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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 618x448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8952850 No.8952850 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about current events in online lolita comms. Censor names. Don't single people out. Don't spend the whole thread bitching about the janitors.

>> No.8952855

Ah shit why did I write lolita sales twice? Eh whatever

>> No.8952859 [DELETED] 

it's okay anon, we understand you're retarded

>> No.8952906

Janitor-San. Please stop being vindictive. There was literally nothing against the rurus in the last thread. Remove rule breaking posts not our entire threads.

>> No.8952927

Is there a Lolita sales group besides EGL sales comm where replicas aren't allowed? I know Lacemarket says no replicas but I see them posted. Is there a no-replicas FB group?

>> No.8952951

Most places don't permit replicas.

>> No.8952972

Lolita sales worldwide banned them recently.

>> No.8952975

Sadly, that is untrue. And often moderators let them slip through for places that say they don't.

>> No.8952976

Great, thank you!

>> No.8953088

Was there a stink about it or were people mostly glad? What prompted the ban?

>> No.8953175
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>> No.8953318

What is with BtB only putting up the secrets submission post like a day before the actual secrets post? I understand not putting it up immediately but why give us such a small time window to submit

>> No.8953401

Pretty much all sales comms followed and initiated the ban.
Lolita sales worldwide, plus size lolita sale comm, the eu group too I think?
There are also brand specific groups, they probably don't allow replicas either.

>> No.8953791
File: 212 KB, 484x454, Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 20.59.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in LSC

Why on gods earth would you make this

>> No.8953905

>Walking Dead fan

trash gonna trash

>> No.8953907

dunno, have you asked the mods?

>> No.8953915

they used to put it up right after secrets went up from the previous week.

>> No.8953922

That hideous raschel lace offends me more than anything.

>> No.8954040

because some people like horror stuff?

>> No.8954385

Same. The roses and bag are actually kinda cool (though not Lolita exactly) but the lace ruins it.

>> No.8954591

a vote happened, not sure if anything special started it.

I actually sort of like this, mistakes and all, though the bag confuses me

>> No.8954679
File: 386 KB, 1070x899, 2016-04-10 06.29.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck?

>> No.8954686

>Lolita Humor

It's a joke, anon. Not a very good one, but one nonetheless.

>> No.8954699

A local area sales group had a vote to allow or disallow them, and they were allowed because the most frequent sellers are trying to sell off their shitty knock-offs.

>> No.8955045

I realize that, but I always cringe when someone spergs out that badly.

>> No.8955111

All I was reminded of was
>Oh we have a tough guy here huh....... *unsheathes my twin katanas* Well, let's see how tough you really are! *jumps into the air* TAAAAKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS *spins around and slashes your face open* Not so tough now, huh????? *grabs you and throws you up* It's time to finish this little charade *holds my katanas above my head* YOU ARE FINIIIIISHEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps upwards so that you get impaled on my swords* Heh.... easy.....

>> No.8956666
File: 293 KB, 493x650, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would have thought that sjws can't take a joke?

>> No.8956668
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>> No.8956670
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>> No.8956673

You mean edgy speshul snowflake shit? Nice quads though.

>> No.8956676
File: 45 KB, 472x560, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8956678

I'm not even sure if it's SJWs that are whining, a lot of people on LH seem to be looking for any fucking excuse to get pissy about something lately.
Have to admit that the original post is a bit pathetic, which doesn't help. In fact, a lot of posts there have been pretty unfunny or just shit in the last few weeks.

>> No.8956685

I hate overly sensitive people as much as the next person, but I am honestly sick of this "joke". It's not funny and it just makes you look childish. Congrats, you're wearing a dress while the girl next to you is wearing yoga pants. What do you want, a medal?

>> No.8956687

I've sadly met people that think this kind of thing is funny. Creepy girls who are like "I HATE HER" and points to their ~dream dress~ on another girl that she rightfully bought. There's a difference between joking you'd do anything for a dress lightly and getting really dark and excessive for no damn reason. I honestly assume people like this are mental.

>> No.8956688

It was edgy and unfunny yes, but does it really warrant a discussion about wimminz oppreshun?

>> No.8956690
File: 279 KB, 431x493, 1453022034103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and beardgate have made sure I officially give up on the Lolita community.

>> No.8956723

'I'm not like other girls' internalized sexism right there.

>> No.8956733

It's a fucking joke you stupid cunt

>> No.8956736

I don't get all the ass rage. She wasnt being mean or negative at all?

>> No.8956747

Woah there. Way to go from zero to ninety.

>> No.8956748

No anon, you're the joke here.

>> No.8956780

Shes being pretentious and snarky. It wasn't even a funny joke to begin with.

>> No.8956785

Yeah she was. The whole thing is "ugh look at these basic bitches and their uggs and things I don't like!"
I mean she'd get points if it was somehow funny, but it wasn't.

>> No.8956948

Honestly, I don't see people talking about the oppression of women, I see people being unimpressed by a joke made at someone else's expense. It's such preteen level humour.

> Hurrdurr, I'm speshul and everyone else is just a boring normalfag. Lmao just lolita things amirite?
Like we've never heard that before.

>> No.8956969

I think this used to be serious, but it is an actual joke now making fun of tumblr snowflakes who think they're better than "the other girls". Do these girls really need everything spoonfed to them in explanation?

>> No.8956973

>Walking Dead

>> No.8956977



>> No.8956980

not everyone spells like murricans

also that's not how you correct someone on 4chan you newb.

>> No.8956985

Here we go again, the Amazing Autismo is here to bring justice to the English grammar by pointing out every inane mistake on /cgl/! Beware, normal people of the Internet! Evil never sleeps.

>> No.8956993

I actually just stared at the screen for a second because that really is some top tier autism. The lolita community is also global, so their english and quality of english varies greatly.


>> No.8956994

>not everyone spells like murricans
it's the worldwide English standard

why be upset though?

>> No.8956998

all the more reason to point out mistakes.

this is a thread dedicated to complaining about how people conduct themselves online, bit surprised more than one person cares enough to complain about a random spelling correction. please return to discussing the lack of a sense of humor among Lolita Humor members.

>> No.8957042

I honestly assume people like this read too much Jhonen Vasquez at a young age. They always seem to vacillate between being lulzsorandumb and lulzsodarkandmisunderstood.

>> No.8957740

You corrected an exclamation, why so pernickety? Or should I use the American 'persnickety'?

>> No.8957747


You might need to work on your reading comprehension if you didn't see anyone talking about the oppression of women in those posts

>> No.8957890

I think "Lolita Humor" needs to be renamed "People who don't understand jokes and take everything literally and have never laughed in their lives"

>> No.8957913

A.K.A "Autistic collective".

>> No.8958108

This is a fedora-free board. Please submit your fedora and Naruto headband into coat check before returning.

>> No.8958495
File: 590 KB, 1440x1593, _20160412_164352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need a place to leave this and it seems relevant here. Lmao

>> No.8958514

I think it's disgusting that she's trying to sell a dress she's wearing with no blouse. Those body oils....yuck! But then again I'm not a big fan of using worn pictures for a sales post.

>> No.8958526
File: 671 KB, 1264x856, holy overreaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8958528

Even if she did wear it without a blouse, she's (maybe washed it). That said, those photos don't make the dress particularly appealing. I don't understand taking worn photos just for sales, especially this many.

>> No.8958529

Didn't that girl who complained about everyone being too serious mildly flip her shit on something, too?
I really enjoy the occasional post on there but it's a mine field of tryhard edge

>> No.8958727

That's what killed me, the vast number of ridiculous photos. I sell things a lot and just lay them flat. They sell much better that way than even on the mannequin.

>> No.8958768

Sooooo meeeean. She even used please, how cruel of her!

>> No.8958855 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 500x355, wth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also posted in LSC

Shitty standards for Dream Dresses.

>> No.8958947

Did the lolita general seriously get deleted again?

>> No.8959293

Yes. Rather than deleting the 10 or so shitposts they nuked the whole thread.

>> No.8959355


>> No.8959359

You didn't capitalize "P" after the period, anon

>> No.8959362

Can we please get janitor removed or something? Someone look into that

>> No.8959370

I don't think there's any need for that. In the new general they went through the trouble of deleting 40-something posts

>> No.8959453

It's woah. I'm not a yank

>> No.8959511

The recent minimal-effort brolita with a beard, I assume. He got an assload of likes and praise, followed by whiteknights claiming that his beard looks just fine worn with lolita.

It was all over one of the last COF and online comm threads.

>> No.8959581

educate yourself


>> No.8959583

did you apply for the new janitor position?

did anyone?

>> No.8959598
File: 74 KB, 1096x400, whoa-versus-woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to do with yanks. It's how it's been spelled since Shakespeare, at least; chart related documents its usage in print (vs. "woah" and "whoah") for the last couple hundred years. It has always been the dominant, canonical spelling.

If you're rhyming it with Noah, keep doing you. But most people mean to rhyme it with "woe," so ending it in "ah" is illogical, even by English spelling standards.

>> No.8959599

What, for using a relatively common phrase where I live that's constantly autocorrected? fuck off

>> No.8959614 [DELETED] 

>zombie soap opera
Horror is horror.
It may not be a great show but have you seen the special fx?
That's the only reason I watch and the show has gotten a lot more gorey recently.

>> No.8960148

Did anybody see the post in rufflechat where the girl asked if anyone had taken out loans for lolita? I didn't get caps and it must have been deleted, but she said she expanded her bank's overdraft allowance to buy a dress....yikes

>> No.8960151
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>> No.8960444

I saw it briefly and was excited to come back for the drama in the comments. Sadly it got deleted. Going into debt for lolita or taking out a loan is just sad.

>> No.8961663
File: 62 KB, 440x702, ageplayers and a sissy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess someone tried to be the voice of reason

>> No.8961667
File: 6 KB, 485x69, rwfesdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Lolita Humor

>> No.8961669
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1445181349518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seek help
>says the girl who gets off on pretending to be a child and calls her boyfriend "daddy"

>> No.8961671

where was this posted?

>> No.8961674

Ew ew, why do people bring this shit up in Lolita groups? Nobody wants to know.

>> No.8961676

The lolita confessions thread on lolita humor

>> No.8961683

Different anono, but I've always seen it spelled "woah". Everyone I know spells it that way. Maybe it's just a bad american habbit. It wouldn't be the first time we've destroyed words. Lol

>> No.8963178
File: 17 KB, 595x186, lfm01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so embarrassing. How does an adult not know how to send a package? These dumb questions that get asked continue to astound me.

>> No.8963182

You'd be surprised. Have you ever gone into a metropolitan post office during lunch time? People have no clue.

>> No.8963191
File: 60 KB, 734x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folk Lolita chan should just stop posting idiotic questions on RC

>> No.8963207

Or wearing Lolita all together.

>> No.8963231

Can people like this not associate with feminism, or is that too much to ask?
This is pure retardation

>> No.8963234

I honestly have no clue because I've never done it before, but I can guess.. I'd have to go to the post office, buy a box, fit the shit in the box, tape appropriately, fill in customs (if out of EU), fill in sender and sendee info and pay money for them to send it on a plane, right?
I'm not really sure what appropriate packaging would be either. do I need to bubble wrap everything? (probably not, just jewellery...) where do you even get bubble wrap for shipping? I've gotten shit jammed in a cardboard box that was then covered in tape from both ends, but I've also gotten shoe boxes slapped into a closable plastic bag (Bodyline).

>> No.8963254

She really needs to tone it down, I feel like any time I wander to RC she's got at least one topic going.

>> No.8963263

Brands have been doing this for a while, have they not?

>> No.8963294
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>> No.8963319

Yeah, I thought it was poking fun at those sort of posts, not actually being one of them. Everyone is so quick to get offended.

>> No.8963362


>> No.8963412

>Domestic/Regional: bubble mailer unless otherwise requested
>International: Box or heavy duty bubble mailer
>Bubble wrap and other packing materials are sold at every grocery store, supermarket, shipping location, or office supply store

This should all be like obvious stuff anon.

>> No.8963427

It's not healthy to pretend to be a child during sex either but hey~

>> No.8963429

The issue is that by definition jokes are funny, which that post was not.

>> No.8963436

I sell a lot of shit online, for the US, here are your answers:

First it depends on what you are selling, some items I pack in a double layer of shipping bags (they sell them in bulk on amazon or ebay) and tape the openings with packing tape. Some items will get packed in a shipping bag to protect it, then packed in to a cardboard box.

On boxes: I buy a lot of stuff online so I have a wide variety of boxes I can reuse. In the US, you can also order boxes FREE from USPS - either flatrate Priority (don't bother unless you're shipping something incredibly heavy) or just standard boxes. I personally prefer the priority boxes that are similar in shape to the long & narrow medium priority boxes.

Next, it depends on the weight of what you are mailing. If it is under 16oz, you can mail it First Class which will never be more expensive than around $5 usd max. If it over that, you have to use Priority Mail - either flatrate or "use your own box" (best option unless you have something SUPER heavy but less than 70lbs and even then not always).

Now, here's the thing about shipping priority, the heavier it is, the less you pay per lb/oz. So I've had to ship stuff that was just over 1lb that cost $7. I've had to ship stuff over 4lbs that was $6.50. I can't explain how it works. Also if you ship through ebay they have some wacked out discount thing, idk.

So, ultimately, if you want to do a lot of shipping, my advice is:

1. Get bulk shipping supplies off amazon or ebay.

2. Offer discounts or deals to people who buy extra items.

3. Save packing materials like bubblewraps, air pods, plastic bags, etc. You can also get bubblewrap on amazon or in a office supply store.

Hope this has helped, info from someone with over 100 sales on ebay and near to 100 sales between egl_comm_sales and lacemarket.

>> No.8963444

>complaining about semi-obscure fetishes
>on 4chan

>> No.8963456

Read the post anon was replying to, you rere.

>> No.8963517

>I'm poly and pan but my boyfriend doesn't like it
what a cunt

>> No.8963571

thanks for the input, but bubble wrap/shipping boxes are definitely not sold at grocery stores nor supermarkets here, and I've only seen boxes at post offices and office stores.

this is awesome, thanks - I'm not in the US so that part doesn't really count for me, though it is interesting to know how much shipping usually costs over there. the packaging pointers are pretty sweet, I hope someone else here can find the US part more helpful than me!

>> No.8963580

Contact your postal service and learn their shipping rules so you can make sure you follow them correctly. They may have a website. They can also tell you where to purchase shipping supplies. There are often several shipping options so international buyers will expect you to provide shipping rates, insurance information etc in their shipping estimate. There may be customs forms to fill out as well.

>> No.8963723
File: 345 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-15-16-38-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was on Opaline Rose's famous wa coord, insert inappropriate "giving me life" joke here

>> No.8963741

I am horrified by this comment holy shit

>> No.8963860

This comment disgusts me. I hope someone calls her out on it and she gets banned.

>> No.8963883

I sent her a message to let her know, I doubt she has any idea that the person in question passed. In any other circumstance it would be fine, but in this one it isn't appropriate.

>> No.8963909

What happened here?

>> No.8963919

The OP died and then this chick commented that the coord "gave her life".

>> No.8963924

it's a bad comment but relax, they more likely than not didn't know (people posted about her passing in some lolita groups but it got deleted for privacy obviously) plus "giving me life" is an extremely common compliment these days.

good on you for messaging her privately, that's gotta be really embarrassing

>> No.8963925

...did anyone ever find out what happened to her? Her passing was so sudden.

>> No.8963931

literally what the fuck happened to lolita humor? like all of a sudden a huge swarm of retards joined the group and started posting shit that...wasn't relevant at all

>> No.8964035

Yeah. I've seen it often used as a compliment before, I'd feel bad if people started swarming her about being a terrible person or something. Especially since there is a 99% possibility that she had no idea what had happened - the only reason I know is because I browse here, never saw it in any of the FB groups.
However this was hours ago and she hasn't responded so I don't know if she even saw my message.

>> No.8964167

Mods should have closed the thread, deleted her post and PM'ed her why. I know it must have been upsetting for the friends to see but it really doesn't seem like she knew or meant anything by it at all.

>> No.8964247

How terrible... When did she pass? I had no idea...

>> No.8964265

If you don't mind me asking, how did she react to the information?

>> No.8964348

family wanted to keep it private, stop asking

it's probably because they're all edgy tumblrtards who feel like they are 'so fanni xd let's make fun of all the eetahs and the salt-chans who don't know how 2 take jokes'
then again I never found the group funny before this either

>> No.8964588

The one I messaged hasn't seen it yet.

>> No.8964693

LSE, LM, EGL, AngelicPoodle, Lolita Sales world wide... none of them permit replicas.

>> No.8964695

Replicas are rarely actually removed from LM. Mods don't really care.

>> No.8964703

>implying the mods even exist still
you've clearly missed out if you think replicas are the only things that aren't removed from LM

>> No.8964742

I never said that was the only problem? I was just responding to that particular comment.

>> No.8966189
File: 148 KB, 494x643, ss+(2016-04-17+at+06.55.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop blogging, nobody cares, especially if you can't be fucked to even read the rules before posting for the first time.

aight my bad for misinterpreting, we chill

>> No.8966357

The way she types make me want to punch her in her face. Use some fucking periods god damn.

>> No.8966415
File: 297 KB, 806x605, 1460736974641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like the angelic Strawberry Whip

>> No.8966425
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1434384472313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People always assume im into DDLG
>I just like the fashion trends and prints

Also why I cant get into a fucking facebook group to save my life

>> No.8966501

I love challenging people to read posts like this out loud kek

>> No.8966555

oh man thanks for inspiring me, I'm gonna do dramatic readings of this for my friends

>> No.8966642

I asked my boyfriend to read it out loud. Muh sides. She types like she's a little kid who's trying to bullshit an essay or something.

>> No.8966662


>> No.8968068
File: 12 KB, 350x136, nostarbuttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is flipping out that her holy theater dress didn't come with stars and is blaming her SS for picking out a dress with defaults.

>> No.8968080
File: 317 KB, 494x2890, nostarbuttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full caps

>> No.8968086 [DELETED] 

uhhhhhh ot, can i get that button link?

>> No.8968115


>> No.8968131

What an insufferable prick
>missing a big part of the design
bitch its 4 star buttons that you can pick up from literally anywhere. Chill the fuck out

>> No.8968136

>SS offers solution

That entitlement. I can up understand being upset but that's on AP, not necessarily on the SS. While I agree that the SS should have checked it while she was in store, the SS offered the most reasonable solution. Personally, it looks better without the buttons

>> No.8968139

I agree that the SS should have checked first before purchasing but that attitude. What was she expecting to get back like $30?

The SS did right in her solution. It's on AP and the SS shouldn't fix their lack of QC

>> No.8968195

>She'll have to pay me to buy the buttons and pay for a professional to sew them on!
What the fuck is she smoking? You want someone to pay a SEAMSTRESS to sew on what, 3-5 buttons?

>> No.8968220

Thee SS should just go to AP with the picture and see if she can get the buttons shipped in from them. If not, she should refund her fee, since she didn't double check the dress before receiving it and shipping it out (apology refund) and the girl can buy star buttons online. Or the girl can try and buy star buttons off someone else who got the dress, as someone else would have extras most likely.

>> No.8969206

Not everyone can sew on buttons well / sew at all, so I understand her wanting to send it to someone else. To me it sounds like she is most worried about the resale value, if she ever sells it, she will have to mark it as defective, especially now that she has told everyone about it. I can understand her being upset, it might be hard to find the buttons exactly the same, and to know the exact placement on the bodice to put them. Having said that, her attitude is really bad and she comes across as a spoiled brat. She should have just politely emailed the SS privately to see if anything could be done instead.

>> No.8969260

t b h I agree with the girl. The SS picked it up in store, there's no excuse for them to have not checked for the buttons or send off photos to the buyer before posting.

The SS should try to order replacement buttons from AP and send them to the buyer.

Or girl could get a full refund sans delivery, but if her customs are really that much, then it's not worth it.

It's AP's fault that the buttons weren't there, but it's the SS's fault that they sent her a shoddy item.

>> No.8969275

I want to know why she went back a fucking YEAR just to comment on a post

>> No.8969663 [DELETED] 

someone else had bumped it with a "miss you" style comment first.

>> No.8969667

Look at the comment above hers. Someone bumped it first, she probably thought it was a new coord.

>> No.8969669

That's still so crazy to go back so far to find a post and bump it all the way up.

>> No.8969675

I can't sew worth shit but I can put buttons on. It's literally the most simple thing you can do involving a needle and thread and it's utterly ridiculous to expect someone to pay for a person to hire a tailor/seamstress to sew on buttons.

>> No.8969676

I see where you're coming from but the SS went in store to buy it so why would they even think to check it for quality control? If you're buying a designer item from the shop, you sort of assume they're not going to put out a defective item to purchase. Odds are the SS didn't even notice because even the seller admits "I just noticed the buttons are gone" implying that the SS did send her a photo of the item before posting it and neither one noticed the missing buttons OR that the OP didn't even notice it immediately after taking it out of the packaging.

Don't shopping services make it a point to take photos of the items before they ship them out anyway? I'm betting that the SS sent the OP the photos and neither one of them noticed. If the SS has proof of OP signing off on the dress looking fine, she doesn't owe her squat and OP shouldn't complain when the SS is going out of her way to make it right when it's not even her error.

>> No.8969693

How does buying in-store work? Like they give you a number, you wait for that number and then you get what they hand you?

And I have yet received photos from my SS but it's been mainly because I buy baby MTOs.

I've just always understood that anything bought from Japan doesnt get returned

>> No.8973922

You line up and get a lottery number. When your number is up, you can go in and pick out what you want from what is still available.

>> No.8974457

what happened with the 'harassing comment' on lolita sales worldwide? anyone got caps? looking at the profile that got banned it seems like someone made their profile into a fake one (sudden change from guy profile pics to girl ones)

>> No.8975344
File: 101 KB, 610x464, Literally12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread on RC:UC is a trainwreck.
>Literally 12 years old

>> No.8975358

you have to be 13 to have a fb account. I'm reporting her lol

>> No.8975359

That Kris is an ass though.
Most kids get Facebook around the age of 8-10. If you're going to report someone, why would you announce it to them?

>> No.8975368

Idk about them but I did it because I don't like children and her post was really annoying and imo, doesn't belong in the group

And yea I know "we are all kids once", whatever, don't care.

>> No.8975371

The group has no rules. Anything is appropriate for it, the point is that it's a version of ruffle chat where they don't have retarded rules.

>> No.8975381

That's why I said "imo"

>> No.8975429

I totally reported her as soon as she said "I'm 12". She'll just never know I did it. I find her middle school drama obnoxious and it doesn't belong in our comms. Also my mini top hat salt is unbelievably strong and I'm sure this kid is a disgusting Ita.

>> No.8975437

Was waiting for this to pop up.

The way she types pegged her as really young from the get-go, but goddamn.

>> No.8975438

Oh, I'm sure she is too based on her post in BSOLF and that tophat comment (loathe those, even expensive ones) but at the same time we were all kids once and so many kids have Facebook it seems cruel to ban her when she is just trying to get advice. Luckily she is almost 13.

>> No.8975439


glad to know I'm not the only one getting salty over her little snotty rundown

>> No.8975803

Then she can reopen her account when she's 13 because it is gone now.

>> No.8976644
File: 7 KB, 160x160, onix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see one of this ita cunt's posts, I cringe. Just get out of lolita. Be banned from every comm. Please.

>> No.8976668

who? and where?

>> No.8976674

Almost all the comms. A few weeks ago, she posted something about making some shitass fallout dress she saw on etsy into a lolita coord by asking the seller to add some yellow lace. Now she's posting in sales comms trying to sell her ugly bodyline purchase because it was too small (2L) and posting a ISO for another ugly ita bodyline dress. IN 6L.

>> No.8976694
File: 107 KB, 640x420, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976910

oh yes, related to that - how do people not even own a ruler, so they could flat measure the damn dress? I hope nobody buys it from her, I'd be afraid of what I'd receive
I kinda feel like reporting her for fake name just because she's so obnoxious, and there's a pretty good chance of that not being her real name

>> No.8977284
File: 752 KB, 615x1923, 1022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8977412

I am a little and it's not a fetish to me. Having anything remotely sexual about it feels horribly wrong and out of place. It's just about being like any other little girl and nothing more. I keep my life as a lolita far away from it due to people who would most likely not understand.

>> No.8977440

Literally no one cares if you don't post about it all over lolita coms. It isn't relevant to the fashion.

>> No.8977869

Pfft, which group is this?

>> No.8977934

Then you're fucking mentally ill instead of just a gross fetishist. Congrats!

>> No.8977948

Oh god this is so cute, though. What a lovely woman.

>> No.8977996

What's everyone's thoughts on having non-lolita fashion in a lolita fashion group.

I think it's fun sometimes when there are different j-fashion themed meets, but feel a little weird when people are chiming in to a group only interested in a niche that's not related to lolita/ouji/ega/egl....

>> No.8978134

I wish my lolita comm encompassed all j-fashions. But lolita fashion is a lot easier to "enforce" because you can critique people using the rori-rules. Newfags always fuck up other j-fash.
I'd like to host a fairy-kei or gyaru meet, I feel like that's comparatively harder to fuck up.

>> No.8978923

Anyone get caps of the "Calling out brands for spelling errors is racist!" Thread on RC? One of the Japanese girls told her it's not and she deleted it. It's so close to summer the SJWs are starting to crawl out of the woodwork already.

>> No.8978938

This happened? No way people are that stupid

>> No.8978940

Lol - how did xe justify that?

>> No.8978944

My local lolita comm banned non lolita jfash. We have such a small number of people who wear jfash locally so it completely killed what little jfash interest we had in our city when people saw the community divide like that.

>> No.8978945

Right before deleting she edited to clarify that it was the descriptor word "Engrish" that she was so offended with. The same girl told her that that also was not offensive as it is an actual pronunciation when you use the English word English instead of the Japanese word for English. I had an indignant "you're kidding right?" response typed for OP, but she deleted it too quickly.

>> No.8978965

I guess she could somehow see that as mocking their accent?

>> No.8978979

I mean then let the Asians be offended. Her fat white ass doesn't need to be offended for them.

>> No.8979113
File: 306 KB, 400x299, 1356638590484b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New rufflechat topic: what do you collect
>Multiple "alll [generic trait] items ever!
> MFW they all then say they have 0-5 of those things

That's not what "all" means. That's not even a collection, that's having a color / theme preference.

>> No.8979208

I agree, that's super sweet. Even if she's a bit clueless, she's got some sewing skills and wants to make her daughter happy.

>> No.8979223

If either of you has Wolfram Mathematica, that's what my bf always does when he sees tl;dr posts (copy and paste the text in and take out certain punctuation so it reads the whole thing). It's really funny to hear the robot voice read posts

>> No.8979733

Are you a mental health professional? No? Then shut the fuck up about something being "healthy" or not. You not being into it doesn't mean it's not okay.

>> No.8979746

You are literally what is wrong with people on this Earth.

>> No.8979765

Holy shit if you actually think pretending to be a child is normal YOU are wrong. That is not normal behavior. Now just get the fuck out of here. No one cares about your fetish/mental illness. Go see a doctor.

>> No.8979771

It must be blissful to be this ignorant

>> No.8979774

>defending people who sexualize childhood
That's really fucked up, anon. I don't even care about "littles" who just wear comfy pajamas and use coloring books or whatever but if you have to imagine yourself as a little kid to get off sexually then you desperately need to close your tumblr and see a mental health professional because that shit is NOT okay.

>> No.8979775

get out

>> No.8979777

>says the person who can only feel better about themselves by pretending to be a mentally undeveloped child

>> No.8979788

There really isn't a "normal" when it comes to these things. I didn't say it wasn't unusual or different.

I in fact do see a doctor. Quite a few of them. Because I care about all aspects of my health. (And according to your emotional outbursts, you won't like what all the therapists and mental health professionals I've visited have to say on the subject of ageplay) Based on your responses, trolling or not, I can only guess you yourself have some deep-seated issues that seeing a therapist would help you with. I will no longer respond to you as I want to quit shitting up the thread, but I can't vouch for the others doing so.

>> No.8979792

That's it this has to be a troll.

>> No.8979835

So my comm's city has another entirely different group dedicated to Jfashion--but I guess that only works if there are enough people and if it's active enough to keep it alive. They also include lolitas in this group, and everyone is welcome. It keeps our meets lolita-centric but encourages awesome visual kei, fairy kei, etc.

>> No.8979840

I don't mind if people who normally/usually wear lolita sometimes wear other J-fashion, especially if it's not a lolita-centered meet up (that is, casual get togethers, small dinners, even swap meets since it can be a hassle to remove some outfits to try on others). But I think that just conglomerating all sorts of J-fashion wearers into a single group, regardless if they wear lolita, defeats the purpose of having a lolita community. It also means not everyone will have an opinion (or a relevant one anyway) on lolita-related discussions.

>> No.8979869

Yes, please move on from shitting up the thread back to shitting up the diaper your daddy just put on you~

>> No.8979877

My comm ended up banning non-lolita/ouji Jfashions from the group because it was attracting way too many itas who, when given critique, would flounce and cry about stupid lolitists not understanding that their grandma's old dress with cheap lace glued on was totally fine for mori/dolly/CPK/etc.
Now there's a separate Jfash group and it still has a large number of weebs who absolutely cannot dress themselves, but at least when someone critiques their clothing choice they can't blame their own bad taste on the lolitas anymore.

>> No.8979963


>> No.8980027

I don't understand why you (plural?) seem to think that:

1. Every post responding to you is the same person

2. Every post responding to you is a person into ABDL/Ageplay/Whathaveyou

>> No.8980137

Can you fuck off, seriously, you're shutting up the thread with your fetish/white knighting/whatever. No one cares.

>> No.8980169

100% Asian here, not offended. Engrish is hilarious! Sjws gotta ruin shit for everyone.

>> No.8980410

this annoys the fuck out of me because the number one rule is you don't involve Vanilla's with non vanilla stuff. There is a lolita group on fetlife, some who are in it for the kink others just the fashion. talk about your shit there leave it off of faceboook jfc

>> No.8980437

My favorite is the girl who said she collects angelic looking dresses with crosses. Posts pic of new AP dresses from 2015-2016. Yeah, good luck with that..

>> No.8980459

It's okay anon, I agree agree with you but whatever. People are freaks

>> No.8981238

>It's not healthy to be a Facebook troll

They weren't trolling tho?

>> No.8981243


>> No.8981246

sure jan

>> No.8984897
File: 245 KB, 517x758, screenshot-www.facebook.com 2016-04-29 20-42-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one see photographs of lolita, then look at themselves wearing this getup and think "yes, perfect, this is about right"

>> No.8984899

Don't call me by my white oppression name, Marsha

>> No.8985127

The post about pronouns in rc annoys me to no end, I don't know why...
I'm technically "nonbinary" but who gives a shit, like really?

>> No.8985133

At least someone told her that that isn't lolita. Maybe (I seriously doubt it) she'll improve?

>> No.8985166

Oh god yes.
If you want to be treated a certain way, it's your turn to inform people about that. Afterwards, it's people's turn to not be a dick and repects your request. Easy as that.
I will not sit my comm members in a circle and have everyone tell the others about their pronouns and special dietary before the meet up starts.

>> No.8985187


>mfw I collect fake flowers and vintage chinoiserie vases
>mfw the people at goodwill know me by name
>mfw I have no face because I'm drowning in fake flowers

I have a problem, but at least it's a problem that makes my house look pretty

>> No.8989922

such people see what lolita signifies (ultra feminine outfit with skirt), not what it actually is.

>> No.8990041
File: 625 KB, 1225x1920, 16-05-03-10-29-03-916_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waaaaahh please tell me im right to post my almost identical coords to COF.

>> No.8990047

Why is she trying to validate her posting the same coord over and over? At least people are subtly calling her out in the comments...

>> No.8990120

I love how all the top comments are the ones putting her in her place lol

>> No.8991938
File: 222 KB, 748x1331, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's baaaack

>> No.8991943


>> No.8991945



>> No.8991957
File: 962 KB, 1280x1034, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i joined this group to avoid being a gross ita like when i first got into lolita
>mfw the mentors are saying either these would work for gothic
>mfw i'm mainly into gothic and don't trust this group for lolita advice anymore even though i just joined
sometimes it feels like the only place i can count on to not coddle itas (as a recovering one myself) and steer me towards putting together legitimately decent coords is /cgl/ tbqh

>> No.8991974

Join the other advice groups then? There is at least one other one, but I can't think of any names since I'm a member of exactly zero of them. LFM gives ita as shit advice on the regular. Maybe I just have different taste, but I stg this is not the first time this week I've been shown something like that from there.

>> No.8991983

Random, but I just spotted this girl in a Mashable video for a "DIY Sailor Moon costume."

>> No.8992045

Sissy "trans" fetishist