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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 537 KB, 639x900, farmgirls_by_neesha-d799b4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8965176 No.8965176 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread containing the usual bitching and moaning about CosplayNL, alleged GHB druggings, the Abunai Sextape, the dangers of bouncy castles, and Tomocon bootleg vendors can be found at >>8943325

>> No.8965224

If that's what 2d dutch girls look like, why am I wanking to 2d jap girls? Post more senpai.

>> No.8965314

Is this fan art of two mascottes (Animecon and Bagger)?

>> No.8965351

I'm sorry, this is all I got. I simply googled "Dutch anime" to stay in theme with the previous Dutch thread OP's. Source can probably be found by searching the original filename.

>> No.8965696

Yes, they are, Marieke is the one in the maid outfit and mascotte of Animecon and Lotje of Bagger is the other girl.

>> No.8965971

So who's going to Elfia next weekend, and who will you be cosplaying as?

>> No.8965991

Going both days, but not in cosplay/jfashion.

>> No.8965993

People that cosplay from anime, or wear just lolita stand out at elfia. They do not fit in.

Some cosplays will look cool; like game of thrones. But every year there are some naruto's and sweet lolita's at elfia, and they look so out of place.

>> No.8966030

Not entirely true. There are loads of anime cosplayers at Elfia. Akatsuki coats never seem to get old either.

Some years ago, Elfia attempted to attract more anime cosplayers by setting up an 'anime part' which hosted anime-related events. Let's just say that outsourcing the organisation of that to the Tsunacon staff wasn't such a great idea.

>> No.8966045

that is bullshit .. that's not what elfia is about.

>> No.8966109

Well, it depends what you cosplay. Claymore, Berserk and Dragon Age look awesome. If it's medieval or folklore inspired, you just blend in with the crowd.

Gothic, Kuro, Shiro and Guro lolita can also fit the theme.

>> No.8966113

>Akatsuki coats never seem to get old.

Of course. Trash will always exist.

>> No.8966200

Anyone following the fall of CosplayNL?

>> No.8966207

Left the group a while ago because of millions of posts feed, no way that I'm going back there. Please enlighten.

>> No.8966218

The admin now has ''zero tolerance'' against any kind of negativity, making it a asspat spawnpool. Lot of people were unhappy since the group is full of offtopic bullshit lately. In which the admin replied by blocking those people and posting offtopic bullshit himself.
There also was something about setting up a rule against people under 18.

>> No.8966233

>The admin now has ''zero tolerance'' against any kind of negativity, making it a asspat spawnpool.

So nothing changed.

>> No.8966241

While not following it myself, I do see a lot of angry posts about it on my Facebook feed. Something about a friend whose post about her home made cosplay got deleted because she already posted something in the past 30 days, while off-topic posts can be found everywhere.
Anyway who cares, I enjoy my time at /cgl/Dutch more than any cosplayed community I have been invited to.

>> No.8966347

They have a new set of rules. If they would only execute them....

>> No.8966492

Its known that CosplayNL is a cancerous place filled with shit like: where do I buy my wig? Which lenses do I buy? Where can I get foam x30000

It is a sinking ship and it has been for a while now. Worst part is that we don't have any real alternatives so we just have to suck it up.

>> No.8966498

>shit like: where do I buy my wig?

Or worse: let's refuse to call a wig by the Dutch word for wig ('pruik') because, altough entirely the same, a 'pruik' is for carnaval, and a wig is for cosplay.

>> No.8966514
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Or worse.

>> No.8966518

UtS is in 3 weeks. Who's going to Amsterdam?

>> No.8966530


There seem to be a few splinter groups though, stuff like propsNL or Cosplay boven de dertig.

>> No.8966536

Im going saterday and I'll wear a pirate/steam punk fantasy costume. I don't like anime cosplays at EFF (though some fit) those indeed stand out like >>8965993 said, not in a good way

>> No.8966552

>we don't have any real alternatives so we just have to suck it up

Aniway forum.

Oh, wait.

>> No.8966582
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>tfw no ticket
I just tell myself it's at a really inconvenient time for me anyway, which is technically true...

>> No.8966594

Inspirational cosplays anon from the last thread, where did you go? I was looking forward to following some talented Dutch cosplayers.

>> No.8966606

Kawin Wu Studio's on facebook has just released their video with cosplay from Dutch Comic Con. There are quite a few good ones in there and their names are in the credits, if you want to find them.

>> No.8966648

>Worst part is that we don't have any real alternatives so we just have to suck it up.

Facebook groups suck and most forums are dead, we should just make our own place or make our own threads over here with Dutchies sharing progress and discussing cons?

>> No.8966653

Accidentally send it too quickly: That would mean stop being anonymous over here.

>> No.8966664

I for one would not mind not being anonymous, but then again as far as I know I haven't been spat out by the community here yet.
Or have been discussed by it for that matter.

>> No.8966721

'her home made cosplay got deleted because she already posted something in the past 30 days'I hope you arent feeling sorry for the heroes of the storm gal because she's such an attention whore

>> No.8966725

I'll be going on saturday, i hope my blouse will be delivered in time.

>> No.8966726

Same. Finals are an ass

>> No.8966733

I'm not sure how much it would influence me if I would stop being anonymous here, as I'm friends with a lot of veteran con-goers and I'm not sure how hard they would judge me if they saw me here.

I'm just so tired of FB groups and forums filled with teens and weebs and I'm looking for someplace better to discuss cosplays and get feedback on some WIP's. Maybe a new forum is a good idea? Then we could also post in Dutch instead of having to talk in English.

>> No.8966739

or you could just start a new facebook group with decent mods, that aren't completely biased or hippies.

>> No.8966775

I always love the "look at my cosplay, feedback is welcome" threads. Nobody dare to say much other than "grouphug", since anything that might be remotely negative will get you a ban.

>> No.8966786


The jaina girl? I wouldn't feel sorry for her at all, she kept spamming the progress the creator made and kept saying how excited she was.

>> No.8966808

there's a pretty decent group, although a little silent due to a relatively small member number, Dutch Cosplay Veterans. It's basically what people want copslayNL to be, good tips, quite a few tutorials etc

>> No.8966818

>Get a cheap unlimited webhosting contract, with a .nl domain, for around €60 a year. Includes 10 MySQL databases and email accounts.
>Use the "one-click" installer most webhosts offer to install MyBB, PHPBB or some other paid forum software
>Install and mod a nice responsive theme to make it stand out from existing forums
>Add extensions for social media logins, the mandatory cookie warning and other forum functionality
>Get together a team of non-nazi, non-feminist, non-SJW admins and a clear set of bullshit free rules everyone has to follow
>Market the living shit out of it on Facebook and face to face at cons/meet ups so people might consider visiting or joining your new forum
>Congratulations, you've now got your very own cosplay forum
Out of my own experience as both a former webdev for a satire wiki and gaming community, the final step is going to be most difficult, even if you have zero experience with the technical aspect.
Alternatively, you can just save yourself some time and money by just doing what >>8966739 said. Although I believe most people here value their anominomity (at least I do) and will refrain from joining yet another Facebook group where drama queens will track you down and call you names for giving then some feedback.

No, it was a different girl.

>> No.8967607


A thousand times this!
It is beyond me why people can't ask questions about seems or a reason behind a certain selection of glue before getting arguments like.

Yeah I only started 6 months ago.

It's like we don't even want constructive feedback to learn and improve. We just want our egos to be stroked.

>> No.8967697

as if nobody suspected cosplaynl to go to hell, really. Take a look at the anime groups, the loli-fapping pedos are having a great time.

>> No.8967786

G&J Productions also made a video at Dutch Comic Con but I personally prefer the one from Kawin Wu Studio's because he credits and tags everyone. Much easier to find cosplayers that way. I saw Lisu-Chan and Raven Star, but also quite a few 'unknown' cosplayers. It was a nice watch.

>> No.8967836

PropsNL has been a pretty sweet group. No drama there and some nice stuff.

havetn been to the cosplay veterans group.

>> No.8967882


As for now it only lacks members. If more people would join it could become the dutch RPF.

Admins are a bit stricter there though. Seems to work. No shitposts there.

>> No.8967922

Not YET anyways.

>> No.8967975

Sushitimes dropped their tomocon cosplay report aka just cosplay pics from the con, not a lot of text.
Thoughts/opinions? Quality seems pretty decent to me, lots of unfamiliar faces

>> No.8967994

Nothing extraordinary. Inuneko are in the same outfit as they were on DCC, and the rest of them are meh. Decent, but nothing wowing.

>> No.8968003


Coolest group got 0 coverage. The army guys were super cool, hardly in any video's or pictures.

>> No.8968041

I've seen it happen so many times that really good/cool cosplays never end up in videos or good photos, that it really makes me wonder how people are chosen for those cmv's.

>> No.8968058

Walking up to cool looking cosplays. if they don't see you, you won't be in the video. Must say that the toy soldiers were out of their costumes pretty quickly, so maybe photographers or film makers didn't get the chance to shoot them.

>> No.8968347

Bregje in CosplayNL is so bloody annoying >.<

>> No.8968352

I took their picture, but I am guessing my cellphone quality picture is not good enough to be featured by Sushitimes

>> No.8968425

change that to everyone, will ya?

>> No.8968446

Does that happen to be Brechje van der Tol?

>> No.8968454

Fun bit of knowledge for those who are fapping to puppylikesyou's shimapantsu: the ass in those pantsu was probably 16 or 17 years of age when that picture was taken.

>> No.8968467

her cosplay name's foxlady nowadays, right?

>> No.8968542
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lekker toch?

>> No.8968547

No idea, deliver pics anon.

>> No.8968592
File: 70 KB, 638x960, rini_kotone_powergirl_wonderwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked alot of cosplays from the competition of DCC. Like the powergirl and wonderwoman
It was great to see what Kotone (man it's weird to call her that) would be wearing this time. She always manages to surprise me, even more so considering how she remains relatively down-to-earth despite all the attention she gets. Then again I am a bit biased here as I often hang out with her and her group at cons due to us having several mutual friends.

See >>8964325 in the previous thread.

>> No.8969162
File: 30 KB, 450x675, 76b214968137fae3cbf0d09c556d04c0.450x675x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8969298

liked how they took fan art and made it this beautifully. A lot of good acts on sunday, but they really wowed us with their cosplays

>> No.8969338

So which cosplayers do you guys love or annoy you the most? I personally love team paraluna cosplay but I'm annoyed by akuro cosplay

>> No.8969347

why does akuro annoy you?

and agreed! I love the paraluna girls! I am so curious for their china journey because me and a good friend also want to try out for cicaf soon

>> No.8969348

I'm not really annoyed by any cosplayers, but I do really like the cosplays from Deathstrike cosplay and from Black44Angel cosplay

>> No.8969352

Well, I don't really know her personaly, but she never seems to make her own shit anymore. Her girlfriend does everything like makeup, worbla stuff and even wigs and costumes. And this is just a small detail, but her baldcap really sucked. I could be wrong ofcourse, but that's how it looks to me.

And yeah me too! I hope they have a great time

>> No.8969357

yeah i really disliked her baldcap. Funny thing is, 2 weeks beforehand black44angel wore avatar Aang as well, and her baldcap looked super nice

>> No.8969364

Really? Haven't seen it. I'm curious now cause that shit almost never looks good....

>> No.8969367
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>> No.8969370

Yeah, that looks really good!

>> No.8969404


>> No.8969410
File: 176 KB, 2048x1365, 12901173_1030845750343067_8151708564513641184_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is better, not clearly shopped, still way better than akuro....

>> No.8969411
File: 209 KB, 960x960, 12439427_1027324617361847_4404968824419727266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than akuros smack-on

>> No.8969412

I don't know, I heard some shady stuff between those two. Like isn't funny how both of them do exactly the same characters every single time without fail.

>> No.8969414

Really? thats weird yeah.. Though I've seen black44angles work in progress for aang earlier than akuros

>> No.8969416

it's even more funny that Akuro is tagging a long as harley for Chanco, and I heard she doesnt even like DC comics?

>> No.8969417

Wow for real? That's just sad..

>> No.8969421

Neither of them do. Chanco's Black44angel's ex. She got Chanco into cosplaying DC with her.

>> No.8969426

That sounds like revenge cosplaying lol

>> No.8969427

Black44angel didn't put on the wig cap herself, a friend of her did so credit should go to her, but it does look way better than Akuros.

>> No.8969430

Yeah, she said that in her video i think and credits on her page. That's more creditting than some cosplayers do

>> No.8969437

About that DC stuff that akuro and chanco are doing, I've seen some of their pictures as harley and ivy and some are just a recreation of the ones chanco made with black44angel

>> No.8969438

True, but she credited her indeed, but don't tell me Akuro did put it on herself though, most likely Chanco did that as well....

>> No.8969440

Yes! The NozLan pictures I believe, same pictures, same photographer, now ain't that weird?

>> No.8969444


>> No.8969445

Yup, she did. But it looked like it was just glued on with something weird

>> No.8969446

I love black44angel ambition to make every harley costume but it would be nice if she made her costumes more clean. Sewing was not clean and glued on stuff was visible when I went to talk to her which is a real pity. but her acts are always enjoyable

>> No.8969462
File: 252 KB, 715x473, f06f4e03a6fdaef848fdcd53f638f543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with black44angel....

>> No.8969464
File: 37 KB, 715x473, 12241614_738957019570374_5944380314363641549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....With Akuro

>> No.8969468


>> No.8969471

That's just sad.Exactly the same photography

>> No.8969475

I know that black44angel is not the one copying..
Don't know if akuro and/or chanco is... I hope not..
Would be very childish..

Lets just say they all love the same characters?... at the same time..

Although that nozlan pic is just too weird..

>> No.8969476
File: 83 KB, 641x960, 11008609_815598395201138_5065062407930237608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one. With black44angel...

>> No.8969477

first picture is 2014 second 2015, so yea, the picture it totally weird

>> No.8969480
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 12321246_974148372663144_8734030961589299028_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..with akuro

>> No.8969483

But thats quite a common pose desu

>> No.8969487

Meh, still weird

>> No.8969489

If you copy something... do it right XD

>> No.8969490

Well as an outsider who didn't know any of this, I did not even connect the dots.

I am going for coincidence

>> No.8969492

Yeah that logical.. but I've heard that all three had a thing with one another at some point. So that makes it different in the eyes of people who know a bit about them i guess?

>> No.8969493

At least Chanco clearly has a type ^^

>> No.8969494

lol xD

>> No.8969496

Well it dropped my jaw and think it is weird as fuck.
But I guess they are still good friends?

>> No.8969497

It's weird. You're right about that, but on askfm i saw that they dont really speak anymore with black44angle

>> No.8969499

Just having your boob touched by the girl, ah makes sense!

>> No.8969502

Back then they obviously were friends..
But according to her Ask, not anymore..

>> No.8969510

That's too bad, i think theymade a few videos together. They dont do that anymore now, obviously.

>> No.8969511

lol, almost seems like akuro stole black44angels gf

>> No.8969520

more like chanco want's akuro to be like black44angel

>> No.8969524

Yes, does seem that way

>> No.8969532

Ouch.. You dropped the bomb

>> No.8969571

I think thats a little exaggarated to say.. Cause they made one picture like with black44angel, doesnt mean you want your current girlfriend to be like your ex..

>> No.8969572

Just a question. Does there exist something like pose copyright?

>> No.8969591

Yup thats her

>> No.8969598


You guys are fucking rediculous, i know these people personally and honestly i think Chanco just likes boob touching and she very much enjoys kissing her girlfriend (who wouldn't) and the harley copy? really? even i want to cosplay harley! she's such an insane character, and they like crazy, have you seen their Miriai Nikki cosplay?

>> No.8969599

toy soldier here,
it was pretty hot in the costume. we where there at opening and out of costume enjoying the sun at 2:30

we won the walk on walk of thing however.
we have a few pics. but most of them are stored on some other anon's phone never to see the light of day again.

>> No.8969600

also 95% of the pics where from saturday and we where there on sunday

>> No.8969606

You can't copyright a pose, but you can trademark it if you have a strong case. As in, it has to be something unique and associated with you as an artist or brand. Usain Bolt for instance trademarked his Lightning Pose, and Tibow holds the trademark on "Tibowing". Just keep in mind that trademarks are not international and what can and can't be trademarked differs per region.

>> No.8969747

The amount if salt here is high as fuck
bashing people here cause nobody knows who you are or you dont dare to say it in their faces

>> No.8969750

Is it just me or is Abunai desperately trying to draw attention on fb?

>> No.8969759


Looks a bit like it. With all these info about shows ect. I think we are all more interesting in prices and a actual date then the rest.

>> No.8969760

With the amount of justified bashing they got in the last thread, I hope they're heading in for some improvements.

>> No.8969784

Some people were talking about Nadia (Ahri) and her boyfriend in the other thread. I know this girl from an app group I am in about K-POP. Please don't call her an attention whore or anything, she is just very proud of her cosplay and she looks really nice. I only saw her Ahri cosplay irl. I also liked her new cosplay as a bunny but I have not seen that one yet irl. But she is really sweet, yes she is proud of her body and likes to show it but she isn't arrogant or anything, I speak to her only on WhatsApp and she is a really sweet girl, so please don't talk bad about her if you have never spoken to her.

>> No.8969793


To be honest, I think people already forgot her haha. But people can always be different in chats and in real life. I don't know her personally, though I did talk with her for short ect. She is only a tiny bit arrogant, but not much like others I know :) (And that's a good thing)

>> No.8969807

It's not just you, I've been seeing way too many posts from them and none of them are actually about the con. I don't mind off-topic posts, but at least keep it to one post a day instead of three or four.

Also it seems Abunai changed the hotel reservation system but is not yet capable/willing of explaining how it works other than the hotel takes care of the room reservations. It wouldn't surprise me if they changed it so people have to buy a ticket before they can get a hotel room, which will resolve in salty people who bought a weekend ticket only to find all rooms to be fully booked.

Who? Point of advice, people tend to have forgotten what was discussed in the previous thread once a new thread is made. Sometimes it's better to just let things rest rather than giving it more attention. Plus this is 4chan, telling us to stop calling someone names will only achieve the exact opposite.

>> No.8969861

>Lightning Pose
Holy crap. That is kinda insane?
So if I strike that pose accidently, I can persecuted?
Learn something else each day.

>> No.8969882

lol no, thats not how trademarking works

>> No.8969929

"Also it seems Abunai changed the hotel reservation system but is not yet capable/willing of explaining how it works other than the hotel takes care of the room reservations." that is also why I'm not getting a ticket for abunai yet. Plus amsterdam comic con is also still an option.

>> No.8969933

Actually hoping more people will go to ACC so hotel reservations wont be a bloodbath so to speak

>> No.8969936

trust me it will be. I still think they need to move to a bigger location or one with more hotel options. Getting tired of their shit.

>> No.8969951

You mean because they share the same (ex) girlfriend?

>> No.8969961

Yeah I guess. There is/was alot of drama between them lol

>> No.8969978

Please learn how to reply to someone and green text.

>> No.8969986

Alright, that expensive tsunacon look-a-like con is cancelled (as expected with those prices). And the Facebook page looks to be gone aswell. Someone maybe deets?

>> No.8969989
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Dropped image.

>> No.8970007

Grab your girl and have some Dixon Cider

>> No.8970010

Somebody was actually sad about it.
Like in the old thread, dutch cons should work together and make good-tier cons instead of multiple half decent to shitty ones.

>> No.8970071

next thing you know ,chanco goes for akuro's ex

>> No.8970105

What do you guys think of Flyingdutchman Cosplay?

>> No.8970114

To bad akuro will never have the Cosplay act skills like black44angels skits..really enjoy her cosplay acts, should have more like her, but most cosplay weebs do not even know the words presentation, let alone acts.

>> No.8970116

Nice ducktape armor.

>> No.8970122

Cosplays are awesome person itself not so much.

>> No.8970127

I like the fact that he did a Samurai Pizza Cats costume, but that's about it.

>> No.8970160

Lol , yea akuro sucks at acting.

>> No.8970168

okay so not everybody's good at cosplaying/acting/making costums, who the hell cares, as long as the people doing it are enjoying it, you should shut your face and let them be. As an aspiring cosplayer I know I suck, I know my costums are shitty, I know I don't act all that good and that my voice impressions will never be any good. But you know what? I love this new hobby of mine and I love everyone who enjoys it and isn't a little bitch to others about their cosplays. Before you're like a top rank cosplayer, please just fuck off

>> No.8970169

you say that, yet she still wins stuff

>> No.8970181

>so not everybody's good at cosplaying/acting/making costums, who the hell cares
People who care about quality care

>> No.8970183

that makes literally no sense

>> No.8970185

like of you care about quality, that's cool, make your shit quality, go ahead, no one stops you. However, if someone's cosplay doesn't live up to your standards, leave them the fuck be, they are having fun either way aren't they? they worked hard for this cosplay as well or they paid loads of money. not everyone is in it for the quality, people are in it for their own reasons. just stop the hate already

>> No.8970252

>just stop the hate already
I have absolutely no idea who you are, and quite frankly I have zero interest in finding out, but I do feel kinda sorry for you. So allow me to teach you one important thing: The hate will never stop and there is nothing you can do about it, other than learning how to deal with it.
So instead of wasting your time trying to defend yourself on the shithole of the internet, why not focus on those around you who give you proper feedback? And I don't mean all those ass kissers who go all "OMG YOU LOOK AMAZING <3 !" no matter what you wear, I mean the few people out there who aren't afraid to point out some weaknesses in your costumes or acts. Those are the people that will help you grow as a cosplayer, whom will greatly improve the amount of fun you will have while cosplaying and whom you want to surround yourself with. But of course if you can't do that, by all means keep defending yourself to some strangers on the internet. Just don't be surprised if you end up feeling hurt by the harsh reality that not everyone likes or agrees you.

>> No.8970656

Well said.

>> No.8970918

On another note, weather forcast for Elfia is 9 degrees celcius and it might rain. Who is going to be cold af? haha

>> No.8970934

They already had an update about this, it seems they did take this route.... http://www.abunaicon.nl/hotel-rooms/

>> No.8970941

The guy is fed up with himself thinking he is an amazing Jax cosplayer. At Tomocon 2015 he gave a 'lecture' about using leds, all he did was show up 15 minutes late, show the few pieces he had made that had leds in them, and that was it. He also wasn't able to answer questions properly and overal it was a real embarrassment for him and a complete waste of everyones time.

>> No.8970976

I'm still praying it will be better.... Because my costume is cold af

>> No.8970978

Really special snowflake. Thinks his Jax cosplay is the best thing ever, won a competition with it and kept entering others with it after that. At one point wanted to sell it for hundreds of euros but then changed his mind.

Also used to run the LeagueofLegendsNL cosplay facebook group but acted like a dictator and whined so much I left.

>> No.8970981

How about we discuss the Dutch love live cosplay community?

There's so much to be said. You have the creeper Ricardo, who sends some girls including myself creepy PMs but is friends with others, you have that one Nico cosplayer who is a total bitch because she is super short and has a complex, and there's a certain (Nozomi cosplayer always crying about 'haters' and quitting but then continues cosplaying her anyway.

>> No.8970998

haha jep same, im thinking about buying an extra jacket, except I really don't want to

>> No.8971020


just call them by their names for fucks sake. there are a dozen of nozomi's

>> No.8971025

Oh god. I remember that. First time I saw an lecture about leds at a con, so I was interested to visit. The guy showed up so late that the Partyvengers (who had a lecture before him in the same room) were preaching about how they thought it was bad for him to be late and in the meantime were just advertising themselves how they are better than him.

When the guy finally showed up, he had barely prepared anything. He talked for a few minutes and when the questions came, he could barely answer anything. I'm not sure if it was because he didn't know enough about the subject or that he was really nervous. Or a combination of both.

I didn't hear from this cosplayer before I attended the lecture, but oh man. Looking at his cosplays he seems to go all for being impressive with size and not with quality.

Did he ever give any other lectures after this?

>> No.8971030

No I don't think so.

I do like to attend cosplay lectures and stuff and I've attended the cosplay 101 this tsunacon and i learned alot. But I mostly look up the cosplayers beforehand so I don't get that problem with that jax cosplayer

>> No.8971067 [DELETED] 

Glad we could teach ya something :3

>> No.8971075

I was there too!
At least they could actually teach us stuff.. The lecture took an hour! But wasnt bored at all

>> No.8971100

If you put youself out there.
With things like performances, lectures etc
Then atleast prepare yourself to get feedback, comments whatever. Positive or negative. You know that if one would put them self out there that you could get judged. Do what ever you love to do, show them with all you've got! In the end you got the courage to show yourself. Be proud!

>> No.8971105

>You can opt for a hotel room when registering a ticket in our online ticket booth.
>You will receive the hotel reservation form after your registration in the Abunai! ticket booth has been registered and paid for. A payment through an online bank transfer can take up to two weeks to process (as there is a manual check involved), payments by iDeal are processed instantly.
>You will need to fill out this form in full and mail it to the designated NH Hotels address to place a reservation for a hotel room.
>Take note that sending the reservation form does not guarantee a hotel room! NH Koningshof will process the reservations in order by which they are received and will contact you to finalise your reservation.
>All visitor room reservations need to be made using this procedure; NH Hotels has no special reserves for exceptions such as a medical requirements/conditions.
I hope everyone likes salty popcorn, because it will be once people start crying after they bought a weekend ticket only to find out there are no hotel rooms left.

>> No.8971109

I'm assuming the crying nozomi is Gineke and the bitchy nico would be either Miki or Jimmy. Am I right or nah?

>> No.8971114

Lolol the guy is such a joke.

I mean it is fine that people simply don't make stuff that is well crafted or qualitative. HOWEVER with a little self knowledge you don't go walking around acting like you are godsend and better than everybody else.

Choice of cosplays are fun, but that is pretty much the ONLY positive thing I can say about the guy.

>> No.8971121

Who gave that lecture?

>> No.8971154

>How about we discuss the Dutch love live cosplay community?

How about no? That community is full of shit. Every single thing spawned there is just an abomination... And all those fucking dance acts every time get really boring. Isn't the series becoming less popular? please let it become less popular.

>> No.8971168

Yeah Miki really thinks she's everything since she's an ~uguuu kawaii asian. You're just some Chinese bitch get of your high horse geez

>> No.8971178

yep, i read this and was like, I hope they take their tickets back after the hotel reservations

>> No.8971181

Black44Angel and Kellywoeshxd if I'm not mistaken

>> No.8971189

Jelly hambeast confirmed

>> No.8971190

I herd Miki smells like poop

>> No.8971191

confirmed, smelled her from up close.

>> No.8971195

It was delicious

>> No.8971198

he keeps on entering competitions with the same costume... come with something new please.....

>> No.8971205

Any more cosplayers that annoy anyone?

>> No.8971211

I'd like some more salt on my popcorn, give us all the salt

>> No.8971214
File: 668 KB, 600x900, nina__princess_of_wyndia_by_aotenshi-d48ase5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not talk about cosplayers you like instead of bitching?

I miss Aotenshi, I always thought her cosplays were neat

>> No.8971216

Girl from Inuneko is so full of herself. Guy is okay

>> No.8971231

Don't get me started on Sednobis. Biggest ego of all and winning compo's because of connections/friends between the judges

>> No.8971264

I liked the guy who did Excel Saga's Ill Palazzo a few years ago. His outfit was cardboard-tastic, but the fact that someone dressed up as a character from my all-time favourite anime made me smile.
In fact, I often find myself enjoying crappy costumes more than the dime-a-dozen store bought costumes.

>> No.8971265

heard she came two weeks late with signing up for a compo n she called them racists for not letting her compete anyhow. Also heard she somehow was a judge for gamepit? Didn't go there tho so I can't confirm.

Except her costumes are actually really well crafted in and out which is what wins you compo's bro. I'm pretty sure all of MMMC and paraluna know a lot of judges too so that's no excuse.

>> No.8971288

Not racists, but she did call them name for not letting them compete, while she was to late with the form.

She's talented, so it's not just her friendships. But competing twice in a row, after winning the last one, was a real dick move. It's not like skipping one year after you won such a big competition is that long.

>> No.8971305

Allowing a competitor as staff is still weird for a competition. You should either be a competitor or be staff, not both. Especially not staff that tends to guest judges.

>> No.8971315

who are you talking about?

>> No.8971318

Oh, didn't know they gave lectures. At least didn't know about the second one.

>> No.8971321

Inuneko was judge at gamepit... but she seems nice to me. Didnt sound arrogant at all. TheFlyingDutchman was also a judge back then, if I remember correctly

>> No.8971324

She double competed because foxlady backed out on Iloon who would originally join her. Mostly weird animecon allowed it but oh well.

>> No.8971325

And thats why I'm not in the love live community. Some people there really disgust me. I'm glad they don't cosplay the other things I do

>> No.8971326

I am wondering what the next hype cosplay thing will be. Any ideas? (No one punch man or love live, those are a hype already)

>> No.8971344

I think she's just thick-skinned (in a non-physical manner) and just doesn't take shit from anybody. She just doesn't care what people say about her, which makes her seem the way you see it, but she takes cosplay seriously and that indeed is what makes someone a winner, instead of a whiner.

>> No.8971347

I haven't talked to her really, but she comes across as such a nice person. Her costumes are amazingly detailed and I love how she makes her corsets

>> No.8971348


On the other side of the story; if somebody had done their work, instead of prioritizing other shit above WCS, she would not have to fill in 2 weeks prior to the competition.
She replaced someone of a team that wasn't pulling her fair share of the work that comes with a compo like that.

>> No.8971354

Oh that guy. Havent't heard anything good about him desu. Plus his jax cosplay is starting to annoy me.

>> No.8971356

She deserves the prizes she gets for her acts, but I wish somebody else would step up their game and win it instead.

>> No.8971358

Do think she has a ton of skill. Sure she might seem cocky but I guess she has to be with the drama she gets from salty cosplayers. It's called thick skin.

>> No.8971360

Honestly, I kinda want "Sakamoto desu ga?" to be the next big thing. You can have so much fun doing a Sakamoto shoot that I wished my body fit him. But no, instead we'll probably get tons of Suicide Squad Jokers and Harley Quinns (which I greatly dislike, some moe anime crap that everyone is into and a bunch of left-overs from fall and winter shows.

>> No.8971362

Since Mirai Nikki (Yuno and Yuki) were quite popular, I wouldn't be suprised to see a lot of cosplays from Big Order. Kaiba and Yugi etc will be popular due to new Yu-Gi-Oh Movie

>> No.8971365

welp looks like I'm going to freeze yay

>> No.8971369

uh oh somebody is grumpy because she's actually a good and friendly cosplayer. If you enter big competitions you'll get to know a lot of people, it's simple. It's usually already well known cosplayers that win contests, because they make good costumes (unlike some cos-famous people who only ge recognized for tits n ass) #'murica

>> No.8971372

Speaking of WCS, I really like te new team. I think yaraya cos and elfmist are interesting together and I like their cosplay plans! Really hope they do well this year in Nagoya.

>> No.8971382

true, was her first ever lecture

>> No.8971400

crossing my fingers for the heat and sunshine of today really, rain and cold make elfia so grimm

>> No.8971405

disagree, she just smells like haircare products to me.

>> No.8971415

princess jellyfish boring...

>> No.8971422

r u kidding me? i have seen their act on firstlook, and they should not have won that. they might be nice people but their customes are subpar

>> No.8971427
File: 54 KB, 639x960, 10456220_808584935838512_1453880517536304080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know who this UWcosplay is because this photo is totally shit.

>> No.8971433

You think? I find it very unique and original. It ain't no action, fight or trending cosplay, but I think it will fit them perfectly.

>> No.8971435

I wonder if the cosplays who made a "I got posted to 4chan guys, grab popcorn" post realise that they're introducing more people to cgl?

Just because they like you doesn't mean they won't talk shit about your other cosplay friends later on.

>> No.8971437

they do.

They just don't care

>> No.8971441

Which has has something ironic. If you ask me.

>> No.8971449

Oh I think they do, but the bitterness is getting high these last few days, it's not always like this....

>> No.8971453

Yeah, a few months back we could barely keep threads alive. But know thanks to the extra attention it's spreading like wild fire.

>> No.8971471

you just gotta know how to piss off the right people.

>> No.8971484

What do you guys think of the cosplay group called Prism?

>> No.8971487

But she did good?
Maybe she should do more..

>> No.8971492

haha, yeah! She is pretty damn skilled

>> No.8971508

This massage is sponsored by all the cosplayers who left a passive aggressive "lulz don'tz care" post.

>> No.8971512

Wait what, there's a community for that? I want to do a Love Live cosplay too in the near future, but I definitely don't want to get involved in all that type of stuff.

>> No.8971514

I could use a massage. How does one go about getting free massages?

>> No.8971523

Great cosplayers. As for personality, most of them might seem cold/distant at first, but they're actually really kind when you talk to them.

>> No.8971526

I don't think there's a love live community, anon just named some people they dislike that has done a love live cosplay probably.

>> No.8971546

Sign a contract with Satan. In exchange for spreading hatred, he'll give you free massage + Netflix.

>> No.8971565

Too bad I'm a ginger and have no soul, crying time

>> No.8971574

Anyone else surprised that there isn't any lunch included (at UtS)? Sorry but for that price you expect at least some food right?

>> No.8971595

Are there any good cosplays that you remember but don't know which cosplayer is behind it? I've seen some great stuff at AnimeCon, which is honestly the only con I think is worthwhile, quality wise. I'll be there the entire weekend, but bracing myself for the amount of Harleys....

>> No.8971604

Is animecon fun to go to when you're alone?

>> No.8971609

why dont you go together

>> No.8971611

Pervy anons share me some dirty cosplayer pics

>> No.8971612

at least take a friend with you, but yeah I think there's enough to do on your own.

>> No.8971617

I always go alone. I've got too many friends to go with a group. Plus I love me some downtime

>> No.8971622

The mouths of fools are their ruin; they trap themselves with their lips. Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one’s heart.

>> No.8971630

It's really getting a trend to get attention from being a ''4chan victim'' right?

>> No.8971631

I remember a Gundam cosplay a while back. Shame it didn't win anything.

>> No.8971633

Circlejerking attentionwhores

>> No.8971664

If you're social:
>Follow some workshops and meet new people in the progress. Odds are they'll let you hang out with them for a while.
>Go speed dating! Most people who attend speed dating at Animecon meet new people, not to find love. The best part of all, you will see all these people roaming the con afterwards and launching a conversation with them is extremely easy.
>Play some multiplayer games with strangers in the game room and just keep up a conversation to kill time.
>Play some Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic, Pokémon against strangers. Instant friendship guaranteed as long as you either know how to play the game, or are willing to learn it.
>Approach random cosplayers, ask for pictures, have some small talk about how they made their costume or some shit.
>If you smoke, approach anyone and ask them for a light. If there's only one or two of them you can easily strike up a conversation. There is also a 50% chance you will be assimilated into their main group as long as you aren't a creep, under-aged or an annoying baka weaboo desu~~~~!

If you're anything but social:
>Enjoy some single player games in the game room
>Buy stuff in the dealer room without having to deal with your slow paced friends
>Watch some cosplay or AMV competitions in utter silence
>Quickly take pictures of cosplayers who are already posing for other people, just so you won't have talk to them
>Fantasize about what could happen if you would talk to that cute boy or girl over there, but never take any action

In the end it really depends on what kind of person you are and what you're interested in doing at a con. Personally, I tend to hang out with friends, roam from group to group and take some introverted me-time in between.

>> No.8971696

me time -> fapping in the bathroom

>> No.8971707

Of course, but only while watching at a picture of some underdressed cosplayer on my phone while thinking about >>8961910 and >>8962003 from the previous thread.

>> No.8971717

How do I get J-fashion friends if I never go to cons?

>> No.8971724

Most Jfashion people don't even go to cons...
But I would say become a member of the dutch Jfashion groups on Facebook and go to one of their meetings/events.

>> No.8971726

Facebook groups

>> No.8971733

So which cosplayers do you guys find promising?

>> No.8971768
File: 42 KB, 640x960, 10361389_687004598112043_589159624041687242_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever cosplayed this is promising imo. Still my fav cosplayer at Animecon

>> No.8971780

As far as I've seen them they are very nice. Their lecture on cosplay groups was absolutely dissapointing though. They just got lucky with their group so they didn't have any real advice. Then again it probably is just luck.

I'm getting super sick of the PRISM fangirls btw. People who suck up to them like that fatty Sarah (Taliban cosplay). She has the worst personality too, can't stand being around her and I'm not the only one.

>> No.8971787

That's Kialna Cosplay, she made a Smaug the next year which was really awesome and got it's tongue signed by Benedict Cumberbatch. She saved the head but it's currently deconstructed and recycled for materials and parts. She's very level-headed and high level, one of my favorite Dutch Cosplayers.

>> No.8971790

She's currently living in England btw but will probably attend Animecon. Indeed a very good cosplayer.

>> No.8971807

This is her too. Very different from the gundam and Smaugh. Haven't met her, is she nice?

>> No.8971814

Any stories about Sarah though? She's been quite nice to me for so far. Not many people seem to like her

>> No.8971840

She's one of the nicest cosplayers I know in this country. She told me she will attent animecon again (and might bring Verka again) and do a props panel.

>> No.8971989

So what are you guy's opinion on cosplay Youtube chanels? with like, make-up, cosplay music video's etc etc ? and if you follow some, which ones?

>> No.8972010

I mostly watch cosplay music video's myself..
Like Black44angel's cmv's for instance..
Als.. what was the channel again?
Let me look it up.

Ah found it. Percieving mind productions. they haven't uploaded much, but what they got, its pretty good. I heard some of them got their own channel now, but I don't know that channel. Hope to hear more from them tho

>> No.8972045

You have a link? Sounds interesting, what sorts of videos do they make? and like, is the quality good?

>> No.8972053

Yeah most groups are full of drama and break up quickly. I don't even know any prism fangirls. Dude Sarah is hot, have you even seen her cosplays? Never talked to her so personality wise no clue what she's like.

>> No.8972059

I mostly watch cmvs and sometimes make-up ones. I watch black44angel her cmvs, sometimes akuro, the belgians you see at every con (genex?) and illunaneko for her makeup.

>> No.8972062

Black44angel's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Black44Angel

Percieving mind productions channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jinjo2artproduction/videos

I believe the izaya and shizuo from that poison cmv started a channel together also... But I just heard or read about that.. so I don't know how much its true

>> No.8972064

Which Sarah are you talking about?

>> No.8972068

Oh wow they have some nice stuff! The quality is amazing too

>> No.8972077

Exacly! I love watching them! So if you happen to find out what the new channel is called, let me know! Or just post it here,, because well.. Everyone is anon =D

>> No.8972619
File: 48 KB, 640x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understand it why Ashley is invited to give Make-up lectures.

>> No.8972712

TeamSeme Productions

>> No.8972783

Speaking of annoying cosplayers is it just me or are all the dark skinned cosplayers in NL just really annoying and have a huge attitude.

>> No.8972786

what...? do explain

>> No.8972787

They're annoying and stuck up

>> No.8972792

They have an ego from here to Tokyo and believe that whatever they do is right.
And if not we are racists and don't have respect for them. Tbh it's so annoying. For example ximena she's really a bitch.

>> No.8972795

just call her name than, because now you take an entire group and you actually do sound racist. Sometimes you need to bring your words better....

>> No.8972807

Why would you name your channel after a porn term?

>> No.8972822

Just because you don't like her doesn't mean you should say everyone is like that ... seriously bruh think before you write that.

>> No.8972840

I'm kinda going to make friends. I'm kinda social, the speed dating sounds fun albeit kinda embarrassing.
I'd even be up to go with some Seagull(s).

>> No.8972856

When you forget to Google and come up with an awkward name... Oops. Might be good to rethink that.

>> No.8972860

Her anaconda dont want none unless you got chicken hun

>> No.8972864

Who's going to Elfia this weekend? :)

>> No.8972877

Lol aye..but then again, are there better make-up people who can do lectures in this frogcountry?

>> No.8972884

This is exactly the problem with black cosplayers.
Go back to tumblr with your dindu nuffin attitude.

>> No.8972887

so you're just assuming we're black? because that's hilarious. Ginger with freckles and a skin like ivory is the least black a person can get... I just don't like racism, and just because I say watch your words, you say that's the problem with black cosplayers? No, you are and ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.8972890
File: 161 KB, 483x539, grabyourpopcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you gotta love this group

>> No.8972895

All this shade

>> No.8972901

meeee, still praying for better weather, but the forcast doesnt seem to get any better

>> No.8972903

Het is hier nog gezelliger dan in CosplayNL

>> No.8972911

Take it from me, it's only embarrassing if you take it overly seriously. Everyone at speed dating is out to meet people and one you realise that it becomes a rather light-hearted experience. Also in recent years their speed dating event has become surprisingly balanced gender-wise, and they use separate age groups so you won't have to deal with people half or twice your age.
As for me, it's become a tradition that I get signed up by a girl I've met there four(?) years ago. She ends up in front of me, I do "the thing", we laugh and afterwards we'll have a beer and catch up.

Dank we, we doen ons best om de kwaliteit net niet te laag te houden en niemand te verbannen voor het plaatsen van meer dan twee nieuwe topics per de maand.

>> No.8972922

The Prism girls are really kind when you talk to them, about their cosplay or acts. But because they are a group of young girls, their behavior sometimes comes across as sniffy or unkind.

Sarah is very lively and has bursts of energy. She also has some great cosplays and photo's. She however does not pay mind of her own limilations or those of others, making her crash sometimes and she tends to pull people along for the ride. I guess that makes her seem brusk or unpleasant sometimes.

Kellywoeshxd is fun to talk to and a good performer, but I personally think she could practice a bit more on her craftmanship.

I don't really know the others that were mentioned except MMMC and the ones I met from that group were really social and open to help other with their cosplay.

>> No.8972939

ITT: /soc/

>> No.8972950

I saw an Elise on DCC with a terrific face of makeup. All very subtle, nice lashes, nice contouring, freckles all in place, and she was so kind to talk with. Never asked for her name stupidly enough, otherwise I would def have followed her page, she seemed very promising to me.

>> No.8972951

makeup lecture: watch yt vids for an hour, more advice than a "populair" cosplayer could give.

>> No.8972985


I agree with you.
Prism girls are nice but seem hard to approach.
KellywoeshxD seems nice.. haven't really talked to her tho. But I follow her page.. Curious at how her Effie trinket will work out.

MMMC also seem hard to approach for some people but are actually not. They are really friendly and helpful. I just think its their status that makes people feel like that... Until you get to know them ofcourse.

Also Inuneko is pretty nice. Although she could work some more on craftmanship in my opinion. Her performance skills are nice and she isnt so arrogant as people believe she is.

Sednobis is also nice. She just has a tough skin when it comes to bashing.. I can understand that much. You have to create a tough skin when people talk that kind of shit about you.

Let me think..

Flyingdutchman was also mentioned?
He's a nice guy.. but a little too confident about himself.. thats tends to annoy people. But overall.. not a bad guy.

Pretzl.. gotta say.. don't really know her so im not gonna talk about her at all..

Really... most people are actually very nice, friendly and helpful.. You just have to look further than what other people make them out to be.

>> No.8973019

Not to make it a racism thing, because I am sure there are also normal coloured people.

But coincidentally all the dark skinned cosplayers I have seen communicating or behaving are doing the over the top black stereotype thing.
Rude, bitchy and all over the place.

>> No.8973024
File: 107 KB, 951x533, 1461080685452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to make it a racism thing
>normal coloured people

>> No.8973057

People who do makeup better, know how little they know about makeup (unless they've followed makeup classes).
Most just watch youtube videos after all.

>> No.8973061

What's she doing in England? Except enjoying the rain.

>> No.8973063

she studies prop making and special effects there

>> No.8973069

Normal as in behaviour

>> No.8973072

Sounds legit

>> No.8973075

Do you have fucking eyes? I posted which Sarah I meant. The Sarah I mentioned is super fat and her latest cosplay sucked.

>> No.8973077

>Say normal white people
>White people don't give a fuck

>Say the Dutch are greedy motherfuckers
>The Dutch laugh and split their bill in such a way they only pay for what they ordered

>Call the Belgians stupid
>They don't give a shit, or maybe they just don't get it. Who knows they're dumb anyway.

>Tell a German you want your bike back
>They joke about dropping another bomb on Rotterdam

>Call me a Jew
>I call you a cockroach and put up a puppet of your goalie with a noose tied around his neck.

>Say normal coloured people
>Muh racism!
Just stop and be like normal whitey, okay?

>> No.8973078

Slept with someone's boyfriend, worked for animecon but refused to do any work and instead made others do it and then complained it wasn't good enough. Went out partying during Animecon and then skipped her duties the next day because she suddenly was "sick". She also lies a lot and makes up a lot of bs stories.

>> No.8973083

I hate it when people do that. Shut up and show up.

>> No.8973084

Yup, that is why Animecon kicked her out, don't believe anything she tells you about that.

>> No.8973094

Have you even tried talking to those cosplayers?

>> No.8973108

Yes, it doesn't vouch in their favor

>> No.8973116

what are the best cosplay stage skits you guys have ever seen in the netherlands?

>> No.8973120

Im wondering who because i when talking to some of them they are very open en welcoming to me.

>> No.8973127

I never really remember really good skits. I tend to remember the funny ones a lot more...

>> No.8973169

I will never forget this one. The video absolutely doesn't do it justice though: https://youtu.be/Cm9dCwBCkRI

I also really liked this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS5OYe9FZto

Ofc this one mentioned earlier in the thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw-XTnOgGns

>> No.8973205

Quite glad that at the high end compos the skits have to be shorter, but holy shit those were good!

>> No.8973210

Does anyone else have the feeling that Sharon Huls (or some really close friends) keeps selfposting here to boast about her verka Serduchka cosplay?

Her skills in skits and craftsmanship are average at best and she to me she seemed kind of full of herself, when I met her.

When you're trying to promote yourself at least be more subtle about it.

>> No.8973232

True, her Serduchka isn't that good. Not sure if just overrated cosplay or indeed self-promoting.

>> No.8973236

Fuck wcs. Seems the compo is always rigged cause the wrong people always win and go to Japan. It almost makes you not want to enter. This year was a wreck, Sednobis their friends won, how random don't you think? I'll go for cicaf next year.

>> No.8973247


I liked mmmc's skit and the one with the robot

>> No.8973251


>> No.8973253

I came here for the first time and all the gossip is so JUICY. This thread might just have made my day :')

>> No.8973257

If we're thinking of the same girl (Talbain) damn man you got issues.

>> No.8973269

u mad bro

>> No.8973281

If you say so, Sarah

>> No.8973286

It's funny, how anytime someone is positive about a cosplayer after that particular cosplayer is being bashed down to the ground, other anons asume it's those cosplayers. Not just talking about the Sarah girl, also partyvengers, and inuneko of the other thread, nobody knows it's them or not, haha! assumptions yay

>> No.8973289

It's the internet. Welcome to 4chan. You'll probably be accused of being Sarah, Kialna or any of the other recently mentioned cosplayers. It is as it is bro

>> No.8973291

Chill conspiracy-chan. Almost all groups had a "friend" from her in it. You could have said that about every winner.

>> No.8973292

That's because you're cucked af and can't get your tumblrglasses off.

>> No.8973295

Well, in some of these cases, the "defending" comments came right after the said cosplayer made a post about on Facebook. So the change was high it was either them or their friends.

>> No.8973301

This x9000

>> No.8973304

Not necessarily in defending anon. But Ximena always loses her big mouth at cons (could also be because she was with other people). Most people have really big egos online, only to turn out to be big insecurities in real life

>> No.8973305

There are only like fifty people in the Netherlands, of course everyone knows each other.

>> No.8973313

The drama on 4chan has gotten a lot of attention on facebook. That's why people who earlier on didn't give a shit about rumours suddenly got sucked into the world where you can hide behind a screen and be able to say whatever you want. So also positive things.

>> No.8973316
File: 579 KB, 268x268, 1430380310483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really big egos online, only to turn out to be big insecurities in real life
Not who you're replying to, but I hate this shit. It would almost be better for them to be as big mouthed IRL as they are online so at least they can back their shit up instead of being cowardly internet tough guys.

>> No.8973384


You haven't seen or heard the extreme bullshit this girl posts.
Talking about bomb threats in Paris and Belgium, and this girl manages to make it about herself.

I have not seen a more obnoxious little shit in my whole life. If anything it would do the community, both the black community and the entire cosplay community a great favor if this girl would choke on some fucking KFC.

>> No.8973391

It's only been four days and we've already hit the auto-sage limit?! Presenting the new Dutch Thread: "Facebook Send me Here, plz stop hating" Edition >>8973389

>Talking about bomb threats in Paris and Belgium, and this girl manages to make it about herself.
This I have to see. Care to share a screen capture?

>> No.8973417

Thank you Annon, you gave me cancer again.

This type of stuff is beyond me: http://imgur.com/VsYsAXg

>> No.8973424

There are two kinds of people I hate in this world: self obsessed millennials who need to make everything about themselves, and those who refuse to use any punctuation.
I'm sorry I put you through this Anon.

>> No.8973426

Oh man, that Arduwan is pretty much one of the worst people I've ran into in the cosplay community.

>> No.8973428

illuminatie confirmed

>> No.8973480
File: 83 KB, 184x184, tumblr_nbaedldYPG1rpwm80o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tja, als je je ergert aan iets of iemand is dé oplossing natuurlijk erover te posten op 4chan! In plaats van de confrontatie aan te gaan :')

get a life

>> No.8973508

There is no place for whiteknights here

>> No.8973513

> posting in the old thread

But you realise that also counts for you and all the othe whiteknights?

>> No.8973648

If it were up to me, I'd chose someone who is both a cosplayer and into jfashion. People in the jfashion scene generally seem have more knowledge on make-up than cosplayers.

>> No.8974260

my my you guys are really shittalkers . Just a friendly info, som1 is tracking your shitposts and soon you will be exposed so enjoy while you can cause a shitstorm is coming up and all the 2 faced bitches will be exposed, we already have a couple of locations and linked the people with it, hope you had fun (y)

>> No.8974277

Do you really believe what you are saying?

>> No.8974565
File: 64 KB, 500x594, CPCTa8jVEAAZo0J1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kom vechten dan flikker

>> No.8974626

>Everyone posts as Anonymous
>No personal data is shared
Good luck exposing us. Also if you're going to threaten UA, at least do it in the current thread instead of the old one.

>> No.8975869
File: 30 KB, 373x327, 1422484516647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
