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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 250x209, auscos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8959702 No.8959702 [Reply] [Original]

Goldnova is over and Melbnova is right around the corner
>which photographers shall we slut shame today
>will the beke hate train ever end
>will Michael S. ever post again

>> No.8959755

I'd like to know wtf is happening in the bris cos com rn?? Something do to with some photogs apparently

>> No.8959794

I got accepted for the sexpo comp. the fuck should I do

>> No.8959795


>> No.8959797

From what i hear a photographer black shirt with FBI written on the back took a photo of Kayla Erin's butt without her consent i think??

>> No.8959806
File: 20 KB, 407x83, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis cunt here thinks he can white knight kayla erin and diss photographers when hes got a long fuckin history of screwing cosplayers around?? puh-lease!

>> No.8959832

A bunch of stuff was deleted off one of the photo find forums that I didn't see too

>> No.8959903

Basically this photographer who has terrible lighting on his photos started posting all his pics and people were making fun of him (beethy, Tim Souter, etc) not only that but he was also the guy barging into other people's photo shoots which made things blow up even more

>> No.8959924
File: 36 KB, 263x395, 12439116_580610838764493_1458937283675638880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim Souter is in no position to make fun of other peoples work. check this dog shit out!

>> No.8960468

I'm going to Nova on Saturday. Who is cosplaying what?
Am I going to expect a lot of sudden Homestucks since Hussie finally ended it?

>> No.8960496

Tim should know better than that... Such a shame

>> No.8960529
File: 93 KB, 640x960, projectalice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon Project Alice, surely you would know that the duel disc goes on the other arm, right?

It's almost like you've never even watched Yu-Gi-Oh

>> No.8960549

This cosplay though.. Wrong arm for duel disc and she's just wearing a cheap bra top for her costume, not only that but the character was only recognisable by the duel disc because her wig is not styled.. Have you seen the characters hair?! Seriously

>> No.8960633
File: 81 KB, 960x960, projalice3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is definitely the 'easiest' choice for cosplay at the moment...

>> No.8960647

Top has ugly stitching, bottom looks like a nappy with fur coming out of it.

>> No.8960653

Thats nasty!

>> No.8960724

To add further on this im pretty sure monster cards should be placed face down in the defence position

>> No.8960848

Reposting my question from the last thread as I did not get many responses. What's the general consensus on out of place cosplays. Me and my friends were going to go to supanova in sydney as Kylo, Hux and old Luke but due to timing on old Luke's side the only con we could go to is SMASH. Would it be weird if we cosplayed star wars characters there.

>> No.8960849

I have to say not keen for melb supernova cosplays. They seem to get shitter every year.. anyone have any cosplayers they aren't looking forward too?

>> No.8960870

Sailor elsa for starters. And if that no pants rey is there as well....

>> No.8960876

Does anyone think that some people "run a blog" or a youtube channel, just to get a media pass?

>> No.8960894

I think no pants Rey is doing OZCC, we should be safe for now

>> No.8960895

she said something about this on volks post that it wouldn't stay held up on the other arm or something?

>> No.8960917

Bah, I got a jacket for a costume and it's way too big.

I'm going to buy an Eila Juutilainen costume then, but what are some decent Australian sites to buy costumes? I just did a basic google search and got a few results, but they all seem to use the same generic photo which makes me suspicious.

>> No.8961061

Why actually does everyone hate on beke, kayla erin, project alice, blondie etc? Is it cz they wear revealing cosplays or what

>> No.8961071

because we'll never get to fiddle with their diddles

>> No.8961072

Pretty much, and a few of them have pretty poor attitudes too.

>> No.8961075

Not that anon, but i have spoken to a couple of them a few times and seem fairly nice? But can't speak for everyone's encounters i guess

>> No.8961087

I assume because they do 'cheap' cosplays- e.g they're famous for doing sexy Pokemon gijinkas and just about any other sexy version of a cosplay that there is.
People tend to not like famous cosplayers that don't make their cosplays or do sexy/half assed versions of stuff.

>> No.8961091
File: 88 KB, 504x562, no pants rey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which brings us back to 'no pants rey' from melbourne, who thought she was being oh-so-edgy by deliberately sexualising rey.

>> No.8961121

So would it help their image if they dialled back on sex appeal and focused on skill and craftsmanship, or are they doomed for hate now..

>> No.8961124

These two would be the bulk of the reasons they aren't liked a lot

Exactly, I for one think Kayla has the potential to do alot better and more complex cosplays than what she's done in recent months.

>> No.8961126

Personally I would like to see some genuine craftsmanship from them, it would improve their image in my eyes.

If they've got a shitty rep/personality then that's a different story.

>> No.8961131

No problem seeing skin. However seeing excess rolls and stretch marks as well as thunder thighs is stretching it

>> No.8961134

Hate by other cosplayers mainly females? I'm only guessing here coz what guy would say no to their cosplays unless they're gay or something

>> No.8961136

But... Why sexualise a character that is inherently not sexy?
I don't like sexified cosplays of character that don't suit it. If you want to sex up Harley Quinn, Panty & Stocking etc., go for it, as it suits the character. But don't just do a skimpy version of a character like Rey for no other purpose than to be -edgy- which in this case means : too lazy to do the actual costume.

>> No.8961137


>> No.8961148

>stretch marks

did you mean that anon? still punny though, well done

>> No.8961154

>why sexualise a character that is inherantly not sexy

because facebook likes. and while on that topic, why is slutty cubone the new slutty pikachu? it's an orphan pokemon who mourns the death of its mother by wearing her skull on its head ffs

>> No.8961162

Because fuck you you prude cunt lol

>> No.8961167

I bet you get off to the thought of seeing a sexy doc brown try to flux your capacitor.

>> No.8961170

I bet you cosplay sexy genderbend sasuke or something equally as stupid

>> No.8961182

There's no reason to sexify rey and yet this person is doing a no pants rey... And no negative opinion will stop her from doing so. Urgh
Lol was wondering if anyone noticed it

>> No.8961251

Just saw a ballerina r2d2 on the melb community fb page
Send help

>> No.8961253
File: 79 KB, 519x536, ballerina r2d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'i'm not attention seeking'

>> No.8961266

fuck i was just about to post this

>> No.8961267

If it doesn't look good then dont wear it. Why make such a hideous outfit to begin with.
Just burn it

>> No.8961276
File: 35 KB, 353x220, 744010530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8961277

Fuck i was about to upload this cringe

>> No.8961281
File: 40 KB, 929x498, FB_IMG_1460635595778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Which makeup is better?"
Neither pls set fire to ur wig and makeup

>> No.8961286

Remember last time she got posted on here and had the biggest cry. Kek

>> No.8961292

kek she was like 'i was going for a ballerina look. take this down!'

babby doesn't know how cgl works

>> No.8961294

The more you cry the worse it gets

>> No.8961299

I saw this said neither. But all them white knights saying she looks fine. People like that boosting the shitty cosplayers to carry on with making shitty cosplays.

>> No.8961302
File: 311 KB, 1080x1703, IMG_20160414_223426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposed to be shinji ikari

>> No.8961303
File: 15 KB, 263x395, 12805955_567660913392819_6088425439818477294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timothy "I photograph fat cunts with fat legs" Souter photography!

>> No.8961304

remember when she did that batman x elsa crossover? or that 'christmas elsa' which was essentially just her tits bursting out of a green and red corset?

>> No.8961305

fuck the judges obviously. who you going as so i can cheer you on ?

>> No.8961306

So Flash Frost is judging the Melbourne Nova competition with Wirru and is also hosting a panel

>> No.8961310

yes to wirru, not so sure about flash frost

>> No.8961313

Oh FUCK OFF and leave Tim alone, there's nothing wrong with that picture.

You sound really jealous Anon, did he snub you?

Honestly I wouldn't blame him with your attitude.

>> No.8961318

Hi Tim

>> No.8961327

Well, at least I'm reminded of End of Evangelion when I look at him, so he's somewhat succeeded.

>> No.8961336

Not sure, but unless youre entering it shouldnt really be a concern should it? Or gulls just looking for something to be salty over

>> No.8961338 [DELETED] 

Careful, Tim. your outbursts may lead to kidney failure.

But if that happens, id fucking ROFLOL

>> No.8961367

Heard he got in the shit books for lying to kayla erin about shit talking her on here

>> No.8961377

Sorry im not a narutard

>> No.8961381

Yeah I saw her yelling at him when I was coming out of a door

>> No.8961440

Sounds like him... Tim souter is passive-aggressive as fuck. Pretends to be your friend in your face, stabs you in the back because his photography is beyond sub par.

Good to know the aussie community is slowly learning

>> No.8961805

Ahahahahaha we're not learning really....

>> No.8961829
File: 76 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1460668836111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you try to show off your "progress"

>> No.8961959

>dem nips

>> No.8961968

I am entering

>> No.8962048

Then dont be shit and you'll be fine hey

>> No.8962110

who det

>> No.8962117

That's some mint advice

>> No.8962162

I believe she is a nobody..

>> No.8962189

Same. I'm entering something subpar so nervous as fuck

>> No.8962313

I don't know about other cities but why does Brisbane have so many fake bois and gender special people in the cos community. I hate meeting someone who I could cosplay with who ends up being a tumblrgender special snowflake.

>> No.8962324

You're a nobody.

>> No.8962389

Unfortunately, most of my encounters with those people have created a stereotype. They're all very self-absorbed people looking for you to slip up once so they can take the position of power, hold it over you like blackmail and berate you. It's just not worth being friends with them because they're too mentally exhausting to keep up with and tiptoe around constantly.

>> No.8962935
File: 15 KB, 240x320, FB_IMG_1460718368289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fem crash bandicoot"
Brb busy drinking bleach

>> No.8962966

This is vendetta

>> No.8963003

What horrible cosplays y'all looking forward to seeing this weekend

>> No.8963005

Where'd you find out about this??

>> No.8963057
File: 27 KB, 473x315, 12919737_579947022164208_2669344003594337381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963068

No vandetta she just looks fukkin stupid

>> No.8963080

You don't need to censor tits that small.

>> No.8963090

I would fuck her.

>> No.8963198

Friends don't let friends shoot with Tim Souter!

>> No.8963482

Well played, sir
Commence mission "authorizing 8-month commission"

>> No.8963486

She's put them in literally the only incorrect position, sideways or face up both fix it, why dont you just put the 7 of diamonds in there instead
another day, another cosplay done solely for attention by someone who has never even fking seen the show/played the game

>> No.8963587

She was singing the theme song to gx at nova. I think she is a fan but like anon mentioned above she couldn't get the disk to work on her other atm. Chill yo vendetta

>> No.8963596
File: 205 KB, 1125x2000, FB_IMG_1460755791061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963615

That cellulite

>> No.8963726

Id hit that. Dunno who she is, but she's hot as!

>> No.8963868
File: 50 KB, 716x960, 12974501_1744970192384162_2640521572272209603_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at people's photos of what they're wearing today. Why are there so many shit cosplayers in Melbourne?

>> No.8963905

not cellulite, its pimples
gross !

>> No.8963943

It's both!

>> No.8964053

That's not too amazingly bad

Someone burn this shit. Someone burn this shit with fire!

>> No.8964193

that'd take like 10 minutes to remember though
its not really a personal thing but more the general concept of doing cosplays in that way

>> No.8964196

what is up with the backwards clock
is it a weeb right to left clock or some shit

>> No.8964226

Melbourne SupaNova cosplay competition. Thoughts?

>> No.8964235
File: 82 KB, 960x892, 1061219_10201812338937282_628612741_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this a lot

>> No.8964250

>about the girl?
>about the photo
It would have taken 2 seconds to fix up those thighs in photoshop erg. Interesting first person pov though, is it more fap-able that way?

>> No.8964272

the RWBY group was great, loved their performance, also really liked the Silent Hill couple. Ended up leaving early though as it started to get boring.

There was some very...interesting entries though, to say the least

>> No.8964293

What do you mean by interesting?

>> No.8964297
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Melbnova today, dumping a few pic of it.

>> No.8964298
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964299
File: 1.94 MB, 3098x2074, Pyramid Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be the highlight of Melbnova so far.

>> No.8964301
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964302
File: 2.68 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964304
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964306
File: 1.79 MB, 2074x3098, Tornado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964307
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964309

Not enough leto.

>> No.8964310
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964312

What was the cosplay comp like?

>> No.8964313
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964314

caitlyn jenner doing catwoman cosplays now?

>> No.8964315

More accurate then most kylo's there also could be 501st approved.

>> No.8964317

It was my first time to one of these things and I'm not really a big comic/movie/tv/popculture person so got bored really quick.... I only stayed for the first 2 hours. Maybe more cosplayers came after midday? I wasn't terribly impressed by most of the ones there though : /

Points for trying though, I didn't.

>> No.8964318
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964320

What's leto?

>> No.8964331
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964337

"Snowlo Ren"

>> No.8964341
File: 65 KB, 473x491, wat -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dropped image whoops

>> No.8964345

It's not even an attention seeking cosplay desu youre just nitpicking for the sake of it

>> No.8964347

Yug you creepy bastard, I see youi lurking.

>> No.8964372
File: 31 KB, 323x307, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964381


I just can't even comprehend her thought process on this one at all.

>> No.8964385

Are you broken? Have you ever seen a real human woman outside of the internet before?

>> No.8964391

How many women in fantasy you see with cellulite?

At the very lease he could have corrected the color and Photoshoped her ass to not look like the before shot of a Clearasil commercial. She's got make up on and her face is a significantly different colour to her lower body.

>> No.8964399

yeah i agree she definitely needs a pair of dance tights (which should just be common sense in skimpy costumes) and the photographer should've done some correction, but the amount of shit this board spews about cellulite is ridiculous; it's part of the human body, it generally comes with being a real person.

>> No.8964400

I haven't been to a supanova in about 5 years and let me tell you, there was a large amount of cosplay and most of it was bad. Also quite a few costumes that were ok or storebought but could of used an iron.

>> No.8964401

Yup, hall shots generally just get snapped and put up as soon as the photog gets to a pc, so not much in the way of editing happens. I agree she should've worn tights, I never do a cosplay that shows leg without them, but cellulite is perfectly natural, it isnt gross or disgusting like so many people in this thread seem to think it is.

If the photog wanted to they could've edited it out (I would've personally) but it really isn't a huge deal. The cosplayer is in great shape, it literally just shows that everyone has cellulite, and half the time it depends on angle/how the person is posed.

Also, spots on a person's legs are very normal too. They probably arent actual pimples, but small red bumps from shaving (They happen no matter what you do when shaving). Either she has hairy legs or tiny, insignificant spots, and we all know which one is less acceptable in society.
tldr critique the cosplay, not incontrollable aspects of her body

>> No.8964404

Any memorable cosplays from today? I saw very few

There was an amazing Rogue there and I'm shattered I didn't get a snap

>> No.8964407

There was a girl in a super cool realistic looking deer head thing with sort of a gothic/mori looking outfit along with it. I don't know if it was an actual character or an OC but it looked amazing, the jaw moved and everything.

>> No.8964411

The Thor. I don't think he actually made his costume though.

>> No.8964413

There was an epic daedric cosplayer too who looked amazing

>> No.8964419

I don't like brag but I bet I have seen more outside of the interwebs than you

>> No.8964430

omg that starfire..

>> No.8964433

honey, I am a woman and i don't have anything like that on my ass

>> No.8964441

who dat? and where was this posted?

>> No.8964446


>> No.8964449

lmao yeh right

like a weird angle wouldn't give you cellulite

how do you think tabloids get those 'shock' photos of celebs with cellulite/stretch marks? shitty angles and lighting

>> No.8964458
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, Moarlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar you said?

>> No.8964460
File: 1.73 MB, 2448x3264, Moarlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it why won't they ever post the right way.

>> No.8964474

A small percentage of women don't get it.
At all.
Anon could be lying troll. Or she could be one of the blessed few. Could also be a he. In anycase how bout we let it go and come back to the topic on hand of Melbnova.

>> No.8964772

yeah, the predominant boobage has nothing to do with it, right
nobody would ever cosplay something they've never head of just for attention...

>> No.8965103

Whos the tog?

>> No.8965121
File: 28 KB, 300x481, images-107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai has big tits are you autistic

>> No.8965180

Not that anon, but the salt is strong in you

>> No.8965190

Saw that starfire sitting down, omg was she hot.
I had no idea about her breasts though. fuck.

also lol that fucking wonder tumblr

>> No.8965207

>two deadpools chilling together
>has friend dressed as character from another fandom with them
>powerpuff girl cosplayer runs to them, shrieking 'DEADPOOL!!!!!!'
>wants photo
>other fandom guy poses for photo too
>powerpuff girl screeches like the queen of harpies 'NOT YOU! ONLY THE DEADPOOLS!!'

i understand if you only want photos of only part of a group (i was completely upstaged all day by my partner and was happy to step aside) but geez...be polite and don't act out so people within a 2km radius can hear every word

>> No.8965252
File: 140 KB, 720x960, rick and morty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jennifer..never change

>> No.8965472

>Saw that starfire
>omg was she hot
Pick one

I suspect you may even be the Starfire beast.

>> No.8965480

Rick is gross but this is an entirely different kind of gross

>> No.8965557

Boy do I have a surprise for you.

>> No.8965578

Jfc thats disgusting holy shit, her vag hangs down like a loose sock

>> No.8965580

Is that her? I'm both disgusted and curious.

>> No.8965595

I need eye bleach.

>> No.8965596

The face matches the picture of starfire in >>8964460

>> No.8965633
File: 492 KB, 712x610, 12744110_618611031625620_4384688438758995182_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The $50 set sounds interesting how mean photos come in that?
> 5-10 photos But they are of proper quality and not just selfies.

What the fuck? Do people actually buy stuff like that?

Also I wish I hadn't clicked on page 2. She better hope no one important finds out about those pictures.

>> No.8965668

There's videos if you go far back enough. With all the sound you wouldn't want to hear.

>> No.8965670

What I want to know is how you knew about this.....

>> No.8965681

I was in a facebook group she posted it in. One I have thankfully since left. Nerd fighters something.

>> No.8965701


Your welcome.

>> No.8965702

I'm not sure I should thank you.

>> No.8965709

Skimmed over the pics, the Starfre cosplay is by far her worst effort to date. Rushed you reckon or regressing?

>> No.8965719

Why not both?

>> No.8965723


None of them are good desu

>> No.8965735

I've already seen her masturbate in the shower (If that is indeed her who runs that digusting tumblr blog) so I think I know more about her than I ever wanted to know thanks

>> No.8965781

Well this is the first time cgl has made me vomit, there are something man wasn't meant to see.

>> No.8965853
File: 70 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1460877577609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8965858

What's wrong with Sailor Goon?

>> No.8965860

Straya Moon?

But seriously this is so fucking aussie, pass us the gooooooooon brudda.

>> No.8965861

Sunday cosplay contest is over. Thoughts? What was hot and what was not

>> No.8965867

Post pics? I can't find any online. Any of Saturday's would be appreciated too

>> No.8965876

That's pretty funny actually

>> No.8965907
File: 217 KB, 804x1072, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice nips

>> No.8965910

Sailor Goon kek
this is wonderful.

>> No.8965914

I chortled

>> No.8965918
File: 186 KB, 804x841, All muscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did you ask her to pose or you take a pic when someone else did?

>> No.8965920

Was floating on MCC

>> No.8965925

Make all this pain stop. Kill her with fire.

>> No.8965929

Pun intended?

>> No.8965936

you must be for being this thick
the character was chosen specifically for the big breasts you dumb fuck

>> No.8965943

this is the exact reason why you wear stockings

>> No.8965951
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x2193, Screenshot_2016-04-17-20-58-30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So disappointing.
I really enjoyed seeing her WIP, but I'm not about to go pay for it.
I enjoy seeing peoples WIP pics as it motivates me to complete my costumes.
Why do all cosplayers who get a little bit of attention sell out?

>> No.8965954

People hate on becky because shes a total slag, she cosplays purely for attention and nothing else, she has no talent and her behaviour is pretty shocking to say the least. Kayla erin is hated because shes good looking and a little bit up herself, project alice is hated because shes new and tends to be a bit of a slut, and blondie is hated because she can be snobby at times

>> No.8965957

pretty sure the only one that does that is beke desu, the others seem to be pretty good with crafting

>> No.8965958

as long as she delivers what she promises, i think it's a great idea seeing as she'll obviously be investing more time and effort to show us noobs how she works and time is money. of course it's more ideal if her content was free but it's what patreon was initially about, before coswhores saw this as another niche and decide to invade

>> No.8965974
File: 250 KB, 1471x502, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all listed have done a pokemon gijinka cosplay yes

however they are all vastly different, they all cosplay for different reasons, and have different skill levels. I don't think these 4 should be grouped together to be honest

>> No.8965977

0 skill hoe bags, are what's wrong with the culture. -Here's my fake boobs, give me attention and money now- are the dumb fake bitches we've hated since highschool.

>> No.8965986

and why the fuck is cubone the new pokemon to slut up? let the poor orphan pokemon moan its dead mother in peace ffs

>> No.8965987

mourn* fucking hell typed too fast

>> No.8965994

because sunday cosplay 3d printed the heads, so its the easy, quick, talentless thing to cosplay. Because its already made for them. I like how Beke is playing it off as if she made it herself, baka. At least PA credited him

>> No.8965996

this is the first photo ive seen of beke not on her knees, can someone tell her to get off the ground and shut her legs?

>> No.8966059 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 475x541, Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 11.27.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the huge manatee

>> No.8966066
File: 428 KB, 418x588, Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 11.37.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8966067
File: 815 KB, 824x589, Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 11.45.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wrong pic

>> No.8966086
File: 101 KB, 240x240, 54789375389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8966092

Heat rash. That's my guess. Or friction burn.

>> No.8966116

>someone works hard out of their own pocket creating cosplays
>shares photos of work online for free
>offers bonus content to those who want it for a very small fee to help fund future ventures, living costs etc

Don't like it, don't pay for it. Pretty fucking simple anon.

>> No.8966126

1000x this.

>> No.8966132

Too ugly to be a model? Be a photographer!

>> No.8966806

Oh fuck a little bit of cleavage!!! What a slut!!! Kys

>> No.8966835

Good to see my photos are getting around :)

I asked "Can I take your photo?" and that's how she posed herself.

>> No.8966985

Jealous, bitch?

>> No.8967123


>> No.8967135

I would fuck her hard, time to stalk and find her skype.

>> No.8967212

Top right section... Reminds me of that chick with 3 tits from total recall

>> No.8967221 [DELETED] 

Difference is I'd actualyy fuck the chick with three tits.

>> No.8967224

Difference is I'd actualy fuck the chick with three tits.

>> No.8967323

Disapointments of Supa Melb? Who were you looking forward to seeing but ended up looking like a shit taco? Also seems like the slut factor is increasing from what i saw, might be detering the actual good cosplayers from bringing their game since all they have to do is sex up a costume

>> No.8967333

Blondiee actually has talent, shes been trying with all her armour and photography, I'm actually interested in her work unlike the others..

>> No.8967371

Some of the NoFlutter Sailor Scouts had more effort put into them than others. The Chibi Moon was a disappointment

>> No.8967378

So given what I can see on Scarlet Ivy's tumblr and Zeek's comments in that interview a while back...how many polgymous, bi, swingers are there in the cosplay community?

And yeah I'm serious and want to know for my partner and I ;)

>> No.8967391
File: 206 KB, 960x960, 12974336_562617173898754_593063288697111944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much happening and it's all bad

>> No.8967399

You're better off with the Neko crowd. At least they'd be respectful.

>> No.8967403

Really? What is Neko anyway? I see the post from those Neko Nation raves not sure if that's our thing...

>> No.8967411

Anyone else sick of hearing about the ghost in the shell movie?

It's an American made movie, wont be any different with plus or minus one asian actor.

It's not like they're going to fly to Japan, hire local actors and copy the anime shot for shot.

If they want a Japanese film they need to watch something made by the Japanese film industry, not American.

What these nerds want is a live action cosplay movie, which would require western looking actors (fluent in Japanese) anyway.

>> No.8967412


>> No.8967413 [DELETED] 

Basically that, a rave. Still great for the poky crowd.

>> No.8967417

Waste of a nude session

>> No.8967422

Fair enough, thanks for the tip :)

>> No.8967445

Lol, the MCC is blowing up about photographers again.

Is everyone from Melbourne this ignorant?

>> No.8967451
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 12806045_1126728910693411_109768866328639386_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967453

this came up on my facebook feed this morning and it traumatised me to the very core of my being.

>> No.8967467

So what's the ordeal now in regards to the photographer who photographed Kayla Erin?

>> No.8967483

What happened this time?

>> No.8967525

Excuse the noobness but what's MCC? I googled it and all I get is cricket shit.

>> No.8967537

Melbourne Cosplay Cunts

>> No.8967539

Melbourne cosplay community.
It's a public Facebook group.

>> No.8967545

Ozcc melb invited ivy doomkitty. Why do they always get the shitty famewhore cosplayers? And i thought they were cleaning up their act with the announcement of K and Aly

>> No.8967569

A number of photogs who had light setups and/or charging cosplayers to have a shoot done. And they were told to either pull down their setup and move along or face being booted out of the venue

>> No.8967581

>Charging at a con
What are they, Beethy?

>> No.8967600

Meh, would still bang....from the sounds of her tumblr it would be a wild night...

>> No.8967603

I must say, you have pretty low standards. Then again, you're on cgl.

>> No.8967604

It's like looking into a mirror of my own depravity

>> No.8967611

I feel pity for you that you find her fuckable.

I shed a single tear for you Anon.

>> No.8967632

You don't have to settle in this life, anon.

>> No.8967688

Afaik, no one was charging any cosplayers. That's the assumption some security and volunteers thought. Moreso it was a hazard thing with the light setup some had with them

>> No.8967757

Come on guys, post the best cosplays and the worst cosplays from the weekend. I want to see trainwrecks and I want to see masterpieces

>> No.8967771

Then go next time

>> No.8967776


LOL, an uber talented model, wasted on a uber shit house photographer!

>> No.8967779

He doesnt charge at the con wat

>> No.8967781

I cosplayer i've been following past cosplays are amazing but recently have chosen a lot of cosplays that are pretty much underwear.
A bra, ripped stockings and smudged eyeliner = cheap sellout material

>> No.8967794
File: 123 KB, 1095x730, the_witcher_3___ciri__2__by_beethy-d9jchrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd really pay for this?

>> No.8967799

Listen. You're gonna have to be more specific as this applies to 80% of cosplayers

>> No.8967801


>> No.8967808
File: 59 KB, 640x960, Supanova 2016 - Sunday - Sonia Nevermind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some good DR cosplay and some not so good DR cosplay

>> No.8967815

Yeah probs, I quite like a lot of his work

>> No.8967818

What has she said now?

>> No.8967830

Made a false claim that a photographer took a photo of her butt

>> No.8967845

Ugh! No! Looks like a painting than a photo?

>> No.8967848

Huh, I see good images are beyond you. That's a shame.

>> No.8967870

>false claim
Was it, though?

>> No.8967872
File: 181 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything getting so slutty...

>> No.8967874

no flutter
alright mate

>> No.8967876
File: 134 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,t.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melbourne Cosplay Community, what nice to say about it
>Bunch of bullshit
Although i still go to cons because i love seeing the sourpuss looks on peoples faces

Im not the only one that thinks so
>someone becomes "cosfamous" they instantly get fanned over by the sadmins and mind you its literally if you dont have any friends or you dont fit in, in a group of already socially awkward people because you either open to alot of stuff or have alot of freedom of expression

>its 40 keks from Melbnova to AMC

>> No.8967877

I actually quite liked this group. They're not slutty at all.

>> No.8967878

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.8967880

Who are they???

>> No.8967881

Get out from under a rock and go to con every now and then, you might see the drama that circles MCC

>> No.8967883

But that isn't slutty...like, at all..

>> No.8967884

That's because no one of any importance is in Victoria. So it's a vacuum of landwhales and whores fighting each other for attention.

>> No.8967890
File: 65 KB, 650x509, it-should-be-illegal-to-cosplay-outside-your-body-type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that everywhere

Its not about skill these days its more on popularity or great tits and ass

>> No.8967891

Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.8967896

Well aren't you fancy.

>> No.8967897

True but I'm still yet to see anyone who actually stands out regarding looks. Like hell, I have no standards and have fucked some serious bushpigs. But I wouldn't go near some of the whales that think they are attractive.
Same with the majority of the other chicks. They look like they are melting 2 hours into a convention. If I wan't to have my dick looking like one of those decorative candles I'll stick my dick in hot wax. Would be a more enjoyable experience as well.

>> No.8967900

>Whales that think they are attractive.
Curious Anon, do you think it may be their mental state that may be putting you off. I mean, as you said you've fucked some nasties in the past.

>> No.8967903

Nah, Most of the bushies I've laid were normally confident as fuck.
They just don't whine and moan about people taking photos or guys getting close.
I prefer my sluts up front rather then the whiney mess that are cosplayers.

Least with them I know what I am getting into.

>> No.8967906

This is the most honest answer I've seen in a cgl thread.

Good on you Anon.

Maybe try the Rave/Neko crowd instead? They may be more up your alley. (Not a cosplayer in sight, lots of alternate chicks though)

>> No.8967907

If I wanted to fuck something that wore bright colours and furry shit I'd get high as shit on LSD and go into the wog sections of Sydney.

>> No.8967909

any news on how the boat party went?

>> No.8967911


>> No.8967914
File: 20 KB, 510x218, really-skinny-lips-meme-generator-hmmmmm-weird-f47942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pity have to be anon to say this type of shit though huh

>> No.8967930

why so salty, beethy is a great photographer, hes popular for a reason, and its a beautiful photo. id pay for it

>> No.8967933

It wasn't false like 6 people saw it including me

>> No.8967945

This is so cute, how is it even slutty anyone have the cosplayers?

>> No.8967968


Slutty? Lol, youre one salty bitch, that's more conservative than the original

>> No.8967970

Is my reading comprehension bad or does this post make absolutely no sense? Do you even know how to use greentext mate?

>> No.8967972

how come there was a bunch of shitty cosplays in the contest that had no actual audio, did they not think it would be terrible as fuck to watch?

Though i saw a couple people try to give the tech dude something halfway through the contest but isn't that all meant to be handed in at rego? It was when I used to enter way back when

>> No.8967991

so why so many shit cosplay at melbnova, pretty disappointing, shittest cosplay there?

>> No.8968002

Nah mate, wouldnt recommend it. takes him about 5 months to actually open up photoshop even after paying him.

heard he scammed his other mates on that kickstarter years back, so wouldnt trust'em with any money whatsoever.

>> No.8968460

Sounds like a Shy cosplay

>> No.8968621

they should of changed it around,
> Jupiter > pluto
>sailor moon > chibi moon
>no uranus >get a uranus

>> No.8968660

Their Uranus was sick i believe

>> No.8968669

When someone borrows a cosplay from another cosplayer and it looks better on them than the original owner/maker lol

>> No.8968685
File: 1.13 MB, 1069x1694, 2016-04-19 10.08.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me laugh when cosplayers say they don't get butthurt from 4chan but make a status about it anyways. We are all wasting our lives oh nooo :"(

>> No.8968707

Sailor Saturn: Snefasaurus Cosplay
Sailor Jupiter: Ashleigh Laura Cosplay
Sailor Moon: QTPixie Cosplay
Sailor Mars: Britta Moraitis Cosplay
Sailor Neptune: Jennifer Cosplay
Sailor Pluto: Alana Eve Cosplay
Sailor Mercury: Flash Frost Cosplay
Chibi Moon: Jasmin Nora Cosplay
Sailor Venus: Elizabethmaree Cosplay

>> No.8968751


>> No.8968755

Ok so if it was true or false or whatever, why is it ok to take a picture from the front (aka boobs and all) but not a picture of her back/bum? That doesn't make sense to me....

>> No.8968781

It has to do with awareness. Sneaking photos (while legal) is usually frowned upon.

>> No.8968782

You're slutty. GTFO you schmuck.

>> No.8968785

He was taking a hall photo and Kayla retracted her statements once she realized people weren't believing her bullshit

>> No.8968793

Sounds like her.

>> No.8968803

except he took the photo outside so your statement makes no sense? he did it to a bunch of people but only kayla was pissed enough to start a fuss about it (although she took it down because the supanovah photo find forum admins are little bitches and started calling it slander)

>> No.8968811

Are there screen caps?

>> No.8968815

That Kayla white knight tho
Just accept that her bullshit got caught out
I was there when it happened
Funny to watch the shitstorm ensue

>> No.8968843
File: 237 KB, 1080x1207, IMG_20160419_111214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing the pokemon slut game to Perth, thanks!

Also does anyone know who did the original file? This guy is someone who constantly sells of shit like this as his own and this time doesn't seem to be any different

>> No.8968850

No Jeff, I do not want hugs.

>> No.8969103

They haven't all been slut city
At least not in bris

>> No.8969107

It could be an edit of the official model, or someone who did the same thing.

>> No.8969114

Because taking photos from the front IF YOU ASK is okay
How would you feel of someone took a photo of your ass out on the streets

>> No.8969115

Sure you were...Tim

>> No.8969134


>> No.8969227

Choose your words carefully, Tim. She might just punch out your kidney!

>> No.8969250

I'm guessing you're a girl. I don't find this either slutty or attractive, rather neutral and not very interesting to me.

lol'ed too hard

>> No.8969257

I really wouldn't care, I'd think they're weird but that's about it. I'm sure my ass has been captured many times in the background of photos taken by people in public.

oh and one other thing. I wouldn't be walking around in public in just my underwear too, so I wouldn't be trying to draw attention to myself either.

>> No.8969258

god what shoddy designs and wigs

>> No.8969271

All these cosplayers worrying about "sneaky photos" when things like security cameras exist.

Shocking to realise there might be a photo of your butt on one of those!

>> No.8969272

They're not actually that worried about it, they have ulterior motives when "worrying" about that.

>> No.8969274

But not everyone is comfortable with people sneaking photos of their ass?
Like you might be and that's cool, but so long as you don't generalise and say EVERYONE should be cool with it. I've had people take back shots/butt shots of my friend when she was wearing fitted but fully covering pants- It's weird, and it made her uncomfortable and quite upset.

If you want shots of your butt then go for it, but if people are taking them/pics of anywhere else you don't want specific pics of without asking then it's just not cool.

>> No.8969282

>>But not everyone is comfortable with people sneaking photos of their ass?
>Damage controlling this hard after they responded to "How would you feel of someone took a photo of your ass out on the streets" with indifference
Holy kek

>but if people are taking them/pics of anywhere else you don't want specific pics of without asking then it's just not cool.
Do you honestly think that harping on about how 'not cool' creep shots are will make people stop taking them? They know what they're doing is not what you want, and they don't care. There is nothing your whining will do to stop them, your shitfit throwing is just a weak attempt to gain attention and sympathy.
"Oh boo hoo, the evil scary man took a picture of my ass! Whatever will I do? Now he will show it to people which is total not okay, even though I went out wearing these clothes into a public place where people could see me!"
If you go out in public wearing something, you have literally no reason to be butthurt over a photo of you in that clothing being posted online, because you were totally fine with anyone there at the time in public seeing that exact same thing.

>> No.8969283


Privacy applies to the private sector, the public is public not private, there's no right to privacy.

If you can see something with your eyes, then it's 'fair game'.

That is however, different to up skirting, or hiding a camera in a toilet stall or change room for example.

>> No.8969284

I will forever be thankful that this is how it works.

>> No.8969316

All of them in Bris have been slutty

>> No.8969332

Not really? Geeks guild did a nice couple one and project alice did a heartfelt mourning one, neither were slutty

>> No.8969345

but why the deliberate choice to make the costume a bikini though? would you mourn your mother's death in your underwear?

>> No.8969350

I got cave woman from it, its not t&a
Even bekes wasn't that slutty desu

>> No.8969354

Sexualising Cubone put those girls squarely into the idiot brigade for me. Even Alice, and I say that as her friend

>> No.8969369

You aren't much of a friend if you're name dropping her here.

>> No.8969380

um excuse me? she spent the whole time on her knees and she wasn't wearing underwear, that's being slutty

>> No.8969389

you can be someones friend and not support every little thing they do, sometimes you can stand up for whats right instead

imagine how much better the world could be if the whiteknights did that

>> No.8969397

Can I ask why this bothers you so much, the so called "slutty cosplays" is it that its not true to the cosplay, or is it something more?

>> No.8969399

I think its more the fact that people don't put in effort anymore, and no one seems to have any self respect for themselves or anyone else. It's not about the craft, its about validating your self worth with likes so people stoop to this level to do so. It's a really sad decline for the community

>> No.8969403

i feel this so much

>> No.8969419

that and people who put in actual hard work like learning sewing and prop making techniques and have used their skills to commission costumes/weapons find it harder to make bank compared to stuffing their tits and ass in a bikini and begging for donations online.

>> No.8969424


>> No.8969434

She had no underwear??? How ever were you able to determine that? Look up her skirt? Felt her up???

>> No.8969441

Yeah. It was slutty no doubt about that, but I seriously doubt she wasn't wearing underwear. Unless there's actual proof or you personally had a look, you're probably just a salty sailor.

>> No.8969450 [DELETED] 

LMAO "friend" more like a little fucken bitch.

You call yourself a friend yet you diss her on a public forum. Some friend you are. More like a faggot. You little pussy. If I had a friend name drop me on 4chan in a negative light, I would literally slap the shit out of them not for dissing me but for being a little bitch.

>> No.8969455

I don't know who this Alice is, but I hope she finds you and when she does, she slaps the fuck out of you, you little weasel. You fake ass "friend". You piece of shit snake in the grass.

>> No.8969457

>All that swearing.
Melbourne, what have we told you about staying up past your bed time.

>> No.8969459

[both of] you should be aware I have never met this Alice, I just empathize with the shift that has occurred in these circles

Take your whiteknight butthurt away from me kthx

>> No.8969461

I saw her saggy ass hanging out too, shes notorious for not wearing undies to cons, and no shoes either. anyone else see her at SMASH last year in her bleach cosplay, same deal

>> No.8969463

White Knight? LMFAO! I could care less of a fuck about your views on "slutty" cosplayers or whatever the fuck you want to label cosplayers as.

All I'm just doing is calling out a snake in the grass, the little weasel like the bitch that they are. "Friend" LOL! more like a fkn bitch.

>> No.8969465
File: 79 KB, 360x942, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8969470

shes pretty rank for someone thats so up themselves desu

>> No.8969495

I definitely think you should support your friends, not bag them out here. If you don't think what they're doing is right, maybe talk to them about it?

>> No.8969501

Exactly right!

>> No.8969559

Jesus Drune is gross

>> No.8969560

Which one is Drune?

>> No.8969746

Its amusing how you try to vehemently deny being a white knight, but yet you're so personally insulted by the slightest negativity to the point you still haven't realized I'm not even the original poster, instead being just some chick who wandered in to investigate the noise

>> No.8969886

That was beke not alice

>> No.8969890

Alice was. Beke - who knows

>> No.8970052
File: 436 KB, 3021x1422, 1461013886789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 2 years into bodybuilding and thanks to good eating and tren i almost look like zyzz

I have no issue picking up random sluts, but the whole reason i got into bodybuilding was so that i could cosplay as various heroes from history and walk through cons with a camera behind me recording the people looking at my shredded upper body.

Im want to fuck famous cosplayers and booth babes. Are all cosplay grills autistic or are they stuck up whores? I know that when fat weaboos try to get with them they cringe, but how about the embodiment of the male power fantasy?

>> No.8970061

Dat bait

>> No.8970077

Really, I didn't see PA's cubone as sexy, she wasn't wearing a bikini it was like loin cloth cave style which cubone would probably wear in female human form desu and she wasn't spreading her legs like the others

>> No.8970079

Also - friends don't post friends on 4chan

>> No.8970121

Hello anyone know if there any upcomming events con or artist alley related within the next two months in NSW?

Or do I have to wait for big anime/comic conventions in the later half of the year?

>> No.8970422 [DELETED] 

ROFLMAO who said I was being personally insulted? You're a little bitch. You fucking edgy cunt. Go browse the dark web. WTF are you doing on a place like 4chan, you little shitty edgy piece of shit?

>> No.8970432

You little bum. You geek. Go shave your fat neckbeard. You little slut. You're the biggest pussy on 4chan. Stop being such a whore, you skank. Fuck you and your motherfucking mama.

>> No.8970440

I remember you from the other day when everyone was making fun of Beke!
I like you. Please never stop

>> No.8970442

Hahahahahaha thank you!!

>> No.8970447

Sydney Supanova is in June

>> No.8970488

The one with her head next to bekes butt

>> No.8970516

You mean bekes pancake

>> No.8970575

Who is she?

>> No.8970765

They had a Uranus but she couldnt make it to supanova

>> No.8970775

This guy is actually the scariest guy in Perth. He is banned from most events for sexual harassment plus stole 10k from a lady online. Beware Perth people!

>> No.8970832

I knew he was banned from a lot of larp events but hadn't heard of others??? Also didn't hear about the 10k thing, got anymore info anon? Not that its surprising to hear, he's creepy and seedy af

>> No.8970852

You're autistic.

>> No.8971077

Lel is that kyle

>> No.8971137

Because literally nobody uses that language when theyre calm and dont give a shit?

Seriously, youre that desperate you wait 5 mnutes before posting again every time because you try to hide that its you both times xD

and you still cant read, but thats ok since youre obv still in primary school <3

>> No.8971144

Australia cosplay section in a nutshell

>> No.8971203

nah everyone in brisbane saw his nudes and he looks better than this

>> No.8971210

Kyle has a gf and he's loyal ya mother fucker

>> No.8972024

Well I missed out. How did everyone see them??

>> No.8972026

Definitely not lol that guy is scrawny in comparison

>> No.8972241

Question, why was ardella wearing a supernova staff shirt on the weekend? Did she actually get a job there or something?

>> No.8972246


>> No.8972275

New thread is here guys

>> No.8972329 [DELETED] 


>> No.8972420 [DELETED] 

LMFAO you fool. You fucking fool. I'm not trying to hide shit motherfucker. You little wimp. You're the one in primary school motherfucker. You bitch with the brain of a rock. My left sock is smarter than your entire being, you bum. You scrawny fool.

Go get an education, you dummy. You fucking disgusting troglodyte. Stop living in a cave, you parasitic slut. In a contest between you and a 1 year old baby, I think the baby would be smarter than you motherfucker.

>> No.8972503

You do realise that by using an excessive amount of profanities, you make the other anon look a lot more smarter than you right? Using "big words" like troglodyte doesn't really help your arguement and in fact just reinforces the fact that your knowledge of the English language is limited to synonyms on MS Word and maybe a kids dictionary.

Honestly, apart from entertaining the rest of us anons you're not really a great contribution to society are you? Although I guess everyone needs a court jester.

>> No.8972530

kk Tom

>> No.8972574

Omg how did you know it was me? I thought this was anonymous :O

Good try anon but your powers of deduction are as good as your understanding of the English language. Which is pretty shit desu....

>> No.8972655

Legit the only person who speaks like that is Thomas.
God it sounds so bad, I wish he would stop with the fake british accent.

>> No.8972677

What do you mean fake?
He's always spoke like that since I've known him.

>> No.8972683

A lot of people he used to be friends with all say he spoke with a normal Australian accent. He switched it when he entered the cosplay scene.
Thomas really admires Russell Brand so he modelled himself after him and mimics his accent.

>> No.8972691

But he doesn't sound British...like at all..

>> No.8972741 [DELETED] 

ROFL the other anon is a fucken pussy. Just like you. Almost all of you motherfuckers are pussies, yeah? This whole place, for the most part, can be divided into two categories: pussies and dorks. You are in the pussy category. You little wimp.

You call me a court jester, I am the king. I run this town. I want you to sit on my lap, you little weasel. Bow before the true king. You're nothing but a pussy schmuck and I want you to apologise before the king and kiss my feet. You little wimp. You're my court jester, you little bitch. I'm your daddy, you're my subject.

>> No.8972747 [DELETED] 

Also my knowledge of the English language is far greater than yours motherfucker. You're nothing. Nothing but a bitch. You couldn't pass a grade 1 english test even if you had a dictionary you little bitch. Go back to primary school you little worm. Most of you motherfuckers are parasitic sycophants. You little gossip girl drama queen faggot. Go back to gossiping about some random cosplayer and feeling pathetic about yourself you little worm.

>> No.8972758

much appreciated

>> No.8972768

If you're so well versed in the english language, then why resort to name calling and swearing?

>> No.8972775

Hahahaha!!! I think i love you!

>> No.8972813

Why do I resort to name calling and swearing? Simple - because I can!

Gracias gracias! I love you too!

>> No.8972827

Not enough swearing in this response anon, you can do better than this.

>> No.8972861 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1229x814, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just when I thought beke couldn't get any more pathetic, I find that she's literally tried to carbon copy Kinpatus Cubone design.
She can't even design her own?

>> No.8972883 [DELETED] 

Sorry bruh, I will do better! I'll restart my streak with the little peahead who posted above me.

Just when I thought a gossip queen faggot couldn't get any more pathetic. You little coward. You're probably some young bitch who is jealous of Beke.

Look at you, you little bitch pussy. You're jealous of some random cosplayer girl, who you have never met. You're 52. You're balding! You live in your mothers basement talking shit about some random cosplayer chick on an anonymous forum like a little wimp! You're a pussy! Say it right now! Say what you know motherfucker! You're a fucking pussy! You're a dorky pussy with no balls! I want you to say it right now!

>> No.8972906
File: 111 KB, 400x400, 5398585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you.

>> No.8972925

Jeffrey is a fucking creep. noticed how is pretend aspergers typing has magically dissapeared? looks like he forgot he had it.
It's kind of hilarious how people keep calling his bluff, like that costume he said he wore to a con last year where there were no photos of him at all.
He's a fucking creep.

>> No.8972932

Aw you're cute. But do please shut up. Really, you're letting the human race down.

>> No.8972934 [DELETED] 

You shut up motherfucker. You're the one trying to start pointless gossip for no reason. You're the one letting the human race down you hoe. Say it! Say it right now! You're a fucking pussy! I want you to admit it to everyone here motherfucker! Tell everyone you're a pussy and that you're a gossip queen drama faggot!

>> No.8972941

am I young girl or am i a 52 year old balding man i'm so confused

>> No.8973055

I too want to know where to see these nudes of Kyle?

>> No.8973076
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2732, IMAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]