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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 294x718, groundhog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8958284 No.8958284 [Reply] [Original]

Last one died so thought I'd start a new one.

Who are some of your favourite/least favourite icons in Fairy Kei fashion?
What trends do you love/hate?
Are there any upcoming brand releases you're excited for?

Go crazy y'all

>> No.8958288

who tf is the op picture and wtf are they wearing

>> No.8958300

That file name ouch
I'm curious anons why do you guys hate her so much? Sure she's pretty sjw and ita but man, is there something specific she did recently?

>> No.8958306

She's the token ugly fat girl with ita outfits so she's essentially the communal punching bag for anyone who needs to feel instantly better about themselves without trying.

>> No.8958322

can someone please explain to me what this is

>> No.8958325

She wears and has a Fairy kei blog.

>> No.8958326
File: 82 KB, 500x500, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favourite icons

Mahouprince, transkuroko, phoenixokazaki

>least favourite icons

anybody who wears white eyeliner

>> No.8958337
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i'm a giant sucker for pastel hair in fairy kei

>> No.8958341
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>> No.8958346
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I feel like her coords are kind of all over the place, I dont really care about her weight, but her outfits seem pretty sloppy?

>> No.8958352

[totally unrelated but the newest Listen Flavor release is killing me]

>> No.8958363

>least favourite icons

anybody who wears white eyeliner

You know...peenix literally rapes her white eyeliner?

>> No.8958370
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*muffled screaming*

>> No.8958388

Dem roots tho

>> No.8958404

Please stop it

>> No.8958445

Hi peen

>> No.8958453

You mad one of your ~fairy boiz uwu does something you hate?

>> No.8958455

Her roots aren't even that bad?

>> No.8958462

I'm not that anon, I'm the one mentionimg that peenix is slightly cough overdoing the white eyeliner thing kek

>> No.8958520


>> No.8959085

I feel like this is asked every thread but does anyone have a good source for pastel sneaks/fairy kei shoes that go up to a US size 10?

>> No.8959107

Your best bet would be DIY anon. Get some canvas sneaks in your size and paint them however you want.

>> No.8959110
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>> No.8959116
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>> No.8959120
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>> No.8959137

Oh Mikkitard.

>> No.8959159

Don't forget she's a "sapphic pan demiromantic asexual nonbinary demigirl." that is autistic and a "little".

>> No.8959210
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>> No.8959569

This girl is such a whiny idiot

>> No.8959571
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What is this shit?

From the 'fairy kei UK' page

>> No.8959578

Dat face tho

>> No.8959586
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>> No.8959592 [DELETED] 

Do you guys even like this fashion or are you all posting ironically to make it look awful?

>> No.8959600
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There's a ton of adorable people tbf

>> No.8959603
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>> No.8959607
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Cutest spank! style ever

>> No.8959612
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My queen

>> No.8959615
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>> No.8959617
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Last but not least, I miss her a lot

>> No.8959747

Oh god, I wish I knew where she got that wig from. It's beautiful.

>> No.8959870

Ok first of all I DO LIKE FAIRYKEI if it's done right, but hell ya I also found a style looking even more trashy than oldschool ganguro

>> No.8959908
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>> No.8959955

What feets?

>> No.8960241

Looks like an average, if a bit thin lilac wig. Why would you want it?

>> No.8960343
File: 93 KB, 600x900, 6bcd49a2b8b279ac52b33fcea1901c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is too depressing. Dump time.

>> No.8960344
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>> No.8960345
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>> No.8960346
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>> No.8960348
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>> No.8960355
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>> No.8960364
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>> No.8960367
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>> No.8960370
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>> No.8960371
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>> No.8960375
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/end dump

>> No.8960431
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I love this one

>> No.8960497

Who is she? Looks like wannabe peachie

>> No.8960500

Are you drunk? That wig looks thin as fuck. Probably 5$ on ebay.

>> No.8960536

are there any suggestions of brands who specialise in fairy kei?

>> No.8960607

[British accent gargles] HNGH MILKLEHM AND LISTEN FLAVAH

>> No.8960615

The way british girls say Milklim makes me want to vomit every time. It is so unattractive and gargled.

>> No.8960619
File: 117 KB, 600x799, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did these threads get so negative?

>> No.8960627

I was about to dump some stuff from the fairy kei tag on tumblr, but now I'm just sad. No wonder you guys are getting salty. Here's something to discuss I guess:
>How can we improve the western fairy kei community?

>> No.8960630
File: 116 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1002751323_jvst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an etsy shop that sells this highlighter. It'd go so well in my next coord.

>> No.8960631

Its literally on the image

>> No.8960638

Anon, what highlighter you use literally doesn't matter.

>> No.8960656

Oh my bad. Thank you anon.

>> No.8960658


>> No.8960661

Thanks to tumblr and the SJWs that get attracted to fairy kei because "it's not as strict as those meanie lolitas, who don't like my Walmart coord uwu", it's hard to really say how this can be down without a lot of people screaming about elitism. The upside is brand is more accessible, but owning brand =\= having coordination skills and fashion sense.

>> No.8960688


How do you mean? Also how do you actually say it?

>> No.8960731

Fairy-tips should have a list but the popular ones are:
Milklim, Nile Perch, 6% doki doki (not all fairy kei, but their 6% rings are everywhere), chocomint, bubbles (mostly popular in jp), Spank!, KOKOKim, bodyline (surprisingly popular in jp? or used in a lot of wear/street snaps, especially pastel colored seifuku)

>> No.8960763

this could have been cute. This had the potential to be so cute...

>> No.8961226


desu some of them aren't nice for saying that because like sometimes target and walmart has tutues that work well with fairy kei

>> No.8961361

The funny part is that they're complete elites with their "I'm better than you because I proclaim that everybody could wear everything they want and other SJW stuff. And if you don't think that way aswell, I'll make you social dead within the comm. But that that's justified, you're scum and not worth my acceptance".

The community could be fix majorly without fake acceptance.

>> No.8961393

It looks like she splattered dirt all over her face.

>> No.8961428

You sound like this happened to you personally.

>> No.8961429

both mahouprince and transkuroko have shitty, tacky, taste

>> No.8961430

It was just an example, and I'm talking about lolita coords not fk

>> No.8961433

This is fairy kei done right. Not this tacky, OTT bushit so popular in the west like >>8959116

>> No.8961452

Not to me (I barley communicate with the online comm), but I've seen it happen to people I know. So maybe that's why it sounds personal?

>> No.8961456

Still better than peenix, also they both don't have a shit personality

>> No.8961459

To be honest I don't see that happen too often but I have seen it in small doses so I kindof understand what youre talking about. I wouldn't call it elitism tho

>> No.8961679

Didn't know who peenix was so I didn't talk about them

>> No.8961697

Mahou anal plug

>> No.8961811
File: 73 KB, 340x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that coord was for a meet-up, so it makes sense she dressed OTT.

>> No.8963450

So why do people not like Phoenix? Is there a reason aside the whole gender thing?

>> No.8963454

I think this borders on menhera, actually

>> No.8963549

are any of her whiny videos still up?

>> No.8963562

Menhera isn't a style on it's own, I'm pretty sure it's just an aesthetic. Kind of like guro lolita.

>> No.8963573

No clue, I'd like a link if they are

>> No.8963584

>the 'gender' thing
>her shitty whiny attitude
>her attitude in general
>she can't dress for shit
>she gets upset over everything
>she's ugly af
>she has no idea of how to apply makeup
>she's a major lolcow and snowflake
>bigger weeaboo than venus mom

>also according to various people who've met her in person, she doesn't know what deodorant is

>> No.8963625

Any caps on this? I haven't seen much milk from her, and I know about her lolcow thread

>> No.8963630

Look at her FB and insta, that should be enough.

The best thing was her trying to defend herself in the lolcow thread making everything worse than it is kek

>clothes are genderless
>I quit my work because the tshirt was too female

Top kek on this

>> No.8963665

Well seeing as menhera-chan is on her shirt, this is menhera. And the pentagrams and crosses. Menhera is it's own, it's obviously recognizable.

>> No.8963671

I don't see anything on their fb desu.

>> No.8963748

It's block off for non friends probably. I used to be Facebook Friends with her, and she does this all the time.

>> No.8964003

nothing on lolcow?

>> No.8964357

She deleted this post about the tshirt thing because ppl didn't pat her sjw ass, but gave her bloody concrit

>> No.8964505

I hate pastel wigs in fairy kei. Brown and black hair looks so much better. Also those stupid hipster glasses

>> No.8964658
File: 21 KB, 240x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read my post?
>menhera isn't a style it's an aesthetic
>it's menhera themed fairy kei

>> No.8964660

What is it with street snaps and really ugly shoes?

>> No.8964662

What's your damage?

>> No.8964763

I love Tavuchi but this outfit makes her proportions crazy. Dwarfism- Kei?

>> No.8964773

Butrhurt brutfag fairy spotted

>> No.8965079

is this US bitch hour or something I don't think i've ever seen a thread be so overtly vendetta and nitpicky
esp not for fairykei, it's not like it's lolita wrapped in layers of drama


>> No.8965142

This. Fairy kei threads are usually lovely, even for cgl standards. Sure, they die quick but they're usually full of cute outfits and con crit, not this much butthurt.
Keep your drama on lolcow, most of the people mentioned here already had threads over there.

>> No.8965156

>fairy kei should be lovelies!!!!1

Also way to just assume people bitching here are all from the US, it wouldn't surprise me if a good chunk of the UK comm was here bitching about Phoenix

>> No.8965164

they didn't say that, they're saying normally no bitching happens in the fairy kei threads, so this thread is weird

>> No.8965178

Was talking about the other anon

>> No.8965319

Given that this is /cgl/, I wouldn't be surprised if this is some anon's attempt to have a actually moving fairy kei thread. And it's working. Gulls are salty and that saltiness keeps threads moving.

I personally like how sweet fairy kei anons tend to be, but if this is how to have a non-fast dying thread, that's fine.

>> No.8966120

Menhera is a style though. There's an entire thread for it.

>> No.8966441
File: 117 KB, 400x534, tumblr_kxbzo8bRLX1qb0r0ko1_400_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anon, but having an entire thread for a topic doesn't make it a style. Menhera is a popular theme right now, and it's usually combined with/layered onto fairy kei.

>> No.8966485
File: 462 KB, 873x1200, 41189885_p0_master1200 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's not an entire topic on menhera, it's a guro kawaii & menhera thread. Guro kawaii is a style, menhera is a theme.

>> No.8967040

The thread is literally only menhera now. Not at all except for idiots asking if eyeballs are menhera or ohno i thought this was a guro thread.

>> No.8969453
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>> No.8971986 [DELETED] 


>> No.8972310

What are some smaller but good quality stores you gulls buy accessories from? Beyond Kawaii Goods, Holley Tea Time, Cute Can Kill, etc.

I heard poison cupcake was good but I bought a lucky pack from them at a con once, was first assured that it would match only the products on their table (which was entirely cupcake rings and necklaces) and after opening it, found pretty terrible tacky rings (a shiny fake skull one with hot pink jewels) and spiked headband, originally priced at $12. Would not spend money at again.

>> No.8972959
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>> No.8974665 [DELETED] 


>> No.8975295

Holley Tea Time isn't good though. Never buy from her.

>> No.8975321

I disagree, as far as jewelry is concerned. I have a few necklaces and rings that I purchased before her prices hiked up and they still are just as cute as when they were first purchased. My only complaint would be that the metal findings (i.e. jump rings, eye pins) have started to turn but that's my fault for not properly storing them to prevent that due to them not being actual gold/gold plated.

>> No.8975324

Particularly around her forehead they are. It's terribly noticeable with dark hair growing into lighter hair color.

>> No.8975362


>> No.8977057


>> No.8977086

Oh come on anon, we were hoping this thread would die so the next one could be better.

>> No.8977415

>using [ ]
Please leave

>> No.8977732
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>> No.8977737
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>> No.8977767

Her stuff became worse after the price hike. The jewellery is sloppier done now.

>> No.8977784

It's quicker to just shit post off topic subjects and get it remove by the janitors.
Or just write 200 comments with the word yes in it and make a new thread.

>> No.8977862

I'm sorry brackets killed yr family anon

>> No.8977990

Why are these threads always shitshows these days?

>> No.8978148

There's no other outlet for this group of people to have their bitch-fest.

Also it sounds like a lot of them are new, or only post on this thread.

>> No.8982396 [DELETED] 

dont mind me just testing a tripcode, if anyone actually sees this, just carry on