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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8966016 No.8966016 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss /cgl/ from the past and now

>tfw this board will never be as good as it was before

I miss kooter drama,PT drama and the tripfags it was really fucking annoying sometimes (when there was too many threads clogging the board) but also so so entertaining at times . Lolita evolved,there was so much to talk about besides new releases,that whole "spirit of lolita" there was back then is dead now. Same for cosplay. There was a special mindset that made it so exciting to discuss.
I feel bored nowadays. Lolita is boring,cosplay is boring,"drama" is boring,people are boring.

>> No.8966036 [DELETED] 


>> No.8966037

>tfw this board will never be good at it was before

am I the only one that thinks that old /cgl/ was never good? threads would get derailed easily, the average seagull was more concerned with drama than actual cosplay and lolita. 5 PT threads, 3 kooter threads, 10 vendetta threads and maybe 3 threads actually discussing Lolita and cosplay.

Not to mention that the drama was so bad it bred a terrible hivemind where it was cool to doxx people (as long as you were anon) and harrass others. even lolcow isn't as bad as old cgl and that's saying something.

of course old /cgl/ had a better community and would actually band together to get things done (like derpy!)

Other than that, I don't really miss it.

>> No.8966071

>of course old /cgl/ had a better community and would actually band together to get things done (like derpy!)

>> No.8966094

what is PT? pixytery?

>> No.8966127

Fuck is Derpy really considered old cgl? Still have a half finished attempt at a cameo window parody somewhere on my drive. Probably could do it a lot better now that I'm now an actual graphic designer and can use Illustrator and photoshop way better. Maybe we can revive it to put proceeds to the new Japan earthquake fund?

>> No.8966135

Yep. Our sweet sweet queen.

I-I don't know anon...I feel so old all of a sudden.
>tfw always wanted a Derpy Carnival and claim it was "real AD" (angelic derpy) to fuck around online with newfags

>> No.8966137

Derpy fucking sucks, you heard it here.

>> No.8966321

I miss when it was pretty much only cosplay here.

I mean, I like lolita, but when the community invaded they brought a lot of drama and bullshit along with them, and changed the whole attitude of the board.

>> No.8966442

I still stand by the idea of there being spliy boards for cosplay and jfash/lolita.

>> No.8966447

>brought a lot of drama and bullshit along with them, and changed the whole attitude of the board.
The cosplay community has drama too, don't be a fool

>> No.8966459

I think Moot justified it as "there's not enough of either side to split the boards" but that was (obviously) a while ago and there's a lot more activity here now. I know some people who won't come here because they were "chased off" by the roris (lolita drama, too much lolita especially outside of con season), so splitting might even bring more people to each board.

>threads would get derailed easily, the average seagull was more concerned with drama than actual cosplay and lolita.

I think I'm in the minority when I say I really just don't care for the cgl rumour mill and would rather just discuss cosplay. Like I love it when we get unique threads like the old and under-rated cosplay threads we've had lately, or that thread a while back about handing out small gifts with cosplay. I'm getting too old for the petty stuff.

>> No.8966464

I miss kipi. What happened to her?

>> No.8966471

Lolita here, I really think a board split would be hugely beneficial to both sides of cgl. A general jfash board is definitely feasible with the number of threads that are normally active here, and then there could be a board solely for cosplay/anime conventions/artist alley/etc.

>> No.8966592

To be honest, if someone is so easily "chased off" by lolita drama I doubt they'd survive very long on the cosplay side of /cgl/, either. As someone who does both, it's hilarious to see both sides slinging shit at each other when they're really not that different.

>> No.8966611

I see plenty of lolitas in the convention threads as well. Many people from the draw thread are also in the AA thread. There's also the mail threads. I see both lolitas and cosplayers in there as well.

>> No.8966631

This desu. I like lolita and I have a couple friends who are into it, but I miss talking about cosplay more. When I first came on here circa 2006-2007 all I saw was cosplay, seeing threads full of pictures and skit videos got me in to the hobby in the first place.

>> No.8966717

there is always an even split of cosplay-only vs jfash-only topics at any given time, with around a third of threads suited to both.

we do the math every time the topic comes up, and people give the same advice as well: if you want more content you like, contribute more.

the /cgl/ survey confirmed that while most seagulls check the board multiple times a day, they only post once a week or month. stop that. talk about what you care about.

as for drama, i see more threads created about individual cosplayers or photographers than lolita or jfash figures, but i never counted so i am not sure what the actual occurrence is. what i do know is that the jfash side has its own draw thread and seems to dominate the crafting, BST, and Secret Santa threads--the threads that produce the most OC and generate a lot of IRL interaction between gulls. in the (dying) Chemo Challenge thread, hardly anyone rolled AND delivered for the closet cosplay division, while the jfash side generated new divisions, made videos and a webm and a gif i think, and generally participated more.

so, cosplayers, you could help your cause by doing things like that. start a cosplayer draw thread, go roll up some closet cosplay in the Chemo thread and post results, make craft-specific threads for common cosplay materials, stop ignoring the newfags who create most of the cosplay threads on the board, and start ignoring the fapbait, Nigri, and other unproductive cosplay threads. if you want a bigger presence on the board, you need to step the fuck up.

jfash is a lifestyle people can participate daily, cosplay happens at conventions. it is easier to talk about a lifestyle than a hobby. make cosplay worth discussing.

>> No.8966782

Make more cosplay threads then, post pictures and skit videos, talk about cosplay. You can't blame lolitas for a lack of cosplay content because the meanie roris aren't stopping you from creating it.

>> No.8966894
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I going to say it.

I miss Gropey's clown threads. I know its a sore subject for him since he's stopped performing, but they were honestly fucking amazing.

>> No.8967011

I'd browse/post to a jfash board more often. I follow any of the threads here and they just don't move nearly as fast as any other thread here.

>> No.8967937

I wasn't actually saying lolita shouldn't be here, or that the balance of the board really needs all much changing, and I don't think more cosplay content would do it at this point.

Before '08 or so, /cgl/ was mostly cosplay photo dump threads, con threads, and progress stuff. It was about as low-drama as a cosplay board could get, though there was naturally a bit.

At some point a number of lolita comms found the board, and quickly turned it into the go-to place for vendetta threads. I'm not sure why it happened so quickly or why it was lolis and not cosplayers who did it first, but it felt like it turned into a completely different and much more negative place overnight. It didn't take long for cosplayers to start following suit and posting THEIR vendetta threads here too, and for a while you'd open the board and the whole front page would be nothing but threads attacking some lolcow of the week or other.

It's gotten a lot better since then, but it still radically shifted the attitude of /cgl/.

>> No.8967963

This is fascinating for me to hear as a lolita who came to cgl only after moot put in his "no singling individuals out" rule. I vaguely know LiveJournal had been used by lolitas back then, but it's not completely anonymous (your LJ accounts could still be tired to your rep as a seller on egl comm sales), so maybe all the pent-up frustrations and anger among lolitas just got spewed out on /cgl/ like a new dumping ground?

>> No.8968039


That's very interesting for me to hear as well. By the time I found the board (2010? 2013?) the board had already turned to shit. But it wasn't full of lolita vendettas, what I found here was a shitload of shitposting alongside the cosplay threads. There were troll period threads, fap threads, some guy keeps posting that Asian cosplayers were better, and in the cosplay threads there would always be some troll ready to call every girl a slut, whore with daddy issues, and then debate how many dicks she's had, or else they'd debate how feminism sucks and how women were inferior.

Strangely enough they'd leave the lolita threads alone (although the lolita general at that time moved so slowly, you had to look beyond page 6 to find it), so I always thought the trolls were after the cosplayers, and were what caused the cosplayers to leave. Even at that time I couldn't stand to be on the board too often, I imagine it's much worse if I was actually a cosplayer and posting in the threads instead of only having to scroll past them while looking for lolita content.

Ironically, I only started visiting cgl more often because moot cleaning up the board made the lolita content a lot easier to find. I'll admit though, I was looking for actual lolita content and not vendetta threads.

>> No.8968042

Anyone remember the cgl tinychat?

>> No.8968054

Why did he stop performing?

>> No.8973265

The problem is just the high spam of threads like these. People should have common sense and split the board equally.

>> No.8973296

I think a lot of lolitas came over when the Talia_speaks drama hit because most of the lj drama/wank comm regulars were friends with her and no one wanted to talk about too openly on lj at first.
The first lolita drama I remember on cgl was about the oregon comm in 2007-8ish. But it was much less common to see hardcore drama stirring until lj starting dying and people migrated elsewhere.

>> No.8973297

Tfw no more sdcc meetups
So few of us go nowadays

>> No.8973336

I do miss the drama threads. But I don't miss the "how to be a sugar baby/sell my panties/be a camwhore" threads, the shitty tripfags and their drama, shit like that. It really was like the Wild West here, literally no moderation. And now it's swung too far in the other direction.

>> No.8974007

Don't forget about Hobbes.

>> No.8974016

>Wild West
>reminds me of Western Fella
RIP best male tripfag. You were so much better than all the attention whoring asian dudes.

>> No.8974178

I been lurking here since '07 then stopped after awhile but what happened to the tripfag culture? I remember it being around all the time but now it's just dead. Also after not coming back for a few years, old /cgl/ was more productive, I really miss when people would make drawings often of /cgl/tan and original ideas such as Derpy chan.

I like how there is little drama threads here but I hate how threads derail for a bit in one thread then it's nuked.

>> No.8974308

Former trip here who had a little circlejerk with some other trips (that I'm still friends with!)

We stopped tripping because /cgl/ drama scared us away. Any thread we entered would immediately be shat up with people whining how we hated us.
Any thread we posted in became no longer enjoyable, and people stalked the hell out of trips to a creepy extent- that /cgl/ trip spreadsheet creeped me the hell out.

All of the trips are still here, I promise you, but we don't trip out of fear that other people will shitpost any thread we enter.

>> No.8974318

I hated tripfag culture and I'm glad it's dead. Some of them were nice and helpful but most were talentless attention whores with nothing to add to threads aside from their shitty personalities and circlejerking. The flanposting in particular was a truly craptasticular time in /cgl/'s history and I'm glad that shit was stopped.

>> No.8974451

I agree there was too much drama. But ever since we got rid of it the place has become a bit of a hugbox to the point where I left the board for like a year. I was banned so many times in the ita threads for calling fat girls fat, fatties are ita, get over it fatty mods.

>> No.8974471


There was a little while then the tripfags themsevles were derailing the threads by bantering in them. Watched a thread about a particular con boil down to nothing more than a handful of trips shooting the breeze and catching up with each other. I mean that's nice that you have friends and all on 4chan, but can you please take that shit to skype or ICQ or set up your own tripfag banter thread so the rest of us who actually want to discuss thread topic can do so without hearing all about how your personal lives are treating you.

That was pretty much the turning point, I think. Before that we had a handful of trips that were well-liked, but after that it seemed like some anons started hounding every single tripfag whenever they appeared.

>> No.8975062

>it seemed like some anons started hounding every single tripfag whenever they appeared.

This. it got weird. If you told a non-trip things like "I hope you get raped and murdered at a con" people would jump down your throat for being a bitch, but if you told a trip the same exact thing, people would chime with you.

and it didn't matter who that trip was either. the trip could have been "congirlsRsluts##HKHUH89" or "smilesandfriendship##U90gH" and they would have been treated the same way.

I forgot what thread it was, but a trip made a single post announcing they were going to a con in a con thread and people started saying how they'd corner them and beat them to a pulp- and the con thread got derailed. with one post.

/cgl/ is just autistic when it comes to trips.

>> No.8975089

This is why I stopped tripping. It just wasn't fun anymore.

>> No.8975094

I tripfagged for a couple weeks because I set one up on another board so I could find my posts in archives, and kept forgetting to remove it here. Right off the bat people were flying off into a rage when I posted. The tripfag hate here is insane. I understand not wanting the circlejerk but I have that old forum mentality where I like people to have names so I know who's cool and who to avoid.

>But I don't miss the "how to be a sugar baby/sell my panties/be a camwhore" threads,
At least that shit has most moved over to /soc/. I remember seeing it derail a couple "how do you afford cosplay/lolita" threads a couple years ago.

>> No.8975111

This so much. I tripped on here for a week- literally only to try to give advice to people, and made the mistake of accidentally leaving my trip on for a BST thread where I dropped my email.
I had people refusing to sell to me because of it, and had to make a second email account just to buy things- not to mention all the "kill yourself" emails I got.

>> No.8975152

Goddamn it stop it with this board split crap. /cgl/ is slow as fuck and a board split would have two boards that move at the pace of a snail. You can get the same speed from a regular forum.

>> No.8975206

I miss the whole living doll trainwreck it was so entertaining to watch.
Also cgl tinychat

>> No.8975472

>/cgl/ is just autistic when it comes to trips.
Nobody on 4chan truly likes trips.
They have their use, but the usage is only when you NEED to be identifiable. Anything other than that is attention whoring.

>> No.8975482

its safe to say each board has its own seperate culture, and /cgl/ hates trips more than the norm.

>> No.8975485

It might not even be that old but I feel like curiousbear's contests were the last good thing that happened to /cgl/. I also liked how much more strict it was here back then, it wasn't aimlessly mean like people nowadays, it was just tough love. Unless you were a total retard, then the doxxing came out.

It's hilarious to think that before we were tumblr in a way. Like, as soon as someone seemed sketchy we'd find all the receipts, especially the racist or abusive ones and pull them for the world to see. It wasn't necessarily because we cared that they said shit in the past, but because we knew it would get more people riled up at the person. It was a very beautiful Chaotic Good of sorts.

>> No.8975555

I miss the drama. I bet there'll be so many "le mature~ I dun liek drama teehee" people itt.

>> No.8975572

What about the larp trips? Hungarian and Gropey and all them? As far as I am aware people love those guys.

>> No.8975573

Am I the only one for whom the scars of old cgl are so deep that you just don't do things on here that newer posters seem to find innocuous?
For instance, I don't self post. At all. Not even with my face censored. Because I got torn a new asshole over some overblown drama back in the day when I was a high schooler, and I was a more or less well known cosplayer then, so while I didn't warrant my own thread, some pretty ugly things would be said about me when I showed up in other threads. Talk about me derailed their fair share. I've faded into obscurity since (I didn't like e-fame when it just kind of fell into my lap, so I didn't pursue it, and if I've learned anything about cosplay e-fame it's that is a full-time job to remain relevant), and I'm sure I could post pictures asking for critique or to show progress or whatever, but I'm paralyzed with the fear that they're going to recognize me from the old drama due to some tiny detail and then I'll derail the thread. Or they'll contact the con I work for and I'll lose my job there. And I know I'm being paranoid and no one on here knows me from a hole in the wall... but damn if I'm not still super guarded on here about identifying details due to the way board culture used to be.
So yeah, I don't mind the "no singling out" rule. I think it's cleaned up the board immensely. I wish I had more faith in it,though.

>> No.8975580

Fap threads were here since the dawn of time, but they're kind of their own little minor thing. The other stuff has mostly come in recent years.

Something I've noticed is the real influx of /r9k/ types, like the guys you're mentioning that post all of the feminism trolling and stuff like that. I think it's because /cgl/ is by far the most female board on 4chan, and they're just looking for somewhere to vent their frustrations on women.

I mean, as a guy living in this era of the internet, sometimes I get frustrated with tumblr-tier bullshit too, and I'm not gonna be some suckup whiteknight who doesn't speak his mind, but 98% of the time these guys are pants-on-head retarded, and I also blame the hell out of them for making the con community as hard of a place to be a guy in as it is now.

Are you part of the SoCal ex-trip group? We probably know each other if so.

>> No.8975611

That's basically part of why I don't post much outside of Sakuracon threads, haha.
I'm still around.

But I want to forget. :(

>> No.8975626

no, actually, but I do know a couple former socal trips- tsukasa I think? I have that loser on my facebook.

>> No.8975691

the larp ones trip/namefag just because there's so few of them and they contain themselves to the larp thread, it would be quite silly for them to not namefag and just confuse the shit out of each other. with how much detailed advice they give they're not particularly anon in the first place anyway. just my 2 cents as someone who lurks that thread quite a bit

>> No.8975796

As a trip on other boards, there are some people that like them. It's an easy way to make friends and become an influence in the board's community. Obviously there are those that hate you but sometimes it has its benefits.

>> No.8975894

/cgl/ was always bitchy
Considering it has a majority female userbase

>> No.8976089

Ah, I remember the name but can't place if I actually know that one. I mostly know like the Maguma/Masa/Zal/etc group.

>> No.8976373

Holy shit, I think that was me.
>announce I'm new to the area and am going to a con under trip, looking to make some new friends

>"If I see you I'll find my friends and give you the beating you deserve"
>"no one wants you here, you've practically ruined the con by announcing you'll show up"
>"lol, I hope she gets raped too"
>"I hope she ends up dead in a ditch"

It was probably a bunch of samefags but it was extremely unsettling, and it just kind of devolved from there.
needless to say, I don't go to conventions without self defense weapons hidden in my purse anymore.

>> No.8978473

it shouldn't be your main objective to influence the board's community in the first place

>> No.8979105

I have without trip. worth it and shaped the community into a somewhat better place.

>> No.8979127

>needless to say, I don't go to conventions without self defense weapons hidden in my purse anymore.
Wow, what a pansy.

>> No.8979138

>not going to conventions with self defense stuff on hand

your loss m8

>> No.8979231

I miss the ita dress-up threads. cgl takes itself too seriously lately.

>> No.8979347

If you want, I could restart them.
first saturday of every month.

>> No.8979352

Do it.

>> No.8979629


>fap threads and trolls

Nah, in those days the fap threads weren't just their own little minor thing. Some guy was posting full on porn and discussing jav actresses (with images and webm), and we didn't just have fap threads, we had tits threads, ass threads, tits and ass threads (seperately), and Cammy threads, all going on at the same time, on top of the porn threads and regular fap threads. I still don't self post on cgl because I remember the days when it basically seemed like a sea of bitter sausages both shitting on and getting off to girls, on the same board that (apparently) girls frequented to get con info and cosplay help. It was a very strange, seedy atmosphere, and I'm not at all surprised that trolls started rumours about nudes of some female tripfag that self-posted in that era.

Any way, it wasn't really a complaint about trolls or guys or whatever. It's just a comment since the person I replied to painted a wonderfully laid back image of cgl circa 2008, and yet by the time I found the board it wasn't even lolita vendettas or cosplay vendettas that filled the board, it was basically full of drama threads about the same three people (one of whom wasn't even a cosplayer nor a lolita), fap threads, bait threads, and the sea of trolls.

I mean if we're discussing cgl history, it didn't go from 2008 laidback-ness to 2016 vendetta central. There was a period in 2010, 2013 until moot cleaned it up where it was basically the trolls, drama and shitpost board.

>> No.8979652

there is an ita division near the bottom of the Chemo Challenge thread.

>> No.8979654


people rolled but no one delivered, it's been a month, probably a failed idea desu

>> No.8979679

I was a regular here from about 2005-08, but pretty much quit cosplay and this board. I pop on every now and then (like now), and still think about getting back into it sometimes.. I do miss the community that this board used to have, and the tripfag thing was part of that, even if it was kind of annoying and the drama ended up chasing me out. I spent so many hours on this board and in AIM/skype/tinychat chats.. fun times.

>> No.8979698

I'm not saying you shouldn't shape the community, after all you are shaping it by simply being here. I'm just saying it shouldn't be the top priority thing. That can end up in try-hard mode pretty easily

>> No.8979704

>I don't go to conventions without self defense weapons hidden in my purse anymore.
I bet you're fat.

>> No.8979712

I was actually atracked at that con, and would reccomend others carry self defense items as well.
Your choice to joke about it from there, but it was actually quite scarring.

>> No.8980385
File: 245 KB, 768x1024, MootAndCCWill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seconding this. I've been around these boards since 4chan began. (Before this cosplay got their drama from catsonmars and to some extent cosfu.)

This place was 90% cosplay with one or two lolita threads. It was full of Yaya drama and local convention drama.

Weirdly there isn't much cosplayer drama today, it's all cosplay photographer drama and lolita drama.

It's strangely somewhat safe for cosplayers now...

>> No.8980429

>lolita general at that time moved so slowly, you had to look beyond page 6 to find it

look, you need to do yourself a favor and click "catalog" at the top of the page. It will change everything for you.

>> No.8980508

I miss Miyu and her doberman face, Angelic Star a.k.a Miss Han and her Yayas and stripping photos, and of course Jia and Ginny dramas, I feel too old :(
:( :( :(

Oh, and Soni and her BF arguments here on cgl

>> No.8980533

Are you retarded? They're talking about back in the day before the catalog existed

>> No.8981202

Of course, it's never the aim, but it happens anyway just because people follow a name for no reason

>> No.8981206

Oops I made myself sad.

I miss you, Western Fella. I hope you're still buckarooin' somewhere out there.

>> No.8982773

Did anyone else dislike Angela? I always found her to be stuck up and her face looks punchable too.

>> No.8983632

>It was probably a bunch of samefags but it was extremely unsettling, and it just kind of devolved from there.
needless to say, I don't go to conventions without self defense weapons hidden in my purse anymore.

Learn not to give a fuck nerds and carry knucks with you just in case. 4chan has always had trolls and shitposters most of these are shitposters and they're never "going to find you" I mean it's possible but they can't do much. They're just loser ass fuckers.

You're smart for carrying a weapon just in case but you still need attitude and to have fun.

>> No.8983824

Possibly? I'm an oldfag and only discovered the catalog a year ago. But thank you for your concern.

>Jia and Ginny dramas
I remember all these people but Jia, who is that and what was the story?

>> No.8984962

I could've written this whole post desu so you're not alone.

>> No.8985067

>posters ITT having war flashbacks at the mention of "old cgl"

>> No.8987448

Is it just me or was there an increase of normies on this board over the past 2 years?
Not normies in the meaning of chinese cartoons are for pedos and freaks, but in the meaning of non-4chan users.
It seems like more and more ppl only browse cgl and treat the other boards like dark scary places.

>> No.8987492

>uses 4chan
>not a 4chan user

You what?

>> No.8987650

a lot of lolitas visit cgl the way they visit BtB. they don't use the rest of 4chan or LiveJournal, they just come to these sites for stupid shit and don't integrate.

>> No.8987664

I know a lot of cosplayers that only used /cgl/ and dont frequent any other boards and dont know 4chan culture as a whole. Same goes for lolita. A lot of users who frequent say /a/ go to other boards besides /a/ on a regular bases, a good chunk of /cgl/'s user base only uses /cgl/

>> No.8987666

she means casualfags. like people who don't understand the board and shit it up a lot with their stupidity.

>> No.8987701

Her face is super punchable, she was underage, and she can't admit that most of her skills are a result of funding from rich parents and a free schedule because of homeschooling. She pisses me off.

>> No.8987771

oh my god is the living doll shit that old?

>> No.8987874

But they use 4chan, they use it infrequently but they still use it. Are you really using muh seekret club? It's 2016, 4chan is practically mainstream now.

>> No.8987914

As someone who has spent time with Gropey, I'm disappointed that this isn't what it was like at all. It's more like... Trying to get his cat to notice me, petting adorable sneks, and food.

>> No.8988050

I've seen a lot of the other way around too, though, like obvious /r9k/ "redpill" types coming here to unleash their rage on women.

>> No.8988479

Thanks for clarifying what i meant.

>> No.8988874

It aired in 2013 iirc

>> No.8988896

To all the people saying they want to just discuss topics drama free; why do that on an anonymous chanboard? /cgl/ is unique in that its one of the only places you can bitch about shit consequence free, which people need to some degree or they go insane. /cgl/ is the only place we can really do that, there are literally hundreds of other websites you can discuss the topics you want drama free. I don't think this is a case of drama mongers ruining it for normalfags, it's definitely the other way around.

Also, to some extent, drama and hate bond communities far better than being nice does. Hating a common thing brings people together; it's why Christmas cracker jokes are always bad - the point of the joke is to band everyone together against it and create a unified group. Derpy chan and all of that creative OC are probably a result of this, and we actually miss out on good OC because we're not collectively hating on one person/group of people/thing together any more. We hate each other now.

>> No.8988927

>Oh, and Soni and her BF arguments here on cgl
Didn't they get married a couple years ago?

>> No.8991508

Does anyone remember all the UK circle jerk trips? I know there was so much drama but I can only remember one or two of their names.
The only trip I know who still posts here is Micnax since I've seen his face in the occasional progress thread.

>> No.8991516
File: 374 KB, 796x445, 1439456805263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ was the first board i lurked
don't even remember what year it was i started, but i remember soni, masa, miyu, ai honey, acire, etc.

i also remember the board being slow enough for frequent kipi floods. good times.

>> No.8991520

Hey, it's a eunuch.

>> No.8995883

But why did this happen, though?
This isn't like the other chan boards. Tripping here actually matters, top an extent, and for a while, I think most people were okay with trips. It wasn't until we got a lot of thirsty, dreams mongering losers and trolls until we adopted the typical tripfag hate response. I actually don't kind trips on this board only, simply because I remember when they were relatively helpful and enjoyed their presence. I left shortly before the Great Moot Purge only because that's earthen s a lot of useless faggots started using their trip codes to troll and shit up threads. But now that our moderation is actually here, why wouldn't trip culture go back to the way it was? I really liked that about this board.

>> No.8995884

I miss Maguma and Masa. They were the only male cosplayers I "knew", so they were a huge influence on my joining the cosplay comm where I live. I really miss tripfag culture now.

>> No.8995895

I've lurked and made the odd post on other boards before I ended up on cgl since about 2007, and while not all of them are shitty, posting there feels a lot different. /cgl/ being "the girl board" makes a big difference.

>> No.8995987
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>be new to /cgl/
>post J Nig
>enough salt to saturate the ocean
>mfw don't even know who she is just googled good cosplay
Drama still stronk

>> No.8995991

This, I feel like Oregon drama was the beginning

>> No.8995992
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Derpy curator here.
If you finish it I'm still around. I'll put it in the Derpy Shop on spoonflower.

>> No.8996046

She is still cosplaying. Search for Kipi Blog fans, they upload everything there.

>> No.8996089

I miss Broodmother...

>> No.8996093

Me too anon...

>> No.8996280

Holy shit are you selling this anywhere

My heart secretly aches flour more Derpy stuff

>> No.8996287

A lot of us just moved on with our lives. I still talk with plenty of the old trips and names from the late 2000s, and for the most part, everyone has just gone on to dealing with life as opposed to being concerned with an anonymous message board.

Not to say I don't visit here once in a while. The progress threads are always nice to look at to see what people are working on.

>> No.8996757
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>Anyone remember the cgl tinychat?

Also the aolbased chat we had too. I'm still internet friends with people I met on there.

I really miss that chat. We actually talked about interesting things like costume problems, school, gardening, parents, bosses, things at a con, roommates....

>> No.8997428

I really think that she's a bit naive about how much home-schooling has given her free time to pursue her interests.. and I'll admit it, I'm unhealthily salty that she used fucking plastic faceted sequins all the fuck over an "1860s" crinoline ball gown, then slapped an "inspired" over it when someone questioned her choice in the comments. That dress is so elegant, and the chantilly lace she used to edge the bodice is perfect... but plastic mass produced sequins from the industrial era shitting up that bodice. Christ, I'm mad.

>> No.8997440
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Is this the Angela that pic related is talking about? Poor Rose of Versailles anon.

>> No.8998630


and now I know what I sound like to people when I say I prefer cosplayers make the majority of their costumes.

I must sound like a salty curmudgeon who can't let something be.

Granted I still think I'm right...and you are right that it's weird to choose modern sequins.
But at least I know what I sound like to the youngns.

>> No.8998639

Idk, trips are annoying and so is the drama but I agree that you can get banned for fucking anything nowadays. Mention your cat offhand in the lolita thread and you get banned for posting off topic.

>> No.8998870

I do too.

I was thinking the other day that the insult "summerfag" hardly get any use anymore because it's always like fucking summer in here now 24/7/365.

>> No.8998879

Oh, I know exactly how I sound, and I'm also salty that the internet has brought me to this.

Ingredient listing: 100% pure salt

>> No.8998907

I miss some of the old stupid drama. Not the serious "I'm gonna dox you" crap, but the petty bitchy stuff. It was dumb and I often felt guilty for reading it, but I had a lot of fun reading those threads.

I also miss when there wasn't so much lolita, simply because it meant more cosplay threads.

I'm not a tripfag (clearly), but just for being a namefag I got a stupid amount of shit from both tripfags and anons. I've been around since like 2008ish, but for several years if I didn't post for a while and then said something, I would get attacked by those new to /cgl/ for "jumping on a bandwagon by being a namefag" or thinking I'm a special snowflake. I had tripfags treat be asses to me because (once again) I want to be a special snowflake but I'm not cool enough to be a tripfag. It was weird. The only reason I started to namefag was because I was talking to someone about Baccano! cosplay in a thread and it just made it easier than continuously saying "I'm that person from this post" each time I replied. I liked it, it stuck. Etc, etc.

I'm sad that most tripfags are gone now, but there was a lot of thread derailing back in the day.

>> No.9000335

tripfags were both the best and the worst thing on /cgl/, depending on the tripfag

trips who post in tutorial threads, contribute with knowledge or have a presence at conventions and help organize meets & panels were the most helpful, the funny tripfags were sort of in the middle with the shitposting

the worst are the fame seeking dramamongers, obvious trolls and people who don't cosplay at all

>> No.9001296

I miss the tripfags… I had some great times with some of them. Even though I'm a fade-into-the-woodwork type of cosplayer, there were a few that were always nice, we did some group cosplays together… it was fun. They were really popular and always nice to everyone. Good people. Others though… would not give me the time of day because I wasn't a cool tripfag kid like they were. Bitches, anyone can be a tripfag.

I admit though, when I was but a wee /cgl/ user back in the day I used to look at tripfags as some sort of superhero cosplayers and totally looked up to them. Now it seems silly.

>> No.9001325

2007 was soooo way back. I don't remember anything abt this place anymore.

>> No.9001689

>I feel bored nowadays. Lolita is boring,cosplay is boring,"drama" is boring,people are boring.
You matured (got old). Time to find a new hobby. Maybe volunteer to build houses for the poor?

>> No.9006442

I miss wanting to be popular on here. I tried so hard to be so good at cosplaying so I could make friends on here.Back then I was so worried someone would post me and I'd get torn to shreds so I tried really hard to be a good cosplayer. That stopped when drama and vendetta threads were axed. Ironically, after I stopped caring so much I actually improved more. I miss the drive I had back then though. I still love cosplaying, but I don't have the same mix of fear and desire driving me anymore.

>> No.9010269
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I pretty much only come for inspo and the occasional draw thread nowadays, the drama has always been petty af. Novel style ideas and keeping up with j-fash trends saves it from being boring like reddit but jfc if this is how people above 18 act then we must be doomed as a species.

>> No.9011161
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Always remember. The"K" drama.

>> No.9011166
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>> No.9011194

Always remember what? That cgl is so dumb they let themselves be fooled by fake drama?

>> No.9011209

its says it right after. Obviously you're dumb

>> No.9011213
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one of the most historic take downs on CGL

>> No.9015584

Could be just me, but people have learned to protect themselves more than they used to. I know more about Mary Jane's person health problems than I ever needed to. People know that the internet has a memory and admitting anything will haunt a person permanently. I am not saying the exact same shit doesn't go on, but people understand how cameras and the internet record things and act accordingly.

>> No.9015588
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Not super old, but I think about this thread sometimes and it makes me laugh so hard.


>> No.9015594
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also this.

>> No.9015735

Oh yes, I love reading these books.

"It was better before", written by Everyone That's Over The Age Of 10

I came here for the Mark picture

>> No.9017572

I met him at Nekocon last year after his panel, and that comic is close. Where did you meet him? Did he cook for you? Was his cat cute?

>> No.9023663

So, should we ask on /qa/ about the board split thing?

>> No.9023674

She is super cute, but a typical asshole cat. Lol
Gropey is an awesome cook.

>> No.9023693

This board is already pretty slow, and it's mostly a general for any type of jfashion. It's so integrated now that I doubt it would change anything. You won't bring the based mix of "80% cosplay, 19% lolita, 1% general jfash" back. Like >>8987448 said, we're full of casualfags. You can't change it now.

>> No.9023750

Aw, you just made me remember cosfu. I miss that.

>> No.9023760

Honestly /cgl/ is one of the better boards on this site in the present day.

>> No.9023792

/tg/ is still my vote for best.

>> No.9030625

Question for the ex-trips still following the thread:
have any of you guys been turned off from cosplay/lolita/jafashion? (any thing that falls under that) from how you were treated?
How would you say seagulls reacting negatively towards you effected your love for the hobby?

>> No.9032388


>tfw masa hates you because soni showed interest in you a long time ago.

>> No.9032595


>> No.9032679
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>> No.9032681

We used to have so many fucking active tripfags and although I remember being frequently annoying by their presence, looking back it did give the board a lot of character.

I want to know what happened to Miyu, Charms, Logseux, Ophelia, Annie, Flan etc.

>> No.9032682

Does anybody have the "those were the days" Game of Thrones x /cgl/ vertical?

>> No.9033260

nah, spoony actively went after e-fame, and is still a cunt today. doubt its her. last time I saw her she was selfposting at /r9k/ a while back for attention. That's not someone who doesn't want efame.

>> No.9033279

ehhhh not really? I wasnt a super well known trip when I did anyways. I still kick around on anon some times. Did teach me to grow a thick skin though. I still enjoy cosplay a lot though.

>> No.9033311

I was/am friends with spoony (although we haven't spoken much recently) and I had that impression of her until I actually got to know her. I didn't get to talk to her about her past much since it was clearly uncomfortable discussing, but I can say for definite she's not seeking any e-fame since she's gone to some pains to scrub the internet of her presence and would vent to me whenever something new popped up discussing her. I know she like, legit cried over one instance.
ngl in her posts she used to give off this cunt aura, but she's actually really fucking nice away from 4chan and e-drama and shit.

>> No.9033326

if you're not seeking efame/attention why would you constantly selfpost yourself?

if you're not a cunt, why would you post about people on lolcow?

>> No.9033328

because she is

>> No.9033336

lol dude I am not spoony, and idk go ask her yourself. I'm just telling you what I know based on my experiences. Maybe she is secretly a massive cunt, she's nice to me is all.

>> No.9033337

I was certainly never turned off from my hobby because of how people reacted to my short-lived trip. I only tripped because the people I was interacting with were really pleasant, and they all seemed to not care and enjoyed talking with me, so it made it easier to communicate on a more amiable level, so I was pretty sure it was all good until like... two people had a fucking aneurysm over it, so I just said, cool, I'll stop, not a big deal.

I don't think that the bulk of negative reaction was really over the trip, though, because over my CGL years I've noticed one serious continuing trend: no one will be happy with something forever, or in seagull time, a couple months. Even people who don't trip who everyone loves at first get old and all of a sudden it's a hate train on them. People who do trip? Same thing. Part of me wonders if it's not the trips that cause issues for people, but moreso them not being able to see someone get attention (positive or neutral, or even just notice) for a span longer than they're used to or would like them to.

The things people say on the internet have never had effect on me, though, so I never felt any pressure to leave what I love even if I did get harsher treatment like others have.

>> No.9033389

Yep this board has gone to shit. The original niche audience of cosplayers that were also native to image boards has been lost to retards like you.

>> No.9033401

I won't name names or nothin', but one of my favorite cosplayers of all time used to trip here in the '07-'08 time. She was terribly harassed and mistreated, deleted a bunch of her pictures and profiles from online, and honestly.. Not only have I not seen a new costume from her in forever, but I haven't seen her the con she used to go big for in years.

Seems to me, if this place ruined the hobby for her you'd never know.

Cause she isn't here to answer you, 'n stuff lol...

>> No.9033515
File: 50 KB, 321x350, de moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to Usagi Kou, Kipi, and Ashley?

>> No.9033726

forgive me for enjoying actual discussion more than trip/lolcow witch hunting.

>> No.9034588

who the fuck keeps necroing this thread and bumping it everytime it's about to die

>> No.9035360

senpai, I'll make this thread last longer, just for you.

>> No.9035363

There have been like 3 Ashleys you have to specify

>> No.9035364

Who is moot?

>> No.9037118

I quit lolita almost completely, and get horrible social anxiety when I go to meets, so I just stopped going.
I've switched to Cosplay.

>> No.9037196

>have any of you guys been turned off from cosplay/lolita/jafashion? (any thing that falls under that) from how you were treated?
>How would you say seagulls reacting negatively towards you effected your love for the hobby?
i hate cosplay for reasons unrelated to everyone hating me

>> No.9037244

She hasn't been active lately. Hell her own personal blog stop updating after her birthday. Last time she was cosplaying was back at TGS. Afterwards she's been hardly been around.

What's the site you check on her recent stuff?

Adding to this, I remember when I was spamming up /cgl/ back in the day until posting her pictures were bannable offense. I always wanted to go back spamming her images again but it is not the same. Man those were the days.

>> No.9037246

I was a part of that. Fucking great times especially during con season. Too bad I was an autistic meme faggot to take it seriously. Still am :^)

>> No.9037248

moot is foow upsidedown

>> No.9037352

Charms is now an overweight, paranoid and mentally unstable camgirl covered head-to-toe in tattoos if I remember correctly.

>> No.9037517

Don't forget the 10+ cats she owns.

>> No.9037522

because of this thread, I had to be reminded about PT. I completely blocked her out of my memory apparently

>> No.9037604

>I hated tripfag culture and I'm glad it's dead. Some of them were nice and helpful but most were talentless attention whores with nothing to add to threads aside from their shitty personalities and circlejerking. The flanposting in particular was a truly craptasticular time in /cgl/'s history and I'm glad that shit was stopped.

Yet anon shit posts the most
Anon causes the most drama
Anon is guilty of derailing most of the threads

>> No.9037660

I always found it weird that if anons shit posted in a thread a trip was in, everyone would blame the trip.

>> No.9038967

>salty weebgirls being catty

there's your /cgl/ history

>> No.9042608

Miyu quit cosplaying, went back to college, became extremely fit, converted to Christianity, married a guy that looks like Thor, and works as a personal trainer and figure skating coach.

Idk about the rest.

>> No.9042724


If Masa hates you it's probably because you're a shitty person, not for something petty like that

>> No.9042743

I've seen "where are they now" threads a million times and if I wanted to discuss that shit, I'd go onto lolcow.

>> No.9042856

It's cause cons have changed. That whole culture in general has gotten a lot more "open'', with massive companies doing sponsors and shit. Also, with the Internet it's not longer the sole place to really find like minded people/buy merch.

>> No.9043507


She also had a baby boy a few months ago.

>> No.9043530

Kipi pretty much left the internet last year after getting married and preggo. Before that, she still did the usual cosplay photography but was also into fitness.

>> No.9045209

wrong thread?

>> No.9046730

If you're interested, OP and fellow seagulls, gulls.co has an imageboard now dedicated to oldschool cgl here: http://boards.gulls.co/ocgl/

The board is experimental and may just spread cancer further in which case it will be shut down, but a /cgl/ wiki will also be in the works for gulls.co to document /cgl/'s history with hard facts. The wiki won't have drama regarding specific people as that's more encyclopedia dramatica content, but rather document historic events, describe board specific traditions and memes, I think it's important to document how the board has evolved over the years and not to forget some of the older roots as some people have been in this hobby for a very long time.

Opinions on this idea are more than welcome.

>> No.9046757

I honestly miss the tripfags of old /cgl/. At least there was some life on this board with them.

Does anyone remember that one Kamina "cosplayer" who actually got the tattoos and everyone was thirsty for him? Then at some point someone posted him with his dick out?

>> No.9046762

Yes, that was Lofi. He's doing Okay For himself as far as I'm aware.

>> No.9046766


Oh that sounds fun. I've been around forever and seeing memories of bygone /cgl/ days would be nice.

yeah I remember that. Man this thread is full of the perils of stupid youth and the internet never forgetting.

>> No.9046788

>Used to trip in the REALLY old days
>No mention of me at all in this thread


Thank you all for forgetting about me, really. My life has been so much better because of it.

>> No.9046871

Same anon. Same.

>> No.9047044

I don't miss the old /cgl/.

Did, however, meet a lot of new friends.

I might write another tripfag pairing fic once more.

>> No.9047063

I quickly switched over from cosplay to lolita when I first got to cgl during the kooter/pt days. I don't remember much since I wasn't active compared to now. However I want to say that tripfag culture is relates to how a notorious few shitposted constantly/derailed threads. I know there were more than just these 2 but they're the most prominent ones that came to mind.

Voldie does have a nice side to her but her narcissim as well as her relentless defensive and "lololo idc" attitude was incredibly grating. Even if she didn't mean to, she'd make threads be about her and would stubbornly respond to anons, some obviously baiting, and refuse to take criticism. Of course, she's free in her right to do so but that still made people hate her. It was very obvious she was attentionwhoring as well and became an obvious tryhard; most anons did not want to give her the satisfaction of positive attention and tried to discourage her with negativity (which backfired). She was simply immature and has improved (somewhat) plus stopped tripping but olderfags will not forget and let go, especially since her attitude is still very defensive and cynical.

The other trip I remember very well is sieg heil or whatever, who kept invading threads just to shitpost and piss people off. He had a very MRA demeanor and posted as if girls should be catering to him, and was hypercritical about female appearances over very minor/petty things. It pissed off many anons and would derail threads when anons wouldn't ignore him and took his bait.

There's a huge influx of casualfags on this board who don't know the culture of it so they take bait way too easily and unintentionally derail threads. I feel like this is a factor in the negativity towards tripfags. I think gulls have a mindset of chasing away all tripfags to avoid possible shitposting since theyre easier to target instead of trying to teach newbies to avoid bait because newfags greatly outweigh the number of tripfags.

>> No.9047099

Same. My main friend group is mostly old trips. I didn't get a chance to know everyone like some people did, so sometimes people will pop up in conversations who I'll recognize by their trip only haha

>> No.9047218

I've been lurking this board since 2009(ish?) and I haven't even ever cosplayed or worn Lolita, I'm more into misc J fashions (especially ones from "my time" like decora and ganguro). The drama was fun in small doses but people became way too obsessive about it to the point where it became this bizarre witch hunt. I'm glad that this board is more about the hobbys now, but part of me misses the culture. At least now I'm not 14 and I can actually afford the clothes I see on here lol.

>> No.9047689

Miyu is 33/34 now and married a husky virgin attention whore from /soc/ last year after knowing him for a few months and they both both live in BFE north east California.

>> No.9047692

HAHAHAHHAA she married a dude from /soc/?!
Wow I know she had some mental illness going on from all the drugs she did while stripping...but WOW

>> No.9047715

you sound like you go to lolcow and have some mental illnesses yourself.

>> No.9049384

That's sad lol, I know she is old now like nearly yaya territory, but hooking up with a dude from /soc/? Really? :/

>> No.9049990

I came to /cgl/ pretty much post Miyu so I don't know much about her. But I'm with a dude I met on /soc/ myself, since they have threads for that kind of thing (solid relationships instead of just hookups)
Its not the "where" that counts, but the quality of the person that counts.

however, if you do meet them somewhere shady ( a bar, a club, 4chan, so on) it is in your best interest to not tell anyone except your closest friends, so poor move on her part.

>> No.9050200

She's 31 which is not really that old, and I believe they were together for over a year before getting married. Why does it matter if they met on 4chan? They're really happy together and that's what counts.

>> No.9051038

She lost a loooot of weight, but is still struggling with keeping a job, and maintaining healthy relationships. I feel really bad for her. I remember when her FB was posted on here, I added her on facebook as a joke. Recently I removed her, because it's just.... not funny anymore.

>> No.9051060

>We stopped tripping because /cgl/ drama scared us away. Any thread we entered would immediately be shat up with people whining how we hated us.
Good. You guys fucking suck and your circlejerk post derailing was atrocious. Don't come back.

>> No.9051397

I feel like picking up trip just to spite you

>> No.9051416


>> No.9051431
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>> No.9051484

that is an amazing trip

>> No.9051500
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>> No.9051508 [DELETED] 

Why is it that I'm the only person who has archives of cgl from 2008 to 2012?

I know too much about the old /cgl/.

>> No.9051510


>> No.9051515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9051518

Why is it that I'm the only person who has archives of cgl from 2008 to 2012?

I know too much about the old /cgl/.

>> No.9051564


What Ashley?? Are we talking Turd-Brooch??

>> No.9051761

Wow, you guys sure showed her!

You are irrelevant now, so it doesn't matter if you put your trips back on.

>> No.9051840

I've always been big dick dangerous
and I always will be, no shame in that

>> No.9051841 [DELETED] 

wow anon do u know them personally?

>> No.9051861

and thank god for that

>> No.9051872

Fucking this. Tripfags, almost without an exception, were always those hacks who barely cosplayed and almost never did, never had any insight to offer into any cosplay discussion and contributed nothing other than their shameless self-promotion to the board. They derailed threads, took things way too personally, thought their opinions matter more because they trip, roleplayed with their cringy avatars, shitposted (or TROLLEDXDDD) and overall were a bunch of worthless, narcissistic assholes. The only time trips have been necessary is when you post your stuff to the cosplay WIP thread to follow up on your work, but because these douchebags don't cosplay at all, they don't need them. Trips were always fucking awful and their whining about "bawww cgl being so anti-trip we got so scared by the drama" is just a prime example of how attention-starved they are. You kinda put yourself out there on the shooting range when you decide to rise up from the anonymous masses on board meant for anonymity for no other reason than self-importance.

Voldie was one of the worst tripfags. She "trolled" Ashley to the level it became an unhealthy obsession while being just as cringeworthy as her target.

Sure thing, Spoony. Seriously, get the fuck off the internet and stop browsing for drama in hopes to find people talking about you.

This. You can go have a civilized discussion about whatever somewhere else, /cgl/ is virtually the only place where you can be anonymous and speak out your mind without being hunted down by the community. It's the normalfags who ruined this board with their WHY ARE YOU SO MEEAAANNN attitude. Some people are so high up their ass that they'll send their online armies after you for a single piece of critique, so the board is where you can do that safely.

>> No.9052227

This thread is perfect for adding more filters.

>> No.9052990

Considering most if not all the trips in this thread will most likely never put on trip outside of threads like these, there's no point.

>> No.9053887

Real talk, a lot of derailing trips were fucking annoying. I'll give you that. Trips bringing in /fit/ and /soc/ and /r9k/ was equally fucking annoying if not more annoying.

On the other hand, some of us are incredibly bored with the board now since it's 80% lolita and 20% cosplay threads that iterate almost the same shit.

You're right on how you can shit talk anyone on /cgl/ without being hunted by the community; that part is nice since the PC shit annoys the ever living fuck out of me.

At the same time, the fucking witchhunts on here were annoying. Even if a lot of trips were shit, the good ones that helped would get fucking thirsted on or mobbed for no reason, even if they were super helpful.

Tl;dr? Both sides are fucking cancer. People are just choosing what they prefer more

>> No.9054043
File: 29 KB, 480x640, selfietransparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talkin shit on my disgusting waifu who stopped snapchatting me but i still daisuki

>> No.9054559

agreed. funnily enough its very easy to tell that anon was (and clearly still is) part of the witch hunt crew.

I'd take thread derailing trips over witch hunters any day. even without trips they'd fuck shit up.
"hi voldie"
"hi nia"
"hi ___"
and shit would devolve from there.

I do remember tripfags made their own threads to circlejerk too. which I liked because then they'd do it away from threads I enjoyed.

>> No.9056984

I just wish I could find my stash of trip slashfic. [Nospoilerson/cgl/]even the one about clownfriend with the rough stuff in a funhouse[/nospoilerson/cgl/]

>> No.9056994

Because you obsessively saved them all?

>> No.9057191

I never used this board until today. It's golden age for me now, I'm sure I'll be jaded and cynical about it a week from now.

>> No.9057196

This goes for all boards, though. /a/ used to do singing threads and fanart, /tg/ had collaboratively designed games, and in the early days of the site, anonymous really was a community, that's where the raids and stuff like chanology came from.

>> No.9057879 [DELETED] 

Most of the time, I just saved the ones I had on my Firefox tab to read later, but often times I don't read most of them unless it's something of interest to me.

>> No.9057883

Most of the time, I just saved the ones I had on my Firefox tab to read later, but often times I don't read most of them unless it's something of interest to me.

>> No.9057987


i found the board's obsessive autist. Most anons didn't care, but a large amount of posts are from a vocal minority, you can see it by the metrics nowadays with a large number of posts but low number of individuals in a thread

The tripfags are annoying to be sure, but how pathetic do you have to be to make preserving the board's culture your life's work

Sometimes I pity mods, you'd have to hate your life to devote your time policing children on an anonymous board playing up their catty convention drama

>> No.9058313

Lost interest in lolita but I wouldn't really say /cgl/ lolitas are worse than other lolitas, lolitas are just garbage in general so I didn't want to hang out with them and lost interest in the dresses. Didn't affect my interest in cosplay at all. It's just made me a lot more cautious about who I talk to at cons and how much I let them actually know about me, because there's really no way of telling who's going to end up as some kind of obsessive /cgl/ stalker.

>> No.9058317

Yeah, I agree. I used to talk to Spoony in 2012 or something, quite a while ago, and she seemed like a very nice and genuine person. I imagine she has some kind of mental health disorder that makes her obsessively engage in attention-seeking behaviour.

>> No.9058828


I wasn't going to reply to this but no mental health disorder, just dumb, naive and didn't know when to stop/didn't realise when I was making a fool of myself. Even replying to this outright is a bad move on my part, but I get tired of seeing people speculate on my mental health when I'm so painfully average and normal.
The 'spoony' character was only the result of what can get created when an introvert begins living their life online and relying on the internet for social fulfillment because irl experiences have turned them inwards and there's nobody around to tell them to cut it out. It happens all the time and sadly I won't be the last person to get wrapped in those kind of behaviours, but it's not mental illness..
I am happy there's a few people I left a fairly okay-ish impression on though lol

>> No.9058930

A normal person would have just ignored that comment. You are clearly not normal.

>> No.9058998


A normal person would not ignore dozens of people making continuous speculations on their mental and physical status on the exclusive basis of limited online interaction. That's what's weird. If you want to invent little fantasies about me, don't be a puss and try actually talking to me away from this format first, then make your decision.

>> No.9059067

I remember the slash fics and I also remember some kind of ongoing survival horror story being made?

>> No.9059491

Spoony, as an ex trip i do know i myself have also made mistakes but if your first impression is attention whoring to hell and back while being a huge cunt, no one is going to want to talk to you outside here.

While I dislike that people have negative opinions of me, I do understand, I kind of earned it, and I accept it. And you should too.

>> No.9059742

Yeah I agree. Just don't reply. It's not like I was even saying anything mean about you Spoons, you had no reason to reply to that. Just stop checking cgl, stop checking lolcow, stop going on any of these gossip sites and develop your life outside of it. Most of us are able to balance the two, you don't seem to be able, so just cut it all out until you have a more stable and confident identity outside of the internet.

No, that is exactly what we do, anyone who has achieved any kind of internet notoriety has to decide at some point that they're just going to ignore it and stop reading it. No matter how bad it is. Some people get accused of illegal sex work and visa violations and all sorts of serious shit by cgl and lolcow, and they still manage to ignore it because that's just what you have to do until it blows over. The reason you're still a lolcow is because you can never just leave it alone.

Same. I think most of us who used to be a proper pain in the ass have since seen the errors of our ways and accepted that some people will dislike us because of that stuff.

>> No.9059805

I used check cgl everyday, cgl was life, but I really started to get fed up with the moderation here. One day I got banned for just mentioning Chinese Gossip, after the ban expired I mentioned in a post that I was unhappy about the trigger crazy nods and then suddenly I was banned again.
That was the last straw and I moved to lolcow, I'm only here because I'm bored on a long journey. The crit threads were getting real hugboxy anyway.
>expecting god complex mod sama to ban me again for speaking out of line

>> No.9059841

I remember charms. Holy fuck it's been a long time. I remember when she met up with kooter and they had a binding time. I once sold a dress to her way way early when she lived in Michigan.

I really loved her drama and her identity issues.

>> No.9059858

It was the best when all the trips were here and we all circlejerked. Fun times.

>> No.9059904


No I mean I agree with you. The identity I projected long became one of negative association, one totally unlike who I am actually am and I have to own that, which I do. I was completely fucking retarded and I look back now and cringe/internally scream. Trying to diagnose somebody's mental state across the internet based on gratuitous shitposting though is A., armchair psychology, which needs to be KOS, and B., it's actually hugely detrimental to those who genuinely do suffer with mental issues and it takes away from their experiences and suffering.
Tossing around shit like that is past of the reason why mental illness doesn't get taken seriously, because you make it seem so blasé, something you can pick up like a cold.

I wasn't trying to be a cunt though, so I apologise if it came across that way. I know sometimes I come across as abrasive.

>> No.9059919

Spoony just how many chan boards are you waiting on to be mentioned?
We've been over this before, people like you better when you don't out yourself. Nobody needs to hear 'your side' of any story, stop bringing negative attention to yourself.

>> No.9059960


Literally fuck you. You think this is something enjoyable for me? That I actively try to promote it? Wow it's so fun having to check these archives regularly to make sure that yet another stranger hasn't become obsessed with me and made me his sad, little e-waifu and decided he's going to come 'rescue me', or that they're threatening to break my legs if they see me in my city centre. That they haven't posted a link to any of my online social media trying to find out where I live, hunting for pictures of me or are trying to harass friends and family.
I'm not some fucking celebrity, I'm a person with a life and feelings you colossal bitch. I am willing to own up to past behaviour committed when I was a teenager, but I am a 24 year old woman now and it's creepy and it's sad the way some of you still cling to it and actively discuss, what, a young girl making a fool of herself online and being goaded by adult men and paedos who should have know better than a 15-16 y/o into posting nudes?
Maybe you should go find something better to do with your life that doesn't involve gossiping about some old, past-it tripfag.

>> No.9059982

And thread derailed again. Thank god it's close to auto sage point.

>> No.9060029

Shut up spoony. You whored yourself out on the farm like crazy doing this "GOD LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" shtick there too while replying to EVERY anon. You brought yourself and your stupid feud with moot up EVERYWHERE and make sure you're identified every time because you can't live without the attention, be it positive or negative. You derail every fucking thread to just make it all about you and your tl;dr problems.

> Wow it's so fun having to check these archives regularly to make sure that yet another stranger hasn't become obsessed with me and made me his sad, little e-waifu and decided he's going to come 'rescue me', or that they're threatening to break my legs if they see me in my city centre.

You're fucking delirious. Get off the internet, get off /cgl/, get off the farms and farm admin's dick, get off /r9k/. Get a life.

>> No.9060036


Get a life, lmao, I'm an adult woman that checks an archive in order to protect my personal life, you're the adult woman that's still actively USING this site on a regular basis chasing her decaying youth. Maybe you should reevaluate your own life and move on like the rest of the user base did years ago because you're undoubtedly too old to be cosplaying little girls any more.

>> No.9060050

> I'm an adult woman that checks an archive in order to protect my personal life,

Right. and of course checking the archive necessitates that you also regularly post in several threads here and on lolcow on a near daily basis.

You genuinely seem to lack the ability to keep track of what you've revealed about yourself at this point. I can always tell it's you posting, and of course I can only speak for myself, but I have barely paid the slightest bit of purposeful attention to you. You need to just shut up and stop posting completely, because if people like me can figure out that it's you on an anonymous chanboard when I've barely paid five minutes of attention to you, then I can't even fucking imagine what your actual stalkers get from your posts. Not to mention you can't even take a fucking screencap without giving away your facebook details.

You need to accept you have ruined the internet for yourself. You have ruined anonymity for yourself and you can't just sneak back into the background. Give up. Go have an IRL life. The internet is a privilege that you spoiled for yourself.

>> No.9060052

Or not give spoony shit to respond to by responding to her posts. You know she won't stops responding till the thread gets deleted or she gets a ban. You even said she derails it. So just stop giving her shit to derail it with. Simple done and over.

>> No.9060065


>and of course checking the archive necessitates that you also regularly post in several threads here and on lolcow on a near daily basis

Shouldn't be that hard for you to get gather some proof that I'm posting about myself on a daily basis across multiple boards everyday then. Go do it, go get some screenshots of me posting about myself everyday, but oh wait, you can't, because It doesn't exist. You've got a vendetta and you're inventing these fantasies about a supposed presence on various websites that doesn't actually exist, so instead you make up this crap about how all these random, Anonymous posters are like, 'totally' me, because you can just 'tell'. Do you know the last time it was I actually posted to 4chan? It's been something like 2-3 years now, but ofc I'm lying, because you can just TELL lmao, get a life.

>> No.9060094

The amazing thing is that it took like 5 minutes for her to reply. Is she just refreshing every thread nonstop around the clock?

>> No.9060106
File: 34 KB, 480x270, 6c1f5119637ed2f04ba7e19ff6713792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon says people like talking to spoony anonymously and that talking about herself just leads to drama
>Spoony chimps out about how she has to keep talking about herself and outing herself because she hates being the centre of drama


>> No.9060109

Well, you outed yourself on lolcow in your own thread not even months ago. You're posting here now. So either your perception of time is completely and utterly fucked or you're just lying.

I don't have to prove anything, because I'm saying this just to let you know it's happening. You and I both know it's true, and you can stomp your feet and deflect by asking for proof as much as you like, but it's still true. I'm not here to prove anything to a bunch of random anons, I'm not here to start drama or shitstir.

Like I said, I genuinely think you're this oblivious to the fact you have lost the ability to be anonymous. No one can be this stupid, unless you do actually like the attention. You don't remember which miscellaneous bits of trivia you've posted about your life and where, but random people like me do. If random people like me pick up on this shit just from browsing lolcow and cgl, then what do people who actively look for shit about you stumble upon?

If it's not you, then it's fine, isn't it? It doesn't matter. Anons are just chasing shadows and you're safe. If not though, and I am right, then you need to stop fucking posting if you genuinely fear for your private life and so on.

But keep convincing yourself that this is all some vendetta chan out to get you. I just want to read a fucking thread without thinking "Oh there's Spoony, again."

>> No.9060110

She probably is. But aren't we all? I mean that's how this thing works when your exchanging with people in a thread on a message board. But some people know how to not feed those who love to argue. And it seems that you and spoony havnt grasped this concept.

>> No.9060117

Please then learn from your own words and stop giving spoony shit to respond to. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.9060136
File: 219 KB, 708x1064, 1366c7c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly loved it when /cgl/ discovered Aka for the first time. I think it was a while after the Kipi floods toned down.

>> No.9060144


>I-I don't need proof!
>I see it everyday OK!?
>but I don't need proof!
>you and I BOTH know!

Awwww, how convenient? Nice blog post btw.

>> No.9060150

This happened when cgl was soo bad I stopped coming her for a while. I'm sad I missed that because I hear stories all the time.

>> No.9060238

They did, then they broke up because she hated the fact that he crossplayed and a whole bunch of other drama.

>> No.9060243

You're just as fucking sperg for giving her shit to chew on

>> No.9060639

BomberBrat is that you?

>> No.9062530

Shitty things about old /cgl/ that i'm glad don't happen (at least as much) anymore:
>more drama threads than actual discussion of hobbies
>no halloween sticky so a shit ton of "pls help me with my costume" threads by newfags
>People who werent wearing OTT being called Ita
>Ita threads being nothing but non OTT coords and nitpicks
>"hi ____" trip witch hunters

Things I miss about old /cgl/
>Ita dressup
>make your own comm game
>drama simulator (where people would make pretend drama and others would jump on it like it were real)
>making lolita prints together
>Moot coming in and talking to us

what do you guys think were the pros and cons of old cgl?

>> No.9062619

I don't miss the old /cgl/ because I abandoned my 14 year old edgelord mentality.

>> No.9062628
File: 247 KB, 500x371, 1465594479240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moot coming in and talking to us
There are already people among us that don't know who moot is.

>> No.9062631

There's been ita dressup threads within the last year, and I remember the make your own comm game had a thread awhile back. I may be thinking of something different, but it was made with one of those doll makers. That was a fun thread. I know these happened long after the Janitors came and cleaned up the board.

Maybe some older members just haven't been around. They could be started up again.

>> No.9062632

I agree 100%, Anon. You couldn't even post a thread that was on topic because it would end up derailed over the dumbest shit. People also got very creepy with their obsession with a given cosplayers drama, even when they weren't lolcows. At least lolcow will ban subjects that don't produce enough milk.

I can't help but judge people who have such rose tinted glasses over old /cgl/ desu. Like, why is drama that important to you?

>> No.9062634

I've been extremely active in both communities for almost a decade now and cosplayers are much bigger on drama IMO.

>> No.9065638


>> No.9065985

Get out.

>> No.9065989

Has Hiro ever visited us? I miss our threads with mootikins as well.

>> No.9069923

only on /q/
shit was pretty hilarious honestly, wish he lurked more like moot does

>> No.9069932
File: 89 KB, 640x799, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one remember that panda princess chick that was over weight and claimed to model moitie, angelic pretty and baby's "plus sized" line?

I found her tumblr. I want to say she's lost weight and learned a little more in dressing herself. But she still posts a lot of cringy stuff. Tumblr handle: pandaprincessalamode if you're interested.

Pic is her now. I wonder if she still thinks she's the Lolita center of the universe.

>> No.9072188
File: 694 KB, 596x598, thenandnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering she's improved this much she probably looks back on her "self absorbed fatty" years and cringes.

>> No.9072301

I remember web camming with my trip fag friends... must be at least 6 years ago now. I kinda miss doing that shit.

>> No.9072310


This girl is on my friendslist on FB and admittedly she's started to dress better, but that bitter and salty attitude is still there. She always complains about being outcast from the HI Lolita community when it pretty much seems that whatever drama happened a long time ago, is done with. She can't get over what happened and even though the other girls have moved on, she likes to stir the pot and turn attention to herself.

>> No.9072319


Nah she's still pretty self-absorbed and makes so many attention-grabbing and "pity me!" posts

>> No.9073770


>> No.9073785
File: 99 KB, 383x370, hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this guy?

Whatever happened to him?

>> No.9074670

>was an attentionwhoring trip a few years back
>was active in a lot of circlejerk threads when I didn't even cosplay at the time
>somehow gained some popularity, made it onto one of those top 10 lists that still float around (one of my friends found the one with me on it recently and I had a lit of shit to explain to them)
>drama happens and shit goes sour, double down on muh popularity, end up hurting some friends and getting a lot of other trips mad at me
>realize I'm fucked up and start to post less
>start talking to a certain canada trip that openly hated me on cgl through other messengers, we actually get along a lot better off board and she even asked me out
>dramaban happens, /cgl/ gets really really boring for the next few months, cglchat dies

>present, actually cosplay regularly now, but that's taking a backseat to another con-centric hobby of mine, somehow this same hobby got me some very close kinda cosfamous friends that I make an effort of going out to visit
>still good friends with a few trips and won't hesitate to say hi to any I recognize at cons

Shit feels so long ago now

>> No.9074674

Is that hobbes?

If my sources are correct, he's out selling weed in like Colorado or something

Is this Blue

>> No.9074701

Good guess, but nope not him

>> No.9074739

Her tumblr is pretty much another vent box for her. When I changed my Facebook image out of Lolita, she removed me from Facebook for some reason. Guess that's good because she was annoying as fuck to listen to.

Kinda glad that she learned how to dress better though and how she look like she lost weight. But I wanna know if she still spews the lies about modeling for the plus sized lines of brand.