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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8952140 No.8952140 [Reply] [Original]

Post the good, the bad, and the ugly!

>> No.8952165

Why is she holding that thing like it's her dick?

>> No.8952179
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>> No.8952180
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>> No.8952185
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>> No.8952188
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>> No.8952191
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>> No.8952217

a Dalek would have been more appropriate

>> No.8952221


>> No.8952237


Oh my god I'm in the middle of greebling up and modifying that exact same Buzzbee Toys double barrel shotgun. She didn't even fucking try.

>> No.8952246

Of course she didn't. She's only famous famous because she half looks like a Disney princess. She didn't even make the costume

>> No.8952264


Disney Princess Mandos can fuck right off

>> No.8952271
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Elsa Croft...

>> No.8952277
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>> No.8952279
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>> No.8952288
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>> No.8952292
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this whole Harley Quinn thing is getting out of hand

>> No.8952298
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>> No.8952301
File: 303 KB, 1024x683, harley_quinn_jinx_crossover_league_of_legends_dc_by_kyahri-d98rcws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you can't just wear one over-done cosplay

>> No.8952310
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League cosplayers need to stop

>> No.8952450

I hate Harley Quinn with every fiber of my being but this is actually pretty good. At least some genuine thought and effort was put into this as opposed to things like >>8952298 which is just attention whoring bullshit.

>> No.8952521

this isn't league it's just jnig and friend's slutty easter costumes

>> No.8952704

I loath this crossover shit.

They just keep getting worse.

>> No.8952760

Couldn't she at least try a little. Like, cover her hairline and at least try to wear the same stuff such as a proper tank top?

>> No.8952769
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>> No.8953145
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>> No.8953224

That cellulite

>> No.8953329
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>> No.8953340
File: 58 KB, 500x333, you lazy cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit doesn't even make sense. It screams of "too lazy to make a Matoi outfit, but want to show off the scissor blade I didn't make and my shit wig"

>> No.8953531
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Fuck I used to love Harley but all these coswhores doing her just for likes has killed my love for her

>> No.8953586
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Ball gown ver, the next obnoxious attention whore trend

>> No.8953604
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>doesn't make sense

It's official so its not just a cosplayer mashing up ideas

>> No.8953607

Still shitty

>> No.8953627

anime was a mistake

>> No.8953647
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but why?
the two things have nothing to do with each other

>> No.8953738

Dr. Fate and Rocketeer...? What in the fuck

>> No.8953771

Both superheroes from the Golden Age. (Or set in the Golden Age, in Rocketeer's case.)

>> No.8953776

Don't try and justify this crap. It's a half assed version of either cosplay and you know it.

>> No.8953785

>. It screams of "too lazy to make a Matoi outfit, but want to show off the scissor blade I didn't make and my shit wig"

This critique flys out the window as anon makes it sound like the cosplayer did it just to mash stuff up as opposed to actually following a canon source

>> No.8953822

anon who posted the picture, yeah I didn't know that before >>8953604 pointed it out. Knowing that this is official makes my post not really belong here, but it's still technically a mash up even if Trigger created both series and this weeb fuel.

>> No.8953826

I'm not sure if she really followed the source that well, since she's missing the shirt and the skirt in this photo.

>> No.8954061
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Good idea or bad?

Isaac and Miria in Team Rocket uniforms. I think it'd be cute for fanart but for recognizability Pokemon is entry level and Baccano is a much higher power level.

Forever ago when Haruhi was popular I wanted to get my friends to dress up as the Harushi girls but in the Eva school uniforms like they were cosplaying Eva but no one wanted in. I still think that shit is cash but people don't know Haruhi as much and I'm way too old for it now.

>> No.8954132

Xena, what have they done to you?

>> No.8954137

Nerf punk?....

>> No.8954233

As a Baccano fan I think this is a great idea and I'd lose my shit at a couple pulling this off at a con. But the basic weeab'll still think you're some random Rocket grunt.

>> No.8954238

she didn't match it to the source material with the crop seifuku top etc. it would've been better if she had a ryuko-yoko with her and made it accurate

>> No.8954390

Its actually very clean looking. You don't have to like the combination, but the execution is good.

>> No.8954398

I mean.. warrior /princess/, but for the time period that Zena is supposed to be in vs what that dress is supposed to be in in terms of where it also takes place.... Ugh. And its too big.

The wig really isn't that bad.

>> No.8954402

The best cosplay I've seen to date was a PROJECT group

>> No.8954671

Well, unlike most popular trends this one actually require some effort
Not saying it looks good, but I'd rather see a bunch of these than a bunch of slave Leia and sailor moon versions of characters

>> No.8955568


Just clearing it up, this girl did this >>8953340 before this was a real thing >>8953604 so no she wasn't following canon source anything.

>> No.8956380

This one is pretty meta, considering most steam punkers use Nerf guns as base weapons. I like it.

>> No.8956430

>Wasting such resources / time on a shitty mash up
>With Harley meme no less

I mean this Power armour is quite piss-poor compared to the really impressive space marine suits out there but this is exactly why i hate crossovers. A little work on the arm length and knees and the addition of a boltgun or some weapon this COULD have been a great Space marine cosplay not a shit cross over

>> No.8956538
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The Alice keeps posting this as "Alice in Wonderland meets Mad Max" and I keep wanting to say "that doesn't mean what you think it means"

>> No.8956570

.... Huh? How is any of that...? Gfdi autists

>> No.8956922
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Doc Fate from Earth 20

>> No.8956929

if you're doing this, at least do it right. No gloves, vest instead of a jacket that isn't even remotely the right color.

>> No.8956934

It's not 100 percent but it's not a combo costume

>> No.8957402

whether or not that's supposed to be a Earth 20 cosplay or a mashup it's a shitty Fate and a shitty Rocketeer

>> No.8957569


>> No.8957942

>wasting time and resources on a shitty mash up

i don't get that either. why spend time/effort on a stupid ass mash up like the sailormoon x deadpool in >>8952188

biggest waste of time and money ever

>> No.8958746
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more like "Eatsa Lot" amirite

>> No.8958825

Problem is Isaac and Miria just look like normal people. So you wont as much be I&M as Team Rocket members, you'll just be Team Rocket members.

>> No.8962283
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I didn't even remember I followed Assassin's Creed on Facebook until this popped up

>> No.8962287
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>> No.8962379

See this makes sense because of the name pun or character jokes but anything like "Disney princess/sailor moon but ___" is usually really dumb

>> No.8962661
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>> No.8962663
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>> No.8962666
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>> No.8962669
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>> No.8962670

Alice in Wonderpunch, Street Fighter special edition BOOSTO.

>> No.8962672
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>> No.8962916

Kylo's Creed

>> No.8963083

I just realized Belle is holding every leash. Well we know what her hobbies are.

>> No.8963119

what the fuck is wrong with Pocahontas foot?

>> No.8963147

I am normally all for clever crossovers but what the fuck is the logic behind this?

>> No.8963169

because frozen

>> No.8963177
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>> No.8963187


>> No.8963252
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>> No.8963420

Seriously? Gfdi

>> No.8963468

While obviously this is a cosplayer who wants to get more use out of her wig with more easy-to-make costumes, the 'Finn' Rider poster is kinda cute...

>> No.8963472

Honestly more cosplay mashups are just because 1) cosplayer can't afford to do the legit thing but has wig and/or identifiable prop or 2) cosplayer has done all canon outfits/sexified them and now wants to keep reusing their wig and prop for some easy trends so they don't have to redo and spend extra money on another character.

I can sort of get it, if you're in a group, just because things are more fun in a group no matter how many crossover cosplay layers you have on. But the solo ones are just so cringey? Stop saying you're trying to be innovative...

>> No.8963508

that's actually a pretty adorable roller derby outfit

>> No.8964122
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>> No.8964209
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>> No.8964215

The only acceptable mashup.

>> No.8964596

This one makes a bit of sense, since the voice actor who voiced Juliett voiced Harley Quinn in one of the animated series. Still feels like just a basic bitch cosplay

>> No.8965262

this is cute and clever, but only this one time. After this it's over done.

>> No.8970282
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Better crossover I guess but why princesses are suddenly Boba Fett confounds me. I guess Bellba Fett at least has a pun but I would much rather see a default Leia mashup.

>> No.8973163

At least that's not as slutty as dark eldar wych version I've seen or whatever the fuck it was.

>> No.8973168
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Hey at least is 20x better than this shit

>> No.8974624
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Now THIS is cosplaying.

>> No.8974653

i would literally not understand what the crossover was if it weren't for the scoob plush
also, why?

>> No.8975627

I don't understand why this one bothered being a crossover? It would honestly make more sense to just cosplay Harley in a cheerleader uniform, why did it have to SPECIFICALLY be Harley/Juliett?

>> No.8975649
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I get the whole mixing it up once in awhile and having fun but people are taking this shit way too far.

It's getting to the point where the mashups are starting to become downright bizarre and cringey.

>> No.8975687

honestly? cosplay mashups of all kinds are my guilty pleasure. doesn't matter what's being mashed together, doesn't matter the quality. i love them so much.

>> No.8976291
File: 46 KB, 640x960, eugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8979500

Of all places, this actually marks my favorite else wig thus far. Doesnt look like wild Ursula mishmash.

>> No.8979586

what do you mean, I don't see anything wrong?

>> No.8979599

It's purple...from her veins.

>> No.8980486
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>> No.8980494
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I wanna see these two IRL so bad (1/2)

>> No.8980497
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>> No.8980957

HOLY SHIT these are great
Im in love with the Raven one, fuck