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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8946434 No.8946434 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8871341

> Cosplay Masterpost: http://pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
- Tutorials and links that can help with Homestuck cosplays. Refer to it if you need help. Any contributions welcome.

> Crunchy Cosplay List: http://i.imgur.com/QRRWqRn.jpg
- A list of suggested Homestuck cosplayers to follow and check out, as they have great cosplays and some also have good tutorials on their blogs.

To discuss:
> The end of the comic seems to finally be in sight. Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?
> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?

>> No.8946444

>The end of the comic seems to finally be in sight. Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?
Hard to say, really. I was just at wondercon and the only homestuck cosplay I saw was a single Jade. I think it depends on the quality of the upcoming sequence of panels--if they're good, I could easily see a revival in enthusiasm fueled by the ending of the comic. If not, I think the community will continue to die down.
>Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
I probably will, because I'm a filthy poser and haven't actually done any Homestuck cosplay yet. One of these days, I will, and the end of the comic might be the ideal time to do it.

>> No.8946558
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> The end of the comic seems to finally be in sight. Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?
I think that the people who have been fans of the webcomic for a while will use their old cosplays one last time in loving memory of the webcomic. In other words, a mild boost of homestucks summer 2016.

> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
I don't think homestuck cosplays are something I will continue doing. I might have one last photoshoot as Tavros or something (It being they favourite out of my three homestuck cosplays). But my passion for homestuck is just not as grand anymore, and the people I used to cosplay from homestuck with no longer cosplay from homestuck.
But if I were to continue making homestuck cosplay I would definitely do Rufioh and Nepeta.

>> No.8946618

> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
The ending of the comic has really encouraged me to start some new Homestuck cosplays, actually. I haven't cosplayed from it in years, but I've improved a lot, and I'd like to bring my new skills to costumes that were previously too much for me. I'm planning on making some, if not all, of Rose's outfits for a start. It's convenient that I was also looking to make some more comfy outfits to wear to meetups and conventions anyway. Also looking at a maximum effort God Tier Vriska sometime this year.

>> No.8947054

>Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?

I have no intentions to stop cosplaying Homestuck. I have a big list of characters I want to cosplay and even if it's just me cosplaying it once HS has died I could care less. It won't be as fun obviously, but my love for this stupid webcomic hasn't diminished over the years, even when it was just me and none of my friends no longer liked it, and I don't think I'll stop loving it any time soon.

>> No.8947127

I've seen them attached more towards the crown of the head (kinda Peixes) a few times and I kinda prefer that in all honesty. It's less canonically supported, but just more attractive aesthetically.

But then again, the Megido horns shift directions, proportions and placement all over the place. A better measurement of what'd be canon would probably be to look at the Handmaid's horns and scale them back a few centuries.

>> No.8947274
File: 382 KB, 483x800, rip in homestucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone else making a cosplay specifically for 4/13? i've been pumping out this rose asap. it's actually the first thing i've sewn so i'm a little proud of it despite its shittiness in some aspects (pic-related)

>Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?
nah. ive been in the fandom for years and i think its probably finished at this point

>Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
yeah! i wanna do dreamer aranea or something. or remake some of my outfits from when i was younger. i love homestuck too much to stop

>> No.8947394

I still have quite a few cosplays I would like to do from Homestuck. Mainly all of Jade's outfits so I'm not stopping anytime soon

>> No.8947714

looks good so far
im working on a cosplay for 4/13 but ill keep it secret since people follow me here and im not totally sure i finish on time anyway
> The end of the comic seems to finally be in sight. Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?
a little bit, but not too much.
> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
yeah theres still some stuff i plan to do

>> No.8947971
File: 112 KB, 540x675, tumblr_o54p5jco5a1s290b4o1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homestuck is almost over and I still see people make these kinds of decisions in cosplay.

>> No.8947989

what's with... that forehead though

>> No.8948215

> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends?

Yes, i've been a lone homestuck for this long the comic ending isn't going to change that. I have so many HS cosplays that i've started and never finished.

This kid went and did some nice neutral eye make-up and then said, "Fuck it! I wonder what Dave would look look like with the eyebrows of a basic ass youtube guru."

>> No.8948374

up8, motherfuckers

it's a doozy

>> No.8948852

Kinda feeling like doing a John with like a week left to 413. How accurate is the WP tee to colour?

Also good places to buy glasses.

>> No.8948866 [DELETED] 

It was crazy, though i didn't like the music in the beginning too much. Though that's just imo.

I don't know how accurate the t-shirt is, but i know eBay is pretty good for fake glasses. And if you can't find something that will ship in time, look at reading glasses in grocery stores (and i think dollar stores and 5 below too) and pop the lenses out.

>> No.8948869
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It was crazy, though i didn't like the music in the beginning too much. Though that's just imo.

I don't know how accurate the t-shirt is, but i know eBay is pretty good for fake glasses. And if you can't find something that will ship in time, look at reading glasses in grocery stores (and i think dollar stores and 5 below too) and pop the lenses out.

Is anyone else's update notifier broken? Pic related, i have negative two pages to read

>> No.8948958

Holy shit I've watched it like 8 times and I still love it?
I somehow ended up with 3 people over and rewatching with me at 2am as a mood booster for one of them, and it gave them quite a bit to discuss.

If they've not changed it at all in the last year or so, its the colour of his hood instead of his actual shirt. So it'll be much to dark. Go to walmart or a thrift store- you'll have much better luck finding the correct colour and just painting on the symbol, or using an iron on transfer.

Mine was fine until last night. It didn't go off at all and my girlfriend had to alert me instead ):

>> No.8949012
File: 132 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mdfcyyJRZM1qb6azuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say just buy a shirt and use an iron-on transfer, like other anon said. Especially if you wanna be more accurate and use a long-sleeved shirt instead. (depends on what john you're doing though since there's a lot that use a t-shirt)

I agree with you about the music... a lot of it was just remixes of stuff we've already heard so it kind of bored me...

Here's a Jake in honor of that one frame in the update where he was doing this pose.

>> No.8949172
File: 164 KB, 600x1018, 8c0a45464f4f2948fdd969d9f48c7ede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well guys, since the end of homestuck is drawing more and more near as the hours go on, i have one question to ask...

what are some of your favorite memories in seagull homestuck history? as far as drama, shenanigans, or just threads that made you smile.

i think one of my favorite memories was that really shitty fancy kanaya cosplay that got passed around a lot, i think that person even came into the threads and got assmad over it too. stuff like that just sticks with you, yknow?

>> No.8949364


Urchintier!! Bless her.

Remember when Rachel called Mostflogged a slut on Twitter? Good times.

>> No.8949402

holy shit, i think i do. it isn't very surprising considering rachel herself is a massive bitch anyway

>> No.8949424

screencaps pls omg

>> No.8949441
File: 75 KB, 512x704, 1345598612171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't find that exactly, but i found rachel getting mad over mostfloggeds bunny group. the old drama is a breath of fresh air t bh.

>> No.8949453

Someone explain to me what's even up with Rachel christ

>> No.8949455

hussie's girlfriend, maybe wife now or whatever. she was a big sjw bitch and was the one who spear-headed the movement for no unofficial homestuck merch in the first place. i can't remember much more about her but she's just an unpleasant person in general. glad to see she's kind of faded into obscurity

>> No.8949458

Well, she's against con cheesecake, so she's against basically everything that I stand for.

>> No.8949492

i thought they broke up or something?

there was a period back this past summer where she like scrubbed every last part of her presence off the internet

or that may have been part of the whole WP mass exodus and the game going back to formula again

>> No.8949530
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I remember a long time ago when I was doing arcadestuck my event ended up on here actually. At first I was a bit upset but now that I look back to it, it was kinda funny and I don't really care about that anymore.

I haven't cosplayed Nepeta in a long time, but she's one of my fave trolls. I'm not so hyped about hs as I used to be but thank god it's finally ending, I'm just glad I was a part of this.

>> No.8949534

would kidnap and force feed mcnuggets 10/10

>> No.8949888


There was definitely more of it but a lot's probably deleted at this point

>> No.8949891


Speaking of super old drama, what ever happened to Horn anon? the one who was the only officially allowed horn commissioner, and was sending like 60% of her cash to Hussie? That poor girl.

>> No.8949940

Oh, fuck. Didn't they always upload Pusheen images whenever they posted here?

>> No.8950003

oh yeah! i remember that anon... i wonder what happened to them too. they just suddenly disappeared one day

>> No.8950005

They were lambency on Tumblr, iirc.

>> No.8950045

probably assassinated by what pumpkin agents. no doubt in order to make way for the merchandising push for the plush horns.

>> No.8950054

I think they broke up and Andrew is dating ipgd now

>> No.8950076

I mean, I fucking love yarnidan for something new and hilarious...
But fond memories from this hellhole would def be Rachel's angry letters to 15 year olds on deviantart.
Haven's crying Meenah pics.
Really bad nudestuck from back in the day still makes me laugh. Same with awful strider gif compilations.
The Eridan cosplayer who wanted that one photog to come to them for a free shoot and to shop them grey because they didn't have paint.

>> No.8950228
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>> No.8950318

>Heaven's crying Meenah pics
Refresh my memory, will you?

>> No.8950351


And, relatedly, pyropi's photoshopped First!!! pics

>> No.8950625
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I think i saw Urchintier once in person, maybe at Katsucon 2013? Me and a friend were going down an elevator and saw her from a distance and the lower and closer we got the more our faces switched to horrified curiosity.

>> No.8950753

Hey so I want some opinions here. For the bots(aka Aradia,Jade,and Dirk) which do you think would look better? A foam(or other material) sculpted to the general shape and painted to look like metal or a wig? I know a lot of people go with just a grey wig but idk just seems off to me

>> No.8950920

I think Aradiabot would definitely have hair, since Equius made her and Equius is a fucking weirdo. Jadebot I don't really have an opinion on, but I think Brobot's "hair" would be metal that matches the silhouette of Dirk's.

>> No.8950934

Rachel was such a cunt. Heard she broke up with Huss though.

>> No.8950980

i think gray wigs would look better for all of them just because foam/a solid material has a really big chance of looking awkward and helmet-y. i'd support that idea if i could foresee it being done properly, but i can't really so wig seems like the best option.

>> No.8951028

fuck i really like this

>> No.8951112
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> The end of the comic seems to finally be in sight. Do you expect a revival of Homestuck cosplays or will it mostly just be the same as the past few years?

Probably the same. I think a lot of people are just keeping up for closure.

>> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?

Nah, I'm pretty much done. Might rehash an old one for nostalgia, but other than that, no.

>> No.8951268

I'd like it more if it didn't have those terrible fins.

>> No.8951513

And those awful boots.

>> No.8952201

Cute. Did those shoes come in blue? My Nepeta bought very similar slippers but in grey for a different cosplay. Nep is the best troll by far, I wish she had a bigger part but oh well.

I will cosplay Homestuck for a while. I just haven't found any other characters I like enough to cosplay.

>> No.8953536


>> No.8953680
File: 78 KB, 564x846, 197dd48efd4382a97ecb8ef1c9b2f170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, the memories... thanks anon

>> No.8953923
File: 20 KB, 175x240, Nepeta_hiding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! I bought them at aliexpress years ago, maybe try blue paw slippers. If not maybe look for stitch slippers ( they're lilo and stitch merch).
I would recommend they just wear them in picture because slippers are the best for walking around for long periods of time.

I used to hate nepeta because I thought she was annoying when she shipped other trolls and kids, but then I started to slowly love her more and more. I just couldn't hate this cute cat troll anymore, and besides she's really strong and badass.

>> No.8953927

***I would recommend they just wear them in pictures because slippers are not the best for walking around for long periods of time.
sorry made a mistake, don't want to cofuse anyone

>> No.8954366

i wouldn't say any one time really, so much as the journey. seeing my cosplays go from despised here to accepted as iv improved. iv learned a lot just being here in the threads. still a ways to go.

>> No.8955035
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https://youtu.be/ngYYZchyqmY JJ posted a tutorial on troll teeth. Nice to see that she isn't dead yet.

>> No.8955457
File: 306 KB, 900x600, tumblr_n8v5ovfDBx1r35os0o5_r3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do hair for the girls.... long foam hair would probably look weird i.m.o. Foam only works for AR cosplays because it's so short.

>> No.8955499
File: 152 KB, 450x562, mituna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that everyone's dredging up old HS stuff I'm almost tempted to refurbish Equius and finish up Mituna. You know, for closure or something.

>> No.8956117

She actually didn't have issues walking in slippers the whole con. I think she wore shoes under them or something, I know my feet would be fucked without muh inserts. I'll recommend those stitch slips, her head Canon Nep has clawfeet.

I hated all the trolls at first, except Equius. Nep grew on me, still don't care much for the other ten. It's probably jealousy due to the only two I found interesting were written out so fast. At least the cherubs are both 10/10

>> No.8956124

go for it, anon. i'm gonna remake a huge portion of my costumes just because the ending is finally motivating me to get my ass in gear.

>> No.8956588

I am also considering doing some more HS cosplay this year now that it's finally concluding.

I heard this is a good place to start if you want to learn how to sew simple things, like God Tier outfits.

>> No.8956720

>I heard this is a good place to start if you want to learn how to sew simple things, like God Tier outfits.

We have a category called urchintier for all beginners to look up to and aspire to be like. I recommend looking into it.

>> No.8957055
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time for fond memories!!!

>> No.8957060
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>> No.8957071
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>> No.8957080
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the true queen of HSG

>> No.8957109
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So did HS just end of something? I need to catch up but I forgot where I left it.

>> No.8957116


last two updates are tomorrow and wednesday (4/13). then it's over forever, thank god.

>> No.8957119

Wow seriously? Then that's it? That dropped real fast.

Now I kinda wanna do a HS cosplay again.

>> No.8957135
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more gems from the past

>> No.8957161
File: 96 KB, 739x986, 1365383097361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rereading old threads on rebeccablack and wow, you guys, we've been through some shit. what a ride.

remember nudestuck?

>> No.8957244

>remember nudestuck?
I try not to.

>> No.8957287
File: 114 KB, 720x540, 248095_113341265419841_5912465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon :')

dumping a memory of my own, anime north 2011... what a shoot

>> No.8957424
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I'm so glad you have pics because mine all start at FanExpo 2011... I've got every con after that though.

>> No.8957450
File: 147 KB, 960x640, trolls AN 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the trolls from AN2012, when the canon godtiers hadn't been released yet.
Pretty sure we didn't move to TCC2 or that back patch of grass at AN until 2013, after 300 people showed up to one of the smallest photoshoot spots in 2012. I remember being yelled at so many times for spilling out onto the road.

>> No.8957591

Is there a Homestuck shoot for Anime North this year?

>> No.8957637

One each day.
Friday at 6:12
Saturday at 5 (I asked for 4:13 but onepiece snagged it iirc)
Sunday at 2.

>> No.8957889
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>> No.8958173


>> No.8958777
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>> No.8958781
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It's been one hell of a ride, friends.

>> No.8958795

Hey, idk if this is really random,but does anyone have any pics of the HS shoot from Megacon 2014?

It's just that it was my first (and currently only) time cosplaying HS and I just realized I don't have any pics from it

>> No.8958816

>one of trickster dirk's legs is as wide as hussie's whole body

>> No.8958997

Something just occurred to me after Collide.

Would... a Shrek cosplayer belong at a Homestuck cosplay meet? Shrek did show up in the flash after all.

>> No.8959047


>> No.8959056

People cosplayed that security guard from the background of that one pic so may as well

>> No.8959134
File: 123 KB, 647x451, TO HSG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was saving this for tomorrow but... a heartfelt note to all you wonderful assholes. It's from me, your loving father.

>> No.8959160
File: 417 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n0sv8v2PdU1soz4vho7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a great ride.

>> No.8959164
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>> No.8959195

The end is upon us. /r/ing group shots, as it seems appropriate.

>> No.8959305

well that was a crock of flapjack bullshit on a horse fucking cracker

fuck this shit forever, i'm out

>> No.8959309
File: 151 KB, 500x365, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they all say

>> No.8959319

wow fuck that

>> No.8959356


>> No.8959360

so who's seen that post about problem sleuth's epilogue? you guys think he's really done?

>> No.8959377

unless the epilogue is ACT8 and 500 pages long of text for development, closure, and an actual ending, i don't care

>> No.8959438

I'm...trying not to get too hopeful for this epilogue. Fuck knows its not going to be enough to fill in all the goddamn holes.

>> No.8959441
File: 41 KB, 493x335, getty_rf_photo_of_spilled_salt_shaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homestuck fandom currently, eh?

>> No.8959452

Who is this? I completely forgot their tumblr, but didn't they have a bunch of Jane pictures, despite being 30?

>> No.8959456

It will amuse you all to know that lactoria now identifies as genderfluid and prefers masculine or neutral pronouns

>> No.8959860

so...is anyone here gona cosplay homestuck again after that....ending?

>> No.8959950

Yes, it's anime now. We can officially wear it to anime cons without being awkwardly out of place.

>> No.8960341



>> No.8960441


No fucking way.

This like OTP confirmed, only IRL.

>> No.8960445

I'm not making any new plans, but I'll be finishing up and probably rewearing for a while so long as there's some form of con meets to go to. The comic may be dead, but hopefully the community will live on for a while. At least we can all bitch about it together.

I'm grateful for the memories and excuse to get better at cosplay, but >>8960341 says it best. What a cop-out.

>> No.8960453
File: 55 KB, 265x500, salty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related my next planned cosplay

>> No.8960462
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x1800, IMG_20160413_180557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i'm this anon! i actually finished my costume... (pic) happy 4/13 homestuck thread. i'm glad to see you're as salty as ever. though very rightfully so in this case
yeah. i didn't like retcon that much either, but i'm not going to stop cosplaying something i love just because something i didn't like happened in the story. this has given me more plans than ever, really

>> No.8960465

As someone who hasn't followed in years, what did the ending do that made people so upset? I've been seeing people's reactions but not anyone actually talking about what happened.

>> No.8960471
File: 140 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mcboa8kmDJ1ru6ow2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically, there was no ending

>> No.8960487

"Ending" basically tells you all you need to know. Essentially Hussie was like 'fuck this' and stopped.

>> No.8960541

A cop-out ending where absolutely no risks were taken and no arcs were finished. It looked good, but that was about it.

Imagine if JKR had decided halfway through the Deathly Hollows that whatever, and ended it by Harry killing Voldemort instead of the whole "inner horocrux" thing and the fight at Hogwarts never happened and everyone survived.

>> No.8960589

this except just ending half way through without harry killing voldimort. like the book just stops half way through mid sentence. "the end"

>> No.8960640

Any 4/13 or ending cosplays?

>> No.8960649

Of what? Literally nothing happened.

>> No.8960654

In general? For celebration? It's not that out of the blue to think people might have done cosplays for 4/13

>> No.8960711

I'm seeing lots of posts where people are posting compilations of their past cosplays, but not so much anything new.

>> No.8960734

Any tadpole cosplays yet?

>> No.8960747

honestly, i've only seen my own gt rose uptread and miwa's gt rose. people are just burned out i guess

>> No.8960754


kidbunni did a new prop for 413 it looks good

>> No.8960758

Is anyone going to Fanime 2016?

>> No.8960777

Sarahndipity did an impromptu Jade cosplay I think

>> No.8960784


>> No.8960886
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 10351763_10152934029187564_7181901693354827605_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I'm going to miss this comic
I reckon a lot will be cleared up in the epilogue, but it's Hussie so of course there will be some level of ambiguity.
It was always going to be difficult to end homestuck.
Anyway, here's my favourite HS cosplay I ever did. GT Kanaya

>> No.8960891

Diff anon but she's more known in the mlp and gravity falls fandom than homestuck

I'm a friend of a friend that's how I know her

>> No.8960899
File: 68 KB, 540x960, 13015256_1020751114666851_1139466572811606325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple grainy selfies is not anything worth writing home about, fyi. Also:

>Go to FB page
>First post: "Here is my mailing address, mail me free stuff!"

..What. Is this the newest cosplay trend?

>> No.8960904

Was she at least smart enough to use a PO box?

>> No.8960908

Yes which means she's paying money to keep one open in the hopes that people mail her presents. What the shit.

>> No.8960967

i feel like an idiot for ever cosplaying this. maybe i am.

looks good. mine >>8947714 was down to the wire too haha

>> No.8960969
File: 693 KB, 897x593, glubbaglub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tysm for the compliment... also congrats on finishing your costume too! homestuck end crunch is real. who are you, btw? i'm genuinely curious now

>> No.8961007

i could tell you but then id have to kill you.
my post's pretty high up in the tag atm so its not hard to find, theirs not a whole lot of people who made new stuff for the end it seems? but yeah i do like to try keep a low profile.

>> No.8961017
File: 786 KB, 1000x667, 53187-8fe579c33e30804842990a9290ec4040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandable, understandable. i like to keep a low profile too, so it makes sense. nevertheless, i hope everything turned out well
(attaching random pics just because this thread needs more)

>> No.8961265

harry doesn't even kill voldemort on screen, voldemort presumably dies because you see the cast living happily ever after in the last scene

>> No.8961295

Hell that's being generous. I'd say it'd be more like halfway through looking for Horcruxes, Harry and Hermione leave Ron behind and timeturn back to book 4. The Horcruxes are never mentioned again because Cedric Diggory is alive again, so the day is saved. Cedric goes to fight Voldemort during the last tournament and the rest of the book only shows Harry beating on Draco. The epilogue then happens, implying that Cedric must have killed Voldemort if the world is happy now. Books 5-7 didn't actually happen, and Ron is working in a 7-11 somewhere.

>> No.8961314

Is it bad that the ending rekindle my desire to cosplay godtier Jade? I was still a newbie cosplayer back when I got into Homestuck so I was too intimidated to try and then I eventually forgot about it. But now I want to try doing it.

>> No.8961326

Hhhhammy, is that you?

Jokes aside, this made me feel genuine emotional distress. It was such a good story, and even with the retcon it still retained some of it's thematic ground. Homestuck did so many interesting and innovative things with storytelling and then we get this...
I'm sad now ):

>> No.8961401

Nope but I know her. :3

My expectations for this comic have been in the ground since the second hiatus, so I can't even feel disappointed.

>> No.8961420

pretty much everyone is salty now. there are a few who are trying to justify the ending but their just in massive denial for the most part. trying to convince themselves it was good to escape the pain.

>> No.8961478
File: 96 KB, 960x960, 12987223_1088973817815824_1370513573912394495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite 413, as I did it during Tekko three days before, but I reprised Roxy after not wearing her for easily 3 years or so. I felt so old when the majority of people who talked to me about Homestuck were (presumably) high school aged kids.

I think my final costumes I'd want to do would be Roxy's godtier, 3AM Jade, and the Condesce but I'm unsure if I'll have the motivation. I'd love to do them with groups but even as my friends are kinda excited for nostalgia's sake I think that'll go away rather quickly (read: it probably already has).

I'll keep the cheese short but I've always loved these threads! I've been lurking for years. Thank you all!

>> No.8961695

I have my own interpretation that makes sense so I thoroughly enjoyed the ending. I am pissed we never found out what a Knight of Blood does, and etc.
Either way we're getting an epilogue the same way we did in PS.

>> No.8961763


No I'm >>8960453

>> No.8961976

Did you by any chance ask for photo advice in one of the Katsucon threads?

>> No.8962009

Sorry anon, not me.

>> No.8962011

So, comic is over. Epilogue and the game are coming.

What are you gulls' predictions on how long these two things will take to come out?

>> No.8962022
File: 512 KB, 523x700, da047eadf44f9c072bb4fc70a0a7d7eac2fd1a83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm guessing, or, well, hoping that the whole thing will be done on 6/12. if not, then we'll probably have to pray for the best.

>> No.8962026


Game: fall. Production team had a bunch of assets, it's already written, there's at least three different people who aren't hussie working on it.

epilogue: considering this feels like something he whipped out as a way to stave off the wailing of the damned post-act7, he has no idea what it'll look like, and won't give even a hilariously-wrong hussie estimate of time: never

>> No.8962027

Six months minimum.

Also, could someone post the early versions of the list? For Reasons?

>> No.8962066
File: 875 KB, 1280x1249, tumblr_msoqt8WSpm1s6nvf7o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, anon, I really thought I still had an original copy, but doesn't look like it. have this gem instead.

>> No.8962084
File: 263 KB, 900x1340, 1359769165695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the oldest one I could find.

Gotta say, it makes me nostalgic going through the archives and seeing the days when we used to make it through a thread every few days.

>> No.8962539
File: 663 KB, 640x960, 1348154284704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened to Cod-tier? I remember her being such a source of shit cosplays in the past. One day she kind of just slipped under the radar and faded into obscurity.

>> No.8962686

you're a really cute roxy! O:
Almost went to Tekko, but the trip down was going to cost more than i'd likely make at the con- otherwise i'd at least have been one 20+ homestuck who'd chitchat. Hitting any other cons this summer?

god this is so nostalgic.
the photos on the newer list layout make it look so much cleaner though. Nicer to look at.

I originally followed her for art, because i'm shipper garbage and we shared an OTP. after she slowed down on cosplay, she slowed down on art too, then literally just disappeared one day.

As a short chubby cosplayer, she was actually kind of an inspiration for me as a babbystuck? She managed to make a lot of things look not terrible and helped with my own body image issues. Gave me some hope in my early homestuck days.

>> No.8963190

Thanks a bunch anon! That's totally understandable -- I'm happy I started there (haven't tabled in years) but I didn't make the biggest profit I wanted for what I spent. You didn't miss much. Everybody there was super nice at least.

I (might) be at Yeticon in Ontario because a friend asked me to share table space with them) but I'll definitely be at Otakon this year! I'm debating maybe doing Condy for that because Otakon was always one of my bigger HS party cons back in the day. But the heat and the makeup and the outfit itself might just be the kiss of death.

>> No.8963537


>Kiss of death
I wore a Bec Noir fursuit to Otakon one year and if wearing a couch in the summer isn't a kiss of death then idk what is. I only lasted 4 hours until I was minutes from passing out from the heat. Definitely not the smartest thing I've ever done; if there's anybody who feels your pain it's me.

>> No.8963550
File: 1.54 MB, 896x1200, VintageHomosuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a Otakon 2010 John. I was so excited to see a MSPA fan at my first con. Unfortunately, looking through my AN 2014 album, I apparently gained cosplay standards because I have 0 homestuck pics from that photoshoot.

Are the meetups worth going to? I really want to finish my GT Jade now that I'm more skilled. The NYCC meetup I saw in 2012 was so embarrassing I skipped it entirely.

>> No.8963715

That's nuts! I had a pair of friends who did bec noir/blanc and had a similar bad time. They only did suit heads/bodysuits and were still dying after a couple hours. I think on top of a longsleeve mostly black bodysuit and crazy hair the makeup sweat would drive me insane. I only ever did grey for cold conventions back in the day.

Related, does anybody have any Condy hair tutorials saved? I remember seeing some ages ago (more than just "put two wigs together and tease!") but if I saved them, they'd be on my old computer.

>> No.8963911

I haven't gone to one for a few years, but the last time I went it was pretty tame. Just try to single out the outer Homestucks if there are any and talk to them instead of the young'uns.

>> No.8963949
File: 62 KB, 900x600, 1348279589091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I just noticed this typo like nearly two hours later, but *older. Anyway best of luck.

>> No.8964087
File: 1.19 MB, 320x240, 1457025749179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplayanons, thank you for looking wonderful all these years.

it's been alright.

>> No.8964105

oh no, sorry in advance for Yeticon. Its trying so hard to be Canada's Colossalcon, but hardly anyone in Ontario actually knows how to run a convention. ):
I'm likely not going so you may to have to witness rampant chaos on the homestuck front... the torontostucks are usually well behaved, but I know probably the cringiest ones are attending, and they'll not have a lot of supervision.
also,Canadian cons, especially Ontario ones, tend be very disappointing for AA sales unless its AN or Otakuthon.

Ota was great last year, I'll definitely be down for that again. Barstuck was a good time and so was the draw meet. Though, I think cosplay plans are still up in the air aside from 'more godtiers'. I'll keep an eye out for you, and if I'm really fond of your condy, I'll likely ask for a picture haha

>> No.8964125

you might not have AN 2014 pictures, but I sure do. That was the last AN with photoshoot drama, thank fuck.

Here's Saturday. I fucked together two images for this- you can barely see the awesome lightup Bec's wings in the back there. I'll post a pic of him alone because he was my favourite that weekend.

>> No.8964127
File: 1.40 MB, 1624x428, AN Saturday 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand i dropped my image. incredible.

>> No.8964130
File: 64 KB, 640x960, 1977298_10154376021840055_7863948003508420475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8965275

Was that in 2013 or so? I remember a Bec cosplay and they were fucking awesome.

>> No.8965322
File: 126 KB, 1280x704, AN2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey my friend sent me a Rose group shot since she was in it! I never noticed the Caliborn at the meet, but we bailed kind of early.

Yea I think my SO and I will try to stick to the older crowd and tag along for a barcrawl if that happens at NYCC.

>> No.8965374
File: 183 KB, 1280x960, AN2014_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering what materials people like working with for god tier cosplay (the guide seems bare bones)? The kona cotton ones look like they don't drape well imo; I saw someone recommend knit once which sounded a little more comfortable.

After having been to NYCC and Otakon, AN's cosplay quality was kind of lacking, but seeing that Bec was definitely a highlight. What was the photoshoot drama?

>> No.8965457

I like knits. Heavy knits and/or lined knits so it has weight and flow. I've used rayon/viscose knit - it's soft and drapey (and absolutely needs to be lined in a similar material). Weight pulls that one down, so if you're making a longer tunic (like Rose's dress), let it hang for a while before hemming and applying the decorations.

Drapey fabrics tend to show whatever's under them for better or worse. Consider shapewear and beware of pants waistbands and underwear.

Really, I think the biggest thing is to fully line the body of the tunic. It will have more weight and generally looks better and cleaner.

>> No.8965506

Canadian cons in general are usually lacking for cosplay quality. Mostly because the average age of attendees is much younger, and public transit makes attending possible for people who dont have the money to put a lot into a cosplay.
On the plus side, this means mediocre homestuck cosplay looks fucking amazing to them and Torontostucks lose their minds over just about anything...

It's part of why I prefer going to US cons, even though there's 10+ cons a year i could go to within an hour of my house. American cons just have better cosplay for me to shoot as a photographer. The other reason I don't attend is just straight up lack of organization and quality programming in most Canadian cons.

It wasn't until more recently that I made a few US friends who are a blast to go see. They're just encouragement for me to stay out of my own country's cons.

here's an old MTCC Torontostuck photo.

>> No.8965527
File: 291 KB, 943x173, AN Sunday 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! And the Caliborn was running around with the one LittleCal all Saturday. He's actually a buddy of mine, and lives across the road from me. Kid went all out that con, wish I'd gotten decent pictures of him.

Photoshoot drama was actually something that'd been happening for ages with AN and Homestuck. AN takes place in Toronto, but two years in a row Ottawastuck dove in and 'called dibs' on running the photoshoot. in 2013, they ran the Saturday shoot very poorly, didn't do the whole 'cosplay is not consent' talk, a bunch of young kids got touched on, and then Torontostuck was left to take blame and clean up the mess.

2014 rolls around, and i go to apply for the photoshoot, and low and behold, there are not one, but TWO different groups already 'calling dibs' to the AN shoot organizer. One of them was ottawastuck, and fuck if i was letting that go as it did the year before. The other group was a guy I knew personally and had ended up running fandom shoots he'd bailed on in previous years. He's bad at everything, is known in the Toronto comm for being a shit disturbing moron, and he'd been arguing with the shoot organizer over locations.

I explained previous experiences to the organizer, and bless her, she agreed Torontostuck ought to have a part in each shoot to make sure the mistakes of the past didn't happen again.

Saturday was a disaster before the shoot because the Ottawastucks really didn't want to tag team anything, then refused to listen to any sort of feedback. Half the crowd of homestucks fucked off 20 mins into the shoot because all the girl was doing was yelling garbled demands into a megaphone... If you saw a tiny godtier Karkat running around trying to keep peace.... that was me.

I ended up running Sunday's, and the shoot organizer stopped by and asked me to run all of next years shoots. She even booked my homestuck shoots before opening it to all fandoms because I mentioned Katsu was on the same weekend as booking started.

>> No.8965529
File: 109 KB, 960x720, tricksters 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i just keep dropping pictures. sorry about that.

>> No.8965537

How did the 2015 photoshoots go?

>> No.8965543

2014. It was a fullsuit with massive wings and digi legs and a tail because I used to be a huge furfag. Unfortunately I didn't get to see/hang out with many Homestucks before I had to call it quits because my friends at the time wanted to stay away from HS and sit on the floor the entire con instead :/

>> No.8965554
File: 446 KB, 1000x300, AN Sunday 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking flawless. I had no voice for a few days after, but zero issues, no bad touching, and everyone cleaned up after themselves.

I only heard about one spin-the-faygo circle for the whole con, and it was from a younger torontostuck who told me she broke it up and explained to the babbystucks doing it why it was such a bad idea. I was a proud con-mom that weekend.

>> No.8965556

And how do you think it will go this year?

>> No.8965561

Yeah! You looked incredible at least. I do remember you and your group sitting a lot, and I think my gf or I pat you. Too bad they were so lame. I've had friends who just wanted to sit around all weekend, what's the point of going to a con if you don't do anything?

>> No.8965565 [DELETED] 
File: 542 KB, 960x293, torontostuck annual summer picnic 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopeful it'll be just as good this year. Everyone was well behaved at MTCC last month, and when I proposed not having a sunday shoot they all insisted there was more than enough people going in Homestuck the sunday. MTCC is fairly small con, but there was still a decent turn out all weekend, so I'm not even really expecting much of a drop in numbers come AN.

And if everything somehow goes to shit? Fuck it- I've got Colossal the following weekend, and can get drunk enough to forget whatever bullshit goes down.

god, I'm filling up this thread with all my Torontostuck talk. Quit encouraging me, i'm a chatterbox when you let me get going!

>> No.8965568
File: 542 KB, 960x293, torontostuck annual summer picnic 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopeful it'll be just as good this year. Everyone was well behaved at MTCC last month, and when I proposed not having a sunday shoot they all insisted there was more than enough people going in Homestuck the sunday. MTCC is fairly small con, but there was still a decent turn out all weekend, so I'm not even really expecting much of a drop in numbers come AN.

And if everything somehow goes to shit? Fuck it- I've got Colossal the following weekend, and can get drunk enough to forget whatever bullshit goes down.

god, I'm filling up this thread with all my Torontostuck talk. Quit encouraging me, i'm a chatterbox when you let me get going!

>> No.8965581

Thank you! I hang out with new people who actually want to walk around and interact with people at cons and now I have a blast at them. Last I heard my old friends still sit and do nothing. Their loss I guess.

>> No.8965582

Nah, it's interesting to hear about how Homestuck cosplay groups are coming along. Especially since, from the sounds of it, they seem to still be going strong. So, keep up the good work, CB.

>> No.8965601

bawhh, well thank you! Will do!

>> No.8965909

We had a pretty neat turnout to our 413 meet, something like 30-40 people (last year we were a total of seven). Weather wasn't too amazing but it was alright.
Pretty much no one had read since before 2012 and the majority began in mid 2013 and later, lots of young teenagers, too.

>> No.8966055

I'm going to pax prime in august with my brother, considering getting together a knight of doom costume. I have a feeling it'll be very crowded. This'll be my first actual cosplay style thing that isn't just lol wear a a shirt and jeans
What are some cape safety tips?

Shouldn't be too hard to make either. I'd just have to be very careful about matching colors

>> No.8966062

Find a way to keep it in place; I've seen weighted fronts, velcroed shoulders, attachment to the shirt, etc. Just make sure it's attached by the shoulders and that the back doesn't go past your calves. You don't want to trip and if someone grab it you want it to pull on your shoulders, not your neck.

>> No.8966270

I'm about 5'10 so knocking off ~a foot I should have about a 4 foot long cape then. Definitely won't have it as long as it is in canon with it touching the ground.

>> No.8966313

So did anyone who hadn't read for a while finish it in time/discuss the ending? I wonder if there will continue to be 4/13 meetups.

>> No.8966369

As a Feferi fan I feel incredibly shafted.

>> No.8966427
File: 34 KB, 297x286, Stairs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if it's not floor length, if you go down escalators the stair behind you can catch it. General cape rules are if you're moving, you may want to hold the end or tuck it over your arm.

>> No.8966449

As a Caliborn cosplayer. Pick up your damn cape. Someone WILL step on it. Only accept photos where it is safe to deploy your cape. Escalators and stairs are a lot scarier. Secure that shit with Velcro, snaps, sew it to the shirt if you have to. Carrying the cape around looks a bit lame but it is way worse when someone trips on it, possibly fucking up your costume and theirs.

>> No.8966565
File: 11 KB, 650x800, 07761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tempted to do a God-Tier John after seeing that ending
>realised I haven't cosplayed from HS since 2012
Christ it really has been 4 years
Hold me guys, I feel old

>> No.8966747

We had a few ones who've been reading it since long but took a pause from the fandom/only recently got involved, my general impression is that most of us agreed that in and of itself act 7 was fine, but that in the context of the last few acts/subacts it needed a lot more to stand on to work. That and that Collide was really fucking awesome.

>> No.8966930

i feel you anon... i haven't been to a homestuck meet since 2012... feels bad that they're almost dead now

>> No.8967131

Shit is that so? I'm still weighing my options and will definitely consider your input. I figure at least it's fun to drive to Canada/I won't be selling in AA again until September/October so why not give it a go, right? Still, yikes. Disappointing!

And I really love Otakon. I've got my fair share of complaints but it's always been such a fun con for me. It's probably just because I've been going for so many years and the people I go with are just the best but who knows. If I work on Condy I'll likely post here before the con so hopefully I'll get to meet you!

>> No.8967217

my last meet was 2013, then my local com died as the various factions lead by their drama kings and queens finally devolved into open war. rip. and then i was alone....

>> No.8967454
File: 455 KB, 800x400, MTCC 2016 Friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, if you're looking to table at a Canadian con that might make a bit of money, FanExpo is very busy, and very full of muggles who'll buy whatever.
I did rather well at their single day Christmas event? Their tables are super pricey, but FE gets a lot of attendees looking to purchase things. It's also not in buttfuck nowhere, nor in its very first year of running. Expo has history, and everyone in Toronto knows about it.

Canadian cons tend to open AA registration much later than US cons, but usually the turnouts and AA sales can be disappointing. Avoid ConBravo, Frostcon and Unplugged Expo for sure, even if their low priced AAs are tempting.

Unfortunately for me, its the same weekend as Dragoncon...and after how much fun I had at D*C last year, FE isn't even comparable.

As much as I love my torontostucks and the whole community, our conventions mostly just suck up here, and I'd rather go see my American friends.

>> No.8967978

Are you referring to the meet in Manchester this weekend just gone? Because I was there and this sounds like the same meet I was at, including the crappy turnout for last year due to all the plans being published at the last minute.

Either way, the 413 meet I was at this year was fucking fantastic (both my legs and voice are knackered from partying like an idiot) and I'm really hoping for a continuation next year even though the comic is dead.

When I was asking around the meet this year, there were a bunch of old stucks alongside people who had just gotten into it in the last year and hadn't yet caught up. Heck, I ended up getting my ears talked off by an 11 and 12 year old who were incredibly enamoured with the HS vibe; they were really excited to be at the meet. I think we're gonna have HS lingering for a little while yet, even if only off of the backs of the ones who bothered to stick around during the game/omegapause nonsense and kids just finding it now.

>> No.8967983 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Stockholm Sweden. We had a lot of fun playing silly children's games. Pic related was taken during one of them lmao.

>> No.8968006
File: 338 KB, 960x959, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stockholm. We had a potluck style picnic and played children's games. Pic related was taken during one of them.

>> No.8968017

>if only off of the backs of the ones who bothered to stick around and kids just finding it now
I'm fine with that. I've been around for 6 years and never bothered with meetups at cons since it seemed cringey and overcrowded. Hopefully since the comic is technically done and the hype has died out it'll be less embarrassing.

Does anyone have any 413 meetup stories/photos from this year?

>> No.8968034

You have a lot more cosplayers there than Manchester did, Jesus. I was one of three people who bothered to grey up and there were no Alpha kids whatsoever, which was damn weird for a meet with a turnout of about 45 people at the busiest.

We didn't really have games at ours (unless you count the yu-gi-oh games me and my mates played on Sunday), our lot ended up in the basement of a pub for six hours having a rip-roaring party and karaoke. Sure, the whole event may have seemed pretty cringy and stuff to outsiders (I acted like a fool all weekend) but damn if we didn't have fun.

I'd post pics but armsocks make it super hard to take photos on a touchscreen phone so I don't have anything good, unfortunately. With any luck someone else who was there will turn up here and share some photos, hopefully not of me because I looked bloody awful.

The cosplays scene at the meet was /much/ better the last time I went, which was back in 2014. The average age there this year was 18, though, and everyone at that age in the UK up to about 22, 23 years old are coming up to either exams/coursework deadlines, which may have contributed to costumes being rushed, half-arsed, etc. I made mine in a week alongside manically typing coursework and finished it at 2:30am the day I went, which explains my crappiness at least. I can't speak for everyone there, though.

As for stories, me and a group of about seven other Homestucks on the way to the hotel the meet booked ended up in a party taxi with disco lights and a boombox playing at about 110 decibels, which was constantly was doing 60mph in 30 zones, kept running red lights and overtaking around road islands and speed bumps as we were singing Hips Don't Lie and head-banging. This was the highlight of the meet for my boyfriend.

TLDR; to those interested Homestuck meets are totally still a thing, for now. Ages seem to be either 18+ or under 13, generally.

>> No.8968049

Our average age is around 15-16 and we usually have quite a few at 13 and below, so I imagine our meets are quite different. Our oldest participant was 24, if I remember correctly.

>> No.8968067

As far as I'm aware, our oldest was 29, who was one of the organisers who's been doing it for 5 years. Out of about 45 people, 30 odd were 18+. The youngest at the meet was 11 (who didn't participate in the basement party, don't worry, that was 16+) and everyone else in between seemed to be skewed towards the 16-17 range rather than 13-15.

>> No.8968071

How do you even get hold of a basement to party in? Might just be Stockholm being balls expensive but we've always had a hard time finding venues to stay in and it severely limits our options as for what we can do /:

>> No.8968082

Our meet was all pre-organised, with anything other than the picnic at the beginning requiring you to pay at the latest a week in advance. The organisers booked the basement in advance and everyone going to the party paid £5 each to cover the renting fee, since the place's rent price was based on how on how many people there were.

This is probably the main reason why the age was so skewed to the older end, since otherwise you'd have to have quite a nice parent to pay for you to go to piss about by yourself.

>> No.8968101


To elaborate more since I messed up answering that a little, I think we advertised ourselves as a fancy dress party to the venue, limited the party age to 16+ and booked it ages in advance, but I'm not totally sure because I wasn't one of the organisers. I'll see if I can ask about to get a more certain answer.

>> No.8968893

What do you guys think will be the turnout for HS costumes this season? I got a feeling it'll be a bit livelier than it has been for the past year but after a few more months will likely die down.

>> No.8969212

Depends on when/how awesome/shitty the epilogue is. If there's some shipping or any dramatic reveals expect a lot of people to cosplay especially if it happens near a con.

>> No.8969355
File: 41 KB, 650x450, 01100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopefully going to do my first Homestuck cosplay this year as Aimless Renegade, and I'm just waiting for my morphsuit to arrive before I pick up a roll of caution tape. A quick question because I'm a newbie, but how would I go around making the distinct head shape thing? I would think it would just be making it with the tape itself? How would I go about that?

>> No.8969362

you'll probably want to use some type of interfacing. i'm not exactly all too sure how to pull it off either, but i think there's some tutorials out there for him specifically if i'm remembering correctly

>> No.8969383

I looked up for tutorials and there's nothing specific for him, but it's given me a few ideas, thank you! I might go with making+setting the tape itself into the shape and making it a helmet-ish kind of thing that I can just slip over my head and can be adjusted as needed. This shouldn't be too expensive 'cause I can pick up a 100m of tape for like $11 or something.

Now I'm just hoping that public transport won't become a problem with the toy gun lmfao

>> No.8969896
File: 468 KB, 2048x1361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8967978 >>8968034 Anon here again!

I managed to get my hands on a bad quality photo of the crew at my meet where everyone looks worse than they did in person. I'm the derpy looking Nepeta getting a piggyback in the centre. Feel free to rag on me for being crap, but please be nice to the Horuss and the Meulin - they're only 11 and 12 and this was their first time cosplaying.

>> No.8969942
File: 702 KB, 936x1258, IMG_20160416_134328942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have this photo of when a dog came up to the meet and everyone lost their shit; the pup tried to AT-AT the Spades Slick and me with her lead about three times. She was a very waggly dog, bless her little pink jacket.

>> No.8970172


you can put a layer of posterboard (the thin flexible kind) under the tape to make the cone shape too

>> No.8970347

A former sandiegostuck mod leaked some old drama

>> No.8970910
File: 94 KB, 435x470, sdstuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gon get good

>> No.8970996
File: 1.06 MB, 245x245, tumblr_nsc9qyiSvz1r470w9o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>current comm drama

>> No.8971193
File: 168 KB, 540x809, tumblr_o5hrouLra11rslna1o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8971234
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>> No.8971239
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>> No.8971245
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>> No.8971250
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>> No.8971253
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>> No.8971254
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>> No.8971256
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>> No.8971258
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>> No.8971259
File: 432 KB, 400x600, tumblr_o5og5a6wZo1qg6w29o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand end dump. I had to go a ways back to find decent photos.

>> No.8971349

Sauce? That Dolorosa is a babe and I've seen few canon-accurate Dualscars who aren't shit. Or is it super old?

>> No.8971490

Build it out of a thin cardboard or cardstock, maybe reinforce it, and then id wrap the caution tape in strips and tape it all down so it doesn't move and you'd never have to redo it.

>> No.8971597
File: 556 KB, 1280x1791, tumblr_o5jeb7bDh31rkhttyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I actually already followed them for their art and was surprised they made rather decent armor too!

>> No.8971603
File: 106 KB, 500x527, tumblr_o5h5rcZYKg1rkhttyo2_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a very nice chainsaw she has

>> No.8971662

NGL, I like this Dolo a fair bit more more than Yaexrae.

>forgive me mother for I have sinned

>> No.8971803

So good and then

>The shitty beard God is pleased

>> No.8972052
File: 214 KB, 960x1280, another shitty beard sacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them have lovely other cosplays too but.... the shitty beards.... someone gently tell them 'everything but that'......

>> No.8972546
File: 487 KB, 1080x1920, thats a me wowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I currently cosplay as Doc Scratch mostly- and in all my days I've only cosplayed as characters from things that usually wear some sort of helmet or head-dress sort of thing.
I believe it may stem from my fear of thinking I don't have the face or hair to match any character..
So I guess what I'm wondering is- should I muster up the courage to actually cosplay something with my face being used? Or stick to mastering the Doc Scratch?

> Will you still cosplay from Homestuck even after the comic ends? Are there any outfits you still want to do?
I'll always be here, I'm going to rot in Homestuck hell.

>> No.8972591

>not posing with your hands behind your back
You need a better fitting suit. That coat's really baggy on you.

>> No.8972611
File: 32 KB, 402x594, another of a me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posed in many different ways, this was one of them. I didn't want EVERY picture of me to be with my hands behind my back, that gets a tad tiring.
Also yeah I do need a better fitting suit, something I'll be taking note of for next time I do the cosplay..

I also did a CrockerTier!Doc Scratch, because I thought the concept would look nice.

>> No.8972879

Are you that guy who had like ten different Doc-cosplays?

>> No.8972897

... in extension, were you active in the portal fandom? I almost feel like I recognise you but can't remember a name

>> No.8972899
File: 287 KB, 612x608, kanaya_cosplay_by_xpyrocumulus-d8i9a9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I request some good Kanayas? I'm gonna be cosplaying her basic outfit soon, and really need some inspiration on where to take my skirt and wig and stuff. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8972904

Unrelated, but this reminds me.... does anyone else remember the anon that used to post progress about how they were constructing a Doc Scratch head that would fill up with gas? And then wanted to somehow walk around with it at a con?

>> No.8972946

Oh, yeah. I still think it's a really cool idea, just... More photoshoot, less con.

>> No.8972989

If that anon is still in this thread, I'd love to shoot that. Though they'd have to bring their own fog machine haha

DocScratch talk has reminded me of the one from Colossal about 2 years ago who used one of those foldout lanterns.
"Ribbed for no ones pleasure" still makes me fucking laugh.

>> No.8972995

In retrospect those cosplays weren't that good.

>> No.8973001
File: 78 KB, 349x533, tumblr_nfoanhZ7h01sooypoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some kanayas for you anon

>> No.8973005
File: 111 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o5hl0qKhtr1uqnd50o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973006
File: 129 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nyy8etFtBc1uhto34o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973007
File: 105 KB, 472x750, tumblr_niqmku68cR1tiyjzzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these kids all look really young, but they're pretty good!

>> No.8973008
File: 775 KB, 795x1253, tumblr_njr4053NgI1qgj9ilo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973009
File: 87 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nuoos3Aogl1u1j2hdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973011
File: 471 KB, 427x750, tumblr_o5lvciIiff1rqpo6po1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I love Sharkboi's Kanaya, the back of their wig is a DISASTER. I've seen it up close and it's such a gross wad to keep that shape.

>> No.8973016
File: 121 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nuoqqtLm5Z1rjx7a5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973017
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1213, tumblr_nkkb56CDgf1sooypoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973018
File: 137 KB, 450x750, tumblr_ncl88xlMHv1tab6o2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973020
File: 362 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mvtxcjjVmq1qfq0vlo3_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Dajra's wearing godtier here, but it came up in the tumblr results and she's just so darn pretty.

>> No.8973025
File: 407 KB, 1024x1536, kanaya_and_terezi_cosplay_by_sioxanne-d98bpkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973026
File: 590 KB, 640x960, mcm_expo_london_october_2013_improved_kanaya__by_abefish-d6s6nub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973029
File: 636 KB, 486x750, tumblr_mjejbte0zc1r32wayo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973030
File: 127 KB, 727x1098, kanaya_maryam_by_zillywhoooore-d4avg15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i'll stop on this one because her wig is pretty cute.

>> No.8973034

This is my threadwwalker from a year ago. Considering it was my first real cosplay and I had started it two days beforehand, I'd say it's pretty decent.

I made a guide for how to make the horns, if anyone's interested

>> No.8973037
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160421-092913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it not post the image

>> No.8973053

Crowbar or pimp cane for GT Caliborn? Or maybe both.

>> No.8973079
File: 73 KB, 143x215, not sure if bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one is interested in a guide to those horns, jfc. Looks like you need to go tutorial hunting yourself...

Keep improving anon, because that's far from awesome.
Get yourself a wig. Look up some makeup tutorials. And use a decent iron on transfer for your symbol, whatever you did is way too thin.

>> No.8973115

This is such a good dump. Thanks, bro!

>> No.8973138

10 different doc cosplays? Oh no, not YET.
I'd love to make multiple different Doc "loadouts" so to speak.

Sadly I was not active in the portal fandom, haven't even played one of the games.

>> No.8973144

On that topic of multiple doc cosplays, I want to do a trickster doc but I've seen only a few designs I actually like...
Anyone got any designs that look "alright" ?

>> No.8973234
File: 1.40 MB, 709x1128, her_imperious_condescension_by_kkcosplay-d6irz90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh if we're making requests... could I see some Condesce cosplays pretty please?

>> No.8973248
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_o5r6zoJLso1sc0n8jo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nyc meetup was pretty close to perfect, imo. we had beautiful weather and a great turnout, and everything was chill with (as far as i know) no drama to be had. plus i got to see all my friends, including a couple i hadn't seen in a while, and i got lots of compliments on my cosplay so i had fun B)

>> No.8974029
File: 147 KB, 600x900, tumblr_o1xeqc5rlA1s3aexzo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure! this was a lot harder to find anything remotely quality though ):

>> No.8974031
File: 69 KB, 500x375, tumblr_npliyxLUJO1s4ot05o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974033
File: 43 KB, 480x720, tumblr_n5up6c1p9t1rtt5j7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974035
File: 674 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_n17vwngLIA1schoj1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974037
File: 281 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_n404yuPY1q1s5pg8ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974040
File: 554 KB, 1280x1054, tumblr_n6tzpjQMEk1rsloqjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974042
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>> No.8974044
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>> No.8974045

and the winner of unnecessary boob window goes too.....

>> No.8974046
File: 94 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nkd2zlhYVY1sp1g9qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974048

I feel like these are getting progressively worse as it goes on. It might be time to cut losses before we delve to deep and wake up a Balrog

>> No.8974050
File: 360 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ntmfvxHrsq1s0i91zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974053
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>> No.8974057
File: 117 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mjixsk75NG1rmxgdco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(same one as above)

>> No.8974060
File: 515 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nz3dfm7atl1rjx7a5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974061
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>> No.8974063
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>> No.8974065
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and of course, Yaexrae

>> No.8974067

That wig...

>> No.8974069
File: 622 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n1bnx0SxzB1s6fwjmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found this while looking through the katsustuck tag (there's always ancestors at Katsu??)

In that moment, we were all Kidbunny looking exasperated with the fandom. This is 3 spaces of bad homestuck bingo in a single image.

>> No.8974076

this image made me fucking howl with laugher. i'm sobbing

>> No.8974077

where does dirk's leash lead....

>> No.8974079

Even behind his glasses I can feel that his soul has died inside.

>> No.8974089

I'm not going back in that tag to find out. none of us actually want to know what preteen dave cosplayer thought that was a good idea.

>> No.8974091

Honestly as much fucking godawful tableau of douchecanoe is happening here, the thing that's pissing me off the most? WEAR A WIG GODDAMMIT

>> No.8974092
File: 74 KB, 174x191, regret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see him looking away

>> No.8974100

either away or directly at the camera.

[wake him up, wake him up in side]

>> No.8974101

kidbunni's props are phenomenal but he is not a good cosplayer without them

>> No.8974104
File: 65 KB, 500x375, tumblr_na4db5R1xh1s62miyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks way too manly for dave, but that picture appears to be several years old. he's better than he was then at least

>> No.8974105

This is almost as good as that security guard from 2011.

>> No.8974279

even >>8974104 is pretty old. he wasn't good til last year.

>> No.8974561

I like it, it looks like she's just crawled out the ocean. Which I imagine, she has.

>> No.8974621
File: 874 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n0ftsv64911qj8sx1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'd love to see good Jade god tier cosplay, none of the results I'm getting are like inspirational or amazing.

Have some cute Aranea instead, I barely have any HS cosplay saved unfortunately.

>> No.8974783
File: 448 KB, 478x720, 19374267c8013f5933e739b79bd52490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were so frustrating to look at, there were so many shitty, wigless, unironed pieces of crap... I did my best, anon.

>> No.8974786
File: 370 KB, 800x515, 9bed8f1590573159148d1a70a3aadec6-d4mfk80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8974788
File: 366 KB, 730x1095, god_tier_jade_by_cubie_panda-d669qzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974791
File: 1015 KB, 1280x1759, tumblr_nsavh8Jmap1uqnd50o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974793
File: 90 KB, 640x460, tumblr_m6drt9D0zn1qc6q3do1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974794
File: 295 KB, 900x1602, tumblr_m9ox8nBym21r32wayo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974804
File: 112 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mla3q9ShiN1qcnxpqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974807
File: 92 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mm12u41vwV1sokeceo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974811
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>> No.8974813
File: 572 KB, 510x768, tumblr_nftnspadhy1s0fr5ao3_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974815
File: 550 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n67a03P8OV1renrzko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974819
File: 210 KB, 471x708, tumblr_nehjv6Mau11tffgjto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8974823
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>> No.8974827
File: 641 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nfop0kxGm91qj8sx1o2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finishing with the lovely pearlgirl

>> No.8974836
File: 88 KB, 500x500, tumblr_njq9ivdAon1qj8sx1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, she was the only one I knew of who had a good dog tier jade cosplay. Thanks so much anon!

>> No.8974845

you're very welcome.

in case you keep looking, I'd advise against ever searching 'jade cosplay' on tumblr unless seeing shitty jade cosplayer literally spreading their asshole at the camera is up your alley.

>> No.8974877
File: 215 KB, 500x667, 1334529221427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I've noticed that there is a lot of nudestuck in the tags. If i dig through the tags, I'll mess with my blacklist to keep from scarring myself.

One last old pic I have saved.

>> No.8974906

Thanks for the Condys anon(s)! Really thinking about taking the plunge once and for all. Would anybody else be doing ancestors as Otakon this year?

>> No.8974917

New thread:


>> No.8974920

For a first cosplay, it's really not too bad. I agree with >>8973079 though on that you definitely need to invest in a wig
The horns shape is ok, but needs to be a lot thicker, especially at the base. So maybe try perfecting it a little before offering a guide?

Again, agreeing with the 2nd post in that research and tutorials will definitely improve. However, I don't agree with iron-ons because they always flake off and look shitty.
I'd say print out the symbola nd use it as a stencil with some fabric paint or hand sew the decal on (possibly with felt).

>> No.8974963

Painting is always a good option. I hand wash and use some good quality transfers for most of mine so they don't flake on me, but my girlfriend swears by painting.

>> No.8975992
File: 46 KB, 704x960, received_540363952771528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird, but I thought they were going to be too thick when I was making them. I guess I forgot to take pictures of the amporas, but here's a pair of maryams that I made for a friend. They are very light and incredibly stable, but you folks are right their shape could be improved upon.

And yeah I should have painted on the symbol like I had done the pants, but I was running out of time. And yeah, I asked some of the better dressed people at the con what grey face they use and how, cause obviously the mix of black and white Halloween makeup wasn't the best.

>> No.8976002
File: 48 KB, 720x960, received_540363956104861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
