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8968884 No.8968884 [Reply] [Original]

>lolita fashion laundry day general

>> No.8968887

how do you gulls generally wash your burnado? i spot wash by hand since im too terrified to put things in the washing machine or trust it to a dry cleaning place

>> No.8968913
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i just washed my first garment after being into lolita for 2 years
i am disgusting

>> No.8968929

I hand wash mine in the tub with a tiny bit of detergent. I'm terrified of dry cleaners as well, since they starch the shit out of my suits when I explicitly tell them not to and the fibers wear out faster.

>> No.8968933 [DELETED] 

>those nails

I'm jelly

just had to take mine off to work on a sculpture

>> No.8968935

>muh velveteen

>> No.8968949

Literally all Moitie says "no water" so I've come to the conclusion that "no water" = 40C in washing machine regardless if it's socks, blouses or printed main pieces.

>> No.8968957

This is why non-print black is the master race of burando.

>> No.8968962

Are there info graphs for washing prints?
I just bought a bunch of dream dresses and they're all prints.
I'm comfortable delicately hand washing the non prints I have, but damn if the idea of doing the same thing for the prints doesn't terrify me.

>> No.8968968

Yeah how the fuck do you wash velvet anyways? I own a ton of white and ibory velvet prints that I've never worn more then twice just because i dont know what to do with them. They just sit in the back of my closet. It's depressing.

>> No.8968987

Depends on the piece. Blouses, bloomers, socks, etc. get washed after every wear. Anything that has skin contact, basically.

Main pieces, if they are known to run or are something I can't wash myself, get spot cleaned after wear and dry cleaned after several wears, or before I sell them. If I can wash them myself, they get washed after ever 2-3 wears in cold water, by hand in the laundry basin.

Petticoats get washed more often in summer than winter, but still only once every four or five wears. If they're lacking in fluff, but clean, I'll toss them in the dryer for 15 minutes on low heat to revive them a bit.

>> No.8968990

Oh. I also used to use Dryel to clean dresses at home, but didn't notice much effect? Things smelled fresher, but didn't "feel" much cleaner after the fact.

>> No.8968992
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How to wash brand.

Mesh zip laundry bags (Daiso ones are cheap, but the ones sold on Amazon probably are good too)
White vinegar
Heavy-duty drying rack from Amazon
Tide or shout color catcher sheets (if you have reds)

Zip up your brand in mesh laundry bags (one main piece per bag is preferable, especially if it has a hook somewhere that could catch and pull on lace) and wash them on gentle cycle, cold water.

Use Woolite for detergent. Use white vinegar for softener. Vinegar won't have waxes that build up on fabric, plus its acidity will help lock in dyes. The vinegary smell will go away when the clothes dry.

Hang items to dry on rack. Colored items should be out of sunlight. Sunlight will bleach fabric. This can be useful if you want to brighten white items like blouses.

Wash reds in their own separate load, with a a color catcher sheet in the load. The color catcher sheet will catch excess dye and prevent the print from becoming blurry.

Anything with metal boning like corsets must be dry-cleaned.

>> No.8968993

I just pretend to myself that they are clean.

>> No.8968998 [DELETED] 

what would you do for print tights?

it depends on what it is

here might help


>> No.8969004

If not red, tights and socks go into a lingerie bag and get washed similar to what this anon does >>8968992. Blouses, bloomers, etc. all go into lingerie bags to be washed in the machine that way, but I handwash skirts and dresses in the basin because I've had some larger stuff get twisted really badly even in lingerie bags.

If red, washed in the same method, but in with a load of likewise reds and a dye catcher sheet.

>> No.8969006

I always hand wash or dry clean. The thought of putting any of my blouses or dresses in the washing machine horrifies me even though I think a lot of my stuff would survive.

>> No.8969014

Please help, I bought a BABY marie antoinette jsk in blue but it needs to be washed. I've read on LJ that the ribbon is what bleeds for the blue, and that the blue bleeds really badly. I have color catchers, but when I used them in the wash with a black taobao dress, it did nothing. They caught some color but not all. I used about 20 sheets total and it still bled into the white parts of the dress. Should I buy a whole box just for the jsk?

>> No.8969020

But Muh fading

>> No.8969022

Fading has its pros. When you do batch re-dyes, you no longer have to worry about mis-matching blacks.

>> No.8969062
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Sorry to be such a fag but this is my current wardrobe. Does anyone have experience washing any of these? I know there's that list about laundry care kicking around on the internet, but last time I checked it didn't really have any of the pieces I own.

The two points I mostly want to know is
>do any of them bleed (more doubtful since nothing is red, praise the nine divine)
>and the wool coat I got was second hand, and is in need of a wash. Can I get away washing at home or should I head to the dry cleaners?

Thank you >>8968992 , I will follow your advice. I was also really worried about eventual fading from too many washes.

>also I wash all my blouses, bloomers, etc and spot clean my dresses when needed.
>so I'm not that disgusting... r-right?

>> No.8969064

They only have like a handful of AP prints listed. Also no one really uses LJ anymore...

>> No.8969066 [DELETED] 

did I say it was everything ever? no

I said it may help

calm down

>> No.8969067

>I said it may help
Well it's not helping.

>> No.8969074 [DELETED] 

who pissed in your tea anon?

get your panties out of a bunch

>> No.8969079
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>> No.8969082 [DELETED] 

>someone on the Internet provides a link in hopes to provide helpful information
>I better be a massive bitch to this person!

>> No.8969088


Dry clean. The flocking on some can fall out if you wash them with water.

Sucks to be you if you have terrible drycleaners in your area...

>> No.8969111


I've washed Candy Sprinkles, Happy Bell and Melody Toy in the washing machine, exactly as >>8968992 describes. I'd say your top three rows can be washed that way, except for the coat in the Dream Fantasy set (Dream Fantasy salo and socks can also go in the washing machine in a laundry bag).

Holy Lantern should be dry cleaned due to the flocking.

The coat(s) should also be dry-cleaned. In a pinch, you can also hang it up and wash it like a giant furry baby using a shower hose and some shampoo, but dry cleaning keeps them crisp and in-shape much better. Throwing it in the washing machine won't melt the fabric or anything, but they tend to lose their shape and start looking worn out faster than if you dry clean them.

The key to not having them fade is to dry them completely indoors, away from direct sunlight.

Lolita clothes really aren't that delicate. Especially the cotton stuff from burando, that is actually pretty sturdy unless you leave it in the sun or actually pour bleach on it. The chiffon/polyester stuff is more delicate, but even then it's delicate because it's prone to snags, not prone to fading from overwashing.

>> No.8969119

My oldest printed AP dress is from 2010, so I can't guarantee dresses from before then, but it's fine in
the washing machine at a low temperature (20°C).

The only brand that I've had problems with running dye is IW.

What do other people do with their IW dresses?

>> No.8969120

I forgot to say before that test your pieces with a spot test, and then a hand-wash before using the washing machine, just to be sure.

>> No.8969124
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Thank you so much for the detailed post ! It was really informative and I'll try to be a bit less shy about washing my dresses. I'll have to get some Woolite next time I head to the store. Is there a specific type or do you just get the "regular" kind? (i've never had woolite before)

Also this might seem like a silly question but when do you put the vinegar in? Do you put the woolite+vinegar in at the same time ?

Also thank you for the info on the flocking and coat. I'll definitely get it to a dry cleaners and hope it looks a lot more fresh because of it.

Ah yes no worries, I'm definitely paranoid so I always spot test. If anyone cares I actually spot tested and then threw Mary Gingham in the wash because it smelt horrible from its previous owner. And I also once had to wash a waist tie from Wonder Cookie because I accidentally closed it in the car door and it got a bunch of dirt on it. So neither bled, yay !

>> No.8969133

Is oxiclean ok for glitter prints?
If no one knows I'll try it anyways and report back. I bought a dress in pretty poor condition (shitty lace market seller, what else is new) and I'd love to make it beautiful again, but even if I ruin it completely at least I'll have closure.

>> No.8969144



I only have regular woolite in my area, so that's what I use. You could look into detergents for delicate fabric if you can't find woolite. This is probably obvious, but you'll want to avoid anything that's labelled "whitening" or "tough on stains".

The vinegar is supposed to replace fabric softener in the rinse cycle. You only need like half cup for a medium washing machine or one cup for a larger one. Like other anon says, the scent will dissipate once the clothes are dry, or if you're really bothered by that then you can run an additional rinse cycle to get rid of it.


>IW running

Wow. Which print is that? I have numerous IW from various oddments/happy packs and regular releases, and I'd rank them on par with AP for not running in the wash. Dark colours being always a hit/miss, of course.

>> No.8969163


Please report back about this! I got a Milky Planet special release in December and its in immaculate condition along with its glitter. Really curious about the results, if there is really any way to preserve the glitter

>> No.8969165

I'm saving pretty much this whole thread.
Oldfags, if you post your advice, I will save it eternal, that way younguns don't have to grip your bloomers every couple of months for help.

>> No.8969168

>burnado, the fiery tornado print
Hand wash or dry clean, depending on how shaped the garment is and/or how worried I am about ruining it.

>> No.8969169
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lol i took a snap of - pic related- so I can save it forever.

Ive actually done this with lots of advice Ive gotten from anons on here, for various topics.

>> No.8969190

i have a red velevet dress with gold print on it. would dry cleaning fuck it up?

>> No.8969200

What would you recommend for prints that are red and pink? (like Milky Berry)

>> No.8969384

I've just been tossing everything in the bath with some wool detergent, even velvet, and I have yet to ruin anything. Am I just really lucky or..?

>> No.8969406
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>> No.8969407
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>own pic related
>wear it for the first time, everything is fine
>decide to just throw it in the washing machine cause fuck it, it's not a print and I never had any bad experience with IW
>delicate handwashing mode on the machine
>get dress out after washing it
>all the buttons fell off, even the ones for the JSK straps

Fuck this bullshit. I love IW, but from now on I'll re-sew every fucking button on their dresses. A friend of mine made equally bad experiences with IW buttons on other dresses.

>> No.8969422

I looked up info on hand washing and there was a while section on tracing your clothing on butchers paper so you could ensure you laid it to dry in the right shape. Also something about rolling your clothes up in a clean towel to dry instead of hanging them. All sound like good ideas, but I'm in a small apartment with limited space and honestly probably not enough towels to dry my clothes with....do these steps seem like a waste of time?

>> No.8969435
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>> No.8969513
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How are Baby/AATP in terms of washing? I ended up getting Briar second hand, but I've heard some stories about their reds running.
(I guess the set was sold so cheap since there was a good deal of cat fur that she never mentioned.) On one hand I got most of it off with a roller but still, feels gross to not try and wash it in some way...

>> No.8969534

I have a pink JSK with red print on it and the red runs... bad. How can I wash it? I'm afraid even spot cleaning would make it bleed out into the pink.

>> No.8969576

I'd put those white-and-red items in with the red load, and put in 3 color catcher sheets. Try to spread the sheets out evenly through the load. I've read of some lolitas adding as many as five(which doesn't hurt, but likely isn't necessary).

If you have any item with red in it which you suspect has never been washed in water before, it's more likely to have some loose dyes still hanging in the fabric. If you are extremely paranoid it will bleed, you can you wash that one item in its own load at least once with Woolite, white vinegar, and a color catcher sheet. That initial wash should help clear out most of any loose dye, and it won't be as much of a danger to other red items when you next wash it in a red load. (Still keep using woolite, color catcher sheets, and white vinegar though.)

>> No.8969618

just use the same towel, then use a drying rack.

>> No.8969626

I was removing a makeup stain from the collar of a sundress OP from BTSSB with a Tide to-go stick and got a bit of stain remover on the tag which some how made the tag bleed fucking pink all over the collar and now it's stained. Be careful my fellow anons.

>> No.8969629

Always, always resew buttons. I've made a habit of resewing buttons on pretty much everything I buy.

>> No.8969640


A bit of both. Wool detergent is almost always pretty gentle, and handwashing ensures you're always on hand and can stop anything before it gets worse. Brand velvet is probably decent quality and won't fall out.

Not to say that you're giving that velvet a long life, though. And if you've been tossing coats in there as well they'll lose their shape gradually as well.

>> No.8969656


Drying the clothes to the right shape mostly applies to knits, lace fabric, or loose weave fabric (like lace, or gauze). So you can do that for all your knits, lace and loose weave things. Mostly I find if these things are laid flat in the general same shape they won't stretch in any strange ways, you don't really need to trace them onto butcher paper. Definitely don't drip dry these specific things, though, the water weight will indeed warp them.

You don't need to do it for regular fabric (cottons, polyester), the weave is tight enough that it won't go out of shape from just being dripping wet.

As for rolling things in towel, that's mostly for things that bleed. The idea is that the water (carrying the dye) will now seep into the towel instead of to the surrounding areas. I guess if you have one of those red/navy prints on white, or the red and pink dress like >>8969200 describes, it's good to do it to ensure you don't leave it to dry and then come back to a dress where the red has migrated to the pink whilst the dress was damp, out of the washing machine/wash tub.

Again, you don't really need it if your dress doesn't particularly bleed.

>> No.8969664


I had this dress, and still have Cherry Rose in black. I threw them both into the washing machine (in a laundry bag like other anon above describes) and it came out fine, no bleeding or dye transfer or anything. I did do the first wash with vinegar and colour catcher sheets to ensure any excess dye is absorbed by the colour catcher sheets, then the subsequent runs are fine without the sheets.

The machine's not likely to remove all the other cat fur though, especially after you lock it into a laundry bag. You'll have to clean all of the fur off with a roller first, and maybe turn your laundry bag inside out to avoid trapping the fur and transferring it onto other dresses.

>> No.8969677

Very helpful, thank you!!!

Any other tips for washing lace? I have lots of lacy things for larme outfits and I've been putting off wearing them out of the house because I'm scared of washing them.

This thread is amazing BTW. I was thinking of starting something with this topic but was afraid I would just be told "Google it". Hearing people's specific experiences is so nice.

>> No.8969719

Generally what I was told to do was to bleed it out, use color catcher sheets, don't let it sit in the water for too long, wash until no longer bleeding, and then use vinegar to set the remaining dye. But since both of yalls dresses have a specific piece that'll bleed, I'm not sure if that'll work.

>> No.8969836

I lightly steam wash and dry all my dresses and they come out looking like they're brand new.

>> No.8969854

use lingerie bags?
I got these guys and they're awesome

>> No.8970294

I've owned and washed Jewelry Jelly and that exact version of Milky Planet. Though they are glitter prints, following basic hand washing instructions will be fine. Just be aware of lint rolling, as in my experience it can pull off some of the glitter. Should work for all your other AP cotton prints. Holy lantern should be ok too. I handwash all of my AP chiffon items and they are fine.

>> No.8970301

I had this dress in red, and it bleeds like hell. but if you let it soak for a while with color catchers , a bunch of the dye will come out and you'll be good to go to hand wash it after

>> No.8970318

I have a dress with a print in red that's known to bleed pretty badly. Will it be ok at the dry cleaners? I've had if for some time now and its in need of some freshening up. So far I've been afraid to wash it.

As for my other pieces, I usually get all of my main pieces dry cleaned after a couple wears and blouses/socks/etc I just throw in the washer on the delicate setting. Also if anything touches my armpits I try to wash it asap.

>> No.8970349

How many color catchers did you use? I'm willing to use the whole box but I'm so scared of not being able to get all the excess dye out. How long did you soak it for?

>> No.8970376

I used maybe 2 or 3, and soaked it for about a day. it's just extra ink that runs, and apparently happens to all the color ways of this dress! just make sure to use cold water and change the water every so often

>> No.8970393

I recently washed a glitter print in the machine w/ some oxyclean and the glitter stayed. I say go for it but be sure to wash on delicate if you use a machine.

>> No.8970397

I want to wash my Loyal Rosette OP but I'm worried because in the past I have heard that washing dark blue AP leads to colour runs that will ruin the white, but then I've also heard that dry cleaning can strip the gold metallic print off of the fabric. I have no idea how to approach this.

Should I just soak the dress in my bathtub in water and vinegar and consider that enough washing? I have heard of people using vodka before too. Help please!!

>> No.8970401

Question - Recently handwashed a Baby piece that has red dye in the print. It ended up running slightly onto white. Is there anyway to remedy the damage or am I just screwed?

>> No.8970408

How do you wash velour dresses ?

>> No.8970414


You can try a product called color run remover, but I've had mixed results with it -- it lifted the red just fine on one bolero, but didn't do much to brown on another dress. In both cases my print was safe. I think if you got to it fast enough it might work, old set in stains are set for good.

You could also take one of the bleach pens to it if you have steady hands and nerves of steel, but be warned the bleach pen does tend to run, you risk bleaching out parts of the print.

>> No.8970527

Protip for finding a decent dry cleaner. Contact the costume department at your local theater and ask them where they send their shit to be cleaned.

>> No.8970528

>trying to match blacks tho
Truth. Everything into the washer on a delicate cold cycle. Done.

>> No.8970558

Vinegar will set the dye. So if it bleeds, you're making it permanent. I'm also curious on this since I have the green jsk. I've just been steam cleaning it before and after wear. Seems to work fine, but I've only worn it 3 or 4 times.

>> No.8970588

ice water, color catcher sheets, and laundry soap.

Use only ice water and keep the garment cold. rinse it in the ice water and put color catcher sheets in to collect and lose dye. Scrub with your nail or a toothbrush and soap everywhere it bled. Rinse, scrub, rinse scrub. May take an hour or two, just FYI. When you get it all out, rinse in clear ice water and then set the dye with salt and white vinegar (this will make everything permanent).

>> No.8970590

for vodka treatment you buy cheap vodka, dilute it, and put it in a spray bottle and spray the dress. It just kills bacteria, it doesn't clean the dress of oils, skin cells, dirt, etc. That's a last-ditch solution.

>> No.8970626

I throw all mine in the washer with around 3 or 4 color catcher sheets. Even my red Magical Etoile OP survives with no red bleeding on the white parts.

>> No.8971411

Oh thank you. I just discovered this morning that the white fabric of a new dress (not lolita, but still cost a bit) had received a spot of dye from something else. Looking at the position of where it had been hanging, the culprit was likely a black corset from Excentrique. They were probably nestled against each over for a full week.

Serves me right for not color-arranging my closet as stridently lately.

I only had time to try a Tide pen on it (no go) before rushing off to work. The damage is likely set, but once I'm back from work I'm going to see if I can fix it with your technique.

If that doesn't work, I'll try dissolving oxyclean in a quart of hot water, put it in a tub of cold water, and soak the dress in it for 8 hours.

PSA to everyone: after laundry is done, and stuff comes back from the cleaners, the fight is not yet over. Arrange your shit correctly in the closet. Or at least do not set a dark-dyed item against a white item as I did. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

>> No.8971704


Yall are awesome thank you

>> No.8971810
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Here's my list of washables. I'm a daily lolita who wears AP, so I can help with your washing woes

>Washing machine friendly
>cold water on delicate
>1/2 cup vinegar + oxyclean
>invert the dress inside out
>mesh bag everything
>can be put on dryer on low

Sweetie violet, dream sky, wrapping ribbon, dream marine, powder rose, sugar pansy, cosmic & etc.

Most AP chiffon prints can be machine washed, but you have to INVERT THE DRESS so that the lining faces outside and you don't snag anything.

>handwash in a bathtub
>cold water soak + handwashing detergent
>air dry

whip jacquard, melty chocolate, royal melty chocolate, holy lantern, actress, etoile school, drink me, glass doll, fairy marine, katrina, sugary carnival & etc

All your jacquard and interesting fabrics that can handwashed on cold. These are usually good to soak. I usually put them all in a bathtub, put some ice and go out. Important thing with delicate fabrics is never to put them in a dryer it will cause the organdy to melt and crinkle

>handwash on cold cold water
>individual buckets
>vinegar + colorfast
>dunk the dress, rinse, dunk, rinse
>do not soak
>do not wring dry

elizabeth unicorn (red), mercator antique shop (wine), cotton dresses with strawberries on it, cotton dresses with red, brand new red dresses

Red dye is the worst. It's not so bad on fabrics like elizabeth unicorn/mercator (I think they're the same fabric) but on pure cotton it bleeds like a bad period. After my first dye-bleeding strawberry print, I've gotten wary of buying anything with red in it. The dunk+rinse method works very well to prevent the dye from setting on any other part of the dress

>DIY dry cleaning
>very hot steamer
>baking soda+alcohol + steamer

If you want to save on drycleaning, you can use your steamer as a drycleaner. Mix 1:1 amounts of water, alcohol (isopropyl ethyl) and a tiny bit of baking soda. Most dry cleaners use white spirits, which is basically the same thing.

>> No.8971854

Holy Lantern has flocking though, which should be dry cleaned!

>> No.8971887


it doesn't have to be. I own both the 1st and 2nd release versions, and it does perfectly fine in cold water.

imho drycleaners are not always best. There was a horror story about how someone's flocky OP got melted by drycleaners because they used the wrong type of spirit.

Flocking is made by adding velveteen "dust" on glue, so the important part about keeping flocky beautiful is ensuring the glue doesn't melt.

>> No.8972051

Out of curiosity, what was your strawberry dress that bled?

>> No.8972065

Does anyone know how to wash Petit Patisserie? Specifically the tiered jsk in pink. I know it's been said chiffon prints can be machine washed, but I don't like to throw anything precious in the machine. Is hand washing safe? My concern is the red in the print.

>> No.8972082

Tip for anyone looking to wash AATP's Wonder Marine Treasure: the red on the print itself won't bleed if you was it but the red/white stripes at the bottom will. If your red stripes bleed like mine did, rubbing a bit of stain remover on it will work. I did mine by pouring some out of the bottle and dabbing/gently rubbing the bleeding with cotton swabs.

>> No.8972176

I have the other version anon. I just throw it in the wash inside a pillow case and it's fine. Mine is the brown version, though

>> No.8972188

Thanks! So if it's safe to machine wash it's okay to hand wash right? I just feel more comfortable handwashing, I'm super scared of damaging my clothes. Also, do you give the velvet bits any special care?

>> No.8972202


almost all my strawberry prints bleed

I have milky berry, the strawberry gingham one that AP has, strawberry millefeuille and an all-over strawberry print in white. I think the main reason is because it's cotton. My loyalty rosette in red also bleeds :(


I have petit patisserie in pink, it's safe for machine wash. To preserve the velveteen, I was inside-out and in a garment/delicates bag.

>> No.8972205

I'm >>8969200, did your Milky Berry happen to be the same colorway as mine?

>> No.8972225

I also put it inside out, and I usually wash it alone with detergent for delicates over a delicate cycle. I've spotwashed it by hand too though. No problem there either

>> No.8972250

>mfw i just realised that the bags are to prevent hooks catching
how do I even function as an adult? I get all my lolita stuff cleaned and wash my bras in a garment bag simply because I was told that I had to, I had no idea why, but it makes sense.

>how am I even still alive and wearing cute dresses?

That being said, thanks for the thread, gulls. I'm getting my first two light prints in. Generally I just wash the bodice of my dress if it's been a super hot day, but if the print has a bit of dirt/food/child hand germs on it then I get it dry-cleaned. Now I know I can save money.

>> No.8972268

i see, so i probably should avoid vinegar at the start or the wash? I too have only worn it 3 times and it doesn't smell or necessarily need to be washed just yet but I want to know just because I feel like being such a heavy dress it can use a wash soon.

So I probably shouldn't even consider the vodka then, I see. I have only worn the dress like 3 times and it isn't in need of a wash but I feel like I ought to wash it soon.

>> No.8972325

No one mentioned this but I can't believe there are people who wash their jsks every time they wear them, but never wash their petticoats. Always wash my blouses though.

Really great tips, thanks, anon

>> No.8972500


I have milky berry in mint x red. It bled a little onto the mint on first rinse, but a whole lot of dunking got rid of all the excess dye

>> No.8972624

I only wash my petti in summer because that's the only time I'm sweaty and also the only time it touches my skin. In winter, I've always got a long sleeve blouse/thermal on top and tights/warm leggings or bloomers with socks on bottom so it doesn't touch me at all. Plus with the layers it's a pain to try to get it dry in the winter.

>> No.8972809

My petticoat doesn't even touch me. I tuck my blouse underneath the waistband and always wear bloomers, so there's no real point.
Bloomers and blouse go in the wash on delicate, petticoat gets spot cleaned. Dresses I spot clean after every wear, and handwash cold every few wears.

>> No.8973052

Keep in mind that there are both pros and cons of washing by hand. Pros: you can keep an eye out for any potential bleeding if the item is new, and control over the strength. Cons: uneven washing, too strong washing (it is possible to put too much pressure/pulling by hand), and shirring not getting cleaned out fully. You should occasionally do a gentle wash on cold in the machine just to clean the shirring.

>> No.8973435

In general, after how many wears should you wash dresses, if they are still clean? For me at least, they barely touch my skin. Even under OPs I always wear a camisole and dress shields because underarm stains are my worst fear.

>> No.8973738

I had a dress that came to me smelling a little bit smokey. I figured I'd give the vodka+water and steaming solutions a go but I'm worried about the glitter on the dress. The print on the dress is pretty glittery and I'd hate to ruin it. Anybody with any experience with this?

>> No.8973739

This may be a stupid question but do you directly put the alcohol and baking soda in your steamer?

>> No.8974131

>dress shields
Explain please, this is also a big worry of mine.

>> No.8974147
File: 30 KB, 160x278, dress shield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but they're little cloths that you can attach to a harness or adhere inside clothing to prevent sweat stains. They can be useful if you're a heavy sweater.
Personally I use prescription strength deoderant instead but these could be useful for white or light pieces.

>> No.8974173

Anon do you set the pleats back in to fairy marine after washing it? If you do, how? I'm guessing not with an iron, but is a steamer safe?

>> No.8974607

Bought Chess Emblem off Yahoo auctions and it came without any tag related to laundry. Any ideas about how to wash it?

>> No.8975263
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, 20131009_103816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an actual tag guide via my textiles textbook!

>> No.8978226

Any tips on washing IW Cesky Krumlov (sax), AP Cosmic (ivory or sax), AP Strawberry Parlour (yellow)?

>> No.8978232

Anon, you are an angel of mercy

>> No.8978244
File: 80 KB, 487x666, japanese-care-symbols[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The care tag label should be sewn into the seams of the skirt. Try checking there first, the brand tag should also be there, along with extra buttons if the dress has it, so you should at least try to locate it to verify it's the real thing, and for the extra buttons.


Tagging onto your post, here's the Japanese version. The symbols are different, isn't that fun.

>> No.8980833
File: 53 KB, 573x1019, 20160426_221251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth is this gemstone looking shit next to the iron?

>> No.8980850


Try googling Korean laundry symbols?

>> No.8980853


looks like a flame, why was gemstone the first thing that came to your mind?

>> No.8980862

Did that, nothing. Tried google translate by image as well.
Flame makes slightly more sense. I am a dumb. It's probably made out of that fabric that catches fire really easily.

>> No.8980893

looks like a vagina to me...

>> No.8980908

Keep Away from High Heat/Exposed Flames

>> No.8980917

Please let this be a troll

>> No.8980940

it is not a troll; i am so shameful.
in my shitty defense, i don't wear lolita frequently so it's not too bad.

>> No.8982069


I have strawberry millefeuille in red as well as Fruit Parlor and I washed them in the machine on 40 without a problem. I was all my lolita brand in 40 and the only problem i ever had was with one red dress in wich the dots in the dotted fabric bled.

>> No.8983074

I don't wear AP but thanks for the tips! For your reds, after the dunking method how do you dry them? I like the sound of the towel method other anon had mentioned above, but it takes a lot of space and my bathroom has none :(

>> No.8984182


Washed my precious brand myself for the first time yesterday following your tutorial (I used to dry clean) and it worked out so well! I owe my first born to you.

Also just a general question, how do bright MM floral prints work? Do they run a lot? How many color catchers would I have to use?

>> No.8984522

Steam wash?

>> No.8984536

Seconding seeing a vagina. Something's off about us, anon...

>> No.8984542
File: 46 KB, 680x528, tmp_31872-1461554171016-1646434483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8984543

Not guide-anon, but former theatre costumer. Generally it's not so much bright prints as it is specific colours; reds, blues, darker purples, black and in general darker, richer colours are more liable to bleed. I generally use 1-2 colour catchers if the print is a bright floral without too many deep colours. I like the above-mentioned dunk-n-rinse method for the first few times I wash a print.

>> No.8984884

If I have cheap access to dry clean, should I just try that first instead of being scared handwashing my reds and black/gold?

>> No.8985002 [DELETED] 

I live in an apartment complex and absolutely do not trust the washing machines we have, so I hand wash everything. It sucks, but at least I feel safe doing it.

>tfw I somehow forgot to wash a blouse after wearing it on a hot day
>tfw visible pit stains
>tfw I brought it to a con and offered to lend it to a friend without realizing it was dirty
I noticed before she ever put it on, thankfully, but I had to explain why I was suddenly hesitant to let her borrow it. I did my best to laugh it off, and the stains came out just fine, but I still think about this months later and feel abject, bury face in hands embarrassment. I wash my stuff pretty obsessively now as soon as possible once it's off my body.
>the friend who wanted to borrow it is a gull, so if you're reading this, sorry again i promise i'm not always disgusting

>> No.8985006

I live in an apartment complex and don't trust the washing machines we have after they left a load of my laundry smelling atrocious, so I hand wash my lolita. It can be tedious, but at least I feel safe doing it. I can't wait to live in a place with a private washing machine, though.

>tfw I somehow forgot to wash a blouse after wearing it on a hot day
>tfw visible pit stains
>tfw I brought it to a con and offered to lend it to a friend without realizing it was dirty
I noticed before she ever put it on, thankfully, but I had to explain why I was suddenly hesitant to let her borrow it. I did my best to laugh it off, and the stains came out just fine, but I still think about this months later and feel abject, bury face in hands embarrassment. I wash my stuff pretty obsessively now as soon as possible once it's off my body.
>the friend who wanted to borrow it is a gull, so if you're reading this, sorry again i promise i'm not always disgusting

>> No.8986742

I usually handwash and hang all my lolita clothing but I'm going on a 3 week holiday to the United States and will have to rely on laundromats during this time. Is it safe to put lolita in a drier? Are there ways to make it safer? What materials should I leave behind? I've literally never used a clothes drier in my life, so I have no idea what to do