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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 3.58 MB, 4160x2340, 0320161015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8947693 No.8947693 [Reply] [Original]

/k/ here. Just wondering what you seagulls think of guys walking around gun shows dressed up (separate from re-enacting)

pic related: French WWI soldier

>> No.8948393

I'm fine with it. But I guess many weebs throw a temper tantrum about it

>> No.8948394

Awhile back the gunshow where I live had an entire room devoted to stuff like this, guys had dressed up as different sides of WW2, Russians, Germans, Americans, one guy had an Italian kit. I thought it was pretty cool.

>> No.8948428

One of the vendors at... Lexcon I think it was... had an entire booth dedicated to WW 1/2 replica items. A friend picked up a French beret.

Honestly in general you won't stick out too much, just don't be that germanophile or history weeb who can't into socializing.

>> No.8949386

At a con? Wouldn't be weird. At a gun show? Might kinda stick out. If you have a group it somehow becomes way less weird though. Although I don't understand what your distinction from reenacting is, unless you mean being a first-person interpreter (because that can get cringey real fast any place outside of a museum)

>> No.8949562


I had a WWII re-enacting buddy, he went to antique arms shows for the same reason cosplayers go to anime conventions--to feel free to walk around in an environment where people give positive feedback.

>> No.8949909

Maybe its a difference in area, but at the gun shows here there's only one or two tables with antiques. Everything else is modern sporting, hunting, and self defense. Hell theres more tables selling non-firearm self defense items like tasers and mace than there are antiques.

>> No.8949948
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>be at con
>STALKER cosplay
>pass by Luftwaffe cosplayers
>2 of them freak out and give me a hug
>take selfies with them

One of my happiest con memories

>> No.8950043

idk about gun shows but at anime cons I think it's kinda funny/cute. maybe semi out of place but cute, I dunno, the dudes I see all dressed up seems like they're happy and having a good time.

>> No.8950067
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K is always welcome here and at cons.
Have an operator lolita.

>> No.8950208

Wow. I'm sorry /k/omrade. I'm on the sauce.

>> No.8953367

Is lolita operator a thing?

Where can I get more?

>> No.8953460
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I can think of like... Three people who are lolita operators. Not sure if that makes it a thing or not.

>> No.8953784
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Someone posted this in a GWG thread on /k/ a while back.

>> No.8953864

There's Mugi chan too. I wish she would do more videos in lolita.

>> No.8953872
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Took this picture last year at the same show OP posted.

>> No.8953873

I don't see a problem with it. If people want to dress up as fiction anime girls I don't see why someone would suddenly be weird for dressing up as something that is actually part of our history. If they're passionate and happy about it I'm glad

>> No.8953932
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I'll dump what I have.
Might take a bit since I mixed what I have into my regular lolita folders, I thought it was hilarious at the time,

>> No.8953935
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>> No.8953939
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>> No.8953944
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I am so sorry for all the girls with no trigger discipline.
Misako is a Jap, it's not like she's ever seen one of these before.

>> No.8953946
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>> No.8953953
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>> No.8953964
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>> No.8953966
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>> No.8953970
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>> No.8953975
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>> No.8954623

>hands off my burando

>> No.8956881
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>come for the cosplay
>stay for the lolita

>> No.8956884

why are they all so fat?

>> No.8956887

poor life choices

>> No.8956967
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Related to the tread.

>> No.8957134

>lol, this is my comm. It was a meetup at a local gun range purely for shits and giggles.

>> No.8959099

and jerky! Don't forget the fucking Jerky!!!!

>> No.8959123

I think if your costume looks as good as this man's and you actually suit it (not greasy pimply neckbeard or some other weird shit, fat or skinny) then do it. I know a friend who's crazy about accurate military uniforms and guns and if they saw this they'd explode.

>> No.8960321

Occasionally I've seen reenactors around gunshows. Usually whermacht.

>> No.8961622

serious answer: they are probably from the US South where obesity and guns run rampant

Live steel and even replica guns are not allowed at most conventions, and in some cases illegal. So there goes most of the cool stuff.

>> No.8961629

my friend does this every con.

>> No.8961653

Most gun enthusiasts are

>> No.8961785

You can usually bring airsoft guns into conventions as long as they've got the right amount of orange on them and stuff

>> No.8963724

>tfw repro waffen ss getup costs 500+

>> No.8963733

>tfw no clear picture of an ss fallschirmjäger so I can't get an outfit together

>> No.8965077

Some cons allow it but it generally depends on how pro-gun they are and if the state allows it. There was one anon who took his CC handgun to ECCC to get signed by kenichi sonoda which if I remember correctly he asked the con itself and all he had to do is get it weapons checked, tagged, and then got it signed. Requesting cap if anyone has it.

>> No.8968764
File: 237 KB, 950x656, Krieg Uniforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sort of thing, and I'm planning a Death Korp of Krieg costume for next year, so it's great to see what elements from history I could put into that.

>> No.8971428

Will you go end your phrases with "biribiri" or "bleepbleep"?

>> No.8971458
File: 52 KB, 568x378, 60fc39435627191e41728e5c346d6c65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team N.E.E.T.

>> No.8971467

Don't you have a bigger one?

Or more?

>> No.8971474

Nah, I only knew about them from /k/. Never saved any pics

>> No.8971898


would remove streusel with

>> No.8971908

someone needs to 'radical larry' that pic

>> No.8971946

this is good. this is very good

>> No.8974142

No, obviously it's with a 'muurfmurrrfuurrk'

>> No.8977909

I love this so much. 10/10, would operate innawoods with.

>> No.8978679

Usually but not always. Illegal in Chicago to even carry an airsoft gun and also illegal in California.

> However, some municipalities and states place restrictions on Airsoft guns. New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, and parts of Michigan outlaw Airsoft guns entirely.

Some countries have specific restrictions on Airsoft guns, such as maximum muzzle velocity standards, restrictions on use of trademarks of real firearms, and required use of 'unrealistic' coloring to distinguish Airsoft guns from actual firearms.

Finally, states such as California have laws that make it a crime to brandish a look-alike gun in public. Furthermore, individuals using an Airsoft or replica gun to commit crimes will invariably be treated as though they had used an actual firearm.
