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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8966383 No.8966383 [Reply] [Original]

Are you embarassed to cosplay skimpy things? Is there a line that you would not cross or do you just don't care?

>> No.8966420

I personally just think its trashy. I've only seen two actually well done skimpy cosplays and its because they were done in a professional and tasteful manner

>> No.8966424
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there are a lot of factors that play into it desu. you need to look good first of all but i like more "obscure" skimpy cosplays better because at this point some are so overdone and i just can't be bothered to care. but in general desu i think as long as you look really good and your work is spot on then it's nice.

personally i dont mind much doing them as long as my cooch is covered. i don't care if a little ass is hanging out but i could never wear something like satsuki's slutty uniform, for instance.

>> No.8966433
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>> No.8966443

If my body type fits the character, I would probably do anything skimpy barring like, nips and vag out or something I could never get away with at a con. Because I know I would look good wearing it and would do a character justice. I think that's the main issue with skimpy costumes, people choose the wrong ones for their features.

Also, If I see one more girl posting photos in underwear in groups like "PLEASE TELL ME I'M PRETTY I NEED TO KNOW IF I CAN WEAR THIS" I'm gonna lose it. They have self-esteem, that's why they're willing to put it on in the first place. If I want to have my boobs pushed up into my face I'll do it without whining all over the Internet for attention.

>> No.8966446

Personally I don't show a lot of skin because I'm not really a fan of the kind of attention it brings.

Honestly though I don't give a shit about how revealing your cosplay is, so long as you're in it for the cosplay, not the ego boost.

If you're kind and welcoming rather than petty, vindictive, and toxic; if you contribute your expertise by helping others or making tutorials, and are just a positive force overall, you could seriously do nothing but cosplay overdone characters that are 90% skin and it wouldn't matter to me.

In my opinion it isn't trashy unless the person wearing it is trashy.

>> No.8966450

>Also, If I see one more girl posting photos in underwear in groups like "PLEASE TELL ME I'M PRETTY I NEED TO KNOW IF I CAN WEAR THIS" I'm gonna lose it. They have self-esteem, that's why they're willing to put it on in the first place. If I want to have my boobs pushed up into my face I'll do it without whining all over the Internet for attention.
You know how easy it is to get attention by doing that. Its worse when they say "omg no creepy messages" or other such shit

>> No.8966453
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>> No.8966457

OT but I want OPs boobs so badly!! Why are boobs so freakin'expensive?

>> No.8966462
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>> No.8966463

They have to keep abreast of the market, anon. Tit would be foolish to think they would be cheaper. Nipples.

>> No.8966465


>> No.8966466
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>> No.8966468

How do you shit up such a simple cosplay...

>> No.8966475
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feet are the lewdest part of the female body

its rare for girls to show off their feet even if they show boobs and butt

>> No.8966482

I would be more embarrassed to let people know (with my cosplay) that I watch anime thay feature skimpy outfits than show myself in one.

>> No.8966489

Are you saying those are fake?

>> No.8966502
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why do women cosplay from ecchi/hentai?

>> No.8966509

Lmao i love Bloodbath and Beyond

>> No.8966510

Because they enjoy it? It's not impossible, anon

>> No.8966538

99% of the time it's for male attention. I haven't met many girls who enjoyed hentai targeted at males that weren't megadykes like me.

>> No.8966545

I'm only embarrassed because I'm kind of chubby. If I was a little thinner I probably wouldnt care as much. It's fucking hot where I live though, so I need to start doing more cosplays with less clothing.

I am planning a more-revealing cosplay, but I'm making some changes to the outfit so it fits my body better. I'm really excited actually! I know I wont be totally accurate to the character, but I think I'm going to look good, so I'm excited for that at least. And not being dressed in 3 layers in the summer.

>> No.8966548

I crossplay
so probably wouldn't be embarrased
I just wouldn't do it cause it would ruin the illusion

>> No.8966554

Those boobs are 100% fake

>> No.8966557

>donate eggs
>get boobies
>become next Jnigs wannabe and love it

>> No.8966564

I'm kind of clueless when it comes to these things. How much are implants and how much can you sell your eggs for?

>> No.8966571

B-but how dare you anon?! Great massive boobs can't possibly be fake! They're obviously real and you're just jealous!

Back on topic though, being in skimpy costumes is honestly embarrassing sometimes, but theres a lot of fun characters that just have skimpy costumes. Personally when I decide to do a Cosplay that has tits and ass out I do my damn best to make it as accurate and clean as possible cause you don't get ripped on as much.

>> No.8966572

I'm pretty okay with skimpy cosplays, if they're the actual character's design. If someone is pulling a basic bitch on Halloween and skanking up an otherwise normal costume, that's when it becomes really stupid. And there's also the matter of public decency; shit like >>8966453 and >>8966433 are taking it way, way too far. That's not the kind of shit that should be worn in public. The two in the middle of >>8966502 are just pushing the boundary of too much.


I like Hentai. ): I'd probably never cosplay from it, unless it was a group joke cosplay.
IMHO it's not for male attention that often. There are a lot of sexy female characters like Bayonetta,or Dr. Girlfriend that I would dress up as. In a sort of weird way, dressing up as these bombshell awesome chicks makes me feel like I'm just as gorgeous and powerful, you know? Kind of like how you feel a lot better about yourself when you're wearing nice, fitting clothes instead of baggy sweatpants and a hoodie. Of course, getting called hot by strangers is always nice, but it's more like icing on the cake.

>> No.8966579

>not for male attention
>getting called hot by strangers is always nice

>> No.8966603
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>getting called hot by strangers is always nice

I guess when people say that clothes can justify assault and rape they are talking about people like you.

>> No.8966607

I am because I know my body isn't quite good enough. I have a shitty diet so I'm really skinnyfat. I'll show off my legs and cleavage (I have good proportions even if I'm unhealthy) but no one wants to see my flat ass and my stomach.

>> No.8966608

I have cosplayed from hentai games, though. I'm a big fan of Ooyari Ashito.

>> No.8966615

I could only pull off a "skimpy" cosplay if my skin was still almost entirely covered, like a high-cut bunnysuit with opaque tights. I'm quite confident with the shape of my body but for some reason showing skin is a no-no for me. I can't even go swimming without a onepiece and board shorts.

So I guess true skimpy cosplay isn't for me, even if I truly love the character. I also disagree that getting sexual comments from strangers is always nice. If someone came up to me to tell me they found me sexually attractive I'd just become even more self conscious and would probably slink away to go change into something more modest.

>> No.8966621

so if i derive any enjoyment from compliments, my life is centered around male attention? shit, i better throw out my makeup and only dress in tracksuits from now on.
if someone sees a picture of my cosplay and tells me i look pretty, i'm not exactly going to have a panic attack and be scandalized.


>assault and rape

try harder/10

>> No.8966623

>not done entirely for male attention

>> No.8966626

>not done for attention


>> No.8966634

Yes, cosplay is done for attention, just like water is wet and the earth revolves around the sun. Can we talk about something more recent now?

If you dont like the fact that cosplay is for some sort of attention then you need to leave.

>> No.8966637

Whaaat?? I can sell some of my eggs?? Why has no one ever told me?? Or is this illegal in and that's why I don't know of it?

>> No.8966641


who is trying to say it isnt for attention lmao
you're literally putting on a cartoon costume to go to an event and meet other people who enjoy that cartoon

>> No.8966644

If youre in the US its perfectly legal and will give you a nice lump of money, but you dont just walk in and out in an hour, this isnt giving blood.I suggest you read this and other personal experiences about it. Its a long process.

>> No.8966673

You have to be like... spot on perfect genetically or else you might not even be considered. Like white, thin, no family history of terminal illnesses or severe mental illness.

>> No.8966683

I'm a trans guy who's terrified of surgery and don't mind my chest all that much (it's not that big and I can easily hide it), but I've honestly considered top surgery just for the sake of shirtless cosplay. But then again I'd probably still be too insecure to actually do it lmao.

>> No.8966744



>> No.8966753 [DELETED] 

Because it nets the most attention.

As a female, I can safely say that we base our self worth on how much attention we can pull in. We judge each other over it.

The more attention, the higher in the pecking order we are and get a better free will of who we can fuck. The lower your pecking order, the less choice you get.

>> No.8966765

Fakeboi detected

>> No.8966812

Do you realize how retarded that is?

>> No.8966827
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I would do it because I fell in love with the character.
>I'm looking at you Qwaser of Stigmata
Damn dirty lesbians, ruining EVERYTHING.

>> No.8966830

>as a female
Yeah no, you sound more like /r9k/

>> No.8966836


>> No.8966847

And also gifted or successful.
If you don't want to go through MONTHS of hormone injections, REGULAR trips to doctors (sometimes several times a week), mood swings, weight gain, potential complications, and an INVASIVE procedure to remove the eggs, before they've been dropped to the uterus (think about that one) then don't do it.
And no, you can't fuck anyone during this time or risk losing out on money they give you at the end.
8 thou is just not worth it considering the hormones have the potential risk of giving you cancer later on esp if you do it multiple times, and that the procedure it's self could fuck up your baby maker. Removal or tying reduces your lifespan, as much as I do not care about having kids, this is what worries me, less time in my life to wear my burando.

It's not really worth the hassle and hoop jumping for someone with a job and a life. They literally take it over and you're their guinea pig until it's done, you sign a contract and assume legal repercussions if you back out.

>> No.8966856

I'm skinnyfat and wear a medical device, so skimpy cosplay is pretty much out for me.

>> No.8966939

Quite the opposite, there are so many characters I want to cosplay, but all of their outfits are skimpy and I don't really want to show that much skin. Is it wrong to change the design a bit to cover my butt and cleavage? I REALLY don't want the male attention, I just want to wear a design I love without everything hanging out (just a personal preference)
Honestly there are so many Ecchi/Hentai characters I want to cosplay because of how cute the designs are, and how fun they would be to make. But I'd have no idea what to say when people ask what my character is from.

>> No.8966970

There's nothing wrong with that anon! Im going to cosplay a character that, in her design, is wearing what is basically a bikini. I'm definitely going to change that to more of a brief style panty because I dont need my butt out everywhere at a con. Do whatever makes you comfortable!

>> No.8967047
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>> No.8967069


>tfw im doin that too

I can handle wearing a crop top, but a bikini thong will just make me feel too exposed and shitty

>> No.8967075

If you are Cosplaying for yourself, they why do you give two shits about any change being "wrong." Will people have a problem with it, Yea sure, but it's as simple as not giving a fuck. And if your cosplay is good you'll get cred for it No matter any modifications you've made for it.

>> No.8967090
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>> No.8967094


>> No.8967095
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>> No.8967103
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>> No.8967121

I don't mind if it's an actual cosplay. Kill la Kill, KuroInu, whatever, as long as your cooch or nips are hanging out. But skimping up normal costumes or cosplaying skimpy ginjikas is stupid.

>> No.8967166

ffs, blue board, OP. It's not even tits for the sake of cosplay. Stickers are not cosplay.
Janitors, what the fuck?

>> No.8967177

fanboy containment thread, maybe

>> No.8967219

>As a female
Said no girl ever

>> No.8967295

She put bronzer on her body to give it more definition. Not surprised she's going this skimpy, there's no helping that face.

>> No.8967393

Call me gay all you want, I've never understood the skimpy cosplay thing. It attracts the wrong crowd, and even usually only attracts attention from hamplanets of the worst kind.

I just don't see the point in skimpy cosplay for the sake of skimpiness

>> No.8967461 [DELETED] 

Proves how fucking retarded women are.
We blame all our problems on men when it's our own selves cutting us down.

>> No.8967462 [DELETED] 

Of course not, women try to avoid as much accountabilty as they possibly can.

>> No.8967466


Someone hit a nerve. Lol.

>> No.8967469

You're not very good at pretending to be a girl. Work harder on your baiting skills /r9k/-san.

>> No.8967614

How does her top stay on!? That was a good dance for a pink girl.

>> No.8967640

He's back

when will he realise nobody cares

I think skimpy cosplays are all g, IF it's canon

Like if a character has a super skimpy outfit, then go for it. But making up a sexy design for a character is stupid imo, and half the time it's done for characters that wouldn't wear those kind of outfits to begin with

Also, gotta consider what's appropriate for cons.Something borderlining nudity obviously I would not condone at a convention, keep it for a photoshoot.

>> No.8967735

Why do people who cosplay as Menace and want to cover up her boobs always extend the blue?! She has a canon bra.

>> No.8967741 [DELETED] 


Oh I'm sorry. I have to check my income privilege. I know it makes me seem like a man sometimes. Not having to rely on gofundmes and having a car that dosent break down 3 times on the way to the con. While you two sluts were busy fighting over who could fuck Peter Dirkens the quarterback, I was studying and preparing myself to not be a baby factory or a spineless cunt that lives on nothing but sugar daddies. Keep living the paycheck to paycheck dream tsellling your body and dignity for your burando. Your looks will only carry you so far. When they are gone, you will wish you have what I have. Maybe I'll throw you a piece of bread.

This is the shit women deal with guys. Other twat faces putting down the ones that raised themselves up on their own and not from sucking dick.

>> No.8967747

Why was the op delete but this trash >>8966433 is allowed to stay?
Did some flatty get triggered by it?

>> No.8967748

Literally what are you even talking about?

>> No.8967753

He doesn't leave his house, so he doesn't know what the real world is actually like beyond second-hand accounts on the internet.

>> No.8967758

Why would you want big boobs anyways? Flat ones are much more practical.

>> No.8967766 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, the militant feminist fat mod is awake. Now we know it was true.

>> No.8967770
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>> No.8967773

Not even them, but why would you want back problems? My ass is good enough to make up for the lack of fat on my chest.

>> No.8967775

Sure thing. I believe you.

>> No.8967838


Because that is a cosplay seen at a convention

>> No.8968065

lots of tape

>> No.8968089

Queen's Blade gets passed off as a "strong womyn who don't need no man (except Cattleya)" series.

>> No.8968249

This desu. Ignore the anons hating on you, theyre probably the ones that want big boobs, or theyre men that want you to have big boobs. Maybe its just because I'm a really practical person, but I like my small(ish) chest. Practical for everyday outfits, lolita and most cosplay, plus no back pain. If I want them to look bigger that's much easier than getting surgery or intense binding to make them smaller.

>> No.8968805

ITT: sluts trying to deny they do this for attention

>> No.8969132
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(I'm a dude for reference)

Midriff baring costumes are where I start to get nervous (despite already having worn one and making another atm) but I think the line for me would be like anything skin is shown close enough to the genits to have to worry about pubes.

As for other people in skimpy cosplay I honestly don't care I'm happy when people cosplay what they want, and people just wanting attention get attention from people who are more than willing to dish it out so as long as they aren't being obnoxious about it, it's a win-win imo.

Very off topic but I'm really impressed how accurate the shape and fit of the top is using pic related as reference.

>> No.8969152

I did this at Anime Expo 2015 (unfortunately I have no good photos because my bodypaint was peeling off)

To make it legal and so I wouldn't go to jail for indecent exposure I made a tiny fundoshi out of the same white linen that the ribbon was made out of and wore that

>> No.8969155
File: 441 KB, 800x1829, ashura daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot my pic.

>> No.8969164

I cosplayed from Nekopara (not skimpy but still kinda lewd) because I think it's cute, I'm not a megadyke and don't really care about male attention (not like "teehee silly boys no attention pls~" or "eww men r so gross!!", I really just don't care).

>> No.8969179

I so would. But I was a fat kid and have a lot of gross stretch marks.

>> No.8969270

But I really just do it for myself anon.

>> No.8969279
File: 98 KB, 898x618, parasite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only 'skimpy' cosplay I have ever wanted to do. Big Dragon Age fangirl and always thought desire demons looked so cool. I'll probably never have the balls though. I have never even worn a cosplay with a bare midriff let alone this.

>> No.8969296

that fucking neon wig uuuuuggghhhh

I know I'm overreacting but oh my god that is so tacky.

>> No.8969301

Everything about that picture is just terrible.

>> No.8969343

>onepiece and board shorts
You never wear a bikini? Like ever?

>> No.8969371

some people don't wear bikinis anon. and actually some people look really bad in them.

>> No.8969396

Well yeah if you are fat you probably should not wear one.
But then again, why would you be fat?

>> No.8969436

skinny girls with no t&a look bad in them. makes them look like crossdressing little boys.

>> No.8969456

Didn't they take desire demons out of DA because fundies and SJWs found it offensive?

>> No.8969458

It was because of SJWs, yep.

>> No.8969482

Fuck. Liberals are supposed to be anti-censorship, not more puritan than the fucking fundies.

>> No.8969503

But it was oppressive to women all over the world! I HAD to be removed!

>> No.8969539

Dammit, just thinking about this shit is depressing. What the fuck went wrong with kids of today? Somewhere Jerry Falwell and James Dobson are laughing.

>> No.8970889

There's an entire show about girls like that isn't there? Called boku no picu?