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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8943816 No.8943816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8943818
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>> No.8943819
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>> No.8943821
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>> No.8943823
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>> No.8943824
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>> No.8943826
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>> No.8943827
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>> No.8943828



>> No.8943833
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>> No.8943835
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>> No.8943840
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>> No.8943842
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>> No.8943843
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>> No.8943844
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>> No.8943847
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at least post the best one, anon

>> No.8943848
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>> No.8943849
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>> No.8943850
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>> No.8943851
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>> No.8943853
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>> No.8943855
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>> No.8943859
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>> No.8943861
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>> No.8943871
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>> No.8943880

How is anon upset? Most of these are pretty bad and embarrassing for a fashion show.

I'm sorry you were posted.

>> No.8943881

All of these are awful, anon

>> No.8943890

I haven't even looked at them, but to post so many from the same source?
That's way saltier than just posting the absolute worst one with a link to the rest.

>> No.8943893

Aw, this is kind of sad, seeing as she's old enough to be someone's mum and made the skirt herself. I hope she never sees this here.

>> No.8943895

>taking pity on an ita
Get the fuck out of here, heathen.

>> No.8943897

Who cares? They are all ita and I like seeing new pictures, I don't care if it comes from the same source.

>> No.8943901

seems like a lot of nitpick and salt if you ask me, i'm with >>8943871

>> No.8943903
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>> No.8943905

Generally when a con does a fashion walk, all photos are in the same album so it's not that hard. To me, the most ita thing is actually seeing so much bad in the same show.

>> No.8943907

Anon, how do you think any of those look decent? The only one that looks OK to me is the Shiro classic coord.

>> No.8943914

I'm assuming anon is upset because they or a friend got posted.

>> No.8943915

Please refer to:

>> No.8943946

A girl in my comm showed up to her first meet in this same dress but with a petti. Didn't look any better
Christ that bag looks gross

>> No.8943953
File: 99 KB, 501x891, 12494784_10153713951497961_3151546497712108645_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are slacking. Found this monster on my feed just now. "lolita robbie rabbit cosplay"

>> No.8943959

Isn't this the girl who wore the emoji lolita dress?

>> No.8943961
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is it bad I think with some tweaking this could be somewhat ok? Her face is unfortunate tho.

Oh god this looks like a friend of mine.

>"We represent the Lolly pop Guild"


>> No.8943964
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>> No.8943967

mother of God

>> No.8943971

Can people stop repeatedly posting this girl. The only glaring issue with the left is the wig/bag and the right, the collar and perhaps the style of wig. She seems to like the 2009-12 era sweet with deco influences. She's been working really hard on losing weight and is a nice person.

>> No.8943973

Even in a nice coord on a stunning girl I look at stuff like this and think WTF is lolita fashion these days. It's just normal dresses covered in prints and tumblr trends

>> No.8943983

Didnt even post her because of her weight so dont know why you brought that up. Posted because both coords are ugly clusterfucks.

>> No.8943987

The outfit itself is not even that bad.

>> No.8943989

Anon, these honestly looks like someone picked a bunch of itas and sent them on the runway of shame. There's maybe 2 outfits in there that could be saved, but it's hard to tell.

>> No.8943996

Maybe it's me but I feel way happier the itas than the proper lolitas. At least in pictures

>> No.8943997
File: 180 KB, 640x960, 12957483_1160348080642975_8805234340767569897_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another pair from the same meet.

>> No.8944010

Nitpick, not ita

>> No.8944013

you don't link photos on cgl because you can't name and shame. how fucking new are you?

Mother of god.

>> No.8944014


omfg that poor dress.

>> No.8944021

Anon, this is so ita that the drawthread ripped her apart. The drawthread is notoriously the nicest thread on this board.

>> No.8944024


i feel like this is more a case of badly fitting, badly made, cheap items rather than a truly bad outfit; the actual outfit is fairly plain and boring and would possibly be passable if the materials weren't quite so atrocious.

>> No.8944025

Damn, I thought that was an april fools post.

>> No.8944027

>wearing this to a teaparty
>wearing this

Why do these things?

>> No.8944039
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>> No.8944044

She's obviously improved. What's wrong anon, too lazy to crop the new photo out?


>that expression
It's like she knows she looks bad.

That looks so painful.

>> No.8944058

That's a wrap, you guys! This is all the crosses we need. OTT Classic influences are over. We can all move on. (To Gothic?)

>> No.8944062

I agree with you. Feels like picky on young teens, it's too easy. I hope she doesn't see it either.

>> No.8944100

Ita fashion show indeed though, my god.

>> No.8944104

I wish this girl wouldn't shoehorn red into everything. She had potential, but the red is really jarring.

>> No.8944107

that dress doesn't even fit her!!!! *cries*

>> No.8944113

I think her new style is cute.

Not ita. Has potential, just needs to dress for her size.

>> No.8944119
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>> No.8944130

>the dress
>that 'artwork'
>the studded bracelet


>> No.8944178

Those legs are terrifying. She needs a proper wig, tights or really long OTKs, and she'd do better

>> No.8944182

Weird question anons, but what would you do if someone like this showed up to a meetup? How would you explain to them, in person, that they can't show up like this? I'm always afraid that the day will come when we get a newbie like this and I honestly don't know what I'd do.

>> No.8944197

Anon, they aren't exactly being a furry. May as well be cat ears/paws/tail whatever. You can't actually say that this isn't okay if you allow rabbit/cat ears in your comm.
Unless you mean showing up like a hot mess.

Either way, you'll come off as a rude bitch to her. I'd just leave it. If anyone asks 'how does this look' then just say that the ears don't match or w/e, or aren't suitable for lolita fullstop.

>> No.8944199

Isn't this the Tumblrina who argued that as long as a dress looked like it could have a petti underneath it was ok for Lolita? I remember people trying to argue with her but she would snowflake the fuck out and was just too dense.

>> No.8944201

This is her first coord and on cof she seemed very open to concrit so I doubt it. I don't like her being here desu but it is ita, so.

>> No.8944202
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>> No.8944204

I don't think I'd be able to say anything about it to the person's face unless they specifically asked for opinions on their coord, I'd feel too rude, but I would probably talk to them about it after the meetup in private messages on FB or something similar.

>> No.8944206

Anon what are you smoking? Most of these look hideous and embarrasing, very few could have been salvaged but nothing could have saved this train wreck of a fashion show.

>> No.8944209

the right is so friggin cute <3

>> No.8944218

At least she's trying to lose weight. That alone makes her better than a lot of other girls on cgl, ita or not.

>> No.8944222

>dress her size
So steal the sheets from the California king sized bed? How wasteful. Its easier if shed just stop stuffing her pie hole

>> No.8944227

If you actually looked at them, you'd see they're all pretty bad. Literally they made me cringe. I'm sorry, I know its hard to believe so many delusional unaesthetic people could congregate in one place- but obviously it happened

>> No.8944228

Poor fit, cheap materials, and poorly made are exactly the type of things that make an outfit bad

>> No.8944231

ahhh the good old crotch lolita

>> No.8944234

Not even nitpick, this is a look good for fluffier girls

>> No.8944236

I feel terrible or saying this, but she genuinely looks like a sissy ageplayer here. That cut is seriously not doing her any favours.

>> No.8944255

Why does she always look so bad?

>> No.8944259

She's old enough she should have done her research better before getting in to lolita. Infact nowadays there's so many resources available in the Internet there's really no excuse for getting it wrong no matter what your age.

>> No.8944277

That headdress is awful. Spikes are all too big and badly placed
So is this one
Goes without saying this one is bad, also

>> No.8944284

Oh, I like this

>> No.8944304
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>> No.8944315
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out of all the things to make a lolita version of, why Fallout??? Doesn't even make sense.

>> No.8944337

To me, >>8943851 looks like she is wearing a nightgown.

>> No.8944366

Almost all share some degree of unfortunate facial expression. But I say at least half of these are nitpicks.

The crown looks crooked (could be the angle of the shot?). The petticoat is short for the skirt, making a jellyfish effect. The flats need to be swapped with something more lavish.

More retro with USSR tinge than lolita. She should go to Nordstrom and get professionally fitted for a bra.

The shoes are out of place in this OTT gothic coord. If she could wear this with Fluevog's Odette heels, it would be hella amazing.

The matchy-matchy ita. The colors are correct, but there is absolutely no cohesiveness in theme between pieces. The "socks" look like those short pantyhose meant to be worn only under dress pants.

I actually really like this. Has the "controlled tackiness" of many pieces by Meta and H.Naoto, plus the use of a military jacket and those boots are a nice harkening to punk fashion.

Bad pose. Remove the cat ears (cat-ears are hard to pull off when you're tall), and swap those platform tea parties with a pair of white, almond-toe Mary Janes.

The stripper boots must go. Use sock glue to make sure the OTKs remain OTK, or switch to tights.

Nice coord, bad pose. When you're wearing a bonnet, poses like this will make people think of ageplay or pedophilia.

OK coord, wrong body to put it on. Any sackdress will end up looking like a box on anyone with serious boobs. The socks should be longer.

Coord is fine, pose is weird.

The outfit could be fixed by removing all the purple pieces...but it'd still look bad on her. Her skin tone and eyes make her an autumn. Pure white, true pink, and baby blue all tend to look terrible on autumns.

Swap the long bow out with a more normal-looking one. The face is unfortunate, but that can be softened a bit if you have the right makeup techniques.

>> No.8944372
File: 960 KB, 260x146, 1420671000220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never do this again.

>> No.8944373

Legend of Zelda doesn't deserve this.

>> No.8944385

It's not even remotely lolita, just looks like a cheap ass polyester fallout inspired white person kimono

>inb4 SJW

It's the shit quality of the "kimono" that makes it look like cheap trash

>> No.8944387

>here's every single one of my opinions

Who cares. Post itas or fuck off. Sage for my irritated sandy vag.

>> No.8944405
File: 299 KB, 1366x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At an ap tea party....why?

>> No.8944406

God this is so bad. Nothing about this is salvageable.

>> No.8944410

Is that Morrigan in the back?

>> No.8944428

Oh please, anon. She's big but not nearly as big as others in this thread.

>> No.8944443

And of all the things to make a lolita version of in the Fallout universe, why the tacky-ass vault jumpsuits?

>> No.8944452
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>> No.8944463

What is a wig cap

>> No.8944464

what's going on with that zipper? shouldn't it be hidden, or did they modify the skirt somehow?

>> No.8944475

>cat ears are hard to pull off when you're tall
Cat ears are hard to pull off at every height you weird fuck

>> No.8944590

Well, it hard to pull off head wear when the person is tall. I mean, you have to be able to reach it and grab it.

>> No.8944593

Alright, I now realise how lame my joke is. Ignore it.

>> No.8944595

People need to stop posting fatties in these threads.

We get it. Fat people are automatically ita. No one cares.

>> No.8944626

>trying to get something like that to work on this site

>> No.8944637

It could be, doesn't look like her necklace though.

She looks a bit like Master Cyclonis from Storm Hawks (not Cyclonis' costume though)

>> No.8944645


>> No.8944675

AP refers to Angelic Pretty right? Is that even an AP dress?

>> No.8944679

You mean doing easter coords? Stop that salt anon, everyone does bunny coords then.

>> No.8944711

I kek'd anon

>> No.8944723

How new are you?

>> No.8944797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8944865 [DELETED] 

Left is cute and can be nitpicked. Right needs to burn that dress

>> No.8944889
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>> No.8944893

This is giving me false hope that I can still be a small time lolita model if I get pregnant.

>> No.8944902

Well we know where all the macarons went.

>> No.8944905

This has potential. A better bodice and some makeup would make it more of a nitpick.
How can you fuck up MCD this bad?

>> No.8944908

Which fattie are you?

>> No.8944918

kek, my mom has that shirt

>> No.8944924
File: 36 KB, 450x360, 2181689-154304_bigthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tunnel Snakes Lolita

>> No.8944928

A lot of people who go to 4chan are mentally ill so...maybe take a break from here now and then?

>> No.8944948

We have good plus-size threads. We post fatties who look like shit in the ita threads, along with thin people who look like shit, because this is the thread for hot messes of all shapes, sizes, and colors. You don't get posted here because meanies think lolita's just for thin anorexic girls, you get posted here because you look awful. That's why it's called the ita thread.
Please stop being butthurt. If you're posted here, ask for and accept concrit.

>> No.8945062

>when 6L isn't enough

>> No.8945128

this pic was from six months ago.. that didn't just pop up on somebody's feed. stop trying to make yourself relevant. you've self posted like three times now? and your a shithead for using a pic with another girl, don't drag her into your bs.

>> No.8945130 [DELETED] 

girl on left borrowed the dress so don't give her too much credit

>> No.8945142 [DELETED] 

Girl, fucking stop. You're only further worsening your reputation by continuing to do this. Seriously, the amount of drama you want makes you seem like a child.

>> No.8945150

Vendetta. She's improved a fuck ton. More recent coord is cute.

>> No.8945160

ehhh this dress is probably some halloween special dress that isn't made to be taken seriously. A halloweeny aesthetic can only go so far when it comes to not looking cheap: the color schemes suck and it's over-comercialized

>> No.8945165

Her use of colour isn't great and make up would definitely brighten her up but this isn't terrible, especially considering how terrible handmade lolita can be.

>> No.8945167

this is actually kind of cool if you were going for a funky artsy look but as lolita no.

>> No.8945168

this is cute, it's almost like a 1900s nursery rhyme illustration

>> No.8945169

that rabbit toy, dear god why?

>> No.8945171

how hard is it to buy/make another underskirt?

Yes out of this entire trainwreck that's what I'm focusing on

>> No.8945173

that knockoff bag tho.

>> No.8945174

nothing makes me saltier than itas at official tea parties.

>> No.8945178

it was an ap tea party at a con? does that count?

>> No.8945179 [DELETED] 

how does that take away from her outfit?

>> No.8945181


>> No.8945182

>linking on /cgl/
haha wow.

>> No.8945185

japan made those shit 'kimono' first. the white people ones are just bathrobes.

>> No.8945189

there are barely any non-con tea parties.

also holy shit there are people that still have that shitty skirt?

>> No.8945191

are those fucking Shopkins poster on her wall? jfc

>> No.8945210

the cat ears in >>8943849 aren't the best but i get the concept since the jsk is singing in the rain from precious clove. the bonnet from the set has cat ears on it.
blouse sleeves don't fit right though and those wristcuffs are ridiculous

also correct me if i'm wrong but aren't all the pics in this set from the j-walk fashion show not the actual lolita fashion show? maybe it's just wishful thinking but some of the people look like they're just trying to use pieces from lolita brands, but not actually wear a proper coord

>> No.8945214 [DELETED] 

bc her coords are normally way shittier

>> No.8945216

>surely it wasn't meant to be lolita~~~

please don't do this shit. all of them look like shit lolita, and none of them look other j-fash (not even shitty ones)

>> No.8945230

i said some. as in maybe like two out of the twelve. mostly just >>8943853
also i said "wishful thinking" not "i'm sure they're not meant to be lolita" and i didn't say anything about them doing other j-fash well because i agree it's a hot mess

>> No.8945248
File: 74 KB, 640x480, robbie-the-rabbit-silent-hill-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She;s scarier than the actual fucking rabbit. At least Robbie the rabbit has a weird cuteness that I like. Even if it's not lolita and made it "genderbent" it's still horrible and inaccurate.

The bloody mouth looks like she muff dived a jar of strawberry jam. Sorry that I get salty over inaccuracies on both lolita and cosplay ends of the scale.

Pic related of the actual Robbie the Rabbit from the actual game

>> No.8945262
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>> No.8945265
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>> No.8945272

Why is she on a trike though?

>> No.8945273

It's a lolita cosplay of the warden from superjail, still awful tho

>> No.8945275

holy shit why did you tell me. my poor husbando!

>> No.8945299 [DELETED] 

I think anon is implying that she didn't even dress herself. When she does dress from her wardrobe, the coord usually belongs here.

>> No.8945368 [DELETED] 

okay I thought it was she just borrowed the main piece and coorded it herself

>> No.8945381

It kind of looks like the necklace she wears during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts in DA: I.

But yeah, could be that one too.

>> No.8945412

They are all from the lolita fashion show


>> No.8945420

my bad
didn't go to either fashion show cause i had a feeling they'd both be disasters
made the right choice

>> No.8945429

She didn't fuck up MCD, she's clearly doing it well.
>MCD is short for mouldy cream doughnut, right?

>> No.8945436

This screams the other kind of "lolita" to me.

>> No.8945456


>> No.8945474

How is criticizing a fully functional adult comparable to picking on people whose brains haven't even fully developed yet? Do you think dementia sets in at 30? She's old enough to have her shit together. If there's anything sad about her being posted here, it's that she thought that outfit looked okay in the first place.

>> No.8945480

Do you mean morbidly obese?

>> No.8945489 [DELETED] 


>> No.8945490

... muh precious floral, what have you done

>> No.8945495
File: 114 KB, 1035x1035, FB_IMG_1459763281127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 bait
No I truly think this is ita.
The aesthetic of lolita is cute, elegant and girly. Beards will never be cute, elegant or girly. This bearded lolita trend grosses me out. This is why men shouldn't dress in this fashion unless they aspire to look like a girl.
I hate how tumblr sjw ass-patting everyone on CoF is. If this guy would walk on the streets with this look, every person would avoid them and think it's gross.

>> No.8945511

It only pisses me off because if this were a WOMAN with a beard, everyone would be wtfing and asking her why she's wearing a beard with lolita. They'd tell her that beards are too "masculine" for such a delicate fashion. And even if SJWs accepted that somehow, they would still bitch about the beard color not matching the hair color, the makeup being super amateur, and the coord being otherwise boring and ugly.
I can see people criticizing a woman for wearing OTKs over printed tights. Or the OTKs rolling down because they clearly don't fit. Those fugly shoes. Lack of accessories. Boring wig.

But whatever, because it's a man nobody will say shit. They'll just pretend double standards are "empowering." Justice is dead.

>> No.8945513

Oh look, a bearded attentionwhore.
This IS ita.
All the dumb tumblr sjw bitches are probably creaming themselves over this, barf.

>> No.8945514

This so much.
CoF is a stupid sjw cesspool.

>> No.8945521

Idk why, but I prefer that men looks masculine like that, boys who try so hard to look like a girl grosses me out

(not trying to start a fight, just throwing an awful opinion)

>> No.8945522
File: 88 KB, 640x960, 12909528_10156748292940574_9011831891725183613_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than what she tried before I spoke up in the lolita sewing group.
There's a lot of newbie lolitas that need help in those threads.
>pic related

I actually really like this, don't think this belongs here. However, like >>8943847 she is known for coording just this dress and wearing dresses that don't actually fit her.

UGH WHY?! I don't have a problem with Lolita Cosplays, but this was executed horribly. Which makes me REALLY sad because I'm a HUGE Silent Hill fan.

If it wasn't labeled lolita it'd be alright. Pattern looks like it needs finessing though. Very lopsided in places.

fucking emojis


>> No.8945551

It makes me very happy that there's still people like you around. You give me hope.

>> No.8945555


I have a massive wall of concrit ready to post but I'm too worried too in case I get accused of being a bully or some shit.

>> No.8945561

Do it. Looks like someone else already mentioned the beard looks like shit.

>> No.8945569

Asside from the beard looking like actual shit I can't get over how that bonnet legit looks like a snapback
its like that girl who tied her AP bonnet around her forehead to look like a visor for that April fools tennis match coord.
Also, why on earth does he look so ashen. Anemia is no joke, bitch needs to get some iron in his diet. And that lip colour is absolutely awful, that shade of cherry-orange-red looks good on no one.

>> No.8945588

Facial hair with glossy red lipstick is one of the most disgusting looks ever. His face actually made me gag.
I agree with your sentiment, anon. Whether cute or elegant or spooky or whatever, lolita is a feminine fashion. Facial hair is the opposite of feminine. Beards and lolita do not go together and never will.

I'm not into feminine guys either, but in a lolita context they're heaps better than this shit. IMO if you're going to wear a frilly dress and makeup, go all the way.

>> No.8945605

He already has been given concrit about it on COF a few times, so no need to be the 'hero'. You guys act like it is all sjw bullshit but you never seem to actually look to see what is being commented.

>> No.8945609


but if he's been given concrit and is still doing it, then clearly he does need to be told again?

>> No.8945618

He hasnt responded to the concrit yet about it, it was only posted hours ago. Lets see how he reacts first.

>> No.8945630

>"excuse me, miss, but you seem to have a furry shit on your dress"

>> No.8945634

What dress is the one on the left wearing?

>> No.8945641 [DELETED] 

Bitch on the left keeps self-posting and posting pics from the comm here trying to start drama just because she was booted for being a giant cunt and posting pictures that were asked to be kept in the comm group several months back. And let's talk about the borrowed dresses from one of the extremely lovely comm mods who sent her on her way with two full coords with brand pieces that she dirtied up and REFUSED to pay for dry cleaning on or even apologize for mucking up. Not to mention last time she posted her horrid profile picture in the ita thread trying to start drama and turned around on her fb and whined OMG I got posted on ita thread how mean. Sorry you're just jealous of all the class I have. Continuing to out herself for this childish drama.

>> No.8945643

Sailor OP with Ribbon Tie from AatP: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/sailor-op-ribbon-tie

>> No.8945669 [DELETED] 

Wow, classy.

>> No.8945680 [DELETED] 

Classical attention whore

>> No.8945690

srsly in love with those colours, such inspiration

>> No.8945710

I actually really like those boots.

>> No.8945716 [DELETED] 

>these jelaous fatties
Also se was banned because Mod's jealousy, because the dresses fitted her better
Learn how to search true info

>> No.8945717 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 236x156, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of either person in the picture

>> No.8945724
File: 378 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facial hair isn't feminine
This bitch doesn't think so

>> No.8945728
File: 35 KB, 535x462, 1427286266868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the idea that any element of style or clothes or anything is inherently gendered is bullshit"

>> No.8945730

Plus sized.threads are an abomination and everyone in them should get automatically re-directed to /fit/. Being unhealthy, gluttonous, and unaesthetic is not kawaii and the Japanese don't want you ruining their fashion

>> No.8945756


I'm plus sized and I whole heartedly agree. I'm not wearing lolita until I'm the right size for it. All these ugly fatties are just motivation for me.

>> No.8945770 [DELETED] 

Trust me, she is anything but jealous of you. Why can't you just leave us alone, Sandi? We're done and through with you and you really should move on. It's not worth it just because you're bitter.

>> No.8945803

All the girl praising his beard sound disgusting and fetish-y, thanks for taking the focus off the fashion and into fetish territory to all of those morons.
I despise Conchita Wurst and I don't want to be associated with weirdos like bearded man in a dress.

All the concrit comments got deleted save ONE that is very tame.

>But it's okay, he's been told before
No, why can 1000000 comments telling him how rad and sexy and brave his beard is stay, but telling him it's shit ONCE should be enough, especially when he ASKED for concrit?

Sure, keep your fucking beard, I won't necessarily be mean to you or think less of you as a person, but I WILL think less of you as a lolita and you represent the fashion very poorly.

>> No.8945804

I don't mind brolitas but this just looks fucking gross and fetishistic. Fuck those girls fawning over how beards are feminine

>> No.8945813

>beards aren't masculine
That's like saying periods aren't feminine.
What has this world come to?

>> No.8945814

You'll always be ugly and self-loathing no matter how much weight you lose. Just wear a potato sack, it'll reflect your inner person better.

>> No.8945820 [DELETED] 

>because the dresses fitted her better

She looks like a frumpchan and the wig is terribad, with the bow placement being an absolute joke. Let's humor you though: Why not post a picture of this "jealous mod" so we can compare, eh? We'll have ourselves a vote.

>> No.8945821


Don't cry, it'll only trigger your desire to comfort eat salty fatty.

>> No.8945858

Sorry jelly skelly, I look wonderful and it's a shame you're in such a toxic place. I don't mean to upset you, therapy perhaps?

>> No.8945861

I know that genderfuck is a thing and as a concept it's pretty cool, but I feel like brolitas could better benefit from another well-dressed guy in lolita who is making an effort trying to pass as feminine.

>> No.8945864

Men have hormonal issues once a month.

>> No.8945908


no u

>> No.8945931

that cardigan looks so bad unbuttoned, especially with the polkadot bottom layer only on one side. But besides some obvious really bad fit issues (skirt is way too small, blouse pulling, socks too low), shes got a cute style.

>> No.8945945

>lumping beards in with clothes and makeup
One is something that anyone can put on their body. The other is something that does or does not grow from your body depending on your chromosomes/genitals/hormones. How stupid do you have to be to think the latter is completely gender neutral? Sure, why don't I, a biological woman with a regular hormone balance, grow a nice full beard since it seems they're in vogue right now? Oh wait I fucking can't because I'm not a man!

>> No.8945950

isn't that like a $20 taobao jsk? it's cheap shit itas love anyway, git better taste.

I'm sjw as hell for 4chan but I hate this. Attention thirsty men and sissies in lolita is disgusting.

>> No.8945951

Shit, I know this girl. She's got worse stuff, trust me.

>> No.8945954

She's too fat to wear it properly.

>> No.8945959

But where else could an average-looking guy go to get a bunch of thirsty chicks slobber and "hubba hubba" all over him? Lolitas are so embarrassing sometimes.

You can't say that and not share, anon!

>> No.8945964
File: 64 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1459793123421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to search, ha. I'm dumping a few. Because I am a salty asshole about them.

>> No.8945968
File: 291 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1459793046948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8945971
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>> No.8945973
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>> No.8945976
File: 76 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1459793240488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you all go. Enjoy.
I could alao regale you all with the stories of what a shit excuse of a human she is.

>> No.8945982


Please do, I love a story.

>> No.8945984

Yeah and bleed out their vaginas- OOPS NO THEY DON'T!
They have hormonal fluctuations, yes. But that is not what a period is. A period is your uterus cleaning itself out when you have not been impregnated in your cycle, so sorry, no matter what tumblr says, it is exclusive to women who were born with a uterus and are healthy in that respect. I realize that there are women who do not have their period because of medical issues, so no need to mention it.

>> No.8945985

>Sure, why don't I, a biological woman with a regular hormone balance, grow a nice full beard since it seems they're in vogue right now?

To be honest I want to give myself a fake beard with my next coord posted.

>> No.8945992

I'd really love to buy a fake beard, half ass a coord and post it on cof.
And yes, clothes may not have a sex, but they are somewhat gender specific.

>> No.8945993

She's pretty awful. I can't go into hyper detailed stuff or she'll know who I am (and I'm reasonably sure her salty (ex?) Roommate still browses cgl.) But she has this horrifically bad habit of getting between friends. She'll feed them lies about each other/things they've said and she completely broke up 2 very old friendships of mine because of it. (Which in result lost me more friends because everyone thought I was being awful to one person when i wasn't.)
She will often stop you from becoming friends with people she's already friends with, because she refuses to share.
She's swindled so much fucking money from people I'm close to that it's stupid. (Forcing people who have been abused in the past into situations where she can bully them into buying her food, cosplay stuff, and train tickets.)
She also apparently only eats pizza and soda, since that's all her ebt money ever went to. I always got physically ill if I stayed over at her place for the night.

>> No.8945998

Seriously though, I think everyone should start posting coordinates with beards!
Once they become normalized and popular, nobody will think it's edgy anymore and it'll be harder to get specific attention for it. In fact, people might get sick of seeing them like peignoirs and madonna crowns.


>> No.8945999

This can't be ita because it isn't really even lolita. And she's old enough to know better and figure it out. Nope.

>> No.8946002

What show are these from. Ugh.

>> No.8946005

Nah, a mass posting from a fashion show is common on CGL it's just that unfortunately these ARE ita so yeah, they in the right thread. I've yet to see a good one posted here from this show so I'd say it's pretty accurate.

>> No.8946007

I want future lolitas to look back at us 10 years in the future and wonder why there was a sudden influx in lolitas posting coords with fake beards in 2016 and trying to make sense of the ridiculous trend.

>> No.8946013

Let's make this happen!

>> No.8946014

We'd probably get accused of appropriation or something.

>> No.8946018

Yes she has improved but the weight issue completely aside, both coords are still ita and the 'improved' one on the right still fits very badly. There are brands and indie places that make larger sizes so there's really no excuse to wear too-small clothes. Her accessorizing still needs quite a bit of work even for a decora-inspired style, it's still just all over the place and not balanced at all.

>> No.8946022

Ok, I want that deer. Deets, pls?

>> No.8946028
File: 29 KB, 500x281, 1450567897372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those scars

>> No.8946029


>> No.8946038
File: 20 KB, 288x233, 1387561739332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how the fuck I got here but there are some man-faced chicks in this thread. And I'm from /lgbt/.

>> No.8946041

This is the ita thread not the 'call attention to disorders' thread. They are healed scars too so let's just stick to the coord discussion, please? Yes the coord is ita but this is a little harsh.

>> No.8946047

I'm doing this, eff tumblrinas' gender standards

>> No.8946048

The Sakura-con lolita fashion show.

>> No.8946050

We could call them out because we might be 'ita-fluid' not always pretty, sometimes testing our moral strength to be ita on purpose, how dare they try to box us in, ita can be contrived. We should all cut up cats tea party and wear a beard and cheap loud lipstick, no fucks given!
(No, not so much)
I just passed the beard thing by, was not sure if joke, irony or serious, just relieved he's not in MY comm. He has cemented my 'never sit by brolitas' rule in stone though.

>> No.8946053

Sorry, that is not a curtesy.

>> No.8946055

No wonder Mana never came back.

>> No.8946058

battumen so rori

>> No.8946067

what a whiner. thank god ill never be like you lol

>> No.8946075
File: 54 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleeeease shut the fuck up

>> No.8946078

What if I FEEL like a bearded man who wants to wear lolita? I'm beardfluid.
Point is, if someone says a beard looks good with lolita, this has to count for EVERYONE, not just some...

>> No.8946082

Sure, no one is allowed to post anymore.
Just skip comments you tard.

>> No.8946086

>stop pointing out shit that looks bad

Haha sorry you got posted. Back to tumblr bby, this isn't the site for you

>> No.8946087

You could learn to not be an entitled downsy dindu and hide the posts you don't like.

>> No.8946098
File: 371 KB, 500x281, QcqQxdV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8946120

and we rule

>> No.8946123

where's that jonas brothers song about the year 20000

>> No.8946174

glorious nippon and it's pedo kiddie fashion*

>> No.8946213

kek i was thinking the same thing

>> No.8946484 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 652x742, 160404_183321_COLLAGE-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and you shall receive. The girl she borrowed that dress from.

>> No.8946509

Anon there's a difference between easter coords and wearing a fuckin tail with an otherwise non themed coord. It's furry shit and you know it.

>> No.8946512

I... really like that skirt. Probably not for Lolita. Anyone know where it's from?

>> No.8946513

She's so much more attractive than the ita chan like holy shit lol. How could ita chan think she looks better?

>> No.8946523

The items are all nice, the styling is just off and not lolita

the skirt is really cute though

>> No.8946540


>> No.8946549

Left is def it's, but i like the right

>> No.8946555

Different anon:
She also gives shitty cosplay advice and whines to everyone when she's at con about how hot it is, how much her feet hurt, how bored she is.

She expects her friends to always entertain her but ignores them otherwise. Also, she lies about fucking everything. From her allergies to her favorite colors.

>> No.8946581

this is my woman crush

>> No.8946592

Thank u anon

>> No.8946617 [DELETED] 

Lol so you took the only pictures of this girl that would qualify as "ita" because she dressed in old school/casual/punk stuff? Try harder, maybe pull that corn dog out of your ass.

>> No.8946655 [DELETED] 

You dumb fucking cow. Why are you in such a serious need for negative attention? Did your parents not hug you enough? Your pedophile boyfriend not buying you enough Bodyline this month?

>> No.8946664
File: 119 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o4bmnbzTLs1qfh0fro1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the eyebrows? jaw? teeth? Something isn't right

>> No.8946669
File: 360 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o4bmnbzTLs1qfh0fro4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also who put their feet on the wall
Enough to warrant two signs

>> No.8946689

she's cute, what's your vendetta?

>> No.8946694

that print could have made something so adorable instead of this :((

>> No.8946695

it's the massive amount of lard

>this fat

kek anon...

>> No.8946697

ok but isnt this that snapchat filter or no???

>> No.8946715 [DELETED] 

It's just the 2 most recent photo's, and you know not 6 months old.

>> No.8946737 [DELETED] 

ita chan's self post pic was from 6 months ago at Izumicon, pics from girl who lent her the coords are recent

>> No.8946770

What's so bad with this one? I mean that blue wig is wacky but the other coord? That's ita? What am I missing, where's the joke?

>> No.8946779
File: 313 KB, 606x627, wintercoord_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8946788

This isn't even lolita enough to be ita. More like bad handmade traditional random clothing

>> No.8946790

are you fucking kidding?

>> No.8946796

...that's an indie print. Anon.

>> No.8946801 [DELETED] 

Actually, she has some other fairly recent ones. It's okay, Sandy. You at least tried.

>> No.8946809

not that the coord is good, but holy shit do you think all lolita = ott pastel vomit sweet?

>> No.8946812

KEK, is being morbidly obese part of the cosplay?

>> No.8946827 [DELETED] 

I think it's adorably naive of you to assume that anyone posting that isn't YOU is automatically Sandi.
There are a lot of people in this comm and a lot more know the truth as to what happened than you or any of your "special mods" are aware.

>> No.8946832

This is just decora-kei, not ita.

>> No.8946839

EW WTF is that wig?!

>> No.8946843

Are you him? If so either shave the beard or wear mens clothing, you look like shit.

>> No.8946853

but ugh anon im a non binary transasian demiqueer foxkin and i have both a beard and a period and i dont idenify as either gender! /s

>> No.8946856

just make up some weird gender to shut them up kek

>> No.8946863
File: 34 KB, 480x721, strawbury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8946888

To be honest though, it does look like bad handmade. I like the print but passed up on getting the JSK because it really looks like babby's first handmade lolita dress.

>> No.8946891

you forgot fictionkin

>> No.8946897

I like this. I just blame the random indie dress looking a bit poorly constructed and she could use an ivory blouse.

>> No.8946905 [DELETED] 

I don't care who the fuck is posting, just stop. All you want to do is cause drama in a comm that has never been about such a thing. Sandi and all her followers just need to back the fuck up and away from us and quit being bitter little children.

>> No.8946954
File: 667 KB, 768x580, tmp_674-Screenshot_2016-04-05-17-34-13-11237937631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8946978

I really can't stand these kind of people

>> No.8946981

I can't find it anymore

>> No.8946985
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying to make a blouse...

>> No.8947006

There is nothing majorly wrong with that aside from a bad fit on the mannequin and ugly buttons.

>> No.8947125

Is she at it again? I thought she finally fucked off

>> No.8947137

>oddly placed final buttonhole
>cheap stiff fabric
>cheap shiny lace
>poor construction & design

>> No.8947142

This is what I call a fregat.

Cosplaying a whole cathedral.

>> No.8947144 [DELETED] 

What do you know they a liar hasn't told you?

>> No.8947145

Dudley Dursley pulls a Wachowski.

The shame of Asia.

Let's just call it what it is: all of these are obese, it makes Lolita looks even weirder than it already does, and terrifying desu. Landwhales drowning in frills is never a good look.

>> No.8947153

I actually agree. I hate fatty chans, but she lost weight and is becoming better at coording.

Well tumblr does ruin everything.

Why don't they understand that when you're that fat and try Lolita you're just going to scare people and make children cry.

In any case she's going full retard.

Escaped Arkham much?

Fatties are more than just ita, they're frightening in Lolita. It looks mental.

St. Paddy's serial killer kei

>> No.8947154

We don't need a play by play of the entire thread, thanks

>> No.8947158

Excuse me for not living here, fatty chan.

>> No.8947176

sorry that your opinion sucks, newfag

>> No.8947181

>cheap stiff fabric
It doesn't look cheap as it looks poorly made. It looks like a simple cotton blend that's just been sewn stupidly.

Agreeing on every other point though.

>> No.8947323

just use that snapchat filter

>> No.8947335

Fatties need to try harder in lolita because it's easier for them to look bad. So many get posted here because they don't know how to dress for their body type, are so fat that they've ruined the lolita silhouette, and/or don't know how to do their hair and makeup in a flattering way

>> No.8947338

will you shut the fuck up about the snapchat filter
no one replied in the last 3 threads you posted in, take a hint buddy

>> No.8947356

No, I wear mostly innocent world. It's very nice quality. Sorry to disappoint you

>> No.8947365

is it bad that i like this?

>> No.8947386


>> No.8947404
File: 149 KB, 634x960, freedom cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, just asking on side of things, how would opinion be on arriving as gopnik bydlo STALKER to tea party? Promise to bring salo and vodka comrades. And also friends for synchronized squatting.

>> No.8947471

gross, this looks like ageplay. when will this girl understand shes unwanted?

>> No.8947477

That's so fucking ita man...
Would squat with/10

>> No.8947529

I call troll/10

>> No.8947572

where the fuck do you get that backpack from though

someone please post the squatting lolis pic, I'm not on the pc where my reaction gifs are

>> No.8947580
File: 26 KB, 357x480, samovar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ to put into right mood ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6fkgYiMeNk
I am of absolutely certain comrade that addings of distilled potato spirits can will only enhance tea party by magnitudes. Even could be bringing samovar of classic russian tea making to keep spirit of things! No real tea party without tea so strong your toenails roll up like sardine can lids, yes? Plus, Russian blin is famous pastry all over world!

I am certain we can substitute with old German army backpack since cheap and plentiful and half of outfit is already former German arrmy issue.

>> No.8947584

no but like legit, do you go to local military stores or stalk local auction sites or go on ebay or what? I want one for non-loli purposes and have no idea where to even look
sage for ot

>> No.8947587

I have aquired on Amazon of country of death of glorious Marx for very little western money. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ganwear%C2%AE-Genuine-Military-Backpack-Rucksack/dp/B007HQD1LK

>> No.8947589

How is this ita? Because she is on her bed?

>> No.8947610

Thank you to whoever for calling out the "But beards are femme!" bullshit on the bearded loli.

>> No.8947621
File: 244 KB, 1087x634, 1458884545154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8947657


>> No.8947687
File: 599 KB, 2048x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope they come out ok, I'm on my phone.

>> No.8947692
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>> No.8947695
File: 275 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8947757

That Bree girl sounds like 120% retarded

>> No.8947782
File: 158 KB, 640x853, 1450724115036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Nanchatte! Lets do beards in all fashions!

>> No.8947797

Glorious exposition comrade! Which meet?

>> No.8947818

It's so annoying that she implies not liking a beard on a woman/lolita I transphobic. I'm so sad for her generation.
They treat him like he has some sort of disability and some meanies come along and say "but wheelchairs aren't kawaii!"

>> No.8947857

Honestly this entire discussion feels like a clusterfuck of people not knowing/agreeing on definitions of words. Femininity in the sense of frills and bows and lolita is a social construct, but femininity in the sense of possessing primary and secondary characteristics of female humans is not because it is based on biological fact. Lolita is gendered, (not) having a beard is sexed.

>> No.8947866

I don't care if its a social construct or not, a man running around with a frilly dress is fucking disgusting. The romans and spartans got away with running around in skirts and togas because pants had not exactly been invented yet. But time's up now.

>> No.8947869

She's a bit of a lolcow...

>> No.8947891

I'm a woman and don't have a period because I choose not to.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8947927

Thanks for sharing, who gives a fuck?

>> No.8948081

Kawaii is not a western aesthetic. Beards will never be kawaii. Sorry to crush your dreams.

>> No.8948380


>> No.8948409

Don't be so non-binary phobic, anon!

>> No.8948439
File: 624 KB, 585x741, ponponno1curr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you please take your award and stfu

>> No.8948451

How does that make the outfit ita, or is it because her personality is... ouch?

>> No.8948626
File: 255 KB, 1680x1050, stalker camp fire chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been considering...
>arrive to tea party with five man squad
>two STALKERS, one Artyom from Metro 2033, one British East India Company officer circa 1890 and one Samurai circa 1600
>one STALKER brings a guitar, the other a samovar and a Trangia stove, Artyom has a 20 liter army water canister
>everyone brings cosplay-appropriate tea and tea equipment, aka the Briton brought crumpets and the fine china, the Samurai brought actual tea ceremony equipment and knows how to use it, the STALKERS have ratty Soviet army issue tea rations in tin cups and Artyom has some unholy dried mushrooms to brew up
>they just waltz into the tea party, set up the samovar to boil water only on the table they are assigned
>deny any 'official' servings
>then they take turns preparing tea in the correct manner that they are used to in their country and softly argue about which one is the best one
>milk vs sugar vs honey vs natty vs holy fucking shit Artyom I think your mushroom tea is giving me hallucinations
>the one STALKER softly strums chill campfire guitar tunes
>all the lolita cosplayers wish they had a squad this tight

>> No.8949167

>lolita cosplayer

>> No.8949243

Maybe is because "she's big fan of Melanie Martinez" and bought the same dress that Melanie wears in a video..... that's my theory anon

>> No.8949276

Was this for Easter?

>> No.8949445

Wig is bad, but things aren't ita just because the wearer is a lolcow. Nitpick, get over it.

>> No.8950483
File: 325 KB, 477x351, 1404416070067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what comm you are from, can you not please! People posting newbies here is the last fucking thing we need, by Mana Sama's socks I can just picture the butt hurt now. :/

>> No.8950484

Yes it was

>> No.8950844

Not being rude, but is she an autist?

>> No.8951922
File: 29 KB, 227x600, 86070_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman has such a huge wardrobe and yet she can't coord for shit

>> No.8951923
File: 36 KB, 299x600, 169294_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8951942
File: 31 KB, 233x600, 106506_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8951949
File: 28 KB, 252x600, 157068_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as 'Twilight (MLP/Equestria Girls) lolita cosplay'

>> No.8952005

Well a huge wardrobe full of shit is only going to produce a lot of shitty outfits.

>> No.8952650

Okay but this is amazing