensuing years they won't have disposable income thereafter.

If it's coming from a grant, then even better for you since you don't have to worry about paying it back. As long as it does not affect your grades I wouldn't worry.

>> No.8978612

gulls, I need quick advice. (it's the lockshop anon.)
I just created the tumblr and apparently lockshop.tumblr.com was an available url, should I keep it or go for something like lockshopisascam or similar? I wouldn't be impersonating the store or anything shitty, the title of the blog would make it obvious what it's about

>> No.8978615

Is this available?

>> No.8978618

Definitely go for something other than just lockshop like
suggested, just in case.

>> No.8978626

I don't think you should use it but definitely reserve it

>> No.8978627

These are all bad, it's not an entertaining news article. It should be simple like lockshopscams

>> No.8978633

alright, I guess I'll keep it on another sideblog and use the goldfish theme on it or whatever it was called

that sounds good, I was thinking of doing something longer but it's not exactly necessary.

>> No.8978647

I know qutieland used to have shitty service, but has anyone ordered from them recently? Just wondering if they're still crap

>> No.8978650

Best of luck with it anon! I hope people become less afraid to speak up about lockshop. I'm really surprised at how little backlash there's been despite how badly they've treated customers. I guess they've been deleting stuff from their social media so nobody's seeing it.

>> No.8978653


>> No.8978657
File: 213 KB, 908x820, 1456283160620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New message received on Lacemarket.
"Hello, I would like to know if you would accept a trade against 2 dresses ? The *insert print* is my ultimate dreamdress ! ^^ (I'm From France) Thanks you, bye bye !"
>international buyer
>no buyer/seller feedback
>no egl comm sales link even
>doesn't mention the name of the two dresses
>no dresses listed for sale
>"dreamdress" in question is $300+
"Sorry I'm not interested in *cough*scams*cough* I mean trades at the moment."

I'm starting to understand why people say NO TRADES in their terms of sale.

>> No.8978667

Even when I was in college nobody I knew had a cell phone. They were still predominantly a doctor/working professional/rich people thing. I got my first cell at the end of my senior year. I'm not even that old; that's how quickly things have changed.

>> No.8978678
File: 15 KB, 600x375, 1425515288112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I just googled her name and she's 17 and works at the Phantomhive Manor.

>> No.8978682

What? No. That's not income, that's a loan. Pay that off as soon as you can, and if you're saving, why are you even taking out loans? Pay for college in cash and if you can't, dump the rest onto your loan so it won't tempt you. You can pay it back early anon.

>> No.8978686

Loans and credit card debt are the best ways to build credit.
Sounds like that anon is doing it right so long as they're making good payments.

>> No.8978782

You can build credit by getting a credit card and paying it off immediately every time you use it. Keeping debt is never a good idea because you end up paying a lot more in interest.

>> No.8978787

I had the Nokia with the interchangeable face plates. I had a cobalt blue one and a burgendy one that I put Harry Potter stickers on.
I still have that thing in a drawer somewhere.

>> No.8978874

Does anybody have tips on how to temporarily make a bell-shaped petticoat more a-line? A dress just arrived and although it's sweet, it turns out it's definitely more a-line than I thought I could get away with.
I have two bell-shaped pettis from Classical Puppets (before they went to shit), one the regular length and one 10cm longer. I also have some smaller, shorter tulle petticoats from Bodyline laying around somewhere that are a-line, but are obviously not substantial enough on their own.

>> No.8978879

It doesn't have to be paid back, it's an allowance.
Loan for college is zero interest here. I got the max loan to improve credit rating.

>> No.8978883 [DELETED] 

Wear a tighter but still slightly flared skirt (maybe 1/4over the top of it!

>> No.8978885

Wear a slightly flared skirt over the top, maybe 1/4 circle. Just to hold the upper layers down. Any type of tight skirt can do the trick.

>> No.8978889

Where does everyone get those shoes that have a t strapwith 3 boys on them? Everyone and their mother has them in pink, but I know they came in a range of colours. Sorry to ask without a photo but i can't find a picture of someone wearing them let alone the stock photo.
Any help is much appreciated

>> No.8978902

It sounds totally hideous but I really want to see what it's like

>> No.8978915
File: 17 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you said they had 3 bows but did you mean these by any chance? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fashion-womens-Lolita-pumps-sweety-bowknot-mid-Block-heels-shoes-Girl-Plus-Size-/281894643337?var=&hash=item41a23ae689:m:mTqu95c2g1nd9B1sMJTr0oA

>> No.8978924

Yeah, I used to be interested in trades until I tried it and most of the things people want to trade are old and in horribly shitty condition. Whereas most of my stuff is like new or good condition. I already mark my stuff pretty cheap compared to what it's worth, poorfags have no scruples

>> No.8978954

Honestly I've been searching for those but I've been fruitless.
Does anyone know what the quality is like? I know a lot of people have them and the cream ones would be perfect for a coord I'm planning

Also I didn't realise how bad autocorrect fucked me over on this one

>> No.8978960

They are alright quality, especially for price. A few days ago I was wearing mine and accidentally ripped off one of the bows. They are glued on and you can see glue around the edges of the bows, however it isn't very obvious. There is elastic under the buckle as well which is kind of nice.

>> No.8978962

They've got very thin soles; you should pick up padded insoles and some kind of stick-on sole grips for them.

>> No.8978972

It can help a bit to roll down the waist band on a bell petti and wear it a bit lower down. It's not a perfect a-line shape though, so you probably should consider getting a petti to match,

>> No.8978973


Thanks! What would you say the sizing is like? Is it true to size?

>> No.8978994

Mr Yan thread


>> No.8978996

Fuuuck it's been five years since this collab? Could have sworn it was like three years ago. Time does fly by. And now I feel old.

>> No.8979018
File: 50 KB, 250x333, There are children younger than this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose Toilette is nearly 10 years old. How does that feel, anon?

>> No.8979023
File: 12 KB, 240x320, mmm_jsk_irongate_color1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puppet Circus, Baby's Brandwhore dress, Little Red Ridding Hood, Melody Doll, Twinkle Mermaid, Pastel a la Mode, the original Baby stained glass print, and Iron Gate are all 10 years old.

I need a minute.

>> No.8979025

There are lolitas who have been born after 2000

>> No.8979033

Girl. You don't know how to credit card.
If you spend 50 and pay of 50 in the same month, it doesn't count towards your credit, it's like you never used your card at all. If you spend 50 in one month, pay off 25 and 25, that's two payments that you have paid over the minimum in good faith, and that builds your credit.

>> No.8979042

Oh my god.

>> No.8979047

I can't believe Mana-sama is 100 years old.

>> No.8979056


>> No.8979110

But thats just it. Two payments of 25 mean you're now paying interest. No longer 50. Try credit karma if you actually want to improve your score.

>> No.8979122

Logic like this is why I wonder if a lot of lolitas are in debt. Listen to >>8979110 please.

>> No.8979126

100 years old and he still has better legs than me.

>> No.8979143

the rest not really important

When we finally got dial-up at our house, in addition to chat rooms I'd spend so much time looking up and saving Sailor Moon photos on my blank floppy disk.

>> No.8979149

how saggy do you think his balls are at this point?

>> No.8979155

Diff anon. I bought mine from taobao, I wear a US 10 and bought the 43. They're a tad too small, more like a 9.5

>> No.8979161

Knee length. Probably wears a ball bra.

>> No.8979234

How do y'all keep shirts tucked in when you're wearing a skirt?

>> No.8979270

Don't laugh but I tuck them into my tights or bloomers.

>> No.8979274


>> No.8979307

I'm having sales woes too anon.

>dress up for sale
>say no trades unless X dress
>get a message offering trades
>look at her shit; literally garbage and price point nowhere near in comparison to my dress

I just want to know why so many people think they can trade trash for burando. No one wants to trade their 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. dollar dresses for ugly offbrand blouses or used bodyline skirts or ugly "loliable" normie shit. Seems like it's mostly noobs and itas so I guess there's my answer.

>> No.8979309

This has happened to me too. Along with infamous "wish i had money" comments when I'm selling something for 25 USD.

>> No.8979311

You don't have to carry a balance to build credit wtf

All you have to do is pay off your last bill statement

So if your statement closes on the 17th and the last bill was for $50, pay the $50. You may have purchased things after the 17th so the total bill may be $75. But you don't pay the $75.

>> No.8979313
File: 168 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this looks so gorgeous, and I'm not usually into the pony/carnival themes. Thinking about the Ivory on that JSK in the bottom left.

>> No.8979315

Its actually good to pay it off as fast as possible.

So if you have a limit of 1k, if you spend that 1k and pay it back in the same month, that shows you are better at paying stuff off than needing to take 2 months to pay off that 1k. Ideally you want to avoid paying any interest, and only put on your credit card what you can pay back in the next few weeks or whenever your bill is due.

>> No.8979329
File: 333 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like this if it weren't so washed out. I can barely see what the print is doing. also
>no black colorway

>> No.8979336


I think that might be why I actually really love it, the design is so soft! The other popular pony prints from AP (except Shadow Carnival) are a little too loud for me personally.

>> No.8979339

I'd go up a size.

>> No.8979391

I think the border is too wide and that it looks kind of busy

>> No.8979392

It's called burnout chiffon. The process is a chemical solution to dissolve the parts that are sheer.

>> No.8979400


This puts the colours right up my alley, actually. I fell in love with 2006-2010 AP that was all sweet pastels and not edgy crosses with weird colours that are tough to match.

Too bad I don't really like the print.

>> No.8979401
File: 47 KB, 704x780, 12096043_1215143795178669_7817321588654667905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent my monthly lolita savings on garden plants because I was sick of AP putting out shit prints and then THIS happens!

>> No.8979409

Anybody know why it's going on sale on Friday and not Saturday?

>> No.8979413


Chibi Tenshi mentioned that Saturday was a national holiday in Japan which might have caused the date change.

>> No.8979416

I remember when neopets would actually ask you your age when making an account and I lied and said I was 18+ so I wouldnt be banned from using the forums

bet they never even guessed I was like 10 or 11, hah, losers

>> No.8979432

Oh god, I should get paid right on the 29th.... guess I know what im buying!

And here I was considering getting some taobao brand dresses with my next paycheck.

Thank you AP for having forgiving shirring and making yourself an option for me

>> No.8979436

Save up again and wait for APUSA to release it next month??

>> No.8979437

Just messaged an SS. Hope I can get a spot.

Also I hope they release that awesome pony bag, it's been too long!

>> No.8979439

>no black colorway
Good. That shit needs to die.

>> No.8979444

I'm from the UK and conversion to dollars is a bitch atm.

>> No.8979452

When you're short 500 yen but you have enough AP points to cover it.
The lolita gods have me covered.

>> No.8979469

This looks like a more faded out, worse version of Holy Theater.

>> No.8979476

I could be wrong but I thought you couldn't use points on new releases.

>> No.8979485


I liked the colors in Holy Theater a lot, but the lambs/kittens with wings were a little too out there, so I'm liking this print a lot more.

>> No.8979487
File: 46 KB, 480x270, 1459560977342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in mad love with the print but hate all three cuts
Oh well. While everyone's duking it out for the clothes I'll try for the new melty moon bag.

>> No.8979490

>a couple crosses in this print but they're barely noticeable

BASED. Now work on different symbolic incorporations other than crosses AP.

>> No.8979507

I've done it plenty of times before.

>> No.8979597

These cuts are gorgeous and I can't decide if I like the peplum or regular JSK better. I wish the colors were brighter, but they tend to look less washed out in person.

>> No.8979618
File: 42 KB, 300x400, 1143878193_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered directly from Triple Fortune through a shopping service? How do you purchase Triple Fortune brand new otherwise?

>> No.8979677

Is the moon bag releasing this weekend too? I assumed it would come with melty sky

>> No.8979681


>> No.8979685

I noticed Paypal conversion rates always seem a bit off, so I went and looked it up and it was just incredibly off. Is there any way to check Paypal's botched conversion rates somewhere?

>> No.8979687

Do you not check Lolita Updates? I know the photos aren't always the best, but usually multiple pics and scans of them on models get released just prior to an announcement. It gives quite a bit of time to save up.

>> No.8979741

Has anyone almost loved a dress yet?
I love the royal poodle OP in sax but every time I go to buy it a part of me is like 'no'
I don't know what it is, it would fit in with my wardrobe so it's not a lack of cohesiveness.
Just part of me does t want the dress, even though I do adore it?

>> No.8979742

holy anon, that headpiece is amazing. I need it

>> No.8979764


I've done that. I talked my friends' ears off about a couple of IW releases, but never got around to actually buying them. I also stalked secondhand market for a couple of AP releases, but I always found reasons not to commit even when I found one cheap enough. Eventually I just moved on and bought other dresses.

The only obssession I still think of are the collab outfits -- but once I see outfits again I realise I wanted to like them more than I actually liked them. The other obssessions all passed eventually. I guess sometimes we're just not as in love with a dress as we thought, or sometimes we want to be in love with the dress more than we actually are. Anyway, not buying those dresses saved me the trouble of falling out of love with it and having to sell it, plus I spent my money on other dresses that I enjoyed more, so I guess it's not really a bad thing.

I did recently get one of those ex-obssession dresses. By now I don't really have a feeling for the print anymore, but it's still a cute dress and I could use a simple black dress for casual wear. I guess if you're still needing a push for your own dress, you might see if that OP can fill a gap in your wardrobe, for eg if you don't have a dressy enough dress for fancier meetups, or if you need a blue dress for whatever reason, then it might be worthwhile to get your OP to fill that gap, until some other dress you like better comes along.

>> No.8979803


I like the idea of the print but it's so overloaded with details. Not only within the boarderprint but on the wohle print. AP does that all the time latley. I wish they would go back to less overloaded designs.

>> No.8979822

No they do this on purpose to charge you extra. Use an amex or change your settings on your MasterCard or visa to charge you in a foreign currency.

>> No.8979850


Yo dawg I heard you like carousels so we made a carousel print out of carousels so you can be sweet while you're sweet

>> No.8979867

oh my god

>> No.8979872

My SS said I'm first for the sax peplum jsk, I'm super excited.
The overlay is gorgeous. I wonder what colorways will be most popular? I decided on sax because the print looked a bit more crisp in this photo.

>> No.8979884

How long time is acceptable to wait for a seller in LM to ship an item before contacting a mod?
I payed on thursday, she said she would be able to ship on monday, but she has not reported yet/answer messages.

>> No.8979886

Send her a message and ask if she shipped Monday. Also if you paid with paypal go there to check just to make sure she didn't update with a tracking number.
Sometimes sellers do that and don't message you, happened to me a couple weeks ago and it was nbd.

>> No.8979890

I'm new to all this and by SS do you mean shopping service? I have a forwarder but how did you become "first" is there a way to preorder the dress?

>> No.8979892

Last thing i heard theres no LM modding anyway, you're on your own senpai

>> No.8979895

Yeah. By "first" I meant that my SS has me first in line for the cut and colorway I want. Typically with more popular shopping services they will let you know where you are in the "line" so that way you can gauge if you have a good chance of getting your dress with them. If you're like the sixth or seventh person in line for example, it might be better to try your luck getting it yourself on the website.

Shopping services who do in-store purchases will accept these "spot" claims for pre-orders. They'll attempt to get you the dress on the day of the release, and if they're successful, they invoice you the amount plus their commission.

>> No.8979896

I feel like I've seen this 100 times already
Wtf AP, even pastel vomit prints were kind-of different, but that 2015-2016 trend is just no. It's all looks the same

>> No.8979898

>Shopping services who do in-store purchases will accept these "spot" claims for pre-orders

Sorry, I worded this weirdly. Let me try that again: If you fill out a shopping service form, the SS will reserve you a "spot" with them so that way on the day of the release they'll try to get your dress. It's not a 100% guarantee, but your chances are better if you're further up in the line.
So in a way it's like pre-reserving something before a release, but it's not guaranteed. Though during popular releases I feel like my chances are better with an SS than trying to duke it out on the website.

>> No.8980299

are there any wardrobe posts with a number of very rare/unique (not necessarily expensive or popular) pieces that you don't normally see in other wardrobes? i'm just a little tired of looking at the occasional wardrobe posts/videos and seeing all of the same sweet prints and coveted extremely popular prints, so i'm curious. especially curious if there's any really impressive oldschool wardrobe posts out there that i missed.

>> No.8980537

>CT on vacation
>TP / Accio Tokyo not accepting auction bids
>backup SS can't bid on auctions atm either
>dream dress is up for auction
>worried about using non-personal SS proxies and having my bids cancelled

>> No.8980597

Is APs golden week sale online in-store or will it be for the online store as well?

>> No.8984227

No she probably lives in Sweden or something, they get free money.
I wouldn't feel bad if I were you. Just consider what else you could spend it on in the future and if you should save more.